Volume 21, Issue 2 Independent Order of News March—April 2018

Units of the Order  Odd Fellows Lodge The American Odd Fellows —  Rebekah Lodge  Encampment Birthed in Baltimore  Ladies Encampment Auxiliary  Patriarchs Militant There is a beautifully architected,  Ladies Auxiliary enormous yet rather externally Patriarchs Militant unadorned, dark red brick  Junior Odd Fellows Lodge building situated on the northwest  Theta Rho Girls’ corner of 300 Cathedral and Club Saratoga Streets that apparently  United Youth Groups is “Now Open” for business, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ presumably luxury apartments. The World To look at its imposing grandeur of Cornerstone: 300 Cathedral St. with massive chimneys, one would Odd Fellowship 1 be hard pressed to determine exactly what was its intended 2 Belgium purpose – was it a business? a mansion or residence? The 3 Belize 4 Canada historical answer can be found on the cornerstone, shown left, 5 Czech Republic which gives a subtle clue “I.O.O.F. 1891 – 1831.” 6 Chile 7 Cuba 8 Denmark As it turns out, George Bunnecke & Son built it according to 9 Dominican designs by a talented Baltimore architect, Frank E. Davis and Republic dedicated on April 26, 1892 as the Grand “Temple” Lodge of a 10 Estonia 11 Finland rather interesting fraternal organization known as the 12 Germany Independent Order of Odd Fellows, I.O.O.F. According to the 13 Iceland “History of American Odd Fellowship, the First Decade,” the 14 Italy

15 Mexico (Continued on page 17) 16 Netherlands, The 17 New Zealand 18 Nigeria 19 Norway 20 Philippines 21 Poland Sovereign Grand Master’s Message 3 22 Spain 23 Sweden President - I.A.R.A. - Message 4 24 Switzerland

25 United Kingdom General Commanding / President - I.A.L.A.P.M. - Messages 5 26 USA 2018 Session information 7-11 Membership 19-23

Sympathy to:

Lady Tracy Boyer, PP-IALAPM with the death of her husband David, 2.18.18.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

District of Columbia Thinking of you: — 190 Linda Thompson, recovering from a fall during years testimonial weekend.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thank You:

From Barbara Corfield, PP-IARA for the many cards, calls, e-mails and prayers during her recent surgery—doing fine and expect to see everyone in Baltimore.

From Arlan Miller, SGChaplain, for the calls, cards, e-mails due to the passing of his brother Larry.

I.O.O.F. News

Phone: 336-725-5955 Fax: 336-722-7317 E-Mail: [email protected]

I.O.O.F. News is the official publication of the Inde- Notice: pendent Order of Odd Fellows. New Members are given a one year subscription to the I.O.O.F. News. Please John A. Miller Sr., Editor The Sovereign Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F., Publisher. check the expiration on your paper and make sure to continue your subscription by sending I.O.O.F. News is published bi-monthly at 422 N. Trade in the proper fee shown on the back of you St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2830, U.S.A. paper.

2 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

Office of the Sovereign Grand Master

Independent Order of Odd Fellows

March 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters, “Sacrifice to Serve”. There were Odd Fellows and Rebekahs that showed up and I am halfway through my term and have helped build the float from the following had some of the most memorable experiences jurisdictions; Arizona, California, Colorado, of my life. I have been so fortunate to have Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, been able to meet and get to know my Pennsylvania, Washington, and Ontario. If brothers and sisters from across the U.S. and I’ve forgotten any jurisdiction, my apologies. Canada. Each of my messages has been an Everyone worked; and worked hard to help us attempt to remind all of us to focus on the be successful and we certainly were! The projects of our great Order and this one will float was the first “non-sponsor float” in the be no different. parade and followed the Grand Marshal’s car Among the experiences that I will and the Marine Corp marching Band. There remember most was working on the Rose were 7 Purple heart recipients riding the float, Parade float and participating in the parade. some of them were members of our Order and It was an experience of a lifetime. I am some were from the “Military Order of the asking that all of our Brothers and Sisters Purple Heart”. The Grand Marshal, actor support the best publicly known project we Gary Sinise, came to our float before the have. The Jurisdiction of California has been parade started, shook our hands, and spoke participating in The Tournament of Roses with the purple heart recipients and the rest of Parade since 1906. It is a non-profit the float riders. We won the Director’s incorporated as the Oddfellows Rebekahs Trophy. Rose Float. Visit their website @ oddfellows If we want this project to continue, we -rebekahs-rosefloat.org or look at their need to help. They need supplies such as Facebook page to see the photos of the floats tweezers, sponges, small throw away and learn more about this project. paintbrushes (1”– 2” wide), scissors and The committee for this project is headed blenders. They need people to help with the by Sister Roberta Prosk and includes her son decorating. Brother Dave Reed, Grand J.R. who manages the building of the float. Master of CA., spent an entire day working They begin working on the next float right on the Three Links that went on the float! I after the parade is over. Each year a design is spent over nine hours gluing lentils on three st submitted by March 1 and after it’s letters on the Odd Fellows Rebekahs signs approved the work begins again. They raise that went on the sides of the float. There money for the float coordinate with the were other jobs done on the other days we design company and begin the process of worked. Lodges brought food and drink for getting the rest of the details for building the working crew. Coffee and water were done. always available. This year the parade theme was “Make But most of all they need our financial a Difference” and our float was honoring the support. Every donation counts! I have made Purple Heart recipients with the theme of (Continued on page 6) “we seek to improve and elevate the character of man”

Vol. 21, Issue 2 — I.O.O.F. News - 3

Office of the President

International Association

of Rebekah Assemblies


March 2018

Hello to my Odd Fellow and Rebekah Family, Key to Leadership: All members today are our potential leaders of tomorrow, if they A few weeks ago I lost my keys. On the desire to give their service to this Order. The key ring were my house keys, car keys, bank responsibilities of leadership are varied and far key, my shop key and mailbox key. Needless reaching and the obligations are many. Inspire

to say I was very upset and just a little crazy. others to desire leadership. If you have ever misplaced your keys, you Key to Music: Music like Odd Fellowship may understand my frustration. A good bridges all borders and differences created by Samaritan came to my rescue and the keys languages and dialects. Language separates were returned. All was well. and music unites. This adventure brought to mind other keys Key to Unity: The dictionary says the that are important to all of us: definition for unity is a state of being one, as Key to Kindness: Let us add kindness to each oneness or condition of harmony. It is unity of our three Links, a kind word, a kind look, a that holds our Order together. kind deed. There are many other Keys: Key to Knowledge: We must continue to Key to Etiquette, educate our members in Odd Fellowship. Key to Involvement, Mentor new members and improve ourselves. Key to Talent,

Key to Charity: Charity if silence when a Key to Hope, word would hurt. Think first, speak last. As Key to Improvement, Key to Happiness. members we pledge forever that Charity faileth never. I hope you think of these “Keys” once Key to Honor: It is Honor that binds our in a while. A wonderful friend of mine, Ida triple chain. Honor and integrity means Holzer, shared many keys with me which I now share with you. dependability, uprightness, moral soundness, faithfulness, to be fearless and straightforward. In closing, I would like to express my

Key to Duties: It is our duty to contribute our sincere gratitude for the many well wishes I have received. You lift me up. share to the success of our Order and for the benefit Odd Fellowship. With fraternal love, Key to Prayer: Prayer is for anyone and everyone. It is a quiet uplifting that looks for the good in everything and everyone. Linda L. Thompson

Key to Smiles: A smile reveals much abo3/13/18ut our sister’s and brother’s emotions. A smile is like sunshine and can replace the dark clouds of gloom. “Friendship is a little sunshine and a lot of love.” Bloom Where You’re Planted.

