jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 1 Society e i c o S e e l i b u J

10/4/19 1:22 PM 2019 We all know we went to the moon in 1969 …

but do you remember…?

Paying only $500 for a full year’s tuition?

Playing football out by the Engineering Building?

Listening to Dr. Graeffe’s popular lectures?

Using our slide rules in math class because there were no smart phones with calculators?

Taking classes with Professors Snoble, Lahr, Shenkel and Dr. Marburger?

Dancing the night away at Olympia Stadium after the last LIT basketball game?

Enjoying sunny spring days at the campus carnival?

jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 2-1 10/4/19 1:22 PM Jubilee Society 2019

Table of Contents

Welcome Letter from the Class Chair 5

Now and Then 7

1969 Class List 48

Friends We’ll Miss 55

jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 2-3 10/4/19 1:22 PM jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 4-5 4 WELCOME 2019 Classes of 1941-69 of Classes of Technology Institute Detroit the Lawrence Technological University and from alumni all Honoring 2019 19, October Brunch Society Jubilee Annual 29th BSAr’69 Norman Hughes R. MEMBERS BSIM’69 Ronald Muccioli M. CHAIR JUBILEE COMMITTEE

BSIM’69 Joseph W. Kaye BSME’69 Lowell D. Gary

Ronald Muccioli, M. BSIM’69 Respectfully, possible without you! Joseph Kaye, Lowell, and Gary BSIM’69, BSME’69. This event would not be Thank you to my fellow Committee 1969 members: Norman Hughes, BSAr’69, It an has honor been to serve as the Class ofJubilee 1969 Reunion Chair. LTU tradition! a future of possibilities. you Ihope will join mein establishing this new tunities for current and future students, as they take their firststeps toward Endowed Scholarship. This scholarship will provide help educational oppor- have worked to create impact alasting by establishing the Jubilee Society through our involvement and commitment to our alma mater. This year, we Tech Jubilee Society, continue can to impact future generations of LTU students Like those who inspired and guided we, us, the members of the Lawrence of my career. challenges and develop the leadership that skills have the foundation been There were many times that their advice and guidance meto helped overcome commitment to our growth and development as professionals was extraordinary. could forget Dr. Lee and Lahr Dr. Stan Harris? Their mentorship, dedication and Myof LIT the U.S. technical degree provided methis opportunity. And who sparkedclass apassion in methat has led meto see what life is like outside inspired each of us as we pursued our education. Graeffe’s Doc World History at . Iwas grateful for the dedicated faculty and that staff Many of us entered, or continued, in the . my Istarted career wasconflict. 1969 indeed ayear of change! one giant leap for mankind.” And of course, we all remember the Vietnam FROM THE CLASS OF 1969 JUBILEE CHAIR

inspired anation as hedeclared, “that’s one small step for man, graduation, Neil Armstrong’s historic firststeps on the moon took their famous steps across Abbey Road. Just after our weAs were taking our firststeps as graduates, the Beatles classrooms of Lawrence Tech proud and became LIT alumni. hardlyI can believe that it 50 has been years since we left the Welcome 5 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 6-7 6 NOW & THEN UPDATES,MEMORIES ACTIVITIES, Now & Then & Now MEMORIES Brother: Ernest Hughes, L. BSIM’72. Talwyn, Elthea, Connor, Ariana. and Jonah, Grandchildren: Holly, Jacob, Oren, Phoebe, Justin, Children: Pamela. Robin, and Norman, Jan. Susan Spouse: Conservativechair Plan. Michigan for the consultant management construction state and I have worked anarchitectural as and engineer and instructors. and students among of lots and collaboration leadersprofessors taught, who industry and Student government, “Tech News,” carnivals, Norman Hughes, Robert (Bob) D. Alonzo, Joseph (Joe) W. Kaye, Phi Kappa UpsilonPhi Kappa fraternity parties MEMORIES Aliana. and Grandchildren: Arabella Children: II. Joe and Jenifer Sandy.Spouse: I amworking rental. ahome on as coach. as of LIT the golf teammember with Mr. Jositas aAny taught being by and class Lahr Leland MEMORIES Pamela. Spouse: estate broker. was followed by an18-year areal career as for anautomotiveengineering supplier, which president of sales marketing product and I amretired after a28-year avice career as




7 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 8-9 8 NOW & THEN Keith Mittledorf, Ronald Muccioli, D. Lowell,Gary times – he was the best. was –he the times my through me mentor difficult guided some and fraternity’s Dr.the members. founding was Lee Lahr PKU out of afew of washelped He one challenges. anavidam still reader of history. Dr. also Graeffe –I got stuck and me history best was on the class of Dr.fond memories World His Graeffe. History were always year. of school the ahighlight Ihave University, At Week the Greek Castle. activities the at studyingLiving, of the course, and, partying activities around Upsilon Phi Kappa (PKU) fraternity. BEEa 1946 graduate), the is my fondest memory LTU generation asecond As student (my father was MEMORIES BSEE’02.Nephew: James Carlu, Brother: Edward BSIM’77. Muccioli, Father: Joseph E. Muccioli, BEE’46. exercising. and enjoy skiing biking, Grossethe Pointe Yacht Club. my In spare time, I UpsilonKappa Detroit alumni, the Athletic Club and actively involved LTU inthe Phi Alumni Association, continue to executive as serve director. Ihave been where Roush Industries I Ijoined 2003, In opment. consulting president the of Fiat product on devel international director of Comau, a division of Fiat, After Ford, Mustang. the Iwent to on the as serve forI was aprogram engineer chief and manager automotive career at Ford Motor Company where Roco). and Gigi, Mitzi, my graduation, Upon Ibegan Brandon, Austin, grandchildren Dianna, (Nicholas, (Ronald Jr., seven and Justin) Renee, and My wife, Jennifer, Ihave and three children The social life with Phi Kappa Upsilon. with social life Phi Kappa The MEMORIES Grandchildren: Elise, Madaline, Grace. Roanan, and Children: Shannon. Scott and Susan. Spouse: Detroitthe area. Engaging with all five 10 in and kids grandkids, I amretired. Ihave traveled to America. South Spouse: Janice.Spouse:





for repeat customers. incorrosion consultingdoing engineering control Florida including my own To home. date Iamstill Ihavecontinental built U.S. custom in homes also Hawaii,Somalia, Mexico and including much of the protection taken far as has systems. me This as cathodic structures, installing and designing I have worked underground on wharf and utilities contractor ageneral inFloridabecame in1983. Ialso Inc. consultant Construction, at Northrup in corrosion control protection cathodic and a as From to present, the 1969 Icontinue my career Lenny J. Borrisove, Allen, C. Larry Thomas J. Sata, Charles (Chuck) Northrup, R. Spouse: Maureen.Spouse: I amaprocess engineer. quality Automobiles (FCA) at ZF where the plant Marysville I amcurrently employed with Fiat Sonya, Jeremy. and Grandchildren: Jakob, Justin, Ella, Joshua, Children: Jonathan. Scott and CarolSpouse: Jean. automotive problems. problems. automotive could to used be resolveapplications carburetor development practical these and Iworkedin various applications. in fluids-type of instructors some the and that had experience areMy fondest memories from classes fluids the MEMORIES Kayla, Sydney. and Grandchildren: Amber, Mathew, Ashley, Alexandria, Children: John. and Lori, Susan, Nadine.Spouse: keepsakes family. within our My completedtalents. have projects been my adult children display families these their and greatest include watching of hobbies these part furniture, toys The industrial-type and crafts. woodworking projects, focused DIY on been my activities to prior during retirement and have talents, mechanical and for artistic Having aflair

AMT’68, BSIM’79AMT’68,




9 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 10-11 10

NOW & THEN other engineers. Long days infellowship inclasses nights and with MEMORIES Grandchildren: Aaron, Willey, Wyatt. and Children: Kelly, Scott, Nicole. and Judith.Spouse: wintered Myers, inFort Florida since 2005. I have lived inGaylord, since 1972 Michigan and professional surveyor (PS) from private practice. I amaretired professional (PE) and engineer Carl I. Robison, I. Carl W.John Honkala, Gerald T. Hargraves, Spouse: MargaretSpouse: (deceased). memories! Professor Duffey was my mentor. Iworked nights school 10 aday hours –all good aday, hours 12 four days three aweek the on and Study, study, study; Iworked seven days aweek, MEMORIES Grandchildren: Rabekah. Christopher and Rodney. Child: Patricia.Spouse: grandchildren. two son, withlife one grandchildren great- and WeAlabama. are enjoying every minute of our for 18 years. My wife Iare and inFoley, living MTRS) years for 36 from and Intervent Corporation I have retired been from Motors ( General


BSME’68, BSEE’73BSME’68,


Michael A. Cairo,Michael A. William (Bill) L. Densham, William L. (Bill) Li-ion I. C. W. C. I. Li-ion W. strategic marketing. I retired of inApril 2019, after 20 years working on refocus my change and degree and program. major Cleophas at Buck to me LIT encouraged who I owe to this my professors and Lahr Leland of in1967! out of Engineering College the flunking 1967. inJune management after This nearly graduated of school industrial inthe first yearsecond at LIT anaccounting as and major adean’sI earned inmy scholarship academic MEMORIES live inMacomb, Michigan. Ihaveand two children five and grandchildren and information technology security. My wife, Concetta, for corporate manager adepartment career as retired from Ford after my 31 years, finishing environmental and safety engineering staff. I World for the manager finance Headquarters the Ilater became Department. Consolidation Financial StatementsHeadquarters and costand analysis worked and Ford inthe World of Ford the manager Powertrain budgets Division Iwas department 1990s, the In Michigan. Heights, controllerthe inSterling Plant Sterling for the Axle controller manager. administration and Iwas also later moved to Ford’s plant as plant Canton, Ohio Town and budget supervisor Division Country and controller. plant assistant the Ibecame 1980s, the In cost and analysis,accounting, budgets plant and of analyst, plantbudget financial and supervisor cost analyst progressed and to manufacturing amanufacturing as financial Istarted of positions. I later worked at Ford Motor Company inavariety develop productivity incentive plans. compensation analysiscapacity studies motion to and time and engineer,industrial manufacturing doing 1967-69, Temco-Vought (LTV) asenior as Corporation I worked for J&LSteel Ling- and Corporation



11 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 12-13 12 NOW & THEN Spouse: DorothySpouse: Britz A. workedI also at Vickers-Eaton the research center. made improvements and AM General to Humvees. at anengineer Iwas also I worked tanks. M60 on I retired from General Dynamics Engineering where Ronald Johnson, M. Richard J. Hartigan, (Dick) and Studentand involvement Council fair. inspring Upsilon anactive of Gamma Being Alpha member MEMORIES (Tom) Thomas Son-in-law: Reder, BAr’90. BSAr’89, Leila.Spouse: provinces. Itraveleddepartment. to 50 states Canadian 11 and of volunteer Iwas our captain commissions. fire arena have and township on served planning active development and construction inthe I have retired been since 2003 but have stayed



Wayne J. Kunze, MEMORIES Grandchildren: Tyler, Sydney Daniel, Maxwell. and Children: Steven and Chris, Kunze BSME’93. Joan.Spouse: via our motorhome. scouting. My wife, Itravel and Joan, year during the my church, homeless centers, neighborhood, and contributingothers, volunteer though at functions program. IhaveCarnegie giving back to since been director as Iserved Dale tooling. inthe shop body and stampings with metal both sheet assembled that involved body,” “perfect building the that was contributed to manufacturing functions engineering group. of tool the I engineering aleadas engineer my LTU tenure. Iretired in2004 from Motors General National Guard Michigan inthe –all duringserved I attended day worked school, and afternoons, get over anew! make it, corrections, start or required however, to get back up, shake dust, the off events, by people, wayside.” that the “fell Drive is wayside.” Throughout we life business, all witness by term, the the “fell Cleophas often Buck used were to blue books? special me. Remember also Men’s and Club Glee Intramuralclassmates. sports Loren Knowles –along with my many great Lahr,Leland Edmund Cleophas Buck, and Jositas “real inthe life world.” instructors Memorable were military. Ifelt better preparedU.S. and for business Ireceivededucation at Lawrence Tech inthe and Iamthankful for the degree in1993. aBSME earning Stevenwas son, when Kunze, graduated from LTU, to internet and digital devices! Aproud moment word dictate can or processors, type people most strived for “perfection.” Now, with computers and which was anungodly we as inthatthesis, job era, my graduation typed also She support. huge I amgrateful to wife, of years 55 Joan, offered who


