H8554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 28, 2001 Weaver family much health, great hap- Jamila Mujahed has been at her microphone to include women in the delegation has been piness and Godspeed. for some of the city’s most memorable news listened to.’’ events: the toppling of President Najibullah Even if women are present at the Bonn f in 1992 and the march of Islamic holy war- meeting, no one expects the number to come THE FUTURE OF WOMEN LEADERS riors into the capital, and, four years later, close to representing their percentage of the IN the arrival of the . Afghan population. Because of the large So it seemed only fitting that when the number of men killed in two decades of war, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Taliban fled and the Northern Alliance ar- women make up about 60 percent of Afghani- JEFF MILLER of Florida). Under a pre- rived on Nov. 13, it was Mujahed who brought stan’s 26 million people, according to most vious order of the House, the gentle- Afghans the news on the evening broadcast estimates. woman from California (Ms. of Radio . ‘‘I think women should have more of a role MILLENDER-MCDONALD) is recognized Now Mujahed has another very public mes- than men,’’ said Faizullah Jalal, a Kabul for 5 minutes. sage, one aimed at U.N. officials and German University professor who has pressed for the diplomats organizing the Afghan political inclusion of academics at the conference. Ms. MILLENDER-MCDONALD. Mr. conference scheduled to begin in Germany on ‘‘They have faced a lot of disasters in this Speaker, a number of my colleagues Tuesday: Open the meeting to professional country.’’ rose on the floor to speak to the crit- women like herself, and give women a say in Women have long been treated as second- ical issue of women in Afghanistan and shaping Afghanistan’s future. class citizens in this conservative Muslim their needs during these perilous times. ‘‘This is very unfortunate that they have country, but the Taliban stripped women of As Democratic chair of the Congres- not invited women to join this meeting,’’ she the few rights they did have. After coming to sional Caucus on Women’s Issues, I said. ‘‘No one has experienced such brutality power in 1996, the radical Islamic movement wish to add my voice in support of against women anywhere in the world as prohibited women from working, banned what happened in Afghanistan. I want to go their excellent intervention. girls from attending school and made it ille- and tell everyone the things that happened gal for women to be on the streets without a The Women’s Caucus has been stress- to me and my colleagues these past five male relative and without being covered ing for some time now that, in working years.’’ head-to-toe in the traditional long, flowing out any transitional settlement in Af- The meeting in Bonn is being hailed as a veil known as a burqa. Women caught vio- ghanistan, Afghan women leaders and first step toward ending decades of civil lating the rules—even allowing an ankle to organizations should be at the fore- strife and helping Afghanistan’s warring fac- accidentally show—risked a public lashing front of all discussions. tions form a truly representative and broad- by Taliban guardians of ‘‘vice and virtue.’’ We must recall, in 1977, the women of based government. Representatives of sev- Just before the Taliban took over, 70 per- eral Afghan factions will try to hammer out that country made up 15 percent of the cent of Afghanistan’s teachers, half of its plans for an interim government to replace government workers and 40 percent of its legislators in their legislative body. the Taliban and prevent the country from physicians were women. There were female There is no reason that their represen- descending into anarchy. lawyers, doctors and journalists, and women tation should be less than that today But many Afghans here—not only women, helped staff the foreign relief agencies work- when new and far-reaching decisions on but also professionals, academics and oth- ing here. governance are being made. ers—are chafing at the highly restricted in- Jamila Mujahed, now 36, was among those In light of the fact that so many Af- vitation list. caught up in the Taliban’s reordering of soci- ghan men have been killed over the The Northern Alliance, the armed anti- ety. A journalism graduate of Kabul Univer- Taliban faction that seized control of Kabul past 22 years in war and conflict, Af- sity and a veteran broadcaster, she was and about half the country during the past abruptly told by the Taliban that she could ghan women constitute 60 percent of two weeks, is the only group from inside Af- no longer work because of her sex. the women’s population and should be ghanistan that is attending the Bonn con- ‘‘We were used to being very free women,’’ so represented accordingly. ference. A delegation representing Afghani- she said, describing how she and her col- We must work, therefore, to help re- stan’s former king, , leagues in the pre-Taliban world would re- store the women’s level of participa- will be attending from Rome, where he has main at the station until late at night work- tion in the rebirth of Afghanistan. As been in exile since 1973. And two other ing on big stories. ‘‘How do you feel, chang- they strive both inside the country and groups that have held political talks in the ing to a world where you have no freedom? past—the Peshawar Assembly for Peace, outside to contribute toward shaping a These five years caused a lot of psychiatric named after the Pakistani border city, and problems for me.’’ meaningful future, we must dem- the Cyprus group—also will attend. In all, She stayed at home. She wrote poetry. She onstrate our resolve to help those Af- just 30 Afghans will meet to begin mapping said she sometimes took her anger out on ghan women leaders to be involved in out the country’s future. her children, hitting them. When she sought all political and economic negotiations In the view of many left on the outside professional help, she said, doctors told her from the very beginning. looking in, whatever government eventually ‘‘the only medicine they could prescribe was This is why it was distressing to note emerges from the process will be neither rep- going back to your job.’’ the absence of Afghan women’s groups resentative nor broad-based. ‘‘It will be a after facing those hardships, women like less-than-50-percent government,’’ said at the U.N.