
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/830919; this version posted November 4, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

1 Cellular crowding guides and debundles the

1, ∗ 2, † 3, ‡ 2 A. Z. Plochocka, N. A. Bulgakova, and L. Chumakova 1 3 Center for Computational Biology and Center for Computational Mathematics, Flatiron Institute, New York, NY, USA, 10010 2 4 Department of Biomedical Science, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, S10 2TN 3 5 Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences, School of Mathematics, 6 The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, EH9 3FD

7 is densely packed with macromolecules causing cellular crowding, which alters in- 8 teractions inside cells and differs between biological systems. Here we investigate the impact of 9 crowding on microtubule cytoskeleton organization. Using mathematical modelling, we find that 10 only anisotropic crowding affects the mean microtubule direction, but any crowding reduces the 11 number of that form bundles. We validate these predictions in vivo using Drosophila 12 follicular . Since cellular components are transported along microtubules, our results 13 identify cellular crowding as a novel regulator of this transport and organization.

14 Subject Areas: Biological Physics, Complex Systems, Interdisciplinary Physics

15 Distribution of different components inside cells is cru- 54 crowding and its anisotropy affect MT self-organization.

16 cial for cellular, and therefore, organism function. In or- 55 To address this, we combine stochastic simulations, an-

17 der for to be delivered to their corresponding 56 alytical models and in vivo experiments. We model cel-

18 biologically relevant locations inside the cell, they are 57 lular crowding as barriers in the cytoplasm, where their

19 transported via vehicles (motor ) along tracks 58 positions are either statistically isotropic or anisotropic,

20 (microtubule cytoskeleton). The microtubules (MTs) 59 and homogeneous or discrete. We discover that all bar-

21 forming these tracks are polarized and highly dynamic 60 rier types reduce MT bundling, whereas only anisotropic

22 filaments [1], as their plus-ends undergo dynamic insta- 61 barriers alter their main direction. We validate our pre-

23 bility. In particular, MTs are either growing or shrink- 62 dictions in vivo using Drosophila follicular epithelium at

24 ing and can switch between the two states. Despite this 63 late stages of oogenesis [18–20]. Altogether, we demon-

25 highly dynamic behavior of individual MTs, they self- 64 strate that cellular crowding and its directionality impact

26 organize into a network, the dynamics of which reaches 65 on the MT network organization and should be consid-

27 a steady-state. This steady state is often driven by cell- 66 ered when studying MT-related processes in cells. 28 scale features, e.g. cell geometry and spatial distribution 67 Model. — As cellular crowding is a universal phe- 29 of MT stable minus-ends [2–4]. 68 nomenon, we turn to a system in which MTs can be

30 The properties of the MT network are crucial for cell 69 modelled without excessive oversimplification. In the ep-

31 function. In particular, the mean MT direction is linked 70 ithelial tissue, one of the four major tissue types [3], the

32 to the large-scale direction of transport and cytoplasmic 71 cortical MTs are restricted to the thin 1µm quasi-2d sub-

33 flows [5–7]. The efficacy of ad- 72 apical layer (Fig.1a, [2]). This allows to model cells as 2d

34 ditionally depends on the MT bundling, which occurs 73 convex domains, in which MTs grow from points on the

35 in many experimental systems [8]. It is defined as the 74 boundary ζ into the interior (Fig.1b, [21, 22]) at an angle

36 case when two or more MTs are closely apposed, often 75 θ (or φ) with respect to the boundary (or the horizon-

37 connected by cross-linking proteins [9]. The presence of 76 tal). All the mathematical model results are presented

38 bundling promotes the transport by increasing the prob- 77 on elliptical cells, since it is the average cell shape for a

39 ability of a motor reattachment to a MT upon 78 given eccentricity [4].

