Section 5: Squit Plants, Care, Delivery & Terms 207 To Complement Your We now offer an extensive range of the inest quality plants to complement your roses. We at Peter Beales believe that roses can be complemented by companion plants. Therefore, we offer a huge range of possibilities to be grown with roses. The choice is quite diverse, from small to tall herbaceous subjects, to deciduous and evergreen shrubs. Even trees have a place if sited correctly.

Shrub plants can be used to form the ‘backbone’ of the garden. They grow year after year and retain a woody structure above ground. Shrubs can be grown as specimen items or be used for general plant displays. There is a wide selection of deciduous or evergreen types to choose from and have many forms of growth habit, leaf shape and lower colour, also providing a foil for many a sumptuous lower. Shrubs complement rose plantings giving structure and form, or even height. They offer something of interest all year round and the evergreen subjects provide a living background of colour all the time.

Ceanothus arboreus Camellia japonica ‘Blue Mound’ ‘Ruby Wedding’

Sambucus nigra ‘Black Lace’

Deutzia taiwanensis Cytisus ‘Goldinch’ (Broom) ‘Tourbillon Rouge’ Sarcococca hookeriana

208 To Complement Your Roses

Perennials are plants which lower year after year and die down over winter. They can come in a vast array of forms, texture, colour, lowering period and heights, adding body to the garden and impact giving interest almost all year round. They are easy to maintain and many can be divided to produce more plants for the future. At Peter Beales we offer a wide variety of Perennials, with new and exciting plants being added each year. From Acanthus to Roscoea to Zantedeschia.

Echinacea purpurea Salvia x sylvestris ‘Rose Queen’ ‘Rubinstern’

Iris sibirica Allium ‘Globemaster’ ‘Flight of Butterlies’

Fritillaria imperialis ‘Maxima Lutea’

Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Snow Lady’ Dianthus ‘Doris’

Dicentra spectabilis (Bleeding Heart) Geranium ‘Blue Cloud’ 209 To Complement Your Roses

Clematis and Climbers are useful to add height to the garden or to be used to cover unsightly structures to spectacular effect. Although mostly deciduous, clematis can also be used just as effectively to cover walls, pergolas and fences etc., especially when mixed with climbing roses. They can also be grown in containers or even hanging baskets and produce an abundance of lowers year after year. As well as clematis we also offer a good variety of climbing plants. There are evergreen and deciduous varieties to choose from. From Actindia to Solanum to Wisteria; take your pick!

Clematis ‘General Sikorski’ Clematis ‘Belle of Woking’

Clematis cartmanii ‘Michiko’

Clematis ‘Crystal Fountain’

Clematis macropetala ‘Propertius’

Lonicera periclymenum ‘Belgica’ Passilora caerulea

If you are looking for something speciic, or want advice on anything you’re not sure about, please telephone the nursery. Better still, pay us a visit to browse the sales area or enjoy our wonderful gardens for relaxation and inspiration. All companion plants are available to order on our ever expanding website and are also available in our plant centre.

210 Caring for your Roses

Planting Roses

Soil for roses On the whole roses love clay, enjoy a well balanced it. Therefore, in preparation for its arrival have an loam, tolerate sandy conditions but will struggle area of soil covered with an old piece of carpet in chalk. It is therefore not recommended to use or something the frost is unlikely to penetrate, in mushroom compost for roses and ericaceous plants, which the rose maybe ‘heeled in’ until it is able to as it too alkaline and chalky. Very sandy and chalky be planted. soils will need improving. Roses prefer a neutral to How to ‘heel in’ acid soil, a pH of around 6.5 but are very happy on the margins of this. Only a very acidic soil of low pH reading would beneit from the addition of garden lime or mushroom compost. Likewise an alkaline 1) soil will require improvement to raise acidy; a well rotted farmyard manure or composts are ideal, but not always readily available. Peat is also good but as a inite resource should be avoided if possible, 2) 3) there are some very good peat substitutes available instead. When your rose arrives dig Soil should be well dug in advance if possible, and a trench (1) deep enough to it is at this stage that any additions can be made. cover all the roots. Lay the A slow release feed needs to be added to soil in 4) rose against the side of the February and early summer. trench (2) on which you have mounded the soil and simply dig more soil over the roots, (3) compressing Receiving your roses the soil as you go (4). Please Note: Bare root roses are tied in bundles. If you have ordered more than one rose please cut Planting a bare root rose the string holding the roses together and separate For a bare root rose the hole should be wide carefully before planting. enough to allow the roots to be spread out and Roses should not be planted when their roots are deep enough so that the graft is planted 2.5cm dry, nor should they be planted during frost. If it is below the surface of the soil. We recommend that frosty when you receive them, they should not take the addition of Peter Beales’ Roots Boost or a small any harm left unopened in their package for up to handful of bonemeal is added along with some well one week. If it remains frosty for longer than this rotted organic matter to the dug soil and planting open the package and, after moistening the roots, hole. Mix the organic matter and bonemeal with place the roses - still in their bundle - in a container the soil, so that the roots don’t come into direct of damp soil or damp sand. A wooden box, bucket contact. Roots Boost must touch the roots of the or large polythene bag will usually hold enough plants. A topdressing of a general rose fertilizer can soil for this purpose. Plant out the roses when the be added after planting. frost has disappeared. If the roses arrive when it is We further advise that if not convenient for you to plant them, they should weed supressing mulch be ‘heeled in’ out of doors until the moment the is used, it should not weather allows you to plant. be woodchip, but a ‘Heeling in’ your order in bad weather composted material such Bare root rose planted to the If your bare root rose order arrives in a period of correct depth with roots as strulch (straw mulch or heavy frost, it is going to be very dificult to plant well spread. composted bark). 211 Caring for your Roses

Planting a container rose Planting roses in pots When planting a container, the hole should be As a rough guide, for smaller shrubs which grow deep enough to be able to plant the irst 2 to 3 cmsup to 90cm, use pots with a 35 to 40cm diameter. of the branches below soil level and wide enough For larger ramblers and scramblers use pots with a for the root ball – there is no need to tease the depth of up to 51 to 56cm. roots out, but better to leave the root ball intact. As with planting If purchased early in the summer season (before roses into the June) it is wise to leave the rose in its pot to give ground the base of the roots time to establish, then plant after June, the stems should taking care not to collapse the soil from the roots. be just below the Speciic Rose Replant Disorder surface of the soil. Unfortunately, roses should never be planted If using a ready where they have been before, unless the ground made compost is given adequate rest or is treated. There are a it would be wise couple of ways this can be done: If leaving the to choose one ground to rest a period of two or more years will that is soil based, be required. In the mean time, plant the area with add Roots Boost other plants such as begonias which, it is said, to around the planting have cleansing properties. hole. Always add Archiduc Joseph drainage to the An alternative is to dig bottom of the pot, out and replace the soil shingle is ine, roses hate to have their roots in water. from elsewhere in the Leave enough distance from the edge of the pot to garden, or import fresh the compost to allow for watering without compost soil. spillage, a couple of centimetres is advisable. Or, you could dig a hole Every year when the rose is dormant, compost large enough for a bio- A bare root rose planted should be scraped away to a depth of a few inside a cardboard box. degradable cardboard centimetres and replaced. Then, about every three box, no smaller than years or so the dormant rose should be removed 2 30cm in size. The box should be sunk into the and all the compost replaced. ground in the position where you wish to plant your new rose and illed with good virgin soil or compost Transplanting mature roses also using Roots Boost (see page 203 or visit www. 1) Prepare the area well. and then plant your rose in the 2) Prune the rose as hard as possible, leaving some centre of the box at normal planting depth. younger wood. 3) When digging up the rose, try to retain the soil as a ball around the roots. It is likely that some roots will be damaged in this process but as long as most of the ibrous roots remain intact this should not cause too much concern. 4) Plant with care, using Roots Boost, being careful not to break up the root ball when treading the soil down. 5) Water well and thereafter, regularly. Rose Replant Boxes and Roots Boost: The Ultimate Planting Aid, one sachet treats up to 4 roses. See page 215.

212 Caring for your Roses

Pruning Roses General rules Pruning repeat lowering shrub roses There are some golden rules of pruning that apply On these types lowering occurs on current to all roses: season’s growth. • Always use good quality, sharp, clean secateurs. Pruning is best carried out in February to March. • Ensure that all cuts are made above a node, on Remove growth that is overcrowded. an angle, away from the bud. Reduce some of the younger stems by a third, • Cuts should be clean. others can be cut back further. • Remove dead, damaged and diseased wood. A light pruning can be done when deadheading in • Remove wood, which has rubbed against the summer. other branches, and become damaged. Rugosa roses should only be ‘tidied up’. • Try to keep the centre of the plant open. Pruning Procumbent roses Pruning new roses after planting Probably most of the pruning will be conined to Whatever the type of rose it should be pruned removing tangled growth and tidying. hard when it is irst planted. This prevents themDifferent cultivars have different growth habits. If from becoming leggy and ungainly plants later in the plant produces long arching branches, they can their life. be pegged down if necessary. We recommend that shrub, climbing, rambling and procumbent roses are reduced to about four buds on each stem and modern roses to three. Pruning Modern Bush Roses, Hybrid Teas and Floribundas All modern bush roses produce their lowers on current season’s growth. Pruning should be done in February / March. Prune all stems down to 5 – 7 buds from the base of the plant. Remove all weak, damaged and diseased wood. Pruning once lowering shrub roses ‘Sir Paul Smith’ pegged down In many cases it is not necessary to prune summer lowering shrub roses. They will make attractive plants without much attention. The only requirements may be to remove any dead, diseased or chafed branches. Since they lower on wood produced in the previous season, if pruning is required, it is best carried out after lowering. This gives the plant time to build up more growth for next season’s lowers but remember, if you prune any cultivars which produce hips in the autumn, be careful not to over prune as this will signiicantly reduce the number of hips produced. 213 Caring for your Roses

Pruning & Training Climbers or Ramblers These can be divided in two groups. Group One: First year Cultivars that lower on current wood, such as the Noisettes, Climbing Teas, Hybrid Perpetuals and most Modern Climbers and Group Two: those which lower on the previous seasons growth such as Ramblers and Scramblers. 1) Group One Pruning goes hand in hand with training. Stems should be tied in different directions to encourage new lowering growth. A lateral stem will produce more lowering shoots along its length if it is trained as near to horizontal as possible. As the plant becomes older a pattern of pruning can be developed. By leaving some stems long 2) and reducing others by about a third. The aim is to keep the plant as full of younger wood as possible. Group Two Second year Ramblers will often produce long, lexible branches from ground level. THESE ARE NOT SUCKERS and will produce next years lowers. Prune the older wood and leave as many young shoots as possible. Pruning should be done in summer immediately after lowering. Some Ramblers require only occasional pruning and are often better left to 3) their own devices. Training To prevent all the lowers appearing at the top Third year of the plant, arch and curve the stems as much as possible, rather than keeping them straight. This will encourage side lateral growth which will encourage lowering lower down the plant. Attach stems to the trellis using loosely tied green string.


1) Freshly planted climber or rambler 2) After pruning and training to a trellis. 3) Pruning and training 2nd year growth. Horizontal training 4) Pruning and training 3rd year growth.