4 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

Office of the General Commanding

General Military Council, Patriarchs Militant

March 2018

Chevaliers, Ladies, Brothers, and Sisters, Brig Gens Mitzi and Benny Rayborn with Laying the Wreaths at the MS Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Also, Well, it is time to let you all know what I have assisting were: Brig Gen Frank Reed, Capt Twila been doing for the last two months: Barlow, Chev Chief White-Eagle, Chev Bill Barlow, and On January 20, 2018, I, with Lt Gen S. Ray many others that I can’t seem to remember as I write Johnson, Lt Gen Jeff Lasswell, Maj Gen Juanita this. Lasswell, Maj Gen Earl Wys, Maj Gen Smokey After that, Lt Gen S. Ray Johnson, Maj Gen Lasswell, and Brig Gen Brenda Stephany, went to Juanita Lasswell, Maj Gen Smokey Lasswell, Brig Gen Gulfport, MS and assisted Brig Gens Mitzi and Benny Fred Barlow and I went to Phoenix, AZ for President- Rayborn in Mustering in 11 Chevaliers. Four of them I.A.R.A. Linda Thompson’s Testimonial. We started on being Choctaw Indians, with the Chief of the Tribe, Wednesday evening about 9:30 PM and got there driving Chief White-Eagle, being one of them. It was awesome about 11:00 AM on Friday. We hit a terrible freezing and great for MS. rain ice storm that lasted from IL thru MO, KS, OK, and On February 17, 2018, my staff, Lt Gen S. Ray 30 miles south of Abilene, TX. We had ice on the car Johnson, Lt Gen Jeff Lasswell, Maj Gen Jack Roberts, approximately ¾ of an inch thick. We could only drive Maj Gen Earl Wys, Maj Gen Juanita Lasswell, Maj Gen between 40 and 45 miles per hour at this time. It was a Smokey Lasswell, Brig Gen Brenda Stephany, Brig Gen horrible and scary experience and I wouldn’t wish it Greta Bowers, Brig Gen Mike Duminiak, Brig Gen Ron upon anyone. Simpson, Brig Gen Fred Barlow, Brig Gen Charles While at Linda’s Fun Night, with everyone having Teague Jr, President Estella Crowder, Brig Gen Michael a great time, she slipped while dancing and fell and

Bowers, and myself, went to Biloxi, MS and assisted (Continued on page 6)

Office of the President

International Association Ladies Auxiliaries Patriarchs Militant

March 2018 Dear Chevaliers, Ladies, Brothers and Sisters,

Spring is just around the corner as we that you may need, either myself or my watch the winter weather disappear and the Representative would be glad to help. long days of summer start to arrive. I hope

that this newsletter finds everyone in good I hope to see everyone this May at the health. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington, VA or June at the Canadian War Memorial in

I have just had the privilege of attending Ottawa, ON. These are memorable and the second annual Tomb of the Unknown rewarding experiences. I am very proud to Confederate Soldier in Mississippi and lay a represent the International Association Ladies

wreath on behalf of the International Auxiliary Patriarchs Militants this year. Association Ladies Auxiliary Patriarchs Please Ladies when you attend wear your Militant. uniforms, let us show up in great numbers and

be noticed. Our visitations will be starting soon. This is a time to visit with old friends and “Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Happy Easter make new friends. A time to see how the and a Happy Passover” to all. jurisdictions are doing. If there is anything (Continued on page 6)

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(Continued from page 3) definitely make a difference in our world. If we a small personal donation already. Have a are committed to making a difference, we will fundraiser, a 50/50 raffle on lodge night or make a difference. anything else you can do will be appreciated. Remember that this one project publicizes our Fraternally yours in FLT, Order to millions of people around the world, and they need our help to continue. With April being the month of our Order’s “Make a Difference Day”, remember to support John A Miller, Sr. ALL projects of our Order, do something to support your members and your communities. Don’t just say: “Make a Difference” — Do it! Report what you do. The projects not only give us recognition in our communities, but they Please remember to report it.

(Continued from page 5) and now have more than 11,000 miles on it after only really banged her right side of her head, right arm, and having it for two months. The other 2018 Honda Odyssey right side of her body. She was able to return the next Elite now has 37,000 plus miles on it. This job really puts evening about ½ hour before the Banquet. I guess all the the miles on a vehicle. prayers that she got from everyone must have helped. The next thing coming up is my Testimonial on Makes a believer in the power of prayer. Even after all March 23rd and 24th, hope that all of you can come and the excitement, everyone had a great time. Also, there, help me have a good time. were our Commander-in-Chief Gen John Miller, Gen Dan Matthews, President Estella Crowder, Gen Bob Vickrey, Chivalrously, Col Shirley Matthews, Brig Gen John Slaney, Brig Gen Brenda Stephany, Capt Doreen Slaney, and many others. We then drove home and made it in 27 hours with stops. /s/ Gen. R.L. ‘Ken’ Lasswell Don’t forget to keep Linda in your prayers, so that she General Commanding, GMC can properly heal. By the way, for everyone’s information, I finally got my other new car, a 2018 Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid, ‘a peaceful ruler; serving as a soldier’

(Continued from page 5) Lady Estella Crowder Also, it is time to start planning for our President International Association International Association Ladies Auxiliary Ladies Auxiliaries Patriarchs Militant Patriarchs Militant sessions in August which will be held at the Sheraton.

Chivalrously, Take time to be a friend.

Don’t just say “Make a

Difference” do it! Remember to carry a jar for change when

you travel. I really would like

to fill a 5 gallon pail with

change for our youth at the

session in Baltimore—August 2018.

6 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

2018 Annual Communication of The Sovereign Grand Lodge Independent Order of Odd Fellows

Commemorating the founding of Odd Fellowship on the North American Continent

26th April 1819

at the Seven Stars

Baltimore, Maryland

‘we commend you to: visit the sick, bury the dead, relieve the distressed, and educate the orphan’

Vol. 21, Issue 2 — I.O.O.F. News - 7

The Sovereign Grand Lodge Terry L. Barrett Independent Order of Odd Fellows Office of the Sovereign Grand Secretary W 336 725-5955 422 N. Trade St. NW, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2830 F 336 722-7317 [email protected]

August 2017

To the Officers and Grand Representatives of The Sovereign Grand Lodge, and Officers and Members of all Units of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows

Fraternal Greetings:

The next communication of The Sovereign Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will be held in Baltimore, Maryland, beginning Monday morning, 20th August 2018, and ending Thursday afternoon, 23rdAugust 2018.

Headquarters and Sessions Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor Baltimore, Maryland

The Sovereign Grand Lodge 192nd Annual Communication

International Association of Rebekah Assemblies 102nd Annual Session

General Military Council 115th Annual Session

International Association of Ladies Auxiliaries Patriarchs Militant 79th Annual Session

Youth Days ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“we seek to improve and elevate the character of man.”

