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Derivation of the Optimum Film Contrast Gradient in Photographic Tone-Reproduction Systems

William R. Dowling

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Recommended Citation Dowling, William R., "Derivation of the Optimum Film Contrast Gradient in Photographic Tone- Reproduction Systems" (1982). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from

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William Race Dowling

A the~is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science ln the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences in the College of Graphic Arts and in the Rochester Institute of Technology April, 1982

Signature of the Author •• ...... ••...•... • •...... ~~~~/~~ Photographic Science and Instrumentation certified by ...... ~d.~~r? .G.r~~~e.r •.. , •.••...... Vl ~i~. 7 .. Thesis Advisor

Accepted by...... , ...... -...... Supervisor, Undergraduate Research ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY



Title of Thesis: Derivation of the Optimum Film Contrast

Gradient in Photographic Tone-Reproduction Systems

I William Race Dowling hereby grant permission to the

Wallace Memorial Library, of R.I.T., to reproduce my thesis in whole or in part. Any reproduction will not be for commercial use or profit. I wish to be informed in writing after each reproduction reguest is granted, stating the party or parties requesting such reproduction. I can be reached at the following address:

2403 Penatiquit Avenue

Seaford, New York 11783

April 23, 1982




William Race Dowling

Submitted to the Photographic Science and Instrumentation Division in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree at the Rochester Institute of Technology


The optimum tone-reproduction characteristics were determined for a high contrast, a low contrast and a controlled contrast scene, by subjective analysis of the resulting prints. From this, mathematical models of the optimum film characteristic curves and fractional gradients were derived. Optimal system gamma (filmT x paper 7 ) was determined to be between 1.2 and

1.4, however, the gradient contrast was determined for the film so that contrast is defined over the entire toe and straight line regions. Luther's equation and its derivitive were used as the models in this study, and it was found that these can be used to describe a given film's characteristics over a wide range of development times. ACKNOWLE DGEMENTS

The author wishes to express his gratitude to Dr. Edward

Granger of the Eastman Kodak Company, whose ideas and time

aided in the successful completion of this thesis.

Since I had not the means to fund this project, a

special salute of thanks is in order for the Central

Intelligence Agency for their generous funding.

Mel Simon of Mel Simon Inc. deserves a note of thanks

since it was his initial assignment given to me which led

to the main idea in this project.

The author's wife, Joyce, who held the homestead

together during the long hours and late nights, deserves

his highest praise as the most patient woman on Earth. It

is to her, that this thesis is dedicated.


List of Tables , v.

List of Figures vi .

List of Equations vii .

Introduction 1

Experimental 6

Sensitometry 6 Mathematical Modeling 8 Printing 10

Subjective Evaluation of Prints 11

Results 12

Discussion and Conclusion 15

Determining Optimum Contrast 15 Conclusion Summary 16

References 19

Appendices 20

Appendix A 21

Appendix B 26

Appendix C 29

Vita 32


Table 1- The Range of Luther's Equation Parameters

Which Yield Optimal Results 13

Table 2- Output of Best-Fit Luther's Equations 30

Table 3- Output of Best-Fit Luther's Equations 31


Figure la- A Typical Tone-Reproduction System 2

Figure lb- Known System Response 2

Figure 2- A Theoretical Film Response 2

Figure 3- Comparison of High and Low Contrast Scene Optimums 18

Figure 4- Optimum Curve for General Case 22

Figure 5- Optimum Curve for High Contrast Scene 23

Figure 6- Optimum Curve for Low Contrast Scene 24

Figure 7- Optimum Curve for Portrait 25

Figure 8- Graphical Explanation of Luther's Equation. 27


Equation 1 8 , 27

Equation 2 8

Equation 2a 9

Equation 3 28

Equation 4 28

Equation 5 28


The single most important part of photographic repro

duction is viewer satisfaction. Aesthetic considerations

aside, the viewer is most influenced by the quality of the

reproduction. This quality is not necessarily associated

with accurate tone reproduction, but rather, it is associated

with the way the viewer feels the scene should look.

