All the Newi of BED BANK SECTION and Surrounding Towni Told Fearleuly and Without Blot RED BANK REGISTER ONE Issued -Weekly, entered an Becmid-ClasB Matter at the Post- Subscription Prire: One Year 12.00, VOLUME LIX, NO. 7. offlai fit K«rcparatlonn Nearly All Completed commission of Lnng Branch; Mhn retary nnd Henry Hlgglna treasurer. Florenco Martin. Ladles' Auxiliary of Ilod Ilnnk Elks Red Bank high iiehuul. Tlui sug- 11li lloutkin. Miss Kannio Rusln, for Kvcnt nt Colt's Neck. FranceB Kelly with tho Works Prng- Pinna aro being made, by the club Tci Have S|ieohil Fenturo ut I'nrty. gostlonfi were favorably received. teachi'i", will play the piano aecul /.IOIICIU'K Slnhli-H ut Freehold to Ob- rrsn Administration at Asbm-y Park, for Ita annual outing and clambake Chicken Supper nuil lla/nr. A meeting of the drama depart- imninient.i. serve TlilrUilh Birthday. The arinual harvest homo of tho Sunday, August 10, on tho organiza- The Ladies' auxiliary of the Red and Mlfla Ollyo Tmex with the Jo- A chicken fiVippor nnd bazar for Hank lodge of KUi.f will liolii ;i In id;;e ment will lie held cm Monday, Aug- 1 Reformed church of Colt's Neck will tion's ust IT, nt MIH, Tuny Hunting's ut oilier Instrumental imislcil sell I'IIL' i<:tlf;i aiul exchange atublfis of b» held next Wcilncndny evening. seph McCuo real eatnto ngenry at property nt Tlntorn Manor tho benefit of tho High l'olnt Spirit- luncheon Tuesday afternoon, Aiifnuit eiili '/liitkiu «c Son of Fronhold will dam. Jackson Murphy la chairman Knir Haven. The year Imuk com- lions will be olTvred by Mnrlln U,\- Mont of the preparations wero com- Rumflon. uallst chapel, Chnpcl 11111, will bn 11. The affair will be held ill the er, violin, aecoiupanled by h .erve 11.1 thirtieth annlvorwary on of tho oommltteo in charge, which hold Saturday evening, August 15, guest cottago uf Michael Jacobs nt mittee met this inclining nt the pleted Monday afternoon when a chili house. hi either, Joseph Heclicr, niul I rci 'I'luiiHilay, 13, by holding a number of tho members of tho con- includes Fritz Dressier and Henry at tho homo of Rev. Frances Steven- 11!) I lance road, formerly the Mamie hi); cattle sale. Tho aalo'wlll »tnrt »t Canning Dcmonntrntlon. Hngc-rmnn. UI.'IM lw)Ul.';e Pal leer, president of net sulu by Marl in Intl. gregation mot nt tho church. The Bon on Florence, avenue, Leonardo. Clint! residence. Mftrrls Rlcliinund, prlrclpn•Ipml nff AI t 11 o'l'luck and will bu he.ld raiti or womon prepared tho dlshcH to bo A homo cnnning demonstration will the Junior Woman's Huh, ami Mlna bo hold at the Hoars-Roebuck atoll' Ucol Estate For Sale Supper will be nmvrcl from ft:80 tn A feature of the gathering will he. Virginia. f.'hliHoy, vlco president, uf Innlli' City hlgli iicbuii Wl II dellv sliliu'. 'I'hi, enttlo offercil will con- ueod for tho hnrvoiit homo suppor Itumnon, summor cottage facing 8:30 o'clock. A ensh grnimtl prize the dinpo:illloti of an nttracllve dull till! Yuling Woiiian':i club, attended nn address, and K i!• II ersllim msl. cif 10S carefully selected ttalry and tho mon set the tent poles. Lib- on Monniouth Btcect tomorrow nud »nws, These c:tiwa como from floma Saturday, A cnnnlng expert will dnin- Inlet of South Shrcwnbury river with will bo awarded and a hand-niado nil ilri'/iHCd Up In dollar bills, the Monilny'ii meetlni;. Reiui'sentatlV'-.i ri'iidlng. Wllli.'im O'llmv. pivsld,|in-:ildrii- t oral contributions of poultry, vogo- 1 of the hi'Mt cult In growing noctlonl In onitrnte vnrloun methods of homo lluoo bedrooms, bath, living room, hooked rug will be dlapaeil of on the llreilslllg of (hi! dull hnvlllg heetl <;up- of tin! two club. ! will be present nt :if the bonrd uf cilucil • 1. will pi Ublen, fruit and othor product!* havo dining kitchen, screened porch; nil co-operative plun. urvlsecl by Mrs. Wlllter 1!, Cunnur all the' meetings hereafter of (ho Hide. Hie country. They Include Guerif» boon made by tho farmers of tho canning. In connection wMh the dem- utilities oxcopt aowcr; garage; on lot ot Hrimd street. aeya, Iliilntclnii. Ji"rnryB, Brown 8wl«» onstration tho ntnro In offering spe oxoeutlvo culnmltlee uf the senl'.ir neighborhood and tho advnncn Halo iipprnxlmntcly BCix200 to aottlo nn on- •Tor Sale. 'i'hc! dull, which would wia th and AyiHhlri'a 'I'wentv hdrilllM and luto, $8,BOO. John Mlnugh, broker, 1 dub. of tickets lndlcnto/1 a hirgo nttand- dais In canning nulflt.i nnd ninnlnc Soda, water, all tluvorfl, heart nf any ymmg glil. in nuidt al ^7,000 til I.oilll niiilim will nlm> be mild arul there will oupplli'ii, phono lluniRon 710— Advertisement. Club, bevoragca. Ifilchler'a beer und Tm.tead uf inunllily bullelln card'i, nn Unit moct>;,ci:e on huslnefiy JIIWJ» n lot of hc'ifi!i!<, Hlock bulla tiniS nncr. other brands: also distilled water and the more inviting bv the dulliir bill erly i arrangement which bleiulu In nicely tlui cluh voted tu publish a munthly n Red llanli. Mltit be worlt typewriter HpiM-lnllnt. KirclroIyiU Treatment' White nock. Bonjnmln II. Crnto, 14 pamphlet, which will be edited liy doubl the amount of liiiil'l|tiigo Don't Mint for removing hair from nrma, logn, North Flrldge avenue. Reel H.inlt wllb the cu.'itume. The dull wiijc clu- .Stat lull purllcilliiM. Tlilllll'lllmlim MethiKlInt Ilnrveiit Home nnd Jlazncir Any tnnl(« denned, oiled nnd nd> fni'iij limVen nlinalutoly no nenrs, Vi\- olionn HUB.—Advertisement l lit ml by Mm. Helen I. lliililwln c^f Mi!i. Ilnriy Miiifuril, wayu ninl Agency, We'll Main slreel, Fivv. juntcil. new roller Included, J3.7ft vld John, Fashion Henuly Shop BB tttt'unn clinii iiKiu, Mild MrM. l.'hlirlt, Ailieriisetlient. J run !ihu:» nny JJHij.'inu that I" on Church lotn, Ilroiid-ntinot, AiiKUnt AddinH machines repaired. Huporlnr N'ew Yiiilt, who la HUiniiiei In^ at f''al hold, N. J. 7 nnd B. Cblclirn nalnd, Hnppnr 00 Muiiinoulh ntrecjt, lied Hank.— Ad- IIoweU'H (of N. V.) Dancing C'IIIHNI'H, llnven. publli:ily I'lialriiiiin. good. llavii plnnty of nl!irlK»(l» Typewriter Borvlce, Koyport N. J, vertisement. Mm. limnn (llllmly of I'luluntuwn Mil Annual Mri'iiicii'n l'ulr moniiy on hninl Iniliiy. It. V.V. «. H. conta. Advertisement. nhono 4fH.—Ad-'ertUemoiil. Monmouth romj, Uooaovclt avenue, Onkhurnt. Adnlta' hallriium clasn I'lirm I.latlugN Waul. cl. was iTincle nn hunutary nicmhcr. Nm inll, N. .1., Allgmt Ii, 7 and 8, Htout, 2 l.lndpn iiluve, |)hon« ItaHoto Ihiluxn Hcdnn (;l>r-n|>. Itcil Hunk Iluslnnin luntltuU'. Thursday evening 8:30, children's lap Oilier new members nni MIM. J. L, l>'ree prizes ThuiHdity and r-YUIny Hunk 3141- Advertisement. Men Wnn(«d liny classes open September 15, Havo demand fur propertied of 5 lOe per cdinri!, 3 iibarrn for 2hc, at nt Mnt nnmml llremen'n fair, Nave- clannog Thursday nmriilng 10::i(). lo 110 uciccj with or without hnl!dln);n, Turner, Mrs. N. K. Viiudrrbeek nnd nl(;iitM. DrMutii ileliiici! Inuring na (he Hint annual llrcmim'n tulr, Nnvc- night school Heptember 20. IteRlstrn- Booklot on roquont.—Ailviu'llsiMiiGnt. nliio larger fnrmn. Hend full part leu-' dan t:!ven uwny Huliicilay night. 10< AM mini Fair alnk, N. J., tonight, Friday and fiat llonn. H'lnrnnco O'Hhen, 128 Hrond Minn Knlluvu Kinder. 1 Oimiiiiuiilly Klco TOnipsny o« I** alnk, N. J,, tonlKht, Friday nml Bnt-lirdny. DoHoto deluxe touring ne lars to Allalro Xr. Son Agency, Inc.. pper sliali , it ribaliri fur -W. Advt'l Uidnyv- Advertlnomimt, citioBl, phono Red Ilnnk 083.—Ailvor- tkiWtt Neck Ilarvml llmnn, HI Monninllth Btrenl, Red Ilnnk.—Ad- tlMi'tnrnt. nrdii, AiiKimt 1.1. 14, Iff, »t Iri |»2"** dnn Klvcm nwuy Hnturdny night, tllicincrit. Hnvo :iij'/r Appletmi nvcitui! Mo Advertlaemont. Unformed church, Augiint 12; chlclt- vortlfloment. Tetley'* for TnMwtltar*. en nnd chicken nalncl mippcr, 75 on your tiiilomohllh Innlllnncn fur Mtmny U liL IDi- n I>ny lluv» cento; nt 5:30. lClkn' colored Ijnnil. fuel Oil liHItl, Suiiucl company, piomtit MOIV- on mortuago on Improved prop- Guarantied machine! ml bargain Annual Chloken Hupprr. n new Underwood iiortnbln. If you ei-tlra In Rood condition, Prompt B< fl(«ik VMtvn, ««« C cnrnlvnl and dnnre. St. <1nln lct'n, —Advertlnement._ lo suit vour burnrr best grades nnd let'. Cumiiierclal CIHM IIIHO. nromiln- rloe«. Expert repnlrlnK. T«Uey'», want nnn, now In ihn chnnce. Tru- iit'lcpii. Unexcelled nnrvlee. lCrrd ger fit Ili'llor, Inc.. llroncl nnd Me-tloa. Allulro * Hun Agency. Inn.. 10 ni Atliintlo hnl«I, »»lr Ito irond itrttt Il«d D»nk.—Aolverllitt- Urndiivoll, Tuimdny night, Auguat IB. bln'B, 30 Broad »trcet.—Advortlno- Monmouth atrttt, K«4 Bank,—Ad- dd and H«turcl»)r«l , E —Advurtlsement. IJovi can ni»k« extra pnclml mono/ Vvikoff Co., Red Bank, nhono 602.— chiinlo ntrei-ln , Ri'cl Uattk, phone WM8- • «n«nt. mont. ••lllng Th» BtKltUr.—Advartlioment. AdvertliemenL aiOU,—AdvorUaonicnt. mtlicmont. -j Pagg Tvrtf JRED_BANKJREGISTERt AUGUST 6,1986. experienced hand* from out of town Guild and their adviNrs, Mrs. Ger- New Mill Players Elks Bowling League Activities At who will be looking (or permanent ard A. Devlin and Amoi B. StulU, hornet in the borough or township. had a hot dog roast at Mantoloklng EARLY AMERICAN Beach Party Monday Mr. Muelhauseii cams to Matawan Friday evening. In "Beyond Woman" Maple Players Club 11 years ago and started bis orig- The Lady Elks Bowlinit league of inal plant, whloh WM then 80x160 BUILT OVER 70 YEARS AGO. "Oh! Clarissa," will close Saturday HIGHBOY Red Bank had a beach party Mon- Many Attend Dance Saturday I feet. He says the demand since the night at the Old Mill playhouse, 'It's The Quality in day nlRht at Monmouth Beach. Mrs. Night — Auxiliary to H^ldWorld war has been so great for Mrs. Anna Easbnond,..V« Hlstorlo Shrewsbury, and Monday night the Hobcrt Graham and Mrs. Thomas Bingo Party Tonight—Lawn chemicals, dyestufts and printing House at East Keemburf. New Mill players will open In a new King were co-chairmen. ink powdered but that It baa taxed play, "Beyond Woman." The comedy, Mahogany Bridge Party August 12. the chemical industry to meet Uie Reference was msde lait week to written by Lillian K. Burton former- Among those present were Mrs. wanU of the country. Theee prod- the hlstorio house near Ea«t Keans- ly associated with Marlon Qerlng of FIDDLE BACK CHAIRS Emily Johnson, Mre. Reginald Van- burg which is owned by Mrs. Anna The Players' Boat club of Fair ucts are practically all made now In Hollywood, will run for a week SET OF FOUR Brunt, Mrs. Robert Graham, Mrs. America. With the growth of theEasLmond. Since the article ap- nightly except Sunday. FLAGSTAFF Frank Sherry. Mrs. Mary Murphy, Haven held Its usual Saturday even- peared Mrs. Eastmond has found ing dance, with Johnny Johnson's chemical output the demand for Several picture companies are Un- Mre. Kenneth Iloblnson, Mrs. Elmer casks to carry them has taxed the from old records that the house was derstood to be Interested in the Dey, Mrs. Nina Manahan, Mrs. Fran- orchestra providing the music. Miss built more than 70 years ago. It has ANTIQUES Annie Hart entertained with Irish capaotty of the Matawtn factory to play, which will be produced by Al- ces Havens, Mrs. Maurice Schwartz, supply them. had only three owners, the first of bert A. Oatrow, who has collabor- Mrs. Kugone JJcneck, Mrs. John Roh- songs and George Giltlllon with mod- whom was the late Colonel Uriah FOODS Miss Lillian Martin entertained ated with Mrs. Burton on "Broken CHAS. T. SMITH rey, Mrs. Ray Emerson, Mrs. Harry ern songs. Seeley of Civil war fame. He sold it Wlnga," which will bo done on Hoffman, Mrs. Stanley Sculthorp, Among those entertaining were over th« week-end Mrs. Fred Halter to the last Thomas J. Eastmond and AT of Brooklyn. Broadway next season. Mrs. Ethel Taylor- Mrs. Joseph Lay- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Boyce, Mr. and subsequently it was bought by the iFeatured in the cast of "Beyond Mrs. John P. Lloyd entertained at latter's wife, who Is the present own- GLOBE HOTEL BLDG., ton. Mre. Amy 'Stryker and Misses Mrs. Embury McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Woman" aro Alma Acher of the Madeline Dennett, Dorothy Johnson. A. Zellman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles' a bridge luncheon Tuesday at the er. Mr. Eastmond died in his 01stNew York company of "The Drunk- That Satisfies" RED BANK Virginia Graham, Helen Bennett and Meeker, Mr. and Mrs. Fi Zella. Thom- Buttonwood manor. Eleven tables year as the result of injuries suffered ard," Sabine Newmark, formerly Elsie Dey. as McKnlght, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brod- were in play. lr a fall. with the Theater guild; Daniel Ooko skl, Mr. and Mrs. George Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rlley arrived Last winter and up until the latter of tho recent hit, "First Lady," and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maps, Mr. andhome Friday from Lake Ojbego, part of the spring It was rented for Huth Howard, daughter of Tom Mrs. Harry Norman, Mr. and Mrs.Cooperatown, New York, where they office quarters by the Emergency Re- Howard of Fair Haven, radio and John Cattanach, Miss Vera Me- spent ten days. lief Administration. Recently It WBB screen comedian. Knight, Fred Brunner, %lr. and Mrs. Miss Hasel Warnock was awarded repaired and Improved and put on SPECIAL SALE J. McKenna, Mrs. Alice Sisaion, Mr. the quilt disposed of on the co-oper- th market to be leased for a busi- and Mrs. Eugene Lieneck, Mr. andative plan by Slrus chapter, Order of ness purpose. It Is on Route 86. In Mrs. W. J. O'Hagan, Mr. and MrsEaster. n Star, Wednesday. the article last week mention was Howard Gage to Wed Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bergen made of Mrs. Eastmond's remark- OF POT STOVES W. J. McHugh, Mrs. M. Brown, Miss able ability as a gardener. At her Miss Mabel WycKoff T. Marlono, Jacob Schllck, Mr. andof Baltimore, Maryland, w«re week- end guesta of the former's brother- present home on Vineyard avenue Mrs. J. L. North, George A. Sofleld, she has only a small garden, but she Now you can have con- William Livingston, J. H. Hegone, in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wyckofl of win H. Domlnlck. Mr. and Mrs.had a large one when she lived in William G. Kellar, Gladys Hegone. the house on Route 36 last year. Al- Oakhurst on Tuesday night an- tinuous hot water at all Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mahn, Jr., and B«igen have left for a trip to Gasp« nounced tho engagement of their peninsula. though she was not an entrant in the Mrs. Allan Hascall, Mrs. Alice Has- Bayshore beautlflcatlon contest, she daughter, Miss Mabel Wyckoit, to F. times—at a very low call, Edmund. Plohn, Mr. and Mrs, Dr. Gerard A. D«vlln wn one of received a special prize because of Howard Gage, eon of Harry A. Gago Warren O'Hara, Steve Cochran, John four golfers who tied for second her fine garden and grounds. of Eatontown. cost. R. Kleny, Lester Pike, Mrs. Ralph place In a kickers' handicap at Fors- Mies Wyekoff is a graduate of As- Dclli Paoll, Mr. and Mrs. William E. gate County clu>. near J»awsburg. bury Parlc high school and is em- Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Hen- last week. They tl«d with net S0'». Surgical Patient. ployed at Asbury Park by J. J. New- nessey, George Cory, Grace Cory, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Joaej who are Mlaa Geraldlne Brown of Broad berry. Mr. Gago graduated from 30 Gallon Capacity John Bellew, Norman Brown, Mr. spending the summer at Uanisquan street, Keyport, was admitted Thurs- Red Bank hljjh school in 1032. He and Mre. George C. Humphreys, Mr. spent Tuesday and Wednesday aa day as a surgical patient at River- led the high school band and was ac- Flat Top Copperized and Mrs. Francis Marcksteln, Judge guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. view hospital. tive in athletics. Ho la employed by and the and Mrs. McHugh, Mr. and MrsDomlnlck. . the Weldon Contracting company oi Clarence Legg and Mr. and Mrs. Members of the Trinity Junior lolling The Register.—Advertisement Westfleld. Fully Brick Lined Richard McAllister. The Iadie3' auxiliary of the club llllllllllieMMimiMMOIMHHlllllHIIII »MIH Economy will give a bingo party this evening at the club. Mrs. Eugene Lioneck 4.49 la chairman of this occasion. Mrs. Mamie Wulflng will entertain with a lawn • bridge party Wednes- Too! Delivered to your home. day, August 12, at her home on Kemp avenue, Fair Haven. The pro- Our Regular Prices ceeds will go to the auxiliary. The auxiliary will hold a moonlight sail Featured this Week: on August 19, on the steamer Sandy Hook. Mrs. Michael S. Jacobs will enter- tain at a card party for the auxil- Go Down 10% - 50% FLAGSTAFF iary at the former homo of Magglo 40 Gallon Capacity Cllne, the well-known actress. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs recently purchased Dome Top Copperized this property. This party will take place on Wednesday, August 26. Peanut Buffer Fully Brick Lined For This August Sale! Matawan. Is just "chock full" of nutritious, health-giving (The Red Bank Register can be lioujhl vitamins and its tempting nutty flavor will make in M&tawan from M. J. O'Connel. 124 grown ups as well as youngsters say "uh ... nunm." 4.99 Mais Itreet and J. tt J. TaiiiaJ.) Mayor Edward Currle is spending Such Fine Furniture and Rugs Spreads so Bmoothly, without butter, too. Delivered to your home. this week golfing at Delaware Water Gap ana Watklna Glen. WILL NOT BE OFFERED FOR A LONG TIME AGAIN AT THESE John Miller, Jr., at Watertown, Massachusetts, Is visiting in Mata- DRASTIC REDUCTIONS. WE HAVE DOUBLE CHECKED SEV- wan for a few days. Pound Jar Mr. and Mrs. Roland Tally and ERAL MUCH ADVERTISED EVENTS BUT FOUND NO SUCH children Donald and Doris are 19 spending the month of August In VALUES AS THE PEOPLE ARE GETTING AT THIS STORE. ANTHONY'S Vermont. Mrs. Joseph Baler entertained Mon- PLUMBING AND HEATING day evening at her home on Jackson street. Three tables of contract were 69 Broad St. Phone Red Bank 1041 In play. " Mrs. William R. Craig was FLAGSTAFF awarded the first prize, Mrs. Gerard Devlin second and Mrs. Ronsoti Warne third. Other guests included West Furniture Company Mrs. Philip Neldlinger, Miss Bernice Brown, Miss Helen Carton, Miss Fruit Syrups Margaret Devlin, Mrs. Edward Cur- 1869 KEYPORT, N. J. 1936 rle, Mrs. Franklin Domlnlck, Mrs. Your home will readily become a popular place if Donald Rlley, Mrs. Raphael C. Dev- lin and Mrs. Conrad Johannsen gt you serve Flagstaff fruit syrup drinka to your! Keansburg. guests. They're really delioiously zestful because of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bean have a their true fresh fruit flavor. Grand as an addition cottage at Sea Girt for the month to that punch or cocktail! of August. Mrs. Ira King and son Walton of HOURS OF Greenville, South Carolina, and Sir*. BUSINESS: Ben Outwater of Little Silver were 9 A. M. to Jacob %inbach guests of Mrs. Edward Currle Fri- Full Pint Jug day afternoon. « P. M. Miss Grace Carmen was a New 17 Saturdays— York visitor on Monday.. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bergen, Mr. 9 A. M. to and Mrs. Bernard O'Connor and 0 P. M. Drive Tour Car In Our Free Parking Yard and Shop In Comfort Postmaster and Mrs. Raphael C. Dev- lin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson of Long Branch on FLAGSTAFF Saturday evening. Mrs. Edward Currle Is entertain- Gilt \IWV> OH ing Mrs. Franklin Dominlck, Mrr. Our Annual August Sale William Craig, Mrs. Joseph Baler at luncheon and cards today. Apricots Miss Kate Dictzman is homo from a visit at Amsterdam, New York. Miss Dorothy Fritzmaycr Is spend- MEN'S CLOTHING You're probably out of ideas for dessorta now,.... ing two weeks at Brooklyn as the and sinoe families ara more "peevish" than everl guest of Mrs. Thomas Little. TDINE flavor -r- purity — INSIST ON ORIGINAL during this weather, we suggeBt you give them ai Miss Benevieve Compton, who has Beginning Tomorrow at 9 A. M. really delightful surprise , FLAGSTAFF; wholesomeness — good PABST TAPaCan been living at 116 Broad street for three months, left Monday to live 50 APRI0OTB! clean refreshment of Pabst • Brewery Qoodneis at Red Bank. Suits formerly up to 35.00 Now *M- Export Beer has won nation- Mr. and Mrs. Warner I*. Neu are Sealed Right In' spending two weeks' vacation at wide acceptance for Pabst Suits formerly up to 27.50 Now •€ Q.50 • Protected Flavor Greenport, Long Island. TAPaCan. Ronson Warne, Jr., Is recuperating Largest Can • Non-reflllablo 'rom a tonBll operation performed Suits formerly up to 22.50 Now •§ ff .50 Pabst Export Beer comes Wednesday at Red Bank. to you sealed in the tamper- • Flat Top—It 8tackt Mrs. John Carlson and Mrs. B, K, Eskoaen aro spending tho summer a Prep Suits formerly up to 21.50 Now -| ff .50 proof, non-refillable original • Saves Half the 8pac« their cottage at Lake Hopatcong, container for beer. The latter's daughter, Mrs, Hugh D. • No Dapotlta to Pay Combs, opened the cottage earlier In Prep Suits formerly up to 15.00 Now -I -fl .50 FLAGSTAFF All beers are not sisters the season. • No Bottles to Return uiidertlieriu—acceptnosub- Members of the Methodist Epls copal Sumlay-nchool held their an Btitutco. Call for your beer • Eaty to Carry nual picnic at Asbury Park Thurs- Take it. from HH, men, values are fthu-tling! Higli- day. The trip was made by bus. grade clothing .. . made by high-grade makers ... selected by name—Pah»t TAPaCan. • No Breakage Preserves The Fnllon building on tho north fsmnrt materials, fabrics that will give you service. east corner of Main stroet _.. doing on a pionio? Kverybody knows a party uue- Maiden lano Is bolng altered con fildorably. New concreto flteps wll Single and double-breasted models. Inverted pleats, whirred 0088 depends (to a great big "extont") on the fooda take the place of tho old franv backs, fancy sport backs in mixtures, stripes, cheeks and that aro served. Sandwiches propared from Flag- porch In front of the building. good plnidH. Sizes 34 to 4(5. Regulars, shorts, longs and staff pure fruit und cane sugar ProBerves, will bring Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roblnao, happy wnilos of approval 1 For your party's snoooss BHEWJRY OOODKIII RIGHT IX have announced tho arrival of a soi stouts. ©111!, rnmUr-ribitCorp. born July 28 at Miami, Florida. Th ..... try child will be namod Thomas Evai Itoblnnon. Mrs. Robinson wan tl' former Mlsa Dorothy Davlos. Distributed by S. Michcltohn & Company, Men's Sport Coats Mr. and Mrs. Garrett McKeon an Pound Jar 16th Avc, Tel. 270O Bclmar. N. J. daughter Patricia nnd Mr. and Mn William Hurley opent Sunday wit Regularly 14.50—Now J A.95 19 the latter's brothor-ln-law and slatoi Mr. and Mrs. Willnrd Vllet, at the Regularly 10.50—Now IJ.95 FOR THE BIGGEST, COOLEST, FINEST sumor cottiiRo on Lulto Mohawk. Flagstaff Food Products aro sold by all Councilman August Muclhauscn biilldlriK another addition to th United Service Grocers and other reliable GLASS OF BEER Munlhauflen Cnopernico on Atlant independent grocery stores and markets. avenue. Tlilu now addition Is to b 100x1150 feot and will be oonntructei Men's Wool Slacks of hollow Illr., Tho work Is belni MONMOUTH TAVERN done by rlny Inttnr nnd Is expected ti Regularly 4.00—Now O.95 talio about nix weeks. Addition*! 70-72 Monmoutli St. Phone 3946 machinery will be needed to of|Ulpth( FLAGSTAFF new addition. Tho present buildlni Regularly 5.00—Now Klwttlo Cooling Hyiiloiii—40 to B0 of cold bcor; any kind. oovnrs 300x200 feet and glvai env QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS any time. ploym.nt to 82 people. About t«n *4 IMUKB—W» hnv » uncial room tar you. dltlonal hands will be employed In STREET FLOOR REAR th« n«w »dctlon. Them man will M RED BANK REGISTER, 'AUGUST 6, 1936.

Hilled In Accident, Enright of Freehold was struck by Roselle & Fegan's drug store at that Charles Ohlandt of Brooklyn was lightning list Wednesday afternoon. place, has. accepted a similar position fatally Injured In an automobile acci- The building was gutted but firemen at Vlneland. Here And There In dent Sunday of laat week on the Eng- prevented ltd complete destruction. llshtown-Old Bridge road. He had Deficit In Relief Funds. been on a visit with his brother, Motor Examinations. Long IBranch grocers are facing a 32 Broad Street John, at Clarksburg. Motor Vehicle examiners sr l5Oc size . . . half years. Volunteer Cop Jailed. IU mits. The water got Into the sausage Thomas Dlgglns of Marlboro was , from a wooden paddle which Correla Spring Laker Loses $860. arrested by state police last week ai LADY ESTHER Bost Toothpowder, 40ci. 23c need to tamp the meat Into the A sneak thief entered the home he wa8 doing volunteer duty In di MOD ESS grinding machine. Spearmint Toothpaste.* i Q of Wilbur Pierce of Spring Lake on recting'traffic. He was sentenced to Bathroom Fixtures and Accessories Rouge, 55c Slxe . 29' c jail for 30 days. Police say he was Package of 12 . 14 , Bond Oil Burned. Saturday night and stole $360. The Pepsodent Antiseptic VJr- Three hundred gallons of road oil money, receipts from a restaurant drunk. LADY ESTHER being used to resurface the streets operated by Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, was MINER SUPPLY COMPANY Barn Struck By Lightning. W. Front & Pearl Sts. Bed Bank 3333 Face Powder RUBBER GOODS of Long Branch was destroyed by left on a desk In their home. Tho barn on the property of John 29< I P A N A fire on a railroad siding last Wednes 53c Size . . . Hot Water Bottle and day. Firemen subdued the flames In Syringe Combination TOOTHPASTE about IS minutes. A 1,070-galIon 5Oc size . . . 26' Full 2 quart capacity tank truck was driven out of range Woodbury Face Powder of tho flames. ^ 50c size .„.,„...... Rubber Aprons, lgr. size Attractive Print Designs SQUIBBS JCngllshtotvn Mnri Dead. Jergens Face Powder 29c TOOTHPASTE Theodore K. Hann, of Engllshtown and Perfume $1.00 value 37c Rubber Glove*,.<-,-«.%_.-< . 9c 40c size . . . 25< died suddenly Friday at the Dr. Farm- er hospital at Alentown at the age of Ponds Skin Freshener 85. He founded a. baaket-maklnK plant Large size .„_,*-.•»...#} FOUNTAIN, HAIR NEEDS at Engllshtown and later moved it SYRINGES to Virginia. Two sons and a daugh- Witch HazeL Handy size Qc Drene Shampoo. 60c,»-i, ter survive him. GOLDFA26 BROAD ST. (Tel. R. B. 1983) R Hinds Honey and Al- |Full2Qts. . . 27 Vaseline Hair Tonic 50c Killed In Tent Collapse, RED BANK mond Cream, 50c*,., 29c Edward Applegate, 27, of Alien- SOAPS Conti Shampoo, 50c. town, was one of two persons killed last Friday week when a wind squall Jergens Bouquet .. 2 for 7c Woodbury Shampoo demolished the walkathon tent at ITALIAN Cocoanut — Castile — Tar Trenton. Applegate was struck by one Announces A Sensational Wrisley Bath Tablet.^ 3C of the four 40-foot center post which BALM, 35c Camay T7.jT77...... » 4 Rex. 35c. Slza Engagement Announced. 19 C Danderine Fatally Stricken In Surf. Palmolive Soap 3 }or JQC Hair Tonic Charles Rickey of Morrlstown JtRGENS 2L died of a heart attack while swim- ming In the ocean at Manasquan on Lotion 55c Size . 29 I LIFEBUOY BAR 4c FITCH'S Saturday. His body was found float- August Sale SHAMPOO Ing face downward near the shore. LUX SOAP BAR 4c 75c sixe . . . 35< Blckley had arrived a few hourB be- Pacquins Hand Cream 9fic fore to start a two weeks' vacation. 50c size ..„...... -», Enlarging Mntawan Plant. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS II SHAVING NEEDS August Muchlhausen, proprietor of OF Bath Salts 9C a cooperage at Matawan, will build Ex-Lax. 25c size.-.i .-.*•» 16c Eveready or Gem Razor an addition to hla plant. It Is to be Bath Salts, it's Perfumed 21C with one blade.«»»»• 100x150 feet and will be constructed 40c Fletchers Castoria 23c of hollow tile. The present building Body Powder. 25c.Jiu. 21C Williams Shaving Cream, When you purchase your fur coat at this Sal Hepatica, 60c size.*,34c 35c size, with Aqua Velva Is 200x300 feot and gives employment Body Powder, Gardenia to 32 persons. time of the year, you naturally expect to Listerine Shaving Odor, Perfumed.,**,. 9c 16-oz. Rubbing Alcohol 1 Oc Married 02 Yean, save money .. . and Goldfarb's make this Cream, 25c size ,.n JM. 21C Mr. and Mrs. William Woolley, Br., possible in our ... Ponds Facial Tissues « of Koyport, celebrated their 62nd - 250's.™..... 12c 16 Oi. wedding anniversary last week. Mr. TON SOR BLADES Woolley is an ex-flre chief of Key- Lorraine Facial Tissues Double Di.tlM.d port. For many years he was con- Very soft, 2O0's g 25 doublo edge c Witch Hazel Surgical nected with tho J. A W. Ellsworth Lorraine Facial Tissues Bottle company. ' GREAT AUGUST SALE! Chrome Blades Very soft, 500's...... 19 Ovcrcomo by Fumlgator. OVALTINE Miss Florence Titus of Neptune Leading newspapers com men t daily on the constant I Regular BARBASOL was overcome by gas laat Friday rise in the price of raw furs. The cost of skilled labor I $1.00 size . . . 44 SHAVING CREAM when she entered a house at Laurel' is always higher during the fall and winter months. NOXZEMA 50c tube . . . ton which was being fumigated. She 31 was revived by tho Point Pleasant We avoided all this by making our purchases months 2O ox. Giant HaUtoslne Antlsepuo OCc first aid squad and taken to the ago . . . procuring the first choice of pelts and sharply Family Size . . 89 Palmolive Shaving Point Pleasant hospital. reduced working costs. We've passed all these savings LADY ESTHER Olive OiL Italian 8 oz... 23c Cream, 35c Dead at S3. on to you .. . and what savings they are! By eliminat- 55c, Four Purpose Petroleum lelly 6 os..,,". ' 9c Andrew A. Walling, a former resl Woodbury After Shaving dent of Keyport, died recently at ing the huge overhead expense entailed by most of the Cream .... Peroxide, 17 vol. 12c Lotion, 50csizo .„,„ the homo of his son, Harry O. Wall 31 fur shops, we are able to offer you exquisite fur coats Bay Rum, 16 or.,,„.,.. Ing of Palmetto, Florida, at the ago at a price that makes it an investment rather than an R«I. 30c. Sit. of 93 years. He was a veteran of the Civil war and for 30 years was em- expenditure. r TOILET GOODS I Bromo Seltzer MANICURE NEEDS ployed In the Now York postofflco. Amolin Powder, 35c.-.. 21c 25< Boy Finds $118. For Hoaddchea. ICUTEX NAIL POLISH Mum, 35c .»...,..,,., 21c Neur.lgl« Charles Townnond, a Long Branch NOTICE! A Small Deposit and REMOVER boy, found a wallet containing $148 Zip Depilatory, SOc.». • 31 ^ Keg. 50c Slzo at the Elboron horse show laat week. We Guarantee Savings Unguentine 37c He returned it to tho owner and wai Will Reserve Kranos Baby Talcum;,. gc reworded with $10 and a two weeks' of From For Sunburn I size 22< stay at tho Boy Scout camp at Al- Your Purchase We reservo the right to limit quantities. laire. Diver Seriously Injured. 25% to 50% And We'll Store It Carmon Fromlcliello, 47, of Sum< On Each Coat Free of Charge mlt, was seriously Injured Sunday when ho dove from a polo Into the Purchased During • I'nlil Cold Wenthor water at Cranmer's baths at Long SALE of NOTIONS Branch, IIo suffered a possible frac- ThiB August Sale! Comes! tured akull and a possible brokon Reg. 5c Shoe Laces Values to 10c Double Mesh Hair Nets vertebrae. M«rc*rltod lac on In black, brown 4 Flu* quality n»I« In cup or •f^ Cows KUIod Hy Lightning. IYOU'U note we've quoted no prices ... all wo ask is and while. 36-Inch w^vi..*- i. | pr. bob fthcipt. 5c volu*. ... |^ taoh Eight pedlgrood cows valuod at $1,. BUTTONS I BOO were struck by lightning and that you shop around ;.. and by comparison of vahieB killed on the farm of Harry M, you'll bo convinced. Boilfast Sewing Silk 6-Cord Sewing Thread Probasoo nonr Allentown last Wed- 50 Yard spool!. Black* whit* M - 5c Clarki or Cools IhttadL A- nesday. Tho cows woro huddled Adjectives can linrdly do justice to the scope of this and aiiortod color*. ' • ^ if ipool %0 each Black and whit*. All its** . f!rai(,'o Height nt Bprlng Lnko curly All tUai. g lant Thurmlny morning and stolo ¥150, carefully, precisely and beautifully in tho workrooms aniorlod colors . .... *f Bpool Cn,d hold. 30 and 36. . . Q tui a wallet nnd a bunch of koy«. Tho of the country's fluent mamifaotnrpw, during the Ham- lion.AIM.i: articles wurn tnkon from the room in LATEX Round Hat Elastic ... 4 yds. per Card Sc ! these »alt You Must See These Values! t Hook and Eyas. 12 to a card ...... 3c water fish to be liberated In shore Msrcorli*d Elastic, 2 and 3 yards ... 3c streams hy thn ntate nulling and 19" game commission. Page Four RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST g, 1988. Believe Jewel Thefts Commuters' Fares Solved in Arrest UpheldMBy I. C. C. Mrs. Samuel T. Bell of Monmouth An examiner for the I. C. C. at Beach reported to the police last Washington, p. C, recommended Fri- Thursday that jewelry valued at day the complaint of George W. Brli $4,500 was missing from her home. tol of Atlantic. Highlands against The jewels disappeared some time monthly commutation fares from the day before. Is'o rash was report- that point to New York, be dismissed. ed missing. The examiner found a change In Authorities are of the opinion, that tho commutation rate over the Cen- ' Matt Solomon, who was taken Into tral Railroad of Now Jersey, effective last January 1, did not discriminate Only Two custody by police for a theft of $2,000 eeks in Jewelry from the Hollywood hotel against regular commuters from th6 »t Long Branch might have had New Jersey suburb. something to do with this case. The change In tho rate, which In- . Solomon was arrested on Thursday creased the fare over a year period and was identified by the housekeep- but reduced it for six months and er ot the hotel as the man slid saw FTCR 36 Years of Service this New Jersey Country Editor three months commutation, was vill travel to every state In ttie Union. TJicse letters nnd near tho room of Mr and Mrs. Mor- the trip uill continue for at least n year. I-oIlow the i found to bo within the discrotlon of ris Welsa Sunday of last. week. A line weekly, beginning at the star at New Jersey. the railroad and^ entirely reasonable. Two maids from tho Berkeley- More Carteret hotel nt Asbury Park posi- tively Identified Solomon as the liian , "What I Found in Now Jersey." brooks, the great factories of the Tinton Falls. who Inquired tho number of a room many cities and tho thousands of First of all, during my 1,500 miles (The Red Bank Reglatir e«n t>« bought occupied in the hotel py a Mrs. Gaw- of travel into every county in New acres of the moat fertile farms in In Tinton F«lli from Mn. Swah Scott.) ktoB. Shortly afterward Mrs. Gaw- Jersey in my Trailer, bearing the fol- America. In the great Pine lands of kins reported some of her jewelry lowing slogan: "New Jersey Country the Southern counties, we found the A truck owned by Citrom A Byep missing. Editor Going Places," I want it rabbits, deer and pheasants playing of Trenton and loaded with iron Solomon's capture was made by known that I found practically every on the highways nt night; on the skidded when one of its tires blew Sam Clark, house detective at the mile the finest roads I ever rode over, miles of bathing beaches, we found out Friday and ran part way across In Register Cash Bonus Campaign Hollywood, who followed him from beautiful bridges and excellent road thoUFand.5 of city nnd country folk the lawn of Mrs. George Coleman. the hotel after seeine; him leave the signs. All roads and streets were splashing in the cooling waters and The ground was badly torn up and room of a guest, and stopped him patrolled by efficient police ollicials, playing in the pure clean sand3. In the porch was slightly damaged. The near Cedar avenue. It Is alleged many of whom inspected our Trailer the upper part of the state we glided skidding occurred just after tho that Solomon had some of the miss- and offered to go along with us to over mountain and through valley. truck crossed the bridge. The Iron ing jewelry "on his person when he protect us from burglars. In many places looking over rich fell off the truck on the lawn. A when he was caupht. j During the past live weeks, I, with farms or across beautiful lakes and woman boarder at the home of Mrs. I my companions, my youngest daugh- wooded hills; The many beautiful Coleman fainted, thinking that tBe Final count and announcement of fourteen cash bonus winner! will take place Friday evening, ter, Miss Treva M. Moore and also towns and busy cities of New Jersey Iron had fallen on her infant son who my nephew Mr. Harvey "Ty" Moore are made up of some of the Nation's had left the house a short time previ- August 21. All concerned are advised to turn in subscriptions immediately as a decreasing Freehold Boy Is have visited practically every news- largest and richest business con- ous. The woman was so unnerved paper in all parts of New Jersey, cerns, while the many large and that she has since been confined to count is being used. Last extra point offer of the campaign ill effect only until 9 P. M. Wednes- Seriously Injured from Atlantic City to Sussex, and we beautiful estates which we had the the house. The driver of the truck have met and talked with more than pleasure of passing, are the homes had no license. He was haled into day, August 12th. Perry Duncan, the 17-year-old son four hundred newspaper men and of some of the great people of this court by Constable William S. Eng- of Major C; M. .Duncan, head master women during this trip. As a com- fine land. land and fined $3. of the Freehold Military school, was pliment to the newspaper fraternity taken to the Fitlun hospital recently Now folks, In my letters which I A New York man was painfully in- of New Jersey, I want to say they shall write weekly for the newspap- jured Friday night at the Intersec- for treatment for an injury he re- are one hundred per cent men and ceived In a camp at Ikck'ettstown. ers of New Jersey, as I travel from tion of the county road and the Pine women and if real handshakes and state to state, I do not propose to Brook road when his automobile was Young Duncan, a graduate of the good wishes mean anything, our trip in collision with a truck owned by Freehold high school last June, Is an tell you about, the monument of the will be one grand success. Battle of Bunker Hill, neither do I Thomas Proctor of Long Branch. expert horseman, He was riding: a The New York car was badly dam- Only Two Weeks More Of Special Offer spirited horse and: in an effort to see To the state of New Jersey, I want expect to give you a detailed descrip- to say that whjle I have spent the tion of tho Palls at Niagara, which aged. Harold England took the New v/hat the animal would do in various York man to Rlvervlew hosptlal at circumstances, he rode under a tree greater part of my life, in fact, fifty no doubt you have seen many times of my fifty-six years of life, in New or have read or heard about since Red Bank and later conveyed the and grasped a limb as he went under. Jersey, yet this trip vividly showed childhood, but I expect to give you a man and the other occupants of tho The horse bolted and the limb broke short story each week of just what car to the home of friends at Bound dropping Duncan to the ground. He me the beauty of this great little 3 Years For $J5.00 state. In the great Pine Belt, lies we see, what we learn, what wo think Brook. was knocked unconscious. At first It Lakewood, the only Winter Resort of of the states through which we travel Mrs. A. N. Jackson of Jersey City was believed he waa not seriously in- the state; the great fishing and bath- and the many little things we get by returned home Friday after having •jured but a later examination re- ing grounds of tho Atlantic ocean; direct contact with tho people we spent two weeks with Miss Margaret vealed that he had suffered from a the great bays and lakes, rivers and meet In all walks of life. Dean. Mrs. Jackson's sister and broken verebrae of the back. brother, Miss Agnes LeStrange and John LeStrange, accompanied her STUNNED BY LIGHTNING. home after a short visit to Miss Verdon Says Edge Girl Killed In Dean. Miss Margaret Shultz and Manasquan Doctor Knocked Uncon- Vivian and May Height of Belmar scious by Bolt. Wont Do as Chairman Fall From Hotel were Sunday guests of Miss Dean. Mrs. Mary Murphy and Miss Rita CAMPAIGN CLOSES FRIDAY, AUG. 21 Dr. James B. \V. Lansing, 31, phy- William P. Verdon, Hudson County Alberta Parker, 13, of Hillside was •idan and vice president of the killed last Thursday night when she Murphy of Woodhaven, Long Island, Hanasquan First Aid squad, was Young Republican leader, reiterated have been spending a week with Mre. his opposition at Jersey- City Friday plunged 25 feet from the second floor Sarah Scott. knocked unconscious by a lightning o former Ambassador Walter E. porch of a hotel at Ocean Grove. Po- bolt during the electrical storm which lice Chief William Catley said the The Ladies' Aid society of the lashed the North Jersey coast last Edge as chairman of the Landon- Methodist church will meet at the Knox campaign committee in New child had been tossing a ball back home of Mrs. E. G., Ehinger this af- Wednesday afternoon. and forth with a playmate when the Dr. Albert F. Schmidt of the First Jersey. ternoon. "We have got to get rid of Edgs railing of the porch gave way. The Aid squad said last Thursday that girl had been vacationing at Ocean The membnw of the Tinton Falls | 14-CASH BONUSES OFFERED- Dr. Lansing, who was unconsious for f wo want victory in November," he auxiliary of Hivervlew hospital of 15 minutes after he was struck, will declared. Grove with her mother, Mrs. Walter Red Bank enjoyed a plcnio at La- suffer no permanent injuries, al- Verdon said he hod bluntly stated J. Parker. valette yesterday. though his right side was paralyzed his views upon the matter to Re- New sidewalls and a new celling for Beveral hours. publican State Chairman Henry W. Alterations to Courthouso Garage. have been placed in the fire house by Jeffers during governor's day activ- Alterations are being made to the William S. England. Parking Space Along Highways. ities at Sea Girt. courthouse garage at Freehold to School will re-open Tuesday, Sep- make an ofllce for the Monmouth tember 8, with the same principal and Parking space at historic monu- County Organization for Social Ser- teachers as last year. Tha front of FIRST BONUS SECOND BONUS ments and picnic groves along state Granger Day at Elemlngton. vice. Tho work will cost $9,000. the achoolhouse has been repainted highways aro planned by E. Donald New Jersey Granger day will be ob- Within a short time It Is expected and two of the rooms have been re- Sterner, state highway commissioner. served at the Flemington fair Friday, that a PWA project,' Including a new decorated. The first illustration of this policy September 4. Every granger In the roof for the courthouse and water- $ will be the monument for Captain Mr. and Mrs. William S. England state is invited to attend. Among the proofing the entire building, will be are on an automobile tour of the Samuel Allen at Brlelle. The widened features will be a free-for-all handi- started. gravel shoulder at this point will cap trot, a pulling contest partici- mountainous section of North Jersey, permit tourists to stop outside the pated in by teim« up to 3,000 pounds They will visit MUbura, the birth- Hie of traffic and a draft horse show. Boys can make extra pocket money place of Mr. England, and Sparta, $400 200 selling The Register.—Advertisement. Lake Hopatcong and other places. • in Cash in Cash

THIRD BONUS FOURTR H BONUS FOR HOT WEATHER DRIVING 100 in Cash in Cash 10 Cash Bonuses $25 each

0 CASH Commissions Paid Daily on All New and 01 Subscriptions

FACT No. 1 — I ytlol Gasoline i3 high in FACT No. 3—Tydol Gasoline contains a anti-knock qualities, low in consumption, nnil Bpccinl carbon-solvent which cuts clown enr- packed with full, smooth power. That means hon. ruat, nnd corrosion. That means n COOL RED BANK a COOI. motor 1 motor I

FACT No. 2—Tydol Gasoline tnntiiins a ADD ONE MORE FACT~7'i/(M cosh not a patented top-cylinder oil which lubricates pmmi more tlwn ordinary gasolines...nnd you'll valve!, upper-cylinder walla and pinions. That (ire why this 'JY/pfc-Acticm motor-fuel rrmkea means a COOI. motor! warm friends, on hot dny.q, throu h cool motors 1 REGISTER K


Campaign Telephone Campaign Office Red Bank 13 J. S. LACKE Room 7, Second Floor le-Action Extension 9 Campaign Manage Register Bldg. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8, 1936. Page Fiva A^COMDTG WEDDING. LUKE GETS RESULTS. John Wilson, Frederick Russell, Law- DON'T MISS . Anna John Engaged )Dr. Ticehurst rence Holmes and John Ryan. Methodist Harvest Home MIM Marie TUmA anil Vincent Ham- To Philip Costa Vo Fanners Praise The Beglster and Bazaar mond to be Married Wedneaday. Again Opens Free Want Columns, THE JEAN A BUSY BOAT. DA cburcb lot*, Broad Street, The wedding of Mica Marie Mead, Mr. and Mr», June* John of Mar- John H. Snlffen of Everett had a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin on atrect announced the engagement irue cart for sale, and Edward Major, A. M. Mlnton Kntertelned. PUBLIC SALE AUGUST 7 - 8th Mead of Vanderburg, and Vincent if their daughter, Miss Anna John, Animal Clinic .owe, also of Everett, wanted to sell Large Party Sunday Afternoon. William Hammond, eon of Mr. and CHICKEN SALAD SUFFER HOC. to Philip COBU, aon of Mr, and Mrs. . potato digger. They both inserted The large cruiser Jean, owned by Mrs. James Hammond of Holmdei, John Costa of Lelghton avenue, re- .dvertlsementa In Luke Longhead's Household Furniture will take place next Wednesday af- /here Pet Owners Cannot Pay Mayor Augustus M. Mlnton of Fair cently at a Saturday night party and laselfled department of The Rcffls- Haven and piloted by the mayor's ternoon at the rectory of St. Rose Sunday dinner at the John reildence. for Professional Service* He sr and Luke did the rest. Shortly Christian Science of Lima church of Freehold. The son, CheBter Mlnton, Is kept buay The Sunday dinner was lerved on the Will Give It Without Any fter The Register was on the streets every Sunday taking friends of both Village Colt's Neck, on young couple will start homokeoplng lawn of the John horn*. , 'hursday they began to get action Reading Room In a new house on Newman Springe father and son on outings. Miss John and Mr, Costa graduat- Charge. nd two sales were made in a Jiffy. . Last Sunday was no exception to aVaad Straat National Bank Bldsj, road, Bed Bank. Mr. Hammond Is ed from Red Bank high school In Both men, who are farmers, were employed on J. Allison Steam's the rule. A party of some 25 or U Broad Street. Bed Bank the class of 1926. Miss John Is pro- Those who have pets that are not ore.than pleased with the results. country estate at Scobeyvllle. prietor of the Fashion Beauty shop more was given a moat enjoyable Saturday, August 8 oking well and In all probability at BO Monmouth street and Mr. Costa, ride across the bay to Coney Island, OPEN DAILY ced the care of a veterinarian are and on the return trip a stop was AT ONE O'CLOCK, P. M. lllSO A. M. to 4i30 P. M. Engineer*, Surveyors Outing. proprietor of the Monmouth Bar- vlted to bring their animals to Dr. Beach rurty at Sea Bright. ber shop at 1S6 Monmouth street made near the Coast Guard boat TutatUy and Friday Evtnlniat The New Jersey association of pro- arry Ticehuret's animal clinic, MI33 Mario Deady, daughter of Mr.Tucker, anchored in the Horseshoe, Having Sold My Property—Moving South—Will Sell the Entire TlSO to »t30. They expect to be married, In the Somo time ago Dr. Tlcehurot of Contents of 10-Koom House As Follows; fessional engineers and land survey- spring. ind Mrs. HURIHC Deady of Philadcl- where the party enjoyed swimming ors will hold their annual outing, hrewsbury, who la a member of the )hla, summer residents of Fair and refreshments. Bara th« Blbls, ft. Works ot Mary Electric>Range and Coal Stave and Other Kitchen Furnishings. shore dinner and state regional meet- Bank Rotary club, through the laven, entertained hrr house guests, Later in the day a cruise was madG Btkar Eddy, Dlscovarar and Founder PICKED UP BY COAST GUARDS. [vie Interest of Rotary, offered to Dining Room Set,' Sewing Machine, Small Office Desk, eta. Of Christian Scsnca, and all otbsr ing Saturday, September 12, at the 'pecs Mary Madden and Catherine to Red Bank, where the Commodore Living Room Furniture, Also Piano, Furniture of Four Bed- •nlhorliad Christian Science Lltoia- Shark Elver HHIB hotel and grounds. Ivo his professional advice and at- ^ile of Philadelphia, at a beach tDtt nay ba read, borrowed or pur- Dr. Sayre and Harry Clayton Have *ntlon to animal cases free of charge proudly piloted his craft through the rooms, complete; Other Odd Pieces Including Set Electrlo Dinner will be served at 3 p. m. >arty at Downsea beach last week, new waterway up to the Molly Trains, Garden Tools. Also Many Odd Pieces and Books, All There will bo golf, tennis, horseshoe Unusual Experience Out to Sea. rhere the owners could not affffrd to ^efreshment.'j were served by the ay for same. Pitcher hotel dock, the Jean being In'Good Condition. ftaadlna. Room Maintained by pitching tournaments, swimming, Dr. William D. Sayre of Maple ;ht of a bonfire on tho beach. the first private cruiser to cover this FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. boating and fishing. Leo K. McKeo avenue owns a very comfortable His offer was made public through (Vmong the pueats were Misses course to the Molly Pitcher dock TERMS:—Cash. SCIENTIST. of McLaren street Is chairman. speed boat and he delights In his e columns of The Register aa well Dolores Monohan, Bette VanDeman, since "the deep waterway was com- MBS. A. P. BIMMONDS. tOt BROAD STREET. USD BANK oft hours,of relaxation In taking his through the columns of the ra- Evelyn Spotta and Patty Deady, pleted to that point. W. D. FIELDS, Auctioneer. The PubUe U Welcome. craft out for spins down the river cial Rotary publication for this dls- Tohn VanDeman, 3d, Thomas Lloyd, Boys can make extra pocket money lct and many brought their pets to selling The Register.—Advertisement and on Rarltan bay. Occasionally, "illlam Oleson, Raymond Clark, It pays to advertise In The Register. K*>>x<*>rai««*>>>»:*>i€€<^^^ when weather conditions permit, be Im with wonderful results. runs the boat outside of Sandy Hook Since Dr. Tlcehurst's firth an- ouncement of his free clinic his son, and down off the Jersey shore. Jr. Robert L. Ticehurst has received Sunday was one of the days when official recognition as a veterln- ADMIRA BEAUTY SHOP the doctor planned an off-shore trip, ian and has opened an office at 75 taking with him Harry Clayton of Maple avenue, independent of his ON FILMS the clothing firm of Clayton & ather's ofltcc in Shrewsbury. t) Mid-Summer Special • Magee. The craft flies the official KODAK FILMi burgee of the Monmouth Boat club, Last Thursday tho elder veterinar- ian informed a Register repreaenta- KENPAK and Dr. Sayre has 4>een loud in his that he would like Ttie Register PERMANENT WAVE praises of having an engine in his make an announcement to the ef- boat which Is not faulty. However, ect that he again was operating an- Entire Head while well out to sea Sunday the ither free animal clinic and that this engine became faulty and refused to lme it was being conducted at the No Extras "mote." iflices of his son on Maple avenue. DRUG CO The men In their plight, neither He wants the readers of The Reg- one of them being extra well versed ltUn$ay ADMIRAL stei- to know that both ho and his Ai M Iak.relo.jr Tntti In marine mechanics, signalled that ion are eager to assist in a profes- they were In distress and they were pnal way to take care of such ani- BLADES picked up In due time by a Coast mals that need attention and whose 54 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Guard boat and brought safely to wners are not financially able to pay shore. or euch professional services. The refusal of Dr. Sayre's engine Tho clinics are held every Friday . FRJDAY^ SATURDAY DAILY SPECIALS to bring the men home caused Mr. fternoon at three o'clock at 75 Maple Clayton to miss an enjoyable trip .venuo and both of the Drs. Tlce- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays that afternoon on Commodore Au- mrst stand ready to greet owners gustus M. Minton's cabin cruiser md their pets at these weekly per- 25c each item Jean, where he was to have been ods. among the invited guests. If possible telephone in advance nd give tho doctor a description of Friday and Saturday WJKtkiJL II I FREE! 50c Injured at Tlnton Falls. 'our ailing pet and Its symptoms. Former 25c Ntw IU«en Fenxr SIM $1.10 Pinand'a Or. PasUur Aleo Flazzo of Corona, Long Is- GRIFFINS Gardenia LAPEL MAVIS 35c each 3 for 90c DUSTING WATCH Tooth Brush DUSTING land, was treated at Rlvervlew hos- With 15c On pital Friday night for a cut left WBRB PROGRAMS. ALLWITE POWDER AND FOB POWDER forearm reoelved Friday night in an tont Moiilh c Wa accident at Tinton Falls. The programs are as follows: roiw 15* CAM BABY FOOD ADMIRA BEAUTY SHOP (1210 Kilocycles) AIIF P. M. Friday, Aurust 7. Births at Klvervlew. 3:3 0—Musical Moments. 50* FOUND CAN MANHATTAN lA 10 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. 4:00—Fa0—Los Angeles Dance Hand, 6:<5—Mrs. C, lllllyer, talk. couldn't poitibly dupli- 7:00—Opportunity Hour,, Fclgenspm cate such work I" Smoke Shop. 7l«6—Spring Lake. 7:46—Sketch, t iOO—Reflumi. A. M. Thursday. August If). THE COSTt 3c a pound, First 5 8 lOO—MornlnK Meloilira, poundt 50ci handkerchitFi, doiliei, Ic SlU—StelnbachB, »ll»—Word Ideas. each extra. Shirts finished, If desired, SlIO—Musical (Icms. 9:45—The Secret of lnsplratloi 12c each additional. 10:00—EdlBon Foundation 1'roKiam. lOllB.—Shopping Tour, Zeliley, Casino, Sn der, Mualo Shop, Stelnliarhs, Fel antpan. 10>4B—News Ilevleir. 11 lOO—Resums. P. M. 7Sc S-oanct KZ/TA/BATTEHY It Sc Switt'a Dial LlttU Fall* 4-0400 • Red Bank 2000 or Dial "Operator" and aak for HlOO—Where to fin. Csslnii. !Urlr.l>arh 11.00 Bedford «d lie Cn Zehler, MUSH; 8hs>p, Frlircnspan, Briar Pipe Showboat Qnal ScUant BORAX kTCRNO Snyder, and IDi. Pk[ Tobacco QLySEHINE Laundry CsHHMtJ 8;SO—l.uvo Story filrl. Birkliy Tab. 8. P»p«r» HAND SOAP SOAP HKAT Toll-free Phone WX-1000* 5:15—Iletly lUlhn. I'lsiiliit. t • lOO—Spring Lake HoUt. All (aTlia laH aharjta la automatically rayarsad ta nt) 6:01—WPA Program. Oaktt ltevlsw, Trtaica I TOBACCO FLAKKt 11:00—Htsumi m II Tho road to hotter and blggflr bus 39c I 55c n>ii Itailn through Tha RegUter'B »<1 vtrtlalnf oolumni.—Advertisement. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8, 1986.

