Current Law Biden’s Proposed Legislation – Sanders’ Tax Plan Sensible Taxation and Equity Promotion “The American Jobs Plan” and “For the 99.5 Percent Act” (STEP) Act “The American Family Plan”

Introduced March 31, 2021 and Introduced March 25, 2021 Introduced March 29, 2021 by Senator Chris April 28, 2021, respectively Van Hollen

Proposed Effective Date Proposed effective date for increase to Proposed to be effective for decedents dying The proposed retroactive effective date is for transfers is December 31, 2021. and gifts made on or after December 31, after December 31, 2020. 2021. Proposed effective date for increase to is April 28, 2021. Estate Tax Exempts the first $11.7 No changes to exemption. Exempts the first $3.5 million of an No changes to exemption. million of individual’s individual’s estate from the estate tax, $7 estate from the estate Tax unrealized capital gains at death for million for married couples. General Rules tax, $23.4 million for unrealized gains in excess of $1 million • Proposes to tax any transfer of either during married couples (for per individual or $2 million per couple, Those with estates between $3.5 million and lifetime or during death that has a net gain associated persons who die in 2021, plus up to $250,000/$500,000 exclusion $10 million would be taxed at 45%, and the with the transfer. and subject to reduction for residences. rate would jump to 50% between $10 million o Tax can be paid out over 15 years if the inherited by use of the lifetime gift and $50 million, 55% for estates over $50 item is not sold. ). Although not in current plan, future million and 65% for estates valued at more • Income paid under the STEP Act are deductible revisions to estate tax are possible based than $1 billion. for estate tax purposes. In 2026, exemptions on Biden campaign proposal: • Every estate will have to file a tax return for capital return to $5 million, gains. adjusted for inflation. • Restore the estate tax to 2009 levels (may also apply to gift and GST tax, Exclusions: Estate of 40%. though this is not specified) - $3.5 • Transfer tax does not apply to any transfer of tangible million estate and GST tax exemption; personal property. $1 million exemption; and top • Individuals receive a $1 million exclusion for transfer tax rate of 45% (not part of unrealized gains at death. current proposed plans) • $500,000 exclusion for the sale of personal residences. • During lifetime, any completed transfer to a trust or individual other than a spouse or charity will allow for the first $100,000 of cumulative gain to be tax-free. • Assets in qualified retirement accounts will not be subject to capital gains. Gift Tax Current annual gift tax No proposed change to gift tax; however, Limits the annual gift tax exclusion to no No proposed changes to gift tax; however, gifts would exclusion is $15,000 per gifts would be treated as a sale on the more than $20,000 per donor for transfers be treated as a sale on the date of the gift and would be donor per donee. date of the gift and would be subject to to trusts, transfers of interests in a pass subject to capital gains tax subject to exclusion for first capital gains tax subject to exclusion for through entity (e.g. limited partnership $1 million of capital gain. Current lifetime gift first $1 million of capital gain. or limited liability company) or interests tax exemption is $11.7 subject to a prohibition on sale and transfers million (of course, Although not in current plan, future of property that cannot be immediately each dollar of gift tax revisions to gift tax are possible based liquidated by the recipient. exemption that is used on Biden campaign proposal, including reduces the donor’s possible restoration of lifetime gift tax The amount of the exemption available to remaining federal estate exemption to $1 million per donor. shelter lifetime transfers from gift tax would tax exemption). be reduced to $1 million per donor.

Prepared by Ice Miller LLP Trusts, Estates and Private Wealth Associates: Corinne Pforr, Leslie Rogers and Sarah Sweet. The materials provided herein are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be relied upon as or to constitute legal advice. These materials should be used only in consultation with your legal counsel who has reviewed your specific situation and the applicable law. If you have questions or would like to discuss how the proposed legislation might impact you, please contact one of the attorneys in Ice Miller’s Trusts, Estates, and Private Wealth Group. Attorney Advertising Material | © 2021 Ice Miller LLP. HIGHLIGHTS OF 2021 PROPOSED TAX LEGISLATION

Current Law Biden’s Proposed Legislation – Sanders’ Tax Plan Sensible Taxation and Equity Promotion “The American Jobs Plan” and “For the 99.5 Percent Act” (STEP) Act “The American Family Plan”

Introduced March 31, 2021 and Introduced March 25, 2021 Introduced March 29, 2021 by Senator Chris April 28, 2021, respectively Van Hollen