In figure la, we see a graphical representation of a

tone reproduction system. The system response curve shows

how original scene luminances transform to resulting

densities in the print. In completely accurate tone repro

duction, this curve is a straight line, with the lowest

density representing the brightest specular highlight and

the highest density, the deepest shadow.

In simple systems, the response curve can be assumed to

be a straight line. For example, in copy work, we wish to

have an exact duplicate of an original. This necessitates a

straight tone-reproduction curve, since we want an exact

density-to-density match between original and copy. If the

"backwards" tone reproduction cycle is worked from this

assumption (see Fig. lb), a suitable copy film characteristic

curve can be determined, even if no such film exists (Fig. 2).

This theoretical characteristic curve can then be used as an

aim, where the photographic technician or photographer can

adjust the and processing of a film to give the

closest match. Paper Response System Response Paper Response System Response

/ \ \


, / 1

Flare (system) Rim Response Flare (system) Rim Response

Figure la (left)- A typical tone-reproduction system where film, paper and flare characteristics are significant.

Figure lb (right)- If the needed system response is known, the necessary film characteristics can be derived and the results used to choose a film-development time-exposure

combination which yields optimum results.

Log Exposure

Figure 2- A theoretical copy film characteristic curve derived from the process described in figure lb. Note that no known film has the characteristic curve shown above. This is not such a simple task when the system involves

a natural scene. The viewer's eyes adapt to different lum

inance levels depending upon the object on which they are

fixed. When a viewer is asked to observe a print of any

given scene, he must make an evaluation based only on his memory and experience. For this reason, a system exhibiting

an exact reproduction of a scene will not necessarily be

judged the best in quality.

The study performed here has established the optimum

tone-reproduction range for three basic scenes encountered

in standard pictorial photography, by assessing subjective

evaluations of processed to different specifi

cations. From these, the optimum film characteristic curves

have been determined. Since subjective testing of tone re

production is laborious and time consuming, extensive work

2 in this area has not been done.

The primary tone reproduction factor studied in this

experiment is contrast. Effects such as granularity and

viewing conditions, have been extensively investigated in the

literature, and have valid, well-established numerical

2 > 3 ' 4 ' 5 ' 6 characterizations. Contrast however, has had the

misfortune of being associated with a single number, ever

since the studies of Hurter and Driffield in 1890. Gamma,

the slope of the straight-line portion of the characteristic

curve, is not always an appropriate means of judging con-

trast. The questionable nature of gamma has been addres

sed by Niederpruem, Nelson and Yule of the Kodak Research 7 Laboratories. These researchers developed a better measure of contrast, the contrast index, which considers the toe region, as well as the straight-line portion of the curve.

While the advantages of having a single number associated with contrast, in most cases, outweighs the mathematical

rigor of defining contrast as a function of exposure, a

single number cannot adequately define the contrast over

the entire range of a sensitized material. For this reason,

the characteristic curves of the film for varied development

times have been well established, and the fractional

gradient of the material over the entire useable range has

7 ' R been determined. This is absolutely essential, since

. . 9 contrast is affected by both developer activity and exposure.

A film exposed on the straight-line portion will yield an

entirely different result than the same film exposed mainly

on the toe region. Since gamma is still the most widely

used method of determining contrast, all results in this

study have been left in a form where gamma is readily deter

mined from the gradient equation. Observations have been

made when scene contrast, development time, exposure and

paper grade are varied independently, in order to determine

the optimum combinations of these factors.

Knowing the results of this experiment, a photographer

or photographic technician will be able to determine the

correct combination of exposure, development time, paper

grade and film choice for any given scene without guesswork, and be assured of optimum results. The technician is also liberated from the drudgery of producing four-quadrant

tone-reproduction plots, a time-consuming process and cer

tainly too much to ask of a person with a busy schedule. EXPERIMENTAL

This study has shown that a range of optimum tone-repro duction curves exists for any given scene, and these curves can be explicitly defined. It has shown that an optimum set of parameters for contrast can be defined from the tone reproduction curve.

Clearly = four main steps had to be performed in this study: film and paper sensitometry, mathematical modeling, printing and subjective evaluation. These will be discussed

separately, although some overlap of topics is unavoidable.

1 . Sensitometry

In order to the film curve. Its characteristics had to be defined over a given range of development times.