8 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

2018 Pre-Registration Form

The Sovereign Grand Lodge International Association of Rebekah Assem- blies General Military Council, Patriarchs Militant International Association Ladies Auxiliaries Patriarchs Militant

Baltimore, Maryland August 17 to 23, 2018 Please Note: All Attendees MUST register

Full Name Name (as desired on badge) P.M. rank: Unit attending: SGL IARA GMC IALAPM Youth Youth-Adult (please circle only one) Title for name badge Mailing Address City, St./Prv, Postal Code Telephone E-mail

Registration Information Registrations on or before July 23, 2018, $75.00 $

Registrations after July 23, 2018, $80.00 $

Highlight Events Officer’s Banquet, Monday Aug. 20, $75.00 $

Installation Dinner, Wednesday Aug. 22, $60.00 $

Welcome Dinner, Saturday Aug. 18, $60.00 $

Youth Dinner, Friday Aug. 17, $ 46.00 $

Total Fees for the session, in US dollars $

Please mail all Registration Forms with a check or money order to: 2018 I.O.O.F. Session Committee 422 N. Trade St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2830

Tours of the Baltimore Area, may be picked by searching Baltimore, MD city tours—there are a number of options.

Any special requests, such as: special diet, should be indicated here: ______

Vol. 21, Issue 2 — I.O.O.F. News - 9

I have a reservation at the I have a reservation at the Hyatt Regency Baltimore on the Inner Harbor Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel 300 Light St, Baltimore, MD 21202 300 S Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201

800-223-1234 or 888-421-1442 888-627-7061 or 844-531-4770 *Reservations: https://aws.passkey.com/go/240dd522 is the link to book online.

15-25 August 2018 16-25 August 2018

Sngl/Dbl Triple Quad Sngl/Dbl Triple Quad 169.00 194.00 219.00 169.00 189.00 209.00

Plus local taxes—which are subject to change.

Information to have available when making a reservation:

Name: Address: City/State/Postal Code Additional Guest: Telephone: E-mail:

Card Number: Exp. Date

Arrival Date:

Departure Date:

10 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

2018 Special Event Request

Any group wishing to have a meal, meeting, or reception should return this form to the committee. It will be forwarded to the proper people at the Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor Hotel. They will provide menus for the type of event you wish to schedule— also see the menus on line.

Group Name: Contact Person: Address: City, St./Prov., Postal Code: Telephone: Email: Type of Event: (Breakfast, lunch, dinner, cocktail reception, etc.) Date and Time: Number expected: Special requests:

(Mikes, Podium, PowerPoint, etc.) Mail all requests to: 2018 I.O.O.F. Session Committee 422 N. Trade St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2830

Shuttle Service

There are a number of Shuttle Services and taxis from Baltimore Washington International Airport to the Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor or the Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel available for those desir- ing it. Below are some suggestion—please make your reservations direct.

Vol. 21, Issue 2 — I.O.O.F. News - 11




Thursday AUGUST 23, 2018 @ 4:30 PM



Name Mailing Address City, St./Prv. Postal Code Telephone E-mail Feast on or before July 23, 2018, $75.00 $ Feast after July 23, 2018, $85.00 $ Round Trip Bus Transportation Pick-up at 3:00 pm From Hyatt Regency, $30.00 $ Total in U.S. dollars $

Benefit the Restoration of ’s Tomb at Greenmount Cemetery and Education Scholarship Fund

Please mail this form with a check or money order to: Washington Lodge #1, I.O.O.F. Upcoming 200th Anniversary 7306 North Point Road Edgemere, MD 21219


12 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

Founder’s Day Proclamation

To the Officers and Members of all Degrees of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows

Fraternal Greetings:

As we continue to enjoy one hundred and ninety – nine years of fraternity let us not become complacent but strive toward setting goals to make a difference in our communities and share more creative ways of offering the hand of friendship of our fraternity to those we meet.

Therefore, I, John A. Miller Sr., Sovereign Grand Master of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, by authority in me duly vested, do proclaim

That the month of April be declared Odd Fellows Anniversary Month throughout Odd Fellowship.

Be it further proclaimed,

That April 26, 2018 be known as Founder’s Day throughout Odd Fellowship commemorating the 199th Anniversary of the founding of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Baltimore, Maryland.

Further, all units of the Order are encourage to hold special festivities in celebration of the day: Degree Day (name the class for someone in your jurisdiction), Anniversary Ball, Community Work Project, et cetera.

Done in the City of Winston-Salem, the State of North Carolina the 1st day of February 2018 and of our Order the 199th year.

Yours in F, L & T,

Attest: /s/ John A. Miller Sr. Sovereign Grand Master /s/ Terry L. Barrett Sovereign Grand Secretary

Vol. 21, Issue 2 — I.O.O.F. News - 13

Visual Research Foundation Proclamation

Make A Difference Day To the Officers and Members of all Degrees of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Proclamation Fraternal Greetings:

To the Officers and Members of all Degrees Whereas, the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Visual of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Research Foundation organized in 1958 supports a Research Chair at the Wilmer Institute of Johns Hopkins University and Fraternal Greetings: Hospital which is working to find ways to enable many to have better vision. As we continue to enjoy one hundred and ninety – nine years of fraternity let us not become Now, Therefore, I, John A. Miller Sr., complacent but strive toward setting goals to Sovereign Grand Master, of the Independent Make a Difference in our communities and Order of Odd Fellows, by authority in me duly share more creative ways of offering the hand of vested, do hereby proclaim that, friendship of our fraternity to those we meet. The month of May as Visual I, John A. Miller Sr., Sovereign Grand Master Research Month throughout of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, by Odd Fellowship. authority in me duly vested, do proclaim Further, this program needs our support that the Saturday the 15th day of through: Fund Raising Campaigns, Treasury April be declared Odd Fellows Donations, Memorial Donations, and Publicity. and Rebekahs Make a Difference Day. Donations and communications should be sent to your Jurisdictional Secretary who will in turn Further, all units of the Order are encouraged to forward same to Visual Research Foundation, hold special festivities in celebration of the day: Inc., 422 Trade Street, Winston-Salem, NC Community Work Project; Hands Across Your: 27101. city, town, village, community followed by an open house in the lodge hall; et cetera. This program supported by contributions from Odd Fellows and Rebekahs open eyes that Done in the City of Winston-Salem, the State of many may see! Remember, many have sight . North Carolina the 1st day of March 2018 and of . . . . only a few have Vision. our Order the 199th year. Done in the City of Winston-Salem, North [Seal] Yours in F, L & T, Carolina, this 1st day of March 2018, and of our Order the 199th year. Attest: /s/ John A. Miller Sr. Sovereign Grand Master [Seal] Yours in F, L & T, /s/ Terry L. Barrett Sovereign Grand Secretary Attest: /s/ John A. Miller Sr. Sovereign Grand Master /s/ Terry L. Barrett Sovereign Grand Secretary

14 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2




You are cordially invited to attend the 49th Annual Canadian War Memorial Celebration and Wreath Laying Ceremony to be held on June 1st 2nd and 3rd 2018. Our headquarters hotel will be the Best Western Plus Ottawa City Centre, 1274 Carling Ave. Ottawa, Ontario. Special room rates are $125.00 per night plus applicable taxes. Reservations can be made by calling 1-613 -728-1951. Please inform the registration desk that you are with the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Canadian War Memorial Committee to receive this special rate. Rooms in our block are limited and must be ordered by May 5, 2018. On Friday evening there will be an informal meet and greet reception. Members can pick up their tickets at that time.