214 Sundries 215 + £3.50 p&p + £3.50 p&p £2.00 £3.25 1 x 60g sachet Sundries Gift Cards Roots Boost Roots (maximum message size is 250 characters) or send a separate page

Gift Vouchers with your order. online To avoid rose replant disease simply sink this custom designed box into the into designed box this custom sink simply disease replant rose avoid To amount of Roots and the desired or compost soil virgin ill with good ground, depth. planting normal at inside the box rose new your and plant Boost Rose Replant Box The cost of this service is just £2.00 per card; simply ill in your details perfect gift.

for that special person, a short personal message is sure to complete the via our mail order delivery service, which will allow the recipient to spend your spend your to the recipient which will allow service, delivery our mail order via personalised gift card, whether you’re sending a voucher or buying plants and Tea Room or alternatively they can be used to purchase roses and plants roses purchase to be used can they Room or alternatively and Tea Is your order a present? If yes, then perhaps you would like to enclose a Our Vouchers can be redeemed throughout the Peter Beales Garden Centre Centre Garden Beales the Peter throughout be redeemed can Our Vouchers is a thoughtful and welcomed present. is a thoughtful and welcomed Starting from as little as £10 and ascending in denominations of £5. A gift voucher in denominations as £10 and ascending as little Starting from Sending a gift voucher to friends or loved ones is the ideal alternative gift. alternative ones is the ideal or loved friends to Sending a gift voucher kind gesture on an ideal gift of their choosing. on an ideal kind gesture uptake the essential nutrients and water needed for initial healthy growth. healthy initial needed for nutrients and water the essential uptake The friendly fungi will attach to the roots of the plant making it easier for them to to them for easier it making plant the of roots the to willattach fungi friendly The hole so that it comes into direct contact with the roots when planting any rose. any rose. when planting roots with the contact direct into it comes that so hole Treats up to four bare root or container grown roses. To be sprinkled in the planting planting in the sprinkled be To roses. grown container or root bare four to up Treats and water uptake, healthier plant performance and suppression of soil borne diseases. borne of soil and suppression performance plant healthier uptake, and water Roots Boost contains essential ingredients for robust rose growth, increased nutrient increased growth, rose robust for ingredients essential contains Boost Roots Active ingredients: Mycorrhizal fungi, microbes, biostimulants and nutrients. biostimulants microbes, fungi, Mycorrhizal ingredients: Active Orders for gift vouchers are accepted over the telephone, through the post or via our online website. our online website. or via the post through the telephone, over accepted are gift vouchers for Orders be enclosed. will also catalogue and our current this service for is no charge There of issue. date from years three for valid are Gift vouchers If Roots Boost is ordered with roses or plants then no extra postage & packing will be applied. with roses or plants then no If Roots Boost is ordered Delivery of your Roses

Carriage and Packing Costs (UK only) Product Total Delivery Sundries £3.50 1 Bare root rose only £3.95 Multiples including combinations of Bare root, Container & Plants £6.95 Orders with Standard Tree roses £12.00 Orders with Weeping Standard Tree roses £24.00 Delivery Dates Orders Placed Delivery Date Bare Root Roses April to November November/December December January January to late March 5 working days from date of order Containers & Ornamental Plants All year round 7 to 10 working days from date of order Overseas Delivery Delivery rates for different countries depends on the products and quantities ordered, and some non EU countries may require import permits or root washing. For a quotation visit our website and before you checkout, add the products you want to the shopping basket and then look in your shopping basket for the automatically generated delivery rate. Or please telephone for further information.

Priority Despatch for both Bare Roots and Containers There are times when you may need a fast turnaround - forgotten that birthday for instance? Then our priority despatch is for you. For an extra £20.00 you can order up to 25 roses and if you place your order before 3pm, you will receive your roses within 48 hours. This service is restricted to Monday to Wednesday and within the UK only. See No. 4 of our Terms of Business on page 219.

Note: Bare root roses are tied in bundles. If you have ordered more than one rose please cut the string holding the roses together and separate carefully before planting. Roses should not be planted when their roots are dry nor should they be planted during frost. If it is frosty when you receive them, they should not take any harm left unopened in their package for up to one week. If it remains frosty for longer than this, open the package and, after moistening the roots, place the roses – still in their bundle – in a container of damp soil or damp sand. A wooden box, bucket or large polythene bag will usually hold enough soil for this purpose. Plant out the roses when the frost has disappeared. If the roses arrive when it is not convenient for you to plant them, they should be ‘heeled in’ out of doors the moment the weather permits. See page 211 on how to ‘heel-in’. Important – Please see notes 3 and 5 of our Terms of Business on page 219 of this catalogue.

216 Order Form 2018/19 This form is for orders for bare root roses only for delivery from late October 2018 to 19th March 2019. If it is used after that period, please note prices may have changed and delivery will be for the following season. Please note that some varieties maybe cheaper if ordered online at

IMPORTANT: Please read Terms of Business on page 219 of the catalogue before completing this Order Form. WE ACCEPT ORDERS FROM 1ST APRIL EACH YEAR

YOUR ADDRESS Please help us to deal with your order efficiently Print clearly BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE by ticking your choice of boxes below. Please indicate Mr, Mrs, Ms or Title Please despatch my order by post. Name I will collect my order, having given 3 full working Address days notice. I enclose a minimum of £5 or thereafter 20% of order value as deposit. Is this order an addition to an existing order? Have you ordered from us before? (we can’t despatch I would like a copy of this Rose Catalogue sent to:- Post Code your order without this) Name Daytime Tel No Address Email Address

DELIVERY ADDRESS (If different) Post Code Please indicate Mr, Mrs, Ms or Title Name Email Address Address Please send me a copy of your next Catalogue. NB We only send Rose Catalogues on request.

A QUICK QUESTIONNAIRE Please assist us by completing below. Thank you: (we can’t despatch What was the reason to prompt you to order from Post Code your order without this) Peter Beales Roses this season? FOR OFFICE USE ONLY A flower show, which show? PD: An advert, which publication? A recommendation? Customer No: Other (please state) Order No: Have you visited the nursery? (yes or no) We may contact you from time to time with offers via email that we feel may interest you. If you do not wish to be contacted, please tick the box.

Delivering to you our passion for roses... 217 Please supply the following roses:- Do not use this form to order container roses (these may be ordered online or by telephone). (Note: Some varieties are available in both Bush and Climbing form. Please state clearly which type you require.) Please ensure all boxes are filled in. Qty Variety Required £ p SUBSTITUTES Please read section 7 of our Terms of Business for more details. We require this information before your order can be processed. Tick the required box below with your preference: Substitute as I have indicated (below) Please make a substitution on my behalf Please give me a refund YOUR CHOICE OF SUBSTITUTES ORIGINAL CHOICE SUBSTITUTE

Priority Despatch TOTAL VALUE OF ROSES Please telephone our ofice for details on Roots Boost @ £3.25 each 01953 454707 Rose Replant Box* @ £2.00 each Gift card @ £2.00 each Carriage & Packing Charges u See For UK mainland charges see page 219. All orders outside UK - carriage/packing TOTAL VALUE OF SUNDRIES u will be calculated on an individual basis, see (Delete as necessary) PLUS CARRIAGE enclosed export delivery schedule. 1 Bare root rose only £3.95 Multiples incl. combinations of Bare root, Container & Plants £6.95

Sundries £3.50 IMPORTANT If order includes Standards £12.00 Please read section 5 of our Terms of If order includes Weeping Standards £24.00 Business on page 219 of this catalogue as we cannot accept responsibility if your roses are GRAND TOTAL £ delivered at an inconvenient time. * These items may be sent separately from the roses due to their incompatibility. REMITTANCE DETAILS After listing the roses you require please complete this section and return to us with your payment. Thank you. Payment can be made by Sterling Cheque, Postal Order, Visa, Mastercard, Maestro. If you are paying by debit or credit card your account will be debited at the time your order is processed. Please make cheques payable to Peter Beales Roses Ltd. I have read the Terms of Business on page 219 of the Rose Catalogue (please tick box) Maestro Start Date Expiry Date Issue No. Mastercard Security Code (last 3 digits on the signature strip) Visa Credit Card Number Visa Debit Signature Date 218 Terms of Business 2018/2019 1. Catalogue and website are owned and operated by Peter Beales 11. Cancellations ~ Any order cancelled 14+ days from date of Roses Ltd, London Road, Attleborough, Norfolk. NR17 1AY. England. receipt will be subject to 20% cancellation charge. Your contract Tel: 01953 454707. Email: [email protected] Web: www. with us can be cancelled by email or letter within 7 working days Co Reg No: 1235198. Terms apply to all plants after receipt of goods and order cancelled for products you no subject to speciic deinitions. longer require and not due to poor quality/damage/mis-description 2. Guarantee ~ Applies only to plants purchased from Peter Beales with reason for cancellation. Please note that if you do cancel order Roses Ltd, via mail order/website/garden centre are guaranteed 1 after receipt you will be responsible for returning goods to us at yr from delivery provided properly planted, watered and cared for. your cost using same/similar packaging, enclosing a copy of your We cannot be held responsible for losses due to lack of care/poor cancellation letter. This does not affect your legal rights. planting. Notices of failure inc. photograph/s or returned plant/s should be received within 1 year and no later than 31 July following 12. Shortages ~ Shortages must be notiied within 3 working days delivery. Bare root rose replacement/s will normally be sent Nov/ from date of delivery. Dec. Container roses can only be replaced with same/similar bare 13. Standard Tree Roses ~ Cannot be sent to destinations outside root variety; it is not possible to replace container roses in winter. UK mainland. 3. Placing Orders ~ By placing an order you are making a contract 14. Export Delivery Charges ~ Vary according to Country due to with us. Please follow instructions on order form in catalogue or plant health regulations etc. Website orders automatically provide process on website, providing all information requested. Orders information about costs of packing/carriage. Please contact us for accepted for bare root roses from 1 Apr - 19 Mar following year, details of costs for orders placed through catalogue. for despatch late Oct - Mar, container roses and other plant 15. Payment for Export Orders ~ Payment will only be accepted orders all year round, subject to availability. Orders sent in strict in Sterling by Sterling Bank Transfer, MasterCard, Visa, Access or sequence, according to date received. Customers will receive order acknowledgement with order number which should be quoted in Maestro. Payment due when orders placed. Goods will not be all communications. despatched until full payment received. 4. Priority Despatch ~ Priority Despatch Service (orders in 48 hrs) 16. EU Export Orders ~ No import restrictions and no surcharges. for bare root roses in winter and containerised roses in summer 17. Rose Export Outside EU ~ 10% of rose value will be added (ex standard tree roses), all year except Dec 8th - Jan 8th. Orders when root washing procedures necessary. A £35.00 surcharge per must be received by 3.00pm Mon - Wed for delivery by weekend. order will be applied to cover statutory export administration Available UK mainland only at additional cost of £20 per order for charges. Overseas customers should check with their Government 1-25 roses. Please ask for terms for larger orders or ask for Priority Agricultural Department to see if import permit required, if so a Despatch with telephone order. Orders placed over weekend or copy of this should be sent with order. DEFRA Plant Inspectors are preceding Thur/Fri will be processed as an order placed on following unable to release plants without inspection of these documents. We Mon. Orders subject to adverse weather conditions, which could cannot export any other bare root garden plants. prevent order being lifted, we will inform you at the time of order. Service subject to carriers, who although contracted to provide 18. Excluded Countries ~ Supply of plants is prohibited to service, may let us down or experience dificulties delivering. Australia, , New Zealand, North America, South Africa and 5. Lifting and Despatch ~ We are unable to notify in advance others; please ask. despatch dates for orders. Bare root rose orders placed between 19. Guarantee & Non-availability of Exported Roses ~ Apr to Nov will be despatched between Nov/Dec. Orders placed Guarantee applies to roses which fail subject to terms of guarantee second half of Nov could arrive just before Christmas. Dec orders (See paragraph 2), but all other costs including root washing, carriage, will be despatched in Jan; Orders in Jan to late Mar, delivered 5 packing and statutory export charges etc. will be applied to any working days from date of order. Container roses and container replacements. plants will usually be despatched within 7 to 10 working days. 20. Opening Times ~ See the inside front cover of this catalogue 6. Delivery ~ We cannot accept liability due to damage or theft of or visit website on ‘Contact Us’ page goods if required to leave parcel outside/with a neighbour. 21. Quality ~ Our plants are despatched in the same growing stage 7. Non Availability ~ Please list names of acceptable substitutes as would be appropriate for that time of year. During the summer, for any roses or other plants which are out of stock, or allow our we aim to select and dispatch plants in bloom, although this cannot Rosarians to substitute on your behalf, or ask for a refund. Please be guaranteed. Late summer container plants will be sent pruned select correct box of choice on order form. and may not have lowers/much foliage. Container plants can be 8. Carriage and Packing Charges ~ See page 216. Items may be planted in garden or larger container/pot ready for new growth despatched separately and at different times. Rates apply to UK (Eire, during next season. All rose stock is inest quality for each variety. Channel Islands and other destinations outside UK see paragraph 14. Export Delivery Charges). Although most shrubs, old fashioned and climbing roses etc. make good sized plants in reasonable period, some, especially rare, tend to 9. Payment ~ Full payment due when orders placed. Acknowledgments will be issued after orders received. Cheques be smaller. For this reason many classic roses are not grown by other should be made payable to Peter Beales Roses. Your account will be nurseries. We reserve right to send best plant of any given variety. debited when order is placed for debit/credit card. If considered to be smaller than you might reasonably expect, this 10. Collection ~ Bare root roses/garden plants can be collected will be noted on label. If plant does not produce satisfactory growth, end October - end March. Having placed order and either paid in full subject to provisions of guarantee, we will replace it subject to stock on website, or with 20% deposit (minimum or £5) over phone/mail availability. order, please advise us of collection date at least three clear working Terms are current and replace previous terms and will apply to your days (Monday-Friday) before date. order, but are subject to change. E&OE rev: 20180227-1505 219 Cultivars in this catalogue listed in family groups If seeking a rose by name only but do not know it’s family group, refer to alphabetical index (p226) to ind the page on which it is described.

