
Chapter10 Measuring the

Giants, Dwarfs, and the

Prepared by R. Erickson

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. We have studied our . Now what about all the other stars out there? A Problem . . .

The nearest , besides the Sun, is - 4.3 LY away!

Q: How can we know what is actually happening out there? A: By studying a Star’s Light

Recall that all we see are -




4 A Review: Light Tells us allot!

<— Non-Rotation 5

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Rotation —> Recall how a Star’s Rotation Rate is Detected through the Doppler Effect The Blackbody Spectrum of a Star

From a star’s blackbody spectrum we can discover it’s - Distance Temperature Composition Mass Velocity Size Rotation rate The ’s Neighborhood

We have studied and , the solar system, and the Sun.

Time to move away from our local environment into the depths of space.

By analyzing the light from millions of distant stars, astronomers have learned a great deal about stellar properties - locations, masses, radii, densities, , ages and destinies.

Stars tell us more about the fundamentals of than any other class of objects in the universe.

We begin our study of stellar astronomy by reviewing the use of simple geometry in determining the distances to our neighbors.

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Parallax But First … The

The parsec is the distance used in measuring distances between us and our local neighbors

One parsec is approximately:

= 3.3 light-years

= 5.879 X 1012 miles or 5,879,000,000,000 miles

= 3 X 1016 meters

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Distances to the nearest stars is measured Parallax using parallax - the apparent shift of an object

The stars are so far away, stellar parallaxes are always very small

Astronomers measure parallax in arc seconds rather than in degrees

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Stellar Neighbors

The closest star to the Sun is called Proxima Centauri. part of a triple- known as the complex

Proxima Centauri has the largest known , 0.77″ - It is 1 / 0.77 = 1.3 pc away - about 270,000 AU, or 4.3 light-years.

This is a typical interstellar distance in the

Analogy: Imagine Earth as a grain of sand orbiting a golfball-sized Sun - Earth’s orbital distance would then be 1 m from the golfball - The nearest star, also golfball-sized, is then 270 km away! - If the Sun is a golfball in LA then our neatest star is a golfball in Las Vegas!

By the way: is a small marble, is 50 m from the “Sun” The and , trillions of tiny dust grains span to 100km Then nothing of consequence exists in the 270 km separating the Sun and the other star.

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Fewer than 100 stars lie within 5 pc of the Sun. Such is the void of interstellar space.

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.

Stellar Motion

Barnard’s star, taken on the same day of the year but 22 years apart.

Because Earth was at the same point in its orbit when the photographs were taken, the observed displacement is not the result of parallax.

Instead, it indicates real space motion of Barnard’s star relative to the Sun.

Motion is animated at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proper_motion Stellar Motion

Proper Motion The radial component of motion of Alpha Centauri is measured using the Doppler shift of lines in it’s spectrum

The transverse component is derived from the system’s (corrected for parallax)

The true spatial velocity results from the combination of the two using the Pythagorean Theorem:

Radial speed2 + Transverse speed2 = True speed2

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. and Apparent Luminosity and Apparent Brightness

Luminosity - the total amount of radiation leaving a star per unit time - is an intrinsic stellar property (internal to itself)

It is sometimes referred to as the star’s absolute brightness

When we observe a star, we see its apparent brightness - the amount of energy per unit area per unit time - striking the eye or a CCD chip

The , 1400 W/m2, is just the apparent brightness of the Sun Luminosity and Apparent Brightness

As light moves away from a source it steadily dilutes while spreading over larger surface areas

The amount of radiation received by a detector (or eye) is the source’s apparent brightness

This varies inversely as the square of its distance from the source.

Doubling the distance from a star makes it appear 22, or 4, times fainter.

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Luminosity and Apparent Brightness

A star’s luminosity effects its apparent brightness.

Doubling the luminosity doubles the energy crossing any spherical shell surrounding the star and hence doubles the apparent brightness.

Ex: Two stars A and B of different luminosities can appear equally bright on Earth if the brighter star B is more distant than the fainter star A

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Reminder: ∝ is the symbol representing proportionality Luminosity and Apparent Brightness

Determining a star’s luminosity is a twofold task.

First, the astronomer must determine the star’s apparent brightness by measuring the amount of energy detected through a in a given amount of time.

Second, the star’s distance must be measured - by parallax for nearby stars - by other means for more distant stars (to be discussed later).

The luminosity can then be found using the inverse-square law. The Scale

Instead of measuring apparent brightness in SI units (watts per square meter or W/m2) optical astronomers find it more convenient to work in terms of a construct called the magnitude scale - a system of ranking stars by their apparent brightness.

This scale dates back to the second century b.c., when the Greek astronomer ranked the naked-eye stars into six groups.