•uddenly found the resignation accepted and another and to call a conference of the states Aprll, IBM, 4,077 persons, were on re- man named to succeed him. The Judg« who wa* •up- to conilder readjustment down the Emergency Relief lief. Before WPA project* wen started ln this section there was a re- Drive Started RED BANK REGISTER posed to have resigned refused to quit hi* job on th« line, ESTABLISHED IVtt Nothing has been done, the states duction of «7 pir cent ln the cue ground that he algned tho resignation before he was ap- Editorial Views continue to raise the ante oa liquor Expenditures For load of March, 1BSS. To Rid State Of .'—~ GEORGE 0. HANC3E, Editor pointed and that therefore It wa* not valid. already priced beyond the reach of The record of Monmouth county FREDERIC 8. HAYES, M»n»ltag Editor When this Judge went Into court and found the new the masses and bootlegging goes County $1,750,000 wa* almut unique In some regard*. judge occupying the seat which he customarily filled he (Th» opinions •xpniitil In tha Edltorlid merrily on.—Newark Sunday Call. For one thing the case load fluctu- Clam Bootleggers —' "xHOMAsTRviSa BROWN, Vltw* htraundar do not naciiaiurlly carry ated greatly, being much larger dur- got a constable to help him and tipped the new man out tht «ndoraeR)tiit of Tha RagUUr). Publisher and Business Manager of the chair, after which he occupied It himself. The In Addition to This Amount ng the eold weather month* than In There Has Been Reform. the lummar whtn the summer resort Action Taken at PleMantville in new Judge then got a seat at the newspaper men'* table -' Adequate Penalties. "Stocks reach now high for bull Spent for Direct Anistance "THE RED BANK HEGIBTEK and tried to conduct court there. The other Judge tried* season and fann work provided Job* the Southern Part of State of Alcoholio Beverage Commissioner market," so said yesterday's news. for many. No othar county showed Is a member of cases from the seat which bo had won by right of con- Burnett's warning to municipal the CWA Paid Wage, of Large Intereit to the Local THE ASSOCIATED PEESS Familiar words, those. And doubt- such a marked fluctuation. quest. Two Judges with but a Blnglc coujt must have liquor control boards against the Im- less they forecast the future, aa well $1,000,000. Another unusual thing about con- Shellfish Industry. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the been "a sight for the gods," and the spectacle was en-position of innocuous penalties should aB recall the- past. There la pow- USD for republlcatlon of all news dispatches to it or not dition* in this county wie that re- hanced later when each accused the other of being un- help place the liquor traffic on the orful yeast ln tho desire to recoup The New Jomey Emergency Relief lief work was carried on almost en- ™erwl.Y credited in this paper and also the local news highest possible basis. For until the one's fortunes. It works on those following release from the dignified. Tho new judge hss since taken action ln the Administration, passed out of exist- tirely ln the short municipalities. 0 hoalth published therein. _^ courts to get the position. laws are vigorously enforced and whose money mcthoda are easy-come- ence last week and turned back to Freehold was the only Inland town ... v .."Yi. ! '" "Printed In rigorous penalties levied tho boot- easy go, and threatens to snarl a the belief that it will prove of Inter- The Incident should provide food for reflection for the state a surplus of almost $2,000,- to receive BRA assistance and this Member National Editorial Association legging that Mr. Burnett finds to be forgetful public in ticker tape again. 000. Monmouth county headquarter* was given only during part of the est to those engaged In tho shol!fl»h those who believe that the Judiciary should be kept far too prevalent will continue, discredit- industry ln this oectlon as well as Meanwhile, what of the SEC? The of the ERA at Red Bank were closod time that the BRA functioned. The those who buy their products; Member Nev Jorsoy Press Association removed from tho people. Judges are subject to tho Ing tho liquor business by giving un- public hears little of this untested July 7, and Harold S. Whitney, the Inland municipalities with this one same faults and frallitlcs as other people and there is fair advantages to illegitimate dcal- watchdog over the stock exchange. A county director, was employed after exception provided all the funds and Combined forces of health, shell- Member Monmouth County Fran Club no logical reason why they should be sacrosanct. As for ora and encouraging tho public do- pllgrimago to the financial pages Is that tlmo at state headquarters. all the work of looking after the fish and state police authorities havo their recall, it would be more' to the public Interest to mand for more /restrictive regula- necessary Ito search out the commis- needy through the overseer ot the united In a drive to rid Now Jersey THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1036. Early ln his administration aa 6 8 N y put this power in the hands of the people than of the tions. sion's doings, and Is woll repaid. It county director Mr. Whitney devised poor syatem. Of the shore munici- J £ i^?«I ? '™' 'ne violatorviolatorss politicians. An honest, upright judge would havo a bet- Everyone Interested In the liquor was Just a normal week for the Se- i system of delivering cash relief palities only a few of the smallest of the Bhelinsh laws have been picked Iea8antvm() for Matawan and Its ter chance of getting a square deal at the ballot box trade as well as those opposed to It curities and Exchange Commission, hecks which resulted In a large sav- did not receive ERA help. "•?.£',.? gathering than by placing his position at the mercy of the whim admits the lmmlnonce of another while those stock prices were surg- ing of time and labor and which was In the whole state there wera only shellfish from the prohibited areas of ing up to the current new highs—a 250th Anniversary. and caprice of party bosses. It Is difficult to understand wave of prohibition sentiment unlesB adopted by a number of'other county 103 municipalities which handled Lakes bay the waters of which havo The eagle will scream at Matawan on Friday, Satur- high standards are maintained. Re- week selected at random. Here is units. The News Record, official or- their own relief problems without been closed to clamming by the stato how the judiciary can live up to the Ideals professed for tho roster: board of health. day and Sunday, September II, 12 and 13, and with good peal Is still on trial, and although It gan of the state ERA, recommended ERA aslstance and ot these 28 were It if its members subject themselves to political domina- the general adoption of this system. ln Monmouth county. Probably no Fines of $28 were Imposed by a reason On those days Matawan borough and Matawan tion through undated resignations. seems generally agreed that It has SEC Induces the Soulx City Gas to weathered Its most troublous days It make changes in the terms ot a se- At tho time tho state organization other county had such a Urge per- Llnwood justice of the poaco upon township wllUjpintly celebrate their 250* anniversary. ——o-o-o-c-o-o was directed by John Colt, who af- centage of municipalities which con- eight of the defendants, tho ninth Theirs Is a long and honorable history dating back to cannot afford to let down Its guard curity issue, further to safeguard in- and Invite the severe protest that Is vestors. This Is the flret agreement erwards becamo president of the tinued under overseer of the poor case, because of non-appearance, the drst settlement of the Scotch In Monmouth county. New Factor in Muddle certain to arise. of Its kind—arranged by porsuaslon Second National bank and Trust procedure. The skeleton force of the awaiting disposition. The defendants The double birthday la one which should appropriately and not force More data on large company of Red Bank. Mr. Whitney, ERA during the past few weeks had admitted their guilt and agreed to Most consumers and most leaders with the help of other ERA employ- plenty of work to perform. Besides pay the penalties In Installments not only stir the pride of the" two municipalities and Over Assessor*' Terms. are obviously willing to abide by the corporation salaries is made public, those of Scotch heritage but the whole of Old Mon- The muddled situation with regard to assessors' the SEC refusing petitions to keep ees originated several other systems assisting municipalities with their re- The authorities were actuated in Intelligent rulings that have been which were followed In other coun- lief problems thla work Included pay. mouth, for the record both past and present Is redolent terms of office has apparently become more confused as tho information secret. . . A corpor- their drastic move by reports from imposed upon the liquor trade and ties. mont of outstanding bills, packing the Lakes bay section that tho ban with glorious county tradition and achievement. a result of the action of the Association of Municipal as far as they are concerned few ation complies with SEC requirements ln order to have ita stock listed . .. • records in boxes labeled to Indicate of state department of health was be- The Scotch ancestral character of this neighborhood IB Assessors of New Jersey In deciding to appeal to the complaints are In order. But there In Monmouth county the ERA be-the contents and storing them In ing Ignored by tho clam bootleggers Indicated by its original Caledonian name of New Aber- are always the racketeers seeking to SEC has a large group Indicted for gan in a small way ln October, 1931, Court of Errors and Appeals to set aside recent de- fraud: five corporations and twenty- warehouses at Elizabeth, turning who sought to escape detection by deen. It Is rich with colonial and Revolutionary war cisions declaring the act unconstitutional which In- make exorbitant profltsvand monopo- with Howell VanGcrblg BB volunteer over office equipment, furniture and clamming at night. i b one persons aro accused of atockdeuls director and with two or three paid history, and the village of Frencau In Matawan town- creases tho terms of assessors two years. How soon a v utalde of netting $10,000,000. . . . Broker chal- supplies and a big lot of other detail Dr. J. Lynn Mahaffey, state health lizthe lawbusines. Fosr thbye mosdeallt npan: they can employees. Tho headquarters office work. The largest number of em- ship Is named for Philip Freneau, the famous Revolu- decision on this appeal will be rendered Is a matter of lenges the constitutional authority of was at Red Bank throughout the ex- director, and Walter W. Scoflold, tionary war poet. One dramatic Revolutionary war in- be apprehended and prosecuted, but the SEC at a hearing of the comml" ployees at the headquarters office at chief of the bureau of food and conjecture, and the action of the assessors Is generally istence of the county organization, Red Bank was 30, cident which might appropriately be memorialized at the regarded as Injecting new difficulties Into the plan of they must also be subjected to se- sion on alleged manipulation of A. ( The first office was in the building of drugs, requested Colonel Mark O vere penalties If they are to be Klmborllng, superintendent of the coming celebration was the unsuccessful attempt made holding elections for assessors this year. Smith stock. . . . The first summary the Monmouth County Organization In the early stages of BRA much curbed. To permit a racketeer to of facts on tho Inside ownership of state police, to assign a trooper to by Tories to capture John Burrowes, a young officer In In the light of the Supreme Court decisions many for Social Service on Pearl street, volunteer work was done not only by make thousands of dollars In an Il- American corporations In American directors but by others. This took tho area to investigate tho com- Washington's army while he was on a furlough at the assessors are now holding office without authority and Relief of thla kind had previously licit traffic and then fine him $200 Is history is published from Informa- never been undertaken In this coun- place ln field work In various munici- plaints. Joseph N. Fowler, director home of his aged father, John Burrowes. Sr., who was !j t appears possible that this will spread to Include num- hardiy a satisfactory way to dla- tion obtained under law by tho SEC. ty and at the start It was treated as palities, as well as ln the headquar- of the. state board of shell fisheries th« leading merchant In what Is now the borough of; erouJ because of the likelihood that thh e re- courage him. Such a fine Is but a . . , Broker protests the SEC invades an emergency proposition which ters and central offices.' Mr. Whit- co-operated with the health authori- Matawan. ! cent legislation extending the terms of these officials will slight addition to his operating cost, his privacy and refuses to answer would last only a short time. ney stated that ln appraising the rec- ties. The young man was warned just in the nick of time ^ j^aj-jj unconstitutional. In view of these facts It far from sufficient to drive him out questions. . . . Wide Inquiry Into in- ord too much credit cannot be ac- The arrest of tho bootleggers of business. Yet It is with such friv- vestment trusts Is announced. At first a paid works program was corded to these public-spirited citi- for him to escape the raiding party by swimiaias across ; mlgnt 8etm tjjat ^e old observation that "nothing Is should be sufflclerlli warning that the olous penalties that we are trying to carried out and wages were disbursed zens who contributed their services. stato does not propose to tolerate any a creek back of his father's hous*. Tfc« Tories, cha- iUvt ^ ms ,,fe except deatn and uuces" is ln need of There Is a difference, then, between combat bootlegging and allied forms for made work. In 1032 direct relief violation of the shollflsh laws," said grlned by their failure, arrested tha old Bnarchiiat a=d • revt,Jon the mld-twentles and the. mld-thlr- of racketeering in the liquor trade. was Inaugurated and was thereafter Dr. Mahaffoy. "Tho state pollco ara clapped him Into jail. However, tha patriotic Scotch How !s ]t p^jjbie, it may be asked, to assess and ties. Reform has intervened—that continued. In 1933 the work of the MORE ABOUT "NO MAN'S IAND." No wonder wo can't exterminate sharp, self-denying curb which stands ERA was operated In association willing to co-operate with the health neighbors were equal to the emer^ncy. TUsy jaiasd coU wlll play a major part ln But when the office desk assumes man. "I am Mr. Dunham, and this relief, under the direction of volun- the permit In his own words of but •Mth birthday felicitations are In order. political strategstra y of the Townsend movement Already is Mrs. Dunfian. We heard about a few day* ago, he said "1> can't un- At Scobeyville the dimensions of a geographical teer workers who were mostly mu- derstand why they refused you the several congressional candidates of both major parties unit, the personal foibles of the of- your coming and we would like to nicipal officials. In the spring of 1934 permit." A sub-station of the Katontown have gone over "lock, stock and barrel" to the Townsend fice boy appear as Jovian moods, and help you, If we may. Would you llko a new procedure was adopted by the Evidently the Board of Adjusters Proposed Amendments camp. whether J. X. Smythe will take tho to come to our house for lunch?" establishment of three central sto- was milled by what the objectors said poatofiko has been opened nt TafTlen She would, and off she goes, her Durczak's storo at Scobcyvlllo, with Undoubtedly this courso will prove a big winner of contract seems to Involve your prps- lons for relief distribution. Various and thereby didn't take the bother, to the State Constitution. pectB for personal salvation, Just re- spirits really soaring now, with good reasons were given for this change. BO to say, of vl«Itlng my property. It Mr. Durczak aB clerk In charge. . Amendments proposed to the.State Constitution by votes ln some sections of thB country, but It remains to member that you're not past all citizen Dunham and his wife. It was claimed that It produced a is beyond question that had they Peoplo living on tho main road or the 1836 legislature provide for tho following changes: be tested whether this will be the case in New Jersey. done this, they couldn't help but county road which passes through hope. The resilient human mind has That simple but Important drama uniform and better accounting sys- grant me the permit. Holding elections for tho senate and general assembly Tho history of third party movements ln this state has a cure for just such states; a specific tem, standardized and reduced the Scobeyvlllo aro served by rural de- will soon be repeated ln countless I have been approached by quite a livery from the Eatontown ofllco and every two years, convening of both houseB every two not been successful. The lata Theodore Rouevelt with which will restore health, appetite, cities, merely because ntany local or- work and decreased tho number of number of resident* of this commun- employees. In other wordB, there the new office Is designed especially years, and extension of the terms of state senators from his Bull Moose or Progressive party made the best show- and vision. That medicine Is laugh- ganizations such ns civil and service ity since my letter appeared in The to be useful to those residing on side three to four years. Biennial elections mean that as- Ing, but those who ran for lesser positions on the same ter, big hearty guffaws—at oneself. clubs are convinced that a sincere was a uniform accounting system un- Register and they all are of the opin- der paid employeos Instead of varied roads where rural deliveries are not semblymen will hold office two years instead of one as at ticket with him were almoEt uniformly defeated. If It Say3 AldotiB Huxley, he in the van- and hearty welcome helps and ion that something other than mere- made. guard of the greatest modern novel- pleases new (nnd old) school teach- procedure under volunteers ln 28 mu- ly tho few objectors, wa» responsible present. These proposed amendments must be passed Is true as stated at the picnic that Mr, Herrmann Is bid- nicipalities. for the refusal. .._,„. John Evans Laird of tho Laird ap- by the next legislature and then approved by the peo- ding for Townsendite support it Is interesting to specu- ists: "A llttlo ruthless laughter ers. That first greeting, If followed Just two days ago the following plejack company led the movement ple at the following election to become effective. late on how many votes he will gain and how many he clears the air as nothing else can do by, say, a party for all the teachers One of the three consolidated of- remark was passed by a public offi- for the establishment of the pub- It Is good . every now and of the city, can do much to give theso fices was opened nt Belfotd and sub- cial of our community, very much In some ways to convene the legislature once every will alienate,. poBtofflce and moat of the resident* then ... for solemnity's nose to be instructors confidence and a fair pic- sequently moved to East Keanaburg. "In" this case: "Mr. Adams, do you of the village joined with him. Tho two years should be a benefit to all. There would at tweaked; for human pomposity to be ture of their city.—The Rotarlan This office looked after relief cases think that the President of the Board of Adjuster*, Ray Johnson, Laird company Is making largo use least be a "breathing spell." It should mean fewer laws Citizens' Co-operation made to look ridiculous." Mazaglne. ln Mlddletown township and ln all of the sub-station. Stamps, envelopes to confound the people, and It should reduce materially was approached by (a certain party) r Or If one's too far gone to be cap- municipalities north. Another office and told not to iBsue the permit?" and postal cards woro placed on sale the cost of operating the state government. This la just Needed to Wipe Out Mosquitoes. able of a merry bellow of self- CRIPPLED KIDDIES' OUTING. was at Long Branch In charge of re- Another remark passed with refer- last week and 30 boxes will be put ln a theoretical viewpoint; in practice conditions may be Mosquito extermination has been carried on so ef- ridicule, just recall that, as far back lief distribution at Red Bank and ence to a conversation over a party the store In a short time. Up until just as bad as they are at present. Out of the law mill fectively over a period of years In the shore district of as tbe Middle Ages, a wise philos- Many Local Artists to Help Enter all places between that municipality interested ln business dealings with last wook Scobcyvillo had not had a every year hii3 come a veritable flood of bills, most of opher figured out that man's com- and the northern boundary of Asbury a prominent "somebody" of this postofflce since 25 years ago, when Monmouth county that the insect pests are now at an tain Unfortunate Children. community, was "Do you believe which are passed without deliberation for some special irreducible minimum so far as this is possible through parative Importance to the cosmos Park. At Asbury Park was another the late Miss Jcnnio Scobcy was Pearco R. Franklin, director of office- In charge of tho territory be- that (so and so) was told to canvass postmistress. interest or at tho behest of some political group. Ex- expenditure of funds available for- drainage and spray- is us a single speck of sand to all the Immediate neighborhood of your in the sea sand In tho world. Then face public works of Newark, Is the spon- tween that city and the southern amplea of this aro the lirva p;isscd extending the terms j K Purposes. During the past few years the work of sor of an outing which wlll be staged property to persuade as large a tnc that Smytho contract again!—The boundary of the county. group as possible to appear at the of assessors and collectors from three to five years. The | employees of the Monmouth county mosquito ex- Hotarlan Magazine. at Camp Newark, Neptune City, Fri- Mr. Whitney, In talking about the Borough Hall to protest against the AN OLD TIMETAIJLE. supreme court threw out the assessors' bill as uncon- j terminator commission In eliminating breeding places day, August 14, at which tlmo ITS of employees, said he had never met a permit, ln return for another 'busi- stltutional. The measure affecting collector/) was passed ;llas been greatly augmented by WPA co-operation. Newark's most seriously crippled ness deal'?" Michael Bennott Unearths One, Used Why liquor Is Costly. more efficient, loyal and hard-work- this year and does not become effective until December Mosquitoes breed only In stagnant water and due to children will be made happy. ing group. Often they were obliged I have ascertained that quite a Here Over SO Yearn Ago. 1. There Is every reason to believe it will meet the same the large amount of ditching done few places arc left John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Is right as Through the kindness ot Hay Caf- to work overtime, Including Sundays number of those present at the meet- frey his annual all-star show wlll be Ing at the Borough Hall were not While rummaging through some fate as the nsscs.'-nrs' law. along brooks and other water courses for them to prop- rain when he Bays that the cause of and holidays. They received no ex- bootlegging Is excessive taxation of presented, which will feature somo tra compensation for this additional there to protest, but rather, had been old papers a fow days ago, Michael Whatever good that may come from biennhil Bes- agate. Unfortunately, this le only one phase of the bat- liquor. But he blames only tho states 85 professional and semi-professional service and they always rendered It notified by telephone a few days be- Bennett of Reckless place camo elona may be destroyed by a provision ln the constitu- tle. Tho fight can never bo completely won without the fore the meeting, that that particu- across a steamboat time-table of un- for trying to get too much revenue numbers. Practically every hotel and without grumbling and complaining. lar nleht a "Towniend Club" meeting tional proposal. This provision is that the two house* co-operation of dtljens. Despite all the money spent shore club has offered to send somo Tho largest number of employees usual Interest, particularly to Red aml nc w out of liquor. The Foderal govern- was to he held. In other words, may meet separately In special session upon tho Joint I ' °rli done, mosquito breeding places are still ment Is even more greedy. act for this entertainment. ever carried was In April, 1935, when many wero made to be there for the Bankers who. recall steamboat activ- call of tho president of the senate and the speaker of far (rom 'icing eliminated and they never will be wlth- D. Frederick Burnett, Now Jersey's Through tho Anncao Studio of Mu- 128 personB wero on the pay roll. Al- purpose of creating an Impression on ity on the river here a half-century out public realization of the fact that all water holding liquor administrator, more than two sic of Red Bank, Miss Virginia Wyclt most half of tho employees were re- ago. Tho tlmc-tnblo was ln tho form the assembly. It would be to no advantage to skip a of a card suitable for pocket use and a year If special sessions arc held from time to time. If recepUiblcs shoulrl be kept tightly scaled or under cov- yearn ago warned against the "In- off and Robert Worden wlll be heard crultod from tho rellof roll*. Mr These particular Instances, I be- From the Smoke Shop Tavern wll Whitney states thnt fully ninety por llovo the publio should know In order featured the tlmo of arrival nnd ro- this privilege Is abused it would be better to lei things er so that water cannot collect. ordinate disproportion" between that thoy can form their own opinion liquor's production cost and Its re- be sont Billy Ferguson, the Irish cnt of these workers had been re- pacturo of the "splendid steamer Ed- -stand the way they are. In 11 recent iiisue of Tho Register was a statement a* to just What's What. win Lewis" and tho "now steamboat rr>m ftr tail sales price, and pointed out how tenor; Marco Marccllo, 310 pounds of :e.lvlng relief or would have beqn The proposed change Involves another mailer thnt' ' H ry G. VnnNote, superintendent for tho moi- personality, and the Dean Sisters, a forced to do BO If they had not found Relative to the attltudo taken by Thomas Hunt." Tho tlmo tnblo was ull much of the difference Is reproBented your really valuable newspaper ln ls of vital importance. It regards the extension of the I 'l ° extermination commission, concerning three large song and dance, team. .hlii employment. Kaued July, 1693. c tlcr ts nc/ir by taxes. In his annual reports ho this case of now "public Interest* I terniB of tho legislators. If the proposed amendments ' ™ Kcyport which were allowed to become has reiterated the need for lower The Register has been advised Itccnjvls of tho county organization only wish to repeat that the Red Boats woro ailvortlscd to lcnve are adopted the assemblymen will serve two years and partly filled with water ant! which were breeding bil- taxes to combat bootlegging. that prominent athletes nnd soveral Hliow thnt the total amount spent for Bank Register can't be praised too New York on the west sldo of Peck the senators four yours. The senators now nerve three lions »l moBqultocs. Inspectors for the commission arc woll known sport writers havo prom- hlehly for its concern in the welfare slip for Shrewsbury. Tho boata mode Alcohol costs 20 cents a gallon to d'.tcct relief during the entlro period and honest conduct of our commun- years but to conform with tho biennial elections their constantly on the look out to prevent breeding places on ised to be on hand to talk nporta bat tho ERA functioned was approx- one round trip each day and left so produce. The Federal government with tho crippled children. that they had tho advantage of high tcrmn are to be lengthened Ui four yearn. private properties, mul fortunately they discovered this slaps a $2 tax and the state a $1 mately $1,7,10,000. In addition to this \ hns proved Itself to bo sincere ln The Irijliilntiire ihls yenr hnd n rnnnla for extending menace to humnn happiness ln tlmo to let out the water Tom Howard of Knollwood, Fair the. CWA paid approximately $1,000, every respect, a weapon In the hand* tides ln the rlfer. tax on each gallon. This is a tax of Haven, prominent radio nnd ota'go terms of ofllclnls. In tho biennial session movement n before mnny of the myrlndfl of mosquito e.gga had 1,800 per cent. To this must bo added 000 In wnges. Figures aro not avail of the honest man—a representative The Kdwln Lowls wna an opposition entortalner, has alao promised to be. nblo HH to PWA expenditures. Ad of Justice. boat P'ylng tho Shrewsbury river trick to extend the term.i of asficmhlymen and Bcnatorn'.' hatched. tho cost of distribution and the rea- present If possible. Your« very truly, sonable profits of the distiller, whole- mlnlntratlon contu, Including salaries. against the Orus, which was one of Lengthening their terms moves these offices just that Mnnlfwitly It |B impomiiblc for tho Inspectors to Thcro'll bo pop corn, ernckorjack, wages, rentals, supplies and various Eugene Adams. the boats built by J. P. Allnlrc, or- much farther nwny from tho ballot box, from popular Hearrh nut nnd remove all monqulto breeding places. saler and retailer, putting tho mini- candy, hot (logs, chickens, cakes and mum price at which legitimate alco- )thor charges, amounted In round ganlior of tho Howell Worltn com- rule. Fortuimtely Ihe people have the final word ns to This will belter be realized when It la considered that pink lemonade. Lolly pops aro being figures to $175,000, or about ten per pany at Allaire, Now Jersey. The the proposed coiiHlltutlnnnl amendments and It In up to a .mall tin ran partly mied with water will within a few hol may reach the consumer at moru donated anonymously, tiamuol Zlot- rent, of tho amount expended for di- Kdwln Lowla continued to run on the than $4 a gallon. The bootleggor, 400 Attend Nursing them to decide whether they or the politicians shall rule, d»ya propagate Uioti«,inrtn of tho Insects. Cesspools kln wlll donate the frankfurters. ject relief. So fnr BB The Hegluter Shrewsbury river nu late- an 18155. being free of the $3 tax burden, BOIIB Hntn and balloona wlll bo given by H. which are not air tlKht are tho greatest cause of the hnn been abln to nscertntn tboro Is Association Benefit In 1883 the Thomas Hunt, then a 0-0-0-00-0 - his product for $2,00 a gallon. Ilia B. Adamfl and Company, Asbury no other county whore- administra- mosquito nulrmnoe. The crevlco permitting profit* uro enormous. new boat and a lnrgor ono than any Park, nnd tho Fischer Unking com- tive, contn wero lower In percantnffe. that had preceded her on tho Hhrows- Recall of Judges and access of air wlll afford opportunity for breeding. For $10,000 he can erect a stilt Fpur hundred persons attended pany will supply tho rolls. Tho nverage salary paid, Including the dinner dance givin ln the Mon bury rlvor lino was started horo. flhe Undated Resignations. Now Jeraoy m inng,,, ,|CBerv(,B (|10 reputation of producing 1,000 gallons a. day, with a MC.CUO'B Dairy, Inc., of I^inR was found to draw too much water having tho largest .nnd "bltlngenf mosquitoes In tho groBs Income of $2,600. If tho cost the compensation of oxccuttvcB, was Farli room of the Monmouth County N«w Jersey In one ntate. where JIHIKI-B arc appointed Branch will add to tho hcnlthy' en- for the shallow spots In th« rlvor world, but a oamnalKn of education In needed to Im- of bootleg production Is 40 conts a lens thnn $2$ 0 a wcolt. May Country club at Katontown last week by the governor, nnd pnthmmln that they should bo joyment of tho children with 200 when tho ntntn fulled to provide and was not operated on tho route press upon,, tho part which they should take to gallon, or twice that of legitimate bottles of chocolate milk Hhakc. id for the benefit of th« FunHo He»)tb dented by the pcojilo liave always encountered the ob- funds for relief a tlrnntlc reduction Nursing association or Rum«tm, Bea very long. In 1808 a nteambont called wipe out the pel*, ,,„„, ,,„„ » ,,, , mass production, ho ban left $2,101). the Jll((hlfii)d Lljiht wus built for tho Jeotlon that contact with the ballot box would plunge A Krcftt bccn cconip h d iiudfl In tho number of ernpjay- Bright and Fair Haven. Danclngwa* throunh expenditure of public fundu but much more rc- Assuming hlB dlBtrlbutlon cost to l»« Shrewsbury rlvor routr. Hho wan of the Judiciary Inio tho vortex of polltlm. It hnn nlwayt* AftiT thnt Iho only work done enjoyed on tho opon air platform, mainii to be done, by Individual action. high, $1,000 or more, to Include brib- AT about tho same, sl/,n nn tho Tliomnn been contended wllh hlifuYlcnt effe.ctlvtncivi to prevent WIH with relation to liquidating the with mu«Io by both orchestras of ing dlshoneit officials, ho still him nffiili'H of the organization and assist- Hunt but of a lighter draft. The «ny change thnt reo,ulrln>r Judges to run for office would The services of Inspectors to Investigate canoes of left $1,000 a day net profit. I'livvcr nnd Light Company Worker tho olub, Thomas Hunt nfttir runnlni; cm nl- Ittjitral Whllo Working on I'nlo. lriK municipalities with relief prob- Th» oommlllae comprised Mr*. Impair the dignity, elllnloncy nnd purity of those who Ten days unmolnate-d operation re- loniB. At the end of May only three most every route within n nhort dis- mete out Justice. An for Hiving (he electorate the light pays hi* capital outlay. "If," polntn Ira Bhultz of Anbury Park, an cm George Dwlght, Mrs, Harrl* B. Fish- tance of New York found lior way |)i)iHonn were on the IfiRA payroll. er, Mrs. James O. Auchlnolois, Mm. to reo»ll Judge*, that engnndern even more opposition. out Comrnlailoner Burnett, "we aro ployco of tho Jersey Central I'owoi Tim Urgent relief load curried «ai Into Htarln'* excursion IIe01. under Frederick Burghard, Mr*. Irving the name of Valley Ulrl. ,,y*t n*vert!inlM8 Judges would »eem to b« subject able to detect and seize the still In and Light company, was burned on In March, 1035, when n.TBB persons, a month from the time It. started, ho thci himrtn, hip and toes Saturday Rlker, Mr*. Clay Crawford, Mr«. to recall to some extent nt lenst, according to an Inci- of whom 1,072 wero single Individu- Eda»r A. Knspp, Mr*. L*ff«t« The tlmo-table van left at tho Reg- forfeit* hi* property, to bo mire, but whllf working on a tfllngraph polo als, received nBslntance. In Augunt dent !n*t week In a Hudson county court HI reported by ho has hi* original lnveilment In noutti of Hycarnore avenuo, Hhrewi DMhUU, Mist Nelly Porter, MIM ister office for observation by Mr. various dally rt«w*paport». However, It Is not the people of tho name year the number receiv- Btnnett. Thn nldo of tha curd por- hand an* enough profit! to Bturt two bury, ing relief had dropped to 9,485 and Grace Porter, Mr*. Or»y MaoW. who htve th* power to dn * ho walling. Hrlefly told Ihe new at!!)* 'an velvet'," lln wan Ittkfin lo Rlvervlow hos- twin thnn On th»r« *•« » *te»dy reported to ba good. altlons. During th» Orst half of d *i»4 MwM . BinforBf a thanleythley. w«j. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 6, 1936. 'Page'Seven o avert, If possible, the threatened Stono road have ha.d aa their gueiti Woman's Exchange Red Bank Day Camp disbarment. In view of the fact that Mr. am! Mrs. Vincent Ingleking ot Open B:SO A. 8L to liOO P. M. 28 Stations In State part payment was made it Is un- Mount Vuinon, New York. Cbtldren's and Infante Clothing, Open Through August ikely tho conference will be held, The annu:ii cl:nnbake of the Iron- knitted wear, assortment of neoei- al school board mtimbcis were side Athletic: club will take place on •ary and lovely articles; also calces, Tho Red Bank Dny camp under the much gratified over tin, ability of *Sr.'pU.'i:nbi'r t>. GUARANTEED cooklea and rolls. For Required Car Testssupervision of William G. Sherwood Mr. Jones to make a part payment. Mrs. Lydla Hamer of Newark was Sorrietjilng for everybody. and Frank J. Plngltore, for girls and This matter had hern brought up for the guc.-t of Mrs. Edward Blecha 15 LINDEN PLACE 'boys between the ages of 4 and 14, last w (rsaion of tho coit (or «tenjcbtip must be Inspected twice yearly. $3,186. In makinng thee payment the from thia community, most of which hotels »od rtllroid (ire. Catered Wuon attractions will be added for tho Mrs. Lillian Grap of Shore road. 57-50 coichei cm bo tooted to tor ar~ Notice* By Mall. collector said that every effort would was without remuneration to thi continent or la Ihe wuai A rotating system ot Inspections A feature of tho fair will be the squad. To show that, this service is Hrlnrcliff Manny, New York, have No Down No Down of Northern Csnids, jet Miaro roa Ul has been devised to prevent delay at at tho bcginnlngtof the new schoo appreciated the Rod Cross members Payment. Payment. the comforts of home—with kitcoen, awarding of a valuable prize each ended a visit with Mrs. H. Sappola. 3 Yre. to Pay dlDlng loom, bedroom «nd b«th. the statlonB.and to Insure the em- evening. This prize will bo given year. A reduction of teachers in the have undertaken the driv<> for funds. S %'n. to Pay Kcyport school would no doubt have Thomas Ilccvcs of East Orange Here is a hiu, Accommod.iej two, lout or lit 5e« tut ployees being kept busy constantly, away absolutely free, and the only The Ladles' Aid society roxlmotcly {1,414.00. certain they will pass the state test. Finest quality Aristocrat Alt tho following tract or parcel of land porcelain enamel overcast •ml prumlnea hereinafter particularly de- Station Locations. Iron. All chrome fittings, iicrlhcd. ulUinto, lying and helnsr in the Station locations follow: Township of Mtddletown, In tho County of 42" lorn? and large roomy Monmouth and State of Now Jersey, being Station No. of Inspoc- Estimated cabinet underneath. all o! lot No, 1)9 a» shown on "'Tract of Location! tloa Lams Annual Olenmary Ilonlty Company, Inc., along KlnRn' Highway, April, 102S, George McC. ,.,,„, • Inspactlons Tnvlor, Engineer." Atlantic City J 74,004 Ilpulnning at a point In the easterly line Itldgowood 1 276,531 of tho Htnto Highway lending from Ilec Hackensack 8 Ifnnk to Mlddletown Vlllnira at the north Ml. Hollr 1 8S.176 vent corner of lot No. 29. hertofore eon Caradon 2 141,058 vcyet] to Anna Bonifacio, and from eald Capo Mar Court bcRlnnlnjf point running, thonco (1) In an Houn 1 28,771 century, me easterly direction along tho northerly line Milivllle 1 87,021 of lot No. 29 two hundred and alxty-nln Newark 4 S09.3H brewing was done by monkt. The feet nrul three-hundredths of a foot to Eaat Orange 2 oldest brewery in the world U one tho northeast corner of lot No. 20; thence Montclalr 2 E!,4«0 (2) In n northerly direction along the Olassboro 1 286,952 founded by monks near Pilten, wontorly Una of lot No. 40 eeventy-flvi Jersey City J Union City 1 feet to the southeast corner of lot No. 81. 81,172 thence (3) In n westerly direction along Flemlnston 1 Trenton 2 115,545 tho Routhcrly lino of lot No. 81 two hun- 124,198 dred and nhty-nevon feet and ilx-hun- New Bruntwirk 1 Perth Araboy 1 drcrfthn of n foot to the easterly side ol 197,427 enld Stnto Hitfhwny; thenco (4) In i Ashury Park 2 noutherly dtroctlon along the easterly (Id Fr««hold 1 Morrlstown 2 Ol.EOe of Bald Stnto Highway, novonty-five feel »4,82« to tho point or plnce. nf HeRlnnlnff. Tomi Btv«r 1 Patflrson 8 172,681 Intended to bo the name land nnd prem- Salam 1 82,099 ises convoyed to tho mild Louis Bonlfacli •Somervllli ] 4),872 tty deed from (Ilmimnry Realty Company, Newton 1 28,177 body rorpnrnte, tinted July 16, 1024, an Elisabeth 2 204,240 3-pc. BATH OUTFITS recorded In the Mmimmith Counir Clerk' Wiitrleld 1 ofilro In Hook 1207. riiKO 80, oto. Washington 1 ST.444 Bolted nn the property of Mnry PaMsrl 0 (unmarried) fit nit., tnlton In execution a 49 2,521,418 the milt of Ked Dnnk KulHlnH nnd Lou Aonoclntlnn, a cnrporntlnn of the Bt&te o Note: The estimated number of NiMie Hncr nt Any Trloc Now Jerney, nnd t« bo mid hy annual Inspections are for counties. 6-ft tub 31 Inches wide over all, lDxVMnch lavatory with 44- HKOUr.Fi H. HOIJERTR. Sheriff. Where there l» more than ono station Tlfttcil July 10, V.KIO. In n. county, tho number Is listed op- lncli back nnd tho Now Art Mixing Fnucet, Syphon washrfnwn Ilowdril S. ilicKlin'Mi. S«l*r. poslto tho nrBt station named. olonct, outfit of first quality vltreoua china. The greatest washer value we have offered in 50 years . . . Our 4-STAR GOLDEN JUBILEE KENMORE With a 20% Larger Tub and Automatic Pump You save at least $20, for you can't duplicate this 54 BROAD ST. washer elsewhere for less than $75.

»UQ $ft Dawn; New Medical 55 $R Month Bath Floats T.ii'No urn tlw ft'titurvH you win it uml only Hennioregivfti Away 2 to, 5 von nil nt Uiriti; Htifuty water iicAUin Ckmmi elullujfi HmiiWxlnn Uiow fWtiHH. Ynilr luxly lOBRlns Iho • Ilin lovollmxs "f youth, ltaduclnn untifificB nnd the [thirgt-quenching goodlier that cools nnd r«:frcnlill'*lly imlorsi C>l- Sears, Roebuck and Co. A-MII •• III* "•»•• aclintllto SATE way t» ml thin quick, ONLY "»r, On Morlir-Tlank (limrsnts* at fl aro delightful realities that no ordinary IK-IT run combine. Try it I 27-29 Monrnouih St. MD BANK fed Bank 1390 Ray Drug Rtnr«. BEER THI JOHN IICHLIR BRIWINO COMPANY • NEW YORK CITY • M»mbor of Ih. Brewon' Board of Trado, Inc. FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE BED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 6, 1986. of Spottsylvanla an the 12th of May, Hed Bank undertaker, announced Henry Demmert, who had recently J«Jc« Caron and Frank Herbert, PLAN AHEAD ...BOOK NOW ! resigned. Associated with Mr. Bor- i* popular comedy acrobats who 1864, Captain Sleeper fell while gal- himself as a candidate for coroner on lantly leading his company on a FOR Items of Yesteryears the Democratic ticket. den were Charlen Q. Duboli, William i»de their hom» at Fair Haven, T. VanBrunt and William M. Thomp- •«r» malting a big hit In San Fran- charge. A tablet to his memory wa« The annual fair of the Church of erected in Trinity church, Red Bank, Our Lady of Perpetual Help at High- son, all well known horsemen. uco. Labor Day and Fall Cruises Mrs. Charles Burd of Mlddletown Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cave of he having been a member of the From Register Files lands was opened with- an address church. HELEN LEE GETTY delivered by John E. Foster of At- township realized over $100 on • prlngfleld, Massachusetts, were vis- TRAVEL SERVICE lantic Highlands. The committee In small patch of potatoes aggregating ting Mrs. Daniel Ely of Holmdel. Captain Sleeper's widow and fam- 18 Medkanio St. lied Bank, N. 3. Fhone ma charge of the affair consisted of less than two-fifths of an acre. Iprlngfleld was 100 miles from Holra- ily continued to reside In the home- All tlcknta laid at companies' publlahed ratal. Happenings of 50 and 25 Year* Ago Culled From The Terry Martin, Bernard Creighton, Charles Edward Williams of Little iel and the visitors made, the long stead. Tho willow tree grew in girth John Travers, Joseph McName, John Sliver died at the Long Branch hos- rip by automobile. and stature until It was the largest News and Editorial Columns for Entertainment Duncan, Dr. J. L. Opfermnnn, Dr. J. pital. He was a direct descendant of Miss Marjorle Mullln, daughter of willow In tho village. But with ad- MONEY LOANED J. Rowland, C. Mel Johnson, Grandin Daniel and Mary Williams, who were William Mullln of Rumnon, TjwaB at vancing age tho limbs commenced to nn Jewelry, Sliver. Million) Instrument* V. Johnson, James Hines and E. A. members of the Society ot Friendi Washington, D. C, where she was decay and tho trunk became rotten Binocular*, etc of Today's Readers. Intermann. '•'• of Shrewsbury, Isitlng1 har uncle, Major Rugan of at tho heart, until fears were enter- Ucanl.d and Bondad by StaM at N. i. IVE PAY CASH FOB OLD GOUJ AND 8ILVXB James Martin, who had conducted The Navcslnk Methodists realized is United States Army. tained that a wind storm would blow Fifty Years Ago. Twenty-Five Years Ago. It over on the house. The heavy The Publio Utilities commission a barber shop at Atlantic Hlghlunds ov'er $200 at a two-day fair In Nave- When Mrs. John Herbert of Eaton- Thousands of dollars worth of dam- many years, died of a complication sink hall. Mrs. Robert Johnson was iwn walked into her kitchen sho storm of Friday night intensified the Broadway Loan Co. fleld crops and roads and the Consolidated Gas company fear of a catastrophe of this kind and age to of New Jersey came to an agreement of diseases. He was 56 years old and general chairman of the arrange- mnd the wood box on fire. Tho 208 Broadway, ung bride there to make a home Whltneld Bulldlns, Rod Sink streets were to be lighted by kero- ennie Curtis, who planned to be the season. The apple crop was p*- Mrs. Frank L. Blaisdell' on East married to Percy Houghton. ppcted to be largo and Captain Wali- >r him. The willow Blip had grown John J. Quinn. Theodore O. Paraoni, sene lamps. The total cost of light- Front street. Miss Blaisdell's guests rongr and lusty and flourished llko Thomai P. Doremus ing a section of the town by gas was There was a lively time around ng anticipated a large output of j were Charlotte and Margaret Ed- il cklerand applejack. is biblical green bay tree. Here Mr. to be $600. the town to furnish the he Shrewsbury railroad station, wards, May Throckmorton, Gladys loeper and his family lived until the DR. L. W. CARLBON lamp lighter. There would be seven farmers were getting good prices for Ernest E. Pcscux of Hazlct, while i Hopping, Dorothy Redkless, Nan McA werlng war clouds broke in a fury SURGEON CHLtlOFODlST lamps to burn all night at $30 per 'otatoes and an average of 2,000 bnr- hauling freight from the railroad stn-j r.0.lni Helen Enrlght, Mabel Bray, iver the country in 1861. In answer FOOT AILMENTS " lamp and 26 lamps to burn half the els were being shipped daily. All tion at that place, fell from his i Hclcn Jarnca| Gladys Eilert, Olive wason. and. received a broken lo . Hi I , | President Lincoln's call for men to Office Hourtt Dally 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. night at $15 a lamp. Sylvanus Bedel lotatoes sold in New York wein .sold K McCo gani Llzzlo Dav gi Armande ive the country from disunion, the Evening*' Tuesday and Thursday. was engaged as official lamp lighter ly weight and the farmers had to ,vas removed to the Long Branch Bartholemy, Jean Frost, Grace Crow, For appointment oboni 2442. hospital. •orthy sons of Monmouth atres of the town at $20 per month. He weigh their potatoes before shipping. Myrl Eilert, Adeline Stilwell, Marlon rang to arms, and Citizen Sleeper B0 BROAD ST. RED BANK. N. J. was to take care of all the gas lights The weighing was done on Charles Harold Stout of Everett, who lived Talmadge, and Thelma Pryne, Ar- loed a company of mon In Shrcws- and also 20 oil lamps. I:* Hurley's scales and he surely was on the Holmdel road, was one of the thur Swift, Benny Atwater, Clark ury township and was given a cap- 'The Adelphia Baseball club of Fair a busy man. most successful truck farmers in Worthley, Raymond and Haro'.d in's commission by the Governor JOHN E. DAY Haven defeated the Highlands nine Clarence E. Boughton, Robert Cook that vicinity. He was avera^irv: Johnson, George Truax, Jehu Cooper, tha state. Other companies were In a special match game by tha and Pearl Worden, pupils in the three loads of produce weekly to the Thomas Morford, Ellsworth Alexan- ninth grade of the Red Bank high •listed and the Eleventh New Jcr- Funeral » Home score of 11 to 3. The game brought Red Bank" market anil each load der, Edwin Conrow, Kenneth Wyo- y State Volunteers was organized • out a large gathering of rooters for school, were awarded penmanship netted him an average of $50. koff, William Pintard, Henry Ltpplh- Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register's Class* diplomas by th» A. M. Palmer School md aent to the front, where they PHONE 332. botlv sides. Howard S. Borden was appointed cott, Frank Borden, Leon Reussllle, on won the soubriquet of tho 141 Broad St., Bed Bank ified Advertisements. Here you find the seller whd of Penmanship of New York. director in charge of racing at the Thedore Parmly, Edgar McClees, Rex The echooner Sarah Craig was John J. Gorman of Fair Haven, a Eleventh." At the battle wants to sell and the buyer who wants to buy, i §truck by a heavy squall off Sandy Monmouth county fair in place of Morford and George Stilwell. Hook and was capsized. She car- ried a party of 11 Philadelphia and a crew of five. Seven persons per- ished. J. M. and C. O. Dennis, proprietors of the West End hotel on West Front street and Railroad avenue, adver- tised that they had put in a complete stock of fine wines, liquors, beers and cine chances domestic Imported cigars. A Register reporter talked with Robert Allen, Jr., who had received favorable notices in state papers as a possible Republican candidate for governor. Mr. Allen stated, "I am not a candidate for any political of- fice and I am far from being a poli- tician. A regular politician as a gen- your ft eral rule seeks to entertain you with smlleg and bows and falsehoods. He lives without virtue and dies without repentance." A little boy went into Uncle Rufus Ogden's place at Keyport and turned the faucet of tho tank containing Neatsfoot oil and then ran out of the store. The fact that the faucet had been turned on was not discovered until the oil began to drip from the celling of the room below. Over 20 gallons'were lost before the trick was discovered. '-' John Conrow of Ea'.ontown was awarded the contract for building the stone abutments for a new county bridge at that place. Colonel Ifonel, proprietor of tht Monmouth Park clubhouse, was sum moned to appear at Freehold tc INSIST ON SILVERTOWNS IF YOU WANT show cause why his hotel license a Monmouth Park should not be for felted for allowing gambling on the GOLDEN PLY BLOW-OUT PROTECTION premlies. ] Red Bank was without any street Woman Driver: "All I remem- out—that might have been pre- lights due to Lamp Lighter George ber, Officer, is hearing a BANGl vented if your car had been equip- Ellenburg taking his spite out on Then the enr rnn crazy. I guess I'm ped with Goodrich Silvertowns. ' • the commissioners for appointing lucky it wasn't more serious." Sylvanus Bedel in' his place. He Silvcrtowns have something no HAND SIGNALS ro* DRIVERS omitted to light the lamps and when Officer: "I'll sny you are. Do you other tire in the world bas—the know thousands nrc killed or UtttvhmA t,nA - _Mj . ,. , . people came out of church they Life Saver Golden Ply, a layer of ovfti oy tha Foutlh National found the town enveloped in what injured in blow-out accidents every special rubber and full-floating cordn a good sister of Israel termed Egyp- year?" scientifically treated to resist in- tian darkness, • • * ternal tire heat. By resisting this William Buck, an employee on Riding on unsafe tires is n Ramble heat the Golden Ply keeps rubber .Alonzo Jackson'.H place at Tinton no motorist can afford to take. Your nnd fabric from separating—keeps Falls, went treading for clanw at brakes ond your steering gear may blisters from forming. And when tho Highlands. He got beyond his be in perfect shape—but could they you prevent the blister, you pre- depth and was drowned. / hold you on the road if a whirling vent the high-speed blow-out. Play Chnrles Applpgnto and John White, tire suddenly blew out? The law of safe. Have your Goodrich dealer town night watchmen, found the overages is nil nrjninst you, unless equip your car with n set of Golden H'TTUIM ntore of George Hance, Jr., full of you're properly protected. Ply SiWcrtowna. Remember; they Hani) and am •Klano'aa' smoke. They broke- Into the More (he Gooim Ciirtlip nml William It Its freedom from harmful chemicals Blower, both of Hrnlxtyvllle, wen nmrrled at Colt's Nrcli hy ILnv. WITH LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN PLY BLOW-OUT PROTECTION and from corrosive action makes it (Jooi'KO W. I^nlmw. Mis* Mlnorva I.udlow of Kenna buvg and Kdward Hitvenn of I'or 0LD ST0UT safer for your motor. Monmouth wore married at Keans- nsw "^ R Tire, Stores burg by Hev. B. II. Pottor.

Minn Borah ft. Hlrylter nnrl Davlc 115 West Front St., Red KBank nn n , H. Btiykitr, both nf Mnrlhoro, war. Broad HI., fi)ircw«liur.v ,,,,,, HAIIOM, m«rrl«d Bt (hut plura by Itov. W, N Keanank 130 R,..,i Long Branch .WhlU, ALL GULF REFINING COMPANY TOP PERFORMANCE ... at regular gas price RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 6, 1936. Pace JKWIUOB with th» KwiMturf fiv* ud while the letter's daughter, Mrs. STAMP CLUB TO MEET. sent from Laker*Como, New Jersey, New Legislation t»n o*nt »tor» on CUT avroui. Port Monmouth. Howard W. Roberts, with her hus- and bore an imperforate Century of MlitM Ma* WUltok, Vivian New- band and daughter, Miss Elizabeth Notices for Nejft Meeting Bear Un- Progress stamp with green cancella- (Tht Bed Bank ZtailUter can b« bought Roberts, are making a vacation mo- usual Cancellation. man and XatliirlM Ball hive «lv.n n Fort Monmouth from Larry General!!. tion. This notice makes a very at- Aimed To Benefit up their positions with thi Ltybro Charles Mcycri and Charlei Llebhaoier.) tor trip to Pasadena, California. The Monmouth County Philatelic tractive addition to tho already Im- Sears Invites You To Mrs. PentermrLTin expects to go to pressive series of announcements Manufacturing company. Plans are progreBBlng rapidly for society will meet at. the Red Bank Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Aumack Pasadena in tue fall to spend the borough hull Friday ' night, August concerning the club meetings ar- Motor Passengers he firemen's fair which la to be held winter with her daughter, Mrs. Har- and children, Billy, Beatrice and hursday, Friday and Saturday, Au- U, at 8 o'clock. A feature of the ranged by tho club president, Her- Attend Their Canning Alda ot Ms.ts.wan, spent last Sunday ry Ives. evening will be a barter, trade and bert W. Hill. gust 20, 2\ and 22 (or the benefit of A bag of nitrate of soda In Albert Regulation! Which Have Become Ith Mr. and Mr*. Robert Thorne the fire company at the (Ire house and auction. ,nd family. Johnson's chlckenhouse caught fire Tho notices for the meeting were Demonstration Aug. 7-8 Effective Seem Likely to Pro- grounds. KaHi night a ground prize from spontaneous combustion Satur- Boys can make extra pocket money Mrs. Earl T. StulU and daughter will be awarded. duce Big Change in Transpor- Diana of Keyport were Tuesday visi- day. The blaze was put out before A canning expert will be here to show you The swimming meet at Freibott's much damage was done. • • tation Conditions tors of Miss Nell HataUn. >ool Friday night attracted about 300 how easily canning can be done if it is done Mlia Vivian Newman has accepted Richard Weiss of Belford sang a persons, many o( whom came from solo at the Baptist church at this Qutters'Conductor Pipe - Sheet Metal correctly and also show you how to save money position at Atlantlo Highlands. dlatant places. Tho events wero place Sunday morning. The tait cession of the legislature Miss Grace Klepp of Newark Is a marked by keen competition and as well as time. paised a number ot lawn designed A curiosity in the form of five ears guast of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and close finishes. of corn Joined together was gathered MINER SUPPLY COMPANY to prevent tho transportation of Mrs. Fred Klepp and family ot Stone Mrs. Joncphtno Mills entertained paaaengera In motor vehicles which by W. L. Palmer on his farm last W\ Front & Twirl Sts. Bed Bank 8S83 The Famous road. 'rlends from Asbury Park Sunday. week. Tho ears were of varying an without Insurance and without Mrs. Antoinette Htrannon has rel- omnibus registration, Thesa lawa, Robert Boylan of Jersey City It a sizes and each was well covered with lsltor at the home of hli brother- atives from Irvlngton at her home. kernels. The freak was exhibited at known as Chapter 192 and 193 of Mrs. Walter Bodgett and family of the liwi ot 1036, are Bald to ba in-law and lifter, Mr, and Mri. Theo- Red Bank at The Register office, Kerr Mason Jar dore Franzen. Jersey City have moved into their where it attracted much attention. aimed to apply principally at per- bungalow on Mills avenue for the Tha jar that eliminates loss by sons who transport group» of em- Misses Ruth Ooldfarb and Rea balance of the summer. Mrs. D. M. Fountain of Bloomfleld ployeea to their places ot work un- Kaufman of New York were week- was a Sunday guest of Mrs. Wilbur spoilage. Patented seal cap )• Relatives from Jersey City are vls- Roberts. quick and positive. der terras whereby the passenger* nd vliltors of their families here. tlng Mr.i. Harry Moaon. pay a weekly sum, or share In the Mrs. Madelyn Seaman spent last Mrs. Amallo Gross and Miss Elsie Preparations are well under way cost of operating the vehicle. Wednesday at New York on busl- Mizcr visited Frank Mizer of Sea for the supper which is to be held Quart Size 85c doz. The following outline of the new ess. rlrt part of laut week. Saturday evening for the benefit of Who May Apply lawa Is printed In the beltof that It Misses Katheryn Brannlgan and St. Mary's church. Mrs. Patrick Pints 75c doz. Mrs, Gertrude Kolb of Tncoma. Leuch and Mrs. Harry Collins, co- will prove of Interest to Register Mary Preston were Red Bank visi- Washington, Is mnltlng a stay with 1 chairmen ot tho Bupper committee, readers because of tho large effect tors Monday. > her son, Leroy Kolb. Heavy zinc jar caps to which the new legislation seems and their assistants are encouraged Miss Alma Bailey of Long Branch Mrs. Sadie McCJrath and her two over the large advance sale of tick- likely to have upon transportation spent one day last week as the guest children have/ '.returned to Jersey For A Personal Loan? fit all Mason Jars ets. conditions In this lection: of her sisters, Misses Adele and City after having spent two weeks at Chapter 192 provides that "any Thelma Bailey. their summer hnrno at this place. Mrs. George Roman of Keansburg, 25c doz. formerly of this place, is very sick person using his motor vehicle for Mrs. Barbara Lease has returned Mrs. Howard Crosblo Is able to be transportation of passeVigers tor hire out after having been confined to the with pneumonia and the UBO of an Any individual with a regular in- Extra heavy jar rings to to her home following a three-day oxygen tent has been resorted to. without having an omnibus regis- stay at the home of her son-in-law house with sickness. tration shall bo subjoct to a fine not Mrs. Catherine IJddy was a visitor Dr. Marc Krohn of Belford Is in at- fit all Mason Jars and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Felix B. tendance. Mrs. Roman is a daughter come from salary, commissions, busi- exceeding $25 or Imprisonment not Smlthe of Orange. at Jersey City week. exceeding 80 days." A second of- of the late Judson Palmer of New 5c doz. Mr. and Mrs. William Rlvell and Mr. and Mrs. Willlnm tt. Mallett, ness or other assured source. -It is fenae Is subject to a fine of $100 or Jr., and Mr. nntl Mrs. Wilbur Wlllett Monmouth. Imprisonment not exceeding SO days. sons, Raymond and Robert of Scotch Joseph Thatch has sold his motor- Plains, spent Sunday with Mr. and went on a llshing trip Sunday In Mr. Chapter 193 provides that any per- Malletfa boat. cycle About two weeks ago the mo- not necessary tk-he a depositor of son using hla motor vehicle for Mrs. WUUam H. Newman. torcyclo was In an accident at Long Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mack and William Poling, Eon of Mr. nnd transportation ot persons for hire Mrs. Russell Poling, is confined to the Branch In which a woman of that this Bank. must carry $5,000 liability Insurance Julius Frannn were Sunday visitors house with skin poisoning. place was struok and Injured so bad- •which nuiBt bo filed with the muni- at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Brnll and Joseph Co- ly that she died. 'Witnesses of the cipal clerk and a certificate thereof Kurt* ot Jerney City. vert of New Lisbon and Mrs. Carrie accident agreed that Mr. Thatch was •with tho commissioner of motor ve- Walter Arose and family ot Voorhoes of Belfonl visited Mrs Wil- not at fault, but after the accident he hicles. It alSD provides that th4 Everett spent Sunday with Mrs. liam H. Wlllett Friday. did not care to ride the machine. commissioner of motor vehicles ll Arose's mother, Mrs. Raymond Du< Mrs. Leroy Kolb and her children A daughter was born to Mrs, Cl&r not lssua any registration plates to beskl. spent last woek with Mrs. Kolb's sis- ence Kruge Monday morning. any vehicle which does not carry Farmers throughout this section Personal Loan Miss Catherine Kolodzle of Union ter at Jersey City. this Insurance. Chapter 103 also continue to rejoice over good prices Beach was a recent local visitor. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. V. Homan re- 1 provides that any persons carrying turned home Tuesday from a stay of Almost everything they raise is A card party for the benefit of St i passengers for hire In his private Ann's church of Bast Keansburg was four days -with relatives In Pennsyl- bringing larger returns than was k - ^" car after August S2, 1936, without held last Tuesday evening In Fltz- vania. true at this time' last year, The «- -t- — having Insurance shall bo guilty of Tho grounds of Community church drought has caused some damage, bjit Department patrlck's hall under the direction of a misdemeanor and subject to crim- Mrs, Nelson Raub, Mrs. Joanna Rich have been put In flrst-class condition regret over this la moro or less Blue Porcelain Aluminum Canner inal punishment therefor. by tho rhen' of the concrec;atlon. All washed away by the higher prices. and Mrs. Frank Vogel. Miss Eleanor Irwln of this place Enamel Canner Made of heavy These laws are said to be princi- June* Lloyd and family of Kcans weeds, poison ivy and underbrush Durable enamel pally directed at a large group of have been removed. nd Miss Helen Zaner of Williams- hard aluminum. burg have taken up their resldenco port, Pennsylvania, aro on a two over heavy etecl. ^| OC Wire rack holds persons who uso tholr prlvata auto- here. Norman Willett was a visitor at Wire canning ' [| •£" mobiles for transportation of work- Perth Amboy Monday. weeks' motor trip to Maine, the 1 one-quart jars. Miss Vivian Compton, daughter of Gaspe peninsula and Quebec rack holda 1 ono- 18 ers to and from their place of em- Tho .Port Monmouth Aeoa were quart Jars. ployment. In some Instances a man Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Compton, wll defeated by the Condor Athletic club The First National Bank enter the Presbyterian hospital at who is employed at a large factory of Newark by a score of 5 to 3 Sun- The road to better and bigger busi- Wood carries three or four of his fellow Newark ai a student nurse In Sep- day at this place. Next Sunday af- ness leada through The Register's ad- employees back and forth to work tember. ternoon thn Aces wll play tha Owls vertising columns.—Advertisement. Tub Freezer at a fixed eum per week. At times Mlas Julia Day was hostess at a of Jersey City at tho local grounds of Eatontown, New Jersey no fixed sum Is decided upon but card party last Tuesday afternoon. at 1:30 o'clock. reg. 1.19 valua each passenger pays a share of the Pandora Lewli Is confined to her cost of operating tho car. Practic- home on Stone road with a severe Special ally all siicn automobiles are oper- case of summer influenza, and Is un- L. W. Lancaster Member Federal Reserve System Frl. & Sat. ated without omnibus registration der the care of a physician. New Monmouth. plates which aro required by law Civil Engineer and Miss Kay Kowal Is entertaining Rev. Father GIUIs of New York, a Only 98' and without insurance for the pro- her cousin. Miss Stephanie Bonowlch tection ot passengers. noted radio locturerr, conducted mass Surveyor of New York. at St. Mary's church Sunday morn- Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation A dandy freezer at a The principal purpose of this new Peter Nagrost of South Amboy was Ing and preached a sermon on "Love Surveys • Plans • Estimates bargain price, 2-qt. law, It Is said, Is to furnish protec- a recent guest of his parents, Mr. Thy Neighbors." He spoke of the tion to the publlo In the form of Engineering Construction size with self adjusting and Mrs. Joseph Nagrost of Fourth danger of tho United States becom- wood scrapers on dash- Insurance In CSBO of accidents. It street. ing Involved In European wars and Approved Mortgagee Is said that one factor that Influenced TOPOGRAPHIC MAFPINu er. Keep eldea of can Joseph Norton has returned to bis entreated his listener,, not to bo In- tho pnssnge of the new legislation fluenced by hatred propaganda, Federal Housing Administration free from caking cream. was that several years ago at Red home on Long Island following 20 Battba Road Bank, an employee of a factory, visit at the home ot his brother-ln George Pentermann, Jr., la stop- while carrying several of his fellow law and slater, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas ping for a month jyith his grand- Fair Haven, N. J. members to work In the morning, Brannigan. mother, Mrs. Emma Pentermann Refrigerator Pan was Involved In a serious accident William Preston, 15-year-old son ot in which one of bis passengers was Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Preston, Is Regularly 1.29 fatally Injured. Due to the fact rcaoverlng at his home from Injuries that he carried no tssurance the sustained In a fall from a moving persons' In his car were left without truck. legal redreea. Michael 0tagman was a recent Th« new law will furnish addi- Marlboro visitor. Onlj *^ ^* tional revenue to the slate by com- Misses Martha Carhart ami Gladys pelling tho use of omnibus registra- Olsen of Keyport were Friday guests •Tho big feature of this pan Is tion plates, Such plates must now of Mrs. Anna Hopkins. ita extra depth. It wilt hold a be used by taxtcabs, busses and all Miss Estello Blgnore of Matawan, head of lettuce, easily. cars for hire. Tho now taw places John Like and Thomas Marvel of motor vehicles used for transporta- South Amboy and Miss Nell HaUlan tion of passengers In the seme eate- spent Saturday at Philadelphia, John Dilnane and children, Anna, Electric Mixer John, Jr., and M&rylou of New York, West Keansburg. spent Sunday with relatives at this place. .19 Miss Eleanore Bivell ot Scotch Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Cierko and Plains was the week-end guest ot son John ot New York spent the 1 her cousin. Miss Mildred Newman week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dickey. ot Newman street. Weal for light batter, mayon- Miss Marie Boylan of Jersey City Peter Schlaugh entertained friends has returnod to her homo at that from Newark on Sunday. naise, eggs and cream. Coro- place following a stay with her Mrs. Florence L. Newman was a plete with glass bowl, plug and brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Newark vlBltor on Friday. Mr«. Thoodore Franzen of Twelfth Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Lewis of cord. A remarkable value. street. Irvlngton spent the week-end at Misses Mary MaesavRch, Helene their home on Stone road. Rlebolt, Helen Massavltch, Julia. Mil- Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Thorne and The De Luxe ler and Victoria Lenowlch have ac- son Buddy of Bolford were Sunday cepted positions with the Leybro guests of Mrs. Estoile Reid. Manufacturing company on Creek Mr. and Mrs. Herman B. Jones Autogas Range had as their guests over the week- road. Regularly 57a!>3 Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Lewis were end Mrs. Mary Starke, Misses Ann and Julia Starke, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- week-end visitors at tholr home on Spocln! Stone road. They aro now residing ert Starke, all of Jersey City. at Newark. Fri. k sit. L95! MM. John A. Lutz has returned to OFF FOR CALIFORNIA. h«r home at Brooklyn following stay with her family. Howard W. Robert* and Itomlly I'Jven at il:? regular price I Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Duda and Journeying There by Auto. it wns a bi;: vahu1. Nuw I ohlldren, Michael, Anna and Mary ot at. this rpducot! prico it \>\ New York, spent last week as the Howard W. Roberts of New Mon- tho biK^'crit stove bai'Kuil guests of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Llnde mouth In enjoying a month's vaca- In town. Insulated oven.f of Thirteenth street. tion from his duties as a member of with heat indicator. An| tha law firm of Snyder & Roberts of inspect iiiit will convinr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carney and chll' Atlantlo Highlands and as township you of Us viilur. dren were recent guests of Mrs. Car clerk of MIddletown township. With ney's family at South Amboy. hlB wlfo and his daughter, Miss Elis- Rlohard Ooldfarb has returned to abeth Robert*, he left by automobile his position at Nyack, New York, Saturday morning for California. Mr. Prosperity following a three weeks' Vacation Roberta and his family expect to spent with his parents, Rabbi and spend most ot the time at Pasadena, GAS RANGE Mr«, Morris Qoldfnrb. where they will etop with Mrs. Rob- Miss Cell*. Walters has accepted a ertas slater, Mrs. Harry Ives.

