’S INTENTIONS FOR 1 JANUARY St Peter’s and St Philip’s Newsletter Evangelisation - Human Fraternity 16, Green Lane, Hazel Grove, SK7 4EA Phone 0161 483 3476 Fax 419 9592 That the Lord gives us the grace www.stpeterscatholic.church www.churchservices.tv/stockport to live in full fellowship with Email [email protected] our brothers and sisters of Fr. Peter Sharrocks [email protected] other religions, praying for one another,open to all YOU ARE ALL WELCOME TO OUR PARISH COMMUNITIES If you wish to attend Mass at St Peters on Saturday or Sunday then you should re- Mother of God Local serve a place by e mailing [email protected]. Missionary If you wish to attend Mass at St Philip’s on Saturday evening then you should e mail Area [email protected] in Stockport ORDINARY TIME WEEK 3 Year B Divine Office Psalter Week 3 ALL SERVICES FROM ST PETERS WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THE LIVE STREAM Each evening the Rosary will be said at 7 00 p.m, except Sunday then at 5 00 p.m. join in on line www.churchservices.tv/stockport

Saturday 23rd January 2021 THE WORD OF GOD Readings; Hebrews 9:2-3,11-14;; Psalm 46; Mark 3:20-21 11.00 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 12 Noon David Brotherton FIRST READING: 6.00 pm Mass at St. Phillips 3:1-5,10 6.00 pm Polish Mass Sunday 24th January - THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY OF THE WORD OF GOD PSALM 24 Day of Special Prayer for Openness to the Word of God Lord, make me know your 10.00 am Terry McCartney ways 6.00 pm People of the Parish Readings: Jonah 3:1-5,10; Psalm 24; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20 Monday 25th January 2021 Conversion of St Paul Please remember to SECOND READING: WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY ENDS TODAY 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 12 Noon Alfred Davies wear face masks and Readings: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22; Psalm 116; Mark 16:15-18 sanitise your hands Tuesday 26th January 2021– Sts Timothy and Titus GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: coming in and going 12 Noon John Grogan (Birthday Memory) Alleluia Alleluia! Readings: 2 Timothy 1:1-8 Psalm 95 Luke 10:1-9 out of church and keep The kingdom of God is Wednesday 27th January 2021 St Angela Merici to social distancing in- close at hand; 12 Noon Jean Pickford cluding sitting away believe the Good News. Readings: Hebrews 10:11-18; Psalm 109; Mark 4:1-20. from the aisles as Alleluia! Thursday 28th January 2021 St GOSPEL READING: 12 Noon Anthony Monaghan much as possible. Mark 1:14-20 Readings: Hebrews 10:19-25 Psalm 23;; Mark 4:21-25 Please follow the Friday 29th January 2021 - Arrow markings on the 12 Noon Intentions of Fr Mike Cupit Readings: Hebrews 10:22-39; Psalm 36; Mark 4:26-34 floor of the church Saturday 30th January 2021 DO NOT COME TO DAILY ROSARY Readings; Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19;; Psalm Luke 1:69-75; Mark 4:35-41 CHURCH IF YOU HAVE If anyone would like 11.00 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament ANY SYMPTOMS - to volunteer to come 12 Noon Audrey Judge SNEEZING, COUGHING, and lead a daily 6.00 pm Mass at St. Phillips 6.00 pm Polish Mass SORE THROAT ETC Rosary Sunday 31st January - FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME at 7 00 p.m. Day of Special Prayer for Racial Justice then let Fr Peter 10.00 am David Watkins know 6.00 pm People of the Parish Readings: Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 94; 1 Corinthians 7:32-35; Mark 1:21-28