13 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 14-15 14 NOW & THEN 327 to done 4speed). This Coupe, relieve stress! day inmy to Chevelle classes 1965 horsepower, (350 Northwestern Highway, Ten off just Mile Road every mile aquarter run on issue. Doing to amedical Finally adegree getting after untold dropouts due MEMORIES twins), (also Paige Owen Tegan. and Grandchildren: Sydney (twins), Maddie and Alex and Children: Bradley Jason. and Lake Baldwin, near Michigan. inHowell time boating on/at time and Big grandkids’I enjoy activities, fishing, hunting, Ronald J. Thompson, Carl F. Roemmele, Owen, C. Barry homework! Long at hours associated and night school MEMORIES Hannah. and Graham, Grandchildren: Jacob, Justin, Alexandra, Joshua, Ian, Children: E. Julie D.,and M., Lisa Laura Barbara. Spouse: owner,the president, CEO and Machines. of Victory Tools Diamond Industrial Iwas Machines. and CEOand Vintage, Incorporated, of Diamond Operations). American president Iwas the (North directormanaging (Europe) CEO and chairman and as Iheld different atInc. Boart, positions Diamant at manager Target general wasand the Products, marketing. Iworked at Federal-Mogul Corporation working Electric at Company of General manager as I amretired. Ihave including along career history than some professors). some than day, during the industry (they were more up-to-date from of instruction quality teachers worked who in atI took night –Iwas classes barely awake. Fine MEMORIES (deceased) Louis BSIM’67.Cousin: Angerilli Joann.Spouse: running. Mustang for years. 30 My activities include keeping my ’65 I retired from engineer Elopak. Iwas amechanical




Nephew: Brad Wheeler, BSAr’85. and Katherine. Grandchildren: Carolyn, Charlie, Hugh, Peter, Children: Matthew, Elizabeth Mark. and Fiancée: Patricia Mooney. winter.ball during the playingplaying and season pickle golf during the I amworking part-time at Kensington Course, Golf Father: BSME’43. Black, James E. architectural firms. graduating,Since Ihave worked at of amix I was Student president Council during 1964-65. addition, In from of yearbook the staff part 1964-66. a column writer for on and four off years was and fromworking Loopy “Heecliff on Tech.” Iwas also weeklyI was Tech the “LIT for the cartoonist News” Wayne State University. active Iwas very inschool. from Florida Atlantic University anMA from and received master’s two earlier degrees – anMEd from Ialso University the of in1983. Georgia I received my doctorate inEducational Psychology Charles (Chuck) J. Davio, Black, Robert A. Richard Best, Kenneth Bakhaus, C. CarolynSpouse: I retired in2012. totally retired. totally was asubstitute math teacher, Iamnow 2012-15. mathschool aparaprofessional, as and 2008-12 for aircraft commercial and Itaught high uses. amanufacturer is firm The of components electrical Michigan. inJackson, Products, Inc. Mechanical of manager I retired engineering the as in1998


PhD, BSAr’66 PhD,



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NOW & THEN I admired him. learned from Iwish Ihad told him. how him much to practice what try Ihave and about him think underestimateI can’t me. Istill on influence his at years LIT in the and after. and man was He afine Dr. Edwin was inmy influence ahuge Graeffe life MEMORIES LexiGrandchildren: Olivia, Jodi. and Marissa, Children: Eric. and Elaina Linda.Spouse: inmy sights hobby the along car. with seeing active at antique aircraft the auto and museum, donation organization, equipment am and medical facilitate center, at senior the aclass volunteer at a Ialso repairs facility doing upgrades. and classes, activebeing inmy church teaching Bible study I retired years 15 ago. My volunteer activities include Children: David Dawn. and Danielle II, Kappa fraternity.Kappa (especially with softball) Kappa Sigma received activities from social – faculty Support MEMORIES Diana. Spouse: inFlorida. Villages The I amretired –loving lifestyle at the living and Raymond Morawski, C. David Miller, L. Carl J. Enzenberger,




(deceased). Eckoff,(deceased) Richard and G. BSIM’65 BSIM’66 My were buddies Gillilane, M. John sports. intramural road and inthe participate did rallies, background future. for the Working part-time, I coursesThe that Itook at LTU gave anexcellent me MEMORIES Brother: Eric Newberg R. BSIM’63. Jo. Susan Spouse: volunteer work. Texas. inNewmuseum Braunfels, do Ialso FlyerAmerican to Ibelong and trains arailroad league senior atthe My age 76. hobby model is Texas. Iamretired, active still playing in softball I live atWebb Dell inGeorgetown, City inSun of Engineering. Close guys friendships with the College inthe MEMORIES (deceased). Nancy Spouse: international. and product planning, in engineering, years different35 Ihad 12 assignments of service. I worked at retired and Chrysler Corporation with Donna Snowden,Donna Charles (Chip) Sestok III, K. Philip (Phil) J. Newberg, in front of television! the from with large behinds nation of sitting individuals Professor Jordan saying that day one we would a be MEMORIES standard poodle, Beau. clocks myenjoy walking and gardening, assembling Snowden Gilda my In the spare Estate, time, L.L.C. I Snowden Estate. 2017, Since Ihave of manager been From to 2014 2017, executor Iwas the of Gilda the Wayne Child County Care Coordinating (4C). Council I retired in2012 from my CEO as position of Detroit




17 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 18-19 18

NOW & THEN Grandchildren: Emily Sam. and David. Child: Nancy.Spouse: Rivers. Pine and Manistee the enjoyChurch. on fly Ialso fishing for Woodside years.38 Ido service courier Bible I amenjoying retirement from DTE Energy after Working Graeffe. with Doc MEMORIES Christine. Spouse: condominiums. and homes luxury years,eight Ihave concentrated of design the on relocated to southwest Florida where, past for the I closed my practice in2007 Michigan larger and MEMORIES I have six grandchildren. Linda. Spouse: yearsafter 30 captain. anairline as Iretired apilot for Delta. became I then in2002 I joined the U.S. Air Force Air U.S. the apilot as I joined for five years. after graduation from LTU. of draft, the Because I received my MBA from State Michigan University bags, and vehicle and bags, crashworthiness. years inautomotive safety, air advancing seat belts, Ford and Corporation, Motor Company for over 35 automotive engineer for , Chrysler which allowedGraduating, to me work an as MEMORIES Alexa, Blake, Kyle Christiana. and Grandchildren: Katelyn, Mackenzie, III, Roger Jamie, Children: Roger, and Sandra Jr. Spouse: Barbara. Spouse: Italy,Spain, Switzerland. Austria and Germany,travels Alaska, Ireland, include Brazil, toing visit Recent different past places. travel on Iamplanning Michigan. innorthern mers I amretired enjoying and winters inFlorida sum and Robert R. Boehle,Robert R. of classes. his had atremendous me. Enjoyed on influence all I had Dr. year first inhis of teaching. Lahr He (Denny)Dennis Zollweg, C. Gerald J. Yurk, Roger Wagner,





- - Larry D. Cottrell, Larry Thomas Cairns, M. Dennis G. Copenhaver, G. Dennis Spouse: Lynn.Spouse: Children: David James. and Retired. MEMORIES we buildingand things want for enjoyment. researcher,historical Iamnot designing when where Ihave community the somehow become of asmall farm on thumb Michiganliving inthe production. My wife, Sharon, Iare and retired, electromechanical that designs went into at Ford, Iwas granted 23 patents involving While provides engineers. and scientists for its Award, recognition Ford highest the which is products. I received Ford the Henry Technological of those specialist atechnical later became electromechanical devices, and electrical I and product at various levels engineer involving graduate a program became training soon and enjoying 32years inthe Ibegan of service. I retired from Ford Motor Company in1997 after turned and said, “Gentlemen, there escape.” no is said, turned and room,the asmall smile face appeared his on he as walked and to class front the the observed he As of inwalked Levinson. class, first for the assembled all as were night, day One inthe instruction school. professor at night face rather than disciplined his Professor Levinson by by class another the taking Engineering. Some students attempted to avoid Levinson,Irving professor of Mechanical you have ever seen?” say, and class beautiful that most “Isn’t the equation Schrödinger wave would he equation, turn to the while writing complex out the overwhelming and Nuclearand Physics. After facing blackboard the David Raeside, professor State Solid of Modern,




19 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 20-21 20

NOW & THEN Brother: Jerry M. Strang, BSEE’50. Strang, M. Brother: Jerry Janet.Spouse: althoughhealth, Iamslowing down alittle. traveling. years Iam84 old blessed with good and digital photography/photo processing, and painting, fine-art wood enjoy carving, fishing, I also 1997. My hobby main at present astrophotography. is I retired from Ford Motor Company in Engineering satisfying 45-yearsatisfying career. to have, throughout me avery which helped and that every needs manager skills management introduced people and to me business the editor as of “Tech the Serving News,” which MEMORIES golden years. volunteer inmy time now activities, the fill family, including four active grandchildren, plus ownership. What My aride! wife, Karen, my and marketing,sales, small business and advertising, I amnow “mostly” retired after afull career in William (Chris) Strang, C. Karl W. Schipper, Robert J. Kaminski, W.Arthur (Art) Fischer, Jr., Grandchildren: 10 grandchildren. Children: Five adults. Judith.Spouse: primarily fishing, genealogy and classic cars. classic primarily and genealogy fishing, I amretired enjoy Iwant, –and anything doing Finally graduation. MEMORIES





Children: Daushton, Wendy, Dudley. and Arlene.Spouse: shore the on ofPeninsula Lake Superior. I amretired inMarquette living and Upper inthe 5. 4. 3. 2. Graduating. 1. MEMORIES Grandchildren: Zackary, Alexa, Evan. and Del Children: . and Albert Marilyn.Spouse: activities. volunteer various for Iamactive church inour Brighton a Schools. as hockey their and grandkids activities, teams in trains),on Corvette the club associated and traveling arehobbies fishing, hunting, (especially WeMichigan. are moving to Howell, My Michigan. I ampresident of Long inHillman, Lake Association Albert (Al) Wohlart, (Al) Albert David Gilmartin, G. Bidigare, E. Jeffrey (Jeff) Meeting all the ex-G.I.s who were who Korean ex-G.I.s inthe all the Meeting War. MEMORIES Celeste.Spouse: Itutorand inEnglish. people to Wheels” active old on people delivering “Meals I have retired been for 22 years keep but Istill senior year.senior myMeeting inmy married wife getting and fraternityThe Mile Nine on Road. house lifelong friendships. and times good UpsilonPhi Kappa fraternity support, –the Dr. Graeffe.




21 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 22-23 22

NOW & THEN Graduation. MEMORIES MelvinCousin: BSIM’68. Lang, Patricia.Spouse: seven years –many insnowstorms. times night after two night, three and aweek times for fromDriving Pontiac to LIT down Telegraph Road MEMORIES Bryce.and Grandchildren: Tyler, Richard, Jack, Christina, Children: Richard Stacey. and Helen.Spouse: grandchildren inNaples, Florida. time spending and Ihave then Since of with busy service. been in2001 of operations gas manager years after 42 I retired from Energy Consumers executive as Errol J. Ott, Lapinski, Richard L. Robert (Bob) Kamin, G. Richard Johnson, E. and Mary Harm. Mary and Children: Michael, Suzanne Hohensee, BSBA’89, enjoying life. I amretired. My wife, Bernadette, Iare and Spouse: Norma. Spouse:


BSIM’64 AMT’64, BSIM’75 AMT’64,


Nicholas, Kelsey,Nicholas, Allen, Paul. and Grandchildren: Alexander, Stephanie, Jaime, Children: Jennifer, Frederick, Karl. and Polly.Spouse: 1957-64. Armywhere sergeant from Iwas U.S. staff inthe GMPD,Coach, , military inthe also and my advancement Motors at Truck General and practice, and which helped through theory imparted I enjoyed knowledge the gaining that teachers the MEMORIES Richard.and Grandchildren: Katy, Matthew Kara, Jr., Sean, Children: Jan Matthew. and GwendolynSpouse: (deceased). Shotgunof OCSC Club. the Ambassador, club tour guide, member and Club, where IamanOCSC Sportsman County of Oakland the member I amalife Charles Bromm, (Chuck) A. Phillip Ziegler, R. Wilton,Richard G. (Dick) Richard (Rick) Serra, Carole.Spouse: two 22 (six and boys three and girls). Kevin. Ihave grandchildren nine ages between the Group. Sharon. Spouse: Children: and Brian Michael, company’s with the manager Premier Automotive Division’s Lincoln then national retail development and Division Lincoln- for the manager national later marketand the as representation real activity, estate dealership the architect with I amretired after years 33 with Ford senior as





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NOW & THEN William (Bill) H. Coombe,William H. (Bill) (Kenneth)L.K. Collinson, Wayne W. Clinger, Spouse: Willa. Spouse: Indiana). (Anderson, of God Praise Team. Church inthe minister Iamalicensed ministry, theseniors on singing and leading choir the in 2016. Ikeep inmy busy local church director as of inFarwell, wife,home My first Jessie, died Michigan. Retired with my living at and wife, my second Willa, others out of oppression. poverty and togrants local groups themselves that lift and Development of Peoplethat makes Committee Presbytery the on I serve of Detroit Self (deceased). Brother-in-Law: Moore, C. BSCvE’65 Robert Children: Wayne Clinger, A. BSEE’86. Janet.Spouse: Retired from DTE Energy after 32years.




