Council of Commissioners of

Minutes of the proceedings of a regular session of the Council of Commissioners for Riverside School Board held at the Administration Centre, 299 Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier Blvd., St. Lambert, Québec on June 17, 2008.

The Secretary General established that quorum was met and Chairman Jim Munro, called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: M. Bell M. Gour L. Llewelyn Cuffling K. Cameron D. Guerriero N. Nichols M. Cloutier D. Horrocks S. Rasmussen P. D’Avignon D. Lamoureux G. Sastre D. Gareau M. L’Heureux D. Smith PARENT– M. Brazier

Also present Kevin Lukian, Director General Stephen Lessard, Assistant Director General Denise Paulson, Secretary General François Pesant, Director of Financial Resources Pierre Farmer, Director of Material Resources & Technology Maxime Filion, Director of Human Resources Maria Nasso-Maselli, Director of Elementary Schools Gail Somerville, Director of Complementary Services

Presence noted Michel Gagnon, Denis LaRocque, Ruby Mace, Denis McNamara

Regrets: P. Booth Morrison; A. Capobianco Skipworth, T. Neal, H. Dumont

Absent: F. Blais

Prior to the beginning of the regular meeting of Council, Greenfield Park International teacher, Mrs. Anna Pamel, and her students were presented with the School Trophy award by Mr. Patrick Ryan, representing the Association of Mathematics Teachers. Congratulations to the students who participated, making this second win in a row especially meaningful!

Council also viewed a DVD of REACH students who participated in a recent Défi sportif event and coached by RSB Director of Material Resources and Technology, Mr. Pierre Farmer. Congratulations to these student athletes on their winning performances!

ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA: IT WAS MOVED by Commissioner M. Brazier, and seconded by Commissioner L. Cuffling, that the revised agenda be adopted with the following additions: 9.1 Emergency Telephone Situation 9.2 Nadeau Street Property 9.3 Mount Bruno Yard Light UNANIMOUS

PUBLIC QUESTIONS : • R. Mace stated that she appreciated the different approach taken by Human Resources this year and that the negotiations of local arrangements had gone well. • D. La Rocque asked questions relating to Courtland Park School, thanked Council for work being done at Chambly Academy. He also indicated that he would keep Council informed of developments regarding the FCPPQ question.

This document is unofficial until it has been approved by the Council of Commissioners.

15/07/2008 1

ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON MAY 27, 2008 IT IS MOVED by Commissioner N. Nichols, and seconded by Commissioner M. L’Heureux, that the Minutes of the meeting held on May 27, 2008, be adopted. UNANIMOUS

BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES The Director General followed up:

Chambly Academy Renovation & Extension Project On Wednesday, June 11, 2008, Board and Chambly Academy administrators viewed preliminary plans for the renovation and extension project for Chambly Academy to be paid by monies resulting from the sale of the land adjacent to Chambly Academy.

Highlights of the $3 million project include a double gym, new library and cafeteria. In this project, we are also looking at revamping the special needs area.

Plans should be finalized in the coming weeks so that we may go out for tender in the fall. A preliminary timeline for accomplishment of the project is February to September 2009.

CHAIRMAN AND DIRECTOR GENERAL Chair’s report – M. Bell • June 2, 2008 : Vice-chair and chair met with MNA, Nicole Ménard, re : Bill 88 • June 12, 2008 : attended REACH’s grad • Congratulations to our Director General who has been elected to the position of President of the Association of Directors General of English School Boards of Quebec (ADGESBQ) • Congratulations to St. Jude’s Vice-Principal, Mr. Jim Jordan, who has been elected to the position of President of the Association of Administrators of English Schools of Quebec (AAESQ)

This document is unofficial until it has been approved by the Council of Commissioners.

15/07/2008 2 Director General’s report – K. Lukian

Physics 554-534 Exam Quite a stir occurred on Friday, June 13, 2008 over one of the twenty-five questions contained in the secondary 5 Physics 554-534 final exam. It quickly became a media issue; I was interviewed by the Montreal Gazette on Friday and CTV on Monday.