' $;i.ito Down !> . WOtl Monlli WU a relief (CASH With KrjriihUor S.W.Ofl You would pny moro than $1(1 for mis quality rnngo plsewhere. Full table top, wfen we needed it- onp-plecn cooking top, ful- Iv elmtnrlnl. A bjir^ftln If ever thuro wn.n ono, ,.» ... we'll lend It to you, too. And lllce hundreds EXTRA SPECIALS of other people,' you'll Friday & Sat. Only find it easy to repay. Add up those cash needs Master Mixed 2S% Allowance nnd telephone or see House Paint For Your Old Tire* us today. When You Buy Charge* are %Y*% an unpaid monthly Inline Loan* up to $300— ALLSTATE TIRES 18 month* to repay Noun IInor n');iLulli!;m of imrnn, T)IM Tim Ut*a» N.w. WOR — Monday, »nuki> or pi In*. Wedn.adar, Friday al i A. M. and Sunday, at 10 A, M. Kl*«trla !))»»>••«» Naturally, we want to run what Midciletown. New J»ra«y you want to learn to cook and there In making white sauco, it la well to seems to ba only one way to do that. -emember that 2 level tablespoons of If there is something special that you Chutney Is One Of Those Things utter creamed well with 2 level ta- would like to know how to cook, LET JACKIE HAVE A PET ilexpoons of flour will thicken each write and ask for it. In this way we Brookside Inn half pint of liquid. are sure to please everyone. , 8. STRAUSS, Mgr. That Will Go Excellent With All But to gel back to the recipes for An application of pure glycerine today, Cocoanut Dreams and Choco- Home Cooking in frult-staincd llnon, will lnBuro late milk shake coupled with last Stute Highway, Containi "One Thomand and One Things"—Yet Deliciou. With Mrs. Raymond B. Ladd, of fitrat- complete removal of stains in laun- week's salad makes a delightful Meat, Salad, Seafood, Etc. ford. Conn., a reader of the Falrfleld, dering. combination. No one need be Conn., News., is the winner of a ashamed to serve it. Shrewsbury Seceni hand-made, hand-painted Sal- Vinegar will remove all traces of rhone 408 Eatontown. COCOANUT DREAMS BY SIDNEY SNOW ad Bowl. Mrs. Lucid'a recipe la as odor from a pan in wiilch onions 1 cup sweetened condensed milk 50c Full Course Dinner oOi follows, and very unusual it is: liavo been fried. Bring the vinegar MENU. In a suburban town, outside of walnut catsup and other mysteries APPLE OMKLK'f to the boiling point. 4 cups nhredded cocoanut can be studied in recipe form but it H teaspoon salt Aiipetlier, Choice Clama on the New .York, a group of people were 2 large apples Halt Shell, Fruit Cup. 8WmD sitting, chatting. When the conversa- Is better to hurdle the malting pro- 1 tablespoon butter A little orange Juice added to 1 tablespoon vanilla Cocktail. Tomato Julo* « tion figged, someone with ambitions cess and leave that business to the 1 tablespoon Hour strawberries will greatly improve the Combine milk, cocoanut, salt and Soupa, Choice Celery or Colsktn to "bo considered literary, spoke up acrobat, magician and tight rope ar- li cup milk flavor of the berrleB if they are not vanilla and mix well. Drop from a Sherbet with' "What do you really Ret out tist who assembles the ingredients 2 eggs cry Bwcet. teaspoon onto greased baking sheet. • Choice of Hont Turkay, of Klpllnfr. taklnfi his work as a com- and puts them together. The long Bake In a moderate oven (850 K.> for One-Hoir Fried Chicken, Rout and short of the thing Is this—chut- Peel, core and slice tho apples. Hoofiu. eChicke K|,h, nSmM , )&SUll Kinsk . posite whole?" . ney is great eating, but one can't eat Melt butter and steam the apples for Lemon juice Improves prunes when 10 minutes. Makes 3 dozen cookies. Potntooi, Veitetiblei and Saltd And then someone, much better enough of it to make it worth while five minutes. Add mixed, the flour, added as BOOH as cool. If desired, % cup of chopped figs, Plo or Banana Split road but not particularly ambitious making it. milk, yolks of eggs, and stir well; candled cherries, or currants may be Crackers and Cheese, Mlnti to bo literary, said: "I pet a picture then add the stlflly beaten whites of added to the mixture before baking. Toa or Coffee of a great mass of English army olli- Talk though to any retired English A pinch of salt added to apples for Indiaman and you start tight in tho egg3 and the apples. Turn Into .pplo sauce makes them lender and These cookies have a chewy texture Bally and Sunday cors Just finishing tiger hunts and a buttered pan, cook and fold. Serve and the sweetness of macaroons. busily engaged catlnp; chutney! making up for lost time and the jar improves the flavor. There was that "chutney idea of chutney goes to work. It comes immediately. CHOCOLATE MILK SHAKE SOc in handy with hot meat, cold meat, A box of Cox's Gelatine and an Never mix the fata In which dough- attain. For years, I had had fleeting apron lias been awarded to Mrs. F. 1 cup granulated sugar thoughts about chutney. Now and sea-food, in salads, alongside of sal- nuts, vegetables or fish have been H cup cocoa ads—in fact, listen to your English- L. Gregory of Linden, N. J,, a sub- fried. Keep soparato jar for each. then, there had been chutney served scriber of the Linden, N. J., News. Pinch of salt her and there, as a condiment. I had riian and if you have an assortment % cup warm water always planned to take up chutney of materials of various consistencies Mrs. M. J. Hanley of Randalls- and shapes and sizes, you just smear town, Mti., a reader of the ReisterB- In recipes calling for soda and 1 teaspoon vanilla seriously, but had never Rotten fully cream tartar If it is desired to sub- 3 cupa milk around to it. them over with chutney, nibble off town, Md., Community News, is the the chut, save the slabs and use them winner of a case of National Beer. stitute baking powder, note the % cup chocolate syrup IVORY "Now, I've got to Ret to work and at the next meal, once more smear A cheese tray with an assortment amount of cream tartar recommend- 1 cup cracked ice iry my hand on a butch of chutney, with chutney. Seriously, though, ed and use double, that amount of Measure the sugar, cocoa and salt I told myself. I have a grand recipe of seven kinds of Borden's Cheese baking powder. given me by an American lady who there Is probably nothing that comes has been awarded to Mrs. Milton into a pan. and mix well. Add the spent many years as n missionary in in a jar or bottle that helps out the Marlatt of Hackettstown, N. J., a warm water slowly td-tho above mix- SOAP India brlnRlng back with her a great cook so much as does chutney. And subscriber of the Washington, N. J., To make rolls or blscultfl break ture until well mixed. Place pan admiration for this same chutney. So with a touch of chutney, great mas- Star. apart cleanly, dip the edge3 in melted over low heat and cook slowly, stir- the next day, I got out the recipe. terpieces of cookery unfold. For in- Mrs. Messie R. Yingiing of Rels- butter before placing in the pan. ring all the time. Boll for 3 minutos; Here was trouble. Be it known that stance: terstown, Md,, a reader of the Reis- remove from heat and allow to coal. LAUNDRY this pleasant and agreeable condi- terstown, Md., Community News, haB A heated knife Is best for slicing Add vanilla and when it Is thorough- ment can put the American cook to THE DEVIL'S EYEBROW won a rice bail and a box of All fresh bread or cake. ly cooled, stir into the chocolate syr- no end of trouble. Included in the My old English cook makes this Comet Rice Products. up. Measure tho milk Into a shaker, thousand and one things for which up by taking steamed, tender prunes, A case of Ruppert's Beer has been Add a little vinegar to tho water add a cup of cracked Ice and the one must shop are such outlandish removing the stones, stuffing with won by Mrs. James H. Potter of Ma- before washing (lsh dishes. It will chocolate mixture. Shako these to- things as chillies, tamarinds, carda- chutney, wrapping in bacon and hnpac Falls. N. Y.. a reader of the removo tho odor. gether thoroughly, pour Into glasses mons, shallotshllts , mustard .seeds, broiling. What an eppetizer! Carniel, N. Y., Courier. and servo immediately. To start tho ball Mrs. E. W. Johnson of Babylon, L. A good wrinkle la to keep a half blanched almondsalm. i BOMBAY MUSHROOMS Just for a change, cut biscuits rolling. I calleld up the best grocer in Open a can of mushrooms. Drain I., a reader of the Babylon, L. I., square Instead of the usual round. slice of fresh bread In the cake box. the neighborhood and said to him: off the water. Saute in a chafing Leader, has been awarded a case of AVE you ever been "on the fence" as to whether to let Jack It will keep the cake moist. "What's about a couple of pounds of dish In butter and a bit of minced Trommer's White Label Beer. have a dog? Well, If you are "holding back" because of the fact Peas should not be shelled until cardamons?" "Huh?" he replied. parsley. Then heap mushrooms on. A metal recipe holder with recipes Hthat dogs shed hairs on rugs, then don't let that worry you! Just ready for use as they logo their fla- "And include a sack of tamarinds.' one corner of a piece of toast and *and a can of Pompeian Olive Oil has vor. FRENCH FRIED ONIONS L Elsie Schaffer glide your electric cleaner over the rugs every day and the dog "This is Spiven's Grocery," he chutney in the other corner. Fine if been awarded to Mrs hairs will be picked up in a jiffy. At the some time, your electric MELT IN YOUR MOUTH snapped back. "If you want auto one is not thirsty. of Newark, N. J., a reader of the parts, try the Acme Garasre!" Milford, Conn.,'News. cleaner will beat out the harmful gronnd-in dirt, and as a result of Milk makes an excellent baste for "Say, listen to me," I broke in, BAZAAR OMELETTE daily cleanings, you will prolong the Hie ot your ifugs—you will baked halibut. There 1H an old. remedy for remov- "Have you got chutney ready to Make up a plain omelette. Serve make it possible for Jack to have a dog! ing the odor of onions from one's eat?" "You bet," he came back. "O on a round plate, with the omelette A cracked eRg can bo boiled with- breath—and that Is to eat garlic, K, send me some" I ordered. And I shaped as a crescent, placing a Satisfies Both out the contents being forced out, if which is reported will accomplish have let it go at that every since. mound of boiled rice In the center, the other end Is also lightly cracked. the objective without fall. But thin TARTAR SAUCE FINE is not meant to be a discussion of E Chutney Is one of those very good with a generous tablespoonful of and very intriguing, things which like chutney placed In a hollow in the Husband And Wife Jugged Chicken A ACCOMPANIMENT FOR Sweet milk will make a cake rich onions from that standpoint but mince meat, Worcestershire sauce, mound of rice. and close. Water will make a cake rather a consideration of some of tho FRIED FISH DISHES light and dellcnto, nlcp ways of preparing onions so Does This Recipe Substantial And that the goodness and flavor will re- dany a flsh dish is very dependent main, but the violent odor will be A little sherry wine adds an Inter- cooked out. Cocktail Party Plays Large Wholesome Dinner on the sauce served as an accompan- esting bit to hot chocolate. Chocolate Banana Upside Down iment Taking tartar sauce as a Of course, we have all fried onions Cake a Happy Medium good example. It is a splendid ac- with liver or hamburger, BO may we O Part In American Home Life Now As the summer drags along to a companiment for most fried fish RICE SUBSTITUTES FOR leap nimbly ovor the first grade and for "Sweet-Tooth" close, even the nicest of hot weather dishes and can be such a grand thin!; go to that nubllme creation o( fried dishes become commonplace. Wo or can turn around and be just as POTATOES AT ANY MEAL onion—tho French fried onion? Hero Successful Non-Alcoholic Cocktails Should be Low in Sugar Con- A woman wrote that she had a start to long for something more mean as mean can be. Not purpose- is how it is made: Using largo Ber- husband with the world's worst substantial and wholesome. But we ly of course, but if it isn't treated Rice Is a pleasing substitute for muda onions, peel and slice In rather tent—Two Recipes sweet tooth. In her case, if she made hesitate to undertake a complicated well, It Just won't show off Jo best potatoes at any meal. Some like It thin slices. Separate the slices into something rich and aweet enough for dinner. That is the moment to think advantage. Here is a worthy tecipe; for breakfast steaming hot with but- individual rings; dip in milk and him, she couldn't eat It. Well, we of the jugged chicken. Or it may be ter, sugar and cinnamon. Others then in flour and fry In deep, hot oil N a duck or a rabbit. Or it may be The cocktail party has become an ocktail for the cocktail party must hunted around and found a recipe TARTAR SAUCE like It for lunch with creamed flsh until a golden brown. Drain on un- 30 low in sugar content. Beware of even bits of lamb or veal. But as for 1 cup mayonnaise or vegetables and yet otherB like It glazed brown paper and salt well. important part of American home that is just what she wants. A rec- most of us, there Is nothing like a for dinner either plain or in caqpe- life. It provides opportunity for :he heavy syrupyps and highlgy y sweet- ipe that will satisfy this "sweet-eat- 2 tablespoons minced parsley These onions actually melt in your smart conversation, a chance to wear d fit ji K th kil ing" husband of her's and at the chicken, even if it has seen its best 2 tablespoons minced chives role or as the following: mouth and because of this one per- med fruit juices. Keep the cocktails days and is past the first blush of RICE PATTIES son can consume a great quantity. the new "cocktail" gown—(it used s nearly "dryy " as possiblep . This same time be something that she can youth. 2 tablespoons minced capers to be an afternoon gown), and, for allll s fof r a ddependence upon thth e ddry eat and thoroughly enjoy. Here is 2 tablespoons minced olives 1 cup uncooked white rice, washed the hostess, endless possibilities in is: We make short work of the under- 2Mi quarts boiling water ginger ales, the still or sparkling ci- taking. We bring out the trusty 2 tablespoons minced cucumber LILLY WHITE RECIPE NO. 4 the serving of dainty tid-blts. ders of high quality and fresh, un- CHOCOLATE BANANA UPSIDE pickle 1% teaspoons salt Of course, the cocktail recipes run sweetened fruit. bean-pot or maybe the less romantic 2 teaspoon tarragon vinegar 1 egg DOWN CAKE but equally effective deep casserole. l Dear Miss Wilma, into the hundreds and in the home CIDER COCKTAIL Mix the seasonings thoroughly and fa teaspoon paprika where the alcoholic concoction is es- 1 cup cake flour The meat Is cut up into convenient I shuffled all de way to prayer Add 3 cloves, 2 or 3 allspice berries, 1 cup sugar morsels, seasoned with pepper and stir them into the mayonnaise. On- 2 tablespoons melted butter meeting to hcah Rev. Lincoln pray tablishedlis, , the question is merely one and a 1-inch piece of stick cinnamon 2 teaspoons baking powder ion may be added Instead of chives. Cook tho rice In the boiling water f lti TherTh e are, h salt, dredged in flour, browned In an I gets home an der yo letter say- of selection. however, to 1 pint of sweet cider. Heat slow- ~'_ teaspoon salt butter and then deposited gently but This will make Vib cups of tartar to which 1 teaspoon of salt bas been Ing as BuBtor getting down wld noo- many homes where the alcoholic ly, stirring often. Strain and chill 2 ounces baking chocolate added. Cook until tender. Drain monla. Now you Lilly kin tell yo Jos S firmly within the confines of the pot. cocktaiktill Is definiteldf y absent, but that thoroughly. Before serving, add 2 tablespoons butter and while still hot add the rest of the lemon juice and orange juice to Add to the pan In which the meat how to knock it high as a kite. does not mean that the cocktail par- 2 eggs was browned a cup of water or broth lalt, tho egg slightly beaten and tho An yo bettah feed he what am ty need be erased from the program taste. Cold milk paprika. Chill and shape lightly into of entertainment activities. As a and stir up over the fire while the LOBSTER PINEAPPLE SALAD make noo-monta medcine— •• MINT COCKTAIL 1 teaspoon vanilla. bits of flour and so on are all taken small balls or patties. Lay in a Git ten cent camphorato oil and 10 matter of fact, many friendly souls greased baking dlBh and bruah with scintillate to best advantage on non Make a syrup of 1 cup of sugar Combine and sift the dry ingredi- Up Into a brown gravy. Pour this Here Is a salad that was served to cent mutton fat an rub in wld as alcoholic beverages. We have attend and 2 cups of hot water. Boil for 10 lts. Melt the chocolate with the •ftver the meat. Add, now, a table- us as a complete surprise by a won- melted butter, Brown In a hot oven much turpentine as oil and make It SANITONE minutes. While still hot, pour over tter In a measuring cup, add a spoonful or two of canned mush- of 450 F. for 4 or 5 minutes. Serve all hot as yo kin stan an rub It on ed countless cocktail parties where a few sprigs of fresh mint leaves, derful cook: the quality of the conversation and .tle cold milk, the egga and enough I rooms, an onion cut up, a bay leaf, LOBSTER PINEAPPLE SALAD around a roaBt leg or shoulder of he chest. tho sparkle of the wit attained great- washed and crushed. Add the juice ore milk to fill the the cup. Add a couple of cloves, four or five black lamb or separately. This makes An yo bettach feed ho what am DRY CLEANING est heights. In all fairness, though of three lemons and the finely chop- :e vanilla. Combine with the dry in- pepper corns and a sweet pickle 1 boiled lobster about 12 amall patties. awful good for noo-monla which am we must say that probably a little ped peel of one. Allow this to cool, % cup diced celery PIO FOOT SOUSE Guaranteed By then strain. Add the juice of 2 or- •edicnts and beat vigorously until chopped fine. Salt and pepper If '& cup diced drained pineapple higher standard of brain power is re- anges. Chill thoroughly and serve e batter is smooth. heeded. Put on the lid. Put the pot AN OLD TRIANGLE Git you-sef haf a dozen pig foots Good Housekeeping quired to be a success at a non-al- Melt three tablespoons of butter It cup chopped almonds an boll till de meet drap offn do bone very cold garnished with fresh mint Into the oven at medium heat and let Mayonnaise Magazine coholic cocktail party. Still, among leaves. . a cake pan seven by eleven Inch- t simmer on hour or two hours or THAT ALWAYS WORKS an den take away do bone and ml* oertaln people, even that handicap in size; brush lightly the sides of even longer, depending upon the Chill the. lobster and remove the do meet on de broth. Don yo heets As Advertised There-ln. can be overcome. That leaves only .o pan with butter. To the butter powers of resistance of the chicken neat, leaving the shell clean. Crack A bit of left over roast veal, a little up almost a cup vinegar an put in ft the problem of tho making of the Ono of tho quickest ways to find a i the bottom of the pan, add three or other meat. open the claws and pull out the meat. paprika and a dish of noodles— tablespoon hole cloves, a big pinch cocktail and even this Is not so difll job Is to advertise In The Regis- blespoons of brown sugar and stir This dish Is served right from the Mix the meat lightly with the celery, there's an etornal triangle that Is salt, a llttlo pinch popper an a bay cult, bearing one essential element li ter's Want Department—Advertise- ntil a syrup ia formed. Select four pot, placed upon the table. Tho gra- pineapple, almonds and enough may- euro cure for many a real or fancied leaf. Pore oveh de meet an juice an mind. The successful non-alcoholl ment. •< ir five well ripened bananaa of me- vy may be slightly thickened if de- onnaise to moisten. Put the salad grievance. set in bowl to Joll an den akin off de lium size; cut them in halves length- sired. Into the lobster shell and garnish Cut the veal Into slices about half fat and slice. 70-76 WHITE ST. ise and crosswise. Arrange the If one- wishes, a few bits of ready with parsley and mayonnaise. an Inch thick and as large s pl cup white flour or ln blespoon of paprika and simmer for to whip readily. Tel. R. B. 2800 P.. I " " « Cla«»c» In Tap, Ballet nnd Interpretative Dancing ?over the fruit with the chocolate With this, a fresh vegetable salad M: cup granulated sugar a few minutes. Then pour In a cup fcxercUe Cl&ues (or Women Evening Cla.tej in All Tyce» of Dnnrlnn :ako hatter and bake In a moderate or plain Bliced tomatoes or cole Blaw 2V4 teaspoons baking powder of broth and a cup of white wine (or (VISITORS WELCOMED AT ALL CLASSES) "*"<*«> iven, 350 to 375 F., for about 35 mln- will go well, and the dessert might be 1 teaspoon salt twocups of broth), add a spoonful itea or until thoroughly done. When a fresh apple pie or water melon or a Vj cup chopped walnuts ofmeat extract and last of all th» emoved from the oven, loosen the refrigerator made Ice. 1/3 cup seedless raisins veal. Season with salt and simmer :akc from the sides of the pan, In- If one wishes, the potted chicken 1 cup milk for about fifteen or twenty minutes. sert on a large plattor and serve hot may be practically finished In the 1 egg Regulate tho thlckneaH of your sauce Smart Place to Dine vith whipped cream. • morning, while the house is being 3 tablespoons melted fat by adding a llttlo more broth If need- cleaned up, leaving nothing to do be- Mix and sift dry ingredients; add ed. fore dinner but to heat It up with chopped walnut meats and raisins German Fried Potatoes go well A GUGELHOFF IS tho fresh vegetables, make up the and milk gradually, add tha egg well with thla and cole slaw with a boiled salad and assemble the dessert Thlf beaten and melted fat Bake In a dressing Is nice. For dessert, have NOT TO LAUGH makes posnlble that casunl and lei- hot oven (400 F.) In greased muffin —STRAND- surely service of dinner which so In- French pancakes with raspberry pans for 25 minutes. Makes 16 muf- uyrup and coffee. Why tho odd name Is beyond us, trigues the guest. fins. but as a cakey morsel to eat with Ice RESTAURANT cream It will bring tears of joy to DEVILED SHRIMPS a gangster's eyes. So If you want to 66 BROAD ST., Phone 1498 RED BANK llnd out If your husband Is a gang- 1 cup cooked fresh shrimps, or 1 Kter-at least at heart, make a Gugel- can Enjoy Ynur Food in Our hoff and home made ice cream, Menus for the Week 2 hard boiled eggs Here we RO after the Gngelhoff, the BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER 1% cupa medium white sauce Modern Air Conditioned Dining Room ngredients: 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 pound flnur MONDAY 1 teaspoon minced onion % pint milk 1 FRIENDLY SERVICE Honey Dow Melon i Trull CUD Shrimp Cockta|l % toaapoon paprika 1 ounce yeast Corteo Cnko Assorted Sandwiches V«g«Ubts rute 'A cup buttered crumbs 4 eggs Frl.ried Hum Potato Salad MEALS SERVED CoHco Tongue Salid Clean tho nhrlmpa; cut the eggs in 3 ounces butter Cup Cakes Peach Bhortcako quartors; arrange them in a buttered AT ALL HOURS Cocktail Hour 2 ounco.4 seeded raiiuns Iced Tc» or Milk Coltn casserole. Add the white sauce com- from Hind of a lemon TUESDAY bined with tho fcanonlngs. Cover i Luncheons 50c & 60c Pinch of maco with the crumbs; bake In a hot oven 2 to 6 P. M. •Hh Crushed C.MeVen ilroth Mlnut* Steak The method: Make the mlllt hike ltaflpbe Fruit Salmi (40ft F.) until tho crumbs are brown Dinners 75c & $1.00 MANHATTAN _20c warm nnd dlssrilvo yeast In It. Then ''Hniidl Potato Cakta or about 15 minutes. Sorvcn 4, or 6 Coireo Hnt Mul!h,* .String |]«an Salad MAltTINI, Dry ...2(lc adil all the other ingredients and mix 1'ench Ice Cream Ulackberrjr Coblar persona. MAItTINI, Sweet 2

Into It. Do not break your flowers DROUGHT EFFECTS, During the teat It was operating on Engineers Flan Outtnf. Showing Flowers from the plants—cut them with a 100 watts. Tho Monmouth county chapter of DON'T MISS knife or scissors. , Poor Policy to Change Farm Pro- ™ ' * ', Profeasional Engineers and Land Methodist Harvest Home gram For Unusual Conditions. The road to better and bigger bus]- Surveyors will hold Its annual shore Royalty Income Shares For Competition neas leads through The Register sad- j y _ and Bazaar Crop yields affected by drought dlnn r and outl g Saturdll Sep r vertlsing columns.-Advertisement. tember 12 ftt°ShJk H)ver ^Iu on church lots, Rrnud Street PAY DIVIDENDS MONTHLY Walter E. Boyd of Red Bank conditions In certain areas are bound to affect the farmer's .think- AUGUST 7 - 8th Gives Some Timely Helps Present Price $1.31 per Share ing, even If he happens to be In aa- CHICKEN SALAD HUPP Kit 00c. For County and State Fair other area not so seriously affected. Prospectus on Request Exhibitors. The successful farmer is the^'ono ECZEMA who makes the fewest changes In Phone FRANK 0. W0DEH0USK his farm organization after he has and Itching Piles Late summer and early autumn Is STA can b» r*ll«vect by using worked out the most economical pro- B«d Bank 150-1. IUd Bnnk, N. J. he time of year for county and Now is The Time to Buy wruBFirrs 1', 0. Box 801. state fairs. Connected with moat of By Qulnton James. gram. County Agent Douglass fre- quently feels sorry for a farmer who these fairs is a horticultural show. Mexico haa a new great natloanl Usually one large tent or building Is changes his farm program each highway, its flrat ambitious effort year, on the strength of high or low EX-E-MO provided for tho display of various along that line. Special atampa are Sold by Drnsiliti. kinds of cut flowers, flowering plants prices and the success or failure of PRICE 600 now being used on the mall of that his neighbors. INLAID LINOLEUM In pots, miniature gardens and beds country to proclaim Its opening.- Just at present :teinber, A. legorical design Indicative of Mexico cludes the economic production unit. Thursday, the tenth da» ;-.™y M, "hl<: h enough to try again I will endeavor High Grade Bird Floor Covering sq. yd. 0 for th1 l at work in con- D. 1938. at 10:05 oV1 "J™ . ,° »'- to give some hints of the little things tributing its part form. 79c sq. yd. Sale Price tlm« application w!}; fi^. "unsil fee., GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY that arc essential to win success. It lowancc of comml; iv. i,T"i,x'r • r n» »TW of the highway BADIO SYSTEM TAKEN?'OVEB. n-t-j T,,I «>- NATIONAL BANK Prlo* per week was due to this knowing how that V su. link In North and THTUEP »'O TRUST COMPANY many blue and red ribbons now dec- South America. Freeholders Accept Outfit After a OF RED BANK orate my home. Odd Sized Rugs Specially Priced Second National Bank of Red The 10-c gray blue Thirty-Day Test. (Fo 30x3* Cl 46o When making an entry with the and black Illu- B7 -Ralph S. Peoree, The county freeholders on Monday Trust Officer, sccrctnry of the fair association be strates some of officially accepted the county radio K*d Hank. N. »„ 4.40-21 51c suro and get your exhibit in the tho tropical scen- system after a thirty-day test. The Substituted Trustee. proper division and the right class. the r*t», Stevens, Foster it 4.50-20 ery along radio commission, composed of Chief Reuasllle, Enqs., 54c Read carefully all rules governing road with the 'Edwi n C. Sloat of Matawan,r Col. Wll- Red Bank. N. 3. your exhibits, as they will be strictly Mataloto bridge In the background.l Ham R. Blair of Fort Monmouth and Proctors, 475-19 59c enforced by the management. These The 20-c, green and brown, has a' Paul Watson of Long Branch, will instructions you will find air the be- Boys can make extra pocket money general view of the highway fading recommend that the power of the selling The Register:—Advertisement. 5.00-19 ginning of each department of the into the distance as it would look system bo increased 63c premium list. World's greatest low pries to a motorist driving south toward 5.25-18 70c Pick your flowers not quite In full Mexico City. tire. Big, Husky, Thick bloom. These after being placed In The number of stamps printed for Othir sizes In proportion Standard Speedways. Cen- cold water will open up and be fresh. the six values varies considerably. ter Traction Trend. There Is also lesB danger of their Only 15,000 of the 10-c airmail have falling apart. Select all flowers to been prepared. Of tho 20-c airs there bo exhibited and see that they are in are 160,000 and of the 40-c 40,000. good condition and as near perfect The regular postage printing was as possible. 500,000 of the 5-c, 3,000,000 of tho Do not under any conditions use 10-c and 60,000 of the 20-c. Philatelic flowers that are over ripe. Fewer experts say that the 10-c airs may good flowers well shown are better reach tho rarity classification because than a largo number of inferior collectorsgind dealers, as a rule, re quality carelessly displayed. Cut the quire considerably more than, 15,000 stems of all flowers the length to to meet their needs. Early Slavlo Educator. correspond -with the slzo of vaset you are using. An important thing to The portrait stamps of Czechoslo- remember, don't crowd your exhibit. vakia, which appear on various oc A collection of flowers does not mean casions to pay tribute to Slavic per- to get as many colors as you cansonages, historlo and. otherwise, in- together ami then jam them down clude a new on». It illustrates John Into a vase. Instead, select a goodly Amoa Comenlus or Komensky, who number of the many kinds or colors lived from 1592 to 1670 and. became (unless otherwise stated) as near noted as a philologist and educational porfoct as possible for your exhibit reformer. He also was the last bia- We regard customers of this Bank .as and then try and arrange them hop of the old church of th» Mor- showing Borne artistic taste. Good avian and Bohemian brethren. BUY NO TIRES BEFORE tasto today is an arrangement dif- In addition to his many writings on ferent from good tasto five years educational subjects, Comenlus in- people—not "numbers" or "accounts". ago. Public taste in flower arrange- troduced a simplified method of YOU COME IN AND SEE OUR ment constantly improves. teaching Latin and Greek. Let mo relate an instance of ovor- The stamp, a 40-haleru, Is deep We offer the modern and complete crowdlng. An entry of yellow flowers blue and shows a full face view of called for a vnso not to exceed 25 the savant. stalks. Ono exhibitor In this class World Not«g. departmental facilities of a sound, up- UNBEATABLE entered a beautiful collection of yel- Austria's eccond memorial payjr. low flowers fully 50 stalks, but the tribute to Chancellor Engelbert j^ flowers wero carelessly displayed in fuss, assassinated two years Bpjaced to-date, local Bank. Our aim is to a vase smaller than It should have appeared. His portrait Jne back- been. Had the proper number been agalnst the Austrian "^tamp came selected as stated and the same pul ground. The first Dolfu- In a suitable holder to show them out in 1934. e that the Army- make every contact with this Bank a off and with good taste in arange- VALUES! Indications nowo, flve valuea for ment, I am quite sure the exhibitor Navy U .3. iss£ bably would havo won second prize, as the h|s aervlce pro each branchi.eady befor6 the early friendly and completely satisfactory flowers wero superior to those of the will not Djt , . previous plans second-prize winner. Again, a beau- cmD( r part of fhat their first day sales tiful bouquet of snapdragons artis- Provl.%me about 30 days sooner. one. On this basis we shall strive tically arranged was shown. Through w°"ybe this is something different neglect the flowers were placed in . stamp club rules. To quote: "The a vaso without water. By the tlmi itamp club must meet -whether tho they were judged the flowers had al members are mad at each other or to serve the community. wilted. (Pay particular attention not." The club in question is spon- 0 tho number of flowers ^ your /'*' sored by a couple of little Chicago calls for. Where competition • , " 0 girls, one of whom is tho daughter somotlmes ono flower, morr ' of Fayctte Krum, who writes fiction will disqualify your exhiv . for the microphone.; The County's Largest Bank .. I once saw four on1.'!" !' class of stocks who- the qUttlHy and beauty of the •°»re" B0 TOTJBING MONMOBTH. Serving a Community of Over 35,000 Peopk near alike as to ttf ° thoJ^^ Finally the fir?' and a?cond Fanners, From Nearby Counties 0 tho tw C X wero awarded ,° A Visit Local Farms, most artist1 a'ly "rranged. A vaso or basket wltl1 fcw01' flowers nicoly Farmers from nearby counties and arranr<- wl" attract the judges' eye states visited Monmouth county 1 farmers to sea how the job Is done m,|pi quicker than ono that is over jwdod. Over 200 poultrymen from Cum- r berland county visited the Henry ALL- Ono oxhlblt was noticed that had Rapp poultry farm at Ardcna Tues- PATHFINDER this particular touch about It. It wa» day, July 28, and Just boforo leaving World's first oholoe u hanging basket of (lowers, basket for homo voted that Mr. Rapp had WEATHER and arrnngomont under tho rules to lire lor eoonomy one of tho most interesting layouts e SECOND NATIONAL ho taken Into consideration, The 1 It had ever beon their privilege to Urgtit MlHnJ Ura on urtli prho winner selected an odd-shape visit. ' Prim ntr WH» 30II3 C long-handled reed basket, a protty ithado of brown In color. Eighteen Tho Pennsylvania fruit growers on 4.4021 Friday, July 31, vlalted the Joseph amvanu 4.75 16 pink roses wero used and tastefully put together with a little green forn Carr fruit farms and also the Ap- 5.0011 mixed In na a filler. To give addod plogate farm and Barclay farm f 8 5.25 If. bnauty to tho wholo, a plcco of rib- nearby, RED BANK NEW JERSEY 5.50-17 bon to mntch tho color of the flowers A gonoral farm tour from Schuyl- wnn Hod In a protty bow to thi klll county, Pennsylvania, undor the hamlln, Other boskets filled with leadership of County Agent W. L. flowers equally an nice at- BolllnRor, will visit Monmouth coun- trnnt nttentlon on account of ovo ty Tuesday, August 11, having lunch crowding. at the Charles B. Probasco farm Member Feient D/foi)/ Imunnce Corpontlon Another exhibit, a protty collection near HlRhtstown, followcid by a tour of Monmouth county, through Free of zlnnna, wns shown. Tho exhibitor, 1 Frank VanSyckle a lady, admired the rainbow tlnta In hold, Bradovolt, Holmdel, Colt ! iho drlcd-up flowers which slnnas Nock and Adolphla. 151-153 West Front St., Red Bank linvo wlion ovor ripo. Bncause ah Tho Pennsylvania poultrymen on wnii not nwnrded a prize nho wn Thursday, August 20, plan to visit Ol'EN KVKNIM1H greatly dlannpolntod. the Reid Tutkoy farm In tho morn (let your exhibits to the fal Ing and later the Ilapp poultry fnrn Quick Road Service—Phone R. B. 1296 grounds an nnrly In tho morning a with luncheon at tho Arilcna church possible. Thla huutlo anil buatle Juil Tho Monmouth County 1'Jxtonalo beforo tho flowcrn arn Judged wll! Rervloe, undtr'tho leadership of tin mnko you cm-clean. An montly al county agent Is co-oporatlmf In help- out flowora nro exhibited In vaac Ing to make theaa tours both educ&. furnlahnd by tho fair aaaoclatlnn, ae tlonnl and pleaaant. lect If possible ons th« proper alii * »i» Shrewd, careful buyer, read The Reguter • Clasi for your *xfotMlv-on« thst will aho Th» Red Bank Regliter travel your flowrri* to the bent advantage— ovur «v«rv atr«et In town and ever; ified Advertisements. Here you find the seller who • nd bi> sur» that It in filled wit road in th« county. IM It curry you mimrmgn to tliosn who live on then wants to sell and the buyer who wants to buy. water baforla tho flowera an place ttiurouiitifajrei,—Adv»ril«omont. i Twelve RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 6, 1986. BUISB bond (present price $75) purchased On Vacation Trip. each month for 120 successive Rev. and Mrs. Corneliui DeBol of Red Bank Invests months will result, if each bond la he Farmlngdalo Presbyterian church held to maturity, In an ownership of ft on Monday for their vacation. Annual Summer $35,100 In Bonds $1E,000, maturity value, of these They will visit Mr. DeBoe'a family bonds, payable during tho following In Holland, Michigan, and also Mrs. 1 • • • v / 10 years by the United States govern- DeBoe'a homo In Whitman, South Sales Made at the Local Po«tof- ment on the first day of each month s Carolina. ..- fice Amount to That Much— at tho rate 6{ $100 per month. • . • •. • •: ; i In the Nation Maturity Value United States Savings Bonds may Sales Pass Half Billion Mark. bo redeemed at any time after 60 days from date of Issue and the re- P. N. Wnyno C. Tnylor, actliiR Secretary demption value is never less than Practical Front Corset of the TrcMuury, nnnouncea that tiie the purchase price. Only about three onc-bulf Billion dullur murk, nmluri- per cent of the total amount of the Graduate ty value, of BIIICS of United States bonds issued to' date have been re- Savings Honda has been juissod. The deemed. Corsotlore Sale of Furs mi)o of theso bunds at lied Bank n Attendance through tiio postoiljci! amounts to to Fit iXillW, ai'CordinK to. Information fur- Ankles Fractured Every Figure nished by, Postmaster William A. Sweeney, When Car Hits Man Savings bonds wcro first made A Pre - Season Event Planned to avuilublo on Miii'iih 1, 1035. For the Fred Hllderbrandt of Jersey City ton-months period from that date to 65 years old, suffered fractures of $3.50 tlio end of the. year, purchases both ankles last week when he was Protect You Against- The Expected amounted to n maturity^ value of hit by an automobile as he was cross- up J-'51),0UU,lH>0 or nn avcrugo dally sale ing River road in Rumson. Tho car Increase In Prices Of\Fine Furs for each business day for that period was driven by William Marlon Reese, of approximately $1,000,000, maturity who was one of the tennis players In We Have a Coriet (or Every Figure value. Purchases from January 1, the tournament last week at tho Sea 1930, to July 0, represent maturity Bright Tennis and Cricket club. Th< value of $211,000,000 or tin average Injured man was taken to River LEWIS dally sulo of approximately $1,635,000 view hospital In tho Ilumson ambu Specialty Shop To the thousahds of women who have found it to their' advantage to buy for each business day, retlecUng a lance. fjtj per cent Increase in the average (11 Broad St., Bed Bank their furs well in advance of the season, we present this sale! Tho benefits dally sales for the year.,1936 over are many ... and price is by no means the most important! Naturally you save substantially . . , and you protect yourself against any future price- Purchases for the new fiscal year rise, but more VITAL than that is the selection you enjoy. •••• beginning tho first day of July are nt an increased rato "averaging a dally maturity value of $1,823,700, J. KRIDEL'S SKINS picked in their prime, all prized, first- which is In excess of 80 per cent in- catch! WORKMANSHIP done during tho creaso over tho daily averago sales furriers' slack season when they had leisure for tho yenr 1835. Average dally sales in July, 1030, are approximately 75 SEMI-ANNUAL for careful attention! Most of all, VARIETY, • per-cent uhcud of averago sales for OF STYLES ... vital this year, since it's a July, 1035. season of FASHION IN FURS: Full-back United States Savings Bonds may swaggers flaunt slim, flat fronts! A new sil- be purchased at all postofllces of tho houette makes its debut: the flared princess first and second classes, at most of mode. There's a new uprising in collars, a tho third class, and at some of tho fourth class otllcea or direct-by-mail broader outlook on shoulders, a fuller slant from tho Treasurer of tho United SALE on sleeves! Such newness everywhere that States, or any Federal Reserve bank. whether your interest centers on a fine cara- .' ' • The dircct-by-mall sales havo like- wise shown a consistent ratio of in- MEN'S cul or a modest lapin, this, of all yearB, you crease during the last several will want a NEW FUR COAT1 ' . months. The upward trend of sales YEAR ROUND SUITS is apparently due not only to Increas- ing luimijci's of new purchasers but Worsteds, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Gab- to tho purchases mude by present ardines, in single and double breast- Furs ... Second Floor owners ;it regular Intervals. To tlato there have boon issued ap- ed, plain or sport models—in regu- proximately 1,700,000 Savings Bonds. lars, shorts, stouts and longs. AB the limitation of individual own- ership Is restricted by law to $10,000 maturity value. Issued during any 50 50 calendar year, the sales have been at- tained only thi'ougli wlilu distribution 21-50 24- 29- to investors throughout tho nation, A large percentage of the Individuals Regular Values 25.00 to 39.50 nnd corporations that purchased dur- ing tho year 1035 tho $10,000, matur- Buy Furs On An ity value, legal limit, have purchased a similnr amount for tho calendar INCOME yoar 3036. Many hnve Indicated their No Charge for Alterations Intention of making theso maximum CHARGE purchases each calendar year. ACCOUNT United States Savings Bonds are TROPICAL C IT I T Q sold in denominations from $25 to $1,000, maturity valuo. Tho $100, . . .you profit by low maturity valuo bond—$75 purchaso WORSTED O KJ 1 I O August price and pay price—is proving by far to bo tho for your coat in "easy most popular, especially among those Checks, plaids and plain colors. stages," out of in- who are. purchasing Savings Bonds under the new regular purchase plan Regular Values 15.00 to 30.00 come. recently nnnounced by tho Treasury department. This plan provides that Or... upon request, the Treasury depart- 5 ment will mail a memorandum state- 12-7 you may pay a rea- ment each week, each month, or nt sonable deposit and other regular intervals as tho pur- reserve your coat un- chaser may elect. til November 1st. Many who uro thus putting aside IMPORTED Q I T I T Q in Savings Bonds a portion of their LINEN ^ ,^ present Income for futuro needs are Or... doing so for the express Intention of Single and double breasted, plain you may charge your creating funds for tho education of purchase and it will children, creation of cash estates, and sport back models. care of dependents, and for travel not appear until No- and recreation at some futuro tlmo. Regularly sold for 13.50 vember 1st state- A'Unlted States Savings Bond ma- ment. tures exactly 10 years from its issue date, for a sum one-third moro than its purchase prico. Hence, If these 1Q75 bonds are bought at regular intervnls and arc not redeemed prior to ma- turity, tho maturity valuo will bo payable, nt the same Intervals ns tho purchases', 10 yenrs from tho respec- MEN'S SPORT COATS tive l^.sue date:;. K styling featuring the full swagger style with beautifully marked skins 2.95 " .... 941: "swing" back and smart rippled Johnny collar, bal- with a handsome converti- CHD 7.50 » _ c 3.50 " RQ pouched shaped collar, loon sleeves, novel buttons. ble roll-typa sailor collar, 8.50 " "••"«>

MEN'S MEN'S Princess Silriouette Gray Persian Black Broadtail SHIRTS Bathing Suits Sealine Coat Swagger Swagger afKtider* Tim new check*, plnldn nml Onfl plpcn nnd zlppor atyle* 79.00 was struck by a car op- [Park oval of the Long Branch Ken- that there would be racing again Its out of funds allotted to tho county bird, boast or fish that has ever overseas with the Red Bunk ambu- erated by Johnnim, who was travel- ! ncl association were those who ex- nifcht, but how much lonKer It would by the State Highway department. lived In Monmouth county or Its en- lance company. Ho suffered the In- ing in the opposite direction. Woman Rescues : pected any such outcome. It was thereafter continue was rogardod u The amount thla year, $300,000, ha« virons will be exhibited. Tho show jury to his back in an accident a The impact forced the truck, weigh- [different in 1934, only two short years a matter to be fcuessed at. been entirely allocated and tho work will start promptly at 10 a. m. and ; ago, when betting on the dogs was I-ontr Branch derived n consider- U in progress. That amount was short time ago. ing four tons, gcrostf tlie highway and will continue throughout the day. Ar- it upset. Johnson's ciir, a light coach, Four-Year-Old , "hif,'h, wide and handsome" without, able rovenue from dog racing In 1031 Inadequate, ho stated, and afl a ro- Here Is the story about his bonua JACK DEMPSEY. rangements have been made for a jariy thought that the minions ot the by lo.iJlng the grounds owned by th» ault tho county cannot take over any as told by the Evening Outlook of was damaged beyond repair. Johnson light luncheon to be served at noon. was taken to Hazard's hospital by )nw would intervene. city, but nmoiii! tho merchants of more thoroughfares unless the ap- Santa Monica: Child In River The various classes and exhibits will the Eatontown first aid squad. He j It was not the name place last Red limit and elsewhere, not exclud- propriation from tho State Highway "Well, It finally arrived." be shown throughout the day, with had several broken rite, a punctured •night, although the location was thc ing somo LonR Bmnchcrs, thcro In department Is raised next year. Free- Sftmc ln opposition to the sport. Tho feeling So saying, George E. Truex, war Street Entrance the final Judging for best of show lung and a fractured skull. Mueller Mrs. J.Joseph Hennessey of Fair ( close proximity to the "sad holder Joseph Mayer added that the 1 is cciiiM-al that tho Interests which veteran, signed tho aflldavlt which as a grand climax to the afternoon. was taken to Hazard's hospital in the K J !HC;I waves.' The minions of the law - „ which severity of tho weather last winter officially entitled him to receive his td i No one needs to feel that hia pet Eatontown police car. He was treat- promotod it derived larBo profits onij To Be Widened Haven Saved George Corey, \ were present nnd they meant busi- made the cost of repairs much great- $760 veteran's bonus. The bonds, will not qualify for some class. There ed for Injuries to his back and logs. no.sH. Every betting booth waa unin- caused decreased purchasing power er this year. which had made nearly two round habited and. clo.scd. In front of each by reason of thc losses of those wha will be a special class for pedigreed Services for Johnson "'ill be held j Jr., Entangled in Seaweed at Tho requests made by communica- trips to Washington from Mr. Tru- such place stood a stalwart state po- gambled. At Shrewsbury dogs, as well as a variety of classes tomorrow afLcrnoon at -:30 o'clock ex's home In West Los Angeles, were Bottom of the River. liceman and posted directly behind Some advocates of tho return of tion, for tho board to take over and for non-pedigreed animals. Some of at the Farry funeral home. Asbury main as countv thoroughfaree, were awarded to him for service which in- him wan a placard with the word horse racing rejoiced over tho action the tentative classes include largest Park, with Ko.v. E. J. Walenta, pas- Mrs. J. Joseph Hcinne.^sey of Fal a? follows: Manalapan township, the cluded service nt Chntenu Thierry, Borough Plans to Take Over Joseph nunnery of Fair | "Closed " which sign was entirely taken lnat night to proveent gambling1 Verdun, St. Mihiel nnd other major cat family, best cat, most playful tor of the Bradley Bi'iich Episcopal Haven pi r ] road from Rue's Corner to English- Eastern End of White Street kitten, most unusual pet, most at- church, olllciating. He was a mem- Tl ^l " L::\^u^™l™^n»>>»» for. everybody present ,n thn ,|n«rt. Tho b,3]ef battles. Monday when she saved tlie life of | knew fr0,n the minulc tliat he or she iimonjr them thnt one of the reason? town; Rumaon, Ridge road from tractive rabbit, best turtle, weirdest ber of the Harold Daly post, Veter- Originally applied for at Mel- —To Repair and Resurface GeorKo Corey. Jr., four-year-old son ontl!1.pd th(, ,.1(Hinds and saw the why the legislature did not permit & HardlnK road through Ward avenuo looking dog, most attractive pup, ans of Foreign Wars. Burial will be bourne, Florida, the bonds traveled of M, nnd Mrs. (Jcorgo C,,,py of , number of olllccra present that referendum to bo tnlten on tho ques- to tbo Rumson road; borough o£ Lit- Buttonwood Drive. most exotic fish, most beautiful bird, in Glcnwood cemetery. 4&?- New York. The child fell off the tle Silver, Ridge road. from there to Lyons, New Jersey; gnmblinK was taboo, tion of permitting horso racing to be best pedigreed dog, best non-pedi- flout of the Players B«at club. Mrs. 'Bni „ ,,.ime as iv disUncdi t shock to Iteld on a pari-mulucl system of bet- In addition, Mayor Alton V. Evans, then to Red Bank, the veteran's for- mer home, and finally followed him Repaira to White street and But- greed dog, best kept coat, heat trick Hennessey, who was sitting near byy m o,.cat WHa thclr aurpria0 and llnp; was because of tho bad tastB Street Commissioner Paul Nastasla to his former West Los Angeles res- tonwood were discussed Tuesday dog, best Angora cat and the with several other balhers, beard a j numerous were their expressions of eft by dopr raclnp; In 1934. It la said and Finance Commissioner Walton Year's Calendar idence. Then It wna necessary for night at a regular meeting oE the clumsiest pup. Ponies, goats, sheep, splnsh. Looking around tilie saw no ItlisRiist and disappointment when thnt tho piuposed legislation was BO Shorman of Long Branch, appeared Mr. Truex to mako out another ap- Shrewsbury mayor and council. Bor- alligators, white mice or, in fact, one in the water, but noticed the they hecanie apprised of the true drawn that If enacted It would have before the board in executive ses- plication, this time at the National ough !£iiKinecr George Randolph eub- even an elephant, will be.welcome. A Adopted By ClubCorey child was missing. condition of affairs. Several hours legalized betting on dog races as well oion, requesting them to take over mittca plans for the widening of thq special prize will be awarded for the The water at tho float was about Military Home, becnuse of the ten feet d0CI) Mls Ihefore the races were scheduled to is on horse races. Myrtlo avenue, from tho city lino to entrance of White street and G. Har- largest and most Interesting family - - Hennessey L . f GcorRe H. Roberts and change of address. Another time to umped lnt,i tl, water and ruun-l lart Sncl if It Is claimed by those who want Broadway, wlium it connects with pack; that Is, a group of lout or Program of Events of Red Bank u Washington for verification, then to oid NCVIUH, owner of liuttonwood, hp Prosecutor T. Raymond Bazloy ia- lorse racing brought back that this the Seven Bridge road; and Atlantic Lyons once more and finally a sec- Save his suggestions as to resurfac- more pets exhibited by members ol Young Woman's Club Pre-Hh hil being.held n. prisoner at the Bucd statements that they would take iport would Increase employment and avenue from Branchport avenuo to ond trip to West Los Angeles com- ing the Buttonwood road. the same family. ! hottom of action to stop betting on the races. property values and In many other pared at Meeting of Executive in a mass of seaweed. u Liberty stroet, making a direct route pleted the search for the owner. The taking aver of the east end of Another interesting class will be " ? , ! Later Myer Goldberg, president of wnya produce bpnellts which havo not from Fortaupeck to tho ocean front. Board Last Night. thc boy to the surface, but he slipped i i B. S. House, clerk at the Went Los White street as a borough road waa the mother and baby class. In this th c Konnc nsosclation, announced flowed from dog racing. They can jfrom her grasp and sank ajfnlri. i All woro referred to the highway de- Angeles postofllce, handed the bonds also brought before the council. It group prizes will be awarded to the th|lt thcrc W(V uld be no gambling and -eo no reason why betting on dog Once more Mrs. Ilenncssoy partment, to Mr. Truex. The veteran, who is was moved that the borough engineer best animal with her young, such as The executive board of the Ked ! nothing illegal. acing should bo allowed when bet- the child and when she reached the Tho borough of Bradley Beach an architect, Is a temporary patient be authorized to got in touch with mare with foal, dog with litter of Bank Young Woman's club at a Perhaps there waa some .surroptl- ting on horfle racing Is prohibited. mado application for $5,610 for the In Santa Monica hospital because nf the property owners and Rot deeds puppies, cat with kittens, pig with ! meeting last night adopted ita calen- surf.ico she passed him to one of the U(1U3 BamblinK done. if s00 It wasBenjamin L, Atwuter of Red Bank b hers the fl !lt le ch hl repair and maintenance of several a broken back suffered when he to the road, and to obtain permission dar of events for the coming year. I ,^, ™ " -, '" ' ""* ; very slight. In addition to tlthe state secretary of the Monmouth How litter, etc. ng y still conscious and able to walk. Mrs. slipped and fell on a wet pavement of property owners on the corners of u 1 troopers who guarded tho betting Racing: association, wore a broad streets, which was roferrcd to tho Jack Dcmpsey, according to the The club meets twice a month, and d l In front of his home. White atrcct for widening the en- h 1 Hennessey bruised her arm i1)nolhS i pla|n clothes men from the grin last night nt tho LLong Branch Stato Highway department, which committee in charge, has accepted tho year's program, together witr provides such funds. The Btreets trance. the chairman of each meeting, is as the float. Ishriirf's olllcc and tho prosecutor's dog rncea when he observed that bet- art invitation to serve as a judge and ting was prevented and ho said thaf •will include Main street. Park place, i follows: The^Coreys have ^ been ^^'"C "\ ' olllio were present to nrreat anyone About $1,000 will be spent in re- present the awards to the prize win- y Fair ,Haver n ,uthc. •hom o orf ,1M r ,. 'who mado a bet. Sheriff Roberts in his opinion Sheriff Roberts had Newark, McCabe and LaRclno avo- Seiitembei'—IttHind-up. ufltccis PR hi>M- surfacing and repairing Buttonwood ners. The former heavyweight boxer, Mrs. George C. Humphreys. dene the right thing. nues. Ambulance Squad took the Initiative In announcing that drive. in his letter of acceptance, stated Oclobcr— meeting, bullet supiici ; be would enforce thn law to prevent This morning Sheriff Roberta stat- By communication the borough of A petition was illed with the coun- that he would be pleased to do any- K(!C(inii mpotinK. Intel nntionul ulcht. Mn. KambliTiR. The sheriff states thnt the ed that the olllccr.s would agnln be Avon Informed the board that it Made 105 Calls Hpjbcit Schiicltcr. cil for the erection of a fire hydrant thing in his power to help, so worthy November—Fitut moetine. Welfare niKht. Barbour Reception prosecutor questioned him about on the job tonight to prevent bet- was making application for a PWA on Thomas avenue. It was referred a cause. MIHH Mniie liinlelnmnn; neconil meeting. whnt he intended to do and upon be- ting. Ho said he had heard rumors grant ot $100,000 for the erection of to the water committee with power Tom Howard, noted film and radio SciHittook nit^bt. MIHS Hutu Cluytoir. To Open Campaign ing informed by him ns to his course about an injunction being sought to bulkheads and jetties along Its coast, Annual Report of President Ray- to act. It was moved that the street December—I-'iriit mfctinj;. Art niiibt, of procedure asked why both officials keep the ofilcers off tho premises but ^K^^xeouni^KlthQ board to con- mond Brower Shows That Red comedian, will be one of tho judges. MIHH Vera NorcrosH: second mcetinn, flie- committee* makfr necessary repairs to A partial list of tho judges includes sida fiuciiicr. A reception in honor of Senator \V. could not work together to enforce that he did not believe It wim possi- tributi e 15% oftho costt, not to ex- Bank First Aid Sqoad Made 33 Patterson nvonne. Mr. and MrB. Charles D. Cleveland, Januiiry—I'" • meeting. Litcrjiuire Wnrren liarbour, lo be j^ivon by the jtho law. The sheriff pays he told thc ble to stop them from enforcing th» ceed $15,000 for tho county. Director lliKht. Mi»» Itlilh Jiirtruyj Kecullcl liiuetint-. Inw. In 1934 tho city of Long Emergency Calls, A motion was approved, waiving in- Dr. G, Thatcher Parker, Dr. Joseph I'rnsidcnl's nitrlit. Jlr». I,y.nrr.i...u I.M. i,,.,.-,, ,,.,i..l.ii1j,,,.,,,,ii. •miilld wan represented by Quinn, l)re»B shop and Friend* IliilldlnK »nd lation tho radio has been operated Center, Asbury Park llcnltli Center, horizontal Noon sign in tho Broad Mi-. Hunting, who has been con- ' favorite l"(ile as a "hard guy," nnd I.ojl/l AH.tiMiljilloii lo Move. by tho commission to determine If tt Kcyport Health Center, Matawan 'l'rylnjf For 1'ilot Licenses. street commercial district of Rcrl nected with the stage for many years, nut of the fcdiual surprise bag crimes July Kclief ('(lit SI,5011. In satisfactory. Colonel Wllllnm R. Health Center, Kennsburg Health William C. Hall of fiong Branch Tho huildlnir on Wiilluco >tr««t Bank will bo erected in front of the hiiH always been interested in de- Iirnna Hansrn tu maltr a long her- Blair of the cornmlBHlon recommend- Center, Long Branch Health Cdliter. According to a icpoit of Ov-r.;*- and .John l'\ Phillip of Avon, wh owned iiy llowitrd Whlllleld and rent- Albert S. Miller building. veloping ninntcur talent nnd last year alded appearance a;; the wise-crack- ed Ita acceptance and enclosed a cer- presented 114 complete nmateur acts. nurses' office, Rumson, borough hall, of the Poor Itohcrt A. Kennedy, llvd li^tve been learning to fly under tho ed by thn l-'ibind.i building nnd loan Temporary-scaffolding wns erect- ! ing maid. A]lcv, Chadwick IH dls- tiflcato from Paul R. Watson, also a Out at find ing among thn contestant a and nurses' ofllce, Atlantic High- Himll'a relief m:1 ror July wns ' vision of John I''. Citsey, man- n«.ioci!ititjr! II.KI licen rented by Th« ed yestorday In front of tin1, foot- 1 gulxcd as Mary's girl frirml, Sylvia member of the commission, certify- woro three national radio amateur landn borough hull. An entry blank $l,r)(il.?7. Mr. Kennedy had 71 relief iiKcr of tlie Ited Hank airport, left l>re,ii i|i The building nnd lonn wear establishment and by tho looka Allen. Lillian Young becomes thc de- ing that it wan satisfactory. The content winners, namely the Kumson- for the convenience of reader:! of casi-ii or 11)3 JK-IH!III:I on j I'lli-f itiirin;; thi nn>rnlng for Floyd Hennett .'ilr- asso iatio ii will movo to a niilt« of of the preliminary work the sign mure little Flo Ainslee, unrl Hob board passed a resolution accepting Innn and Ed Cognn'a Hill Billies, who Tho Register Is published below. the mouth. Three new ruses wore Hrooklyn, wher<^ they will rtionin on thr second floor of Mr. will not only be n largo one but a i Henry wear;.; bin pnlircmanV- uniform exriinifia tlon.'i for jirlvnte pilot 11- It. authorizing payment for It, and won plsicPH on Major Howes' hour, Information concerning thr show 11 lie a veteran. opened and 11 r:\\i-.', inn/lnng .!:; WlilllIrM',, building nloiiHMitn of thl heavy one. 1 directing thn clerk to Inform the and Jiune.i Kennedy, ncuordUinlfit, will bo broadcast Tuesday, WPIIIKTI- | Next week, the Frdcnil theati'l' persona , wi'ii le pi •il. Slxly-seven iillleea of Qiiliiri. I'lirmiiiH & DornmUi, It will bo of artintlc design and The entire Unit llnor nf Mr. Whit. prosecutor thnt It In complete and who placed on Fred Allen's hour. day, Thursday and Frldny, August gnuip will proHent "Piuiuit of Hap- cases, Involving Hill pi son-i In addition to featuring the llrni'.i lilt Htopplng Dog llglil. ilcid'tj iJjuaii street building hns been nccepled by the board. Funds for Tlioao wishing to enter the new 11, 12, 13 nnd 11, over station Won piness" by Lawrenre I Armlna carriei d me into namo In attractive will tinted hv the Aineilciin Htorra com- Ita oporatlon were Included In the .^rrlfM may lfnvc their nnmc and iid- during the children's hour conducted fjani-ner. New arto ' ln-lng I William Jlnidnn. son ../ I'"!)' alao Ddvcrtlno tho Arch Preserver ild-l I'finy. TIK-M. ijitalteri) tiro now occu- prosecutor's appropriation, Director dt*e,i':i at the box nlllcc at the Strand. by Uncle Don. ed to the cast, anil th of i (Illll't! )lt Atlivnllc ^IIIIIIKIH. Iri'iiind Mrs. Otto llenlcn of Wyckoff statcil. line of footwear, a full line nf which , . lloait, .Hhrewsbuiy, WJIII tiaillv pied by The Hrer<..i Hhoii and Truhln'( The only requirement is that the ap- plays Include popular lane,: felitulin,; I U carried at the Miller store. Mrs. Lewis K. Thompson, Jr., Is A I 11,1 II' L.! ||.| , , 1. . Art Kraft rlho|,p(.. It |B expeclrd that On tho construction of tlie Shark plicant be purely fin nnmtiuir. Those C.I. Hiiturdny nfternoon on bin right hand chairman of the committee. wi'll as mixi'TU i'ti'P'i will In' held work win ho ntarted In n few days on River bridge, between Avon and Bel- who floiiirfl aid in flhriping their act lifter he attempted lo slop a dug fight ItRMOCKATIO 11OAT Following Is nn entry blank, wluV'i Mtitmdiiy night of Ihii wrck ill (lie rcoiodeling the front of Urn liullillnK. will be given such by Mr. Hunting < ( near bhi home. Mr. I lei don In luing mar. tho board "accepted" an ad- rnny be clipped, filled out and sent Marlboro Fln-mm uriiU ill. ,,,||l,,,. |,ml,In,i; at A e High- ditional loan and grunt of $30,000 upon Mppltcfition, treated by Dr. Hhmlcy (). Wllh IIIH Arthur l'rynr Invited to Crad Ilnnil to Roelal Horvice hendijiiai tei ;i on The jinmial supp and rainlval oil hinds. Musii: will bi- |i d by u from the PWA for tho completion ft till Is repoiti'd to Im ruin b Improve,!. , of which NSft. IH a loan Preparations aro well under way KNTBY HLANK. nt cillliviill I'rleFtt, l'.Heapen Injllrli-K. Ainllhirv Itinil Hide r A baity clinic will he held next Tues- nildillon to the nlip|..-,- I»IIMK or llciin.i intle l«nun TrUf nnd if) ,i in nn outright grant. The for tho boat ride to ho held tip tho ladle:!1 auxiliary of Hum ion ilay afternoon at 2 oi-lock at tho At- Kind of Pet Name of Clan;j attract Ions there will li' diniclni;. u,.^ Ii(.,, M. (.,,^ t ,.t-tu.- of Hie Slur ti'>i Held Crliliiy I'ivrnlnc. additional amount In on the rtatne Hudson river on tho ntpiuncr, Handy fire cnmiiany comjileti-d phllul la-d lnntle. Highland!! (iro hoiific. l)r. ul Hea l.'atbolii: chinch, I,on>; hauls. Tlu' bnmd nlsn recclvfti from Hook, Wcdnestlny evening. August I for n mill nil the Jteainei Tho tiUHteni of tb« Ufltn'Hiratlft JFiiMlcilcIf JJiiliwtnkf!] and Mrs. WII- Hunt Chili M<< ling. , natiovvlv e;i,',i|)t',l jieilous in- tho Wnr Department nn order ex- 20, undor tho au.iplccH of tho Dem- Handy I (null nil liuluiiliiy night, All- loriguo of Ml'ldletown townnhlji ni»t i Hutu MctJJvnry uro In chftif:*'- The IMayeiii limit I l''alrUuty 1'iidiiy tilgiil ;it lt)!it nntnwt^whcn tending Ihfl datn of completion to oerutlc league of MUlcllelown town- ub of giul 7;. Mr*, .liihn rfi'irrenberger hi lit the hnini) of Theodora J. I*. Haven will hitld an iiiip iiltrinl liU'et" hit cir wns i,ttuck t'V a truck, ililven August .11*. HKI7, an fermented. nhlp. Arthur Pryor, freeholder nml i In, 11 nn,,, brecqun of d mover Inne KrUiwy *V- fnmouti bnndmnntor, him been Invit- \\V have the following nurd car Ing Wednesday evenltif: , A 12, by K.ilph Kaduwll/. of M»nnn»it)> Memorial hospital In- cnlnK and plnnned tn inlne fiinttii fnf ed to direct thn orchestra on the/<|>(T1JI)/I tu off or: 1U3H Chevrolet at 8:30 o'clock, al thr formed the board that It hail sev- I. ll. ,V('(V M trlUnrn Ili-wlilfilt. Ihn wolfiiri worli of thn league dUr« atcamcr during part of the trip. I0n- |Kt;!nd:ti'd four-door nport nedim, 1936 Injurcil Near IllKhlHtown. eral rnscs of lypuld fever to treat Ing tho I'umliiK year, Thu tru«tl«i tortalmnent will bi> under the dlirr- INiriiliic MHMUT « ftmr-iltmr touring Orchrntni mid Daiull^. MJ I .liilin Neibrllteli of Mailbor urn Huth Bwiiiiibmini, Wllllim T, Ihln year, nssrrtlnit thnt Hper.lnl cur r 1 iiiMliui, 1 l»:ir> Plymouth deluxe, fnur- Fulton Taylor of KlviT street was g.iv I.nth lo n iliiuglitpr ftiitiudav tlrm of Jtimcn Merrill of Keypoit. The Free ti|iitghettl nml in,;,I b.ill • 111 Jill < (L when two cam collided Hini- Ki-mihan, John H. Wnrmoli, J«rom» wnw nocrnHJU y nnd rrtpienlpd thnt ehnlrlnily nnd chnlrrnan nf tin- enmj- ih mi- lourltiK nrtlun. Kimmui Uron,, \iidJiy night. We;'t I'wnl Tn VIM n, cor- nl llru'inl liinpllal, l.""g llrnnch, I Ii* *'l Affrlmnlo WIITPI, phone Hed ibiy morning near Illghtlitown, lie llottluii, Km I HIIIWIK, Mrt, HoU thn Inntltiitlnn ho ri-lmbutHCII nccord- tulttee In chnrRii of the riaV me Mm. ner Went Kn/nt Mrci I and M nt'thn CiOMsio.iiln nt Kitton- Intel nal lujllllc!). one, now Irt the chance. Tit Tliu olllr«r» (if tht l«ftgu« »l«: to u»r lh« Isolation wnvil Incurring I'tiliHo Hfllc. Nnrna — „ .'i', :n» Hioml utrmil, Advprllae nildlllonnl enrn nml pipiMixo nnd Hint At Union avenue, Hnl/imJ, Halur- lown, on Itoiile HI,, fur your tiltliey — • • -«»-• -m~ - Don't Ml** «lny. AuguM lfl, nt 1 p. in. Kntire dinner. Clilclten or ttiduy dinner VI.* ttr**hlltrilt* M>4, itpt proportlonntn roniponnntlon Is fair. Street Addrcnn— flOil, You'll come llgnltl Adveitilic- Tho Ited Hank Iterator travels Methodist lUrvtuit Homo and Iiazaar rontmua of Um-room hnunr. Unt of Iriililri'l fin 1>|iowrliet IterglltlM. Mil. llrara >'•• iMaklnwil, ail on Church loU, Broml otrcot, Augunt nlent. over (ivory ntreet In town nnd every iirtlriefi In »pxt wpr>U'« HpRlntnr, Wftl- Town..—, rnnd In tiio county. Lnt It cany your r^ntnU nnd export rflpftlrlnK> w '""""• - -. hri noy« run rnnke extra pocket money 7 rind A. Chicken unlnrt. Bupptr 50 trr Kloltlfl, ftuctinnrpr. Mrs. Eva Tyt- T»#Hiiiimi M«rm«n 3 . ne/il«t«r.~Adv8itl»ement, cnnti.—AdverU«m«nt Hoyn enn malui exttn pocket money inennngp to thoBn who llvo on theafl HI.HUI itrcot Rod B«nk,— ACvertln- Itaritlmir-'JainM A. "™ u-JJ. Advertisement. (Pletia Print) telling Tho JtcKl«ter.—Advci tlacniont* thoroughfnros.—Advcitlncrncnt. [IKlll. llnmnnl •1'Him --/•/In RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 6, 1936.

