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-1 Dhananjayuao GadgiJ Libmy , i mllnlmU~mlllDID ~ GIPE-PUNE-OO 1651 ':.-

I b5-}

\/-52- · "D9· GU'BON'S Deoline and Fall, of the Roman· EmpirE! forms the' important lhtk between An(li~nt and Modern :hi~tory. Its. title oonveys an inad~quate idea"of its conteuts. .It con~ tains nearly a complete history of the: wodd for. a'period of more than twelve' c~nturies, from the time of the .Au.to­ ,nines to the capture of' by the; Turks iu~ U53- :The decay and fall, of the empire which h!1d so long;rul-ed the world; the p~ogress and establishmen.t of Christianity;' the foundation of Constantinople and the ·h).Btoryof the new empire upo~ the Bosporusj-the inva­ sions and settlements of the barbarians of Germany -and Scythia; the legisiation' of J uBtiniau and the institutions of .the civil law; the life and religion of Mahomet, t,he conquests of the Saracens, and the giories and vioiss'i­ tildes of the caliphs; the temporal sovereignty, of' the popes; the ,restoration of the Western empire by Charle~ ,maw-e, and its decay under his Bucoessor~; the adventureri, , ;)f. the Normans in and Sioily, 'aJijiost realising the, fables of romanoe; the C~ades of the ntttions of Western to' obtain possession of the Holy L!l-nd; the oon­ . quests of Zingis Khan, Tamerlane and the Turks; the fall 'of Constantinople;' the state and revolutions of Rome ill .the midule ages: such are, Bome of the important and inte­ resting events nauated in Gibbon's great Work. Since the history of all tlncieut. natio~s ends. in tha.t of Rom'o. GIBBON. . b vi PHEFACE.

'and the history of ~he modern states of Europe springs out of the ROn:'-an empire, the youthful student, after making himself acquainted with the leading facts in the histories of Greece, Rome and England, cannot em~y, his time more profitably than in mastering the history ~ the vast period comprehended in Gibbon's Work. It is mainly for the benefit of snch students that the presentl Abridgment has been prepared: the original work is tool voluminous for their purpose'; and at present there is no compendious account of this period corresponding to the, ordinary manuals of Greek, Roman and English history., It is believed that this Abridgment will also prove acceptable to the general reader, whose time or circum: stances prevent him from studying so large a, work as Gibbon's, but who wishes to make himself acquainted with some of the most memorable events in the, history of man. In drawing up the present Abridgment, it has not been my aim' to make an epitome of every circumstance men· tioned in the Decline and Fall of the . Such an epitome would have been a comparatively easy task, and would have relieved me from much rellponsijJi. lity; but it would have presented little more than a dry skeleton of, events, without the warmth and life whicq give to history its real interest and. value. I have therefore treated. briefly, alid occasionally omitted. entirely, many cir­ cumstances of inferior importance; and I have thus gained space fo! narrating at length, and sometimes as fully as in' the original work, those grand. events which have influ­ enced. the history of the world.. By adopting this plan i1 is hoped. that the present work will prove intereHting WI well as instructive; and. will not be liable to the reproacb of dul~~,..which is generally, and. roo often with justice, ~~ ~ ". PREFACE. vii

brought against compendious histories. It may be observedl h·owever, that there are only few subjects in the original, which have been passed over altogether in the Abridg­ ment. The most important omissions relate to the history of the Church, in which Gibbon too frequently displayed the hostility he felt towards the Christian religion; but I have at the same time given some account of those ecclesi­ astical events which. materially affected the decline and fall of the Roman empire. . T4us while I have omitted entirely Gibbon's polemical dissertation on the causes of the spread of Christianity, all.d his account of the theolo­ gical disputes of the Oriental sects, I have dwelt at some ,length upon the conduct of the Roman government towards :the early Christians, the legal'establiShment of Christianity, the Arian disputes, and the quarrel in the eighth century respecting the worship of images, wh~ch pr?duced the temporal power of the popes and the restoration of the Roman empire in the West. In treating of these subjects I have sflppressed the sarcasms and inuendoes, by which, rather than by any open atta~ks, Gibbon sought to under­ mine the religion which he rejected. It is stated on the title-page that the researches· of recent commentators upon the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire are incorporated in the text of the present work. These additions are taken from my own notes and from those of Dean Milman and M. Guizot, inserted in the edition of the original work published in 1854-1855. In drawing up an Abridgme~t intended for younger students and general readers, it seemed desirable to interweave in the text the necessary corrections and additions, instead of distracting their attention by references to foot-notes, con­ +,radicting or modifying :i;sertions in the text. The Illustrations H'avEl been selected with a view to b'l viii PREFACE. instruction, and not for ~e sake of ornament. Most of them are very characteristic, and will convey a lively pic­ ture of the state of the arts in the different periods compre­ hended in the history. For several of the architectural illustrations I am indebted to Mr. Fergusson's 'Handbook of Architecture;' and I have added from the same valuable authority a few remarks upon sOllle of the different styles of architecture. I have also much pleasure in acknow­ ledging the important assistance I have derived from the gentlemen connected with the Medal Room of the British Museum; and my thanks are especially due to Mr. R. S. Poole, of that department, for his translation of the Arabic inscriptions upon the coins of the Abbasside and Fatimite. caliphs.· WILLIAM SMITH. London, December, 1856.

The Genina or the Roman People. from a ""'" of AntonlDas PI ••, 10 the British Maseum• • . Medal ofP~pe Eugeniu. IV., from the British Museum. (See p. 613.)



TaB EXTENT. PROSPEBITY, AND' CONSTITtrTIOK OF THE EMPntE 1M THR AGE OF TBll AN"TONINES. A..D. rage ".D. Pu!!" INTRODUcrIOlf •• • • ~. • • 2 Division or the Latll\ and Greek Moderation of Augustus .. 2 provinces •...... 10 Imitated by bi. successors •• • • 2 Gelleral use of both language. • • 10 Conquest of Britain, the first ex· Populousness of the Roman Empire 11 CA:!ption to it . . . • • . • • • • Obedience and union • • .• • • 11 Conquest of I>acia, the second ex.. Syetem of the Imperilll govern- ception ...... • ...... 3 ment •.••.•..... , 11 (Jonques18 of TroJan in the East •• 3 Angnstus takes the title of P,'in .. Resigned by his successor Hadrian' 3 ceps: is Imperator and Proetm&U' 11 Pacific system of Hadrian and the Division of the provinces between two Antonines ...... •• 4 the Emperor and t4e Senate . • 12 Nllrnher and disposition of the le- Augustus preserves his military gions ••. 0 •••• •• ' o. 4 .oommand .and guards In Rome View of tbe Province. of tbe Ro­ . itself ...... 13 . man Empire: Italy • • • • • • 4 O'o1Isular nnd Tribwnitl'cm powers 13 Western division of the European P


REtGNS 01' CoJ!JfODUa, PBRi'INAX, DmltJs JULUNVS, AND SKPTIKWS SZVEBUIl. A.D. • Page . 180. Ac,,".. ion of Commodus: his c:ha- ...... march.. to Rome, and I. declared Page meter •• •• •• •• •• •• 18 Emperor: deatb of JUlian " 2& 183. Conspiracy againa{, hls Ufe: bis 193-197. IJefeat and death of Niger and hatred. and cruel...,. towards the Albinus •••••••• I. 2& ~n8te.. •• • ••• -,0 '0 20 Siege of By&Dlltium ...... S8 Hi. dissolute and degrading pi.... Government of Severns: ge-neral Bures •• •• •• •• •• •• 21 peace and prosperity: relal


