JEWISH WAR VETERANS OF THE U.S.A. 125thAnnual National Convention August 23-27, 2020


Sandra, we all hold you dear Even if we can’t be near We know it’s been a challenging year You have had touching moments and lots of fun Your big heart reaches everyone... In our book you are NUMBER ONE!

Sandra - We are all so very proud of the work that you have done and the tremendous effort and time that you have put into your year as President of National JWVA.

Sandra was able to travel near and far before restrictions were put in place. At that point in March all travel stopped, so Sandra had her first “virtual” Zoom meeting with the Dallas Ladies Auxiliary in May.

Sandra, you have not sat back on your laurels, you have been busy spending the summer keeping in touch with Auxiliaries and individuals, making sure they have stayed informed about our organization. We hope you will look back with pride on all you have accomplished this year.

With much love and respect, Your Ladies, Dallas Ladies Auxiliary 256 of the Jewish War Veterans Jewish War Veterans of the of America 125th Annual National Convention

National Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans 92nd Annual National Convention

August 23-27, 2020 4 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 5 6 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 7 8 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 9 Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America

A Jewish Voice for Veterans, and a Veteran’s Voice for Jews.

10 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. Mission Statement

We, citizens of the United States of America, of the Jewish faith, who served in the Wars of the United States of America, in order that we may be of greater service to our country and to one another, associate ourselves together for the following purposes:

To maintain true allegiance to the United States of America;

To foster and perpetuate true Americanism;

To combat whatever tends to impair the efficiency and permanency of our free institutions;

To uphold the fair name of the Jew and fight his or her battles wherever unjustly assailed; to encourage the doctrine of universal liberty, equal rights, and full justice to all men and women;

To combat the powers of bigotry and darkness wherever originating and whatever their target;

To preserve the spirit of comradeship by mutual helpfulness to comrades and their families;

To cooperate with and support existing educational institutions and establish educational institutions, and to foster the education of ex-servicemen and ex- servicewomen, and our members in the ideals and principles of Americanism;

To instill love of country and flag, and to promote sound minds and bodies in our members and our youth;

To preserve the memories and records of patriotic service performed by the men and women of our faith;

To honor their memory and shield from neglect the graves of our heroic dead.

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 11 National Commander Harvey Weiner

Dear Comrades, Auxiliary Members and Friends: Welcome to our first, and I hope only, virtual national convention! We have tried to make it as close to an in-person convention as possible, but since these are uncharted waters, expect glitches. Please be patient. We will be having an in-person convention in Jacksonville in three years (thank you, Ed!), so you might still get a chance to see the minor league baseball team, the Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimps, if minor league baseball survives the pandemic. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” … begins Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities. That certainly describes my year as your National Commander. My own Post lost two active job (Don’t tell his boss!). Every off day, including members to the virus and one of the two state-run most weekends and holidays, he drives the 2 ½ soldiers homes in my home state of Massachusetts hours from his home to JWV headquarters, works lost seventy-six residents due to the virus. there, and then drives 2 ½ hours back to his home. However, I have traveled the nation and the I am on the phone with him constantly, including world, both virtually and actually, and met such twice while writing this short insert. Norm is extraordinary people. I have learned a lot and have intelligent, thoughtful, has good judgment, is tried to send a positive message everywhere. There respectful of people and is respected both within are a number of individuals that I want to call out, and outside the JWV. And he listens! to thank, and to tell you about them. Christy Turner keeps the National Commander Herb Rosenbleeth is our Executive Director afloat and, when she might have thought she had and he is eternally optimistic and upbeat, a leader a six-month hiatus as the National Commander’s who constantly spreads good cheer and knows travel agent, I stuck her with drafting a guide for everyone who is anyone. As he nears the end of future NCs. his JWV career, we are quickly learning that there Cara Rinkoff constantly improved anything I aren’t many who can replace him. wrote and ably publicized the JWV and its positions Norm Rosenshein is the Chairman of our to the rest of the world. Coordinating Committee. Friends, you are so In fact, the entire National Staff rose to the lucky to have him! In the book Single Handed, occasion and worked virtually during the crisis, Norm’s predecessor is referred to as the such that you would not notice the difference before “Godfather” of the JWV. Although The Godfather and after. is a great movie, Godfather II is at least just as When I left the position of National Judge good a movie. Norm has a full-time job, although Advocate after six years, I worried about who he seems to be working for JWV while on the would be my successor. I did not need to, as Peter

12 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 J. Nickitas embraced the position and then some. Berman, you will get more Boston Baked Beans Oh what a joy it was to travel and work with from me, I promise! Auxiliary National President Sandra Cantor! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to all of Missing six months of travel with that delightful the above and to all who supported me in my visits and inveterate note taker is a real regret of mine. around the nation and the world, particularly at the My Massachusetts staff was fabulous. Chief post and department levels. You are the heart and of Staff Barry Lischinsky was a thoughtful and soul of this organization. pleasant sidekick. He performed this task while Jeff Sacks will be your next National also being National Membership Chair and being Commander, and his term will begin during the a bulwark of our Department. Special Advisor pandemic with no end in sight. I am sure you will PNC Ira Novoselsky was always available for give him the same wholehearted support that you counsel and advice. National really misses him! have given me. Quartermaster Joe Cole ably kept track of finances Enjoy this “Jacksonville” convention! and was helpful in recommending swag. Col.