modern machinery on* man can plant Hebrew Society Calvary Baptists Shortage Of or cultivate many acrts of potato** Couple: Observe (Pageant Committe Only Two Weeks Left In t day. Farewell Party To Finish Their Farmhands For 61st Anniversary To Be Headed By The Ladles' Hebrew society held a Red Bank Couple In Register's Campaign special meeting TueBday night at the synagogue In tho form of a farewell Church Building Potato Harvest ToWedatNewYork Of Their Wedding Gov. Hoffman party in honor of Mrs. Sarah Hur- wltz of Hudson avenue, and Mra. Endeavoring to Raiie $5,000 to Crow Bros. Having Big Crop Mlu Agnes M. Kru»o of Leroy All the Married Life of Mr. and Wire to Thio Effect Received Ha«te Urged Upon Workers as End Draws Near- Lena Heller of Monmouth street. place «nd Milton Heller, son of Mri. Mrs. Hurwitt left yesterday for Complete Edifice Started Sev-1 Harvested by Colored Folk* Samuel Heller of Monmouth street' Mn. Wllluun B. Brow«r Spent From Hi*, Honor Yertwday Closing Date Friday, August 21—Last Extra Miami, Florida, and MrB. Heller te eral Years Ago at Bridge Ave- from Florida — Women ai will be married Friday, Auguat 28, at Red Bank, Where Mr. Morning—Ca«t Selected and planning to move to New York. Mrs. at New York. The couple, will live Point Offer Now in Effect. Bella Becker of Newark, first presi- nue and River Street. Farmhands on Hires Farms. at Knollwood. The bride-to-be It the Brower Worked in One Store. Committees Appointed. dent of the society, waa a gueat of daughter of the late Mr, and Mra. Two weeks more then fourteen honor. Members of tha Calvary Baptist | Thirty Florida colored folks, twen- Harry Kruie and llvti with her uncle Tht 61at wedding »nnWtr«ary of Governor Harold O. Hoffman haa happy people will be the recipient* The New Mill playora of Shrews- church of Red Bank, as well as ty of them men and teten of ttheh m and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Rudolph M«l- Mr. and Mrs. William B. Browfr of wired his acceptance of honorary of the 14 valuable cash bonuses of- Atlantic Boy bury were also guests and presented friends of the church, will soon re- ] women, have b»en engaged by Cross chow, She Is a graduate of the Red Irving place, Red Bank, occurred chairman of the Biblical Pageant fered in The Register circulation a one-act comedy entitled "Marriage ceive a personal appeal from the j Bros, ot Holmdel to harvest their Bank high school ind Mountainside Saturday. No formal celebration was exeoutivo oommittea being arranged cr 31 campaign. Proposal." The show was well re- pastor, Rev. Joseph W. Lee, for con- P°'«to "P <* ° »o™a They are hospital school of nursing at Mont- held, but the couple received many for Reformed, church benefit The closing date and final count Scouts Hike 14 ceived by more than 50 persons pres- tributions for the completion of tho orking under a contract mide with clalr, and la employed aa nurse In the congratulations and a shower of an- Charl,, R. English, mayor of Red and awarding of the prizes will talio , ent. Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon gave church building at Bridge avenue a supervisor or padrone, who recelvej dental of Dr. Jnmei VanNoatrand of niversary cardi. B.\uh| *jaa coneonted to be chairman place.Friday, August 21, nt 9 p. >"• Miles To Camp a Bhort talk and bid farewell to Mra. and River street ono cent per "acIc 'or eaeh 180-P°u>><> Red Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Brower were married of the Adviaory committee Thla com Workers may turn in subscriptions Hurwltz and Mrs. Heller ln behall sackful of potatoes gathered. The Mr. Heller 1» also a graduate of the by a Long Branch clergyman and mlttee conslata of Hon. John J. Qulnn, right up until 0 o'clock the last of the community. orkers get 6 cents per sack and 25 Red Bank high school. Ha Is a part- all of their wedded l|fe has been United Statce district attorney night, and then the final audit of Three Township Residents Give Table decorations consisted of ents per hour for grading and other ner In the insurance tnd real e«Ute •pant at Red Bank. Before her mar- Oaorge H. Roberta, sheriff of Mon- firm ot Orosstnger & Heller. riage Mra. Brower was Mis* Sarah the subscription records will begin. Cash to Help Finance Week'* summer flowers, which lator were arvestlng work. The harvest hands mouth county; Rev. Otto L. S" Mohn. The count will be made by three sent to Rlvervlew hospital. A re- re occupying quarters on tHe farm. Kiln Wost of Long Branch, Her head of the Monmouth County Red well-known business men of this sec- Outing—Jolly Reunion of port was given of a successful card hey specialise in Oils work, bagln- father, Edmund West, well Oron; Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon of known throughout thla section as a tion. As coon as the count has been Charter Membera. party recently held at the Scarboro Ing their activities in Florida early the Congregation B'nal Israel, Vnl- made, the namos of winners will bc hotel at Long Branch. A midnight the spring and gradually going Novelty Races Methodist local preacher. mMtrr William A. Sweeney, John announced. super was served. rth »s the aeaaon advances. They Mr. Brower will reach his SUt Colt, president of tho Second National The last extra point offer of we Six Boy Scouts of Atlantic town- nd up In Maine ln the fall. At Shrewsbury birthday In October. He was born Bank 4 Trust company, Counollrnan entire campaign Is now ln effect, hip are spending a weak at Camp Henry, George and William Cross at Shark Hlver, the son of Catherine Joseph C. Irwin, Monroe EUner. Jurton, arriving at that place Sun- and John Brower. Hla parents flood anly until Wednesday evening re the owners of the largest potato Monmouth Memorial Hospital Thomas Irving Brown, Sidney Wain of next week, 9 o'clock, workers In ay after a hike of fourteen miles Gross Receipts rm in this section of Monmouth moved to Red Bank whan he was a Dr. Mlchaol J. Lorenzo, Dr. Janie» w the campaign will be given 8,000 ex- rom their camp at Scobeyville. For )unty. Their crop was harvested Auxiliary M«ke» Plain for boy and he haa since resided here. Parker, Harold Hendrlckson, Henry tra points for each and every dol- he past five years the Scouts have st year under the same system as Child-and-Dog iUcei to be Mr, Browar Is a. brother of D«Wltt Wella, George Manson, Wllllo Clay- lade such a trip and they have re- Of Fair Haven Brower of Rumion, Mrs. Robert lar's worth of new subscriptions they mt now employed. Henry Oros», ln Held on Tuesday, Aujrud 11. ton, Mr. and Mm. Wallace B. Ran- turn In and half that amount on old slved additional credits therefor, Iking with a Register reporter, said Hlbbet« of Oakhurst and Mr«. Harry kln, Mrs. E. H. Boynton, Mrs. Loon subscriptions. The extra points will ornard Sncdeker Is patrol loader for Fair Over $9,000 > preferred to hire local help, but Lafstra of Los Angelea. de la Reussllle, Sr., Miss1 Gertrude be In addition to tho regular point iC group. Other members of the hat he found It Impossible to do so At a meeting of the Shrewsbury When not old enough to voU Mr. Norman, and Rev, W. Cnrman Trom- schedule. After next Wednesday urty 'Were David Tumldaiski, Jr., nder the same satisfactory condl- auxiliary of Monmouth Memorial Brower went to work at the dry bath. goods atore of Adlem & Cola ,the evening there will bo no extra points 'Imothy Lott, Stillman Blanchard, Fire Company Fair Most Success- lons as he la now doing. Ho stated hospital, held Monday at the home Albert W. Wordon will b general of any kind. Workers may turn ln /esley Buck and Ernest Mitchell. lat he had tried to interest some of of Mrs. Laurets Ylvlsakor of Syca- mombcrs of which firm were tha late 9 ful in History of the Organiza- Isaac H. Adlom and the late William chairman of the Finance committee. every subscription they can possibly At Camp Burton a souvenir neck- IO leading colored residents of Red more avenue, Shrewsbury, plans were Rahoaruals aro' now ln full swing Dacure up until next Wednesday srchlef of the National Boy Scout lauk ln the plan ot harvesting the made for child and dog races, which H. Cole. Continuously for 68 years tion—Net Proceeds May Mr. Brower was employed at this for the forthcoming Biblical I>ag»ant evening with tho full knowledge that Jamboree was presented to Walter otatoes under contract but that he were to have been held during the entitled "Let There Bo* Light" which they will count a great many more Mitchell, a member of the Atlantic Reach $4,000. ,d found none willing to undertake store, during which time several recent "olde Shrewsbury falre," but changes of ownership took place. will be presented ln the River street points than they will during the last iwnshlp troop. While at the camp which had to bo postponed because school auditorium on tho nights, ot days of the drive. lernard Snedeker will endeavor to Mr. Cross said that workers could Adlem & Cole subsequently bQQame Receipts at the annual fair of the ot Inclement weather. Tho race* Adlem & Sutton, the lest named Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ualify for the rate of life scout, Fair Haven fire company amounted o obtained singly, but that this will be held Tuesday afternoon, Au- August 25, 20 and 27, with a oast ot The campaign office will be open rhlch la second only to that ot eagle REV, J. W. LEE. icked many of the advantages of a member of the Arm being George until 9 p. ro, Wednesday, August 12, o $9,200. It was the most success- gust 11, at 3;30 o'clock, at Shrews- Sutton, who for a number of yoan 200 people of Rod Bank and vlolnity. cout. Three contributions were ul fair ever held by the company. ntract agreement whereby the su- bury manor. Should the weather The pageant Is sponsored by tho to accept subscriptions on the last lade by Atlantic township residents For several years the congrega- pervisor IB held responsible for the had a position at the store. Mr. extra point offer. ThB grounds were crowded every again prove rainy the races will bo Sutton afterwards became the aole Mon's club of the ITlrat RoformeU o help finance tho stay of tho boys night, with the largest crowd on the tion has been laboring to get their nen being on tho Job when wanted, held on the noxt clear day. church with the co-operation of or- The race haa proven very close and ,t Camp Burton. John 13. Laird and edifice completed, and now an, extra owner of the business and sold It to dOBlna; night last Saturday. Fire com- lours of labor are very uncertain Miss Noel Nellson and Mra. Wil- Jacob Yanko, the present ownar. ganizations from loading churehes of exciting so far. Only one or two sub- larroll W. Barclay of Scobeyvillo effort Is about to be made to get epondlng on weather conditions and scriptions separate several of tho pany officials will not know for sev- liam Foales will be ln charge ot this the county. :ave $10 and J8 respectively and eral weeks how much money waa this accomplished and to do this it •ders from dealers. The rate of pay During all of the 63 years that Mr, leading workers. Several aro almost ames VanMater of Colt's Neck gave is estimated that $5,000 will' bc re- novel contest. They already hive a Brower worked at the store only on Interoat Increases with eaoh rehear- actually cleared, but they believe it ir pickers la one. cent more than last large list of entries and are receiv- sal and spectator* at tho rehearsals tied. The work done under tho last A. , quired. ear. one occasion did ho lose time from extra point offer will go a long way will be ln the neighborhood of $4,000. ing additional oneB by telephone work because ot sickness. That waa predict the pageant will be one of tho The troop was formed five years The entire company la elated over Tho drive will bc started within toward deciding tho prize winners. igo and a reunion of tho twelve char- Not only Cross Bros, but many dally. Assisting on the committee about 30 years ago when ha wa) laid most elaborate and lmpressllva the- the wonderful success of the fair. a few days and It Is hoped that tha ther farmers In this section say that atrical spectacles ever staged ln Mon- With only two weeks remaining ln er members was held Friday night Each year the fair has been growing are Mrs. Lawrence Iverson, MrB. up with typhoid fever and mularla. desirod amount will be secured on or workers are more dlluciilt to find this Ylvlsaker and Mrs. Ira Crouse. Not even the famous blizzard of 1888 mouth county. the campaign it IB now up to the it the camp at Scobeyville, Games, in attendance and receipts, and all bofore October 1. The pastor, of- rear than has been true for several workers to get Into the drive In real barbecue feast, songs and other' Bach child with dog on leash not deterred him from getting to work, Some of tho most Important parts records were shattered this year. Icers and members of the church loasons pant. The potato harvesting although It delayed him, for he had to in the cast wore assigned last night earnest and make a Btrenuous effort aturos made the time pass quickly loaaon is now well under way, with exceeding 10 feet In length will run to pile up aa many extra points as ind pleasantly. David Tiimldalskl, The principal feature on tho clos- In unison _ in this undertaking, with the dog from the barrier, the spend more than an hour struggling and try-out'» were given for other ing night was the awarding of a nd they feel confident that the irospocts of a good yield and with through drifts and gales laden with parts which will be filled at tho night, they possibly can during the last ex- he scoutmaster and a member of the irices considerably better than last first canine orosslng the finish line tra point offer. imong those present. Some of the Plymouth sedan. Tho winner was tmount will bo secured within a to be the winner. Lemonade and Ice snow to traverse the distance be- ly rehearsals held in the basement Mrs. Edward Plantlz of 4*8 River rery short time. •ear. Early prospects of bumper tween his home, on Irving plaae and of the First Reformed church on Friday, August 31, the last day of icys stayed at the camp all night. All :rops have not materialized duo to cream will be served the children the campaign, a ballot box will be f them have graduated from scout- road, Fair Haven. The drawing waa participating. Pony carts will also the store on Broad street—a dletanoo Bhrewsbury avenua. conducted by Albert B. Hermann, Re- he drought, but the damage here- that he normally walked ln about ten placed ln The Register office. Instead tood and are now holding Jobs or are ibouts has not been ruinous, al- ba available. When the pageant waa staged In ittendlng college. publican candidate for Congress, Les- mlnutoa. Convention Hall In Asbury Park, as of turning in subscriptions to the ter McQueen and Herbert Edwards. though elsewhere the yield has been Booth and entertainment commit- campaign department on the last Ten of the charter members were greatly reduced. Last week farmers tee members of the fair present at Mr. Brower still enjoys remarkably tho major attraction of the mld-sum- iresent. Two of them were William Thirteen numbers were drawn as fol- good health. He retired from active mor festival, the Rev. O. L. F. Mohn, day the workers are requested to lows: were rejoicing that they received Mrs. Ylvlsaker's meeting were Mrs. place their subscription receipt stubs Moreau, who is attending college In $1.85 per sack, whereas during this Ernest Fahneatook, Mrs. J. Ritchie work four years ago not because of pastor of the Reformed churoh of. together with cash to balance, ln Maine, and James Moreau, who Is a 11,011—M». 1. R. Algor, F«lr H»ven. same period last year tho price was Smith, Mrs. Thomas H. Crumley, any physicay l reason but become the that city and head of tho Monmouth reporter for a newspaper at French- 17,148—Hojei StanJer. Now York. an envelope and drop the envelope 23,160—Richard KcAlliiter, Jr., Fair BO cents. The belief Is general that Mra. Evan Jones, Mrs. George Deck- members of his family prevailed up- County Red Cross, appeared ln tho Into the ballot box. town. Other* at tho reunion were Haven. with more favorable weather condi- er, Mrs. EMwin Best, Mrs, Emily on him that he should take a woll de- loading role of tho Prophet. Pr. Arthur Revalley, John Richards, Wil- 8,267—Anton Schumann Fair Haven. served rest. There Is nothing about Mohn will come to Red Bank to en- The campaign judges who will 17.350—Mn. F. W. Bailey, Fair Haven. tions for shipping the price will In- Murfltt; Mrs. Elmer C. Walnwrlght, make.the final count"^of the points liam Crawford, George Pollack, Vln- crease. The heat wave forced the his appearance or carriage to Indi- act the Prophet role ln Rod Bank'* ent Sazowskl, William Wilitis, Arn- S.1&8—Stephen NetneBh, Fair Haven. Mrs, Forrest Smith, Mrs, Lawrence will take the ballot box promptly at 10,673—Franklin Dean. Little Silver. price down because some shipments Iveraon and Mrs. Guerln Todd. Re- cate Ills age and the fine state of his presentation of the spectacle. ild Plotkin and Stanley Dobry. The '.M.662—J. Murphy. Rumaon. health may be Judged from the fact Another Important part of the cast 0 o'clock and will chock the contents. 10.008—Dob Mundm, Red Bank. rere recolved in bad condition. ports were read from Mrs. N. A. de In this way the subaoriptlona and other two charter membera, Edward LaBt year Theron McCampbell -of that when a big a,pplo tree blew has been placed ln tho hand.? of WiHett and Stanley Sazoweki; sen 17.522—-Mary Brand. Red Bank. Tarr and Mrs. Joseph Cross Wil- cash will not paw through the hands 5.975—Jennings, ItumBon. Holmdel sold hundreds of sacks of liams. down recently on Irving place he did Thomas Irving Brown, publisher ot regrets over their inability to attend. 4.810—Thomas lrvlnff Brown, Bed Bank all tho work of sawing and cutting the Register. Mr. Brown will appear of anyone connected with tho news- 15,71S—Mrs. Edwsrd Flnntli, Fair Hn- 'seconds" at 25 cents each at a West A breakfast set made by Mrs. Mar- paper until after the Judges have ven. Red Bank street corner as a proteBt it Into firewood. as the Good Samaritan ln episode Ian Stommell for the fair was won For 30 yeara Mr. Brower drove an two ln which act M. V. Hombllng, made the final count and so one con- READY FOR BAZAR-SUPPER. Several other articles were award- against the sales tax and to draw at- by MrB. Ernest Fahneetock, while nected with the campaign or news- tention to the ruinous prlca at which automobile and ho never had an ac- president of tho Men's Club of the ed. Charles Hayden of Fair Havon the permanent wave donated by Miss cident. He stopped driving his car Reformed church will enact the part paper oan rightfully be accused of Methodist Affair to be Held Rain or won a radio. A quilt made by Mrs. the potato farmers were obliged to dispose of their crops. He saya he Lea waB won by Miss Elizabeth a few weeks ago. He uses glasses of tho Priest, Charlca H. Gray will giving out Information as to the worh Shine—Good Time Is Looked For. Elizabeth Allen of Fair Haven, 92 Goodrich, An afghan will be disposed done during the last week of th does not Intend to repeat this but when he reads, but at other timos ho portray the character of the Levlte Everything Is In readlneBs for what years old. was won by Mrs. Milton of later. does not rely on such aid. He has a and Edward Tutas will havo the part campaign. The management of th Siiegfrled of Fair Haven. Mrs. Fred that he believes that anyone who newspaper will close the campaign Red Bank Methodists feel will be the bought "seconds" from farmers do- The next meeting of the group genial, cheerful temperament and of the Traveler, who on his way to largest outdoor church bazar and erlck Jones of Red Bank won a ton will bo held Monday, September 28, many other fine traits which have Jericho Is attacked by a band ot on Its merits, showing no favoritism of coal, donated by M. V. Brown. ing their owa grading could find a to anyone or giving out no Informa- supper held in town in many years. lively and profitable street corner at 2:30 in the afternoon at the home won scores of friends for him. He Is twenty thieves. The affair which will be held on Several booths sold out everything tion to the detriment of one candi- market oven though the price would of Mrs. Thomas R. Crumley of Eat- the last survivor of the public school Rev. W. Carman Trombath, pastor date In favor of another. their church property on Broad Saturday night. It is tho first tlm CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. have to be higher than 26 cents, ontown. class which he attended at Red street, between Lerey and Waveily anything Ilka that has happened at ot the First Reformed church, will During the summer various mem- Bank. One of his clasamatea was appear ln tho role of the old Inn keep- The campaign Judges, after mak place, will be held rain or shine and the fairs. The Ice cream booth had Mr. McCampbell has rented all bers of the auxiliary will meet to William L. Hubbard, who died about The pastor Is supervising the work three ot his RamaneBsIn forms to er In th« ecene of the Nativity. ing the final count of the point according to tho program there will to replenish its stock several times with James Scott, chairman of ths Bew for the hospital. On this sew- a month ago. polled by the different workers, wli: not be a dull moment of the two-day It IB estimated that 2,500 hot dogi Italians. All of the acreage is used Pilgrims in the pageant will In- deacon board, and Albert Bronzeni ing committeo are Mrs. A. C. Grlp- Mr. and Mrs. Brower have two clude Mlsoea Vcrna Wll«on, Con- then announce the winners. ittractlon which IB scheduled for to- wero sold Saturday night and tha for truck crops which are trans- chlldrtn. They are MIBB Mary E. treasurer. Checks should bo madi ported to city markets by the farm- per, MrB, G. A. CollinB, Mrs. M^ L. stance Wlngcrte, Bunny Dillon, Mur- Complete instructions governing morrow and Saturday, both after- the number for the entire fair 1 payable to the Calvary Baptls Douglass and Miss Marian Force. Brower and Leon Brower, both of noon and evening. around 6,000. ers'. Mr. McCampbell says that his iel Van Brunt, Marjorle Erlckson, the closing of the campaign wilf b church of Red Bank and sent elthe For the past several weeks 200 pa- Red Bank. Dotty Loversldge, Rae Cottroll. Ber- published next week. And the name: The supper, which Is a part of the With part of the proceeds the fir three farmers aro finding tho same to the pastor, Rev. J. W. Lee, 23i difficulty in procuring help as the tients have been registered at the nloe Fowler, Virginia Dougherty, Dor- of the three well-known buslneei program each day, .will be featured company will buy -a new hook and Shrewsbury avenue, or to Alber Monmouth Memorial hoBpltal. The othy Hombllno;, Lena Frcdenburg, men who will act as judges an by the serving of liberal portions of ladder truck and donate the appar- potato planters. He Bays that for- Bronzona, 55 North Bridge avenu merly the farmers hod engaged capacity of the hospital is 207 beds, Red Bank Women Margarot Van Brunt, Beatrice Hemb- make the final count will bo pub chicken salad, one of the foremost atus to the borough. A coneiderabl and they will be officially acknowl 30 of which are basolnets. In the ling, Verne Wilson, Charlotto Wells, llshed also. dellcacleB of country suppers. The sum will bo sot aside to carry o farmhands at TJew York but that of edged In behalf of tho church late they had found this impossible. maternity division ii out ot 211 beds Have Annual Party Sylvia Wilson, Alborta Youmans, committee states that no matter the welfare work ln the borough. At Its willing -\yorkcrB. what the woather, arrangements However, they solved the problem hy are filled at tho present time, while Frieda Rltter, Anne Tutas, Mamie MUST SIGN THEIR NAME. least J1.000 ig expended annually in hiring women, of their own nation- a high percentage of ward beds are More than 350 persons were present Tutas, Francos Miller, Katherln* have been made to have the supper the borough for this purpose. Th and more than 80 tables wero In play Just tho same. If Inclement weather ality at Red Bank and vicinity to always filled. In the children's di- Johnson, Sarah Porter, Edith John- Letters in Tho Register Will Not be company has a special welfare boar work for them. Tho women rldo to vision 30 out- of S3 beds are filled. Tuesday afternoon at the annual son, Margaret Van Brunt, Ina Craw- Vised Unless Signed. prevails for an out-of-door feast ta- to handle all taaea, summer csrd party of the Red Bank bles will be set up In the large ga- the farms In automobiles and they Despite this near-capacity roglstra- ford, Muriel Van Brunt, Mildred The Register has received of late The committeo officers wero Arthur are paid by tho day. The work lo Woman's club at the homo of the Henrlokson, Veita Cottrcll, Lois Mao rage on the property and the meal tlon, room Is always made for urgent president, Mrs. E, H. Boynton. Part quite a number of letters for publica- B. Sickles chairman, Charles P Youngest Eagle mostly of a light nature such as hoe- and emergency cases. Intosh, Helen Hembllng, Mesdames will be Berved indoors. Cross vice chairman, Porcy D. Ben- of the proceeds will bo used for wel- tion without any signatures. Several Ing and the employors of the women Mrs. Harry Goldhurat of West Rose Predmore, Leon P. Rex, Jr., E. of these letters are exceptionally in A detailed account of the various nett secretary and William B. Little, fare and charity work. Erlcteon, B, Bowler, Charlos H. committee operations of the affair say they are faster and more effici- Front street, River Plaza, . enter- terestlng and would bo publiahet Jr.. treasurer. George Curchln wan Scout In Counci ent than most men farmhands. Many club women were present Gray, V, Hemhllnp;. Wallace Rankln, was given In the last Issue of The chairman of the car committee. tained tho Btudent nurses of Mon- were it not for Iho fact that the; Tho three Italian farmers are In- from Red Bank, River Plaza. Middle- Alretta Cresee, Mabel Sutphon, Msud reached tJio publisher's desk un Register and these plans will be car- mouth Memorial hospital at a corn town, Rumson. Fair Haven, Shrews- Wilson and Marjorle Soden. ried out according to Russoll T. Son of Red Bank Minister Make defatigable workern and Holmdel roast last Saturday evening. Dancing signed. BIG TEACH CROP. folks often comment on their untir- bury, Long Branch and Asbury Park. A letter entitled "Working Condi Hodgltlss, who Is gonernl chairman Eagle Scout Advancement ii was enjoyed on th» wide veranda, of Door prizes were won by Mrs. Frank FrancU V. Many will bo thn Prop- of this large undertaking. ing Industry. At tho first streak of tlons in Monmouth County," li< excer Experimental Trees Old Chen tho Qoldhuret home and refresh- Qoff, Mrs. George T. Llnton, Mrs. W. hot Jeremiah In the cloning episode, Tho general committoe, through on Year and Half—Honored b; dawn they are at work and they ments wore sorvod. of the pageant. tlonally Interesting and timely, an Tree Farm Yielding Well. keep hard at it all day until it Is too H. Benedict and Mrs. Louis Oarts of will be published if the writer BC the columns of The Register, express- Governor. Thoso present were Miss Haiel Rod Bank and Mrs. Harvey F. Thieves, kings, sorvanta, shopherdi, es deep gratitude for the many cour- James C. Hendrlckson haa started dark to see. Weekdays and Sundays, Iliff, Miss Sue Stltlc, Miss Laura gift bearers, and other character fit to forward his name. except when stormy weather inter- Slocum of Long Branch. The Register will not under ai tesies extended to them by the local harvesting the peach crop on his Old Gant, Miss Lillian Vincent, Mls» parto have boon assigned to Elmer merchants and others who have ao Cherry Trco Farm on Route 35 in Walter Edward Miller, son of RB venes, this Is their daily program The tublo prizes were glass-bowl Van Brunt, Georgo H. Crawford, Nel circumstances publish a letter ad- nnd Mra. Edward W. Miller of Maple from early In the spring until the Grace Gee, Miss Grace Royal, Mist flower holders on wrought iron dressed to tho publisher or editor un- llhorally co-operated In every way. Midclletown township. OrchnrdlsU: Leona Powell, Mlsa Rose Oallo, Miss E. Erlckson, Roland Crease, Charlet The local merchants, who are always throughout this .section arc interested avenue, is one of the youngest Eaglo laat harvesting Is done. stnndj. Tho decorations were In H. Gray, Danny Jlnnnlno, Georgo S. less the name of the writer appears Scouts in Monmouth council. He re- Helen Gruca, Miss Martha Forbrlng- green, yellow and white. Asfilotlng also. ready to nsslat a worthy cause, have because of the fact that a large part ! "They aro clearing rxponsr-n but or, MISB Stephanie Bafara, Mlas Ado- Duncan, Jamca Soden, Robert Homb. been exceedingly liberal in thoir do- of Mr, Hendrickson'ti 1& ncrca of or- j ceived an lOapJo Hcout badge Sunday not making much profit,'' s«.id Mr. Mra. Boynton aa hostesses wero Mrs. ling, Frank Croiln, George Havenju nt Unvcrnnr's dny nt Camp Burton, lino McOrory, Miss Eathor Stamots, Harry Morford, Mrs. Herman Aflen- Horticultural Bocloty ricnlc. ' nations to the bazar and supper com- chards \e made up of 1(3 new unnamed McCampball ln talking with a Reg- Miss Madlne Rusucll, Miss Pauline JnmoB Naulty, Edmund Crelln, Ralph mittee. trees originated at the statci experi- Allaire, from un nldo to Governor ister reporter. People may blame mo dorf, Mra. E. S, Close, Mrs. Qoorge Crelln, Bunny pillon and Edward The Monmouth County Horticul- Harold Ci. Hoffmnn, who was unable Frlck, Miss AvlD Proston, Miss T. Llnton and Miss Kdna Moore. tural society will hold itu annual ment station at New Brunswick. The because they work so hard. They Dolores Bloomfeter, Miss Katheryn Tutns. One of the quickest wayn to find a varieties are .'Uicrri that thon> will be to attend the corcmonlCH. may think that I am charging ao Assisting Mrs. Hosea Chark and picnic Wednesday, August 12, on tho lob is to advertise ln The Regis- YmiriR Miller, who IB 13 yearti of Golilon, Alvnh McDermott, Lewis Mra. John Boyland with refreahmonts Rehearsals nro held each morning a succession of harvests frtini oarly much rent that they have to put In at 10:30 for children and all children Thomns K. Field farm on the state ter's Want Department.—Advertise- agp, joined Troop No. 23, of which long, hard hours to make both ends Forbrlngor, Howard Gravel,- Robert wero Mrs. Howard Hlgglnson. Mra. highway In Mlddlotown township. August until October, Tho yearly of the city nnd vicinity nro Invited ment. yield IH large and nf Kond quality nnd Warren Dollrown Is scoutmaster, a meet. As a matter of fact this Is VanNotu, William Chasey, Patsy Leslie D, Seely, Mrs. Howard Man- yrnr and n lmlf n^o and nt present Vaccarelll, Stanley Kingston, Harvey ning, Mrn. Myron V. Brown, Mrs. to Join tho cast. Director Welling- prospects seem excellent for the aanio not the case at all. I am charging ton has dlacovcrod and prepared results from later varieties. Mr, Ilen- hnn 40 merit badges. Hla eugla them only enough to mm tnxes. Bowtell, Theodore Raven. Jay Pryor, Trovonlan Bcnnott, Mrs. J5. 8. Close. i award consisted of 12 designated Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Curtis and Mrs. Georgo T. Llnton", Mrs. Horace much child talent for tho screen, aa They are living up to the bargain. well as adults, and In his work with FOURTEEN ENTRIES IN REGISTER drlcknon Is disnoflhiK of a ^ f! ppart Imdgra nnd 0 other badges, Ho has Before I had those farmers I did not Mr. and Mrs, Charloa Meeker. Greoly Fowler and Miss Elizabeth of his crop nt. his roadside booth anil to wait fix months before receiving Scnwcroft. Red Bank pooplo In pronnrlng them receive enough returns to meet tnx- Representatives from tho staff nf for the prenontatlon of thin nation- CAMPAIGN WILL WIN CASH BONUSES he is mnkinj; Hales to dealcro. a HIIVRT palm. tho nuralng school who attended the Members of tho Junior Women's, Shipment of Twenty-ounce IJtji[iln Wnltrr, who wide success, he Ifl employing th« jtatrol learler In "Tho rent for the largest farm, that affair were Mins Lillian M. Thomp- club who assisted at the buffet table same methods usod In his Hollywood Last extra point offer of the campaign ln effect u ntil n P, M. apple,,, s ar,„e now.. being „mad, e from Old hihU" troop,, attended camcamp this year son, Miss H. Hennlk. Miss A. Cabana, wero Mies Louise Parker, Miss Caryl Wednesday, August 12th. Subscriptions for next week': occupied by Jerry Bcotto, IB $700— studio. Cherry free I-arm. Iho apples ,.,„[,„, ,hl.rn wcol,H nnrl w'ns , Just enough to pay taxen, nothing Miss Marian Fr«y, Mlaa Marian Sluigcs, Miss Adolo Johnaon and must bo In Tin, nei-lstor office by 6 P. M. Tuesday, Fisher, Mrs. Marian Stommell and Miss Dorothy Conovcr, The director la hoard on the air ondn Friday, lilst. HO d pnnrlpnnv at New York at u j orU!.WI,pk «0liolai-»h]p for hl» ad- more. Tho rent for tho other two Cr wll ll farms Id J5O0 and $800. When folks Mrs. Marian Rohn. three tlmee a weok In his original i "' M f y V , y '• "',.iv'inc.mcnt. At preset 1>6 !„ w*th program entitled "Tho flocrot Cham- KED BANK l.< considerably above last year,; ,„•!„. ,„„ , , Carmel, New York. nco tho throo farmern working ao AMERICAN LEGION MEETING. Mr. Hcndrlclcnon nan enlarged bin op- Accordin p uenlll g lt to Scoutmaster De- hard and not getting rich they ber of Inspiration," a dramatic-poe- BYIlNli;, MISS NARY - - --•• ..i' erationMr Hcndrlclcnos by raininn nagn gladiolenlargei d anbidn he GOVEIINOB'S DAY. tical program, Station WBRB pre- rirnwn, lio will he part of the Junior Khnuld not blame mo but tho high Htntc Cnmmniulrr John K. Cash to UAR1IART, CALVIN, -<3R .Spring St hhns bren quAntltlo,, of stuff of Troop No. 23 next year. Tho sents the director oach Monday morn- CHAMH1SKLAIN, J. IS., 178 Brunch Ave. the flowero to atnren alonj; Hie iihnro :ost of government which c.nim«s un- Oerard Rloyan llivwlvea Silver Talm Speak at Bed Bank. Momnmlth roundl received a teie- bearable , taxes," Mr. McC'ampboll Ing at 9ilB nnd on Thursday and Fri- D1HIIAN, MIKH VKKA, 15 Urlimmond PI. ...(lO.VKH) nnd nt Nfrw Yorli. at ('amp Ilurton. day mornings at 0:45. ..162,00(1 Kmm ycMtr-rday from Governor Hoff- concluded. Htato Commander John IC. Ca«h of IIUHIIAM, WILLIAM l'\, 22!> Maple Avo. man cniupllnipntlng the youth on his Kant Orange will ba the principal 1 OILHHIY, MHH. O., Hudson House ...(102,000 Governor's nay at Camp nurton All rehearsals for tho pngejnt are HALK OF SIMMONHH I'KOl'KHTY. ambition and advancement. Potato harvesting In the eastern at Allalro wan hrld Hunday and a guest Hpeaktr at the meeting of opon to vlslrore:. Pereonn dnBlrlng to KJ'jnnKHHON, JOHN H., 411 return PI part of Monmouth county 1» invari- Shrewsbury pout of the American le- HARV10V, MRH. FRANK, 14'A Wortlllcy Ht. .- MS.OOO nllvcr pnlm wn» awarded to Gerard Join tho cast aro urged u> attend the Coil's NI-HI IloiiNd Untight hy Mlsn VANDHKUlUMi 1IOUKK HOLD. ably a week to ten diiyii luler thnn Mloynn of Uroftd Htreet. This IN one gion of Red Bank next Monday night. dally and nightly rehearsals. The HARVKY, MRN. H., 211 Hcrgrn PI _ ..080,000 Vloln Htokon of Freehold. in tho territory went of Freehold nnd ...001,000 of Iho hlghniit honors In scouting: Other tiuesU will be National Com- director will be nuro to find a part LINTON, M., Red Hunk - — this Is the enso this yonr. Thn dlill- nnd r«f|Ulren IB merit hadgoB more mltteeman William McKInley ot Jar- for every ambitious person, Irrespec- NlTTINdlfilt, MISH DOROTHY, Wt Hnrdlnj? Rd. ..1113,000 Mm, A, P. filmmondn has iinlrl her .lolin DIIKIIU'H Property on ltoulo 34 culty experienced In getting help In ...604,000 at Colt's Neck nnd moved to IVIUKM Ity WtM'lmwUcn Jt^Hltlont. IVIMI tlie number required of K«gle «ey City, County Commander Kujrone tive of churoh nDllletlon. Doth men RKAMKR, MIKH KATHHYN, IB Wallarn Ht generally attributed to Works Pro- licoutfl. O'Uourko of Atlantlo Highlands, and women, young and old, no matter VANNIfiHH, HUB. AI.I11A, Mi Linden PI I'lorlda. The property watt !>ouf;ht g >'•. Howard Lip|ilncott of Hod Dank gress Administration jobn nnd other Hloynn In a member of tho pt'iff County Adjuster John Throckmorton what your Indlvldunl typo may he, WILTHHIItU, MHH. IIAItHV, 72 Humid Or _ ...607,000 by Minn Vloln Htoke.i Freehold, n IIII of Freehold, n hl for a ient living at governmnnt-mado work and to Im- nt Camp Uurlon this xummcr, be- of Atlantlo Highlands and Arthur Mc- high nchool trarhrr at 11'animlr , nn'n' n WechuwkiMi, who IICHIU'/I hla namo proved bunlnens conditions. Duo to them In a part for you If you care OUTHIDF, ItKII HANK ing employed an an order clerk In Farland of K«yport, county registrar to nwilat. Invi'iilmenl. The Imuiie ],i a nhort wHIrWId. Hi,! houno ,in,| thine ncron now machinery tho need for fuiin- of the graves of veterans. HAKHMAN, MBit. M.r Atlantic Highlands ..(100,000 distance went ,,f (ho villngo oi>nt<>r the commlmary department. He in of Inn,| iK'ur Vnndei liuri; ownfd by lmndn IB much nmallor than It wan n a mmnber of tho Hi, Jami'H' Boy KAK1CK, MHH. MURIIKL, Matnwnn '. ...50D.O0O on tlu north oklc of tho C'olt'u Nrch- John DIIKUII. The houno and 2Mi few years ago and the cost of pro- lVirty for Benator Itiirlmur. _.(102,000 Mcout troop, No. ft, nKNNKTT, MIflll MAIWLiniNIC. IIIjthlnndK I''reohold road. Tho Innd comprlnfn noreii mo »t tlio MMitlieiiHt cornor of duction Ml lowrr. Among thn equip- III rth Control Council Tea. Women members ot the Republi- HffiNNlCHHKY, MllH. L1CO, Fair Hnvm _ ..(lOR.OOO two acrmi, with a frontage of nn feet Houto 31 and thn i'halanx- Vandor- mfiiil plnylnK a leaning l>urt in smv The Monmouth County Council of can county executive committee gave ._23lon«hl[> la council chairman. RTKVKNS, MIHH JISAN, Rumson , ..«0fl,000 Before the World war the present man Joseph C. Irwin of Red Bank, Mrn. Hlmmonds will bo held Haturday tlmt thn »w owner will move tho price of potatoes would not Imve Tutaday it Aabury Park. Mn. Elliott nsembly candidate; Aiaemblynun ZOCKKR, MIBR AL10A, Hoilft —_ ..SOT.OOO 1 c !k on y ; y f u,'",," ' °' "" »'• vnm- houae to nnotlmr locution and «roct been regarded an especially proflt- ICvuns and Mra. Elizabeth Whitney , y ERtt Murphy Pl F r Rlvoraldo drive are guests laughter Beverley of Lake avenue Men Thrown Chit SUPER at The Balsamn, Dlxvlllo Notch, tave returned from a three-weeks 'Salt water day" festivities at rjajy-^ampahiro. 'acatlon trip through New York Keyport will be opened tonight with Mrs. Carolyn Goldlcro and daugh- itate and Canada. They visited Quo- Of Work By HRAthe crowning of the queen at the ter Rita of Red Bank were among leo and Montreal. They also stopped Maconlc Temple grounds. The pro- AUGUST ALU the hundreds of visitors recently to at Lambs, Lake George, and saw the gram will consist of muslo by the the educational exhibit dealing with Gold Cup races. On their return trip Big Lay-Off of Employee* at Keyport fire department band, vocal marble at Proctor, Vermont. hey were gueBts of Mrs. Bremer's Home Resettlement Project at selections by Diane and Audrey Sea- Miss Ruth W. Reamer, daughter lister, Mrs. Edward Schroeder, at bury, the procession of the queen ON SALE TODAY, THURSDAY ot Mra. F. Courtlandt Reamer of er summer home at Lake Hopat- Clarksburg—About 100 Redand attendants, lnvesture of the »i Wallace street, has been accepted ;ong. Bankers Among Number. queen by Mayor C. Leroy Bowne, the rs. Nora Ferris, Mrs. James turnlture, Ming, Radio, lamp and Pic tart for admission to the freshman c]ilass- —M: queen's proclamation and the reces- 'tmr* -dTBk. of the New Jersey College for Wom- Grimes and Mr. and Mrs. William sional. Department!! and Photo-Ualltx fit olght of New York were the guests About 800 men, approximately 100 en at New Brunswick. Mies Reamer of them "Red Bankers, were thrown Miss Leona Roberts haa been se- Open Tonight Until -"* (IP..M, graduated from the Red Bank high f Mrs, John Kearney of Chestnut lected as queen by a voting contest, itreot over the week-end. out of employment Saturday when -\ school, where she was prominent In construction work was stopped at the and her attendants are Mlases Helen USE BANK STREET ENTRANCE high school activities and 6 mem- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson and Homo Resettlement' Administration Clancey, Althea Gregory, Marjorle ber of the Hl-Y, the French club and amily of Bergen place have returned project at Clarksburg In the eastern Helnrlchs, Marjorle Morley, Betty the Girls'. Recreation club. home from a ten days' visit with Mr. part ot Monmouth county, near Welgand and Emma Schanck. To- Mri. Mabel Coleman, local dancing ,nd Mrs. Ernest Bischoff of Valley morrow tho baby parade will be Stream, Long Island. Hlghtstown. No official explanation l Instructor, Is attending a convention of tho lay-off has been given, but a held at 1 o'clock and the general of the Society of Dancing Masters of Loula Schwind, 11-year-old son of report receiving considerable cre- >arade of floats, business floats and America, of which she Is a member, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Schwind of dencn Is to the effect that the money firemen will be held at 5.30 p. m. at the Hotel Roosevelt at New York. McLaren street, la recovering from allocated for the housing project has A block dance and fireworks will The convention oponed Sunday and a head Injury received Saturday In a been diverted to provide assistance feature the evening entertainment. will olose tomorrow. fall on the beach at Asbury Park. He was treated at Fltltln hospital and for drought-stricken areas In tho Members of the committee and Mrs. David Slmpaon and daughter ater releaBod. West. guests will be served a banquet at Vera of Mlnneslnk Park, have ar- Charles C. Leeds of Brooklyn and According' to one report which the Raritan Inn at noon. rived home from a ehort motor trip Miss Doris Frey of South street are lucks oillclal verification the work at On Saturday boat races will be to Niagara Falls. While at the Falls Occasi enjoying a three weeks' automobile Clarksburg will bo resumed In about held at the Keyport Yncht club at they vtalted Mrs. .William P. Scott, trip through Maine. two weelis. Another report has been 1 o'clock and swimming races one Sr., of Rod Bank, who IB Bpondlng Rev. Thomaa E. Carney, asuiatant circulated that no more work will be hour later. A water carnival will be the summer with her nleco In On- rector of St. James's church, has pur-done this summer. held in tho evening, with band con- tario, Canada. chased a new DeSoto sedan. A skeleton force of employees has cert at the Raritan Inn and fol- Mrs. J. D. Otterson, Jr., of Broad Mrs. Benjamin Hurwltz of Miami, been retained to put the finishing lowed by fireworks. street, who has been confined to her Florida, formerly ot Red Bunk, Is touches on 35 new houses. It will William Sexton is the chairman homo for the past eight weeks or spending several weeks In town. Mra. Eequlre a week to ten days to com-in charge, W. Warn Walling pub- more with pleursy, la still In a ser- Hurwltz has an apartment house at plete this work. Altogether about licity man, E. V. Silcox treasurer and ious condition although a complete Miami Beach whore sho will bo glad 100 houses have been started. A few John Roberts assistant treasurer. recovery la looked for In due time. to see her Red Bank friends during have been finished but still more arc Mr. and Mrs. E, Vplgtlandor and the season. in course of construction. The projr eon of Hoboken have moved *o 20 H. Lawrenco French will shortly cct wnn fathered by Rexford G. Tpg- Uninvited Guest Buona place. Mr. Volgtlander la chief sever hia connections with The Long well, under secretary of the Depart- electrician for the New York Times. Branch Record to take chargo of the ment of.Agriculture. Stabs His Host Mr. and Mra. Thomas Cook of Red Bank bureau of The Asbury Among those thrown out of work Broad Btreot, Mrs. Lily Manahan Park Press. Herbert Schell of Long are Joseph Fix and Jerry McConvcy Edward Coy, colored, of Pearl and MIBS Alida Oakley o£ Hudson ave- Branch, who has boon in charge ot of Red Bank, who acted as special street, charged with assault and bat- nue are spending tho month of Au- tho Prosa bureau here, will enter th ollicers. They pntrolleil the grounds tery upon Harry Banks, also colored, gust at Clifton Springs, New York. photography department pi tho Press and preserved order, They were ap- of West Bergen place, was commit- Mr. and Mm Kenneth Smith and at Asbury Park. pointed deputy sheriffs a short time ted to the county jail at Freehold son Ranald of Maple avenue are Ml Loretta Regan of Hudson ave- ago. to await the action of the grand Jury spending two weeks at Lake Wln- nuo entertained members of the by Acting Recorder John V. Crowell nepesaukco, Now Hampshire. Young Woman's club Thursday night Improving Red Bank Airport. on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Barry and at a box supper. son of E:\at Orange aro visiting Mrs More than 200 men are working According to a report by Sergeant Flro Chief James Vaughan and under the supervision of the Works James J. Sheedy, Banks was .cut Michael D. Riordan and family of family of Clinton place have returned Oakland street. Progress administration at the Red about the throat with a penknlfo by from Toronto, Canada, where Mr Bank airport on grading, graveling Coy on Sunday night. According to . Mm. Eleanor Stevens of East Front Vaughan attended tho national lire street, technician at Rlvervlcw hos- and tarring runwnys, building a con- the complaint, Coy had called at the pital, has recovered from an Injured ieffi' convention. crete circle 100 feet in diameter, in Banks residence and waa asked to neck suffered recently while bathing Mies Gladys Gill of Mlddlotown It the middle of the landing field to leave because of the Illness ot Mrs. at Sea Bright. She had been a pa- a new employee at Liggett'a Drug mark the airport, and painting the Banks. When Coy refused, the re- tient at Rivorvlelw hospital and has store on Broad street. hangar. The estimated cost of the port states, Banks attempted to returned to her dutlea thero. Mrs. Royal E. Moss, Sr., of Shrews- work is $140,000. eject him bodily, and during the en- bury avenue Is a patient at the Mon suing scufTlo was slashed about the Mlsa Beatrice Riordan of Oakland mouth Memorial hospital with a frac- street la enjoying a vacation from throat. tured arm. Governor Visits Airport. Banks was removed to Rivervlew her duties at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wright of Governor John Trumbull of Con- Miss Marjorlo Messier of Shrews hospital, where It was stated hla con- Broad street sailed on the S. S. Pas necticut made a trip from his home dition Is good. Policeman Benjamin bury, nurse at RIverview hospital, is tores.of the Colonrblan lino to visit over the week-end and landed at the onjoylng a vacation from her duties. Cook assisted Sergeant Sheedy in the Haiti, Jamaica, Panama and Colom- Red' Bank airport. While In this vi- investigation, of the case and In the Mlsa Ann Clttadlno of Long Branch bia, South America. cinity ho visited friends at Deal. ia taking Miss Messler's place. arrest which followed. Miss Mary Riordan of Oakland street, who has been assistant super- intendent on tho surgical floor a Monmouth Memorial hospital for tho TEMPTING, HEALTHFUL past three weeks, has completed her duties. ' « Miss Joannctte Smith of William street la enjoying two weeks' vaca tion from her dutlea at Sears & Roe- buck's Monmouth street store. John McGackln of Jersey City, a Fruit Salads former Red Bank boy, wan In town this week renewing acquaintances. are best when made with BUTLER'S It was Mr. McGaekln's first visit hen in many years. Ho met a number o. his boyhood friends and had a good SALAD DRESSING time talking with them of Red Bank when it boasted of "Texas," where John made his homo. He is now em ButUr Salad ployed aB an engineer In Brooklyn. Dreising ii Harry B. Wonck, a former realden to creamy and rich that It bfendi per- of Red Bank, who now lives in Cali fectly with all fornia, has been In town. Ho called fruit*. You can be at the Register offices last Thursday sure of a boitar (ruff and paid his respects. He was glad Salad when you uie But- to got back to tho old town once l«r Salad Drilling or more and ho waa looking up as many Mayonnaiie. of his old acquaintances as time BUTLER *4^ would permit. RINSO Mrs. Hary Chandler and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Calvin Brltton of Wana- 2LPV/.'35? massa Park, formerly of Red Bank SALAD MES SUNDRITE and Fair Haven, were visitors in town Tuesday. CLEANSER 3 Ca, 13* Mrs. Joseph Laurlno of Washington RIVER street is visiting Mrs. Jay A. Molllsk, M2-0i.BCY a classmate, at her summer home In RICE Pkg. « DSrien, Connecticut. Miss Mario McDonough of Brown BUTLER CRUSHED ? place i& visiting her aunt, Miss Nellie PINEAPPLE C°.'n 15 McDonough of Holmdel. Mrs. Edward Kaney and family o BUTLER FANCY WHOLE GRAIN 1 t-Oi. 4 Bt River Plaza are spending a few days SUCCOTASH c«,n IS9 at Nyack, New York. BUTLER FANCY EARLY JUNE |6.Ol Joseph Laurlno of Washington BUTIER FANCY PEAS Can street,, a teacher of engineering at COUNTRY GENTLEMAN 60LDEN TIPS Monmouth Junior college, spent par BUTLER FANCY of last; week ot tho DuPont works SWEET PEAS can In Wilmington, Dclawaro, CORN TEA Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clayton o Freehold, formerly of Red Bank TOMATOES 2 ^ and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Paul o River Plaza aro on an automobile Butlar Fancy Wholo Grain Goldan |6 Ot trip to New England and Canada. BUTLER BUTUR Bantam CORN c^' Both men aro employed by tha Boll REAL Halves or Slfcad Telephono company and are on thel RIDSEWAY 2-Gal. MOTOR OIL Con annual vacation," On Monday thoy COFFEE (Tax Included) visited Harry Green of Rod Bank, PEACHES BUFFET a formor telephono company em- 4 ££25* ployee, who la at Glen Gardnor, Can A A PEARS Miss Kathlyn' Guttormsen of Leo- £23' SUNSHINE SODA nardo, MlHfi Beatrice] Hurley of At 3 Pltgi. 13' lantic Highlands, Kenneth Novak o BUTLER BUTLER CRACKERS "Sunset avenuo nnd Harry Wordon of East Front atrcnt were guests on Produce Specials — Sunday of Mr. anil Mrs. Edward PEARS Apple Sauce CALIFORNIA Bonnott of Fnlr Hnvcn nt their sum mer cottngo on tho south shoro o the MctediHHmk river. Can Ml *9 Can. fi9 JUICY LEMONS Harry Greenwood of Spring strco BUTLER FANCY CUT BUTLER FANCY WHOLE has takon a position at tho Bchulto- REFUGEE REFUGEE Unlted store. Raymond Clucntlicr nnd family o: Wavorly plnr.o nrn vacationing In th BEANS BEANS 3„.10* Whlto Mountains ot Nnw Hampshire. NEW GREEN Dr. William Hetitlcy ot Hrond street Is a medical put lent at Flt Can JL*9 kln hospital, Cooking APPLES BUTLER FANCY CREAM Mini Dorothea Connolly of Flint* BUTIER FANCY UMA Ing, Long Island, formerly of For STYLE GOLDEN BANTAM Monmouth, Hptmt tho weok-oml with Ml«» Joan Hloynn o( IJroail strcot. BEANS CORN 3.14* Mian Margnrot Tullor, daughter o JERSEY M Mr. and Mr«. J. Dnnlol 'fuller o Hllvoivwhllo avenue, loft lwit week by RIPE TOMATOES Lt, 5 train to vlnlt a college friend In Ii(> '£-12' CRISP Angolflfl, California. ICnrouto «h fltopimd at Liiko OwasHiu, onn of th CELERY HEARTS Flngor InkoB, and vlnltod hnr Mint Mm. N. A. llowor nf Detroit. Mil) BANTAM CORN 3 For 10 Betty Challninio of Chlcngn nrconv PEACHES pnnlpil her. They RIHO vlHltod th NEW NEARBY ^'•ii «*>••»*• ' "" ' ED8PBEA'DB * B"m flrnnil (!nnyoii. YELLOW ONIONS 3 Lb, _ a Mr. mill Mm. 1 lurry Whlto of Wnn Prk.l Elttcllr* until Saturday, Auguit 811,. ntn-ct npnni yi-ntorduy with frlnml at Long Hi'iim'h. Dr. nnil Mm. Ilorlicrt Ely Wllllum of" llinml dtii'i't urn gui>iilnnf Dr. JoTllI Jili'iili roniirr nf New Yolk oily wh» cltlulurtfl a 1'ofU < inultmtti Hchool JAMES BUTLER of DiritWty «l "VVIiiRdnlii," In 111 n«rk'nhlrr>i, Now York. Dr, Wllllnni linn hcPii «IIKIIK«nlnK Qoli GROCERY STORES Newark Koll Manipulation." Dr. l'onner I N<~:v Jersey L. JBAMBERGER & CO. .^°5i1S| connultunt,. «tt 8t Luke'* hospital 20 BRO4P ST. RED BANK PROSPECT AVE. \ RED BANK REGISTER, "AUGUST 6, 1986. Democratlo Cud Party. AMtSEMENTS. work was done by Eden Ewlng of DONT MISS Headden's Corner. Bed Bank. '• The Women's Democratlo club of Methodist Harvetf Home Jersey Farmers Curlton Theater, Stanley Mylock !« building a Monmouth county will hold a card Oil Tanks - Septic Tanks ' (Tha Red Bank Register can ba bought garage. party Wednesday afternoon, August and Bazaar "The Bride Walks Out," with Bar- ^leadden't Corner from Edward O'Flab> ty and Frltt Errath.) , Norma »nd Ralph Barto, children 26, at the Mon Parla room of the on church Iota, Brood Street, Gainble For Stake bara Stanwyck, Gene Raymond and of Mr. and Mr*. Qaylord Barto, aro Monmouth County Country club. MINER SUPPLY COMPANY ' Robert Young, will be shown today The firemen are getting their new olck with chtckenpox. Miss Martina Healey la general AUGUST 7-8th W. Front * Peart SU. Bed Bulk Worth Millions and tomorrow. The fitory concerns rounds adjacent to the flro house in Henry C. McLean is harvesting his chairman. CHICKEN SALAD SUPPER Nto. the trianglo trouble of a young lady eadlnees for their annual fair which apple crop and many of tho youths with lexpcnslve tastes who weda a ill begin Saturday, August 15, andand boys of thia neighborhood aro They Are Leaving Crop >n surveyor of modest'means and of a onclude Saturday, August 22. The finding work as pickers in hla or- Ground Confident That Price. much-too-iich playboy who la posi- roperty was bought by the company chards. tive tbese two can't stay wed for- short time ago. Michael Coinar has found employ- Will Hold or Go Still Higher ever, and who does his best to see Miss Vera Simpson haa returned ment with the Getty constructing and to It that they don't. Later. rom an automobile trip in Canada. building company. Miss Mary Finn has been vielting Cnrmelu Macedonl la working at ,t New York. Perth Amboy for the Jannarone con- Central New Jersey farmers, play- Jean Cimato Is making a stay with Ing with a stnke worth millions ol icr grandfather at Long Branch. tracting company. dollarB, are g-ambling on the bullish Mr. and Mrs. James Sanders and Charles Fluent and family have side with equanimity—they are tak- moved from the former schoolhouse wo frlenda of New York were Sun- property to a house on Pine street. ing their own tlmo digging their po- ay gutsts of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Miss Catherine Finn was a visitor tatoes, confident that prices will re- 3'Flahorty. at New York Monday. main at least as high as they are Joseph Cimato .has bought a Dodge Mrs. Samuel Rlkcr Is having a now. ledan. large playhouse taken down on her They are gambling with the weath- The new house which was started estate on the Chapel Hill rmid. 1 er from Maine to Oregon, but they everal weeks ago on the Straus cs- George Reuther Is doing the work. have already seen Lady Luck smile ate Is nearly completed. It will ho The building will be re-assembled on as «he turned her back upon the occupied by Thomas Head, superln- an estate which Mrs. Riker owns In South and Middle West. No one endent of the estate. Connecticut. knows exactly how many potatoes A* Miss Margaret Finn Is enjoying a Thomas H. Hall of Valley Head, areln the ground, or what they will vacation. bring when harvested. The State Alabama, says he owns a shaving Department of Agriculture ilxcd the Mrs. George Brower, Sr.. has hudbrush thit has been In use 70 years. THE REXALL DRUG STORES crop prospect on Ju!y 1 at 7,540,000 a new roof put on her house. The bushels. Since then, however ex- treme heat has hurt the crop. Esti- 60 BROAD ST., Phone 1444 RED BANK, N. J. mates of the damage run from 15 ts> 20 per cent, with 6,500,000 bushels a favored though unofficial estimate of the outlook. THE DRESS SHOP Dealers at three potato centers— Allentown, Robbinsvillo and Hlghts- 73 BROAD STREET, RED BANK town—are paying $1.85 a hundred pounds for graded potatoes and ask- ing $2 lor them. Ungraded bring IAN HUNTER Announces a AUGUST SALES tho farmer $1.73. Last year grade "White Angel," with Kay Francis A potatoes sold for as low as 50 |in the title role, will be the feature cents a hundred pounds. attraction Saturday, Sundny and With an eye on the weather, the Monday. "Always Shop At Liggett's" farmers aro not hurrying to market. They hope for stronger prices. Al- Strand Theater. Removal Sale xeady the market hna spread as far "Human Cargo," with Brian Don- ELECTRIC DOUBLE Electric West as Chicago and as far South levy will be shown for the. last HAIR DRYER at) New Orleans and Florida points, times today. Two "features, "Parole,' Southern cropa were early and in- Beginning Saturday, August 8th For drying Toaster with Ann Preston and "Tho Cattle S'dwich Toasteirs your hair adequate. More Northern ones prob- Thief," with Ken Maynard, will be nip-Flop Typ« ably will be late; the drought has hit ihown Friday and Saturday. Odd Lot of GrillB, Fries with Cord the Middle West and West. New Jersey and Long Island have the a market almost . to themselves, al- Special though isome Maryland potatoes are Cotton nd Silk Dresses still appearing. Hence, the confi- AC or DC dence throughout Monmouth, Mercer and Middlesex counties. .85 Kruschen GLOBE BANKS 1.50 Monttouth, with half of Central at $2.50 Jersey's 15,000 acres of potatoes, Salts With Key .... AGAROL • -.••• spoke through J. Neafle Johnson, .10 ATLAS 1c ,25 Carter's president of tho Monmouth County Silk and Cotton Farjaeta' Exchange. Ho said, "Tho Shoe Polish ^ Liver Pills ..: outlook Is better for continuation of & present prices than for years." .25 J. J. 4 Ac Pt. RHUBARB Because of the predominance of Sport Afternoon Dresses : showers over general rains, produc- TALCUM ....•" and SODA .. tion haa been spotty. EHwood Doug- formerly up to 8.75 1 n>. lass, Monmouth county farm agent, HALEY'S 1.25Petrolagar •I7QC estimated the yield from 60 to 150 Chocolate bushels an acre, depending upon the Forhan's M.O Malted farm. There is not much profit in ft. LACTOGEN 60 bushels but the other extreme is Tooth Paste .50KOLYNOS 9 Ac Milk a gold mine to farmers. 69' A. C. McLean, Mercer county agent, PASTE °* .50 Pepsodent O-f c estimattd the jield In hla territory MARGARET CALLAHAN. A Group of Better Dresses .25 CUTICURA -I Qc Paste OM- at 125 bushels an acre on Mercer's The feature attraction Sunda; SOAP •*•«* 6,000 acres. Monday and Tuesday of next wee About 20 per cent has been du; formerly selling up to 16.50 & 17.50 .10PALMOLIVE G[c .10 Colgate's Big Bath throughout the belt. will be "Special Investigator," wit: 25o Richard Dlx. SOAP tf SOAP g 29 PHILLIPS' ,or TOOTH HERMANN A TOWNSENDITE? $g.75 .10 LIFEBUOY Lincroft. Rubbing Large Palmolvve Q1?0 PASTE Considerable Sentiment Shown fo SOAP (Tha Red Bank Heghter can ba boughl Him nt Holmdel Picnic. Alcohol Shav. Cream ** It Llncroft from George Toop, .who has .75 Bath Spray /fQc a deltvarr route.) Advocates of the Townscnd old agi ( C Mrs. D. G. Houston of San Diego, pension plan to the number of abou Evening Dresses .35 Ingram's 9Q 75 gathered at Theron McCampbeir 9 California, formerly of this place, Is Sylvan forum at Holmdel for a pi' .10 CAMAY « , Qc Shav. Cream •••' spending two weeks'with her broth nic Saturday. They were most] formerly selling up to 15.00 er, Joseph VI. Thompson. ' Mrs, from Middlesex county and th SOAP...* * .75BARBASOL4Qc Houston, who Is expecting to visi northern part of the state. Impromp friends here, made tho trip to Detroit tu talks featured the affair and muc 1.25 ENO 17 7c Jar by train. At Detroit she purchased sentiment wos expressed In favor $g.00 SALTS • * a new car and motored East. Albert I. Hermann, the Republics Large Mickey Mouse Nancjr Severin and Doris Shlbla candidate for congress from this di Milk of ft. S. M. A, aren ew members of the summer va- Meal Tyme Play Balls ....| Ac cation club. The next meeting wil trlct.. Various speakers skid that M Magnesia be held Saturday at the homo of Hermann had promised to suppo: Coffee DorU Shlbla. tho Townsend pension plan. The; Odd Lots of Coats Alps Shoe WITCH 9QC said they favored Mr. Hermann bi 1 More than 40 persons turned out cause he had a better chance of d Whitener lb HAZEL qU.* *' Thursday night for an old-fashioned feating William H. Sutphin, Dem camp meeting at tho homo of Rev.cratic candidate for re-election, tha Sg.OO and $J0.OO David Povey of Everett. Charles Mrs. Elizabeth Halleck of Lakewoo McKelvey, a graduate of Wheaton the Townsend candidate. Metal Keepsit college, Wheaton, Illinois, spoke on the subject of "Gracr," and Rev. William O'Dell of New York spoke Utility Lunch on "Work." Group singing was en- joyed and refroshmentrf were served. Box Kit MrB. Emma Vmuleiveer of Long Island is visiting Milvin S. Reid. C The Entro Nous club will meet at Rev. David Pnvey's home tomorrow DQREMUS BROS 98 night at 8 o'clock. A coin roast la planned. Rhca Walling, president, COMPLETE FOOD MARKET SINCE 1877 will be in charge. .30 CARBONA c' so« Mrs, Signa Fessler and Cot- 20 500s *>•*• LYONS trell of OakhurM spent Sunday with 3 PHONES—1560 - 1561 - 1562 Mr. and Mrs. HavW-in D;Uy .25 NOXZEMA Milk Magnesia ^Qc Tooth Mr. end Mrs. Charles Gnlli and 11 & 13 BROAD ST. -:- FREE DELIVERY Powder Mr. and Mrs. Roger Giilli of New Qts <*3 York Were week-end visitors of Mr. .50PABLUM ... MINERAL OIL JQc and Mrs. Dante Daverlo nnd family. SPECIALS—THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ! 34 Eleclrtc Qts. *V The Ladies' Aid society will mod .75 HYLAC Cottee this evening at the hnnio of Mrs. Rubbing Alcohol Oc Harold Potter < DEXTRI Maine. ACID MALTOSE ; Members of the S. am! S. cluli, of Large Box C which Mia. Louis Ford Is director, Moth Crystals Venida 2 for 9»C| naw .Shirley Temple- In "Poor Little GENUINE GENUINE ARMOUR'S Tissues, 200 ^*** Rich Girl" Monday :it the Carlton 1.10 Lady Ester CQc theater. Red Hank. The members Qt. Refrigerator \ Ac havo received club pin:;. LAMB LAMB STAR Powder Bottles *™ Evening noTviecM at Lincroft cha- .50 Klenzo Bath pel have been discontinued duiln^ LEGS Bccttlc SEDLITZ \ -f c August. "Whnt Is Truth," a series SHOULDER HAMS Spray of eermonn, will lie continued next Vibrator POWD.. 12s-1-1- Hundny mornlni; l>y Rev. 1'iviil I'o- 3 Appllcatori vcy at the- cliapel. c lb Mr. mill Mrn. Louis Kaiser took 2§c ib honors Hundny In the Klboron honiO Ifc Ib Bankers 29 EX-LAX B1SMA' Hhnw by capturing two <:h;implun- uhlps and four liluo riblm/iM, Win- Cigars ning Ways took the thn>n-g;\llcd cln.»a 10 for nnd Llttln Sport placed Hint in the CHOICE 8 REX flvfi-gMtetl cnmpeiltlnn. SELECTED QUALITY C T>nnt« Dnverln win n member of n 25 d«er> sen fishing i);ir!y hint work. It wan tile first time Hint Mr. DIIVIMIO An Antacid Powilcr tlint All Popular Ilmnrifi of had «Ver oxperlenicd off rliou* Ilr,h- FROSTED FROSTED FROSTED FROSTED Ing nnd In nilrilll'in In i xlillilllni; n will relieve iiuliKi'Htiou and Electric CIGARETTES nir.o menu of lish ho IIIMO took i^icat Peas & Carrots BROCCOLI Pineapple SPINACH all stomnch ntlmeiUH. CURLING pridO in tho Met thai he did not get Q*>° pi'g. nqo pug. C IRON •tndek. 23' ""*• }i ounce 1 Ilobtrl Whitney, mm of Mr. ami 23 Dottle 50c i 49c $1.13 Mr*. Hnrolil S. Wliltnvy of Llmmft road, hall a blrlbdny party n few dftyff a|fo nt. which lie wan luril t<> m>v- 37c tl). Ritz Crackers 19c pkg. «ral of hln youn« frlnniln. The nricr- noon ijvn« spoilt In |ilaylni: cnlnrii Welch's Grape Juice 18c pt. Napkins—80 in pkg 3 pkgs. 19c SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIALS and thorn »«« pli'fity of feanlliii;. Blue Tip Matches 5c plcj;. Jersey Celery 2 stalks 15c mo Mr, tnd Mm. Arthur L. I'llmim of ICE CREAM nouiii,K Dir Aloxamlrlii. Virginia, mid Dr. .lames Crowe & Blackwell'. California Peas 2 lbs. 23c Limeade 10c W. -JotyllnR of New York, vlpltc.l Mr. SODA ICE CREAM «nd Mrs. K, O, Pltmnn nt Ulvoiluouk Marmalade 19c jar j^^^ fun" Over tho woi'lc end, GOLDEN BANTAM CORN CONES Orangeade . 10c :• ,—-*<«. • -a^- • • — Wheaties 10c pkg. | Court. 10c Lemonade .. 10c The. Tlod Tlank' IlfKlnti-r trnvnln Pulled Fresh Twice Daily All I'lnvora 5c OV«r eferv dtreet In town mid every 1^*4 111 ilin county. J.«"l It I'IIIIV voiir n>M«»|fft to I hone who live on thrno IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS tkor«U|tlif»fe».—•Advertlicmoat. 39< RED BANK REGISTER, 'AUGUST 6, 1936.

