Hum Genet (2017) 136:759–769 DOI 10.1007/s00439-017-1794-7


Mutated PET117 causes complex IV defciency and is associated with neurodevelopmental regression and medulla oblongata lesions

G. H. Renkema1 · G. Visser2 · F. Baertling1,3 · L. T. Wintjes1 · V. M. Wolters4 · J. van Montfrans5 · G. A. P. de Kort6 · P. G. J. Nikkels7 · P. M. van Hasselt2 · S. N. van der Crabben2 · R. J. T. Rodenburg1

Received: 2 February 2017 / Accepted: 31 March 2017 / Published online: 6 April 2017 © The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication

Abstract The genetic basis of the many progressive, multi complementation of patient fbroblasts with wild-type systemic, mitochondrial diseases that cause a lack of cel- PET117 restored the complex IV defciency, proving that lular ATP production is heterogeneous, with defects found the defect is responsible for the complex IV def- both in the mitochondrial genome as well as in the nuclear ciency in the patients, and indicating a pivotal role of this genome. Many different have been found in the in the proper functioning of complex IV. Although encoding subunits of the enzyme complexes of the previous studies had suggested a possible role of this pro- oxidative phosphorylation system. In addition, mutations tein in the insertion of copper into complex IV, studies in in genes encoding involved in the assembly of patient fbroblasts could not confrm this. This case pres- these complexes are known to cause mitochondrial disor- entation thus implicates mutations in PET117 as a novel ders. Here we describe two sisters with a mitochondrial cause of mitochondrial disease. disease characterized by lesions in the medulla oblongata, as demonstrated by brain magnetic resonance imaging, and an isolated complex IV defciency and reduced levels Introduction of individual complex IV subunits. Whole exome sequenc- ing revealed a homozygous nonsense resulting Cellular respiration involves a series of biochemical reac- in a premature stop codon in the gene encoding Pet117, tions by which nutrients are oxidized. The energy that is a small protein that has previously been predicted to be a released from these reactions can be used to convert ADP complex IV assembly factor. PET117 has not been iden- into ATP, the energy currency of the cell. This metabolic tifed as a mitochondrial disease gene before. Lentiviral pathway takes place in the mitochondria and is executed by the concerted action of several large protein complexes (complex I–IV), called the (ETC), Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00439-017-1794-7) contains supplementary and results in a proton gradient over the mitochondrial material, which is available to authorized users.

* R. J. T. Rodenburg 4 Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Wilhelmina [email protected] Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands 1 Department of Pediatrics, 774 Translational Metabolic 5 Department of Pediatric Immunology and Infectious Laboratory (TML), Radboud Center for Mitochondrial Diseases, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medicine (RCMM), Radboud University Medical Center, Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6 2 Department of Radiology, University Medical Center, Department of Metabolic Diseases, Wilhelmina Children’s Utrecht, The Netherlands Hospital, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands 7 Department of Pathology, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands 3 Department of General Pediatrics, Neonatology and Pediatric Cardiology, Heinrich-Heine-University, Duesseldorf, Germany