The exam question contained a virtual crime scene scenario in a school auditorium that described a victim with a gunshot wound to the head and four suspects.

The problem involved identifying the most likely perpetrator looking at bullet velocity, trajectory, angle of the body, etc.

While it may have been fairly common in the past for secondary physics courses to look at the use of bullets in solving problems, it is at best a doubtful practice today.

Given such recent school shootings at Dawson College and Virginia Tech, there is certainly a heightened sensitivity and concern over student safety. Given everything that school boards are doing to enhance security in schools, it is inappropriate to have exam questions that include these kinds of tragic occurrences.

Although Riverside School Board was involved in producing the question as part of a committee, it was validated by a wide number of senior science teachers and consultants from the public and private English schools and school boards network. Although three different levels of validation occurred, the current validation process must be questioned.

At the beginning of September, I will be discussing this subject with the Directors General and Directors of Educational Services of the nine Quebec English school boards to ensure that we avoid a repetition of this type of situation.

1st Riverside School Board Film Festival This coming Thursday, June 19, 2008, we will be holding the first RSB film festival at HRHS at 7:00 p.m. The event will feature 7 short films produced by students and teachers of 4 Riverside Schools; St. Lambert, St. Mary’s, Terry Fox and William Latter. It was based on an idea presented to the Arts & Culture Advisory Committee by François Couture and then realized by François, Kish Gué, Éric Boutin and Thomas Stenzel as a way of promoting innovation in the use of cross-curricular learning integrating the arts and technology in teaching and learning.

I certainly hope that a number of commissioners are able to attend this groundbreaking event that will showcase the talents and creativity of our students and teachers.

Expulsions and Reinstatements Since the last board meeting, 2 students were expelled from Heritage Regional High School – 1 secondary 3 student for possession of drugs and 1 secondary 1 student for possession of a weapon.

In addition, two students will be reinstated; 1 from Centennial and 1 from Heritage. Both students will return to their schools on September 2, 2008.

Improvement to Access for the Handicapped at Mountainview School As part of the news MELS funded program to improve the access for the handicapped in schools, we have a resolution before us this evening which would allow us to install an elevator in Mountainview School this summer.

This document is unofficial until it has been approved by the Council of Commissioners.

15/07/2008 3 This would allow full handicapped access in one of the elementary schools in the Richelieu Valley area.

In addition to benefitting students, this is also seen as an advantage in a school that has been identified for an expanded community vocation through the Community Learning Centre.

New Cycle 2 & 3.1 (Grades 3-5) Elementary Special Needs Class at Riverside School Board In order to better meet the needs of some of our most challenging students, we will be opening up a new cycle 2 & 3.1 (grades 3-5) special needs class at St. Lambert Elementary next year. This will be a regional program for eight students. Dr. Bienvenu, the chief of child psychiatry of Charles LeMoyne Hospital, will be working hand in hand with us in this venture.

Power Failure Will be doing a debriefing on the recent power failure that caused some of our schools to close. A generator has been purchased which will provide a battery back-up of 2 hours to avoid phones being down.

Joint Transportation Project – Riverside School Board, New Frontiers School Board & Champlain College Possibility under discussion – would increase accessibility between adult centres.

Parents’ Committee – M. Brazier: • Meeting was held at The Alternate School; • Reviewed Policy on Healthy Living; • Representatives were invited to submit comments on Strategic Plan and Policy on continued operation of schools by e-mail to the Chair.

REPORTS (non-voting items only)

Executive - L. Cuffling: • Last meeting on June 3, 2008. • Reviewed Draft By-Law 13: Delegation of Authority to the School Principal and Centre Director. It will be further reviewed internally before coming back to the committee. • Next meeting is on September 9, 2008

Transportation Advisory - L. Cuffling: • Next meeting is at the call of the chair.

Communication – M. Cloutier: • Meeting held June 3; • Thanks to Sylvain Dallaire in Technology, the commissioner’s web page is on line; • Information package to be distributed to Parent Participation Organization as an example of how to solicit funds from local MNA’s. • Next meeting is at the call of the chair.

