« HELP—MALE. HELP—FEMALE. SITUATION—DOMESTIC. RECOMMENDED SERVICE. Star “Want Ad” (Continued.) .... (Centlnned.* (Continued.) (Can tinned.) MEN. COLLEGE STUDENT or young GIRL, as men neat appearance to ape- mer, teacher. Sum- neat colored, wants position sen* PAPERHANGINci and painting—Rooms. *4 Four of do out of town; interesting work; good eral up. special price clal work through one of Washington's pay._ houseworker. 1502 Caroline st. n*. and for painting Tor JO S. Branch Offices Address Box 41-C. Star_offlce. colored, wishes nurse; R. B. Alexander. Lincoln 4600-J. 19* U leading department op- position as Team OIRL. will Miss stores. Wonderful Anger Will • Johnston portunities Salary, MARCELLER and waver; one with ex- stay nights. PAPERINO. for advancement. bonus Apply st. n.w. PAINTING. perience. 1739 Penn, _ 2317-A N PLASTERING. 16 and commission to those who qualify. Ap- ave. n.w. GIRL, jp: latest patterns; best materials; first-class 936 17th ply Room cofored. wants lighthousework. Phone Pumps. ave. 14th and P sts.—Day Pharmacy. 201. 612 F st. and ask for Mr. MARKERS and assorters. experienced only! Franklin 9338. O work. M. 3927 Oa. Ad. 6964 at.—Marty's Magazine Hswksworth. Washington Laundry. 128 st. s.w. 1135 14th Cigar and i 27th and K sts. n.w. colored, part-time light PAPERHANQINO. PAINTING—For prompt GIRL, wants work or service, quality work, low prtcea. give Store. housework; city reference. Pot. us a 15th and U sts.—J. S. Clemence. ATTENTION, MOTHER'S HELPER, white, to stay nights' 4451. trial. Room*. *6 iip. Crowell. Col. 5543. FIVE D. C. NETMEN PICKED 19th and L sts.—Morse's Pharmacy. REAL ESTATE reference. Apply 1736 Col. rd- OIRL. experienced, wants general housework; PAPERINO. PAINTtNO; finest materials 2901 Georgia ave.—P. E. Lanipkln's Phar- SALESMEN. reference. _Please call at 1823 12th st. n.w. workmanship. pointed up andpa- macy. An opportunity unequaled In the city Is Must-have Rooms and WILLIAMS’PASSING NURBE. white; after Infant; GIRL wishct part-time work; good reference. pered. *8.50 up. New patterns. A year to open to two or experienced mustTstay 2908 14th st —Colllflower Art & Gift Co. three reßl estate look n.w. pay. of good character, personality Call at 3610 Macomb st. n.w. 128 Florida jive. _ Ask for estimates. Abelman Co.. 4809 3401 14th st.—Bronaugh’s Pharmacy. salesmen and MIJIPP*®: ' Oeorgla FOR HOTCHKISS CUP PLAY 14th and Buchanan sts.—Hohberger'a Phar- . ability. None but salesmen meeting the OPERATOR, all-around. Yvonne s Beauty GIRLS . colored, neat, wish places as ave. Col. 346. macy. above requirements and having a successful Shop. 718 14th st. n.w. mothers* helpers or part-time work; no Sun- PAPERHANGINO and painting. I do my own st. O'Donnell a i selling record will be considered. days. Phone Atlantic 4238-J. work and make estimates; reliable; prompt; 14thPharmacy.and Colorado ave. SHAFER. POWER MACHINE OPERATORa~experr priced. 657. SEE COL. enced on dresses. Apply C st. n.w. LADY wants part-time, all-day or waitress low Breen. Decatur 19* . Mount Pleasant MANAGER. SALES DEPARTMENT. 617 job. DEPLORED of the six members of the mid King are not newcomers, but 3209 Pleasant at. —Mount SS R r x ri, Call North 8215. PAPERHANGINO. PAINTING AND PLAS'- ALSO IS they 'nced on wonicn s work. Cigar Shop. . singles rep- and News SHAPIRO ApplyA!!i- w 't PfDye washing Ironing: TERINO a specialty. We also install hot- team that will are still advancing in the game. The - 1785 rd.—United Cigar Agency. THE JOSEPH CO., Foster s Works, 1937 11th st. n.w. LAUNDRY—First-class and heat, annual District Columbia * large yard; open-air drying, work called water porches screened and built, resent the District in the will be , California st.—Colodny Brothers. . the most 2162 for • baths, plumbing, etc scrape and lay new represented by Pharmacy. INC, and delivered Pot. 2693. Hotchkiss Cup matches, to be youthful sextet that it has Wardman Park floors, make and hang awnings and window Replaced ¦ ever sent ' Y., N. M st.—Sanitary Phar- REALTORS. LAUNDRY to take or day's any Youngsters Have FIVEheld at Norfolk Friday and [ into N. J. aves. and tvs*** home work, by shades—ih fact, Improvement or altera- on Hotchkiss Cup play. macy. 1416 EYE ST. N.W. MAIN R949. experienced 4402. need. We Pharmacy. Y woman. Col. tion your home ma t use Dutch Saturday, have been selected. The Members of the quintet to , sth and Eye sts.—Nusbaum’s WASHING or Boy lead pure linseed oil paints mixed selected and ave.—Phillips’ Pharmacy. COLLEGE MEN i^^7th’ wanted evening and other of this team will be play in at Norfolk 2nd Mass, s.w. • on premises, so Ingredients may be seen Veterans on American member singles Country club ? Ist and K sts.—Duncan's Pharmacy. for SALESLADIES--*25 and commission to start. Ist st. —wanted Summer work. Mr. B-l, who Pleasant, permanent, reliable, established company. All chosen Wednesday night prior to the also are assured of berths on the ! 7th and K sts.—Goldenberg's ttime clerk’s Is with us now. earned one-half his outside work. Expe- WOMAN, white, mother's helper or This Is first-classguaranteed: paperhanging guar- i tuition unnecessary. light family; our work departure of doubles King , desk*. in his spare time with us while rlence 216 Insurance Bldg- housework In small quiet home writing) years. the local netmen. The team. and Mitchell, the 7th and Cut Rate Drug he was 15fh Eye sts n.w. preferred to high wages. anteed