Albas Bourbons shrubs (cont) Centifolias (cont) A very old race of roses. The Albas Paul Verdier 70 Fantin-Latour 52 lower in early summer, are almost Prince Charles 84 Juno 53 invariably scented and extremely Souvenir de la Malmaison 49 Petite de Hollande 70 resistant to disease. Foliage is grey- Souvenir de St. Anne’s 56 Petite Orléanaise 70 green and produced abundantly on an upright, vigorous plant which never Variegata di Bologna 100 Pompon de Bourgogne 63 outgrows its welcome in any garden. Vivid 71 Prolifera de Redouté 70 Alba Maxima 29 Robert le Diable 78 Alba Semi-Plena 29 Climbing Forms Rosa x centifolia 72 Celestial 57 Blairii No. 2 134 Rosa x centifolia ‘Bullata’ 70 Chloris 51 Kathleen Harrop 124 Rosa x centifolia muscosa 72 Félicité Parmentier 52 Martha 124 Rose de Meaux 49 Königin von Dänemark 53 Souvenir de la Malmaison Climber 129 Rose de Meaux White 24 Maiden’s Blush, Great 55 Zéphirine Drouhin 133 Spong 56 Mme. Legras de St. Germain 30 Tour de Malakoff 94 Pompon Blanc Parfait 28 Village Maid 100 White Provence 29

Arvensis Ramblers Rosa arvensis, ‘The Field Rose’ can be Chinas found growing wild in the countryside. Its These roses irst appeared in the mid- hybrids have inherited the same vigour of eighteenth century and their long their parent. lowering season encouraged breeders Ayrshire Splendens 126 to raise many varieties throughout the nineteenth century. It is dificult to generalise but the bush forms are Bourbons Commandant Beaurepaire (see page 99) seldom taller than 1.2m in our climate. The Bourbons irst emerged in the They all have shiny foliage. Where mid-nineteenth century. They are Boursault Ramblers climbing forms exist they are usually most diverse, both in habit of growth reliable. Not a large family but an interesting and colour of lower. They were very one. Thornless, arching growth is of popular in Victorian times when their Bush Forms unusual colouring from pale green to repeat lowering characteristics were Archduke Charles 60 plum. The lowers, attractively ragged in much appreciated, as indeed they are Arethusa 39 appearance are all in pink to red shades today. and are slightly scented. The foliage is Bloomield Abundance 57 Shrub Forms attractive and usually provides good Cécile Brunner 44 Adam Messerich 64 autumn colour. Cécile Brunner White 23 Archiduchesse Elizabeth d’Autriche 50 Amadis 145 Comtesse du Cayla 96 Boule de Neige 25 Mme. Sancy de Parabère 135 Cramoisi Supérieur 75 Bourbon Queen 72 Morlettii 132 Fabvier 76 Commandant Beaurepaire 99 Gruss an Teplitz 88 Hermosa 46 Gipsy Boy 87 Centifolias Great Western 94 Irène Watts 46 Centuries old, these “roses of the Le Vésuve 47 Gros Choux d’Hollande 58 hundred petals”, make superb shrubs. Honorine de Brabant 101 The more vigorous forms usually Louis XIV 78 La Reine Victoria 68 produce large lowers of exquisite Mutabilis 101 Louise Odier 69 shape and perfume, with the shorter Old Blush 58 Mme. Ernst Calvat 54 types producing very double lowers Old Crimson China 78 Mme. Isaac Pereire 94 almost invariably in perfect proportion Papillon 55 to the size of the plant. Mme. Lauriol de Barny 69 Perle d’Or 41 Mme. Pierre Oger 54 Blancheleur 25 Sanguinea 79 Mrs Yamada 88 Duc de Fitzjames 66 Sophie’s Perpetual 73

220 Chinas (cont) Gallicas (cont) Hybrid Musks (cont) Viridilora 98 Duchesse d’Angoulême 51 Thisbe 36 Yellow Mutabilis 34 Duchesse de Montebello 51 Vanity 73 Empress Josephine 67 Climbing Forms Georges Vibert 96 Hybrid Perpetuals Cécile Brunner Climber 130 Gloire de France 46 This group emerged in the mid-nine- Cramoisi Supérieur Climber 141 Ipsilanté 53 teenth century and evolved to eventu- Old Blush Climber 128 James Mason 83 ally supersede the Bourbons in Victorian La Belle Sultane 94 times as the most popular race of Président de Sèze 93 roses. They vary from high-centred, Damasks oficinalis 63 very double lowers to blowsy blooms Some of the members of this group with varying degrees of perfume. Their Rosa Mundi 98 probably date back to Roman times. growth habits are also variable from Amongst their ranks can be found Scharlachglut 88 short, compact plants to vigorous some of the most beautiful of all Sissinghurst Castle 79 shrubs, most will give a repeat lowering roses. They are usually healthy and Surpasse Tout 63 in Autumn. without exception are blessed with the Tricolore de Flandre 98 Bush Forms distinctive Damask perfume. Some are Tuscany 85 Alfred Colomb 80 remontant. Tuscany Superb 86 Ardoisée de Lyon 64 Amelia 50 Baroness Rothschild 50 Belle Amour 65 Baron Girod de l’Ain 98 Blush Damask 51 Baronne Prévost 64 Botzaris 25 Black Prince 80 Celsiana 51 Champion of the World 65 Coralie 51 Comtesse Cécile de Chabrillant 65 Ispahan 67 Comtesse O’Gorman 75 Kazanlik 68 Countess of Oxford 81 La Ville des Bruxelles 69 Duke of Edinburgh 76 Léda 97 Duke of Wellington 81 Marie Louise 69 Blush Damask (see page 57) Dupuy Jamain 81 Mme. Hardy 26 Eclair 82 Omar Khayyam 48 Hybrid Musks Empereur du Maroc 82 Quatre Saisons 56 This useful group of roses evolved Enfant de France 45 St. Nicholas 63 early in the 20th century. Their healthy, Ferdinand de Lesseps 92 York and Lancaster 101 free-lowering habits make them useful, versatile shrubs. The lowers are borne Ferdinand Pichard 99 in large clusters and are usually scented. Fisher Holmes 77 Gallicas Good for hedging, specimen and group Gloire de Bruxelles 83 planting. Amongst the Gallicas are some of the Gloire de Ducher 87 oldest cultivated roses. This group Autumn Delight 34 Gloire Lyonnaise 26 embraces a wide range of colour from Ballerina 50 Hugh Dickson 88 purple-maroon to pink. They make Belinda 65 Jean Rosenkrantz 68 compact plants with ample foliage. Buff Beauty 35 John Hopper 68 They are usually scented and vary from Clytemnestra 40 Magna Charta 62 single to very double. We list quite a few varieties here, but it is said that the Cornelia 66 Mrs John Laing 70 Empress Josephine had a collection of Danaë 37 Paul Neyron 62 over 150 at Malmaison at the beginning Daybreak 35 Paul Ricault 70 of the 19th century. Eva 82 Paul’s Early Blush 55 Agatha 64 Felicia 52 Reine des Violettes 93 Agathe Incarnata 49 Francesca 35 Roger Lambelin 100 Alain Blanchard 80 Kathleen 58 Souvenir d’Alphonse Lavallée 88 Belle de Crécy 91 Moonlight 27 Souvenir de Jeanne Balandreau 71 Belle Isis 44 Nur Mahal 84 Ulrich Brunner Fils 71 Camaieux 96 Pax 30 Vick’s Caprice 100 Cardinal de Richelieu 91 Penelope 27 Yolande d’Aragon 71 Charles de Mills 91 Penelope Hobhouse 27 Complicata 72 Pink Prosperity 70 Climbing Forms Daphné 66 Plaisanterie 101 Ards Rover 138 De la Mâitre d’Ecole 61 Prosperity 28 Souvenir du Docteur Jamain 139 Duc de Guiche 66 Robin Hood 85 Surpassing Beauty 140 221 Hybrid Teas (Older Varieties) Hybrid Teas (cont) Modern Climbers These are the older Hybrid Teas. Etoile de Hollande Climber 141 The varieties in this section are those They are usually perfumed and are General MacArthur 142 that have diverse parentage, making of complex ancestry. However, the Golden Dawn 115 them dificult to place elswhere. They main reason for placing these in the Guinée 142 are all varieties introduced in the 20th Old Fashioned section is that they century and most are continuous or have stood the test of time and have Josephine Bruce Climber 142 repeat lowering. Lady Sylvia Climber 128 become classics in their own right. Agatha Christie 130 Lady Waterlow 135 Shrub Forms Alchymist 120 Mme. Butterly Climber 128 Anne Watkins 39 Allen Chandler 140 Mme. Caroline Testout Climber 135 Betty Uprichard 60 Aloha 132 Mme. Grégoire Staechelin 128 Charles Mallerin 75 Altissimo 138 Mrs Herbert Stevens 107 Child Of My Heart 39 Amnesty International 112 Mrs Sam McGredy 121 Christian Dior 75 Antique 132 Ophelia Climber 128 Chrysler Imperial 75 Ashwednesday 106 Paul Lédé 128 Comtesse Vandal 45 Attleborough 140 Réveil Dijonnais 145 Crimson Glory 75 Bantry Bay 134 Shot Silk Climber 136 Cynthia Brooke 32 Bienvenue 132 Souvenir de Claudius Denoyel 142 Dainty Bess 45 Breath of Life 118 Vicomtesse Pierre du Fou 136 Diamond Jubilee 39 Bright Ideas 144 Ellen Willmott 45 Casino 112 Modern Hybrid Teas Etoile de Hollande Bush 76 Cheek to Cheek 104 George Dickson 83 SEE PAGES 169-182 Clarence House 106 Golden Melody 32 Compassion 118 Grace Darling 46 Coral Dawn 134 Peter Beales Modern Classic Grace de Monaco 46 Crème de la Crème 104 Grandmère Jenny 96 These are varieties bred by us. They Crimson Cascade 138 have been especially chosen because Gustav Grünerwald 61 Dancing Queen 124 they hold certain qualities, such as Hector Deane 97 beautiful shaped blooms, fragrance, Danse du Feu 141 Intermezzo 90 robust growth and signiicant disease Della Balfour 118 La France 68 resistance. Dixieland Linda 118 Lady Alice Stanley 47 Shrub or Bush Forms Dublin Bay 138 Lady Barnby 61 Dunham Massey 66 Eden Rose ’88 124 Lady Mary FitzWilliam 47 Frilly Cuff 82 Friendship of Strangers 104 Lady Sylvia 47 Ivor’s Rose 77 Golden Showers 113 Marchioness of Salisbury 78 Macmillan Nurse 23 Handel 145 McGredy’s Sunset 97 Papworth’s Pride 84 High Flier 138 Mme. Abel Chatenay 47 Queen’s Jubilee Rose 24 Highgrove 138 Mme. Butterly 47 Sandringham 71 Iceberg Climber 109 Mme. Caroline Testout 62 St. Ethelburga 57 Ilse Krohn Superior 107 Monique 62 Togmeister 187 Karlsruhe 135 Mrs Oakley Fisher 40 Keith Maughan 119 Ophelia 48 Laura Louisa 135 Climbing Forms Papa Meilland 78 Fragrant Celebration 13 Lawrence Johnston 116 President Herbert Hoover 98 Pippin 133 Lavender Lassie 69 Soleil d’Or 33 Sir Paul Smith 133 Leverkusen 113 Sutters Gold 33 Lilac Bouquet 144 Thais 40 Meg 119 The Doctor 63 Nahema 124 Violinista Costa 63 New Dawn, Red 139 White Wings 29 Notre Dame de Calais 107 Papi Delbard 119 Climbing Forms Parade 132 Bettina 120 Parkdirektor Riggers 139 Captain Christy 134 Paul’s Scarlet 139 Château de Clos Vougeot 140 Penny Lane 129 Crimson Glory Climber 141 Perennial Blue 145 Cupid 126 Pink Perpétue 136 Ena Harkness Climber 141 Macmillan Nurse (see page 23) Pirouette 120