-sponsored conference held Mjuahed say they deserve a place at the Sariya Parlika, a women’s rights activist. table in forming Afghanistan’s next govern- this past week in Bonn. They should be Excluding female representatives in Bonn, ment. viewed, I believe, as principal actors in she said, ‘‘is a clear human rights violation.’’ Particularly upsetting, to the women and Afghan political negotiations from the ‘‘This is only the gun barrel that is sending others, is that so many Afghan exiles will be outset, not as marginal leaders and representatives,’’ said Said Amin Mujahed, a attending the sessions while so many who players to be brought in to rubber history professor at the Academy of Social stayed in Afghanistan and suffered under stamp decisions. Sciences in Kabul and the husband of Jamila Taliban rule will be excluded. As the Afghan journalist Jamila Mujahed. ‘‘It’s not the scholars or the profes- ‘‘The presence of women from Afghanistan sionals or the other educated people in Af- Mujahed pointed out in an article in is necessary,’’ said Parlika, the activist. ‘‘Af- ghanistan. It’s only the war factions and ghan women from Western countries can just Sunday’s Washington Post, ‘‘This is King Zahir’s people. It can make a govern- tell tales about what a bullet can do. A very unfortunate that they have not ment, but not a broad-based one.’’ woman from inside the country can express invited women to join this meeting. No The United Nations is sensitive to such it with her eyes. She can express it with her one has experienced such brutality criticism but says the makeup of the con- body. She can express with her voice how the against women anywhere in the world ference is for Afghans to decide. war has affected her.’’ as what happened in Afghanistan. I At a recent news conference, U.N. special envoy Francesc Vendrell said, ‘‘This meeting While it was left to the Afghani want to go and tell everyone the things will be as representative as we can make it, groups to decide on participation at that happened to me and my colleagues given the very short notice.’’ When asked the Bonn meeting, the U.N. agreed that these past 5 years.’’ about the participation of women, he said it the women of Afghanistan have a cen- Mr. Speaker, I will submit the entire was up to the invited groups to include tral role to play in putting that coun- article for the RECORD. women as part of their delegations—and not try back together. The future of [From the Washington Post, Nov. 25, 2001] up to the United Nations ‘‘to tell the Af- women in Afghanistan, and ultimately ghans who to invite.’’ N ALKS ON FGHAN UTURE OMEN REN T the stability of any provisional settle- I T A F , W A ’ Today, U.N. spokesman Eric Falt told re- PRESENT porters, ‘‘The women of Afghanistan . . . ment, will rest upon a foundation of in- (By Keith B. Richburg) have a central role to play in the country’s clusion, not exclusion. KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 24.—In her 16 future.’’ He said the Bonn meeting would Therefore, America, so often viewed years as a professional radio broadcaster, demonstrate ‘‘how much our encouragement as a beacon of freedom and human November 28, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8555 rights throughout the world, must en- (Mr. LATOURETTE addressed the our efforts, we should look to an exit sure that the rights and freedoms de- House. His remarks will appear here- strategy and peace. nied to Afghan women for so long are after in the Extensions of Remarks.) As we relate to unfinished business, restored as soon as possible. f let me briefly say, Mr. Speaker, there In my national address this past is work that this Congress still needs THE PLIGHT OF AFGHANISTAN weekend on behalf of the Democratic to do. I participated, as many did, in WOMEN AND CHILDREN Caucus, I pointed out that we must the debate on the floor of the House strongly support the funding for reset- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a today in the defense appropriations and tlement and humanitarian efforts to previous order of the House, the gentle- the emergency supplemental bill, and I aid Afghan women. We are at a cross- woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON-LEE) just want to again restate that, until roads, Mr. Speaker, since we have is recognized for 5 minutes. we become proactive, we are not truly reached a stage of military advantage Ms. JACKSON-LEE. Mr. Speaker, fighting terrorism at home. that few of us expected to reach so first, I would like to say to the gentle- I am very disappointed that the Obey quickly. We must find common ground woman from California (Ms. amendment did not pass, and I empha- to push ahead to support reconstruc- MILLENDER-MCDONALD) and the co- size two particular aspects of that, tion at the same time that the military chair of the Women’s Caucus, let me that is, our public health system. actions are being concluded. thank her for her leadership and for Shortly after the September 11 attack, The women Members of the House of her outstanding commitment, on be- I went home to Houston and met with Representatives are working with the half of the women, to the women of Af- our emergency responders, the first re- U.N. women ambassadors and women’s ghanistan. I would like to associate sponders, but particularly our hos- NGOs toward this purpose. We will con- myself with her remarks, in particular pitals and public clinics and particu- tinue to hold meetings and briefings to to acknowledge the Women’s Caucus, larly our public hospital