Arrangements have been made to tour the Diefenbunker Museum on Saturday morning. The cost of this tour is $35.00 which includes admission and the bus. There will also be some time to visit the Byway market to tour the shops and have some lunch. The bus will return to the hotel approx. 2:00 PM.

Our Annual banquet and entertainment will be held Saturday Night in the Hotel’s Café 1274. The evening will begin with a social hour and cash bar from 5.00 PM to 6.00 PM. Banquet will begin at 6:00 PM. Banquet tickets are $40.00 per person and must be ordered in advance. Each person must complete the attached registration form. Please indicate your choice of chicken or salmon. Suggested dress code for the men is tuxedo, business suit or military uniform. For the ladies, street length dress, formal gown or military dress.

Our Memorial Wreath Laying Ceremony will take place on Sunday June 3rd, 2018 at the Cenotaph, Tomb of The Unknown Soldier at 11:00 AM. Bus transportation will be provided from the hotel and return following the service. Those Jurisdictions who currently have a wreath are urged to have a representative present to lay your wreath. If no representative from your Jurisdiction is present, the committee cannot guarantee that your wreath will be presented,

New wreaths may be ordered by contacting the secretary prior to March 1, 2018. The committee cannot guarantee that wreaths ordered after this date will be available for this year's ceremony. The cost of a new wreath is $125.00. Wreaths are made of artificial flowers and can be used for many years.

The committee looks forward to greeting you in Ottawa June 1st 2nd 3rd 2018. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the secretary.


Ronald L. Wanamaker PGM, Secretary

Vol. 21, Issue 2 — I.O.O.F. News - 15


1, 2, 3 June 2018 PRE-REGISTRATION FORM — (One Form Per Person Registration Fee MUST be paid by all attendees)

All registrations MUST be received no later than May 4, 2018 (If mailing from the United States, please allow a minimum of 2 weeks for delivery).

Note: There is no shuttle service between Airport and the Hotel. Approximate cost of taxi is $40.00

REGISTRATION FEE is $5.00 per person if paid prior to May 4, 2018 OR $7.00 per person if paid after May 4, 2018

Annual Banquet is $40.00 Canadian Funds (Please choose one of the following.) ( ) Chicken — ( ) Salmon

(Please advice in advance if you have any dietary restrictions and what they are so that we can arrange for an alternative.) Place information on back of form.

( ) Saturday — Diefenbunker Museum: Minimum of 25 People Required for the Bus. Cost the tour is $35.00 — covers the Museum and cost of the Bus. Bus to leave hotel at 10:00 a.m.

NOTE: Tickets will not be mailed. They can be picked up Friday between 7-9 p.m. or Saturday prior to banquet. All payments must accompany all orders.

Name ______Phone ______

Address ______

City ______Prov/State ______

My Title on June 1/18 ______

MAIL TO: Mrs. Sue Geurts Amount $ ______688 Down Cres. Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7Y1

Make all cheques/Money Orders payable to: Canadian War Memorial Committee

16 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

(Continued from page 1) I.O.O.F. owes some of its roots to its Disgruntled members, members desiring English predecessor, The Ancient Order office, and lack of funds withdrew to form of the Society of Odd Fellows, begun in a new lodge Franklin Lodge, No. 2. The London in the 17th century. Grand Lodge of Maryland and the United States recognized then on Sep 5, 1821. Its birth in Columbia Lodge, No. 3 was instituted on the United 17 Dec 1823 at Colvin’s Stone Tavern. No States, further increases in the number of lodges however, until 31 Jan 1827 when the William Tell resulted after Lodge, No. 4 (with authority to conduct a few men business in the German language) was responded to formed. an ad in the Baltimore American The Seven Stars Tavern, newspaper by Second St., 1819 an outgoing blacksmith Thomas Wildley and two friends who similarly missed the fraternal companionship. The ad announced the meeting which would be at 7 pm on April 2, 1819 at the Seven Stars Tavern located on the south side of Second Street (now Water Street), between Frederick St. and 300 Cathedral St, Architectural Sketch, c1891 what was then called Market Place, basically where Baltimore City The Grand Lodge moved on April 26, Community College now stands. 1831 to Bridge (now Gay) Street where it remained until being demolished and the On April 26, 1819, they instituted the moving to the Cathedral Street location American Odd Fellows at Washington in 1892. This Grand Lodge located at 300 Lodge No. 1 in a house at South Cathedral Street was built with six Frederick St and elected Wildley as their Barstow Furnaces and a 100ft basement Noble Grand. In February 1820, to roof elevator supplied by electricity admittance was granted by decree into which was the first of its kind in the city. the Independent Order of Odd Fellowship Leading from the Cathedral Street in England. entrance is a magnificent 26ft wide stairway made of oak and ash carved with I.O.O.F and emblems of the Order upon it.

The first floor Library is 81x61 feet and has room for up to 25,000 volumes of books. Within it is a “Lovers’ Grotto,” which was no doubt popular but contained founders’ relics. Other rooms Colvin’s Stone Tavern, c1823 (Continued on page 18)

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(Continued from page 17) on this floor are those of the Grand Odd Fellows Hall Secretary and the Grand Master’s room. 30 North Gay Street

Odd Fellows Tavern Courtesy: Maryland Historical Society

Later in his career, Poe took to lecturing to make money. While a fair number of people came to hear him, I.O.O.F., Baltimore, c1931 he never made much money from speaking. In January 1844, about a year before his fame skyrocketed with the The American Odd Fellows Founder died publication of “The Raven”, Poe visited the Odd Fellows Hall in Baltimore. He delivered a lecture on the state of at the age of 80 in 1861 - there were 42 American poetry. His lecture took place in the Egyptian jurisdictions and 200,000 members at that Saloon, and admittance was 25¢ - equivalent to about time. His gravesite resides in $6.00 in today’s money. In his speech, Poe harshly criticized editor Rufus Griswold, who had published an Greenmount Cemetery and a monument “anonymous” article that bashed Poe’s work. The feud was dedicated four years later in his between Poe and the editor Griswold lasted even after name. At one time, General Ulysses S. Poe’s death. Scholars have shown that Griswold lied about Poe’s drinking and changed old letters between the Grant and were members. two to make himself look better. U.S. peak membership was reached in the What kind of place was the Odd Fellows Hall? For 1950s but the I.O.O.F. continues as a that matter, what’s an “Odd Fellow”? The Independent Order of Odd Fellows is an organization like the worldwide fraternity for men and women Freemasons, Lions Club, or Knights of Columbus. They dedicated to making the world a better originally began in England, and, in 1819, a group founded a lodge in Baltimore. The organization built itself on a place through fraternal friendship, belief in “Friendship, Truth, and Love”. The hall they had charitable love and the pursuit of truth in built on North Gay Street was one of the most unusual in all their dealings. They believe that the city. It’s castle-like walls and turrets were featured on postcards and newspaper articles about Baltimore, like the through true fraternity we can build a picture you see here. Unfortunately, the old Odd Fellows better world Hall was torn down in 1890 when the group moved its national headquarters out of Baltimore. A smaller, less ornate building was constructed on the corner of Saratoga (Source: “Official Programme and and Cathedral Streets. Souvenir, I.O.O.F. Dedication of New ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Temple”)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Current location (2018) 7721 Old Battle Grove Rd, Dundalk, MD

18 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

Has your Lodge scheduled a training session with your Grand Lodge or Rebekah Assembly

Train the Trainers – A Membership Program

Includes the following—both power point and printable files:

How to get New Members: Ask! Introduction to Odd Fellowship – includes the programs of the Order Presenting Odd Fellowship – and a pamphlet to leave with the prospective member

Attracting new members: Link your World to your Lodge Gaining influence

Prospective Member Card – a great recruitment tool (John and/or Sally know a lot of people who would make great members, but they are either new and not conversant in the programs or a type B personality; but Gary and/or Judy are type A and mingle well with others and have been members for a while).