Charlee Melele and granddaughter, Fourteen fluke were caught, so they Wife And Children Card Party Held Little Silver Catches Huge Caroline Goodrich, and Mrs. Rudolph jsay. But nobody around Leonardo Melele motored to Wharton to spend believeB them an they were seen with At Players Club Plays Tie Game Tropical Fish a few days at tho home 01 Mr. and six kllllca. TO HOLDERS OF i Get Riker Estate Mrs. Rudolph Melele. The ladles' auxiliary of the Playar« Mrs. Muriel Bardewyok of New The Little Silver and Long Branch Paul Jahnes of Wardell avenue, The resular monthly meeting of the York, la spending a week of her va- Boat club gave a card party Tuesday firemen battled a 2*11 tie Tuesday lumson, harpooned a huge tropical Will of Middletown Tovmihip evening. Mto. Edward Meseck of Ladlea' auxiliary of Community fl,r.e cation with Mrs. Frank Behrle. BONDS UNDERWRITTEN BY "Man Executed Last Augutt— nlgtit at Lonj; Branch in the County lunnsh Sunday eight miles off Long company will be held next Tuesday Mrs. Edith Phiiippi is spending a Jersey City, Mrs. Francis McKenna Firemen's baseball league. Norton, ranch while on a fishing party In evening at the (Ire house. few days as a guest of Mrs. Went- •Will of Ira D. Boird Admitted of New York, Mrs. William Onder- pitching for Little Silver, allowed the its aeasklfT with his wife, Mrs. A card party |]i be held by the worth Cranbrook of Asbury Park. donk of Jersey City and Mrs. Ralph w to Probate. ihore firemen only 2 hits, Tanet Jahncs; his brother, Milton Women's Republican club Monday af- Arthyr Larsen of High Bridge, Delll Paoll of New York wet< the The scores: "Skipper" Jahnes, and Leslie Mc- ternoon, August 17, at 2:30 o'clock at S. W. STRAUS & CO. hostesses. Cocktail shakers were spent the week-end with relatives at Samuel Rlker of Mitldlctown town- LITTLE SILVER. Clees. Community fire house. Mrs. Henzey Leonardo. awarded as prizes. IB H B 10 A t Frye la chalrlady of the party com- AND chip made his will last August. Ha Scheldt, BI 8 0 0 12 0 The fish battled for half an hour Henry Van Daalen has returned Among those playing were Mrs. lefore it was killed. During the mittee. home from a two weeks' fishing trip left $5,000 to each or his children. Howard Morris, Mrs. Mary Curl, Mrs. :«r, 8b 2 11"'" All the rest of hla estate wag left to Aichettlno, 2b a lattle the fish was shot'onco with a At the Baptist church Sunday with friends in Maine. Alice WesBon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jo- lacobB. rf a lfle and lanced several times. The Miis Helen Ruhnke has resumed his wife, Francos T. Rlker. He ap- seph Hennessey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aichettlno, Jf, 3 morning the sermon topic will be TITLE COMPANIES Yamrelli, c ~. . 2 lah weighed 410 pounds and Is be- her position after having had a won- pointed hla wife, his son, Samuel WesBon, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Wul- "The Sympathetic One." At the Chriu- Biker, Jr., and hla Bon-ln-Iaw, Wen- Schneider, lb. - 2 leved to be the largest of its kind tion Endeavor meeting the subject derful time on their vacation here. flng, Mr. and MrB. Alfred Boyce, Mr. Norton, p B _ 2 dell Davis, executors of tho will. Bruno, cf 2 ver caught off the New Jersey coast. will be "Dishonest Practices In Our MJaa Betty Van Daalen, who has and Mrs. Tom Howard, Mrs. Vlah Daily Life." At the church evening been spending her vacation at Leon- Ira D. Balrd, who died at his homo Smith, Miss Grace Haley, Gordon For Information Concerning All at Hed Bank recently, made his will 12 2 7 IIS s l service the ordinance of baptism will ardo, has returned to her duties at Wright, Mr. and Mra. H. L. Rodlck, LONG BRANCH. -•« be administered and the text will be the Jersey City Medical Center. November 10, 1934. Ho left $100 to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Worth, Miss Nel- ABO H PO A. E Leonardo. Old Brick church cemetery at Brade- M. V«nDyk«, rf 2 110 10 "They were Baptized." A meeting Charles Friedlander Is enjoying a llo Odqll, Mrs. Herman Spllle, Mrs. K. Wood. 2b ,... ,2 0 0 2 of tho deacons will be held Tuesday two weeks' vacation at hie home here. volt to be used In caring for his W. Whltchcad, Mrs. Edward Meseck, (The R«d Bank Register can bo bought Real Estate Mortgage Bonds and Certificates burial plot. One-half' of MB estate SUten, If „ 2 0 0 1 o 0 _ Leonardo from F. X. Kllduff. Harry evening. The mid-week prayer meet- A daughter was born to Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Eugeno Lleneck, Mrs. McOurk, lb. 1 0 0 2 0 1 Montgomery and Albert JcrenlaB.) ing will be held next Wednesday Charles 'O'Brien at Monmouth Me- •was left to his wife, Florence R. Mae Huge, Mrs. J. D. RhodeB, Mrs. Tomalno, cf, 2 0 0 2 0 0 Batrd, and the other half waB be- Mlhm, Sb 2 0 00 0 10 The annual fair of the Brcvent evening at 8 o'clock. The annual morial, hospital at Long Branch Mon- Write or Phone the Office of H. Clay, Mrs. C. Autnack ,Mrs. George Smith, e 2 0 0 0 0 'ark and Leonardo fire company is Sunday-school picnic will take place day. queathed to his children, Carolyn S. Orause, Mrs. William Decker, Mra. !onnon, n, 2 11 , , in progress this week on the Leon- on the ball field near the high school - ' m * m Balrd, Florence W. Balrd and Wil- C. J. Guincy, Mrs. Harry Quinn, Mrs. Thursday, August 13, beginning at 4 D. H. APPLEGATE liam D. Batrd. A shot gun and all A. Wood. p. 2 0 ardo ball field near the high school. Grasshoppers Lime. Ii. McCarthy, Mrs. William Onder- 17 2 2 15 6 1 p. m. On their home diamond at Port his Jewelry except a diamond stick- donk, MrB. Alice Slsslon, Mrs. George During last week Captain and Mrs. MS RIVERSIDE AVENUE, ' RED BANK, K. 3. pln were left to his son. The pin Charles Melele had for jjuesta Mr. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Rleman and Monmouth Sunday the Grasshoppers A. Hawkins, Mrs. Roy Rosenberg, and Mrs. Emil Ullrich and children were defeated by the P. J. Scanlon PHONE HED BANK 2«3. was bequeathed to his wife and she Mrs. Herbert Hawkins, Mra. George Troj ans-Towners family have moved to Fair Haven, was named as oxecutrlx. Emll and Anna and William Apperly where they recently purchased a new association of Newark by the score F. Hawklna, Mrs. Richard McAllis- if Hawthorne, Mr. and Mrs. Henry hoUBC. of 9 to 0. After the game the mem- David B. Soffel of Llncroft exe- ter, Mrs. C. A. Logg, Mrs. J. E. To Battle Sunday cuted his will last April. All of his Ullrich and son Henry of Petereon, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gocrtncr of bers of the Jersey City team were Balnea, Mrs. Hughlo Dcady, Mr. and John Shubert of Clifton and Mrs. entertained at the home of Mr. and estate was bequeathed to his wife, The first game In a 3-game series Washington, are spending a week Mrs. Ernie Otto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rudolph Meiele and son Edward of with Mrs. Goertner's mother. Mra. Mrs. W. J. Dlngwell, who are rela- W. Af FROELICH & CO., Inc. M»y Soffel. Ho appointed George J. Marcksteln, Ray VanHorn, Miss will be ataged Sunday afternoon on Boffel and Carnle Soffel executors of Wharton. On Tuesday Mrs. Mary Edith Phlllppi. tives of some of the visiting players. Florence Delalr. Mrs. Marie Webber, the Trojan field when a new Red Reed of Naveslnk. Misses Mary and 8 WEST 40th ST., NEW YORK CITY the will. Bank Trojan team m be placed on Thomas Desmond and Wallace Mac- Lester Plko, Mlsa Annie Hart, Mrs. w Florenco Noll o£ Feterson, Mrs. intosh spent Sunday on a fishing trip. Boys can make extra pocket money Mrs. Susie Anderson of Keyport Ralph Delll Paoll, Mr. and Mrs. Em- the field at 3:15 o'clock to meet the selling The Register.—Advertisement. left her house and lot to Saxon An- bury McLean, Mra. Kenneth Robin- Red Bank Towners. dernon and he was also bequeathed son, MrB. William E. Smith, Mrs. The Trojan management Is making *500 in caBh. Her brother, Charles Helen Hlggcnbothan, Mra. Florence arrangements to have the College B. Fenton, was left $200 In cash and Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hascall, Point team of Long Island to repre- he and Saxon Anderson were be- Mra. Morton Planltz, Mrs. Alice Han- sent them in Sunday's game and to AND SAVE quoathed tho residue of the estate. call, Tom McKnlght, Misa Vera Mc- play regular bill here until the close Saxon Andpraon was appointed exo- Knlght and Fred Brunncr. of the season. ' cutor of tho will. Charlio Crawford Is expected to ThomaB Jackson of Matawan left start on the mound for the "Towners $100 to St. Joseph's church of Key- with Bill Sweel doing the receiving. Jersey's Greatest Bread Value! • port for tho saying of masses for Gilbert Manson ••• himself and hie wife. Mary Jackson NOTED PIAYWBIGHT HERE. was bequeathed ?300. All the rest Given Stag Party of his cstato wag bequeathed to Ray Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Grclg En- Haley In trust. The income from the Gilbert Manson, son of Mra. Edna tertaining Auranla Rouverol. MILK BREAD trust Is to be paid to his son, Thom- P. Manson of Drummond place, was as Jackson, Jr., In quarterly Install- tondered a stag patty laet week by E. Auranla Rouverol, well known Sliced and Wrapped ments until ho la 50 years old, when Sterling Massey o( Brookdale farm playwright and scenario writer who the principal Is to be turned over to Ltncroft, in celebration of Mr. Man- recently arrived in the EaBt from him. son's pHS-sing the state bar examin- Hollywood, Is the guest of Mr. and ation. He in a graduate of Rutgers Mrs. Matthew W. Grelg at their cot- large Mrs. Mary 1C. Stillwoll of Howcll university and received hla law de- tage on Irving place, Shrewsbury. township left hor house and lot at gree at the Now Jersey Law school. Mra. Eouverol will be remembered loaf Adelphla to her daughter, Mao S. Those attending were Theodore as the authoress of several Broad- Gibson. All the rest of hep estate 1 9 arsons, Thomas DoremuB, Edmund way Buccessos including "Skidding, was left to Mrs. Gibson and to Helen Canzona. Burton Doremua, Clancy which ran a year and" a half at the Thrifty Jersey homemakers know from experience they 18 oz. A. Brown, anothor daughter. and Burritt Boynton,, Alfred Beattle, Rlalto In London. "Growing Pains," Bread Supreme loaf Several cash bequests wore made William Russell, Jr., William Blair, •which was produced here by the Red consistently save money by shopping regularly in the stores. In the will of Emollno J. Evans of Robert Forbes, Walter Woodhcad, Bank high school cast, Is another one loaf Wanamassa. Bequests of $000 were William Klatsky, all of Red Bank of her well known plays. Victor Bread 6c made to New York Bay oometory for Vincent McCue of Shrewsbury; Mil- Her latest play, entitled "Back "Where Quality Counts And Your Money Goes Furthest" the care of burial plots of Martha Stage," will be produced In New Order This Week-End Cake Special Today G.G , EmelinEll e J. andd MarM y F . EvansE ; ton Cramer, Theodore Miribella and York next month. She expects to Oven Fresh Butter Pecan Eldon C. Presley of Long Branch the James EvanB estate and Chaun- visit Red Bank again in the near fu- Two cey D. Price. The other cash be- John Mullane of Perth Amboy, Law- ture with the intention of getting lo- each qucBts were $3,000 to Kate W. Price, rence Carton of Middletown; Carl L, cal material for new scenarios. IB ROAST Iced Cake Layers 45c $2,000 to Teapoy Evans, $3,000 each Kcmpf of Asbuty Park; Harve; to Mary S. Day, Ella VanKouren and- Hartman and William Ludy of Key- Beach Party. Charloa A. VaDKouron; $2,000 to Wil- port, Walter Scott and ConBtantlne Donato of Trenton; David Kaplan ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds ol Prime Cuts liam H. Price, $1,000 to Frank Price, Long Branch gave a beach party Sat- $2,000 to Susan G. Price, $2,000 to Old Brldgo; Theodore Parmly of Tin- Of the finest cornfed steer IL ton Falls; Matthew Mullln of Lin- urday night at Deal for a number of lu FLOUR SALE Lucy Price, $1,000 to Anno Smead, relatives and friends, A bonfire was beef, the best the country - $500 each to Martha Wilson, Nathan croft. Raymond McGowan of Free- hold, and Jack Mandevllle of Miami, built and frankfurters and other re- raises. An extra big value Prico and Margaret Price and $1,000 freshments were enjoyed, Thoaa at at this low price. Hecker's Happy Baker t:> J. Havlland Tompklns. All of her Florida. tending were Mr. and Mra. George clothing and jewelry wero left to Reynolds, MrB. Thomas Levine, Mrs. A lb 17c Mary L. Brouner and she was also SURPRISE LINEN SHOWER. A. Kasschau, Stephen Reynolds, Jr. Prsme Chuck Roast " bequeathed $5,000. All the rest of her William Reynolds. Bruce Framed «• lb. eatato wna left to the Homo for Aged Miss Mary Paxton of East Keans- Francis Frame, Joseph Cummlngs, pkg. 19c Women at Jorsoy City. Sho appoint- burg Honored Monday Night. Mlsaes Olga and Virginia Kasschau, Store Sliced Bacon ed Mary L. Brouner and J. Haviland A surprise linen shower was given Margaret and Betty Reynolds. 25c Tompklns executors of the will. In honor of MISB Mary Paxton Mon- Meaty Frankfurters » Mrs. Anna J. Thompson of Asbury day night at the homo of Mrs. Fred Best Pure Lard 2 «*• 27c Park made her will In 1034. She Beam of East Keansburg. Miss Pax- lb. 12c loft $25 each to her grandchildren, ton is to be married September 5 t< Spiced Luncheon Meat* OSCO Baking Powder £ 17c Mrs. Vera T. Bell and George- L. Leland Richmond of Belford. Thompson; $50 to her daughter-in- Those present wore Mrs. Georgi 10c a law, Minnie A. Thompson and $25 to Paxton of East Keansburg, Mrs. J. Fresh Boston Mackerel »• Crisco £ 19c^5Sc JM.O7 her daughtcr-ln-law, Ethel K. Thomp- VanKlrk of Red Bank, Mrs. Paul I'D THOUGHT 6" son. She left ono $1,000 gold bond GarrlBon of Cheesequake, Mrs. Loul WAT BEFORE-' 5L5c EvaporatedMi!k of the Great Northern Railway com- Jensen, Mrs. Charles Quackenbush, Sliced Steak Codfish 20c5 pany to her Bon, Alvah L. Thompson. Mrs. James Masteraon, Mrs. Joseph Her grandchildren, Kcndrlck and Luker and Mrs. Fred Beam of Por George M. Thompson, were each left Monmouth; MrB. William Stains o Could everything be done twice, three shares of Eastman Kodak Lyndhurat and Mrs. Claude Rich everything would be done belter." stock. Her clothing was left to her mond of Belford. JULY 3tV-Fint leg Illative u»mbly DESSERTS three granddaughters. All tho rest The evening was spent playing in United Stuei It held at of her cstato was loft to her son bunco. Prizes wero won by Mrs. Salem. 1619. Alvah and he was appointed execu- Charles Quackenbush and Mrs. Louis Sparkling! Refreshing! OSCO or Rob Roy pUre Gelatine tor. Jensen. The decorations were yel 31—Lafayette mad* United Statei major general at Tho will of Harriot E. Cook of In- low and white. Mlsa Paxton received JUl age of 20.1777. Full quart terlaken was executed last March. many gifts. AUGUST :12 oz. bols. Articles of furniture wero bequeathed 1—William Adami, author ol Plus dcp. to Lela Muta and Clara Camp. All Coming Anniversary. ' popular Oliver Optic ito* the rest of hor estate wag left to riet, born 1621 hor cousin, Margaret C. Holmes and Rev. and Mrs. Howard N. Ame of Sea Bright will celebrate thol 2—Germany It refused a right Choose from Rob Roy, Pnle Dry Ginger Ale, Lime Choose from these six his- Hazel Holmes. of way through Belgium. cious flavors — strawberry, James A. B. Devereaux of Neptune 28th wedding anniversary on Mon- ^ 1914 Rickey and Sparkling Water. Asco Golden Ginger Ale, day of next week. Thoy wero mar- raspberry, cherry, orange, City left all his cstato to his wife, J—Columbia tails on hli Root Beer, Sarsaparilla, Cream Soda and Lemon-Lime. Mnbel E. Dovcreaux, and she was ried In 1910 at Marlton by Rev. S, lemon and lime. M. Nichols, Methodist superintendent tpoch - marking voyaga, named as executor. 1492. of Camdcn district. Mr. Amor wa 46 z 9 then pastor of tho Holding anc 4—City of Chicago now com- Dole Pineapple Juice c*°n 25c : Lr47c Six delicious flavors pkgs. Tho Red Bank Register travels Northmont Methodist churchcB. He pletely surveyed and plat* over every stroct In town and evorv ted,1B31 road In tho county. Let It carry your had charge of the Sea Bright Meth- message to thoso who llvo on thoeo odist church from 1022 to 1027 N.B.C. Biscuits 2 19c thoroughfares.—Advertisement. was recalled last October. %— Laying ol first Atlantic Florida Grapefruit Juice 3 ^?29e bi ia completed, IB51 2 lb. Glenwood Preserves jar 29c Sun Ray Tomato Juice ^ 23c 16 or' Campbell's Beans 2 cans Aug. 22nd -23rd REGATTA Aug. 22nd-23rd Whole 2 oz slices \ - 2 S£ 35c Myle's Table Salt 3 pkgs. »•>« Best Pink Salmon enn Tuna Fish Chicken of the Sea 2 25c No- 2 TRIANGLE ESSO STATION asm Sugar Corn I cans % RAY MCLAUGHLIN, Prop. AppSe Cider Vinegar vs»r 2 "W 25c OSCO Corn Flakes v 14 RIVERSIDE AVE. & WEST FRONT ST., RED BANK, N. J. Tomato Juice ***>**<•» °*- Armour's Corned Beef •••"-' '-15c can FOR SERVICE—PHONE 1954. large Calif. Apricots 2 cans Verified Lubrication Batteries Recharged and Rentals Kellogg's Corn Flakes *«•** *•* 6%c No. "2 String Beans mTrlll 3enna Free Spark Plug Test Under Compression No. 2 Eveready Fruit Cocktail Farmdale Peas 2 cans ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Mayonnaise 21c I ] TIRES [ 1 SBPER-roWER BATTERIES W Flak Chipso '-' pkg. t] TUBES BATTERY CABLES ORANGES 19c [ ] t 1 SrBAY X . . t ] E8SO t 1 EBBOI.ENK California Valencia. Very nnywhere 3 IxJxeboxc». IOC [ ] FAN BELTS ESSO MOTOE OIL : juicy. IJuy several dozen fit [ 1 tliiH low price. [ ] OIL FILTERS [ J ESSOI.UIIK 3 Iced Tea Glasses/ [ ] firAHK M.TJGB lbs. r 3 ESSO MARINE OILS * GREASES Seedless Grapes 2 19c J-j lb. pkf. Or*nt« Pekoe IndU OylM [ ] AUTO LAMP BULBS K8SOMSUM OEAR OIL * GIUCABKfl New crop lbs. [ ] WINDSHIELD WIPER AHMH [ i WINDNIIHXn WII-KR BLADES Cooking Apples 3 14c doz. OSCO Tea ANO MANY OTIIEll ITEMS IWXATED TO ECONOMICAL MAINTENANCE Or YOUR OAH, Bartlett Pears 25c .- TIIACTOR, TBUCKH, MOTOR IIOATH AND FAMILY USES. Very allradlvo Ihlnly ill for Fresh Peas Podd"d **• blown iluMt with 23c chin nroof nl«r. Sup- Regatta'a Racing Sneak Box Sailboat Tickets for Sale. ply limited! (let loiirt Beets or Carrots J« TODAY! 39 Au Aug. 22nd-23rd REGATTA &- 22nd-23rd Produce • 'SerfFood Pricrn Grocery Prict* PnvMi Effective Saturday "Night. Through Wtdntiday, Aug. lth* Page She RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 6, 1986. wood Runyan apent Thursday with worth, Miu Eda C. Wtntworth, Lewi* street, .pent Friday vUlttng Had No Accident Belford. Mra. Elizabeth Compton. Amelia and Arnold Wantworth and Eatontowii. Mra, Fleidner'a mother at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ja/nei Bartholomew Mlsa Flonnc* Woolley spent Sun- The womin'i auxiliary of th« fire (Tka Red Bank R«fllt*r eaa b. bouihl day at Chatham and Mount Tabor. 3. jj Ottcn at Monmouth Memorial hos- odlst church has discontinued meet- premeditated malicious Intent circu- pital at Long Branch Monday. Broad etreot. lated the rumor. This unjenown par- brated her birthday Sunday. Sho Mrs. Thomas Dlnneh spent the Mr; and Mrs. Clyde Hayes and 8on ings until Thursday, August 27, when ty went to conslderablo trouble and entertained a few relatives and week-end nt Brooklyn. Robert and Charles left yesterday to & silver tea will bo held at the home expense. Stating: that he WOB James friends at a dinner at her home. Misses Mnrie and Grnoe Pnvtes spend a few days with Mr. Hayes' of Mrs. Frank Kcnna of Clinton MARKET Anderson of Keyport, and an Inti- The guosta wore Mr. and Mrs. Wil- of Jersey City are spending the Holmdel. mother. Mrs. Charles Holdt of White placo. The society hold an outdoor mate friend of Mr. Lufburrow, he liam Martin of Plainfield, Mr. and week with their sister, Mrs. Melvtn Sulphur Springs, New York. Mr. party Thursday on Charles Falken- EST. 19O2 ; made two lonjr distance calls to The Mra. Herman Behrens, Miss Eliza- Leek. Tho Holmdol church will have a Hayes is enjoying a vacation frctm burg's -farm. About 18 were present. Register office from Hlverhead, Long beth Von Oohsen and Eugene Sa- Henry VnnNoto of Atlantic HlRh- minister of mualo beginning the mid- Ills duties with the Shrewsbury Dairy Martin Rlchlo of Cornwall, New 123 WEST FRONT STREET i Island, to report. the false Informa- vllle of Bloomfleld and Miss Nettle Iands and Mr. and Mrs. William dle of September. The music com- company. York, spent Tuesday wltb hla unole tion. He said Mr. Luffcurrow was Greene of Atlantic Highlands. Mrs. VanNote and son of Rnlelph. North mittee, of which Mrs. William Pitch- Clyde Hayes of South street. PHONE: Red Bank 678. dying. Bartholomew received a number of Carolina, spent Sunday with Mrs. er Is chairman, has Invited Mrs. Cor- Proceeds amounting to $8.50 were The Eatontown lodge, Order of FREE DELIVERY. FREE PARKING IN BEAR OF MARKET. Through the telephone company gifts, birthday cards and flowers. Amelia Wlllett. nelius M. DeBoe, wife of the Presby- raised Thursday night by tho Daugh- Eastern Star, will hold a beach party SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI. & SAT. ! the calla were traced to the Hamp- Mrs. William Sutherland and Fred Moon and twn grandchildren terian pastor of Farmlngdale, to give ters of America at a bunco party Sunday, August 16. at Weflt End. ton Air Service of Rlverhcad, where aughter Marjorie spent from Frl- of Rldfceflelrt Pnrk are spending this this service In the church. Mrs. De- at Crescent hall. A bag of sugar was Mrs. Emily Brown of White street Mr. Lufburrow Is employed as an avi- lay to Monday with Mr. and Mrs. week with Mr. nnd Mrs. Vreeland Boe graduated in June from the chanced off on tho co-operative plan and Mrs. Thomas Zlngale and daugh- ator. There It WBB stated that Mr. fames MacLean of Monticello, New Morris. Westminster choir school at Prince- and was won by Mis. Eleanor Stan- ter Allda of Elizabeth parkway gave Maxwell House Coffee fork. ton and for two years she was the Held of Maple avenue. Eight tables Lufburrow had not been In an acci- Miss Alice Cooley of Morrisvllle, of bunco were In play. a surprise party Tuesday in honor dent and that th» air company in Mrs. Emma Meyers of Brooklyn Pennsylvania. Is visiting Miss Eliz- minister of music in the First Re- of Charles Rogan of Freehold, grand- Dietz*» Special COFFEE ft. 19c lb • question had no one In Its employ by ipent Thursday with her sister, Miss formed church of Somerville. Harry Fary of Lewis stroet has son of Mrs. Brown, in celebration of abeth Schnoor. returned home after spending a week the name of James Anderson and ell Comptonp . Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Hofman are The worship of the Holmdel church his ninth birthday. knew of no such party. will be In the Reformed church at 11 with Mra. Lida Raffcrty of Ocean Wilbur Boyoe of Perth Amboy James Bartholomew has Installed spending a few dnys at Lakewood. Grove. Selected Frankfurters Although the false report received bath shower In his house. Miss Adele Schnoor of Brooklyn o'clock Sunday morning. Rev. Mar- spent Sunday with hla slater, Mrs, no newspaper publicity, it was wide- shall Harrington will preach on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawrence of Elwood Bennle of Lewis street. Mr. and Mrs. Ward R. Jeffers and was a Sunday guest of Mrs. Dora "How Christ Finds People," Chriney East Orange spent tho week-end with and Bolognas ly believed for a time by relatives Jlr. and Mra. Garrett A. Lee spent Schnoor. Mrs. John Dletz of Lewla street and friends of the younj? man and It Conover of Colt's Neck will sing-a Mrs .Sarah Bennett of South Btreet has been entertaining relatives from uesday with Mrs. Bertha Poole of Miss Audrey Grandrath of New- solo. John B. Harrington will play Mr. and Mrs. William Wardraan of caused considerable anxiety. There Bclmar. ark Is spending a month with her Staten Island. They returned home Is reason to believe that it was the organ. Mrs. Ruth Jeffrey is South street are the parents of a son, Sunday. Mrs. Oarrctt Roberts of Keyport grandparents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry chairman of the music committee. born Friday night at Hazard's hos- spread by the same unknown party Grandrath. Joan Caruso of Wyckoff road wai I Rump Corned Beef who tried to hoax The Register. visited Mrs. Fred Smith last Thurs- Four horses owned by the William pital. The son has been named Wil- treated at Rivervlew hospital Mon- There was Just enough background dayMrs. . William Qulnn of Brooklyn Mrs. James Hobbs returned home C. Ely estate broke out of the field liam Richard. day for a dog bite on her arm. She I Plate Corned Beef ft. 10c of truth to the report to make It is visiting her sister, Mrs. William* Monday after a visit to Mr. and where they were pastured Friday D. Oliver Wolcott and daughter was released following treatment. seem plausible. Mr. Lufburrow has Relchman. Mrs. Vitali of New York. and, led by a mare, went to the farm Dorothy of Elizabeth are visiting been doing exhibition flying at coun- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Vreeland of Mr. and Mrs. Ward R. Jeffers, who of Miss Amelia Carton at Everett. Harry Dennis and family of Corlles CHUCK ROAST ty fairs and he has also been ful- have been spending two weeks at The mare was formerly owned by ivenue. Navesink. Nutley spent the week-end with Thousand Islands, returned home filling contracts with. Long Island William Sutherland. Miss Carton. Employees of the Ely Miss Marjorie Vincent, who is tak- Fresh Chopped BEEF 'rulay. estate found the horses after a long 19*lb i farmers for dusting potato crops and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schnoor and ng a beautician's course at Flalntield, Howard Brown of Dayton, Ohio, orchards by means of an airplane. He son spent Saturday at Hillside. Mrs. John E. Bennett of Port search and rounded them up In Miss pent the week-end at her home on tho new pastor of tha Navealnk FRESH-KILLED is a graduate of the Mi' " Sown William Fox of Oakwood Heights Monmouth will render a vocal solo Carton's barn for the night The Broad street. Methodist church, was welcomed on township high school of !-• > •*• person who spread the false report. changed. of the conference year. breaking his jaw and causing other roturned home Saturday from Mon- in operation Saturday at Monmouth Captain Charles Hobbs is enjoy- Miss Marian Grosser of Brooklyn, Injuries. mouth Memorial hospital. Memorial hospital; Mrs. William W. ing a ten-days' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. William Reya and Miss Ruth Betz of Bloomfleld Is Mrs. Ada B. Nafew of Broad street iwan ia ajmrglcal patient at Kiver- Engagement Announced. Leroy Henry of New York is with Mrs. A. F. Reya of Hazlet were spending the remainder of the sum- and Mrs. Margaret Updyke of Keans- •lew hospital. The engagement of Miss Felicia his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Henry. Sunday visitors at the home of mer with her grandfather, Alex L. burg attended a Republican dinner William G. Raoul wag called to At- Anna Hoffman, daughter of .Mr, arid Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McGovern of Henry Schenck. Over the week- McCleea. last night at Newark. anta, Georgia, laBt week by the Mrs. Joseph Hoffman of Newark, to Maplewood spent the week-end with end Mr. Schenck had for guests Chriney Holmes has a new Chrys- Mrs. Hlcha;il B. Roberts and son death of his mother. Joseph Slgmund Zaremba, son of Mrs. Felix McGovern. Waldo Houghton and his three sis- ler sedan. of Lewis street left Tuesday to spend Mrs. Ashton Sickles entertained at Mra. Stephen Zaremba of Leonardo, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunyan and ters of Westwood. Nicholas Harvey has been desig- a few days .with Mrs. Roberts' e[e. our tables of bridge last week. was announced Sunday night at a Mrs. .Alma Donovan and son and Mrs. Dayton K. Wentworth and nated to perform first aid work by ter, Mrs. Walter Bennett, at Garden Mrs. Adam Llnzmayer has returned dinner at the homo of the former's Harvey Johnson spent Sunday at Amelia and Claire Wentworth visit- the Red Cross society at the Pleasant City. Long Island. o Durham, North Carolina, after a parents. The wedding will take Asbury Park. ed at Pearl River Saturday. Miss Valley tea room, where ho is engaged Ernest Guice and his father Sam- month's stay here. _ place in the autumn. Mr. and Mrs. C. Harry Lohsen Eda C. Wentworth of Ithaca, New In business. The tea room Is on uel of High street are painting tho AIR 00NDmONED-^AI,WAY8 COOL AND COMFORTABLE are spending ten days with Mr. and York, is spending a week here. Route 34 and numerous automobile Mrs. T. E. Morris of Wethersfleld, accidents have occurred near there. interior of the fire house. Boys can maka eitra pocket money Leaves For Europe. A service for litany will be held Arthur Fleldner and family of elling The Register.—Advertl«»ment. Connecticut Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at Mr. Harvey has had large experience Mies Josephine Lang of Broad Miss Doris Conroy of Fall River, in first aid work, having been a mem- TODAY AND FRIDAY street. Shrewsbury, and Miss Mar- St. Clement's church. An outing at Massachusetts, returned home Sat- Coney Island will be held under tho ber of the Oakhurst First Aid squad garet McCarthy of Freehold left Sat- urday after spending two weeks with auspices of the church Thursday a number of years. BARBARA GENE ROBERT urdayon the S. S.. Champlain for a Mr. and Mrs. Craig Flnnegan. August 13. The excursionists wi'll RED alx weeks' trip to Europe. This Is Mr. and Mrs. Conroy is entertain- leave the railroad station at this their flret European trip. Miss Lang ing relatives from New York. More than 1,000,000 United States Stanwyck Raymond YOUNG is head of the history department at place at 9:30 a. m. cars enter Canada annually, and Mrs. Catharine Lohsen of Weth- Mr. and Mrs. Dayton K. Went- from 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 Americans BANK —IN— Linden high school. ersfleld, Connecticut, and Mrs. El- STRAND worth, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Went- spend vacations there. LAST TIMES TODAY! "The Bride Walks Out' CLAIRE TREVOR — BRIAN DUNLEVY HABRER HOT-OVEN WARE FREE TO THE LADIKS 1 —IN— "HUMAN CARGO" SATURDAY—SUNDAY—MONDAY BOYAI. EMPBESS CHINA FREE TO THE LADIES 1 FRIDAY and SATURDAY GELS TWO BIO FKATUBES1 25 Broad St., 176 Broadway, ANN PRESTON—HENRY HUNTER in Red Bank Long Branch "PAROLE" KEN MAYNARD in GREATEST "CATTLE THIEF" SATDHDAY MATINEE—FINAt CHAPTER "FLASH GORDON" SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY August Fur Sale PKEVIEW SAT. NIGHT AT 11:15. SAVINGS ,15 to HER as; mucrHxrbluna! for HEART crime a* thtt Irillen he"d«f«ndi? WAS TOO Easy to Buy BIG FOR ONE MAN TO Now POSSESS! ONE WORLD WAS TOO Furs may be purchased SMALLTO SHARE ALL HER LOVE! on a convenient payment Where the fighting tea* thichetl,..her courage account. •ecu highc$tl Her life wat an inspiration to all j womankind!Bar love a blessing to all mankind! j Grim tragedy,', fierce vengeance,^ periloua And now the gallant etory of Pay W/o deposit- lov«...thunder through, this first heroic war nurse is thU!&mazingj[«toiyji,of immortalized on tho Bcrccn Balance by Dec. 1st a crime ("mouthpiece^ by Warner Bros. ... with nil who turned G man! the shocking truth, thrilling or prior delivery. in bcauly and daring realism that 'made "Tho Story of Louis Storage is of course free. PaMenr" one of the screen's most memorable masterpieces.

WnK KAY FRANCIS * Guarantee * MARGARETfGALWAHAN as FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE in ErikRhiIi^ODl^J Every garment is un- White conditionally guaran- WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY IAN HUNTER teed for two years Donald Woods • Nigel Itrucc • Donald Cri»[> GUY KIRBEE — WARREN HULL in Henry O'Neill • Billy Mnnrli • In a Cast of 1,000 against rips, tears or "THE BIG NOISE" JPiracted by William Dletcrlo • A First National l'iclura open seams — linings FHF.K CHINA TO THE LADIES 1 guaranteed for two SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ! TUESDAY—WEDNESDAY Beginning Friday Evening, August 14th, years. Every garment And Every Friday Thereafter Randolph Scott — Frances Drake bears our label of per- "RADIO AMATEUR NIGHT' —IN- IF YOU CAN 8IN<1, DANC!!1!, HKfllTK Oil I'l.AV A MUSICAL fection. INSTUUMENT—I.KAVK YOUIl NAME AT TIIK BOX SMOKY BAOCOON o. "And Sudden Death" double bntutm, IraUior bnl- UWN tn OFFIIE _____^___ KIDSK1N In • t,,nlo mjt, tt ooat that "»wlnw" in n with the new bull- COMING AUG. 16-17-18 with Tom Brown—Billy Lee—Fuzzy Knight • aw ""ff punch collar. Prtneeu oont with flat tai- back lored collar. Mao CLARK GAULE—JKANETTE MacDONALD niaok. trey, brown, SPECIAL PIIKVUE WEDNESDAY NK111T AT 11 P. M. In brown. "SAN FRANCISCO" tb* Harness were put out before much of the dry weather, but Mr. Sniffen Stage People damage wai done. Everett. got results without Its use. Some of BIG ANNIVERSARY SALE Robert and Eileen GrlflUb of New- ths stalks of his corn are six feet HEPPNER & LOUD, Inc. At Fair Haven ark have returned home after spend- John M. Ellis and family of Beth- tall. ing three week* at the home of their lehem, Pennsylvania, are spending Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conley of RADIO SERVICE and REPAIRING Ltrter Pike Is again vacationing unt, Mra. Nelson Raub. > August at their summer homo here In Fair Haven this year. He la »Uy- Fair Haven, Mrs. E. H. Jones of John F. Kelly and family ot New- Robert Stotesbury of Plalnfleld Is Navesink, Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey FDBIJC ADDRESS EQUIPMENT FOB SALE OR RENT. 225 Head Ing at the Atlantic hotel. Mr. P.xo rk are spending their vacation at visiting with Stanley Stilwell and of Trenton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert was with Noll Berger'a "County their bungalow on Seabreeze avenue. family of the Holmdel road. Wells, Mrs. Edith Clta, Mrs. Audrey 17 Union Street, Red Bank. Tel. R. B. 795. Fair," Hoyt's "Texas Steer" and was Rita Raub of Mlddletown, New Miss Marjorle Dubesky of NewValdez, MISB LoIIta Muyera, William also In vaudeville for years with the York, la spending the summer with York has returned home after vlalt- Atkinson and Robert McCoy, all of original "Bison City Four," which her coualn. Rbea Raub of South End ilng her aunt, Mrs. Walter Arose, for New York, were week-end visitors at Live Stock was a vaudeville headllner tor many .venue. I a few days. Foreman's boarding school. years. He co-starred in the famous Nelson Raub and daughter have Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bishop entcr- Several residents of this section musical comedy on Broaway, "Ll«ten •eturned home from a visit of sever- .ined friends over the week-end have been complaining of the poor Lester" and la now connected with 1 days In Newark. rom Staten Island. condition of tho roads through this ATLANTIC Jacob Zlotkin and Son the Madison Square Garden. Since John Dzlezyc of Brooklyn spent section. coming to Fair Haven Mr. Pike has :he week-end at his home here. THEATRE Freehold, N. J., opp. C R. R. Station been entortalned by many friends Atlantic Highlands. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arose nnd DON'T MISS whom he has known for years. ions spent Saturday with Mrs. Among them are Mr. and Mrs. Frank, (The Red Dank flUsjliter can be bought Arose's mother, MrB. Margaret Du- Methodist Harvest Home ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Wesson, Mm, Lon Hascall, Mrs. Atlantic Highlands Irom William Lei, "jesky of Keansburg. Ralph Dolli Paoll and Mr. and Mrs. Ltmbure and A. E*ti.) and Bazaar Thursday, August 13th John H. Snlffen has probably three on church lots. Brood Street, PHONE A. H. 148 J. Joseph Honneaflcy. Mr. Pike l» Tho Atlantlo Highlands fire de- acres of the best sweet corn In this at 11 A.M. rain or shine, under cover one of the organizers of the Players partment took in over $300 at the vicinity, Farmers have been uslns AUGUST 7-8th Roat club and Is a life member of fair Saturday night on the lot ad- iltrate of soda on their corn because CHICKEN SALAD SUPPER 80c. TODAY that organization. iolnlng police headquarters. It was Steve Cochran, manager of the the first time a fair was held for the Thur., Aug. 6 "Secret Agent" 165 DAIRY COWS National thoater in Washington, D. benefit ot the department. A bicycle, One nt the l«r««8t shipment! of dslry <">«» in this Urrltory—a whole trilnlond— C, which Is the capital's only legiti- awarded as a ground prize, was won DOUBLE FEATURE! tight cirlosrii ot coin and hnriai. Thou real High Grade and Pure Bred Dairy Covri, mate playhouse, Is a visitor of Mrs. >y Edward Abrams of South avenue. Gturnseya, HoUtolm, Jeneyi, Drown Bwlsa and Ayrshire!, fresh cows and clots FRI., Bprlnueru. . Alice Hascall of Fair Haven. Mr, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Holton of PltU- SPANISH Beauty Salon "AMATEUR GENTLEMAN" 3 Carloads Conjlgned an Commission Baslsi—2< Top Notch Holittlm and Guern- Cochran has long been Identified lurg are occupying the Lybarger Wlh Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.—Ellssa I/wdl with the theater, having been man- SAT., ioyi finm (iimrua 1'lLMo. This man has tha record cowi and leading herd (or milk house on Seventh avenue for the 86 Broad Street. Tel. R. B. 2342. — AND — and butter fill production. ager of the National theater for themonth of August. Aug. 7 - 8 25 Joraoys and (luoriuejs from James Lowl«. Rlchland County, Ohio. TMs man last 20 years. Ho is also a producer has hhippud cuwB hfcro before and knows that the good ones ar« the only kind that Mrs. L. M. Behrens of New York "DESERT GOLD" leli here. ih his own right, having produced has rented the Hindle cottage at WltJl BUSTER CRADBE 24 Head Funcy Guernseys from Miami Farmtrt Association. The C. t. A. such shows as "Cargo" and "Design Maxwelton Park for the balance of record COWB mined hy dairymen that breed good cowl. Thajsa shipments were s«nt For Living." Last season Mr. Coch- he summer season. August Permanent Wave Specials hora to bo »o!d for the hleh dollar. There will bo no (topping, Just bid and you own ran had the honor of presenting on SUN., MON., TUES., AUG. 9 - 10 - 11 a cow. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dyer and CROCQUIGNOLE ENDS At »»mo time will sell throe express loads personally selected dairy cows Indl- tour Mies Ethel Barrymore In a re- :amlly of Freehold are spending the vldunlly tolurtccl rlaht from the faims whoro raised In Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio. vival of one ot her greatest successes, •est of the summer here. Formerly A sTh ff Thoso are lliu kind ot COWB we all want, TO pounds of milk a day and I per cent "The Constant Wife." Mr. Cochran 250 to 3.50 JLe>Vt>J tostcia. TIICKO cows are all tuberculin and blood tested, eligible to enter nny herd. Mm. W. A. Hcndricks of St. Peters- If inlorOKleil In (1110 cow or nevorul thla la your opportunity on August 10th at 11 n. m. will most likely bo a guest at tho burg, Florida, Is visiting Mr. and Orocqnle;nolo or Spiral Waves Anyone Interested In buylilK cows, this is Cow Sale Day and you might &a well know seashore until his theater opens the Mrs. Robert G. Brown' of Maxwalton now, nil TOW» mimt ho Bold regardless of price or weather. You can buy cows hero for luttcr part of August. John R. Complete Head "San Francisco" lest money on thla duy than over expected, All live stock aa represented or no deal. 'ark. Kleny la among the several guests Formerly WITH 20 Hones nnd Mulei—Several mated teams Greys, Roam and Days, real work Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Colfert have 6.00 horsey. Ainu plenty BJnglo horses and mule*. ot Mr. Cochran's at Fair Haven. Mr. rented the Phair house on Seventh 2.95 Heifers, Stock Bulls, Pigs—'Will offer at same time twenty head yenrllnir and Kleny Is a well-known advertising .venue. Duart Velzor Combinatioiblnatlon Clark Gable, Jeanette MacDonald, Spencer Tracy Iwo-yonr-old helten, aonio b»cd. Alio stock bulls and family cowi. Also 60 head man. plgn nnd Hholen. Charles Goodley of Kingston, New Formerly This IH our Annual Anniversary Salo of Llva Stock. Thirty years ot «olllnit Edmund Plohn Is also a guest' at York, spent several days as the guest 7.50 dairy nnn nnd nil kinds of live stock. Many of our patrona alwayB buy their good tho Hascall home at Fair Haven. Ho of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Dender. 3.95 Wed., Thurs., •on and hoi-ton hero for less money with a square deal. You are all Invited to BOO the la manager of the New Amsterdam MACHINELKSS WAVE SHIRLEY TEMPLE cows and hornet anytime before «alo; also that you make Thursday your holldny to Tho ladles' auxiliary of the flrode - WAVE theater at New York, which has long partment held a beach party Mon- Formerly celobrato with us mid bring- your friend* with you to see the largest selection and thebeen noted as the home of the Zleg- Aug. 12 - 13 greatest Kale of live stock held In this Bales arena. Brine In your beef entile, enlvea, day night at Leonardo. 7.50 in "Poor Little Rich Girl" or other ]Ivo »tock to the nuctlon Thursday, AugUBt 18th, havo them Bold and net feld Follies. Mr. Plohn Is also an 4.95 the r/ifih. Frlvitto snte.t dnlly./ Condition* mnde known at sale. Delivery nrranged Sunday evening services have been old-timer in show business, having discontinued at the Presbyterian FINGTCR VVAVJXG, EVERY WEDNESDAY Night I EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT •nywll0'c- JACOB ZLOTKM A SON, for yearB been general manager of FREE PARKING church for August. Rally day will be SPACE SHAMPOOING, Etc. in i >i o (i i in .»> I PROSPERITY Phone 330, Freehold, N. J. the well-known firm of George M. observed by the Sunday-school Sun- TOM WAKNIilt, Auctioneer. Cohan and Sam Harris. Also sum- day, September 27. 'Lucky & Jack Pot |$25.OO or More In O»h mering at the Hascall homo la Miss Jane Lockhart, daughter of Mrs. Madeline Lynch, who last year was Etta Lockhart, has returned home one- of tho lesser starB of Vinton rom Monmouth Memorial hospital, Frecdley's "Anything Goes." where she was operated upon for ap- pendicitis. If You Want the Best--We Have IT! Tony Cardner has bought a new Highlands. car. Scmute-Ttiutect Miss Eleanor Stryker, daughter of Shop and Save in (ThB Red Bank ReglsUr can be bought Mr. and Mra. Raymond Stryker of In Highland's from 1. Greenspan, Mr, Mulltor, Bcdle's druff atore and Joseph Atlantic Highlands, will begin a Stumer,). course In nursing at the Jersey City Tho Methodist Ladles' Aid society Medical Center on September 1Z. will meet tonight at tho homo of Tho annual chicken salad supper Mra. George Gilbert on Naveslnk for the benefit of St. Agnes's church avenue. will be held Saturday evening of this CCHNEIDERQ Week-End Specials week from 5:30 to 8:30 in St. Agnes's Mra, Fred Voorhees and Mra. Ida Welnsenberger are patients at Mon auditorium. It la under the direc- TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE mouth Memorial hospital. tion of a large committee of women %^ MARKEm* A n ir v.T v ^B0 Al Vogelsang has overhauled a »ea of tho parish, of which Mrs. Sara skiff ho bought from Benjamin Par- Ijacknon is chairman. The advance ker and will use the boat to take sale of supper tickets Is roported 21 W. Front St., Red Bank, N. J. parties blueflshlng. He will make his very heavy. PHONE 2654 CUT PRICES first trip today. Blueflsh are very Mr. and MrB. Frank Swan of PHONE 2653 Prices in effect August 6 - 7 - 8th plentiful this summer and largo Manila are expected to arrive In catches are being made all along the New York thla week. They left v shore. Manila about one month ago aboard Porterhouse Ib. The Women's Democratic club wll, the S. S. Scharnhorst for a six STEAKS 33 i Star Chuck Roast ib 17<= 1 ^'', ' 39° PAUL Golden hold a card party next Monday night months' vacation in the United State/ 1.19 1.19 at the Lions Den. lire. Kate Scliall via Europe, where they plan to «et aa*. pjNT er Is hostess. the early Olympic games. Mr. Swan JONES •••• PIN-nnknTw Wedding ID. size A SfJienloy Mark of MorK Mrs. Charles tVecker won flr«t is connected with the Meralco, an 3 - mit. sir* A Blend of Straight Whiskies. Product prize at the Trailers club parly last electrical concern In tho Philippines, week. Mrs. Mary Parker won theand is prominent In yachting circles Fancy dark horse prize. The hostess was there, where he Is considered to be ft. Mra. Mario Parker. Mrs. Myrtle YOUR CHOICE an expert In boat sailing-. Mr. and Fresh FOWL Frying BLACK & WHITE Mohrback will bo hostess tonight Mrs. Swan are former residents of Mrs. Robert Waters gave birth to Atlantic Highlands, and it la more a son last Saturday at Monmouth 24J HAIG & HAIG 5 STAR than three years since they last Memorial hospital. Mrs. WaterB was visited tha United States. Large Sliced formerly Hiss Virginia Brltton. Dexter Sliced c 269 Miss Beatrice Gaffey returned For the second consecutive week i/zml7 | spedai! Calves Lives* lb 49c 1BOLOGNA SCOTCH MOTH home Sunday from Monmouth Me- BACON Vz no one has won the $25 offered at the morial hospital, where she had been Auditorium theater Thursday night a patient several months. Tonight the prize will be $75. Miss Eva Nelmark of New York Top or ( NOILLY OLD spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Nelmark. Sea Bright. Genuine Bottom 1.75 Edward Burdge of New York !& tb. PRAT Large Overholt "™" TINT (Tha fied Bank JReg-lster can b« bought Roast ?7 visiting his niece, Mrs. Hattle Smith Bottle In Sea Bright from Morris Welsman and Spring Round Bottled In Bond. of Fifth street. Harrr W«rner.) FRENCH VERMOUTH •4. Years Old Raymond Parkor, who has a. poBl- tlon in the state reformatory at Rah- George L. Stewart of Mount Ver- way la spending a few days with hi non, New York, spent tho week-end parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Parkor. In town. GOOD-LUCK Mrs. Edward Speck of Newark hao A cake sale will be held Saturday OLEO FOR COOL rented Mrs. Connie White's house on afternoon of this week from 2 to 5 OLEO -19' 1 T Jersey POTATOES Zl6* 1 " Miller street for August. o'clock at the Methodist church. REFRESHING Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sandborn are Chris Jenson Is confined to hU home with rheumatism. He U stead- Chasa & the parents of a son born Saturday Extra e lb. DRINKS at Monmouth Memorial hospital. ily improving. Fancy Telephone Peas 2 u». 19c Sanborn Coffe 22c GIN Mrs. Anetta Beyers of Bay avenue Mr. and Mrs. Henry Renshaw and Good NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS Injured her hand last week when she son Stanley have returned from Extra L ins. caught tt In a washing machine. She Oklahoma and Texas, where they 1'anoy Jersey Tomatoes 3 ii,B. 10c Honest Coffe e 29c was taken to Monmouth Memorial have been visiting relatives. Fleischmann's bskt. Baked hospital for treatment. Dr. R, Nbcon of Smithfleld, North large can u for Burnett's White Satin Miss Dorothy Mae Hoffman enter- Carolina, Is visiting in town. Freestone Peaches 19c Beam Heinz 's 21c Dixie Belle 19 tained Miss Ann Racky, William Clayton Wills of Toms River spent Koyal Mnrtin and William Cooks of Brook- FIFTH one day last week at tho Methodist Butter 1 lb. jar Silver Wedding lyn at tho Hoffman cottage over Sun- parsonage. Ivory Flakes 21c Scarlet Peanut 17c Vicker's London Dry 1 day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Applogate ono Mrs. Rose Richardson and uonday last week entertained Mr. Apple- Largo 19c Madrilene 29c William have returned to Glendale, gate's sister from Sllverton. rug. Oxydol New York, are Bpending two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Sayre of at tho Grand View house. Over 25 Falrton spent Sunday with Rev. and guests woro at tho Grand View over Three Wall Street .£ r*e\ Mra. Howard N, Amor. 1 n s ttls Straight Rye I .0.7 the week-end. From July 7 to July 30 tho fisher- Crisco 20c : 57c Jersey POTATOES Z 3» | ••» 10' Feathers 99' Jack Goodwin of New York, a man of Sea Bright, Long Branch Blr-ndrrTWhlBkoy PINT WhiskeWhl.Uvy ••. prominent prize fighter 25 years ago, and Galilee shipped to market 1,100 1 ywir S mo«. old QUART visited Nut Crawloy last Friday. barels of fish, the bulk of which ni.UK LADF.Ii Goodwin did most of hla training at Highlands. were blueflsh. , ' Mrs. Harold C7ahn was removed to Fancy Tho annual masquerade danco will Monmouth Memorial hospital Mon bo hold at Connors'o Cedar Grovo ho- Straight Rye YOUR tol Saturday nl(?ht, August 15. Cos-day for an operation. Juice CHOICE tumo prizes will bo awarded. Ama- Borden White has returned to deep Oranges 15^25- \ £. PEARS is ^25 teur night is held every Friday night. sfla fishing after an absence of thr OLD QUAKE years, Ho launched his boat Tuea- Three prlzea nro nwardod. day. Mrs, Ellis Thompson will spend the Blended Whiskey month of August with relatives at Rlchard Rodnoy was badly bruincd on the log last week while beaching CRAB Frruli Mnntclnlr. hln fishing slclff. Tho boats are pulled 65' SEA FOOD SCALLOPS lbl GREEN RIVER up on the beach with a ropo oprr MEAT 89 ntod by a motor. On ana end of tin Wilkens Family East Keansburg. ropn Is a large iron hook which 1, PINT hooked on a ring or strap on tlu. Mi>rhiuis was ft Pl visitor at Now York Monday. IJIWIIB nnd guidon", throughout thla neighborhood nip lindly In need of TEL. "SI 1212 Maxwell House Coffee HI. Armour's Star Milk 3 „.„ 20

Week of Practice Scheduled Be- Wally Pitches Rurnton fore School Opens oil Septem- to Fifth Consecutive Victory ber 9—Six Veterans to Re- Over Middletowners—Victors turn, Tike Early Lead.