The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated in the sacristy during Exposi- tion of the Blessed Sac- rament on Saturdays and subject to social distanc- ing 2 Your prayers are asked for The sick - remembering, all the sick in the parish, in our hospitals and nursing homes. We also remember those who are housebound and are unable to come to Mass. We remember especially young people who are sick. Let us also keep in our prayers all those who have care of the sick and the dying at this time often put- ting their own lives at risk in the process.. Let us pray for the new President of the United States and his administration as they begin their term of of- fice and for the people of the United States as they begin a new chapter in their history Lately Dead: Joan Knott Anniversaries that occur around this time: Fr John Thompson, Mgr Hugh McHugh, Maureen Joyce, Colette Sellars, Eileen Pritchard, Laurence Glazier, Eddie Holdaway, Joseph Anthony Monaghan, Eliizabeth Purcell and Mary Hayward Prayer Intentions - We have a team of ’prayer warriors’ who will pray for your intentions at this time, send your intentions to the parish office and they will be forwarded. You can also light a ‘virtual’ candle on the par- ish website. The Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord (Year A) Gospel Matthew 10:26-33 © To prepare for this prayer, spend a few moments asking the Holy Spirit to open your mind and heart to hear this Word being spoken to you. Copyright 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton, Longman and Todd, and Doubleday and Co Inc., and used by permission. RD UNDAY IN RDINARY IME EAR ARK 3 S O T (Y B) M 1:14-20 After John had been arrested, Jesus went into Galilee. There he proclaimed the Good News from God. 'The 1. Take time to read and reread this Gospel, noticing which words, phrases draw your attention. time has come' he said 'and the kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent, and believe the Good News.' 2. What new insights does the passage give you about Jesus? As he was walking along by the Sea of Galilee he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net in the lake - Allow yourself to hear Jesus speaking these words to you today. Take time to respond to Jesus in for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, 'Follow me and I will make you into fishers of men'. And at prayer. once they left their nets and followed him. Going on a little further, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John; they too were in their boat, mending their nets. He called them at once and, leaving their father For Conversation: Zebedee in the boat with the men he employed, they went after him. How receiving the Eucharist nourishes your community to share Christ’s love with others. Copyright…1966, 1967 & 1968 by Darton, Longman & Todd, & Doubleday & Co. Inc. and used by permission

How 1. Spend some time quietly reading and rereading the passage, noting the words/phrases that draw your atten- tion. 2. Picture the scene…Imagine yourself along the shore watching all that is happening…Watching Jesus… What is it about Jesus that draws such an immediate response? 3. Take time just to be with Jesus…becoming aware of his call to you …your response. For Conversation: Leaving their nets, leaving their father… What following Jesus requires you to leave behind. Diocese of Shrewsbury Education Service

CALLING ALL KNITTERS FOR YOUR NEXT PROJECT!! BABY HATS FOR RWANDA For Conversation: Calling all knitters! While we all have a little time on our hands I wonder whether you would like to knit some baby The enormity of God’s love for each one of us. hats? Kate a pediatrician and Lauren a nurse went to work in a hospital in rural Rwanda for a year. The facilities were very limited and they were both shocked to find babies were dying from hypothermia. They had 4 incubators for the whole hospital and often 2 or 3 babies had to share an incubator just to keep warm. " Hats4Rwanda" was set up and an email to home had lots of people knitting. Boxes of hats were sent over and at the end of their year in Rwanda the hat project had reduced hypothermia and mortality significantly in the newborn. There is still a need for hats and Kate has asked if we could help. They need premature baby and newborn-baby hats. Any colour, simple beanie style or more adventurous if you want. There is a pattern on the Church website or contact Ann on 01625 874488 or [email protected]. FROM BLUES BROTHERS TO THE DIACONATE Friday evening 29th January at 7.30pm please join us on Zoom for our regular Praise and Worship time when we will be joined from Nottingham diocese by Keith Hannah. Keith will share more on this fascinating story and describe his faith journey which began in Liverpool as part of one double act and now sees him in the sec- ond year of his formation at Oscott seminary to be a deacon. It promises to be a lively and inspiring session so please be in touch with Laura and she will send you the link. ([email protected]).

BEREAVEMENT GROUP We ard having a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 26th January at 2.00 p.m We will be doing the quiz\ game we did- n't get round to last time, so have a pen and paper handy. If you have not joined us before and would like to you will be very welcome. Contact Rachel [email protected] 07724749217 or Helen helenlyons1957@ hotmail co.uk 07854928072. 4

THE PARISH WEBSITE Matthew Oates has asked to be relieved of his duties as the administrator of the parish website so we are now looking for a new administrator for our parish website. The website is a Wordpress site, and anyone able to volunteer should have experience in managing a Wordpress site, website hosting and, domain and DNS management. If you think you can help please speak to Fr Peter. We are grateful to Matthew for the time and effort he has put into developing our site and I am sure there is someone out there with the necessary expertise. ST PETER'S HELPERS Do you know someone who would like to receive occasional church newsletters, Shine magazines, or other deliveries from St Peter's Helpers, such as lovely cards from our young people, sometimes scones or other treats? If you'd like to go on our list for deliveries / communication only, you can register on our website https://sites.google.com/view/st-peters-helpers/home or use this form https://forms.gle/ GXmdDUNhZinEy4MQ8 Our focus for deliveries is on people of any age, who are more isolated, or may be unable to watch Mass on the Internet, or read the newsletter online. You can also use the website and form to register for general support, such as receiving a friendly phone call from time to time. St Phillip's parishioners are also welcome to register with us, if they would like to. Contact us [email protected] or leave a message on 0161 483 3476

