Parish Council Parish Office, The Green Writtle, CM1 3DT Tel: 01245 420066 Email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 28 June 2021, 7.30pm at the Sports and Social Club, Paradise Road, Writtle.


Mr C Hibbitt ✓ (CHAIR) Mr C Sloman ✓ (VICE CHAIR) Mr R Schmid A Mrs S Bell ✓ Mrs W Walker A Mr A Carter ✓ Mrs S Emery A Ms S Massey ✓ Mr R Bray ✓ Mr T Kinloch ✓ Mr P Cracknell ✓ Mrs L Gannicott ✓ Mr I Nicholls A Mr J Rayner ✓

In Attendance

Mrs L Fox ✓ (CLERK) Mrs J Atterbury ✓ (CLERICAL OFFICER) Cllr T Roper ✓ (CCC) Ms A Wallerstrom ✓(FINANCE OFFICER) Members of the public 0

✓= Present A = Apologies Ab = Absent



PC.21/22.47 ELECTION OF PARISH COUNCIL VICE-CHAIRMAN. TO RE-ELECT VICE- CHAIRMAN FOR THE YEAR 2021/22. It was proposed by Cllr C Hibbitt, seconded by Cllr R Bray and unanimously agreed that Cllr C Sloman be elected as Vice-Chairman for year 2021/22.

Thanks were given to Cllr R Bray for his commitment and many achievements as Vice-Chair.

PC.21/22.48 PUBLIC FORUM There were no members of the public present.

PC.21/22.49 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were noted above.

PC.21/22.50 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING Cllr P Cracknell proposed an amendment to the minutes of the Annual Parish meeting held on 5 May 2021.

J Atterbury WPC 210628 1

Writtle Parish Council Parish Office, The Green Writtle, Chelmsford CM1 3DT Tel: 01245 420066 Email: [email protected]

Cllr Cracknell reported that he had recently met with our MP, members of Parish Council, and the Ford End Speed Watch Group, in Ford End, to discuss traffic and speeding issues.

To replace – Cllr Cracknell reported that he had attended Ford End Parish Council to discuss the Writtle speedwatch work.

The minutes, with the proposed amendment were approved.

Proposed: Cllr P Cracknell Seconded: Cllr J Rayner All agreed

PC.21/22.51 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS There were no declarations of interest.

PC.21/22.52 PROGRESS CHECK Updated list was circulated and councillors noted the progress made. It was agreed that items 2,3 and 4 relating to the Library Steering Group and the Writtle Archives should be closed as they were no longer required. It was agreed that further investigation should be given to the ownership of the gravel drive in St Johns Green and this should be reported to the next Parish Council on 7 September 2021. It was further agreed that the action to determine who owns the land opposite Skeggs Farm should be included in the action plan, with Cllr T Kinloch to follow up. It was noted that there had been fewer tributes left on the Green, the parish council would continue to remove these at a suitable time.

PC.21/22.53 INTERNAL AUDIT The internal audit was received and unanimously accepted.

PC.21/22.54 FIXED ASSETS The policy on fixed assets was considered. Proposed: Cllr A Carter Seconded: Cllr J Rayner All agreed to adopt the policy on fixed assets.

The Fixed Asset Register for 2020/21 was received and noted.

PC.21/22.55 RISK MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE The risk management schedule for 2020/21 was noted.

J Atterbury WPC 210628 2

Writtle Parish Council Parish Office, The Green Writtle, Chelmsford CM1 3DT Tel: 01245 420066 Email: [email protected]

PC.21/22.56 FINANCIAL REPORT at 31 March 2021 The receipts, payments and Ear Marked Reserves to 31 March 2021 were noted. The verification of the bank reconciliations by Cllr Carter to 31 March 2021 was noted.

PC.21/22.57 ANNUAL GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY RETURN 2020/21 (AGAR) – ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT It was resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2020/21.

Proposed: Cllr C Sloman Seconded: Cllr A Carter All agreed The variances sheet was reviewed and noted.

PC.21/22.58 ANNUAL GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY RETURN 20/21 (AGAR) – ACCOUNTING STATEMENTS It was resolved to approve the Annual Accounting Statements 2020/21 Proposed: Cllr J Rayner Seconded: Cllr T Kinloch All agreed The period for the exercise of public rights to inspect the accounts was noted.

PC.21/22.59 RESPONSIBLE FINANCE OFFICER 2021/22 It was resolved that the Clerk should continue to be the Responsible Finance Officer for the Parish Council for 2021/22. Proposed: Cllr S Bell Seconded: Cllr L Gannicott All agreed

PC.21/22.60 FINANCIAL REPORT Councillors agreed the Financial Report of May and June 2021 and unanimously agreed that the payments made in May and June 2021 be approved and signed. Proposed: Cllr C Sloman Seconded: Cllr J Rayner All agreed

PC21/22.61 POLICIES It was resolved to approve the following policies Record Retention Proposed: Cllr P Cracknell Seconded: Cllr L Gannicott All agreed

J Atterbury WPC 210628 3

Writtle Parish Council Parish Office, The Green Writtle, Chelmsford CM1 3DT Tel: 01245 420066 Email: [email protected]

Memorial Plaque Proposed: Cllr A Carter Seconded: Cllr S Bell All agreed

Co-option Proposed: Cllr S Massey Seconded: Cllr C Sloman All agreed

PC21/22.62 NOTICE OF CASUAL VACANCY The update on the notice of the casual vacancy was noted. CCC had advised that co-option could take place. It was agreed to take into account the vote at the previous co-option. The Chair and Clerk would progress on this basis.

