Journal of Human Hypertension (2000) 14, 155–156  2000 Macmillan Publishers Ltd All rights reserved 0950-9240/00 $15.00 HYPERTENSION ILLUSTRATED Gingival hyperplasia caused by blockers

GG Missouris1, RG Kalaitzidis2, FP Cappuccio2 and GA MacGregor2 Departments of 1Cardiology, and 2Blood Pressure Unit, St George’s Hospital Medical School, Cranmer Terrace, London SW17 0RE, UK

Keywords: gingival hyperplasia; calcium channel blockers

Case report extend over the teeth and crowns, and in some cases it may interfere with eating. The above process is A 49-year-old Caucasian gentleman was referred to aggravated by gingival inflammation and poor oral us in 1994 with a history of essential hypertension hygiene. Indeed, good oral hygiene reduces but does and hypercholesterolaemia. At the time he was tak- not eliminate the gingival hyperplasia. Experimental ing simvastatin 10 mg a day. On examination, the studies in dogs using the dihydropyridine calcium supine blood pressure was elevated at 180/105 antagonist oxodipine at doses 6, 24, and 73 times mm Hg. He was treated with LA 60 mg a the intended therapeutic dosage for humans, led to day and after 4 weeks when he attended the Blood dose-related gingival hyperplasia at 49 days of treat- Pressure Unit the supine blood pressure was well ment. The severity increased with continued treat- controlled at 138/89 mm Hg. Three years later he ment.7,8 The pathological findings were those of gin- was re-referred by his dental practitioner who noted gival acanthosis, parakeratosis, rete pegs that the patient had poor oral hygiene as well as proliferation, varying densities of fibroplastic and gross gingival hyperplasia, that was likely to be due capillary proliferation, and mononuclear cell aggre- to the dihydropyridine calcium antagonist gations. Gingival fibroplasts contained strongly sul- (Figure 1). Nifedipine was therefore stopped and his phated mucopolysaccharides and numerous treatment was changed to enalapril 10 mg twice a secretory granules. day and bendrofluazide 2.5 mg daily with good con- It has been postulated that the interaction between trol of blood pressure. Two months later the gingival the calcium channel blockers and other drugs such hyperplasia had completely resolved. as and cyclosporin, or their metabolites, and gingival fibroplasts is calcium-dependent. Discussion These drugs which affect intracellular calcium metabolism or transport may in some patients stimu- Gingival overgrowth associated with nifedipine 1,2 late gingival fibroblasts resulting in hyperplasia of therapy was first reported in 1984. It is now well extracellular matrix components, such as the recognized that gingival hyperplasia is a rare accumulation of glycosaminoglycans resulting in adverse effect of all three classes of calcium channel gingival hyperplasia. blockers, with the impression that it is more com- Our patient was also on treatment with an HMG mon with the dihydropyridine calcium antagonists. Co reductase inhibitor (statin), when nifedipine LA It is usually seen within a few months of starting 60 mg was prescribed. It is well recognised that, treatment and is reversible after discontinuation of 3–5 when calcium channel blockers which are strong therapy. Gingival hyperplasia is also seen in inhibitors of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4 are co- patients treated with diphenylhydantoin and cyclo- administered with statins that are metabolised by sporin.3 Gingival overgrowth, however, is more 6 the same isoenzyme prior to biliary and renal commonly reported than overt hyperplasia. excretion, may lead to reduced clearance of these Gingival hyperplasia begins as an enlargement of drugs with an increase in side effects.9,10 Indeed, in the interdental papillae. Such enlargement gives the patients treated with and simvastatin the gingival tissues a lobulated or nodular appearance serum levels of both drugs were increased, but as (Figure 1). The hyperplastic gingival tissue can yet there is little evidence for this with the dihydro- pyridine calcium antagonists.11,12 Nevertheless, when statins and calcium channel blockers are co- Correspondence: Professor Graham A MacGregor, BP Unit, prescribed, especially at high doses, there may poss- Department of Medicine, St George’s Hospital Medical School, ibly be an increase in side effects such as gingival Cranmer Terrace, London SW17 0RE, UK Received 16 July 1999; revised and accepted 25 September 1999 hyperplasia. However, the exact mechanism for this remains an enigma. Gingival hyperplasia caused by CCBs GG Missouris et al 156

Figure 1 Gross gingival hyperplasia in a hypertensive patient on treatment with a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist and an HMG Co reductase inhibitor for 3 years.

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Journal of Human Hypertension