1 3 760 Hum Genet (2017) 136:759–769 inner membrane. This proton gradient is used by com- to utilize non-fermentable, but not fermentable, carbon plex V, ATP synthase, to drive the production of ATP. The sources (McEwen et al. 1986; Tzagoloff and Dieckmann actual use of oxygen takes place at the level of complex IV 1990). The homology of the yeast assembly factors with (), the fnal complex of the ETC. their human counterparts is generally low, making iden- Although the number of patients with a mitochondrial tifcations of the human complex IV assembly factors by defect is relatively high—with an estimated incidence of at orthology screening rather diffcult. Using ortho-profle, least 1:5000 (Sanderson et al. 2006)—the group is excep- an iterative orthology prediction method, Szklarczyk et al. tionally heterogeneous, both with regard to the clinical (2012) predicted several genes encoding potential human symptoms, as well as to the underlying genetic defects. In complex IV assembly factors. Of some of these their mito- general these diseases are progressive, multi system disor- chondrial localization had not even been correctly anno- ders, and usually involve a lack of cellular ATP production tated before. On the basis of these predictions, a pathogenic (Chinnery and Hudson 2013). defect in C2orf64/COA5 was detected in a family with fatal Complex IV defciency is the second most abundant iso- cardiomyopathy and complex IV defciency (Huigsloot lated ETC complex defciency occurring in 19–27% of all et al. 2011). mitochondrial patients (Debray et al. 2007; Scaglia et al. Since these predictions were made, the involvement 2004) and in the majority of cases results in a severe, often of several of these putative assembly factors in complex fatal, infantile disease. Mammalian complex IV consists of IV function has been demonstrated. These are C12orf62/ 14 polypeptide chains (Balsa et al. 2012; Pitceathly et al. COX14 (Weraarpachai et al. 2012), PET100 (Lim et al. 2013) of which three are encoded by the mitochondrial 2014; Olahova et al. 2015), FAM36A/COX20 (Doss et al. DNA (mtDNA) and 11 by the nuclear genome (nDNA)). 2014; Szklarczyk et al. 2013), and COA3 (Ostergaard In addition, complex IV contains two heme groups, two et al. 2015), and possibly also PET309/PTCD1, in which cytochromes, and two copper centers. Only a small propor- a genetic variant was identifed by whole exome sequenc- tion of the complex IV defciencies is caused by mutations ing of a complex IV defcient patient, although this gene in the genes encoding structural complex IV subunits. In variant has not been functionally characterized yet (Taylor rare cases, heteroplasmic mutations are found in the three et al. 2014). mtDNA encoded subunits (COXI, COXII, and COXIII) Here we describe two sisters born from consanguineous (reviewed in Schon et al. 2012; Shoubridge 2001). More parents who presented with signs of mitochondrial disease. recently, also mutations in some of the nDNA encoded Whole exome sequencing revealed a homozygous mutation structural subunits have been found associated with dis- in PET117, a putative complex IV assembly factor (McE- ease. These are COX7B (Indrieri et al. 2012), COX6B1 wen et al. 1993; Szklarczyk et al. 2012) not previously (Abdulhag et al. 2015; Massa et al. 2008), NDUFA4 (Balsa identifed as a mitochondrial disease gene. et al. 2012; Pitceathly et al. 2013), COX4-2 (Shteyer et al. 2009), COX6A1 (Tamiya et al. 2014), and COX8A (Hall- mann et al. 2016). Materials and methods Most mutations that result in an isolated complex IV defciency have been found in genes encoding proteins Cell culture involved in the many different aspects of the construction of an active complex IV, such as the transcription, trans- Fibroblasts were cultured using standard procedures in lation, and assembly of the subunits, and biosynthesis of M199 medium (Gibco) supplemented with 10% fetal heme a and the ­CuA site of COX2. These genes include calf serum (FCS, PAA), and 1% penicillin/streptomycin COX10, COX14, COX15, COX20, COA5, COA6, SCO1, (Gibco) at 37 °C with 5% CO­ 2. Cell lines used were pri- SCO2, SURF1, TACO1, FASTKD2, LRPPRC, PET100 mary fbroblasts, from the patients described here as well (reviewed in Dennerlein and Rehling 2015; Kadenbach as from controls (C). and Huttemann 2015; Ng and Turnbull 2016), and most 293FT cells (Invitrogen, Breda, The Netherlands) were recently COA3 (Ostergaard et al. 2015). grown in Dulbecco’s Modifed Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) The number of genes encoding assembly factors that containing 4.5 g/L glucose, 10% FCS, 4 mM l-glutamine, are potential mitochondrial disease genes is potentially 1 mM sodium pyruvate, 0.1 mM MEM non-essential amino much larger than the number that has now been identi- acids, 1% penicillin/streptomycin, and 500 μg/ml geneticin fed. Yeast studies have identifed more than 34 differ- (G418). During the transfections for lentivirus production, ent complementation groups for nuclear factors involved the medium did not contain penicillin/streptomycin and in complex IV biogenesis (McEwen et al. 1986). These geneticin. This study adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki are a subset of the so-called nuclear Pet (petite) genes. and written informed consent was obtained from each indi- Yeast carrying a mutation in a Pet gene has lost the ability vidual or their parents.