222 Modern Climbers (cont) Modern Shrubs (cont) Rosy Mantle 133 Sally Holmes 28 Roundelay Climber 139 Sir Frederick Ashton 28 Royal Gold 113 St. Clare 42 Scent from Heaven 121 Tall Story 36 Schoolgirl 120 The Churchill Rose 42 Sir John Mills 125 The Perse Rose 71 Soldier Boy 142 Thumbs Up 100 Soleil Vertical 113 Westerland 42 Stamford’s Sanctuary 114 Wilhelm 86 Summer Wine 136 Yesterday 93 Swan Lake 105 Sympathie 140 Uetersen 136 Mosses White Cockade 105 Common Moss (see page 65) Wymondham Abbey 136 A group usually of Centifolia origin with mossed buds and stems. In some cases Modern Shrubs (cont) the moss completely covers the stems Grosvenor House 35 and in others just the calyx. Varying in Modern Shrubs Guy Savoy 99 height from 90cm to as much as 1.8m or Of fairly recent introduction, most Hamburger Phoenix 88 more. Usually scented these roses are are of mixed progeny. They are usually Happy Memories 97 available in most colours. continuous lowering. Many with old Harry Maasz 67 Alfred de Dalmas 44 style lowers. Henry Kelsey 83 A Longs Pédoncules 50 Ambassador Nogami 34 Horatio Nelson 67 Blanche Moreau 25 Amélie Nothomb 44 Indianna Mae 61 Capitaine John Ingram 94 Anna Pavlova 50 Jacqueline du Pré 26 Chapeau de Napoleon 65 Anthony 44 Joan Beales 77 Common Moss 65 Applejack 72 John Cabot 68 Comtesse de Murinais 57 Armada 64 John Innes 99 Dresden Doll 45 Autumn Fire 86 Joseph’s Coat 99 Général Kléber 52 Autumn Sunset 34 Kasteel Hex 99 Gloire des Mousseux 53 Beatrix PotterTM 50 Kathleen Ferrier 53 Henri Martin 83 Bonica 51 Kitty’s Rose 47 James Mitchell 53 Canary Bird 37 La Sevillana 84 Laneii 68 Capel Manor House 80 Leah Tutu 36 Little Gem 62 Cerise Bouquet 86 Léonie Lamesch 99 Mme. de La Roche-Lambert 92 Chartreuse de Parme 60 Lichtkönigin Lucia 36 Mme. Louis Lévêque 54 Chewton Rose 81 Louise Clements 41 Nuits de Young 93 Chianti 92 Lyda Rose 54 Pélisson 70 Clair Matin 57 Magenta 93 Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux 28 Cocktail 98 Many Happy Returns 48 Salet 71 Constance Spry 58 Margaret Greville 69 Shailer’s White Moss 28 Copenhagen 87 Marguerite Hilling 58 William Lobb 94 Countess of Wessex 26 Marjorie Fair 84 Dortmund 87 Nelson’s Journey 48 Eddie’s Jewel 87 Nelson’s Pride 24 Moschata (Climbers/Ramblers) Elmshorn 66 Nevada 30 Rosa moschata dates back to the reign Erfurt 67 Our Beth 55 of Henry VIII. Most of its descendants Evelyn May 96 Paws 63 have lowers borne in clusters and Faithful Friend 35 Pearl Drift 24 produced from mid-summer well into Festive Jewel 67 Peter Beales 84 the autumn. Fiona 77 Pomifera Duplex 56 Francis E. Lester 127 Francis Copple 41 Raymond Carver 42 Narrow Water 125 Fred Loads 41 Red Letter Day 85 Paul’s Himalayan Musk 130 Gardener’s Joy 41 Richard Porson 79 Paul’s Perpetual White 107 Gisela’s Delight 52 Rose Ball 56 Princess of Nassau 104 Goldbusch 37 Roundelay 79 Rambling Rector 110 Golden Wings 35 Sadler’s Wells 100 The Garland 108 223 Multilora (Climbers/Ramblers) Patios Older Floribundas (cont) Multilora hybrids have few thorns and SEE PAGES 199-204 FOR ALPHABETICAL Frensham 82 their foliage varies from bright green to BUSH & CLIMBING FORMS Gruss an Aachen 23 grey in colour. They lower once only Lavender Pinocchio 90 each summer, usually in great profusion. Masquerade Climber 146 The taller varieties are good for tree Pimpinellfolias climbing etc. Mountbatten 37 Scotch Roses ~ (Previously Nathalie Nypels 62 Aglaia 114 Spinosissima also known as Burnets). Orange Triumph 78 Apple Blossom 123 These roses were almost as numerous Woburn Abbey 33 Astra Desmond 108 at the beginning of the nineteenth Bleu Magenta 145 century as Floribundas are today, losing Modern Floribundas Blush Rambler 126 their popularity only when superseded by roses with a longer lowering season. SEE PAGES 183-198 Bobbie James 109 They are particularly good for hedging. Chevy Chase 141 This list also includes modern hybrids. Goldinch 113 Burnet Double White 26 Portlands Lykkefund 115 Dunwich Rose 23 Amongst this group are to be found not Madeleine Selzer 104 Falkland 45 only some of the inest of old roses but Mannington Cascade 109 Frühlingsduft 58 also some of the most useful. They are Rose-Marie Viaud 146 Frühlingsgold 37 all continuous or repeat lowering and of accommodating proportions. They Rural England 125 Frühlingsmorgen 101 can fulil a variety of roles from mass Seagull 110 Maigold (climber) 121 Tausendschön 129 bedding to hedging and most do very Mary Queen of Scots 90 well in pots or urns etc. Thalia 108 Mrs. Colville 93 Trier 114 Comte de Chambord 60 Old Yellow Scotch 36 Duchess of Portland 76 Veilchenblau 146 Single Cherry 79 Violette 146 Indigo 92 Stanwell Perpetual 57 Jacques Cartiér 53 William III 91 Pergolèse 91 Noisettes & Close Relatives Rose de Rescht 91 These are very beautiful climbers. Highly Rose du Roi 79 scented and free lowering. They have a Polyanthus & Older Floribundas range of usage from wall plants to arches. The Polyanthas are useful little roses they are compact in growth, they Aimée Vibert 105 Procumbents (Ground Cover Roses) produce clusters of small, lowers Alister Stella Gray 114 through-out the season. Floribundas SEE PAGES 161-168 Belle Vichysoise 123 also produce their lowers in clusters, Blush Noisette 123 usually continuously. The following Rugosas Bouquet d’Or 112 have been put into this section either as These must rank as the healthiest of all Céline Forestier 113 being ‘Old Fashioned’, or because their general characteristics differ from the roses. They make excellent shrubs and Claire Jacquier 114 modern bedding roses in Section Three. hedges with well armed stems and Crépuscule 121 leathery, dark green foliage. Both the Polyanthas Desprez à Fleurs Jaunes 121 double and single varieties are highly Duchesse d’Auerstädt 119 Alister Clark 49 scented and several kinds bear large, Lamarque 107 Baby Faurax 90 ornamental hips. Ley’s Perpetual 115 Gloria Mundi 77 Agnes 37 Louise d’Arzens 104 Jenny Wren 39 Alexander McKenzie 80 Maréchal Niel 115 Katharina Zeimet 23 Blanc Double de Coubert 25 Mme. Alfred Carrière 107 Léonie Lamesch 99 Carmen 81 Rêve d’Or 116 Marie-Jeanne 24 Conrad F. Meyer 58 Miss Edith Cavell 78 Dr. Eckener 37 Pink Gruss an Aachen 49 Fimbriata 46 The Fairy 49 F. J. Grootendorst 82 White Pet 25 Fru Dagmar Hastrup 46 Yvonne Rabier 25 Hansa 92 Hazel Le Rougetel 61 Older Floribundas Hunter 83 Centenaire de Lourdes 60 Jens Munk 68 City of London 51 Lady Curzon 62 Donald Prior 76 Marie Bugnet 27 Frensham (see page 82) Dusky Maiden 76 Martin Frobisher 55