Richard P. Guest, former football Th« Humaon A. C. scored its third »nd basketball coach at Brldgeton consecutive victory ovor the Leo- high school and new Red Bank high nardo Field club Sunday afternoon •chool grid coach, has announced on Tailor field at Rumson. Getting that the Rod Bank gridders will off to an early start, tho Bum8onlte» atart practice about a week previous piled up 8 runa while holding tho to echool opening on Wednesday, visitors to a iono tally. Rumaon September 9. collected 9 hits off two Leonardo Guest, who is taking the place of pitchern. Wally Konoskl, ace Hum. WIHard Hlnehart, comes here after aon hurlcr, held tho vlBltors to 7 having a successful season at Bridge- scattered blowa, ton where, under his supervision the Rumson opened its attack by Brldgeton griiiders lost only 3 games scoring two runs in the first and con- U> Haddonfleld, South Jersey cham- tlnuod the offensive with another in plona of Group 3, and to Vincland the second. Two more runa were and Colllngswood, who were tied for Bent across the plate In the fifth and the cbflmpioinship of Group 4 in another In tho alxth. The Middle- South Jersey. townemmade their tally In tho alxth, The new Red Bank coach, who Is The box score: a graduate of .Lafayette university and was a teammate, of Rinehart and BUMSON. William G. Sherwood, has made plans '..-.". rf A«" 1 ? ro° \ for working in about 6 teams, in- JK. 8b ,.„ 2 10 2 2 cluding a freshman team. He believes McLauahlln, 2b 3 2 16 8 In starting the gridders from their g'"1- «• ;•• 10 2 8 0 Bi-iacoae, If. 4 0 2 2 0 first year In high school and de- Iinnkln, na 1 0 0 I » veloping them until they become a Smith, lb. 8 2 l 8 J member of the varsity squad. , Jooeph Hunt of Ixis Angelas (right) and John McDInrnili] of Toxns vlo In the finals for tiho beat the const star with ease, 9-7, C-S, ft-8. McDlarmld, seeded eighteenth nationally, la the lowest •Iruex. 1/ 10 10 0 historic Spa Bright Bowl tennis tourney. Both \msocdiil, (hiy left 11 trail of upsets In their wake as ranked American over to capturo a leg on the famed bowl. 50""',?'' •- 8 0 18 0 they fought through the week-long tourney. McUUirmkl, 21-yinr-old professor of political - economy, Koneskl, ^ < 0 0 0 6 S3 6 0 27 18 The 49th annual Invitation tourn- UIONAIIDO. AI! It H TO A ament of the Sea Bright Lawn Ten- who had not mads arrangementB be- _llHo, If. 10 0 4 0 nis and Cricket club came to a close Kodiion, jb - i 0 l 10 o Seabright Champ Receives His Trophy forehand for a charter boat at Shark LohaBn, c — 10 2 4 0 Saturday when tho finals of the rlvor, Bridle, Point Pleasant and Conovcr, cf 4 0 110 men's doubles, the women's singles, other docks were out of luck. Ilurrolt. r!. t. 4 0 18 1 and the mixed doubles were finished ROD AND GUN Conk. 8b _ 8 0 0.1 4 Party boata wont out Saturday SlmPBon, aa 4 0 0 0 1 late In the afternoon. The feature with good crowds aboard. Fluko, AuKUatlno, 2b. . 112 2 2 of the week, the men's singles finals, some woakflsh and porglea woro Lahoy, p 2 0 0 0 2 was held Friday at which time the Frog hunting, while not »trlotly a brought In. Captain Bill Hyer, skip- " IHSln. p 10 0 0 3 women's doubles was also completed. sporting proposition produces .aomo 1 mighty gratifying results—If nice per of tho Nautilus out of Tonks' 84 I 1 27 18 , John McDiarmid, the long-legged you boathouso on tho Shark river at Bcore by Innlnjfu: Texan, who had never won a major "frawg lalgs" and don't mind exer- Avon, went through tho Shark river Ijeonaido 00000010 0—1 tournament in which the top of the cising at night. Kumoun 2 10 0 2 10 0 x—II nlot Saturday for tho flrat tlmo In Errors—Cook 2,. Koncald, AutlUBLlne. country's best players were compet- To most of us frog legs means $1 weeks. During the week the center Twa-hnao hits—BrJcoflo, .Hinltli, McLmich- ing, showed his prowess as he de- up, cash on the waiter's tray. Not span of the ocean boulevard bridge lhi. Stolon baaoa—Ilunkln, .Smith. Strike- cisively humbled Joseph Hunt of Los all of them corno from frog farms, out!—Uy Kunoskl 4. hy Riiinln -', by either. The amphibians grow wild over Shark rlvor Inlet waa romovod, Lnlisy 1. Baaos on bulls—Oil Kmionkl 1, Angles, 9-7, 6-2, 6-2, In the final round making it. posBiblo for a craft tho off Ruinln 2, off Lnhoy 1. Hit by pitcher of the men's division. Hunt, who and big around marsh, etream and pond where great numbers arc alzo of tho Nautilus to go through —Hy Itunln (BmUh).^ previously whipped Gregory Mangin the Inlet. in the semi-finals, 6-1, 11-9, 11-13, 6-1, caught and sold by market hunters. was conceded an even chance to However, in recent years, some So far thla has been one of the Contests For Red beat McDiarmid in the titular round. states have adopted legislation to pro- beat fishing seasons along tho Jorsoy Bank Fencing Club Neither was' seeded and boih had tect the bullfrog, largest of tho North coast in years. An Indication of the previously upset ranking Btara. From American speelas. ' LJko tho cotton- vaEt intorost In ocean fishing la aeon tall rabbit the frog probably is. tho ,n the Increased demand for fishing" Contests aro bolng hold each week the start of the match Hunt was on by members of tha D'Artagnan the run, and time and again fell to moat persistently hunted creature in tackle at Nowark tackle stores. All RICHAHD P. GUEST. regions where, it thrives, Tho frog report excellent business. Fencing club to determine the cap- the ground in an effort to recover tains of * the men's and women's McDiarmid's well placed, lowbound- is easy to catch, and the fine, white meat brings a good price. Surf casters In the last two daya teams. There aro three ties, two Coach Gueet will use a single wing ing drives. The Texan took the open- members with two boutB and one formation this season and will at- Ing set, 9-7, and ran up a 3-love Grab Them by Hand, have boon catching fluko, weakflsh tempt to develop a light, fast-moving and klngflsh. Night fishing produces with three. The remainder of th« lead In the second. Hunt then held There arc three better-known meth- bouts will be hold next Monday. eleven. The lightness of the team his serve and broke McDfarmid's ods of taking frogs—shooting with an occasional blucllsh. The pier will necessitate a passing attack in- service once, after which the latter fishermen have been catching iluke Tha Judges of the bouta were ap- itead o( a line-plunginj; team, a .22 rifle, spearing or Rigging, and and klngflsh. pointed by Darius Garbarlnl, fencing took three straight games for the set. shining them with a strong light and instructor. Mr, Garbarlnl was chief At Lafayette Mr. Guest was a mem- In the last chapter Hunt was able grabbing them with tho hand. We ber of tho All-TCastern gridiron team. take but two games, as Mc- Miss Mtirgarot Kinnoy, daughter of Judge and MB decisions were final. favor the light-and-hand trick be- Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kinney of Tho other judges wore placed at ad- He captained the Lafayette team in Diarmid made a lashing net attack cause it la the most humane way. 1928 and was succeeded in 1929 as and won the final set, 6-2. Navcalnk River road, Mlddlotown vantageous points to detect all fouls captain by Sherwood. He took part Many frogs injured by gig and bullet township, caught an 85-pound tuna and touches,' In tho East-West football game on The women's singles final waa won escape to die a lingering death. last week while fishing from Captain The club will give an exhibition at the West coa«t oa Christmas day, by Miss Alice Marble of Los Angeles, A dark night ia best for frogglng. Edward F,berhardt'n Ellen out of tho Camp Burton, Allaire, tonight at 3 1928. He has had 7 years of coach- who defeated Miss Carolin Babcock, Listen for tho bellowing of the male. Manaequan River Yacht basin at Brl- o'clock. ing and teachlnR experience. He will the nation's third ranking women's Unless disturbed he'll stay In one ille. Miss Kinnoy la an expert fish- The resulta of Monday's matches teach history here. player, In straight sets, 6-0, 6-3. Miss place for some time. Move cautiously, erman and she spent tho early part are aa follows: Marble, who has just recovered from sweeping the shore lino with the light of tho week flahlng at Montauk. After leaving Lafayette he secured Honry Palmer waa dofcatod by Carman . an injury which kept her out of com- until the frog la spotted. As long as lUrruHao, 1-G; by Milton Jahnoa, 1-6; and a position at Ocean City, where the petition for two years, was always tho light beam la centered on the Don Hernandez, 1-S, first year he produced championship in command of the match, and was frog, ho won't movo. But if tho Don Hernandez won from Whitney teama In football and basketball. His never sorely pressed. shadow of the hand or any other Bovie Conquers Durflt, 6-2, nnd Henry Palmer, 5-1. teams were runners-up the following: Whitney Hurst lout to Don llcrnandea, John VanRyn and Wilmer Allison shadow paseos momentarily between 2-5. and won from Milton JahncB. 6-1. year for the same honors In both tho light and the frog's eyes, he's Berk In Singles Milton Jnhneu won from Tony Fuachet- scholastic sports. He spent 3 years captured the doubles' title, defeating to, 5-3, and Honry Pnlmor. 5-1, and loat «t Ocean City and later wont to tho youthful combination of Bob Cllmaxlnp a display of consistent tennis, John McDiarmld, %\, of Texas, lowest tanking American gone. That's why two persons make to Whitney Burat, 4-5. Brldgeton. Riggs and Wayne Sabin of California fiver ia conqnor in a Sea Bright final, proved pood enough In an all-around way to taUc the cup. an Ideal trogging team. One holds the Harold Berk, Local Entry in Mu- Cnrmon Bnna»HO won from Henry in straight sets, 6-3, 6-2, 6-0. Here, McDiarmid (loft) receives the cnvetetl trophy from Bernon Prentico, president ol the club, aft light while tho other casea up be- Palmer, 8-S, and Tony Fuwlmtto, 5-1. Five veterans of last year's Red nicipal Tennis Tourney, Loses Tony Fuachotto loat to Milton Jannoa, The finals of the women's doubles 17-year-old Joseph Hunt, runner-up, watches. hind and grabs Kana catcsbiana 8.5, and Carmen BarrflaBo, 4-5. ' Bank team will return for tho 1936 was won by Mrs. Dorothy Andrus (Yeah, that's his scientific name.) to Lawenceville Star in Joyca Mercer won from Patricia Gop- squad. They Include Jack Henry, and Mme. Silvia Henrotin, over Miss Watch for Water MoccaBln. •III, 6-t; Milan Body, 6-1, and Marjorto Ralph Swartz, George Wilde, Kcbo Straight Sets, 6-4, 7-5. DempBey, 5-3. «... Gettis, Johnny Barberlo and Larry Babcock and Mrs. VanRyn, 3-6, 6-4, , triumph. Nelson Rose, Harold Pot- A sood light Is necessary—either Marjorlo Dompaoy won from Patricia 6-3. Labor Day Tennis | ter and Lyman Middledltch are also Towners Score a carbide with reflector or a strong Garisill, t-li lost to Ulllan Bady, 0-8, Figaro. Others Coach Guest will Lester and Harold Berk of Spring and to Joyce Mercer, 8-5, have to work with are "Judge" Dan- The tournament came to a close I conceded a fair chance to win the flashlight that throws a long beam. street won the doubles' finals Sun- Lillian Bndy won from Marjorlo Demp- iels, Arnold Siegfried, Charles Har- as the mixed doubles combination of At Shrewsbury On ; current tournament. Shutout Victory If frogging in water whero tho cot-day morning on the municipal courts l»y. 6-0. and lost to Joyce Mercer, 1-i. rington, Harry VanNote and "Bucky" Mr3. Andrus and Don Budge defeat- I Tennis fans of this vicinity are In- and In tho singles' finals Harold was Patricia OOPBIH loat to Joyca Mercer, Mead, all members of last year's sec- ed Miss Wheeler and John McDiar- J vitcd to witness the play in both beaten by Palmer Bovie of Eaton- 1-6, and Mnrjorlo Dompaoy. 1-B. nid, 6-4, fM. singles and doubles tournaments Charlie Crawford Allows Fair ond and third tnams. VanVliet Courts town, Lawrencevlllo Preparatory Ilumson v». Navcslnlt. The Red Bank schedule will open The summaries: which will be held each Saturday Haven Robins 5 Hits to Win, school star, 8-5, 7-5. afternoon and Sunday morning, with Tho Rumaon A. C. baseball team with Linden and South River at the Men's Singlet. 8 to 0—Kerr and Egeland An argument resulted over deci- will oppose tho NaveBlnk field club local athltic field on October- „ " ', I Semi-finaSeml-ftnal! rnandround—Josep—Josephh Huntint defeated Six of Eight First-Round Dou-) the final matches on the morning of sions made by George Holmeo, a 10, rcgthltic field on October i and i r.reitorr S. Mnnk'in, 6-1, 11-0, li-ia. 6-4; r lbor da Pitch for Robim. linesman In tho Berk-Bovlo match, next Sunday afternoon on Taller spectively, and will include! i John McDinrmid defeated Sidney B. Wood, bW Matches Played Over j " I ^ field at Rumson. Tho game is games Jr 2 4 6 6 1 6 and the Berk brothers left the courts, with Morristown, Asbury Park,'. " °- ' - ' Men'- - s "}Doublet- . Week-End—Singles' Play to Charlie Crawford, pitching for the vowing they would nevor again play scheduled to start at 3 p. m. Princeton, Neptune, WoodbrUlRe, and Red Bank Towners, shutout the Fair concluding with Tjon^ Branch here Second round—Henry Culley and Joe Begin Saturday, August 8. Ghezzi Takes ton-mouth moccasin lives, wear heavy in a municipal tournament. Harold Boys can make extra pocket money on Thanksgiving day. Hunt defcatrd Donuid liurdKe and Gene Haven Boblna Sunday afternoon on Potter, superintendent of the courts, Mnko. 6-3, 9-7: Itolicrt l«Kg» and Wayne the Trojan fleld and allowed his op-rubber hip boots such aa firemen and selling The Reglatcr.-Advcrtlsomcnt. Snhln defeated Ccne Smith and William laborers use. The thin wading boot Inter told a Register reprosentlve, Senior, 6-K, 6-1, C-4; Wilmer Allison and Six of the eight matches scheduled Pro-Amateur ponents only 5 hlta. The score was that tho brothers would not be por- John Vanltyn dti/eatefl Gardner Mulloy 'or the first round of the anual Labor to 0. of the sporting type may not afford mlttcd to enter another municipal •••••••••••••••*••***£? Navesink Wins and Robert Miifhk'n, ti-3, 6-4; Frank Par- Walter "Bed" Kerr, who made hie aufllcient protection if one ot those tournament. ker and GrcKOry MnnKin defeated Hal Sur- day tennis tournament on the Van- venomous snakes strikes at your leg. fare and John Mrriinrmi'J. 4-6, 6-2, 6'2. Vliet courts at Shrewsbury wei"'; Prize With 62 debut this season at Duko university, Tho BerR brothers' opponents In SemUfinsil round— RUKS anil Sahin de- completed over the wcrk-und. did the twirling for the Robins but Just one moro word of caution. tho doubles' finals woro George Ebor- In 9th Inning ] Cullpy nnd Hum. 6-.1. 9-7; Allison was taken from the box following Look carefully before reaching for mi VanKyn 'dnfented Turk' nd Manuin The field of sixteen teams in the Kinder-Whifehead Tie in 65 hard of Elboron and Howard Mendel .». 6-1. 6-3. doubles division of p]ay h;iH been re-1 the sixth inning when the heavy-hit- tho frog. A big moccasin may boof Deal. Tho victory won in straight Defeat! Atlas Club of Long Final round—Allifon nnd Vnnltyn de- duced to ten as ji result of the open- \ With Malcolm-McMillen in ting Towners pushed across 4 runs ready to grab it, too. As one oldseta- , 7-5, 6-1. In tho doubles' semi- I'lltml HICKS and Sabin, 6.3. 6-2, 6-0. l on the same number of hits. timer said: "They're a moan aarpent, finals, tho Berk brothers defeated Branch, 5 to 4, After Staging ( ' Women'* Single*. j State P. G. A. Pro-Amateur and get right mad when you try to "La»t Innint; Rally Which Nets I , mi rnumi Midi' Cni-oltti B&b- Hftrold Pottor and Nclrfon T Tho Townero scored 3 runH In the Morgan Collo and Walter Thompson. OLD ORCHARD r •il MIJB Kutc Wlnlliror. 6-4, Tourney at Plainfield. third inning -when Weaver and Craw- snatch a mess of vlttlea from In front 6-3, 7-5. 4 Runs. Mn ... Silvia Ileiuotin defeated Mrs. 'ormor Shrewsbury chnrnpion:',' of their nose." Mjujorie Vmiltyn, l-'u G-4: Minn Alice scored an iinprcssive victory over Al- ford-both drew walks and Jicorod on In tho singles' semi-finals, Harold COUNTRYCLUB Mnrble defeated Milt Florcnre UUoutlllier, bert Bcrlow and CJeorgn lloline.H in Two teams tied for first place Mon- GndcK's long alngle. Gadck scored Captain Goorgo Frlck of Rector Bork dofeated Raymond Roae, 5-7, Piling up 4 runs In Hie ninth in- f.-3; Mln Ciacyii Wheeler defeated after ho atolo uecond buae and came 6-0, 6-2, and Palmer Bovie defeated Al Visitors TO.loom* Mr*. Ilnnithy AlKlrim. 7-S, 6-3. straight seta, C>-3, 0-2, John P. ilig- day at the Plainilcld Country club place, whllo on one of hla recent Law Daily F««« ning, the Niivc.Hink iU'M club over- j Seml-fiuiU rmmil — MIHH Itnt.cock de- Ing and Lyman Middlcditch elimin- home on Mltty Afichcttlno's hit to Borlow, 6-0, 7-5. in the New Jersey P. G, A. pro-ama- fishing trips down tho rlvor near tho OEOHOE SUtHVAN, Pro. came R 3-run loud in win, Ti to -i, over • fcaltd Mine, llcnmtln. 3-f>, 6-4, 7-5; Mimated Carroll Morford and John Mont- [ teur riKhtfleld, Mltty waa put out on an Tho singles' victor received a $8 r| Miirblo defnnted Minn Wlicelor, B.2, 6-C tournnment. They were the Highlands draw, where in tho past the AtliiB club ( 1. '»>i limnch on ford by tile decisive scores uf 0-0, aHBlst by one-armed Leo LaBlonda. merchandise ordor and tho runnor-up Hmmomh RetJ—Roult No. 4 iiojne club duo of Johnny Kinder and ho has caught lota of Urge fluko, W»< ton( Brandt and Eilontov Sunday afternoon ;.i Atlantic High- Final rniind—Mlis Marlilc defeated Mian 6-1, and Allaire Onnvoll and I,up- In tho fifth inning Crawford singled recolvod a $4 order. ' The doubles' lands. There wore 2 ouu* when the Diilirurk, Mi. IS-S. Charley Whltehnad, who scored had a uoat unusual experience. After victors each received $5 orders. Women'* Double*. ton White triumplifd twftr William l!;'.-32—tin, and the Knsex county team and camo home on Mazzaroprd'a er- fishing for an hour and one-half and •wJnnlnj; rim w;u .^eoj-i'*!, rniln;;; His T'imil round M;.i. Doniliiy An'fnm and Ormorod and CarHnn Wharton, 0-0, ror. They ecorcd i. runs In tho fol- |H( uf Bill Malcolm and James MoMll- never getting a atrlko, ho thought It rally and K« Carolin Unhiork, lun, who posted a 32-33—05. exceedingly atrango, because he had POJHI, who Bta tfd mi the mound 3-6, «-4. 6-3. Fair Haven missed a chance to for the Navtyijilc tram, w;is louche,! Frank McKcnna and Wnltcr Vic Ghozzi of Deal, runner-up to acoro in tho second liming when Har- always hooked a flah or two at that for 4 liit.s In the 3 inning in which Mixed Double*. Thompson ddfeiitnl ?it;inl(!y Havagf Johnny Farrell In Sunday's play-off location. However, in a very «hort •' r,,mi' round- Mr. nnd Mr*. Vnnliyr. and William Hwnnan, fl-1, 7-S. ry Kotlel drew a. walk. Ho «tolo ooc- BUY AT ho pitched, The visitor;; in;ina^cii tn defe nod Minn lli'lcn t'eiicmon mnl John for the State Open championship at ond and camo homo on Dcnnlo Ar- tlmo up popped two largo porpolaoi tally a run in v rh of HJCHC truincn, I.hw &-2, r.-:l; Mm«. Silvia llenrotln nml Avory CHcn find Williuni 1 -lair won flrestmont, captured Individual who evidently had bcon scouring: the i.ry MIIIIKIII defeated Mini llun.tliy from T. B. Itup nnd Kranlt (in.'Kory nono's flrBt double. Umplro I4d Jlrn Tnlly, who went la to n;p.JiCn llnn ly nnd Jmt-ph limit. 6-1, 6-3; Mm. hnnoru Monday with u nub-pnr round Phelan, ho-wovcr. called tho runnrr bottom In search for food. So Cap- Post, yielded 4 in the remaining 0 •nriithy Aiidrua nnd Ilonnld Undue defeat- three hnr IIAHK. 73 MONMOUTH ST. KING'S HIGHWAY Anderson, if. « I . .. FAIR IIAVKN. LAMB BEEF oiinil HIKI W'lieol and Mr ry ]^in/;cndorf'H ninK'o at Lincroft. All R II l'O A of ordor. On Thuroday Captain Broilers lliuiiilil ilcfi d Mlm llnlii'iirk mnl AIM Tho nln|;l('ii llnl will Ini'ludn ivcfy (•rootm, «• 4 0 0 2 Kolgher of tho Alice K, out of 0 I) t) It .III. li-.'t. V-f. ; Mr". AIIIIIII'I A lO-blid (ivottt wao held nnd thone l Undue ,|(. player f tnont. TI,,, M,|,,,. |,,,,, I,,.,,,, i,..,,,,, Maixnrupiil, 2\t. rf o I >Amm III Trl-Hlntfl Mi^t. »11 (if illh'lllnn'ltl. ArtiiHte, It 0 0 of which weighed 1)0 pound". Tho fi'rrcil In n i,,.w llfmy ,,„,,( ,,| ))liy. MmsH, rf natehliiK of one 00-pound tuna usual- •Two <•»! •vllinlli l^itty Mnliiiiii'y uf i.tiH'i'iift, n(n1 Thoiio who mliineit 1 bird eftch 0 0 '"". <»li|ii nml In llii.rrfun- iinivlilii to wf'ro Harry I.nnKendnrf of Ijincroft, I.nlN,,|l,l«, rf ly mnltpn tho nmn holding tho rod Armour's Star PRIME RIB fttort by linlMPiihoe r.hiinipion, wan ilnfeiitr «>lllp'-t|. ]„ ))„. I ,;,)„„• ,|,,y I,„„•„„.. Ktrr, ii. II] LAMB T.nnu llrAii 1 1 n (t n I (I 4 Hilndny "I I'cilli Atnliiiy, liy Vllo )••• I':H1({ Yomijr of liuytnn, ChnrlfiB well mitlBllod -with hi* I«( turned the next morning loaded <"T K»vr» I. Ilil liy idi'liiu lly I' levii. ,,f Atliintlr IIIKIIIIIIIIIII, will lie I CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE 23c (W«U./ll>, Unt|>llU—VyillliH and I'.rjtcr. I IllCllt. Theni will lie iiiuilhcr lihoot Hun- Z. !!**•• nn hulla--Orf fruwfnrd 2, fi down with n«h. Rattirdny mornln* '('We (| {„ rcpi-ttt j,|a jn|it year's 1«. Kfrr «. Illla Off 1'rawfiip.l «, off Ka B, Umplrei—l'hfilan mid Kind. the ocean was Ilka » lake. Anglers Page Nine Snipes Furnish Entries Coming Turf Topnotchers —By Pap All Star Game Off The Fairways Ex-Open Champ Thrill In Race In For Annual On September 8 Upsets Ghezzi oiv At Fair Ha^en Regatta Events W/7UM S/X Date Set for Contest Between By Niblick. By Four Shots AFTER HIS Belmar Bravei and Picked Swimming River. OWH GREAT 7OSJSTA WORLD a tournament of this kind—thanks to There was a constant changing of ou, Jack. Out— lead positions between the 2 boata ore the starting gun would be fired BELMOMT S7AKKS- FOfZ. A Par IIUK II 5—86 during tho first 2 laps. The third would have plenty of entries t« ANPW rt Farrell _ H{!1IU «*—S* lap, for the most part, was all Bent- take care of. fflE SEASON'S Knock-knock. Who's there? Chair- Ghezzi 4iiiiiii 4—37 CLASSIC (N HIS" chair who—Chairuselum the golden ley's! but at the final turning stake, Fred Jacoby, Jr., who won the AY EA8AI/A/3S' Tar !_ % 3 4 4 5 4 4 3 5—SB—72 Asay crept past him and held a slight wny-New York outboard race last LAST TWO STARTS —the originator of this ono was Bob, and he pulled it on me. Wow! Fnrrell I1IUIU S—87—71 lead to the finish line. year, plans to be here with his sen- JOHN CALANDRIELIX) Ghcul ..._ 4 2 4 5 6 4 4 5 5—!8—75 istlonal craft and compete In the a niierredbr tht Juixllttd Charles Allaire won the eneakbox Walter Is on hia vacation and event with ease. There were 9 iweepstakes event, driving his out- Mr. Calandrlello announced yester- starters but 1 boat, that sailed by ward against some of the larger won't let Bob sleep mornings. As Hollywood Caddie day that Under-Sherlft Paul Kiernan a consequence, he makes up for It Donald Hubbard, did not finish af- mate. Jacoby's outboard has a rec- Allaire Wins Summer Bowling Shrewsbury Well of Long Branch hoa accepted an in- ter fouling a turning Btake during ird of 7$ miles per hour. Mr. Alex- on the porch over here afternoons. Wins At Bloomfield vitation to serve on a committee to Yes, ladies, that strange noise you the second lap. Hubbard was crowd- inder states that this Is the first Three Events League Results assist him in forming a team. Also ed by a boat of another class and did .ime to his knowledge that an out- Represented In on the committee are Ray Kennedy; hear Is not. thunder. Patsy Tomalno of the Hollywood not have room to maneuver. The ward motor will attempt to gain the The Red Bank summer bowling secretary of the Newark Internat- Golf club led eight qualifiers Mon- summaries: iweepstakes trophy. Finishes First in Srieakbox Races ague race has narrowed down to a onal club tesm, and Johnny McAvoy, Why don't you fellows from the day at Forest Hill Country club of Elberon Show Bloomfleld for the metropolitan KNOCKABOUTS. Other entries expected are Mist at Red Bank and Fair Haven ght for Brat place between the well known fight referee. Merchants Trust challenge the boys Start—2:05 p. m. Pajssaic, owned by Samuel Graham of kcerra bakery and Smoke shop tav- 'rom the Second National to caddie championship to be played at Owner, S»llor Flnl.h on Saturday and Sunday- Mr. Kiernan has long been Inter- the Rldgewood Country club August 8:85 ill Clifton, New Jersey; the El Torvel- :rn teams. Each hae won 29 and dies Anna Louise Campbell ested in Monmouth county sports. He match? How about it, Chet? JUrry U McMahon - llno, owned by Arthur Boberick of Several Close Finishes. ost 7 games. The Swimming River 17. Tomaino scored an 81-77—158. Lloyd E. Fuller - — 8:89:22 Takes First Place for "Good hoo condticted box-Ing shows and-ha Jack Warren »:S2:4« Los Angeles; Edward Guggenheim's :ountry club and Shrewsbury dairy an interest in Mike Piskin, Freehold Ah! ft's too darn hot. I'm going- to Victor Peck of Hopowell Valley led BIRDBOATS. Miss Saranac. Jack Rutherford's en- ire staging their own battle for eec- close. So long. six qualifiers for the caddie masters' Start—8:10 p. in. Charles Allaire, Jr., sailing his new Hands" Trophy—Gains Right pugllst. He recently conducted the 8:58:38 tries, which may Include both hla md place, each having won 15 and Lyceum Big Five, Long Branch bas- championship with a 69-80—149, scor- Donald A«ay ...- 3:58:48 Gold Cup entries and his Ma-Ja II Barnegat boat, the Mopalong 3d, lost 21, These 2 teams are U games to Compete in National Show. ing a hole-in-one on the 18th hole F«t«r Bentley .. made a clean sweep of 3 sneakbox ketball team, and has always been Enilejr WMte 4:02:05 and Jack Dunn's •>• D. U. behind the leaders. interested in the development of Bovie and Berk of tho morning round. races over the past week-end. Allaire SNIPES. Commodore J. F. Hitchcock has en- The Bakers and Tavern team each Shrewsbury was well represented baseball. Meet at Long Branch Scores of other local entries in the Start—2:10 P- ™- arged the committee to take charge won the first Monmouth boat club defeated their respective rivals—the caddies' tournament: John Poor — —...... *:22: event of the season on Saturday, fln- Saturday and Sunday In the Elberon Mr. Kennedy has elgnifled his in- Edward« Kullman, Tom Lloyd 4:27:28 f the marina ball on the opening Recreation and Swimming River horse show on the estate of Mr. and terest in county baseball since th Lester Berk of Red Bank, captain Walter Etoli. Deal.- 88-88—171 lfihed first in the regular Sunday teams—In 3 straight games on Tues- light of the regatta, which will be Mrs. L. Victor Weil. Several youth recent tryout of Bill (Waskle) Sweel , ,T , ,. _ .. - Peter Froealc. Old Orchard 90-88—ir» H* 0* WUkhamT John Olvinn <>S0,80 leld at the Molly Pitcher hotel. Ad- morning event of tho Frank Dlckman lay. Shrewsbury Dairy won 2 out of John Mulhern. ful rldera took part along with the by tho Newark Bears, Mr. Calan- and No. 1 man on the Gettysburg John Azzaretta. Hollywood...... 83-86—115 itlonal members of his committee skeeter fleet and showed a clean pair from Leddy & Son. Next Tuesday ;ntriO3 of the Trillora farm, owned A. Cocuiza. Old Orchard..... 107-86—19» Robert Bentley - - off hcelhl B to a Helfildd off 9 boatbt a Iin ththo drlello secured the try-out for Swee collegvie ofe Eatontowntennis team, No, an, 4d maPalmen onr B'jthe- | Joo Sovicro, Rumson 88-91—179 Irving Jackion are L. E. Fuller, Harold 8. Allen, M Swimming River will oppose Acerra Dy Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wettach o and an option on the letter's service: Victor DeFazio, Rumnon... 98-97—XD& E. VanSauter, W. Barry and W. S weekly Fair Haven regatta on the af- Bakery, Smoke Shop will clash with Ldwrenceville preparatory school! COMETS. Elope road, and Claredda farm, owned was taken by the Newark team, team, will meet in the final round of Edward Lewlnnki, Deal 108-33—JOZ Start—2:20 p. m, Causbrook. ternoon of the same day. Shrewsbury Dairy and Red Bank is likely that he will be farmed ou' Scores of local1 entries In the cad- Marion Cook, Albert Newman Lloyd B. Fuller and Harry Mc- iy Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Quinn the Long Branch Junior tennis tour- Recreation will take on Leddy & Son. jf Sycamore avenue. next spring. Bill Ol«en Mahon shared honors in the knock- STANDING OF THE TEAMS. nament today at 4 o'clock on the dio masters' tournament: GKgoiy Figaro 4:10.2s Miss Anna Louise Campbell, daugh- Joe Bova, Tilonmouth County- 80-75—155 about clasa, the former winning at W L PA HS Mr. Bergur is backing the game be high school courts. Billy Rullman. Old Orchard 81-78—189 SNEAKBOXES. ter of Mm. Margaret Rue Campbell Berk, the defending champion, de- Start—2:25 p. m. Evergreen ^ ^Red Bank on Saturday and the lat- Acerra Bakery 27 7 077.5 1.097 cause he, too, is seeking talent foi Fred Carlson. Hollywood 79-81—16S Smoke Shop Tavern 29 7 953.11 1,073 of Sycamore avenue on Sunday after- next year. This season Mr. Bergu feated Howard Mendel of Deal in Luko Pryor, Rumaon 82-82—164 Charle. Allaire, Jr - I ter coming in first at Fair Haven on Swimming Blv«r 0. C. 15 21 800.19 1.013 Andrew Brock, Deal 87-81—188 ... 8:50:60 r noon won the Good Hands trophy do- put an entirely local team on th straight sets, 6-2, 6-4, In the semi- Edwards Kullman,. Z'.ZiZ 4:01:55 I Sunday. McMahon was second at Red Shrewsbury Dairy .... IB 21 875.11 l,07 William Todarnro, Hollywood.. 91-87—178 Donald Olborn Defeats Norwood I Bank and Fuller waa second at Fair I.cddy Coal Co 11 25 882.7 96 nated by Mrs. Reed Albee, when sh< field, and expects to continue thi finals, while Bovie overcame Vic Ray Soutza, Deal 99-87—188 Final«lHaven> Sld Wain's Thelmar, dam- [led Bank Recreation B 28 R<2.29 988 was awarded a blue ribbon 'or thi policy. Hence he la anxious to o Contessa of Allenhurst, 6-1, 6-2. Edward PiccoII, Rumaon 97-90—187 Ceoree Worthley i'Wl'- TEN LEADING BOWLERS. w Kelly. Old Orchard 101-102—208 Edward Davln JilSiii * "«•«•» I aged in a collision last week at Fair second time in succession for ridln tain new material and may see se This will be the third meeting of j - G HS PA side saddle. This victory gives hei Carol Quinn j\, -- I Haven was not entered. Wain sailed Dllllone 86 267 eral prospective Belmar players 1 Berk and Bovie, each having won Weiton H°u»raon —— 1;*J 204.22 The road to better and bigger busi- DN with Jack Warren at Fair Haven on Tuttle 3fi 203.8 253 he right to compete in the Nationa! the line-up of the AH Stars. once. Berk defeated Long Donald Hubbarl Young Rider* Take Annual 12- Sunday afternoon. 1'nylor 36 199,21 251 liorse show. Miss Jane Guptil, daugh. Branch last year, while Bovie upset ness leads through The Register's ad- j. Acerra , 32 199.17 24" vertising columns.—Advertisement, ilontxopane. ..—..-.._.....— 80 158.23 244 :er of Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Gup- Berk at Red Bank last week. Goal Ettontown Polo Tourna- The finish between Edwards Rull- ,lorrl» - 36 196.3 261 il of Sycamore avenue, finished Eeo- Victory For Union Beach. man and Dave Wolcott jn tho Bkeeter '. Acerra. — 36 92.1J 236 ond and Bryant Henderson, also of Trojans Lose To ment by 12-to-7 Victory— 26' The Union Beach Braves baseba! fleet race on Sunday morning was tryker 21 192.2 Shrewsbury, was fifth. team defeated Edward Mulligan Eatontown and Rumton Out. ono of the closest to be seen this ichneider 30 01.24 23F Chain Gang Team season, the latter finishing but 2 sec- jatti. 15 189.13 24S Miss GuptU toolc a third pl'ice in Clover A. C. at Union Beach Sunda; Greyhound Easing onds behind Rullman. Another close Class 25, Saturday morning, for the afternoon, 16 to 14. The game was Th» Evergreen Farms poloists, finish in the same race ensued when American Horso Show association free-hitting contest, in which the vie LONG BRANCH, N. J. Negro Aggregation Outhiti Red Sid Berger Leads medal while Mlss Campbell took tors used two pitchers and the loser: leaders In the Eastern polo league, the Schweer brothers beat Wes Hous- "ON THE OCEAN FRONT" Bank Team in Night Ball contained their winning streak Sun- second and third place in classes 22 used four. man to the finish by 4 seconds. .Aug- nd 23. respectively, for horseman- Game to Win, 6 to 3—Were day afternoon when they defeated UBt Schwartz fouled tho home stake Field At Asbury the Norwood' Polo club on the Mon- and waB disqualified while Donald ship for children not yet 17 years o 10 RACES NIGHTLY Idle Sunday. mouth County Country club field, 12 The preliminary rounds o£ the ten- age. Miss Campbell is a pupil of thi Belmar vs. Haivallnns. to 7, for the championship of the Hubbard experienced sail trouble and Is tournament for the championship tittle Farm Riding club of Wes The 'Belmar Braves will opposi EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT SUNDAY club's annual 12-goal polo tourna- withdrew, t the city of Aabury Park, now be- Long Branch, Buck Lai and his Hawaiian baseba RAIN OB SHINE AT 8:30 P. M. An aggressive Chain Gang boacbal The snipeboat race was the most team tomorrow night at Memorial team Friday night traveled to Tro ment. ing held at the Colonial Terrace Ten- Billy Ylvisaker and Bill Havilana NO MINORS In the semi-final matches held xcitlng event at Fair Haven. Rob- is club at Asbury Park, were com- ook a second antl third place, respec- field, Belmar, at 9:15 o'clock In thf jan field and defeated the Red Bank rt Bentley's boat capsized after deciding game of a series betwee LONG BRANCH KENNEL CLUB Trojans, « to 3. Percy Wukovets was Thursday afternoon the Farms team ileted over the week-end. Sld Berg- .ively, Sunday aHcrnoon in the horse- making too daring a tack into the x of Deal, former New York uni- manship clasd for children not yet 17 the two clubs. on tho mound for Red Bank and al Uminated the Monmouth rlden, 11 wind In an attempt to beat John to 1, and In an overtime period the 5 •erslty captain, and inter-collegiate years of ap^. Peter Wettach, son o lowed the visitors 10 hits. oor acrosB the line. The summaries Mr. and Mrs. Frod Wettach, took a A pair of singles by Bodnar and Norwood trio eked out a victory over hamplon of New York state, la tho the Rumson four, 6 to 5. 'f the races at Red Bank follow: lefendlng champion and top-seeded third place in class 21, Sunday morn Bandies accounted for tho Trojans' Ing, for horsemanship for children first run In the third Inning. Bohar The Evergreen team played bril- SATURDAY. intrant. Berger completed two rounds liant polo throughout the Sunday KNOCKABOUTS. f play to lead the field Into the not yet 11 years of age. WE LEAD . OTHERS FOLLOW . SO SHOP AT THE was driven home by Bandies after Slart—3 p. m. Prince Charming, owned by Mr, stealing second. The Negro aggre- contest when they started off by scor- Finiili [uarter-finals. gation topped their opponents' In the ing I goals In the first chukker and .loyd E. Fuller _ 3:44:15 Second in the seeding Is Julian nd Mrs. Quinn of Claredda larm, following inning. Idlctb took the repeated with 3 more In the second. Harm -L. McMahon 3:47:10 lowenstcln of Asbury Park, who was was crowned champion hunter. Thi The losers fought an uphill battle and Joseph Kennedy 3:49:50 Quinn farm also took flrst places In lead with a double and came homo BIRDBOATS. unner-up to Berger last year. Be- alter Bowon'fl ball was overthrown opened the frame with 5 tallies In the' Start—3:05 p. m. lind Lowenateln comes Leslie Jahn the classes for lightweight hunters to first base. Bowen rcachod second first and second chukkers. Donald A.ny 8:5»:1O f Bradley Beach, while Lester Berk and ladies' hunters and a second ~!n«l«y Whlta 3:S»:02 place In the light, middle, and heavy- Molly Pitcher Food Market and camo home on Mooney's single. Clarence "Buddy" Combs and Mll- 'etcr Bentley 3:60:36 if Red Bank fllli the No. 4 position :on Untermeyer, Jr., led the Farms The semi-finals are to be completed weight hunters' divisions. All these The Trojans scored 1 run in each COMETS. places were taken by Prince Charm- 18 MONMOUTH ST. The Best for Less PHONE RED BANK 3144. of the sixth and seventh lnninga teams and fought an offensive game Start—3llO p. m, y Saturday with the finals following when time and again they broke William Olien'. 4:05:58 ing. Sweetheart, also owned b; while tho visitors added another run n Sunday. • Claredda farm, took a fourth place In In the sixth Inning and scored a pair through their opponent's defenso for SNIPRS. Start—3:15 I ho combined saddle ponies' clasa not SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD of runs In the eighth nnd another In tallies. Combined with Tommy Law- ^dwiirdit 4:08:49 the ninth. rence and Robert Eisner they oon- Robert Bentley 4:16:10 ounty Marksmen exceeding 1^.2 hands. tlnuetl their scoring In the fourth Tho Trillora farm captured 4 blue BREAST Tho box score: SNKAKDOXES, Cottage3 chukker when they pushed through Start—3:20 p. ribbons with first places in the Bridle •rnoJANS. Third in Meet AT) R H PO & pair of scores and In the following Charles Allniro 4;0!i:0!i rail hack**, open jumping, working Kttwards Ilullman „ 4:GTi:[>9 Toth, It . 0 0 0 0 chukker added 3 more. The Norwood A pistol team composed of 3 Red huntera and limit 3-gaiti'd saddle 1 0 team scored 1 goal In each of tho lied Mvplncutt - 4:06:03 Glieese ss VEAL Bandici. it. -- 4 Arnold Srliwurtr. 4:08:20 Bank and 2 Neptuno officers, rcpre- horses over 14.2 hands. Huldnh Lee, 10 Mitroka, 2b. ... fourth and elxth chukkers. We.ton Houiman ...- 4:09:47 Butter39 1 aontlng Monmouth county, finished !ommoner Crown and By Request 7.11.1, .«. ..- Ilarbnra Hnyra _ 4:09M8 y (WITH TOOKET) Joet. lb 8 The Farms team was given 3 goals third in a match held by the Jersey 0 John Hurrl. 4:11:39 shares first place honors. Tho Wet- (Ono Pound Holla) Bhinn, ct 0 as handicap. Combs scored 6 of the Buckey Mcml _ 4:11:39 City police In that city on Tuesday. tnch stables also took a third place Dunham. 8b. ... 1 fien« Worthlcy 4:12:09 Look At This Bargain Mokowikl, rf. . goals while Untormeyer scored 2 antl The three Red Bank officers worn. n the combined saddle ponies, not Bodnsr, c IS Lawrence 1. A pony accounted for 1 Kenneth McQucm , Lieutenant Harold Dnvlaon and Po exceeding 14.2 hands, a fourth place AND THIS BARGAIN i 0 SUNDAY. "Wukovetn. p. .. 0 of their Ulllei. ffi. •. Hopping led llceman Benjamin Pryor and Charles In the lightweight hunters, a llfth ALSO THIS BARGAIN BEST CUTS the visitors with 4 of the 7 goalo. DICKMAN SKKKTER KI.KKT ffiiickson. Two other members of the place In the championship 3-galted 83 3 8 27 Start—10:10 a. in. Red Bunk police department. Ser- Fancy Thursday's line-ups: 'linrlr. Allniro 11:16:10 enddlo stake, and a sixth place CHAIN GANG. Evergreen Farms Mon. Co. Red l.lpplneott 11:10:40 geants James J. Sheedy and George n the champion Jumper etakr. No. 1—M. Untermeyer, Jr M. Phllllpe ICdwardu Hullman .. Clayton, also competed. Joseph Maloney of Shrewsbury, Boneless PRIME tlav. Hi. 4 2 1 Have Wokott ..._ 11:16:42 S I 1 No. 2—T. L.wr.nce W. i'oalt. Tho picked county tcnni mode r Hl8»ln». • No. S—O, 0. Comb. ..._ O. Oliver, Jr. Borden Hance 11:111:20 with his horse, Hed Jacket, took a YOUNG h 1 1 Karljara Hnyrc 11:20:28 lotal of 1.463. The scores miulo hj Idlttt, 8b...... r* a u Back—R. Elnnar - il. B.rry hlnl place In tho clans lor Green Bowen, c, Score by chukkera: 1 1:23:00 membora of tho team follow: Krlck llunterji. fourth places in tho brkllo. Anderion, If. . 8 0 o Wenton Iliiunmnu „.. 11:23 ill 4 1 I Evergreen Kirmi 4 112 0 1 — 11 Bon and O'Rourkc 29B, Pryor 2(12, RIB MDoney, cf. -••- Cnrol Quinn 11:23131*1 trail hacks and in tho middle nnd Taylor, rf 4 2 0 Monmouth County 1 12 2 l'O— 7 Duckey Moad _ _ 11:24:20 Warden 501, Duvl/ion 290. Sliraly heavy weight lumtor.H. Veal Roast Clinton, lh - —- 4 1 10 Qoal. for Evergreen Farm.—Comb. A. Donald O.liorn _... 11:21 nnd Clayton «ach scored 280. 4 FOWL Wllllama. p - -•• Untermeyer 3, Kl.ner, by handicap 2. I'm e Worlhley - _ _... 11:21 Monmouth County— Oliver 4, Koale. 2 Jack Olvlng U;2< Mrs. J. Joseph Connor 8« 0 10 27 Barry. Kdwaril l*>nvln - „, 11:28:00 Exhibition and Ace nummary: Krrnr<—Ilanillci, Mltroka, Referee.—(Jen. If. B. Burden and J. Her Kenneth McQueen 11:33:00 ROAST ZUel Dunham. llun» batted In—Taylor I, noldt, i'eter McCloe» _ _.._ 11:311:00 Wins Putting Contest Bandlct, Joit, Mltroka, Mooney Bnwer. Arnold .'"rhwnrtx _ 11IHC* Match At Bloomfield HI»Bln». Kawl runa—-Trojana I, Chal Norwood Polo Club Rum.on Polo Cluh DOIIHIII Hulil>nril DMJ." fian, 4. TVo-bMe hlU-Jli;i«n«k. a An lR-hnlo putting conic:.t for ln.- No. 1—D. Utitermeyer J. Hoelillnu The Mimmarlen of tho regular lillett, Taylor. Buorlflre.—Ilodnar. Da: No. 2—W. R.ber. W. J. Allen A special exhlhltlon match between dion wan hold Tuouduy at Swimming fttolrn buen-Mnkowhl Z. An.Ur.on weekly rognttn hold Humlny afternoon Clarence Clark and Jim Nlcholls, fa Mlmiki. Hoilnar, Monney. Ult on l.mfii- No. a—E. A. 8. Hopping W. Bulllv.n lllvet- Couiiuy club nnd wun by Mm. 25&> at Fair llnvon In the nftornonn, along Trol.n. », Chain (iany 0. Btrlke-outi—B—W. Strain II. W. Wllllama mous one-armed »harpshootcr from J, Joseph Connor. Mra. Cnnnnr nl:;o (ALL r—NO BONES) •Wuiovrti H. by Wllllami 11. 11..r. c flcore by chukkerei with a description ot the races, will Los Angeles, »nd Vio Oheczl of D held 1OW-KIO:UI m-urt! for thi: diiy with (No. 1 QUALITY) ball.—Off WuVovet. 1, oft WIHIama Norwood P. C 10 0 12 1 I—« be found In nnothor column of thli and Johnny Kinder of Plalnfleld wil Itumicm P. (1 2 110 0 1 0—IS 85 wlillo Mrn. Cliun^f: Me.Vcy was HIU—Off WnkoveU 10. olt William. week's sports panes. feature the -World-Telegram's fifth locond with an mi, Mia. Jack Hoh- Wild nlUhM—Wllllama 2. lilt l.y pltche (Inn!, for Norwood-—Hopping 4, Unter- CIIOICB CUTS BEST MADK (M«ln«"kll by Wllll.m.. Umpire.—Bhelai mpyer anil Htrauie. For Kum.on-—Wllllatni nnual hole-ln-one tournament on roy llnlfihcit neronrt In the pulling and Bentiftt. 2. Allen and Hoebllng. By Handicap 1. Htinuion HcAti Thursday of next week at tho Fores content with 3t puttn rtnrl Mt.i. Hfiru- llrdreli—(J. Mlllfr «nd Cyril Car. Hill Field club at Bloomfleld. uol Ilnlper, third, with :t'j putts. Mrs. 19* By a score of 10 to S the Rtimson Conovor tiunlc 3D putto. QUALITY BEEF I'arlier Wltm nt Southampton. Sunday's line-ups The exhlbltlonors will tee off at Sirloin polo qumtnt dufoiitoil the lciephant o'clock and a sprclnl touch will b Tim mntrh piny lmnillcitp a^ninfit ;. Frankle Parker of Spring Lake, EvergTMn Farm. Norwood P. C. Baturday at. tlin HuniHon Countr* No. 1 — M. K. llnterm. added. All four plnyei" upon IUTIV pair Humlny wan won by (luy Klch- •defending title holdor nnrl first need- •r. Jr W. lltrxia. club. With u two-goal Immllcup th No. 2—T, ..... I). Untermeyer Ing at the fifth hole, nemo of th dnU\ Hr., whu turned In a caul of nil '•d favorite, lod the wny Into the No. »—0. (1. Comb. KlcphitnU loi) nt hulf tlmi>, 4 lo 3. I.AUOI1 Nci. 1 JKRSKY FrankslT W. Itener hole-lh-one toiirnninonl, whU'li wl (•vcn. Juhn I)(iwd wn"* I duv nnd Steak •juarter-flnol round of tho Meadow Buck - R. Kl.ner H. B. Hopping Tho line up: continue during tho nxhihltlon, wl Holiprt Uehroi'der, 1 down. ( (AM. HI/.KH) club's annual livvllatlon tonnlB tourn- Boor* by chukkera I Rum.on Kl«| take five allotted BIUIIH. Tlmy wl ament at Bouthntnpton, New York Kv«rtfrc«n Farm., 4 S fl 2 II 0—1 Nil. 1 J. UfHililliiK -r.. I!, MIII. bo allowed to putt thplr nnnri'Ht film POTATOES Tuendny When ho whipped Wayne Norwood Polo Club 2 10 10 1— No. 2 W, Illlluii. Kuliiim to I'liiy KlltH. LOIN BI'UINU 1U11 MI'HIKO B»bln of BWlywood, California, . No. I W. HUIIIVMI . 11. H llnr.Ul to the pin and the mutch will coi Tho Fair Haven Koblim I 6-8. Ortater, »t<-adlnom from thi M. Unurm«yar t, lAwrenea 1, pony 1, by Hack It. Wllllmixi. (i. Ollva Untie. chili will moot the Red Hunk ' 'JJo LAMB handicap I. For Horwor>4—Hopplni 4, 1). Joora hy rhttVkerM: LAMB 10 - 25" buck court «nd B flaihlng baolt tJntermvrer S, Raber 1. Rjirajon 3 1 (I • a 1— Kliui Huiiiliiy utternoon "t !! o'otnek h»nd with which ho pasied hli rival R.fir..-Cyril C.rr. Red Bankers Win. on tho Fair Haven' diamond. CHOPS CHOPS 29k Time of ehukkar.—71, ralnut... Klephanta > 0 1 t 1 I— Bill LUtla'* Itad Hanker, ilofcn nputadly when he tried lo ntorm aoali—nrnnaon, Hulllvmi (, nnaliiliii v th* net won Jpt tlj|, Bprlng L»k nillup. 1, Wllll.m. |. Ktonhanll, Ol" ml lh« n«d Bank Colornd llhio Ho Thn rond to better nml nlfjKcr hvisl- Boys can m»k» extra poekat mone 4, Cuitintan I, fieiinml llorilen l |,y h.ndl A to 1, Monday night on McCUnko WALK KxmrY FEET FROM BJIOAI) ST. AND YOU WILL f KHTAINLY «AV* X youngntir. llI Th B«irl«t«r.—-A4v»rtlMtn#nt, n»«» le»d« through Thn ilnKlntor'nil «a» I, Referee-Wwin Sl*».,t, field on Newman Springs road. vertlBlng coliminn.—Ailvortl»oiuont, RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 6, 1838. Shrewsbury. Keansburgr HINDKNBURG COMING. Lions Told Of Air Station Open Saturdny and Sun- Expert Repairing (The Red Bank Register can b« bought (Th* Rti Bank R«lst*r can be r";«B»t day to Visitors. Boilers - Radiator^Hot Air Heaters Newspaper Work In Shrewsbury from Klchard Beak* at tb* In Kuniburs at the stores of E. L. Miller, OF postofflce and tho Shrewsbury Mark«t) N. SanU Lucia, .PhUls Keller, Charles The German Zeppelin Hlndenburg Voscl and U Zuckerman.J MINER SUPPliY COMPANY WATCHES, CLOCKS The annual picnic of St. Mark's will arrive at Lakehurst on Saturday J. W. Dufileld of the New York Maurice C. Turner of Kew Gar- Episcopal Sunday-school was held morning, August 8, at about B:00 a. W. Front £ l'enrl St». jj Bed Bank 8M3 (Binned) and JEWELRY Times Speaks on the Subject, dens, Long Island, who was beat at Atlantic Beach, Atlantic High- m. for & two-day stay, departing THO3 G, WELBTEAD. "The Making of a Great man at the wedding of Rev. and Mrs. lands, on Tuesday. again on Sunday evening, August 0, Carroll M. Burck and who has not between 10 p. m. and midnight. NOTICE. Accuracy, skill and experi- Newspaper*" The local lodge of Daughters of ence enable us to do the seen Mr. Burck in the last 15 years, American wll hold a card party on Weather conditions permitting, the I was a visitor one day last week at tho lawn of Mrs. William XMvejoy Hlndenburg will be docked In the most delicate repairing. We "The Mailing of a Great News- the Burck home. Mr. Turner and at Thompson Croslng, Middletown LakehurBt Naval Air Station hangar guarantee satisfaction. Our paper" was the subject of an ad- Mr. Burck sang together in the choir township, August 15. where visitors will be permitted to prices will please you. dress given before members of the of St. Paul's church, when they were Trie recently organised post of the Inspect her from a distance of only Have Yoii Visited Red Bank Lions club at tbelr regu- boys in Brooklyn. Mr. Turner invent- American Legion held a meeting in a few feet Silverware Repaired lar weekly meeting in the Elks club ed telephones and fold- the borough hall Wednesday night. The Lakehurst Naval Air etatlon Tuesday night by J. W. Duflleld of ing doors in use on phone booths. William Preston has rocoverea will be open to visitors who wish to and Replated Like New ho New York Times. Councilman David P. Wood and from Injuries received In an auto- see the Hlndenburg from 8:00 a. tn. Mr. Duflleld Btated that 3,500 per- family of Sycamore avenue left yes- mobile accident. to 8 p. m. on Saturday and from fl GRAND'SMA X NewShoeRepairShoGRA: , Prop. p REUSSILLES' sons are employed In publishing tho UTday for a month's tour to Missouri A card party given aj a benefit for a. m. Sunday until tho Hlndenburg (Next to ') Times and that 1,600 miles of paper in their new Ford coach, St. Mark's church waa held on the departs late'that night. 10 West Front St., Red Bank, N. J. 36 Broad St., Red Bank re used dally in printing It. Las! Mr. and lire. Stephen Wittenberger lawn of Mrs. Joseph Elison on ear, he stated, 110 000 tons of paper of Grantwoud, who have been occupy- Center avenue Monday afternoon. Tel. 1831. Handel's Messiah. n l Ui nd 2,000,000 pounds of Ink were ing the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs. Walter Conroy was hostess at Here you will find the most up-to-date j^."Hi^ . r^ a'{r& C. England on Broad street for the Part II of Handel's Messiah will quired. The Times has Its own a card party to the members of the bo sung by the choir of the First nOAItn OP EDUCATION past- month, have returned homo. Catholic Daughters of America Tues- machinery, expert workmen and quality material OK IIOLMIIEL TOWNSHIP, taper manufacturing plant in Can- Methodist church of Asbury Park on ida. Miss Bessie Green of Broad street day afternoon. ... all of which assure 'Tjetter" shoe repairing. ALEX. L. McCLEES, recently returned from a Western Sunday evening, August 9, at 7:30. Mr. Duflleld referred to tho body Miss Lucille Donnelly has returned The oraorlo will bo given under the NEW YORK ind BOUI of all great papers—the tour. from Hazard hospitftl at Long Comfortable Booths for those who desire aody being tho paper Itself and the Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pegram of Syca- Branch. direction of G. Howard Scott, organ- soul being the alms for which it more avenue are vacationing at Reno, ist at the churoh. The guest soloist "shoes repaired while they wait." or NEWARK itrives and the ideals and principles Nevada. Teddy Pegram underwent Mrs. Chester Mulllson is on a trip will be Edgar Allan, brilliant young appendicitis operation recently at to Florida. American baritone of New York. ts maintains. The Times has 06 Mr. and Mrs. John Covert, Jr., pecial correspondents in Europo Reno. HOUND Robert Young of West Newton, have returned from an automobile nd has Its own wireless station for l d use by these correspondents. Massachusetts, is visiting his grand- trip through Now England. President Herbert E. Edwards re- parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Richard T, Miss Harriet Calabreso Is visiting WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 ported that the board of directors Beak, of Broad street. at Boston, Morgan C. Knapp of Buttonwood James Giles Is recovering from an eaves KED BANK 8:08 A. M. Tad recommended to tho club the has purchased a Chevrolet sedan. Monmouth I St. BANK lcceptanc'e cf nn international cor- injury to his' hand. Standard Time shown—add one Miss Alma Sanborn, who ia in the CONVENIENTLY LOCATED BETWEEN . hour (or Daylight Time. espondence school scholarship for Mrs. August Aalbuo and daughter, Nurses' Training schocjl at Monmouth Mrs. John Edwards of Brooklyn, NATIONAL GKOCEBY CO. ANp TELEPHONE CO. ReturninK tickota noud on any New wo or three years,'according to the Memorial hospital, spent the week- Jersey Centrul train, except the Blue mture of the course selected, at a value have been spending several days at 36 end at her home hero. Ilwrivu Tax Comet on date of t>nle. Consult ticket of $200, from Sidney J. Wain, editor their summer home on Leroy place. agenta for living times from stations Services at Christ church have PRICES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY &| SATURDAY t'lro Tn* It.inlttod Z..'~™. lalS? rot shown above and additional in- and publisher of the Red Bank stand- Leonard Schllch of Daytona Beach, formation. Telephone Red Bank 559. been discontinued until Sunday, Sep- ToU1 rd. The LiQns will have charge of tember 13. Rev. Carroll M. Burck Is Florida, has been tho guest of his -•<>* 43,t<3.1( warding the scholarship, In co-oper- sister, Mrs. Henry Ackerman. FANCY LIABILITIES. njoying a vacation. LEGSjof Duo Cuatodinu _ t l7flr'Mtir ation with the board of education, More than $90 was cleared at a James and Eugene Smith of Nutloy LB. Anuroiirlutlon Koiiijrv.a ... ?!««« and the need for It will be stressed ake and white elephant eale Friday have ben the guests of William FRESH Ovorl>ayment Unaorvci inVl nore than the scholastic standing of Shannon. Uon Account Konoiveii ' afternoon on the lawn of G. Harold I1CIVOI«BO Mcenio Kanorv.1...."" moo the pupils. Mr. Edwards appointed Nevius' residence on Sycamore ave- Dr. Frank A- Miele has opened an l''lro Tux ltcacrves ..._ _ 882 «t Theodore J. Labrecque, Leon Reus- Surplus Hevenuea „... 23,112,07 Monmouth County Surrogated Office. \ nue. Proceeds are for the benefit of Office on Carr avenue, opposite St. sillo, Jr., Judge Harry Klatsky, M. the Presbyterian Sunday-school room Ann's church. He Is a graduate of T tnl Ira the nuinor oi me estate of Charles F, " • Eilert, deceased. VanBuren Smock, Edward R. Con- coal fund. Mrs. Fred Burst, Mrs, igorgetown medical college and Lamb £ Notice to creditors to present claims aver and Albert W. Worden as a. Harry Borden and Mrs. G. Harold served as an Interne at the Galllnger Recommendation., ng-jilnst estate. :ommlttee to have charge of this Nevius were in charge. Fowl ILB. llmt A tiut BtUe bo halt! according to ^Pursuant to the urdur of Joseph L. Don-i hospital at Washington, D. C, and That Intonrtt bo charged on delinquent ahay, SiniORiito of tlio County of Won-i x-ward. Police Olllcor Otto Herden and also at the Medical Center, Hague mouth, madu on the seventh dny of July, Tlwit Intorfund oocountn be adjmted kr 10SG, on the application of Morgnn U. Past President Worden gave a dc- family have moved from Broad street Maternity hospital and St. Francla :ailed report of tho annual conven- i-CBolutioii or Uuduet niiproprlatlon. Ellort. Charles \V. Eitert. Gladys W. Kilert to White road. hospital, all of Jersey City. He at- JOSEl'H A. TILT0N, end Myrl Eilert Lawrence executors of .ion of the Lions International as- Miss Louise McCuo of Broad street tended St. Peter's school at Jersey LB the oatato of Charles F. Eitort. deceased, loclatlon at Providence, Rhode Is- Attorn; Chairman. notice is hereby given to the creditors of returned home Sunday after a three- "Ilty and Seton hall, South Orange, SIDNEY V. BRAY, Clerk. said deceased to exhibit to tho subscrib- land, two weeks ago, and James H. wceks' boat trip to South America. before entering Georgetown medical ers, exoeutora aa aforesaid, their debtfl and Mattenlee reported on the state demands against the said estate, under H. Carl Kait of Sycamore avenue college. Chuck Roastj 15c IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. To HLANCUE BENNETT, ANNA VAN- oath, within six months from the date of /ions golf tournament at Nutleylast has returned home after vacationing George Sullivan and Robert Ettles, the aforesaid order, or they -will be forever Wednesday when the Hoboken Lions at Allegheny, New York.^ HOUTKN, JiMMA. STILLWAGON barred of their actions therefor against both WPA workers' from Tennessee, C1IAULES T. STILLWAGON. her hui! tho said ra. were hosts. The next golf tourna- A car, the property of Robert bund; EONA CLOSTEN PAWCBTT, al. ment will be held August 19 with were sentenced to BO tho no known in Edna i'onythe, and Dated Freehold, N. J., July 7. 1936. Pierce, Jr., of White road, waa de- iounty jail by Recorder William FANCY (iUouiit] FAWCETT, also known « MORGAN B. EILERT, hB Jersey City Lions as hosts at stroyed beyond repair by fire early Hoag Thursday on a charge of steal- (Jeovno Foraytho, her hUBbund: 71 Mnple Ave., Red Bnnk, N. J. the Forest HiilLs Field club. The Saturday rnorning while parked in BROILERS! B29C lly vlrluo ot nn order of the Court ol CHARLES W. EILERT. ng fond. Several recent complaints FRESH Uiiuiccry of Now Jersey, mnde on tha dar $tefl Rank, W, J., H. F. \}., No. 1. attendance prize wa3 offered by the yard "of Mr. and Mrs. Albert of thefts of milk and bread from of tho dato horcof, In a cftuse wherein Tha GLADYS W. EtLERT, Frank Merritt and was awarded to Buckalew of White street. The flre Mrcrnon'a Hello! Atnoclntlon of It«d Bank, "* 7 3 Maple Ave.. Bed Dank. N. J. homes on Main street led to their CUDAHY BROS. N. J., u body corporate, la complainant. MYRL EILERT LAWRENCE, Mr. Duflleld. was discovered by Thomas Buckalew. arrest by Policeman Jamos Gilligan. FINK'S Gradq "A" FRESH LONG ISLAND and Onurlea Woodward and othere aw dt- 73 Maple Ave.,'Red Bank, V. J. A large attendance was on hand Mrs. Amelia B. Moorfleld, state fondanta, you nro required to appear and Quinn, Farsona & Doremus, Esqs., yesterday to "witness an electric dem- PEACOCK answer tho bill of said complainant, on Red Bank, N. J.. Boys can make extra pocket money chairman of the Women's Interna- or beturo tho 21)th day of September, neat, Proctors. ' selling The Register.—Advertisement. onstration given by the Jersey Cen- SLICED SMOKED or tho Bald bill will be taken aa conteeaid tral Power & Light company in tho tional League for Peace, will enter- tain members of the state board of J9c against you. Sunday-school room of the Presby- Spring Ducks the league at a luncheon at her home Tho finttl kltl Is filed to foreclot. a Mr. terian church. BACON HAMS tain moitgawo glvon lir Euphemla Wood- on Shore boulevard, Beach Beach, ward and Oharlea Woodward, her hvflbandi tomorow. At the conclusion of the Swift's Premium Daisy to,Tha Flramen'i Bollof A»«ocl»tlo» of KM luncheon a board meeting will bo IWnk, N. J,, a body corporate, dated Jan- State Hospital. lb uary oth. 1896, on landa In tha Townahi. FOR A HOT DAY:— held. of Middletown, In the County of Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Aalbue cele- 2 pkg. 29 mouth unil Btnto of Now Jersey; and you. Dr. Joseph M. Kampona of Prince- 19 whol lilanoho Ucnnett. are made defendant be- brated their 14th wedding annlvers- Cottage Hams cauae .you have an interest in aald landii ton, formerly of the hospital fltaff, visited the hospital recently. ary on Thursday. and you, Anna Vnnllouton, are mad* dl- To one cup of sweet milk add two teaspoons fondant liocauuo you have an tntere&t l« Mise Helen T. Sheridan has left to aaid landa; mid you, Emma StlllwaBon, sugar and one quarter teaspoon vanilla. Shake spend a two weeks' vacation at Os- aro made defendant becauso you have an Interest In enld iunda; and you, Charles T« wego, New York. 3tlllvraeron, are nimle defendant hscaui* •well and serve cold. Mr. and Mrs. John McFee a" you are tha husband of Emma Stlllwajoa spending their vacation touring the mid you have nn Inchoate right of cur- tony In snld landn; nnd you, Edna Glos- w England states and Eastern ton 1'tiwcutt, also known as Edna For- Canada. 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. ythc, aro mado defendant because you Mi33 Betty Dugan epent Sunday at hnvo nn Interost In said lands; and you, Drink Your Quart of Milk a Day BRAKE AND TCCf (loorsro Fnweott, nlno known a. Geoff* Seaside Heights. ForHythe, nro ntndo defendant because you Dr. Morgan P. Collo, dental Interne nro tho husband of Edna Olonten Fawcett. DAILY nlno known ns Edna Forsythe, and yea has resigned in order to open an hnve an Inchoate right of curtesy In aall oilice in Red Bank for the practice HEADLIGHT I£O) lands. of dentistry. Dnto4 July 88, 1030. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur S. Lannlng KI.ATSKY & KLATSKT, SHREWSBURY DAIRY CO., INC. spent the week-end at Trenton at the Solicitors of Complainant, home of the former's parents, Mr. 0 East Front Street, Ked Bank, N. «*« and Mr.i. Fred Lanning. / Monmouth County Surrogate*! O/Bci. Serving You 16 Years With Milk Produced Solely Dr. William M. Thompson of lyed In tho miUUr "' Notice to creditor* to present cUlmi, dk'iilnst estate. • Dr. Philip Fass of Pert)»Ambo: Purnunnt to the order of Joseph L.1 Bed Bank 1155. Broad Street, Shrewsbury, N. 3. has been employed as dentajr 1» Vprn Donnhuy, nurroKate of tho county of Mon- to fill the vacancy caused by the res- mmitli, made on the twenty-first day of July, 1030, on tho application of The Sec- ignation of Dr. J. W. McCue. ond National Hank nnd Trust Company of, John Kes:fo, an outside attendant, Red Ilnnk, a ml Florence' Howard firooki, Bxocutors of tho estate of G«org* O. Wa- underwent an emergency operation terman, dercfiHod, notlc« Is hereby, slvtit on Sunday evening for the removal.of to the creditor a of said deceaied to tx« his appendix. He Is now getting hiblt to tho subRcrlberB, executors ai afore* enhi, their dobtH and demands asalnnt tha along splendidly. unit! cHlnto, under oath, within ilx tnonthi D:. and M«. Jamee B. Pettis left from tho data of tho aforesaid order, or Continuing Our on July 29 to spend several weeks In they vrill lie forever hnrred of th«ir ac- Virginia visiting relatives and old tionn therefor ngntnnt the aafd lubserlbart* Dnted Freehold, N. J., July ZI, 193«. friends. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK Dr. Louis X. Kollpinskl went shark AND THUST COMPANY AUGUST fishing off Atlantic Highlands on OP itED DANS; July 31. He returned with only three n«d Bank, K. J. FLOHENCE HOWARD BROOKS, blucflsh. Duttonwood Pnrk, Shrewsbury, N. 1« Mrs. Dorothy A. Macrae, formerly SAFETY TEST • Ex«cuton, of the Trenton hospital, has been em- ApDlCKRte, Rtpvenn, Fonter A KtuiillU, lied Bonk, N. J., Shoe Clearance ployed ns laboratory technician. Procton. Miss Minnie Cravolot of Matawan This Headlight Test Brakes and steering inspected in an ha.s been appointed as clerk-fitenog- Monmouth County Surrogate's OfRct. SUMMER SIIOES FOR SPORT—SPECTATOR and instant with this simple machine—the In Hie mutter of the aatate of Joseph Ed- rapiier to till the vacancy left by Mrp. shows aim, focus, and road illumination ward Humphreys, deceased. DRESS, ALSO MANY PARK MODELS FOR FALL Alexander, who has moved to Chi- Weaver Brake and ||Alignment Tester* Notice to creditor* to praitnb ililmi nKnlnnt entnte. 'ANT> W1NTK.K Tells all you want to know about your head' Just drive on—you dpn't need to move Pu ran ant to tho order of Joseph L. Don* ahny. Surrotrato of the County of Mon- lights, and SHOWS whether they give you the out of your seat, or ] disturb your pas- moutb, mndo on the twenty-third day of Marlboro. July, 109S, on tho application of Oeorg* 8afe, comfortable driving light you need. sengers or load* j M, Colinn Humrhreyo, executor ot tb» ••• E tats of Jnneph Edwnrd Humphreyi. d4> Mr. and Mrn. George Strickland rcnatd, notlco la hereby given to tht cred- L'IJUM laiiu'd recently Mr. and Mrs. Four thermometer-like tubes show con- fi itors of said deceaxed to exhibit to tba .luliii Jiarth ot -Brooklyn and Mr. and A few minutes with our new Weaver Head' aiilmcHber, flxeentor ns afnreiald, thalr dition of each brake, jjind whether weak> A debts and demnndn affnlnat the tald titatti Mis. Leslie Jiislioji of WoousldcLong light Tester will measure exactly the candle- under onth, within six months from the) Island. out of adjustment* ot O. K* dnto of the nforeifdd order, or thiy will power of your headlights; and show if they light • bo forevor hnrred of their action! therafor Mr. nnd Mrs. C. McCloskey Bpent fi n^nlnnt the nnld nuhncrlher. tin: werlt rml lit Jri.'iry City. the road or glare in other drivers' eyes. Dial shows condition of steering, and if - JJAtcd Fraohnld, N. J., July 28, 1981. MIHH Kraii.-rii llnyi'» nnd Walter fJKnnfsH M. COHAN HUMPHREYS, road friction is scuffing away your tires* A 70 Knthcrlno Street, Fair Hnven, N. 34 Vum'hcc-a ave vi.min>; Mrs. Minerva Ex«cutor, 1 L A dollar or so spent now on fi iili. -on of Kutontown. Use of this equipment is absolutely free Qulnn, Pnfnnnii A Dnremui, .Miss I,<,iftm Keller spent Monday our new headlight service will fi Hod Uank, N. J. ,it JJroiiklyn. reduce eye strain and fatigue^and —we have installed it for your safety- • Proctorf. Slanlry Luxonliurp; han n. motor- drive in today. 1 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT i-yHe. MAY save an accident* We will Katnto of Wlllinm O'lirlBii. tlnreaied, Notice IA tieretiy given that th» aooountl Mr. and Mrs. John Nleborlpln are improve your lights and prove it, of Mm BiibHcrlber, Tnutaa of th* aitaU at the parents of n daughter born on \SERVICEj said jflncoRneilt will ti* auditod and ataUd 6 9 • , S;.tunlny. or no charge. Drive in today* Our by tlis HurrnKikto ot tlia County ot Mon- FOR SAFETY -nouth nnd ro.ioiUd for »«ttt«mtnt to tha Mis;i M;uy Sherman of Tennen!, headlight service is fiiyen day or Orplnum (Jotirt of ini» JiHAttBpRS PHARMACY, as overturned In a collision with Samuel Carrado, 47, of Long ber unices the amount was paid. Key* Made for All Types of Locks 12 W«ll«c. Stmt, Red Bank 'earce R. Franklin of Newark car driven by Mrs. Edna, Smith at ranch, was Instantly killed Tuesday Mrs. Virginia Miller has returned To Y.M.C.A. Team ,-., i , I'rlct 2Bc and Ray Caffrey to Sponsor he Intersection of Hldge road and fternoon when he leaped in front to her home at Edgewood, Pa., after All Types of Locks Repaired Prompt AlUnllon Given Mall Ordtrl >f a train near the Broadway crose- Special Aattraction at Camp 3ingham avenue Tue»day. The a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. Carle Clubs Go Into Tie for Lead in GENEHAI, REPAIRING COMBINATIONS CHANGED ruck was filled with provisions. Mr. g at Long Branch. Hit body was Anderson. TRUNKS REPAIRED, Etc. Newark, August 14. Ued was caught under the truck arried 176 feet and was horribly Mr. and Mrs. George N. Conovcr Y. M. C. A. Softball Leaf?ue .nd was burned on Vhe leg with acid angled. Clarence Lover, engineer and Mrs. Mary Armstrong and MIBS Pearce K. Franklin, director of pub- rom the car battery. Police Capt- t the train. eald tho man jumped M. Reddinfcton were week-end visi- —Quads Defeat Postoffice C. BURNSIDE is worlc* of Newark 1» ipoMoring Henry Kruso and Walter Neuhauser nto the path of the engine. Neither. tors at Culver's Lake. Last Night, 5 to 4. Formerly with C. H. Knnls ipecl&l attraction for the Crippled 'reed Mr. Reed and gave him first jover nor Q. B. VanNote of Point Miss Mary Woolloy Is visiting her rClddlei ihow at Camp Newark, next id treatment. The drivers of both 'leasant, conductor of the train, parents, Mr. and Mra: William B. 115 West Front St., Red Bank rlday, Augurt 1*. Bay Caffroy is ar» recolvcd summonses for a hear- rare held. Woolley, Jr., of Greenport, L. I. Only 2 Kanion wcro played in the romoter. ing tomorrow night before Recorder Carrado had been released from Mre. Ralph W. Herrlck of New Y. M. C. A. Softball league rtnte the Stan of »tsge and radio have "ohn Yeomans. he state hospital at Marlboro Sat- last iesue ot The Kcguter. The York has been visiting her sisters, Quadrangle club, which was unde- greed to lend their services to this rday after being a patient there Misses J. Mabel and Bornlce Brown. The Rumson lire department base- hree months. He Is survived by a feated until Thursday night, played .•enture for th» kiddle*. Included in iall team will play the Sea Bright Barbara Jean Humphries has re- both, losing tho llrft to tho Y. YOU KNOW unit widow, and two daughters, Carmola, 1 this group are June Nicholson, form- lire department next Sunday morn- urned from a visit with her aunt, M. C. A. team. 11 to 13, and winning Your Future and Rider Training ABOUT BRAtt UNIH61 orly of Karl Carrol's Vanities,* " ving at homo, and Mrs. Nancy To- Mre. Hudson Walling of East Orange. Ing on Tailor's Hold. malno of Ked Bank. tiio eecond last ni^ht from tho i' -WHY NOT HCIOt* through the courtesy of the Eddie Mrs. Joseph Wllloughby, Sr., and Dr. Mary LOOK of Philadelphia hns oillce, 5 to 4. By virtue of Thurfidfiy Rirto.r Training is intense specialization In busineafl PROVEN MUfOS tin* studios of Asbury Park; Kath- Bon Joseph of New York are spend- een visiting Dr. and Mrs. Murray nifiht's victory, the Y. M. C. A. wont .subjects. Rider Training prepares trie student tot a YOUR .CAR rlno Undelete, 8(Hrear old ballot ng two weeks with Mrs. Willough- Keyport. Voronoff. into a tie with tho Quadrangles for Enroll good position upon graduation. Thousands have dancer; Dorothy Krunti, eight-year- iy's elBter and brother, Miss Julia Mr. and Mrs. AJfred Zlnk and pjaco, rnch team hJivin^ uon 3 profited by It. Will You? ild tap dancer, who has Just signed inderson and Edward AnderBon of laughter are spending a vacation at games and Io3t 1. Tho Y. M. C. JV'S Now! 1 contract with Warner brothers (The Red Bank Register can b« bought Courses Offered: Accountancy, Journalism, Typing, Mnplowood avenue. In Keyport from Coat* Brother!, Mra. ivalette. only defeat was at the hands of thu Shorthand, Stenotypy, Bookkeeping, Roxretarial 'or the picture, "Danolng Feet," and ^lorenca Melee. Gui Senion and Mil. Clara Miaa Ruth Bllderback, a teacher in Poetofilce. - Science, Business Administration, Advertising, Bank- Lois Condlano, young acrobatic Mrs. Ida Sheridan of Highland uaaman.) he local high school, haB returned venue was brought home Monday The Y. M. C. A. got off to an 8- Fall ing and Commercial Teaching. dSncer. William C M. Anderson has ac- rom a New York hospital where RouNDwiwia n tho Rumnon ambulance from Mon- ihe underwent a serious surgical op- run lead against the Quads, bill were Call at College office, write or 'phone Trenton 8111 Jay Mills and his society orchestra :nouth Memorial hospital, where she :epted a position at Philadelphia and unable to hold the advantage, the ! Term P.O. LINING ON will play and Jay, Jr., and Irv Kraas. 'lth Mrs. Anderson will move there ration. for complete Information and interesting Iit.firatura 1H! AND YOU UAV* wns a surgical patient. QuadB tying the score and going in- Sept. 8 regarding benefits and advantages of Rider training. ner, will alng and dance. Al Toto and ihortly. Mr. Anderson was employed Capt, and Mrs. William B. Woolley to the lead by 1 run in uhc first KUIND ALl >UK€ TROUBtfi bis Show Boat orchestra, the team of Mr. and Mrs. Jerc J, Carew and ;r., celebrated the 62nd anniversary family returned TucBday from an teacher of mathematics ia tho half of tho ficventh inninpr, The Y. Jerry Maud and Jack Creighton. from ocal high school for a number o'f .f their mai-Haga on Wednesday of M. C. A. came back in its half of the Club Klo at Highlands; Joan Mit- auto trip to Niagara Falls and Can- ,ast week. They are both active ada. 'ears. same inninR with 2 runs to assure chell, Reggie Sherry and George Car- When L. Brower Walling opened eople and enjoy good healt^. Capt. them of^victory. "Snappy" Jim Tur- RIDER COLLEGE penter, trom Jay'e; Ross McLean his mall one day last week he was (Voolley was in.the oyater business nock pitched for the Quads while Ed ! MODERATE RATES FREE PLACEMENT JONES' from Ross-Fenton farms; Billy Castle, Oceanport. itonlshed to find 50 cents enclosed or many years In connection with Blako and Jack White toiled on the from the Klgsley Arma; Joe Silvers, in an envelope with a typewritten he J. and J- W. Elsworth company, mound for the winners. Founded 180S Trenton, N. J. FILLING STATION Harry Tucker and hlu Hotel Mon- (Tho Red Bank Register can t>« bought letter, unsigned, which stated that vho maintained an oyster opening erey orchestra and Connie A,tkln8t)n In Oceatiport at tha ctora of Carlo Mazxm.) slabllahment here for many years. Turnock was aj;ain on tho 'mound Maple Ave. & Bergen IM., Bed Bank he writer had stolen 50 cents worth for the Quads last ni^ht and allowed and his Berkeley-Carteret orchestra f seeds from Mr. Waiting's Btore He Is now retired. are all expected to bo on hand. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hondrlckson 9 hits as did Simon, the opposing of Main street had as their week- when he was In the hardware busi- Other* who are expected to be moundBman. The Postoltice got off end guest Mlas Margaret Sullivan. s on Front street, Keyport' and to an early lead, which they held present are Tom Howard, Mrs. Ted wanted to make it good. Mr. Wali- James Scarsl, Bon of M,r. and Mrs. Little Silver. until the fifth frame'when the Quads Le-wls, Fred Beebo, Benny Monk, ng- has been retired from business World's Outstanding "Scat" Ketrlck, Al Morton, Lola Am Sherwood Scarsl of Wolf Hill ave- went into a 1-run lead and were never nue, who two months ago suffered more than ten years. Seventy-five persons attended the headed. Turnock settled down in the tin Mary Martin. Dorothy WUHama, Mrs. Julia Calafthan of Wlnthrop, alster-in-law of Jack Dompsey, Max a broken arm, fell Bevcral days ago icach party held Friday night at final innings and retired the oppos- and again fractured the Bame arm Maes., will arrive in Keyport tomor- Deal by the Wononah Missionary so- £ batsmen in quick order. Attractions Kaplan, Billy Ferguaon of tho Smoke row to spend her 27th annual vaca- Shop tavern, and Marco Marcelio, which Is now In a cast. :iely. Frankfurters, hamburgers and The Y. M. C. A. will play this Fire- Tho fourth quarterly conference of .lon hero. She will visit Mr. and Mra, watermelon were enjoyed. The next men tonight at the h*iRh school ath- Jean Allen and Bertha Bcaudette Robert Cowan. from Pat arid Don's Wanamaosa gar- the Oceanport Methodist church will meeting will take place Friday, Sep- etlo field at 6:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith have .ember 11, at the home of Mrs. Monday night the Postoilke and dens. [ ' bo held August 27 at the church hall, Dr. Lyons, who now has a pastor- returned to their home at Llnwood George Ivlns. ' 'ommunity Center team will open after a visit with Mrs. Alfred Ogden he sixth round. The Quads and Y. Asbury Park Boardwalk ate in New York and who 40 years Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fisher arc on Fair Haven. ago was pastor of the Oceanport and family. two weeks' motor trip through tho M. H. A. will meet on Tuesday night, Methodist church, visited friend; Seabrook and Ogden Schanck are atsklll mountains. he Y. M. C. A. and Bank on Wed- (Th» Itsd Bun (rom lUrrr Kurtli «nd Mr. Louis Millar has rented a house McAteo of Newark. of the altar decorations at St. John's Bell Laboratories on Thursday night. CASINO- Mrs. C. M. Britton and daughter, The final round will bo played the LOOK owned by him on Main street. chapel for August. week of August 17. Mrs. Augustus Wulflng of Kemp Miss Emily Britton, left this week Rev. and Mrs. Richard Urban and JERRY JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Husheer for Duluth, Mich. avenue will hold a card party Thurs- of Brldgewatcrs have aa their guest daughter of Lake City, Florida, are STANDING OF THE TEAMS. AND HIS WHAT YOU GET day, August 20, for the benefit of thj Mrs. Elizabeth Morales of Mans- W I their nephew, Joseph Ulrlch of New- visiting Rev. Joseph T. Urban. QuarlrniiRlc Club Fair Haven Women's Democratic ark. field. Pa., has been visiting her aunt Mrs. Hurst and son havo returned :i l National Broadcasting Orchestra club. Mrs. Elmer E. Morris. Y. M, C. A. , _ _..- _...; . 3 l to Glen Ridge after a month's stay "lell Laboratories _ _ 2 l Mrs. Joseph Withers of Main atreel Mr, and Mrs. J. O. HurUlcr, Mr, Betty Carter of Fair Haven roa< has'returncd home from a visit with at their summer home at Little Sil- second National Bunk _.,.. . 2 1 Admission 40c Balcony 10c and Mre. Clinton Wyckoff and Mr. V. M. H. A . 2 2 was treated at Rivervlow hoaplta her slater, Mrs. John Kolb of New- ver Point. Saturday for a cut Up received In and Mrs. Ralph Bedln are spending Westai'Jo Community Center ark. a couple of week at Lavalette. Joseph Curtis ia driving a new iromrn : ~ a fall at her home. She waB reloased Miss Doris Hurley of Main streo Pontiac sedan. 'OBtotllCC following treatment. Marcel Dublier has resigned his po. Boardwalk Band Pavilion has been visiting Miss Peggy Ran sltlon at teacher In the local high Week-end guests of Mra. Benjamin Mrs. James Ahle and children o! kin of Fair Haven. Kaplan were her sister. Miss Re- OLD PICTURE CONTEST. Roselle Park have been spending a school to accept a similar one AT EIGHTH AVENUE Bead wir« teniil« Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Smith and Mountain Lakes, N. J. becca Moscovitz; Miss Esther Weiss, •tretvtll of 370,00(1 few days with Misses Annie an Misses Janet and Audrey' Smith Benjamin Weiss,. Dr. Herbert Gold- First Prizo Won By Ifc'lmnr Woman I hi. Sarah Murphy of Hanco road. Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Rossell and With a Daguerreotype. LOUIS BETANCOURT Scientific aotl>»kld BrldRcwatcrs had as their guestB on family arc enjoying a vacation berg and Dr. William Schaer, all of Counoilman and Mra. Arthur B Sunday Mrs. William Smith, Mrs, Philadelphia. trad Sickles and Vernon Little left yester- Point Pleasant. Mr. Rossell is pas- The judging in the "Old'iPictures and his famous Marimba Band - Nellie Donovan, Misses Mary Smith, Theodore Johnson of the Bronx is -ontest" conducted by the photo- day on a two weeks' motor trip to tor of the First Baptist church. TWICE DAILY Catherine Donovan, Elizabeth an< Dr. S. B. Decker is having a new visiting his cousin, Robert Wick- graph Ktudio of Stcinhnch KresRC Co., Now England and Canada. Ann Smith, and Leo Kane, all oi mann. Asbury Park, took placo on July 29. John Qalway of New York was a house built on' Maplo place nenx th> Bayonne. bridge. The contract price Is $15,0(X Miss Florence Campbell Bpont First prize was awarded to Mrs. visitor hero over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. John VanKIrk o Tuesday with Miss Emma Thomas Frank P. Holt of Bclmar. Her entry Services at tho Chapel of the Holy and the property will be alflo used 8 Marian Bishop's Marionettes Main street had as their wcek-en an office for Dr. Becker, who is no of West Long Branch. was a dapruerreotypc taken in Eng- Communion have been discontinued guests Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Van Mr. and Mrs. B. Block of Brook- land In 1837. David Morrow of the unjtll September 13. occupying H. Seabrook Schanck'i Kirk and daughter of Newark. house just opposite on Maplo plac< lyn visited Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Shef- New Tenney hotel, Asbury Park, won FOURTH AVENUE ESPLANADE Mrs. Edgar V. Denlse and daugh- An all-day meeting of the Ladiei The board of education of Unio field yesterday. second prize with a proup photograph Educational Fun for All. ter Jean spent part of last week with Aid society of the Oceanport Meth Beach- borough made a payment c Mr. and Mrs. Victor Satter and of a man with two children dressed Mrs. Frederick Adams on Pelican odlst church was held Tuesday over $3,000 this week to the Keyporl daughter are spending a week a( in plaid dresses. This dated back to ADMISSION, - 25c » Island. tho church hall. Mrs. Pcrley Riddl board of education for tuition fee, Manasquan. 1861. The thir prize went to Mrs. Daniel Allalro, who is in Fitkln hnd Mrs. Elizabeth A. Loper wen for last year for pupils from Unioi A. R. Raquct of Intcrlalton for her 2:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M. 4:30 P.M. hospital, has shown some Improve- hostesses. Following luncheon Beach. This represents about on An elephant seal In the San Diego, picture of early campmectin^; days ment during the past week. business session was held and a halt of the amount owing the locn California, zoo eats 60 poundB of in Anbury Park. The winning photo- 8:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 10:00 P. M. Tho flrat annual "Go to Church board from Union Beach and a prom graphs arc on display at the photo port mado on the* food salo held o; ilsh every day. studio, Day" will be hold Sunday, August July 25 at the Monmouth marke 9, at Flak chapel, African Methodist Nine dollars was realized on the sal< Zlon church. Rev. J. N. Washing- and another sale Will be held at thi ton, pastor, will preach at the morn- same place August 22. Plans wer> ing and evening services. From 5 discussed for a chicken and ham Phone to 7 p, m. there will he a fellowship supper to bo hold at the church ha supper, to be followed by songs ana August 18, with Mrs, George C. D SALE WLER' recitations. The object of these 3334 Hurley as chairman. On —AT— moetlngs is to awaken a church 15 a covered dish supper will b consciousness and get people in the 3335 held at tho church hall and at thai MARKET habit of going to church. The church ime harvest home contributions wiL sponsor of tho movement Is Miss be turned In. The next all-day meet- KISLIN'S SPORT SHOP Nancy Field, assistant teacher In tho ng of tho society will bo held Sep- s 11 EAST FKONT STREET, BED BANK, N. J. 1 Broad Street Red Bank AA QUALITY Flsk street school. tortlber 1. Those present at Tuesday'* A telephone has been installed In meeting were RGV. and Mrs. Sidney Open Evenings Telephone 2088 Carefully Selected . . . Prime . , . Properly Aged "DOUBLE-CURED^ the home of Arthur H. Crozier, cap- H. Davlcs, Miss Catherine Davlcs. tain of tho Fair Haven first aid Mrs. Elizabeth A. Loper, Mrs. Per- PRIME iquad, for day or night calls for the loy Riddle, Mrs. Georgo C. D. Hur- 87c ambulance. Tho number Is Red Men's Sport Slacks Goodrich ley, Mrs. Frank Harned, Mrs. Charles Formerly S1.4S Bank 2877. Guillaudcau, Mrs. John S. Silvers Leonard FleckBtein WBB brought and Mrs. John 13. Hulse. Men's White Duck Slacks 87c Rib Roast Cavaliers home yesterday from Fitkln hospital Tho houao on Oceanport avenue, Formerly $1.39 In the Fair Haven ambulance. 'ormcrly owned by Mrs. Florence —or— • Here's why you can't be Men's Polo Shirts, assorted styles and col- chrated out of mileage when you Scott, is bblng repaired and redec- 39c buy Goodrich Cavalier Tires. Rumson. orated. ors Now .They're "double-cured"—made Mrs. Charles A. Smith and Misses Formerly B»o 1 tough a// the way through. You (The Red Bank Register een be bought Tanot and Audrey Smith of Bridge- Men's Duke of Kent Shirts, sizes lS ^ to 17, Bottom Round Roast get AA quality with the famous In Rutnion from Herbert Knlffht, Harry waters are spending several days (ROLLED) anti-skid trend, cm extra cushion 6srk»n, Fred Flnnert> and Walter Torberg this week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry in plaids, oxfords and 'broadcloth .. 88c strip and other hiRh-priced tire and Mr. Geyer.) "hamberlaln of Leonardo. In all coIGrs—Navy, Tan, Blue and Black. Real Fresh, Sweet, Tender Jersey features. Yet Cavaliers ore priced Miss Catherine Tiornoy, public light down on a level with school nurse, sailed from New York Men's White Sport Shoes Now $2.48 oniinftry "bargain-built" tirca. 6ce us today. lnst week for California. Sho will Regular $3.00 & S4.WI Grado Fowl visit her mother In San Francisco. Broilers 33! (up to 4 lt».) Miss Halen Kerrigan has rcsumod FRECKLES Others $1.95 her duties as public health nurse nf- Men's English Sport Coats—Now on Sale SAVE MONEY! tor a vacation spent at Hollls, Long Lightened Island, as the gueBt of Mrs. Potor P. for : $6.95 Lean Smoked Gala Hams / 2161b K«£ularly $10.00 $£65* $•775* Rafferty, formerly of Rod Bank. Harmlessly Wholo Largo .--' \ Mayor Noilson Edwards and fam- Men's Half Zipper Sweaters, plain and lr %3— M -— ily are expected home Sunday from a pleated backs; crew necks and V necks, Smoked Hams 31c "' Sweelf Breads',.-.....-^ 39c P\ 4.75x19 vacation at Winter Harbor, Maine. Ib Lanjlb Liver ./. \. 29c f 4.40 xZL John Schwlndermann of Blngham in all colors , $1.39 Legs Lamb 29c $yO5* avenue was taken suddenly ill Mon- Our Extra High Quality NativjS '822* day morning whllo walking on Wnsh- Men's Full Zipper Sweaters, in same styles; 4.50x20 5.00x19 Ington avenue and ho fell on the all wool $2.28 sidewalk. Ho suffered a concussion Men's All Wool Sport Slacks, pleated and SIRLOIN STEAK - - 29 5"y35* $025* of tho head and outs on tho fane. Aftet being treated by Dr. Edmund lain, in all colors and patterns; Lnrgo Frlnip .49 S|ii<-hi! Lump y, 4.50x21 5.25x18 S. KanseB he was taken homo In the doz. borough ambulance. Rlow $2.95 & $3.95 Crab Meat Kririilnr ?0, $7 & $8 Qiiallly Soft Crabs Bluensh 14; Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Farrell of Vrm\\ Country Young Tender Large GriM'n 20-OZ. ril'I'lN Newark havo joined the Rumson Men's White Chamtex Suits, sport backs; YELLOW summer colony. nightly spplicationi of $5.95 to $9.95 POT CHEESE APPLES Miss Alma Nlederer la having a Dioxoficn Gram will quickly and CORN bnkt. . s lhi, vacation of two weeks from her po- safely make fireckltt, tnothptcches Men's Suits, Single and Double Breasted, nltlon aa sooretary to Charles A. Wol- and "Jivcc spou" unnodccablc. In Am. time they ilisapp«r. Entire com- in plain and sport backs, in all colors 29' 98 Goodrich hach, supervising principal of tho plexion hfcomes fairer, foftef, Rumson schools. Mioothcr and clearer. and patterns $12.50 to $19.50 Lemons, Large Sunkist 39dv3oz» Harvoy Kohl of Rivor road IH regis- WIIITH iiosi-; DioxoRtn Cream depends en- Men's Zipper IMhin.u: Suits, all wool $1.95 Oranges 29c dou. tered at the Roosevelt Baths of Sara- Madrilene Consomme toga Spa, Saratoga Springs, New tirely on natuial ingrnlienu to do Boys' Zipper Bathing Suite, all wool $1.48 Plums—Large, Sweet, Juicy 2 qts. 29c York. (hi*. No mercury. No «cM. Dioxoflfn Cream is harml«s u Men's Bathinp Trunks 98c to $1.68 6 cans 95 Grapes... 2 lbs. 25c "WEST Hi THE LONG RUN" Arthur B. Borden of this place han purest air. rented, through Poaoo tc. JWilmnn of Cnuht OrOXOGRN. Boys' Bathing Trunks 49c to 98c 1 doz. 1.75 SALAD SUGGESTIONS ! New York, the Dr. Eugono nun Ooartmceti by Good llo private home at 112 Bast 05th street, Men's Headlight Overalls in white, blue, I'OWI.-I'B Fresh Alligator Pears 2 - 29c New York. .striped; 3-f to 42 $1.47 COFFEE Ib Water Cress 2 - 15c HAROLD STOUT Mr. and Mrs. ICdward A. Collins Other Brands from 78c to $1.25 Celery Hearts 2 - 23c have changed their address from DIOXOGEN CREAM Boston to 128 Circular street, Sara- Men's Dungarees 78c to $1.39 Napkins 2 i' 13c Tomatoes, Ripe 3 lbs. 19c TIRE STORES toga HprlngH, where they wilt stay Men's Work Pants in khaki, coverts and mill Cucumbers 2 - Sc during tha race meet this month. t TIKES nnd Mrs, Collins was taken 111 while in 50/ whipcord 98c Boston Lettuce 2 - 25c IloHtnn but she IH now much Im- Men's Work Shoos in cord, leather or rub- MASON JARS Romaine 2 - 19c ; IIATI'ICHIICH proved. i-i-i«onsraiT. irnmirrreoo* ber soles from $1.48 to $2.95 Quarts 69c HOME nnrt AUTO IIAIUOS While patrollng the borough Too New Arrival Jersey dny night Policeman William Zorr I'bimt mil mail Men's Kod Sneakers in white, hlue, brown Pints 59c IlM Olir Iludgut I'ny l'lnn. found a young man asleep in tho 78c to $1.28 PEACHES police booth »t the oorner of Ilum- Jelly Glasses .... 45c •'"*• IlMktt 118 VIM Front St. non road nml the Avomio of Two Coniplnta reduction mi nil Hiding IIHIIKH for mnn, women nntl l lUveu. Zsrr aroused tho youth, who "hlldren. Jar Rubbers 2 "">"- 13c J and $£.2S Rod BaHk, N. J. said he was Russell Llndle of South r<>mr4<>( HKIIF,. the polios booth would be a sufe and SATURDAY NIGHT—7 P. M. to 10 P. M, Page Twelve RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 6, 1936.