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 13 Chairman PNC Norman Rosenshein

Dear Friends and Comrades, I want to take this opportunity to welcome you to JWV’s 125th National Convention and our first ever virtual convention. Over the past six months, JWV has adapted remarkably well to the changes happening in our country. Both our staff at National and our members have worked incredibly hard to keep JWV moving forward during the COVID-19 pandemic. I greatly appreciate everyone’s hard work. One of the major projects I have been working on with a diverse group of our members is putting together a strategic plan for the future of JWV. The Strategic Planning Committee is working on a one, five, and ten-year plan to keep our organization moving forward. This special all of our meetings run smoothly, that you enjoy committee is comprised of seasoned members, as the speakers we have selected for our business well as younger members, ensuring that all voices sessions, and that next year, we will all be together are equally represented in this vision for JWV. in person for our 126th convention in New Orleans, Once again, thank you all for taking the time Louisiana. to join our virtual convention this week. I hope

14 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 National Convention Chairman PNC Edwin Goldwasser

Once again we will be coming together for our 2020 Convention, but this year it will be somewhat different. Instead of meeting in Jacksonville, Florida as originally planned, we will be meeting virtually due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Our meetings will take place during the same time period that we would have been meeting in person. We are arranging speakers and meetings are being planned, some of which will take place prior to the actual convention dates, but everyone will receive notices of time and dates so if you choose, you can log on and participate. One scheduling problem is the difference in time zones between the East Coast and the West Coast. Normally this does not pose a problem because we are all together limit of available rooms. If you must cancel you at the convention venue but this year we will be will receive your full refund, so don’t wait until the meeting from the comfort of our homes. I am sure last minute and then discover all special rooms are you can all appreciate the challenges that we are no longer available. facing, but we have prevailed for all these years and The Convention Committee joins me in we will survive this latest set back. expressing our hope that all our members and their What doe the future hold for the year 2021? families have remained in good health and safe We will hopefully return to our regular format and during these trying times. Stay well, enjoy the Holy meet in the convention city of New Orleans at the Days as best you can and please G-d we will once Omni Royal Orleans Hotel in the French Quarter. I again be together next year. constantly remind you that if you have special needs Shalom. get your reservations in early as there is always a

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 15 President, NMAJMH PNC Lawrence Schulman

As your Museum President, I welcome you to the Annual JWV Convention! I’d hoped to see everyone in person as I complete my term as president. Unfortunately, we will be apart physically. We’ll still be together in other ways. COVID-19 closed the door to the museum in March for over three months. Now we’re reopen, but in a way unlike ever before. We welcome visitors, but miss the school classes, synagogue groups, and other groups that come for tours under normal conditions. We’ve moved all our public programming online. One positive of our new environment has been seeing JWV members from around the country and the world attend our online talks from in the armed forces. historians, scholars and veterans. We’re reaching Of course, I’ll continue to support the museum people who can’t make it into our building. Be sure in every way possible. Please join with me! We to check the museum website for information about need your support to continue our work. We need what’s going on. to create new exhibits, more programs, more It’s been an honor and privilege to serve as materials for schools, more articles, more online museum president for three years. The history we exhibits, more collaborations, more ways to honor share is important. The museum’s work is key to veterans. We cannot do it without you! If you’re understanding not just our own experiences, but not a museum member, please join now! If you are, to understanding the American Jewish experience encourage your post members, friends, family and as a whole. I’m very proud to have been a part neighbors to join. Spread the word! of this work. Thanks to everyone that has been Please be sure to attend our NMAJMH event a part of these efforts. That includes staff, board on the evening of Sunday, August 23rd and attend members, volunteers, donors, visitors and more. our Museum board meeting on Thursday, August As a community, we can achieve our mission to 27th. educate the public about the courage, heroism and I wish you a successful virtual convention! sacrifices made by Jewish who served Thank you for your support!

16 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 National Executive Director Herb Rosenbleeth

Welcome to JWV’s 125th annual national convention! Our founding fathers could never have imagined this virtual convention. And, I suspect, they never could have imagined that we would be having our 125th consecutive annual national convention. They would have been extremely proud of the patriotism and service of JWV during these many years. The corona virus has and is playing havoc with almost everyone. Our lives have been changed. The members of the Jewish War Veterans of the USA, our families, friends and associates, have had and are having our lives greatly disrupted. Many, probably most, of our post and department meetings have been canceled. In some cases, like virtual historical lectures and highly interesting this convention, JWV meetings have been held programs. virtually. The virus has disrupted our personal and This has been another great year of excellent professional lives. The year 2020 has been a tough cooperation between JWV and the Ladies one! Auxiliary. We congratulate the Ladies Auxiliary Fortunately, as far as we know, the number of on reaching their 92nd Annual National Convention COVID-19 deaths has been relatively low in JWV. and we appreciate their cooperation and support As I am writing this, the epicenter of the virus is of JWV and the museum. Thank you to JWVA in south Florida, specifically the Miami-Dade area, President Sandra Cantor! where we have many members. My thoughts and We will all miss the camaraderie that goes with prayers are with you at this time. being together, meeting each other in the lobby and A big shout-out goes to National Commander joining with each other in the hotel dining room. Harvey Weiner, whose outstanding leadership kept A virtual convention cannot provide that. We will going throughout a year without precedent. NC have to use our imaginations and reach out to Weiner, a combat veteran of Vietnam, made us very everyone as best we can. proud on several extremely important occasions. My thanks and appreciation to each one of Special kudos to PNC Larry Schulman, the you who has registered for this convention. Your President of our museum. This year the museum participation is vital. And I am extremely grateful provided a number of outstanding, well-attended to each of you for all you do for JWV!

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 17 Featured Speaker Ambassador Ron Dermer Israeli Ambassador to the United States

Ron Dermer was born and raised in Miami Beach, Florida. He earned a degree in Finance and Management from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) from Oxford University. For three years, he was a columnist for the Jerusalem Post.

In 2004, Ron co-authored with Natan Sharansky the best- selling book, The Case For Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror, which has been translated into ten languages. From 2005-2008, Ron served as ’s Minister of Economic Affairs in the United States. From 2009- 2013, he served as Senior Advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He is married to Rhoda and has five children.

18 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 Featured Speaker

Elan S. Carr Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism

Elan S. Carr serves as the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism. As Special Envoy, he advises the Secretary of State and is responsible for directing U.S. policies and projects aimed at countering anti-Semitism throughout the world. Prior to his appointment, Special Envoy Carr served as a Deputy District Attorney for County, where he prosecuted violent crimes for more than a decade, including murders, rapes, hate crimes, and crimes involving some of the most notorious criminal street gangs in Southern . Special Envoy Carr is an officer in the Reserve, and he has received multiple awards and commenda- tions for his nearly two decades of military service. In 2003- 04, he deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he led an anti-terrorism team in life-saving missions throughout the country and prosecuted terrorists who attacked U.S. troops. He also assisted efforts to establish an independent Iraqi judiciary and trained Iraqi judges and lawyers on consti- tutional law and criminal defense. As the son of Iraqi Jewish refugees who fled persecution in Iraq, Special Envoy Carr speaks Hebrew and the Iraqi dialect of Arabic. While in Iraq, he met with remnants of the Jewish com- munity there and led Jewish services in the former presidential palace of in Baghdad. Special Envoy Carr was the international president of the Jewish fraternity , he served on the National Council of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), he was a voting member of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and he was a board member of Operation Gratitude. In the course of his work in the Jewish community, he has been a recognized leader in the fight against anti-Semitism on U.S. college cam- puses and around the world.