224 Rugosas (cont) Teas Wichurana Ramblers (cont) Mary Manners 27 The early Teas were not fully hardy and Debutante 127 Nyveldt’s White 27 were more often grown in greenhouses Dorothy Perkins 132 and conservatories than as garden Pink Grootendorst 56 Dr. Van Fleet 127 plants. They are very beautiful roses Robusta 85 and several of the hardier varieties can Easlea’s Golden Rambler 116 Rosa rugosa Alba 30 make good garden plants if grown in Emily Gray 115 Rosa rugosa typica 85 sheltered, warm situations or in pots, Ethel 130 Roseraie de l’Hay 94 etc. Evangeline 130 Sarah Van Fleet 56 Shrub Forms Excelsa 142 Scabrosa 73 Alexander Hill Gray 32 François Juranville 127 Schneezwerg 28 Anna Olivier 32 Gardenia 116 Snowdon 30 Archiduc Joseph 98 Guirlande Rose 127 Thérèse Bugnet 73 Bon Silène 80 Hiawatha 142 White Grootendorst 29 Clementina Carbonieri 96 Lauré Davoust 128 Dr. Grill 61 Léontine Gervais 144 Duchesse de Brabant 45 May Queen 128 Sempervirens Ramblers Etoile de Lyon 32 Minnehaha 135 This is a very useful group of rambling Francis Dubreuil 77 Mme. Alice Garnier 144 roses for in all but the severest winters Général Schablikine 77 New Dawn 125 they will retain their leaves. They are New Dawn, White 104 healthy, vigorous and bear clusters of Isabella Sprunt 33 Paul Transon 133 semi-double lowers. Lady Hillingdon 33 Sanders White 108 Adélaide d’Orléans 126 Maman Cochet 48 Super Excelsa 139 Félicité Perpétue 106 Maman Cochet White 24 Thelma 129 Flora 127 Molly Sharman-Crawford 24 Princesse Louise 129 Perle des Jardins 33 Princesse Marie 129 Safrano 36 Assorted Classiication Spectabilis 125 Souvenir de Francois Gaulain 79 Souvenir d’Elise Vardon 33 The following can be found in the main Souvenir d’un Ami 73 body of the catalogue. These are roses of diverse classi-ication, or they do do not Species Roses it exactly into the larger groups. Climbing Forms SEE PAGES 147-159 Adam 118 Anemone Rose 123 Belle Lyonnaise 112 Baltimore Belle 126 Belle Portugaise 126 Bloomield Dainty 112 Devoniensis 106 Cooper’s Burmese 108 Gloire de Dijon 121 Fortuniana 106 Lady Hillingdon Climber 115 Ghislaine de Féligonde 119 Mme. Jules Gravereaux 119 Heather Muir 30 Sombreuil 105 Kew Rambler 130 Souvenir de Mme. Léonie Viennot 129 Kiftsgate 109 Kiftsgate Superior 110 La Follette 130 Rosa helenae (see page 160) Long John Silver 109 Wichurana Ramblers Mannington Mauve Rambler 146 Sweet Briars & Canina Hybrids These Ramblers owe their vigour and Mermaid 116 pliability of growth to Rosa wichurana. These are vigorous shrubs most but not Phyllis Bide 146 all with scented foliage, usually armed Left to ramble, they make ideal covering Pompon de Paris 136 with numerous, sharp thorns which make plants, be it on ground, building or them ideal subjects for covert work and trellis. They usually have scent and their Purezza 109 informal, tall hedges. The single forms foliage is shiny rich green. Ramona 139 usually bear abundant hips in late summer Albéric Barbier 105 Sir Cedric Morris 110 and autumn. Albertine 126 Treasure Trove 121 Amy Robsart 72 Alexandre Girault 134 Wedding Day 110 Anne of Geierstein 86 American Pillar 134 Wickwar 108 Flora Mclvor 72 Auguste Gervais 120 Janet’s Pride 53 Aviateur Blériot 114 Lady Penzance 72 Awakening 123 Manning’s Blush 26 City of York 106 Meg Merrilies 88 Coral Creeper 124 225 Roses Alphabetical Index Roses in green bold are bred or introduced by Peter Beales.

A Apple Rose. Blairii No. 2 ...... 134 Absolutely Fabulous ...... 185 See Rosa pomifera Blanc Double de Coubert ...... 25 Absolutely Fabulous Std ...... 206 Archduke Charles ...... 60 Blancheleur ...... 25 Adam ...... 118 Archiduchesse Elizabeth d’Autriche .....50 Blanche Moreau ...... 25 Adam Messerich ...... 64 Archiduc Joseph ...... 98 Blessings ...... 174 Adélaide d’Orléans ...... 126 Ardoisée de Lyon ...... 64 Blessings Std ...... 206 Agatha ...... 64 Ards Rover ...... 138 Bleu Magenta ...... 145 Agatha Christie ...... 130 Arethusa ...... 39 Bloomield Abundance ...... 57 Agathe Incarnata ...... 49 Armada ...... 64 Bloomield Dainty ...... 112 Aglaia ...... 114 Arthur Bell ...... 185 Blueberry Hill ...... 194 Agnes ...... 37 Ashwednesday ...... 106 Blue for You ...... 194 Aimée Vibert ...... 105 Astra Desmond ...... 108 Blue Moon ...... 181 Alain Blanchard ...... 80 Attleborough ...... 140 Blush Damask ...... 51 Alba Maxima ...... 29 Auguste Gervais ...... 120 Blush Noisette ...... 123 Alba Semi-Plena ...... 29 Austrian Copper. Blush Rambler ...... 126 See Rosa foetida Bicolor Albéric Barbier ...... 105 Bobbie James ...... 109 Autumn Delight ...... 34 Albéric Barbier Weeping Std ...... 206 Bonica ...... 51 Autumn Fire ...... 86 Albertine ...... 126 Bonica Half Std ...... 206 Autumn Sunset ...... 34 Alchymist...... 120 Bonica Shrub Std ...... 206 Aviateur Blériot ...... 114 Alec’s Red ...... 178 Bon Silène ...... 80 Avon ...... 163 Alexander ...... 173 Bordure Abricot ...... 187 Awakening ...... 123 Alexander Hill Gray ...... 32 Bordure Camaieu ...... 194 Awakening Weeping Std...... 206 Alexander McKenzie ...... 80 Botzaris ...... 25 Ayrshire Splendens ...... 126 Alexandre Girault ...... 134 Boule de Neige ...... 25 Alfred Colomb ...... 80 B Bouquet d’Or ...... 112 Alfred de Dalmas ...... 44 Baby Faurax...... 90 Bourbon Queen ...... 72 Alister Clark ...... 49 Ballerina ...... 50 Breath of Life ...... 118 Bright as a Button ...... 194 Alister Stella Gray ...... 114 Ballerina Half Std ...... 206 Bright Ideas ...... 144 Allen Chandler ...... 140 Ballerina Shrub Std ...... 206 Buff Beauty ...... 35 All My Loving ...... 176 Balmoral ...... 193 Buff Beauty Shrub Std ...... 206 Aloha ...... 132 Baltimore Belle ...... 126 Burgundy Ice ...... 194 A Long Pédoncules ...... 50 Bantry Bay ...... 134 Burnet Double White ...... 26 Alpine Sunset ...... 173 Barakura ...... 164 Burnet Rose. Altissimo ...... 138 Baroness Rothschild ...... 50 Baron Girod de l’Ain ...... 98 See Rosa pimpinellifolia Amadis ...... 145 Burr Rose. Amanda ...... 185 Baronne Prévost ...... 64 Beatrix PotterTM ...... 50 See Rosa roxburghii Ambassador Nogami ...... 34 Belinda ...... 65 C Amber Flower Carpet ...... 168 Bella Rosa ...... 200 Cabbage Rose. Amber Queen ...... 187 Belle Amour ...... 65 See Rosa x centifolia Amber Queen Std ...... 206 Belle de Crécy ...... 91 Camaieux ...... 96 Amelia ...... 50 Belle Isis ...... 44 Cambridgeshire ...... 164 Amélie. Camille Pissarro...... 195 See Amelia Belle Lyonnaise ...... 112 Canary Bird ...... 37 Amélie Nothomb ...... 44 Belle Portugaise ...... 126 Canary Bird Shrub Std ...... 206 American Pillar ...... 134 Belles des Jardins. See Village Maid Capel Manor House ...... 80 Amnesty International ...... 112 Belle Vichysoise ...... 123 Capitaine John Ingram ...... 94 Amy Robsart ...... 72 Bengal Crimson. Captain Christy ...... 134 Anemone Rose ...... 123 See Sanguinea Captain Christy Mossed. Angel Eyes ...... 194 Bengal Rose. See Mme. Louis Lévêque Anna Olivier ...... 32 See Old Crimson China Cardinal de Richelieu ...... 91 Anna Pavlova ...... 50 Berkshire ...... 167 Carefree Days ...... 200 Anne of Geierstein ...... 86 Bettina ...... 120 Carmen ...... 81 Anne Watkins ...... 39 Betty Uprichard ...... 60 Casino ...... 112 Anniversary Wishes ...... 185 Bienvenue ...... 132 Cécile Brunner ...... 44 Anthony ...... 44 Birthday Wishes ...... 200 Cécile Brunner Climber ...... 130 Antique...... 132 Black Jack. Cécile Brunner White ...... 23 Apple Blossom ...... 123 See Tour de Malakoff Célèste. Applejack ...... 72 Black Prince ...... 80 See Celestial

