The Year 1945 – Timeline & Shipmates

(The 4 changes since the Jan 2019 draft are shown in red.)

CO: James D. Collett, CDR; 16 May 1944 – Aug 1945 (See NOTE 6 below) XO: George V Rogers, LCDR; 16 May 44 - May 45

New CO: Charles R. Herms, CDR; Aug 1945 - 14 Mar 46 New XO: David Jenckes, LT; May 45 - Nov 45 New XO: Robert Adrian, LT/LCDR; Nov 45 - Oct 47

Known officers (rank shown is highest while onboard):

Richard S Baird, ENS Cameron Kirk, ENS Richard Bartels, ENS Paul LaFollette, LT Michael Borazna, LTJG Willie Lewis, LT Barnard Brierton, ENS Charles Loomis, LT Walton Byars, LTJG Charles Looper, LT Ralph Cerney, LTJG Arthur Mullen, LT David Childers, LT J.W. Prindle, LTJG George Cloyd, ENS SC Sam Ratler, ENS Carroll Collins, LTJG Charles Roe, LTJG Richard Daly, ENS Gilbert Singer, ENS Arnold Friedman, ENS Wedon Smith, LT Lehman Garrett, LTJG Thomas Snell, ENS Walter Gibson, ENS Robert Starr, ENS Larry Hamman, ENS James Thompson, LTJG Franklin Harris, LT W.B. White, LTJG Webster Jackson, LTJG Ramsey Wilson, LTJG Robert Jakubiec, LTJG

1945 USS COLLETT Timeline

Legend: DANFS = the website. DBD = “20th Century Day by Day” book. EH = End of Hostilities document (15 Aug 1945) via son of Paul LaFollette in 2012. PC = Pearl Harbor to San Pedro CA document (15 Oct 1945) via son of Paul LaFollette in 2012. RC = 1945 Record of Changes (a USN document) via Chuck Kiesling. TF = Task Force; generally a large number of ships under an overall command designed to accomplish a complex mission. TG = Task Group; a TF is sometimes divided into TGs to accomplish a simpler mission. WD = Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary.


++ Jan ++ January – COLLETT is in WESTPAC. 03-04 Jan – Underway; carrier screen for air strikes in Formosa – per Chuck Kiesling. 05 Jan – Underway; refuel from TG 30.8 300 miles northeast of – per Chuck Kiesling. 06 Jan – Underway; southeast of Cape Engano; air strike of Luzon area – per Chuck Kiesling. 07 Jan – *Underway; air strike in Luzon – per Chuck Kiesling. *At sea, bomb today, visibility good – per Art Hall. 08 Jan – *Underway; air strike in Luzon; refuel from TG 30.8 northeast of Luzon – per Chuck Kiesling. *Fueled; mail today. Joy!! – per Art Hall. 09 Jan – *Underway; Bashi Channel, Luzon Strait – per Chuck Kiesling. *Strikes on Formosa all day; GQ [General Quarters]; Jap Dinahs overhead; Hellcat marks up one more – per Art Hall. 10 Jan – *Underway; enter South Sea via Bashi Channel – per Chuck Kiesling. *We enter China Sea; no real activity except for one bogy in vicinity; it was shot down by another task group – per Art Hall. 11 Jan – *Underway with TG 38.1; USS , USS BALTIMORE, & DESRON 61 temporarily detached to TG 38.2 – per Chuck Kiesling. *Received message that Jap heavies in vicinity; we are going after them. We formed a combat T.G. Leaving carriers – per Art Hall. 12 Jan – *Underway; begin Operation Gratitude; air strike in southeast French Indochina – per Chuck Kiesling. *USS BOSTON, USS BALTIMORE, & DESRON 61 rejoin TG 38.1 – per Chuck Kiesling. *No heavy hunting because battleships had left. Planes found many & a couple of light . Many transports & cargo vessels – per Art Hall. 12 Jan – Air strike sinks 25 Japanese ships off Indochina coast – per DBD. 13 Jan – *Underway; refuel from TG 30.8 Fast Refueling Group – per Chuck Kiesling. *Weather is rough. Did not fuel as planned – per Art Hall. 14 Jan – *Underway; refuel from TG 30.8 Fast Refueling Group – per Chuck Kiesling. *Fueled; a few bogeys in area; none came in – per Art Hall. 15 Jan – *Underway; air strikes in Formosa, , & Canton – per Chuck Kiesling. *Really rough sea. We hit duel strikes at Hong Kong & Formosa. Results good although visibility quite low. Ships taking terrific beating travelling high speeds in very rough sea. It's really wet topside – per Art Hall. 16 Jan – *Underway; air strikes in Hong Kong, Hainan, & Canton – per Chuck Kiesling. *Still rough; no raids today – per Art Hall. 17 Jan – *Underway; TF starts to refuel – per Chuck Kiesling. (See NOTE 1 below) *3 shipmates, (Allen, Busby, & Singer) washed overboard during refueling in a in a terrible storm. Their bodies were never recovered – per Santo Gigliuto, Don Clark, & Don Singer (a cousin of Gilbert Singer) *Fueled, lost 3 men when wave caught them. Received mail. Rolled over 50 degrees – per Art Hall. *From the bridge, witnessed the 3 men washed overboard and lost during refueling in very rough seas – per Lucius VanHeusen in Jun 09. 18 Jan – *Underway; refueling in process – per Chuck Kiesling. *Sea plenty rough; strikes called off – per Art Hall. 19 Jan – *Underway; TF ends refueling – per Chuck Kiesling. *Fueled; delivered & received mail – per Art Hall. 19 Jan – US Marines land on Iwo Jima – per DBD. 20 Jan – *Underway; leave South China Sea via Balintang Channel (where COLLETT is stationed as an advanced navigation picket for TF 38) to the Philippine Sea; air strikes in Formosa, Pescadores, & Sakishima Gunto – per Walter Dix. *Had bogeys close in, chalk one more up for a Hellcat. Had picket duty. 3 planes were on our wake. The bogeys didn't locate us. Our Task Group lit up the sky with “AC-AK” 12 miles away – per Art Hall. 21 Jan – *Underway heading north; air strikes in Formosa, Pescadores, Luzon, Sakishima Gunto, Okinawa, & Ryukyus – per Walter Dix. *Went thru straits & left China Sea. Had plenty of bogeys get in. Small carrier hit hard – per Art Hall. 22 Jan – *Underway; air strike & photo reconn in Okinawa – per Chuck Kiesling. *Went north of Formosa & struck at the Jap’s 'Collarbone' (Okinawa). Great success – per Art Hall. 23 Jan – *Underway; refuel from TG 30.8 – per Chuck Kiesling. *Sighted & destroyed a mine; received some mail – per Art Hall. 24 Jan – *Arrive for repairs – per Ken Payne. *Had operations on way back to Ulithi – per Art Hall. 25 Jan – Still heading to Ulithi; we need some rest – per Art Hall. 26 Jan – *TG 38.1 Ulithi – per Chuck Kiesling. *At Ulithi; lot of work to do – per Art Hall. 27-31 Jan – Worked all day – per Art Hall. 31 Jan – RC signed by George V. Rogers (XO).

++ Feb ++ February – COLLETT is in WESTPAC. 01 Feb – In dry dock; work & still more – per Art Hall. 02 Feb – Leave dry dock – per Art Hall. 03-05 Feb – In port; trying to get all our work in before leaving Ulithi – per Art Hall. 04 Feb – US forces enter Manila, P.I. – per WD. 06 Feb – Went to northern anchorage at Ulithi, a vast # of carriers, wagons [BBs], & cruisers surround us – per Art Hall. 07 Feb – Leave Ulithi for operations at sea, heading north fast – per Art Hall. 09-10 Feb – At sea; practice AA firing – per Art Hall. 10 Feb – B-29s bomb Tokyo area (one of many raids during 1945) – per DBD. 11 Feb – Fueled at sea – per Art Hall. 12 Feb – At sea, more practice firing; temperature has been in the 40s with sleet & rain – per Art Hall. 13 Feb – Fueled; heading northwest – per Art Hall. 14 Feb – Fueled from a wagon [BB]; now heading in towards Tokyo at 22 knots for strike. spoke: we expect plenty of action – per Art Hall. 15 Feb – Japan is getting closer; we are around 250 miles from her homeland now – per Art Hall. 16 Feb – *Underway, sailing ULITHI to SEA – per RC. *Today we hit Tokyo & vicinity; told our planes would hit several days straight. Visibility poor. Japs didn't come out – per Art Hall. Early Feb – Depart Ulithi; COLLETT assigned to TG 58.1 – per DANFS & Ken Payne. 16-17 Feb – Underway close to Japan; TF 58 launches air strikes in (including Tokyo) – per DANFS & Walter Dix. 17 Feb – Visibility opens up; the Japs still refuse to try & attack the fleet – per Art Hall. 18 Feb – We fueled – per Art Hall. 19 Feb – On picket duty today. The past two days we hit Iwo Jima; invaded it today with Marines. A bloody battle for history books – per Art Hall. 20-22 Feb – Underway; air cover for invasion of Iwo Jima – per DANFS. 20 Feb – Still on picket. The invasion is going okay. We are now headed back to Tokyo for about 10 days – per Art Hall. 21 Feb – Fueled today from tankers; course: straight for Tokyo – per Art Hall. 22 Feb – Weather is rough & really cold – per Art Hall. 23 Feb – Fueled from BB. We (all the destroyers) got a “Well Done” from C.T.G [Commander, Task Group]; weather is rough making it difficult – per Art Hall. 24 Feb – Heading in to Tokyo; now less than 150 miles away – per Art Hall. 25 Feb – *Underway; TF 58 launches air strike in Honshu – per DANFS. *Mercury hits 40 degrees; strike on Tokyo going as planned. 200 B29s are hitting also. We leave area & go to Kobe tonight – per Art Hall. 26 Feb – Kobe raid called off. Hit a terrific typhoon so we are riding it out – per Art Hall. 27 Feb – Fuel from tankers; head for Tokyo again tomorrow. Should get mail soon! – per Art Hall. 28 Feb – Change of plans; we are going to hit the Bonin Islands [a group of small islands 600 miles southeast of Honshu] – per Art Hall.

