Minutes of the Meeting October 10, 2017 1:00 p.m., House Hearing Room 1

Members Present: Senator Nancy Barto Representative John M. Allen Senator Representative Lisa Atkins Representative Rick Bohan Ann O'Brien Jeff Hood Julie Read James Jayne Charles Ryan Jerry Landau Craig Sullivan

Members Absent: Senator Lupe Contreras

Staff: Katy Proctor, House Research Staff Amber Witter, Senate Research Staff

Representative Carter called the meeting to order at 1:06 p.m.

Representative Carter thanked the Committee members for their time and gave a brief overview of what would be discussed at this meeting. Representative Carter asked the Committee members to introduce themselves.


Katy Proctor, House Research Staff, gave an overview of the Committee purpose of the Joint Legislative Ad-Hoc on Statewide Juvenile Justice.

Representative Carter continued with brief opening remarks and addressed the opportunity for public testimony while keeping the scope of this meeting focused on juvenile justice and the Adobe Mountain facility.


Historical and Current Status of Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections

Joint Legislative Budget Committee

Joint Legislative Ad-Hoc on Statewide Juvenile Justice October 10, 2017 Page 1 Chris Gustafson, JLBC Staff, distributed and explained a PowerPoint presentation entitled “Department of Juvenile Corrections: Background and History” (Attachment A) and answered questions posed by the Committee.

Director Ryan answered questions posed by the Committee.

Director Hood answered questions posed by the Committee.

Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections

Jeff Hood, Interim Director, Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections, distributed and explained a PowerPoint presentation entitled “Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections: Agency Overview October 2017” (Attachment B) and answered questions posed by the Committee.

Art Smith, Budget Manager, Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections, answered questions posed by the Committee.

Mr. Gustafson answered additional questions posed by the Committee.

Director Ryan answered additional questions posed by the Committee.

Representative Navarrete welcomed the students from Carl Hayden, South Point High Schools and Representative Martinez.

Role of the Juvenile Justice Commission (Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family)

John Raeder, Deputy Director, Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family, introduced Steve Selover, State Juvenile Justice Specialist and explained a PowerPoint presentation entitled “Arizona Juvenile Justice Commission” (Attachment C). Mr. Raeder answered questions posed by the Committee.


The Committee shared their comments for the topics mentioned above.


Mary McIntosh, representing herself, testified as neutral and shared her son’s experience in the juvenile justice system and the importance of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to have oversight of the contracted professionals they work with when putting the kids in smaller community placements.

Dan Gavaza, District 15, representing himself, testified and explained his concerns regarding the juvenile site and having the Arizona Department of Corrections begin using

Joint Legislative Ad-Hoc on Statewide Juvenile Justice October 10, 2017 Page 2 this facility. Mr. Gavaza further explained his concerned that this will not be the best use for this area of land and there would be a much greater impact to the community if the land was used commercially.


Representative Carter announced the future discussions based on the information presented today and explained that the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office will be represented at the next meeting. Representative Carter further announced the upcoming tours and future meetings.

Representative Martinez, District 30, thanked the Committee for their work and commented on the Apollo Juvenile Institution on the State Hospital grounds.

Attached is a list noting the individual who registered their position on the agenda items (Attachment D).

Attached is a form noting the individual who submitted a Speaker Slip on the agenda items (Attachment E).

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:44 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Imee L. Andrew Committee Secretary

(Audio recordings and attachments are on file in the Secretary of the Senate’s Office/Resource Center, Room 115. Audio archives are available at

Joint Legislative Ad-Hoc on Statewide Juvenile Justice October 10, 2017 Page 3