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Enzyme activity measurements The most promising variant was validated by Sanger sequencing in the probands, healthy siblings, The activities of the separate respiratory chain com- and in the parents using the primer pair PET117_ plexes, citrate synthase (CS), and total protein in fbro- exon2_ Fa: tgtaaaacgacggccagtTGGATTTGAATG- blasts and muscle biopsies were measured spectropho- GCACAAGGATGG and PET117_ exon2_ Ra: tometrically as described before (Janssen et al. 2003; caggaaacagctatgaccCTACTAAGCTACTCTCCATCAAC. Rodenburg 2011) as part of our routine diagnostics. Measurements were only accepted when each of the Copper treatment duplicate values was within a 10% range of their average. Respiratory chain enzyme activities were normalized on For copper treatment of patient fbroblasts, a previously the basis of citrate synthase activity. published protocol was applied (Salviati et al. 2002) with slight modifcations. First, a stock solution of 1000 µM

Lysates, electrophoresis, and western blotting ­CuCl2 was prepared by dissolving CuCl­ 2 (Sigma; 459097) in M199 medium. Final concentrations of ­CuCl2 were Fibroblasts cell pellets were processed for the analysis obtained by further diluting the ­CuCl2 stock solution in of mitochondrial complexes by Blue Native (BN) PAGE M199 medium. as described (Nijtmans et al. 2002). Part of these mito- chondrial protein complexes were further processed for Lentiviral complementation SDS-PAGE by adding SDS-PAGE sample buffer. Protein concentrations were measured using a Micro BCA pro- Cloning of the constructs and lentiviral transductions were tein assay kit (Thermo Scientifc). Mitochondrial extracts performed as described before (Renkema et al. 2015). were separated on 5–15% BN-PAGE gels (Nijtmans et al. In short, a Gateway vector for PET117 without stop 2002), or on 10% SDS-PAGE. codon (gift from Leo Nijtmans) was recombined with the Antisera used were anti-V5 (Invitrogen), anti-COX- pLenti6.2V5-DEST destination vector (Invitrogen) using I (Abcam), anti-COX-II (Invitrogen), anti-COX-IV the Gateway technology (Invitrogen). (Abcam), anti-Porin/VDAC (Mitosciences), anti-CI The resulting pLenti6.2-PET117-V5 or the control con- (NDUFA9) (Abcam), anti-CII (SDHA) (Abcam), and struct pLenti6.2-AcGFP-V5 was used to produce viruses in anti-CIII (UCCRC2) (Abcam). HEK 293FT cells. Infections were performed on fbroblasts in 25 cm2 fasks with 1 ml of virus containing supernatant WES analysis and Sanger sequencing in the presence of 6 µg/ml polybrene (Sigma). Twenty-four hours after infection the medium was refreshed and 48 h Whole exome sequencing and data analysis were per- after transduction the selection of transduced cells was formed essentially as described before (Neveling et al. started with 2 µg/ml blasticidin (InvivoGen). Cells were 2013; Wortmann et al. 2015). Exome enrichment was selected for 14 days, in which time the mock infected cells performed using the SureSelect Human All Exon 50 Mb (without virus) died. Blasticidin resistant cells were used Kit (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA). An in-house devel- for biochemical analysis. oped graphical user interface was used for the data visu- alization and fltering of variants. Several fltering steps were performed on the initial datasets of variants to Results exclude common polymorphisms (using dbSNP v.137, EVS (, ExAC (http:// Patient description, and an in-house database) and include only exonic or splice site and non-synonymous Subject 1 mutations. For the clinical interpretation of variants, a routine pipeline was applied to predict the mutation This patient is the third of six children (individual II-3, impact at the protein level, which includes the predic- Fig. 1, Panel a) born from healthy, second degree con- tion tools SIFT, Polyphen-2, and AlignGVGD (Adzhubei sanguineous (mothers of the parents are sisters) Moroc- et al. 2010; Ng and Henikoff 2001; Tavtigian et al. 2006). can parents. She was born at term and had a normal start. In addition, genomic conservation as assessed by Phy- From the age of 2 years an abnormal motor development loP scoring was included in the interpretation of vari- was noted. Speech and motor skills slowly regressed ants (Gilissen et al. 2012; Pollard et al. 2010). We also from 10 years of age onwards, and she now (at the age of included database searches into possible protein func- 19 years) only speaks some words. She was examined at tions, disease associations and tissue distribution. the age of 15.6 years, at the time when her younger sister

