Blooms of Joy Gala

Saturday, November 10, 2018

The land will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy Isaiah 35:2 2

Blooms of Joy Gala

5:00 PM VIP Reception

6:00 PM Cocktail Reception: Belmont Grand Foyer Mystery Bag Sales Open Mystery Wine Sales Open

7:15 PM Welcome: Belmont Grand Ballroom Will Waldron, Executive Director, Divine Mercy Care


Veterans Day Recognition

Divine Mercy Care Video

Blessing of the Food

Three Course Dinner

Presentation of the Divine Mercy Care Award John Bruchalski, M.D., Founder of Tepeyac OB/GYN and Divine Mercy Care

Presentation of the Susan M. Torres Award Marie Anderson, M.D., Founder of the Kristen Anderson Perinatal Hospice Program

Live Auction

Tepeyac OB/GYN Video

Patient Testimony

Hero Auction

Closing Prayer

9:45 PM Dancing with “The Joker’s Wild”: Belmont Grand Ballroom

Post Program Reception: Belmont Grand Foyer 3

From our Bishop

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Dear Divine Mercy Care Family,

It is my great honor to welcome you to our 15th annual Divine Mercy Care Gala in the 24th year of Tepeyac OB/GYN. This year’s theme is “Blooms of Joy” to recognize and give thanks for the joyful season of blessing and abundance that we are experiencing at DMC and Tepeyac. At the new medical facility, Tepeyac has almost doubled monthly patient appointments and improved billing. Divine Mercy Care has codified its eight programs to personify the mission to serve, inspire, and unify, with particular focus this year on the launch of the national unification effort Pro Women’s Healthcare Centers, which certifies medical facilities nationwide that are similar to Tepeyac, meeting life-affirming comprehensive medical standards.

Pro-life medicine is still a relatively new movement. There are pro-life legislative efforts, there are anti-abortion protests, there are pregnancy help centers, and then there is Tepeyac. We are unique in the movement, filling the huge hole that is a need for women’s healthcare as an alternative to the cultural mentality of suppressing the body, ending pregnancies, and rejecting the gifts of fertility and life.

Many of you are here because you have personal life experience when your own healthcare was not pro woman. Maybe you had an abortion or know someone who did. Maybe you had an unplanned pregnancy and bravely continued despite pressure from physicians to abort. Or maybe the pressure to abort was because you had a Down syndrome child, or a child whose life was brief on this earth, but the doctors would have wanted it even briefer.

And Tepeyac OB/GYN and pro women’s health isn’t just about abortion, getting to the root causes is the focus. Maybe you were laughed at when you told your OB/GYN your teenage daughter was abstinent and didn’t need STD testing. Maybe your doctor rushed you through instead of listening to your hormonal health concerns and thyroid problems. Maybe you were put on birth control for a health condition that would have been better solved by a restorative solution, and suffered side effects for years. Maybe your doctor told you the child you lost to miscarriage was just a fetus and grief wasn’t necessary. Maybe you weren’t told about options like Fertility Awareness Family Planning, Perinatal Hospice, and NaproTechnology infertility treatments, but might have chosen them if you had.

Our vision and treatment is different. Our vision is that providers listen, accompany, care, pray, and see health as body, mind, and spirit. Our vision is that God is the source of life and abundant, true health. Through Divine Mercy Care, we can spread this vision through education and collaboration locally and nationally. And at Tepeyac, we live out that vision every day for all women – both the insured and uninsured. In this work, the suffering and grief is overshadowed by mercy, hope, faith, and true joy. We see women come alive again!

I hope that tonight you can rejoice in this movement blooming, which leads to bearing fruit! And join us next year for our 25th Anniversary of Tepeyac celebration, which will be in April of 2019! Dr. John Bruchalski

Founder, Divine Mercy Care and Tepeyac OB/GYN 5

Welcome to the Blooms of Joy Gala

The land will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy Isaiah 35:2 6

2018 Divine Mercy Care Award Winner Burman Skrable Joins Us for an Interview

The Divine Mercy Care Award honors those whose time, talent, or treasure advances pro-life healthcare and is presented to the person, family, or organization that has shown exemplary and sacrificial commitment to the mission of Divine Mercy Care.