Taxes Related to Trusts Generally, if an No proposed changes. Upon establishment of an irrevocable Every trust will have to file a tax return for capital gains. irrevocable grantor trust grantor trust the grantor would effectively were established, the be treated as owning the property in the Taxes on Transfers to Trusts: trust assets would not be irrevocable grantor trust for estate and gift • Grantor Trusts – death of grantor would be treated subject to estate tax at tax purposes, causing the trust assets to as causing a sale of property within the trust, capital the grantor’s death. potentially be subject to estate tax at the gains are immediately due. grantor’s death • Non-Grantor Trusts – Every 21 years, the property Distributions to within the trust would be deemed sold and capital beneficiaries from a Distributions from an irrevocable grantor gains tax would be due on unrealized gains. grantor trust is not trust to trust beneficiaries during the • Capital gains tax is due on unrealized gains for considered a taxable gift. grantor’s lifetime would be treated as a transfers to an irrevocable trust. taxable gift. For Grantor Retained Exceptions: Annuity Trusts Effectively requires newly created GRATs to • Unrealized gains are not taxed for capital gains (“GRATs”), there is no have a term of at least 10 years and an initial purposes when transferred to a spouse, surviving minimum initial gift tax gift tax value of at least 25% of the amount spouse, or QTIP trust. value. transferred to the trust. • During lifetime, any completed transfer to a trust or individual other than a spouse or charity will allow for the first $100,000 of cumulative gain to be free of capital gains tax.

Reporting Requirement: • Trusts with more than $1 million in assets or more than $20,000 of gross income would be required to provide a balance sheet, income statement, and list all trustees, grantors, and beneficiaries to the IRS. Basis Step-Up Rules Estate assets can Estate assets do not receive a step-up in Estate assets held by a grantor trust do not Estate assets generally do not receive a step-up in receive a step-up in basis to date of death values. receive a step-up in basis to date of death basis to date of death values, with some exceptions basis to date of death values, unless such assets are included in causing capital gains to be immediately due. values. the decedent’s taxable estate for federal estate tax purposes. Death is treated as causing a sale of property at fair market value.

Prepared by Ice Miller LLP Trusts, Estates and Private Wealth Associates: Corinne Pforr, Leslie Rogers and Sarah Sweet. The materials provided herein are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be relied upon as or to constitute legal advice. These materials should be used only in consultation with your legal counsel who has reviewed your specific situation and the applicable law. If you have questions or would like to discuss how the proposed legislation might impact you, please contact one of the attorneys in Ice Miller’s Trusts, Estates, and Private Wealth Group. Attorney Advertising Material | © 2021 Ice Miller LLP. HIGHLIGHTS OF 2021 PROPOSED TAX LEGISLATION

Current Law Biden’s Proposed Legislation – Sanders’ Tax Plan Sensible Taxation and Equity Promotion “The American Jobs Plan” and “For the 99.5 Percent Act” (STEP) Act “The American Family Plan”

Introduced March 31, 2021 and Introduced March 25, 2021 Introduced March 29, 2021 by Senator Chris April 28, 2021, respectively Van Hollen

Generation-Skipping Property that is No proposed changes. Generally subjecting transfers from trusts No proposed changes. Transfer Tax transferred to a skip lasting more than 50 years to generation- person (a person Although not in current plan, future skipping transfer taxes, including subjecting who is more than one revisions to generation-skipping transfer existing trusts to this treatment after 50 generation down from tax are possible based on Biden years from the date of enactment of the the donor) is subject to campaign proposal: legislation. a generation skipping transfer tax. • May restore the generation-skipping transfer tax exemption to 2009 levels - The current generation $3.5 million – and top tax rate of 45% skipping transfer tax (not part of current proposed plans) exemption is a maximum of $11.7 million in 2021. Valuation Currently, allows for No proposed changes. Generally eliminates valuation discounts for No proposed changes. valuation discounts lack of control and marketability for transfers for lack of control and of interests in family owned or controlled marketability for family entities and creates further restrictions on owned or controlled valuation discounts for transfers of interest in entities. entities with no business assets.

Maximum reduction in Increase maximum reduction in value for value for a decedent a decedent under special use valuation for under special use farms to $3,000,000. valuation for farms is currently $1,190,000.