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◂Fig. 1 Family tree and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (PLE). She was frequently admitted because of recur- of the affected siblings. a Schematic representation of the family rent respiratory infections requiring oxygen and intrave- tree. Individual II-2 was lost to follow-up and could, therefore, not be genetically tested. This person is without symptoms. The aster- nous antibiotic treatment. During viral infections, neu- isk marks individual II-1 who has intellectual and motor regression, tropenia was noted. Additional investigations revealed macrocephaly and adiposity but has no indications of mitochondrial with IgG1 and IgG2 subclass disease and his symptoms are assumed to be unrelated to his PET117 defciency. carrier status. Individuals II-3 and II-6 are subjects 1 and 2, respec- tively. b1 Inversion recovery (IR) MRI, and b2 T2 weighted MRI Her general development was delayed from birth. From images are of subject 1. b3 IR MRI image, and b4 T2 MRI image the age of 6 months she suffered from recurring infections of subject 2. These images show normal myelination, normal gyral and since then her motor development progressed slowed pattern, and normal corpus callosum. Hyperintense areas are noted down. Initially this was attributed to her frequent illnesses on the T2 image at the site of the medulla oblongata. c Electron microscopic analysis of the ileum of subject 2. Increased numbers of and hospital admissions. Milestones were all reached at a mitochondria were noted on the apical (c1, c2 magnifcation of the slightly later age than normal. She was able to walk unaided indicated region of c1) and the basal (c3) region of the enterocytes. N at 2½ years. Her exercise tolerance was always lower than nucleus, B brush border her healthy peers. An MRI of the brain at the age of 4 years showed no abnormalities. Motor evaluation at the age of (subject 2, see below) showed regression in development. 5 years showed a motor development of a 4-year-old. She At examination she had a normal growth with normoceph- has normal facial mimicry, no paresis, and no ataxia. BSID- aly and no dysmorphic features. On neurological evalu- III (American norm) at the age of 40 months revealed a ation, pyramidal signs with positive Babinski’s, bradyki- developmental age of 27 months (index 74–90). Wechsler nesia and hypokinesia were noted. An MRI of her brain Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence—third edition showed abnormal lesions on the T2 image of the medulla (WPPSI-III-NL), at the age of 4 years and 11 months was oblongata (Fig. 1, Panels b1 and b2). Extensive ophthal- far below average scores and reference ages, varying from mological examination showed no pathology (light refex <2; 7 years to <4; 10 years. Currently, she cannot walk symmetrical, stereo vision according Lang 3 positive, eye stairs anymore, and can only walk unaided for short dis- × movements normal, funduscopy: papil and macula normal tances, and has a similar movement disorder as her affected aspect, central minimal tortuous vessels). sibling. She is able to speak but her memory declines. An Initial metabolic investigation in subject 1 at the age ophtalmological examination showed no pathology, as of 13 revealed no abnormalities, apart from a mild ele- in subject 1. The cause of the progressive PLE is as yet vated plasma glycine levels (375, highest reference value unknown, despite extensive investigations, including duo- 330 μmol/l). Four years later more signs of mitochon- denoscopy, colonoscopy, double balloon enteroscopy, MRI drial involvement could be noted. In urine, mildly ele- enterography, nuclear albumin scan, laparoscopy, and full vated excretion of lactate (159; highest reference value thickness biopsy of the ileum and repeat ultrasounds. She 131 mmol/mol), creatine (267; highest reference value initially was treated with extensive immunosuppressive 244 mmol/mol), and guanidinoacetate (107; highest ref- medication and giving supportive therapy consisting of cip- erence value 78 mmol/mol). In plasma, glycine was still roxin and weekly albumin transfusions, as well as intrave- mildly elevated (365 μmol/l), with normal CSF/plasma nous immunoglobulins transfusions a few times per year. ratio. In addition, lactate levels were elevated (3.0, highest The only effective treatment was high-dose prednisone, reference value 2.0 mmol/l). Other investigations were nor- temporarily reducing her need for albumin transfusions mal, including chitotriosidase enzyme activity and transfer- from twice a week to once every 6 weeks. This effect did ring isoelectrofocussing. In CSF, elevated levels of alanine not last and a partial ileum resection was performed twice, (41 μmol/l; highest reference value 29,7) and lactate (3.1; at the age of 4 and 7 years due to severe stenosis of the highest reference value 2.1 mmol/l) were detected, while infamed ileum. Histological examinations of the ileum other investigations were normal, including 5-methyltet- revealed diffuse erosions and ulcerations, and (only in the rahydrofolate, 5-hydroxyindolazijnzuur, homovanillic acid, second resection) also arteriovenous malformations in the ratio HVA/5HIAA, and 3-O-methyldopamine. submucosa of unknown origin. Electron microscopy of the ileum showed increased numbers of mitochondria, both Subject 2 on the apical site (Fig. 1, Panels c1 and c2) as well as on the basal site (Panel c3) of the enterocytes. An MRI of the Subject 2 (individual II-6, Fig. 1, Panel a) is the young- brain at the age of 6 years revealed two abnormal lesions est sister of subject 1 and is currently (2017) 8 years of on the T2 image of the medulla oblongata, identical to age. At the age of 20 months she presented for the frst those found in subject 1 (Fig. 1, Panels b3 and b4). Based time with an episode with fever and diarrhea also with on the MRI fndings and the clinical features showing neu- edema and ascites due to protein losing enteropathy rodevelopmental regression, a mitochondrial disorder was

