FORM 8 (Rule 7)

Section 8 of Care of Measure 1990 (as amended) Application to the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for approval of a proposal

To the Cathedrals Fabric Commission (“the Commission”)

The Chapter of the Church of:

Insert The Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln name of cathedral.

Insert full Postal address, including postcode of the administrator or any other person dealing with the application: postal address Chapter Office 4 Priorygate, Lincoln LN2 1PL and contact telephone Telephone number 01522 561602 and fax numbers and e-mail E-mail address [email protected] address.

applies to the Commission for approval of the following proposal:

Short The Proposal description e.g. repair of To insert three Cintec anchors above Panel 15 of the Southern Run of the Romanesque stonework, Frieze sale of silver.

Summary of the nature of the work and its extent (and materials) [or in the case of an object, a short description of it and details of the proposal]

To seek approval for the insertion of three Cintec anchors as structural support to take load off the carved Panel 15 of the Southern Run of the Romanesque Frieze

Plans, drawings, specifications or other documents

The proposal is described by the following items which accompany this form: List and number 1. Application document dated 7 November 2019 from Nicholas Rank, Cathedral the items and give Architect and Surveyor of the Fabric, incorporating the Ramboll analysis of structural reference issues and proposed anchors. numbers, if 2. Approved background policies accessible within applicable. . Description, Policy and Method Statement for the Conservation of the Southern Run of the Romanesque Frieze. January 2016 (Buttress) Conservation Report on the Southern Run of the Romanesque Frieze. Spring 2019 (Lincoln Cathedral Works Department).


I confirm that

(i) a Public Notice in Form 9 is being displayed from the date of this application;

(ii) a copy of the Public Notice in Form 9 is being sent immediately to the following bodies specified in rule 7(3) and (4) and as indicated below;

(iii) a copy (free of charge) of each of the plans, drawings, specifications or other documents itemised above as being sent immediately in accordance with rule 7(4) to the bodies indicated below.

Public Notice

Tick boxes to / Fabric Advisory Committee of the Cathedral indicate.

Copy plans etc.

/ English Heritage (Historic ) /

* If none, then / The national amenity societies (or such person* as / notice is to be those societies have jointly appointed for the purposes given to each of the Measure) amenity society listed below.

If the proposal is for works described in section 2(1)(a) of the Measure—

/ Local Planning Authority /

Signed: Rebecca Thompson (Acting Chapter Clerk)

Administrator on behalf of the Chapter

Dated: 8 November 2019


1. The national amenity societies are the Ancient Monuments Society, the Council for British Archaeology, the Georgian Group, the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, the Victorian Society and the Twentieth Century Society.

2. This form and all the accompanying items in it should be sent to the secretary of the Cathedrals Fabric Commission at the Commission’s published address.

FORM 8 (Rule 7)

Section 9 of Care of Cathedrals Measure 2011 Application to the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for approval of a proposal

To the Cathedrals Fabric Commission (“the Commission”)

The Chapter of the Cathedral Church of: insert name of cathedral and contact details including telephone and email for the administrator or any other person dealing with the application c/o Cathedral House, 42-44 Mosley Street, NE1 1PF

Administrator : Kate Sussams ([email protected]; 0191 232 1939)

applies to the Commission for approval of the following proposal: short description Archaeological investigation under nave floor when floor taken up prior to new flooring laid.

Summary of the nature of work and its extent (and materials) [or in the case of an object, a short description of it and details of the proposal] It is proposed to use the opportunity afforded by the re-laying of the nave floor to undertake small- scale research excavations to examine the Norman and early Gothic phases of the building and to conduct bio-archaeological research on individuals interred within the church. The excavation will be a research and training project with Durham University, co-directed by the Cathedral Archaeologist, David Heslop, Dr CP Graves and Prof R L Gowland of the Dept of Achaeology, University of Durham. A full specification for the fieldwork, produced by the City planning Dept, is detailed in the accompanying documentation. A full Project Design explains how requirements in the Specification will be achieved, and how the project will be resourced and managed, and what ouputs will be produced, to add-value to the wider Common Ground in Sacred Space project.

Plans, drawings, specifications or other documents The proposal is described by the following items which accompany the form: List and number the items and give reference numbers, if applicable. 1. Letter from the of Newcastle supporting the application 2. Specification for an Archaeological research Excavation in the nave and crossing at St Nicholas’ Cathedral, Newcastle upon Tyne, produced by Jennifer Morrison, Tyne & Wear Archaeology Officer, Newcastle City Council, which defines the scope of work and the professional standard required to meet the specification. 3. The Project Design - Newcastle Body and Soul : an archaeological investigation of the development of the church and its congregation by Dr Pam Graves, Associate Professor of Archaeology at the University of Durham, Prof Becky Gowland, Bioarchaeologist, University of Durham, and David Heslop, Cathedral Archaeologist. 4. Plan of the cathedral nave showing the location of the trenches.


