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Boudreaudenture S uperior l eanin ervices td DENTURE PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT !! Serving the Strait area for over 40 years BOUDREAU CLINIC DENTURES Call For An REPAIRS 304 Reynolds Street, RELINES Appointment Paul Miller Port Hawkesbury Owner J.M BOUDREAU 902.625.0302 Today DENTURIST [email protected] 9978 Grenville Street, Port Hawkesbury P.O. Box 6934 • Port Hawkesbury, NS Tel: (902) 625-1897 St Peter’s - 902.535-2485 Oce (902) 625-1644 18 Sydney Road 127869 PHONE Cel (902) 227-7197 Port Hawkesbury, NS B9A 3A4 625-3040 127878 12718 142360 FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS! ROBERT WAMBOLT APPRAISALS Cars, Trucks, Vans Eye Exams • Spectacles Real Estate (7 passenger), “An independent insurance broker Valuations Cube Vans covers you best” Contacts Days & 46 Paint Street, Port Hawkesbury Call: 902 625 2065 Evenings (across from Wal*Mart) BLUENOSE INSURANCE BROKERS 2372 HIGHWAY 206 ARICHAT (902) 226-1988 Toll Free: 1-877-669-6683 9960 GRENVILLE STREET ST. PETER’S (902) 535-1988 127877 Phone Wanda 625-2951 535-2786 1271 117621 CommerCial • Home • AUTO • RECREATIONAL • HealtH insuranCe 2 THE REPORTER DECEMBER 27, 2017 JANUARY: Veterans Affairs agrees to UPPER BIG TRACADIE: On January facturing facility. 3, Antigonish RCMP confirmed four At the time of purchase, Acadia Dry- people passed away as a result of an in- wall had been buying the products it cident in Upper Big Tracadie. The vic- distributed from U.S. manufacturers, but tims were 10-year-old Aaliyah Desmond, the acquisition of the Cape Breton plant 52-year-old Brenda Desmond, 31-year-old saw Acadia Drywall buying from Cabot Shanna Desmond, and 33-year-old Lionel Gypsum, instead. Desmond. Although he confirmed that Cabot The Nova Scotia Medical Examiner’s Gypsum increased production, Girouard Office conducted autopsies confirming wasn’t able to say by how much. all four individuals died as a result of HALIFAX: In December, 2016 Bear Paw gunshot wounds. Further investigation Pipeline Corporation Inc. received en- also confirmed Lionel Desmond’s gun- vironmental assessment approval from shot wound was self-inflicted. the Nova Scotia Department of Environ- Family members of Lionel Desmond ment for the company’s planned natural reported he, a military veteran, suffered gas pipeline. Bear Paw is planning to from post-traumatic stress disorder. build and operate a 62.5-kilometre nat- The community and residents rallied ural gas pipeline from Goldboro to the around the family and relatives. Munic- proposed Bear Head LNG liquefied nat- ipality of the District of Guysborough ural gas export facility in Point Tupper. Deputy Warden Sheila Pelly said the en- Bear Paw and Bear Head strategic and tire community was devastated with the regulatory affairs advisor Paul MacLean loss of four lives. called the approval a major milestone for On January 7, the community held a the project because the assessment was candlelight vigil and a GoFundMe page the last major permit required for con- Photo by Mike Dembeck was created to help pay for the funeral struction. The Nature Conservancy of Canada began its work in Atlantic Canada in Cape Breton with expenses of the Desmond family. Veter- Aside from finalizing all the permits, the conservation of Sight Point (pictured) in 1971. ans Affairs minister Kent Hehr spoke MacLean said the company was working with the family and Veterans Affairs on securing a natural gas supply for the ordered x-rays, and then verbally trans- even extends into vacation periods. and the Department of National Defence facility. ferred care to another physician. To that end, Lock encouraged the helped pay for the funerals. HALIFAX: D r. Sockalingam Senthill- The second physician discharged school board to consider implementing POINT TUPPER: The head of Acadia mohan received a reprimand from the the patient following “a limited assess- the Bus Day Care program across the Drywall, parent company to Cabot Gyp- College of Physicians and Surgeons of ment,” according to the decision. Strait region, with the possibility of al- sum, said the facility was looking for Nova Scotia regarding an incident at the Two days later, the patient fell at home, lowing students leading the initiative millwrights. Strait-Richmond Hospital in 2014. struck his head, and was again taken to to receive school credits in the areas of The Point Tupper plant, which opened D r. Senthillmohan was a doctor work- hospital by ambulance. The patient was leadership, child studies and personal in 2010, is Acadia Drywall’s only manu- ing in the ER at the Evanston hospital in subsequently diagnosed with traumatic development. 