The film chosen for this experiment was Kodak Panatomic-X, since it had the longest toe region of all currently avail

' able films in 35mm. A long toe region was found necessary, since these are most affected by contrast changes due to exposure. Due to processing constraints, it was decided that the range of development time should be from

3h minutes to 25 minutes. This allowed a gamma from about

0.3 to 1.0 when processed on a reel in Kodak D-76 developer diluted 1:1. Five development times were chosen within this range so that their replicate 30 limits of density did not overlap. This resulted in development times of: 3^, 5%, 8,

14 and 25 minutes; which yielded gammas of, 0.36, 0.48, 0.65,

0.80 and 1.00 respectively. This gave the development times to be used in the photographs for subjective evaluations.

3 Frieser and Beidermann discussed the four basic scenes

encountered in standard pictorial photography. The cate gories they determined are as follows:

1. Distant objects without foreground (200+ ft.)

2. Scenes with objects in medium distance (60-300 ft.)

3. Groups of persons standing 10-15 ft. away

4. Portraits, subject about 5 ft. away.

While this researcher feels that the above categories are valid, it was felt that since this was a study of contrast,

scene contrast should also be taken into account. A com

promise was found necessary, since the number of original

scenes had to be kept to a minimum. Therefore, two outdoor

scenes with objects in medium distance were chosen, one in

bright sun, the other in -heavy overcast. A portrait scene

was chosen, where the photographer has full control over

lighting. A fourth scene (groups of persons) was photogra

phed but not used in this study. Each scene was photographed

on five rolls of film, corresponding to the five development

times discussed earlier. The scene exposure (using the

meter) was varied 5 stops, on each roll, in Jf-stop

increments. A step tablet exposure was included on each roll

so that the characteristics for that roll could be explicitly

defined. From these, the film curves for all five develop

ment times were produced.

Sensitometry of Kodak Polycontrast Rapid II RC paper

a 21 tablet was performed by projecting step through 8

Kodak Polycontrast Filters number 1, 2, 3, and 4. Since

the processing was performed in a Kodak Ektamatic Stabiliza

tion processor, the effects of development variability on

the paper were not pursued. This practice is not recommended

by the manufacturer, however this researcher did not detect

any ill effects by using this method.

2. Mathematical Modeling:

Luther's equation for the toe and straight-line portion

of the characteristic curve has been described by Nelson and

Q Simmonds. The use of Luther's equation for the purposes

of this experiment is discussed in Appendix B. There are

essentially two constants in the equation which control the

shape of the characteristic curve model. The equation as

given in Nelson and Simmonds is shown below:

(D = Jj D iog[l00'6*/w+l] . 0.6

Where 7 is the slope of the straight-line portion of the characteristic curve, is the log exposure, D is the density corresponding to the log exposure and w is the distance between the intersection of the slope of the straight-line portion with base + fog density and the intersection of the slope of the curve at that point with the base + fog density (see Appendix B).

if we let K=0.6/cj, then equation 1 reduces to:

(2) = _2_ D log[l0"*+l] .

Equation 1 or 2 is then used to model a given set of

densities. This modeling can be done easily, either graphically or by computer. In order to perform this graphically, equation 1 is the preferred form. It is done

in the following manner:

1. Plot the densities

2. Determine the value of gamma in the usual manner

3. Determine the value of omega by the procedure

described in Appendix B

4. Plot and adjust the value of omega until an accept

able match is made.

If many curves are to be tested it is best to use equation

2 and a computer. This was the method employed in this

study. Shift values were added to equation 2 as follows:

<2a> D = * -ilog[10K<*-f->+l] Vf .

Where e. is the amount the model must be shifted along the + abscissa and D, +f. is the base fog density.

The best fit model can then be determined by varying 7,

K and 6. independently, and summing the squared difference

in density of each step of the 21 step tablet. The process

is repeated until the best least-squares solution is found.