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 19 Featured Speaker Amy B. Van Fossen, P.A.

Amy B. Van Fossen established The Law Office of Amy B. Van Fossen P.A. (formerly The Law Office of Amy B. Jackson P.A.) in 2004. Amy was born and raised in southeastern Ohio and has two daughters, Katie and Savannah, who both share her passion for our elder community. Savannah provides medical care to the elder community as an RN. Katie is a second-generation attor- ney, chairing the probate department at the Law Office of Amy B. Van Fossen, P.A. Ms. Van Fossen received her undergraduate degree in Organizational Behavior from Rollins College and earned her JD from Barry University School of Law in 2003. She is licensed to practice in Florida. Her firm practices in the areas of Estate Planning, Case Management, Guardianship, Probate and Trust Administration, VA Planning, Medicaid Planning, Silver Divorce, and Civil Litigation. Ms. Van Fossen is accredited by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for the preparation and presentation of Aid and Attendance claims, making her one of the few VA accredited at- torneys in Brevard County. Ms. Van Fossen is a member of the Florida Bar Association; the Brevard County Bar Association; Elder Counsel; and The Florida Bar, Elder Law Section, Veterans Benefits Committee. Additionally, Amy is a member of the Life Care Planning Law Firms Association, giving the practice a “holistic, elder-centered approach to the practice of law that helps families respond to ev- ery challenge caused by chronic illness or disability of an elderly loved one.” (Life Care Planning Law Firms Association).

20 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 Featured Speaker Richard D. Heideman

Richard D. Heideman is Senior Counsel of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, PC and represents victims of terrorism whose rights have been violated. On their behalf, actions have been brought against Libya, Syria, Islamic Republic of Iran and banking institutions accused of funding or sponsoring hei- nous acts of terror. Heideman was named the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year by George Washington University (2015) and Trial Lawyer of the Year by Public Justice (2016). He has also re- ceived the Distinguished Merito de Mayo decoration by President Duhalde of Argentina, the Heritage Award from Israel Bonds, the Joseph Papp Racial Harmony Award from the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding and numerous other recognitions. Currently Heideman serves as President of the American Zionist Movement, Chair of The Israel Forever Foundation and recently completed a five year term as Chair of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Lawyers Committee in Washington, DC and three years as the Chair of the Institute for Law and Policy at the Hebrew University Faculty of Law. He served a two-year term as President of the George Washington University Law School Alumni Association and four years as the Chair of The Herzliya Conference International Advisory Board. He is the author of “The Hague Odyssey: Israel’s Struggle for Security on the Front Lines of Terrorism and Her Battle for Justice at the United Nations”. Heideman is married to Hon. Phyllis Greenberg Heideman, a former Presidential Appointee to the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, who serves as President of March of the Living International. They are the proud parents of three daughters, Stefanie Jo Heideman of Potomac, Maryland, Dr. Elana Yael Heideman of Jerusalem, Israel and Ariana Michal Heideman of Washington, DC as well as grandparents of five grandsons, Max, Eytam, Noam, Theo and Jake and two grand- daughters, Ayelet and Maya.

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 21 In Memoriam

Neil Goldman 1924 -2019

May his memory be a blessing.

22 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 Remembering American Jewish Casualties of Operations Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom, and New Dawn

SPC Daniel J. Agami MAJ Mark E. Rosenberg SGT Howard P. Allen Cpl Dustin H. Schrage 1LT David R. Bernstein 1stLt Roslyn L. Schulte CPL Albert Bitton CPT Joseph W. Schultz Sgt Aron C. Blum Capt Robert M. Secher PO2 Michael J. Brodsky SPC Marc S. Seiden PO3 Nathan B. Bruckenthal A1C Matthew R. Seidler TSgt Anthony L. Capra SSG Michael B. Shackelford SFC Christopher A. Celiz PFC Steven Shapiro CPL Ryan J. Clark Sgt Alan D. Sherman Cpl Michael R. Cohen CW2 Joshua B. Silverman 2LT Seth J. Dvorin CPT Benjamin A. Sklaver LCpl Mark E. Engel CW3 Eric A. Smith Cpl Mark A. Evnin PFC Eric D. Soufrine PFC Aaron E. Fairbairn 1stLt Andrew K. Stern 1LT Daniel Farkas CPT Michael Y. Tarlavsky SGT Zachary M. Fisher SSgt Peter W. Taub SPC Jacob S. Fletcher PFC Morris L. Walker SPC Daniel J. Freeman SPC Glenn J. Watkins SPC Douglas J. Green TSgt Timothy R. Weiner Sgt Foster L. Harrington SGT Robert M. Weinger A1C Elizabeth N. Jacobson SPC Jeffrey M. Wershow LCpl Jeremy M. Kane PFC Colin J. Wolfe 1Lt Nathan M. Krissoff MAJ Stuart A. Wolfer SSgt James M. Malachowski SGT Elijah Tai Wah Wong PFC Gebrah P. Noonan SPC Benyahmin ben Yahudah SPC Levi E. Nuncio SrA Jonathan A.V. Yelner CPL Michael K. Oremus LT Miroslav (Steven) Zilberman SSG Robert J. Paul

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 23 JEWISH WAR VETERANS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 125th Annual National Convention August 23-27, 2020

Schedule subject to change. Please visit the convention page at for the latest schedule information.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 Noon – 2:00pm Constitution & Bylaws Committee Chairman: NJA Peter Nickitas Staff: Christy Turner

2:00pm – 3:00pm Convention Committee Meeting Chairman: PNC Ed Goldwasser Staff: Cara Rinkoff

3:00pm – 3:30pm Convention Rules Committee Meeting Chairman: PNC David Magidson Staff: Harrison Heller