40 fall-off [10, 11]. 79 We represent individual MTs as 1d filaments and

41 However, the MT network does not exist in isola- 80 their dynamic instability via a Markov chain (Fig.1c,

42 tion, but rather in a crowded cytoplasm densely packed 81 [2, 4, 23]), with the of growth α, depolymerization β, res- 0 0 43 with biopolymers [12]. This dense packing with macro- 82 cue α and catastrophe β (Fig.1c). We set the base rates 0 0 44 molecules can make the cell interior either isotropic 83 (α,β,α , β ) = (1000, 3500, 4, 1) (as in [4]) and change 0 45 or anisotropic [12–15]. The significance of cytoplasmic 84 the catastrophe rate β depending on the nature of bar-

46 crowding is seen in protein folding, where it speeds up 85 riers. We assume that crowding does not alter the tubu- 0 47 transition-limited reactions while slowing down diffusion- 86 lin concentration in the cytoplasm, and hence α or α ,

48 limited reactions [13, 16]. Additionally, the crowding cre- 87 whereas the depolymerization rate β is independent of

49 ates potential barriers to growing MTs. The only model 88 it [24]. Upon fully depolymerizing, the MT switches to 0 50 to date that considers the MTs in the context of crowd- 89 growing at the rescue rate α .

51 ing analyzes the creation of traffic jams by -8 [17], 90 We choose the simplest angle-dependent model of MT

52 whereas the effects of crowding on MTs themselves re- 91 interactions (Fig.1d, [2]). When a polymerizing MT en- 53 main unknown. In this paper we focus on how cellular 92 counters an existing one at an angle θMT , it can grow bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/830919; this version posted November 4, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 2

0 αpb (a) (b) 110 ity pb, increasing the catastrophe rate from β to . Apical 1−pb 111 (3) Anisotropic homogeneous (Fig.1g): when the

112 biopolymers are aligned, but in the limiting case of be- a θ Basal φ 113 ing very close to each other, they are modeled as a ζ 114 barrier field at an angle θb. Here the catastrophe rate Adherens junctions ˜0 0 Apical microtubules 115 β (ψ) = | cos ψ|β + | sin ψ|αpb/(1 − pb) depends on the (c) (e) (f) 116 angle between the MTs and the barriers ψ = φ − θb, in- 0 αpb 117 creasing from the base rate β to the when MTs α α α ... 1−pb 118 are perpendicular to the barriers. (4) Anisotropic dis- β' β' β' β' α' α' α' α' a a θ 119 crete (Fig.1h): The barriers, e.g. cables, separated ... θ φ φ 120 by δ are placed at the angle θb with respect to the hori- β β β ζ ζ 121 zontal, and the MTs collapse at barriers with the prob- (d) (g) (h) 122 ability pb. Since the time-scale of the barrier dynamics y t

i 123 l in vivo (e.g. actin cables) is much longer than the MT i

b cross

a θ θ b δ b 124 growth cycle (15sec, [2]), we model them as stationary. b zip pcat o r

P 125 Microtubule organization. — For reported parameter collapse pcat a θ a θ 0 φ φ 126 ranges of β ([4] and the references therein), the MT orga- θ c ζ ζ 127 nization is not affected by isotropic crowding (Fig.2a,b), Angle θ between MTs MT 128 since homogeneous crowding is the limiting case of in-

129 finitely close random barriers, and the MT organization FIG. 1. Model setups of the MT dynamics (a-d) and the cy- 0 0 130 is not sensitive to uniformly changing β [4]. Since β has toplasmic crowding (e-h). (a) The apical MTs (magenta) in epithelial cells are anchored at the adherens junctions (blue)131 not been measured for crowding scenarios, we investi- 0 and grow within the 1µm layer. (b) A MT growing from the132 gated increased pb corresponding to β much higher than minus-end ζ on the boundary (blue) into the interior at the133 the reported range. This progressively weakened the ef- angle θ (or φ) with respect to the boundary (or the horizon-134 fect of cell geometry [2, 4], reducing MT alignment with 0 tal); a is the cross-section length. (c) Markov chain model135 the cell major axis (Fig.2a,b β = 5). of a MT. The rates of polymerization - α, catastrophe - β0, 136 By contrast, anisotropic crowding introduces competi- depolymerization - β, and rescue (from either the minus-end 137 tion between the cell geometry and barriers: the former (blue) or when depolymerizing (magenta)) - α0. (d) MT in- teraction: probabilities of a growing MT to collapse, cross, or138 aligns the MTs along the cell major axis, and the latter 139 along the direction of anisotropy (Fig.2c,d). Since the zip parallel to an existing MT as a function of the angle θMT between them. θc is the critical angle, pcat is the probability140 MT angle distribution does not depend on the interac- of catastrophe. (e-h) The four scenarios of crowding barri-141 tion parameters (θc, pcat) (see SI, Fig.S1), we used the ers (green): (e) isotropic homogeneous; (f) isotropic discrete;142 analytical distribution (g) anisotropic homogeneous cytoplasm with the angle θb of R a˜ − R y p(s)ds anisotropy; and (h) anisotropic discrete barriers at the angle 1 Z q ye 0 dy ρ(φ) = 0 dζ, (1) θb, with spacing δ. Boxes indicate labels for the crowding 1 q π a − R y p(s)ds M R R 0 models. α0 + π 0 0 e dydθ