1 3 764 Hum Genet (2017) 136:759–769 suspected. Metabolic investigations at age 1 year showed detailed investigation of the variants in the disease genes no abnormalities in urine, except for excretion of dicarbo- known to be associated with isolated complex IV def- nic acids probably as result of MCT containing feeding. ciency, but this did not reveal any candidate disease causing All other investigations in urine and blood were normal, variants. Subsequently, the genetic variants in the complete including lactate, amino acids, acylcarnitine profle. At the WES datasets were compared between the sisters, result- age of 5 years, elevated lactate was noted (3.0 mmol/l). In ing in three groups of shared variants; compound heterozy- addition, plasma levels of alanine (1465; highest reference gous variants, homozygous variants, and variants present value 600 µmol/l) and glycine (417 μmol/l) were observed, in MitoCarta2.0 (Calvo et al. 2016) (shown in Table 2 and with an increased alanine/lysine ratio (6.4; highest refer- Supplementary Table 1). To fnd the most promising dis- ence value 3.0) and alanine:(phenylalanine tyrosine) ease candidate gene, we analyzed each of the variants for + ratio (6.6; highest reference value 4.0). several criteria, as indicated in Supplementary Table 1 and the “Materials and Methods”. Based on these criteria a sin- Biochemical characterization of subjects 1 and 2 gle homozygous variant in PET117 was identifed as the only candidate disease causing variant. Analysis of the OXPHOS complex activities in muscle A homozygous nonsense mutation in the gene encoding biopsies from the patients showed an isolated complex IV PET117 (NM_001164811) was detected in both patients. defciency as compared to control samples. The activities of The cytosine to thymine (C>T) mutation at position c.172 the other enzyme complexes were all within the reference results in a premature stop codon at position 58 of the pro- range (Table 1). tein. The mutation was confrmed by Sanger sequencing Complex IV protein expression levels in cultured pri- and cosegregated within the family (Fig. 2, Panel c). This mary fbroblast cell lines obtained from the patients were variant is not present in genetic variant databases (dbSNP, compared with those in control cell lines by Blue native EVS, ExAC, in-house database). (BN)-PAGE separation followed by western blot analysis of the respiratory chain complexes. As shown in Fig. 2, Panel Copper treatment of patient cells a, the patient fbroblasts had severely reduced amounts of complex IV protein, explaining the reduction in complex Human PET117 has been identifed in a bioinformatics IV enzyme activity. The other respiratory chain complexes approach to identify human complex IV assembly fac- were present in amounts comparable to those in the con- tors (Szklarczyk et al. 2012). Results from previous stud- trol samples, albeit with considerable natural variations as ies had indicated that Pet117 may interact with COX17, a is also apparent in the enzymatic control ranges as shown mitochondrial copper chaperone for complex IV (Szklarc- in Fig. 3, Panel c). Analysis of the complex IV subunits, zyk et al. 2012). Therefore, we studied a possible role for detected after SDS-PAGE separation followed by western Pet117 in the copper insertion into complex IV. For this blotting, revealed a severe reduction of the complex IV purpose, we treated the fbroblast cell line from subject 1 subunits COX-I, COX-II, and COX-IV in the patient fbro- with ­CuCl2. The patient fbroblast were treated for 10 days blasts as compared to the levels in a panel of control fbro- at concentrations of 100 or 200 µM, since these condi- blasts (Fig. 2, Panel b). tions have been shown before to lead to a complete (Sal- viati et al. 2002) or partial (Baertling et al. 2015) rescue of Genetic analysis of subject 1 and 2 complex defciency caused by pathogenic variants in genes encoding proteins involved in copper delivery to complex Whole exome sequencing (WES) was used to identify the IV. We performed non-denaturing BN-PAGE using n-dode- underlying genetic defect causing the isolated complex IV cyl β-d-maltoside lysed mitochondrial protein with subse- defciency. After fltering for common polymorphisms as quent immunoblotting, which revealed no positive effect explained in the materials and methods, we performed a