At lunch recently, Divine Mercy Care had questions for longtime donor and volunteer Burman Skrable, recipient of this year’s Divine Mercy Care Award. We asked how he felt about receiving the award and about his service to DMC in both capacities.

“I remember reading about this old-time baseball player who said ‘I can’t believe they actually pay me to play this game.’ That’s how I feel about getting an award at DMC. I like to write—to think about the kinds of issues that are at the heart of what DMC and Tepeyac do. [Since] these are things that I naturally like to do, to get an award for doing that…that’s kind of over the top.

“I can’t remember how I started donating to Tepeyac. A family member became a Tepeyac patient years ago. Reading about what Tepeyac and DMC do—it seemed very reasonable that would be a good way to support the pro-life cause in a particular way. The more I learned about DMC and its efforts to unify things in the area and to evangelize and export Dr. Bruchalski’s vision, the more it seemed that is something that a healthy society needs, and [donating] is a small way to make that happen.”

Asked about his favorite volunteer project, Burman replied, “I really enjoyed doing some interviews for last year’s annual report. Some of the interviewees sit together at Mass with my daughter. That was a real bonus. Being able to do that kind of stuff, for me, is fun and interesting. If I can interview some people 7

2018 Divine Mercy Care Award Winner Burman Skrable Joins Us for an Interview and get a thread that runs through their story, tie it together, and present that to other people, I find that enjoyable.”

Right now, Burman is working on a of Tepeyac to be published during the practice’s 25th anniversary year. “Writing is how I think things through; how I think best. When I’m interested in an issue, I’ll take it on and write about it. It’s always a way of thinking it through, so that I can be sure to get it right. When I write it down, I find flaws in what may previously have seemed reasonable and logical.

“About two years ago I started working on a history of Tepeyac and Divine Mercy Care, because I was interested in that and thought that someone who’s doing fundraising might find that information very useful. Then, along came the 25th Anniversary year. It was rewarding to see a lot of what I’d written about the history would be used in there.”

“How would you advise someone to be increasingly creative as a volunteer?” we asked Burman. “I’ve just been happy to help out with whatever has been needed, especially when all that’s involved is sitting down in front of my computer. I don’t even have to travel.”

We asked what most satisfies him about working with DMC. “At the most superficial level, [I’d say it’s] working with people who seem to appreciate what I’m doing. Watching the way Divine Mercy Care has been trying to sort out its role, and come up with something like your big project, your consortium [Pro Women’s Healthcare Centers]—and maybe being a small part of that, asked to weigh in on goals and do things like that.”

“Do you have plans for future collaboration?” we couldn’t help wondering. “I’ll see what comes up. There’s the history, and more interviews. I’m happy to try to help with whatever you all believe would be valuable.”

Lastly, we asked Burman why he’s inspired by Dr. Bruchalski and his vision. “I’ve long been interested in these issues surrounding sexual behavior, the teachings of the and what the Catholic vision of reality has to offer. I’ve strengthened my Catholic faith by working on integrating faith and reason through study. [I admire the way] Dr. Bruchalski embraced that (integrated Catholic) vision and worked with it to implement it in medical terms.”

Divine Mercy Care is proud to have someone of Burman’s caliber working with us, and hopes to continue enjoying his assistance for many years to come. 8

2018 Susan M. Torres Award Creating a Legacy: Matthias’ Story

The Susan M. Torres Award honors those who live the gospel of life through the mystery of suffering. In 2005, Susan M. Torres was a comatose Tepeyac Patient with a terminal condition. She was maintained on life support for 12 weeks in a valiant effort to give her unborn daughter a chance to live. At 29 weeks of pregnancy, she underwent a C-section, was taken off life support, and died. Tragically, her daughter, Susan Anne Catherine Torres, later passed away as well. With the family’s blessing, Divine Mercy Care and Tepeyac OB/GYN established the Susan M. Torres award to honor her.

2017 marked a turning point in the lives of Lauren and Jeffrey Huang and their children. Three uneventful pregnancies and one early miscarriage had taught Lauren what to expect from her childbearing. The news that she was pregnant for a fourth time led to excited talk of remodeling the house to provide each child with a separate bedroom.