Spouse: Gail. Spouse: 2. 1. MEMORIES Mason.and Grandchildren: Jaclyn, Matthew, Madison, Mark, Children: Lynda, Dennis, (deceased). Lisa and PatriciaSpouse: (deceased). five grandchildren. We were 59 married years with three children, and Colorado. trip to aski and Montana Aspen, Schuss, age 82, forward Iam looking Brighton, to Mt. skiing Florida to family visit extended Now friends. and at 2018), Ienjoyed and wintering to go inFlorida. Istill snow and My wife, skiing. golfing Patricia (deceased, semesters for years. 30 Now inretirement, Ienjoy fall during winter the and College Schoolcraft Concurrently, Itaught math courses at night at Valeo Automotive Electric Company for four years. (EED) after 37 years Ilater worked of service. at I retired from Ford Electrical-Electronics Division Ronald (Ron) P. Knockeart, Raymond (Don) D. Hemstreet, Flamme, R. (Al) Albert fellow students. I made several great acquaintances with Night –not school any remembrances. campus MEMORIES Brother: Richard Hemstreet, L. BSIM’71. Cameron.and Grandchildren: Jack, Trevor, Melanie, Madison, Children: Keith, Kevin Cindy. and (deceased). Barbara Spouse: Apartments. affairs at my retirement community, Victoria Park I retired many years ago. Iamactive incommunity in atheater war.” or onlyThe you time do not want to front inthe be is “fellows, there are front plenty inthe of seats row. of class, Dr. at start the said he when Graeffe girlfriend, later my wife, Patricia. writing love and campus letters to my then Having lunch by river the at Southfield the




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NOW & THEN working for my MPA’72 at Wayne State University. myEarning was BSBA fun but Ireally enjoyed Society. Honor Alpha of Phi Sigma amember Being MEMORIES Owen.and Grandchildren: Abby, Benjamin Katie, Sarah, Kenneth Reeves, M. BSCmE’02. Children: Shalewitz, MBA’13, L. Jennifer KathleenSpouse: (deceased family. with our time alot spend and of of country the various parts from Itraveled Army the in2009. with my wife to Automotive Iretired Command. Armaments and 27 anew years. Ibegan career at Then Tank the I worked for about Detroit for the Schools Public Herbert L. Reeves, L. Herbert Munerance,Richard A. (Dick) Kurkowski,Ronald L. thermodynamics. A favorite professor was Dr. Clock taught who young children, Cathy, Scott. and Robert Lisa, schedule night school after workhectic four and It1963. released my wife Carol Ifrom and very the graduating is fromMy fondest memory LTU in MEMORIES Carol.Spouse: Life good! is Grayling, Michigan. atsummers at log our home Lake Margrethe in Ihaveand traveled extensively. We now our spend I retired from in1987. Detroit Allison Diesel My wife with “Okie dokie, fellows”! Current his beginning Events Graeffe Doc class MEMORIES Jennifer. and Michael Eng.),with adegree inMech. Eric, Jacob, Megan, Grandchildren: (graduated Jon year this from LTU Children: Kevin Lisa. and Patricia.Spouse: graduated from LTU year. this proud whovery Jonathon, of grandson, our children We six grandchildren, and ages 6-24. are We two with our of are time most our spending although “golden our years” are quickly. tarnishing after 25 years. ahappy Iamliving inretirement life I retired from Cross Blue of Shield Blue Michigan


BSIM’63 ).


MEMORIES BSCE’77. Austermann, ABCT’65, Brother: G. Hans Great-grandchildren: Aden. Vand John Emily. Nathan, and Samuel, Grandchildren: IV, John Jacob, Jason, Spenser, Children: Laura (deceased), and John Claudia. III, of fiction. types writing various and I enjoy boating, hiking, work to “cow-tech” three days aweek for six years! wet yoursoak blue-book with sweat! from Driving exam was to it task was when major sohot not the (no-such-thing-as-a-free-lunch).Graeffe Taking an (golumpki).cabbage Professors Erneman and cafeteria inthe ladies cooked who The stuffed MEMORIES I have six grandchildren. Children: Steven, David. and Pamela, Sarah. Spouse: Florida,Stuart, where we visit local with friends. our Lutheran Church of Redeemer members in Arizona once ayear. California and We are active from scratch. We in grandkids and kids visit the Ilikeand to prepare kitchen inour healthy meals laptop play get computer, the on bocce ball, I also exercise every day by to gym. going or the walking enjoying retirement from I motel our business. We have inFlorida living since 1997. been Iam remember our graduation our remember at Ford the Auditorium. sonarrow say him be hearing “Don’t minded.” Ialso Dr. withI remember fondness Graeffe’s and classes John F. Austermann, Jr., Walter (Walt) F. Ahles, Herbert (Herb)Herbert von C. Rusten, in the cafeteria.in the provided dinners delicious Louise and the by Martha anight studentAs leaving work forward looking to MEMORIES Lillian. Spouse: old club on cars trips. A Restorers Club enjoy and around rattling inthe to Ibelong Oakleaf the Model’78 Cordoba Sport. to three. Inow have two Ford a and Acars Model I have of reduced Iown antique cars number the



27 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 28-29 28

NOW & THEN where I met Art Linkletter.where Imet Art 80th-year 28, October on 1971, dinner service greetings giving the and from alumni at the the Award from at DIT 1972 the Commencement; graduation; Alumni receiving Distinguished the president of DIT, alumni as chairman after workingnight school; with Dewey F. Barich, dayGraduation after seven-and-a-half years of MEMORIES Brother: Raymond J. Heitchue, BBA’58. DIT and Catherine. Children: Ruann, Jacquelyn, Jeff, John, Ruth.Spouse: great-grandchildren. of marriage. We have also grandchildren, 15 21 and blessed myhas wife, years with Ruth, 66 me and to my arrange helping family get-togethers. God areenjoy though, grandchildren with most, our and member.I amafounding Ilove golf. activities The I Annual Stag Holidayouting for Mary’s St. of which 47th golf the is This year Michigan. of “SMASH” our Old Crowd,” in1880 inMount Clemens, established Peter’sSt. Church. of “The Iamamember Catholic Mount Clemens Goodfellows. active Iamvery at Internal Auditors president past 1991 the of and the president of Detroit the chapter of Institute the of revenue inventory past 1980 Iamthe audit division. I retired from DTE Energy director as in1991 of the John K. Heitchue, K. John James Ball, (Jim) R. I have seven grandchildren. Children: Jonathan. Daphne, Stephen, and Carol.Spouse: youngest grandchildren. care of Iamtaking two our fishing, go I golf and



Lawrence (Larry) J. Patritto, Kass, E. (Hank) Henry MEMORIES Kristi. Children: Maya.Spouse: has good. been worldlocations inthe ayear. about twice Retirement We homeowners association. our travel to various Church. Iwas vice president president then and of Ivolunteer California. atIrvine, local Mariner’s our for Iretired fun. jumped from moved Praxair and to Cherokee, glider, ultra light, helicopter Ibungee and War 152/172, Cessna planes, fighter II Piper visitedor 50 Iflew states countries. 30 and World Force, Air U.S. retired reserve. Ihave worked in Incorporated for 25 years. inthe Iwas acaptain of Washington (BABA’75). Iworked at Praxair, After graduating from DIT, Iwent to University too many activities. I was for working sohad little time during school, Howell, where Michigan my uncle aunt and lived. Football at games various locations including with the greatwith the growth expansion and of school. our anLTUAs Icontinue alumnus, to made proud be fraternity Psi Kappa inSigma spent activities.Time MEMORIES KellyCousin: Kerlin, BSAr’88. eleven grandchildren (seven boys four and girls). exerciseand daily. Three Suzanne. Spouse: sons, gardening. Iwalk and woodworking, fishing, golfing, I amenjoying retirement with family activity. Ienjoy BSIM’70


AMT’62, AMT’62,

29 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 30-31 30

NOW & THEN Spouse: Esther.Spouse: foundation for developing my networking skills. attending a national conference and provided a Student Chapter. was This my experience first Petersburg,St. of LTU Florida the anofficer as national conference of Circle KInternational in ofOne my fondest memories is attending the MEMORIES Grandchildren: Pierce, Brayden Avery. and Children: Jayson, Ross Jody. and Eleanor.Spouse: aFellowI amalso of Society. the for the Industrial Engineering Society International. director chapter and of development membership the as serve Ialso Lab. Matic Engineering Industrial the establishment of the new Siemens Electro- Ihaveaddition, volunteered my to in time assist have contributed to intellectual property. In aprojecton to alumni own who identify and/or Alumni Board of Directors where Iamworking IhaveEngineering. elected to LTU been the entrepreneurial of courses College inthe Although Ihave retired, Icontinue to facilitate the blackboards. the classroom to work out problems on inadeserted with students other Meeting MEMORIES Children: anactivemaintain lifestyle. I have retired been for over 20 years. Istill Raymond (Ray) Ament, M. Zielinski,Leon R. Terry J. Straka, Reimer, M. Don Great school! MEMORIES Grandchildren: Annelise. Children: Leann. Ann. Mary Spouse: collecting club and I enjoy activities. art

Joe. Joe.





Joseph (Joe) Evangelista, David (Dave) Frayer, (Dave) David John Czech, Curtis,Roger C. scholarship and graduation. and scholarship with Dr. dean’s The Erneman Hans after hours. many and labs discussions Engineering Mechanical Workingstudying parties. inthe together the and Phi includingActivities of Delta Rho with members MEMORIES Grandchildren: Ingrid and Dietrich. Children: Tammy. and Michael Constance.Spouse: organizations).(primarily military I volunteer with website preparations for non-profits with Hans Erneman as the instructor. Ernemanwith Hans the as Playing intramural fast-pitch Great classes softball. MEMORIES BME’41.Uncle: Bruce Curtis, BSIM’73. Craig Curtis, Brothers: Wayne and BSIM’73, Curtis, Children: BSME’88. Randy Curtis, Sandra. Spouse: with my flat-coated retriever traveling. and I enjoy working time around house, spending the Nephew: JanetteSpouse: (deceased). Thank you,Thank Dr. wherever Graeffe, you are! MEMORIES Brother: Evangelista, ABCT’71. Carl Anthony, Julia, Michael, Maria, Nicole, Ericia. Vince, Dan,Grandchildren: Kristen, Laura, Joseph, Children: (deceased). Angelo Linda, Catherine, Mark, (deceased). L. Anita Spouse:

James Lawler,James BSME’71






31 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 32-33 32

NOW & THEN Bill Mclaughlin. Mclaughlin. Bill tutoring and of 1960 for by class BSEE classmate an affordable Excellent BSEE in1961. instructors for to students work through college earn and I remember the opportunities that LIT provided MEMORIES Brandon. Spouse: years eight and Division at Loral Space Division. 20 yearsDivision, at Missiles Space and Lockheed years eight MotorsDivision, at Pontiac General threespent years at Chrysler Corporation’s Missile engineer. Iworked during my at time LIT and I retired at from 65 my areliability career as Dr. was who Graeffe, areal inall matters. help MEMORIES Grandchildren: Kyle, Jeffery, Jordan Camille. and Children: Matthew. and Suzanne, Vicki, Mark, Vella.Spouse: hobby. my Tennessee. lake is Michigan our on Boating 91I will 2019. be in October Itravel to from and Michael (Mike) F. Mathews, David Le Barre, A. Charles (Chuck) Hartle, E. Greschaw,Donald (Don) A. Mazatlan, Mexico.Mazatlan, winter, atrip from Iwill plan to California returnedand 2019. This of at Summer end the from passage Oxnard,single-handed California, I went to Hawaii nautical mile 2,540 after another Spouse: Karen.Spouse: Still here.