RsIONB OP CAlUoCALU, :UAcaUnlB, ELAOABALVa, AND ALBXANDBB SBVBBU •• 211. Accession of Caracalla and Geta: Accession of Alexander SevPnll •• 212. Murder of Geta •• •• •• •• 81 Wise administration of bla grand- Remorse and cruelty of Caracalla 32 mother Mamea •• • • • • • • Death of Paplnlan •• •• •• 32 Character of AlexllDder. • • • •• 217. Assassination of Caraoalla.. .. 32 Stale of the army: death .f U1. Edict of CIlracalla •• •• • • • • 33 pian: the historian Dlon Cae- 21'1. Aece8Sion of MacrillUS: be at,. siu8 .0.....0.... temple to "'form the ermy • • M 230. The Persian monarchy reotored by 218. Revolt of Elagabalus: death of Artaxerxe8 •• eo .. .. e. Macrinu.q " •• .0 " 35 Recapitulalionofthe War betwe(>D Elngabalus F.mpE"ror o. .0 •• 86 the PartbiBllond Komon i!.:mpJrea 41 Picture of lo:tagabJllu8 •• •• ., 35 233. War between the Pentans and .1 His superstition and profligacy o. 36 Alexander •• •• ...0 • :12:1. Hia murder by the troops • • • • 36 235. Murder of Ale.ander Be.eTUB


REIOKS OP HniIlIN, mB Two GOBDlA.."f8, M.unrt'l £!CD BALBl:!1'US, Tn. ToUl GORDIAN, AKD PnIl.lp.

235. r~!th&U-:!.~t~:!~J~:~~!~~ .3 238. Sld:J:rot~~~r::IDbT .~~~I~. El~~~t~e!7.;~ t~~' G~nli~. ~ 4' 239. :M~::e ~.f ~l.U~U8.~. ~ Africa: tbelr death.. •• .. && :l38-2U. Reign of the thlrd Gordian .. 238. Electiun of Maxim... and Balhinul 244. Reign 01 Pbllip ...... by the Senate 48 248. He celebra .... the lOCUlar gam....

CHAPTER V. Ta. REIONS 0. Incroe, GALLV., AMILIA,,", VAuaU.lf, .&JCD GALLIElfCII#- T.I:. TUIan TTa.a.JfT8. 249. Death of PblUp and OllCle8SlOD of Defeat and d ...lh of fltoclno.. .. IJeeluB.. •• .. •• .. .. &1 261-253. Rf'tJtll alld death of (Janus •• OrIgin and mlp:rationl .fth. Gotha &t 263. Itfotgn and d,'atb of &;rn1Uan11l •• 211. The O<>thlc War .. .. • • .. 63 I363. Acre.loo 01 Valerlau •• • • 00 CONTENTS. xi

AD. ~ Page Character of. Valerian: assoclates A.D. Conquest of Armenia by the Per- Page his son Galllenu8 in t.he empire 66 sians .• •...... • .• GO 25:1-268. General misfortUDes of their 260. Yalerian defeated and taken prl. reigns.. •• •• •• ••.•• 56 soner by Sapor ...... 60 Origin and confederacy of the Sapor overruns SyrIa, CilIci., ani! Frank.: they invade Gaul and Cappadocia •• ...... • • 60 Spain •• •• •• •• '.. •• 56 Success of Odenathu. ageinst Sapor 61 Origin of the Alemannl: they in· Treatment of Valerian by Sapor.. 81 vade Gaul and italy...... 5t Charscter and administration of inroads of the Goths ...... 58 GaillenWl .... 62 The three naval expeditions of the The Thirty Tyrants 82 Goths." ...... •• 58,59 Famine and pestUenoe 64


REIGNS OP CLA.UDJUS. AUB.lU.IAH. TACITUS, PRoBUS, CA.:B.lJ8, CA,1UJIUs, AND N'UIIE.RJA~. 268. Aureolus invade. Italy; is d ... His treatment of Tetrlcus and Ze· feated. and besieged at Milan •• 65 nobia ...... 73 Df..ath of Gallienus. • • • • • .. 66' . Snppressesan insurrection at Rome '14 288. Aooession of Claudius • • • . 66 I275. Marches into the East: his assasai· Dt'ath of Aureolu. • • .. • • • • 66 nation .• '0 .0 •• 74 269. Victorie-s of Claudius over the 27~76. Reign of Tacitus .. 75 Goth... " ...... 66 216. Usurpation of Floriallus 76 210. neath of Claudius •• • • .. •• 61 -Accession of Probus ...... 76 - A.ccession of Aurelian: his success- 211. Victories of Probus over the bar· ful reign .. ., ...... 68 barians. o .0.. o. •• o. 16 Concludes a treaty with thQ Goths, H. builds a wall from the Rhine and resigns fA> them the province to the Danube ...... of Dacia. .. .• •• '0 •• 68 Introduction and Bettlementof the 270. Defeats the Alemannl...... 69 barbarians.. .. 78 211. SUlTOunds Rome with new walls 69 281. Triomph of Probu~ •• 78 2'11. Defeatsl'etricU8 in GaUl .. .• 69 HiB discipline.. .. 78 Cbaracter and reign of Zenobia. •• 79 2'13. Aureliandefeat6and takes Zenobia 70 ::~:2:~ t":i:" of c;.ru:.': his P~rB~ prisoner .0 .0 •• •• •• 72 victories and death • . • . 0 • '19 RebeUion and min of Palmyra •• t2 283. Accession of Carinus and Nomerlan 80 Aurelian suppresses the rebellion Character of Carinus 81 of Firmus in Egypt o. • • . • 73 28(. Death of Num.rian ...... 82 274. Triumph of Aurelian .. . • .. 73 285. Death of CarinuB -...... 83


REIGN 01' DIOCLETIAH, AND BIS THREE ASSOCIATES, MAXIHIAH. GALEnIt:BJ AND • CoXSTAHTIUS. 285. Elevation and chnracter of Dio- against the Persians: treaty of cletian. o •• ,0 o. •• •• 286. Association and character of Maxi· 84 c~~twe~~ u:~ P~~i~~ ar:? 89 mian ...... • o ... ; 292. Association of two Cre...... Gal.. 85 I303. Tr!:'t'!'J'h ~~ D~,:"I.~~an .~D4..~a~i~ '91. . nus and Constnntius •. • . . . 187. Suppression of the rebellion of the '86 ~:!~eN'i~~~r:~~ero.r~at.~il~ ,~~ Bag_ude In Gaul ...... 81 Debasement of Rome and the Revolt of Carau.'iius in Britain •• 87 Senate...... • • .. 9~ 194. His death • • .. " •• .. 8'1 Diocletiali assumes new imperial 296. RecoverY0fBritain by Constantius 81 titles, and introduces the Persian

Defence of the frontiers of the ceremonial 0 0 • • 0 • • • 0 0 93 empire.o .. .• •. •. •. 88 New fonn of administration. two Wars in Africa and Egypt •• .. 88 Augusti and two Clesara . 0 •• 94

The Persian war o. • 0 • • • • 89 Increase of taxes. " • • •. • • 96 286. Restoration of Tiridates to Ar- 305. Abdication of Diocletiao and Maxi- menia o ••••••••••• 89 miaD.o •. •• ...0 95 His expUlsion by the Persians .. 89 305-313. Retirement of Diooletian at 296-297. The two campaigns ofGalerins Salona.. •• .. .. ., .. 96 xii CONTENTS.


