Abraham Lincoln papers

1 From to Henry W. Halleck [Draft] , November 27, 1862

1 On November 7, 1862, Lincoln removed General McClellan from command of the Army of the Potomac, and replaced him with Ambrose Burnside. Burnside then moved the army to Falmouth, Virginia, across the from Fredericksburg, whence he concluded to surprise General Robert E. Lee by crossing the Rappahannock immediately to his front and attacking him there. Burnside presumed that Lee would expect him to cross the river above or below Fredericksburg, rather than at the town itself. As this letter shows, Lincoln had misgivings about the scheme, which was the scheme that governed Burnside at the disastrous on . He proposes an alternative here, but he was overruled by both Burnside and General .

Steamer Baltimore

Off Acquia Creek, Va.

Nov. 27, 1862


I have just had a long conference with Gen. Burnside. He believes that Gen. Lees whole army, or nearly the whole of it is in front of him, at and near Fredericksburg— Gen. B. says he could take into battle now any day, about one hundred and ten thousand men, that his army is in good spirit, good condition, good moral, and that in all respects he is satisfied with officers and men; that he does not want more men with him, because he could not handle them to advantage; that he thinks he 2 can cross the river in face of the enemy and drive him away, but that, to use his own expression, it is somewhat risky— I wish the case to stand more favorable than this in two respects. First, I wish his crossing of the river to be nearly free from risk; and secondly, I wish the enemy to be prevented from falling back, accumulating strength as he goes, into his intrenchments at Richmond. I therefore propose that Gen. B. shall not move immediately; that we accumulate a force on the South bank of the Rappahanock, at, say Port-Royal, under protection of one or two gun-boats, as nearly up to twentyfive thousand strong as we can. At the same time another force of about the same strength as high up the Pamunkey, as can be protected by gunboats. These being ready, let all three forces move simultaneously, Gen. B.'s force in it's attempt to cross the river, the Rappahannock force moving directly up the South side of the river to his assistance, and ready, if found admissable, to deflect off to the turnpike bridge over the Mattapony in the direction of Richmond. The Pamunkey

Abraham Lincoln papers http://www.loc.gov/resource/mal.1978000 force to move as rapidly as possible up the North side of the Pamunkey, holding all the bridges, and especially the turnpike bridge immediately North of Hanover C. H., hurry North, and seize and hold the Mattapony bridge before mentioned, and also, if possible, press higher up the streams and destroy the railroad bridges. Then, if Gen. B. succeeds in driving the enemy from Fredericksburg, he the enemy no longer has the road to Richmond, but we have it and can march into it. the City. Or, possible, having forced the enemy from his line, we could move upon, and destroy his army. Gen. B.'s main army would have the same line of supply and retreat as he has now provided, the Rappahanock force would have that river for supply, and gun-boats to fall back upon; and the Pamunkey force would have that river for supply, and a line between the two rivers — Pamunkey & Mattapony — along which to fall back upon it's gun-boats— I think the plan promises the best results, with the least hazzard, of any now conceiveable.

2 The Rappahannock

Note— The above plan, proposed by me, was rejected by Gen. Halleck & Gen. Burnside, on the ground that we could not raise and put in position, the Pamunkey force without too much waste of time

3 A. L.

3 This note by Lincoln was presumably written after conferring with Halleck and Burnside.

Abraham Lincoln papers http://www.loc.gov/resource/mal.1978000