++ Mar ++ March – COLLETT is in WESTPAC. 01 Mar – Planes raid Bonin Islands; report opposition & light ack-ack – per Art Hall. 02 Mar – *Underway; COLLETT takes part in night shore bombardment of Okino Daito Island followed by 3 weeks as part of TG 58.1 providing direct air support of the Iwo Jima assault – per DANFS; Ken Payne reverses these 2 events. (See NOTE 2 below) *We fuel this evening & learn we (the Squadron & 3 light cruisers) will bombard islands at midnight – per Art Hall. 03 Mar – Hit Okinawa group with 8 cans & 3 cruisers; very light return of fire. Large fires & explosions seen. We hit the smallest island – per Art Hall. 04 Mar – Head back at 28 knots to group & Ulithi – per Art Hall. 05 Mar – In port at Ulithi; receive mail today – per Art Hall. 06 Mar – Receive all my packages from folks today. It seems funny getting Christmas packages in March, but damn good to get them – per Art Hall. 07-09 Mar – Painting ship. No mail. We are alongside tender (USS PRAIRIE) – per Art Hall. 10 Mar – Took on plenty of ammo today; fueled in afternoon – per Art Hall. 11 Mar – Had inspection of ship. No personnel out here. Had GQ (not a drill); suicide plane dove into USS RANDOLF (a carrier); very unexpected – per Art Hall. 11 Mar – Marines land on Mindanao Island in P.I. – per DBD. 12 Mar –Went to northern anchorage by USS HORNET – per Art Hall. 13 Mar – Went out to sea; operating with T.G. 58.1 as last time; practice firing all day – per Art Hall. 14 Mar – *Get underway, sailing Ulithi to sea – per RC. *Fired more today – per Art Hall. 15 Mar – Fueled from tankers today – per Art Hall. 16 Mar – Still heading north – per Art Hall. 17 Mar – Captain spoke; fueled from wagons – per Art Hall. 18 Mar – *Underway; air strikes in Kyushu & southern Honshu against heavy opposition day & night, including daytime attacks – per Walter Dix. *Hit Kobe area today. From 0100 till midnight enemy dive bombers have been trying to hit the carriers; we (the Task Group) shot all 7 dive bombers down – per Art Hall. 19 Mar – 4 more enemy fighters set on hitting the carriers failed in our Task Group. 20 Mar – *Underway off Okinawa – per Chuck Kiesling. *Fueled from BB; while we were picket duty the Japs sent out reconnaissance planes – per Art Hall. 21 Mar – More Japs trying for our carriers; none got in. All day on picket. None bothered us – per Art Hall. 22 Mar – Plenty of GQs tonight at 2200. 2 planes attacked us alone. We fired so much ammo, they left – per Art Hall. 23 Mar – *Underway; air strike in Okinawa – per DANFS. *Back in screen today heading south to Okinawa. 25 Bettys & 20 fighters came in to attack us. Our planes shot down 21 Bettys & 12 fighters. Our loss was 2 Corsairs – per Art Hall. 24 Mar – Struck Okinawa today; planes caught Jap convoy & destroyed it – per Art Hall. 25 Mar – Wagons bombarded Okinawa today. Planes struck again today. Six months ago today we left New York City for the Pacific – per Art Hall. 26-29 Mar – The Nips keep us very busy during this period – per Art Hall. 30 Mar-01 Apr – Air attacks on most of the days we weren't fueling – per Art Hall. 31 Mar – Underway, sailing ULITHI to SEA – per RC

++ Apr ++ April – COLLETT is in WESTPAC. 01 Apr – US forces land on Okinawa – per DBD. 02-05 Apr – Several cans & landing craft have been hit hard– per Art Hall. 06-08 Apr – Two cans (2100 class) hit, one by suicide on fantail, other by that didn't go off in her bow – per Art Hall. 09 Apr – Air attacks; Group shoots several Japs down – per Art Hall. 10 Apr – Fueled from tankers – per Art Hall. 11 -12 Apr – Under air attacks– per Art Hall. 12 Apr – President Roosevelt dies; Truman becomes President – per DBD. 13 Apr – Learn that F.D.R. died. Air attacks; Japs tried, but the group got them first – per Art Hall. 14 Apr – Under heavy air attacks all day. Sent out on picket. Had report that 7 destroyers were hit with suicide planes. At night we were attacked by a bomber. Our fire Control broke down as the run was made. Flares had us lit up like daylight. We were helpless. Six planes were in good firing range; the Japs must have thought we were the Task Group, they left. Corpses seen floating on the water & boards with Jap writing. A 5 mile oil slick – per Art Hall. 15 Apr – Retired to fueling area; GQ practically all the time these last 4 days – per Art Hall. 16 Apr – Making strikes today; no Japs came out – per Art Hall. 17 Apr – Fueled from BB. Going out for picket. No Japs bothered us today – per Art Hall. 18 Apr – *Underway; join 3 other cans to sink Japanese I-56 – per DANFS & Ken Payne & Jack Fortner. *Sent out after submarine 83 miles from group; four other cans had expended all their depth charges. We used 35 depth charges & sank it – per Art Hall. 19 Apr – Fueled from USS HORNET. Congratulations from all sides. They like it when we get a sub. First one in our Destroyer Squadron– per Art Hall. 20 Apr – Sent out on picket duty again. They like us out there. Expecting heavy air attacks tomorrow – per Art Hall. 21 Apr – Made shore bombardment today. Our second seven cans went in after planes. Met little return fire – per Art Hall. 22 Apr – Fueled from tankers; took on stores & ammo – per Art Hall. 23 Apr – Operating off Okinawa. Same point as we have been at for the past month – per Art Hall. 24 Apr – *Arrive Ulithi for repair of a strut of the port shaft – per Ken Payne & Jack Fortner. *Discovered bad shaft (port shaft) & requested to be sent back to base for repair. Left group at sunset for Ulithi – per Art Hall. 25 Apr – Still heading back to Ulithi; have seen no land or ships or planes since we left group – per Art Hall. 27 Apr – Arrive & anchor at Ulithi; no mail – per Art Hall. 28 Apr – No mail. In dry dock; strut broken near shaft; no serious damage. Over the side for scraping – per Art Hall. 29 Apr – More scraping & wire brushing – per Art Hall. 30 Apr – Still in dry dock; on water hours – per Art Hall.

++ May ++ May – COLLETT is in WESTPAC. 01 May – Finished a four day paint & scrape job on the ship from the water line on down – received some mail – per Art Hall. 02 May – *At Ulithi; repairs complete – per Ken Payne & Jack Fortner. *Rest of the T.G. came in – per Art Hall. 03 May – *Underway, rejoin TG 58.1 for picket duty for several days 60 miles from Ulithi as part of the Okinawa campaign – per Ken Payne & Walter Dix. *Out of docking, still have water hours – per Art Hall. 04 May – *Underway, sailing Ulithi to sea – per RC signed by David Jenkes (XO). *Made test run; shaft proved satisfactory – per Art Hall. 05 May – Painting superstructure; still have water hours till [our] tanks are filled; dirty & tired – per Art Hall. 06 May – Went to north anchorage [near] USS HORNET – per Art Hall. 07 May – Received little mail today – per Art Hall. 07 May – Germany surrenders – per DBD. 08 May – At sea; operating with a small unit of T.G. 58.1; 8 cruisers & 3 destroyers – per Art Hall. 08 May – VE Day; war ends in Europe – per WD. 09 May – *Underway, sailing Ulithi to sea – per RC. *Underway, rejoin TG 58.1 – per Chuck Kiesling. *Firing all day with same unit – per Art Hall. 10 May – A-A firing with same unit – per Art Hall. 11 May – *Underway, rejoin TF 58 for final month of supporting Okinawa operation – per DANFS. *More firing today; destroyed a raft floating by – per Art Hall. 12 May – Fueled from tankers after joining up with the rest of T.G. 58.1– per Art Hall. 13 May – Operating off [Kyneshia] (above Okinawa); under no air attacks today because of bad weather – per Art Hall. 14 May – *Underway, TG 58.1 downs 21 planes, COLLETT with other cans credited for one dive bomber – per Ken Payne & Walter Dix. *Again our planes hit Kyushu. Japs came out today; we (T.G. 58.1) knocked down two. COLLETT credited for getting one of them; that makes 3 for us – per Art Hall. 15 May – Retired toward fueling area – per Art Hall. 16 May – Fueled today from tankers; no mail; took on stores – per Art Hall. 17 May – Strikes & support air groups from our old position near Okinawa; no air attacks – per Art Hall. 18 May – More support strikes; believe Okinawa will be secured soon, has been a bloody battle for all – per Art Hall. 19 May – Retired to fueling area; fueled; took on ammo & stores – per Art Hall. 20 May – Stayed another day in fueling area so all ships in T.G. 58.1 can replenish; received mail today – per Art Hall. 21 May – Support groups by air for Okinawa; battle should soon be won; no Japs today for us – per Art Hall. 22 May – Planes hit convoy of transports trying to get 23,000 troops to Okinawa to reinforce the Japs; full report not in yet – per Art Hall. 23 May – Fueling today; delivered guard mail – per Art Hall. 24 May – Saw Okinawa for first time after operating two months off of it; Jap air attacks today – per Art Hall. 25 May – Early morning (0100) air attacks; our T.G. shot one down; more air attacks throughout day – per Art Hall. 26 May – No air attacks; operating in the same place – per Art Hall. 27 May – Fueled today; received mail – per Art Hall. 28-30 May – Operating off Okinawa as for past 2 months or more; heavy rains & fog – per Art Hall. 28 May – TF 58 becomes TF 38 – per Chuck Kiesling. 29 May – TG 38.2 & TG 38.3 depart for Leyte – per Chuck Kiesling. 31 May – *RC signed by David Jenkes (XO). *Fueled; received mail – per Art Hall.

