TWO HUNDRED THIRTY FOURTH REPORT Demands for Grants (2016-17) of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

(Presented to the Rajya Sabha on 4th May, 2016) (Laid on the Table of on4th May , 2016)

Rajya Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi May, 2016/Vaisakha, 1938 (Saka) Website : E-mail : [email protected] Hindi version of this publication is also available




Demands for Grants (2016-17) of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

(Presented to the Rajya Sabha on 4th May, 2016) (Laid on the Table of Lok Sabha on 4th May, 2016)

Rajya Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi May, 2016/Vaisakha, 1938 (Saka) CONTENTS



2. INTRODUCTION ...... (iii)

3. ACRONYMS ...... (iv)-(vi)

4. REPORT ...... 1-30


6. MINUTES ...... 41-47


1. Dr. Kanwar Deep Singh — Chairman

RAJYA SABHA 2. Shri Ritabrata Banerjee 3. Dr. K. Chiranjeevi 4. Shri Narendra Kumar Kashyap 5. Dr. Prabhakar Kore 6. Shri Kiranmay Nanda 7. Kumari Selja 8. Shri Rajeev Shukla @9. Shri Narendra Kumar Swain #10. Vacant

LOK SABHA 11. Shri Ram Charitra Nishad 12. Shri Vinod Chavda 13. Shri Rajeshbhai Naranbhai Chudasama 14. Km. Arpita Ghosh 15. Shri Rahul Kaswan 16. Shri P. Kumar *17. Shri Harish Chandra Meena 18. Yogi Aditya Nath 19. Shri Kristappa Nimmala 20. Shri 21. Shri Rajesh Ranjan 22. Shri P. Srinivasa Reddy 23. Shri Ram Kumar Sharma 24. Shri Prathap Simha 25. Shri Dushyant Singh 26. Shri Kunwar Haribansh Singh 27. Shri Rakesh Singh 28. Shri Shatrughan Sinha

@ Nominated on 15th March, 2016. # Vacancy caused due to expiry of the term of Shri Avinash Rai Khanna w.e.f. 9th April, 2016. * Nominated in place of Shri Mohammed Faizal PP. w.e.f. 14th March, 2016. (i) (ii)

29. Shri Dasrath Tirkey 30. Shri Manoj Tiwari 31. Shri K.C. Venugopal

SECRETARIAT Shri J.G. Negi, Joint Secretary Shri Swarabji B., Director Shri Arun Kumar, Assistant Director Shrimati Catherine John L., Assistant Director Shri P.P. Raumon, Committee Officer INTRODUCTION

I, the Chairman, Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture, having been authorized by the Committee to present on its behalf, do hereby present this Two Hundred Thirty Fourth Report on Demands for Grants (2016-17) of the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.

2. The Committee, at its meeting held on the 7th April, 2016 considered the subject and heard the Secretary and other officials of the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.

3. The Committee wishes to express its thanks to the officers of Ministry of Road Transport & Highways for placing before the Committee, the material and information desired in connection with the subject and for clarifying the points raised by the Members.

4. The Committee considered and adopted the Report at its meeting held on the 3rd May, 2016.

DR. KANWAR DEEP SINGH NEW DELHI; Chairman, 3 May, 2016 Department-related Parliamentary Vaisakha 13, 1938 (Saka) Standing Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture Rajya Sabha


ADB – Asian Development Bank

AGs – Accountant Generals

B.E. – Budget Estimates

BKC – Bandra Kurla Complex

BoT – Build-operate-Transfer

BRO – Border Roads Organization

CCA – Chief Controller of Accounts

CCTV – Closed Circuit Television

CRF – Central Road Fund

DIMTS – Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit Systems

E&I – Electrical & Instrumentation

EAP – Externally Aided Projects

EC – European Commission

EI – Economic Importance

EPC – Engineering, Procurement and Construction

FDR – Flood Damage Repairs

GBS – Gross Budgetary Support

GoTN – Government of Tamil Nadu

GPS – Global Positioning System

HAM – Hybrid Annuity Model

HSD – High Speed Diesel

IAHE – Indian Academy of Highways Engineering

IEBR – Internal and Extra Budgetary Resources

IIM – Indian Institute of Management

IIT – Indian Institute of Technology

ISC&EE – Inter-State Connectivity and Economic Importance

(iv) (v)

InvITs – Infrastructure Investment Trusts

IRC – Indian Road Congress

IRQP – Improvement of Riding Quality

IT – Information Technology

JNPT – Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust

LA – Land Acquisition

LIC – Life Insurance Corporation

LWE – Left Wing Extremism

M&R – Maintenance & Repair

MDRs – Major District Roads

MoRTH – Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

NER – North Eastern Region

NH(O) – National Highways (Original)

NHAI – National Highways Authority of India

NHDP – National Highways Development Programme

NHIDCL – National Highway and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited.

NHs – National Highways

O&M – Operation & Maintenance

OMT – Operate Maintain Transfer

OR – Ordinary Repairs

PBFF – Permanent Bridges Fee Fund

PGIMER – Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research

PPP – Public-Private Partnership

PR – Periodic Renewal

PSP – Private Sector Participation

PWD – Public Works Department

R&D – Research and Development

R.E. – Revised Estimates

SARDP-NE – Special Accelerated Road Development Programme (North-East)

SHDP – State Highways Development Programme (vi)

SHs – State Highways

SPV – Special Purpose Vehicle

SR – Special Repair

SRTU – State Road Transport Undertaking

ToT – Toll Operate Transfer

TSP – Tribal Sub Plan

UC – Utility Certificate

UTs – Union Territories

VGF – Viability Gap Funding

WHO – World Health Organization 1


Road plays major role in the economy of any country. It is essential for development and prosperity of a nation because it not only links one place with another but helps in distribution of resources needed for the people. India is a huge country and the road network is around 52.50 lakh kilometer out of which National highways account for only 1 lakh kilometer, State Highways 1.5 lakh kilometer and other District Roads and Village roads account for 50 lakh kilometer. Surprisingly the National Highways consists only 2% of the total length of roads but carries over 40% of total traffic. 2. The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has been entrusted with formulation of policies relating to regulation of road transport in the country, administration of National Highways Act, 1956; Motor Vehicle Act, 1988; Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989, Road Transport Corporations Act, 1950; Carriage by Road Act, 2007; and Control of National Highways (Land & Traffic) Act, 2002. It is also involved with the arrangements for movement of traffic with the neighbouring countries. The Ministry has also got an important tasks of maintaining the roads and improving road safety in the country. Besides, the above mentioned functions, it also formulates policy relating to National Highways regarding its development and maintenance and management. Administration of Central Road Fund (CRF) comes under the purview of the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. Formulation of standards and specifications for Roads and Bridges are done by this Ministry. The Ministry also looks after the research and development area of highways sector. Distribution of National Highways gives State PWD 57,050 Kms; NHAI, 32,000 kms; Border Roads Organisation (BRO) 4050 kms.; NHIDCL 1500 kms; 4500 kms highways is yet to be entrusted to any agency. 3. Demand no.74 containing the details of budget allocation of the Ministry of Roads Transport & Highways for the financial year 2016-17 was considered Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture at its meeting held on 7th April, 2016. During the meeting, the Committee heard the views of Secretary, other officers of Ministry of Road Transport & Highways and Chairman, NHAI. The Committee also examined other budget documents (2016-17) and replies of the questionnaire furnished by the Ministry. ANNUAL PLAN 2015-16 4. The Committee was informed that an annual outlay of `82,697.15 crore for 2015-16 as per the following break-up has been provided for the Ministry:

Item (` in crores) a) Gross budgetary support for Central Sector Roads (of which EAP 39,852.65 is ` 600.00 crore) b) Internal and extra budgetary resources (IEBR) 42,694.50 c) Total outlay for Central Sector Roads (a+b) 82,547.15 d) Road Transport 150.00 e) Total outlay (a to d) 82,697.15

1 2

5. The major constituents of Road Sector are as under:

(` in crores) Sl.No Item 2015-16 1. NHAI - 'Investment' 22,920.09 2. EAP (Grant) - NHAI 600.00 3. National Highways (Original) works including NH(O), Domestic Travel 4,211.56 and Machinery 4. Special Accelerated Road Development Programme (includes Kaladan multi- 4,000.00 modal transport project) 5. Other Charges and Development of IT, R&D Planning Studies and Training 27.00 including Professional Services, Charged Expenditure 6. Centrally sponsored schemes - E&I for States/UTs from CRF 294.00 7. Special programme for development of Road Connectivity (NH and State 1,200.00 Roads in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected areas (including `400.00 crore for Tribal sub-plan) 8. Special programme for Vijayawada - Ranchi Road 100.00 9. Remittance of Toll Receipts by NHAI 6,500.00

TOTAL 39,852.65

6. The Committee asked about the expenditure profile of the Ministry during 2014-15 and 2015-16, the Ministry has provided the following information:-

Expenditure Profile

Year Component Budget Revised Expenditure Exp. As % of RE Estimate Estimate

2014-15 Plan 26,238.00 24,605.19 23,841.54 96.90

2015-16 42,812.65 44,174.00 43,159.47 97.70

2014-15 Non-Plan 2,099.93 2,599.40 2,500.19 96.18

2015-16 2,704.97 2,699.97 2,313.05 85.67

2014-15 TOTAL 28,337.93 27,204.59 26,341.73 96.83

2015-16 45,517.62 46,873.97 45,472.52 97.00

7. The Committee finds the expenditure is 97% of the total budget allocated at RE to the Ministry for the year 2015-16. The Committee feels that the expenditure percentage is good and it hopes that it will continue for next financial year i.e. 2016-17 also. 3


8. The Ministry was asked about the Heads/Schemes/Projects which could not achieve required physical targets during the year 2015-16 due to shortage of fund or any other reasons. In the reply, the Ministry has submitted that there are no schemes/projects for which stipulated targets could not be met due to shortage of funds. There have been some slippages in award and completion of some of the road projects on account of various reasons such as delay in pre- construction activities (especially land acquisition, shifting of utilities, obtaining statutory clearances, etc.), poor performance of Contractors including cash flow problems, law and order problems, etc. Periodical monitoring of the projects were done at various levels and efforts are being made to rectify these problems. The targets and achievements for award and completion of projects during 2015-16 are as follows: -

Length Awarded (km) upto Length Completed (km) upto February, 2016 March, 2016

Targets Actual Target Actual

10,000 8,295 6,300 6,029

9. The Committee notes Ministry's claim of achieving target completely without any shortage of funds. On the other hand, it has cited many factors which delayed the projects that are largely beyond its control viz. problem in land acquisition, shifting utilities, obtaining statutory clearance etc. Performance of contractors is also poor and other major concern in some areas is law and order problem. The Committee suggests the Ministry should proactively work as coordinator/facilitator in all these respects. It should take up the matter with concerned agencies before hand to solve these problems. Although, the Ministry has set a high target of constructing 10,000 km road in the year 2016-17, the Committee has apprehension how this mammoth task could be completed in the given situation.

ANNUAL PLAN (2016-17)

10. The Annual Plan 2016-17 proposed gross outlay of `1,03,286.00 crore in respect of Roads and Road Transport Sector as under:

(` in crores)

Sector Budgetary support IEBR (Proposed) TOTAL (proposed)

12 3 4

Roads 43,807 59,279 1,03,086

Road Transport 200 - 200

TOTAL 44,007 59,279 1,03,286 4

11. The actual expenditure incurred during the years 2014-15 and the expenditure incurred during 2015-16 till 31.12.2015 is indicated in the statement given below:- (` in crores) Sl. No Item Actual Expenditure 2015-16 2016-17 2014-15 2015-16 BE RE BE (upto 31.12.15) ROADS 1 GBS 24232.52 32,432.81 39252.65 40613.00 42517 Other than GBS 239.93 350.03 600.00 600.00 1290 (EAP)

TOTAL 24472.45 32782.84 39.852.65 41213.00 43807 2 Provision for NE 3000.00 4000.00 4000.00 4000.00 5000 and Sikkim Pool being 10% of GBS

ROAD DEVELOPMENT Development and maintenance of National Highways by State PWDs, NHAI and BRO 12. The development and maintenance of National Highways has been entrusted to the State Governments (PWDs of the States are the executing agencies), National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) and Border Roads Organization (BRO). The overall trends in expenditure viz-a-viz budget estimates, revised estimates for the development and maintenance of National Highways with the State PWDs and the BRO is as follows:- (` in crores) Item 2014-15 2015-16 BE 2016-17 BE RE EXP. BE RE EXP. upto 31.12.2015 PLAN National 5202.56 4878.59 4833.96 4207.56 5508.06 3330.99 15500 Highways (Original) works Works under 400.00 298.00 213.83 0 0 0 0 BRO Permanent 150.00 100.00 37.98 50.00 50.00 32.94 100 bridge fee fund SARDP-NE 3000.00 3000.00 2843.33 4000.00 4000.00 3094.99 5000 LWE including 1350.00 1174.00 1164.59 1300.00 1300.00 606.04 1000 Vijayawada Ranchi

TOTAL 10102.56 9450.59 9093.69 9557.56 10858.06 7064.96 21600 5

Non-Plan Maintenance 1974.93 2505.66 2444.40 2701.40 2698..40 1340.22 2976 NHs with State PWDs Maintenance 125.00 79.50 77.67 No separate fund for BRO w.e.f. 2015-16 NHs with BRO under Maintenance and Repair Head.

TOTAL 2099.93 2585.16 2522.07 2701.40 2698.40 1340.22 2976

13. The Committee observes that the Budgetary allocation (proposed) for 2016-17 for Road Sector is `43,807 crore and through Internal Extra Budgetary support (Proposed) is `59,279 crore.

14. The Committee is not convinced with the IEBR projection of `59,279 crore. If it is compared with 2015-16, projection of IEBR at BE was `42,695 crore, but the actual IEBR upto December, 2015 i.e. in 3 quarters of financial year, 2015-16 was only `16,555 crore a deficit of `26,140 crore, and even if it goes upto `20,000 crore, it comes to only 46.84% of total requirement. So, seeing the trend of previous financial year, to raise `59,279 crore as IEBR during 2016-17 appears to be an uphill task for the Ministry.

15. The Committee notes that the projections are not supported by appropriate measures to raise the money internally or from the market. The Committee expresses its dismay and recommends that the NHAI should be allowed to raise tax-free bonds and capital gains relief bonds in order to achieve the huge IFBR of ` 59,279/- crores during the financial year 2016-17.

16. The Committee observes that the expenditure on National Highways (original) works is very poor. At BE 2015-16 `4207.56 crore was sanctioned and at RE it was further increased to 5508.06 crore but upto 31st December 2015, only 60% of RE budget i.e. `3330.99 crore has been spent. Now for 2016-17, `15,500 crore has been sanctioned for NH(O) work. The Committee hopes that factors responsible for short expenditure would be taken care of this year.

17. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should plan well in advance to utilize the money.

18. The Committee observes that budget allocation under Special Accelerated Road Development Porgramme-North Eastern Areas (SARDP-NE) for the year 2015-16 was `4,000 crore but only `3094.99 crore was spent upto December 2015. Now, `5,000 crore has been allocated. The Committee is concerned that even after good allocation under this head, the money is not utilized optimally and the work could not be completed on time due to one or other reasons. The Committee hopes that the Ministry would utilize full budget to complete the road projects in the current financial year.

19. The Committee also observes that even under non-plan head-Maintenance of National Highways with State PWDs it was allocated `2698.40 crore at RE but could spend only `1340.22 crore. In view of poor maintenance of Highways/ Roads, such a shortfall in expenditure is unacceptable for whatever reasons. 6

20. The Committee is not pleased with this pattern of expenditure. It is not encouraging and recommends that Ministry should give due care in proper planning and its execution.

BUDGET FOR (2016-17)

21. The Ministry was asked whether the provisions made in the BE 2016-17 are adequate for the road sector and the Committee was informed that Provision proposed for total Plan Outlay for the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways for 2016-17 is ` 55,000 crore, comprising of ` 54,800 crore for Roads Sector and ` 200 crore for Transport Sector. In addition NHAI has been authorized to generate Internal and Extra Budgetary Resources (IEBR) to the tune of ` 59,279 crore through market borrowings. It is envisaged that this would be adequate for ongoing projects during 2016-17. In case, any additional fund requirement is envisaged, the same shall be duly projected at RE stage.

22. However, considering that significant additional expenditure is expected on land acquisition due to enhanced compensation requirement as per the new Land Acquisition Act of 2013, the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways may need to resort to following measures: -

a) Entrustment of additional 20,000 km of NHs to NHAI so that NHAI may effectively raise and utilize its budgeted IEBR of ` 59,279 crore in 2016-17 and in subsequent years.

b) Taking a judicious approach in terms of adopting the project implementation mode for approved projects - Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM) vis-à-vis EPC. As capital expenditure is deferred under HAM, the Authority requires lesser amount of funds during construction years in comparison to projects on EPC mode.

c) Attracting fresh capital from the market on the strength of already operational projects through the following:

i. Monetization of projects through the Toll-Operate -Transfer (ToT) Model

ii. Securitization of toll revenue

iii. Adopting the 'Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs)' route

iv. Other innovative financing options, including LIC, Long Term Pension Funds, etc.

23. The Committee finds the information provided by the Ministry regarding budgetary provision for upcoming projects is very encouraging. The Committee observes that the Ministry is already facing lots of problems pertaining to acquisition of land, other statutory clearance and earlier awarded unfinished road projects whether it was based on PPP model on BOT (Toll) mode.

24. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should attract some more private companies/corporate houses to invest in this field with good returns. The Committee also thinks that the completion of delayed projects will give NHAI strength in the financial market which will help it in generating fund for further projects. 7

25. The Committee further recommends that the Ministry should give priority to finish the delayed projects so that it could get returns at the earliest.


