Shacharis Location Shacharis#1- 6:45am (M-F) Main Bais Medrash Shacharis#2- 7:15am (M-F) Simcha Hall Shacharis #3- 7:45am (S-F) Back Bais Medrash Shacharis #4- 8:15am (S-F) Simcha Hall Shacharis #5- 8:45am (S-F) Back Bais Medrash Shacharis #6- 9:15am (S-F) Simcha Hall Shacharis #7- 9:45am (S) Back Bais Medrash

Parshas Ki Savo 5780

SHABBOS NIGHT Shacharis Location Candle Lighting – 6:58pm Shacharis#1- 6:45am (M-F) Main Bais Medrash Mincha -7:08pm Shacharis#2 - 7:15am (M-F) Simcha Hall SHABBOS DAY Shacharis #3- 7:45am (S-F) Back Bais Medrash Shacharis - 9:10am Shacharis #4- 8:15am (S-F) Simcha Hall S"Z Shema - 9:35am Shacharis #5- 8:45am (S-F) Back Bais Medrash Daf Yomi - 5:30pm Shacharis #6- 9:15am (S-F) Simcha Hall Avos Ubanim - 6:10pm Shacharis #7- 9:45 (S) Pirkei Avos - 6:40pm am Back Bais Medrash Mincha – 6:56pm Mondays and Thursdays start 5 min earlier. Rosh Chodesh starts 10 min earlier 1st Maariv - 8:01 pm Early Mincha (S)- 1:45pm 2nd Maariv - 8:11pm Mincha/Maariv (S) 7:05 (M) 7:03 (T) 7:01 (W) 7:00

Rabeinu Tam - 8:28pm (Th) 6:58pm Maariv #2- 8:30pm Maariv #3- 9:30pm

Chodesh Elul is sponsored by Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel Feiler on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Yekutiel. Mrs. Barry Ray in honor of the Chasuna of Yechiel Michel Ray. Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Dovid Lebovics on the birth of a daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Yosef Meystel on the birth of a granddaughter to Rabbi and Mrs. Naftali Blonder. Mazel Tov to the great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Yaakov


Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Pfeiffer on the birth of a son.

New Maariv starting Monday night at 8:30pm (M-Th)

Please see Selichos Schedule Below.

Now is the perfect time to join one of our two Daf Yomi Shiurim. New Magid Shiur- Rabbi Aryeh Bassman at 7:30am(M-F) 8:30 on Sundays. Rabbi Osher Katz at 6:00am

Daf Hashavua Chaburah will be back in the Bais Medrash starting this week from 8:45-9:30, preceded by the 8:30 Maariv or followed by the 9:30pm Maariv. For a speak to R' Baruch Heinemann or R' Daniel Glenner.

This Tuesday we will be restarting our Night Seder Program led by Rabbi Moshe Willner for all 7th and 8th grade boys from 7:50-8:30pm. A perfect way for boys to learn and shteig in a serious and geshmake environment. See poster below for more details.

Avos Ubanim is off to a great start! This Shabbos at 6:10pm. Raffle, prizes, and a story led by Rabbi Naftali Chayn. See Poster below for more details.

Now is a great time to join one of our many learning opportunites back in the Bais Medrash: • Boker started the sugyos of Yom Kippur, contact Rabbi Yisroel Meir Butrimovitz for more information or a chavrusah • Kollel Boker shiur by Rabbi Chaim Rajchenbach is starting (at 7:45am (M-Fג perek • Daf Yomi with Rabbi Osher Katz at 6:00am • Daf Yomi with Rabbi Aryeh Bassman at 7:30am in Yevamos this week. Speak to R' Daniel וט Daf Hashavua starting daf • Glenner or R' Baruch Heinemann to set up a chavrusah.

• Kollel Erev with Rabbi Avrohom Lipschutz will be starting Wednesday learning Pesachim, 1st Perek, inyanei Brachos from 8:40- 9:30pm.

• Daf Yomi with Rabbi Aryeh Bassman at 7:30am in Yevamos this week. Speak to וט Daf Hashavua starting daf • R' Daniel Glenner or R' Baruch Heinemann to set up a chavrusah.

• Kollel Erev with Rabbi Avrohom Lipschutz will be starting Wednesday learning Pesachim, 1st Perek, inyanei Brachos from 8:40- 9:30pm.