++ Jun ++ June – COLLETT is in WESTPAC. 01 Jun – *Underway; TG 38.1 east of Okinawa; TG 38.3 arrives off Leyte – per Chuck Kiesling. *Operating off Okinawa as usual; COLLETT & 3 other cans on radar pickets 36 miles ahead of T.G – per Art Hall. 02-03 Jun – Underway; air strikes in Kyushu – per Chuck Kiesling. 02 Jun – Rejoined group; still operating in same area – per Art Hall. 04 Jun – *Underway; TF 38 heads east but does not avoid typhoon; TG 38.1 refuels south of Okinawa – per Walter Dix. *Refueled from tanker; got word of 100 mile per hour gale [typhoon] heading this way; should miss us – per Art Hall. 05 Jun – *Underway southeast of Okinawa; many ships report damage due to the typhoon & are scattered; TG regroups at rendezvous at about 1500 – per Walter Dix & Jack Fortner. *Storm [typhoon] hit us; thru slight miscalculation we hit the heart of it. Typhoon was worse than one hit in China Sea. Carriers had forward flight decks bashed in. Small carriers (CVLs) were hit hard. Other DDs, CLs, & CHs suffered damage. COLLETT was one of few to escape– per Art Hall. 06 Jun – *Underway; air strike in Okinawa; refuel TG 38.1 – per Chuck Kiesling. *Many ships in bad shape; we refuel again; tanker group also suffered from Typhoons – per Art Hall. 07 Jun – *Underway; air strike in Okinawa – per Chuck Kiesling. *Operating off Okinawa as before. Word received that it is nearly secured. Good news!! – per Art Hall. 08 Jun – *Underway; air strike in southern Kyushu – per Chuck Kiesling. *Off Okinawa as before – per Art Hall. 09 Jun – *Underway; air strike in Onono Ogari Island – per Chuck Kiesling. *Fueled from tankers; received a couple of letters – per Art Hall. 10 Jun – *Underway; TG 38.1 & TG 38.4 air strike & shell Minami Ogari Island & Minami Daito Island – per Chuck Kiesling. *TF 38 departs for the new USN base in Leyte Gulf – per Ken Payne. *Struck at Southern Japan; Kyushu strike successful; bombarded Kia Jima [Iwo Jima?] with 3 wagons & five cans – per Art Hall. 11 Jun – AA fire today; going into [Leyte] tomorrow; will be first time we've actually seen the islands after operating around them for many months – per Art Hall. 12 Jun – In port; very beautiful; mountains of Leyte on one side; hills of [Samar] on other – per Art Hall. 13-17 Jun – Working, painting, etc; alongside tender [USS PIEDMONT] – per Art Hall. 13 Jun – Arrive San Pedro Bay of Leyte Gulf in the P.I. – per Ken Payne & Walter Dix. 18 Jun – Left from alongside tender; took on stores, ammo, & fuel – per Art Hall. 19-20 Jun – Alongside USS MANSFIELD, a 2000-type destroyer – per Art Hall. 21 Jun – *At Leyte Gulf – per Chuck Kiesling. *Have Captain’s Inspection on the 23rd – per Art Hall. 23 Jun – Inspection went well; told we may get Commodore's inspection; had holiday routine after inspection – per Art Hall. 24 Jun – Preparing in case of Commodore's inspection– per Art Hall. 25 Jun – No Commodore's inspection; USS MADDOX gets it – per Art Hall. 27 Jun – Capt. Collett awarded Silver Star for planes shot down on Nov 19, 1944; also awarded commendation ribbon for Okinawa campaign – per Art Hall. 28 Jun – Got underway for fuel; anchored again – per Art Hall. 30 Jun – Underway with 3 large CVs [carriers], 2 CVLs [baby flattops], 5 light Cruisers, 3 BB's, 20 DDs, & an AA as part of T.G. 38.1– per Art Hall.

++ Jul ++ July – COLLETT is in WESTPAC. 01 Jul – *Depart Leyte Gulf with the rest of TF 38 for operation against Japanese home islands – per Ken Payne. *Heading north. Have cold weather gear ready for use. T.G. 38.1 consisting of CVs: BENNINGTON, LEXINGTON, HANCOCK; CVLs: SAN JACINTO, BELLEAU WOOD; BBs: SOUTH DAKOTA, INDIANA, MASSACHUSETTS; etc. – per Art Hall. 02 Jul – Practice firing all day, fired at sleeves – per Art Hall. 03 Jul – exercises. A new type of gear was put on in port; it is called homing gear [some kind of radio signal]. It guides our planes back to the groups. We will be 6 miles in front of task group – per Art Hall. 04 Jul – Still heading north – per Art Hall. 05 Jul – Gunnery & Drills all day; sleeve & drone firing – per Art Hall. 05 Jul – Reconquest of announced – per WD. 06 Jul –Heading north, AA firing – per Art Hall. 07 Jul – *Underway; refuel – per Chuck Kiesling. *Radar picket exercises as “Tomcat I” with three other cans – per Art Hall. 08 Jul – *Underway; TG 38.3 refuels east of Volcano Islands – per Chuck Kiesling. *Fueled, took on ammo, & stores; AA firing – per Art Hall. 09 Jul – Topped off from carrier. Heading into to strike north of Tokyo. Received anti-flash gear – per Art Hall. 10 Jul – *Underway; TG 38.3 launches air strikes in area 170 miles south of Tokyo – per Chuck Kiesling. *Bad weather kept all planes on flight decks – per Art Hall. 11 Jul – *Underway; refuel east of Cugura – per Chuck Kiesling. *Pulled off Xray day & Xray 1 day together. We were Tomcat picket. 60 miles from . BBs made first bombardment on Japan steel mills – per Art Hall. 12 Jul – *Underway; TG 38.3 refuels east of Cugura – per Chuck Kiesling. *Struck again today; also bombarded; no enemy resistance – per Art Hall. 13 Jul – *Underway; TG 38.3 launches air strikes in northeastern Honshu & southern Hokkaido – per Chuck Kiesling. *Fueled from tankers; no mail – per Art Hall. 14 Jul – *Underway; air strikes in northern Honshu & Hokkaido – per Chuck Kiesling. *Layed off Japan today due to bad weather; cool & rough for past week – per Art Hall. 15 Jul – *Underway; air strikes northeastern Honshu & Southern Hokkaido – per Chuck Kiesling. *Struck at Japan again; Hatashie, an industrial city 60 miles northeast of Tokyo – per Art Hall. 16 Jul – *Underway; refuel – per Chuck Kiesling. *Struck industrial target again; IOWA class BB bombarded; Halsey's out for blood; we're on Tomcat under radar picket – per Art Hall. 16 Jul – First Atom Bomb test at Los Alamos, NM – per WD. 17-18 Jul – Underway; air strikes in Tokyo & Yokohama – per Chuck Kiesling. 17 Jul – No Japs came out; air strikes & bombardment again; planes sink Japs Battlewagon – per Art Hall. 18-19 Jul – Heading out to fueling & replenishment area – per Art Hall. 19 Jul – Underway; air strike in Kure – per Chuck Kiesling. 20 Jul – Fueled; word of storm in vicinity; received mail for first time in month – per Art Hall. 21 Jul – *Underway; TG 38.1 refuels – at 0543 DESRON 61 detached for Sagami Wan sweep – per DANFS. *Topped off; Destroyer Squadron 61 is to strike at shipping in Tokyo Bay; heading west slowly in rough weather – per Art Hall. 22 Jul – *Underway; TG 38.1 refuels; in evening DESRON 61 begins high speed sweep of Sagami Wan (the outer portion) from the east – per Ken Payne. *Still heading west slowly. To use torpedoes & five inch at midnight. Many messages on plans of strike for our squadron; the thing we're after is the shipping moving at night. Went into mouth of Tokyo bay between Oshima & Honshu; used 2 torpedoes apiece; 400 rounds of 5 inch; sank medium cargo, light cargo, probable cargo, & escort of convoy – per Art Hall. *“The COLLETT, with her destroyer squadron participated in one of these anti-shipping sweeps which, on the night of 22-23 July, took the squadron right into the mouth of Tokyo Bay –the first entry of American ships into Tokyo Bay since the start of the war. During this high speed sweep three enemy merchant ships and one escort were encountered in Sagami Nada sneaking around Nojima Sada – uncomfortably close to Tokyo. The squadron fired 18 torpedoes at these ships, sinking two, probably sinking a third and damaging the escort by gunfire then retired to rejoin the Task Force.” –per 1946 Navy Day booklet from Perman Smith. 23 Jul – *Underway; DESRON 61 ends sweep in the early morning hours to the southeast & proceeds to rendezvous with the TF – per Ken Payne. *Heading toward group, we & the 8 other cans in our squadron did well with our raid on Jap convoy – per Art Hall. 24 Jul – *Underway; air strike in Inland Sea plus Nagoya, Osaka & Miko Fields, Kure area – per Chuck Kiesling. *Received congrats from T.G. Commander Halsey & Nimitz; air strikes today – per Art Hall. 25 Jul – *Underway; air strike by TG 38.1 in Kure area; DESRON 61 (9 DDs) make anti-shipping sweep off Nojima Saki – per Chuck Kiesling. *Air strikes today. No bogeys; planes hit at what is left of Jap fleet – per Art Hall. 26 Jul – *Underway; TG 38.1 & TG 38.4 refuel. *Fueling from tankers; reports show that Japs lost most of what is left of their fleet; received mail – per Art Hall. 27 Jul – *Underway; air strike in Kure & Kobe; TG 38.1 refuels – per Chuck Kiesling. *Took on stores & ammo, delivered mail to other groups – per Art Hall. 28 Jul – *Underway; air strike in Inland Sea area between Nagoya, & Northern Kyushu – per Chuck Kiesling. *On “Tomcat” picket with DEHAVEN, MADDOX & HIGBEE. 60 miles off Honshu. No bogeys – per Art Hall. 29 Jul – *Underway; air strike Tokyo area by TG 38.4 – per Chuck Kiesling. *Day of rest for planes & pilots. No rest for the ships or their crew. Strike tomorrow – per Art Hall. 30 Jul – *Underway; refuel, air strike in industrial area in Central Honshu, Maizuru Bay – per Chuck Kiesling. *Strike today, planes hitting Kuruli Naval base blasting all the Japs have. Few bogeys on screen, but none came near; on “Tomcat”; sunk a mine – per Art Hall. 31 Jul – *Underway; refuel – per Chuck Kiesling. *Hit naval base again today. Rest of Jap fleet completely destroyed – per Art Hall.