26. The Ministry has submitted that it undertakes maintenance of National Highways (NHs) keeping in view of the site requirements, inter-se priority and availability of funds. The non-Plan outlay provided annually for Maintenance and Repair (M&R) of NHs are of the order of about 40% of the actual requirements as per the Ministry's stipulated norms (e.g.. non-Plan allocation earmarked during 2016-17 is ` 2853.57 crore as against estimated fund requirement of ` 7,000 crore as per the Ministry's Norms for Maintenance of NHs).

27. The Ministry has submitted that the allocation during BE 2016-17, though marginally increased from RE 2015-16, would be utilised by Ministry by prioritising the maintenance activities in order to keep the NHs in traffic worthy condition. The Ministry shall make estimation of additional fund requirements and propose accordingly RE 2016-17.

28. The Committee finds that the allocation for maintenance of national highways under non-plan head is another cause of concern. An amount of ` 2701.47 crore was allocated in B.E. 2015-16 which was slightly reduced to 2698.47 crore at R.E. stage. Now, ` 2853.57 crore has been allocated for the next fiscal. The Committee is not convinced with the explanation of the Ministry regarding maintenances of National Highways. Regular maintenance of roads increases its longevity and saves money. The Committee notes that allocation for maintenance of National Highways is very poor. This Committee has time and again pointed out that the National Highways constructed with tax payers money should not be wasted away by not maintaining it properly. The condition of the roads are very bad, new roads develops potholes and get eroded within a few months though its life should have been five to six year. The Committee, therefore, recommends that adequate funds be allocated for maintenance of NHs and there should be strict monitoring by officials to ensure timely and quality maintenance.

29. The Committee recommends that Ministry should provide top most priority and attention to maintenance and repair of the roads regularly as bad roads not only cause inconvenience to users but also accidents, all of which have serious implementation for our economy.


30. The Ministry has informed that for BE 2016-17 for NHAI is `19,653 crore under plan head while at RE 2015-16 it was ` 29,420.09 crore. Plan head wise allocations to NHAI, as per RE 2015-16 and BE 2016-17 is as under:

(` in crore) RE 2015-16 BE 2016-17 Investment (Cess) 22,920.09 12,153.00 Toll Plough Back (Permanent Bridge Fees Fund) 6,500.00 7,500.00 Total 29,420.09 19,653.00 8

31. The total Plan outlay of ` 54,800 crore for the Road Sector outlay for 2016-17 comprises of ` 42,000 crore from CRF (including grants to States/UTs), ` 7,500 crore for NHAI (Toll remittances), ` 5,000 crore for SARDP-NE and ` 290 crore for External Aid Component, ` 10 crore for charged head to meet requirement of Court orders, decrees, awards. Funding for other major schemes such as National Highways Original [NH(O)], Special Programme for Development of Roads in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected areas including Tribal sub-Plan (TSP), Counterpart funding for Externally Aided Projects, etc. (which were separately earmarked till 2015- 16 apart from CRF), are now fully subsumed in 2016-17 under CRF. Therefore, there has been reduction in BE Outlay 2016-17 for NHAI as compared to RE 2015-16 outlay.

32. In response of the Committee's query about the sources for IEBR, the Ministry has submitted as follows:-

Primary sources of IEBR (Borrowings)

z Capital Gains Tax Exemptions Bonds under Section 54 EC of Income Tax Act

z Tax Free Bonds

z Other debt instruments, as approved by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways in consultations with Ministry of Finance

33. Further, to utilise the authorization for increased market borrowings during 2016-17, Ministry is considering transferring of all tollable NH stretches, stretches which are presently being 4/6 laned or are required to be 4/6 laned in view of increased traffic demand, works related to Delhi Decongestion plan, Chardham project, etc., to NHAI, so as to augment the asset base of NHAI and enable it to leverage available outlay and raise required resources from the market.

34. The Ministry has submitted the information regarding target and achievement in making NH is as follows:-

35. It is pertinent to mention here that targets and achievements in last two years and current year regarding completion of road constructions are as under:-

Plan/Year 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement (upto March, 2016)

Completion 6,300 4,260 6,300 4,410 6,300 6,029 of NHs (km.)

36. The Committee feels in view of the position explained above, the target for completion of 10,000 km. of NHs during 2016-17 is quite a high jump in comparison to previous years and therefore, the total gross budgetary allocation for highways may not be adequate during 2016-17.

37. The Committee finds projection of target by the Ministry as highly ambitious because it may also go for entrustment of additional 20,000 km. of NHs to NHAI so that it could effectively raise and utilize its budgeted IEBR of ` 59,279 crore. 9

38. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should work hard to raise the money from the market and suggests that instead of making huge target it should go for smaller target, otherwise big target without fund arrangement will be proved like castles in the air. The Committee wishes that efforts of the Ministry will be materialized by issuing a tax free funds and with disciplined planning and execution.


39. The Ministry has submitted that an amount of `5528.56 crore was allocated for Capital Outlay on National Highways in B.E. 2015-16 which was increased to `6828.56 crore at R.E. stage. The Ministry has given the allocation made for the same in BE 2016-17 and details of projects/schemes which are going to be covered under the head are as follows:-

(Amount ` in crore) Sl. No. Details of the Scheme Fund allocated Fund allocated Fund allocated at BE 2015-16 at RE 2015-16 for 2016-17

1. National Highways (Original) - 4,211.56 5,512.06 15,504.00 Development of non-NHDP NHs primarily through State PWDs

2. Special Programme for development 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,000.00 of Roads in Left Wing Extremist (LWE) affected areas, including under Tribal sub-Plan and Odisha State Road portion of Ranchi- Vijayawada Corridor.

3. Other schemes/Information 6.50 6.50 7.00 Technology

4. Charged Expenditure for National 10.50 10.00 10.00 Highways to meet the fund require- ment for award/decree passed by Arbitration Tribunals, Court of Laws.

TOTAL= 5,528.56 6,828.56 16,521

40. The Committee observes that the allocation for 2016-17 for NH(O)-development of non-NHDP NHs primarily through State PWDs is `15,504 crore which is around three times more than the budget of `5512.06 crore at RE 2015-16 under the same head. At the same time the Committee is constrained to note that the allocation for Special Programme for development of Roads in Left Wing Extremist (LWE) affected areas has been decreased by `300 crore.

41. The Committee is of the opinion that LWE affected areas are sensitive and need due care and attention. There should be some extra effort to link such areas with main cities and towns. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should take the projects in LWE areas on priority and should put more funds at RE stage. 10


42. The Committee wanted to know the status of pending and ongoing projects and the projects/works awarded during 2015-16 by NHAI and the details of cost/time overrun in the pending/ongoing works together with the reasons therefore and the remedial steps taken to avoid further cost/time overrun in pending/ongoing projects.

43. The Ministry has submitted the details/status National Highways Authority of India's ongoing projects is enclosed as Annexure I and of the projects awarded during 2015-16 by NHAI is enclosed as Annexure II. 44. The Committee observes that in the annexure I, there are 199 ongoing road projects in various stages. These projects have been awarded since 2005. The Committee observes that the situation in Assam is the worst. There are around 17 road projects which were awarded in 2005-06 and they are yet to be completed. These projects have been funded by NHAI under NHDP- Ph-II and the project cost is ` 4200 crores (approx.). Other badly affected States are Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and , where various road projects are going on for more than 5 years but are yet to be completed. The Committee expresses concern on the status of road projects languishing for the last 5 to 10 years, involving a huge sum on these projects.

45. The Committee recommends that NHAI particularly must make all out efforts to complete these delayed projects.

46. The Committee is happy to note that the Ministry has awarded 61 road projects in various States during the year 2015. The Committee hopes that these projects would be completed within stipulated time without any hindrance.


47. The Ministry has informed that primary reasons for delays in project implementation are : - poor performance of contractor, delays in utility shifting, forest clearance, land acquisition. 118 projects are delayed due to multiple reasons such as land acquisition, forest/environment clearances, poor performance of contractor, utility shifting, law and order problems etc. There are 36 projects which are currently partially affected by land acquisition and forest/environment issues, i.e. small portions of the concerned project stretch are affected.

48. The Committee has observed that generally cost and time overruns occur due to delay in land acquisition (LA), obtaining regulatory clearances, uncertainty in legal regime, etc. The Committee recommends that no project should be approved or awarded without the requisite land acquisition and other necessary clearances. The Committee further recommends that errant contractors may be checked through some penalty measures. The Committee is of the view that a delayes project not only enhances cost escalation but at the same time, it also delayed revenue generation which is the pinching part of the system of NH development. The Ministry therefore, should find out a solution sitting with RBI for providing further loan in this regard.


49. The Ministry has provided the following information regarding Port Connectivity Project:- 11

Details of Port connectivity Project

Sl. Name Name of Port Length Total Cost Ongoing/ Status No. of Road in km. (in ` Completed States crore)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 JNPT Mumbai-JNPT Port 10.59 715.91 Ongoing The project of 6/8 laning is Road (Pkg-I) taken up by SPV. The work has been awarded and likely to be start soon.

2 Mumbai-JNPT Port 18.27 871.95 Road (Pkg-II)

3 Mumbai-JNPT Port 11.10 758.46 Road (Pkg-III)

4 Mumbai-JNPT Port 10.56 589.54 Road (Pkg-IV)

5 West ROB at Ranichak 1.392 229.37 Ongoing The work has been Bengal awared and appointed date to be fixed soon.

6 Andhara 4-laning of balance 4.15 100.33 Ongoing 4-laning of balance 2-lane pradesh 2-lane road connecti- stretch is taken up by vity to Vizag Port SPV. The work has been awared on 18.01.2016 and appointed date to be fixed soon.

7 Tamil Elevated road from 19.00 1345.00 Ongoing Project is held up due to Nadu Chennai Port to litigation between Tamil Maduravoyal on Nadu Government and NH-4. NHAI. State Government not allowing the work to continue. High Court decision in NHAI favour. Matter in Hon'ble Supreme Court. Diversion of funds suspected. The Concessionaire has suspended the work since June, 2012 and not resuming to start the work in the available front. The matter was 12

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 appraised to Government of Tamil Nadu as last chance, But no response is received so far. Consequence upon the NHAI has issued notice of intention to termination on account of Concessionaire default vide NHAI letter dated 19.02.2016.

8 Chennai-Ennore 30.05 253.47 Partially Project Length of 27.933 Port Road (original), Completed Km. has been completed 600.00 on 31.03.2015 out of (Proposed 29.183 Km. Balance Revised) 1.205 km. will be completed as and when encumbrance free land available. Publication of Toll Notification is pending with GoTN since 28.04.2015

50. The Committee feels that port-connectivity is one of the most important factors for augmenting trade and commerce in any country. Port plays a vital role in transporting goods from one place to another.

51. The Committee is concerned about Chennai Port to Maduravoyal on NH-4 project involving ` 1,345 crores. The project is in jeopardy due to the court litigation.

52. The Committee hopes that the litigation may be sorted out soon so that the ongoing project should be completed. The Committee recommends that NHAI make all out efforts to complete the road. Toll notification pending with Tamil Nadu Government regarding Chennai-Ennore Port be expedited beforehand.


53. The Ministry has informed that the development of 5,390 km. length of NHs have been completed during 2015-16 upto end of Feb, 2016 as compared to 4,410 km. completed during 2014-15; this translates into about 16.14 km. per day of construction during 2015-16 (upto February, 2016) as compared to about 12.10 km. per day during 2014-15.

54. The Ministry has submitted that they shall endeavour that the targets set out by Hon'ble Finance Minister in his Budget Speech regarding increasing of completion of road projects to nearly 10,000 km. in 2016-17 are met. 13

55. The Committee finds the average contribution encouraging and hope that the same or even better average will be maintained in the year 2016-17 to achieve the target set up by the Ministry itself.


56. The Committee wanted to know whether the Government has decided to infuse additional funds to ensure early completion of languishing projects which have been completed 50% or more and how the Government would manage to arrange the large funds to complete the languishing projects. The Ministry in its reply has submitted that for any languishing highway project in BOT Toll/Annuity mode that has achieved at least 50% physical completion and it is also established that infusion of moderate funding can quickly bring this project to completion, NHAI will provide financial assistance to such a project. The assistance is on a loan basis at Bank rate +2%. At present the funds are being arranged through the common fund available with NHAI for development of roads.

57. The Committee feels it's a commendable step and recommends that NHAI should quickly identify the projects which are completed more than 50% and where there is a need of infusion of additional funds may be given on loan basis to complete languishing projects. At the same time, the Government should ensure that concessionaire has followed all the necessary condition of the agreement and not siphoned off the public money.


58. The Ministry has informed the Committee that they have implemented two schemes for strengthening public transport system including introduction of Information Technology - Under this scheme, twenty two projects of seventeen states namely Karnataka, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Kerala, Rajasthan, Odisha, Uttarakhand, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Sikkim, Goa and J&K for bringing latest IT related features in their road transport services covering rural/mofussil areas were sanctioned for central assistance during the year 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16. During 2016-17, one or two more projects from SRTUs may be sanctioned as they are under process at different stages.

59. The Committee observes that the Ministry has initiated/implemented IT related features in the transport system of 17 States and some more projects are on the cards. The Committee recommends that remaining States may also be covered under the new schemes and all the modern technology should be used in the transport system. The Committee further recommends that transport system operating in the remote areas and on long stretch should be well-equipped to thwart any kind of misadventure by anti social elements to drivers/passengers. The Secretary submitted to the Committee that the Ministry is planning to introduce GPS locator in the bus and in every public transport a panic button and a CCTV Camera are to be installed but the Ministry is yet to decide about the modalities on who will respond the panic button. The Committee recommends that these features should be installed in public transport system on priority basis since it is not only for women safety but for all the passengers travelling in public transport. 14


60. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways had finalized a scheme to prepare a panel of project development consultants for development of large bus terminals in States/Union Territories on BOT basis during Twelfth Five Year Plan. Financial assistance will be provided for consultancy services for development of large bus terminals in States/UTs under Public Private Partnership (PPP) model on Build Operate Transfer (BOT) basis. The Project development Consultant Cost would be shared by MoRTH and State/UT and successful bidder in ratio of 75% and 25%. The share of MoRTH in 75% of project development cost is 80% and state Government/UT is 20%, for North east/ Hilly states is 90% and 10% respectively. Project Reference Documents would be prepared by Consultant appointed by MoRTH in carrying out the scope of work of the scheme. The agreement with Consultant to prepare the Standard Project Reference Documents may be finalized soon.

61. The Committee has noted the information provided by the Ministry regarding development of bus terminals and multimodal transport terminal on BOT basis on fund sharing basis. The Ministry would bear 75% of expenditure and the concerned State will have to part with 25%. The Committee feels that it will help the State in building transport infrastructure and will also improve transit facilities to passengers. It recommends that this scheme be implemented on priority.


62. Scheme for Security of Women in Public Road Transport in the country was approved by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on 02.01.2014. This Scheme envisages setting up a National Level Vehicle Security and Tracking System and City Command and Control Centre with installation of GPS/CCTV/panic buttons in public road transport in the Country. MoRTH has engaged Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit Systems Ltd. (DIMTS) for providing Project Management Consultancy for smooth implementation of the project. Presently, this scheme is put on hold to finalize the modalities to set up the necessary back-end system to mandate installation of GPS based alert devices in public transport. Further making GPS/CCTV/Alert button mandatory by way of making changes in Motor Vehicle Rules is under consideration. 63. The Committee observes that the safety for women in public transport is of utmost importance. The Committee is unable to understand why the Ministry is taking too much time in implementing the security measures in public transport, especially in a city like Delhi, where people even travel at odd hours and it is not safe for women to commute in odd hours. The Committee notes that the promises made by the Government on the security of the women in public transport system remains as a promise though many years have passed without any concrete and fruitful measures. The Committee recommends that the Government should come out with comprehensive policy on women safety and implement it effectively. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should take measures immediately to ensure safety and security of women passengers in public transport system.


64. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways is working on a proposal to replace the "Motor 15

Vehicles Act, 1988" with a new Act namely "The Road Transport and Safety Bill, 2015" which inter-alia proposes to put in place the National Road Safety and National Transport Authority which would be tasked to address the engineering, education, enforcement, monitoring and emergency care standards for road safety. The Bill also tries to remove the practices which are adverse to road safety and efficient use of transport system. It also proposes to bring Multi Modal Coordination Authority to improve the efficiency in the transport sector. On the advice of PMO, the latest version of the Road Transport and Safety Bill, 2015 was sent to all the States/UTs on 4th June, 2015 seeking their comments/views. About twenty six State Governments/UTs have so far furnished their comments till date.

65. The Secretary informed on National Road Safety and Transport Bill. The Ministry is trying to reach a consensus on some issues with States and the talk is on with the States relating to transparency in driving licences, fitness etc. The Secretary informed that the Ministry wanted to change the entire architecture over Road Transport and Road Safety in the whole country:-

"we wanted to change the entire architecture over road transport and road safety in the whole country, basically, setting up a set of authorities at the Central level and the State level to control all aspects of transport and public transport including driving licences. The main hitch is on sharing of revenues, on who and how will the Motor Vehicles Taxation, which is the substantial part of the State Revenues and how it will be shared. Unfortunately, Sir, I think the issue of taxation now is a tough issue to handle. So, the States became very sensitive on this. We are working with the State Governments. We have set up this group of Transport Ministers. We are trying to say, let us do the things which are non-controversial, that is, the safety issues, increase in the penalty for drunken driving or increasing the penalty for unauthorised driving, minor driving, the things on which nobody has any problem. We are trying to isolate the issue and work on them. So, that was the main issue. The division of taxation and how to split the tax revenues is an issue. Also, Sir, since it is a matter in the Concurrent List, what will be the future of the road transport undertakings in a new dispensation, that is also a very serious point……… the point is what would be the status of State Road Transport Corporation. ….. they carry seven crore passengers a day, three times more than Indian railways! †ÝÖ¸ü ˆ®ÖÛúÖê †“ÖÖ®ÖÛú †²ÖÖò×»Ö¿Ö Ûú¸ü ¤ëüÝÖê, ŸÖÖê, it is not a very pleasant thing. We can, of course, carry out wide ranging legal amendments, but these things have to be thought through in consultation with the State Governments. We are a little behind the schedule, but I can assure you and the hon. Committee that we are trying to take out the non-controversial, and absolutely clean issues that we want to take out and bring them shortly for your kind consideration in the House".