strong of Grant avenue, Rumnon, be- ' PABTT OW PIAZZA. Ckrd of Tfaanka. J. F. Ackerman Weddings. came tho bride of Dr. Arthur Strauss Church Notes. Contest For Head We wish to thank th» many friends of Long Branch, last Thursday In the who gave expression* of their sym- WANT Fersonliu—Bennett. municipal building at New York. . Fre«byi«rlan. Bridge dub Entertained at Home of pathy in our recent bereavement; Of County Legion Mra. Frank Giwter. for floral tributes, loan of automo- Of Asbury Park Miss LIsette Persontus, daughter of The bride is a graduate of the Red The pulpit supply committee of biles and other marks of kindness, Mr. and Mru. Horace Personius of Bank high school and Monmouth Me- the Presbyterian church, composed Mra. Frank E. Qanter entertained and especially Rev. Mr, Webster for Died Yesterday Elmyra, New York, and Charles Gib- morial hospital school of nursing. Dr. of John B. Allen, Ralph II. Eckert Morris Miller of Red Bank and th» memhgra of her bridge club Fri- ^ls helpful service, son Bennett, son of Mrs. Susanna Strauss is an eye, ear and throat and H. Russell Blackmail, Jr., all Harry WeUford of Asbury day afternoon at her home on Con- Mrs. Lucille Felgcl und Family. Bennett of Jliddletovvn village and specialist. He is a graduate from members of the session of the church, over lane. In Middletown township, —Advertisement. " HOUSE for rent, .11 imvnZSSIlu," Specialist in Internal Medicine, the late Charles Gibson Bennett, were Werzburg, Germany. The couple are,, have been successful In securing Park Nominated at Meeting near Red Bank. Games were played married Saturday afternoon at 4 residing on Pavilion avenue, Long Rev. Dr. Robert Buche, pastor of the Last Night at Freehold. on the porch overlooking the river, Cord of Thanka. 71, Was Chairman of Fitkin o'clock at Riverside church of El- Branch. Presbyterian church at Engllshtown, which was attractive with golden The Fair Haven Volunte»j- Flro OWNEIt Bolnsr to Europe, will .ac Hojptal — U»ed Adrenalin myre. to occupy the pulpit of tho local glow and pink and white phlox In company takes this means of ex- Morris Miller of Red Bank and pressing Its appreciation of the. splen- The bride entered"the church on Morton—Maxson. church next Sunday morning at 11 Harry Wclsford of Asbury Park large bowls. The guests were Mrs. Daringly. - o'clock. There will be no evening Edwin H. Brasch, Mlsa Florence did Bupport by the public at tho an- the arm of her father, by whom Miss Florence G. Morton of High- were nomlntcd for commander of the nual fair, and alBo wishes to thank ihe was given in marriage. She was lands, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hav- service. Brand, Mrs. Warren Bookwalter, Mrs. LAWN MOWERS nhnipened an.i~r^irid, Dr. James Franklin, Ackerman, Monmouth County organization of all who aided In any way in making attired in a floor length gown of lland Morton of Point Pleasant, and Rev. Dr. Bucho'a subject will be the American Legion at a meeting William Gaughan, Mra. Walter Gor- the fair a grand success.—Advertise- lecond-hand mowera for .ale. Keyi ' •pecialist in internal medicine, died white lace, with a loop tunic and a Harry A. Maxson, son of Mr. and "Hoaca'a Experience and Our Need." last nl#ht at tho American Legion such, Mrs. Charles Hawkins, Mrs. ment. mnilB. bawii and »cls»orH Bhurnened. Cro«> • of heart disease at about 6 o'clock white lace cap, and she carried a Einar Hammer and Mrs. O'Donnell. ml 1 aM Mrs. Walter Maxson, also of High- Or. Buche was born in Iowa and home at Freehold. This will be tho i/efi °BS"" - - ""^ " "•""•: yesterday afternoon at Fltkln hos- white bouquet of gladioli, roses and lands, were married Sunday, July 26, educated at Drake, university, Des only contest. Eugene O'Rourke of Card of Thanks. pital "Neptune, which he had served baby's breath. 1 1 PU1 ! 1 I)ura hrtd by Rev. Percy R. Comer, Sr., pastor Molnes, Xowa, where he received his Atlantlo Highlands la the retiring; Card of Thanks. I wish to thank everyone who no IHtw^rcKigtorS' * *' "''' " ' as chairman since its opening In The bride's sister, Miss Jane Per- of the Highlands Methodist church. A. B. and D. D. degrees. He also commander. kindly holped me In any way durlns !?I'J_1:!HL_H_ajUjt, nhoiio_ Keyport lh-R. • 1931. Dr. Ackerman, who had been We wish to thank thoso who were my recent bereavomont; especially sotiius, was the maid of honor. She The attendants wero Miss Clara attended Princeton seminary, where Tho county Legion has three vice so kind and helpful In our bereave- TANK TUUCK for gale' comrilete t7~k" 111 for tnn days, was 71 years old. wore a blue lace gown with a turban Kirkwood of Highlands nnd Harold Rev. Mr. Goodwin and those who V l i0 1> 0 n nk: uitabl ho received his Th. M. degree in 1932. commanders and nominated for these ment caused by tho death of our hus- sent cars, flowers and cards. koro°»"no ' tL' °|| '"" . ''" » "'"* ' For 24 years Dr. Ackerman had to match and ehe carried a bouquet F. Warden of Point Pleasant. ' He has since been serving tho *Eng- ofllces were John Hoey of r,Long band and brother. Wa desire espe- of pink roses and baby's breath. cially to express appreciation to the Mrs. William Carney. teen president of Ann May hospital llshtown Presbyterian church and Branch, Frank Brlden of Belmar and —Advertisement. at Spring Lake until it was replaced Edward Hartshorne Bennett, n bearers, those who made floral gifts , loaa, continuing his studies at Union The- Joseph Kennedy of Freehold. Others and those who loaned cars and sent o-pimaciiBef coune: priced . fcy Fitkin hospital. In recogniation brother of the groom, was best man. ological seminary at New York. The nominated were Ralph Emmons of N,,,"tm, inn" Red Bank Loses cards. We are grateful for the serv- DEATHS. Maulo avenue, phono Red of his work in organizing tho hos- The ushers were James and William order of service Sunday morning- will Farmlngdale for finance officer and ices of Rev. William Webster and Bank B170?" pital, he received a bronze portrait Personlus of Elmyra, William Gam- bo as follows: TUMEN.—Joseph J., died AuBunt B. Fu- To River Plaza Thomas Eldrldge of Freehold for Lawrence Scott neral lorvicei will be hold at hlfl lata medal at the dedication ceremonies well of Middletown village nnd Boas. state commltteeman. Nettie Day, home. Mount and Third avenues, Atlantlo in December of 1931. At Spring Maguire of Flourtown, Pennsylvania. Organ prelude Tho election will take place at a Highlands, Thursday, August 6 at 1:30 Bill Little's Hcd Bankers were de- Call to worship -Doxolouy Mr. and Mra. Joseph Edwards, m. ..hone Lake Dr. Ackerman had startled the After the ceremony a small recep- feated in a close battle by the River I ocation—I,o Prayer special meeting to bo held before the Thomas B. Day. Interment in Both-El cemetery nt Anbury The Crrtcl —Advertisement. jncdlcal profession by his daring use tion was held at the home of the par- Plaza baseball team last night on stato convention, which takes place Park. ents of the bride. Mrs. Bennett re- Hymn1. "Lovo Divine, All Lovo Excell- at Asbury Park September 9, 10, 11 of adrenalin. On one occasion he th« Towncr's field In a seven-inning I inn noecher Injected adrenalin into the heart ceived many line RiH^. The newly game. The score was 6 to 5. Red 11uatI0<. "O. Do Joyful in tho Loril."..^.. nnd 12. Clarence Chamberlain of As- muscles of a baby born dead. After married couple are spending their Trice bury Park reported plans were pro- honeymoon on an automobile tour of Bank garnered 11 hits but was un- The scripture gressing: favorably several injections the baby's heart able to keep the visitors from scor- Baritone solo, "Come Ye Disconsolate' for the conven- began to beat and the child lived. Canada. Upon their return they will Nelson tlon. fitart housekeeping in the old Hart- ns; in the last inning. He was born in Nashua, New The box score: Allnn It. Woollty Hampshire, December 29, 1864, a son ehorne house on King's Highway, Hymn. "Majestic Sweetness Sits En- Charles E. DoVesty. iliddletown village. AD throned" of the late Joseph Ackerman and BED BANK, Sermon. "Hosca'a Experience nnd Our Charles E. DeVesty of Rutherford, Susan C. Reed Ackerman. He at- The bride is a graduate of Smith Bublin. c 4 0 3 Need." Text—Hosea 11 ;1 a former resident of Nave'sink and tended Amherst college and studied college. Sir. Bennett attended the .Stul'clli, lib 4 0 0 j Kev. Robert Buche Atlantic Highlands, died last Thurs- W. Little, vs.. [>. 3 1 1 : JVnycr—Reeponso medicine at tho Kew York Homeo- Red Bank high school and Lawrence- O'CalliiKhnn, 1b _ 3 2 1 I OfTerinR—OlTertory quartet, "We Would day at the age of HI years. The fu- pathic Medical college and In Vienna, vlllc school. He is engaged in the Connors. 3b _ „ 4 1 3 See Jesua" AllinB neral was held Saturday at Ruther- lumber business. J. I.illlc. 1>.. «» _ 4 1 1 I Dedication ford nnd burial was in All Saints After returning to the United States Schuckcr. If _ 3 0 2 \ Hyrm. "I've Found a Friend" he established a practice at ABbury Woodward, if _ _ 3 0 0 j Benediction—Silent prayer cemetery nt Navesink. Mr. DeVesty Park and later became president of Wa rd—Crawford. Gibboni. rf 1 ' Orpnn postluda was born at Navesink. He had been Ann May hospital. During the World Miss Louise Marion Crawford, Rev. Dr. William R. Sloan, p.istor a resident of Rutherford 12 years. war he was engaged in the Secret daughter of Mrs. Frank Lovejoy Bil- RIVER PLAZA. of the Presbyterian church at Cran- Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Minnie Service. lingham of 2 Stratford road, Brook- AB Ii ford, delivered a sermon last Sunday DeVesty; two sons, Malcolm W. De- lyn, wa£ married at the home nf her G. Glnshcx, cf .... 3 0 Vesty of Verona and Donald DeVesty He was a former president of the ... 3 0 morning "The Conquest of the Spring Lake board of education, a mother on Friday, to Welding Ring IVlitt. n. Impossible," and a large consroga-ff Rutherford: and two brother, and 77 BROAD STREET FREE DELIVERY PHONE 1353 - 2613. director of Allenwood tuberculosis Ward, son of Mrs. Charles Loui^ Wilson, r 4 tion was In «t.ndan«rTh. .her two sister,, Mr, Card WU- Ward of 532 East 18th street, Brook- Hockhill. L't>. 4 ministers y n hospital and a director of the Chil- C. Glastex, rf. 3 to preach In the First o• n'as lyn. Presbyterian church pulpit here the Sulrfcn, lb _..'. _ _ 4 bott of Fort Lee. QUANTITIES LIMITED B former president of the N •..• Jer- The ceremony was performed in Yirjnk', It , remaining Sunday mornings during sey State Homeopathic association, the presence of immediate familieis August will be Rev. Herbert S. Clin- of the Monmouth County Medical as- by Rev. William Ewart Dudley of gen of North Caldwell, Rev. Robert I,itllc Silver Rental sociation and of the Monmouth Coun- the Flatbusb. Congregational church. YV. Mark of Allentown and Rev. Dr. A house owned by the Jersey Mort- ty Homeopathic association. The bride was given in marriage by Dwlght L. Parson of Little Silver. gage and Title company of Eliza- Continuing Our Great Food Sale Edwin Crawford and had as her only Allaire Winner beth nt Lovett avenue. Little Silver, Three daughters, Mrs. O. R. Parry, attendant. MLss Katharine Ring Mrs. James Fisher and Mrs. Frank First Church of Christ, Scientist. has been rented to Earl Tcater, who STRINGLESS Ward, sister of the groom. Mr. Ward Of Mid-Week Race is employed »t the Lincroft farm of SHEFFIELD Early June WAX Cole, all of Asbury Park, survive. had S3 his best man John George Services in First Church of Christ, The funeral will be held Saturday Louis Kaiser as a horse trainer. Mr. EVAPORATED BEANS Schmid of Weslei-ley Hills, Mass- Charles Allaire added 18 points to Scientist, at 209 Broad street, Red Teater w'ill take occupancy Septem- • PEAS PAPER afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Pres- achusetts. Bank, are held on Sundays at 11 a. CUT byterian church at Grand and Sec- his standing in the Frank Dickman ber 1. The rental was made by the MILK FHHUFS EXTRA The bride's gown was of ivory m. and on Wednesdays at 8 p. m. PHILLIPS ond avenues, Asbury Park. Burial ekeeter fleet competition for season Milton Berk agency. Large No. % Can Large No. % Can 40-Ft Boll satin with a redingote of Chantilly awards by winning last night. He is "Spirit" will be the subject of the Re;. Can "will be at the convenience of the lace. The cap and her veil was of lesson-sermon in all . Churches of family in Old Tennent cemetery. now 3 points ahead of Edwards'Rull- Visit MoCnrtcr Estntfl. matching lace, and ehc carried a bou- man, who finished second last night, Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Au- quet of gardenias and liilies of the Red Lippincott was third In the mid- usta Members of the Red Bank Wom- OIL PKAISED. valley.. The maid of honor, carrying week race. The summary: The golden text is: "Thou art my an's club garden department and friends visited the greenhouses and pink roses and delphiniums, wore a Start—7:05. Jod; thy spirit is good; lead me into ;own of dusty pink lace. Owner Finish formal gardens on the Thomas N. 3<49« C. H. Wright Tells About. What His the land of uprightness" (Psalms 6 harlra Allaire 1:50:00 143:10). McCarter estate at Rumson one af- Firm^Is Undertaking. Hr. and Mrs. Ward sailed on Satur- Edwards RuSlman . 7:51:00 day on the Franconia for a cruise Among the citations which com- ternoon last week. Of particular In- Bed Lippincott 7:51:32 terest to tho women were (Japanese SILVER 14-oz. Included among tho many letters and on their return will reside at Dave Wolcott .... . 7:52:00 prise the lesson-sermon is the follow- received by tho Sun Oil company, 2153 Bedford avenue. Brooklyn. Itarbani Sayre 7:53:05 inco, copper beech and weeping ing from the Bible: "And Jesus re- beech trees on the lawn of the estate. TOMATO CATSUP KING Bot. praising this company's drive for Mr. and Mrs. Ward are well known ltorden Hance . 7:55:00 turned in the power of the spirit into safer highways by publishing the Jock Olvins 7:55:30 1 in Leonardo, where they have many Western Houaman . 7:55:32 ~alllee, and there went out a fame latest highway signals approved by friends and where they epont all of ol Quinn ...- - 7:55:34 o! Him through all the region round Usher at Wedding In Syria. FANCY Largest the Fourth National Conference on their childhood and early youth as key Mead 7:55:55 Edward Davis 7:56:00 about. Now when the sun was set- Williamson Thomas of Locust FRUIT COCKTAIL QUALITY Size Can Street and Highway Safety, are com- Bummer residents. Donald Oshorn . 7:56:01 ting, all they that had any sick with Point was an usher at the wedding munications from the Motor Vehicle Kenneth McQueen 7:56:30 divers diseases brought them unto yesterday in Beirut, Syria, of Miss Commissioners of many states. Dey—VanTinc. Arnold Schwartz 7:57:00 Margare Dodge, daughter of Dr. Bay- CALIFORNIA Tall l'etcr McClcen R:00:00 Him, and he laid His hands on every WHOLE One prominent commissioner Carolyn Roe Dey, daughter of George Worthley ...- S:02:OD one Df them and healed them" ard Dodge, president of the Ameri- APRICOTS BLENHEIM Can writes: "I am very much pleased to Frank Stuart Dey ot Keyport, was Donald Hubbanl _ DNF (Luke 4:14, 40). can university of Beirut, to Johnson August Schwecra DNF know the Sun Oil company is mak- married on Saturday morning to The lesson-sermon also includes the Garrett of Baltimore. Mrs. Thomas ing a real contribution to highway Benjamin C. Van Tine, son of Mrs. following passage from the Christian sailed for^Syria about a month ago. APPLE SALTINES TUNA FISH SARDINES safety by publishing hand signals X. Van Tine of Long Branch at the Science textbook, "Science and for drivers of motor vehicles. This Inefficiency Laid ALL WHITE MEAT NORWEGIAN Calvary Methodist parsonage at Health with Key to the Scriptures" Do You Walk Bight? BUTTER FBESH CRISP Is a worthwhile work. An examina- Keyport by Rev. D. Roe Haney, by Mary Baker Eddy: "Jesua dem- To walk well there is only one rule FLAKES In Pure Olive OH tion of our records from 1925 to 1935 pastor of the church. Mrs. William To Lack of Funds PURE GIANT onstrated the inability of corporeal- —walk on one line and not on two. 1-Lb. Box K-Lb. Can Bog, Can discloses that "24.012 accidents' were Duncan, a eister of the bride, was ity, as well as the Infinite ability of All this talk about tho ball of the foot S8-Oz. Jar caused by failure to signal. This the bridesmaid and William Duncan Councilman Thomas M. Gopslll, and shoulder carriage is unnecessary, spokesman for a special committee spirit, thus helping erring human nerlous error cost 170 lives and re- was best man. The ceremony waa sense to flee from its own convictions for you could not possibly walk on sulted in injuries to 23,842 more. If performed in the presence of only appointed by Mayor Charles R. Eng- one line without having1 a proper car- the immediate relatives. Mr. Van lish to investigate the dog situation and seek safety in divine science" we could remind each driver of the (p. 491). riage. Most people walk on two lines necessity of signalling I am sure it Tine is assistant attorney general in tho borough, reported at Monday and this causes them to wabble from •would go a long way toward remov- for the state of New Jersey in the night's council meeting that the So- Trinity Lutheran. side to side. By walking on one line 11 ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty 9 ing those accidents which result highway department, and is a grad- a woman will appear more graceful, from neglect of this important pre- uate of Harvard university and New to Animals said they were unable to Members of tho Luther league of and if there is any soft drapery about Gibbs pautlon." Jersey law school. Mrs. Van Tine Is handle the situation efficiently under Trinity Lutheran church met Mon- her costume she will seem almost to PURE VEG. I-It>. .« QC a graduate of the local schools, Train- the present set-up because of lack of day night to rehearse for two playa float into a room. I know a woman Shortening Can \ jf In commenting upon this letter funds. They said they could not Pork and Beans Can Crisco and many others which the company er's business college at Perth Amboy to be presented at the church loyal- quite short and heavy, who, by walk- and has been employed as private sec- guarantee eiilcient service in licens- ty meeting of rain the bake will be nerved 1!Q7 MoJKuonlli «trect from tho Mlllard "Our One Necessary Belief," an- LAMB STEAKS TURKEYS in Mm. Hmith'/i lur^c cottage. Mra. iSchweiikrr j;j a ;;iiiiiiuite of your, of which nearly 400 Cornwall cstato through tho Milton other In a. scrlcn on ttlo theme, "Our Broilers thtj Ked ltajik hU;h .school and of the. 1 P'rtindn la milk and milk' Monmouth Memorial hmjpital mlr.'ieii' Berk agency, Mr. DoBclla in making Christian Faith,' will be tho subject products, mich na chceso, Vlhllon, From rhlliulrlplila. truliilng uchnol. Mr. Kcliwonker grad- lmprovctnenlfi to the property. Ho of a Bermon to bo given Sunday butter und crram. Mr. and Mra. II. C. Domly of Fair uated from the H<"il 1'itlili hi^h rr-hool will occupy it for hlii residence and morning at tho Methodist church by • KxpurlmiMitul plantings ot lb elb Hiivnn entertained over the week- and Xttit(it;i(i university. He wan restaurant bunincsB. Ho formerly tho pastor, ltr.v. Albert L. .Bnncr co/Ti'i) In Florida linva provod MM. John Elmer will bo at tho con- end Attorney flcni'ial Michael dolia prominent In alhletlM in liotIi Inatl- conducted biifilncs!! ncrcsn tho practical. Comnu-relul pro- 29Lib 15 31 of Pennaylvanla, and ThomaB O'XJon- tutlonu. He in flK.iocialid wilh nqlo of tho organ and the church duction will depend on labor] nell nnd Moo Woliibcck, Domor.ratlo father In the photo <'ii|;ravliii; foiwl- quartet will [,ln|;. 1'lncMjt A8BOKTEI) ',4-Ib. Fluent Mutln and Ropubllciui Ir.iiilcrn, respectively, nenii at New yolk. Tho subject of the sermon to be Theno "rood fnclu" nro cornntW of Philadelphia. Klvon by tho paator nt tho evening by tho Dlvlidtm of Cnnnumor In-j Frmli Kmployccii of Tho Register will Hcrvlco. will be "A Ministry of Hca- C .Kiw-ry—Stockton. liokl llielr annual clumlmko on Sun- formation, Now .Inrnry Htato Dn. Homo From HOHJIIUII. clle." partment of ARricultiira. Bologna _lOclb Announcement liaif been inadn of ilny, August 30, at Mm. Edith Smith's Dried Beef 8< Veal Loaf 12 Dr. K, J. Mloton of Itlv(>r road, tho liuurlii^D of Mi;>.'i KdytJjy Kimiry, •1'JI 11 llo«:lira ni'i'i) on Tlntcrn Manor Fair Haven, IUIB returned homo from iiKhtcr of Mrn. Kdward COIIOVIT, liikc. John F. McNeil of the 'adver- IIOIIII) from Jlanpllal. Mm. Krnnk 1>. Kuhl of Wallace Montnoiitli Mvniorlnl hospital, wlirro nlirt Jtobort Htoi'HIou, lion of Mi", mul tising (Icparlment him charge of ar- FKl.HII Jk m* I Ilonelchu - Hklnlemi Arti I Y r "> with their EXTRA MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ! Jijili riiil'U Elk* Auxiliary. John Chiiiifnll ljnij bought UIOIIOUBO Mr*. Oeoigo Harm of F«!r llnvim movo to 1'hllndelphia In Hejilrinlii'r, buslnciM, but for gutting Mr. Hloi'klon IH a'iil nt Vllliin- at l!i (Mlnlwi plncn, Rod Bunk, whiin Oil Htovv KxploaYn. SPECIAL Wilaon Certified Grade "A" Steer BEEF t% "tf C WA« Jioiteaa to member* nf thn Krd wan owned liy Walker Hughm. Tho tholr copy In two or thrca Bank Lady Klkn auxiliary Ifrlday (it ova coll('(!<', Jicar 1'Jiiladi'lt.hia. The /Ira depnrtriiciit wan culled mil dayo bufora publication, IK'W owner him bad ropnlra innde nnd Tiiomlny nftornoon lo i'*!liij;ul»h n PbRTERHOUSE ^m-wm mmg ~> C I \ • n»rd poily. Prlxo« wrro won I>y ill! I" now occupying Iho house. Hn an is lieing dona by a NEXT lh Mra, Murray Cowan, Mil. Churl™ \mmtrniiff -Strttut