Table 1 Isolated complex IV CI CII CIII CIV CV CS defciency in muscle biopsies of subject 1 and subject 2 Subject 1 298 456 947 123 719 475 Subject 2 324 412 721 103 809 283 Reference range 163–599 335–888 570–1383 288–954 193–819 151-449

Activities of all complex activities are expressed as milliunits per unit citrate synthase (mU/U CS). The activity of CS is expressed as milliunits per milligram protein (mU/mg). Respiratory chain complex activi- ties below the reference range are indicated in bold

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Fig. 2 Patients have reduced levels of complex IV, reduced levels of of the two patient cell lines compared to four different control cell complex IV subunits, and mutations in PET117. a Blue native elec- lines. Western blots were probed for complex IV subunits, COX-I, trophoreses and western blot analysis of the patient cell lines com- COX-II, and COX-IV. Antisera against CII (SDHA) and Porin were pared to three different control cell lines. Blots were probed for com- used as loading controls. c Sanger sequencing of DNA of the patients plex I (NDUFA9), complex II (SDHA), complex III (UQCRC2), and as well as the parents confrmed the presence of the c.172C>T muta- complex IV (COX-IV). b SDS-PAGE separation of fbroblast extracts tion. FW forward sequence, REV reverse sequence

on complex IV levels in Pet117 defcient patient fbroblasts by SDS-PAGE and western blot analysis of the fbroblasts (data not shown). cell lines (Fig. 3, Panel a). The apparent molecular masses are consistent with the expected masses of the tagged Lentiviral complementation proteins. Blue native gel analysis of the respiratory chain com- To establish whether the PET117 mutation as found in plexes showed a clear increase in the levels of fully assem- the patients indeed is the cause of the complex IV def- bled complex IV in the patient cell line complemented with ciency in the patients fbroblasts, we performed a genetic the wild-type PET117, as compared to the patient cell line complementation of the fbroblasts of subject 1 using len- transduced with the GFP-V5 expression construct (Fig. 3, tiviral particles that contain the wild PET117 cDNA with Panel b). Activity measurements of the respiratory chain a C-terminal V5-epitope tag. As a control for the proce- enzymes in these cell lines showed that the expression of dure we used the gene encoding green fuorescent protein wild-type PET117 in the fbroblasts of subject 1 resulted in (GFP) also with a C-terminal V5-tag. The expression of the a concomitant specifc and signifcant increase in the activ- transgene products Pet117-V5 and GFP-V5 was confrmed ity of complex IV. The activities of the other respiratory

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chain enzyme complexes were similar to those in the GFP- Discussion expressing patient cell line (Fig. 3, Panels c and d). As indi- cated by the control ranges based on measurements of 109 In this paper we describe two sisters with a mitochon- different control fbroblast lines, the complex IV enzyme drial disease presenting with neurodevelopmental regres- activity of the patient fbroblast was restored to control lev- sion and cerebral lesions in the medulla oblongata. Both els (Panel c).