Education – D. Gareau: • Very pleased that the new special class is being opened in 2008-2009; • A study of student results will be instituted; This document is unofficial until it has been approved by the Council of Commissioners.

15/07/2008 4 • A survey of students in elementary cycles 2 and 3 will look at schools being considered for secondary 1; • Some difficulties are anticipated in connection with the Ethics and Religious Education Courses; • Next meeting is at the call of the chair in the Fall.

Financial and Material Resources – D. Lamoureux

• Meeting was held May 27; • Reviewed resolutions for cleaning contracts; • Supplementary Work for capital projects needed; • 2007-2008 financial outlook was presented by the interim Director of Finance; • June 10th meeting cancelled due to power outage.

Human Resources • In the absence of the chair and vice-chair, the Director of Human Resources reported on the following; • Local negotiations are concluded - resolutions before Council tonight; • Oversized class grievance settled – financial value assigned and equivalent re-injected into the schools for special needs; • Electronic pay stubs in effect for all groups except teachers; • Pay period calendar discrepancy settled with a solution causing least possible inconvenience to employees.

Lifelong Learning and Career Education Committee (LLACE)-D. Smith: • No report.

QESBA – P. D’Avignon: • Internet Task Force Committee to be formed to look at task force recommendations; • Discussions ongoing regarding the twinning of School Board and municipal elections; • Court challenges program may be reinstituted.

Safe and Caring Schools Committee – K. Cameron • Next meeting is July 8, 2008 from 5 to 7 p.m.

Special Needs Advisory Committee – M. Gour: • No report.

Ad Hoc Strategic Plan Steering Committee – M. L’Heureux: • Consultation period on Strategic Plan document ends on June 30, 2008 and results will be reviewed at the work session on the same date.


Resolution B235-20080617 DIRECTOR GENERAL EVALUATION: This document is unofficial until it has been approved by the Council of Commissioners.

15/07/2008 5 IT WAS MOVED by Commissioner M. Bell, and seconded by Commissioner D. Horrocks, that Council accept the report of the Director General Liaison Committee and authorize the Chairman to carry out the recommendations contained therein. UNANIMOUS


WHEREAS Commission scolaire Marie-Victorin presently offers the Masonry: Bricklaying program, has qualified teachers able to deliver the program in English and has the necessary infrastructure in place; WHEREAS a DEP in Masonry: Bricklaying has been successfully offered in partnership between Commission scolaire Marie-Victorin and Riverside School Board at the Centre de formation Pierre-Dupuy since the 2005-2006 school year;

WHEREAS new instructional and administrative materials and exams needed for Riverside School Board students were translated in 2007-2008;

WHEREAS due to the success of this cooperative effort in providing a quality training program since 2005-2006 we have the continued and essential support of the Commission de la construction du Québec in seeking a provisional authorization for this program;

WHEREAS Commission scolaire Marie-Victorin is willing to collaborate with Riverside School Board in this venture to ensure that services are offered in English for the 2008-2009 school year;

WHEREAS development in this area would provide job opportunities to students from Riverside School Board:

IT IS MOVED by Commissioner D. Smith, and seconded by Commissioner M. Brazier, that Riverside School Board request from the MELS a provisional authorization to offer the programme #5803 Masonry- Bricklaying for the 2008-2009 school year;

THAT the Director General be authorized to sign a renewal of the entente between Riverside School Board and Commission scolaire Marie-Victorin for another year; and furthermore

THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to Commission scolaire Marie-Victorin, to the Ministry of Education, Leisure and Sport, as well as to the Members of the National Assembly situated on our territory. UNANIMOUS

Resolution E71-20080617 REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO OFFER A VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM IN PLUMBING AND HEATING: WHEREAS Riverside School Board wishes to expand the services it offers to the anglophone population on its territory; WHEREAS Riverside School Board wishes to increase the programs it offers in the trades;

WHEREAS the employment forecasts for 2008-2011 from Emploi Québec indicate that a need exists for qualified workers in this field in the Montérégie area;

WHEREAS this program is only authorized to be offered in English at the Centre des Métiers de la Construction de Montréal and francophone requests have secured the majority of available resources and, as a result, the anglophone community is poorly served in this sector of activity; This document is unofficial until it has been approved by the Council of Commissioners.