For the active and organized lodge — First Things First—a great tool to assist in planning the 2018 calendar Odd Fellows & Rebekah Lodge manuals of instruction Parliamentary procedures and Motions at a Glance Book of Odd Fellowship

This program has been distributed several times over the years, check with your Grand Lodge or Rebekah Assembly office for a copy.

Vol. 21, Issue 2 — I.O.O.F. News - 19



Sponsor Name ______Date Admitted ______Bro. ___ Sis. ___

New Member’s Lodge ______Name ______Address ______Lodge Secretary Name ______City ______Address ______State/Province ______City ______Postal/Zip Code ______State/Province ______Date of Birth: M/D/Y ______

Postal/Zip Code ______E-mail: Phone:


Date Admitted ______Bro. ___ Sis. ___ Sponsor Name ______Name ______New Member’s Lodge ______Address______Lodge Secretary Name ______City ______Address ______State/Province______

City ______Postal/Zip Code ______

State/Province ______Date of Birth: M/D/Y ______

Postal/Zip Code ______E-mail: Phone:


Date Admitted ______Bro. ___ Sis. ___ Sponsor Name ______Name ______New Member’s Lodge ______Address ______Lodge Secretary Name ______City ______Address ______State/Province ______

City ______Postal/Zip Code ______

State/Province ______Date of Birth: M/D/Y ______

Postal/Zip Code ______E-mail: Phone:

Attn: I.O.O.F. The SGL / IARA MEMBERSHIP MAIL, FAX, E-mail 422 Trade Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101-2830 TO: Fax: 1-336-722-7317 — Email: [email protected]

20 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Membership Committee “A program of The Sovereign Grand Lodge and the International Association of Rebekah Assemblies to Obtain Membership Gains in all Units of all Branches of the Family of Odd Fellowship”

January 2018

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Spring is coming!!! This time of year is the time for rebirth of our beautiful world. Spring brings leaves back to the trees, grass back to our lawns, and flowers blooming to brighten our lives.

It is also time for all of our members to rethink our commitments to our wonderful Order. We all need to think about the reasons we belong to a group dedicated to making ourselves and our world better places and better people. Just this last weekend, we held a Testimonial Dinner for the International Association of Rebekah Assemblies President. What a treat to meet and greet many old friends and share an evening having fun, enjoying a nice dinner, and honoring a

beautiful lady. These functions are a reminder of some of the reasons we belong. It is a time we can reflect on our thoughts about springtime and belonging.

This past week we also all experienced a horrific event in Florida. These events bring a tear to our eyes for the realization that some of us need our help and certainly others

desperately need our sympathies for the loss of their loved family members. It makes us stop and think about how lucky we are to have a group where we are received each meeting with warm welcome and love. Probably the most important reason to belong to the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs!!!!! I ask all of you to pause and reflect on all of our blessings.

This year, as we begin anew each spring, rededicate our efforts and thoughts as to what we want our Order to be, accomplish, and continue to exist for another 200 years. Maybe you could attend the wreath laying ceremony at Arlington this May or Ottawa in June, or maybe you can attend the annual sessions in Baltimore this August, and reinvest some of your efforts, money, and time in being an active member in our wonderful organization. We are all getting

older, less active, and not quite as convinced we need Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. We need more members to test our resolve to continue our ideals, not only for our group but our religions, our morals, our respect for our country, and our fellow man. PLEASE invite someone else to join in our group, our family, our reasons for being an Odd Fellow.


/s/ Jon Petersen Membership Chairman

Vol. 21, Issue 2 — I.O.O.F. News - 21



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Colorado Kentucky Jurisdictions Alabama Alberta Arizona Arkansas Provinces Atlantic Belize British Columbia California Chile Connecticut Delaware Columbia Dist. of RepublicDominican Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Louisiana Maine Manitoba Maryland Massachusetts Mexico Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York New Nigeria North Carolina North Dakota Ohio 22 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

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Tennessee Oklahoma Ontario Oregon Pennsylvania Philippines Puerto Rico Quebec Rhode Island Saskatchewan South Carolina South Dakota Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Virginia West Wisconsin Wyoming TOTAL (Continued from page page from (Continued

Vol. 21, Issue 2 — I.O.O.F. News - 23


85 years

80 years

75 Years Mavis M. Paull, OR

Items are not to scale. 70 Years Allen H. Jones, IL

65 Years Shirley Clark, MB Odd Fellows Veteran Buttons—starting at 5 years 60 Years Item No. 1227—1242 Edna Perry, MB May be ordered through your Grand Lodge Bernice Hall Stevenson, ON Rebekah Veteran Buttons—starting at 5 years Item No. 2202—2216-80 55 years May be ordered through your Rebekah Assembly

50 Years Veteran Jewels Richard Trudelle, CT Randall Brooks, CT Albert McGee, IL Betty Shibuya, MB George L. Glover III, RI

When sending in Veteran members, list only those having an anniversary during the current year divisible by 5. (starting at: 50, 55, 60, etc.) Thanks.

24 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

Be a Partner of The 2019 Odd Fellows & Rebekahs Pilgrimage for Youth

The Pilgrimage for Youth program is looking for Partners to sponsor one or more activities for the 2019 Program tour. You and Your Lodge can be that Partner reaching out to “Make a Difference” in a young person’s future. The Pilgrimage for Youth program belongs to the Mem- bers of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and your generosity has made this program a success for over 69 years. Through your continuing Generous Donations, You and Your Lodge help to keep this program funded into the future. Besides sponsoring a Young person for this Tour, there are many other ways you can help sponsor this program:

Would you like to: Sponsor lunch for #______of Delegates @ $10.00 each $______Sponsor Dinner for #______of Delegates @ $15.00 each $______Sponsor #______Delegate Tee-Shirts @ $10.00 each $______Sponsor #______Delegate Room Nights @ $40.00 $______Sponsor #______Delegate United Nations Tours @ $12.00 $______Sponsor #______Delegate -911 Museum Tickets @ $18.00 $______Sponsor #______Statue of Liberty Tickets @ $18.00 $______Partner with another Lodge to feed a bus on the route $______Other ways to sponsor: Help with Cost of Adult Bus Tour Leaders $______Help with Cost of the Buses $______

Gift From: Return this Form & Your Do- Name: ...... nation to: Address: ......

