Much As Well-Known Sayings in Our Own Language Are Often Popularly Ascribed to the Bible Or Shakspeare

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Much As Well-Known Sayings in Our Own Language Are Often Popularly Ascribed to the Bible Or Shakspeare THE KAMBOJAS 255 much as well-known sayings in our own language are often popularly ascribed to the Bible or Shakspeare. The way in which these verses are cited shows that they existed long before 500 A.D., and it may be concluded that the three Puranas, the Padma, Brahma, and Bhavisya, in which they are found (supposing that they do not occur in the Mahdbhdrata), existed before, and even long before, the end of the fifth century. Now those Puranas are by no means earl}' Puranas, but appear to be among the latest; hence it seems reasonably certain that the Puranas cannot be later than the earliest centuries of the Christian era. F. E. PARGITER. THE KAMBOJAS As a snapper up of unconsidered trifles, I occasionally discover that my particular prize has been already snapped up, considered, and turned into a thing of value by some one else. This, I find, is the case with my remarks about the Kamboja savati (ante, JRAS. 1911, p. 802). The whole subject of the Kambojas had been previously worked out by Professor E. Kuhn on pp. 213 ff. of the First Series of Avesta, Pahlavi and Ancient Persian Studies in honour of the late Shams-ul-ulama Dastur Peshotanji Behramji Sanjana (Strassburg and Leipzig, 1904). As the book is not likely to be familiar to students of Indian languages, I take this opportunity of giving the reference for their benefit. G. A. G. Regarding Dr. Grierson's important note on the language of the Kambojas in the July number of this Journal, I may call attention to a paper contributed by Dr. Ernst Kuhn to the Dastur Sanjana Memorial Volume (p. 213) on " Das Volk der Kamboja bei Yaska". Among the authorities cited by Dr. Kuhn, who would appear to have established Downloaded from INSEAD, on 25 May 2018 at 05:04:34, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at 256 THE KAMBOJAS beyond reasonable doubt that the Kambojas were a tribe of the Iranians, is a remarkable gatha from the Pali Jataka Book, which I had noticed myself— Kita pataiiga uraga ca bheka hantva kimirii sujjhati makkhika ca, ete hi dhamma anariyarupa Kambojakanarii vitatha bahunnan. The commentator explains : ete kitadayo pane hantva macco sujjhatiti etesam pi Kambojaratthavasinam bahun- nam anariyanam dhamma (ed. Fausboll, vi, 210). The Cambridge translation somewhat freely reproduces the gatha Those men are counted pure who only kill Progs, worms, bees, snakes or insects as they will,— These are your savage customs which I hate,— Such as Kamboja hordes might emulate. (Vol. vi, 110.) This gatha by itself establishes a close connexion between the Kambojas and the ancient Iranians, with whom the destruction of noxious or Ahramanic creatures was a dutj?\ But the Kambojas are almost always referred to in Indian literature, both Brahmanic and Buddhistic, with regard to their fine breed of horses (Kambojaka assatara, Jataka iv, 464, 4; oRJefYw«fiT ^RRTT, Mahavastu, ii, 185). And this is confirmed by the Sanskrit koshas, e.g. the Namalinganusasanam of Amara, x ^•n^wr: trR^ft=fii: ^JT^WT =nf^«fiT f*rn, and the Anekdrthasamgraha of the Jaina lexicographer, Hema- candra, <*T^tw: TJI^ITR; 5^. Zimmer (Altind. Leben, p. 102) refers to the Kambojas as a north-western tribe, and speaks of the close relation between the Kambojas and the Persian Kambujiya without further particularizing the latter. It is to be noted, on the other hand, that Nepalese tradition regards Tibet as the Kambojadesa and the Tibetan to be the Kamboja-bhasha 1 The Bahlikas are no doubt the Pahlavas or Parthians. Downloaded from INSEAD, on 25 May 2018 at 05:04:34, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at ORIGIN OF ABHINAVAGUPTA'S PARAMARTHASARA 257 (Foucher, Iconographie Bouddhique, p. 134). And it is very curious that the early Tibetan mode of the disposal of the dead seems to have been similar to the Iranian. According to the Greeks the practice of exposing the dead to birds of prey was common even in Taxila (Vincent Smith's illuminating note at p. 135 of his valuable Early History of India; see also a clear reference to the practice in ancient India, Siksdsamuceaya, 159, ed. Bendall, and the Mahdsilava Jdtalca). I have gone more fully into this interesting analogy between the usages of ancient India and Persia and have called attention to other parallels in my forthcoming Religion of the Iranian Peoples, translated from Tiele's Geschichte. G. K. NARIMAN. ORIGIN OF ABHINAVAGUPTA'S PARAMARTHASARA The learned world is indebted to Professor L. D. Barnett for having published Abhinavagupta's Paramarthasara in JKAS. for July, 1910, with his faithful translation, accompanied with notes paraphrased from Yoga Muni's tlka. We wish to trace the original for that work, after observing that the 18th arya is not metrically defective as observed by him on p. 710, footnote 3. The metre is upagiti, a variety of dryd. In notes on stanzas 2 and 3 (p. 719) we find that ddhdra-kdrikd or Foundation-Epitome is the original of Abhinavagupta. The adhara is the support of the world, viz. Sesa, and the work referred to here is the Arya- paficaciti or Paramarthasara of Bhagavan Sesa, edited by Pt. Balasastrin in No. 56 of the Pundit (vol. v, January 2, 1871). As we learn from Weber's Indian Literature (Eng. trans.), p. 237, n. 251, it is said in ZDMG. xxvii, 167, that Abhinava has adapted that work of the Vaishnavite school to his Saiva system of Pratyabhijfia. On p. 708 Professor Barnett says the Telugu edition of Paramarthasara, consisting of seventy-nine aryas, JRAS. 1912. 17 Downloaded from INSEAD, on 25 May 2018 at 05:04:34, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
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