Market regulation for COVID- 19 Containment

Following to the present healtl-r emergency condition of COVID-19 or"rtbreak, the markets have been found to be places of hLrge crowd gathering and their cornplete closure might affect the movement ol essential commodities and daily purchases. ln this regard a market monitoring committee has been assigr, ed the duty to uronitor them on a daily basis as per the COVID- 19 regulations.

Every market within the jurisdiction of Bongaigaon district in any parlicular GP/ mr-rnicipaiity shall be rronitored by the COVID MARI(ET MONITORING TEAM (CMMT) consisting of: L Block Developrnent Officer of the respective development blocl( in which the market falls 2. GP Secretary ol the GP r-rnder which the rnarhet tirnctions 3. GP rvard tnembers olthe respectii,e GP 4. Market lessees of the respective markets" 5. VDP Plesident of the respective GP 6. 'fax Daroga and trade license checkers of the respective GP

The fbllowing shall be fbllowed in order to give efl-ect to the same:

i. Onl1,'irnportant shops given under COVID-19 regulations shall be l

IndiviclLral shop owners shall fr-rnction as fbllow: 1.. The regLrlation of social distar-rcing - shall be done by making definite markings on the ground in tlre fonn of squaresi circles in front of the shops visibly and allow tl,e cllstolrers to stand rvith a girp of 1 meter t}om each other. 2. Placement olsoap and water and ensuling every customer has washed the hands befbre purchasing. 3. Disinfection of the shops adeqLrately and heeping the premises clean. 4. Providing definite quantity of essential goods and discouraging panic br-rying. 5. Time to tin-re disinf'ection of the counter and safety measures like wearing masks and gloves while handling cash. 6. Shop keepers shall also encoLlrage e- payment wherever possible. 7. During peal< market timings like rnorning 9 am to l1 a.m and evening 3 8 p.m. the CMMT shall place its rnembers in the field to ensllre corrpliance and regulate traffic. Contd...2 2

The above given instructions shall be monitored by the GP secretary at all times without fail. case In any shop is found without soap ancl water for its customers or creating crowding or disobeying any of the above instructions shall not be allowed to function and shall invite penal provisions under IPC- 188 and 270 along rvith in-unediate cancellation of trade license.

All necessary sltpport shall be provided by the Executive Magistrates, Circle Oflficers, police and the District Adrninistration, Bongaigaon. In case of any emergency related to health, safety and securitv and Iarv or order, kindly contact the Distlict Ernergency Control room ( phone Number: 03664- 231 l7l-Toll Free & 70867-93507) 'VQ\dnr,--- District Magistrate, Bongaigaon Merno No. BNCtDCrO3i2020/li I Date:2510312020

Copy lorwarded for favour of infbrrnation etc. Io :

1,. The cEo Zilla Parishad, Bongaigaon for information and necessary action" 2. The Superintendent of Police. Bongaigaon for infbrmation and necessary action. 3. The DSP, Bongaigaon for inforrration ancl necessary action. 4. The SDo(c), Norlh Sahrara, for information ancl necessar)/ action. 5. The SDPO, , Abhayapuri fbr infonnation ancl necessary action. 6. All BDOs concerned fbr infonnation and necessary action. 7 . Chairman /Executive offi cers, Mrlnicipal Board, Abhayapuri/Bongaigaon.

District Magistrate.