He categorized the brightest stars as first magnitude, labeled the next brightest stars as second magnitude, and so on, down to the faintest stars visible to the , which he classified as sixth magnitude.

The range 1 (brightest) through 6 (faintest) spanned all the stars known to the ancients. We need to precisely define DIM and BRIGHT The Magnitude Scale

A first-magnitude star is about 100 times brighter than a sixth-magnitude

To compare intrinsic (absolute) properties of stars astronomers imagine looking at all stars from a standard distance of 10 pc (33 ly)

A star’s then is its when viewed from a distance of 10 pc.

Absolute magnitude is a measure of a star’s absolute brightness, or luminosity.

The Sun has an absolute magnitude of 4.8

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. What does a star's Apparent Magnitude tell us?

Not much! If a star is bright it could be:

very close! very hot very large

Or any combination of these! We Need Absolute Magnitude !

Lets establish reference distance that all stars can be measured by.

Lets use a star’s magnitude as seen from 10 pc away!

This is 33 ly

We call such a magnitude the Absolute Magnitude of a star The Magnitude Scale

Absolute magnitude is equivalent to luminosity

Given that the Sun’s absolute magnitude is 4.8, we can construct a conversion chart relating these two quantities.

An increase in brightness by a factor of 100 corresponds to a decrease in magnitude by 5 units

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Absolute Magnitude

Also known as “Luminosity”

How bright it REALLY is!

A combination of size and temperature

This tells us a LOT! – it’s an important intrinsic property of a star!

But all we can see from Earth is APPARENT magnitude How do we determine a star's ABSOLUTE Magnitude?

1st: Measure it’s apparent Magnitude 2nd: Correct for the star’s distance Stellar Temperatures What’s the most meaningful property to assign to stars? Color !!!

Color is Temperature Stellar Temperatures

Because the basic shape of the blackbody curve is so well understood, astronomers can estimate a star’s temperature using as few as two measurements at selected wavelengths.

This is accomplished by using telescope filters that block out all radiation except that within specific wavelength ranges

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Case Study: Stellar Temperatures of

The Orion as it appears through a small telescope, the colors of the cool red star (α) and the hot blue star (β) are clearly evident.

Astronomers can determine a star’s surface temperature by measuring its apparent brightness (radiation intensity) at several frequencies, then matching the observations to the appropriate blackbody curve.

In the case of the Sun, the theoretical curve that best fits the emission describes a 5800-K emitter. The same technique works for any star, regardless of its distance from © 2017Earth. Pearson Education, Inc. It’s hard to find the “peak” color Stellar Temperatures

The spectra of the hottest stars show lines of helium and multiply ionized heavy elements.

In the coolest stars helium lines are absent, but lines of neutral atoms and molecules are plentiful.

At intermediate temperatures, hydrogen lines are strongest.

Astronomers realized that stars could be more meaningfully classified according to surface temperature.

In order of decreasing temperature these categories are O, B, A, F, G, K, M

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Stellar Temperatures

The seven spectral types Stellar Temperatures

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. “Pickering’s Harem”

Discoveries by the “Computers”

In 1897 Antonia Maury undertook the most detailed study of stellar spectra to that time, enabling Hertzsprung and Russell to, independently, develop what is now called the H–R diagram.

In 1898 Annie Jump Cannon proposed the spectral classification system (OBAFGKM) that is now the international standard for categorizing stars.

In 1908 Henrietta Leavitt discovered the period– luminosity correlation for Cepheid variable stars

In 1924 Cecilia Payne, one of Russell’s Doctoral Students, proposed that spectral classification (OBAFGKM) was really a stars temperature.

Cosmos S1:E8@8min https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u3qcd Stellar Sizes

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Virtually all stars are unresolvable points of light in the sky, even when Stellar Sizes viewed through the largest . Still, a few are big enough, bright enough, and close enough to allow us to measure their sizes directly. In some cases, the results are even detailed enough to allow us to distinguish a few surface features

The Betelgeuse is large enough and close enough for astronomers to resolve its size directly. Betelgeuse is roughly 600 times the size of the Sun, making its comparable to Jupiter's orbit. This false-color view was taken by the . Hints of surface features, thought to be storms similar to (but much larger than) those found on the © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Sun can be seen. Stellar Sizes

These views of Betelgeuse from the in Chile show the swollen star puffing out huge plumes of gas into its surroundings.

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Stellar Sizes

Stefan-Boltzmann law says luminosity is proportional to the fourth power of the star’s surface temperature

Luminosity also depends on the star’s surface area

Surface area of a star is proportional to the square of its radius

These together gives us this relation

This demonstrates that knowledge of a star’s luminosity and temperature can yield an estimate of its radius - an indirect determination of stellar size.