15/07/2008 6

WHEREAS all of the school boards in the Montérégie support this request;

IT IS MOVED by Commissioner N. Nichols, and seconded by Commissioner M. Cloutier, that Riverside School Board request from the MELS a permanent authorization to offer the Plumbing and Heating 5648 Program in the next organizational plan of the Montérégie as well as of the anglophone school boards of Quebec;

THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport, as well as to the Members of the National Assembly situated on our territory. UNANIMOUS

Resolution E72-20080617 REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO OFFER A VOCTIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM IN POSE DE REVÊTEMENTS SOUPLES TO THE ANGLOPHONE POPULATION: WHEREAS Riverside School Board wishes to expand the services it offers to the nglophone population on its territory; WHEREAS Riverside School Board wishes to increase the programs it offers in the trades;

WHEREAS the employment forecasts for 2008-2011 from Emploi Québec indicate that a need exists for qualified workers in this field in the Montérégie area;

WHEREAS this program is not offered in English by any school board in the province; WHEREAS Riverside School Board wishes to assume a leadership role in offering this program in English; WHEREAS Riverside School Board wishes to work in collaboration with the MELS with respect to the translation of this program;

WHEREAS all of the school boards in the Montérégie support this request;

IT IS MOVED by Commissioner K. Cameron, and seconded by Commissioner D. Smith, that Riverside School Board request from the MELS a permanent authorization to offer the Pose de revêtements souples 5115 Program, in English, in the next organizational plan of the Montérégie as well as of the nglophone school boards of Quebec;

THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport, as well as to the Members of the National Assembly situated on our territory. UNANIMOUS

Resolution HR176-20080617 LETTER OF INTENT BETWEEN RTU AND RSB: IT IS MOVED by Commissioner D. Guerriero, seconded by Commissioner D. Horrocks, that the Letter of Intent between the Riverside Teachers’ Union (RTU) and Riverside School Board relating to Grievance 884-13 be adopted. UNANIMOUS

Resolution HR177-20080617 RECOGNITION BY RIVERSIDE SCHOOL BOARD OF ITS EMPLOYEES WITH TWENTY- FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE: WHEREAS Riverside School Board has introduced a policy to recognize the valuable contributions made by employees of long-service with this and the predecessor boards;

This document is unofficial until it has been approved by the Council of Commissioners.

15/07/2008 7 WHEREAS Riverside School Board honoured twenty-five year employees at a reception held on May 28, 2008;

IT IS MOVED by Commissioner L. Cuffling, and seconded by Commissioner M. L’Heureux, that the congratulations and appreciation of the Council of Commissioners be extended to all personnel named hereinafter:

Berberian, Chake Gratton, Danielle Campbell, Darryl Wayne Maher, Francine Goulet, Carole Pilgrim, Ken UNANIMOUS


WHEREAS Riverside School Board, as per its Employee Recognition Policy, is proud to recognize and honour its employees who have demonstrated their dedication and commitment in the field of education and who are retiring at the end of this year; and

WHEREAS Riverside School Board honoured its retiring personnel at a reception held on May 28, 2008;

IT IS MOVED BY Commissioner N. Nichols, and seconded by Commissioner D. Gareau, that the Council of Commissioners expresses its deep appreciation and thanks for the valuable contributions and achievements of all retirees named hereinafter: Adams, John E. Louson, Andrew Balfour, Kathleen Maize, Beverly Bornstein, Rosalyn Mizener, Nelson Bulman-Johnson, Elizabeth Murray-Neasmith, Karen Buono, Rocco Nantel-Smith, Diane Dandurand, Josette Nardozza, Andre Feldman, Michael Paris, Claude Freeman, Carolyn Pellicano-Castrechini, Lise Gélinas, Monique Pigeon, Diane Gladu, Claire Prioletta, Frank Golick, Elaine Santini-Villani, Ivana Greene, Anthony Sherman, Barbara Haslam, Norman Shewshuk, Sylvia Hedge, David Singh, Ravinder Hill-Baillargeon, Claudette Smalridge, Beverly Inniss, Kathleen Spencer-Starck, Marjorie Issa, Rachel Sutherland, Aylene Ivancic-Rachubinski, Renate Taillon-Pagé, Debra Janiak, Jozef Thériault, Patricia La Giorgia, Rocco Wallach, Norman Lafontaine, Michel Zakaib, Hélène Leiberman-Bensoussan, Adelia Zaroukian, Nazik Little, Anne