4:00pm – 4:30pm Personnel Committee Meeting Chairman: Art Kaplan Staff: Herb Rosenbleeth

4:00pm – 4:30pm Finance Board Meeting Chairman: PNC Joe Zoldan Staff: Harrison Heller

4:30pm – 5:00pm Budget Committee Meeting Chairman: Alan Paley Staff: Julia Lasher

7:00pm – 8:30pm NMAJMH Event Chairman: PNC Larry Schulman Staff: Mike Rugel

24 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 MONDAY, AUGUST 24 11:00am – 12:30pm Resolutions Committee Meeting Chairman: PNC Mike Berman Staff: Christy Turner

11:00am – Noon Credentials and Registration Chairman: PNC Larry Schulman Staff: Harrison Heller

1:00pm – 3:00pm NEC Meeting Chairman: NEC Sheldon Ohren Staff: Christy Turner

3:00pm - 4:00pm JWV/JWVA Joint Opening Chairman: NC Harvey Weiner Staff: All Staff

4:00pm-6:00pm 1st Business Session Chairman NC Harvey Weiner Staff: All Staff • Speaker: Ambassador Ron Dermer at 5pm • Credentials Report • Convention Rules • Resolutions • Constitution & By-laws

TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 11:00am – Noon Membership Committee Meeting Chairman: Barry Lischinsky Staff: Harrison Heller

11:00am – 12:30pm Resolutions Committee Meeting Chairman: PNC Mike Berman Staff: Christy Turner

12:30pm – 2:00pm Leadership Workshop Alan Paley and Steve Krant Staff: Harrison Heller

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 25 2:00pm – 3:00pm Scouting and JROTC Committee Meeting Chairman: Robert Nussbaum Staff: Ben Kane

2:00pm – 3:00pm Women in the Military Committee Meeting Chairwoman: Sheila Berg Staff: Cara Rinkoff

3:00pm – 4:00pm Korean War Veterans Committee Meeting Chairman: PNC Ainslee Ferdie Staff: Greg Byrne

3:00pm – 4:00pm Vietnam Veterans Committee Meeting Chairman: Bob Jacobs Staff: Harrison Heller

3:00pm – 4:00pm Post 9/11 Committee Meeting Chairman: Matt Weinburke Staff: Harrison Heller

4:00pm – 6:00pm 2nd Business Session Chairman: NC Harvey Weiner Staff: All Staff • Speaker: Amy Van Fossen speaking about VA Benefits at 5:00pm • Report from Membership Committee • Resolutions

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 10:00am – 11:00am Awards Committee Meeting Chairman: Jeff Sacks Staff: Harrison Heller

10:00am – 11:00am Youth Achievement Awards Chairman: PNC Jerry Blum Staff: Cara Rinkoff

26 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 11:00am – 12:30pm Resolutions Committee Meeting Chairman: PNC Mike Berman Staff: Christy Turner

12:30pm – 1:30pm Gulf War Veterans Committee Meeting Chairwoman: Rochel Hayman Staff: Harrison Heller

1:30pm – 3:00pm Marketing Committee Meeting Chairman: Howard Goldstein Staff: Cara Rinkoff

3:00pm – 6:00pm 3rd Business Session Chairman: NC Harvey Weiner Staff: All Staff • Speakers: Anti-Semitism Discussion with US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Elan Carr, and President of the American Zionist Movement Richard Heideman • Report from Marketing Committee • Resolutions • Reports from Awards and Youth Achievement Committees

THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 11:00am – 1:00pm NMAJMH Meeting Chairman: PNC Larry Schulman Staff: Mike Rugel

2:00pm – 6:00pm Closing Nominations, Elections, and Installations Chairman: PNC Norman Rosenshein Staff: All Staff

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 27 CONVENTION COMMITTEES

Additional appointments may be made as new registrations are received.

AWARDS CONVENTION RULES Chairman...... Jeffrey Sacks, IL Chairman...... PNC David Magidson, FL Vice-Chairman....Sidney Lichter, NJ Co-Chairman.. Mathew Millen, CA Richard Berg, FL Co-Chairman.. Debra Stern, NY Robert Jacobs, NJ Sheila Berg, PA Art Kaplan, TALO Richard Berg, FL Richard Rosenzweig, FL Allan Cantor, TALO Barry Schneider, TALO PNC Maxwell Colón, CA Mark Weiss, MI Michael Corbett, FL David Zwerin, NY Gerald Levine, NJ Robert Max, SE Nelson Mellitz, NJ Kim Queen, WI PNC Lawrence Schulman, NY

CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS CREDENTIALS REGISTRATION Chairman...... NJA Peter Nickitas, MN Chairman...... PNC Lawrence Schulman, NY Co-Chairman...... PNC David Magidson, FL Co-Chairman.. Allan Cantor, TALO PNC Michael Berman, NJ Sidney Lichter, NJ PNC Jerome Blum, CT Lou Michaels, MN PNC Maxwell Colón, CA Alan Paley, FL PNC Warren Dolny, NY Paul Warner, NY PNC Allen Falk, NJ PNC Ainslee R. Ferdie, FL PNC Edwin Goldwasser, NY Ike Heller, FL Art Kaplan, TALO GRIEVANCES Nelson Mellitz, NJ Chairman...... Marshall Kaplan, NY PNC Norman Rosenshein, NJ Co-Chairman.. PNC David Magidson, FL Jeffrey Sacks, IL PNC Jerome Blum, CT Scott Stevens, TALO Sam Rosenbleeth, FL Mark Weiss, MI Scott Stevens, TALO