++ Aug ++ August – COLLETT is in WESTPAC. 01 Aug – *At sea – per RC. *Underway; refuel – per Chuck Kiesling. *Fueled from tankers; on picket at night – per Art Hall. 02 Aug – *Underway; bad weather; no air strikes – per Chuck Kiesling. *Came in from picket; replenished from cargo vessel – per Art Hall. 03 Aug – *Underway; TG 38.3 refuels east of southern tip of Kyushu – per Chuck Kiesling. *AA gunnery exercises all day; destroyed a mine with gunfire – per Art Hall. 04 Aug – More exercises; dodging rough weather & typhoon in Jap waters – per Art Hall. 05 Aug – *Underway; refuel – per Chuck Kiesling. *More AA exercises. Ships in task group are really sharpshooters; destroyed a mine with rifle fire – per Art Hall. 06 Aug – Fired more AA; boy, the War bonds that people are buying for this – per Art Hall. 06 Aug – A-bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan – per DBD. 07 Aug – *Underway; TG 38.1 & TG 38.3 refuel southeast of northern tip of Honshu – per Chuck Kiesling. *Re-fueled, some dope out today about new & very powerful bomb ready to go into use – per Art Hall. 08 Aug – *Underway; TG 38.3 southeast of northern tip of Honshu – air strike cancelled due to bad weather – per Chuck Kiesling. *Atomic bomb used yesterday; Japs say it's powerful beyond imagination; strikes today – per Art Hall. 09 Aug – *Underway; air strike of shipping & airfields, ranging from northern Honshu & Hokkaido to the coast of – per Chuck Kiesling. *Russia’s entry into war; everyone happy! Atomic bomb scared me that anything can be so powerful – per Art Hall. 09 Aug – A-bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan – per DBD. 10 Aug –An Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki; this evening received Jap broadcast that they are willing to surrender. Is it true? – per Art Hall. 11 Aug – No strikes today. Waiting to find out if this is a trick or the truth. Fueled – per Art Hall. 12 Aug – U.S. sent reply last night. Japs may keep Emperor but he takes orders from the supreme Allied Command. No strikes. No reply from Japs – per Art Hall. 13 Aug – Struck today, hard. 31 hours have elapsed, no reply from Japs. Never saw carriers take on & launch planes so fast in my life – per Art Hall. 13 Aug – 400 Superfortress bombers resume assault on Japan – per DBD. 14 Aug – Fueled; planes went after Jap suicide craft & air fuelers; no word, yet – per Art Hall. 14 Aug – Unconditional surrender of Japan – per WD. 15 Aug – *Japanese accept surrender terms; peace comes but COLLETT remains underway & on duty – per Ken Payne. *Struck for two hours in morning. Japs officially accept our terms. Called off all offensive action at noon – per Art Hall. *While in company with a Fast Carrier Task Group of ADM McCain’s Task Force 38, receive word to cease firing; our striking planes return, jettisoning their bombs on the way. We were about 150 miles southeast of Tokyo at the time. COLLETT had been assigned originally to the first group of ships to enter Tokyo Bay, but orders were later changed, leaving us with the Carrier Task Force as part of the screen around the BENNINGTON, HANCOCK, BELLEAU WOOD, & LEXINGTON. The mission of our carrier planes, & for the next 3 weeks, was to fly over Japan looking for POW camps, report their location, drop supplies to them, report any warlike activity of the Japs, & cover the first occupation landings. We had been at sea (hadn’t even seen land), since 1 July. The sea was calm & weather very warm –per EH. *“A few days later [after 15 Aug] the COLLETT received its second Commanding Officer, Command Charles R HERMS U.S.N.”–per 1946 Navy Day booklet from Perman Smith. 16 Aug – *Remaining in same area. No dope. No strikes. Very few bogeys – per Art Hall. *ADM Halsey called in the other Task Groups of Task Force 38 from over the horizon on both sides of us and concentrated the entire Task Force in a tight formation. This was the first time we were able to see the entire force at one time. Everyone stared in amazement. Planes flew overhead taking pictures. A few days later while our Task Group was operating independently, all the planes from our Group took off and made a parade overhead. Hard to believe so many planes were carried on the carriers of our Group –per EH. 17 Aug – Still in strike area. Taking no chances with the "Nips." Sent over Photography planes today – per Art Hall. 18 Aug – Retired about 180 miles off Luzon coast very close to fueling area. No mail. Just packages – per Art Hall. 19 Aug – Still in replenishment area; no US Mail. Japs to send envoys to MacArthur to sign treaty – per Art Hall. 20 Aug – Received mail. Transferred two platoons of Marines to attack transport. Received 2 letters, first in a month – per Art Hall. 21 Aug – Many types of ships forming up to be landing force in mine sweeper attack trans., IOWA, several cruisers & destroyers to escort force. News of typhoon near – per Art Hall. 22-23 Aug – Outside Honshu, standing by– per Art Hall. 24 Aug – With Halsey's 3rd Fleet; replenished today – per Art Hall. 25 Aug – *Underway; TF begins daily flights over Japan to patrol airfields, shipping movements, & to locate & supply the prisoner of war camps & (per DANFS) to provide air cover for landing of occupation troops – per Chuck Kiesling. *Took on stores – per Art Hall. 26-27 Aug – Off Honshu, standing by – per Art Hall. 28 Aug – Refueled & replenished; off Honshu – per Art Hall. 29-30 Aug – Still off Honshu – per Art Hall. 30 Aug – General MacArthur opens headquarters in Yokohoma, Japan – per DBD. 31 Aug – *Underway; TG 38.3 refuels – per Chuck Kiesling. *Let up on some censorship regulations. Off Tokyo Bay – per Art Hall.

++ Sep ++ “For the next month [Sep] the COLLETT served in the screen of the Task Force furnishing air support for the occupation forces.” –per 1946 Navy Day booklet from Perman Smith. 01 Sep – At sea – per RC signed by David Jenkes (XO). 02 Sep – *Underway; TF finishes patrol flights over airfields & shipping – per Chuck Kiesling. *Sunk a mine. Off Tokyo Bay, refueled; escorted USS MASSACHUSETTS to Southern Kyushu; she left for states – per Art Hall. *We hear the surrender ceremonies broadcast from the USS MISSOURI in Tokyo Bay –per EH. 02 Sep – Japan surrenders on battleship MISSOURI in Tokyo Bay – per DBD. 03 Sep – Left USS MASSACHUSETTS; heading back to our group; learned what battle stars we rate. We rate 5 Bronze, 1 Silver, & another Bronze. Pacific, American, & P.I. liberation Bars; the Tokyo Bay strikes were not included – per Art Hall. 04-06 Sep – Our squadron left our group & joined another group. Re-named Task Group 38 which includes YORKTOWN, SHANGRI-LA, Boomme [BENNINGTON?], IOWA, RICHARDS [?], etc. – per Art Hall. 05 Sep – COLLETT is assigned to a different Carrier Task Group, containing the carriers YORKTOWN, SHANGRI-LA, BON HOMME RICHARD & INDEPENDENCE –per EH. 07 Sep – Informed that Squadron 61 is to prepare to transfer all personnel who do not have more than nine months on board our ships to other ships– per Art Hall. 08 Sep – Expecting our orders any time; hope they come soon. Complete censorship lifted; write what you wish – per Art Hall. 09 Sep – Fueled; transferred personnel. Should get orders soon – per Art Hall. 10-13 Sep – Off Tokyo Bay– per Art Hall. 13 Sep – *Underway; ordered to proceed to Tokyo Bay – per Walter Dix. *In the evening, COLLETT departs with USS BRUSH for Tokyo Bay – per EH. *“received orders to proceed to Tokyo Bay” –per 1946 Navy Day booklet from Perman Smith. 14 Sep – *Underway entering Tokyo Bay – per Ken Payne. *Receive orders to enter Tokyo bay leaving T.G. & joining rest of Squadron– per Art Hall. *Drop anchor at about 1100, after having been underway for 76 days –per EH. *“the ship anchored in Tokyo Kaiwan having been underway continuously for 76 days” –per 1946 Navy Day booklet from Perman Smith. 15 Sep – *Anchored in Tokyo Bay west of Yokosuka after 76 days at sea – per Walter Dix. *In bay; anchored in Yokosuka Cove – per Art Hall. *In morning, receive orders to proceed to Yokosuka Harbor & moor to a buoy in the Japanese Navy Yard, alongside BRUSH, TAUSSIG & 2 other destroyers of our squadron. Liberty for enlisted men to visit Tokyo is restricted at this time but officers were allowed to go by electric train –per EH. 16 Sep – Rated liberty; went to Yokohama; everything in deplorable state – per Art Hall. 17-20 Sep – Still in Yokosuka Cove– per Art Hall. 18 Sep – Depart Tokyo Bay as part of a TG – per Walter Dix. 20 Sep – *Get underway, sailing Tokyo, Japan to Okinawa – per RC. *Underway as part of a TG returning veterans to CONUS via a stop in Okinawa to take on passengers – per Walter Dix. *Many changes of crewmembers prior to departure on 20 Sep for Buckner Bay, Okinawa – per Chuck Kiesling’s research. *“the COLLETT was again underway and this time as part of a Task Group returning veterans to the for Discharge. The ship had finished its war career having earned for its crew the Pacific Theater Ribbon with six bronze star[s], The Philippine Liberation Ribbon with one bronze star, the American Theater Ribbon ad the Victory Ribbon. The ship had destroyed four enemy aircraft, one enemy submarine, two and possible three enemy ships and had participated in two shore bombardments of enemy shore installations.” –per 1946 Navy Day booklet from Perman Smith. 21-23 Sep – Left Japan for Okinawa with ALABAMA, SOUTH DAKOTA, WISCONSIN, MISSOURI & part of our squadron- with Homeward Bound pennant flying – per Art Hall. 23 Sep – Pick up passengers in Okinawa prior to departure for Pearl Harbor – per Chuck Kiesling’s research. 24 Sep – *Get underway, sailing Okinawa to Pearl Harbor – per RC. *TG departs Okinawa for Pearl Harbor – per Walter Dix. *Entered Buckner Bay Okinawa – per Art Hall. 25 Sep – Leave Okinawa, heading for Pearl Harbor– per Art Hall. 27-30 Sep – Underway toward Pearl Harbor at Honolulu, – per Art Hall. Late Sep – Lose a day crossing International Date Line going east to Pearl Harbor – not recorded in RC.