Then Lauren’s genetic testing for her pregnancy showed a 62% chance that her child would have Trisomy 18, also known as Edwards’ Syndrome. Only about 50% of Trisomy 18 babies are born alive. Of those, only around 10% live beyond their first year. The few who reach adulthood require full-time caregiving due to their medical and developmental issues. At Lauren’s next sonogram, the markers indicated a 90% chance that her baby would exhibit the syndrome. She clung to the slim possibility that the prognosis could be wrong. When even more markers for Trisomy 18 were identified, her doctor advised her that she had two choices: abort her child or face the certainty that it would be afflicted with Trisomy 18.

The midwife who had delivered Lauren’s previous children recommended that she consult the Tepeyac doctors. From her first visit (with Dr. Anderson), Lauren felt hope that all would be well with her pregnancy and delivery. Lauren and Jeffrey prepared the children to say hello and goodbye to the sibling they had decided to name “Matthias.” Their eldest boy was silent and thoughtful at the news; the second-born full of questions. Baby sister, age six, was too young for a full understanding of what lay ahead. Painstakingly, the elder Huangs began crafting their son’s legacy for his family.

Placenta previa complicated Matthias’ birth. The Huangs responded by putting everything in the hands of God (“He gave Matthias to us; He’ll take care of us all”). After his delivery by Drs. Anderson and Cvetkovich, he lived for a little more than an hour, during which he was baptized, then cuddled by each of his siblings and by grandparents and other relatives. Handprints and footprints were taken for the family to keep. The hospital permitted his body to stay with his family overnight before being released to be prepared 9

2018 Susan M. Torres Award Creating a Legacy: Matthias’ Story for burial. The hospital moved Lauren to a private room and helped her find a place to hold the baby’s viewing. Someone donated a pretty gown for Matthias’ burial. Lauren likened the ministrations of those empathetic folk to white cells clustering around a wound, combatting infection. Together with Divine Grace, those “white cells” did their job. Unhesitatingly, Lauren says that the biggest help she received in dealing with this experience was the conviction that “God would help us through the storm - and it would be OK.”

The Huang family cherishes the memories of Matthias’ brief time on earth. Tepeyac OB/GYN and Divine Mercy Care salute Lauren for the gracious, courageous and faith-filled attitude that have characterized every meeting with her, both during and after her pregnancy. 10

A Heartfelt Thanks to Our Supporters Diamond Enable Platinum The Basilica of St. Mary, Alexandria, VA Blue Mantle Technology McCarthy & Akers - Tepeyac Title LLC St. Timothy Catholic Church, Chantilly, VA Joseph A. Haydu Jr. and Caroline W. Haydu Foundation

Gold Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crnkovich Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fusaro McCarthy & Akers - PLC John C. Grimberg Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Moss Mr. and Mrs. Vic Sellier St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, Fairfax, VA St. Raymond of Peñafort Catholic Church, Springfield, VA St. Theresa Catholic Church, Ashburn, VA

Silver Most Rev. Michael F. Burbidge, Roman Catholic Diocese of Arlington Mr. and Mrs. Philip Carrescia Culture of Life Foundation In Memory of Pat Minetti Mr. James Kelly, Paladin Financial St. Joseph’s Roofing In Honor of Jack and Mary Kay Swayze McLean Pediatrics Trail Life USA / Mark Remington 11

A Heartfelt Thanks to Our Supporters Bronze Mr. and Mrs. Mazen Baroudi Bellwether Communications Catholic Business Network of Northern Christendom College Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe S. Kratz Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mullins Guadalupe Radio Network Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goodwin Don and Shannon Patin Queen of Apostles Catholic Church, Alexandria, VA Renaissance Montessori School Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo J. and Katherine K. Ricart Dr. and Mrs. D. Gordon Rye St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Fredericksburg, VA Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scolese Sidewalk Advocates for Life Mr. and Mrs. Chris Smith Sun Design Remodeling / Bob Gallager TELELINK Communications Inc., Russ and Cheryl Corser, Principals

Thank you! 12

Live Auction Items

An Intimate Dinner with Dr. and Mrs. John Bruchalski Donors: Mazen and Monique Baroudi

Value: $500

Enjoy an intimate evening of dinner and fellowship with Dr. Bruchalski and his wife, Carolyn, at the beautiful Baroudi home. Savor a deliciously prepared five-course meal, delight in lively conversation and engaging company while supporting Divine Mercy Care. Dinner is for a total of eight people, including Dr. and Mrs. Bruchalski.