226 Celestial ...... 57 Coral Flower Carpet ...... 168 Duke of Wellington ...... 81 Céline Forestier ...... 113 Coralie ...... 51 Dunham Massey ...... 66 Celsiana ...... 51 Cornelia ...... 66 Dunwich Rose ...... 23 Centenaire de Lourdes ...... 60 Corylus. Dupuy Jamain ...... 81 Cerise Bouquet ...... 86 See Hazel Le Rougetel Dusky Maiden ...... 76 Countess of Oxford ...... 81 Champagne Moment ...... 184 E Countess of Wessex ...... 26 Champion of the World ...... 65 Easlea’s Golden Rambler ...... 116 Cramoisi Supérieur...... 75 Chandos Beauty ...... 175 Ebb Tide ...... 195 Cramoisi Supérieur Climber ...... 141 Chanelle ...... 188 Eclair ...... 82 Crazy for You ...... 195 Chapeau de Napoléon ...... 65 Eddie’s Jewel ...... 87 Crème de la Crème ...... 104 Charisma ...... 176 Eden Rose ’88 ...... 124 Crépuscule ...... 121 Charles de Mills ...... 91 Edith Holden ...... 195 Charles Mallerin ...... 75 Crested Moss. See Chapeau de Napoléon Eglantine Rose. Chartreuse de Parme ...... 60 See Rosa rubiginosa Chateau de Cheverny ...... 171 Crimson Boursault. See Amadis Elegant Fairy Tale. Château de Clos Vougeot ...... 140 See Pearl Crimson Cascade ...... 138 Cheek to Cheek ...... 104 Elina ...... 171 Crimson Glory ...... 75 Cherokee Rose. Ellen Willmott ...... 45 Crimson Glory Climber ...... 141 See Rosa laevigata Elmshorn ...... 66 Chevy Chase ...... 141 Cristata. See Chapeau de Napoléon Ely Cathedral ...... 12 Chevy Chase Weeping Std ...... 206 Cuisse de Nymphe. Emily Gray ...... 115 Chewton Rose ...... 81 See Maiden’s Blush, Great Empereur du Maroc ...... 82 Chianti...... 92 Cupid ...... 126 Empress Josephine ...... 67 Chicago Peace ...... 181 Cynthia Brooke ...... 32 Ena Harkness ...... 178 Child Of My Heart ...... 39 Ena Harkness Climber ...... 141 D Chippendale. Enfant de France ...... 45 Dainty Bess ...... 45 See Duchess of Cornwall English Miss...... 190 Danaë ...... 37 Chloris ...... 51 Erfurt ...... 67 Dancing Queen...... 124 Christian Dior ...... 75 Ernest H. Morse ...... 178 Danse du Feu ...... 141 Chrysler Imperial ...... 75 Escapade ...... 195 Daphné ...... 66 Cinnamon Rose. Etendard. Daybreak ...... 35 See Rosa majalis See New Dawn, Red Debutante ...... 127 City of London ...... 51 Ethel ...... 130 Deep Secret ...... 178 City of York ...... 106 Etoile de Hollande Bush ...... 76 Deep Secret Std ...... 206 Claire Jacquier ...... 114 Etoile de Hollande Climber ...... 141 De la Mâitre d’Ecole ...... 61 Clair Matin ...... 57 Etoile de Lyon ...... 32 Della Balfour...... 118 Clarence House ...... 106 Eva ...... 82 Claude Monet ...... 181 Desprez à Fleurs Jaunes ...... 121 Evangeline ...... 130 Clementina Carbonieri ...... 96 Devoniensis ...... 106 Evelyn Fison ...... 193 Clementine. Diamond Jubilee ...... 39 Evelyn May ...... 96 See Janet’s Pride Diamond Wedding Rose ...... 170 Everest Double Fragrance ...... 190 Clytemnestra ...... 40 Dixieland Linda ...... 118 Excelsa ...... 142 Cocktail ...... 98 Donald Prior ...... 76 Eye of the Tiger ...... 196 Colby School ...... 184 Donatella ...... 175 Eyeopener ...... 167 Commandant Beaurepaire ...... 99 Doris Tysterman ...... 173 Eyes For You ...... 196 Common Moss ...... 65 Dorothy Perkins ...... 132 Communis. Dortmund ...... 87 F See Common Moss Double Delight ...... 181 Fabvier ...... 76 Compassion...... 118 Dr. Eckener ...... 37 Fairy Lights. Complicata ...... 72 Dresden China. See Avon Comte de Chambord ...... 60 See Sophie’s Perpetual Faithful Friend...... 35 Comtesse Cécile de Chabrillant ...... 65 Dresden Doll ...... 45 Falkland ...... 45 Comtesse de Murinais ...... 57 Dr. Grill ...... 61 Fantin-Latour ...... 52 Comtesse du Cayla ...... 96 Dr. Van Fleet ...... 127 Felicia ...... 52 Comtesse O’Gorman ...... 75 Dublin Bay ...... 138 Félicité Parmentier ...... 52 Comtesse Vandal ...... 45 Duc de Fitzjames ...... 66 Félicité Perpétue ...... 106 Connie Crook. Duc de Guiche ...... 66 Fellowship ...... 188 See My Dad Duchesse d’Angoulême ...... 51 Ferdinand de Lesseps ...... 92 Conrad F. Meyer ...... 58 Duchesse d’Auerstädt ...... 119 Ferdinand Pichard ...... 99 Constance Spry ...... 58 Duchesse de Brabant ...... 45 Ferdy ...... 164 Cooper’s Burmese ...... 108 Duchesse de Montebello ...... 51 Festive Jewel ...... 67 Copenhagen ...... 87 Duchess of Cornwall ...... 173 Fimbriata ...... 46 Coral Creeper ...... 124 Duchess of Portland ...... 76 Fiona ...... 77 Coral Dawn ...... 134 Duke of Edinburgh ...... 76 Fisher Holmes ...... 77 227 F. J. Grootendorst ...... 82 Golden Wedding Half Std ...... 206 Incense Rose. Flora ...... 127 Golden Wedding Std ...... 206 See Rosa primula Flora Mclvor ...... 72 Golden Wings ...... 35 Indianna Mae ...... 61 Flower Power ...... 200 Goldinch ...... 113 Indigo ...... 92 Flower Power Gold ...... 200 Gold Flower Carpet ...... 168 Ingrid Bergman ...... 179 Fortuniana ...... 106 Grace Darling ...... 46 Intermezzo ...... 90 For Your Eyes Only ...... 196 Grace de Monaco ...... 46 Ipsilanté ...... 53 For You, With Love ...... 188 Grandmère Jenny ...... 96 Irène Watts ...... 46 Fragonard ...... 176 Grandpa Dickson ...... 171 Isabella Rossellini. Fragrant Celebration...... 13 Great Ormond Street ...... 186 See Wedding Celebration Fragrant Cloud...... 178 Great Western ...... 94 Isabella Sprunt ...... 33 Fragrant Delight ...... 190 Grevillei. Isn’t She Lovely ...... 173 Francesca ...... 35 See Rosa multilora platyphylla Ispahan ...... 67 Francis Copple ...... 41 Gros Choux d’Hollande ...... 58 Ivor’s Rose ...... 77 Francis Dubreuil ...... 77 Grosvenor House ...... 35 J Francis E. Lester ...... 127 Grouse ...... 164 Jacobite Rose. François Juranville ...... 127 Gruss an Aachen ...... 23 See Alba Maxima Fred Loads ...... 41 Gruss an Teplitz ...... 88 Jacqueline du Pré ...... 26 Freedom ...... 171 Guinée ...... 142 Jacques Cartiér ...... 53 Frensham ...... 82 Guirlande Rose ...... 127 James Mason ...... 83 Friends Forever ...... 190 Gustav Grünerwald ...... 61 James Mitchell ...... 53 Friendship of Strangers ...... 104 Guy Savoy ...... 99 Janet’s Pride ...... 53 Frilly Cuff ...... 82 Japanese Rose. H Fru Dagmar Hastrup ...... 46 See Rosa rugosa Hamburger Phoenix ...... 88 Frühlingsduft ...... 58 Jaune Desprez. Handel...... 145 Frühlingsgold ...... 37 See Desprez à Fleurs Jaunes Frühlingsmorgen ...... 101 Hanky Panky ...... 196 Jeanne Moreau. Hannah Gordon ...... 196 See Diamond Wedding Rose G Hansa ...... 92 Jean Rosenkrantz ...... 68 Gardener’s Joy ...... 41 Happy Golden Wedding ...... 186 Jenny Wren ...... 39 Gardenia...... 116 Happy Memories ...... 97 Jens Munk ...... 68 Gardenia Weeping Std ...... 206 Happy Retirement ...... 190 Joan Beales ...... 77 Général Kléber ...... 52 Happy Ruby Wedding ...... 179 John Cabot ...... 68 General MacArthur ...... 142 Harisons Yellow. John Hopper ...... 68 Général Schablikine ...... 77 See Rosa x harisonii John Innes...... 99 George Dickson ...... 83 Harry Maasz ...... 67 Joie de Vivre ...... 188 Georges Vibert ...... 96 Hazel Le Rougetel ...... 61 Josephine Bruce ...... 179 Gerbe d’Or. Heather Muir ...... 30 Josephine Bruce Climber ...... 142 See Casino Hector Deane ...... 97 Joseph’s Coat ...... 99 Ghislaine de Féligonde ...... 119 Henri Martin ...... 83 Julia’s Rose ...... 181 Gipsy Boy ...... 87 Henry Kelsey ...... 83 Juno ...... 53 Gisela’s Delight ...... 52 Herbstfeuer. Just Joey ...... 173 Glad Tidings ...... 193 See Autumn Fire Just Joey Std ...... 206 Gloire de Bruxelles ...... 83 Hermosa ...... 46 Gloire de Dijon ...... 121 K Hiawatha ...... 142 Gloire de Ducher ...... 87 Karen Blixen. High Flier ...... 138 Gloire de France ...... 46 See Silver Anniversary Highgrove ...... 138 Gloire de l’exposition. Karlsruhe ...... 135 See Gloire de Bruxelles Holy Rose. Kasteel Hex ...... 99 See Rosa sancta Gloire des Mousseux ...... 53 Katharina Zeimet ...... 23 Hommage a Barbara ...... 179 Gloire Lyonnaise ...... 26 Kathleen ...... 58 Honorine de Brabant ...... 101 Gloria Mundi ...... 77 Kathleen Ferrier ...... 53 Goldbusch ...... 37 Horatio Nelson ...... 67 Kathleen Harrop ...... 124 Golden Beauty ...... 185 Hot Chocolate ...... 196 Kazanlik ...... 68 Golden Dawn ...... 115 Hot Chocolate Std ...... 206 Keep Smiling ...... 172 Golden Melody ...... 32 Hugh Dickson ...... 88 Keith Maughan ...... 119 Golden Memories ...... 185 Hunter ...... 83 Kent ...... 163 Golden Rambler. I Kew Rambler ...... 130 See Alister Stella Gray Iceberg ...... 184 Kiftsgate ...... 109 Golden Rose of China. Iceberg Climber ...... 109 Kiftsgate Superior ...... 110 See Rosa hugonis Iceberg Half Std ...... 206 King’s Ransom ...... 172 Golden Showers ...... 113 Iceberg Std ...... 206 Kitty’s Rose ...... 47 Golden Smiles. Ilse Krohn Superior ...... 107 Königin von Dänemark ...... 53 See Happy Golden Wedding Impératrice Joséphine. Kordes Magenta. Golden Wedding ...... 186 See Empress Josephine See Magenta

