Chapter 1 Klayout Highlights

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Chapter 1 Klayout Highlights KLayout High Performance Layout Viewer And Editor Version 0.21.16 Development and Documentation by Mahias Köfferlein ¹ Typeseing by Peter Ragosch March 26, 2012 ¹Contact Abstract KLayout, the high performance layout viewer and editor, is continuously developed and improved by Mahias Köfferlein since the first official release, Version 0.09, dated April 2006 and published under the GNU public license GPL. e soware is available for Linux®¹, Windows™² and Mac OS³ operating sys- tems. KLayout’s Home Page describes the application features, the build and use, the Ruby scripting interface and many more in detail. is article is compiled with the intention to collect all available information about KLayout from the home page into one compact, and therefore, easy search able PDF document. Document Revision History Version Date Description 0.21.16 2012, March Chapter 4: Release Notes and Tar-Kits, section 4.1: Version 0.21.16 and sec- tion 4.2: Version 0.21.15 added. Chapter 8: ick Start Manual – Viewer Mode, section 8.3.15: Saving a layout or parts of it, dialog Layout Writer Option on GDS2 Writer Options dialog page: item □ Write current time. to time stamps and description added. Some minor typeseing improvements. 0.21.14 2012, February Initial Version ¹Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. ²Windows is a registered trademark of Microso Corporation in the United States and other countries. ³Mac OS is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Contents I About e Project 12 1 KLayout Highlights 13 1.1 KLayout Features ......................................... 13 1.1.1 General ............................................ 13 1.1.2 Viewer ............................................ 13 1.1.3 Editor ............................................. 14 1.2 KLayout is a GDS and OASIS file viewer ............................ 14 1.3 KLayout is more ......................................... 14 1.4 KLayout is free .......................................... 15 1.5 Current status ........................................... 15 1.6 e future of the project ..................................... 15 2 Download and Build 16 2.1 Download Current Version .................................... 16 2.2 Development Snapshot ...................................... 16 2.3 Packaged Release for Windows .................................. 16 2.4 Building on MacOS ........................................ 17 2.5 Building KLayout on Unix .................................... 17 2.6 Building KLayout for Windows 32 bit with MinGW ..................... 19 2.7 Building KLayout for Windows 32 bit and 64 bit with Visual Studio ............. 19 2.8 All Downloads ........................................... 20 3 Current Development 21 3.1 Development Snap Shot Tarkit .................................. 21 3.1.1 Tar-Kits ............................................ 21 3.2 Multithreading for XOR tool ................................... 21 3.3 Diff tool performance enhancements. .............................. 21 4 Release Notes and Tar-Kits 22 4.1 Version 0.21.16 .. 22 4.14 Version 0.21.3 .. 29 4.27 Version 0.18 ... 36 4.2 Version 0.21.15 .. 23 4.15 Version 0.21.2 .. 29 4.28 Version 0.17.2 .. 37 4.3 Version 0.21.14 .. 23 4.16 Version 0.21.1 .. 29 4.29 Version 0.17.1 .. 38 4.4 Version 0.21.13 .. 24 4.17 Version 0.21 ... 30 4.30 Version 0.17 ... 38 4.5 Version 0.21.12 .. 25 4.18 Version 0.20.2 .. 31 4.31 Version 0.16.1 .. 39 4.6 Version 0.21.11 .. 25 4.19 Version 0.20.1 .. 32 4.32 Version 0.16 ... 39 4.7 Version 0.21.10 .. 26 4.20 Version 0.20 ... 32 4.33 Version 0.15 ... 40 4.8 Version 0.21.9 .. 26 4.21 Version 0.19.3 .. 33 4.34 Version 0.14 ... 40 4.9 Version 0.21.8 .. 26 4.22 Version 0.19.2 .. 34 4.35 Version 0.13 ... 41 4.10 Version 0.21.7 .. 27 4.23 Version 0.19.1 .. 34 4.36 Version 0.12 ... 42 4.11 Version 0.21.6 .. 27 4.24 Version 0.19 ... 34 4.37 Version 0.11 ... 42 4.12 Version 0.21.5 .. 28 4.25 Version 0.18.2 .. 35 4.38 Version 0.10 ... 43 4.13 Version 0.21.4 .. 28 4.26 Version 0.18.1 .. 35 4.39 Version 0.9 .... 43 2 Version 0.21 KLayout Contents Contents 5 Known Bugs and Issues 44 5.1 Version 0.21.5 ........................................... 45 5.1.1 DXF reader .......................................... 45 5.1.2 Performance issues on select ................................ 45 5.1.3 RBA:Edge.intersect? delivers wrong results when the edges are collinear ....... 45 5.2 Version 0.21.4 ........................................... 45 5.2.1 DXF reader .......................................... 45 5.2.2 Problems with non-English locales and UTF-8 file names on Linux ........... 46 5.3 Version 0.21.3 ........................................... 46 5.3.1 CIF reader .......................................... 