The Nature Reserve of Gallocanta Lake is a protected area created by law in 2006 due to its interest about fauna and flora. This temporary salty lake occupies the bottom of a basin 54.335 ha in size. The lake itself is 7,7 km long, 2,8 km wide and maximum 2,5 m deep. It is considered the biggest natural lake in and the biggest salty lake in Europe continent. More than 200 species of bird can be met around the lake. On the shores only specialised vegetation adapted to extreme conditions of salinity and to a continental climate can grow.

GEOLOGY The Gallocanta Lake is part of a group of lakes and ponds that extends along the bottom of a wide depression dug into Triassic clays, gypsum and salts. In the lake itself three parts can be differentiated: “Lagunazo de Gallocanta” in the northwest, “Lagunazo Grande” and several “lagunazos” in the southeast. It is a large endorheic steppe depression which began to form at the end of the Tertiary Age (about 2 million years ago), and continued to develop throughout the Quaternary Age. It has its origin in the dissolution of Jurassic and Cretaceous limestones that originated a polje (karstic depression). In recent times geomorphological processes have developed different coastal sedimentary forms, like spits, beaches and lacustrine terraces, whose activity is related to water fluctuations and the direction of winds. Lacustrine terraces show a greater extension of the lake in the past. Present shoreline dynamics in the lake are controlled by persistent winds, parallel to the long-axis of the lake, creating wave fronts at the shore and net longshore currents. The saline character of its water was acquired recently due to the contribution of salty waters and to evaporation. The concentration fluctuates between 16 g/l to 105 g/l, three times higher than the medium of sea water.

Spit Lacustrine terrace deposit

Dry soil pattern cracks Crystals of different salts

VEGETATION The flora of Gallocanta Lake and its surrounding is rich and varied. The halophytic vegetation communities and the zoo and phyto-plankton of the lake include endemic species. Salix spp., Ulmus sp. and planted Populus sp. are found along the streams and channels which run into the lagoon. Brackish rush beds with Juncus maritimus , Microcnemun coralloides, Salicornia ramosissima, Suaeda sp. , Lythrum flexuosum and Puccinellia pungens , fringe the lake, covering extensive areas in places. The submerged aquatic flora that partially covers the bottom of the lagoon includes Ruppia depranensis , Zannichellia palustris , Lamprothamnium papilosum . The lake is surrounded by highly modified pastures and grassland, and irrigated and non- irrigated crops.

Meadow of Puccinellia pungens Lythrum flexuosum Microcnemum coralloides

Orchid Cereal field Sunflowers field FAUNA Gallocanta Lake is a wetland of international importance because of its biological diversity and the fact that receives a large number of migrating birds. Not only diving ducks, coots and waders come to spend the winter or use the lake as a stopover o as a breeding ground, but also is a strategic point for the migration of common cranes, that gather by thousands during the breading and post-breeding migration. The lake provides shelter refuge and the nearby fields abundant food. It is even possible to observe the rare aquatic warble ( Acrocephalus paludicola ) in the post-breeding migration, at the end of summer. On the fields of cereals it is easy to find steppe birds like great bustard, little bustard, black-bellied sandgrouse or Dupont’s lark. Other animals that you can find around the lake are amphibians (e.g. natterjack toad), reptiles (as jeweled larceta) and mammals (fox, roe deer, wild boar).

Roe deer footprint

Acrocephalus paludicola Mallards

Great bustard Natterjack toad COMMON CRANE The common crane (Grus grus ) is a large, stately bird and a medium-sized crane. It has long legs and neck and can reach 1,2 m in height and an open wingspan of over 2 metres. Its beak is long to dig in the soil in search of seeds, acorns and insects. This species is slate-grey overall. The forehead and lores are blackish with a bare red crown and a white streak extending from behind the eyes to the upper back. They flight in big U-shape flocks and you detect them time before you see them by their typical trumpeting call they made. Cranes have a dancing display, leaping with wings uplifted. From October to March, the 80 % of the entire western population of common crane goes by Gallocanta Lake. Some of them rest the winter in the lake (about 20.000), but during the migration, amounts of 30.000-60.000 can be seen in a single day (record March 9 th 2013 135.000). The massive arrival takes place from mid October to mid November, when cranes go from the north of Europe to warmer countries to spend winter. From mid February to mid March they take the way back to breed at the northern countries.

Flock of common cranes

PUBLIC USE FACILITIES In the Reserve, its peripheral protected area and surrounding areas several public use facilities can be found:


Facility type Name Characteristics A-1507 road, between Tornos and Nature Reserve of Gallocanta Bello +34 978734031 Lake (official) Two floors display, video room, toilets, Visitors and observatory, viewpoint, parking (Bello) information Greal bustard (municipal) One floor display, toilets () centres Two floors display, conference room, Gallocanta Lake centre and tourist office, toilets, observatory, Bird museum (municipal) parking (off the Reserve) (Gallocanta)