66. The Committee is happy to note that the Ministry is working on "The Road Transport and Safety Bill, 2015". From the name itself it seems it would also contain safety measures in transport field. The Committee agrees with the Ministry that revenue collection and its distribution is a delicate issue, but it thinks that it can be sorted out with meaningful dialogues between States and the Centre. The Committee recommends that Ministry may remind those States which have not furnished their comments to send the required amendments. The Committee recommends that on non-controversial issues like safety; increase in the penalty for unauthorized driving, minor driving, increase in the 16 penalty for various kinds of traffic violations etc., the Government should legislate the law. The controversial issues can be dealt with separately. The Committee hopes that the Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill will become a reality soon.


State Road Network - Review of Progress and Constraints Faced

67. The Ministry has submitted that State Highways (SHs) and Major District Roads (MDRs) constitute the secondary system of road transportation in the country. Their total length SHs stands at about 1,54,000 km. and that of MDRs is estimated at around 300,000 km. State roads carry heavy to medium traffic. It is assessed that the secondary system carries about 40 per cent of the total road traffic. Their present condition and stage of development varies widely from state to state. The status of MDRs is particularly worrisome. One of the main reason for this is that the funds made available for these roads are inadequate. Against requirement of ` 25,000 crores per annum, a total amount of only ` 8,000 crores per annum is being made available. Some of the major constraints faced by different States in the execution of the programmes for state roads during the 11th Plan are - (i) Lack of Policy and Planning, (ii) Control on Pre-construction Activities, (iii) Capacity Constraints, (iv) Lack of Finances, and (v) Need for further strengthening Consultancy and Contracting Industry. There is lack of data base in the road sector. This needs to be strengthened with support from MoRTH and IRC.


68. There is a need now to identify a CORE NETWORK of major arterial routes. It is important that Core road network should have a Corridor Concept. Holistic planning in this corridor needs to be done where necessary, involving SH and MDR under this concept. It should be possible for traffic to move at an average speed of 60-70 km. per hour, so that commercial vehicles being the carriers of economy can cover a distance of 500 to 600 km. in one day. The "Core Network" of State Roads should, essentially, comprise of SHs and MDRs, which have high volumes of traffic or have such potential.

69. The Committee observes that the picture of State Highways projected by the Ministry is not very encouraging. The Committee feels that State Highways are bridge between National Highways and people. Development of any State depends on good roads. The Ministry can also provide its expertise in road development and planning. The Committee recommends that NHAI and State Government should work in co-ordination while planning for highways as it forms the life of the core network. The Committee agrees with the Ministry's approach that priority may be given for development of core network. The Committee feels that there is a requirement of National Mission for development of State roads. The funding to the State Government by the Central Government may be linked to the maintenance and construction good State Roads. The Committee recommends that the Central Government should take initiative to create a data bank of State roads and District to enable the planning and execution of projects.


70. The Committee was informed that it is important to provide urban linkages to National 17

Expressways Network or to any inter-city Expressways developed by the State Governments. These should also desirably be access controlled facilities wherever required and feasible. For this purpose, the Road Authorities responsible for Urban Road Development shall have to be associated. An integrated scheme may be evolved and implemented parallel to address the specific requirements to provide Urban Connectivity under a separate initiative involving Planning Commission, concerned State Governments and the concerned Road Authorities besides M/o Urban Development and M/o Road Transport and Highways with clear identification of the roles and responsibilities of each organization to obviate implementation difficulties, etc. The State Governments shall have to be primarily responsible for development of these Urban Linkages. Feasibility shall have to be explored to develop these Urban Linkages on PPP mode. For the sake of estimation, it is presumed that 50% of total length would be implemented through budgetary allocation. The balance 50% length would be implemented through private sector participation on PPP mode. For the projects to be taken up on PPP mode, about 30% of project cost is assumed to be met from budgetary allocations towards payment of VGF, etc. and balance 70% is to be mobilized by private sector.

71. The Committee observes that urban linkages is an essential part of road network, without which the purpose of highways will be defeated. The Committee agrees with the Ministry envisaging the need of integrated scheme in co-ordination with Ministries of Urban Development, Road Transport and Highways and State Government for urban linkages.

72. But the Committee in view of past experience in this sector would caution the Ministry while exploring the chance of developing urban linkages on PPP mode as this mode has not been quite a success. The Committee expects the Ministry to come up with concrete solution to meet the existing challenges without any financial problem.

73. The total network of SHs and MDRs should be identified by each State as a long term vision (say by 2031). The policy should be to cover the entire "Core Network" under this programme as far as possible. In relation to protection of environment the Concept of Green Highways is another initiative that can be appropriately planned and designed. States may take up some Pilot projects and implement the same.

74. The Committee notes the initiative taken by the Ministry to identify the total network of State Highways. The Committee feels that saving of ecosystem is very important for all of us and is happy that the Ministry has started thinking in this direction. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should take initiatives to plant more trees alongside the roads. Ministry should also put it as a clause in the agreement to be made with the developers while awarding a project to plant trees alongside the roads they construct.


75. The Central Government has created a window for providing viability gap funding (VGF) upto an amount of 20 per cent of the project cost. Additional cost of 20% of project cost can be provided by the State Government to the private entrepreneur. By a careful concession design and phased approach for development, it should be possible to cover some part of SHDP through private sector financing by leveraging the budgetary resources. SHDP would need the support of 18 the Government budget. For this, the support of the World Bank/ADB towards financing of these roads needs to continue. Preparing a blue print of identified major state road sections for PPP/PSP will help the states to achieve its' part financing needs. Implementing the projects would enable states to achieve its growth objectives. Some states could consider taking up high traffic density road and bridge projects through tolls (rates of toll should be affordable by road users. and award them to private entrepreneurs for a fixed concession period of say 15 years. This would relieve the state from maintenance of such projects as the obligation will get passed on to the private entrepreneur. However, this would vary state to state and depending on willingness to pay.

76. The Committee feels that implementation of State Roads through private Sector financing is a right step in positive direction. It will attract developers since 40% fund of total project cost is to be contributed by the central as well as by State Government Implementation of projects would enable the States to grow and prosper. 77. The Committee is of the view that the latest technology in this sector is with the Ministry and it can guide and help developers through NHAI to carry out the projects. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should play active role in helping States at every stage of the project.

4. 3601.02.105.01 : Grants for State Roads (` in crore) Year Original + Actual Savings Remarks Supplemen- expendi- (-) / tary Grant ture (upto excess (+) Feb. 2016) BE RE 12 3 4 5 6

2013-14 2267.00 2267.00 2267.00 0 Funds under this Head are provided to the various States from the Central Road Fund for State roads. These are 2014-15 2607.06 2607.06 2064.75 542.31 to be utilized by the concerned State Governments. This is a general head, being operated by the States. The proposals for road works to be 2015-16 2868.00 2809.80 1772.74 0 financed from the Central Road Fund are to emanate from the concerned State Governments. The administra- tive approval to the proposals 2016-17 10,833.00 submitted by the State Governments is accorded by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

The allocated funds could not be utilized fully due to less number of proposals received during the years and non receipt of utilization 19

12 3 4 5 6

certificate in respect of previous releases. Funds can not be surrendered at that stage as on receipt of UCs from State, fund can be released to the concerned State.

CRF is a non-lapsable fund. The unutilized funds under this Head are transferred to Public Account Head 8224, maintained by CCA. These are retrievable in subsequent years. Therefore, the concept of savings does not apply in this case.

78. The Committee notes the information submitted by the Ministry regarding the budget allocation given for State Roads. Various States give proposal to the Ministry for State road funds and Ministry allocate after examining the proposal. The Committee finds that in the year 2015-16, ` 2809.80 crore has been allocated for State roads and the Ministry has allocated ` 1772.74 crore to the States upto February, 2016. The Ministry has cited reasons, that it has received less number of proposals and secondly the utilization certificate has not been submitted by some of the States to get the funds further. 79. The Committee finds it strange that why State Government are so casual in submitting proposals and giving utilization certificates.

80. For the year 2016-17, under this head Ministry has received ` 10,833 crore for the purpose. The Committee finds it difficult that how the Ministry would allocate such a large amount, when it has exhausted only 1772.74 crore in previous financial year. The Committee recommends that Ministry should actively interact with the various States and take other necessary steps, so that the States give their proposals and Utilization Certificates in time so that allocated fund can be utilized fully and the condition of roads can be improved in various parts of the country.


6. 3602.02.105.01: Roads in Delhi (` in crore) Year Original + Actual Savings Remarks Supplemen- expendi- (-) / tary Grant ture (upto excess (+) Feb. 2016) BE RE 12 3 4 5 6

2013-14 68.39 68.39 33.61 (-)32.25 The funds under this Head are 20

12 3 4 5 6

provided from Central Road Fund for State roads in Delhi. The savings 2014-15 22.20 22.20 14.59 (-) 7.61 were due to receipt of less number of proposals. This is a non lapsable fund and the unutilized amount is 2015-16 25..00 25.00 0 24.20 transferred to Public Account Head 8224, maintained by CCA and therefore, the concept of savings do 2016-17 95.00 not apply to the unutilized amount provided under this Head.

81. The Committee observes that for the year 2015-16, Delhi was allocated ` 25 crore under State road fund but due to non-receipt of proposals from Delhi Government, the fund was not allocated. The Committee is of the view that many roads in Delhi are in bad shape and there is immediate need of repair/maintenance of such roads. It is strange that proposals from Delhi Government were not submitted. The Committee would like to know the reasons for this.

82. The Committee recommends the Ministry to take up the Committee's concern to the State Government of Delhi and make all efforts of improving roads in Delhi and make it a better place to live in.



83. The Committee wanted to know the details of pending/ongoing projects under roads of inter-State connectivity and of economic importance with cost/time overrun and reasons for its delay. The Ministry in response replied that at present 47 number of road/bridge projects covering 876 km. are in progress under Inter-State Connectivity and Economic Importance (INC&EE) schemes with total sanctioned costs of about ` 1,310 crore.

84. The expenditure under State Road Projects taken under Economic Importance (EI)Inter State Connectivity ISC) scheme as on 29.02.2016 is ` 189.25 crore against BE allocation of ` 294 crore. The outlay for 2015-16 has been enhanced to ` 355.35 crore at RE. It is expected that entire funds under Inter State connectivity scheme shall be utilised during 2015-16.

85. A length of 5,654 km. has been declared as new NHs during 2014-15 and 2,876 km. has been declared as new NHs during 2015-16. 21

5. 3601.04.105.01 : Roads of Inter-State and Economic Importance for States/UTs

(` in crore) Year Original + Actual Savings Remarks Supplemen- expendi- (-) / tary Grant ture (upto excess (+) Feb. 2016) BE RE 2013-14 243.86 243.86 236.68 (-)70.18 The funds under this Head are provided for roads of Economic 2014-15 292.63 250.00 93.11 (-)156.89 Importance and Inter-State Connec- tivity. This is non-lapsable fund. The 2015-16@ 293.00 354.35 189.25 0 unutilized funds under this head are transferred to Public Account head 2016-17 1233.00 8224, maintained by CCA. Therefore, the concept of savings do not apply. The savings were due to (i) slow progress of works and (ii) less number of utilization certificates received from State Governments.

From the financial year 2015-16, Direct Payment Procedure has been adopted.

86. The Committee wanted to know the status of projects of Inter-State Connectivity and Economic Importance but the Ministry has only informed about the length and costs of the projects. The Committee wants to know the places and time-period when these projects are going to be completed. The Committee observes that under rule provision, if the fund is lacking then it has to be arranged by the executing agency. The Committee wants to know the number of such projects which have been completed so far within stipulated time.

87. The Committee observes that annual budget for 2015-16 was `293 crore which was increased to `354.35 crore, but the expenditure upto February, 2016 is only `189.25 crore.

88. The Committee is constrained to note that even after increased allocation at RE- stage it could only spend ` 189.25 crore, then how the Ministry is going to spend ` 1233 crore allocated for 2016-17. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should take up the matter on priority basis with various States/UTs to implement the road project of economic importance.


89. The Ministry has informed that it undertakes planned repair/maintenance of NHs under Annual Periodical Renewal Programme. The other types of maintenance works taken up on NHs 22 are Ordinary Repairs, Flood Damage Repairs (FDR) and Special Repair (SR) works. Whereas OR works are of routine maintenance types, FDR and SR works are taken up on account of immediate restoration/repairs required due to unforeseen damages caused by floods, rainfalls, and for repair/rehabilitation on bridges to ensure safe trafficability (which are of immediate exigency nature). As on 1.04.2015, PR works on about 3,000 km. were in progress; during 2015-16, the Ministry has so far sanctioned 314 number of PR works costing about ` 2,107 crore for a length of 4,625 km of NHs. A length of 3,665 km has been repaired under PR programme during 2015- 16 and expenditure of ` 1,481 crore has been incurred till 29.02.2016.

1. 3054.01.337.01 : Maintenance by Roads Wing

(` in crore) Year Original + Actual Savings Remarks Supplemen- expendi- (-) / tary Grant ture (upto excess (+) 2015-16 Feb. 2016) BE RE 12 3 4 5 6

2013-14 1925.32 1849.15 1721.34 (-)127.81 This is general head being operated by all the States. The allocations to 2014-15 2099.93 2599.40 2534.54 (-) 64.86 various States under this Head are further made under six sub-heads, viz. 2015-16 2701.40 2698.40 1849.27 0.00 Ordinary Repairs (OR), Flood Damage Repairs (New), Flood 2016-17 2834.00 Damage Repairs (Continue), Periodical Repairs, Special Repair (New) and Special Repairs (Continue). For some Heads, there is direct Payment procedure and for others there is reimbursement procedure. Accounting/booking of expenditure in respect the heads of reimbursement procedure is done through State AGs. The small savings under the different sub-heads and in different States go to make a big amount of savings, which cannot be avoided. Further, the working season for road sector commences after monsoon and expenditure during the last quarter of the financial year substantially increases. Balance amount of `849.13 crore will be incurred during the remaining period 23

12 3 4 5 6

of the Financial Year. A number of claims for reimbursement received from State AG are settled by CCA's office upto July, 2016 as per rules.

90. The Committee has the opinion that the maintenance and repair of the road is as important as construction of the road. If, the potholes and broken roads are not repaired on time, it causes more harms to remaining road. The Committee thinks that damage to road are due to overuse, use of low-grade material and poor quality construction, vagaries of nature etc.

91. The Committee recommends that damaged road be repaired on time to avoid cost overrun and inconvenience to the public and also road accidents, fuel wastage and wear and tear to vehicles/tyres.

92. The Committee finds its strange that there are large no. of roads which require maintenance but the allocated fund has not been utilized to repair such roads.

93. The Committee doesn't find unutilized money as saving because, work is there but it has not been done.


94. The allocations that are available annually for M&R of NHs are of the order of about 40% of the actual requirements as per the Ministry's stipulated norms based on the Report of the Committee (2001) (i.e. available allocations are of the order of about `2834 crore as against the estimated fund requirement of `7070 crore as per the Ministry's Norms for Maintenance of NHs).

95. The Non-Plan allocation for M&R of NHs in B.E. 2015-16 was ` 2,701.40 crore. This was decreased to `2698.40 crore at R.E. stage. The total outlay for M&R of NHs for the Ministry for B.E. 2016-17 has been enhanced to ` 2834. crore.

The Ministry has submitted that the basic cause for poor management of National Highways is lack of funds made available for maintenance as per norms. They do not exceed 60% of normal requirements for main roads. Maintenance being a non-plan activity there is also a tendency by the Government to apply adhoc cuts in the face of resource constraints.

96. The Committee was informed by the Ministry that the issue needs to be urgently addressed to prevent premature failure of sections of NHs developed at large capital investments on account of self-accumulation of deficiencies due to thin spreading of available resources for M&R on large NH network. There is a necessity of providing adequate allocation of funds for M&R of NHs either during B.E. stage or sufficiently early in the Financial Year are commensurate to the requirements. The following suggestions may also be considered in this context: -

z Take up short term maintenance works on already developed stretches through 24

private sector on Operate-Maintain-Transfer (OMT) basis, which are targeted for further upgradation in say within about 4 ~ 9 year period.

z Long term O&M Contracts is a preferred mode and therefore Performance based maintenance system to be adopted for non NHDP developed reaches as well which may include Incident management.

z Increase cess on petrol and High Speed Diesel (HSD) oil suitably from present level of ` 2 per liter and mobilize additional accrual entirely for National Highways. The Government may consider levy of cess on petrol and High Speed diesel (HSD) oil as per the provisions of the Central Road Fund (CRF) Act, 2000 on ad-valorem basis in place of the current policy of charging it at ` 2.00 per litre of petrol and HSD oil. The resource thus generate could be partly used for M&R of NHs.