PC21/22.63 TRANSFER OF TITLE DEED It was resolved to execute the transfer of title deed regarding the land on the south side of Writtle Road, Writtle, Chelmsford. Proposed: Cllr R Bray Seconded: Cllr C Hibbitt All agreed

PC.21/22.64 CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL Councillors welcomed the invitation to be part of the Writtle Christmas Tree festival and agreed that the Parish Council should submit an entry.

PC.21/22.65 CHILDREN’S WORLD It was agreed to approve the request from Children’s World for a return visit on 13 September 2021.

PC.21/22.66 EXTENSION OF PUBLIC SPACES PROTECTION ORDER – FLY POSTING AND ROADSIDE ADVERTISEMENTS, CHELMSFORD CITY COUNCIL There were no objections to the extension of the Public Spaces Protection Order and the proposal was agreed.

PC.21.22.67 COMMITTEE REPORTS The minutes and reports for the following committees were noted: ▪ Planning & Development (Cllr Bell) – as per minutes and report. ▪ Environment (Cllr Gannicott) – Cllr Gannicott reported that Girl Guides had planted the flower bed around the war memorial. Councillors offered their thanks to the Guides for their contribution and ongoing maintenance of the flower bed. ▪ Highways & Transport (Cllr Cracknell) – Cllr Cracknell reported that a date had been set for the meeting with Chelmsford City Council and Crest Nicholson regarding the future highways proposals following the Warren Farm development. Councillors were disappointed to note J Atterbury WPC 210628 4

Writtle Parish Council Parish Office, The Green Writtle, Chelmsford CM1 3DT Tel: 01245 420066 Email: [email protected]

that County Council had been unable to make any dates for the meeting and Essex Highways would not be represented. ▪ Playing Fields (Cllr Emery) – No update ▪ Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – The Chair reported on behalf of Mr Weymouth that the Neighbourhood Plan was still progressing with the examiner. ▪ Clerks Report – As per report.

PC.21/22.68 WORKING PARTY UPDATES AND SPECIFIC PROJECTS • Governance Review Working Party (Cllr Hibbitt) – Cllr Hibbitt reported Chelmsford City Council were due to report the results of the Governance Review in July. • Warren Farm (Cllr Hibbitt) – Councillors noted that the Leader of Chelmsford City Council had expressed in writing that everything the Parish Council had requested for the Warren Farm development had been agreed. Councillors agreed that this was not the case and there remained a number of unresolved requests. The Chair had written to the Leader regarding the matter. • Beryl Platt Centre (Cllr Bray) – It was noted that the centre had been experiencing high internal temperatures. Cllr Bray reiterated that the centre had been built in accordance with current building regulations. He suggested that the heat issues could be improved with the installation of awnings on the west and southern elevations and anti-sun film on the windows. • Writtle Mill (Cllr Bell) – The legal team were continuing discussion on the transfer documents. The issues of access over the site was still being considered.

PC21/22.69 REPORTS FROM EXTERNAL MEETINGS ATTENDED BY ANY COUNCILLOR Cllr P Cracknell reported that he had attended a Community Energy Meeting on 24 May 2021. In a follow up telephone conversation with Alex Templeton of UK Community Works he considered whether it would be practical to install solar panels on Parish Council owned buildings. However, due to the reduction in subsidies, installing solar panels on the buildings would only be economic if the occupants used most of the power generated and the current use of power would not justify the cost. It was also considered whether Chelmsford City Council could insist that the Warren Farm development is not connected to the gas grid. The response from UK Community Works was CCC could do it if they already had that embedded in their planning policy, but if not, it is open to challenge and therefore risky. Cllr P Cracknell also reported that he had met with Cllr Willis the Chelmsford City Council Climate lead. Cllr P Cracknell was exploring options for a community orchard with the WPC Environment Committee.

J Atterbury WPC 210628 5

Writtle Parish Council Parish Office, The Green Writtle, Chelmsford CM1 3DT Tel: 01245 420066 Email: [email protected]

PC.21/22.70 COUNTY AND CITY COUNCILLORS REPORTS There was no further update from Cllr Roper.

No update was received from Cllr Steel.

PC.21/22.71 ITEMS FOR INCLUSION ON THE NEXT AGENDA There were no additional items for inclusion on the next agenda.

PC.21/22.72 DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING The date of the next Parish Council Meeting is scheduled to take place on 6 September 2021. Councillors agreed that they would prefer to meet in the Parish Office if COVID guidelines allowed or the Village Hall if COVID restrictions were not lifted.

Agenda items should be submitted to the Clerk before 27 August 2021.


Signed: ______For and on behalf of Writtle Parish Council

Date: ______

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