...... I.O.O.F. Pilgrimage for Youth, Inc. 422 N. Trade Street ...... Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2830

Vol. 21, Issue 2 — I.O.O.F. News - 25

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Pilgrimage for Youth Inc. 422 N. Trade Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2830

Phone: 336-528-3518 Email: [email protected] www.ioofpilgrimageforyouth.com

March 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

First, I would like to thank all of the Odd Fellows, Rebekahs, Encampments, LEAs, Cantons and LAPMs that have worked very hard to remove all reference to the old incorporation name, United Nations reference, and logo from your web- sites, constitutions, by-laws and other paper work. Please keep updating your websites.

Second, the Board of Directors has been working very hard to update the Incorporation and Program. We have changed the name of the Corporation to “Independent Order of Odd Fellows Pilgrimage for Youth Inc.” The Program name is “Odd Fellows & Rebekahs Pilgrimage for Youth Program”. We are incorporated in the state on North Carolina, U.S.A.

Third, the most exciting news…we are back and starting to make plans for a Tour in 2019. There is a lot of work to be done yet, but the planning process has begun.

The Board of Directors met in February, working in 6 groups for several hours with a working lunch. The groups met later in the day to share each other’s ideas and concerns. With continued work by the Board, you will have a great tour in 2019.

The Board of Directors will meet on May 5, 2018. If you have any suggestions or concerns, just email us at our new email address: pilgrimage @ioofpilgrimageforyouth.com.

Friendship, Love, & Truth, Faith, Hope, & Charity, and Universal Justice,

Rodney Metoyer, Chairman of Board

26 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

Non-Discrimination Policy

For those Grand Bodies who are meeting in the spring and summer, it is required that you adopt a non-discrimination policy — similar to the one published below.

For use either in regular session, special session or in Executive Committee.

Resolution No. ____

______of ______Lodge (Encampment, LEA, Canton, LAPM, etc.) No. ___ moved the following, which was referred to the Grand Lodge (Rebekah Assembly, Grand Encampment, GLEA, Department Council, Department Association, etc.) of ______as a committee of the whole.

Be it Resolved, that the Non-discrimination Policy be inserted into the Appendix of the Code (Constitution and By-laws) of the Grand Lodge (Rebekah Assembly, Grand Encampment, GLEA, Department Council, Department Association, etc.) of ______as follows:

Non-Discrimination Policy The Grand Lodge (Rebekah Assembly, Grand Encampment, GLEA, Department Council, Department Association, etc.) of ______Independent Order of Odd Fellows (GL/RA/GE/GLEA/ DC/DA/etc.-___ I.O.O.F.) will not discriminate against any individual on the basis of disability, age [other than that of minimum to join the Order (lodge, club or group)], ethnicity, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or other social identity. The GL/RA/GE/GLEA/DC/DA/etc.-___ I.O.O.F. will make reasonable modifications in policies, practices, or procedures when such modifications are necessary to afford its services and facilities to individuals with disabilities, unless the modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of its services. The GL/RA/GE/GLEA/DC/DA/etc.-___ I.O.O.F. will not exclude any individual based on disability, age, ethnicity, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or other social identity from the full and equal enjoyment of its services and facilities, unless the individual poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, or him/herself, that cannot be eliminated by a modification of policies, practices, or procedures or by the provision of auxiliary aids or services. The GL/RA/GE/GLEA/DC/DA/etc.-___ I.O.O.F. will not exclude any individual from the full and equal enjoyment of its services and facilities because of the individual’s association with a person of disability, age, ethnicity, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or other social identity.

For those Grand Bodies who met last fall and did not adopt a policy, one may be adopted in Executive Committee Session. This is not changing code without action by the Grand body, but is a policy that has been agreed to, and upon your Grand Body confirmation of the Executive Committee Minutes all will be in order.