This document is unofficial until it has been approved by the Council of Commissioners.

15/07/2008 8 IT IS MOVED by Commissioner D. Lamoureux, seconded by Commissioner D. Guerriero, that the following teacher be recalled from our list of teachers on availability, effective as of July 1, 2008:


Resolution HR180-20080617 LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE RIVERSIDE MAINTENANCE STAFF UNIT 800: WHEREAS this recommendation was reviewed and is supported by the Human Resources Standing Committee;

IT IS MOVED by Commissioner G. Sastre, seconded by Commissioner D. Guerriero, that the Local Arrangements between Riverside School Board, on the one hand, and Local 800 of the Maintenance Staff, on the other hand, be approved and adopted by this Board; said Local Arrangements consisting of those arrangements that have been negotiated at the local level, in accordance with Article 11-3.00 of the 2005- 2010 Collective Agreement binding school boards for English-language School Boards, on the one hand, and the Union des employées et employés de service, section local 800 affiliated with the Québec Federation of Labour (QFL), on the other hand;

FURTHERMORE, that a copy of these Local Arrangements be filed with and become part of the official copy of the Minutes of the proceedings of this meeting. UNANIMOUS


WHEREAS this recommendation was reviewed and is supported by the Human Resources Standing Committee;

IT IS MOVED by Commissioner D. Guerriero, seconded by Commissioner D. Horrocks, that the Local Arrangements between Riverside School Board, on the one hand, and Local 576 des employés professionnels et de bureau (SEPB), on the other hand, be approved and adopted by this Board; said Local Arrangements consisting of those arrangements that have been negotiated at the local level, in accordance with Article 11-3.00 of the 2005-2010 Collective Agreement binding school boards for English-language School Boards, on the one hand, and the Syndicat des employées et employés professionnels et de bureau (SEPB) affiliated with the Québec Federation of Labour (QFL),on the other hand;

FURTHERMORE, that a copy of these Local Arrangements be filed with and become part of the official copy of the Minutes of the proceedings of this meeting. UNANIMOUS

Resolution HR182-20080617 LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE RIVERSIDE TEACHERS’ UNION: WHEREAS this recommendation was reviewed and is supported by the Human Resources Standing Committee;

IT IS MOVED by Commissioner D. Lamoureux, seconded by Commissioner G. Sastre, that the Local Arrangements between Riverside School Board, on the one hand, and the Riverside Teachers’ Union, on the other hand, be approved and adopted by this Board; said Local Arrangements consisting of those arrangements that have been negotiated at the local level, in accordance with Article 10-10.00 of the 2005-2010 Collective Agreement binding school boards for English-language School Boards, on the one

This document is unofficial until it has been approved by the Council of Commissioners.

15/07/2008 9 hand, and the Quebec Provincial Association of teachers (QPAT), on the other hand;

FURTHERMORE, that a copy of these Local Arrangements be filed with and become part of the official copy of the Minutes of the proceedings of this meeting. UNANIMOUS


WHEREAS the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sports (MELS) has made funds available to improve handicapped access in Riverside schools in the new initial parameters of the 2008-2009 budget;

WHEREAS these funds will allow for a significant improvement in handicapped access at Mountainview School as of the next school year;

WHEREAS, Mountainview School has been identified as a priority for year one of the Amélioration de l’accessibilité des immeubles aux personnes handicapés (Action Plan for Improving Handicapped Access) at Riverside School Board as stipulated under the MELS’ Mesure 30850;