LOST AND FOUND Hazlet:. ARTICLES FOR SALE FARM PRODUCE. BUSINESS NOTICES HELP WANTED REAL ESTATEjFOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSBB and track irowen wUl find m CEDAR rowhoatft and ynrht t. LOST, rowbojtt} , from Rum ion, tiumhir »(>- DAVKNl'OUT bod 110, oventuffed low POSITIONS open for general housework- SIX HOOMS and bath, all Improvemcnti, 'ARM of 23 acren. •!* roomn, balh, all club chair 14, high flub chair ovar- ready ooarket (or thtlr prodae* by *<1- to order, balteans n H]HM lull (The Red Bank Register can be bouitlt flft. App1y S Washington •tract, Rurrt- ci«. v.j.ikn,', central IncBtlon ; garaye. Leo K. Mc- kinda of outbulldlngut facing concrete Is Hailet (com Mr.. Edna 11. W. I'.seuic.) •on.* Btuftcd $7; davenport ovtrttuffid $4, un* vertlitns In Tht R«glit«/'s aUnitW ool- guarttnteed latUfartory. I'li nui3crnnlds, rou pies ; good BalarleR. Klemly able. L. P. Smith, f.i* 1 Vt Kee. ph_ori6_2_29o_Red Dank.* onil, three-nuartcrs milB to alatiun' LOB^." Whit*'bob tall Manx kltt*n. about vnlnicl Windsor chairs $1,40, two dre»en P'I.MI juris. West End Employment Anen- HOUSE it 2~iii~~VfWt P/ont itreet,. for 8,f.OO. part cftih; cma and a half mile* to Josoph It. Li. Jackson of the Holm- n tfieen with mirror* $4, •aven-plec* wil- HOIlSZti wanted to pasture or board. The Long Branch, phone Jit-2-.J.* *•>•, :.:. llriahtnn avenue. Went End, phono n aix monlha old. on or n«ar (.OOM Nack rent; Ave wunn, all Improvement!!. atjilnK. _^iJ(^r'i _Really, Balford, N. J,« low ict, a beauty, »Co i 8x10 UBed rug t9. but of whit* clover meadows and fine THE CROSS lib A MS." at K:iton UMJK Hntnrh 657." L del turnpike haa accepted a position -iLnti_Ji!5?T^ ~ a"^ng B^II"ch 4tt> Un-i'lece walnut dining room eat, like Two minutes to station; $ 1 & per month. •EW'HUN(JA LOW"—Two sun porchci, five brooks. Walter Field, Hut Swamp road. 35. HouLh of tniflir ll^ht. I'M!) I'RKSHKk wanted on'Bilk dresBo*; tnii!=t l»e with tho Century Metalcraft cor- IX>BT, Scotch tirrW. blink' and hrlndle, new, |7r>, L. *]. Drown, 117 Proipect ave- R. F. D. No. 1. Red Bank. Telephone Red Bank 1334. moms; all Improvement!; one mile from dinner SOP. Turkey ami rlii.•[ >'M '! nn ex.ici'l l-l eater. Apply I^eon'B, TZ «riK Branch; two ncrea ground; 15.500; poration, which selli a new develop- Sundiy mornlnn bttwuen 9:80 and »:Gi). nue, phone IUd Bank 67. Sundayn. fiOc. fiootl t-crvlre. HIM, HALF of double house, aljiTrooma, all Im- on Conover lure. Kinder plea" returni to .„_ CHICKS 10c, tested Barred Rockn, Whlto hlreet, Red Bank. _ provementaj Bteam heat; J2fl per month. erms. C. E, Andeiaon, Monmouth road, ment In kitchen equipment. Mn. Paul Aihworth, Conovcr Lant, Ited HA 11,110 AT for Hate, 14.foot, fn fir.t dais Hhoda Island Reds, Enul.ah Leghorns; iivn fiA, Itftxirn CAnrY. mnnm f Jij'Hnrli _ oundltiuti, ICO. Apt. i-V, fiO West rabbits, bunnlea, chinchillas and white. OPKRATORS wanted on blouse*, uxperi- On8 hlock from center of town. Henry Mrs. Angolo M. Webster was thehank.' ______: -- I1- Hylln, realtor. Register building. Red Mueller, east ildo of Route 85, one mile UNPERWaei) & Undciwr )d, crirtil only. 106 River street. Ked Bunk. AIHT, red Iriih itUtir. answer* to name l___n_._ Phon«JLl?j_^ OH SALE, about four acret, p!cnlo hotte» Tuenday at her homo on thi' > foot Kelvlnator, suitable l*or northjof Jl£d^anl[_brldj(e1_ I'hS12 5 Kiove, woodland; near Route 66. EaUs- of Pat., Ititurn to Edward Hchufor. rftphern, repreHcntntive Mnt ion Wil- HOUSE for rent, five ro7>mfl, ~2~uT~M^ Holmdel turnpike, where a dinner rait ant or barroom. This box haii PULLBTfl, N. «. Reda, JJarred Rocka, whit man wanted, live in ; Ions; wn. Choice parcel { want raih offer. Ocean avenue, Elbtron, phone um* ..rancn ui liams, ft 2 ChelRCii nvernii, I^MI- yen r round work. Board, room mouth street. Alston Ueekman, attor- JLWhljgJ)_e«l, phone 57Q-W-1. •vaa aarved which was cooked In tho 7BH. Liberal reward.* four doors, poretlajiutJn i J/uitU1/uldtji uniunHHt Iin per- Leghorn* now laying. Pine Brook ney^. It«d_ Bank._ ___ nrslTTaVrfh^day^n.Bht, July 10. be-feel btipe. Itcfrigerator ISxchange, ti> Farm, Tinton Falls, phone Brani-It, phone Loni; Uratn-h ;i JL'2 or tialnry. Phone ited Bank 3(I3fi eveu- n«w equipment. The guests were iet, Ked Jlank.* •' - - i, white 183-M. HALF of double house for rent, alx rooms twetn Red Dink and Atlantic Highlands EAR CORN for saje, about RO0 bushels. Mrs. Harry Wllley, Mrs. CharlSB AUTOMOIHIiE mechanic wanted; mum he and hath; large yard and garage; all In aM - davenport cushion. Finder i>)*au call FIVE-CUIUC 'foot K.lvlnatoi- 128." "good Csorge Klnktadi Portaupeck avenue, '- H """rf "'.i''" »«.o»il «tt.ntl.«: lhapei alx-niibla foot (>. £.. late model; thoi'fuufhly experienced in Keneral au- excellent condition. A. T. Doremus, 44 Bloat, Mrs. Frederick Fesslcr, Mrs. Rod Bank 227 1-M. Reward. , Ocsanport, N. J., telephone Eatontown METAL WEATHEHHTIUPH foi door ami RockUfla^place, 'R«d_B_ank, or_agentB. ErneBt B. Peseux, Mrs. Angolo M. Hervul and a gas lange. Re- j 177-W. windows; save th% of fuel costi H. .1'imnblle repair work. Apply In person. fil«erutor Exchange. 8 White utreat, A. HcndcicUeon £ Co., phone ite-'i Unnk H. I.. Zobel, Sta Brljjht, N. J. BUY, BUILT) or "rent. In Belford, being da- Webstar and Miss Katheryn Webster Hank." PIGS FOR SALE., Un-wMks-old ,and very 400. 82 Newman Springs road. Red veloped by J. Crawford Compton. This of Hazlet, MIBB Huth Bllclerback and FOR EXCHANGE. nice Block. (». Rexeau Conover, Locust i town has every convenience a home owner NATIONAL cash register for ia!e; ma- Lawn Farm, Colt'i Neck, N. J., phone Free- SITUATIONS WANTED could expect, plus common eense govern- Mra. Qreen of Koypoft. In a name hogany (Inlih; 1 cent to 3.DS; like new. __ • oil at SAWS or trade, 24-foot Beft Lion run- hold 71H-H-2. WANTED, material or articles to ment and low taxes. It la Ideally tsltuated contest Mrs. Frederick Foseler wa8 Phom _ Hank, before 6 y, m.* WHITE WOMAN wishes day'a work to between Sandy Hook bay and tho Shrewn- about, compl»t«]y reconditioned; REMINGTON' POTATOES for aale, 91.85 per 100 lbs. good went Bide highway, iMH-foul fmn du, or would do laundry. In or out. Call \T sT'CATHEIUNE awarded a box of polish. nT r table typewriter, bulU- Re. StoniKo epace, at lend nut, Nopt u buiy river Bnd is eaeily accessible virt rail- 116 Cbryaler msiina angina will trade iu cauc, ith handle;; must be seeeen to bbaa Special for Friday and Saturday only, ut 276 Much an fc atreot, after 6:00 P. hi., road, bunEies, good roads and several boat i ""«'! two-Voom bun." highway, Eatontown. Cuinberlnnrt, \.\\ui f.hnno [ted Bunk Uli. room h Haxlet Boy Scout troop met at on deep BBB fllhlnn boat or cruiser. ippreulatedl i I n perfecf t conditiodii n j hhave no apples, for cooking In small baskets. First Deal &7D-W-1, or nddrcB» Bux 1.11, Anbu lines. The constantly Increasing number '- "«»o in- tho rear: fo roadstand on riant hand nlde over Coop- YOUN"(i""rifineT"eolored Bid wiflhea pot-l-* of Newark and New York commuters ia Camp Laroy Clark on Friday even- Knrl E. Bach. 499 Rlvor road, Ited Will sell for $16." Uock, Park, N. J.. It. I). 1. 0 pliune 131)6. er's bridge, next to Cooper'a greenhouge.* tioti a« housekeeper for bachelor or bus- particularly gratifying and we want to ing. The troop will participate in Bank. ineKa couple; or as general houeeworker, encourage this clues of people to make ItOW BOAT for Bole, 16 feet, «ood condl- RED JERSEY plums for sale. Oeorite SORENSON & BAHRS, bulkheads and f { i'nti after K 1*. M., »t 23 Cedar otreut, JJelford their home by offering the fullest the Bait Wator day parade at Key- tlon; price tl5. Monmouth Boat Club, E. Fierce, Belford road, near Headden's dock building contractors, High- port on Friday. Red Hank." Corner, K. D.J^o. l,_box 134,_Red Bank." Ked Hank. co-operation of this complete, reputable . E'hnne ARTICLES FOR SALE land*, N. J., phone Highlands 1 a 1 &. real estate oraanlration. J. Crawford LOT of odd pleaii* T FOR SALE" Buff Rock pullets, "inii'ulra of WANTED, electrical work, all lines; |1.50 Mini Margaret L. Wilson, Miss p furnUureTgood radio; per outlet. Write JJoraii, elect rk-liin, Compton, 14 years' experience aa it real a I HO live MrB. H. Whlteman, Yanderbur_g,_N:_J.^_ barn. Carolyn Houghton, Mlas Janet BASKETS, all lypM! Hnori, cftp8. packlnu I li hlhlckennk , ducks, twelve bjreed- UCENSED PLUMBER—1'hoVa ^317 Red Port Monmoulh, N. J., or phone Keana- estate developer and builder. tit. lorma. etc.; in Btock. At Handrlcliflon Inir Uryan, J'ort-au-P«ck, Long THREE-MONTHS-OLI) i>[gV for nale, Bttnk, for your plumb Inn, hcatinu umi liuri! 4T>. Refrigerators and oil burners e, cow atall pacY- Houghton, MIBB Mary Houghton and Supply Oo., MlddlBtown, pliont) 3fly. O»uu Brunchf , N. J. __ cheap. Call at PJgg' Slide. Belvedere nnlnK. Advice and es If mutes fn-t. «fo- repaired. " |» flne condition Waldo Houghton of WcBtwood visit- MCCORMICK-DEERTNO mowing machine, Beach, KeunBburg, N. J., any night after Bflph W. Fox. 116 Plnckney road, (ted REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ivng excellent condition; alio Packard trunk, 7_p.jn.* TUTOR — Princeton junior will tutor In or Sri ed Mr. and Mr». Ernest E. Peseux WINDOW SHADB3—Quality eWdon for Bank. wonderful motor; cheap to quick buyer. nhnia Ked Bank during summer, Call FARM of 2 3 aciea for sale: all kfndb of on Saturday. Thoy Bpent last week thtit now hoime and wo hung them. GOT SOME pedlsreed Barron Leghorn WILUAM V. UltiTUIGH, piu"i7ibin«7~i»ei"tT Red Hank 2WZ o write 'Tutor. 229 Broad fruit and berries; large chicken house; Pino Urook Farm, Tinton Falls, phone O'^SAI.E. v a,u I,,,."MUldiBTowTiijUS; at Ocean Grovo. Some an low as 2l)c. Nation*! &c, 10c mid chicks from Ronelawn Farm, Dayton iK ond tlnnlna. Pumpa and windmill* t«lreel. Ki-d Bank._ other buildings; house of eight rooms, nC $i Store. Ohio, thin ye«r and have aurphis of 20 repaired, Aytnt lor Hunter cm burytor electricity; beautiful shade j $5,000, part x 1 l t Mra. John H. Buhrenburg of Tel- cockertls to sell at one dollar each. H. coal BAVIDB device. Fits unv furnace. 42 TUI&JHIN<;. and pgwanted. '»y; hk'h "h "d ,;!' j"i'r"Aw" n° B«l!: COCKEIU} from WhlU Onto F»rm, Route HO1INER iiiano accordion, 48 haaa, uned f>no month; orlglnt.1 cost $l(JKj will sell C.. MorriB, Colt's Neck. N. J." -«lRhton avenue. Red Bank, [ilinne Sfi^T.j Chiirles (Jiihler, Holmdel, N. J. Jan. attorney, 10 Orr.a.l atreet. Red Bank. z»h Farm In entertaining her sister, 34, Mutawuu, me Ann. vtrunu. nedliricoil ; g $JKj wl el for < no-tliinl. A. E. Tlpllng, It U. Jdaton- C:OU!'I,K >\iMiea pnttition, chauffeur-butl STILLMAN " 1* A K K," E'ato'iVtown^ MTnhTtuT^ Mrs. Henry Voogo of Brooklyn. blnck and rod, UVa month, ono five montlis, VKu«aa^hV.Du iihiK'; sleep Tn'or'oVitr''OairRpJR for Bale. R. J. AUTOMOBILES. Red Bank 8301-J. Paul Rltzau. ,;tm,,,,WI1. „„,„!, 1)ulIdln,, wpn, piion* 2864. . },\ur,i. Red IJnnl..*_ _ individuality expressed by each owner in the week-end with hie son, Joseph (llbboiiH, Highway S(>, Headden* Cor- n plnre; jrnml PLAYELAYEH ulanulano and rolls 17175,, ppar t cash, MAURICE SCHWARTZ, Chrysler, Ply- the typo of architecture nml lai monthly. full Ahlers of Bethany road. ner, box M, Middletown, N. OBI- two-car munge; corner, excellent locution Entontown 231. tinn ; well oxpcrlenced ; «noM'~'hnii7c~in~Everpt.t for iala, - CHERRY WOOD "chenVof" six drawertTTG. any old ted Hank, phone 2 5nO-J£." convenient to school bus; Rood location. Marjory and Leonla Mott of Brook- coupe, repainted, a real good buy, at $140; stamps, UiUnitedd States or foreignfi ; on or HOOM for rent in private family*; home 10-QUART galvanized palls 20c, that's a green carpet, several room size rugw, 1IX ROOMS and bath, recently redecor Will sell reasonable. Mra. Mary Carton, lyn, formerly of Hazlet, are visiting 1981 Ford Bednn $100, 1931 Ford rumble off envelopes. Sulimit to me for inspec- omforts. At 70 Wallace street, Ked Everett, N. ,I.» _ J_ * low mice and that's our regular price; four fiddle back chairs, fine mahonany Heat enupe $100. 1935 Dodge deluxe sedan, ed and painted; one-car enrage. Loc at the homo of Charles D. Johnson. frnme upholHtered parlor set J10. single tion. R. V. It. II. Stout, a Linden phue, Bunk.' . fivo-gaUon roof coating $1.1D is a »ood 3934 JJodse rumbl* n*at coupe, 1929 La- phone JfeiMJiuil. 'Ji-il. !d in River Plaza. Rent $^7. Thompson THE IMLAY Mansion, locatcrTat Allen- Mrs. E. Mott and son were Hazlot •Ice aUo. Janotte carpet uweeper at $1.86 Htudlo couch, radio cabinet, 24 frames 8x6 Sallfl Man," 1932 Hupmobile nedan, 1935 COMFORTABLE, trout, fllnt'Je room for \xcncy._ HI East Front street, phone lied feet J7.50, electric dry cleaner $3, gateleg ent; private family; plenty of hot wa- towu, N. J., erected in 1787, will be Bold a Rood arlidlo nt a low price. Ucnch Chovrolfet half-ton ' express $400, 1035 WANTED, anything UmnrmTijFo~to~you Dank 700. at ruhllc Halo on ThunTrny, AuRuat 20th, visitors last wock. table, breakfast set. Stannberry Thrift in the line of clothes, stoves or house- .... ono minutes to 1>UP; %Z.f>0 weekly. umbrellas at $2.69 ta still a good buy nnd Dodge '"l\4-ton rack body, used two SIX ROOMS and bnth, loratod In Little 11136. at 2 o'clock p. m., I). S. T., on the » it doesn't pay to rent them at CO cents for Rho|i, Wilson, avenue. Fort Monmouth, hold furniture. JJail Itcil Hank 1274. full at 21 Haniaon avenue, or phone Hed Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lupton months, repossessed; new truck nunran- Silver; handy to bus and train service premises. It is considered one of the an afternoon when you can own ono at N. J. INFORMATION wanted concerning "the Bank any5. _ ._. _ and children of Long Island are tesj bUt aaving; t936 Dodge deluxe sedan 3un porch, hunlwond floors, two-cur jen- finest and best preserved Colonial resi- thin price. Oh yea, and how about a tf< FURNACE for (tale, plpeless furnnce, in demonstrator. Frank VanSyckle, 149-63 roflking of a will on .Sejitumber 20, 1 KiMj, HOOMS for rent furnished, with or with- l dences In the State of New Jersey. It has vlBltlng Mr. and Mra. Andrew J. cup of coffee. Oat a genuine SUex foi- "' Bt Front street. Red Bank. Open even- ; BC. Rent J35, Thompson Agency, SI very good condition. Ideal for bunga- by Margaret Itecvy, at Heevcytown, the out running water; ua.ra?c If wanted; j^ji.-it front street, phone Red Hank 700. 1 fi rooms, two baths, all modern improve- Latham and family on tho.Holmdel ls.05. We are nslllna a lot of Belgium >w. Cull Red Hunk 2277-J.' s and Sundny mornlnRB. 111 having l.cen.wriltun und witnessed by i bua linu in town. Heft residential ments including oil buminB heating sys- Oriental ruga, HIK 24X48 at $1,1.0, nnd SPLENDID .seven-room house, two baths turnpike. TWO wliehRlred terrlern, male and female, CyniH W. Shnfto, a physician, and wit- section. It. II. Vanderveer. <0 Branch extra Invatory; oil heat, open fireplace tem, necessary outhuiltlinns, fine- shade when you aee these you will undorsti 1033 FORD deluxe coupe 1205, 1932 Ford •nue, phono Rod Hank__U6 5. treeB nnd about elpltt acres of land. Write Jack Welgand, son of Mr. and Mra. pedigreed: sacrifice, $40 for hoth. E. J. roadster 1105, 1020 Kmex coach $7f>, noBsed by John La no. Reward in nlTcred :U; exclusive neighborhood, 'hy. We havo good Bound values on all for valuable infonniitlnii. Address Box Kumla; exclusive nciKhl)orho for a descriptive circular. The Farmers Kermps, Trenton avenue. Belford, P. O. 1034 Torrsplune sedan, 1933 Terra- FUKNISHE1) room for rent with private Kolston Waterl.ury, 107 Honmouth str F. Frank Welgand, visited his aunt, our merchandise. Itipht now wo have Hox IT.. 200, Wayside. Anbury I'nvk K. V. family; ideal location on Rum-ion road ; eet, National Hunk of AlWown. N. J.. exec- Halo on heavy Federal black enamclwiire plane deluxe conch $8GO, 1029 DcSoto sc- lied Unnk. Phone 3500.• utor of the Eatate of Mary Emma Gordon, Mrs. Paul T. Ryder of Red Bank, dttn $76, 1980 Nash r-edan |175, 1029 WE HAVE mortRDKe money. n0 for each piece. if dcalred. Call for particulars Rumson .BUNGALOW ol nve rooms, acrsenci deceased. last week. ARRIVAL NOTICE! Larg« assort- Nash sedan $146, 1933 Terraplane 8 se Axclsen, Sea Brinht, phone 147. porch, one-cnr giu-tige; near bii3 lln Our prico 1B $1.49 and if you need a tea 12S7. Miss Eva Dean of Bethany road kettle, n percolator, a double boiler or n ment of new and used tables and dan $386, 1938 Terrnplane 6 coach $375, id Btation; $30. Many others. Rolatoi BUynAli0AiN "r investment or homei 1929 Hudson- sedan $9fi, 1030 OMC pane Wli,T, SHARE my home with reliable cou- .i loc-tit 1«i[.. Fulr Haven; pot, get right down here and buy thl: other furniture; show. cases, golf MORTGAGE money—We hnvo money Wuterbury, 107 Monmouth Btreet, Re , Ko Is vjBltlng relatives on Long Island. bargain. In fact you could buy them and delivery $150, 1034 Termplana 6 conch ple or lady; reasonable. 139 Vj Center Hank, phone 3500.* prlrc SiiOu. Paul Iievere, 5fi Broad - $42fi, lOfll Willyt 6 sedan $125, 1^>-1 to loan on first bond and mortgage Miss Francis Lavln and Ralph put them by for Xmns presentB or nho< clubti, living room suites, 0x12 rugs, avenue, Atlantic HiRhlantls, N. J. street. Rci! Hudson 8 sedan $560. 1929 Chrynler 65 mfcAI, IncBtlon. convenient to Bhol>pln Hardy of Kcyport wore week-end gifts, etc., for you will never got the»o etc. Rusrll's Auction Callorles, 27 In amounts from $1,000 to 510,000 on ATTRACTIVELY furnlBhcd room with COUNTRY ESTATE, live acres of land", Hcdan $150. Terms and trades. WDklns Improved property in Red Bank and center anu Btation; eluht rooms, all Im- attain. National 50c, 10c and $1 Stoic. Eaut Front street, phone 1693. porrh and private hath; suitable (or provemenU; rent SEO. Complote lint of beautiful view overlooking New York guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loon Hardy. I'hone 2880. Free delivery. Motor RnleB, Upper Broad street. Re( Bank, phono 887. vicinity. Api.liculioiifl given inim«i]i- lwo. In private homo; convenient to t other.. Rolaton Wnterbury, 107 Mon- buy. Tcnnli court. Ton-roorn houBe. two ' m i m '— ato attention. Hnwkin.% Urolbcji", Jit and station. Summer months or longer. inoiith_ptreet, phone 35on." bnthi«. oil heat. Owner will saciifice. Rol- SCOTTIH puppies, registered i champion CASH REGISTER, 1029 National, perfect USED CARS bought, sold and exchanged IMione_Rcil Hank .16C2-W. ston Waterbiiry. 107 Monmouth atreet, R#d Block i r«RHonablo; »!x weeka. Georgf order; iiafe. combination, suitable for Monmouth atreet, Ited Bunk. HIVER FRON...T bunpalow, five rooms, Bank, phono :t:.00 * Middletown Village. Pontlao sales nnd lervlcoj tcvmn G, M. TlfiiEB . four pleasant furnished rooms, G. Oelbel, Sou tha treat, Eatontown, N. J-' store or office; plans show cases, two, good A. G. Rinai Brothers. 10-21 Mechanic fiieplare, all improvements; $35. SIX-ROOM! butuTa low in Red Dnnk: lot condition; shelving, In sections, with and for lie! housekcepinft..t. with all improve- nZ" Watcrbury. 107 Monmouth atreet, FULITDRESS ooat~and~Tuxet.o suit, two itreet, phone 30C5. $7,000- TO LOAN on fhst mortgage on menla: runnintr wator in kitchenih : near stat - Red llnnk, r*hnno S.'jnn.* 6<>xlAfl. rrlee 333.7B0. , ?•">"<> cash, bal- (The Red Bunk Register can be bought white vests. FIKO 42; perfect condition, •without drawers; floor caaei. In sections, ce buildind g andd IrIi RlRolstot n Wftter- with nnij without drawers. Seo Foxwell, FRANK VANSYCKLE, Dodge and Ply^ buBineBH puiperty in Ited Bank: must be tion and bus line. 139 Bridge avenue, Ked In Middletonn from J.- C. Knight uid reasonably priced. Apply B. Clcmentc, MODERN hrlrk hur7ffalow, fiv,"^ rv, 107 Monmouth treet, phone Red William U. Waters.! Red Jlnnk, or Kurtlfl, Fair Haven. mouth automobiles. Dodge trucks. Good- worth double amount of nmvtxnm;. Ax ate Hank. hmh, lavatory, oil burner; jraniBe. Con- tailpr. !ii W«"t Front street, Red Bank.* rear tires and Prest-o-LJte batteries. 140- full pi-irliciiliirs. Tan nen li mi m A^roncy 2 Ox fa RUGS,"llko newr$0.76, wicker chaira cnifnt. to bus line ami station. Kent $50. The membora of tho Young Peo-FOR SALE, brand new Oriental rug 9x12 168 West Fron* street. Red Bank, ohone West Main street. Freehold. N. J. ossesflion September 1st. Kolston Wntei1"- KIVER-FRONT homo; three master bad* foot, never been used: price $40, worth fl, beds $1. fine mirrors, living room Red Bank 1206 and 1297. WANTEU: homes, stores, fnctoiics, "to nit APARTMENTS ple's league of the Reformed church Bill to $16; larse nsRortment of occasional »iii y, ID 7 Monmouth street, Red Bank. rooma and bath, muid's room and bath. -er J100. !U Poplar nvenue, ofl Hanco WANTEP, Flint cars and any car with . your HtfliL bllU In hiilf. Nculrulito. Vuv hone 35(1(1.* Forty-foot living lomii; cost J24.O0O. wilt enjoyed thoir annual frankfurter ? tables, choap. RiiHcU'fi Auction Gallciiex, CHEEHFUL, newly decorated, remodeled, TOHH, J flji'_IIttVorij_N. jj.* Continental motor; also Marmon, and detallH write Tinian. clertriciati. Port. Mon- lit] iirtlvely furnished, modern apart- for $13,750. Rolston Waterbiiry, 10? 27 Knst Front ntreet. Red Bank. pleaHnntly furnfahed roast at Mllltown last week. SINGLE MULE, ntcariy. all typen farm Cadillacs up to and including 1925. Arn- mouth, or phone. Kcnnsbui-ir 45. Outlets ment: new gna rnngc, refrigerator. Private Mnnmonth utreet, phono Rrd Bank__3500_.» old Hanaen, 9 New Btrect, Sea Bright. SlTi'i aiiiece. ido enttanre. (JaH, electric, heat, water house, nr iinfurnished if desired, for rent SIX-ROOM house anil Kiir.nire for rent; all Mrs. Jason Knight and her daugh- work; will aaorlnce; also 15 tonn bnled FOR SALE, Star wlcklena oil cook stove, Utcr Labor day; ci«ht rooma and bath • ters, Misses Ruth and Marian alfalfa hay. San Soucl Fnrm, Freehold three burners and oven; excellent con* DUICK 1929 coupo for nnle, $50."Marvin" eh nil", 1 n1'Ku size, Included. Quiet hoUHe, near Broad Htrcet. Improvements; hot wnter heut; open T Adult.i only. nensonnhle. 48 Wallace ntyato Karuge; in Fair Haven, near river Knight, loft by automobile Sunday dltlon, very rensonnble; other hoimehold, ^c«.JBnnk.^__" and in gmul con lo'Rh ind beaoh. Complete hot water heating flreplaco. At T.H Church street. Fair HB- ytC SALE~ "hot nlr"~fuWnce~with five nrtlclcH. Scherb, Chapel Hill road, Chnp- ntioet, II£il Dank. 1V stem. P h nne_Red_Bank 116 6. ven. Inquire nt_9;i_Falr Haven road. morning for a trip to Niagara Falls. cl Hill, Atlnntlc Ilfghlandfl. address Box FOR SALE, Packard cojivertible, 1920 Fair Haven.* pipea and five rapistem; flint, clnnn con- four-ipeed transmission, SlflO; very fair WAN"fEI)7"chicken ifiout SxIO "or WANTED Iiy business woman, private FOR~RENT, Btortia, oliico-^ftata, houaMi 154, It. V. D.» 1 SIX ROOMS and bath, newly decorated Thoy will bo away about a weok. dition. Call Jlumion 1301-J/ condition; imall 8. Phono Percy Jones, Bed lumber; mu bo CM ^onnbl e. I'hone luiartinont: healed, all improvements; throuRhout; one block from utatlon. apartnicntB; Improved: all location*. The annual plonlo of tho Sunday- FOR HALE cheap, two bird cageB, with Red Bank 28U-W. must be located In desirable Hectlon close deal for commuter. Rent very reason- Juat off Brond Btrcct. Land & Loan COJ POWER elder mlir'for «alo cheap to set- 12_Mechan.'- Btrect. Red Bank. •chool of tho Reformed church was HtfinriK. excellent condition. Phone Red WANTED, QuVboa'ril mot : nui!'t~be~ln to Hroad ptreot nnd reaHonable. AddreBS able. Inquire 218 Monmouth street Hed tle cutnto of D. B. Soffcl. Apply Georse CHEVROLET coach "27 ; Kood running Bank 2fi9-M. •• Rooil running orde ice roiii^onHble. li. J., l>ox_5U, Red Iliink.' Bank, phone 186K-R.' RIVER FRONT home at OllTUver ro»d. held at Point Pleasant last woek. SolTeU Colt's Neck, or C. P. Soffel, 265 order, battery and radiator prnctlrally |iri Jnhn LHUH, Shiowslnn vc: rnje. If ed Bank, HKATE1) apartment, four rooms and Fair Haven, nlno rooms, all year houMi ORIENTAL ruRi, Klrman, 0x14; India West wood avenue. Long Branch, wecu- n«w; lot> of extras, nice box for mcchan 0 "OR RENT. Riverside drive HectfoVoln Church services at the BaptlBt htn. 21R5-J. bath; alt Improvements; $25. Land & river, thoroughly modern Colonial houae; two-car garauo: exeentfnna! for party with 10x14; also smaller nizo; benutlful ml- t Ic'a tools, etc. A bargain at $20. C I references. Inquire at 007 Ulver roadi church havo been discontinued until I Y6\{ SALE, bnby carriage, Englinh style. Crant, Kyerett, N. J. COXtTllAN<;'E7~k7tVhc I,onn_Co., 12 Mechanic utreet, Red Bank. ilovi rooms, three baths, attached tta- orlnK; K"oil condition, oxccptinnnl (iiinllty. le • innst be In phono Red Hank 927. - Sunday, Soptembcr 6. full pbo sprhiK' and violin, all In good first rhiHH conditio il 'i.rii•c Ad- i'UUNISIIF.n npartment for rent! five Modern heating syptem. Nice out- Pi-Ira very chenp. Mnvlntr from town, WHY BUY R new carwhen you enn buy SEVEN-ROOM house, hot wator heat, aJL Daniels. 50 Fourth avenue, Atlantic Iligh- ndltion. S37 River rond, Fair Haven, ^RBnKjJsJmxjn ! .Jled inoma and bnth; all Improvements'. 8 S7,"i monthly. l'hone or write Miss Mamlo Hendrickson has re- ' uned up to date. Chryflier Fnur-doo Charles L. Sweeney, Monmouth avenue, Imnrovtjincnts; centrally located; earagea I ndi, N. J. N._J:* turned to Philadelphia after a stay B d tor $105. At Tnyloi'.i Auto Rlvei.-ido avenue, Red Bank. Rent $35. Inuulro 03 East Hlvar road, HOUSE for sale. Kooti. blocky farm horse two cheerful ronm nln ATTRACTIVE, five " rooms, ?lth her'brother, Jamos C. Hondrlck- FOR SALE, lfl-foot Mnrcnni knockabout, Laundry, Pearl utreet. Red Dnnk, phone Itunwon, Ph«no_?.?.»!__ , . with complete equipment; 1100; In wa- for anlo. James E. (irlpffH, New Mon- Christian home ; nan liatli and film porch, oil burner heat, fine HOUSE at 99 Shre^hury avenue; K&s. Jon. ter. T. E. Vninar, Wntormnn avenue. Sen 51°"'h, N. J., phono Mildletown 172-J.' possible: near ehurel l, depot; Ite- cenlral location, corner Riverside avenue ilectrlcity and water; house in Rood SIX-ROOM houses, all Improvemonti, $»& FORD, coach model A 1929, $55; Rulck rnndltlon; rent $15 por month. Apply per month; five-room bungalows all Im- dipt. Anthony Btschoff nnd his son Rilght. N. J. . USED TRACTOR, Oliver Row-Crop; also apectnble KcntlcuiLMi ried couple; Allon pplace. Inquire I!os», 1 Allen flve-panaenger coupo $50, Nash coupe >lrs. J. J. Quidley, 69 Neptune avenue provements; 520. 125 per month. Job* power mower for Oliver, Conover Bros., references. Adilie^f K()0inc:H. box 511, ! I'lii 11hone Hed Bunk 3li«2-W. Clifford, Qoorge Stafford nnd Artjiur FIVE (JALLONS roof coating $1.10, flut $55, Many others. Small down payment, leal, phono r.l 77- W. H. Cook. Jr.. phnnoJRed_naT.k 3W5-J- .files and service, Wlckntunk, N. J., phono Rod Hank, N. J. FOR RENT, four-room npartment, with Koelsch went fishing off Sandy Hook nnd KIOCB whito paint 05o Rnllon, Un- Holmdel 8. balance to fluit; no finance charnes. Wil- FOR RENT or lease, lar ilOUSK~of al* rooma and bath; trarafra. WANTED, rws~~ ctures. all improvements' iincluding hot water o store with gas seed oil 2 3 cents quart, porch and dock liam J. Levlne, 375 Broadway, Long Btation, Broad street. R. II. Vanderveer, 40 Branch av«nu». Saturday. They caught 20 bluo llsli GARDEN TRACTORS, Planot Jr. and Bis Branch.* nntiiiuc.s old ^wiire, stoves. bc:it : ground floor; two-mlnuto walk from , oad street. EatontEatontowno . op- •namel $1.3!) gnUon, ohipgle preen paint lt hlh Th Red Bank, phono Hfi5. of an averago weight of seven M .39 Riillnn, 1-tnch pnlnt bi'UHhoH Be. Ilnlens, rebuilt. Conover Tlroa.. Sales & elry, (.'o otc We uy. .™ll rnihond stiition. Phone Ked Bank 390-K. schoolhouae. Thone 416 Eatontown. pounds. There wns much rivalry us Visit our hnnsment where you will find a Service. Wlckatunk, N. J,, phone Holradal TRUCK,, O. M. C. 188686,, half-toaftonn pickup nylhiiiK. To Furnitu AIKO uaiBk-o for rent. full line of pnlnts, bruihea. elertrlcnl sup- mdmodel l TT-ll 4 ; fflool r dtdemonstratort . NNny- I'linnKc. :I15 Mnnniouth flrcct•ct. ReRedd llanl. to who would land the flrBt fish nnd lor, Inc., Atlantic Highlands, N. J. 2a WEST FRONT street, conveniently In- this distinction was won by Mrplies. , hounofiirnitihingfl. etc. Nntlonnl lie, GASH for your old typewriter, addlns ma- rnted six-room apartment, with bath: lOo and $1 Stores. Free doHvcry. chine, chock writer or other equip- TEN~TONS of~bajcir"h7y~van!SlTs^flnblo water furnished: 55.On a week. Inquire Koelsch. ment, will call. Joseph U. Serploo, Kty- for homes: C. n. 11. Deal Riilinn (Tub, Hi-. Lovctfs. 110 East Front street, Bed USED, In Rood rondltlon, 80-ffaIlon Knl- BUSINESS NOTICES nort, N. JH phone 484. phono Deal .',7 1 1-.I.* Hank. Rev. John W. Thomson of Bound vnnlzcd hot wntor boiler; «n« hentor ta Brook, formerly of this place, was ago with It; prlro $10 for both; Ford deliv- MTTLK WHITE HOUSB Antlaue Shop, GRANDMOTHER FIELDS' dining room WANTED,' boy's "scrnml-hand" hlrycle"; MOPERN threo-rnom npartment. heated, visitor horo Mondny. ery rnr, commcrclnl body, very gond Hoadijen'i Corner. Rad Banlc Antique* meals, week day 40c i Sunday, chlckei must ho in pood condition. rc;i^,niililr. fur rent. Fur particulars call Red Bunk condition, J17R; nmnll pony, kind and and i dinner 60c. Aliio rooms und board. 73 Tall nftcr S p. m. Hed llnnk I'-'n-W or 21 HI. Surplus Farm Truck John, James and Junior Swack- Kontlc. S3r>. Jny Baker, SR Church street. KOIt SALE. lod. top loll, (111 dirt, elnden Waljiice **£*et.JRed_Bank.^ call at ;» Iiriiiiininntl plncc. Ked llnnk. FURNISHED three-room npHrtment over- hamer are spending tho Hummer in Kc»nnburn, N. J. __ „ ami (iravel; prlcei reanonable. Clauds DANCING—Mabel Coleman etudioTiMioc^ WANTED, used ran intu-e; " must bo in IOOU.IK river; tile kitchen, bathroom Kentucky with their grandparents. 2J-FOOT ChjU Crn'ft, runnbout for »alo, WrlKlit. Markham place. UttU Silver, tor place, phone 2011, Red Bank. Class- perfect condition; four buinerp, oven on and hull; hot water supplied, heat includ- SfltiO; KooJ rendition. Rennontitilc. phono tied Bank U0.1-J. ____ « for children and aduKn; sortnl t?anr- lop. on left linml fiilc; «itli ln-nllor. AH; porrolnlit top estimates aupplled on lartr. or araall HELP WANTED been very nick, Is Improving. Mrstnhl. oo J1I.0BJI.0B.. TowTown Fiiinltiuiiinltiuo E\ihnn«:eE\«:e, NEW Walt toxturo coatlnff, !• very d«c- Job«! Interior *nd «it«r]or minting.' «x- WAI'l'HBS.'i «-ntilccl. '1U lo .'].r, ye WFi DESIRE listing! of properties avall- nltlo (or summer rental. Setul full par- Thomas Reynolds hns been at her MonmoutMh h street, Red BBankk , phonh o oiatlve for renovating »nd modernlilns wall paper ser»lc«. Arthur E. of ni:e; littlu c kiut: re'itihcd; Sso One way of preventing this waste would bo to sell 62 P.* walle; vnslly applied. 3o low In price that Boyce, painting contractor, phone Humson tlculnrB. AI no list In «• of farm a for SB'Q homo caring for hor. week, room and 1 nil. Address Waltr or rent. Allulra & Son Ajiency. Tnc- 10 overy humo owner can afford to use It, 4o box Ml. ltd ltnti surplus farm truck'whilo it is fresh nnd Rood. Tho Mrs. John Mnsscy, Miss Rita SLFJK!* I^ATB tomorrow; tha mm, wr ft pound, direct from factory. Como» In Mnimirtuth street. Ited Unnk. bolher you U you put up n few irr tFTrS MUSICAL wo can .upply TtTTn^ WANTKli". live" wire sniesmnrTio wii'rk in amount thus saved would add considerably to tho ol^ht colon, rendy for uie. Just mix with •tructlon on anj wind oi strlnu Instru- WANTKI)," lintin«a for 'binall ami lama Mnsscy, Mrs. William Bohn and Mrs. nhftdcu. At the low prlro thoy nrc : cold wnter. Cult for latnples. Atlantfo up-to-dato well ustalilished retail lliiui.i annual proflt of every farm. can havo moro rent now. Hollnml ulin ment Including sieoordlon. Arraneemants f,inn.i, from tbrco ncrcit up. PlonHB fllve Honry Hlrsch wero visitors at Staten Paint Si Wall Toxturt Co., 110 Wart Front More. Apply by lotU'r KIVIIIB full .null- nil iuformaHon. Iliive ensh liuyflru wait- Tsland Sunday.. _ _ nl low prices. National Re, 10c and iit root, phonojlcd Bink_ 28B1-W. can be mad* to purchaat Instruments. Al- ifications to Salcnmii, box 611. l!ei| Hank. Ptoro. •o r«na Irlni. Anne.6, 47 Wa-lilngton ing. A ho houses nml lota In Monmouth \WK DO tho hlgh«at typ* of piano work WOMAN" wniitcil for uonornl I.V.u»«w,.ik": A farmer who has surplus fruits and vpf;pt;ilile9 street, plloiia Rod Bank ysi fit. Tho SfiuntlerH Aftiirj, 1313 Sprlng- and tall planot right. DIrhan'i Piano refeienrps; Kleep In. ChiMO Fiuni Mar- avenue, Anluiry l'nrk. _ _^ could rind a market for a Rood denl nf those ca» and w« will be ulad to advise WANTED, n mldillo lined" wouianlu''bldp 'i'litintnttnum A«ency, 2 West Mnin lU'i i 1 ha Ked Dnnk Register can be bought Rod Bank llotArlans Hoar Rutgers boat rlhi. oak timbers, locust poata: am! rank, o.tlmnt... 10 Mount .troet. with hi.uscwnik; aooil lioino. unall l'Vi!i'lv>M, N. J, __ The RoRlstor coala 25 cehts each week. It tha itora of Louis I'lotkin.) electi!o pinning mill and sawmill for (jui- |ihon« 26(0, R«d Dank, wai:os; two hi family. Eninia riitu-rson, iiOOli I-\'\MII,Y^h^vjiiK'7iilT'oie(riin^liri Professor Last Thuradny. tom work. Chartei Q, Dennett & Co., Um- Plans wont awry for tho beach par- R.K. IV. box nl. Kevport. N. J. lilnw, require n thvre-bfMlroum houne, 1 Ited, NtitiWBtnp road, nbone MMdlt WiUiK lor I'liiln Nnm, ^inr.-SIV.I inonth" A farmer who mado a pnu-tk .' of advritlsin^ rnch ty which was to have been held by Professor Henry Kellor of nutpom MB. j IIEDBUU3, rouhea, Haas, moth., .to, iTHriint', in refpecrnhle xiriffiibaviuwt] ; a mon-wonirn. Try next cxnminatloii'i. \io iiwny from town but. on nooci rond woek tho frulta and voRctuhle.i whlrh ho had for tho Younk Poopln's Fellowship of theunlvorslty was tho Bpcnlter at tho permanently «t«rm!nated (nuaran- HALF CABIN cruiser, 31.6x8.8 oak frame Common cdMcatiim miiinlly rMiltiricnt. Paid iiillrond Hiitltin. Will keep hoiiBo In o sale, ought to got up a In run chcl.i nf i-ustoniera in Reformed church at Sea airt ono Rod Brink Rotary club Thurivday. Ho planked, all >pper and hra t«od). Rau caught wlti ferrets (nut vni-ations. IMIII particular!!; lint job,i, f,(.o. (•(•Itont contHtlon, but It tnu.'l. be modern a very short time. These silei would hi: for imnh night last woek, BO In placo of such gavo a most Interesting talk, and tho fnntoneilii fully ei.ulppedi.ulpped! very economicaeconomical Poisoned). Phone ISII A.bury. Jack Wilto I'tdiiy sine. Fiaiikliu limtitvite, Bin, In itood repair; ran I'ny only %'i0 boat to run. A. nihfniachofff , MlddtetownMlddtt , Dept. Ilin-T, Ro"lictcr. N. Y. %'.'•!• Kfu.d nil-your tennnU. IMenae anwwfi anil the salon would ho niiidf lo piullos who rnmo an event the party took place on Wil- mombere of tho club greatly regret- K.ndrlofc axUrmlnator. established r liam Moroau'i lawn. When tho Fel- N. J. FA1OI 'HAND', milk row,' cam fm !,„, ,,cV; (I. V.. \WK Ml, Red Hnnh.* (o tho form for tho frnocls. 'I'lie expense "f linullnflf ted that the tlmo allotted to him was IHAYEnS—New Vnd u»"id" aorayeri for IE r.ats. lowship members arrived at Sea Olrt BO limited. nn dirt fnnnlni:; or conplo, womnn for to market would bo eliminated. It would bo a ays- fnrm, •statn, solf court*, and ihadt tr«« hi.i.ieworki in. laundry. Kl.-udy poi.liliii^. torn of the producnr selling dlrert to tho conaumnr. thoy oncountered n shower nnd other •nriylna. Call or write Itendrtokion Sup- TUB HIOUKST prldM paid for live chick- Ilnstulnor Fann, Main utrcct. lljlfoid N. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ProfcaBor Roller apoko on tho I'ly OtMiipnny, Mlddjetown, or phone 880. unforenoen difficulties. However, they •»»• _*o» Bak«r, 110 Machanlo straeL J.' HMAM., FAUM eatnta: remodeled Colonial ganoint Agricultural rnnd\t\nna fit thnFACTORY •Lutctnl on patnti a good ffnaeed decided to have tho party nnywny, country from 1020 to Uio prnoont time L rhon. Dank UOt. W ANTE r"l7~w K i t i>'~wi. in an i ~ RCH c r n I" h o i i~r -' realilenca; eluht ro"fn«, three bath*! oil and tho festivities on tho lawn oiil paini t 11-501150, laead and lino $2.001 PAINTKli and pap.j banni and daoor- work! no liiundryi private, family, two htnt; attnehed uarn&fl. modern h(ui» barn, nnd gave a very dotallod picture of Spar vAitilnh |l.r>[), hlulhh gradde flatfl HH.t.0, atorj r.a.onabl. prices. Will oacar • kdulu nml baby ono year old. I'oiild live limit fully furnished. Allnlro & Son Asitv proved most onjoyablo. bent tho plight of tho nation's farmers l ner gallon, any eolora. rooto for and upi «U work su.ran- III under condition!. Wille P. 11. ry. Inc., 19 Monmouth utraet. Red Bank, WatlTextur* Co., lit • "• /SIP" Hoffman. 11 nruinmomt llox 72. Re.I Hank.' i;HiilT-HOOM' house on WlUon avenue', A farmer who hullt \ip n list of ciuitomcrri hy thin A daughter was born to Mrs. How. during tho pant 15 yonr«. Ho ex-Went Front itrcot. phone 1251-W, 1Ud •'- - "' Hank, phon. l»4a.W ftrd V. Mason of Freehold at Moiv MAN WAN'3'Ivli. fine win. can nnv a J)J)nl^ Pnit Moniiunith; E»", elortrle; J20 l>or plan would bold thcao ciintnmer" y.'nr after year. pltiltiod very thoroughly tho opora- ' HUV and .all Mcond-band fliuihe,, uni.i nl«n tell rvfi'Dnhmeiili. Ktnldor1* limit month. Apply at 31 West SumoL avenue, mouth Memorial hospital at Long 1 Ills farm would become moro widely known each tlon of the law of supply and do-I'UNT. !, rnwhonU, aaUbpata, 10 b. In Bood oondlUon. L. K.rb«r, »0» llnuse. ll.l.lfo avenue, foot, of (.'uoiie.'ii Ited Hank. 110.BO up. Thorn !>•« l u n year, mid thfl number of his ru;domris wnuli! enn- Branch hint wcok. Mrs. Maiion ami Boat ?ii*S." ' " •*» "* "•<> Bank. Phon. lnl.ltc lied Mif 1.." I'PUH-HOOM hmi»e, olnctrtrliy. ono block mil ml tiH,.t ftffectH tho farmer and Worlta, 2 <'«nt«_r *str«at. Ha a' Hrl|ht. 4nfl-W. ntnntly Increnso. her husband, Dr. Mason, me fre-ftlno tho offoct of modern machinery CABINET wi.iker wanted, ni'unt llav ime from center of town; $ IK por month quent visitors In this suction and OLD (1OI.D—W. par «».b ror your old knowlnch.',' nboul .v-nll,,,- ,,n r,,.i! ,.,,•. • Ilpmy V. Hylln, raitlloi-, ltecl«tcr biilliUnc on tho farms In the Wont, which (1 Tlu'rat Mi.l.lUlnw'n. nhorie Uldtflttnwn a w l f \4 > « nf. watohee. Uelh. .to. n«u.- Wilt !•• •ii Itpif [Inntc. phnna lilt. _ thoy aro well known hereabouts. n irlcii' "Thn early bird cutrhrn the worm," and (tie fnrm- added 40,000,000 acroa whlrh provloun 10. "JM«a_"(l Hroat HI-, nil iiniuovt'iiieMU ; very ern who aic Hr:it to put thin plnn In .»l t«l y. 1, .i; •! rtil.ONIAI."hnimri ntViir"rlv«i-. Uv« *7 vciioii Knnr; Inun-liod this watk ; new. A. r Bec i ipeakor ftlno axplulnod vory olnarly O.e.r Becker, il iUcond, Fair Ha- bi,nn Ad. In on C. O | lio: Ml, lied Kiniux, t VM) Imtha, lui^e living roi Mra, Iloyoe of Anbury Park la mak- • lUitiofT, Mlil'llfltowti, phon* 1(IR. vovonn. N. J. Ilnnh ing n stay with her daughter, Mm.tho export nnd Import feature of In- tu..-.-fir uniHKi:; nil liHpn.vemuuti, ; Vt>ai. tornntlonnl farm life, particularly l MOW«Bfl7na7jJ.nedTn.i lolialre'd. I,AH Y xLin) HI ni'iinr wn Ht l,v ,,/. nl.i,. mnt. AUo two nnuill furnUhod R\ up e\ me nl«, hunted. Mlui'H iinny Ulver Atfiii how It (iffoetfld thfl Awerlonn grow- ...Order, called for anil delivered. Ikcoii- lublb'lind Kc 1 llnnk :i ii: Donald M^thows has bought nn »lor*»i»Bi luvr iirJr» for /julrk »*)#. mtluned uead mowers for .ale. ll.M> Irnrod In .'d il wink. An plv Mt mini! e\- iii(t Hud Hunk vn." automobile, •••" OI'M. Wilto at onrtj. Aililre»« Piano, linn up. John llansen, I] Hudson avenun. Had p. cl • ••., in I.nidIvy ;lt rn n;i p HAl.l' nf ilm.ihlu ln'mm." for iWt~*t 84 Cover being sown! on thn Preiildent Myron V. Urown PX- Ml, Had lUnl.. 10S9. bo< r.l I, Iterl llnnk. W.'.l nhml: KIV nxim* und tiatli ; all Im KUMIdATINII, axUrmTnaTl'iig"of ant., beil- WE NEED »i"i clnoholp for pn«lllon Mnvfin.iuU. liKiulid nt. 11(1 Wott «tta«t, former Hlgglst* tarm which la nowpreiHPd Kitttincttlor. of tho nlub to ">'»»• roarh... rocilh., fleKi, etc.; » uuar- the hi.iisnhiildii. Apply nl. mie lt,,,l llnnk.* KI-ITW lint It nn llav IlnaT WoruiTlV oyrncd by M«nc Hron of Hliiewfibury. thn np«nki»r for his wonderful talk antetd eourUuua servlcal leasonably Mon.nnUlh Kiu|.|ovin,.nt AK y, ! Ill M Hroml Htivef, Kayport, If. C], WIntertor lUH (MIC,' duplex, riiiinonn.ila; >Wo rociun IHlred. Hanked by He years' •• Swordfish 45c » Washington, D. C. She later made Surviving aro his wife, who before a trip through the West, where she her marriage was Miss Nettle Hath- 45 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Crab Meat 70c »• met Mr. Hammell. She was married away; a brother, Thomas E. Day of Butterfish -I |»* about 28 years ago and had lived East Keansburg, superintendent of XVlb Flounders Soft Crabs $1.10** Iin UUtah since that time. Her last .roads in Middlctown townshipp, and a visit to Red Bank was in 1913. ! sister, Mrs. Joseph Edwards of Bel- Friday, Saturday and Monday Specials She served in an advisory capac- i more, Long Island. ity on the boiar;d of directors of the ! The funeral was held Saturday af- Ladies' Literary club of Salt Lake j ternoon at thelate residence In City and was an active member charge of Rev. W. E. Webster of the CHERRIES Pineapple Juice Tomato Juice of the Utah Kcdnration of Woman's Keyport Methodist church. Burial in ALL GOLD Ilrund—Unsweetened WEBSTER—NEW PACK—Grade A clubs .and the University of Utah's chargo of the Scott Fxjneral home of FANCY MARASCHINO R«g. ISc—Large ns £ C Mothers' club. BelforA d was In Fair View cemetery. Ur«e QAC 99 Surviving besides her husband ho bearers were Stephen Curtis, 3 "" 23° 3 35 and Dr. Sayre are six children, Helen, Vllliam Johnson, Walter Scott, 18-oz. can 3 Attention to Detail Jcorge Murphy, Carl Helwig and Mi- bottles 12-oz. can ciws QQ ££ Edith Belle, Barbara, Jean and 8-Qt. tun C S-Qt Can Leigh Sayre. who live at home, and hael Harkyns. 49 35° Can Mrs. Edward J. Morcaux of Glen- . . . 1ms long been an ideal with us. Each part dale, California. She also lcavee an- Russell Cort. of our service Is executed in keeping with the mod- other brother, Charles Sayre, of Russell Cort of George street, Frce- | Mnnasquan. lold, husband of Genevieve Cort, died Apricot Nectar PRUNE JUICE ern principles of good tnste. j The funeral waa held Wednesday, Saturday morning at Allcnwood hos- Royal Gelatin JUICE July 29, at the Evans and Early pital, where he had been a patient HEART'S DELIGHT Bfttnd mortuary, Salt Lake City, and burial or the past 15 years. He wag 42 AIX FLAVOIIS HEART'S DELIGHT Brand was in Mount Olivet cemetery. 'ears old and waa well known in atontown. He was a nephew of Mrs. 3harlcs Schick of Lewis street. His C cn C R.R Mount & Son William ir. Carney. 'Ife was born at Eatontown. CSTABLISHEO IQ69 William H. Carney, a life-long Surviving besides hie wife and 3 - 17 3 29 3 - 23' FREDEIUC(,K. ADAMS, MOB resident of lied Hank, died suddenly lothcr, Mrs. Walter Cort of Avon, Saturday of a heart attack at his re three children, Marlon, Doris and FUNERAL DIRECTORS home on Control avenue. Ho was Harjoric; one brother, William of Post Toasties Kipper Snacks SPAGHETTI I3S W. FRONT STREET i found by his wife, Mrs. Rachel \von, and three sisters, Mra. Josc- jQuasta Carney, late in the afternoon ihlno Francis and Miss Olive Cort, SPECIAL ! IMPORTED nONELlCKfi POST BRAN PHILLIPS—1-W>. Cun v/hen she returned home from a visit 10th of Avon, and another elster, who c p g C /» cans (1PC I of »i few days with friends at New csldes in Connecticut. 2.-- 2|_ I York cily. lie had been aeon by The funeral was held Tuesday af- 2 "" 13 4 oon. 25° FUNERflL neighbors Saturday morning and np- ornoon at tho Clayton funeral homo 0 At> i penrcd to be in good health. Pollco it Adelphia and burial wns in Mount NATIONAL BISCUIT' CO. HOME hli'f Harry 11. Clayton and Captain ^rospect cemetery, Asbury Park. PURE FRUIT [osjpph Uray conducted an investlga- PEAS BACON Graham Crackers ion and notified County Physician Dr. William K. Trucx. SYRUP arvey W. Hartman, who issued the NEW TACK A & U Brand Plain or Honey Flavor. Dr. William E. Truox, a practicing Raspberry, Strawberry, Clinrry, Icrntli nertillcnlc. dentist nt Freehold for 5-1 years, SLICF.D Mr. Carney wna 00 years old Hoied nt hia summer homo at Manto- CONQUEROR Brand Orange, Grape, Lemon and Lime. Pound Fkr. was Imrn at lied Hank and was the oklng lant Thursday night ot heart A cans AAO A bottle* AQC Special! A QQO on of Iho Into Henry and Jfillzabeth trouble. He was stricken early on Otflb UNITED IN lolriii-s Carney. i'"or lniiny years ho Thursday morning nnd Dr. W. H. for wan H waiter at various hotels and llnR was called from Froohold to Z oo A COMMON PURPOSE lit iimny function!) In this vicinity, treat him. Ho suffered nnothor at- e i.s Hiirvivcd by hla wife and sov-aek In tho afternoon and Dr. Ing- Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Specials for Friday and Saturday Only nil couuliiH. Albert W. Worden and his Ing waa ntfain eullml and remained The fniu'iiil was held Tuesday nt- with Dr. Triinx until he dlod. CALIFORNIA FANCY Caltrarnta CALIFORNIA tprnoon at 1:30 o'clock at tho Wor FANCY CALIFORNIA sons, Harry and Jamca, join in I>r, Truex wan born at Freehold In CALIFORNIA SQUEEZING) JUICY finiiM-fil lininci on Kant Froi: lflfll. Ho wan an active horseman, SEEDLESS ORANGES LEMONS serving all who call. Both Cath- t nnd nt 2 o'clock at tho Afrl riding and driving. Ho wan active GRAPES Bartlett Pears ORANGES can Mi-lhoillnt lOplncopnl Zlon church for many yenra In tho Freehold Ijirge Blzo Medium 8lt« Medium Bin olic and Protestant families find with tho pastor, Rev. O, CJ. Goodwin, Driving iiH.'ioclatton. His wife, Ma- <: • C a •- 23 12'" 25° 15' 25' 25 ence for their faiths, a nervier' ;nin, ( mid Herbert Holme!! ter. J'Vi'il FH>:;I . Jliulal wu In Whit FANCY FltKHII which strictly obicrvcs FANCY FANCY FANCY NF.W Fmnjc Frigcl. LAItaiO SIZK HWEKT LIMA BEANS CALIFORNIA LARGK B'I'ALKB every religious require- Frank Ffilgd of Went Kennflburg Sweet Potatoes Alm im Stout. died Inut Friday at U\n homo after an Cantaloupes Full rods PEAS CELERY* Alu .'iloiil, ii llri..!,,M,; ri.«|(lnn llim-Hfi nt Hcvcral month". Ho was C : <>f Mlililli'tovirn townnlilp, died TIIW R3 yearn old. At nrin timn ho was C 4 - 25° iliiy nrii'i'iuxin lit hln homo on tin vlcn president of tho Went Keana- 3 29° 3 * 29 2«.- 29' 3' 25 wliit<• hlnhwuy <(f a general break biirg tlr« company. ttli'Wil i after a im, WHIMS. Hn woul FANC^T K Burvlving are his mother, Mra. FANCY FANCY JEUHEY FANCY V. 8. No. 1 bnvi. tji-,.,i mi yon,-,! old next montli Margaret Kclget TCOHO;hl a wife, MTH. CIIHAN JERSEY Mr. Htuut wnn iicilvnly engaged I I,uelll« Kfilgol; a daughter, Mra I*. JICKHKY HTJUN0LKH8 Carrots or Beets JBfWlCT fnrinlnn for