Vol. 21, Issue 2 — I.O.O.F. News - 27

28 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

Jurisdictional Contacts and Annual Meetings Odd Fellows Michigan – 14-17 October 2018 Grand Secretary – Anthony Poma, PO Box 437, Eastpointe, MI 48021 Alabama – 9 June 2018, Grand Secretary – John H. Boshell, Minnesota – 15-17 June 2018, Grand Secretary – Alex 973 4th St NW, Carbon Hill, AL 35549 Saloum, PO Box 7415, Hutchinson, MN 55350-7415 Alberta – 13-15 April 2018, Grand Secretary – Murray Mississippi – June 2018, Grand Secretary – Ken Howard, Lethbridge, 432-28th St NE, Calgary, AB T2A 6T3 PO Box 1127, Greenwood, MS 38935-1127 Arizona – 19-22 October 2018, Grand Secretary – Ronald Missouri – May 2018, Grand Secretary – Kenneth D Long, 604 E Ironwood Dr, Buckeye, AZ 85326 Higgins, PO Box 336, Fulton, MO 65251 Arkansas – 14-15 October 2018, Grand Secretary – Franklin Montana – 8-10 June 2018, Grand Secretary – George E Webster, PO Box 84, Atkins, AR Hill, 12865 Mill Creek Rd, LoLo, MT 59847 Nebraska – October 2018, Grand Secretary – Jim Atlantic Provinces – 5-7 July 2018, Grand Secretary – Janet th Mattatall, 91 Lake John Rd, Jordan Falls, NS B0T 1J0 Standerford, 237 S 70 St Ste 103, Lincoln, NE 68510 Australasia – October 6, 2018, Grand Secretary – Richard C Nevada – 18-19 June 2018, Grand Secretary – William O’Connell, PO Box 3340, Rundle Mall, , SA 5000 Knight, 2230 S Curry St, Carson City, NV 89703 Belize – Daniel J Gorham, Deputy, PO Box 90, San Ignacio, New Hampshire – 13-14 April 2018, Grand Secretary Kevin Cayo, Belize Taylor, 200 Pleasant St, Concord, NH 03301-2505 British Columbia – 27-28 April 2018, Grand Secretary – New Jersey – 21 June 2018, Grand Secretary – Debbie L Gordon Gale, 1315 Douglas St, , BC V8W 2E9 McClelland, 4527 Rte 130 S, Burlington, NJ 08016 California – May 2018, Grand Secretary – Ray Link, 122 New Mexico – September 2018, Grand Secretary – Barbara J Race St, San Jose, CA 95126 Corfield, PO Box 9234, Albuquerque, NM 87119-9234 Chile – DDGM – Mario Casassus Gabellini, Avda Quilin New York – July 2018, Grand Secretary – Thomas 2068 B Depto 31, Santiago, Chile Buchanan, 5 Melody Ln, Warwick, NY 10990 Colorado – 5-7 October 2018, Grand Secretary – Douglas North Carolina – 18-20 October 2018, Grand Secretary – R Pittman, 1545 Phelps Ave, Canon City, CO 81212 Kenneth Babb, 315 N Spruce St Ste 250, Winston-Salem, NC Connecticut – September 2018, Grand Secretary – Warren 27101 Smith, PO Box 1055, New Milford, CT 06776-1055 North Dakota – 15-16 June 2018, Grand Secretary – Mark Cuba – May 2018, Grand Secretary Jorge Castellanos Milan, Ulrich, 1107 Walnut St, Devils Lake, ND 58301 20 de May No 615, esq. a Maso, Cerro, La Habana Cuba Ohio – 23-24 April 2018, Grand Secretary – Penny Castle, Delaware – November 2018, Grand Secretary – Michael PO Box 1088, Springfield, OH 45501-1088 Lynch, 1113 Maplefield Rd, Newark, DE 19713 Oklahoma – 19-20 October 2018, Grand Secretary – District of Columbia – March 2019, Grand Secretary – Jandryd Lawson, PO Box 588, Perry, OK 73077-0588 Walter R Hoenes, 3233 N St NW, Washington, DC 20007 Ontario – 6-9 May 2018, Grand Secretary – John R Nichols, Europe – May-June 2019, Grand Secretary, Andre Kuy, 157 Frederick St, Stratford, ON N5A 3V6 Selnaustrasse 3, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland Oregon – 15-18 May 2018, Grand Secretary – Ronald L Florida – May 2018, Grand Secretary – Aldo Farradaz, 1664 Kunze, 3202 SE Holgate Blvd, Portland, OR 97202 W 42nd St, Hialeah, FL 33012 Pennsylvania – 25-27 June 2018, Grand Secretary –Justin C Georgia – 21 April 2018, Grand Secretary – Joyce Bailey, 1001 W Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057- Humphrey, 2304 E 39th St, Savannah, GA 31404 4899 Hawaii – DDSGM – Charles A VanGieson, 95 1050 Puerto Rico – DDSGM Alberto Cue Varela, Alameda No 40 Makaikai St # 20G, Mililani, HI 96789-4329 – Urb Munoz Rivera, Guaynabo, PR 00969 Idaho – 15-17 October 2018, Jeff Mann, Grand Secretary – Quebec – May 2018, Grand Secretary – Wilhelm Loken, 15 920 Grant St, Caldwell, ID 83605 Rue Flynn, Trois Rivieres, QC G8W 1E7 Illinois – 8-9 October 2018, Grand Secretary – Jerald T Rhode Island – 8 April 2018, Grand Secretary – Maurice W Sarnes, PO Box 248, Lincoln, IL 62644-0248 Warren, 120 Water St., Portsmouth, RI 02871 Indiana – 12-13 October 2018, Grand Secretary – Diana Saskatchewan – 6-7 June 2018, Grand Secretary – Nick Merritt, 5360 Rockville Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46224 Seneshen, Box 1060, Unity, SK S0K 4L0 South Carolina – DDSGM Jimmy C Humphrey, 2304 e Iowa – October 2018, Grand Secretary – Lawrence Shilling, th 5850 Oakwood Dr NW, Des Moines, IA 50322 39 St, Savannah, GA 31404-3835 South Dakota – 14-15 September 2018, Grand Secretary – Kansas – 10-11 October 2018 – Grand Secretary – Kenneth th Edgett, PO Box 549, Great Bend, KS 67530 LaDonna McKnight, 550 N 5 St Ste 103, Rapid city, SD Kentucky – 11 October 2018, Grand Secretary – Arthur 57701 Light, PO Box 1208, Elizabeth town, KY 42702-1208 Tennessee – 26-27 June 2018, Grand Secretary – C E Louisiana – March 2019, Sandi Prymek, 312 Jo Lacey Dr, Worrell Sr, PO Box 323, Ridgetop, TN 37353-0323 Blanchard, LA 71107-1818 Texas – 19-20 March 2018, Grand Secretary – James Curtis, Maine – 19-20 October 2018, Grand Secretary – Mike 3440 W Second Ave, Corsicana, TX 75110 Anderson, 80 Caron Ln, Auburn, ME 04210 Utah – 27-28 April 2018, Grand Secretary – Elaine Manitoba – 22-24 April 2018, Grand Secretary – Dorian Woodward, 7752 S Pioneer St, Midvale, UT 84047 Sherman, 118-4025 Roblin Blvd, Winnipeg, MB R3R 3V5 Vermont – May 2018, Grand Secretary – Edward Spaulding, Maryland – May 2018, Grand Secretary – Laura Teate, 7721 786 VT Rte 10, Chester, VT 05143 Old Battle Grove Rd, Dundalk, MD 21222 Virginia – 23-24 May 2018, Grand Secretary – Jack Gibson, Massachusetts – 14-16 June 2018, Grand Secretary – PO Box 22458, Newport News, VA 23609 Clarence Plant, 104 Randolph Rd, Worcester, MA 01606 Washington – 25-27 June 2018, Grand Secretary – Harry W Mexico – DDSGM – Mary Ann Tschernoscha, PO Box Coulter, PO Box 377, Buckley, WA 98321-0377 1976, San Redro, CA 90733-1976

(Continued on page 30)