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◂Fig. 3 Complementation of fbroblasts with wild-type PET117 The homozygous missense mutation found in the restores complex IV activity. Patient subject 1 (P) and control (C) patients results in a premature stop codon. In many cases fbroblasts were transduced with lentiviruses carrying either the wild-type PET117 gene or GFP (green fuorescent protein) as a con- this does not result in the formation of a truncated protein, trol, both with a C-terminal V5 tag. a Expression of the transgenes but rather leads to nonsense mediated decay. Due to the in the stably transduced control (C) and patient (P) fbroblasts was lack of a specifc antiserum to Pet117 we could not ana- verifed after SDS-PAGE separation and western blot detection with lyze the expression of Pet117 in the fbroblast cell lines anti-V5. GFP-V5 and Pet117-V5 are indicated with open and closed arrow heads, respectively. b Blue native electrophoreses and western of these patient. The isolated defciency of complex IV blot analysis of the cell lines. Membranes were probed for complex enzyme activity was accompanied by a specifc decrease IV (COX-IV) or complex II (SDHA), the latter as a loading control. in holo-complex IV protein levels. The protein expres- c The activity of the different respiratory chain complexes and CV sion levels of several individual complex IV subunits were were analyzed in three independently obtained mitochondrial extracts from the stably transduced cells. The effciency of the PET117 found to be reduced as compared to levels in control fbro- complementation is expressed as percentage of the C GFP com- blast cell lines. Similar observations have been described plemented cell line. The control ranges of 109 untransduced+ control for defects in other complex IV assembly factors, such as fbroblast lines are indicated. ***p 0.001 in an 2-way ANOVA. d C12orf62/COX14 (Weraarpachai et al. 2012) and PET100 Relative increase in activity of the different= enzyme complexes com- pared between the GFP and PET117 transduced cell lines of each (Lim et al. 2014; Olahova et al. 2015). This is probably due individual to increased turnover of the subunits when the assembly of complex IV is impaired. Our functional complementation studies of the patient patients had an isolated defciency of complex IV of the cell lines showed that the complex IV activity and protein respiratory chain. WES analysis of the patients revealed a levels of the assembled complex were restored to near- homozygous variant in PET117 as the most likely cause normal levels upon transduction with wild-type PET117 of the disease, based on the nature of the mutation (non- cDNA. This proves that the complex IV defciency is sense mutation resulting in a premature stop codon), caused by the PET117 gene defect and indicates a critical the described mitochondrial localization (Szklarczyk role of Pet117 in the biogenesis of complex IV. Although et al. 2012), and the putative involvement in complex IV previous studies suggested a possible role of Pet117 in assembly. We thus report for the frst time mutations in the copper insertion into complex IV, our data indicate PET117 as a cause for complex IV defciency. that this is not the case. Very recently, a yeast study dem- In addition to the CNS lesions that are present in both onstrated that Pet117 interacts with Cox15, the heme a patients, in one of the two patients gastrointestinal pathol- synthase that is an essential factor for complex IV assem- ogy (PLE) was observed. Electron microscopy revealed bly. It was shown