Graduation and several and Graduation times. good MEMORIES JanetSpouse: (deceased). Still working but more. less getting is William (Bill) H. Moir,William H. (Bill) John L. Stampor, L. John Edward (Ed) Salter, A. Andrew (Andy) Prokopow, a source of contentment satisfaction. and My attendance at Lawrence Tech for was, me, recollection of snowy nights and deadrecollection and batteries. of nights snowy year last ofThe challenges night school –vivid MEMORIES Leanna Ian. and Grandchildren: Charles, James, Shayna, Charli, Children: J. Moir, William Marian. MEMS’12, and Kris Leah.Spouse: inForester.repairs camping and I amretired family helping ambusy with and speaking class. class. speaking Demonstration speeches of the public MEMORIES Grandchild: Jacob. Children: Colette Wade. and Ventura environmental County issues. Ihave then Since involved very become with at NavalCommand Ventura Base County, California. Naval with the engineer Systems Air service I retired years after 34 afederal as civil in1999





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NOW & THEN John W. Harper, William F. (Bill) Gillespie, Lawrence Diggs, N. Abke,Allen K. Richard T. Stebelton, Grandchildren: John K. Stebelton, BSAr’15, BSCvE’15. Stebelton,Grandchildren: BSAr’15, K. John Karl Vollmar,Son-in-law: BSAr’87, BAr’89. Children: Kelly, Mark. and Michael, Patricia.Spouse: winters spending longer inFlorida. manager, My minivan wife platform. Iare and no avehicleGround as development synthesis and I amretired from Proving Chrysler Engineering Spouse: Ann.Spouse: enjoying still Florida and the community lifestyle. My wife, Iare and Ann, inaretirement living Grandchildren: Conor. and Sean Children: Steven Mark. and “Time Magazine”“Time was textbook. our Graeffe’sDoc Current Events where class MEMORIES Mary.Spouse: insurance specialist. casualty and property and abonding career as I amretired for nearly 20 years after a38-year Grandchildren: Karly, Evan Kristi, Emma and Children: Peggy. James and Beverly.Spouse: gardening, socializing and with friends. engineer. Ienjoy reading, traveling, some some 43 years an as auto and trucking inthe industry I have retired been for 26 years after working Dick Lipinski, and Dave and Lipinski, Dick Gaden. A shared ride from Boberitz, with side Jim east the MEMORIES Children: Kathleen Karen. and Sharon.Spouse: W. classmate Robert friends with 1960 best Smith. playingI amstill Still golf tennis once aweek. and

BSME’60, BSIM’65






Spouse: Charlette.Spouse: I amretired. MEMORIES Jane. Mary Spouse: arewith my grandkids the and keeping usbusy. kids Venice, and Carolina North Florida. Iaminvolved I amretired my split and between Brevard, time direction accounting. inthe ofme acareer inpublic Graeffe’s Dr. and classes Cleophas pointing Buck coffee inacafé, Doc before-class the I remember Glenn E. Noble,Glenn E. Charles (Chuck) Knight, E. James Judge, R. Nowak, N. Jon Bruce Lowery, N. I can neverI can forget Dr. –what Graeffe aguy! Working switchboard. and for LIT library inthe MEMORIES Jackie and Daniel. Jackie Daniel. and Grandchildren: Nakotah, Brody, Dane, Richard, Children: Ray Dustin. and PatriciaSpouse: (deceased). inmates.helping practitioner.Science work Ialso achaplain, as activeI amvery inchurch work aChristian as and Spouse: Joan.Spouse: I would like to do soagain. setyour by up classes management Avram Kluger. twoI was aspeaker years last for the at of one Professors Wolfe Hurst Erneman Hans and MEMORIES Spouse: Sally.Spouse: for Rosecommission Township, Michigan. active of planning the member atrustee and as I amcontinuing with part-time farming am and






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NOW & THEN Robert (Bob) Farrar, E. Hayward (Tony) York, A. Graeffe, Buck, Williams, Knolls and Snobin. Snobin. and Knolls Williams, Buck, Graeffe, problem. to great Thanks all the instructors – harder exam day next the luckily, and, Ihad no allowed to me make test, gave the up aneven me excusedSnobin from me exam the that day. He Professor and descriptive final the taking geometry for your interest. best Icompletely while blanked instructors the where out in1955-59, Back looking MEMORIES Virginia. Spouse: retired completely life. enjoying and good the 2003 the named Salesman of Year. the Iamnow I worked insales for Valvoline for 10 years was and yearsproducts during the 1967-2000. After Chrysler, petroleum buyer purchased and all petro-chemical years42 While there, of service. Iworked a as I retired from in2001 Chrysler Corporation after wife two and daughters attended all dressed alike. remember the graduation breakfast when my basketball Ifondly at and games times. other different.and Ienjoyed dances after band big the Park to present the location; it was all so new from transition The old the building inHighland MEMORIES Amelia. and Grandchildren: Tristian, Zachary, Michael, Jessica, Children: Leslie, Ellen, Kenneth, Karen, Patrick. and are more centered geology. on local university. widely vary but lately subjects The each at Itake semester the aclass ercise classes. tive redwoods, inthe hiking with walking, ex and after several Istay physically of months illness. ac My years, wife in2008 ofcounty Anne, jail. died 54 week at center living both anassisted the and volunteer each Ivisit people at Hospital. Joseph St. at aranger Redwoodas Ialso National Park. I retired Iamvolunteering and California to northern





BSIM’56 note: my LIT friend and teammate good Ray Tomich, form LIT. inhelping instrumental been sad One of had character also who coaching and ability Ridler, which was anappropriate tribute to aman after Don named fieldhouse The Southfield. graduating from remarkable the in campus friends from days our Park while at Highland while four earning varsity letters. many The good Wearing red unique those LIT basketball shoes MEMORIES Brooke,Austin, Jason Jr., Joey. and Grandchildren: Alex, Hunter, Connor, Samantha, Children: Jason. and Laura Diane, Julie, Virginia.Spouse: toI had fun thanks LIT. times fortimes approximately 25-30 snowbirds inFlorida. inFlorida. Annually, enjoyand fishing golf Iarrange inFlorida.months Igolf two three or days aweek I amcurrently six and inMichigan six months living Dillard M. Ross,Dillard M. Richard Krygiell, C. (Dick) J.Albert Kopack, MEMORIES Children: Robert. and Alan, Laura, (deceased). Marie Spouse: inCanada. to casino going the Iturned 97ships. to years keep active Itry old. by aboard and numerous operator aradio as land on fourI spent years inWorld War from II 1942-1946 beforeequipment they were inservice. installed where paver Division Iinspected Inspection the I worked at Detroit Edison years. for 42 Iwas in yet completed. new the Lawrencebecause Tech location was not I had to attend at school night at High Southfield traveling to other parts of world.traveling the to parts other I amenjoying retirement and boating, inMichigan, , passed away. passed




37 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 38-39 38

NOW & THEN I amenjoying retirement inmy oceanfront quickly you as can.” work yourself as management to up engineering advice “My to said, again each and of you to is “We’re teaching you how to think.” paused He replied, then and paused, equations, use all the ifwemathematics classes were ever to going Professorus. Nace, asked when of inone his interestpersonal development inthe of each of brothers, great the and faculty that took such my Park, classmates, my PhiHighland Delta Rho Woodward on oldthe original campus Avenue in of my fondest memories The college days are MEMORIES launches from the Kennedy Space Center. unobstructed balcony view of space all the vehicle with my beautiful girlfriend, We JoAnn. have an Florida, Beach, shared inCocoa condominium I have three children. children. three have I Jane.Spouse: Gerald (Gene) Abbey, G. Potts, Ray Olson, R. Albert in Highland Park. in Highland space aparking WoodwardFinding on Avenue MEMORIES Nephew: Tod Wethy, C. BSEE’81. BSEE’91. Seeds, Niece: Janice L. Corrine.Spouse: for alocal museum. restoration of Lunar Module the Simulator telescope Space Program.the Iamcurrently working the on I have long since retired aprogram as on manager




MEMORIES Nicole,Grandchildren: Janelle. and Jonathan, Bryan, Children: Cindy. and John JeanetteSpouse: (deceased). Little Iamnow League enjoying baseball. family. insurance anauto as manager. claims Icoached I retired years in2000 after 39 with auto in 1954, which was held in Kansas City. which was held inKansas in 1954, basketball was and invited to NAIA the Tournament Iplayedbuddies. four years (1952-1956) of varsity I enjoyed Graeffe’s Doc lecture my and classes LTU Keith P.Keith Edwards, James E. Kemp,James E. John P. Basilico, Louis P.Louis Truesdell, Graduation dayGraduation conversations and Ryan. with Dean MEMORIES deceasedSpouse: in2020.age of 90 Ihave not, If long life. had agood by solving crossword to Ihope reach puzzles. the electronicand keep and projects my sharp mind to stay activeI try by working small electrical on to stay healthy by 10 doing sit-ups every morning. havingI amstill prostate problems Itry at age 89. Spouse: Barbara. Spouse: Upsilon and the big band concerts. band Upsilon big the and Wulf, Hurst Graeffe, Doc I remember Gamma Alpha MEMORIES (Marnie). Ann Mary Spouse: listen to classical music. I walk two-four miles days. most Ilike to read and

AEEtT’56 BSIM’56



39 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 40-41 40

NOW & THEN learned alot friends made good and All my college days were fun enjoyable. and I MEMORIES Great-grandchildren: Harmony. and Serenity Grandchildren: Xavi. and Darrien Children: Khrishna and Jonathan. Louise. Merriel Spouse: I amretired. Henry B. Horldt, B. Henry W.John Grindrod, Eugene (Gene) Bosetti, R. Sidney (Sid) W. Cobb, . (deceased). Barbara Spouse: inmy own but parts for plant same the running facility. Little Irealize did that day one Iwould be at Park rear running the of Highland the machinery of Ford sound the I remember Motor Company MEMORIES grandchildren, great-granddaughter. one and alone We house. inour have three daughters, seven Ilive and My wife deceased activities. is Barbara at my help and band, church, with my and masonic However, play flute Istill the inalocal concert At my my activities have age of 94, diminished. friends in the Rho Delta Phi fraternity. Delta Rho friends inthe nice made some Ialso Park. inHighland school from graduating class last old inthe the Being MEMORIES for overSara years. 60 a day. Ihave to married my been wonderful wife I amretired but active. walk three Istill miles At 85, were dances The were fun. nice, too. parties the and Phi of Sigma Kappa I was amember MEMORIES gardenmemorial at Novi Church. United Methodist caretaker the Iamable.I golf when Iamalso of the





MEMORIES fourand great-grandchildren. fourand of hers) plus 18 grandchildren (nine each), central Florida. We have children nine (five of mine My wife Tracybusiness. half year the Ispend and in vice president of U.S the manager general and Decker, Automotive Emhart where Iwas Division, I have retired been for 20 years from and Black BSIM’65 times with mytimes brothers. Fraternity Phi Sigma Kappa the fun Ihad some and at time; the was he agreat guy. of Iwas amember in my year. senior Ridler was Don athletic director basketball of Devils Blue I was the captain team Ridler along with memories of my classmates. Lace, Don and Erneman, Henry Hans I remember MEMORIES I have grandchildren. 11 Children: Lora, Karen, Kent, Allen. and Phyllis.Spouse: various ways. Midwest.in the Iamactive inmy church in manufacturer a representative of being activities After more years, 35 enjoying than Iamstill the James (Jim) P. Kohls, Robert (Bob) Wulbrecht, M. Muhling, (Sam)Samuel G. Parties and dinners with Kappa Phi Sigma Fraternity Phi Sigma with Kappa dinners and Parties MEMORIES BSArE’55 Kohls, Leon H. (deceased). Children:Maxine. Brother: David, Kristin. Jane and in Florida sowe live all year Spouse: inMichigan. I amnow unable and 86 to winter our maintain place



BSME’55, BSME’55,

41 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 42-43 42

NOW & THEN Stanley (Stan) J. Kukawka, in the “1953 LBook.”)in the &79 78 pages (See speech. his applaud and general marchingand were band to hand on welcome the reading “Welcome MacArthur.” Gen. Alarge crowd roof buildingthe alarge sign and of three-story the from draped decorated flag with American ahuge MacArthur.from Douglas was school The General Woodward Avenue was greatly honored by avisit on LIT of spring the 1952, the photos. campus In many taking of and the Editing “1953 LBook” the MEMORIES Nephew: Donald Lucas, BSME’85. Nancy.Spouse: (Stan ERlocal hospital ICU). inthe inthe Nancy and activities are and year 15th inour volunteering at our year. this anniversary We inmany participate health celebrated and with good wedding 66th our Webeautiful Oceanside, California. are both blessed now enjoying retirement at Fairwinds Ivey Ranch in Iare and Nancy fund. ascholarship we established excellent Ireceived education at LIT. appreciation, In rewardingblessed and to career thanks the church Ihave finance. and administration had a on co-author of and abook Claremont, California professoradjunct of in at Theology School the consultantmanagement followed, well as as Achievement Award in1978. a Acareer as in Milwaukee, received and Wisconsin, LIT’s Alumni electronics of Allen-Bradley division the Company to president as serve dollar of multi-million the electronics inthe responsibility industry, Iwent on degree. of of increasing After positions anumber family extended toblue-collar receive acollege four-year of our member scholarship, first Iwas the recipient the ofpositive a As changing. life and My experiences at Lawrence Tech were very