I confirm that (i) a Public Notice in Form 9 is being displayed from the date of this application (ii) a copy of the Public Notice in Form 9 is being sent immediately to the following bodies specified in rule 7(3) and (4) and as indicated below: (iii) a copy (free of charge) of each of the plans, drawings, specifications or other documents itemised above is being sent immediately in accordance with rule 7(4) to the bodies indicated below.

Indicate in boxes √ Fabric Advisory Committee of the Cathedral

√ Historic England (formerly English Heritage)

[as applicable] The following national amenity societies: √ • Ancient Monuments Society (all) • The Council for British Archaeology • The Georgian Group • The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings • The Victorian Society • The Twentieth Century Society

Local Planning Authority only if the proposal is for works as described in section 2(1)(a) of the Measure


Administrator on behalf of the Chapter

Dated: 28th OCTOBER 2019

FORM 8 (Rule 7)

Section 9 of Care of Cathedrals Measure 2011 Application to the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for approval of a proposal

To the Cathedrals Fabric Commission (“the Commission”)

The Chapter of the Cathedral Church of: insert name of cathedral and contact details including telephone and email for the administrator or any other person dealing with the application St Peter and St at Julia Barker Director of Operations Direct Dial: 01765 643865 [email protected]

applies to the Commission for approval of the following proposal: short description To carry out a scheme of cleaning, repair and re-finishing to the choirstalls and to improve the visual appearance and prevent cementation of dirt on the surface, and consequent deterioration.

overleaf Summary of the nature of work and its extent (and materials) [or in the case of an object, a short description of it and details of the proposal]

The Choir Stalls at are of great historic significance and a key part of daily worshipping life of the Cathedral community and the visitor experience. The 2011 Quinquennial Inspection Report discusses the condition and need for remedial conservation to the Choir Stalls, and significant losses and deterioration since 2011, including the detachment of a finial angel (the ‘fallen angel’) have led to this proposal for a thorough scheme of cleaning, repair and refinishing.

The aims are to: 1. To improve the visual appearance and prevent cementation of dirt on the surface, primarily by cleaning dust and soot accretions and re-saturating with a wax treatment. 2. To ensure the stability of the structure and decorative elements by stabilizing and re- adhering loose and detached elements.

This application follows successful cleaning trials to establish method and materials, along with a detail condition survey and assessment of 1No. damaged . The cleaning trials were undertaken on the nineteenth century Scott replicas and the most visually successful method was a brush vacuum, followed by solvent clean with Shellsol T and a surface treatment with a wax and dammar mix. The fifteenth century woodwork is different in tone and texture and therefore further trials will be undertaken, using the same principles.

• The approach for loss replacement will be minimal, losses will be replaced only if they present a structural need and serve to support the surrounding area. • Areas of wood degraded by rot, furniture beetle and mechanical damage will be consolidated where required using a thermoplastic resin. • Fills will be carried out using matching timber, carved to match the areas of loss and adhered. • Adhesives will either be protein-based (warm hide glue) if the joints are tight or an epoxy bulked with microballoons with an isolation layer (Paraloid B-72 and Japanese tissue), protecting the original surface. • Gilded surfaces will be cleaned with non-polar hydrocarbon solvent, or aqueous with pH adjusted chelators (eg: citric acid adjusted to pH ranging from 6-8).

Plans, drawings, specifications or other documents The proposal is described by the following items which accompany the form: List and number the items and give reference numbers, if applicable. 018e: RIPON CATHEDRAL QUIRE STALLS CONSERVATION • 018e Quire Stalls Condition Evaluation Overview A01, Caroe Architecture Limited Feb 2019 • 018e Quire Stalls Conservation Schedule of Works A01, Caroe Architecture Limited October 2019 • 777 Ripon Cathedral choir stalls HBA 0519, FAS Heritage May 2019 • Misericord and Stall N11 Examination Report and Treatment Proposal, Lincoln Conservation 2018 • Report on Cleaning Trial and Condition Survey, Lincoln Conservation May 2019 • Recommendations and method statement for Misericord repair, Lincoln Conservation October 2019 • Restoring Fallen Angels: Conservation cleaning of the choir stalls: Method Statement, Bainbridge Conservation October 2019 • 018e EX000_2.00 Choirstalls Reference Plan and Elevation, Caroe Architecture Limited • 018e EX100_2.01 Choirstalls Plan, Caroe Architecture Limited


I confirm that (i) a Public Notice in Form 9 is being displayed from the date of this application (ii) a copy of the Public Notice in Form 9 is being sent immediately to the following bodies specified in rule 7(3) and (4) and as indicated below: (iii) a copy (free of charge) of each of the plans, drawings, specifications or other documents itemised above is being sent immediately in accordance with rule 7(4) to the bodies indicated below.