WHEREAS a preliminary study evaluated the cost of installing an elevator at Mountainview School to be approximately $140,000.00;

WHEREAS Construction Dougère Inc., a general contractor, was awarded a contract, through a call for tenders, for the replacement of the architectural envelope at Mountainview School;

IT IS MOVED by Commissioner L. Cuffling, seconded by Commissioner D. Gareau, that the Director General be authorized to sign the change order so as to include the installation of an elevator at Mountainview School for a maximum amount of $150,000.00. UNANIMOUS


Emergency Telephone System: Concerns were expressed regarding the board’s telephone system, including that of some of our schools, being non-functional during the recent power outage. The Director General, in his report, indicated that the Board had purchased a generator to ensure this situation would not recur.

Nadeau Street Property: In response to a question from Commissioner Brazier, it was noted that the Nadeau Street property had been sold, that fences around the property were being erected and that demolition was underway. A short discussion followed on the financials related to the purchase.

Mount Bruno School Yard Light: A situation had been brought to the attention of a number of board level individuals regarding the nuisance factor of a spotlight that had been recently installed in the yard at Mount Bruno School. The situation was followed up and is being dealt with.

Correspondence - As listed in Appendix “A” to these Minutes. Copies available to the public. This document is unofficial until it has been approved by the Council of Commissioners.

15/07/2008 10

PUBLIC QUESTIONS : Mr. La Rocque asked whether there could be any piggybacking on the busses that may be run between New Frontiers and Riverside and Champlain College. The response was no, for the time being.

ROUND OF APPLAUSE • The Chairman noted that this was the last Council meeting which Mr. Filion would be attending. She thanked him for his service to Riverside School Board and wished him well in his future endeavours.

• Commissioner Lamoureux announced that Prime Minister Stephen Harper would be attending St. Jean Baptiste ceremonies at Greenfield Park City Hall and invited Commissioners and Administrators to attend at noon on June 24th.

• Commissioner Nichols attended a Volunteer Tea at Royal Oak School on June 16 where each volunteer received a begonia plant as a thank you. She also enjoyed attending the graduation at Royal Charles today.

• Commissioner Gareau attended an excellent performance by singer/storyteller Michael Mitchell at St. Lawrence School.

• Commissioner Smith offered congratulations to St. Mary’s grade 5 class whose students assisted REACH students. • Commissioner Rasmussen enjoyed the Concert at GPI and found that the students had greatly improved!

• Commissioner Brazier congratulated the REACH students who participated in the Défi sportif. He recommends that everyone take the opportunity to attend next year if possible. • Commissioner Gour was pleased to attend the Sports Awards evening at Centennial Regional High School. • Commissioner Smith extended her congratulations to all schools that participated in the Arts Vernissage which proved to be a successful event.

• On behalf of the administrators and staff, the Director General thanked Maxime Filion, Director of Human Resources, for his services to Riverside School Board.

CLOSING: IT WAS MOVED by Commissioner D. Lamoureux, and seconded by Commissioner N. Nichols, at 9:30 p.m., that the meeting be closed.

This document is unofficial until it has been approved by the Council of Commissioners.

15/07/2008 11 ______Moira Bell, Chairman

______Denise Paulson, Secretary General

This document is unofficial until it has been approved by the Council of Commissioners.

15/07/2008 12 Appendix “A”



Michelle Courchesne, MELS Lettre à la présidente/Letter to the Aides aux devoirs/Homework Chair assistance

Moira Bell Lettre aux membres de Projet de Loi 88/Draft Bill 88 l’Assemblée nationale/Letter to the MNA’S

Yvon Godin, Membre de Lettre à la présidente/Letter to the Le gouvernement du Canada et le l’Assemblée nationale pour Chair Programme de contestation Acadie-Bathurst/MP for Acadie- judiciaire/The Government of Bathurst Canada and the Court Challenges Program

This document is unofficial until it has been approved by the Council of Commissioners.

15/07/2008 13