143 which assumes non-interacting MTs, to analyze its de-

144 pendence on the barrier strength (for the derivation

93 parallel to it (zipping), forming a bundle [25]. Since MTs145 and the versions for different crowding scenarios see

94 cannot bend beyond a certain critical angle θc due to146 SI section C). Here M is the normalization constant,

95 their rigidity [26], if θMT > θc, the oncoming MT under-147 a(ζ, θ) =a ˜(ζ, φ) is the cell cross-section, the parame- 0 0 96 goes catastrophe with probability pcat and crosses other- β (·) α 1 1 0 148 ters p(·) = α − β and q = α + β , where β (·) varies 97 wise; and for θ < θ , it collapses, crosses or zips with MT c 149 depending on the crowding scenario. For both cases of θMT θMT θMT 98 probabilities pcat, (1−pcat), 1− respectively. θc θc θc 150 homogeneous and discrete barriers, we altered the bar- 99 To systematically study cellular crowding, we exam-151 rier strength pb for non-elongated and elongated cells 0 100 ine four barrier placement scenarios named after the ter-152 (ecc = 0.7 and ecc = 0.98), while keeping (α,β,α ) and 101 minology in turbulence. (1) Isotropic homogeneous153 (pcat, θc), constant (Fig.1g,h). For weak barriers, the MT 102 (Fig.1e): the simplified limiting case with small biopoly-154 angle distribution is determined by the cell shape, with o 103 mers, whose distribution is homogeneous and isotropic,155 its peak at the cell major axis angle (90 ). With increas-

104 is modeled by uniformly increasing the base value of the156 ing barrier strength, the MTs progressively align with 0 105 catastrophe rate β . (2) Isotropic discrete (Fig.1f):157 the anisotropy. The rate of this transition depends on

106 when the biopolymers are not aligned, but their distri-158 the cell geometry and the barrier strength. For elon-

107 bution is not homogeneous, e.g. cortical actin mesh [27],159 gated cells the effect of the geometry is stronger than for

108 they are modelled as discrete random barriers. Upon160 the non-elongated ones, and the MTs align with the cell 109 encountering a barrier, MTs collapse with the probabil-161 major axis for larger pb. Since the continuous crowding is bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/830919; this version posted November 4, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 3

(a) Isotropic Homogeneous (c) Anisotropic Homogeneous (d) Anisotropic Discrete

ecc = 0.7 ecc = 0.98 ecc = 0.7 ecc = 0.98 180 0.02 θb = 0º θb = 0º θb = 0º θb = 0º 135 ) º (

e l

g 90

0.01 n A 45 0 180 0 90 180 θ = 45º θ = 45º θ = 45º θ = 45º Angle (º) b b b b 135 ecc = 0.7 ecc = 0.98 ) º ( β'=1,2 β'=1,2 e l

β'=5 β'=5 g 90 n A (b) Isotropic Discrete 45 0 0.02 180 θb = 90º θb = 90º θb = 90º θb = 90º 135 ) º (

0.01 e l

g 90 n A 45

0 90 180 0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Angle (º) ecc = 0.7 ecc = 0.98 Barrier strength (pb) Barrier strength (pb) p = 0.001,0.002,0.005 p = 0.001,0.002,0.005 b b MT angle probability density MT angle probability density

Nb = 20, 50 Nb = 20, 50 p = 0.1, N = 50 p = 0.1, N = 50 b b b b 0 0.07 0.14 0 0.035 0.07

FIG. 2. Cellular crowding effect on the MT angle distribution in elongated (ecc = 0.98) and non-elongated (ecc = 0.7) cells. (a-b) The MT angle distributions for isotropic homogeneous (a) and discrete (b) crowding, for ecc = 0.95 (purple), and ecc = 0.7 (red). Robust distributions for the reported values of β0 = 1, 2, mean (solid) and the standard deviation (envelope). Reduced effect of cell geometry for β0 = 5 (blue curve). 500 stochastic simulations were run for parameter combination; pb = 0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.1; the number of barriers Nb was varied to keep the barrier density approximately constant: Nb = 20, 50 for ecc = 0.7 and Nb = 72, 179 for ecc = 0.98. (c-d) Analytic MT angle distributions for anisotropic homogeneous (c) and discrete (D) crowding as a function of the barrier strengths pb for three barrier angles θb. In (d) δ = 10. The remaining MT instability parameter were kept at their base values.