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Stellar Sizes

‘Giants’ are stars having radii between 10 and 100 times that of the Sun.

Aldebaran is known as a - it surface temp is 4000- K rendering it reddish in color

‘Supergiants’ are stars up to 1000 solar radii in siz Betelgeuse is a prime example of a red supergiant.

‘Dwarf’ refers to any star of radius comparable to or smaller than the radius of the Sun (including the Sun itself)

Sirius B - a small faint binary companion to A, the brightest star in the

Sirius B is an example of a : Because it glows bluish-white due to it’s 24,000 K surface temperature, The Hertzsprung–Russell Diagram The Hertzsprung–Russell Diagram

We now discuss an important tool used by astronomers - the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram

The H-R diagram is named after founders Ejnar Hertzsprung (Danish) and Henry Russell (US) who independently used of such plots in the 1920s.

The horizontal scale is Temperature

The vertical scale is luminosity

The Sun appears right in the middle of the luminosity range with a luminosity of 1 The Hertzsprung–Russell Diagram

Here is an H–R diagram for the 100 brightest stars in the sky

It is biased towards the most luminous stars - which appear toward the upper left because we can see them more easily than we see the fainter stars

‘Blue Giants’ are large, hot, and very luminous.

The very largest are called ‘blue supergiants’.

‘Red Dwarfs’ are at the other end and are small, cool, and faint.

Our Sun lies right in the middle. © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. The Main Sequence

As Hertzsprung and Russell plotted more and more star’s temperatures and luminosities, they found a relationship

Stars are not uniformly scattered across the H–R diagram

Most are confined to a fairly well-defined band stretching diagonally from top left to bottom right

In other words, cool stars tend to be faint (less luminous) and hot stars tend to be bright (more luminous).

This band is known as the main sequence The Hertzsprung–Russell Diagram

Starting with Stefan-Boltzmann relation we modified earlier we can fix the radius.

This yields the relation below.

These Constant - Radius lines are useful to plot on top of the HR diagram

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. low-luminosity red dwarfs are surely underrepresented. In fact, no dwarfs appear on this diagram. This absence is not surprising, because low- luminosity stars are difficult to observe from Earth. In the 1970s, astronomers began to realize that they had greatly underestimated the number of red dwarfs in our Galaxy. As hinted at by the H–R diagram in Figure 10.13, which shows an unbiased sample of stars in the solar neighborhood, red dwarfs are actually the most common type of star in the sky. They probably account for upward of 80 percent of all stars in the universe. © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. The Hertzsprung–Russell Diagram

This simplified version of the most complete H–R diagram ever compiled represents more than 20,000 data points, as measured by the European Hipparcos spacecraft for stars within a few hundred of the Sun.

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Cosmic Distance Scale

Spectroscopic Parallax (Distance)

Knowledge of a star’s apparent brightness and its distance allows us to determine its luminosity using the inverse-square law. But we can also turn the problem around. If we somehow knew a star’s luminosity and then measured its apparent brightness, the inverse- square law would tell us its distance from the Sun

For a star the trick is to find an independent measure of luminosity without knowing the distance. The H– R diagram can provide just that. For example, suppose we observe a star and determine its apparent magnitude to be 10. By itself, that doesn’t tell us

© much—the2017 Pearson Education, starInc. could either be faint and close, or bright Extending the Cosmic Distance Scale

Spectroscopic “parallax” has nothing to do with parallax, but does use spectroscopy in finding the distance to a star. 1. Measure the star’s apparent magnitude and spectral class. 2. Use spectral class to estimate luminosity. 3. Apply inverse-square law to find distance apparent brightness ∝ luminosity / distance2

distance = sqrt (luminosity / apparent brightness) This process of using stellar spectra to infer distances is called . The key steps are as follows:

measure the star’s apparent brightness and spectral type without knowing how far away it is;

use the spectral type to estimate the star’s luminosity, assuming that it lies on the main sequence; and

finally, apply the inverse-square law to determine the distance to the star.

Note that despite its name, the method has nothing in common with stellar (geometric) parallax other than its use as a means of determining stellar distances

Spectroscopic parallax can be used to determine stellar distances out to several thousand parsecs

Note that, in using this method, we are assuming (without proof) that distant stars are basically similar to those nearby—in particular, that main-sequence stars fall on the same main sequence. Only by making this assumption can we use Each rung in the distance ladder is calibrated using data from the lower rungs, so changes made at any level will affect measurements made on all larger scales

The Hipparcos Space Probe has revised estimates of distances on all scales—up to and including the scale of the universe itself. All distances quoted throughout

© 2017this Pearson text Education, reflect Inc. updated values based on Hipparcos data Luminosity Class What if the star in question happens to be a red giant or a white dwarf and does not lie on the main sequence?

detailed analysis of spectral line widths can provide information on the pressure, and hence the density, of the gas where the line formed

Over the years, astronomers have developed a system for classifying stars according to the widths of their spectral lines.