97. The Committee feels that maintenance of National Highways is an important work which the Ministry has to provide due priority. The Committee notes that the budget allocated by the Ministry for maintenance and repair is not sufficient and there is a need of fund to be used for repair of highways. Ministry has submitted that maintenance being a non-plan activity there is a cut due to resource crunch. The Ministry has also suggested some measures to generate money for the purpose. Out of these, one suggestion which appeals to the Committee is to take up short term maintenance works on already developed stretches through private sector on operate-maintain-transfer (OMT) basis. The Committee feels that maintenance through private parties would be a better choice as the maintenance work would be completed in lesser time.

98. The Committee recommends that the maintenance work should be given top priority and the fund required for maintenance of NHs be enhanced. The Ministry should take up this matter with Ministry of Finance for their support. It can be done also by diverting funds if possible, from those heads where savings are expected. The Committee finds no reasons why only 40% of the requirement for maintenance of roads is allocated by the Ministry of Finance. The Committee recommends that the requirement of funds for maintenance of National Highways must be allocated to the maximum possible extent by the Ministry of Finance.


99. It has been informed that presently the Ministry is in process of evaluating the Cashless Treatment scheme which was implemented on pilot basis. For the purpose, World Health Organization (WHO) has been requested to evaluate the scheme and suggest the measures for improvement, if needed. Through competitive bidding, WHO has shortlisted Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh for evaluating this project. Now, PGIMER is evaluating the pilot phase of cashless treatment scheme. Evaluation report is yet to be received. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways intends to extend the implementation of cashless treatment of road accident victims on North - South Corridor, East - West Corridor and Golden Quadrilateral in the first phase.

100. The Committee feels that accidents on NH is very frequent and it has been seen that 25 road accident victims are left to die due to lack of medical facilities during golden hours. The Committee recommends that trauma centres be opened at the NH stretch after a gap of 40-50 km. and patrolling van and ambulance may be deployed in sufficient number to provide medical facilities to accident victims immediately. The Committee learnt that uninsured victim of hit and run cases, do not get required treatment. In view of increase in such accidents, something has to be done to ensure that such victims get atleast basic treatments during golden hours to save their lives. They should not be denied treatment by any hospital, nursing homes, etc., who should have surely to be compensated afterwards. Government and insurance companies and others can be roped in to do something in this regard.


101. The Ministry has informed that additional funds have been sought under the head Road Safety for development of Automatic Driving License System and Automatic Traffic Management System. Also, additional funds have been sought under the head National Data Base Network to complete National Register and State register of Driving Licenses for enforcement and various other applications and also to conduct R&D studies through premier institutes of the country like IIT, IIM etc

102. The Ministry further submits that the training policy should address the needs of training, at entry, on job site and periodic in service refresher courses. The Engineering and Technical institutions are to be encouraged and incentives are to be given for attracting students in Highway Engineering profession. State level training centres are also to be developed and the activities of Indian Academy of Highways Engineering (IAHE) need a quantum jump to meet the challenges squarely.

103. The Committee has been informed that Ministry is encouraging the Contractors/ Concessionaires of NH projects to introduce cost effective international technology in road construction. 104. The design responsibility of the project has been assigned to the Contractors/ Concessionaires of NH projects and they have been allowed to adopt international practices, alternative specifications, materials and standards to bring innovation in design and construction. It is envisaged that these approaches shall encourage developers and contractors to bring in cost effective international technologies for road constructions.

2. 3054. - Quality Assurance, Research Development, Training - CRF

(` in crore) Year Original + Actual Savings Remarks Supplemen- expendi- (-) / tary Grant ture (upto excess (+) Feb. 2016) BE RE 12 3 4 5 6

2013-14 0 0 0 0 This sub-head created during 2015-16 to meet the expenditure on Quality 26

12 3 4 5 6

2014-15 0 0 0 0 Assurance, Research and Develop- ment, Training etc by allocating fund 2015-16 0 58.20@ 8.72** (-)48.00 from Central Road Fund. The expenditure on training of Engineers 2016-17 100.00 from States/UTs will be met from this fund. The provision has been made as per CRF (State) Rules, 2014. This is a non-lapsable fund. The unutilized funds are transferred to Public Account maintained by CCA under MH 8224 and are retrievable in future. Thus, the concept of savings does not apply to the unutilized amount under this head.

105. The Committee observes that training is a very important aspect of an agency working in road construction sector and a well trained agency can perform its duties more efficiently compared to untrained one. The Committee finds that the Ministry has vision to improve the technology, but it has not been implemented so far aggressively. The Committee finds that budget allocation for this purpose has hardly been spent in the last financial year. For the current financial year, it has got ` 100 crores. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should give priority to road research and the fund may be utilized for the purpose.


106. This Ministry has submitted that they are not aware about the total collection under CRF during the year 2015-16. The fund is collected by Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue and is distributed among three Ministries viz Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Ministry of Rural Development and Ministry of Railways. An amount of `33,014 crore has been allocated by Ministry of Finance to Ministry of Road Transport and Highways for the year 2015-16. Details of scheme-wise fund allocated for 2015-16 and expenditure made upto 29/02/2016 is given as under:

(Amount ` in crore) Sl.No. Name of the Scheme Fund allocated for Expenditure made 2015-16 upto 29/02/2016

1. Investment in NHAI for NHDP works 22,920.09 20,267.58

2. National Highway (Original) under 5,508.06 4,025.21 Road Wing/State PWDs

3. Grant to State/UT Government for 2,851.80 1,778.34 development of State Roads 27

Sl.No. Name of the Scheme Fund allocated for Expenditure made 2015-16 upto 29/02/2016

4. Quality Assurance, Research and 68.20 10.00 Development, Training etc.

5. Roads of Economic Importance 355.35 189.25 and Inter State Connectivity

6. Development of Roads in Left 1,300.00 790.42 Wing Extremism Affected Areas and Ranchi-Vijayawada Road

7. Other Schemes 10.50 5.45

TOTAL 33,014.00 27,066.25

107. The Committee notes that the fund allocated for 2015-16 under CRF was ` 33,014 crores and the expenditure was upto February 2016 was ` 27,066 crores. The Committee finds that the expenditure has been upto the mark, but grants to State and UT for development of roads is not very encouraging. Fund for development of roads in LWE areas is also less compared to its allocation. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should allocate more funds under these two heads so that the project could be completed.


108. The Ministry has submitted that Permanent Bridge Fee Fund (PBFF) is a fund where toll is collected on National Highways (NHs). PBFF has two components i.e. toll collected on NH stretches by NHAI which have been developed under NHDP, and toll collected on non-NHDP stretches / bridges on such NHs developed by State PWDs. 109. Most of the NHs being tolled, are under NHAI. Toll collected by NHAI on NHs and on some bridges / stretches of NHs by State PWDs is deposited in the Consolidated Fund of India. This fund is ploughed back through Demand for Grants with the approval of Parliament and allocated to NHAI and the States PWDs for development of NHs. This fund is non-lapsable and un-utilized fund can be retrieved in future under GBS. An amount of `36.76 crore has been collected by State PWDs and deposited in the Consolidated Fund of India upto 29.02.2016. During the year 2015-16, an expenditure of `39.18 crore has been incurred upto 29.02.2016 out of total allocation of `50 crore allocated to State PWDs. An amount of `6,500 crore was allocated to NHAI from toll remittance for the current financial year and this amount has been released to NHAI. An amount of `6,186 crore has been collected by NHAI upto 29.02.2016 during current financial year and deposited in Consolidated Fund of India.

110. The Committee wanted to know the percentage of budget of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways which is funded through CRF and Permanent Bridge Fees Fund and the Ministry informed that about 90% of the Total Plan budget of ` 55,000 crore during 2016-17 is to be funded through CRF and Permanent Bridge Fees Fund (i.e. Toll remittance of NHAI).

111. The Committee observes that CRF and Bridge Fee Fund get handsome collection and the collected sum goes back to NHAI and State PWDs. The Committee also notes that total 28 plan budget of ` 55,000 crore during 2016-17, is to be funded through CRF and permanent Bridge Fees Fund. The Committee would like to say that since 90% of budget of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways is funded by road users. It should be utilized properly for interest of public at large in a efficient manner.


112. The Ministry has informed at present National Highways with aggregate length of 8480 km. are serving the North Eastern Region. These National Highways are being developed and maintained by the Ministry on Agency basis. A specific programme has also been initiated by the Central Government for the accelerated development of roads in the region covering about 10,140 km. length of National Highways, State roads and GS roads under 'Special Accelerated Road Development Programme in North-East' (SARDP-NE) including Arunachal Package. Also development of the balance works under East-West corridor and NHDP-Phase-III shall have to be completed in the Twelfth Plan. Leaving apart the above, development of balance length of about 1,766 km. length of NHs may be taken up under NH(O) scheme of MORT&H as per availability of funds and inter-se priority.

Special Needs and Strategies for the North East Region

113. Roads are the principal modes of transport in the NE Region. The share of road transport would be well over 90 per cent in the total movement by surface transport in the Region. The riding quality and condition of main roads is generally fair to poor. The position is much worse in case of State Highways and Major District Roads. Only about 10 percent of the state highways can be said to be structurally adequate to carry the legally permissible single axle load. Due to financial constraints, the states have not been able to provide strengthening overlays in any significant manner. From safety consideration, several sections of single-lane roads need to be widened to two lanes of carriageway. The states may need support to undertake a special programme of IRQP (Improvement in Riding Quality Programme) on the lines of National Highways. It needs to be recognised that construction cost per kilometre is maximum whereas possibility of private financing is minimal and resources available with the NE states is low. Hence infusion of central fund is a must. Another problem unique to the NE region is the presence of a number of semi-permanent timber bridges. An accelerated program of replacing these bridges is to be implemented. Safety also needs to be enhanced by taking several engineering measures. The State Public Works Departments (PWDs) are responsible for policy, planning, design, construction and maintenance of state roads. They lack exposure to good practices in other states of the country and outside and need training. There are no state level or regional level training centres except for Assam where the state level road research laboratory is being refurbished and strengthened for training of PWD personnel. The Region depends basically upon the IAHE. There is also a need to develop core faculty from within the Region also for which a scheme of training the trainers should be prepared and implemented.

114. The Ministry has submitted that an allocation of ` 4000 Crore was made under BE 2015- 16 for the Special Accelerated Road Development Programme in North East (SARDP-NE), where improvement of about 10,141km road of various category were identified for improvement under the Programme. 29

11. 5054.01.337.02: Special Accelerated Road Development Programme (SARDP-NE)

(` in crore) Year Original + Actual Savings Remarks Supplemen- expendi- (-) / tary Grant ture (upto excess (+) Feb. 2016) BE RE 2013-14 3300.00 3300.00 3009.27 (-)290.73 Mandatory provision of 10% of total GBS of the Ministry is to be made for development of roads in NE 2014-15 3000.00 3000.00 2843.33 (-) 156.67 States.

The saving under the Head was 2015-16 4000.00 4000.00 3926.97** 0.00* transferred to Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources for NER, to be utilized in future year in NER only 2016-17 5000.00 and thus, the concept of savings do not apply to the above provision.

115. The Committee observes that North Eastern Region is a hilly terrain and to develop road infrastructure is a tedious job. The Committee finds that work under special Accelerated Road Development Programme is North Eastern Region (SARDP-NE) is going on for last several years. The Committee understand the problem being faced by the agencies in constructing and maintaining the road in North East area. The Ministry has got `5,000 crore for the financial year 2016-17 for the road projects in NER. The Committee recommends that Ministry should extend all types of help to State PWDs in carrying out the work.


116. It is important that the wayside amenities be integrally planned and developed along with Expressways and all projects for 4-laning / 6-laning of NHs. Due provision is required to be made for LA, etc. while conceptualizing and preparing such projects. If the project is to be developed on BOT (Toll) basis, the concessionaire may develop the facilities and operate the same during the concession period or even after that. For projects developed through BOT(Annuity), Concessionaire may develop the facilities and the Government may consider entrusting operation and maintenance of the facilities through private participation. For projects developed through GBS funding, the facilities may be integrally developed by the Government and entrusted to private sector for operation and maintenance. Broadly, the Integrated Way-side amenities may have following features: -

(i) Facilities to be owned by Government operating / construction agencies.

(ii) Operation & maintenance of individual facilities in the wayside amenities through lease on profit sharing basis with private companies.

(iii) Earmark certain facilities in the wayside amenities exclusively to encourage local small scale producer on subsidy basis. 30

(iv) Due consideration for preservation of ecology and environment including recycling of waste water and harnessing of alternative sources of energy (e.g. solar energy) for captive use.

117. Further, wherever feasible, State-of-Art Traffic Control Centres shall be provided (especially for stretches developed on BOT basis through Public-Private Partnership) along with facilities for information dissemination and exigency management system for alleviating traffic congestions, promoting more environment friendly, energy efficient and safe travel. For Expressways as well as any other access control facilities, these provisions should be made mandatory.

118. The Committee recommends that in future when the Ministry plan Highways at the time of acquiring land itself, they should take care of the facilities such as drinking water, medical facilities, restaurant, toilets etc.


119. Whereas the road connectivity for Major Ports are being developed under NHDP-Phase-I by NHAI through SPV mode, keeping in view the decisions taken in the meeting of the Steering Committee on Transport Sector for the 12th Plan held under the Chairmanship of Member (BKC), Planning Commission on 14.10.2011, it is proposed to develop primarily 2-lane road connectivity for about 50 minor ports in the 12th Plan for an estimated total budgetary investment of about ` 5,000 crore primarily through State PWDs provided the allocation is additionally made over and above the allocations for other schemes for the Central Road Sector.

120. The Committee feels that the connectivity to minor ports is of utmost importance since the minor ports are now growing faster and load and unload substantial volume of cargo/containers. The Ministry has chalked out the plan to develop 2 lane roads in nearby areas of 50 minor ports. The Committee would like to know the progress of the projects taken up by the Ministry through State PWDs.

Special Package for development of Road Connectivity to Airports

121. During the meeting of the Steering Committee on Transport Sector for the 12th Plan held under the Chairmanship of Member (BKC), Planning Commission, on 14.10.2011, it was agreed that a Special package may be included in the Central Sector Roads schemes for the 12th Plan to develop road connectivity for Airports. The Ministry of Civil Aviation and the Airports Authority of India have identified specific road connectivity development needs for 24 such Airports. Considering on an average development of 15 km road connectivity at an average cost of ` 5 crore per km, the total estimated cost of development of road connectivity to these 24 nos. of Airports during the 12th Plan is about ` 1,800 crore. The allocation for taking up these works may be additionally provided under GBS over and above the allocations under other Central Road Sector Schemes.

122. The Committee observes that the Ministry has chalked out the development of road connectivity to 24 airports in the country for around 15 km area around each airport at an estimated cost of `5 crore per kilometer. The Committee would like to know the progress in the project how much fund so far allocated for this scheme, which airport has been linked with good roads, and by when all the proposed 24 airports will be linked with good roads. 31



The Committee finds the expenditure is 97% of the total budget allocated at RE to the Ministry for the year 2015-16. The Committee feels that the expenditure percentage is good and it hopes that it will continue so for next financial year i.e. 2016-17 also. (Para 7)


The Committee notes Ministry's claim of achieving target completely without any shortage of funds. On the other hand, it has cited many factors which delayed the projects that are largely beyond its control viz. problem in land acquisition, shifting utilities, obtaining statutory clearance etc. Performance of contractors is also poor and other major concern in some areas is law and order problem. The Committee suggests the Ministry should proactively work as coordinator/facilitator in all these respects. It should take up the matter with concerned agencies before hand to solve these problems. Although, the Ministry has set a high target of constructing 10,000 km road in the year 2016-17, the Committee has apprehension how this mammoth task could be completed in the given situation. (Para 9)


Development and maintenance of National Highways by State PWDs, NHAI and BRO.