Indicate in boxes Fabric Advisory Committee of the Cathedral

Historic England (formerly English Heritage)

[as applicable] The following national amenity societies: • Ancient Monuments Society • The Council for British Archaeology • The Georgian Group • The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings • The Victorian Society • The Twentieth Century Society

Local Planning Authority only if the proposal is for works as described in section 2(1)(a) of the Measure


Administrator on behalf of the Chapter


FORM 4 (Rule 5)

Section 8 of Care of Cathedrals Measure 2011 Public Notice on application to the Fabric Advisory Committee


TAKE NOTICE that the Chapter of the Cathedral Church of: The Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St Peter in York

has on this date: 23rd September 2019 applied to the Fabric Advisory Committee of the said cathedral for approval of the following proposal: Install a poured concrete floor in the north pulpitum chamber as part of the Great Organ refurbishment.

Summary of the nature of work and its extent (and materials) [or in the case of an object, a short description of it and details of the proposal] Install a poured concrete floor in the north pulpitum chamber to create a level surface for the installation of the main organ machinery and provide ease of access for future maintenance. A brick retaining wall will protect the important base mouldings of the crossing pier, which will not be affected. Some minor trimming will be required on the east side, and this is supported by the Cathedral Archaeologist.

Plans, drawings, specifications or other documents Copies of the plans, drawings, specification and other documents accompanying this application may be examined at the office of the Chapter of the Cathedral Church Insert address and contact details Church House 10-14 Ogleforth York YO1 7JN

Between the hours of: 8.30 AM – 4.30 PM

From this day: 23rd September 2019 and until: 21st October 2019


If you wish to make representations about the whole or any part of the proposal described in this Notice you should write to the Secretary of the Fabric Advisory Committee:

Mr David Demack Westbury House 142 Fox Lane Leyland, Lancashire PR25 1HD [email protected]

So that it reaches the Secretary not later than: 21st October 2019


1. This public notice (or a copy of it) must be displayed for a continuous period of 28 days in a prominent position inside and outside your cathedral where it is readily visible to the public.

2. A copy of this notice must be sent as follows:

(a) to the Cathedrals Fabric Commission, and (b) if the proposal is of a kind described in section 2(1)(a) of the Measure— (i) to Historic England (formerly English Heritage) (ii) to the national amenity societies as applicable (see list on Form 3) (iii) to the local planning authority.

Statutory Notice This notice must remain on public display at all times. Do not remove or obscure this notice in any way.

Date notice displayed 23-09-19

Not to be removed before 21-10-19 Ryedale Archaeology Services Ltd Vivers Mill House, Mill Lane, Pickering, North YO18 8 DJ Tel 01751 474979 Email [email protected] A company registered in England No 04720671

The Pulpitum Screen alterations to the north east crossing pier base and installation of a new concrete floor.

I have been asked to look at the proposal to do some minor trimming to the east side of the north east crossing pier base and also install a new mass concrete floor with the north chamber within the pulpit screen. I have also discussed this in detail with Paul Greene on site to determine the exact consequences of what is actually being proposed.

The lower parts of the pier and its bases in this area form the best preserved example of the four crossing piers because it has been isolated from view due to the lack of access. This was largely because the north chamber of the pulpitum screen was full of organ pipes. Now exposed to view it can be seen that the base is generally very well preserved with original tooling and numerous masons’ marks. These have recently been recorded by location drawings and photography.

The area on the east side where it is proposed to do some minor trimming to the base mouldings has already suffered damage the mouldings. While any removal or change to original features such as these detailed mouldings is to be avoided if at all possible in this case I have been assured that there is no alternative to enable the new ducting to be installed. In that respect we seem to have been presented with a fait accompli and in future I would recommend that to avoid such situations contractors should be told that they stay strictly within a brief that respects the historic fabric of the cathedral.

In this particular case the alterations will cause minor loss to the historic fabric and should, given the fait accompli, be carried out. The areas have been recorded and after trimming works have been carried out I shall try and ensure a photographic records made of the works.

The second change to the area is the installation of a new concrete floor. The previous arrangement dates to the 1967-72 works to stabilise the crossing area and secure the central tower from collapse. The whole screen was undermined and supported on new concrete structures. This left a well in this chamber into which brick piers were built as point foundations to support the organ pipes.

In this respect this also throws up an interesting aspect of that period of major works in that the organ and pipes must have been largely dismantled and then reinstated at that time. The present proposal is to replace the brick piers, which have been recorded, with a mass concrete floor filling up the floor well. To stop this encasing the base of the pier it has been agreed that a brick retaining wall will be built standing at least 120mm away from the lower face of the sub base of the pier.

This will ensure that the details of the pier base are not lost to sight. They will be preserved with a large enough gap between the brick wall and the base. The mass concrete will be poured behind the brick retaining wall and if it rises above the top of that it will be retained with shuttering and the gap preserved.

Dr Stuart Harrison

Cathedral Archaeologist

7 July 2019