2014. In early January of that year, stated incomplete quadriplegia. BADDECK: The Nature Conservancy the decision, he attended to a patient D r. Senthillmohan chose not to reap- of Canada (NCC) embarked on its first who was complaining of increasing pain ply for a medical license in Nova Scotia large-scale conservation project in Cape in his right shoulder, neck and back, and at the end of 2015 and still does not hold Breton, with the goal of protecting 5,000 was finding it difficult to walk. The deci- one in the province. D r. sion stated D r. Senthillmohan relied on a Senthillmohan was also history provided by a nurse and did not ordered to reimburse the take a patient history or perform a physi- college for a portion of the cal examination. He also did not order an investigation expenses. x-ray, as was requested by the patient on PORT HASTINGS: Ja- the recommendation of a chiropractor. nine Lock, a Grade 12 stu- Instead, stated the decision, D r. Sent- dent at SAERC, spoke to hillmohan determined the patient’s is- the Strait regional school sues would be better addressed by his board about the Bus Day family doctor and contacted a family Care program. physician to arrange for an appointment Lock launched the com- later that evening. bination of games, songs After being released from the hospital and activities designed to and prior to attending the appointment alleviate boredom and en- with the family physician, the patient’s courage proper behaviour legs gave out and he fell backwards, hit- for students on her bus ting his head and losing consciousness. route seven years ago, in Photo by Grant McDaniel The patient was transferred back to the response to her personal Branch 43 President Gary Burns is seen here offering his ER by ambulance with neck brace and observations of a long congratulations to John MacQuarrie, who accepted Legion- backboard where he was again seen by bus trip home in the fifth naire of the Year honours on behalf of his late uncle, Dan Shanna Desmond D r. Senthillmohan. D r. Senthillmohan grade. MacQuarrie. Burns spoke of his late friend at the Installation Beginning with such of Officers, and he made it clear MacQuarrie was both a basic activities as “I great Legion member and a great man. Spy” and “The Alphabet Especially For You Game,” Lock’s idea grew from a random selection of games and acres (2,000 hectares) of ecologically-sig- at Christmas activities to scheduled theme days cen- nificant land in the central part of the tering on everything from reading to island over the next 10 years. geography. The Bus Day Care program The charitable land trust wanted to on Lock’s two-vehicle route incorporates acquire private land containing out- students from Grades Primary to 9, in- standing natural features found around cluding special-needs students and their the Bras d’Or Lake and in the Margaree teaching assistants. River Valley. NCC Atlantic director of As a result, Lock told the board meet- communications, Kathryn Morse, ex- ing that bullying is “virtually non-exis- plained the areas of particular interest tent” on her daily bus rides, and added included River Denys, Marble Mountain, that several students have developed a Margaree Forks, and Baddeck. loyalty to the Bus Day Care program that ANTIGONISH: The People’s Place: Wishing you and your family, all the gifts of this magical time of year. Warm wishes to our neighbors and friends, we look forward to Warden, Contributed photo serving you in the year ahead. Councillors & Staff Antigonish Town and County Councils met for the first of a series of joint council meetings on January 10. Seen here are representatives from both elected bodies. 143128 DECEMBER 27, 2017 THE REPORTER 3 help Desmond family after fatal shooting It also listed the ADT for the Taylor’s On January 19, 2016, the prosecution Road section at 8,000 and a suggested toll decided to no longer pursue one of the range of $2.37 to $3.95. The ADT for the two sexual assault charges MacLellan Port Hastings section is also 8,000 and previously faced. the toll range is $0.42 to $0.84, while the ADT for the St. Peter’s section is 2,000 and the toll range is $5.03 to $21.81. ANTIGONISH: On January 20, the Antigonish District RCMP Street Crime Enforcement Unit, working with the RC- MP’s Internet Child Exploitation Unit and Technological Crime Unit, searched a home in Antigonish. Child pornography was discovered as a result of the search, a 69-year-old man was arrested without incident. John Robert MacIsaac of Antigonish was charged and released from custody on strict conditions. GUYSBOROUGH: Late last January, the Municipality of the District of Guys- borough expressed interest in being a part of the proposed Atlantic Link proj- ect. On January 11, Emera Inc. began Contributed photo seeing interest for providers for the 900 Arichat sea cadet member Tim Wypper (left) Megawatts of hydro or wind energy it is pictured aboard a sailboat in Halifax dur- Contributed photo hopes to package as part of the $2 bil- ing summer training in 2015.
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