. Faou TUB ABDICATION OP DIOCLETIAN TO THB RWNION OP THB EIIPIBB UNDBR CONSTANTIIfE. A.D. Page .i..D. Pal!" 305. Constantina and Galerius the two 311. Death of Galerius •• •• .. •• 104 Augusti • . •• • • •• • • 98 312. Civil war between Constantine and Appointment of Severusand Max:i· Maxentius .• '0 •• •• •• 104 min-BS the two Cmsars • . • • 99·312. Defeat and death of MaxenUue .• 104 306. Death of Constantius and elevation ConstantiD~'B conduct at Rome: of Constantine • • •• • • •• 100 his triumphal arch:. he sup. 306. Maxentius declared Emperor ..t presses the Pneoorian guards •• 105 Rome .. .• •• .. • ,-. 101 S13. War between Maximin and Lid. Maxim1aD reassUDles the purple. 101· niu8.. •. •. .• .• .. 106 307. Defeat and death of Severns.. •• 101 313, Death of Maximin...... •• 106 30'1. Constantine marries Fausta, the 314. War between Constantine and Li. daughter of Maxlmian .. •• 1011 cinius ...... 108 307. Unsucoessfu1 invasion of Italy by 322. Constantine defeata the Goths ., 107 _ Galerius . . •. •. " . . 102 323. Second' war between Constantine dOS. Licinius and Maximin made Au- and Liciniu8. • • t •• 10'1

gusti: six emperors ...... 103 Death of Ltciniu6 . 0 •• • • • • 108 3U). Misfortunes and death of Maxi· Reunion of the empire. • • • •• 108 mian ,...... 103


THB CoNDUCT OP !'BB RoHAJI GOVKRlnIENT TOWARDS TIlS CH&lSTl.4.N8. AND THR LEGAL ESTABLI8I1HBNT OP CHBlSTIAlt'XTY. ProgreBB of the Christian religion. 109 303. EdictS of DiocleUan against the Causes of its pefBllClltion by the Christiane ·'.0 •• •• •• •• 116 Roman government ... •. .. 110 General idea of the persecution in 6(.· Persecution of the Cbristians· in the different provinces of the the reign of Nero ...... 111 Roman Empire .. , ...... 118 90. In the reigu of Domitian .. .. 112 311. Edict of ',"'P.ration publiahed by 98-1'19'd!ran~h!t;~::el~aJ~: ~ 113 313. Ed~:t~:rMilan'" :: :: :: :: ~~: 180. Treatment of the Christians in the 812. Convers(olJ of Con stan line : appear· reigns of Commodua and Sept!.. auee of a cross in the sky. • . • 120 mius Severns . • ...... 1U The labarum (If standard of the 211. Treatment of the Christians from Cross ... •• .• ...... • 122 the. death of Severns 10 the 32(. Establi.hmffit of Christianity .. death of Philip ...... I1(. the religion of the state .. .. 122 249-284. From the death of Philip 10 Basilica of 51. Peter ., .. .. 123 the """".. ion of Iliocletian I16


FOUNDATION 01' COKSTAJrfTIKOPLB. - l'OLITICAL SYSTBlI 01' COlfSTAlfTINB .lND HIB " , SUCCESSORS. ~4. Design of a new capital .. 123 I. The Consuls and Patrician•• 133 Description of Constantinople 128 ll. 1'he four Prretorlan Pnefecta 186 The DOllpOruS .. . 0 • • • • 126 1 l'rrefccts of Rome and Con­ The harbour of Couatantinople 127 lttantinople .. .• •. •• 138 The ProponUs.. .. .• .• 128 Dioceses of the empire: go .. The Hellespont • • • • " 128 138 Advantages (If Constantinople 12a Tb:e~~~:8~fo~~,:::il~C: ::. 13'1 324. Foundation of the city .• 129 III. The milila'Y otlloen.. .. 138 Its extent... .' •• " 129 Reduction of the alze of the :Edifices .0 ...... 130 legions...... 139 Population and privileges .J.31 IV. Seven mintswn of the palece 139 330. Dedication •• .. .. 132 Agents or oftlclaJ. epics.. •. HI Form (If government. •• 132 Taxatlon.o .. .0 •• •• HI Three ranka of honour .. 132 General tribute or indiction. 143 Four divisions of office .• 133 Capitatio...... 142 CONTENTS. xiii



A.D. Page A.D. Page Family of Constantine •• • • '0 144 Power of the eunuchs •• 153 326. Death of Crispus •• •••• 145 351. GaUus declared CEsar •• 153 Death of Fausta •• •• •• • • 146 His cruelty 1H Eleyation of the BOusand nephews '1'6 354. His death... •. •• •• •• •• 155 o. Constontine •• •• • 355. Escape of Julian: be is declared 15S :!: ~:os.~a=' ~~ ;';'tU;':' 147 357. Co=lhi~Vi~i·tsR~m~· :: :: 156 ments in the empire.. 1411 357~59. 'Wars with !.be QUodi alld gar- 33T. Death of Constantine .0 148 matians... ., •• •• •• 156 - Massacre of bis family.. •• •• 148 359. Renewal of the Persian war ... 157 Division of the empire between 35&-359. Campaigns of Julian in GaUl. 157 the three sons of Constantine •• 149 360. Julian proclaimed Augustus •• 158 337-360. The Persian war •• • • • • 149 S6t. Preparations for civil war •• •• 160 340. Civil war. and death of Constan- 361. Death of Constalltius, and nndis- tine II•• , •• •• 160 puted accession of JuUan •• • ~ 161 350. Mnrder of Constan. • • •• ,; 159 325: The Council of NiC&!a •• •• • • 161 MagnenUu6 and Vetranio assume Constantine persecutes the Ariana the purple • • • • •• • • • • 151 and the ortbodox party • • _• WI Constantius deposes Vetranio •• 151 Persecution of tbe orthodox by 351. Makes war against Magnentius •• 152 ConstantiUR •• •• • • •• '•• 162 358. Death of Maguentlu. • • •• • • 153 326-356. History :f Athanasius .' •• 163


REIGN OP J1JLIAN. The civil government and private atAntiocb.. •• •• •• •• life of Julian ,. 165 The sophist Libanius •• • • •• His charaoter ., • • • • '. 166 363. Ma~ o.f Julian from Antioch to 351. His apostscy •• .' •• •• 167 ·CJ.1"QCSlum 00 •••• o ••• 175 HIs initiation and fanaticlsm ] 68 HIs march through Mesopotamia. 176 His Teligious dissimulation .• 168 IDs march through Assyria.. • • 177 He writes against Christianity 168 He crosses tbe Tigris. 0 • • • 1'i9 361. Universal toleration •• •• • • 168 He bums his fleet and marches 361-363. Zeal and devotion of Julian in against Sapor • • • • • • • • 179

the restoration of Paganis1D •• 169 , Retreat of the Romans 0 • • • .'. 181 363. Julian attempts to rebuild the Death of Julian .'. • • •• •• 181 Temple ofJerosalem.o •• .0 1'10 Election of the Emperor Jo,oiaii •• lS'l He attempts to ruin the Christians I'll pi_rul treaty with the Per· 362. Tumults at AIeJ<&lldria: George of _ sians '0 •• .0' •• •• •• 18.~ _ Cappedocia •• .'. • • •• • • 172 Jovian continues his retreat to 362. Restoration and banIshment of Nisibis. o •• .0 ~. •• •• 1113 Athanasiua •• •• •• •• •• 173 He evacuates Nisibis and restores 362. Julian resolvea to march again.t the five pro\;oces to the Persians 184

" the Persians.. 00 00 00 •• 173 ReDections on the death and fune­ He .-ponds the winter at Antioch. 17' ralofJuUan If!.! Licentious manners of the people .