In this study, it was found that the last four steps of the

tablet had to be ignored, since in some cases, these lay on the shoulder region of the curve. Using this method, the

following sum-squares error resulted (see Appendix C for a complete description of the modeled curves). 10

3h min. , 0. 0007

5% min. , 0.0008

8 min., 0.0006

14 min. , 0.0006

25 min. , 0.0012

After the modeling was complete, the values of 1/K and 7 were plotted vs. development time. This allowed Luther's

equation and its derivitive to be found over the entire

range of development time, knowing only the gamma of the

film. Once the optimum gamma was found for each scene, all

that was necessary was to find that gamma on the graph, and

read the value of 7/k , which allowed Luther's equation for

that gamma to be produced.

3. Printing

In order to reduce the final number of prints used

in the subjective evaluations to a manageable size, certain

compromises had to be made. First, the scene exposure

increment had to be increased to one full stop, and the

range reduced to 3 stops. Even with this reduction, one

scene had to be eliminated (the group of persons). This

allowed an initial screening reduction, yielding a total of

201 prints, 67 for each scene.

Printing was performed on a condenser .

Contrast was varied for each frame by the use of Polycontrast

"Inbetween" filter numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. contrast grades

were not used.

A system of four-space coordinates was set up in order

to identify the conditions which produced a given print. 11

The format of this system is as follows:

(4) (W,X,Y,Z)

Where W is the scene number (1,2,4), X is the development time number (1 to 5) corresponding to the five development times used, Y is the exposure difference in stops from normal (-3 to +3) and Z is the Polycontrast filter number.

Prints judged acceptable for the analysis were randomized and sequentially numbered. The individual judging the prints had no knowledge of the coordinates corresponding to the sequential numbers.

4. Subjective Evaluation of Prints

The evaluations were performed using fifteen analysts under the standard viewing conditions of: 5000K diffuse source illumination, with fixed viewing distance and angle.

Fifteen evaluations had been determined the minimum number necessary to produce acceptable results.

The method of categories was used, as this method has been known to produce the best results in the past.

The Discussion and Conclusion section of this thesis in cludes more information about how the prints were evaluated. 12


The results of this report take the form of a series

of equations which describe the optimal characteristic

curves for printing on a Polycontrast grade 2 or 3 paper.

The subsequent plots of these equations can be found in

Appendix A. Two equations are given so that one need only

match a set of densities to within the limits of the two.

The optimum system results will then be assured, while still

allowing sufficient flexibility in paper grade selection.

Equations for the gradient are also given both for com

pleteness and in the event one wishes to use these to

determine film parameters. The equations are given in

generalized form, that is, log exposure and density are

only relative quantities. It is the shape of the curve

which must be matched. The specific exposures and densities

of the film will vary depending on the film and developer

type. To use the curves, it is suggested that the tech

nician draw or trace them (Appendix A) onto a clear plastic

sheet, on the same scale which is normally used in the lab.

A plot of any film can be tested by placing the sheet over

the graph paper and shifting it vertically or horizontally until a match (if any) is made.

Four sets of curves are given. The first set is a

general case, which will yield good results if the scene contrast is not known, or if the technician wishes to sim plify matters. The next set is for use in high contrast 13

scenes. That is, bright sun/clear sky, or indoors with clear . The next is for low contrast scenes, specif

ically, heavy overcast. The fourth set is for a standard

studio portrait, where the photographer has full control

over the lighting. It should be noted that the character

istics of the latter scene type closely match the general

case. The sets of curves are in tabular form, listed


Table 1- The Range of Luther's Equation Parameters Which Yield Optimal Results.



7* SCENE 7 K 7/K 7 K 7/K SYSTEM

GENERAL 0.775 1.947 0.398 0.665 1.939 0.343 1.33

HIGH CONTRAST 0.676 1.931 0.350 0.578 2.064 0.280 1.16

LOW CONTRAST 0.833 2.062 0.404 0.713 1.912 0.373 1.43

PORTRAIT 0.752 1.913 0.393 0.643 1.966 0.327 1.29 * FILM 7 X PAPER 7)

Values given in the above table are for Luther's equation in

the form of Equation 2, and its derivitive in the form of

note that represents the relative Equation 5 . Please fc

the- independent and D log exposure and is variable, rep

dependent variable. resents relative density and is the

For the gradient, G represents the absolute slope and is

the dependent variable. The gradient equation is in the

form of 7 x correction factor. Therefore, film gamma can

be read directly from this equation. The last column in

the above table represents the optimum film x paper gamma 14

determined in the subjective evaluation. It is included here for completeness. 15


It was felt by the author, that a discussion of the treatment of subjective evaluations should be included here instead of in the experimental section, since it is im portant to know how the results were derived.