ST PETERS HELPERS –WE ARE STILL HERE TO HELP SIGN UP WITH US: If you or someone you know, are felling a little lost in the current lockdown, in need of a friendly phone call, or in need of emergency practical support. If you have been told to shield again, are you getting the support you need? If you want to refer a friend, do speak to them about signing up with us. Any- one who is feeling isolated or vulnerable (noy just our more elderly parishioners) can register with us, even if there is nothing they need at the moment. JOIN US: We can help each other by offering a little friendship and support. If you would like to be involved with projects to help each other, such as making/receivingfriendly phone calls, writing letters, card making, knitting and online social groups. E mail [email protected] or leave a message on the parish office number 0161 4833476 OR Register with us at https://sites.google.com/view/st-peters-helpers/home OLD CHRISTMAS CARDS If you have yet to recycle your religious Christmas cards, please save the front covers for a Christmas card project for next year (We like to plan ahead!) E mail [email protected] and we can collect them or you can drop them off at church. TODAY IS SUNDAY OF THE WORD OF GOD - 24 JANUARY . It was proposed by Pope Francis a couple of years ago From Reuben Purchase, Diocesan Mission Catechist IF NOT NOW, WHEN? It’s Sunday of the Word of God. I’ve a suggestion – why not sign up to with our own home-grown Mission for Catechesis, to study the Word of God more deeply via our world-class library of for- mation resources. Register with our Catechetical partners at franciscanathome.com/shrewsbury. It’s avail- able to everyone! You can use as much or as little of the library of several hundred online workshops as you see fit - either alone, and ad hoc, or as part of a tailored track for your parish team. If you want to help us with the Mission’s vision to form a new generation of evangelists, you could become a mentored student on the Diocesan Certification programme.

Your Diocesan mentor is available to help implement all options for the formation of minsters and catechists alike. You can contact him anytime at [email protected]. Be the change you want to see!

Please follow the Mission on our new website – www.weareallcatechists.com And follow us on social media – https://www.facebook.com/weareallcatechists http://www.instagram.com/weareallcatechists http://www.twitter.com/allcatechists https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgLVgfUIN3HarGh2AP803qA

MARRIAGE CARE: If you are going through difficulties in your relationship, Stockport Marriage Care offers a confidential counselling service. You can contact us on 0800 389 3801. We are currently providing couple counselling via a secure web- cam (Zoom). OFFERTORY GIFTS Thank you for your generous donations last week which amounted to £348-70 plus online giving last month came to over £1000 per week by Standing Orders and on line giving at the moment.. .There was also a fur- ther donation tothe parish of £125. Thank you to those who are putting their Offertory envelopes through the door and who have done the on line giving.. You also gave £589-24p to Caritas Shrewsbury in the Crib Offerings and the Christmas Tree decorations for Cafod amounted to£218-81. DURING THE PRESENT EMERGENCY WE STILL HAVE BILLS TO PAY!! Please continue to put your offerings in an envelope and save them until we are ‘back to normal’ or you can post them through the presbytery door. If you wish you can send an offering by cheque payable to St Peters Hazel Grove or do a direct transfer to: St Peters Hazel Grove at Lloyds Bank 30 15 52 54607668 or set up a Standing Order or for St Philip’s go to St Philips Offerton 30 15 52 54674660 If your bank asks for the name of the account it is Shrewsbury Roman Catholic Diocese Trustees with the above account numbers IMPORTANT COLLECTION STILL OPEN FOR DONATIONS RETIRED PRIESTS’ FUND - SPECIAL COLLECTION

This weekend the annual Collection for the Retired Priests’ Fund is still open if you missed it last week! With your help, we can build up the Fund to help meet the future needs of our sick and retired priests. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation, please make your donation Online. To donate Online please go to www.dioceseofshrewsbury.org/retired-priests-fund An electronic version of a leaflet about the Fund is available at www.dioceseofshrewsbury.org/ retired-priests-fund and this also explains how you can donate to the Fund by Standing Order or Cheque and how to Gift Aid donations made using these methods.

VACANCY AT ST PETERS PRIMARY SCHOOL St. Peter's Catholic Primary School have a vacancy for a Teaching Assistant with Midday Du- ties. All the information needed is on the school website:- https://www.st-peters.stockport.sch.uk/vacancies