The Committee observes that the Budgetary allocation (proposed) for 2016-17 for Road Sector is `43,807 crore and through Internal Extra Budgetary support (Proposed) is `59,279 crore. (Para 13)

The Committee is not convinced with the IEBR projection of `59,279 crore. If it is compared with 2015-16, projection of IEBR at BE was `42,695 crore, but the actual IEBR upto December, 2015 i.e. in 3 quarters of financial year, 2015-16 was only `16,555 crore a deficit of `26,140 crore, and even if it goes upto `20,000 crore, it comes to only 46.84% of total requirement. So, seeing the trend of previous financial year, to raise `59,279 crore as IEBR during 2016-17 appears to be an uphill task for the Ministry. (Para 14)

The Committee notes that the projections are not supported by appropriate measures to raise the money internally or from the market. The Committee expresses its dismay and recommends that the NHAI should be allowed to raise a tax-free bonds and capital gains relief bonds in order to achieve the huge IFBR of `59,279/- crores during the financial year 2016-17. (Para 15)

The Committee observes that the expenditure on National Highways (original) works is very poor. At BE 2015-16 `4207.56 crore was sanctioned and at RE it was further 31 32 increased to `5508.06 crore but upto 31st December 2015, only 60% of RE budget i.e. `3330.99 crore has been spent. Now for 2016-17, `15,500 crore has been sanctioned for NH(O) work. The Committee hopes that factors responsible for short expenditure would be taken care of this year. (Para 16)

The Committee recommends that the Ministry should plan well in advance to utilize the money. (Para 17)

The Committee observes that budget allocation under Special Accelerated Road Development Porgramme-North Eastern Areas (SARDP-NE) for the year 2015-16 was `4,000 crore but only `3094.99 crore was spent upto December 2015. Now, `5,000 crore has been allocated. The Committee is concerned that even after good allocation under this head, the money is not utilized optimally and the work could not be completed on time due to one or other reasons. The Committee hopes that the Ministry would utilize full budget to complete the road projects in the current financial year. (Para 18)

The Committee also observes that even under non-plan head-Maintenance of National Highways with State PWDs it was allocated `2698.40 crore at RE but could spend only `1340.22 crore. In view of poor maintenance of Highways/ Roads, such a shortfall in expenditure is unacceptable for whatever reasons. (Para 19)

The Committee is not pleased with this pattern of expenditure. It is not encouraging and recommends that Ministry should give due care in proper planning and its execution. (Para 20)

BUDGET FOR (2016-17)

The Committee finds the information provided by the Ministry regarding budgetary provision for upcoming projects is very encouraging. The Committee observes that the Ministry is already facing lots of problems pertaining to acquisition of land, other statutory clearance and earlier awarded unfinished road projects whether it was based on PPP model on BOT (Toll) mode. (Para 23)

The Committee recommends that the Ministry should attract some more private companies/corporate houses to invest in this field with good returns. The Committee also thinks that the completion of delayed projects will give NHAI strength in the financial market which will help it in generating fund for further projects. (Para 24)

The Committee further recommends that the Ministry should give priority to finish the delayed projects so that it could get returns at the earliest. (Para 25)


The Committee finds that the allocation for maintenance of national highways under non-plan head is another cause of concern. An amount of `2701.47 crore was allocated in B.E. 2015-16 which was slightly reduced to ` 2698.47 crore at R.E. stage. Now, `2853.57 crore has been allocated for the next fiscal. The Committee is not convinced with the explanation of the Ministry regarding maintenances of National Highways. Regular 33 maintenance of roads increases its longevity and saves money. The Committee notes that allocation for maintenance of National Highways is very poor. This Committee has time and again pointed out that the National Highways constructed with tax payers money should not be wasted away by not maintaining it properly. The condition of the roads are very bad, new roads develops potholes and get eroded within a few months though its life should have been five to six year. The Committee, therefore, recommends that adequate funds be allocated for maintenance of NHs and there should be strict monitoring by officials to ensure timely and quality maintenance. (Para 28)

The Committee recommends that Ministry should provide top most priority and attention to maintenance and repair of the roads regularly as bad roads not only cause inconvenience to users but also accidents, all of which have serious implementation for our economy. (Para 29)


The Committee feels in view of the position explained above, the target for completion of 10,000 km of NHs during 2016-17 is quite a high jump in comparison to previous years and therefore, the total gross budgetary allocation for highways may not be adequate during 2016-17. (Para 36)

The Committee finds projection of target by the Ministry as highly ambitious because it may also go for entrustment of additional 20,000 km. of NHs to NHAI so that it could effectively raise and utilize its budgeted IEBR of `59,279 crore. (Para 37)

The Committee recommends that the Ministry should work hard to raise the money from the market and suggests that instead of making huge target it should go for smaller target, otherwise big target without fund arrangement will be proved like castles in the air. The Committee wishes that efforts of the Ministry will be materialized by issuing a tax free funds and with disciplined planning and execution. (Para 38)


The Committee observes that the allocation for 2016-17 for NH(O)-development of non-NHDP NHs primarily through State PWDs is `15,504 crore which is around three times more than the budget of `5512.06 crore at RE 2015-16 under the same head. At the same time the Committee is constrained to note that the allocation for Special Programme for development of Roads in Left Wing Extremist (LWE) affected areas has been decreased by `300 crore. (Para 40)

The Committee is of the opinion that LWE affected areas are sensitive and need due care and attention. There should be some extra effort to link such areas with main cities and towns. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should take the projects in LWE areas on priority and should put more funds at RE stage. (Para 41)


The Committee observes that in the annexure I, there are 199 ongoing road projects 34 in various stages. These projects have been awarded since 2005. The Committee observes that the situation in Assam is the worst. There are around 17 road projects which were awarded in 2005-06 and they are yet to be completed. These projects have been funded by NHAI under NHDP- Ph-II and the project cost is `4200 crores (approx.). Other badly affected States are Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh, where various road projects are going on for more than 5 years but are yet to be completed. The Committee expresses concern on the status of road projects languishing for the last 5 to 10 years, involving a huge sum on these projects. (Para 44)

The Committee recommends that NHAI particularly must make all out efforts to complete these delayed projects. (Para 45)

The Committee is happy to note that the Ministry has awarded 61 road projects in various States during the year 2015. The Committee hopes that these projects would be completed within stipulated time without any hindrance. (Para 46)


The Committee has observed that generally cost and time overruns occur due to delay in land acquisition (LA), obtaining regulatory clearances, uncertainty in legal regime, etc. The Committee recommends that no project should be approved or awarded without the requisite land acquisition and other necessary clearances. The Committee further recommends that errant contractors may be checked through some penalty measures. The Committee is of the view that a delayes project not only enhances cost escalation but at the same time, it also delayed revenue generation which is the pinching part of the system of NH development. The Ministry therefore, should find out a solution sitting with RBI for providing further loan in this regard. (Para 48)


The Committee feels that port-connectivity is one of the most important factors for augmenting trade and commerce in any country. Port plays a vital role in transporting goods from one place to another. (Para 50)

The Committee is concerned about Chennai Port to Maduravoyal on NH-4 project involving `1,345 crores. The project is in jeopardy due to the court litigation. (Para 51)

The Committee hopes that the litigation may be sorted out soon so that the ongoing project should be completed. The Committee recommends that NHAI make all out efforts to complete the road. Toll notification pending with Tamil Nadu Govt. regarding Chennai- Ennore Port be expedited beforehand. (Para 52)


55. The Committee finds the average contribution encouraging and hope that the same or even better average will be maintained in the year 2016-17 to achieve the target set up by the Ministry itself. (Para 55) 35


The Committee feels it's a commendable step and recommends that NHAI should quickly identify the projects which are completed more than 50% and where there is a need of infusion of additional funds may be given on loan basis to complete languishing projects. At the same time, the Government should ensure that concessionaire has followed all the necessary condition of the agreement and not siphoned off the public money. (Para 57)


The Committee observes that the Ministry has initiated/implemented IT related features in the transport system of 17 States and some more projects are on the cards. The Committee recommends that remaining States may also be covered under the new schemes and all the modern technology should be used in the transport system. The Committee further recommends that transport system operating in the remote areas and on long stretch should be well-equipped to thwart any kind of misadventure by anti social elements to drivers/passengers. The Secretary submitted to the Committee that the Ministry is planning to introduce GPS locator in the bus and in every public transport a panic button and a CCTV Camera are to be installed but the Ministry is yet to decide about the modalities on who will respond the panic button. The Committee recommends that these features should be installed in public transport system on priority basis since it is not only for women safety but for all the passengers travelling in public transport. (Para 59)


The Committee has noted the information provided by the Ministry regarding development of bus terminals and multimodal transport terminal on BOT basis on fund sharing basis. The Ministry would bear 75% of expenditure and the concerned State will have to part with 25%. The Committee feels that it will help the State in building transport infrastructure and will also improve transit facilities to passengers. It recommends that this scheme be implemented on priority. (Para 61)


The Committee observes that the safety for women in public transport is of utmost importance and it also thinks that not only women but the Ministry should think over safety for all. The Committee is unable to understand why the Ministry is taking too much time in implementing the security measures in public transport, especially in a city like Delhi, where people even travel at odd hours and it is not safe for women to commute in odd hours. The Committee notes that the promises made by the Government on the security of the women in public transport system remains as a promise though many years have passed without any concrete and fruitful measures. The Committee recommends that the Government should come out with comprehensive policy on women safety and implement it effectively. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should take measures immediately to ensure safety and security of women passengers in public transport system. (Para 63) 36


The Committee is happy to note that the Ministry is working on "The Road Transport and Safety Bill, 2015". From the name itself it seems it would also contain safety measures in transport field. The Committee agrees with the Ministry that revenue collection and its distribution is a delicate issue, but it thinks that it can be sorted out with meaningful dialogues between States and the Centre. The Committee recommends that Ministry may remind those States which have not furnished their comments to send the required amendments. The Committee recommends that on non-controversial issues like safety; increase in the penalty for unauthorized driving, minor driving, increase in the penalty for various kinds of traffic violations etc., the Govt. should legislate the law. The controversial issues can be dealt with separately. The Committee hopes that the Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill will become a reality soon. (Para 66)


The Committee observes that the picture of State Highways projected by the Ministry is not very encouraging. The Committee feels that State Highways are bridge between National Highways and people. Development of any State depends on good roads. The Ministry can also provide its expertise in road development and planning. The Committee recommends that NHAI and State Government should work in co-ordination while planning for highways as it forms the life of the core network. The Committee agrees with the Ministry's approach that priority may be given for development of core network. The Committee feels that there is a requirement of National Mission for development of State roads. The funding to the State Government by the Central Government may be linked to the maintenance and construction good State Roads. The Committee recommends that the Central Government should take initiative to create a data bank of State roads and District to enable the planning and execution of projects. (Para 69)


The Committee observes that urban linkages is an essential part of road network, without which the purpose of highways will be defeated. The Committee agrees with the Ministry envisaging the need of integrated scheme in co-ordination with Ministries of Urban Development, Road Transport and Highways and State Government for urban linkages. (Para 71)

But the Committee in view of past experience in this sector would caution the Ministry while exploring the chance of developing urban linkages on PPP mode as this mode has not been quite a success. The Committee expects the Ministry to come up with concrete solution to meet the existing challenges without any financial problem. (Para 72)

The Committee notes the initiative taken by the Ministry to identify the total network of State Highways. The Committee feels that saving of ecosystem is very important for all of us and is happy that the Ministry has started thinking in this direction. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should take initiatives to plant more trees alongside the roads. Ministry should also put it as a clause in the agreement to be made 37 with the developers while awarding a project to plant trees alongside the roads they construct. (Para 74)


The Committee feels that implementation of State Roads through private Sector financing is a right step in positive direction. It will attract developers since 40% fund of total project cost is to be contributed by the central as well as by State Government Implementation of projects would enable the States to grow and prosper. (Para 76)

The Committee is of the view that the latest technology in this sector is with the Ministry and it can guide and help developers through NHAI to carry out the projects. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should play active role in helping States at every stage of the project. (Para 77)

The Committee notes the information submitted by the Ministry regarding the budget allocation given for State Roads. Various States give proposal to the Ministry for State road funds and Ministry allocate after examining the proposal. The Committee finds that in the year 2015-16, `2809.80 crore has been allocated for State roads and the Ministry has allocated `1772.74 crore to the States upto February, 2016. The Ministry has cited reasons, that it has received less number of proposals and secondly the utilization certificate has not been submitted by some of the States to get the funds further. (Para 78)

The Committee finds it strange that why State Governments are so casual in submitting proposals and giving utilization certificates. (Para 79)

For the year 2016-17, under this head Ministry has received `10,833 crore for the purpose. The Committee finds it difficult that how the Ministry would allocate such a large amount, when it has exhausted only ` 1772.74 crore in previous financial year. The Committee recommends that Ministry should actively interact with the various States and take other necessary steps, so that the States give their proposals and Utilization Certificates in time so that allocated fund can be utilized fully and the condition of roads can be improved in various parts of the country. (Para 80)


The Committee observes that for the year 2015-16, Delhi was allocated `25 crore under State road fund but due to non-receipt of proposals from Delhi Government, the fund was not allocated. The Committee is of the view that many roads in Delhi are in bad shape and there is immediate need of repair/maintenance of such roads. It is strange that proposals from Delhi Government were not submitted. The Committee would like to know the reasons for this. (Para 81)

The Committee recommends the Ministry to take up the Committee's concern to the State Government of Delhi and make all efforts of improving roads in Delhi and make it a better place to live in. (Para 82) 38



The Committee wanted to know the status of projects of Inter-State Connectivity and Economic Importance but the Ministry has only informed about the length and costs of the projects. The Committee wants to know the places and time-period when these projects are going to be completed. The Committee observes that under rule provision, if the fund is lacking then it has to be arranged by the executing agency. The Committee wants to know the number of such projects which have been completed so far within stipulated time. (Para 86)

The Committee observes that annual budget for 2015-16 was `293 crore which was increased to `354.35 crore, but the expenditure upto February, 2016 is only `189.25 crore. (Para 87)

The Committee is constrained to note that even after increased allocation at RE- stage it could only spend `189.25 crore, then how the Ministry is going to spend `1233 crore allocated for 2016-17. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should take up the matter on priority basis with various States/UTs to implement the road project of economic importance. (Para 88)


The Committee has the opinion that the maintenance and repair of the road is as important as construction of the road. If, the potholes and broken roads are not repaired on time, it causes more harms to remaining road. The Committee thinks that damage to road are due to overuse, use of low-grade material and poor quality construction, vagaries of nature etc. (Para 90)

The Committee recommends that damaged road be repaired on time to avoid cost overrun and inconvenience to the public and also road accidents, fuel wastage and wear and tear to vehicles/tyres. (Para 91)

The Committee finds its strange that there are large no. of roads which require maintenance but the allocated fund has not been utilized to repair such roads. (Para 92)

The Committee doesn't find unutilized money as saving because, work is there but it has not been done. (Para 93)


Maintenance being a non-plan activity there is also a tendency by the Government to apply adhoc cuts in the face of resource constraints. (Para 95)

The Committee feels that maintenance of National Highways is an important work which the Ministry has to provide due priority. The Committee notes that the budget allocated by the Ministry for maintenance and repair is not sufficient and there is a need of fund to be used for repair of highways. Ministry has submitted that maintenance being 39 a non-plan activity there is a cut due to resource crunch. The Ministry has also suggested some measures to generate money for the purpose. Out of these, one suggestion which appeals to the Committee is to take up short term maintenance works on already developed stretches through private sector on operate-maintain-transfer (OMT) basis. The Committee feels that maintenance through private parties would be a better choice as the maintenance work would be completed in lesser time. (Para 97)

The Committee recommends that the maintenance work should be given top priority and the fund required for maintenance of NHs be enhanced. The Ministry should take up this matter with Ministry of Finance for their support. It can be done also by diverting funds if possible, from those heads where savings are expected. The Committee finds no reasons why only 40% of the requirement for maintenance of roads is allocated by the Ministry of Finance. The Committee recommends that the requirement of funds for maintenance of National Highways must be allocated to the maximum possible extent by the Ministry of Finance. (Para 98)


The Committee feels that accidents on NH is very frequent and it has been seen that road accident victims are left to die due to lack of medical facilities during golden hours. The Committee recommends that trauma centres be opened at the NH stretch after a gap of 40-50 km. and patrolling van and ambulance may be deployed in sufficient number to provide medical facilities to accident victims immediately. The Committee learnt that uninsured victim of hit and run cases, do not get required treatment. In view of increase in such accidents, something has to be done to ensure that such victims get ateast basic treatments during golden hours to save their lives. They should not be denied treatment by any hospital, nursing homes, etc., who should have surely to be compensated afterwards. Government and insurance companies and other can be roped in to do something in this regard. (Para 100)


The Committee observes that training is a very important aspect of an agency working in road construction sector and a well trained agency can perform its duties more efficiently compared to untrained one. The Committee finds that the Ministry has vision to improve the technology, but it has not been implemented so far aggressively. The Committee finds that budget allocation for this purpose has hardly been spent in the last financial year. For the current financial year, it has got ` 100 crores. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should give priority to road research and the fund may be utilized for the purpose. (Para 105)


The Committee notes that the fund allocated for 2015-16 under CRF was ` 33,014 crores and the expenditure was upto February 2016 was ` 27,066 crores. The Committee finds that the expenditure has been upto the mark, but grants to State and UT for development of roads is not very encouraging. Fund for development of roads in LWE 40 areas is also less compared to its allocation. The Committee recommends that the Ministry should allocate more funds under these two heads so that the project could be completed. (Para 107)


The Committee observes that CRF and Bridge Fee Fund get handsome collection and the collected sum goes back to NHAI and State PWDs. The Committee also notes that total plan budget of `55,000 crore during 2016-17, is to be funded through CRF and permanent Bridge Fees Fund. The Committee would like to say that since 90% of budget of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways is funded by road users. It should be utilized properly for interest of public at large in a efficient manner. (Para 111)


The Committee observes that North Eastern Region is a hilly terrain and to develop road infrastructure is a tedious job. The Committee finds that work under special Accelerated Road Development Programme is North Eastern Region (SARDP-NE) is going on for last several years. The Committee understand the problem being faced by the agencies in constructing and maintaining the road in North East area. The Ministry has got ` 5,000 crore for the financial year 2016-17 for the road projects in NER. The Committee recommends that Ministry should extend all types of help to State PWDs in carrying out the work. (Para 115)


The Committee recommends that in future when the Ministry plan Highways at the time of acquiring land itself, they should take care of the facilities such as drinking water, medical facilities, restaurant, toilets etc.. (Para 118)


The Committee feels that the connectivity to minor ports is of utmost importance since the minor ports are now growing faster and load and unload substantial volume of cargo/containers. The Ministry has chalked out the plan to develop 2 lane roads in nearby areas of 50 minor ports. The Committee would like to know the progress of the projects taken up by the Ministry through State PWDs. (Para 120)

Special Package for development of Road Connectivity to Airports

The Committee observes that the Ministry has chalked out the development of road connectivity to 24 airports in the country for around 15 km area around each airport at an estimated cost of `5 crore per kilometer. The Committee would like to know the progress in the project how much fund so far allocated for this scheme, which airport has been linked with good roads, and by when all the proposed 24 airports will be linked with good roads. (Para 122) 41



The Committee met at 11:00 A.M. on Thursday, the 7th April, 2016 in Committee Room 'A', Ground Floor, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi.

