B Jude Law C Holly Willoughby B Fernando Alonso C Graham Norton A Bette Midler A Richard Hammond C Hugh Grant B Ronan Keating C Rita Ora C Michael Fassbender 1. Queen Victoria belonged to which ruling house of the British monarchy;

A Hanover B Tudor C Stuart D Windsor 2.Which Scottish player lost three consecutive World Championship finals between 2017 and 2019?

A B Graham Dot C D Alan McManus 3. Which western astrological star sign is represented by the twins Castor and Pollux?

A Gemini B Libra C Pisces D Cancer 4. Llyn Tegid is the largest lake in which UK nation?

A Scotland B England C Northern Ireland D 5. Which two parts of your body never stop growing?

A Ears and Nose B Ears and Chin C Fingers and Toes D Knees and Nose 6. Who invented the television?

A Nate Filcks B Albert Einstein C Masaru Ibuka D John Logie Baird 7. In which year did England win the ?

A 1962 B 1966 C 1970 D 1974 8. Which country gave The Statue of Liberty to the United States as a gift?

A UK B Canada C France D Spain 9. How many months of the year have 30 days?

A 7 B 4 C 11 D 8 10. How many teeth does an adult have?

A 28 B 32 C 36 D 40 1 A India B Ireland C Ivory Coast D Indonesia 2 A Austria B Canada C Peru D Malta 3 A Armania B Kyrgystan C Albania D Morocco 4 A New Zealand B Australia C Fiji D Tuvalu 5 A Iceland B Norway C Sweden D Denmark 6 A Tonga B Tunisia C Timor-Leste D Turkey 7 A Samoa B Morocco C Vietnam D Kyrgyzstan 8 A Jordan B South Sudan C United Arab Emirates D Kuwait 9 A Netherlands B Honduras C Paraguay D Yemen 1 GLASGOW 2 DUBLIN 3 ROME ( Trevi Fountain) 4 MOSCOW (St. Basil's Cathedral) 5 NEW YORK (Time Square) 6 VENICE (Grand Canal) 7 WASHINGTON (The White House) 8 ATHENS ( Parthenon) 9 AMSTERDAM (Rijksmonument 763) 10 COPENHAGEN (The Little Mermaid)

Th 1 Braveheart

"They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!" 2 Taken "If you let my daughter go now,that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you." 3 Gladiator "My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." 4 Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs "Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" 5 Dirty Harry "You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?’……

Well, do ya punk?" 6 Wizard of Oz

"There's no place like home." Terminator

"Hasta la vista, baby." 8 Forrest Gump

"Mama says,'Stupid is as stupid does.'" 9 The Shining

"Here's Johnny!" 10 Apollo 13

"Houston, we have a problem." 1 Tabasco What sauce is named after a river and state in Mexico? SimilarChinese images Fried Rice Vermicelli 2 Vermicelli Which type of pasta’s name means “little worms”? 3 Spinach

What ingredient is included in food in a Florentine style?

Similar images Similar Beef Wellington Beef 4 Beef Wellington What is beef fillet cooked in puff pastry called? olive o olive

5 Greece

Which country has the highest usage per person of olive oil?

images Buffalo

Similar Similar American American 6 Buffalo Milk What type of milk was mozzarella cheese originally made from? 7 Seville Oranges What kind of oranges are used to make marmalade? SimilarPortrait imagesof a pig 8 Pig From which animal does Italian pancetta come from? 9 Japanese Wasabi is used in which type of food? 10 Blood What is the main ingredient of black pudding?