1 . Determining Optimum Contrast

Once the subjective evaluations were performed (using the method of categories), results were obtained by using the prints which scored the highest. Each analyst was told to rate the prints in terms of contrast quality using the

following categories. Each category was given a number.

7. Excellent 6. Very Good 5. Good 4. Satisfactory 3. Acceptable 2. Unsatisfactory 1. Poor 0. Unuseable

The analysts' responses were summed, normalized and ranked.

A print was included in the analysis if it met one of the following criteria: it appeared in the top one-third of all the prints or it appeared in the top one-third of its particular scene; for the general case and the individual

cases respectively.

System contrast was determined by multiplying the film gamma by the paper gamma. The X and Z coordinates were ranked in order of increasing system gamma. A histogram was made of the top one-third (67) prints. Three additional 16

histograms were made, one for each of the top one-third (20) prints for each scene. The mean of each histogram was calculated. This represented the best system gamma for the given scene conditions. The gamma of grade 2 paper was divided out of the mean, as was the gamma of grade 3 paper. This yielded two gammas of the optimum film curve for each scene and the combined scenes. These gammas were located on the graph described in the Experimental section, and the values for the optimal Luther's equation were

found. The same values were used in the derivitive to

determine an expression for the fractional gradient.

Please note that all of the data collected for this project is based on the use of a condenser enlarger (specif

ically an Omega D5V) with an excellent quality 50mm lens.

The use of a diffusion enlarqer will more than likely produce results which are drastically different than those

stated here.

2. Conclusion Summary

We see that the use of a full tone-reproduction plot

can be circumvented by the methods discussed, and a range

of acceptable film characteristics can be defined. Un

fortunately, there is no real optimum characteristic curve which can be used in every case, since the low and high

contrast scene optimums do not overlap (see figure 3).

This is not the case when the lighting can be artificially

controlled. In this case, the optimums have a mutual area;

the portrait and general scenes almost match. If the 17

photographer cannot control the lighting, he must adjust his development procedure. If the scenes on a particular

roll of film are a mixture, the general case will more than

likely yield good, if not optimum, results.

The establishment of aim values in photographic

technology is not new. However, things such as contrast

tend to be oversimplified (gamma). The use of mathematical

modeling, and specifically, the derivitive of Luther's

equation, gives us the ability to be more rigorous in our

approach. The form of the derivitive is exquisite, since it

factor" is in the form of gamma times a "correction which

varies with log exposure. This allows us to apply the in

formation about the toe region, if needed, without abandoning

the use of gamma.

Up to this point, the variation of contrast with res

pect to film exposure has not been mentioned. It was

determined that there is no significant contrast variation

with mild amounts of overexposure (up to one stop). As the

amount of overexposure exceeds two stops, or the amount of

underexposure exceeds one stop, this effect becomes more

significant. It is concluded that it seems to be better to

overexpose slightly, however the differences in metering

systems causes the author to advise caution about any

further conclusions or practices. 18

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Rel. Log Exposure ()

Figure 3- Comparison of High and Low Contrast Scene Optimums Note that the two are mutually exclusive and therefore, an optimum curve range that works for every scene is unlikely. 19