++ Oct ++ 04 Oct – *Arrive Pearl Harbor to replenish supplies & distribute personnel for their ports of entry in CONUS – per Walter Dix. *Arrive in Pearl; receive mail – per Art Hall. *Get underway, sailing Pearl Harbor to San Pedro – per RC & signed by David Jenkes (XO) 05-07 Oct – Are to go to San Pedro, CA for 10 days arriving the 15th of Oct. On the 25th, will leave for San Francisco. Made liberty in Pearl; saw women (white) for first time in over a year; heard fine music at U.S.O. – per Art Hall. 08 Oct – Painting ship for that big deal Navy Day – per Art Hall. 09 Oct – *Left Pearl for San Pedro, CA – per Art Hall. *COLLETT with other homeward bound units of the Third Fleet, comprising 7 battleships, 2 cruisers, & 6 destroyers sortied from Pearl Harbor at 0530. All ships formed single column in a brief display of combined naval strength before Honolulu. The group then formed into 3 units, each heading for a major port on the West Coast. COLLETT, with Battleships WEST VIRGINIA & NEVADA comprised the unit enroute to San Pedro. On board were 33 officers & 410 enlisted men, well over the normal capacity of 20 officers & 325 enlisted men. For the first 3 nights many men slept on deck – per PC. *Switch some passengers to other ships in Pearl & take on those headed for San Pedro – per Chuck Kiesling’s research. 15 Oct – *COLLETT returns to CONUS – per a 1964 version of “History of the USS COLLETT.” *Arrive San Pedro, CA – per Chuck Kiesling’s research. *“The COLLETT arrived back in the United States” –per 1946 Navy Day booklet from Perman Smith. 26 Oct – Get underway, sailing San Pedro to Port Huenene – per RC & signed by R.W. Adrian (XO). 27 Oct – “held open house at Port Hueneme, . During this day 6500 visitors filed over the gangway to inspect the ship.” –per 1946 Navy Day booklet from Perman Smith. 28 Oct – “ship got underway for Mare Island Navy Yard and a much needed two months overhaul.” –per 1946 Navy Day booklet from Perman Smith. (See NOTE 5 below) 29 Oct – Get underway, sailing Port Huenene to Mare Island Naval Shipyard in Vallejo, CA – per RC. 30 Oct – Arrive Mare Island Naval Shipyard in CA for overhaul – per DANFS.

++ Nov ++ November – COLLETT is at Mare Island Naval Shipyard for overhaul. 01 Nov – RC signed by R.W. Adrian (XO).

++ Dec ++ December – COLLETT is at Mare Island Naval Shipyard for overhaul. 01 Dec – RC signed by R.W. Adrian (XO).

NOTE 1: In Jan 45, COLLETT loses 3 men over the side during refueling in heavy weather; the only casualties during a year of war service – per Ken Payne & Walter Dix.

NOTE 2: Recall that “shima” in Japanese means “island” in English; this timeline uses the English word.

NOTE 3: Entries credited to Art Hill (an SM3) are based on his diary as transcribed by his son Art in 2010. The complete transcription is posted on our website.

NOTE 4: Per Chuck Kiesling in 2010, there were 134 shipmates on board for the entire year of 1945, however, per the PD, 607 shipmates served for some time during the year.

NOTE 5: Contradictions in entries from various sources are deliberately retained.

NOTE 6: In response to an enquiry in Oct 2015, James Collett, the son of the first CO, reviewed his dad’s records and responded that he was sure his dad was CO for the 24 Jul sweep and equally sure he was relieved before 2 Sep (when Japan surrendered onboard the USS MISSOURI) . The 1946 Navy Day booklet confirms the relief date as Aug 1945 .

NOTE 7: Also on this website for 1945: * See Photos by, for, or via Carl Coff, Jim Collett (son of COLLETT’s 1st CO), Walter Dix, Jack Fortner, Alan Jepson, Paul LaFollette, Ken Payne, Ken Perry, Gilbert Singer. * See History by, for, or via Carl Coff, Walker Dix, Alan Jepson, Paul LaFollette, Don Moore, Ken Payne, Ken Perry, Don Vieweg, Perman Smith, Julious Windham. * See Stories by Walter Dix, Alan Jepson, Ken Perry.

1945 USS COLLETT Shipmates

The following list includes information from USN Personnel Diaries & other publicly available sources.

Entries marked with (d) are known or strongly suspected to be deceased. The rate or rank given for a shipmate is highest he attained while onboard.

To learn more (or offer a correction) about an entry, e-mail [email protected]. To protect the privacy of shipmates, they will be told of your enquiry but will choose if they wish to respond directly to you.