A Winter’s Night in Washington, DC Donors: Nicholas and Jean Romanoff, Shannen and Casey Coffin, and Ford’s Theatre

Value: $815

This Live Auction package includes an overnight stay in a “Premier King Guest Room” followed by breakfast for two at the iconic Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC, for Saturday, December 22, through Sunday, December 23, 2018. The Mayflower Hotel has enchanted visitors since opening in 1925, offering historic grandeur and modern style, for an experience that is nothing short of remarkable. The package also includes two tickets for “A Christmas Carol” at Ford’s Theatre on Saturday, December 22, at 7:30 pm, an exceptional dining experience at The Palm Restaurant, and $50 Uber gift certificate. The package also includes two tickets to a performance at Ford’s Theatre of “Twelve Angry Men” in 2019. 13

Live Auction Items

Washington Capitals Hockey Donor: Geoff Verhoff

Value: $1,500

Watch defending Stanley Cup Champtions, the Washington Capitals, in a six-seat private suite at the Capital One Arena. Tickets will get you into the action as the Washington Capitals take on the Anaheim Mighty Ducks on Sunday, December 2, 2018, at 3:00 PM. This package includes food and beverages with a menu selected by winner. Arena parking pass included.

Brian Regan at the Kennedy Center Donor: Paul Scolese and Kathy Doherty

Value: $1,200

This Live Auction package includes two orchestra tickets to see comedian Brian Regan at the Kennedy Center in the Concert Hall with access to the “members only” lounge, where you can enjoy drinks before and during the show. Also included is a $100 Gift card towards a restaurant of your chosing. Brian Regan can turn the most mundane situations – like going to the eye doctor to get fitted for glasses, or trying to decide how many fig newtons to eat in one sitting – into side-splitting stand-up material. The perfect balance of sophisticated writing and physicality, Brian Regan consistently fills theaters nationwide with fervent fans that span generations. The show is on Thursday, March 21, 2019. 14

Live Auction Items

Beach House Vacation Donor: Jack and Laura Jackson

Value: $2,500

With charming style and fantastic amenities, everyone in the family will enjoy their time spent at Octupus Garden. This beautiful Outer Banks, NC, vacation home is perfect for you and your crew. With access to the Ocean Sands community tennis courts and fishing lake, plus your own private pool, there’s something for everyone at Octopus Garden. Plus, this Corolla vacation home is located near great local dining, shopping, and local attractions including the Currituck Beach Lighthouse and Corolla Village. Sleeps 12 with 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. Available April through June 2019 and September through November 2019. Saturday to Saturday rental with 4:00 pm arrival and 10:00 am departure.

Fishing and Fellowship on the Potomac Donors: William and Mary Waldron, Jane Pennefather

Value: Priceless

Join Dr. Bruchalski and host, Will Waldron, with four of your friends for fishing and fellowship on the Potomac River at Coltons Point, Maryland. Trip includes an overnight stay at a beautiful waterfront home, six hours of fishing the following day, and a late lunch before returning back home. 15

Live Auction Items

Date Night for a Year Donors: Top Golf, Glorious Goblets, Tuscarora Mill, Tarara Winery, Washington Dulles Hilton, The Abigail Inn, Anna O’Neill, Kevin Klinker

Value: $1,500

Date nights are an important way for couples to spend some much-needed time together. This package includes 12 novel, exciting, and romantic date nights and is the perfect gift to enjoy throughout the year with your loved one! Items include:

• Enjoy a driving range “with a twist” at Top Golf • A night of suspense and mystery at Escape Room • Romantic dinner at Leesburg’s iconic Tuscarora Mill Restaurant • Premier wine tasting at Tarara Winery • A memorable night at the theatre at Arena Stage • “Rock the red” while watching the 2018 Stanley Cup Champions, the Washington Capitals, defend their title during a regular season game on February 11, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. • Private painting party for two at Glorious Goblets, with drinks and appetizers provided • Relax, unwind, and rekindle the romance with a two night stay at the beautiful Abigail Inn bed and breakfast • Two VIP tickets to the 2019 Divine Mercy Care Gala • Overnight stay and breakfast for two at the Washington Dulles Hilton • Experience iFLY indoor skydiving, where the dream of flight becomes a reality • $100 Visa gift card towards a date night of your choosing

Please check all individual items for restrictions and expiration. 16 17

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Many Thanks our Gala Committe, staff, and the many volunteers who work tirelessly to turn this event into a reality! We sincerely thank all of our Gala volunteers who help with the day-of coordination, set up, clean up, and who work behind the scenes to ensure the evening runs smoothly.