228 Korresia ...... 186 Madeleine Selzer ...... 104 Mme. Hébert ...... 93 Korresia Std ...... 206 Magenta ...... 93 Mme. Isaac Pereire ...... 94 Kronenbourg ...... 181 Magic Carpet ...... 164 Mme. Jules Gravereaux ...... 119 L Magna Charta ...... 62 Mme. Lauriol de Barny ...... 69 La Belle Sultane ...... 94 Magnolia Rose. Mme. Legras de St. Germain ...... 30 Lady Alice Stanley ...... 47 See Devoniensis Mme. Louis Laperriére ...... 179 Lady Barnby ...... 61 Maiden’s Blush, Great ...... 55 Mme. Louis Lévêque ...... 54 Lady Curzon ...... 62 Maigold ...... 121 Mme. Pierre Oger ...... 54 Lady Hillingdon ...... 33 Maltese Rose. Mme. Sancy de Parabère ...... 135 Lady Hillingdon Climber ...... 115 See Cécile Brunner Molly Sharman-Crawford ...... 24 Lady Mary FitzWilliam ...... 47 Maman Cochet ...... 48 Monique ...... 62 Lady Penzance ...... 72 Maman Cochet White ...... 24 Moonlight ...... 27 Lady Sylvia ...... 47 Mamma Mia ...... 174 Morlettii ...... 132 Lady Sylvia Climber ...... 128 Manning’s Blush ...... 26 Mountbatten ...... 37 Lady Waterlow ...... 135 Mannington Cascade ...... 109 Mousseline. La Follette ...... 130 Mannington Mauve Rambler ...... 146 See Alfred de Dalmas La France ...... 68 Many Happy Returns ...... 48 Mrs. Colville ...... 93 Lamarque ...... 107 Marchioness of Salisbury ...... 78 Mrs Herbert Stevens ...... 107 Laneii ...... 68 Maréchal Niel ...... 115 Mrs John Laing ...... 70 La Reine Victoria ...... 68 Margaret Greville ...... 69 Mrs Oakley Fisher ...... 40 La Rubanée. Margaret Merril ...... 184 Mrs Sam McGredy ...... 121 See Village Maid Margaret Merril Std ...... 206 Mrs Yamada ...... 88 La Sevillana ...... 84 Marguerite Hilling ...... 58 Mum in a Million ...... 175 Laura Ford ...... 203 Marie Bugnet ...... 27 Mum in a Million Std ...... 206 Laura Louisa ...... 135 Marie-Jeanne...... 24 Murjami ...... 90 Lauré Davoust ...... 128 Marie Louise...... 69 Music Hall. Lavender Lassie ...... 69 Marjorie Fair ...... 84 See Duchess of Cornwall Lavender Pinocchio ...... 90 Martha ...... 124 Mutabilis ...... 101 La Ville de Bruxelles ...... 69 Martin Frobisher ...... 55 My Dad ...... 193 Lawrence Johnston ...... 116 Mary Manners ...... 27 My Valentine ...... 180 Mary Queen of Scots ...... 90 Leah Tutu ...... 36 N Masquerade...... 197 Léda ...... 97 Nahema ...... 124 Masquerade Climber ...... 146 Léonie Lamesch ...... 99 Narrow Water ...... 125 Maurice Bernardin. Léontine Gervais ...... 144 Nathalie Nypels ...... 62 See Ferdinand de Lesseps Let’s Celebrate ...... 196 Nelson’s Journey ...... 48 May Queen ...... 128 Let There Be Love ...... 191 Nelson’s Pride ...... 24 McCartney Rose. Lettuce-leaved Rose. Nevada ...... 30 See Rosa x centifolia ‘Bullata’ See Rosa bracteatea McGredy’s Sunset ...... 97 New Beginnings ...... 188 Leverkusen ...... 113 New Dawn ...... 125 Le Vésuve ...... 47 Meg ...... 119 Meg Merrilies ...... 88 New Dawn, Red ...... 139 Ley’s Perpetual ...... 115 New Dawn Weeping Std ...... 206 Lichtkönigin Lucia ...... 36 Mermaid...... 116 Midnight Blue ...... 197 New Dawn, White ...... 104 Lilac Bouquet ...... 144 Niagara. Lili Marlene ...... 193 Millie. See Mum in a Million See Avon Little Gem ...... 62 Minnehaha ...... 135 Norfolk ...... 166 Little Rambler ...... 203 Minnehaha Weeping Std ...... 206 Norwich Castle ...... 189 Long John Silver ...... 109 Miss Edith Cavell ...... 78 Norwich Castle Std ...... 206 Louise Clements ...... 41 Miss Lowes Rose. Norwich Cathedral ...... 172 Louise d’Arzens ...... 104 See Sanguinea Norwich Union ...... 186 Louise Odier ...... 69 Mister Lincoln ...... 180 Nostalgia ...... 182 Louis XIV ...... 78 Mme. Abel Chatenay ...... 47 Notre Dame de Calais ...... 107 Lovely Bride ...... 201 Mme. Alfred Carrière ...... 107 Nozomi...... 164 Lovely Lady ...... 176 Mme. Alice Garnier ...... 144 Nuits de Young ...... 93 Loving Memory ...... 179 Mme. Boll. Nur Mahal ...... 84 Loving Memory Std ...... 206 See Comte de Chambord Nyveldt’s White ...... 27 Lucky! ...... 191 Mme. Butterly ...... 47 O Lyda Rose ...... 54 Mme. Butterly Climber ...... 128 Old Blush ...... 58 Lykkefund...... 115 Mme. Caroline Testout ...... 62 Old Blush Climber ...... 128 M Mme. Caroline Testout Climber ...... 135 Old Crimson China ...... 78 Macmillan Nurse...... 23 Mme. de La Roche-Lambert ...... 92 Old Pink Moss. Macmillan Nurse Half Std ...... 206 Mme. Ernst Calvat ...... 54 See Common Moss Macmillan Nurse Shrub Std ...... 206 Mme. Grégoire Staechelin ...... 128 Old Velvet Moss. Macrantha Raubritter ...... 164 Mme. Hardy ...... 26 See William Lobb 229 Old Velvet Rose. Pierre de Ronsard. Remember ...... 170 See Tuscany See Eden Rose ’88 Remember Me ...... 182 Old Yellow Scotch ...... 36 Pink Bells ...... 165 Remembrance ...... 193 Omar Khayyam ...... 48 Pink Flower Carpet ...... 168 Remembrance Std ...... 206 Open Arms ...... 203 Pink Grootendorst ...... 56 Rêve d’Or ...... 116 Ophelia ...... 48 Pink Gruss an Aachen ...... 49 Réveil Dijonnais ...... 145 Ophelia Climber ...... 128 Pink Paradise ...... 176 Rhapsody in Blue ...... 197 Oranges and Lemons ...... 197 Pink Perpétue ...... 136 Rhapsody in Blue Std ...... 206 Orange Triumph ...... 78 Pink Prosperity ...... 70 Richard Porson ...... 79 Our Beth ...... 55 Pippin ...... 133 Robert le Diable ...... 78 Our Dream ...... 201 Pirouette ...... 120 Robin Hood ...... 85 Plaisanterie...... 101 P Robin Redbreast ...... 167 Plentiful ...... 191 Painted Damask. Robusta ...... 85 Poetry in Motion ...... 172 See Léda Roger Lambelin ...... 100 Polar Star ...... 170 Papa Meilland ...... 78 Rosa acicularis nipponensis ...... 150 Pomifera Duplex ...... 56 Papi Delbard ...... 119 Rosa alpina. Pompon Blanc Parfait ...... 28 Papillon ...... 55 See Rosa pendulina Pompon de Bourgogne ...... 63 Papworth’s Pride ...... 84 Rosa altaica ...... 150 Pompon de Paris ...... 136 Rosa arkansana var suffulta ...... 149 Parade ...... 132 Precious Amber ...... 189 Parkdirektor Riggers ...... 139 Rosa arvensis...... 159 Precious Gold ...... 187 Rosa banksiae alba plena ...... 158 Parsons Pink. Precious Love ...... 193 See Old Blush Rosa banksiae lutea ...... 159 President Armand Zinsch ...... 187 Rosa banksiae lutescens ...... 159 Partridge ...... 163 Président de Sèze ...... 93 Rosa banksiae normalis ...... 160 Pascali ...... 170 President Herbert Hoover ...... 98 Paul Lédé ...... 128 Rosa banksiae x Rosa laevigata. Prima Ballerina ...... 177 See Fortuniana Paul Neyron ...... 62 Prince Charles ...... 84 Paul Ricault ...... 70 Rosa biebersteinii. Princesse Louise ...... 129 See Rosa horrida Paul’s Early Blush ...... 55 Princesse Marie ...... 129 Rosa bracteatea ...... 158 Paul’s Himalayan Musk ...... 130 Princess of Nassau ...... 104 Rosa Burgundica. Paul Shirville ...... 176 Princess of ...... 184 See Pompon de Bourgogne Paul’s Perpetual White ...... 107 Prolifera de Redouté ...... 70 Rosa californica ‘plena’ ...... 153 Paul’s Scarlet...... 139 Prosperity ...... 28 Rosa chinensis ...... 153 Paul Transon ...... 133 Provence Rose. Rosa chinensis Semperlorens. Paul Verdier ...... 70 See Rosa x centifolia See Old Crimson China Paws ...... 63 Purezza ...... 109 Rosa cinnamomea. Pax ...... 30 Purple Skyliner ...... 203 See Rosa majalis Peace ...... 172 Q Rosa cymosa ...... 158 Peachy ...... 201 Quatre Saisons ...... 56 Rosa damascena bifera. Pearl ...... 191 Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux ...... 28 See Quatre Saisons Pearl Drift ...... 24 Queen Elizabeth ...... 191 Rosa damascena versicolor. Peaudouce. Queen of Denmark. See York and Lancaster See Elina See Königin von Dänemark Rosa davidii...... 153 Pélisson ...... 70 Queen of the Bourbons. Rosa doncasterii ...... 153 Penelope ...... 27 See Bourbon Queen Rosa Eglanteria. Penelope Hobhouse ...... 27 Queen’s Jubilee Rose ...... 24 See Rosa rubiginosa Penny Lane ...... 129 R Rosa elegantula ‘persetosa’ ...... 150 Perennial Blue ...... 145 Rachel ...... 182 Rosa fargesii ...... 154 Pergolèse ...... 91 Rambling Rector ...... 110 Rosa farreri persetosa. Perle des Jardins ...... 33 Rambling Rosie ...... 204 See Rosa elegantula ‘persetosa’ Perle d’Or ...... 41 Rambling Rosie Weeping Std ...... 206 Rosa fedtschenkoana ...... 150 Perpetual White Moss. Ramira. Rosa foetida Bicolor ...... 151 See Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux See Agatha Christie Rosa foetida Persiana ...... 151 Persian Musk Rose. Ramona ...... 139 Rosa foliolosa ...... 149 See Rosa moschata nastarana Raspberry Royale ...... 201 Rosa forrestiana ...... 154 Persian Yellow. Raymond Carver ...... 42 Rosa gallica oficinalis ...... 63 See Rosa foetida Persiana Red Abundance ...... 193 Rosa gallica versicolour. Peter Beales ...... 84 Red Blanket ...... 167 See Rosa Mundi Petite de Hollande ...... 70 Red Letter Day ...... 85 Rosa gallica Violacea. Petite Orléanaise ...... 70 Red Max Graf...... 167 See La Belle Sultane Pheasant ...... 165 . Rosa gentiliana ...... 160 Phoebe’s Frilled Pink. See Rosa gallica oficinalis Rosa glauca ...... 154 See Fimbriata Red Velvet Flower Carpet ...... 168 Rosa headleyensis ...... 154 Phyllis Bide ...... 146 Reine des Violettes ...... 93 Rosa helenae ...... 160