I also haveI also 10 grandchildren. Children: Jerry, Jim, Jane. and Jeff Roberta. Spouse: Richard Sharp, C. (Dick) MEMORIES Great-grandchild: Rebecca. Grandchildren: Todd, Lauren Chris, Danielle. and Children: Jayne (Bill). William and Paula. Spouse: son.our to daughterto our see Dallas to and to Michigan see aweek, but twice only Wegolfing holes. nine travel I retired from Iamstill Motors in1986. General Gamma Upsilon fraternity.Gamma I remember baseball, fencing, and the Alpha Jerome Sobieraj, (Jerry) E. Maurice Cardon, H. Stone, (Al) Albert MEMORIES Iexercisefriends. every day at my health club. watching television, relatives visiting and and I amcelebrating my birthday. 91st Ienjoy reading, Phi Kappa UpsilonPhi Kappa activities basketball and games Spouse: Susan. Susan. Spouse: I amenjoying woodworking, reading travel. and Grandchildren: Griffin, Maurissa, Evan, Maurissa, Analise. Grandchildren: and Griffin, Children: Kathleen Bittina. and





43 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 44-45 44

NOW & THEN band dances. band DevilBlue basketball big the and games MEMORIES Maria. Michael, Great-grandchildren: Adriana, Dominic, Alanna, Grandchildren: Tania, Cory. Charles, and Nicolie Children: Paul JoAnn. and Stephanie.Spouse: manager.processor property and real estate division (Argonaut Realty) as a lease I worked Motors at years for General 36 intheir Spouse: EvelynSpouse: (deceased). Amanda Retired able but still to bowl play and golf. Children: Gloria, William III, and Michael. Children: Michael. and III, William Gloria, Winogene.Spouse: years –66 me counting. and satellites. Mycommunication wife with still is documented components for military Storm systems and inDesert for used laser PPRT (electrical qualified the electronic) and also program Apollo for missile. III the Iwas Titan and module and landing module guidance systems and electronic component for thecommand occupied. I handled the qualified/justified electrical years. Yard work keep woodcrafts and me January. last IhaveI turned 90 retired been 25 panel with his fingers! with his panel checked control fuses and into the the on lab the your finger.” thereafter, Soon Professor Bagby came professorone not fuses check using “Do stated, that basement readthe “Grid Leak.” when time The Reading ajoke from hanging in plumbing sign leaky Watching KoKo the and Devils Blue the Kids. MEMORIES Kate, Emily. and Allison, Grandchildren: Wayne, Andrew, Miles, Wade, Brett, Mariano Finazzo, Kenneth Doerflinger, E. Jr., Wilson, William H. (Bill)




Walter (Walt) F. McCoskey, Edwin (Ed) V. Larson, from building. our We Park. Highland had aFord Alot Model across professor) old the Ford and in Motor Campus (tennis Ralph Erving and Graffe proDoc and MEMORIES graduates. college five grandchildren. They are great all doing are and Iturned year. 92 this Doris. Ihave three children and Iworkand out play and golf. to married Iamstill Traveling only is shape amemory. ingood Iamstill Hurst WulfHurst Fawcett. John and myremember professors, late the Erneman, Hans fraternity, great the and basketball I games. brothers Upsilon Gamma inAlpha department, astudentbeing worker drawing mechanical inthe faculty, and Park campus Highland the I remember MEMORIES BSME’51 (deceased). My son-in-law’s father: Howard Weber, L. Son-in-law: Lawrence Weber, BSMA’82. grandchildren. I have six step-grandchildren six step-great- and Makayla Monica. and Grandchildren: Matthew Weber, Carolyn, BSAr’11, Diane. and Step-children: Duane Dennis, Children: Elizabeth (deceased) Walter. and Dorothy.Spouse: fromEngineering to 1953 1956. having worked at design the on Advanced Torsion-Level Club 1955-56 the on Car suspension consultant of Packard to the members Classic with volunteerbusy work at my church. Iama inNovi, Icontinuecommunity keeping Michigan. IamenjoyingProducts. at life Fox Run Retirement I retired 27 years ago from Steel Spartanburg



45 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 46-47 46

NOW & THEN DIT with them. away,passed have longer Ino and any contact WorldAll the War fellows. II have of Most them MEMORIES years. at age 99 died I returned from aroad My brother trip to California. work chores and around late In house. the June, week at wellness center. the do yard still Ialso At years, 95 you slow down. Iget inthree days a Great-grandchildren: Carson. Donovan, Camden, Jacob,Joshua, Brandon. Joseph, Grandchildren: Jennifer, Sherry, Adam, Shannon, Children: Nancy, Ellen, Karen, Robert. Jane.Spouse: I aminactive due to age. Maurice (Morrie) Howland, L. Robert O. Brandau, Donald J. Wilson, John (Vag) D. Vagnetti, Sr., Veriel.Spouse: Park campus. Park campus. Avenue streetcar to original Highland the Invitation Tournament. Riding the Woodward basketball invited team being to National the with LIT abeautiful The game each on arm. lady DeLoreanJohn into walking basketball ahome MEMORIES great-grandson, Rowan Vagnetti. Daniel cruise. We’ve annualour jazz additional one added Naples, Florida. We enjoy traveling never and miss My wife, live Pat, Istill and beachfront inour in home


BSME’50, BSIE’53



Great-grandchildren: Abbey, Max, Emory. Ellis and Grandchildren: Katy, Emily, Anthony, Lydia. and Children: Steven, Martha. and Lisa, lifelong close friend. my aand five of –one which became buddies excellentThe faculty, of abundance fellow the GIs MEMORIES Son-in-law: Michael Evans, BSAr’80, BAr’83. Children: Judy Shirley Evans, and Nicholas BSMa’81. (deceased). Mary Spouse: of France inAugust with my daughter Judy. area trip toAlpine Blanc Switzerland Mt. the and IenjoyedStill okay doing atwo-week at 94. of marriage). (deceased, Jean after years 68 Betty Spouse: enjoyand activities with retired other friends. I usually don’t). Ilive inaretirement community playing cards (in poker, I usually win; inbridge, I have retired been for years 33 now. Ienjoy I drove aFord later, Aand, Model aFord T. Model I drove to each school day inmy own First, cars. MEMORIES Harold Johnson, H. (Hal) Raymond (Ray) W. Berta, Nicol, E. Max Richard W. (Dick) Nicholas, by alocal hospital. to You) of asocial organization part as sponsored acard group H2U Istarted called (Healthsince 1988. years 95 health for Ihave old. being lived inFlorida I retired 1987. inFebruary Ienjoy unusually good I will never forget him. look to for facts analyze, but of with asense humor. madehow us He not to lean anopinion. on think, ofMost my are memories of Dr. taught He Graffe. MEMORIES Grandchildren: Couture Dylan PatriciaSpouse: (deceased).



ME’43 B


47 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 48-49 48

CLASS LIST 1969 Joseph Binder, Richard Bienik, Earl Berry, Charles Berry, Bergmann,George Robert Bendure, Stephen Becker, Richard Bayba, Stephen Barton, Barduca, Rudolph Gerald Bania, Bandli, James Banaszak, Paul Darrel Ashby, Thomas Arthur, Mathijs Arens, Anthony Antonelli, Jr., Reginald Anson, Michael Andriaschko, Lawrence Ancypa, Robert Alonzo, Al-Kasib,Gary Albrecht, James Charles Ahnen, James Ahlberg, Andrew Agosta, Daniel Agnello, Clarence Affelt, 1969 BSBA’69^ ABCT’69 ABCT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSEE’69 BSEE’69 BSEE’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 ABCT’69* ABCT’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 CLASS LIST BSCvE’69* BSCvE’69* BSAr’69* BSAr’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69* BSME’69 BSME’69 Daniel Cristiano, Crenshaw,Donald CrawfordDon III, James Crass, Glenn Cottrell, Nicholas Colwander, Vincent Coletta, Danny Coffey, Patrick Clemens, Richard Clawson, Chester Clark, Van Lee Churchill, Carless,Kim Charles Cain, Vincent Buttigieg, Frank Butros, Busby,Orval Brown,William Stephen Brown, Kenneth Brewer, Michael Brennan, Michael Braniff, Rocklin Brandstadt, Bove, John Roger Boskey, Salvatore Bonanno, David Bolla, Lyn Birchard, BSIM’69 BSIM’69 ABCT’69 ABCT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69* BSMedSci’69^ BSMedSci’69^ BSME’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AEEtT’69* AEEtT’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AEEtT’69* AEEtT’69* BSIM’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 AIST’69* AIST’69* BSIM’69*^ BSEE’69 BSEE’69 BSIM’69 AMT’69, BSME’75 AMT’69, AMT’69 AMT’69 BSIM’69* BSIM’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 ABCT’69 ABCT’69 ^ * Thomas Faler, Alvin Fabris, Evatz, Gary Dennis Evans, Marlin Esau, Epsha, Paul Thomas Durkee, Frank Dupont, Dumas, Gary Drwencke,Delbert Downs, Harry Kerry Dougherty, Alfred Doherty, Robert Dillenbeck, Ward PE, Diehl, Roger Diederich, Herman Dieball, Greg Dickerhoof, Jerome Ponio, Di Benedetto Ponio, Di Andrew Martino, Di Jr., Samuel DiCello, Robert Desoff, John Depauw, David Deering, James P. DeDobbeleer, Dennis Leo, De Daniel, Paul Curling, Thomas Douglas Crysler, Kenneth Cruickshank, Dean Crocker,C. Sr.,

DETROIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GRADUATE INSTITUTE DETROIT (DIT) DECEASED BSBA’69*^ BSME’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 AMT’69, BSIM’76 BSIM’76 AMT’69, AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 AMT’69, AEEtT’76AMT’69, AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 BSEE’69 BSEE’69* BBA’69^ BSEE’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSAr’69 BSAr’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 ABCT’69 ABCT’69 AIST’69 AIST’69 BSEE’69 AMT’69, AEEtT’76AMT’69, BSEE’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSBA’69^ BSEE’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 Douglas Featherston,Douglas Frank Farrell, Francis Farina, Enzo Fanelli, Robert Haley, John Halberda, Graham, Smith Joseph Graham, Jr., Charles Gotberg, Gordy,Henry Sergio Goquiolay, Glisky,Daniel Paul Glinski, Wayne Gillis, Gillies, Jack James Gerometta, J. Michael George, Fineran,William Fellows, Charles Gordon Haggerty, Richard Guion, Greib, Ronald Quintus Greene, Jr., Dennis Green, PE, David Gray, Frederick Geist, Garko, Paul Frank Gaddy, Jr., James Fullerton, Frey,Gary Fok,Lai Michael Fitch, BSAr’69, BAr’77 BAr’77 BSAr’69, BSEE’69^ ABCT’69* ABCT’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 AMT’69* AMT’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69* ABCT’69* ABCT’69* AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSEE’69 AIST’69 AIST’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69* BSIM’69^ BSIM’69^ AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 BSIM’69* BSIM’69* BSEE’69 BSIM’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69^ BSME’69^ BSAr’69 BSAr’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSAr’69* BSAr’69* 49 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 50-51 50

CLASS LIST 1969 Richard Kakkuri, Richard Kakkuri, Johnston,William Alexander Johnston, Johnson, John James Johnson, Johnson, Gary Jeffs, James James Jaster, Edmund Jr., Jaskulka, Jackson,William PhD, Jackson, Donald Hummel, Gary Norman Hughes, Jurgen Hoffmann, Hobbs, Barry Robert Hilts, Keith Hill, Thomas Herzog, Howard Hendricks, Paul Henderson, Allen Hemlock, Arno Hellthaler, Alan Heliste, Randall Hebestreit, Michael Hebert, William Hayes, Hawman,John Mark Haskamp, Sylvester Harvey, Harrison, James Clarence Harrison, Jr., Hamann, Rial AMT’69, AIST’79 AIST’79 AMT’69, BSEE’69 BSEE’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSAr’69 BSAr’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSEE’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 BBA’69^ AMT’69* AMT’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSEE’69* BSEE’69 BSIM’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSHu’69^ BSAr’69 BSAr’69 AMT’69* AMT’69* AIST’69 AIST’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSAr’69 BSAr’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 M’9 BSIM’74 AMT’69, BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSEE’69* Phillip Lawson, Lawrence Lapenckas, Jr.,John Lambert, Frank Lakish, Kurk, Donald Kujawski,Henry Benjamin Kubek, Krol, James William Kroczolowski, Thomas Kriska, Allen Kremkow, Scott Kremer, Herman Kreit, Krajewski, Richard Kovach,Albert Roy Koponen, Koneda, Philip Komatz,Dennis David Koepfgen, Jr., Kenneth Knott, Mark Klos, Timothy Kline, Charles Kiser, Ronald King, Joseph King, Hoten Kesler, Jr., Keska,Norbert Carl Kersten, Richard Kern, Joseph Kaye, Kapp, Dennis Harley Kapanka, AIST’69 AIST’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 BSAr’69 BSAr’69 BSME’69* BSAr’69 BSAr’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69^ BSME’69^ BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSEE’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSAr’69 BSAr’69 BSEE’69* BSME’69* AMT’69, BSIM’76 BSIM’76 AMT’69, BSME’69 BSME’69 AEEtT’69* AEEtT’69* AMT’69* AMT’69* BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AIST’69* AIST’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSAr’69* BSAr’69* ABCT’69 ABCT’69 ^ * Oakley Mitchell, John Mitchell, Steven Mills, Menard,Herbert Jr., Lynn McNaught, Francis McLaughlin, Daniel McKernan, McKeough, Paul Richard McHugh, William McCormick, Robert McComas, Jack McClellan, Robert Maziasz, Bernard Maurice, William Mathisen, Eddie Martin, Dana Markey, Theodore Manos, Stanley Malewski, Dennis Malecki, William Mahar, Roger Maciejka, John Lundquist, Lowell, Gary Loweke, Lowell Joseph Lombardo, Jr., Liskow,Richard Marlyn Lisk, Ted Lindstrom, Edward Leplow, Lawrence Lemanski,

DETROIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GRADUATE INSTITUTE DETROIT (DIT) DECEASED BSME’77 AMT’69, AIST’70, BSIM’73* AIST’70, AMT’69, BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69* BSME’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69^ BSME’69^ BSIM’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSEE’69 AIST’69 AIST’69 BSIM’69* BSME’69* AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AIST’69 AIST’69 BSAr’69 BSEE’69* AMT’69 AMT’69 AIST’69 AIST’69 BSEE’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSCh’69 BSCh’69 BSAr’69 BSAr’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSEE’69, Terrence Penman, Frank Nardoni, Jr., Ronald Mytty, Musteikis,Vytausas Thomas Murdock, F. David Murbach, Jerome Obdziejewski, Julian Nowak, Charles Northrup, Christine Nelden, Thomas Neddermeyer, Muccioli, Ronald James Morse, Jay Morrison, Jessica Moore, Glenn Moore, Joseph Miacak, Keith Mittledorf, Joseph Passalacqua, Robert Pasko, Lawrence Parrish, Joseph Paletta, Paisley,James Pachmayer,James Tom Oviatt, Richard Opperman, Rodney Pelton, Robert Peltier, Virgil Pattman, Patrick,George Jr., Kirit Patel, Harold Parker, BSME’69* BSBA’69^ AMT’69 AMT’69 BSBA’69^ BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69, ACmT’73BSIM’69, BSME’69* BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AEEtT’69* AEEtT’69* BSAr’69 BSAr’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69* AMT’69* AMT’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSCvE’69 BSCvE’69 BSME’69* AIST’69, BSIM’73* AIST’69, AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AIST’69 AIST’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69

BSIM’69 BSIM’69 51 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 52-53 52

CLASS LIST 1969 John Rusinack,John Jr., Rowe, Ronald Richard Rowader, Robert Rourke, Roulo, James Lawrence Ronzi, Thomas Rogers, Alan Roehrig, Wayne Robinson, Phillip Roberts, Edmond Robert, Donald Richards, PE, Lawrence Rejniak, Bodo Reinholz, Walter Reichel, Reed, John Reed, Gregory Alan Rayner, Dave Rayford, Rang, James Ragsdale, Bailey Francis Radwick, Dennis Puskaric, David Pullen, Prusac,John Nicholas Prevas, Robert Preuett, Donald Pratt, Robert Pillow, Ramie Phillips, Jr., Edwin Pershing, John Pesavento, ABCT’69 ABCT’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 AIST’69 AIST’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSAr’69 BSAr’69 BSIM’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSMa’69^ AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69, BSIM’74* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69* AMT’69 BSAr’69 BSAr’69 AIST’69 AIST’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 ABCT’69 ABCT’69 BSIM’69* BSME’69 BSME’69 AIST’69* AIST’69* AMT’69* AMT’69* ABCT’69 ABCT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSEE’69

Roger Somerville, Richard Smith, Smith, H. John Smith, C. John Smith, Gary Donald Smith, Robert Smiley, Joseph Slivensky, Thomas Simonsen, Silvi,John Shaw,Arthur Joseph Seguin, Jr., Howard Seeley, III, Walter Sedlar, Jr., Robert Seaver, Scott, Gary Schwab, Barry Peter Schroda, Jr.,Frederick Schrafft, Joseph Schmidt, Jr., Schmalzel, John Edward Schlaff, Fred Schebor, Scapelliti, John Thomas Sata, David Sass, Louis Santioni, Richard Sands, Leonard Salvaggio, Saieg, George Joseph Rydel, Jr., Richard Russell, BSIM’69* BSEE’69 AIST’69* AIST’69* AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AIST’69* AIST’69* AMT’69 AMT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AIST’69 AIST’69 AMT’69, BSIM’80 BSIM’80 AMT’69, BSAr’69, BAr’76 BAr’76 BSAr’69, BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSBA’69*^ BSIM’69* BSHu’69^ BSEE’69 AIST’69, BSBA’87AIST’69, BSIM’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 ABCT’69 ABCT’69 BSEE’69 BSEE’69 BSAr’69 BSAr’69 BSEE’69 AIST’69 AIST’69 ^ * Viene,Jerry Velch,Nicholas Helmut Veit, Vanderzee,Henry Jr., VanGary Wambeke, VanJeffery Dorn, Allan Utter, Richard Undy, Trinka,Donald Tribula,John George Trask, Tonkin,George Terril Tompkins, Ronald Tomaszewski, Tiffany,Harry III, Thrift, Alton Terry Taylor, Taylor,Orbria Frank Taylor, James Taras, Ely Tama, Michael Szymanski, Thomas Szuba, Sutter,Arthur Walter Sumerton, Jr., Chester Sugierski, Jr., Stypinski, Mark David Strong, Stretanski, Edward Robert Stehlin, Anthony Stangis, Ward Sparks,

DETROIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GRADUATE INSTITUTE DETROIT (DIT) DECEASED BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 BSEE’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69* BSIM’69* BSEE’69* BSIM’69* AMT’69, BSIM’81 BSIM’81 AMT’69, BSAr’69* AEEtT’57, BSIM’69* AEEtT’69* AEEtT’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69* AEEtT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSAr’69 BSAr’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 AIST’69* AIST’69* BSEE’69 AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 ABCT’69 ABCT’69 BSIM’69* BSIM’69* BSAr’69 BSAr’69 John Whalen, Thomas Weir, William Watkins, Walsh,John Paul Waleke, Wajda, Stanislaus Peter Voncina, Anatolius Viskantas, Raymond Wurzer, Wright,Charles Wright, Bryan Wozniak,John J. Michael Woodgate, Sheldon Woodard, Jr., Rodger Wolfe, Wolfe,Gilbert Estral Williams, II, Oscar Willard, Stephen Wilgocki, Harold Wild, White,Bryan Bernard Wendt, Robert Wagner, George Zubok,George Frank Zmuda, Jr., Thomas Ziober, David Zimmerman, William Ziegler, Michael Zaks, Robert Yates, Lawrence Zellen, BSBA’69^ AEEtT’69* AEEtT’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSEE’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSHu’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 BSME’69 BSME’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 AIST’69 AIST’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 BSIM’69 BSEE’69 BSEE’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AMT’69 AMT’69 BSAr’69 BSME’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69 AMT’69* AMT’69* BSIM’69* AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69 AEEtT’69, BSIM’76 BSIM’69* BSIM’69 BSIM’69 BSIM’69* 53 10/4/19 1:22 PM JUBILEE SOCIETY 2019 jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 54-55 54

FRIENDS WE’LL MISS the obituaries of alumni who have recently passed away. family, University our honoring of spirit the In we include FRIENDS WE’LL MISS FRIENDS WE’LL engineer and worked engineer. an Ford and for as Company Motor engineer World Army during the Mr. in War acombat served as II Saccaro engineer for General Motors in Elyria, Ohio. He is survived by son. his survived is He Elyria, in Motors Ohio. General for engineer Mr. aveteran is of World Neumann War worked amechanical and as II three children. and by wife, Anita, his survived is He retirement 1988. in his until from 1949 Mr. Crompton worked as a consulting engineer within the building industry James Neumann, N. Crompton,Robert E. F.James Carey, Saccaro BSME’44 PE, Robert A. Leonard W. Robinson, of Troy, children. five by wife, and Inez, his survived is He Mich. city the for architects civil of city father afounding was and offices elected at DTE Energy. engineer Mr. various held Carey specification also buyer and worked He asenior as Worldin War awarded was and Hearts. II two Purple


ME48 E’4 SM B


hE’43 Ch B , of Troy, Nov. Mich., 2016. Mr. 6, Carey served , of Leesburg, Fla., Dec. 31, 2018. 31, Dec. Fla., , of Leesburg, , of Trenton, 2016. 18, Dec. Mich., , of Troy, Nov. Mich., 2018. 16, of Sun City West, 2018. July City Ariz., 9, of Sun

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FRIENDS WE’LL MISS Florida where he retired in 1991. Mr. retired he where 1991. Topalian in byFlorida two children. survived is in &Whitney Pratt and Michigan, in Research Corporation Williams with engineer worked officer. aircraft He an as reconnaissance navigator and Mr. Topalian World in aerial an as served War Corps Army Air the in II awards. Mr. Bubniak is survived by ason. awards. Mr. survived is Bubniak 10 with patent engineer years adesign 32 as after Division Laboratory Research Motors retired He from General the sergeant. of staff rank the Force Army Air the in World in Mr. served War achieved and Bubniak II of the Army’s Value Engineering group. He is survived by children. five survived is group. He Army’sof the Value Engineering Mr. early members of the Dobrow one Army an engineer, was and Nondestructive Testing. children. by four his survived Mr.Nondestructive is Collins for Society American of the president as aterm served years and 36 for Company Edison Detroit the for engineer amechanical was War He II. of World Theater Pacific the in stars battle 14 destroyera Navy earned that Edwards, USS the on years atorpedoman three as for Mr. served Collins Robert “Bob”Robert V. Collins, Bubniak, William C. Topalian, N. Jack Harold Snooks, R. Paul V.Paul Dobrow, Stanley Dawson, C. Sr., survived by his wife, Marilyn, and five children. children. five by and wife, Marilyn, his survived is He years. 48 for business in remained which Evergreenin Ill., Park, store Magnavox, electronics Park in and atelevision were partners Norva, World in brother, Navy his and WarMr. He U.S. II. the in Dawson served Mr. Snooks is survived by his wife, Ethel, and three children. children. three and by wife, Ethel, his Mr. survived is Snooks


ME’49 SM B

CvE’49 SC B



BSME’50 , of North Palm Beach, Fla., July 29, 2018. July 29, Fla., Beach, Palm , of North , of Plantation, Fla., Nov. 2019. Fla., 9, , of Plantation, , of Alpharetta, Ga., May 27, Ga., , of Alpharetta, 2018. , of Troy, 2018. 28, June Mich., , of Oak Lawn, Ill., Jan. 23, 2015. 2015. 23, Jan. Ill., Lawn, , of Oak , of Ann Arbor, 2019. March 30, , of Ann Mich.,

He is survived by his wife, Margaret, and three children. three by wife, Margaret, and his survived is He to of weight vehicles improvereduce the economy. fuel retired He 1989. in to projects in mostly supervisor, and engineer an as Corp. years at Chrysler 30 spent He bottles. glass replacing carton, milk paperboard the perfected that ateam on Corp. 2018. Mr. worked Ex-Cell-O for Feb. 3, Kazanjijan Mich., by children. six survived is He Carolina. to to retiring North prior company automotivethe spring manufacturing his own including business starting World in during acareer War spent veteran served and who Navy II, a U.S. Mr. Pangburn is survived by children. three Mr. survived is Pangburn Robert E. Pangburn, Robert E. J.George Kermizan, Johnson,Paul E. Kenneth West, R. BSME’50 “The Horse”Harry Kazanjijan, Heitman, S. William Shelia, and his two children. his and Shelia, by wife, his survived is He Korean the Conflict. Army during the in and World during Navy War II U.S. the in served engineer. He architectural Mr. worked DTE for an Ford Johnson as Energy and Company Motor during Worldduring War II. served and Mr. Corps Army Air aveteran U.S. Kermizan was of the survived by children. four survived retired He from is 37 He Ford after years. Company Motor Columbus. of Veterans Legion, Knights of Foreign Wars, the and 40+8, American Mr. of the aWorld was member Heitman War veteran dedicated II and


BSBA’50 BSIE’50 BSCvE’50 , of , Mich., Feb. 19, 2018. Feb. 19, Mich., , of Plymouth, , of Canton, Mich., Nov. Mich., 2018. Mr., of Canton, 8, West was , of Macomb, Mich., Jan. 31, 2019. 2019. 31, Jan. Mich., , of Macomb, , of Melvindale, Mich., Oct. 14, 2018. 14, Oct. , of Mich., Melvindale,