THB REIax, OF JOvu.:R .AND V ALENTllilAN I. 363. Joflan restores Chriatianity as the Character and Government ot Va-- established religion •• o. .0 186 lentinian and Valena .0 .0 •• 190 364. Death of Jovian • • •• • • •• 187 364--3'r5~ Valentinian maintains reli.. 364. Election of Valentlnlan.. •• •• 187 gious ooleration •• .... •• • • 191 He associates bis brother Valens. • 188 36'1-3'18. Valens profes;esArianism and '364. Final division of the Eastern and persecutes the Catholics '.. 192 Western Empire. •••• 188 364-375. Foreign wara •• 192 365. Revolt and death of Procoplu. 189 b3 xiv CONTENTS.

A.D. A.D. 36iH1Tl. L GRRHANY: the Alemannt. Page 366. IV. Th. D.... UB.. the Gotblo Page

llurgundians. and Saxons un war...... II 198 367-3TO. II. BRITA''': the Scota and 3T4. War or the Quadl and Sal'- Piels...... 194 matians.. •. " •• 191' 3Ta Ill. AFR'CA: revolt and death 37&. Oeath of Valentinian . ., •• 197 of Finnull • • • . . • i 95 Succession of Gl'attan and Valenti­ 3T6. Execution uf Theodosiu8 195 Dian n. 198

CHAPTER XIV. Fao1l: TnB DEA.TB OP V'&'LBlfTINIAJ( I. TO TJIB DRAm 0. TJDODOSIUI I. The nomadic tribes of Centrul Asia 200 3KO. 01'tbodOKY of TheodosiuIJ •. •• 21\ Their government. . . . .• .. 201 381. The Couucil of Constantinople .. 211 The HUDS: their wara with the Baall and Gregory Nuianaen o. 212 Chinese.. •. ., 00 '0 ,_ 201 3'14-397. Ambl'08t', archbishop uf Milan 213 Migrations of the Huns. . •• •• 202 385. His succesaCul OppoolUOll' '" th. 3'15. The H UTIS defeat the Gotbs • • . . 203 Empf'lfflB Justina. • • . • • • • 213 378. The Goths cross the Danube. and 38T. Mnximus Invades Italy...... 21. revolt against the Romans 203 Fligbt of Valentinlan ...... o. 21. 104 W.r between TheOO08lua and , ~!: ~;.~o~~ ~.'::th ~f' ~. ~Pe~~ Maxlmus .0 •••• ,0 •• 215 Valens.. .. _.. .. ., .. 205 388. Death of Maximus . . . . • • " 216 3T9. TheOOoslU8 appointed Emperor or Character of 'fbt"Uduslul • • .. 21& tbe "~IISt •• •• '.. •• ._ 108 390. Se


TUB WESTBBX EIfPIRB DVatNG 'I'IDI RUG. 0. HOJtlOBlOI. 395. Division of the empire between .oT. Revolt of ConstanUne In Britain Art'adiu8 snd Honorius 00 ., 223 He Is acknowledgt'd in Gaul and 386-395. Character and admlnlstratioD Spain . . . • . . . . . • . • M~r~:'~~\;':adl;;8 :: :: :: =.0~088t~ll:t~~tlO~. o~. A.I~rI~. a~~ 230 395. CharftC1t'1' of SUlicho, tb. Minister 408. Death of SUlicho ...... 231 and General of the Weal.el"D 408. Firat stege of Rome by the Goths 2:11 Empire...... 223 Ut. Second aleS. of Rom. by tb. 395. DP.ath of RuOnu8 • • • • • • 0 • J~ Goths •• " . . • • • . •• 233 Amullus govern"" by tho ennucb ElevaUon and degrodaUOII of A I- Eutropius .• .. .• .• 125 taloa.. • . . • •• .• .. 23. 396. Invasiun of GI'eE'<."e by Alaric •• 225 '10. Third stf>jle and lACk of Rome by 398. Defeat and death or/1I1do.. 225 tbe Gotha ...... 234 Maniage of HonoriUB .• •• •• 225 4(18-&13. The Guths mvage Italy.. '0 2:18 .02. Invasion ofltaly by Alaric.. .. 1I26 .10. neath of Alnrie ...... 238 '03. Battle of PoUt'utia and retreat of 412. Adolphus. King of the Gotha. con- Alaric .• . . • . • • 0 • •• _ 228 elode, a peace witb tile empire. '04- The triumph or Houoriua at end marches Into G8ul .• . . 23T Rome .. •• .• . . o. 227 '1~8. The GOlba oonquer Gaul and The gladiators abolished • . 2~" Spain. and restore dloae ClOUD .. HouoriU8 bea bill reaidence at trlea to HonoriUl ...... Ravenna ...... 228 ,.18. The Goth..... bllshed In Aqultaln '08. Rad.~isU8 invades Italy ., 228 ,o9. Revolt of Britain and Armorica His defeat and death .. .. o. :r.Ut, .0 ...... 9. State of Brltalo .0 . . o. The "andale and other barOOrlana "23. Death of If~morlus.. •• .0 •• enter Gaul 00 •• •• •• .0 228 COYTENTS. xv



~'tl 423. The Empire of the Kast •• ~ , ....1>. Ae


REIGN 0, VALn"TINLUI' m. '23. Deeth of Honotius .., • ., 24& Embassies from and to Attila 2~ 425-455. Valentinian IlL .mperor of 450. Death of TbeodosiusII. •••• 255 the West ., .... ", .. 247 ,MarclanEmperoroftheEast .. 255 425-450. Administration~of his mother 0&35-'5'. Character and administration Placidia ...... 248 of AetiUl~ ...... 256 Her two generals Aetius and Jlo. 419-451. Tbe Vlsigotbs in Gaul under niface ...... 2411' the reign of Tbeodoric .. .. 25& 427. Revolt of Boniface...... 248 ,420-451. Tbe Franks In Gaul under 428. Boniface invites tb. Vandsls 248 I the Merovlngian kings •• •• 257 Genseric, king of the Vandals 2491 The adventures of t4e princess 429. The Vandals land in Africa .. 249 ,HODOria ...... ,• .. 258 430. Sicge of Hippo •••••• 249' 451. Attlla Invades Gaul and besieges 43L Death' of St. Augustin.... 250 Orleans...... 258 432. Deleat aud retreat of Boniface 250 BatUe of Cbitl.ns •• • • _ •• • • 259 432. His death...... 250 452. Invaslon ofltaly by Attila.. .. 260 439. Conquest of Carthage and Africa Foundation of the repubUo of Ve. by the Vandals...... 251 ...... 260 433-453. ATTlLA, king of the Huns: Attila giv.s peace to the Romans. 261 bis character and dominions .• 251 453. Death of Attila • •• 262 4-41. He invades the }latern Empire. . 252 Destruction of his empire 262 446. Treaty of peace between AtLlIa 454. Murder of A.tius •• • " 263 and the Eastern Empire •• •• -. 253 ,455. Death of Valentioian Ill. 263