Shipmates List (also see Short timers & Visitors List below): Adams, James R - SK2 (d) Lester, Clifton E - FC1 (d) Adkins, Nathan H - SN (d) Lewis, Willie P - LT (d) Adrian, Robert N - LCDR (XO) (d) Lindely, Myron L - RM2 (d) Alldredge, Noah L - GM2 (d) Lindsey, John D - BM2 (d) Allen, John R - BM3 (d) Lipera, Thomas A - SN (d) Amm, Leroy W – EMFN (d) Logdonhl, Robert T - FCSN (d) Anderson, Dave - SCSA (d) Long, Charles W Jr - SN (d) Arnold, William W - MM2 (d) Long, Robert O - SC1 (d) Arthur, Felix NMN - BM3 (d) Loomis, Charles E - LT (d) Ashley, Manuel D - SN (d) Looper, Charles E - LT (d) Ashwood, James A - MM2 (d) Lostetter, Edward E - SN (d) Auge, Woodrow E - EM3 (d) Loughlin, Joseph F - RD3 (d) Lowe, Graham P - MAM3 (d) Baird, Richard S - ENS (d) Lucas, Kenneth M - LTJG (d) Bak, Walter NMN - MMFN (d) Lunsford, Leslie E - RD3 (d) Bakalan, Michael - SN (d) Baker, Ralph K - FN (d) Maas, Charles O - SN (d) Baker, Russell E - RMC (d) MacDougall, Warren R - SN (d) Ball, Arch NMN - SN (d) Maca, Joseph A - SN (d) Barger, Gerald L - SN (d) Magiera, Joseph A - MMFN (d) Barnhart, Earl "D" - RM1 (d) Malone, Robert J - QM2 (d) Bartels, Richard W - ENS (d) Manning, Walter D - MM3 (d) Bass, James E - SA (d) Marek, Joseph E - MM3 (d) Bass, Joe E - GM2 (d) Marrison, Roy A - WT3 (d) Bauer, Harold W - WT3 (d) Marsh, Franklin NMN - SN (d) Beadman, George - GM2 (d) Martin, Franklin C - MMFN (d) Beam, Robert A - FC3 (d) Martinez, Arthur - SN (d) Bechaz, Aldo F - RD3 (d) Masincupp, Joseph A - SN (d) Becker, Thomas P - GM3 (d) Mason, Ray M - RM2 (d) Bennett, Linton G - CS2 (d) Masters, Robert F - WT2 (d) Berg, Edwin A - CS1 (d) Maxwell, Edward C - SN (d) Bernich, John A - CS2 (d) Maynor, Hal W Jr - SO3 (d) Berry, Herbert C - SMSN Mazur, Mike NMN - MMFN (d) Bertolini, Joseph A - SA (d) McAbix(?), Clay R - SO3 (d) Beyer, Albert F - SN (d) McBride, Albert "D" - SN (d) Bickley, Marvin Jr - RMC (d) McCool, Edison M - SN (d) Bieksza(?), Joseph J - SN (d) McCormick, Thomas E - SN (d) Bishop, Earl R - FA (d) McCourry, Calvin L - BM3 (d) Bloxom, Rex A - SK1 (d) McCulloch, William NMN - WT3 (d) Blum, Nicholas M - BM3 (d) McCullough, Charles F - EMC (d) Borazna, Michael - LTJG (d) McDonnell, Thomas A - SN (d) Bouman, Donald G - TMSN (d) McDougal, Harold E – QMC (d) Bounan, Solomon NMN - SM3 (d) McGee, George W - WT3 (d) Boyd, Glen W - FA (d) McKinney, Paul L - EM3 (d) Boylen, George W Jr - SA (d) McKinnis, James L - MMFN (d) Bratton, Rufus F - WT1/BT1 (d) McVey, Leon S - CSC (d) Brennan, Harry J - QM1 (d) Meacham, Carl L - SN (d) Brewer, Ishmeal R - SN (d) Meckes, Alton A - SN(d) Brierton, Barnard L - ENS (d) Medley, James S - TA (d) Brightwell, Leonard L - FN (d) Meeker, Donald NMN - RD1 (d) Brogan, Walter C - SN (d) Meininger, Stanley E - GM3 (d) Broome, John E - TN (d) Meiser, Franklin I - SN (d) Brophy, Albert C - SN (d) Mellor, William R - GM3 (d) Brown, John L - TM2 (d) Merge, Charles NMN - MM1 (d) Brown, Robert M - BM3 (d) Mergenthaler, Clarence W - SK3 (d) Brown, Thomas E - SN (d) Merrick, Maurice G - MMC (d) Brown, Walter C - SN (d) Merriken, Ramon E - GM1 (d) Brown, William C - SN (d) Merryman, Charles E - SN (d) Browning, Eugene D - SSMB3 Mescher, James N - MM2 (d) Brumfield, Olses(?) - SC1 (d) Messner, Fred J Jr - MM2 (d) Brunning, Paul R - FCC (d) Milford, James M - RM3 (d) Bugg, Martin L - BM3 (d) Miller, Floyd N - SN (d) Bumgardner, Kenneth E - TM2 (d) Miller, John NMN - SN (d) Burgess, Albert F - SN (d) Miller, William R - SN (d) Burkey, Arthur A - SM3 (d) Mills, Gaylord NMN - SN (d) Burns, Patrick L - SN (d) Mills, Victor W - WTC (d) Burton, Robert L - SN (d) Minnick, John H - CMC (d) Busby, Richard M - SN (d) Mintz, Earl F - SN (d) Butters, Norman E - SN (d) Minyon, Patrick J - RDSN (d) Byars, Walton M - LTJG (d) Mishrell, Harry J - GM2 (d) Byers, Dorsey S - RD3 (d) Mitchell, "J" "C" - TM3 (d) Mondlock, Neil R - GM1 (d) Campbell, John Jr - SN (d) Moran, William P - WTC (d) Carden, Willie C - SN (d) Morgan, Dallas E - MM2 (d) Carey, George J - WT1 (d) Morrow, James W - FN (d) Carille, Samuel J - SN (d) Moschkau, Edward NMN - MM3 (d) Carpenter, Lloyd C - SN (d) Mullen, Arthur C - LT (d) Carr, John W - SSML3 (d) Mulliken, Jack A - SN (d) Carruth, Clarence E - TM3 (d) Mullins, Wallace W - SA (d) Casall, Ralph A - GM3 (d) Mundy, Carlin B - CSC (d) Casey, James P - SN (d) Murdock, Franklin D - RT3 (d) Cash, Hirmes H - TN (d) Murphy, James J - GM2 (d) Cashman, Chesley C - SN (d) Murphy, Walter B - TM1 (d) Castellana, Carmelo A - SSMB3 (d) Murray, Steven T - FC3 (d) Caswell, Edward B - SN (d) Mussack, Roy A - SA (d) Cates, Donald E - YN3 Caton, Everett L - FC3 (d) Nagel, Richard D - SA (d) Centarrino, Anthony NMN - SSML1 (d) Nameth, Carl E - SN (d) Cerami, John N - MM3 (d) Nazaretian, Martin J - GMSN (d) Cerney, Ralph S - LTJG (d) Nelson, Robert H - FC1 (d) Cervenka, Thomas - EMFN (d) Nelson, William N Jr - AMMSN (d) Chambers, Forrest E - SA (d) Nemek, Joseph T - FC1 (d) Chambly, George E - SA (d) Nemitz, Leonard W - EM3 (d) Chard, Albert B - SN (d) Neubauer, Karl NMN - MMFN (d) Chavarie, Edmond A Jr - SN (d) Newberry, Calvin N - SN (d) Nicholson, John T - FN (d) Childers, David J - LT (d) Nickerson, Donald A - GM3 (d) Cichon, Vincent W - RM3 (d) Nickerson, Howard L - MMC (d) Clark, Donald J - MM3 Nicol, Jule "E" - SC2 (d) Clark, John R - TN (d) Njaim, James J - SN (d) Clermont, Albert E - SC3 (d) Clifford, William E - SCM3 (d) O'Berry, Russell H - FN (d) Cloyd, George W - ENS SC (d) O'Brien, John K - FC3 (d) Coff, Carl G - EM2 (d) O'Dell, Lloyd I - WT2 (d) Coffindaffer, Hardy C - SN (d) O'Quin, William D - RM3 (d) Cole, Thomas F - SN (d) Orndoff, Hoyt M - SF3 (d) Colgan, Howard W - MM2 (d) Oziminski, Chester M - SK3 (d) Coliconic(?), Maurice Jr - SN (d) Collett, James - CDR (CO) (d) Pantanella, Joseph NMN - FN Collins, Carroll - LTJG (d) Parker, Edward J - MM1 (d) Connors, Larry K - SN (d) Parker, Kermitt M - SF2 (d) Conover, Raymond K - BM1 (d) Parrinello, Charles C - SN (d) Cook, Robert T - RT2 (d) Patterson, Richard W - SN (d) Cooley, James R - SN (d) Paulson, Christian R - SA (d) Cooper, Walter F - RDSN (d) Pavese, Salvadore J - SA (d) Copeland, Edward H - EM2 (d) Payne, Kenneth E - YN3 (d) Corey, James W - SF3 (d) Pearce, William J - CMC (d) Coryell, Kenneth H - RD3 (d) Pearson, Roswell H - SA (d) Craig, Owen H - SC1 (d) Peat, Kenneth L - SA Cramer, George F - TMC (d) Peletz, Peter Jr - SA (d) Creech, Stanley NMN - FN (d) Pellizzano(?), Henry - SN (d) Crolger, Emory L - CK2 (d) Pendley, Joseph N - SA (d) Cunningham, Benny NMN - SN (d) Pennington, Glenn K - EM1 (d) Perriccio, John J - SN (d) Dagri, Alfred NMN - SN (d) Perry, Kenneth M - FCSN (d) Dahlin, William G - FC3 (d) Peters, Delbert G Jr - FA (d) Daly, Richard H – ENS (d) Peterson, Paul L - FN (d) Danelli, Henry "B" - SN Pettit, Frank A - WT2 (d) Daniels, Harold J - SN (d) Phelan, Robert J - RD3 (d) Dargus, Michael V - PHM2 (d) Phelps, James T - GMC(d) Davis, John L - MM3 (d) Phillips, Francis H - SK1 (d) Davis, William C - SN (d) Pierce, James E - MMC (d) DeSanti, Daniel E - RM3 Piotrowski, Stanley F - FCC (d) DeVries, Lambert NMN - EM1 (d) Pirtle, Henry C - SN (d) Dean, Harold H - GM2 (d) Pixley, Dale M - SN (d) Dickens, William E Jr - QM3 (d) Placek, Edward E - SN (d) Dickerson, Paul L - SN (d) Posey, Edward R - SN (d) DiDio, Arthur P - FN (d) Powell, Hedrick H - SA (d) Dill, Robert E - ET1 (d) Prindle, J W - LTJG (d) Dix, Chester W - RT1 (d) Prothero, Francis R - SN (d) Dixon, Richard G - SA (d) Prystash, Michael J – SN (d) Dixon, Robert M - TN (d) Pyle, Floyd L - SN (d) Dobransky, Edward G - EMFN (d) Doll, Louis J - SN (d) Queenan, Edward J - SN (d) Donald, William E - SN (d) Quesnel, Darold P - RD1 (d) Donald, William S - SN (d) Dorn, Charles W Sr - FN (d) Raffetto, Robert J.W. - RDM2 (d) Doxey, Clyde M - SA (d) Ramsey, Robert S - SN (d) Doyle, John D - SN (d) Ratler, Sam L - ENS (d) Drennon, Arthur L - MM1 (d) Reagan, Clifford J - SA (d) Dross, George - SA (d) Reed, Bruce D - SN (d) Dutrey, Julien M - EM1 (d) Reed, Charles V - GM3 (d) Duvall, Thomas E - CM3 (d) Reese, Darrell W - MMC (d) Relation, Albert E - FA (d) Eakin, Harold E - MM1 (d) Resker, John R - WT3 (d) Eckman, Frank D Jr - FC3 (d) Reynolds, Paul L - EM3 (d) Edgington, Frank K - SO3 (d) Richard, Robert L - SN (d) Eichinlaub, Louis C - SN (d) Richards, Monte R Jr – SN (d) Ellis, Sam M - SN (d) Richey, William M - SN/SF3 (d) Emery, Wade - EN1 (d) Riddle, James A - SN (d) English, Richard E - SA (d) Ridgert, Michael J - SN (d) Erickson, Robert W - QMSN (d) Riley, Carl E Jr - SA (d) Eubanks, George B Jr - SN (d) Rinehart, Jacob D - SN (d) Evan, Paul NMN - GM3 (d) Robacker, Thomas J - SN (d) Everhart, Ralph E - SN (d) Roberts, Farrell D - SN (d) Roberts, Francis A - SN (d) Fahs, Donald G - RMSN (d) Roberts, Wayne M - GM1 (d) Ferigno, Benedetto J - CM2 (d) Robinette, Isaac C - MM3 (d) Finney, Clarence D - CM3 (d) Robinson, William T - SN (d) Fiori, John A - SA (d) Roe, Charles W - LTJG (d) Fisher, Bernie F - RMC (d) Rogers, George V - LCDR (XO) (d) Fisher, Kenneth M - FN (d) Rogers, William C - SC3 (d) Flack, Irvin W - MMC (d) Rohr, William J - RD3 (d) Flemming, George J - SN (d) Romero, Adam S - TM1 (d) Flippin, Fred NMN - SSMB2 (d) Rose, Elijah J - FN (d) Ford, Homer R - EN1 (d) Rose, Lavern W - GM2 (d) Forgeron, Alfred H - FC3 (d) Ross, Douglas W - FN (d) Fortner, Jackie E - MM3 (d) Ruffner, Hugh B - RMC (d) Francis, Paul R - PHM1 (d) Rush, Lloyd L - TA (d) Friedman, Arnold - ENS (d) Rzeszutko, John J - WT3 (d)