MEMBERS PRESENT 1. Dr. Kanwar Deep Singh — Chairman

RAJYA SABHA 2. Shri Ritabrata Banerjee 3. Shri Avinash Rai Khanna 4. Dr. Prabhakar Kore 5. Shri Kiranmay Nanda 6. Kumari Selja 7. Shri Rajeev Shukla

LOK SABHA 8. Shri Rahul Kaswan 9. Shri P. Kumar 10. Shri Harish Chandra Meena 11. Yogi Aditya Nath 12. Shri Kristappa Nimmala 13. Shri Rajesh Pandey 14. Shri Rajesh Ranjan 15. Shri Ram Kumar Sharma 16. Shri Dushyant Singh 17. Shri Kunwar Haribansh Singh 18. Shri Rakesh Singh 19. Shri Shatrughan Sinha 20. Shri Dasrath Tirkey 21. Shri K.C. Venugopal

SECRETARIAT Shri J.G. Negi, Joint Secretary Shri Swarabji B., Joint Director Shri Arun Kumar, Assistant Director Shrimati Catherine John L., Assistant Director Shri P.P. Raumon, Committee Officer 43 44


Ministry of Road Transport and Highways 1. Shri Sanjay Mitra, Secretary 2. Shri Sanjeev Ranjan, Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor 3. Shri Anthony Lianzuala, Pr. CCA 4. Shrimati Leena Nandan, Joint Secretary 5. Shri Rohit Kumar Singh, Joint Secretary 6. Shri Abhay Damle, Joint Secretary 7. Shri D.O. Tawade, Chief Engineer 8. Shri B.N. Singh, Chief Engineer 9. Shri Sudip Chaudhury, Chief Engineer 10. Shri A.K. Srivastava, Chief Engineer 11. Shri V.K. Rajawat, Chief Engineer 12. Shri A.K. Nagpal, Chief Engineer 13. Shri B.K. Sinha, Chief Engineer 14. Shri Vipnesh Sharma, Superintendent Engineer

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 15. Shri Raghav Chandra, Chairman 16. Shri R.K Pandey, Member (Projects) 17. Shri A.K. Singh, Member (Projects) 18. Shri Niraj Verma, Member (PPP)

National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation (NHIDCL) 19. Shri Anand Kumar, Managing Director

2. At the outset, the Chairman welcomed the members of the Committee and Secretary and the representatives of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways to brief the Committee on the Demands for Grants (2016-17) of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

3. After brief introduction, the Chairman of the Committee requested the Secretary to make a presentation on the Budget allocations, expenditure made in the previous years, achievements, non-utilization of funds, the adequacy of the budgetary provision made to each head etc. The Committee also wanted to know the impact of cuts in allocations for the current fiscal on the major works and projects of the Ministry.

4. The Committee further asked the representatives of the Ministry to brief about increase the demands at RE (2015-16) stage, insufficient allocation for maintenance of national highways, issues/problems faced by Ministry in implementing national highways projects, issues concerning financing of national highways projects, status of ongoing PPP projects, new schemes Hybrid Annuity Model in the current fiscal year and the allocations made therefor, adequacy of budgetary allocation for road safety etc..

5. The Secretary gave an overview of the budget allocation for the Ministry for 2016-17 and power- point presentation. He also elaborated the status of work being carried out at various stretches of national 45 highways, delay in carrying out maintenance works of national highways due to reduction in allocation for such works, steps taken to strengthen road safety and status of ongoing development projects under National Highways Development Programme. The Chairman asked the Ministry about how it would manage to get `59,279 crore through IEBR for completing its projects because the Ministry could not manage more then `20,000 crore though IEBR in the last financial year. The Chairman, NHAI assured the Committee that they would manage it through various tax free bonds and schemes.

6. He further elaborated the progress of NHDP as on 31.03.2016, current status and problems faced in carrying out the projects to its completion, Works-progress in SARDP-NE, LWE areas were also covered, its achievements and problem were highlighted by the Secretary.

7. The Committee was also enlightened about new initiative taken by the Ministry viz. Hybrid Annuity Model, Monetization of Public Funded Highways, Fund infusion by NHAI to salvage languishing projects; segregation of civil cost from capital cost for NH projects Green Highways Policy, NH Toll information System, automatic Traffic Counter and classifier system etc. The Committee wanted to know about the pending road projects due to fund allocation and other rasons, the Ministry replied that various measures have been taken to complete the pending projects. Hybrid Annuity Model has been brought in place of PPP Model where Ministry is going to fund 40% of project cost initially and the concessionaire will manage the rest of the amount.

8. The Secretary also informed the committee regarding new proposed scheme-"Bharatmala" Pariyojana and its features.

9. Members asked the question about poor condition of national highways in various parts of the country, inadequate spending of funds in road safety sector, steps to be taken to reduce road accidents, achievements of Research and Development Wing of the Ministry, refresher courses for drivers, non- availability of signage on national highways, setting up of trauma centre, to help road accident victims etc. Members of the Committee gave some specific examples of highways where there are problems e.g. Delhi- Jaipur Highways, there is a long queue on toll plaza, lack of service lanes on various highways. The problem is same with Kolhapur-Pune highway. This stretch is also accident prone. Members also asked questions about road safety, trauma centres and other amenities on national highways. The Ministry replied to some questions and promised to give detailed report on issues like trauma centre within few days. The Chairman of Committee and other Members also asked question related to quality of roads e.g. why roads break down in 5-6 months, whether it is bad quality raw material, or lack of technology or some other reasons. The Ministry could not give satisfactory answer of this question.

10. The Secretary and other officials of the Ministry replied to the points raised by the members of the Committee. The Committee directed that written replies to those points which remained unanswered may be sent within a week.

11. A verbatim record of the proceedings was kept.

12. The meeting adjourned at 1.12 P.M. to meet again at 3.10 P.M. 46


The Committee met at 3:00 P.M. on Tuesday, the 3rd May, 2016 in Room No.67, First Floor, Parliament House, New Delhi.

MEMBERS PRESENT 1. Dr. Kanwar Deep Singh — Chairman

RAJYA SABHA 2. Shri Narendra Kumar Swain

LOK SABHA 3. Shri Ram Charitra Nishad 4. Shri Vinod Chavda 5. Shri Rajeshbhai Naranbhai Chudasama 6. Shri Rahul Kaswan 7. Shri Harish Chandra Meena 8. Shri Rajesh Pandey 9. Shri Prathap Simha 10. Shri Dushyant Singh 11. Shri Kunwar Haribansh Singh 12. Shri Shatrughan Sinha 13. Shri Manoj Tiwari

SECRETARIAT Shri J.G. Negi, Joint Secretary Shri Swarabji B., Director Shri Arun Kumar, Assistant Director Shrimati Catherine John L., Assistant Director Shri P.P. Raumon, Committee Officer

2. The Chairman of the Committee welcomed the Members in the meeting. Thereafter, the Committee took up the following draft Reports for consideration and adoption:

(i) * * *

(ii) 234th Report on Demands for Grants (2016-17) pertaining to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways; and

*** Relates to other matter. 46 47

(iii) * * *

3. After some discussion, the Committee adopted the Reports without any changes.

4. The Committee decided to present/lay these reports in two spells. The Committee decided to present/lay the 233rd and 234th Reports on 4th May, 2016 and 235th Report on 6th May, 2016. The Committee, thereafter, authorized its Chairman and in his absence, Kumari Selja, M.P. to present the 233rd and 234th Reports in the Rajya Sabha and Shri Ram Charitra Nishad, M.P. and in his absence, Shri Rajesh Pandey, M.P. to lay the Reports in the Lok Sabha on the 4th May, 2016. The Committee also authorized its Chairman and in his absence, Kumari Selja, M.P. to present the 235th Report in the Rajya Sabha and Shri Rahul Kaswan, M.P. and in his absence, Shri Harish Chandra Meena, M.P. to lay the Reports in the Lok Sabha on the 6th May, 2016.

5. * * *

6. * * *

7. * * *

8. * * *

9. * * *

10. The meeting adjourned at 3.40 P.M.

*** Relate to other matters.

ANNEXURES 51 -I ward Actual NNEXURE Jan-2016 Jan-2016 Sep-2015 Feb-2012 Feb-2009 May-2010 A Phase I Phase V Phase V Phase_ A NHDP_ Misc. Projects NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III State Name Andhra NHDP Andhra Andhra NHDP Andhra NHDP Andhra Pradesh Pradesh enkata Rao Agency Gammon tion Ltd. - Pradesh Consortium Projects Ltd. KMC-BSCPL arsha Infra Ltd. Dilip Buildcon KMC Construc- IVRCL Consortium in Category Date ` 1684 1535 1585 crore) 273.06 V otal Civil Cost ( By Construction NHAI Funded T Details/status of ongoing projects with NHAI of ongoing projects with Details/status 4.15 SPV 100.33 M.V 64.61 EPC 1134.97 103.59 BOT 183.52 BOT 188.752 BOT Amritsar bypass by construction of additional structure and service roads on NH-1 connectivity roadfrom Visakhapatnam Port to NH5 -Vijayawada Machlipatnam Gundugolanu SectionKurnool Ltd. Project Infra Pradesh Infrastructure Ltd. Pradesh Nellore-Chilkaluripet Stretch No. NH Length 2. Four laning of Balance3. 5 laning of Four 4. Vijayawada- 9 5 121. Improvement of 3 4 1 5 0 6 7 85. 9 Six Laning of 10 5 6. Kudapa-Mydukur- 18 Sl. No.