2018 Gala Committee Members at Large

Monique Baroudi, Gala Chair Casey Coffin Mary Anne Dooley, Night-Of Volunteer Chair Kathy Doherty Courtney Horne, Decorations Chair Ann Geiran Kathryn Nuss, Graphics Chair Ofelia Guerrero-Kirlin Anna Schiavone O’Neill, Auction Chair Mary Shea Peters Barbara Remington, Mystery Bags Chair Donna Rye Liz Schiavone, Sponsorship Chair Jennifer Sheedy, Data Chair

Tepeyac Providers Divine Mercy Care Staff

John Bruchalski, M.D. F.A.C.O.G. Will Waldron, Executive Director Marie Anderson, M.D. F.A.C.O.G. Sharon Chang, Communications Manager Daniel Fisk, M.D. F.A.C.O.G. Mark Flores, Business Manager Miriam Pereira, M.D. F.A.C.O.G. Donna Johnson, Administrative Assistant Lorna Cvetkovich, M.D. F.A.C.O.G. Greg Lynch, Development Manager Kim Terhune, CNM Virginia Davison Madden, Programs Assistant Chaney Mullins, Programs Manager Board of Directors Special Thanks

John Bruchalski, M.D. Claire Chapman, Portraits Monique Baroudi Renata Crespo, Candid Photography Kathy Doherty Cecelia Garvey, Violinist Sean Garvey Josefa Gonzalez Photography, Video Joseph Goyette Mercersburg Printing, Printing Services Jennifer Watson Rob Tessier, Auctioneer Father Gerald Weymes Virginia Imports, Mystery Wine Grab Sponsor 31

General Rules All sales are final. No exchanges or refunds are permitted. Gift certificates are not redeemable for cash. All items are sold “as is”. The item description is as accurate as possible, and the committee is not responsible for any discrepancies that may occur. The decisions of the auctioneer and the committee are final.

All resort and private vacation homes are offered to adults and minors accompanied by adults. No pets allowed. Reservations for dinners, the use of homes, trips, etc., must be mutually arranged with the donors, unless otherwise specified. All accommodations and travel are subject to availability and donor restrictions. Some items have expiration and blackout dates. Read your gift certificates carefully. If not specified, offers and items expire one year from date of issue.

Live Auction Rules The highest bidder acknowledged by the auctioneer shall be the buyer. In the event of any dispute, the auctioneer shall determine the successful bidder. The auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid that, in his opinion, is not commensurate with the value of the item being offered. To enter a bid, the bidder displays his/her bidding number to signal the auctioneer or “spotter”. Bids should be made promptly. The auctioneer will not let bidders bid against themselves. The winning bidder will give his/her name and number to the spotter at the conclusion of the bidding for each item.

Check out and Payment Options The Gala accepts the following methods payment: cash and personal check are preferred; Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are also accepted. Check-out is at the registration area. To claim an item you have purchased in our auction, give your bidder information to the checkout helper, verify that your purchases/donations are correct, and your items(s) or further information will be given to you. Please do not remove items without first presenting your bidder information to a checkout helper. Thank you in advance for your patience.

Tax Information Charitable organizations are required to provide contributors with detailed tax information in connection with their contributions, including amounts paid for items offered at events such as this auction. Divine Mercy Care will comply with the applicable laws, but the donor must be aware of the rules and follow them closely.

Your charitable deduction for the purchase of items at the auction is limited to the amount, if any, by which your payment exceeds the fair market value of that item. This is true even though the item was donated to Divine Mercy Care for the auction. Your receipt includes a good-faith estimate of the value of the item. The estimated value of each item was provided by the donor of the item. However, neither the donors nor Divine Mercy Care are professional appraisers, and they are not responsible for the accuracy of such valuations. Consult your tax advisor for advice regarding the deductibility of any individual item.