46 5.3.2 Rotate methods swapped .................................. 46 5.3.3 “Draw border instances of arrays” feature broken .................... 46 5.3.4 Ruby crash .......................................... 46 5.4 Version 0.21.2 ........................................... 46 5.4.1 DXF reader still not complete ............................... 46 5.5 Version 0.21.1 ........................................... 46 5.5.1 RBA: RdbItem.each_value is not working on const objects ............... 46 5.5.2 DXF reader still not complete ............................... 46 5.5.3 Layer mapping broken for DXF and CIF readers, writers ................ 46 5.6 Version 0.21 ............................................ 47 5.6.1 Persistence of reader options is broken .......................... 47 5.6.2 RBA: each_selected is broken ................................ 47 5.6.3 DXF and CIF readers and writers incomplete ....................... 47 5.7 Version 0.20.1 ........................................... 47 5.7.1 Program crashes when the marker browser is opened .................. 47 5.8 Version 0.20 ............................................ 47 5.8.1 Net tracing does not extract net correctly ......................... 47 5.8.2 Gerber reader does not correctly read certain macros .................. 47 5.9 Version 0.19.3 ........................................... 47 5.9.1 Polygon cut algorithm for reducing the number of points per polygon in the GDS2 writer ............................................. 47 5.10 Version 0.19.2 ........................................... 47 5.10.1 Crashes on Qt 4.6.0 ..................................... 47 5.10.2 Ruby modules not loaded from the installation path on UNIX ............. 48 5.10.3 OASIS reader too picky ................................... 48 5.11 Version 0.19.1 ........................................... 48 5.11.1 “Test for shapes in view” feature does not work properly for AREF’s .......... 48 5.11.2 RBA scripts crash in tight loops on Ruby 1.8.7 (i.e. Ubuntu 9.10) ............ 48 5.11.3 GDS text reader problems ................................. 48 5.11.4 Interactive stretching of images is broken ......................... 48 5.12 Version 0.19 ............................................ 48 5.12.1 Crash when selecting “…” node in the marker browser item list ............. 48 5.12.2 “Test for shapes in view” feature in layer list is extremely slow in some cases ..... 48 5.13 Version 0.18 ............................................ 49 5.13.1 Crash when selecting “instance” mode on empty layout ................. 49 5.13.2 Issues on Mac OS X ..................................... 49 5.14 Version 0.17.2 ........................................... 49 5.14.1 Sizing bugs .......................................... 49 5.14.2 Build not working for Mac OS X .............................. 49 5.14.3 Crash when double-clicking a path end in partial mode ................. 49 5.14.4 “Fit selection” is not working properly .......................... 49 5.14.5 Wrong DBU read from GDS2 files ............................. 49 5.14.6 Round paths are not wrien properly to OASIS files ................... 49 KLayout Version 0.21 3 Contents Contents 5.14.7 Windows repaint problem for hidden canvas content .................. 49 5.14.8 Space representation in vector fonts ............................ 49 5.15 Version 0.17.1 ........................................... 50 5.15.1 Program hangs if the properties dialog is closed with the system menu ........ 50 5.15.2 Program crashes if many text objects have identical location .............. 50 5.15.3 OASIS reader problems when property name and string ID’s are defined aer they are used ........................................... 50 5.15.4 AREF row and column description was swapped and misleading ............ 50 5.16 Version 0.17 ............................................ 50 5.16.1 Display freezes on some Windows installations ..................... 50 5.17 Version 0.16.1 ........................................... 50 5.17.1 Some flaws in partial edit mode and polygon or path creation ............. 50 5.17.2 Order of recent file list was latest last ........................... 50 5.17.3 Selection of very large arrays happened to be very slow ................. 50 5.18 Version 0.16 ............................................ 51 5.18.1 Compile problems when ruby support is not enabled .................. 51 5.18.2 “open recent” function is not working correctly on Windows .............. 51 5.18.3 “change layer” function is not working properly ..................... 51 5.19 Version 0.15 ............................................ 51 5.19.1 Child cells are shown multiple times in cell hierarchy .................. 51 5.19.2 “Save” saves all layers if none should be saved .....................
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