1. M. A. Bouman, "Peripheral Contrast Thresholds of the Human Eye," J. Opt. Soc. Am., 1950, pp. 825. 2. J. L. Simonds, "A Quantitative Study of the Influence of Quality," Tone-Reproduction Factors on Picture PS&E, ~5, 1961, pp. 270. 3. H. Frieser, K. Biedermann, "Experiments on Image Quality in Relation to Modulation-Transfer Function and Graininess Photographs," of PS&E, 7, 1963, pp. 28. 4. D. E. MacDonald, J. T. Watson, "Detection and Recognition Detail," of Photographic J. Opt. Soc. Am., 46, 1956, pp. 715. 5. L. D. Clark, C. N. Nelson, "The Effect of Granularity of the Negative on the Tone-Reproduction Characteristics of Print," the PS&E, 6, 1962, pp. 84. 6. G. C. Higgins, F. H. Perrin, "The Evaluation of Optical Images," PS&E, 2, 1958, pp. 66. 7. C. J. Niederpruem, C. N. Nelson, J. A. C. Yule, "Contrast Index," PS&E, 10, 1966, pp. 35. 8. C. N. Nelson, J. L. Simonds, "Simple Methods for Approx imating the Fractional Gradient Speeds of Photographic Materials," J. Opt. Soc. Am., 46, 1956, pp. 324. 9. C. N. Nelson, "Safety Factors in Camera Exposures," PS&E, 4, 1960, pp. 48. 0. Personal correspondence with Dr. Granger.

1. Kodak Professional Films, 2nd ed. , Eastman Kodak Company, 1976.

2. Kodak Black and White Photographic Papers, 1st ed. , Eastman Kodak Company, 1978. 3. S. J. Briggs, "Photometric Technique for Deriving a Gamma' Displays," 'Best for Opt. Eng., 20, 1981, pp. 651. Photography," 4. M. Levy, "Wide Latitude PS&E, 11, 1967, pp. 46 20




The following are the optimum characteristics for the scenes

tested in this study. The characteristic and gradient

curves are plotted on the same graph. The characteristic

curve is, of course, the one possessing no shoulder region. 22

lueipejQ -sqv - Ansuoa '|8ti

Figure 4 23

jueipeJO -sqv - Ajisuaa 'Pd Fiqure 5 24

juejpejo 'SQV - Aijsuea *|9H

Ficrure 6 25

jjuajpBJO 'sqv - Ajjsuea M^U

Figure 7 26



-.4 -.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 . Rel. Log Exposure ()

Figure 8- Graphical Explanation of Luther's Equation

Recall Equation 1

log(100'6^ D = + (1) ^ l) , where the parameters are as shown above. The point b is known as the inertia point, and is equal to a log exposure of zero.

To determine the value of to , the author suggests the follow ing procedure:

1. Consider the conditions at b. equals zero and equation 1 reduces to

D = L log(2) 28

2. Let the density at point b minus the base + fog density (D,+f) equal AD, then the equation becomes (after some


(06)AD .. (3) ro= 2AD 71og 2 7

Thus, we have an expression which will determine the parameter to, knowing only the 7 and the base + fog density. Both of these are easily determined.

this Using method will yield good results, however, a

slight adjustment of omega may be needed to bring the

curve within replicate error.

The derivitive of Luther's equation is used to define the

fractional gradient contrast over the toe and straight-line

regions of the characteristic curve. Taking the derivitive

with respect to log exposure yields equation 3:

~in(0.6 /w) ' l = (4) G ' (10(0.6^ + 1)

or, in the form of Equation 2:

ioKt J (5) G = 7 (10K*+1)

Use equations 2 and 5 when using the results table. 29



ro cm ii -t o CM in rv i1 CO .-( ts ro i r -0 O CK 11 -0 CM 0- Cv 1 o ro . CM -H 1 - 1 . CM - 1 - H .-( |1

ro m i' CO h r> | (M r> * ii r I o * Ii - .4 -H 1

NN I n O <-< a in i

O-'O^Ith-ocD - -*. . COw 1.i ro. . ^ co co I o to

^r cm i cm m o- o ! 0"- CD O I *0 -<| 1-0 IO 1 O *- co oo i ro * o o 1 * - i * -^ - 1 i .H -H 1

>o rv i .-i ro in i rj t in i -h -o

* (NN I O -H CM i1 -H "0 0- I i-i *0 ro o- o 1 *H ^ < n i ro * CO 0- 1 * * I * -rt 1 - I I 1 1