51 52 Jul-2005 Jun-2005 Jun-2005 Jun-2005 Jun-2006 Jun-2006 Mar-2006 Mar-2005 May-2005 May-2006 NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam loyd Ltd. Pvt. Ltd. - Hindustan Assam Progressive Assam R. Agarwal Agarwal R. - Brahmaputra GPL-ECI (JV) GPL-ECI (JV) Infracon Pvt. Construction Lal Agarwalla Company Ltd. Company Ltd. - Banowari Dinesh Chandra Constorium Ltd. N.K.C - JKM (JV) N.K.C - JKM (JV) Construction Ltd. Construction Ltd. Gammon India Ltd. 386.1 237.8 175.96 Punj L 363.74 217.61 NHAINHAI 195 NHAI 230 NHAI NHAI NHAI 280 NHAI NHAI NHAI 225 NHAI 208 KMC 27.3 Border (AS-10) Border (AS-11) Border (AS-12) (AS-4) (AS-21) (AS-22) (AS-23) 13. Guwahati to Nalbari 31 28 11.Assam/WB Bijni to 12.Assam/WB Bijni to 31C 30 31C14. Harangajo to Maibang 30 15. 54 Harangajo to Maibang16. 54 26 Harangajo to Maibang 54 24 16 10.Assam/WB Bijni to 31C 33 9. Brahmputra Bridge (AS-28) 31 5 12 78 910 7. 3456 Nalbari to Bijni (AS-6) 31 25 8. Nalbari to Bijni (AS-7) 31 53 Jun-2005 Sep-2005 Feb-2006 Apr-2005 Dec-2005 Dec-2015 Mar-2005 Nov-2005 Nov-2005 Nov-2005 NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase III Bihar Bihar Bihar Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam Assam ineering -ECI (JV) Ltd. Construction BSCPL Pvt. Ltd. India Ltd. MVR (JV) Madhucon Assam Consultant Progressive Con Co Ltd. Maheshwari Projects Ltd. Brothers Ltd.- N.K.C Projects Infrastructure Ltd Infrastructure Ltd. Gammon India Ltd. Construction Ltd. - Telecommunication 385.13 IL&FS Eng 264.72 280.13 332.94 167.64 Simplex 1167.45 NHAI 245 NHAI 160 KMC NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI 200 Gayatri NHAI NHAI NHAI WB/NHAI 240 44.6 34.87 (AS-20) (AS-3) (AS-26) (AS-25) (AS-24) (AS-2) (BR-3) (LMNHP-10) Bakhtiyarpur - Mokama section of NH-31 (AS-27) 22. Sonapur to Guwahati 37 19 21. Dharamtul to Sonapur 37 22 19. Maibang to Lumding 54 28 23. to Dharmatul Nagaon 37 25 26. of Four laning 31 25. Kotwa to Dewapur 28 38 17. Maibang to Lumding 54 21 20. Maibang to Lumding 54 15 24. Forbesganj-Simrahi 57 18. Maibang to Lumding 54 23 54 Oct-2014 Nov-2009 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 May-2015 NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase III Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Infra Bihar IL&FS Infra Projects Infra Projects Punj Lloyd Projects Ltd Construction Company Ltd Infrastructure Ltd JKM Infraprojects Madhucon Projects 1027 671.3854.8 Gammon GR 322.09 556.07 814.04642.41 PNC - SPSCPL PNC - SPSCPL 581.84 399.54 GR 516.13 GR NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI Annuity JICA ODA 47.9 94.25 33.25 43.85 127.2 laning of Gorakpur - Gopalganj Chhapra -GopalganjForbesganj - JogbaniPatna to Koilwarto Bhojpur Bhojpur to Buxar Ltd Ltd Ltd of Biharaharif - Barbigha - Mokama Chhapra -Rewaghat -Muzaffarpur Gaya - Dhobi sectionof NH-83 Ltd and Engineering 29. laning with PS of Two 85 28. Patna- Muzzaffarpur 77 & 19 30. 63 Four Laning of31. laning of Four 32. 57A Four laning of Koilwar33. 9 &84 30 30 laning of Four 34. Two laning with PS 84 82 55 NHAI 12 78 910 27. 3456 Balance work of 4 28 41 35. with PS of laning Two 102 73 36. Four laning of Patna - 83 55 t-2011 Jan-2011 Jan-2016 Dec-2015 Apr-2010 Dec-2015 Dec-2015 Dec-2015 Aug-2011 May-2010 Phase V NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV Oc NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase VI Pradesh Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar [57.4] Delhi & Bihar[135]/ NHDP Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh (JV) elspun Limited Larsen & Punj Lloyd Tourbo Ltd Tourbo Consortium Uttar antia-Jiangsu Isolux-Soma Dilip Buildcon Punj Lloyd Ltd Enterprises Ltd Uttar Pradesh 2848 1232 BSCPL 509.13 596.67 701.42 W 1041.1 726.67 Annuity NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI Annuity 575 Madhucon 35.49 42.44 68.79 BOT 375.09 T 8.716 H 60.23 192.4 BOT 150.4 BOT 48.58 107.56 BOT 356.4 KNR - Infrastructure Khagaria section of NH-31 Raipur - Simga ( PKG-1)Saragaon - BilaspurSimga - Saragaon Ltd Ltd Motihari-Raxaul (Approved Length 67 Km) Hajipur(ApprovedLength 153 Km) shoulder of Muzaffarpur - Barauni Chattisgarh Border Aurang section Projects Ltd Expreeway (PKG-1) 40. 2-Laning with paved 28 44. of Four laning 45. laning of Four 200 200 37. 2-Laning with PS 28A 46. Delhi - Meerut 24 42. Four laning of Orissa/43. 6 Four / Six laning of 200 38. 4 Laning of Chappra-39. 19 Four of Simaria - 65 31 41. Varanasi-Aurangabad 2 56 Jan-2010 Jan-2016 Jan-2010 Apr-2011 Apr-2012 Dec-2011 May-2014 Misc. Projects NHDP Phase V NHDP Phase V NHDP Phase V NHDP Phase VI NHDP Phase III NHDP PHASE IV May-2014 Uttar Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Delhi & Pradesh Haryana Haryana Haryana NHDP Phase III ijai Ltd. Gawar Larsen & Larsen & Toubro Ltd Toubro Toubro Ltd. Toubro Reliance Infra Infrastructure Enterprise Ltd Developers Ltd APCO Infratech Pvt Ltd - Chetak IRB Infrastructure 1393 IRB 77.97 503.16 1081.57 Annuity NHAI NHAI 6.74 71.4 BOT 953.88 48.6 BOT 283.25 V 56.16 BOT 805.39 102.3 BOT 2125.24 21.92 H 166.25 BOT Km) Ltd. Vadodara Section Vadodara Expressway (PKG-2) Port (ApprovedLength 73 Km) Ltd. Projects Flyover at Bahalgarhch.41.210 and construction of additional 2-lane bridge near Rasoi Ch.32.28 on NH-1 in the state of Haryana Construction Ltd. Rajasthan border Jind (ApprovedLength 45 Infrastructure 49. Samaikhiali-Gandhidham50. 8A Section Vadodara-Surat 8 48. Ahmedabad to 8 51. Kandla - Mundra 8A 52. Construction of 1 0 12 78 910 47. 3456 Delhi - Meerut 24 53. Four laning of Kaithal - 65 54. 4-Laning of Rohtak- 71 57 Jul-2015 Mar-2015 Mar-2015 Mar-2015 Mar-2015 Mar-2013 Nov-2013 Aug-2015 May-2015 May-2015 ASE III ASE III Misc. Projects Misc. Projects NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase VI Uttar Pradesh Haryana PH NHDP Haryana PH NHDP Haryana Haryana Haryana Haryana NHDP Phase III Haryana NHDP Phase III Haryana NHDP Phase III Haryana Haryana / Infra Infra Gawar Limited Infra Ltd Sadbhav Sadbhav Sadbhav Sadbhav M/s Essel Projects Ltd Dilip Buildcon Sadbhav Engg. Engineering Ltd Construction Ltd. 47.75 574.28 723.54 GR 602.95 867.66 GR 562.34 600.85 771.18 NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI 44.5 50.86 87.66 69.84 BOT41.79 2128.72 44.57 98.81 BOT 959.25 32-B 0 NE-II 21 ar -Saha-ar -Saha- Engineering Ltd Engineering Ltd Kaithal - Package -1Kaithal - Package Kaithal - Package -2Varah Ltd - Engineering Ltd Dabwali section with PS - Package -I Dabwali section withPS - Package -2 Chowk to Panipat Nag Yamuna Barwala - Panchkula ( PKG - 2) Nag Yamuna Barwala - Panchkula ( PKG - 1) Hissar Section Projects Ltd Infraprojects Ltd (ROB) lane Eastern Peripheral Expressway ( PKG-I) 57. Four Laning of Hisar - 10 57 55.Ambala - 4 laning of 56. 65 Ambala - 4 laning of 65 58. Four Laning of Hisar - 10 63. Bhatinda-Suratgarh 59. 8 Laning of Mukarba60. UP/Haryana border - 1 73 61. UP/Haryana border - 73 62. 4-Laning of Rohtak - 10 64. Development of six 58 Feb-2008 Feb-2008 Feb-2012 Sep-2010 Feb-2016 Mar-2015 Aug-2015 May-2010 hase V Phase V DP PHASE III NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase VI NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV Uttar [175.1] [161.3] Jammu Pradesh Pradesh Pradesh Kashmir Haryana NHDP Haryana/ Himachal Rajasthan Himanchal Himanchal NH [116]/Punjab Haryana[74]/ Phase V NHDP Uttar Pradesh Haryana[64.3]/ NHDP P Ltd Pradesh Infra Ltd [105.5] Gawar Emirates Reliance SA - Soma Jaiprakash and JPTEG LLC - KMC Ramkey Infra Construction rading Agency Enterprise Ltd Constructions Transportation Associates Ltd Corsan Corviam Construction Ltd. Concesionnes Sa - 2288 Isolux Corsan 273.2 1100.7 788.51 934.46 GR NHAI NHAI NHAI Annuity 225.6 BOT 1673.7 67.76 84.32 BOT 1916.79 IL & FS 179.5 BOT37.34 1928.22 39.14 NE-II 24.5 -Solan Projects (Six lane) Jaipur (Six lane)Kiratpur-Ner Chowk Section T Networks Ltd. lane Eastern Peripheral Expressway ( PKG-III) (Approved Length180.3 Km) paved shoulder of Kullu - ManaliParwanoo Infrastructure Ltd 67. Gurgaon - Kotputli - 8 72. Srinagar to Banihal 1A 12 7865. 910 3456 Development of six 71. Four Laning of 21 66. Panipat - Jalandhar 1 291 BOT 68.Agra - Delhi 69. laning with Two 2 21 70. laning of Four 22 59 Jul-2012 Feb-2016 Sep-2015 Sep-2015 Dec-2014 Apr-2013 Apr-2010 Mar-2011 May-2010 Phase V NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase III ataka NHDP Phase IV Kashmir Kashmir Kashmir Kashmir [43]/West Jharkhand Jharkhand Jharkhand NHDP JharKhand Jammu and NHDP Phase II Jammu and NHDP Phase II Jammu and NHDP Phase II Jammu and NHDP Phase II Bengal[79.88] Ltd. Co. Ltd. HCC Ltd. Navyuga M/s. Dilip Madhucon Engineering Projects Ltd. Networks Ltd. Networks Ltd. Dilip Buildcon Transportation Developers Ltd. IRB Infrastructure Karn 1479 1665 IL & FS 1987 2159 IL & FS 341.61 997.15 2168.66 2136.97 Gammon NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI Annuity Annuity Annuity 32.1 163.5 78.19 40.17 71.61 15.25 187.24 BOT 1655.01 122.88 BOT - Buildcon Ltd. Karnataka Border- Kundapur Section shoulders of Chas Ramgarh section of NH-23 Jamshedpur Adda-Panagarh Transportation Baharagora - JH/WB border Banihal section of NH-1A Udhambur - Rambansection of NH-1A India Ltd. 81. 4 laning of Goa/ 17 79. Ranchi - Rargaon - 33 80. Six laning of Barwa 2 78. lane with paved Two 23 75. laning of Ramban - Four 1A 76. of Four laning 77. Four laning of Mahulia - 1A 6 & 33 74. Chenani-Nashri 1A 12 73. Quazigund-Banihal 1A 60 Jul-2010 Jan-2015 Mar-2012 Mar-2015 Nov-2009 Nov-2011 May-2015 NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV aka NHDP Phase III rnataka rnataka NHDP Phase III Kerala Karnataka NHDP Phase III Ltd. OJSC KPCL GVR Infra Ka Consortium Navayuga - Karnat Consortium Transstroy- Ka TRIL Roads KarnatakaIII NHDP Phase Projects Ltd. Constructions Projects-RMN Developement M/s. Larsen & Karnataka L&T Infrasructure Infrastructure Ltd. 1388 845.24 KNR 1266.6 NHAI NHAI 709 26.5 80.02 BOT220.1 720.69 81.89 BOT 359 & Mangalore-KNT/ Kerala Border Kazhakkottam to Mukkola section NH-47 of Sangareddy Dobbaspet Khanpur Section (Km. 0.00 to Km. 30.00) with laning Two and paved sholuders of Khanpur-Knt/Goa (Km. 30.00 to border. Km. 84.120) shoulders of Bijapur -Gulbarga - Homnabad - section of NH-218 ( New NH No.-50) Chitradurga Ltd. Toubro Pvt. Ltd. 12 7882. 910 3456 MH/KNT Border 9 145 BOT 88. laning of Four 47 87. Kundapur-Surathkal 17 90 BOT 671 83. Four laning of Hoskote- 207 84. with paved lane Two 218 85. Four laning of Hospet -86. 13 Four laning of Belgaum- 4A 120 BOT 61 Jun-2015 Jun-2015 Feb-2009 Sep-2011 Mar-2015 Mar-2015 Mar-2015 Mar-2015 Mar-2015 NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV Kerala Pradesh Pradesh Pradesh Madhya Madhya Madhya Madhya Madhya Madhya Madhya Madhya Ltd. Ltd. Essel IRCON Pvt. Ltd Larsen & Larsen & Larsen & Larsen & Structural Pradesh Engineers M/s. Dilip Consortium Ltd.- CR18G Infraprojects Pradesh International Construction M/s. Oriental Buildcon Ltd. 1055 794.3 928.83 795.76 810.22 830.36 NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI 93.5 BOT 1012.9 97.7 BOT 80.92 69.19 69.07 68.26 141.26 BOT 1583.79 125.03 BOT - Ltd. Tourbo Guna Vadakkancherry - Vadakkancherry Thrissur section Gwalior-Shivpuri Dewas Jabalpur - Lakhnadon Ltd. Tourbo Pradesh to Biaora Katni - Jabalpur -Package -I Ltd. Tourbo Pradesh Rewa - Katni Jabalpur - Package -II Katni - Jabalpur -Package -IV Ltd. Tourbo Pradesh Shivpuri - Package - I 89. of Six lanning 47 30 BOT 617 KMC 91. laning of Biaora - 4 92. 3 of Four laning 7 90. Four laning of 3 93. of Guna Four laning 3 94. Four laning of Rewa - 7 95. laning of Four 7 96. Four laning of Rewa - 7 97. Four laning of 3 62 Jun-2007 Feb-2012 Dec-2013 Dec-2009 Mar-2010 Mar-2013 May-2010 May-2006 NHDP Phase V NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV [11.5] [56.3] Pradesh Pradesh Pradesh Madhya Madhya Madhya Madhya Madhya [68.5]/Uttar Pradesh [1]/ Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Rajasthan [9] Pradesh[120]/ IVRCL IRB Infra Transstroy Madhya consortium Pradesh DLF-Gayatri Projects Ltd. DSC - Apollo DSC - Networks Ltd. PNC-TRG (JV) Engineers Pvt. Engineers Ltd. Transportation Ltd.- Continental Oriental Structural 1175 972.5 232.45 2498.76 NHAI Annuity Annuity 604 45.05 BOT 325 176.3 155.15 BOT 137.946 BOT 1348.2 IL&FS Yedishi section of NH-211 Yedishi Four laning of Khed - 50 Four laning of Solapur - 211 100 BOT (approved length 55 Km.) MP (approvedlength 168 Km.) Obedullaganj-Betul Section Dholpur - MorenaSection (including chambal bridge) NS-1/RJ-MP/1 3Four laning of Nagpur 10 69 InfrastructureSinnar Section Pradesh (India) Ltd. Four laning of 69 125 BOT 912 Gwalior - Jhansi 75 80 Betul 12 7898. 910 3456 Indore-Dewas 3 104. 105. 99. Indore-Jhabua-Gujarat/ 59 101. 102. 100. 103. 63 t-2015 t-2015 Sep-2015 Dec-2015 Apr-2014 Aug-2015 Phase I Phase I Phase I Oc Phase I Oc Misc. Projects NHDP Phase IV Maharashtra NHDP Maharashtra Maharashtra NHDP Maharashtra NHDP Maharashtra Projects Ltd. Ashoka Maharashtra NHDP Gannon Jai Kumar Jai Kumar Jai Kumar Buildcon Ltd. Infra Pvt. Ltd. Infra Pvt. Ltd. Infra Pvt. Ltd. and J.M. Mhatre Developers Ltd. dunkerley & Co. and J.M. Mhatre Infra Projects Ltd. Infra Projects Ltd. 649.5 NHAI 6.94 10.56 SPV 414 10.59 SPV 531.13 18.27 SPV 593.26 190.2 BOT 1871.34 IRB connectivity JNPTphase II -Constructionof NH-348 - PKG3 Infra Mhatre J.M. and Construction of NH-4B 4B at Km.544.650 including Roads,Service ROB, Footpath for RCC drainson urban link to Nagpur - Raipur road from Km.21.200 to Km. 27.270( D to E section) and from Km.0.000 to Km.4.492 ( D to G section) of JNPT Phase -II (PKG-IV) Construction of Karalphata& 4B Interchange from Km. 3.600 to 348 Ltd. Infrastructure Km. 6.073 of NH4B from & Ltd. - SMS Km. 5.300 to Km. 7.422 ( Old SH -54) PKG-1 Construction ofGavanphata Interchangefrom Km. 14.740 to Km. 15.894 348 ( Old SH -54) PKG-2 & 4B Construction of Flyover 6 Aurangabad - YedishiAurangabad - Infrastructure Four laning of 211 109. 108. 6/8 laning of Road port 348 11.09 SPV110. 505 111. 107. 106. 64 Jul-2015 Jul-2015 Jan-2010 Oct-2010 Sep-2005 Sep-2015 Apr-2005 Dec-2011 NHDP Phase V NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV Meghalaya Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra .R. Infra Reliance Supreme Consortium M/s. IL& FS M/s. IL& FS Constro (JV) Prasad-MKS Coastal-SREI Networks Ltd. Networks Ltd. Roman Tarmat Transportation Pvt. Ltd.-China Transportation & Infrastructure JTEG Consortium State Construction Ltd.-Mahavir Road Infrastructure India Engg. Hongkong Ltd. 479.2 G 942.69 193.45 130.81 2288.18 NHAI NHAI NHAI 140.35 BOT 1724.55 100.06 BOT 923.04 adner-Devdhari 7 29 Pune - SataraPanvel-Indapur 4 17 84 BOT Mah-Guj Border ( PKG-3) (approved length 145 Km.)(NS-60/MH)Kelapur-Pimpalkhatti(NS-62) 7 Ltd.- Infrastructure of Jowai -Meghalaya /Assam border section of NH-44 22 Ltd. Ltd. Projects Maharashtra/ Karnataka Section Amravati -Four laning of Chikhli (PKG-I) 6 194 BOT Four laning of Solapur - of Solapur Four laning 9 115. 116. 117. W 118. 119. Two laning with PS 44 102.55 114. Four laning of Fagne - 6 140.79 BOT 1885.74 113. 12 78 910 112. 3456 65 t-2014 Jul-2015 Feb-2016 Apr-2010 Apr-2010 Dec-2015 Nov-2013 Aug-2011 Phase V NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III Oc NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV Odisha Odisha Odisha NHDP Odisha Odisha Ltd. Odisha Gayatri Pvt. Ltd.) Backbone MBL-SREI R. Agarwal R. Expressway lfar Consortium SREI-Simplex- M/s. L&T Ltd. Odisha Punj Lloyd Enterprises Ltd. Corson Corviam Dinesh Chandra Punjab Construction S.A Infrocon Pvt. Ltd. 1410 1047 996.37 523.85 752.28 1069.65 NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI 80.6 50.74 111.6 EPC 1282.94 132.35 &200 61 Km.) (Shree Jagannath Panikholi-Rimoli 215 163 BOT Jagatpur-Bhubaneshwar(approved length Ga Singhara Six laning of Chandikhol- 5 67(approved length BOT 106 Km.) -2/4 laning of Talchar Dubari-Chandikhole 23 section of NH-200 from Km. 301.89 to Km. 427.85 including Km. 8.5 to Km. 14.86 of NH-23 Rimoli - Roxy -Rajamunda (approved length 163Km.) Four laning with PS 215 -Sambalpur Talebani AmritsarJalandhar - 6 96 1Ltd. Projects BOT 20 586 Baripada - Baleashwar section of NH-5 Four laning of Baharagora - 6 Four laning of Jharpokharia - Jharpokharia Four laning of 5 123. 122. 124. 125. 126. 127. 121. 120. 66 t-2015 Jan-2015 Jun-2006 Sep-2015 Sep-2005 Dec-2010 Apr-2013 Apr-2013 Nov-2014 HDP Phase V Oc Misc. Projects Misc. Projects Misc. Projects NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase IV Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Ltd. Punjab N Infra Infra Ltd. (JV) India Ltd. India Ltd. Essel Infra Punjab NHDP Phase III M/s. Ceigall Punjab NHDP Phase III Hyundai eng. M/s. Gammon ITD- CemIndia Cons. Co. Ltd. - Projects Limited Projects Limited M.G Contractors Punjab M/s. Montecarlo Projects Ltd.- Pan Indian Networks Ltd. 46.57 538.08 447.29 L & T 250.39 281.31 100.29 GR NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI 239.23 NHAI NHAI 6.02 106.3 10.18 14.13 26.42 36.267 MORTH 113.8 GR 148D 148D 33 MORTH laning with paved 15 laning with paved laning with paved Kurali section ofNH-21 Four laning ofChandigarh - Kharar Four lanning ofLudhiana- Talwandi 95 & 21 section 95 78 BOT 479 Pvt. Ltd. shoulders of Bheem to Parasoli section (Package-II) shoulder Barmer - Four laning of Kharar -Four laning of 21 TalwandiLudhiana - 95 Kota Bypass (RJ-4) 76 shoulders of Bheem to Parasoli section (Package-I) Chambal Bridge (RJ-5) 76 1.4 12 78 910 3456 129. 130. 136. Two 128. 131. 132. 135. Two 133. 134. Two 67 Jan-2014 Jun-2015 Feb-2014 Dec-2014 Apr-2014 Apr-2014 Apr-2014 Aug-2015 NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Infra Infra Infra Ltd. M/s. G R Sadbhav Rajasthan Aggarwal M/s. Dilip Projects Ltd. Projects Ltd. Dilip Buildcon Dinesh Chandra Ramjit Buildcon Ltd. 455.6 275.9 H G 279.14 425.19 482.27 GR 206.12 G R 264.72 NHAI NHAI 597 NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI 74.1 75.08 85.58 100.9 85.61 139.33 131.41 148-D 203.97 - Infraprojects Ltd. -I Engineering Ltd. - Engineering Uniara Buildcon Ltd - aning with PS of lane with paved 114 laning with 11B Laning with PS 123 Sanchor - Gujarat boderSanchor - Gujarat Bridge) ( up to Gandhav section of NH-15 shoulders of Jodhpur Pokaran section of NH-114 ( New NH No.-50) Gulabpura - of Uncha Nagla Khanuwara - Roppas -Dholpur Padi - Dahod 113 Ltd. Pvt. section of Package -II Paved shoulder of KarauIi - Dholpur Jaisalmer - Barmer 15 section of Package Jodhpur - Barmer 112 Jodhpur - Barmer 112 139. Two 137. Two 138. Two l 140. 141. Two 142. 144. 143. 68 Jul-2013 Oct-2014 Sep-2013 Apr-2013 Nov-2012 Nov-2012 Aug-2014 NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Infra Galfar Ltd.(JV) Zignego Sadbhav Rajasthan R. Aggarwal Company Inc- Projects Limited Dinesh Chandra GHV (India) Pvt. Corson Coriviam Infracon Pvt. Ltd. Contracting SAOG 240.1 368.15 158.04 GR 567.51 NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI 52.8 67.75 139.9 87.25 BOT 677.79 160.3 BOT 822.9 IRCON 160.45 154.141 BOT 530.07 with PS a-Degana- lane with paved 65 laning with PS of 758 laning with PS of 458 idening & strengthen- 458 Bhilwara-Ladpura section ing to Two lane Two ing to of Nimbi Jodh Merta City Section Lambia-Jaitran-Raipur section of NH-15 totwo/four lane with PS shoulder with provisionAugmenta- of Capacity tion of Rajasthan Border- Fatehpur-Salasar Section of Rajsamand-Four laning Gangapur-Bhilwara 758 Construction S.A and Engineering Limited Engineering Bikaner - Phalodi 15 section to Four laningfrom km.4.200 to km.Two-lane 55.25 and paved shoulder from km. 55.25 to km.163.500 Phalodi -Jaisalmer 15 International Limited 151. Two 150. W 147. Two 148. 149. Two 12 78145. 910 3456 146. 69 t-2014 Jan-2009 Feb-2008 Sep-2014 Apr-2015 Mar-2015 Mar-2010 May-2012 May-2010 ASE III amil NaduPH NHDP amil Nadu NHDP Phase V amil Nadu NHDP Phase V amil Nadu NHDP Phase V amil Nadu NHDP Phase VII amil Nadu Phase IV NHDP amil Nadu NHDP Phase III amil Nadu NHDP Phase III Oc amil Nadu NHDP Phase III Ltd. Larsen & T Larsen & T oubro Ltd. Transtroy T Madhucon T Toubro Ltd. Toubro ESSEL Infra T Gayatri -SPL T Projects Ltd. Construction Consortium Ltd. Transstroy-OJSC T Chennai Elevated T 1250 1655 563.92 451.58 283.27 1287.95 1387.11 KNR T NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI Annuity 485 43.4 BOT 353.37 148.3 BOT 55.22 ated 4 19 BOT laning with paved 210 80 laning of Dindigul- 220 134 nnai - Tada (Six lane)Tada nnai - 5 alajapet-Poonamalee 46 93 BOT Six laning of 46 Road from ChennaiPort - Maduravoyal of Nagapattinam -Thanjavur Thanjavur - Pudukottaisection of NH-226 226 Krishnagiri-walajhapetsection Four Laning of Madurai -Ramanathapuram (km. 5. Ltd. 49 Tollway laning to km. 81) and Two with PS km. 81 to km. 120 115 Projects Ltd. T shoulder of Karaikudi -Ramanathapuram section of NH-210 including 500 m on SH-35 section of Madurai road Perigulam-Theni-Kumili (India ) Ltd. 157. 152. New Four lane Elev 156. W 153. Two laning with PS154. 67155. 78.53 Che 158. 159. Two 160. Two 70 Jun-2007 Feb-2016 Feb-2016 Dec-2015 Dec-2010 Apr-2014 May-2005 May-2011 May-2010 Phase I NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase IV elangana amil Nadu III NHDP Phase amil Nadu NHDP amil Nadu NHDP Phase V amil Nadu NHDP Phase III amil Nadu NHDP Phase III Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Ltd. T Ltd. T Ltd. T Reliance T India Ltd. Transstroy Infratech Ltd. Transstroy (I) T Dilip Buildcon Nadu Tamil NHDP Phase IV Coastal-SPL(JV) T OJSC Consortium Ltd. - Corporation Infrastructure Ltd. 465.5 PNC 201.66 Gammon 401.11 1423.96 L & T uity 624 NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI L & T NHAI NHAI L & T 32.8 99.1 30.2 SPV 600 42.7 59.87 BOT77.72 27.25 535 176.51 Ann 47-B laning of 66 New Four laning AgraNew Four laning 2,3 Warangal Ganga Bridge to RamaDevi Crossing (UP-6) 25Bypass (NS-1/UP-1) 5.6 to Kanyakumari section of NH-47 and Nagarcoil to Kavalkinaru section of NH-47B -Yadgiri Four laning of 163 Development of SR Thirumayam - 226 Krishnagiri-Tindivanam (approved length 170 Km.) Adequate Road Connectivity to Chennai -Ennore Port Connectivity Six Laning of Hosur-Krishnagiri 7 Manamadurai sectionFour laning of TN/Villukuri Kerala border to VillukuriFour laning of 47 & 47 Ltd. 12 78 910 161. 3456 Two 169. 168. 167. 162. 164. 163. 165. 166. 71 Jan-2016 Jan-2015 Feb-2014 Feb-2014 Mar-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV Uttar PradeshProjects Misc. Uttar PradeshProjects Misc. Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Ltd. Gayatri Gayatri Gayatri Gayatri Pvt. Ltd. Infratech M/s. ApcoPradesh Uttar Privste Ltd. Constrctora GKC Projects Dilip Buildcon APCo Infratech Uttar Pradesh 686.89 611.65 683.24 815.28 261.09 1027.53 Annuity NHAI 667 NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI 59.95 155.9 MORTH 495.78 59.07 58.62 61.19 H 74.53 63.36 16.55 133.28 MORTH 351.34 laning with paved 232 laning with paved 232 shoulders of Tanda - Tanda shoulders of Raebareli shoulders of Raebareli -Banda section of NH-232 Four laning of 233 Sanjose S.A Ghaghra Bridge to (PKG-II) Varanasi Four laning of Ghaghra 233 Projects Ltd. Bridge to VaranasiBridge to (PKG-III) Four laning of GhaghraVaranasibridge to 233 ( Package -I)Meerut - Bulandshahar 235 Projects Ltd. Varah - Ltd Infra Ltd. Four laning of 56 Sultanpur to VaranasiSultanpur to (PKG-I) Four laning of 56 Ltd. Projects Sultanpur to VaranasiSultanpur to (PKG-II) Four laning of Varanasi56 & 29 Ltd. Projects Bypass 171. Two 172. 173. 170. Two 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 72 Jul-2015 Apr-2010 Dec-2010 Nov-2011 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 NHDP Phase V NHDP Phase V NHDP Phase VI NHDP Phase VI NHDP Phase VI NHDP Phase VI NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Asoka Gayatri Oriental Oriental Pvt. Ltd. Sadbhav M/s. IRB Ltd.-Vijay Structural Structural Engineers Infrastructure Engineers Ltd. ERA-SIBMOST Developers Ltd. Construction(JV) 1046 1573 785.78 789.31 664.53 768.56 NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI 160.2 BOT 124.5 BOT 1657.2 NE-II 22 NE-II 24.5 NE-II 21 NE-II 22 Peripheral Allahabad lane Eastern PeripheralExpressway ( PKG-II) Development of six Engineering Ltd. Development of six Development of lane Eastern PeripheralExpressway ( PKG-IV) Development of six Ltd. Buildcon lane Eastern Expressway ( PKG-V) (approved length 134 Km.) Raebareli to Development of six Six laning of Agra -Agra Six laning of 2 lane Eastern PeripheralExpressway ( PKG-VI) Etawah -Chakeri(Kanpur) 2 Etawah bypass Projects Ltd. Infrastructure 180. 12 78 910 179. 3456 181. 186. Two laning with PS 24B 119 BOT 291.36 Vijay 182. 185. Bareily - Sitapur 24 151.2 BOT 184. 183. 73 t-2014 t-2013 Jul-2012 Feb-2010 Feb-2010 Feb-2011 Dec-2009 Dec-2009 Nov-2012 Phase V NHDP Phase IV Oc NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV Oc NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV [59] est Bengal est Bengal est Bengal NHDP [9]/Uttar [74.0]/Uttar Uttarakhand Uttarakhand Uttarakhand Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Pradesh[65.46] [21]/Uttarakhand Infra (JV) ERA- Galfar (P) Ltd. Ashoka W VIL Ltd. SIBMOST Hindustan W Hindustan W Construction Construction Buildcon Ltd. Buildcon Company Ltd. Company Ltd. Engineering and ERA - SIBMOST Contracting SAOG Pradesh[3.2] 580.43 368.73 H.G. 301.04 569.38 PNC 1078.84 NHAI NHAI Annuity 478 Annuity 77.2 BOT 605.84 111.4 BOT 1396.18 165.5 58, 72 80 BOT 754 - Engineering laning with paved 125 52 laning with paved 231 Raiganj Four laning of Raiganj-Dalkola 34Six laning of Dhankuni- 50 6 BOT Four laning of Faraka- 34 103 BOT Haridwar (approved length 77 km. ) shoulder of Sitarganj of section Tanakur NH-125 Four laning of Kashipur-Sitarganj Section 74 Sitarganj-Bareilly (approved length 69 km.) Kharagpur Section Section Haridwar - Dehradun 72 39 shoulder of Raebarelito Jaunpur Muzaffarnagar - Ltd. Infratech 194. 195. 193. 189. Two 191. Two laning with PS 74 74.46 190. 192. 188. 187. Two 74 Jun-2015 Oct-2015 Feb-2011 Feb-2011 NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III Bengal est Bengal est Bengal Ltd. Bengal West SEW Infra. W Projects Ltd. Asoka Buildcon West 1083 L & T 702.16 361.15 NHAI NHAI AnnuityAnnuity 867 Madhucon W 10.31 31-D 83.785 Laning of NH-31D Barasat - Krishnanagar 34Krishnanagar - Berhampore 34 84 78 from Ghoshpukur - Salsalabari ( km 0.00 to km. 83.785) Construction of 31 Islampur by passLtd. Pvt. 12 78 910 196. 3456 197. 198. 4 199. 75 -II date NNEXURE Jan-2016 Jan-2016 A Dec-2015 May-2015 Sept.-2015 Actual award Projects category NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III Bihar Bihar Punjab Misc. State name NHDP_Phase_ Andhra PradeshI Phase NHDP Andhra Pradesh cost warded 229.34 837.09 541.84 in crore) ` ( NHAI NHAI NHAI Funded A 4.15 SPV 76.93 44.6 64.61 EPC 740.7 (in km) by Status of projects awarted by NHAI during 2015-16 by NHAI during awarted of projects Status otal Length Structures, Amritsar bypass byconstruction of additional structure and service roads on NH-1 road Service connectivity road from Visakhapatnam Port to NH5 - Vijayawada Machlipatnam Bakhtiyarpur - Mokama section of NH-31 laning of Gorakpur - Gopalganj Project NameNo. NH T 121 Improvement of 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 Four laning of Balance3 5 Four laning of4 Four laning of 9 5 Balance work of 4 31 28 41 Sl. No.