that Pet117 is required for oligomeriza- increased numbers of mitochondria in intestinal cells of tion of Cox15 (Taylor et al. 2016). Previously, it has been subject 2, which may suggest a mitochondrial involvement, shown that Cox15 forms complexes with Shy1, the yeast although this may also be a secondary phenomenon due to homolog of Surf1, and that both proteins form hetero-oli- the intestinal pathology. We considered the possibility of a gomers and associate with complex IV assembly intermedi- second mutation in subject 2 as a possible explanation for ates and cooperatively insert heme a (Bareth et al. 2013). the intestinal and immunological problems, but a detailed The recent data indicate that Pet117 is an essential fac- analysis of the WES data, including an analysis of variants tor in the coupling of heme a synthesis with complex IV that are present in subject 2 but not in subject 1, could not assembly (Taylor et al. 2016). This is compatible with our reveal a genetic explanation. As subject 1 does not have results, showing that a mutation in this gene caused com- these additional symptoms, it remains to be elucidated plex IV defciency and that exclude a role of Pet117 in cop- whether the gastrointestinal and immunological features per insertion. For future research, it would be of interest to are part of the mitochondrial disease caused by the PET117 study the heme levels in samples of our patients in more mutation. detail, as was done for the Cox15 patients (Antonicka et al. The human PET117 gene has very weak homology with 2003). its yeast counterpart and could only be identifed from the In conclusion, we present two patients with complex IV by a specialized bioinformatics approach defciency caused by mutations in PET117 and thus present (Szklarczyk et al. 2012). The gene, located on a novel genetic cause for mitochondrial disease. 20, consists of two exons and encodes for only 81 amino acids. With BLAST searches no homologies with other Acknowledgements We thank the mitochondrial diagnostics group proteins have been found. Knockout of the yeast PET117 (muscle lab, cell culture lab, and DNA lab) of the Radboud Center for Mitochondrial Medicine (RCMM) at the Translational Metabolic has initially been described as converting a petite pheno- Laboratory, RadboudUMC for excellent technical assistance. Lisanne type to these cells, pointing to a possible role in mitochon- Gommers, Jesse Brunsveld and Marion Antoine are thanked for their drial function (McEwen et al. 1986, 1993). contributions. We would like to acknowledge the Genome Technology

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Table 2 Meta data of WES analysis of subject 1 and subject 2 Bareth B, Dennerlein S, Mick DU, Nikolov M, Urlaub H, Rehling P (2013) The heme a synthase Cox15 associates with cytochrome Subject 1 Subject 2 c oxidase assembly intermediates during Cox1 maturation. Mol Cell Biol 33:4128–4137 # Variants called 128,536 78,497 Calvo SE, Clauser KR, Mootha VK (2016) MitoCarta2.0: an updated Applied flters inventory of mammalian mitochondrial proteins. Nucl Acids Res dbSNP v.137 (<0.5%) 22,768 8349 44:D1251–D1257 Chinnery PF, Hudson G (2013) Mitochondrial Genet. Br Med Bull In-house database (<0.5%) 12,239 2353 106:135–159 Exonic/splice sites 1214 694 Debray FG, Lambert M, Chevalier I, Robitaille Y, Decarie JC, Shou- Non-synonymous 779 448 bridge EA, Robinson BH, Mitchell GA (2007) Long-term out- Shared variants come and clinical spectrum of 73 pediatric patients with mito- chondrial diseases. 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