Because line width depends on pressure in the stellar photosphere, and because this © 2017pressure Pearson Education, in Inc. turn is well correlated with luminosity, this stellar Luminosity Class

By determining a star’s luminosity class, astronomers can usually tell with a high degree of confidence what sort of object it is and the full specification of a star’s spectral properties includes its luminosity class. For example, the Sun, a G2 main-sequence star, is of class G2V, the B8 blue supergiant Rigel is B8Ia, the Barnard’s star is M5V, the red supergiant Betelgeuse is M2Ia, and so on. © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. A “luminosity class“ is added to the spectral class using Roman numerals.

Class is based on the width of absorption lines in the star's spectrum

Widths vary with the density of the atmosphere thus distinguish giant stars from dwarfs.

Luminosity class 0 or Ia+ are , class I are supergiants, class II are bright giants, class III are regular giants, class IV are sub-giants, class V are main-sequence stars, class sd are sub-dwarfs class D are white dwarfs.

Example: The full spectral class for the Sun is then G2V, indicating a main-sequence star with a temperature around 5,800 K. 63 By determining a star’s luminosity class, astronomers can usually tell with a high degree of confidence what sort of object it is and the full specification of a star’s spectral properties includes its luminosity class

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Stellar Masses Most stars are members of multiple-star systems—groups of two or more stars in orbit around one another. The majority form binary-star systems (or simply binaries), which consist of two stars in orbit about their common center of mass, held together by their mutual gravitational attraction. Consider the nearby system made up of the bright star Sirius A and its faint companion Sirius B, sketched in the accompanying figure. The binary’s orbital period can be measured simply by watching the stars orbit one another, or alternatively by following the back-and-forth velocity wobbles of Sirius A due to its faint companion. It is almost exactly 50 years. The orbital semimajor axis can also be obtained by direct observation of the orbit, although in this case we must use some additional knowledge of Kepler’s laws to correct for the binary’s 46° inclination to the line of sight. (Sec. 1.3) It is 20 AU—an angular size of at a distance of 2.7 pc. (Sec. 1.3) Once we know these two key orbital parameters, we can use the modified version of Kepler’s third

© 2017law Pearson to Education,calculate Inc. the sum of the masses of the two stars. Stellar Masses Visual binaries have widely separated components bright enough to be observed and monitored separately

The more common spectroscopic binaries are too distant from us to be resolved into two distinct stars, but they can be indirectly perceived by monitoring the back-and-forth Doppler shifts of their spectral lines as the stars orbit one another and their line-of-sight velocities vary periodically.

If two stars one another, additional information can be obtained by observing the periodic decrease in as one star passes in front of the other.

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Stellar Masses

More than any other stellar property, mass determines a star’s position on the main sequence. Low-mass stars are cool and faint; they lie at the bottom of the main sequence. Very massive stars are hot and bright; they lie at the top of the main sequence. (The symbol “M(” means “solar mass.”)

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Summary of Stellar Properties

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. Lastly, Star masses

• Use BINARY STARS and Red Shifts along with Kepler’s Third Law

• “Spectroscopic binaries”

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8zg48aijmo&feature=relmfu Determining the Lifetime of Stars

In the previous table notice that the central temperature differs relatively little from star to star, compared to the large spread in stellar luminosities.

The final column in the table presents an estimate of each star’s lifetime,

This is obtained by dividing the amount of fuel available (that is, the star’s mass) by the rate at which the fuel is consumed ( that is it’s luminosity):

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. The Distribution of Stellar Masses Rock Stars: Because luminosity increases so rapidly with mass, the most massive stars are by far the shortest lived. For example, according to the mass–luminosity relationship, the lifetime of a 10- solar mass O-type star is roughly 10/104 = 1/1000 that of the Sun, or about 10 million years. We can be sure that all the O- and B-type stars we now observe are quite young—less than a few tens of millions of years old. Their nuclear reactions proceed so rapidly that their fuel is quickly depleted despite their large masses. At the opposite end of the main sequence, the low core density and temperature of an 0.1-solar mass M-type star Thus we are not surprised that most stars are smaller in mass. Stellar Radii and Luminosities

Actual measurements of main-sequence stars show that radius increases almost in proportion to mass over much of the range (as indicated by the straight line drawn through the data). (b) Stellar luminosity increases roughly as the fourth power of the mass (indicated again by the straight line).

© 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. And all this was derived from:

* Color (Spectrum) * Brightness * Position