Gabbert, Melvin N - MM3 (d) Salaz, Ray W - SN (d) Gable, Robert A - SK1 (d) Sammons, Edwin L - FN (d) Galloway, Will V - MMFN (d) Sanders, Albert H Jr - FC3 (d) Garmer, Donald R - SN (d) Sanders, Thomas D - SN (d) Garren, Arnold W - SN (d) Sanders, Warren A - RMC (d) Garrett, Joseph C - SN (d) Santry, Gerard J - WT1 (d) Garrett, Lehman M - LTJG (d) Sants, James A - BM2 (d) Garrison, Walter C - SN (d) Sawel, Joe - SA (d) Gassera, Nicholas J - SA (d) Schall, Walter B - MM2 (d) Gates, Charles E - FN (d) Scherberth, Norman A - SOC (d) Gerber, Frank NMN - SM3 (d) Schirmers, Eldon W - GM3 (d) Gibson, Walter G - ENS (d) Schlindwein, Emmett C - RDSN (d) Giemza, Edward A - SN (d) Schmale, Otto L - TM3 (d) Gigliuto, Santo L - SO3 (d) Schrader, Stanley J - RM1 (d) Gilbreath, Homer L - SN (d) Schuch, Peter F - WT3 (d) Golonka, Sigmund G - CSC (d) Schultz, Edward E - MMFN (d) Gonsalves, John F - SN (d) Scott, Carmon C - MMFN (d) Goricki, August NMN - MM1 (d) Scott, Edward E - MMFN (d) Grabau, Willard C - EM1 (d) Sears, Clyde L - SN (d) Gramza, Earl M - WT3 (d) Secaur, Guy R - MM3 (d) Gray, James H - BM1 (d) Senft, Joseph J - TM3 (d) Green, Donald - SMSN (d) Sestak, Joseph W - SA (d) Griffith, John H - SA (d) Shafer, George B - WT3 (d) Griffiths, Joseph R - TM1 (d) Sharpinski, Alfred V - MM3 (d) Gualano, Michael J Jr - SN (d) Shaw, Raymond A - MMFN (d) Shaw, Wilfred D - RT1 (d) Hahn, John C - EN3 (d) Shearer, Wesley A - MM2 (d) Hall, Robert D - RMSN (d) Shields, Robert E - SN (d) Hall, Samuel M - TN (d) Shope, Thurman D - SA (d) Simonton, Chester R - SN (d) Hamilton, David L - MMC (d) Sims, Calvin D - SN (d) Hamman, Larry M - ENS (d) Sine, Carson A - SN (d) Hancock, Edgar N - BM2 (d) Singer, Gilbert C - ENS (d) Haniman, Charles W - FC3 (d) Singletary, James A - SA (d) Hanson, Ralph H - FC3 Sisson, Clarence A - MM2 (d) Hare, Allen W - WT3 (d) Sitzman, John G - SN (d) Hargrove, Joe P - FN (d) Slinger, Henry A - SA Harper, Allen - BM2 (d) Smith, Henry G - SN (d) Harriman, Joseph R - MM1 (d) Smith, Wedon T - LT (d) Harris, Alvin W - SM2 (d) Smith, Wilbur V - SN (d) Harris, Franklin E - LT (d) Smith, William J - GM3 (d) Harris, Johnnie NMN - TN (d) Snell, Thomas A - ENS (d) Hartman, John L - MMC (d) Snowman, Ralph W - TM1 (d) Hartzell, Archie NMN - EN1(d) Snyder, Sterling A - GM3 (d) Haupt, Kenneth S - PHM2 (d) Sottile, Christopher NMN - GM1 (d) Hawkins, William E - SN (d) Sowa, Bruno L - SN (d) Hayes, Gordon L - SN (d) Spaanbrock(?), Lee J - AMM3 (d) Heath, Ernest F - TMC (d) Sparano, Joseph A - SN (d) Heath, Garth D - GM2 (d) Spinelli, Dominick Jr - SN (d) Hedrick, Forrest L - BM1 (d) Stark, Joseph J - SN (d) Henderson, James D - SN (d) Starr, Robert B - ENS (d) Henderson, Martin J - FN (d) Steadman, Norman E - MMFN (d) Henderson, Orlene O - GM2 (d) Stone, Paul B - RTC (d) Henshaw, Erwin A - FA (d) Stringham, Claude R - MM3 (d) Herms, Charles R - CDR (CO) (d) Sullivan, Daniel E - SN (d) Hernandez, Angel L - GM3 (d) Hicks, James L - BT3 (d) Tabachnick, Irving NMN - RD3 (d) Hicks, Keith M - WT2 (d) Tabor, Walter F - RD3 (d) Hill, Arthur D Jr - SM3 (d) Tauber, Norman H - AMM3 (d) Hill, "E" "O" - SN (d) Taylor, Arthur E - SKD2 (d) Terrell, Raymond C - GM3 (d) Holin, Robert W - GM2 (d) Thayer, Samuel A - RMC (d) Hollenberg, Jacob C - FN (d) Thomas, Charles W Jr - SN (d) Hollowell, Oscar L - FN (d) Thomas, John W - RD3 (d) Holuj, Matthew J - SN (d) Thompson, James A - LTJG (d) Hopkins, Ross H - SN Thompson, Robert G - TM3 (d) Howard, Leonard K –CM1 (d) Thompson, Roscoe E - RD3 (d) Howard, William H - TM2 (d) Thrailkill, John "B" - MM1 (d) Hudson, William H - FC3 (d) Tipton, Sherwood NMN - WT2 (d) Hunter, William S - FC1 (d) Tobin, Eugene J - MM1 (d) Tolleson, Lewis J - SCC (d) Iman, Arthur H - RM2 (d) Tomko, Michael - TM2 (d) Ingebrigtson, Roy O - MM2 (d) Tonnema, Frank A - PHMC (d) Isaacs, Everett E - SN (d) Toth, Gabar - SN (d) Tracey, Maurice A - SN (d) Jackson, Donald F - MMFN (d) Turner, Darrell E - MM3 (d) Jackson, Webster P - LTJG (d) Tyron, William J - MMFN (d) Jakubiec, Robert A - LTJG (d) Janus, John L - SN (d) VanAntwerp, Charles E - SFC (d) Jasper, Lamar NMN - SN (d) VanHeusen, Lucius H - SO3 (d) Jenckes, David - LT (XO) (d) VanWagenen, Leonard C - SN (d) Jenkins, Lyle E - SN (d) Vanley, Robert G - RD2 (d) Jepson, Alan H - SN (d) Veit, Raymond E - TN/ST3 (d) Jewett, George W Jr - FC2 (d) Vieweg, Donald F - RM3 (d) Johnson, Charles H - FN (d) Violette, Anthony NMN - EN2 (d) Johnson, Malcolm NMN - SN (d) Vlaun, Louis D - SM1 (d) Johnson, William S - EM1 (d) Voll, Roy A - YNC (d) Johnstone, Thomas A - ME2 (d) Jones, Holley S - SN (d) Wade, Samuel D - SO3 (d) Jones, Mark E - BM2 (d) Wakefield, Albert M - RD3 (d) Jones, William D - SN (d) Walker, David C - RD2 (d) Jopp, Wilson H - MM2 (d) Walker, Joe P - MM2 (d) Jordan, Edward NMN - RM3 (d) Ward, Stanley L - EM2 (d) Jordan, James R - SN (d) Ward, Warren NMN - GM2 (d) Joy, Henry C - RM1 (d) Ware, Lester C - SN (d) Joy, James R - MM2 (d) Weaver, Raymond L - FN (d) Weaver, Richard "E" - SN (d) Kallam, Otis M - SN (d) Webster, Billy J - SN (d) Keaton, Charles A - SA (d) Weisel, Harry E - RT3 (d) Kelley Charles E - SN Weiss, Emil F - SM2 (d) Kelly, Joe P - SN (d) Weissbord, Charles F - QMSN (d) Kemp, George N - SM1 (d) Wellhausen, John F - RDSN (d) Kennedy, George R - SN (d) Wells, Richard T - EM2 (d) Kerner, George M - PMC (d) Westfall, Robert L - SN (d) Kesler, Victor L - QM3 (d) Weston, Delbert W - SM3 (d) Kidd, Thomas E - SN (d) Weston, Leon P - FN (d) Kiddy, James R - YN3 (d) Weyler, Robert Z - MM2 (d) Kilijanski, Chester NMN - GMC (d) Whelan, Gerald T - FC3 (d) King, Thomas R - SD3 (d) White, Celces - TMSN (d) Kirk, Cameron - ENS (d) White, W.B. - LTJG (d) Kirshen, Sam - SN (d) White, Willard W - MM2 (d) Kish, Henry S - WT3 (d) Whitis, William L - TM2 (d) Kitfield, Harry H - RT3 (d) Whittaker, John L - BM3 (d) Klays, Fred NMN Jr - RM1 (d) Wice, Leroy P - YN1/YNC (d) Knighton, John L - GM3 (d) Wilfong, James H - FN (d) Koeppe, Kenneth R - FA (d) Wilkinson, Howard W - SO2 Konkel, Anton J - MM2 (d) Williamson, Joe H - TM3 (d) Kovacs, William R - TM3 (d) Willing, Morris NMN - SN (d) Krafka, Elmer G - RD1 (d) Wills, James P - BM1 (d) Krimmel, Albert E - SM2 (d) Wills, Philip F - FN Kruk, Alexander V - WT2 (d) Wilson, Ramsey - LTJG (d) Kurpuis, Ernest D - PM1 (d) Wilt, Donald E - SN (d) Kussow, Dale D - SN (d) Wimer, Harry M - SF3 (d) Winslow, Preston C - MMC (d) LaFollette, Paul S, LT (d) Wisdom, Robert D - TMC (d) Lagana, Gregory NMN - BM3 (d) Woldtvedt, Elton S - WT3 (d) Lakin, Hubert W - LT (d) Wolinski, Louis S - SN (d) Landis, Arlen L - SN (d) Worley, Arch B - MMFN (d) Landsteiner, Leo J - YN1 (d) Worthen, Royal E - ENFN (d) Lang, Frank NMN - TMSN (d) Wunderlich, William R - SF2 (d) Lanoue, Silbert R - SN (d) Larman, Hayden T - SN (d) Yancey, Cecil K - SC1 (d) Latimer, Leroy NMN - BM3 (d) Yost, Ray C - BM3 (d) Lauderback, Edwin A - SN (d) Yotko, Leonard J - SO3 (d) Laux, Robert L - WT3 (d) Young, Wilson M - QMC (d) Layman, Edwin - CM1 (d) Lea, James I - SA (d) Zikmund, Thomas J - SN (d) Leggett, Charles W - EM3 (d) Zoltie, George R - SN (d) Lehr, William H - YN1 (d) Zuccato, Albin J - MM2 (d) Lemay, Raymond J - RM2 (d) Zumbar, Alec NMN - RD3 (d)