75 76 Dec-2015 Dec-2015 Dec-2015 Dec-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh 487.71 594.16 397.27 297.24 681.67 825.17 597.96 247.36 416.297 NHAI NHAINHAI 567NHAI Bihar NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI 47.9 42.44 60.23 48.58 35.49 43.85 33.25 94.25 NHAI 644.27 Bilaspur Saragaon Chhapra -Rewaghat - Muzaffarpur section of NH-31 Raipur - Simga ( PKG-1) Biharsharif -Barbigha - Mokama to Buxar to Bhojpur 84 to Koilwar Forbesganj - Jogbani Chhapra -Gopalganj 16 Four laning of Simga - 200 13 Four of Simaria - Khagaria14 31 Four / Six laning of15 Four laning of Saragaon - 200 200 12 laning with PS of Two 102 73 11 laning with PS of Two 82 55 10 of Bhojpur Four laning 84 9 Four laning of Koilwar& 30 8 Four laning of Patna 30 7 Four Laning of 57A 9 126 laning with PS of Two 85 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 77 Jul-2015 Jan-2016 Jan-2016 Sep-2015 Feb-2016 Sep-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 May-2015 May-2015 Misc. Projects NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase VI NHDP Phase VI NHDP Phase VI NHDP Phase VI Delhi & Delhi & Haryana Haryana NHDP Phase III Haryana NHDP Phase III Haryana/ Haryana / Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Jammu Kashmir Jammu Kashmir Himachal Pradesh 841.5 436.5 1057.6 1709.99 1783.42 Annuity Annuity NHAI 213 NHAI NHAI NHAI 747 NHAI 792 NHAI NHAI 468 32.1 37.34 40.17 8.716 H 21.92 H 69.84 BOT 189 41.79 44.57 NE-II 24.5 NE-II 21 Ramban section of NH-1A lane Eastern Peripheral Expressway ( PKG-III) shoulderof Kullu - Manali Banihal section of NH-1A lane Eastern Peripheral Expressway ( PKG-I) Expressway (PKG-1) Expressway (PKG-2) Nagar -Saha- Yamuna Barwala - Panchkula ( PKG - 1) Chowk to Panipat Nagar -Saha- Yamuna Barwala - Panchkula ( PKG - 2) 24 laning with paved Two 25 Four laning of Ramban - 21 26 1A Four laning of Udhambur - 1A 23 Development of six 17 Delhi - Meerut 24 18 - Meerut Delhi 19 of Mukarba 8 Laning 24 1 22 Development of six 20 UP/Haryana border -21 73 border - UP/Haryana 73 78 Jun-2015 Jun-2015 Sep-2015 Feb-2016 Dec-2015 Aug-2015 May-2015 NHDP Phase I NHDP Phase I Oct-2015 NHDP Phase I Misc . Projects NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV Kerala Jharkhand Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh 674.1 448.31 669.06 NHAI NHAI NHAI 6.94 93.5 BOT 27 26.5 10.56 SPV 395.51 10.59 SPV 539 11.09 SPV 564 71.61 141.26 BOT 252.89 Interchange from 3.600 to 348 connectivity JNPT phase II - construction of NH-348 - PKG3 from km.21.200 to km. 27.270( D to E section) and from km.0.000 to km.4.492 ( D to G section) of JNPT Phase -II (PKG-IV) at km.544.650 including ROB , Service Roads, Footpath for RCC drains on urban link to Nagpur - Raipur road Baharagora - JH/WB border to Mukkola section of NH-47 33 Construction of NH-4B 4B 34 Construction of Karalphata& 4B 32 6/8 laning of Road port 348 31 Construction of Flyover 6 1227 4 laning of Mahulia -6 & 33 3 430 5 4 laning of Guna to Biaora 6 3 7 8 9 28 4 laning of Kazhakkottam29 47 4 laning of Biaora - Dewas 3 79 Jul-2015 Jul-2015 Jul-2015 Oct-2015 Oct-2015 Sep-2015 Feb-2016 Sep-2015 Dec-2015 Projects NHDP Phase I NHDP Phase V NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase III NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV PunjabPunjab Misc. Odisha Odisha Odisha Meghalaya Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra 368.5 183.05 392.22 212.24 468.27 699.67 NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI 80.6 18.27 SPV 594.74 111.6 EPC50.74 14.13 743.5 10.18 140.79 BOT102.55 245.14 Kharar km 6.073 of NH4B & from km 6.073 of NH4B ( Old SH - 5.300 to km 7.422 54) Pkg-1 Interchange from 14.740to km. 15.894 ( Old SH -54) Pkg-2 348 Chikhli (PKG-I) Guj. Border ( PKG-3) Jowai -Mehalaya /Assam border section of NH-44 Baripada - Baleashwar section of NH-5 Singhara -Smbalpur Talebani Kurali section of NH-21 35 Construction of Gavanphata& 4B 36Amravati - 4 laning of 37 4 laning of Fagne - Mah.- 638 6 PS of laning with Two 19439 44 4 laning of Jharpokharia - BOT 40 5 4 laning of Baharagora -41 6 Four laning with PS42 Four laning of Kharar -43 6 Four laning of Chadigarh - 21 95 & 21 80 Jan-2016 Jun-2015 Feb-2016 Feb-2016 Dec-2015 Apr-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV NHDP Phase IV elangana amilnadu NHDP Phase III amilnadu NHDP Phase III amil Nadu NHDP Phase III Rajasthan Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh 868.77 897.03 T 519.04 T 937.08 T 829.24 261.11 Annuity NHAI 986 NHAI 785 NHAI 741 NHAINHAI T NHAI NHAI NHAI NHAI 42.7 99.1 74.53 61.19 H 59.07 59.95 27.25 48-D 203.97 47-B to Varanasi (PKG-I) to Varanasi Bridge to Varanasi (PKG-III) Varanasi Bridge to Bridge to Varanasi (PKG-II) Varanasi Bridge to border to Villukuri border to Kanyakumar section of NH-47 & Nagarcoil to Kavalkinaru section of Nh-47B Warangal of Uncha Nagla - Khanuwara - Roppas - Dholpur Ramanathapuram (km 5. laning Two to km 81) and with PS km 81 to km 120 Gulabpura - Uniara 53 Four laning of Sultanpur 56 52 - Bulandshahar Meerut 235 51 Four laning of Ghaghra 233 48 toVillukuri Four laning of & 47 49 -Yadgiri Four laning of 50 163 Four laning of Ghaghra 233 46 Laning of Madurai - Four 4947 Four laning of TN/Kerala 115 47 1244 laning with PS of 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 45 Two laning with PS 123 75.08 81 Jul-2015 Jun-2015 Oct-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 Aug-2015 NHDP Phase V NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase II NHDP Phase VI NHDP Phase VI NHDP Phase VI NHDP Phase VI NHDP Phase IV est Bengal est Bengal Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh 658.89 1133.02 W NHAI NHAI 675 NHAI 277 W NHAI NHAI 789 NHAI 756 NHAI 806 124.5 BOT 81 10.31 63.36 31-D 83.785 NE-II 22 NE-II 21 NE-II 22 NE-II 24.5 lane Eastern Peripheral Expressway ( PKG-VI) Etawah bypass lane Eastern Peripheral Expressway ( PKG-V) from Ghoshpukur - Salsalabari ( km 0.00 to Km . 83.785) Eastern Peripheral Expressway ( PKG-IV) lane Eastern Peripheral Expressway ( PKG-II) to Varanasi (PKG-II) to Varanasi Islampur By pass 59Agra - 6 laning of 60 4 laning of NH-31D 2 58 Development of six 61 Construction of 31 57 six Development of 56 Development of six lane 55 six Development of 54 laning of Sultanpur Four 56 ANNEXURE-III

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways 1. Shri Sanjay Mitra Secretary 2. Shri Sanjeev Ranjan Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor 3. Shri Anthony Lianzuala Pr. CCA 4. Shrimati Leena Nandan Joint Secretary 5. Shri Rohit Kumar Singh Joint Secretary 6. Shri Abhay Damle Joint Secretary 7. Shri D.O. Tawade Chief Engineer 8. Shri B.N. Singh Chief Engineer 9. Shri Sudip Chaudhury Chief Engineer 10 Shri A.K. Srivastava Chief Engineer 11 Shri V.K. Rajawat Chief Engineer 12. Shri A.K. Nagpal Chief Engineer 13. Shri B.K. Sinha Chief Engineer 14. Shri Vipnesh Sharma Superintendent Engineer

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) 15. Shri Raghav Chandra Chairman 16. Shri R.K Pandey Member (Projects) 17. Shri A.K. Singh Member (Projects) 18. Shri Niraj Verma Member (PPP)

National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation (NHIDCL) 19. Shri Anand Kumar Managing Director