28 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 CONVENTION COMMITTEES

RESOLUTIONS Chairman...... PNC Michael B. Berman, NJ Co-Chairman.. PNC Warren S. Dolny, NY Co-Chairman.. Jeffrey Sacks, IL Allan Abramson, PA William Goldberg, SE Michael Menschel, NY Albert Adler, NJ Michael Goldfarb, FL Ira Novoselsky, MA Edward Adler, MI Jules Golombik, FL Alan Paley, FL Gerald Alperstein, NY Don Feldman, PA Gerald Rennert, FL Robert Aaron, FL Howard Goldstein, IL Sam Rosenbleeth, FL Sidney Beck, MI Larry Holman, PA Richard Rosenberg, CA Lawrence Berry, MI Larry Jasper, FL Richard Rosenzweig, FL PNC Jerome Blum, CT Charles Jay, MD William Roth, NJ Edwin Cohen, MW Jason Kaatz, NY Warren Rubin, TALO PNC Maxwell Colón, CA Arthur Kaplan, TALO Robert Ruderman, NJ Michael Corbett, FL Alan Kholos, CA Edward Sands, TALO Hannah Deutch, NY Russel Klein, PA Jack Schlossberg, TALO Leonard Feldman,NJ Shalom Klein, IL PNC Barry Schneider, TALO Art Fishman, MI Ned Krafchick, At Large William Sussman, FL Gary Ginsburg, NY David Levin, NY Steven Troy, SW Monroe Ginsburg, MW Gerald Levine, NJ Helene Van Clief, NY Ted Gittleman, MI Pamela Lightfoot, VA-NC Mark Weiss, MI Mark Goldberb, NY Michael London, TALO Joseph Wrobel, IL Sidney Goldberg, NY A. David Marne, TALO PNC Joseph Zoldan, OH Sheldon Goldberg, MD Marilyn McKay, FL

All JWV members may attend and participate in the Resolutions Committee meetings. However, during the meeting, only committee members may vote on the status of proposed resolutions.

YOUTH ACHIEVEMENT Chairman...... PNC Jerome Blum, CT Gerald Alperstein, NY Edward Baraw, NY Sheila Berg, PA Stephen Krant, TALO Morton Millinger, NJ Mathew Millen, CA

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 29 NATIONAL LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Sandra Cantor

Dear Sisters, say thank you. Welcome to our Thanks also have to go out to Sharon Williams 92nd JWVA National and Margie Erinle in our National Office for Convention held as keeping our business going in extraordinarily an unprecedented difficult times and to PNP Elaine Bernstein who virtual convention helped facilitate the running of the office when this year. As I started Sharon and Margie couldn’t be there in person. my term of office, I Thanks also to all my National Officers, Chairmen, visualized this to be PNP’s and Advisors that have helped me during my an exciting personal Presidency – especially Advisor Petra Kaatz PNP experience for me and Co-Advisor Elaine Bernstein PNP, who also and an active year serve as Convention Chair (Elaine) and Co-Chair for recruitment and (Petra). This has been an unbelievably hard task for growth for local you to organize our first, and hopefully last, virtual auxiliaries. Indeed, the first six months did not National Convention. Thank you from the bottom disappoint! I was able to speak with and visit of my heart! places that with my encouragement are considering I also want to congratulate Commander Harvey starting an Auxiliary such as in El Paso, TX New Weiner on a job well done during these difficult Orleans, LA and Phoenix, AZ. I am also proud of circumstances. I feel privileged to have been your Auxiliary 220 in Massachusetts that recruited 9 counterpart and friend this year. We can relate to new members since last August, especially since our unusual situation like no other Commander my theme this year was L’dor V’dor referring to and President ever have. JWV was lucky to have recruiting new members for the next generation. I you guiding and leading the organization during was humbled to have been welcomed by Auxiliary this time. 44 in Ohio when over 30 women, Past Auxiliary I want to extend my best wishes for a successful and Department Presidents included, came out and year to the incoming National President, National attended in force. Then of course my wonderful, Officers and Chairmen. This next administration informative, and outright fabulous visits to the will be working in uncharted territory and it will Departments of New Jersey, Florida, and New be challenging. My sincere hope is that time heals York. Then the world as we knew it changed, the our Country’s COVID-19 plague as well as the Coronavirus pandemic and our Country’s social plague of racism in all its forms so that we can unrest has left my Presidency “broken” in a way positively function for the benefit of our veterans that no other JWVA President has had to deal and all citizens of our beloved United States of with. Yet I have persevered, I have tried to contact America. I know we have the fortitude to proceed Auxiliary Presidents in various locations to check and succeed! in on them and their members. I have conducted an In conclusion stay safe, be well, and have a installation remotely and have represented National meaningful High Holiday season. The New Year JWVA during a Department of Minnesota ZOOM brings promise and hope for us all. meeting. I have been supported by my local Dallas Loyally Yours, Auxiliary 256 every step of the way and want to Sandra Cantor

30 National Ladies Auxiliary of the JWV 92nd Annual National Convention August 2020 JWVA NATIONAL CONVENTION CHAIRWOMAN PNP Elaine Bernstein

On behalf of your Convention Chairman and Co-Chairman of the 2020 Convention, we want to welcome each and everyone of you to our 1st virtual National Ladies Auxiliary JWVA Convention, this year conveniently located in your own homes. We truly wish that we could meet in person, but, due to the Covid-19 situation, we cannot do it. However, we have not forgotten that there is much business to be conducted and we welcome you to participate in these virtual business sessions. You can still learn where our National organization is now and what is planned for our future successes. Regardless of any new problems that may arise our Ladies Auxiliary will continue to survive and strive. We will be meeting through new technology called “Startmeeting”. The PNP Elaine Bernstein visual aspects of this program can be accessed through a computer, tablet, laptop, or smart phone. A regular phone still will allow you to participate by voice. Unfortunately, we will not be able to make our usual outstanding presentations of bears, the Baby Shower, Grant-a-Wish and Operation New Start, but, rest assured, that your generous support of these programs is not in vain as we look forward to making those donations at our 2021 Convention. We urge all of you to join us for the virtual Happy Hour that is planned as a time to just relax and enjoy each other’s “company”. Plan on having your favorite beverage at hand and toasting each other for how well each of us is handling these difficult times. Many thanks to JWV Convention Chairman PNC Edwin Goldwasser who, as always, has worked so hard to make this Convention a great PNP Petra C. Kaatz experience for all who participate. Thank you to National President Sandra Cantor, her Officers and Chairman for a difficult, but mostly successful year for you and JWVA in spite of unexpected challenges. You kept in touch with our members even though you were unable to physically visit them. We wish the incoming Officers and Chairman a very successful 2020- 2021. Hopefully, some of the challenges we currently are facing will be eased. On behalf of your co-chairman, we wish you all a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. Best regards, Elaine Bernstein, PNP Petra C. Kaatz, PNP Convention Chairman Convention Co-Chairman