FBOK TUB Dum OP VALBNTINIAN TIl. TO TKB EXTINCTION OP THE WESTFlUC' EXPIRE. 439-445. Naval power of the Vandals. 266 413-475. Glycerlus and Julius Nepos, 455. Aecession and.-death of Maximus, emperor.:; of the Wes~ ., " 271 455. Sa~~~a;,~e'l:; ::~;';'d"j; ~:: 476. AW.~~Ulu:~ ~~ e~pe:,:r ~~ ~~, 271 455-456. Reign of Avitus .. .., 267 Woocer, king of Italy...... , 272 451-461. Reign of Majorian .... 268 476. DeposlLlon of Augn~tulus .. .. 273 461-4!:~ ~~~~:= O!:;sC& ';~der tli; 26S !~::.!:~iI{etii::: 8d~S~~ ~Pi~ ;i~ name of &overus.. tho e' 269 4'16-485. Eul'ic, king of the Visigothseo 2'14 46'-472. Anthemiu., emperor of 481";;11. Clovis, king of the Franks " 214 West eo •• ., •• •• •• 2';0 His conquests.. ., .•. .• " 275 Failure of the expediUon against 1510. Consulship of Clovis -.. .• " 276 the Vandals.. .• .. .. " 270 536. Final establit"hment,of the French .'12. Olybrlus, emperor of the West., 2;1 mOllB.TCny in Gaul .; ., " 276 Sac,!:! Rome ~~ ~~u:"f ~~th~ 271! 5!:q~!~I1::~~..\'~:~; the &xo~~ ~;: xvi CONTENTS;



A.D..·. . . Page A.D. Page 45lH<75. BIrth and education of Thco- . CIVil government of Italy 284 duric .. .. II •• •• •• .2'9 Prosperity of Rome •• 285 ''14:-491. Reign of Zeno .. II II •• 280 500. Visit of Theodoric •• .. 2K5 491-518. Reign of Au.. taslua • • •• 280 Flourishing state of Italy 286 4'15-4&8. Service and revolt. of Theo- Ecclesill.8tical go"ernment •• •• 287 doric •• ...... 280 Vice, of the government of Theo- 489. Invasion of Italy by Theodorio •• 281 doric II II II II II ._ 288 489-4-93. Defeat and d6flth ofOdoacer.. 281 Character. studies, and honoun of 494-526. Reign of Theodoric, ldng of Boethiul II II II ._ 289 Italy ...... 281 He Is accused of treason . . • . 290 Partition of land...... • 282 524:. Htslmprl80Dment and ~eath •• 29'1 Separation of the Goths and Ita- 291 . lians ...... • .• .• 282 ~~:: g:~~~~=~U8 :: :: :: 291 Forelgn polley of Theodoric.. .. 283



492 or 483. Birth of the Emperor Jns· 532. The • Nlka" riots at Constantl· . Unlan II II II II I. II 293 nople 0'. •• •• ., '0 •• 298 518-527. Elevation and reign of his Introduction Clf allk-worms Into uncle J ustio I. •• . • . . . . 293 , Greece.. .. •• ...... 300 526-627. Adoption aod succeaslon of Avarice and profuslou of Justinian 301 Justiuiao •. .. •• •. •. 294 527-566. Reign of Justlnlan ...... 20. ~~:C:!~'iua:::::n' ':: :: :: :: Character and histories of Proco- Cbureh of SI. S"pbla • • .. .. ' 302 pius ...... 294 Fortifications of Justinian .. .. 30'" HiStory and elevaUon of the Em. 602-605. The PerslaD war in the reign pre.. Theodora...... 295 of Anastasi us •• 305 548. Her death .• . . . . • • • 296 Fortification of Dara • • •• .. 306 Tbe flIctions of the Circus •• • • 296 529. Justinian .uppresses the scbools They distract Constantinople and of Athens .. .. •• .. .. 308 the EMt ...... 297 UI. ~d tbe IWman con.nlshlp.. .. 307


BEIO,X 01' JV8TINlAJil'. - CoNQUEft' 07 THB V.&JfDAL8 AJfD OSTBO(J()1'US.

$33. JustinlaD resolves to Invade Africa 309 Spain .. •• •• .. •• .. 314 State uf th~ Vandals .. .. .1 310 634. Belisariu8 threateos the OetrogoLh. 523-630. Hllderic ...... 310 of italy.. •• ...... 314 130-634. Oelimer • ...... •• •• 310 622-635. Government aud death of AmalallOnlbo. Queen of italy •• 315 Be~~;J~f ~We'!'!r~ ~.~ .COU:~ 310 318 529-532. His services in the ·Persian :::: :~li~~~ue:.~~l~~ S~~ r~d~ war •. •• •. • .. '. 310 316 533. BeHsarius lands In Africa and de­ 636-54:'tr:~;;. Ki~g ~i I~11 :: :: 3n feats the Vandals ...... 31\ 536. Belhwrins enters Rome. .• .. an 533. Reduction of Carlhage...... 81\ 637. SIege of Home by the Gotlll .. 318 Final defeat of the VaDdals.. .. 312 63~. 'fhl:' f loths raise the stege of Rome 319 534. Conquest of Africa...... 312 538, 539. Invasion of Italy by tbe Return and triumph of Dell ... Franks.. .• ., •• .. .. 319 riM ••... 0 •••••• 313 639. Belisariu. take. Ravenna. and BUb­ Neutrality of the Vislgotbe •• ..' 31' dues tbe {iothtc klngdum of lralT 320 550-620. o>nquests of the &mans In 640. Return and 810ry of ilcllssrius •• a:n . CONTENTS. ~vii


••Do Page A.D... • Page t31-5T9. Reign of Nushirvan or Cho .. 548. Final recall of Belisarius • • • • 329 roes '.. •• •• " •• ., 322 549. Rome agai!l taken by the Goths .: 52' 631-539. War and pe.... with the R0- 320 mans .0 '0 '0 •• •• ., 32S' 55~. Tbtl.::~:.~a:;re:h:pcro~~~ 640. New war with the Romdhs: he 562. Defeat and death of Totila.. .. 331 invades Syria and conquers Conquest of Rome by Narses ., 331 Antioch •• • • • • • • • • • 323 553. Defeat and death of Telas, the last King of tbe Goths • • • • • • 332 :!~:~eT~e °Jo~~i!':;rbl..~l~~~: :: 553. Invasion of Italy by the Fnmko 561. Peace lie tween J ustinwpmd Chos- nuli Alemanu.i • • • •. • • • • 332 , roes .. '0 ., •• •• •• ., 324 554. Their defeat by Narses.. •• ., 332 Disgrace awl submission of BeU- 56H68, Settlementofitaly.. .. ., 333 sarius •. •. .. •• •• •. 324 Invasions of the BulgarifJls and 540. ltevolt o!tbe Goths • • .. •• 326 Siavonians .• •• •. .• .• 33' 541-644. Victories of Totila, King of 559. Defeot of the Bulgarians by Beli- Italy ...... 326 sarius •• •• •. •. " ., 835 5«-5411. Second command of Belisarius 510. Disgrace and death of B.lisarius.. 326 In Italy.. •• .. .. " •• 326 665. Death aud characler of Justinian. 33T 546. Rome taken by the Goths .. .. 326 531-639. Comets and earthquakee 338 547. Recovered by BeUsarius .. •• •• 328 642-694. Plag... • • .. •• •• 339



The civil or Roman law • • • . 340 I. Op PRRSON.. Freemen and Laws of the Kings of Rome.. .. 841 Slaves...... 352 The Twelve Tables of the Decem- }I'athers Bnd children 353 virs ...... 341 Husbands and wives .• 354. Law. of the people: Leges and Religious rites of marriage 35' Plebiscita •. .• •• • 0 '0 342 Divorce o. •• .. .. ., 355 Decrees of the Senate 0 • • • • 0 343 Incest, concubine •• and bastards 35T

Edicts of the Prretora 0 0 • • • • 343 Guardians and wards . • 0 • 358 The Perpetual Edict • • • • • • 343 II. OF THINGS. Right of property 358 ConstiLutions and rescripts of l.be . Inheritance and succession •. 360 . Emper()J'S • • •• • • •• 343 Civil degrees of kindred.. 360 Form. of the Roman law • • 344 p,troduction and liberty ~r Suc::cession of the civil lawyers 345 testameDts , • o. 361 451-106, B.C. The first period.. 345 Legacies ...... 362 .