DIT BSME’50 , of Ocala, Fla., June. 25, 2018. 25, June. Fla., , of Ocala, , of Farmington Hills, , of Farmington Hills,

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FRIENDS WE’LL MISS vived by his wife, Janice, and three children. three and vived by wife, Janice, his Charles R. Leith, R. Charles Theodore “Ted” Karmazin, Huebner,Melburn E. Jr., J. Ralph Chamness, John Amerentides, and their child. their and by wife, Nancy, his survived early is retired 2010s. He he the in until Inc. T.K. Associates, engineer. Mr. sales maintained (SWP) asenior Karmanzian as Inc. of SOLO formation World involvedwas early stage the Partners, with later and Inc.; T.manufacturers’ Associates, representative business, K. a by establishing career his continued He company’s closing. the until Products executive Metal chief of Mutal and president to become KPC Mr. marketing. left and of sales Karmanzian president vice named was and sales, and operations engineering in (KPC) Corporation Productions Korean the War. during D.C. Karmazin worked business, He father’s at his Washington in Headquarters of Engineers Chief the in aposition held and of Engineers, Army Corps U.S. the in 2018. Mr. served 25, Aug. Karmanzin his wife, Barbara, and three children. three and wife, Barbara, his Turbo by Chrysler the Mr. survived is Engine. engineered Chamness and designed that team the on serving workedhe over for including years, 35 where 1989 in Worldduring retired War Corporation He from II. Chrysler Germany in Mr. Army an stationed veteran was was and Chamness six children. by Mr. survived is Motorola. and Huebner Honeywell Electric, at General projects aerospace and worked He defense Ariz. on Scottsdale, in 1968, in New finally York; Schenectady, and, Ohio; Penn.; Norristown, Cincinnati, in engineer worked Army amechanical and as the in Mr. served Huebner Mr. Amarantides is survived by his wife, Evangelia. by wife, Evangelia. his Mr. survived is Amarantides




BSME’51 , of Mesa, Ariz., June 28, 2019. Mr. 2019. 28, June sur is Ariz., Leith , of Mesa,

DIT BSIE’51 , of Troy, Nov. Mich., 2018. 6, of Athens, Greece, Jan. 16, 2019. 2019. 16, Jan. Greece, of Athens, , of Scottsdale, Ariz., Dec. 21, 2018. 21, Dec. Ariz., , of Scottsdale, , of Grosse Ile, Mich., Ile, Mich., , of Grosse


survived by his wife, Anna, and three children. three and by wife, Anna, his survived is He College. over years at Community Owens 15 lasted that career went he into from industry, retiring ateaching After the Owens-Illinois. electronic transmission. worked He also for Prestolite Electric and variable continuously first the developed team Research his where Motors worked General and with Navy Mr. U.S. the in Lovalenti served Ferris State University until his retirement. He is survived by two children. his survived is He retirement. his until StateFerris University at design aided computer and technology architectural taught later and World during Navy architect an was War He II. U.S. the in served Mr. Gabert General Motors and as an insurance adjustor. insurance an as and Motors General for World worked accountant He an during as War acorporal. as II Corp Army Air U.S. of the Mr. overseas amember as Rocco served De Edward W.Edward Gabert, Richard Rocco, C. Pettypool, John B. Louis Rocco, De Jr., Schwarze,Karl H. Lovalenti, Sam daughter.his by Navy. Mr. survived is anaval as He aviator U.S. the in Rocco served He is survived by his wife, Alvira, and three children. three by wife, Alvira, and his survived is He developed into a 44-year-long career with Chrysler Corporation. apprenticeship The 16. was he when Main at Corporation Mr. at Program Chrysler Apprentice Schwarze Die worked the in three step-children. two and children by wife, Dolores, his survived Mr. is Pettypool




DIT SArE’53, BSIM’52 , of Toledo, 2019. March 3, Ohio, , of Troy, 2018. 14, June Mich., , of Lathrup Village, Mich., Feb. 19. 2018. Feb. 19. Mich., Village, , of Lathrup , of Imlay City, Mich., Sept. 21, 2018. 21, City,, of Imlay Sept. Mich., , of Clare, Mich., Aug. 10, Aug. 2018. , of Clare, Mich., of Reed City, March 17, of Reed Mich., 2019.

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FRIENDS WE’LL MISS Mr. children. 11 by wife, Genevieve, and his Darbyshire survived is LIT/LTU the on served He era. Apollo the retired 2002. and in board Alumni Rover Lunar the during as such worked He projects on places. other among Dynamics, General and Corporation, Chrysler at Burroughs, career his spent He (Skysweepers). weapons anti-aircraft light for hydraulic systems and as a fire control repairman repairing radar, electro-mechanical computer worked Army he where Mr. 2019. U.S. the 21, in Jan. Darbyshire served Mich., Charles G. Newberry, G. Charles Kovach, J. Edward Hall, B. James Darbyshire, A. Richard “Dick” Frank D. Poslajko, Jr., Edward Larkin, H. Athletic Center. He is survived by Center. children. Athletic three survived is He Princeton the and Friary, Building, CBS Francis of the Assisi Saint Restaurant, Stony Brook University, Journal Square Transportation Center, Four Seasons Airports, JFK and Dulles of Art, Museum Center, Metropolitan Lincoln the Arch, Louis St. the as such severalworked on architect an projects as Mr. Korean the War, Kovach during Germany. in served He stationed served in the U.S. Navy during World during Navy War II. U.S. the in served Mr. Poslajko is survived by his wife, Joan, and four children. children. four and by wife,Mr. Joan, his survived is Poslajko 1996. in servant acivil as Command Defense Missile and Space retired and from Army the of Engineers Aerospace, Corps Chrysler for Korean the War. Army during U.S. the in Mr. worked He served Poslajko children. by three survived is He 1982. in accountant an as WorldMotor Headquarters Army WorldMr. aU.S. was War veteran retired II Newberry and from Ford three children. by his engineer. Mr. survived 27for is years amanufacturing as Larkin Division Body Fisher Motors Europe. employed was in by He General World Army during War U.S. aparatrooper the as in II Mr. served Larkin


AuT’53 A



BSIM’54 , of Royal Oak, Mich., Nov., of Royal Mich., 2018. Mr. Oak, 18, Hall , of Bradenton, Fla., March 1, 2019. 2019. March 1, Fla., , of Bradenton, , of New York, N.Y., 2018. 9, Jan.

BSME’54, BSEE’61,BSME’54, , of Harsens Island, Mich., April 22, 2016. April Mich., Island, , of Harsens , of Huntsville, Ala., July 14, 2018. July 14, Ala., , of Huntsville, of Lake Orion, Orion, of Lake

and two children. and by wife, Gayle his survived is He auto industries. and aerospace the in 2016. Mr. 11, retired engineer an June as Peller from acareer Mich., Mr. children. four by and wife, Sally his Evancho survived is by child. his Mr. survived is Zander Engineering. Plant Dynamics from General Ohio, retired He Lima, in programs. construction diversified and dealership Troy at the then the for and Realty of Chrysler Engineering Park office at Highland career his Mr. began Zander adesigner, artist. architect, and area over Detroit for the in 27 years aregistered as Corporation Chrysler worked He for Army to from 1948. 1946 U.S. the in Mr. served Zander Industries, a balancing and spin a testing balancing Industries, business. Mullane own his business, opened later and Motors Continental for worked and Corp Army Air U.S. the in 2018. Mr. served 30, June Mullane Robert V. Peller, Lawrence Kiselis, E. Evancho,Robert M. William “Bill” Doty, M. Sr., Richard Zander, E. Robert “Bob” Mullane, two children. two and by wife, Marion his survived is He years. Ford 35 for Company Motor at Navy, worked engineer an and as aveteran U.S. was Mr. of the Kiselis electronics business. He is survived by his wife, Patricia, and five children. five and by wife, Patricia, his survived is He business. electronics automotive into Chrysler’s shifting then and industry aerospace the in engineer an as first years, 41 for Mr. Corporation worked Chrysler with Doty

BSME’56, BSIE’57, DIT BBA’60





BSME’56 , of Shelby Twp.,, of Shelby 2018. July 29, Mich., , of Westerville, Ohio, Sept. 28, 2018. 28, Sept. , of Westerville, Ohio, , of West Bloomfield, Mich., May 2019. 18, Mich., , of West Bloomfield, , of Huntsville, Ala., July 9, 2018. July 9, Ala., , of Huntsville, , of Punta Gorda, Fla., Fla., Gorda, , of Punta , of Harrison Twp.,, of Harrison

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FRIENDS WE’LL MISS Shirley, children. three and Mr. Corps. by Franzen wife, Marine his survived is veteran U.S. of the a was 636. He Local of UA aretired was Pipefitters area member and Mr. Franzen worked many HVAC for years an as Detroit the in contractor John A. Kline, A. John Raymond J. Heitchue, DIT BBA’58 DuCharme,Gordon E. AEEtT’58 James F. Franzen, Danowski,Charles BSArE’57 A. Stephen J. Seiner, BSME’56 program for several years. He is survived by his wife, Jane, and two children. and by wife, Jane, his survived is several He for years. program worked development at Ford also dealership He Company’s Motor area. Detroit the in firms architectural worked at architect an several as major and program skills critical Army the in U.S. Mr. the in served Danowski vived by his wife, Geneya, and two children. and vived by wife, Geneya, his sur is He Investments. retired WWK fromHeitchue and Steel Great Lakes survived by his wife, Delores, and two children. and by wife, Delores, his survived AT&T. for arepairman was Army and U.S. the in Mr. served DuCharme is He Alice, and three children. three and Alice, Army. by wife, his U.S. Mr. survived the in is served Seiner briefly he GM, work to at his Prior years. 42 for (GM) Motors General for engineer an two for years before becoming Defense Mr. worked Chrysler for Seiner for 23 years. He is survived by his wife, Melanie, and two children. and by wife, Melanie, his survived is He 23for years. Accounting Kline’s Treasury operating years 22 for and before owning of Department Mr. worked arevenue Michigan as the for Kline agent


ARACT’57 , of Midland, Mich., Oct. 18, 2018. 18, Oct. Mich., , of Midland, , of Troy, 2017. 18, April Mich., , of Oconomowoc, Wisc., Nov 2017. 28, Wisc., , of Oconomowoc, , of Wyandotte, Mich., May 23, 2017. May 23, , of Mich., Wyandotte, , of New Baltimore, Mich., May 14, 2017. May 14, Mich., , of New Baltimore, , of Spring Hill, Fla., Oct. 14, 2014. Mr. 2014. 14, Oct. Fla., Hill, , of Spring

- Mr. by wife, Judy, child. his survived their is Leash and Michael H. Deskovitz,Michael H. V.George Wrend, Charles Vaughn, Jr., Marcel Rockne, M. Wolfgang Rock, BSIM’58 David Leash, I. Detroit Edison as an engineer. He is survived by child. his survived is engineer. He an as Edison Detroit retired and from 1952 Army until from the in 1946 Mr. served Rockne Mr. Wrend served in the Armed Forces. He is survived by his wife, Henriette. by wife, Henriette. his survived is Forces. He Mr. Armed the in Wrend served and Mount Pleasant. He is survived by his four children. by four his survived is He Pleasant. Mount and Detroit in Mr. administration worked aCFO as hospital Deskovitz in He is survived by wife, Geraldine. his survived is He Navy. U.S. of the division Seabee’s Korean the in of the War served and





BSIM’59 , of San Francisco, Calif., April 20, 2014. 20, Francisco, 2014. Calif., April , of San ,

March 31, 2018. Mr.March 31, aveteran was Rock , of Daytona Beach, Fla., Feb. 12, 2017. Feb. 12, Fla., Beach, , of Daytona , of San Antonio, Texas., Dec. 4, 2018. Texas., Antonio, , of San 4, Dec. , of Lake Templene, Mich., Jan. 29, 2019. 2019. Templene,, of Lake 29, Jan. Mich., , of Sandusky, Ohio, Dec. 13, 2017. 13, Dec. Ohio, , of Sandusky,

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FRIENDS WE’LL MISS and their child. their and by wife, Peggy, his survived is He Motors. Mr. worked General for Ritzema Joan, andJoan, five children. Mr. Avey Korean the in War. asergeant was by wife, his survived is He retirement in 1998. He is survived by his wife, Cynthia, and four children. four and by wife, Cynthia, his survived is He retirement 1998. in his until Mich., Heights, Sterling in Engines Marine of Crusader president Korean the War Army during the was and U.S. the in Mr. served Janssens engineer until retiring in 1992. He is survived by two children. survived is He 1992. in retiring until engineer apropulsion as at Boeing Mr. industry aerospace the in was Klees Chester G. Janssens, Chester G. Ament, Gerald A. Avey,John G. BSIM’60 Summers, Robert G. BSIE’59, Ritzema, BSEE’60 R. James W.Garry Klees, children and one stepchild. one and children by wife, Wanda, two his survived is He years. 25 more for than business own his before running Inc. of Jensen, Mr. president vice was Summers two children. two and by wife, Patricia, Mr. his survived is Insurers. Risk Ament at Industrial engineer worked safety years afire He as 30 Ga. Benning, Fort in stationed aprivate was Army and fromMr. to 1961 U.S. 1963 the served in Ament BSME’59