162 the limiting case of infinitely close barriers, the MTs align180 cells with larger differences between the cell major axis 163 with anisotropy at smaller pb, comparing to the discrete181 and actin direction (p=0.001 and p=0.0004 for differ- ◦ ◦ 164 barrier case (see SI Section D for the study of varying δ).182 ences above 15 and 25 , Fig.3c). We concluded that

183 actin cables reorient the MT network, and this effect in- 165 Validation. — We then validated the model pre- 184 creases with the angle difference between the cell major 166 dictions in vivo. As the strongest effect on MT self- 185 axis and actin cables. 167 organization is predicted for anisotropic barriers, we used 186 168 Drosophila follicular epithelium, where during late oo- Bundling. — To our surprise, upon removal of actin 187 169 genesis (Stage 12, SI Section A) the MTs co-exist with cables by treating ovaries with Latrunculin A the MT or- 188 170 highly aligned densely packed actin cables (Fig.3a,b). In ganization changed profoundly (Fig.4a, [28]). The MTs 189 171 the absence of anisotropic crowding, as in the Drosophila appeared more bundled, forming thicker and brighter fil- 190 172 embryonic epidermis, MTs orient along the main cell axis aments (Fig.4a), the average area covered by them was 191 173 [2]. To explore if the actin cables reorient the network, reduced (p=0.0005, Fig.4b), while their signal intensity o 192 174 the cells were rotated to have 0 major axis angle. As increased (p=0.02, Fig.4c). We concluded that actin ca- 193 175 expected, when not accounted for the actin cable direc- bles inhibit bundling in vivo.

176 tions, the MT network direction was unbiased (Fig.3c).194 To explore it further via modelling, we introduced the

177 After flipping the cell images to have the positive angle195 bundling factor as the ratio of MT lengths in bundles

178 of actin, the MTs were more likely to have a positive di-196 to their total length (Fig.4d,e). In all crowding models,

179 rection (p<0.0001, Fig.3c). This bias was stronger for197 the bundling factor was reduced in the presence of bar- bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/830919; this version posted November 4, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 4

(a) 205 measure: MT bundling, by counting MTs which zip along 206 each other. Finally, we validated the model of discrete

207 anisotropic barriers in vivo on the Drosophila follicular

208 epithelium.

209 We found that only anisotropic crowding affects the

210 direction of MT network. This is due to the competition

211 between the cell geometry aligning it along the cell major

212 axis [2, 4] and anisotropic crowding redirecting it along

213 itself, where the geometry effect is stronger for more elon-

214 gated cells. The orientation of the MT network directs

215 intracellular transport [5–7], which in some biological sys-

216 tems is required to be other than the cell major axis. For

217 example, in the follicular epithelium the transmembrane

218 protein Fat2 accumulates along the boundaries parallel

219 to the cell major axis [29]. This localization depends on

220 MTs [19, 29], suggesting the need for their reorientation (b) α- α-Tubulin 221 for the efficient delivery of Fat2 to produce a viable egg. Actin 222 Therefore, cellular crowding anisotropy provides a pow- 223 erful tool for a cell to redirect the transport and perform

224 its correct function.

225 We showed both in vivo and in silico that cellular

226 crowding reduces bundling. How this alters efficacy of

227 intracellular trafficking by molecular motors remains an

228 open question, as bundling can both increase and de-

229 crease trafficking by, first, reducing the overall MT den- (c) 230 sity in the cytoplasm, while increasing the probability of 231 motor re-attachment after a fall-of a MT, thus facilitat- ) o

( 232 ing the cargo reaching the cell boundary. In summary,

n 233 cellular crowding, though often overlooked, is an impor- o i t 234 tant contributor to MT self-organization, and thus to the c e

r 235 correct cellular organization and function. i d

236 This research was supported by The Maxwell Insti- T 237 tute Graduate School in Analysis and its Applications, M 238 the Centre for Doctoral Training funded by the UK EP-