Vol. 21, Issue 2 — I.O.O.F. News - 29

(Continued from page 29) Nebraska – 17-18 October 2018, Secretary – Gwendolyn Reiter, 1004 W 11th ST F-17, , NE 68025 West Virginia – 25-27 October 2018, Grand Secretary – Nevada – 18-19 June 2018, Secretary – Shirley Knight, 2230 Paul L Hevner, 1465 Tremont Ave, Morgantown, WV 26505 S Curry St, Carson City, NV 89703-5906 Wisconsin – 11-13 June 2018, Grand Secretary – Joyce M New Hampshire – April 2018, Secretary – Dyana L Draper, Proulx, 490 Tyrolian Dr, Green Bay, WI 54302-5143 39 Stanley Rd, Springfield, VT 05156 Wyoming – June 2018, Grand Secretary – Jim Wilson, PO New Jersey – 26-28 October 2018, Secretary – Debbe Box 1375, Rock Springs, WY 82902 McClelland, 4527 Route 130 South, Burlington, NJ 08016 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ New Mexico – 27-30 September 2018, Secretary – D’Elva Emert, 2113 Smith Ln, Farmington, NM 87401 Rebekahs New York – July 2018, Secretary – Donna J Miller, 205 Stafford Ave, Syracuse, NY 13206-3312 North Carolina – October 2018, Secretary – Ellen Dunlap, Alabama – June 2018, Secretary – Eloise Cox, 5010 4858 Woody Mill Rd, Greensboro NC 27406 Rainbow Dr, Rainbow City, AL 35906-8610 Ohio – 23-24 April 2018, Secretary – Diana Kurzawa, PO Alberta – 13-15 April 2018, Secretary – Darlene B th Box 307, Willoughby, OH 44096-0307 Clemmer, 432-28 St NE, Calgary, AB T2A 6T3 Oklahoma – October 2018, Secretary – Kathy Bridgett, 4520 Arizona – 19-22 October 2018, Secretary – Dee Long, 604E SE 25, Del City, OK 73115 Ironwood Dr, Buckeye, AZ 85326 Ontario – 6-9 May 2018, Secretary – Carson Shulist, 5207 Arkansas – 14-15 October 2018, Secretary – Minnie Alston, Valley View Cres, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 7E5 130 Minnie Lane, Mena, AR 71953 Oregon – 15-18 May 2018, Secretary – Mary Houle, 27997 Atlantic Provinces – 5-7 July 2018, Secretary – Patty Cottage Grove Lorane Rd, Cottage Grove, OR 97424-9736 Heighton, 2663 Hwy 376, Pictou, NS Bok 1Ho Pennsylvania – 24-27 June 2018, Secretary – Sarah M Baer, British Columbia – April 2018, Secretary – Carol Briggs, 115 N Centre Ave, Leesport, PA 19533. Box 694, Cumberland, BC V0R 1S0 Quebec – May 2018, Secretary – Joy Royea, 17 Hastings St, California – 16-19 May 2018, Secretary – Karolinne Knowlton, QC J0E 1V0 Livingston, PO Box 637, Gilroy, CA 95021-0637 Saskatchewan – 6-7 June 2018, Secretary – Laura Argue, Colorado – 5-7 October 2018, Secretary – Raedeane 202 Westpointe Estates, Regina, SK S4Y 1A4 Pegoraro, 1545 Phelps Ave, Canon City, CO 81212 Tennessee – TBD June 2018, Secretary – Patsy James, 2044 Connecticut – 14-15 September 2018, Secretary – Carol A Ussery Rd S, Clarksville, TN 37040 Maggi, 891 Pearl Lake Rd, Waterbury, CT 06706 Texas – 19-20 March 2018, Secretary – Rosie McMillin, Delaware – 10 November 2018, Secretary – Judy A 16400 KC Rd 4060, Scurry, TX 75158 Alexander, 1 S Lunenburg Dr, New Castle, DE 19720 Utah – April 2017, Secretary – Carol Meacham, 676 E 1200 Florida – May 2018, Secretary – Sharon Dukes, 109 N, Ogden, UT 84404-3283 Fontaine Dr, Thomasville, GA 31792 Vermont – 11-12 May 2018, Secretary – Nora-Ellen Georgia – April 2018, Secretary – Marie B Poole, 3904 Spaulding, 786 VT Rte 10, Chester, VT 05143 Fraser Cir, Gainesville, GA 30506 Virginia – 23-24, May 2018, Secretary – Janet E. Gibson, Idaho – 14-17 October 2018, Secretary – Vicky L Kiele, PO 417 Maureen Dr, Newport News, VA 23602 Box 359, Kooskia, ID 83539 Washington – 25-27 June 2018, Secretary – Marcia Presley, Illinois – 8-9 October 2018, Secretary – Janet L Bruce, PO PO Box 2088, Orting, WA 98360 Box 1806, Belvidere, IL 61008 West Virginia –25-27 October 2018, Secretary – Janet D. Indiana – October 2018, Secretary – Donna M Limp, 5360 Cogar, PO Box 325, Cowen, WV 26206 Rockville Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46224 Wyoming – 13-14 June 2018, Secretary – Jennifer Page, Iowa – October 2018, Secretary – Marilyn Hurlbut, 2206 W 5844 Indigo Dr, Cheyenne, WY 82001 12th St, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Kansas – 10-11 October 2018, Secretary – Jamie Klenklen, 200 Delaware Dr, Ozawkie, KS 66070 Kentucky – 6-10 October 2018, Secretary – Carolyn Crawford, 107 Princess Dr, Ashland, KY 41101 Louisiana – March 2019, Secretary – Dorothy A Burton, 5085 Green Ridge Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70814-6002 Maine – October 2018, Secretary – Kera Ashline, 24 Nealley St, South Berwick, ME 03908 Manitoba – 23-24 April 2018, Secretary – Terry Leah, 120 - 4025 Roblin Blvd, Winnipeg, MB R3R 3V5 Maryland – 8-9 May 2018, Secretary – Beverly Labuda, 8122 Holly Road Clearwater Beach , MD 21226 Massachusetts – June 2018, Secretary – Cynthia Schofield, 16 Harvard St, Malden, MA 02148 Michigan – 14-17 October 2018, Secretary – Kathleen Shary, 405 Walnut Dr, South Lyon, MI 48178 Minnesota – June 2018, Secretary – Eva Steele, 16875 Hwy 169, Winnebago, MN 56098 Mississippi – June 2018, Secretary – Jill Hightower, 9121 Mayfield Ct E, Grand Bay, AL 36541 Missouri – May 2018, Secretary – Carolyn Schultheis, 5168 Kings Park Dr, St Louis, MO 63129 Montana – 8-10 June 2018, Secretary – Barbara Scott, 109 Riverview 5w, Great Falls, MT 59404

30 - I.O.O.F. News — Vol. 21, Issue 2

The Sovereign Grand Lodge Miscellaneous Addresses

Sovereign Grand Master The Honorable John A. Miller Sr. Educational Foundation 48 Cornwall Rd R. Kenneth Babb, Ex. Dir. Warren, CT 06754-1715 PO Box 20455 860.868.0361 Winston-Salem, NC 27120 [email protected] (336) 724-5116 - F (336) 724-5116 [email protected] Sovereign Grand Secretary Terry L. Barrett—IL 422 N Trade St. Visual Research Foundation List of Vendors Winston-Salem, NC 27101-2830 Kenneth D. Higgins, Chm. O: 336.725.5955 - (800) 235-8358 POB 336 F: 336.722.7317 Fulton, MO 65251 Memorial Flags: [email protected] 573.642.3573 [email protected] The National Flag Co.

I.A.R.A. Mail donations to: 1819 Freeman Ave. President VRF Cincinnati, OH 45214 Linda L. Thompson 422 N Trade St. P: (800) 543-7678 1308 N Stockton Hill Rd Ste A125 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Kingman, AZ 86401-5139 W: 928.753.1755 [email protected] Arthritis Advisory Board Clarence Plant Degree Robes, Secretary 8 Trowbridge Rd. Memorial Flags Worcester, MA 01609 & Grave Markers 422 N Trade St., Ste. R O: 508.852.7702 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 [email protected] Kalamazoo Regalia O: 336.725.6037 - (800) 766-1838 728 W. Michigan Mail donations to your local Chapter/ F: 336.773.1066 Kalamazoo, MI 49007 [email protected] Society—only report totals to The SGL once a P: (269) 344-4299 year on the forms sent to GL & RA. General Military Council (888) 344-4299 General Commanding F: (269) 344-2227 The SGL/IARA JYC Gen. R. L. ‘Ken’ Lasswell Steven E. Adams, Chm. 15890 N County Hwy 14 114 Galleon Run Dr SE Smithfield, IL 61477-9565 Poplar Grove, IL 61065-8744 309.696.6745 307.256.4518 Miscellaneous: [email protected] [email protected] Harry Klitzner Co. Adjutant General Gen. Clement H. Olson 44 Warren St. I.O.O.F. SOS Children’s Village Providence, RI 02901 7243 Wilrose Ct. Robert J. Robbins, Chm. North Tonawanda, NY 14120-1482 [email protected] P: (401) 751-7500 P: 716.692.1929 www.klitzner.com [email protected] Mail donations to: The SGL I.O.O.F.—SOS

I.A.L.A.P.M. 422 N Trade St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 President P.M. Uniforms Lady Estella Crowder 7403 Marieclaude Ave I.O.O.F. Web Site: Niagara Falls, ON L2G 5M1 Ben’s Uniforms 905.356.6298 WWW.IOOF.ORG 20 Main Street [email protected] Amesbury, MA 01913 P: (978) 388-0471 Secretary F: (978) 388-7878 Lady Judy G. Gordon 3136 Richard Ave. NE Roanoke, VA 24013 540.981.0143 [email protected]

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