National Ladies Auxiliary of the JWV 92nd Annual National Convention August 2020 31 National Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans 92nd Annual National Convention  August 23-27, 2020 Virtual Convention •

All times shown are Eastern Standard Time This schedule is subject to change

SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM NMAJMH Event 8:30 PM PNP Meeting

MONDAY, AUGUST 24 11:00 AM OFFICIAL OPENING OF JWVA 2020 CONVENTION Welcome and Greetings Elaine Bernstein, PNP, Convention Chairman Presentation of National President Sandra Cantor Opening Ceremonies Greetings National Commander, JWV Harvey Weiner President of NMAJMH, Lawrence Schulman, PNC Convention Chairman JWV, Edwin Goldwasser, PNC Presentation of Past National Presidents Response – Sandra Cantor, National President Roll Call 2nd Reading and adoption of Rules 2nd Reading and adoption of Resolutions & Recommendations Student Awards; Fund Raising; Aid-To-Israel; Academies Treasurer’s Report; Finance Report President’s Report 1st Nominations

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Lunch Break


4:30 PM – 5:00 PM Department Presidents and Presidents of Auxiliaries not within a Department will meet with Sr. Vice President Natalie Blank

32 National Ladies Auxiliary of the JWV 92nd Annual National Convention August 2020 TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM JWVA Morning Session Memorial Services PDP Shirley Zak, National Chaplain Old business if necessary Registration Report Credential Report 2nd Nominations and Elections Installation of Officers for year 2020-2021 Close of Convention Opening of NEC Meeting NEC Election to the Boards

3:00 PM Advisory Board Meeting Budget & Finance Meeting


THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM NMAJMH Meeting

National Ladies Auxiliary of the JWV 92nd Annual National Convention August 2020 33 National Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans 2020 National Convention Committees

NATIONAL PRESIDENT PARTNERS Sandra Cantor Chairman: PAP Esther Rosenshein

CONVENTION CHAIRMAN REGISTRATION PNP Elaine Bernstein Chairman: PNP Linda Colón PNP Iris Goldwasser CONVENTION CO-CHAIRMAN PDP Marcia Jacobs PNP Petra C. Kaatz RECOMMENDATIONS & RESOLUTIONS CREDENTIALS Chairman: PNP Gladys Simon Chairman: PNP Joanne Blum Committee: PNP Charlene Ehrlich Committee: PNP Arlene Lodgen PNP Sophie Ruderman NSVP Natalie Blank MEMORIAL SERVICE Chaplain: PDP Shirley Zak STUDENT AWARDS Conductress: DP Verna Rosenzweig Chairman: PNP Joanne Blum Committee: DP Sandra Fritts DP Rosalie Loewy Memorial Address DP Verna Rosenzweig PNP Arlene Lodgen

OFFICE STAFF Executive Director: Sharon Williams Bookkeeper: Margie Erinle

34 National Ladies Auxiliary of the JWV 92nd Annual National Convention August 2020 Well Wishes Allan Cantor PNP Joanne Blum PNP Linda P. Singer NP Sandra Cantor PNC Jerry Blum PNP Charlene Ehrlich Post and Auxiliary 256 Roz Kaplan Cindy Ehrlich PNP Freda Rosenshein Art Kaplan PNP Charlotte Steinberg PNC Norma Rosenshein PNP Sophie Ruderman NEC Arthur Greenwald PDP Marcia Jacobs Robert Ruderman PNP JoAnn Lifshitz PDC Robert Jacobs Michael Ruderman PAP Yvette Lifshitz Carol, Al & Tracey Adler Lisa Ruderman Geri Lifshitz PNP Elaine Bernstein Kevin Lynch Brandon Lifshitz PNC Michael Berman PDP Eileen Lynch NEC Jason A. Kaatz, PDP Leah Messer Norma & PNC Paul D. Warner PNP Petra C. Kaatz, Ladies Auxiliary 606 Stephanie Naftelowitz Verna & Richard Rosenzweig PDP Shirley Zak Jennifer Naftelowitz PNP Gladys L. Simon PNP Arlene Lodgen PNP Petra Kaatz NSVP Natalie Blank PDC Steve Lodgen PDC Jason A. Kaatz

Children Evan Cantor Stuart Singer Sharyn Abernathy Jennifer Naftelowitz Alyssa Cohen Kenneth Zeilberger Drew Abernathy Randee Popkin Esther Ruth Rosenshein Michael Zeilberger Jennifer Blum Hope Rosenzweig Belle Lauren Rosenshein Danielle Shannon Tony Rago Robert Rosenzweig Tracey Adler Tom Shannon Jodi Cortez Eric Rosenzweig Megan Bernstein Gildana Zak Michael Cortez Ellis & Tracey Simon Michael Bernstein Stuart Zak Richard J. Warner Barbara & Avishay Mazor Michele Berman Melissa Vipperman Jonathan S. Warner John Vipperman Steven A. Warner

Grandchildren Ashley DeWolfe Peter Vipperman Zachry Ruderman Jessica Popkin Tim DeWolfe Emily Vipperman Paige Ruderman Samantha Popkin Alexis Goldwasser Charlie Vipperman Heather Ruderman Micah Kaufman Arielle Greenbaum Michael Vipperman Michael Lynch Naomi Kaufman Perri Greenbaum Evelyn Vipperman Rachel Lynch Jacob Sandler Flora Leigh Rosenshein Jack Abernathy Alexa Sarah Ross Nathan Sandler Jordan Bryce Jacobs Sam Abernathy Jake Harrison Ross Sierra Hoppes Raiana Berman Olivia Fritts Cooper Reese Emma Simon Aaron Zeilberger Lucas Fritts Dr. Craig M. Warner Abba-Natan Mazor Emily Zeilberger Melissa Bragg Tony Warner Jacob Mazor Olivia Zak Deborah Bragg David Ehrlich Ira D’Agostino Alex Zak Jordan Carrion Matthew Ehrlich Steven D’Agostino Sofia Zak Alex Cortez Danielle Ehrlich David D’Agostino Elena Shannon Maya Cortez William Popkin Rebecca D’Agostino

Great Grandchildren Max Jacob DeWolfe

National Ladies Auxiliary of the JWV 92nd Annual National Convention August 2020 35 Past National Commanders Wishing everyone a successful convention!