Short timers & Visitors List (per Chuck Kiesling in July 2012):

Per Chuck Kiesling, passengers were onboard COLLETT from 08 Oct to 15 Oct for the passage from Pearl Harbor to San Pedro, CA. Chuck added that COLLETT also had 147 passengers from 04 Oct to 09 Oct for the passage from Buckner Bay to San Pedro. Crew liberty was granted in Pearl from 04 Oct to 09 Oct.

Ackerson, Carl R - CSC (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Allen, Preston L - SN (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Almond, Auben L - SKC (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Alvarez, Presciliarro - SN (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Anderson, William S - LT (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Arnold, Roy D - SN (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Bailey, Berlin J - EM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Baltazar, John R - SM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Barrow, Billy R - SA (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Baylis, Edgar B - SF2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Baynham, Roy W - SO2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Beane, Howard E - CSF (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Bilyard Jr, James - CM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Bittner, David E - PHM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Bledsoe, Fred C – CMC (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Blanke, Charles D - CM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Boblett, Eugene V - MM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Bollinger, Raymond F - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 MM3 (d) Boyd, James A - LT SC (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Brittle, Owen G - TM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Brown, Charles I - MM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Brown, Erias R - CM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Brown, Henry - SD3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Brown, Jack L - SN (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Brown, James I - GM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Brown, Robert C - CM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Burns, John D - SK2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Cain, Fred C - SF2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Carroll, Charles V - HMC (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Chandler, Homer W – Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 BM3 (d) Chawke, Thomas F - LT (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 10/8/45 10/15/45 Clark, Joseph - SF2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Clemmer, Leslie C – Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 LTJG (d) Coggins, Russell B - BM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Collier, Jean C - CM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Cousins, Henry H - EM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Cox, James W - MM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Cox, Lester R - CM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Cramer, Jacob D - CMC (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Crider, Teddy R - CM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Curry, William H - SA (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Davis, William G - EM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Dupuc Jr, Robert G – Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 FCO2 (d) Eppler, Herman S - CM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Erickson, Clarence R - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 PHM1 (d) Fellman, Harold F - WT2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Fielding, Jesse O - MM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Fields, Tilman - CM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Fillingim, Hubert - CM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Findly, Clifford E - ENC (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Fisher, Arie C - MM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Flemming, George C – Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 SF2 (d) Flumerfelt, Robert C – Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 CM (d) Flynn, Richard A - GM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Franklin, John P - CM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Gadson, William B - CK3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Georger, William J - ENC (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Graham, Allen A - SKV1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Grantham, John W - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 PTR3 (d) Grismore, Solomon - EN2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Gudger, Eugene D - SF1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Harrell, Edward J - GM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Harris, Coley L - SF2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Harrison, William H - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 CM1 (d) Heimer, Curtis V - MM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Hinson, Russell A - BM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Hinton, William L Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 CARPENTER - W1 (d) Hollaman, Douglas R Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 SF2 (d) Holland, Willie C - QM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Howard, Leonard K - CM1 Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 (d) Hudson, Edward A - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 MMS1 (d) Huffman, James L -BM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Ingram, Autry M - SF3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Ingran, Joseph - MM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Jeffrey, Archie L - MM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Jenkins, Wherle F - WT2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Johns, James R - GM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Johnson, Guthrie D - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 9/23/1945 10/15/45 SF3 (d) Jones, Hubert F - SF2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Jones, James W - FCO2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Jones, Mark E - BM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Jones, William H - CM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Jordy, John R - CM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Kaley, Lane C – LT (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Kirkland, Robert L - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 PHM2 (d) Kuivenhoven, Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Cornelius P - EM2 Kurpuis, Ernest D - PM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Lakin, Hubert W - LT (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Lane, James I - SA (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Lapari, Martin F - SF1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Layman, Edwin - CM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Lillicotch, George E – Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 MMCA (d) Long, Robert O - SC1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Lorick, Ernest E - SM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/23/45 Lucas, Kenneth M - LTJG (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Mackin, Charles G - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 PHM1 (d) Maginnis, Robert J - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 WTC (d) Malcolm, George R - SN (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Marry, Horace H - MMC (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Martin, Joseph W - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 PHMC (d) McAfer, Robert E - BM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 McCain, John R - RD1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 McKean, Harold L - CM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 McLeod, James W – Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 MM2 (d) McLoney, Arthur L - SK2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 McMillion, Byron E - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 MM2 (d) Medford, John J - SKC (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Meers, William T - SF2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Miller, James R - MM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Moody, Laurence G - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 RM1 (d) Moore, John M - WT2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Morris, Lawrence M - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 WTC (d) Mullens (other sources spell Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 as Mullen), Arthur C - LT (d) Nance, Warren W - MMC (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Neal, Samuel B - CM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Newnes, Joseph T - MM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Newsome, James - CM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Noah, Charles W - CCM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Nolin, Harvil - MM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Organ, Alfred R - SC3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Palmer, James J - CM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Pearce, William J - CMC (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Peele, Joseph F - SK3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Pekar, Ludwig A - CM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Perkins, Marvin R - W1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Perry, James M - MM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Philip, Isiah - SF2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Pinties, Carl R - MM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Pitts, Charles - MM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Pottmate, Howard L - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 MM1 (d) Power, Wiley E - LTJG (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Price, Edward P - PHM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Purcell, Cecil K - SF2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Rainwater, Howlette A - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 EM2 (d) Rayfield, Robert D - SN (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Rhodes, Carl R - MM3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Richardson, Brady J - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 BM3 (d) Riley, Harold E - BM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Robinson, James L - WT1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Robles, Bart R - CMC (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Rodgers, Eugene F - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 MM3 (d) Rogers, Alton N - EM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Rogers, Gilbert - TA (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Roman, Gus - SG2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Rutherford, Russell F - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 PHMC (d) Schroeder, Lorin C - W1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Scott, Theodore - SG2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Searcy, William S - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 MM1 (d) Sellers, Howard G – SN (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Shaw, William C - SF1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Simmons, Floyd R - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/19/45 10/15/45 CMMA (d) Skindelien, Julien C - SF2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Slacle, Walter J - LT (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Smith, Frank E - MM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Smith, Jepthy E - PHM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Smith, Omar F - EM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Smith, Robert S - MUS1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Smith, Theodore P - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 MM1 (d) Strampe, Curtis R - BM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Streeter, Ralph R - EM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Stringham, Sidney M - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 PTR3 (d) Strope, Donald I - SN (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Sunde, Orris P - CM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Swiney, Herbert E - FA (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Tarlton, Coyet G - SN (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Templet, Shirley P - EM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Thomas, Charles R - FA (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Thorsen, Charles H - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 SF1 (d) Thrift, Ira - SN (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Tippie, Lowell R - SC3 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Torcerson, George M - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 CM1 (d) Torrance, Herbert E - SF1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Travis, Norwood G - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 MM2 (d) Turner, Henry - CM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Walker, Austin N - SF2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Walker, Samuel M - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 PHMC (d) Walker, Victor A - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 PHM2 (d) Walters, Otis C - BM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Watson, Harry P - SF2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Wells, Moses - TN (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 West, Verne G - PHM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Widell, Sumner C - EM1 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Wilkie, Alvin R - MM2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Williams, Walter R - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 CK1 (d) Woodmancy, Richard J - Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 RM1 (d) Worthham, Archie - SF2 (d) Passenger, at sea at least 7 days 09/23/45 10/15/45 Yoshiyuki, Kilarn – Army Photographer on Temp 06/05/45 10/23/45 CRPL (d) Additional Duty

(Updated Jan 2020)