239 SRC grant EP/L016508/01, the Scottish Funding Coun-

240 cil, Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edin- FIG. 3. The effect of actin cables in the Drosophila follicular241 burgh (A.Z.P.); BBSRC BB/P007503/1 (N.A.B.); Royal epithelium on the MT mean direction. (a) Schematic of the242 Society of Edinburgh and the Scottish Government per- follicular epithelium (FE): a layer of thin cells surrounding243 sonal fellowship (L.C.); and the Leverhulme trust grant

the egg chamber with a closer view of FE (bottom): MTs244 RPG-2017-249 (L.C. and N.A.B). (magenta) and actin (green). (b) Example of follicular cells stained for MTs (grey, left; magenta, right) and actin (green, right). The scale bar is 10µm. (c) The main direction of MT network without normalization to the direction of actin (all), and with normalization: in all cells (actin), and in cells with ∗ o245 aplochocka@flatironinstitute.org the angle between their direction and actin greater than 15 † o o o ooo 246 n.bulgakova@sheffield.ac.uk (>15 ) and 25 (>25 ). ***-p<0.0001 to differ from zero; - ‡ 247 [email protected] p<0.001 in comparison to the non-normalized distributions. 248 [1] G. J. Brouhard, Molecular biology of the cell 26, 1207 249 (2015). 250 [2] J. M. Gomez, L. Chumakova, N. A. Bulgakova, and N. H. 198 riers (Fig.4f), further decreasing with the overall barrier251 Brown, Nature Communications 7, 13172 (2016). 199 strength: their number Nb and strength pb (Fig.4f), and252 [3] A. Muroyama and T. Lechler, Development 144, 3012 253 (2017). 200 decreased spacing δ (SI Fig.S4). 254 [4] A. Z. P lochocka, A. M. Davie, N. A. Bulgakova, and 201 Conclusion. — Here we explored the often overlooked 255 L. Chumakova, bioRxiv, 825786 (2019). 202 effect of a crowded cytoplasm on MT self-organization.256 [5] K. Barlan and V. I. Gelfand, Cold Spring Harbor per- 203 We considered different scenarios using both analytical257 spectives in biology 9, a025817 (2017). 204 models and stochastic simulations, and introduced a new258 [6] S. Ganguly, L. S. Williams, I. M. Palacios, and R. E. bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/830919; this version posted November 4, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 5

150 (a) α-Tubulin Actin α-Tubulin (d) (f) Actin time

30 100 ) b o


N c θ 7 . O e 50 l 0 S

d M n IH = 90 90

u D

b c

c 60 e

45 ) o ) ( o


b 30

b θ n θ i

l e e l l u d d 0 0 c

n n u

u u r

t 538 b b n a

L 30 359 ) b o ( 8


7 c 9 θ (e) . (b) (c) 0 6 179 = )


90 ( 90

c b θ c y 5 t i e

s 60 a n e

e 45 r t 4 ) ) o o A n

( (

I 30

b b T e θ θ v M i t 3 0 0 a l e 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 R 2 p Bundles (%) pb no with b bundling bundling 1 0 10 20

FIG. 4. Effect of cellular crowding on MT bundling. (a) Drosophila follicular epithelium cells in control (top) and with disassembled actin cables after treatment with Latrunculin A (bottom), stained for MTs (magenta - left, grey - right) and actin (green - left, grey - right). The scale bar is 10µm. (b) Average area covered by MTs (MT signal area divided by the cell area), and (c) signal relative intensity indicating MT bundling. Each dot represents an individual egg chamber in (b) and (c). *-p<0.1, and **-p=0.0005. (d) Bundle formation. (e) Snapshot of stochastic simulations (ecc = 0.98, 200 MTs, 0 0 o (α,β,α , β ) = (1000, 3500, 4, 1) with non-bundling (left) and bundling MTs (right, (θc, pcat) = (30 , 0.01)). (f) Bundling factor (ecc = 0.7- top, ecc = 0.98 - bottom), for the four crowding scenarios (clockwise: isotropic homogeneous, isotropic discrete, anisotropic discrete (with δ = 10), anisotropic homogeneous) as a function of the barrier strength pb (horizontal axis) and either the number of barriers Nb for the isotropic discrete case, or the angle barrier θb for the anisotropic cases (vertical axis).

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