106, B.o.-235, A.D. Second period. 0 346 Codicils Bnd trusts .. 363 2_27. Third period .. .'. •• 346 III. Op ACTIONS. Promises 3S3 Their philosophy •• • • •• 346 Benellts •• .. •• 363, Tbeir authurity .0 00 • 0 34'1 Interest of money .. ' .964 Sects...... •• .. •• .. 347 II~urie. .. " ...... 364 527. R.fonnation of the ROmBn law by IV. OF CIUUF..S. A~"D PUNJSH1JENTS. Justinian .0 .0 00 •• •• 348 Severity uft.he Twel ve 'rabies 365· 527-546. Tribonian.. .. .; •• •• 348 .Abolition or oblivion of penal 528.529. The Code of Justinian- •• •• 349 laws...... 366 539-533. The Digest or Pandeets.. •• 349 Revival.of capital punishments 366 Praise and censure of the Code and Measure of guilt .. .0 • I 361 I'Jigest.. •• .. " .. • •. 350 , Judgmenta of tbe people. 367' Loss of the ancient jurisprudence. 351 I . Select judg,s • • .... 36T 534. Second edition of the Code.. .. 351 Assessors • I •• • .... 368· 634-565. The N ove\s •• • • .. • • 851 Voluntary exile and death a.a 63:1. The Institutes. • •• •• •• ., 352 xviii CONTENTS.



665.~ Accession. of Justin n...... • ~I~371 Distress of Rome; birth and pro- h~ The Avars ,0 .0 00 '0 .0 371 fession of Gregory '0 .0 ,0 383 Embassies of the Turks and Ro- 590-604. PontificateofGreJ(ory the Great 384 mans • • •• • • . • • • • • 3'11 6'12. ~&newal of the war with Persiu .• ~84 _b()S. i~:~:~!~:'~nd'Av~~d~~t~Y 3721:::~5~~~~~~~~~8e:O~'n~~o~~ :: ~~: the kingdom of the Gepidfe •• 3'13 Revolutions in Perbia •• •• . . 386 567. Alboin undertakes the conquest of CbosroeslI. restored. to Persia. by . Italy •• ...... • .. .. 314 .the Homans...... 385 568-6'1&. Conqnest of a great part of 595-602. Wars against the Avars 386 Italy by the Lomb.,.ds • • •• 375 Rebellion of tbe Roman anny 387 573. Alboin· is murdered by bis wife 602. Elevation of Phoeas •• •• 387. Rosamond • • •• • • •• •• 3'1'5 Death of Maurice •• •• 387 Her flight and death ...... 376 60Z-t\1O. Reign of Phocas .. 387 Clepho. King of the I..omb.rds •• 377 610. Hlo faUand death.. •• ". 3'7 Weakness of the Emperor Justin. 3'1'1' 610-642. Reign of Hel'8cliu8 .• 388 5'1'4:. Association of Tibcrius.. " •• a17 603-620. Conquests of Chosroes •• 389 5'18-582. Reign of TiberiuB II. • • ., 377 His ~reign and magnificence •. 390 582-602. &ign of Mnurice •• • • •• 378 J'istress of Heraciiu8 •• o. 390 58t-690. Autharis, King of the Lorn- 621. His preparations for war •• ., 391 b~\rd8 , • . . • • • • •• •• 379 622. First expeditton of Heracliu8 590-615. Agilulf. King of the Lomhards 3'19· .agatnat the J>er~tan8... •• •• 392 Theodolinda, Queen of the Lom- 623-625. His second exppdltion •• •• 392 bards •. .0 •• •• •• 0' 3'19 626. Deltvernn('eofConstlintinoplefrom Arts lind architecture of tire Lom- tbe Persians and Avar., •• •• 394 bards ...... • • 380 AlUnncesandC'..onquestsofHeraclius 39-1 Division of Italy bt.>tween the Ex- G2\'. His third eXpedition '0 •• •• 395 arcbate of· Ravenna and the '"628. Cbosroes is depused and murdered kingdom of the Lombards.. •. 381 by his son Sirol"s...... •. •• 396 Language, government, and Jaws Tl'eaty of peace between the two 01 tbe Lombards ...... • • 382 empircr...... 398



Byzantine history; plan of the 820. Micha.l II.. the Stammerer 411 remainder of the work •• •• 400 829. The"philu8 •• •• •• •• 411 Second marriage and death or He·" 842. Michael Ill. •• • • •• •• 412 raclius •• •• o. •• •• • • 402 86'1. BASil I" the Mdcedonilln •• •• 413 841. Constantine ilL and Herocleonaa 402 H86. T..eo VI., the philosopher •• " 414 Coo8tans n...... 0 •• 403 911. Alexander,Cou8tantine VJ I., Por- 668. ConstlLntine IV,. Pogonatus .• •• 403 phyrogenltus.. •• •• •• 415 685. Justinian 11., Rhinotmetu!J.. .. 404 919. RomfliJus 1" LecapenuB •• •• 416 695-704. His exile. Reigusof IA!OPtius Christopber,Slepben, Constantine and Tiberiu8 Absimarna •. ..·40' VIU. •• • . • •• • • • • • • 416 '1'04:-711. Restoration aud death of Ju~ 945. Constantine VIL ogalu •• 416 tinian II. 406 959. Romnnus II. •• • • • • • • 418 711. Philippicns .. • 0 •• •• 406 963. Nic'-epho111S n .. Pbocos .... 417 '1'13. AnastfL.qlus II. ... •. •• •. 406 969. John I., Zimiscea.. .• •• 417 71&. Theooooinslll. •• •• •• 406 978. Basil II. olld Constantine IX. 418 718. Leo UI. the Isallrian 0..0 4Q6 1025. Constantine IX. •• .• •• 418 '1'41. Constantine V. CopronymWll 401' 1028. Romllnus IlL, Argyn18 •• •. 419 775. ),eo IV .. the KhU28t 407 1034. Michael IV .. the I'aphlagonian .. 42" 'RO. Constantine VI. o. 407 1041. Mh~bLlel V •• Calapbatea .••• 42" 1042 42" ::: ~~~b~rn~·I.:: :: :g: 1 • ~a8~~~f:e~~~~~~~~ .20 421 ,811. ~'r~r!1l~ Rb~~ga~ :g: ! ~~~:: It~;:::[Vi .. Sl~tidtl~; .. 421 &13. Leo V., the Annenian 410 I 1051'. Isaac 1., Comnenua UI CONTENTS. xix

A.D. Page A.D. Page 1059. Consuntine Xl., Ducas 422 1118. Jobn I1~ Comoenos. or Cr.lo- 1067. Eudocia •• • • • . • • 422 Joanne-a .• •• .• 424 Romanus IV., Tliogenes .. •. 422 1143. Manuel 1., Comnenu8 •. 425 1071. Michael VII., Parnpinaces, An. 11.130. AleIius IIo. ComneoU8 .:u; dronicos I.: Constantine XII. 423 1183. AndronieDa I., Comnenus 426 1078. Nicepborns ilL, BotaniaLeS ., 422 1185. Issac n., Angelos 427 1081. Alexius L, ComuenU6 ...... • 423


Tn IooNOCLA8'1'8. - REvOLT OP ITALY ..urn BOD. - TIm FB..ums. - C.Aiu.mu.GNE AliD llI8 8170CBS50BS.