Ainslee Ferdie...... 1973-1974 Nathan & Selma Goldberg...... 1978-1979 Joseph & Rebecca Zoldan...... 1983-1984 Sam Greenberg...... 1984-1985 Edwin & Iris Goldwasser...... 1986-1987 Herb & Francine Greff...... 1988-1989 Warren S. & Violet Dolny...... 1992-1993 David H. Hymes...... 1994-1995 Michael B. Berman...... 1998-1999 Monroe E. Mayer...... 1999-2000 Louis & Gloria Abramson...... 2004-2005 David Magidson & Marilyn Mittentag...... 2005-2006 Norman & Freda Rosenshein...... 2006-2007 Lawrence & Judith Schulman...... 2007-2008 Ira & Shelley Novoselsky...... 2008-2009 Stephen R. Zeitz...... 2010-2011 Allen E. & Leah Falk...... 2011-2012 Sheldon Ohren...... 2012-2013 Dr. Robert & Susan Pickard...... 2013-2014 Maxwell & Linda Colón...... 2014-2015 Jerome & Joanne Blum...... 2015-2016 Carl & Miriam Singer...... 2016-2017 Paul & Norma Warner...... 2017-2018 Dr. Barry Schneider...... 2018-2019

36 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 Congratulations to National Commander Harvey Weiner & National President Sandra Cantor on a job well done!

Best Wishes to incoming National Commander Jeffrey Sacks. I look forward to working with you this coming year.

Alan Paley National Adjutant Candidate for National Vice Commander

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 37 Congratulations JWV National Vice Commander Alan Paley

We salute your service and dedication. We applaud your leadership and success. We wish you all the best in your new position!

Jayne, Cara, Ron, Bar, Ben and Isaac

38 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 Perlman-Matlin-Gartenberg Post 800 Lincolnwood, IL  Wishes Jeffrey Sacks of our post and Alan Paley of Florida productive and rewarding terms of office as we celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America.

We also wish our quartermaster, PNC David Hymes, a Happy 103rd Birthday!

 

Sandra, It was my honor to be your “Schlepper” for North Shore Post 29 all your Presidential Congratulates our friend visits. I am so proud of a leader and a great guy your accomplishments. Jeffrey Sacks I love you, on his election as Allan National Commander Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America 2020

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 39 NATALIE BLANK Congratulations & Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy, & Successful Year! May 2020-2021 be Rewarding to You and Your Administration


40 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 Robert P. Tomasulo, CFP® Managing Director-Investment Officer

Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade 1010 Stony Hill Road, Suite 100 name used by Wells Fargo Yardley, PA 19067 Clearing Services, LLC. Tel: 215-497-3304 Member FINRA/SIPC Fax: 215-497-3310 Toll Free: 866-497-3300 [email protected]

Proud to support the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America!

Congratulations For a Great Year Harvey Weiner National Commander 2019-2020 Congratulations from Commander Harvey Weiner PNC Ira & Shelley Novoselsky and Prince-Strauss Post 161 Revere, MA President Sandra Cantor

Best Wishes to All Incoming Officers!

PNC Jerry & PNP Joanne Blum

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 41 JWV Post 606 West Broward, Florida Congratulations to JWV National Commander Harvey Weiner & JWVA National President Sandra Cantor

Gerald David Rennert....Commander Robert H. Newman...... Sr. Vice Commander Debra Stern...... Jr. Vice Commander Alan Paley...... Quartermaster

JWV Ladies Auxiliary 606

42 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 THOMAS PLUMBING COMPANY Proudly Serving The Entire Metro Area For Over 73 Years

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Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 43 TEXAS ARKANSAS

As the Commander of the Department of Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma, and on behalf of our Staff and Post members, I would like to congratulate Sandra Cantor, National President of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans (2019-2020), on her highly successful term as President. As the first National President from TALO, she has brought high praise to our department. Her dedication, enthusiasm, and attention to the various Auxiliaries needs through her many visitations and continuous contact is an inspiration to us all. Job well done, Sandra! Scott Stevens Commander, Department of TALO 2018-2020



44 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 Best Wishes for a Successful Convention! In Loving Memory of P.D.P. Susan E. Greenwald & Charles & Lillian M. Greenwald from Arthur H. Greenwald NEC 2020-21 Steinberg-Evnin Post 321 PNC Larry & Judy Schulman Delray Beach, FL

Tupperware Products Larry S. Rosenthal Consultant Proudly supporting the technology needs of 609-954-8075 Jewish War Veterans [email protected] of the USA. P.O. Box 9086 We salute Hamilton, NJ 08650-9086 our veterans! Contact us at 855-885-7338 or [email protected]

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 45 Harvey J. Bloom Post 256 Comrades, of the Jewish War Veterans Please follow Congratulates CDC guidelines during the pandemic. Sandra Cantor on her year as Stay Safe Auxiliary National President. and Be Well! Despite the upheaval and uncertainty Covid-19 has caused us all, Sandra has managed to stay enthusiastic and dedicated to fulfilling her obligations as Auxiliary National President.

We are especially proud of Sandra's accomplishments during her tenure, as she is the first member from the Dallas Auxiliary to hold the title of National President. She has represented all of us in Dallas with integrity, commitment to her position and her own brand of spunk! Elliott & Elissa Donn

In Memory of Harold (Hal) Moses of JWV Ocean County Post 178 Lakewood, New Jersey Congratulations Irene Moses and Family For a Great Year Harvey Weiner National Commander Congratulations to 2019-2020 National Ladies Auxiliary of the JWV from President Sandra Cantor Prince-Strauss Post 161 for a wonderful year. Revere, MA Yasher Koach! We are proud of you! Department of Massachusetts Sheila & Michael Rosenberg

46 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 David J. Kauffman Post 41 Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A.