WO I ID C* C" 1 1*5 * CO CO i * ? I ^ - i I I i I

mm i o os iv -h CJ :i ~ ck r ck i in -o rv ^ in in i ro * tv rv i1 O * * I * * w-A 1 i 1 1

cm i co is rj CM 1 CD ro *in i o in ok Cs CD 1 O th in in i ro

mrvicoro*o vw i n fM ON I o m N N hh | o *H^-^-iro *-* *o


-h cm i o- r c* om i in c* co i ro r o-isirH <-t ro ro i o ro h c^ i o i * * * . i . i I


rooirors in i in co i -c cj co is is i roroior-j* roroi . - i - * * i . > i i

in rs | CM o- r co I CM rs 4>0 I O (SO in hpi | O n n I o h roroi * i * * i - li i) UJ ^03lrvC>-i-H X. CMCMI O T r I CM *H *-* *>0 CO CO i I CM CJ I iH ? CJ CJ I O * * . I * * I I

^ i r ro *o uj i in cm ro i o rv cm o in -o*o i o cm CM I O O CM CM I o . . . . . I . . I I II Z II

CD -1 -V CO O I CM - 2 2 ! 2 -h cm i o ro -r * _ S ?, 2 CM CM I O CM CM 5 * I . I \ I I I ' I

in N ro cm I -h rv rv DI-,2;S!S ooro-HTHiOrtin M t?J- E E 2 ~o cm cm i o o cm cm o . . . . . i o . i . i r> O I .. o I O CDhO a. CD T CM O -rr cm in o *>o ro ii ro * ro-H-r -* o i -h ooro o C i!1 5 ? CM rt -H u. CM ro ro o CM CM I O O CM CM 11 o

_l i1 I UJ CC i Ci o t < o i t ro o cc *r ro i1 H i1 -h w I O O r cc ro ro 1 CM CM I O O UJ CM CM 1 o I r- i! *-* ;1 u. C3

UJ* c in _l tn _j cc c CC t- (_ T. CD II UJ D U. fl. r to 0. UJ -J o 3- to -C UJ LU C. 1- CC OX 01 s UI r u a r- cc r- o u cc UJ KOUCC _JUI UJ

Table 2- Output of Best-Fit Luther's Equations 31

o- cm CM I 0- N in n rj i o- in o co i o i -H -H I

m co o in i in ro co rv i o i -* t i

rv rv ro o i ro rv o rv ro i -r -h ro ro o o i o I -4 .-t I

ro in m in i o co rv ro cn I w CM CM in in i i . n i

o- in rv in i cm o m HH | O I o I - *H T-l |

cm o rv cm i in o rv rv o- o i o H o cm ro i o i T* t | |

t rv o tv o ro i rv rv c> o- in oo CD 0> I O o- -< w 0~ 0- h .n i o rv I .H t | |

co rv ro CM CM I r o- o CD CO I th CO CO -o O O I

n o T O I ro o o C -0 I t oo m 0- O- I

o in Of i c cm o o ro cm i .- t rv rv CO CD I O

o o 0- O I ~l t CM CM ro c i o T4 -CO rv rv i i

rv cm o in in i -. co o ro ro ro ro i CM C t< in in o

in cm rv t t O I m in ^ ro ro ro i in in in i - i i

CO o in i CO 0- c ro i ro ro v c i - i i

o ci c-i t o in i cm ro ro o >o <> I ro ro ro ro ro i i i

c m CM O I CD CD -i CM I cm n ro ro i

rv cm (V CM I in in rv co i CM CM CM CM I UJ - I

o ON I Ml co n

O 00 00 in co i ro oo ro cm m v v \ o in CM CM in CM CM I O in . I . o I I OOO 0* in o co r oo o I t CM CJ CM ro r i o CM M CM CM I O I I I

ro o w CM >o ro i ro CM ^ CM CM w r> cc ro ro i .-I D- CM CM o UJ CM CM I o I I

_j -I cc UJ UJ UJ _j UJ -J o fl. Cu Dh CC o o o cj cc o u T.

Table 3- Output of Best-Fit Luther's Equations 32


Race Dowling was born and raised in Seaford, New York.

He first attended College at the Fashion Institute of

Technology in New York City, and received an associate's

degree in Photography. He then worked as a photographer

in New York until his acceptance into the Rochester

Institute of Technology in September, 1978. He is cur

Photographic rently an undergraduate student, majoring in

Science and Instrumentation.