The worship of images- •. 0 • • • 428 In Spain ... 439 726-''15. Persecution of images and the In Italy •• 439 monks by Leo Ill. and Conslnn- In Germany «0 tine V. .• .. .• ...... 429 In Hungary ... 440 128. Revolt of Italy, republic of His successors " ,. '41 Rome •• • . .. • • • • • • 430 81H40. Lewis Ibe Pions "1 730-752. Rome attacked by Ibe I.om· _ 8404l56. Lolbaire I. • • «I bards • • .. • _ • • • • .. 432 851H!75. Lewis II. •• .. •• «I '54.. Her deliverance by Pepin . . .. 433 888. Division of the empire o. ... .0 4~ 77•• Conquest of Lombardy by CbarJe. 962. Olbo restores the Western Empire mogne .• • • •• .. •• . • 434. 800-1060. Aulbority of tbe Emperors Mutual obligations of the popes in the election of the popes ., "3 and tbe Carlovingian famil~0 • 434 10'13. Reformation and claims of the - «3 ~:: :-..:';.ti~:!~':J'W 436 Aug:,~r:; ';rr G=,'l,,;j,.nm; in of Nice 0" • • • • • 0 • • ... 436 Rome . . ... •• • 0 •• ... 4" 842. Filli'! E::::Te~!.r!..!m.~ ~ 436 ~ ::~: ~~~~ ~n!!l'"t,:..:e;,ti~ «4 77HOO. Final separation of Ibe popea 'I The Italian ..pnblics •• •• ., «5 from the Eastern Empire.. .. 437 lJ5Z-1l90. Frederic L •• • • •• .. .45 800. Coronation of as Em- 1198-1250. Frederic II... .. • •. 415 peror of Rome and the West •• 4371814-1250. Iodependence of tbe Princes 76!H!14. Reign andclumu:terof Chari... of Gennany •• •. •• •• ••

magne w 0 •• •• 43T 1250. The Gennanic constitution.. . Extent of bis empire .• o. ... 4S9 German architecture .0 •• In France.. •. .0 .. .. ~. 439!


560-809. Birth and edncalion of Ma- I Koreiab of M..... •• •• ,. 461 homet 00 o...... 451 623-f27. Mahomet snbdues tbe Jews QuaJifications of tbe Propbet •• 452 of Arabia " .. " • • .. 462 Islam: one God and Mahomet Ibe 629. Submission of M""", .. • • .. 462 Apostle of God •• " • • •• 453 629-632. Conquest of Arabia . 0 •• 463 The Koran o. •• o. •• •• .M 629,630. First war of the Mabomeians Nocturnal Jonmey of Mahomet to against the Roman Empire .63

Heaven •.•. 00 •••• 455 632. Dealb of Mahomet.. • • •• .. 464 The four religious duties of Islam; Private life of Mahomet: his wives pilgrimage, prayer, fasting, and and children. . . . 465 aIme ...... 456 Character of Ali • • •• -.. • • 466 Rewards and punishments .. 451 632. Reign of Abubek.... • • • • • .. 466 609. Mahomet preaches at Mecca 458 634. ReignofOmar...... 466 61:Hi22. I. opposed by the Koreiab 458 6«.. Reign of OthmtIn . • . . o. . • 466 62'2. And driven from Mecca •• 459 Discord of Ibe Turl



A.D. Conquests of the Saracens •• •• P~~ I :e~:805. Wars or Harnn al Rashid •• P:r, 636-851. I. Conquest of Persia 471 : 823. The Arab. Bubdue Crete. • • • • 488 632-638. II. Conquest of Syria 639-641. Ii!. Conqueshf Egypt •• :~~ I :!!~8l:;.t~: ~}c~me by tb; Sa~ce~i ::: The Alexandrian library 4741' 849. Reign or Pope Leo IV. .• •. ., 489 6409'-109. IV. Conquest of Africa •• 475 Foundation of the !.Ponlnr. city .. 4s9 711-113. V. Conquest of Spain 476 841-870. DI80rdersoftheTul'klsbguard. 490 h8. Empire of the Caliphs.. • • .. 4'18 1890-951. Sect of the Carmatbians .. 490 Limits of the Arabian conquests .• 4'18 The tndependent dynasties.. 491 668-675. First siege of Constantinopie 800-941. The Aglabite&.. 491 by the Arabs • • ...... 479 829-907. The Edrisites •• 491 479 813-872. The Taherite... 491 71~71:~e~i~~~~~~f<>~:~:!~OK:: 480 872-902. The SolT.rlde. . • 491 '121. Invasion of France by the Saracens 482 874-999. The Samanide. •• 491 732. Their defeat by Charles Martel " 482 868-906. The Toulunidea 491 760. Fall of the Omml.de.: elevation 934-968. The Ik,blditeB.. •• 491 of the Abbaasid.. 483 892-1001. The HnmRdo.nttes.. 491 1&&. Revolt of Spain . • • • • • •• 484 933-1065. The Bowides • • •• • • 492 Triple division of the Caliphate •. 484 936. Falien state of the' caliph. of 760-960. Magnificence or the Caliphs •• 484. Bagdad. • ...... - 492 754-813. Introduction of learning among 963-9"6. Tbe Eastern eonqUf~8ts of Nice.. the Arab6 ...... 485 phoros PhoC48 and J obn Zimiacel 493 Their real progress in tbe sciences 486


STATE OP THE EASTERN EJIPIRB 1lC WBD 'l'BNTK CENTVD.Y.- To PAULICIAN'. Work. of Constantine Porphyrn. The Greek Emperors and their genitul .. •. •. .0 •• ., 495 subjects retain and 08sert the Embassy of Llutprand .. •• .• 496 name of Romans. 0 .0 6111 rrbe themes or provinces of the Period. of Ignorance .• 501 empire.o •• .0 •• • • '0 496 RevIval of Greek learning 501 General wealth and J»Qpulousness. 496 Decay of taste and genius 502 Revenue of the Greek-empire '0 497 Byzantine o.rchlt{'cture.. 61:3 Palace of Constanttnople o. . 0 49'1 660. Origin of the Panliclans . 0 •• 606 =~~~:~l':~~u.,,: 1,,;p...I;.i 498 The .1r;:r.UClty of their belief and 506 famlly .• ..".. •• .0 •• 498 Pe~C::utfon of 'the P~uU~ia~o :: 60ft Offi.cera of the palace, the state, and 845-R80. Their revolt . . 0 • • • • • 607 tbe army .. .. •• •• .." 498 Their transplantation from Ar- Ceremonies of the Court • . .. 499 menia to Thr8C'e .. - " " .. &08 [lespotic power of the Emperor.. 600 Their introduction 'Into Italy and Naval and military forces o. ".0 600 France.. .. o. " o. o. 508 Oblivion of the Latin language •• '501 1200. P'.... cution of the Albigeoia 609