Congratulations to NC Harvey Weiner on a Great Year & Best Wishes for a Successful National Convention

Gary Ginsburg...... Commander PC Ed Kazdan...... Sr. Vice Commander PC Stuart Blume...... Jr. Vice Commander PNC Lawrence Schulman...... Quartermaster Mort Stein...... Adjutant PC Frank Kazdan...... Chaplain PC Seymour Weinstein...... Judge Advocate PC Louis Babin...... Officer of the Day Supporting Veterans Since 1932

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 47 Congratulations to Harvey Weiner

National Commander 2019-2020 for a Great Year! from the Department of Massachusetts

48 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 Jewish War Veterans of the USA Department of Florida

Department of Florida Officers 2020-2021 LARRY JASPER - Commander MICHAEL CORBETT - Chief of Staff HARVEY CHARTER - Senior Vice Commander STEVE JOCKERS – 1st Junior Vice Commander BERNARD NACHIMSON - 2nd Junior Vice Commander RICHARD BERG - 3rd Junior Vice Commander JENNIFER BRANDE - Adjutant RICHARD BERG - Chaplain IKE HELLER - Quartermaster DAVID MAGIDSON, PNC - Judge Advocate GERALD RENNERT - Veteran Service Officer RICHARD ROSENZWEIG - Trustee JULES GOLOMBIK - Trustee MICHAEL CORBETT - Trustee DAVID MAGIDSON, PNC - Policy Committee AINSLEE FERDIE, PNC - Policy Committee ALAN PALEY - Immediate Past Commander

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 49 Specializing in Naturalization for Veterans who are not United States Citizens 8 United States Code Section 1440 Mathew L. Millen Attorney at Law 10880 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1050 Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-470-8071 Commander, Allan H. Katz Post 118 • Santa Monica, CA Best Wishes Show your JWV pride! from South Philadelpia Ladies Auxiliary J W VA 98 PDP Barbara Steiner, President Whether you wear your 125th JWV Anniversary pin on your cap, Congratulations to your jacket, or on your sleeve, you will be showing your pride in belonging All Outgoing Officers to America's oldest active veterans organization! & Order pins for your post Best Wishes to or department! All Incoming Officers! $5.00 Each • Minimum order of 5 Contact Ben Kane at [email protected]

50 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 51 From Generation to Generation... Jewish men and women have served in the US Armed Forces through every conflict, from the Revolution to today. JWV is an extension of that service. We not only aid the next generation of veterans, but also teach our children and our grandchildren about the contribution of Jewish service–l’dor, v’dor. Your gift can help continue the service of Jewish Americans to the security and well being of our nation. Please consider these gift options in support of JWV: • Contribution of all or part of an IRA, annuity, or life insurance policy • Contribution of stock; • Bequest in your Will or Trust For more information on Planned Giving, call JWV’s Development Department at 202-265-6280 or email us at [email protected].

Honor your centenarian post members with a centenarian birthday certificate! Presenting a certificate is a wonderful way to acknowledge and celebrate a member's significant milestone. To request a personalized certificate contact Christy Turner at [email protected].

AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support JWV every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available at When you shop, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to JWV.

52 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 If we don’t tell our stories, who will?

The NMAJMH has many amazing stories to tell. We have stories of heroic acts of valor in battle, stories of courageous resistance, and stories of dogged persistence that will reaffirm your pride in the Jewish people.

If you too love a good story, consider becoming a member of the museum. With your help, we can continue sharing these inspiring stories for generations to come.

MEMBERSHIP LEVELS Individual Memberships Guardian-Individual or Organization/Echelon Student and Active Military Personnel: $10 Membership: $100 Single Membership: $25 • Sustaining Membership benefits, PLUS Three-Year Single Membership: $60 • Additional exhibition catalogue

Benefits include: Life Membership (Individual): $1,000 • Special discounts on merchandise, perfect for • Guardian Membership benefits, PLUS holiday, birthday, and bar or bat mitzvah gifts! • Exclusive invites to member only programs and • Certificate of membership exhibition openings. • Life Membership pin and card • Mailings of The Jewish Veteran and the Museum’s newsletter. Life Membership (Family: Member and Spouse): • A NMAJMH membership card and pin $1,500 • Life Membership (Individual) benefits, PLUS Family Membership: $36 • Two Life Membership pins and cards • Individual Membership benefits, PLUS • Two membership cards Sponsor: $2,500 • Life Membership benefits, PLUS Friend Membership: $50 • Permanent listing on the Museum’s • Family Membership benefits, PLUS Honorial Wall • Exhibition catalogue

Sustaining Membership: $75 • Friend Membership benefits, PLUS To become a member of the only museum in the • A Museum video world dedicated to telling the stories of American Jewish military, go to and join today!

Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 53 Jewish War Veterans National Museum of of the United States of America American Jewish Military History National Officers Officers Harvey Weiner COL Herb Rosenbleeth National Commander Museum Director PNC Norman Rosenshein PNC Lawrence Schulman Coordinating Committee Chairman President Peter Nickitas PNC Michael B. Berman National Judge Advocate First Vice-President PNC Sheldon Ohren PNP Elaine Bernstein National NEC Chairman Third Vice-President Art Kaplan Mathew Millen National Personnel Chairman Corresponding Secretary PNC Edwin Goldwasser PNEC Debra Stern National Convention Chairman Recording Secretary PNC Joseph Zoldan National Staff Treasurer COL Herb Rosenbleeth Peter Nickitas National Executive Director NMI General Counsel Greg Byrne Director of Operations NMAJMH Staff Christy Turner Mike Rugel Executive Assistant/Graphic Design Programs and Content Coordinator Melody Jackson Pamela Elbe Assistant to the Director of Operations Collections, Archives, and Exhibits Coordinator Cara Rinkoff Programs & Public Relations Coordinator Volunteers Sheldon Goldberg, PhD Ben Kane Docent/Historian Asst. Programs & Public Relations Coord. Harrison Heller Membership Coordinator Jewish War Veterans of the USA Julia Lasher 1811 R Street, NW Accounting Coordinator Washington, DC 20009 Andria Clarke • [email protected] Accounting Assistant 202-265-6280 Iryna Apple Communications Coordinator Vincent Edwards Assistant Communications Coordinator Raiana Berman Veterans Service Officer

54 Jewish War Veterans of the USA • 125th Annual National Convention • August 2020 The Overseas Cargo Family of companies congratulates its Chief Financial Officer Alan Paley on his election as JWV’s first National Vice Commander Save the Date! August 15-20, 2021

126th Annual National Convention New Orleans, LA