Hermitage of Nuestra Señora Barbeque, tables, viewpoint, parking del Buen Acuerdo (Gallocanta) Fountain of Sancho Fountain, tables, parking (Gallocanta) Fountain of Los Haces Fountain, barbeque, tables, parking Picnic areas (Berrueco) Fountain, barbeque, tables, bar, toilets, Waterpool of Gallocanta parking (off the Reserve) (Gallocanta) Barbeque, fountain, tables, La Serna playground, parking (off the Reserve) (Tornos) Nature Reserve visitors centre 57 cars, 2 buses (Bello) Picnic Area of Fountain of Los 6 cars (Galocnta) Haces Picnic Area of Fountain of 6 cars (Gallocanta) Sancho Hermitage of Nuestra Señora del Buen Acuerdo 30 cars (Gallocanta) Tower-observatory of La 4 cars (Las Cuerlas) Reguera Tower-observatory of El Car parks 2 cars (Tornos) Cañizar Observatory of Los Aguanares 10 cars (Gallocanta) Observatory of Los Ojos 6 cars (Gallocanta) Observatory of Gallocanta 2 cars, regulated access (Gallocanta) Gallocanta Lake centre and 10 cars, 2 buses (off the Reserve) Bird museum (Gallocanta) Picnic area of La Serna 10 cars (off the Reserve) (Tornos) 8 cars, in works (off the Reserve) de Berrueco (Berrueco) PR-Z 33 30 km long, flat trail, wide view, Paths y Lagunazos observatories, viewpoints 800 m long round path, steep trail, Berrueco Castle viewpoint, archaeological site (off the Reserve) (Berrueco) Nature Reserve visitors centre Information panels, parking (Bello) At hermitage Nuestra Señora del Buen Hermitage Acuerdo, information panels, parking (Gallocanta) Viewpoint Inside de centre, information panels, Gallocanta Lake centre and binoculars, parking (off the Reserve) Bird museum (Gallocanta) On the top of a hill, information panels Berrueco Castle (off the Reserve) (Berrueco) Tower-observatory of La Information panels, parking (Las Reguera Cuerlas) Tower-observatory of El Information panels, parking, 200 m far Cañizar (Tornos) Information panels, parking Observatory of Los Aguanares (Gallocanta) Observatories Information panels, parking Observatory of Los Ojos (Gallocanta) Information panels, parking Observatory of Gallocanta (Gallocanta) Observatory Hermitage Information panels (Gallocanta) Nature Reserve of Gallocanta Next to the visitor´s centre, information Lake panels, parking (Bello) A Centro de Interpretación Regulated access (Bello) B Centro de Interpretación Regulated access (Bello) C Centro de Interpretación Regulated access (Bello) D Las Suertes Regulated access (Gallocanta) Hides E La Pardina Regulated access (Las Cuerlas) F El Poyo Regulated access (Tornos) G Regulated access (Berrueco) H Regulated access (Berrueco)

Map of public use facilities and elements.

Nature Reserve visitors centre Hermitage Nuestra Señora del Buen Acuerdo

Observatory of Gallocanta Tower-observatory La Reguera BASIC DATA

• Legal protection : Nature Reserve, Site of community Importance (SCI), Special Protection Area for birds (SPA), Wetland of International Importance (RAMSAR Site). • Size : Reserve 1.924 hectares - Peripheral area of protection 4.553 hectares. • Villages : Tornos and Bello () and Gallocanta, Las Cuerlas, Berrueco and (). • Altitude : Around 1.000 m. • Items of interest : - Endorheic lake originated from karstic corrosion of limestone materials. - Endemic plants. - Waterfowl and steppe birds. - The most important staging area in Spain for common crane.

RULES AND DATA OF INTEREST To preserve the environment of this Nature Reserve some rules have been adopted: • You can drive only through roads and non-restricted paths. • While walking don’t leave the paths to avoid disturbing the animals. • You shouldn’t make a campfire. Report to 112 (SOS ) if you see smoke or a fire. • It is forbidden to camp. • Don’t cut or damage plants, so that everybody may admire their beauty. • Don’t disturb animals. In the Nature Reserve visitors centre you will be informed about the environmental values, cultural characteristics, traditional activities and so on, thanks to the thematic display and the specialized video. There is a marked path that will allow you to discover the most important and interesting places of the protected area. To enjoy the visit of the Nature Reserve and contribute to its conservation bear in mind the following advises: • Before going to visit the Reserve go to the Visitors Centre to get information (road A-1507, between Tornos and Bello (Teruel)). • By walking in silence you will be able to observe a lot of the wildlife. • For better birdwatching go to bird observatories located around the lake. It is essential to use binoculars. • When you leave the Reserve take your rubbish with you and put it in a bin. • Be careful with water, don’t use soap or throw rubbish in ravines, ponds or springs. • Park only in car parks. • If you have any queries or encounter any problem, look for a guide or a forest guard, who will be able to help you.

ADRESSES AND TELEPHONES OF INTEREST Nature Reserve of Gallocanta Lake’s office: C/ San Francisco, 27. 44001 TERUEL. Tl: 978 64 11 45, Fax: 978 64 12 31 Rural Development and Sustainability Department’s office: Pz San Pedro Nolasco, 7. 50071 ZARAGOZA. Tl: 976 71 40 00 Visitors Centre at Bello: Tl: 978 73 40 31 –