FROM FR PETER Well we have managed to get through this far with the current lockdown so hopefully we shall see it through without too much trouble. I think we are the only church in the Grove that is actually open for worship. St Paul’s Poynton is also closed along with St Alban’s in Macclesfield but I will try to stay open as long as it is safe to do so and will rely on the advice and instruction from the diocese. Thank you to the stewards who help in getting people in and out of church safely and clean after each Mass. See the instructions on the front page. I hope you all take advantage of the vac- cination when it is offered, I already have my first jab, one of the perks of hospital chaplaincy! Today is Sunday of the Word of God which was in- stituted by Pope Francis a couple of years ago to help us reflect a little on the importance of the Scrip- tures in our lives as Christians, hence this week’s cartoon! You can find some more information on it on another page in this newsletter. I was able to watch President Biden’s inauguration the other day and thought he spoke well. We all hope that he will be able to heal the wounds and di- visions that have become apparent in American soci- ety at the moment. This weekend sees the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We ministers of the various churches were trying to organise a Unity Service via Zoom but for one reason or another it just would not come together. But you will find a message written by the Vicar of Norbury on behalf of the ministers of the Hazel Grove churches on the next page. I am sure we are all thinking of those whose lives have been so deeply affected by flooding these past few days but in the mean time, stay safe, wash your hands, wear your mask and keep your distance and get the vaccination when it is offered. Fr Peter

A Letter from the Vicar of Norbury on behalf of the Hazel Grove Church Leaders for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Norbury Church London Road Hazel Grove Stockport SK7 4RF Tel: 0161 483 6325

Registered charity 1130910

21st January 2021

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

This week the Church is called to pray for unity. This is usually marked in Hazel Grove by us gathering and worshiping together. Unfortunately we have been unable to facilitate that this year so we have cho- sen to write, as the ministers of Hazel Grove to you to commending this years resources produced by the community of Grandchamp.

Our spiritual well-being is as important as our physical well-being. In the past year both of these have been seriously challenged: the COVID-19 pandemic has caused us to be careful about our own health, some of us have been ill or have lost someone close to us. Meanwhile the working lives of many have been disrupted and families kept apart, often at huge personal cost. Perhaps it has made us all more anx- ious about our health and more aware of our vulnerability. At the same time church buildings are closed and worship has been taking place online. Opportunities to worship and pray together have been seri- ously curtailed. We may well be feeling a sense of isolation from God as well as our neighbour.

The period of lockdown that we are living through has caused us to take a step back to think again about our priorities and the things and people that we value, that make our lives whole. The long periods of absence from extended family and friends and the inability to share a meal together or celebrate a birth- day or a wedding.

When it comes to our spiritual life, what is it that is most important for our well-being? As Church life was to a large extent paused for the first time for most people, what does it mean to be part of the one Church, the Body of Christ when all we see of our sisters and brothers are on the screen of a laptop?

When the World Council of Churches and the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity invited the sisters of the Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland to produce the material for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity for 2021 they could not have foreseen the pandemic and its impact. Yet the Sisters of Grandchamp have offered us something uniquely precious: an opportunity to engage with a form of prayer that is both very ancient and yet at the same time so apposite for our times.

The theme that was chosen, “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit”, is based on John 15:1-17 and expresses Grandchamp Community’s vocation to prayer, reconciliation and unity in the Church and the human family.

We live in a time that is both troubling and magnificent, an often dangerous time where we are chal- lenged by pandemics, wars, violence, poverty, racism and climate change. Yet as Christians seeking rec- onciliation, justice and peace, we also know the full value of a spiritual life, have an immense responsi- bility and must realize it, unite and help each other create forces of calmness, refuges of peace, vital cen- tres where the silence of people calls on the creative word of God. It is a question of life and death.

The summary of the rule of life that the sisters of Grandchamp recite together each morning begins with the words “pray and work that God may reign”. Prayer and everyday life are not two separate realities but are meant to be united. All that we experience is meant to become an encounter with God.


Joshua C. Askwith Vicar of Norbury Church.

THE VENERABLE ELIZABETH PROUT – MOTHER MARY JOSEPH, FOUNDER OF THE SISTERS OF THE CROSS AND PASSION 1820 -1864 A NOTE FROM THE BISHOP It is a source of special joy for the Diocese that a Shrewsbury woman was yesterday declared by decree of the Holy Father as Elizabeth Prout. The founder of the Sisters of the Cross and Passion known as “The ” of the industrial north has now been recognised as venerable for her Christian life and virtues. This is a decisive point in the Cause for Elizabeth Prout’s and Canonisation when we must turn to Heaven to seek miracles through her prayers. I include with this Ad Clerum the official prayer which you may wish to reproduce and commend to parishioners:

“O God, source of all life, your servant Elizabeth Prout responded to your call by bringing together a new family to welcome the poor and the abandoned, And to keep alive the memory of your love for all your children shown to us in the Passion of Jesus, your Son. Give us the courage to follow her example of living faith and untiring love. Though her intercession, grant us the favour for which we pray…”

I wonder if this could lead to a trip (pilgrimage ) to Rome for a ‘do’!!