BSME’60 , of Redford, Mich., Sept. 7, Sept. Mich., , of Redford, 2018. , of Mercer Island, Wash., Sept. 13, 2018. 13, Wash., Sept. Island, , of Mercer , of Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich., April 7, April Pointe Woods,, of Grosse Mich., 2019. , of Howell, Mich., Sept. 18, 2018. 18, Sept. Mich., , of Howell, , of City, Boyne May 2019. 8, Mich., , of Holland, Mich., Sept. 2, 2018. Sept. Mich., , of Holland,

April 14, 2018. Mr. Roberts is survived by his wife, Olive, and four children. four by and wife, Olive, his survived is 2018. Mr. Roberts 14, April Mr. by wife, Shirley, his survived Penny is two children. and design. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn, and three children. three by wife, Carolyn, and his survived is He design. structural Mr. and machine in Groat worked over 50 years adraftsman as Thurly Groat, H. Howard F. White II, Victor P. Hannawi, Richard D. Rusas, Clement J. Roberts, Ronald Penny, E. He is survived by wife, Eva, children. six his and survived is He years. 30 for Corporation Chrysler with Mr. worked Hannawi engineer an as step-children. three and children three wife, Patricia, Mr. his survived is White






DIT BSME’60 , of Columbiaville, Mich., May 10, Mich., 2018. , of Columbiaville, , of White Lake, Mich., April 9, 2019. 2019. 9, April Lake, Mich., , of White , of Traverse 20, City, 2017. June Mich., , of Granbury, Texas., of Granbury, 2018. 30, October , of Roseville, Mich., Dec. 19, 2017. 19, Dec. , of Roseville, Mich., , of River Rouge, Mich., , of Mich., River Rouge,

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FRIENDS WE’LL MISS wife, Suzanne and two children. and wife, Suzanne by his survived is He years of service. 38 with retiring Motors, of General Truck Force Air GMC worked the and for U.S. Division the in served Priestaf Mitchell is survived by wife, Margaret. his survived is Mitchell Bradley L. Smith, L. Bradley Salansky, Karl Ralph William J. Rutten, BSIM’62 Priestaf, E. Earl Joseph T. Owczarek, BSIM’62 Mitchell, Delbert two children. two 2017. 13, Sept. and Mr. by wife, Diantha his Owczarek survived is the Budd Co. He is survived by children. four survived is He Co. Budd the engineer working for various companies in the Detroit area and retired from and atoolmaker, as career working designer his spent Mr.2019. Salansky three children. and by wife, Patricia, his survived is He suppliers. Chrysler with working worked P. for amanufacturer’s representative as Company Carolin James Rutten is survived by wife, Debra. his survived is Rutten

BSIM’62 AMT’62

BSIM’62 AMT’62, AIST’69, AMT’62, , of Hot Springs Village, Ark., Aug. 19, 2018. Mr. 19, Aug. Ark., Village, Springs , of Hot , of Cedarville, Mich., Dec. 22, 2017. Dec. Mich., Mr., of Cedarville, Smith , of Thousand Oaks, Calif., July 20, 2014. Mr. Calif., July 20, 2014. Oaks, , of Thousand , of Hendersonville, N.C., Jan. 27, Jan. N.C., , of Mr. Hendersonville, 2019. , of Sterling Heights, Mich., Mich., Heights, , of Sterling of Washington, Mich., April 12, 12, April of Mich., Washington,

Rochester, children. five Mr. by and Carollyn, wife Mich. survived is Allen in avolunteer firefighter also was He supervisor. amaintenance as retiring Mr. Trim Utica Ford employed was at Allen with the Company Motor Plant, tion after 30 years. He is survived by his wife, Krystal, and five children. children. five and by wife, Krystal, his survived is He years. 30 after tion Mr. retired Corpora worked Steffes and from at Carburetor Holly Chrysler Marlene, and three children. children. three and Marlene, by wife, his survived is He retired. he where Specialties at Century engineer Traverse in Park of Jellystone City. worked acomputer as subsequently He guests to camping to provide hospitality industry before leaving the firms engineering Force mechanical Air worked various and for U.S. the in served Carl J. Breidenich, W.Charles Baisch, Roger T. Allen, Thomas D. Spanos, Philip Steffes, M. D. Smith, James LLC. He is survived by child. his survived LLC. is He 2017. &Associates, Shymanski for Mr. engineer worked astructural as Baisch after over 40 years of employment. He is survived by his nine children. by nine his survived is over He after years 40 of employment. 1991 in engineer Mr. retired electrical from an as Edison Detroit Breidenich





BSME’62 , of Kimball Township,, of Kimball 7, Jan. Mich., 2019. , of Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich., June 13, 2018. 13, June Pointe Farms,, of Grosse Mich., , of Traverse City, Nov. 2016. Mr. Mich., 13, Smith , of Port Huron, Mich., March 2019. 16, Mich., Huron, , of Port , of The Villages, Fla., Nov. 2018. Fla., 9, Villages, , of The , of Grosse Pointe Park, Mich., Dec. 28, Dec. Mich., Pointe Park, , of Grosse

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FRIENDS WE’LL MISS by his wife, Laura, and five children. children. five and by wife, Laura, his River, survived is of Indian He Rides and Mich. Rods Northern of the member a at years Ford 33 for and Company Motor Mr. engineer an was Oestreich

Edison for 38 years. He is survived by his four children. by four his survived is He years. 38 for Edison World during Navy War worked Detroit and for II U.S. the in served Cartmill Gordon L. Rowe, L. Gordon Lawrence Oestreich, C. Cartmill, A. Jack Conrad Niezur, Berent, John G. Spurlock,Arnold E. four children. and by wife, Darlene worked survived is he where over for He years. 30 LTV, Corporation, at Carburetor worked Holly settled Chrysler for then and vice president. He is survived by his wife, Rosalie, and three children. children. three and by wife, Rosalie, his survived is He president. vice a as career successful retired and along from 2011 after in Walbridge and Contracting with career Mr. professional his Niezur began





AEEtT’63 , of Highland, Mich., Jan. 4, 2019. Mr. 2019. 4, Berent Jan. Mich., , of Highland, , of The Villages, Fla., Feb. 13, 2019. 2019. Feb. 13, Fla., Villages, , of The , of Frankenmuth, Mich., Aug. 15, 2012. 2012. 15, Aug. , of Mich., Frankenmuth, , of Sarasota, Fla., June 21, 2017. 21, June Fla., , of Sarasota, , of Daytona Beach, Fla., July 17, Fla., Beach, , of Daytona Mr. 2019. , of Cheboygan, Mich., Dec. 15, 2018. 15, Dec. Mich., , of Cheboygan,

is survived by his four children. children. by four his survived is Mr. He retirement. to worked his Ford for prior McCally Company Motor survived by his wife, MaryAnn, and four children. children. four and by wife, MaryAnn, his survived is He Motors. Mr. General years 2019. with retired 30 21, after April Missel He is survived by his wife, Bonnie and two children. two children. and by wife, Bonnie his survived is He Army veteran. aU.S. and of Louisville clubs of carving amember was wife, Arlene, and three children. children. three and wife, Arlene, by Mr. his survived is Chettleburgh Associates. and Chettleburgh started &Works 1981 in and Williams for worked engineer He acivil as to 1959. Forces from Armed 1956 U.S. the in Mr. 2019. 31, served Chettleburgh Oct. Ralph L. Selden, Ralph L. McCally,James L. BSME’66 Thomas W. Chettleburgh, Gerald Anthony Missel, Ledel, Robert R. Walters,Robert L. Mr. Ledel is survived by his wife, Linda. byMr. wife, Linda. his survived is Ledel Mr. children. four and by Walters wife, Myrna, his survived is



DIT BSBA’65 , of Louisville, Ky.,, of Louisville, 2016. Mr. May 29, Selden , of Cape Coral, Fla., April 30, 2019. 2019. 30, April Fla., Coral, , of Cape

BSCvE’66 , of Grosse Ile, Mich., Sept. 19, 2017. 19, Sept. Ile, Mich., , of Grosse , of New Hudson, Mich., Aug. 28, 2018. 28, Aug. Mich., , of New Hudson, , of Grand Rapids, Mich., Mich., Rapids, , of Grand , of West Bloomfield, Mich., Mich., , of West Bloomfield,

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FRIENDS WE’LL MISS U.S. and internationally. He is survived by wife, Teresa, internationally. his and survived is He two children. U.S. and the in both consultant, management change worked organizational an as John J. Mathe, AMT’68 Lanny Englund, M. BSIM’68 Dikin, L. Gary Lawrence Amprim, BAPolSci’68 Jennings, Robert E. Cook, James E. three children. and by wife, Charlene, his survived is He Inc. Morell, in apartner was Industries in Columbus, Ind., for many years. He is survived by children. four survived is He many for years. Ind., Columbus, in Industries Arvin and RCA, for engineer Mr. employed was amechanical as Jennings by wife, Martha. Mr. his survived is Amprim survived by his wife, Lois, and two children. two children. and by wife, Lois, his survived



AMT’67 , Jan. 9, 2019, of Linville, Va., Jan. 9, 2018. Mr. of Linville, 9, 2019, Va., Jan. 9, Dikin , Jan. , of Westland, Mich., Feb. 7, Mich., , of Westland, 2018. Mr. is Mathe , of Lady Lake, Fla., Nov. Lake, Fla., , of Lady 27, 2016. Mr. Cook , of Indianapolis, Ind., June 8, 2018. 8, June Ind., , of Indianapolis, , of Clarkston, Mich., Dec. 10, 2015. 10, 2015. Dec. Mich., , of Clarkston, , of Belleville, Mich., Jan. 9, 2019. 2019. 9, Jan. Mich., , of Belleville,

wife, Jane, and two children. and wife, Jane, AWANA Mr. by wherever his out saw survived he aneed. is Gray helping and Baptist Church as a deacon, serving driving church the working bus, in of Hope amember was He years. 22 Energy after retired from Consumers Energy. Consumers He 19 for years before joining worked carpentry in survived by his wife, Maxine, and five children. children. five and by wife, Maxine, his survived Mr. Rak is eventually business. and own his consulting field ran corrosion in specializing worked He at Exxon, 1955-1963. reserves, Navy U.S. the in and five children. five and by wife, Bel-Mehr, his executive. survived is aretired He was business Lawrence W. Parrish, Mahar,William M. BSIM’69 David Gray, R. ABCT’69 P.James Harrison, Michael Andriaschka, BSIM’69 F.Gene Rak,


BSIM’69 , of Baton Rouge, La. Jan. 10, Mr. Jan. 2019. La. Rak served , of Rouge, Baton

BSME’69 , of Beaverton, Mich., Aug. 23, 2018. Mr. 23, Aug. Gray Mich., , of Beaverton, , of Cresco, Pa., April 15, 2018. Mr. Mahar 15, , of April Cresco, Pa., , of Sterling Heights, Mich., Feb. 26, 2014. Feb. 2014. 26, Mich., Heights, , of Sterling , of Warren, March 20, 2019. Mich., , of Davenport, Fla., Feb. 17, Fla., , of Davenport, 2018.

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FRIENDS WE’LL MISS Chester Sugierski S. Jr, “Bob” Rourke,Robert G. his wife, Linda, and two children. two children. and wife, Linda, his by survived is He Michigan. Covenant world, for working House nonprofit to the devoted he talents his 1998, in leaving GM After manyfor decades. Tech GM at working the (GM) Motors Warren, in Center General Mich., with technology Mr. 2019. information in 23, Rourke acareer had June Mich.,


AEEtT’69, BSIM’74 , of Port Orange, Fla., March 11, 2018. March 11, Fla., Orange, , of Port , of West Bloomfield, , of West Bloomfield,

www.ltu.edu [email protected] 248.204.2300 Southfield,48075-1058 MI 21000 West Ten Mile Road OfficeUniversity of Advancement Lawrence Technological University 10/4/19 1:22 PM LAWRENCE TECH FIGHT SONG Dear old LTU

Tho’ time divides us all We shall never prove untrue No matter what the call Our loyalty we pledge to you Rah! Rah! Rah!

Dear old LTU We love the Blue and White you’re flying Thru the years to you ‘Twill ever tell of love undying And in the class or on the field We’ll bring you honor, victory All hail to you Our alma mater LTU Rah! Rah! Rah!

jubilee book 2019 v5.indd 4 10/4/19 1:22 PM