230 Rosa holodonta. Rosa turkestanica. Sanders White ...... 108 See Rosa moyesii ‘pink’ See Mutabilis Sanders White Weeping Std ...... 206 Rosa horrida ...... 149 Rosa villosa. Sandringham ...... 71 Rosa hugonis ...... 154 See Rosa pomifera Sandringham Centenary ...... 174 Rosa Indica. Rosa virginiana...... 152 Sanguinea ...... 79 See Rosa chinensis Rosa wichurana ...... 156 Sarah Van Fleet ...... 56 Rosa laevigata ...... 160 Rosa woodsii fendlerii ...... 152 Savoy Hotel ...... 175 Rosa laevigata ‘Cooperi. Rosa x alba ...... 153 Savoy Hotel Std ...... 206 See Cooper’s Burmese Rosa Xanthina spontanea. Scabrosa ...... 73 Rosa lutea punicea. See Canary Bird Scarlet Fire. See Rosa foetida Bicolor Rosa x centifolia alba. See Scharlachglut Rosa macrophylla Doncasterii. See also Village Maid Scarlet Flower Carpet ...... 168 See Rosa doncasterii Rosa x centifolia ‘Bullata’ ...... 70 Scentimental ...... 197 Rosa majalis ...... 155 Rosa x centifolia muscosa ...... 72 Scent from Heaven ...... 121 Rosa moschata ...... 158 Rosa x dupontii ...... 153 Scharlachglut ...... 88 Rosa moschata nastarana ...... 158 Rosa x harisonii ...... 151 Schneezwerg ...... 28 Rosa moyesii ...... 155 Rosa x hemisphaerica ...... 151 Schoolgirl ...... 120 Rosa moyesii fargesii. Rosa x hibernica ...... 151 See Rosa fargesii Scotch Rose. Rosa x highdownensis ...... 154 See Burnet Double White Rosa moyesii Geranium ...... 155 Rosa x kamchatica ...... 155 Seagull ...... 110 Rosa moyesii Hillieri ...... 155 Rosa x kochiana ...... 149 Sénateur La Follette. Rosa moyesii ‘pink’ ...... 155 Rosa x macrantha ...... 151 See La Follette Rosa mulliganii ...... 159 Rosa x micrugosa ...... 152 Seven Sisters Rose. Rosa multibracteata ...... 155 Rosa x odorata. See Rosa multilora platyphylla Rosa multilora ...... 159 See Rosa chinensis Sexy Rexy ...... 191 Rosa multilora carnea ...... 160 Rosa x odorata Pallida. Shailer’s White Moss ...... 28 Rosa multilora cathayensis ...... 159 See Old Blush Shakespeare’s Musk. Rosa multilora platyphylla ...... 160 Rosa x paulii ...... 149 See Rosa arvensis Rosa multilora Watsoniana ...... 152 Rosa x pruhoniciana Hillieri. Sheila’s Perfume ...... 198 Rosa Mundi ...... 98 See Rosa moyesii Hillieri Shot Silk Climber ...... 136 Rosa nitida ...... 149 Rose Ball ...... 56 Showtime ...... 177 Rosa normalis Rose de Meaux ...... 49 Silver Anniversary ...... 171 See Rosa roxburghii Rose de Meaux White ...... 24 Silver Anniversary Std ...... 206 Rosa nutkana ...... 155 Rose de Rescht ...... 91 Silver Jubilee ...... 177 Rosa omeiensis pteracantha ...... 156 Rose des Maures. Silver Wedding ...... 171 Rosa omeiensis ‘Red Winng’ ...... 156 See Sissinghurst Castle Silver Wishes ...... 202 Rosa pendulina ...... 152 Rose du Roi ...... 79 Simply The Best ...... 174 Rosa phoenicia...... 158 Rosée du Matin. Single Cherry ...... 79 See Chloris Rosa pimpinellifolia ...... 150 Sir Cedric Morris ...... 110 Rose Gaujard ...... 177 Rosa pimpinellifolia grandilora. Sir Frederick Ashton ...... 28 See Rosa altaica Rose-Marie Viaud ...... 146 Sir John Mills ...... 125 Rosa polyantha grandilora. Roseraie de l’Hay ...... 94 Sir Paul Smith ...... 133 See Rosa gentiliana Rose Synactif by Shiseido® ...... 197 Sissinghurst Castle...... 79 Rosa pomifera ...... 156 Rosy Cushion ...... 165 Skyrocket Rosa primula ...... 152 Rosy Mantle ...... 133 See Wilhelm Rosa richardii. Roundelay ...... 79 Slater’s Crimson. See Rosa sancta Roundelay Climber ...... 139 See Old Crimson China . Royal Copenhagen. Smarty ...... 165 See Uetersen See Remember Smiling Eyes ...... 198 Rosa roxburghii ...... 156 Royal Gold ...... 113 Snowdon ...... 30 Rosa rubiginosa ...... 156 Royal Highness ...... 175 Snowdwarf. Rosa rubrifolia. Royal William ...... 180 See Schneezwerg See Rosa glauca Ruby Anniversary ...... 201 Soldier Boy ...... 142 Rosa rugosa ...... 156 Ruby Anniversary Half Std ...... 206 Soleil d’Or ...... 33 Rosa rugosa Alba ...... 30 Ruby Anniversary Std ...... 206 Soleil Vertical ...... 113 Rosa rugosa typica ...... 85 Ruby Celebration ...... 193 Sombreuil ...... 105 Rosa sancta ...... 150 Ruby Flower Carpet ...... 168 Sophie’s Perpetual ...... 73 Rosa sempervirens ...... 159 Ruby Wishes ...... 201 South Africa. Rosa sericea pteracantha. Rural England...... 125 See Rosa omeiensis pteracantha See Golden Beauty Rosa setipoda ...... 156 S Southampton ...... 189 Rosa spinosissima. Sadler’s Wells ...... 100 Souvenir d’Alphonse Lavallée ...... 88 See Rosa pimpinellifolia Safrano ...... 36 Souvenir de Claudius Denoyel ...... 142 Rosa suffulta. Salet ...... 71 Souvenir de Francois Gaulain ...... 79 See Rosa arkansana var suffulta Sally Holmes...... 28 Souvenir de Jeanne Balandreau ...... 71 231 Souvenir de la Malmaison ...... 49 The Edwardian Lady. Warwickshire ...... 166 Souvenir de la Malmaison Climber ..... 129 See Edith Holden Wedding Celebration ...... 180 Souvenir d’Elise Vardon ...... 33 The Fairy ...... 49 Wedding Day ...... 110 Souvenir de Louis Amade ...... 192 The Fairy Half Std ...... 206 Wendy Cussons ...... 178 Souvenir de Mme. Léonie Viennot ..... 129 The Fairy Shrub Std ...... 206 Westerland ...... 42 The Field Rose. Souvenir de St. Anne’s ...... 56 Whisky Mac ...... 174 Souvenir du Docteur Jamain ...... 139 See Rosa arvensis The Garland...... 108 White Bath. Souvenir d’un Ami ...... 73 See Shailer’s White Moss Spanish Beauty. The Green Rose. White Cockade ...... 105 See Mme. Grégoire Staechelin See Viridilora Special Anniversary ...... 177 Thelma ...... 129 White Flight. See Astra Desmond Spectabilis ...... 125 The Perse Rose ...... 71 Spectacular. The Portland Rose. White Flower Carpet ...... 168 See Danse du Feu See Duchess of Portland White Grootendorst ...... 29 Spice of Life ...... 198 Thérèse Bugnet ...... 73 White Moss. Spong ...... 56 The Wren...... 192 See Comtesse de Murinais Stamford’s Sanctuary ...... 114 Thinking of You ...... 180 White Parfum de Provence. Stanwell Perpetual ...... 57 Thisbe...... 36 See Diamond Wedding Rose St. Clare ...... 42 Thousand Beauties. White Patio ...... 202 St. Ethelburga...... 57 See Tausendschön White Pet ...... 25 St. Nicholas...... 63 Threepenny Bit Rose. See Rosa elegantula ‘persetosa’ White Pet Half Std ...... 206 Suffolk...... 167 Thumbs Up ...... 100 White Pet Shrub Std ...... 206 Summer Beauty ...... 189 Tickled Pink ...... 192 White Provence ...... 29 Summer Fragrance ...... 180 Tipo Ideale. White Rambler. Summer Sunrise ...... 165 See Mutabilis See Thalia Summer Sunset ...... 165 Together Forever ...... 189 . Summertime ...... 204 Togmeister ...... 187 See Alba Maxima Summer Wine ...... 136 Tour de Malakoff ...... 94 White Wings ...... 29 Sunnyside. Treasure Trove ...... 121 Wickwar ...... 108 See Avon Tricolore de Flandre ...... 98 Sunshine Flower Carpet ...... 168 Wildire ...... 202 Trier ...... 114 Super Excelsa ...... 139 Wild Rover ...... 198 Trigintipetala. Wilhelm ...... 86 Super Excelsa Weeping Std ...... 206 See Kazanlik William III ...... 91 Super Fairy ...... 204 Tuscany...... 85 William Lobb ...... 94 Super Fairy Weeping Std ...... 206 Tuscany Superb ...... 86 Super Star...... 174 Twice in a Blue Moon ...... 182 Wiltshire ...... 166 Surpasse Tout ...... 63 Wine and Dine ...... 166 U Surpassing Beauty ...... 140 Woburn Abbey ...... 33 Uetersen ...... 136 Surrey ...... 166 Wolley-Dod’s Rose. Ulrich Brunner Fils ...... 71 Susan Hampshire ...... 177 See Pomifera Duplex Uncle Bill ...... 175 Sussex...... 166 Woolverstone Church Rose. Uncle Walter ...... 180 Sutters Gold ...... 33 See Surpassing Beauty Swan Lake ...... 105 Unique Blanche. See White Provence Wymondham Abbey ...... 136 Swany ...... 163 Unique Panachée. Y Swany Shrub Std ...... 206 See Village Maid Sweet Dreams ...... 202 Yardley Baroque ...... 172 Sweet Dreams Half Std ...... 206 V Yellow Maman Cochet. Sweetheart Rose. Vanity ...... 73 See Alexander Hill Gray See Cécile Brunner Variegata. Yellow Mutabilis ...... 34 Sweet Memories...... 202 See Village Maid Yellow Rambler. Sweet Wishes ...... 202 Variegata di Bologna ...... 100 See Aglaia Sympathie ...... 140 Veilchenblau ...... 146 Yesterday ...... 93 T Vick’s Caprice...... 100 Yolande d’Aragon ...... 71 Tall Story ...... 36 Vicomtesse Pierre du Fou ...... 136 York and Lancaster ...... 101 Village Maid ...... 100 Tatton ...... 189 ...... 163 Tausendschön ...... 129 Violet Blue. See Veilchenblau You’re Beautiful ...... 192 Tequila Sunrise ...... 182 Yvonne Rabier ...... 25 Thais ...... 40 Violetta...... 146 Thalia ...... 108 Violinista Costa ...... 63 Z The Anniversary Rose ...... 178 Viridilora ...... 98 Zéphirine Drouhin ...... 133 The Apothecary’s Rose. Vivid ...... 71 Zigeunerknabe. See Rosa gallica oficinalis W See Gipsy Boy The Churchill Rose ...... 42 Warm Welcome ...... 204 The Doctor ...... 63 Warm Wishes ...... 174

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