Prepared by Ice Miller LLP Trusts, Estates and Private Wealth Associates: Corinne Pforr, Leslie Rogers and Sarah Sweet. The materials provided herein are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be relied upon as or to constitute legal advice. These materials should be used only in consultation with your legal counsel who has reviewed your specific situation and the applicable law. If you have questions or would like to discuss how the proposed legislation might impact you, please contact one of the attorneys in Ice Miller’s Trusts, Estates, and Private Wealth Group. Attorney Advertising Material | © 2021 Ice Miller LLP. HIGHLIGHTS OF 2021 PROPOSED TAX LEGISLATION

Current Law Biden’s Proposed Legislation – Sanders’ Tax Plan Sensible Taxation and Equity Promotion “The American Jobs Plan” and “For the 99.5 Percent Act” (STEP) Act “The American Family Plan”

Introduced March 31, 2021 and Introduced March 25, 2021 Introduced March 29, 2021 by Senator Chris April 28, 2021, respectively Van Hollen

Individual Income Tax Top income tax rate for Increase the top individual federal No proposed changes. No proposed changes. individuals is 37%. income tax rate to pre-Trump administration rate of 39.6% (paid The current capital by individuals making more than gains rate is 20% and approximately $453,000 a year and applies to individuals couples making more than approximately with over $509,000 a year) – proposed effective $445,850 or couples date December 31, 2021. with taxable income over $501,600. Taxpayers with income of $1 million would pay a tax of 43.4% (39.6% top Currently, the capital ordinary income tax rate and Affordable gains rate is 37% for Care Act surtax) on capital gains and assets held one year qualified rate (the Biden or less. administration says that it will exempt one-time gains such as a sale of a family There is a 3.8% surtax farm) – proposed effective date April 28, on net investments 2021. income if the modified AGI for an individual Cap the tax benefit of itemized is above $200,000 or deductions at 28% for individuals with tax for a couple is above rates higher than 28%. $250,000. Restore PEASE limitation on itemized Most miscellaneous deductions (phase out of itemized itemized deductions deductions) for individuals with income are suspended through over $400,000. 2025. Equalize tax benefits for contributions Personal deductions to defined contribute retirement plans are eliminated through by converting contribution benefits 2025 due to enhanced to refundable tax credits instead of standard deduction. deductions. Currently, the carried interest deduction treats Phase out qualified business income income flowing to a deduction for individuals with income private fund’s general over $400,000. partner as capital gains.

Prepared by Ice Miller LLP Trusts, Estates and Private Wealth Associates: Corinne Pforr, Leslie Rogers and Sarah Sweet. The materials provided herein are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be relied upon as or to constitute legal advice. These materials should be used only in consultation with your legal counsel who has reviewed your specific situation and the applicable law. If you have questions or would like to discuss how the proposed legislation might impact you, please contact one of the attorneys in Ice Miller’s Trusts, Estates, and Private Wealth Group. Attorney Advertising Material | © 2021 Ice Miller LLP. HIGHLIGHTS OF 2021 PROPOSED TAX LEGISLATION

Current Law Biden’s Proposed Legislation – Sanders’ Tax Plan Sensible Taxation and Equity Promotion “The American Jobs Plan” and “For the 99.5 Percent Act” (STEP) Act “The American Family Plan”

Introduced March 31, 2021 and Introduced March 25, 2021 Introduced March 29, 2021 by Senator Chris April 28, 2021, respectively Van Hollen

Individual Income Tax The carried interest deduction would be (continued) eliminated thus taxing income to private fund’s general partners at ordinary income levels.

An extension through 2025 is proposed for the 2021 increase in the fully refundable ($3,600 for children under age 6 and $3,000 for children ages 6-17).

An extension beyond 2021 is also proposed for the increase in the Child and Dependent Tax Credit, the expansion of and increase in the earned income credit for younger workers and the premium tax credits that reduce ACA health insurance premiums.1 Rates Current corporate tax Increase the corporate tax rate from 21% Increase the corporate tax rate back to 35%. No proposed changes. rate is 21%. to 28%.

No corporate alternative Apply a 15% minimum tax to corporate minimum tax. book income. This will be levied on profits instead of taxable income for firms with revenue over $100 million. Miscellaneous $80 billion budget increase over a decade for the IRS so it can expand audit powers.

1 Tax changes in “The American Rescue Plan” (enacted March 11, 2001) – (1) Child and dependent care tax credit for one individual is $4000 and for two or more qualifying individuals is $8000 in 2021; (2) The earned income tax credit was extended to workers under age 25 with individuals as young as 19 being eligible; and (3) Premium reductions for ACA health insurance coverage through the application of premium tax credits (effective for two years).

Prepared by Ice Miller LLP Trusts, Estates and Private Wealth Associates: Corinne Pforr, Leslie Rogers and Sarah Sweet. The materials provided herein are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be relied upon as or to constitute legal advice. These materials should be used only in consultation with your legal counsel who has reviewed your specific situation and the applicable law. If you have questions or would like to discuss how the proposed legislation might impact you, please contact one of the attorneys in Ice Miller’s Trusts, Estates, and Private Wealth Group. Attorney Advertising Material | © 2021 Ice Miller LLP.