system, al- give public exposure to all of the con- and to make note of the gentlewoman ready, if you will, bending under the cerns I mentioned above. Several of us, from California (Ms. SOLIS) who I pressure. More importantly, a system as I did on November 15, have intro- joined just about 2 weeks ago on a that already needed funding; without duced bills to authorize the provision briefing on Afghanistan women and funding, without funding to address of educational and health care assist- children. So I rise today to add to that any kind of mass attack that requires ance to women and children of Afghan- discussion. the health system to rise to the occa- istan. My bill, H.R. 3304, has been re- I will need to also assess the status of sion. No funds were given to that sys- ferred to the Committee on Inter- children of Afghanistan and to be able tem today. national Relations and awaits a full to lift up the women, so as we lift the Not enough funds were given to se- hearing. women, we lift the children. We are cure our border, the Canadian border, Let me say emphatically, we cannot finding that the children of Afghani- one of the largest borders, and the afford to exclude more than half of Af- stan are working at ages 7 and 8, pro- southern border. No funds were given ghanistan’s population in helping to viding for their families, making 50 to provide enough support for customs bring about an interim settlement and cents a day building bricks. Those chil- inspectors, more border patrol agents. peaceful resolution to this troubled dren do not have an opportunity to go An issue that I am particularly con- country. Afghan women must be as- to school, and obviously, under the cerned about, the ability of individuals sured of their basic human rights once Taliban regime, the girls were particu- to come across the border with infec- more; to gain access to safe drinking larly discriminated against, but the tious diseases like smallpox, no suffi- water and sufficient food; to receive de- boys and the girls found themselves cient number of health inspectors to cent health and maternal care; and building bricks every day to help sup- assist us in that effort. Our work is not foremost, to again move freely in their port their family. The incomes of the done. society without being subjected to har- families is so far below poverty of any Tomorrow, it is proposed that we will assment and abuse. Above all, they kind that we would ever recognize. The be dealing with or we were supposed to must be allowed to practice their reli- Afghan children are put to work at a be dealing with the Anti-Terrorism gious beliefs as Islamic women, veiled very early age, some 4 and 5, 6 and 7 Risk Act. Here we are looking again to or unveiled, without retribution. and 8 years old. help industry, and yet we still are not I urge all of us to help these women I look forward in the future weeks to helping the unemployed. Unemployed in Afghanistan regain the basic free- hold a briefing on the treatment of the individuals are growing in numbers. We dom and freedoms we so cherish as a children in Afghanistan. It is particu- are in a recession, and yet this Con- people. I urge us as Members of the larly important as we face a very trou- gress has refused to pass legislation to House to join together to forge a com- bling scenario on the border between help those unemployed individuals. prehensive package of assistance that Afghanistan and Pakistan; millions of Again, in my hometown we are fight- can help achieve the important objec- refugees with no place to go; United ing a very difficult and very chal- tives being sought by Afghanis for Nations fighting to provide food and, as lenging economic time, and that is, the goodwill everywhere. well, comfort to those families who are Finally, Mr. Speaker, there is an old situation occurring with Enron in the displaced. 18th Congressional District. There are African saying that women hold up It is now time, I believe, for the half of the sky. We must do our ut- many issues dealing with Enron I real- United States Government in its vic- ize, and I hope that we can retain that most, therefore, to ensure that the tory to now begin to establish an exit women of Afghanistan resume their company in our community, but the strategy, an exit strategy out of Af- most important issue are the numbers part of this equation and help hold up ghanistan, but also a response to how half of the sky. To do less would im- of laid-off employees that we may be we bring back to life this country that facing. We have got to address the un- peril all of us in the pursuit of demo- is so destroyed. How do we restore the cratic governance and the well-being of employment and the recession as it im- rights of families, of women, of chil- pacts the unemployed in this Nation. a global community. Helping Afghan dren? How do we restore the economy? women to regain their rightful place of This Congress has unfinished busi- How do we find a place for refugees who ness. It is time for us again to act. It is national life is one of the best ways I are now caught between two borders? know to combat terrorism in Afghani- time for us now, if we want to use the How do we find relief and harmony be- terminology, let us bail out the work- stan, and on behalf of the American tween the governments or at least the women and people of America, let us ing men and women of America. Let us to-be-established government of Af- finish our unfinished work. begin the rebuilding today. ghanistan and as well Pakistan? f It is extremely important that as we f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a look to rebuild that we look to the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gen- children and we look to the families. It previous order of the House, the gen- tleman from Ohio (Mr. LATOURETTE) is is also extremely important that rath- tleman from Florida (Mr. DEUTSCH) is recognized for 5 minutes. er than look to Iraq as the next stop of recognized for 5 minutes.