J)lvtsion of the snbject •• . 0 •• 610 Naval expeditions of the Rusatans 6~0-1017. Origin 8Ild conquests of the aguln.t Constantlnopie 516. Bulgarians •• .. .. ••.• • 511 865. The first •• 516 Origin of the Hungarians ., ., 512 904. The second " .. .. 516 f'S9. Their Clmque81B •• o. o. o. 613 941. The third o. • 517 934-,955. Victorie8ofHenry the Fo,vler 1045. The fourth .. •• o. 51T and Otbo the Great •• .. " 513 955-973. Reign of Swatoslans 617 Origin of tbe Russialls.. .• .. 614 864. Conversion of RUMI. •• .. 618 The Varangians of Constantinople 515 ·955. Bapttsm of Olga .• •• 618 The two ancientcapitai. and "ade "989. Baptism of Wolodomir.. .. 619 of Russia .. •• •• •• •• 615 000-1100. Cbriallanlt1 of the North 511 CONTENTS. xxi

CHAPTER XXXI. T.KB NolUlLUls. A.D. 'Page A.D. Page 84~10n. 'Conilict of the Saracens, La- Besieges Rome ...... ~30 tins, and.Greeks in Italy •• 621 . Flies before Robert •• •• • • S30 890. New province of the Greeks in 1084. 'Second Expedition of Robert into Italy ...... 521 Greece ...... : .. 531 1016. OrIgin of the Normans in Italy.. 622 1085. His death .. • • .. .. • • 631 10S8. The Normans serve III .. 623 1~01-1164. Reigu and ambition of Ro· . 1040-1048. Their conquest of Apulia 624 , , ger, great Count of SIcily 631 10fO-l054. League of the Pope and the 1I2T. Duke of Apulia ...... 631 two Empires •• ...... 624 1130-1139. First king of Sicily .. .. 532 105~. ExpeditionofPopeLeoIX.aguinst 1I2:a-1I52. His conquests In AfrIca .. 632 the Normans ...... 624 1146.' His Invasion of Greece .... 532 His defeat ...... '. 625 'HIs Admiral Insu1ta Constantl· Origin of the PapuJ. Inv.,.tit""", nople ••• , ., .0 •••• 5SS to the Normans .. .. •• ... 525 1148, U49. The Emperor Manuel re- 1020-1085. Birth and character of Ro- p11lses the Normans t.. . 533 bert Gulscard ...... 625 1155. He redu... Apulia and Calabria 533 1054-1080. His ambItion and success. . 626 1165~1l U. HIs design of acquiring Italy 1060. Duke of ApuUa ...... • • 526 , and tho Western Empire .. 633 His Italian conquests.. ",. . 626 , Failure of his designs •• • • • • 533 School of Salerno:...... 52'1 1156. Peace with the Normans •• •• 6SS Trade of Amalphi • • • • • • 627 1185. Last War of the Greeks and No1'- 1060-1090. Conquest of" SIcily by tho mans ... , ...... &S3 Normans under Roger ••••• 628 1154-1166. William I., the Bad, king of 1081. RobertinvadestheEast.etnEmpire 628 534 Siege of Durauo...... 629 1166-1I8~.ci~uiiam· n. the a;,..i . :: 634 1082 Du..... zo taken .. .. •• .. 629 1194. Conquest of the Kinl!dom of Sicily Return of Robert, and actions of by tho emperor Ifeory VI. •• 634, Bohemond...... 529 1204. Flrni.1 extinction of the Nor- 1081-1089. The emperor Henry IlL in· , l'W'"," ...... 634 vades j taly ...... 630

CHAPTER XXXII. - TIlB Tunm ' The Turks ...... 636 m,nus Diogane. • • • • • • 538 997-1028. Mahmud the Gbaznevide • • 636 10T:a-l092. Reigu and prosperity of l\la.. 1028-1038. His son Massoud •• •• .. 636 lek Shah • • ...... 638 1038. Overthrow of the Gbaznevides by Dlvlslun of the Seijuktau Empire 639 the TurkmllllB .• • . • • " 636 1074-1084. Conquest of Asia Minor by • 1038-1162. Dynasty of the Seljuklans.. 636 the Turks ...... 540 1038-1063. R.lgn of Togrul Beg.. .. 6~6 Tbe Seljukian kingdom of Roum 641 1056. He dellvero the Caliph of Bagdad 637 636-l099. State and piigrlmage of Je- 1050. He- invades the Roman Empire.. 637 rusalem " •• .. •• .• 641 1063-1072. Reign of AipArslnn. .. 637 1009. Sacrilege of Hakem .. • • •• 643 1066-1068. Conquest of Armenia and 1024. Increa.e of pifgrlmages .. .. 643 Georgia ...... 53T 1076-1096. Conquest of Jernsalem by 1068-10Ti. Defeat of the emperor no. the Turks...... 54S

CHAPTER XXXIII. TUE CnuSADES. 1095-1099. I. FmST CRUSADE 645 1096,1091. March of the rrlnces to Con· Peter the Hermit...... 546 stantinopie ..'...... 648 1096. Councils of Pillcentia and Cler- Policy of the emperor Alexiu. •• 648 mont eo '0 .0 .0 •• •• &45 He obtslns the homage of the Cru· 1096. Departure of the IIrst Crusaders 546 sad...... '...... 649 Their destruction in Hungary and 1091. Their review And numbe...... 649 Asia ...... 546 1097. Siege of Nice and battie of Dory· The chi.fs of the First Crnsade •• 64T lIIIum ...... 650 xxii CONTENTS.

A.D. Page A.D. Page 1097-1151. Baldwin founds the princl· Turks ...... 561 pallty of Ede...... •• 551 1171. End of the Fatimlte caliphs .. 561 1097, 1098. Siege and defenoe of Antioch 651 1171-1193. Reign.aud character of Sa-

The state of the Turks and calipba ladin .• '0 •• '0 •• •• of Egypt •• .. • • • • .. 653 1187. Conquest of J ernsalem by SalRdin )099. Siege aud conquest of JeTUS8.1em 653 1189-1191. Siege of Acre ...... 1099, 1100. Election and reign of God•• 1190. March aDd death of Fredel1c Bar. barossa .0...... 1099-1l8~~:! :r:~:! of j~~eni' ::: 1191-1192. Ricbarcj of England In Pa- 10'99-1369. Assise of Jerusalem.. •• 556 lestine ...•..••.. 565 " 1101. Supplement to the First Crusade 657 1192. Hi. treaty and departure .. .. 566 1097-11l8. Sucoes. of Alexius .. .. 657 1193. IJeath of Saladin...... 666 1147-1149. II. SKCOh"D CausADB: "of 1203&1218. IV. V. FOURmAlrDFIFTB Conrad Ill. end Louis VII. " 658 CRUSA.DE8 •• •• •• •• •• 566 . Conquests of the AtabeksofSyria 658 1228. The Emperor frederic IL In Pa· 1127-1145. Zengbi...... 558 lestine ...... 0 .. 567 1145-1174. Noureddin ...... 558 12411-1254. VI. SIXTH CaUSAD": Bt. 1091-1153. Character and of St. _on wuis .. 00 •••••••• 569 Bernard .. • • ...... 659 1250. His captivity In F«:vvt •• • • 568 March of the Second Crusadera • • 559 1269-12n. VII. SKYENTB baUSADB •• 569 Their failure .. .. • ... 560 1270. Death of 5t. Louis before 569 11811-1192. III. THIRD CRUSADB: of Edward. eon of Henry lII .• In Pa- Frederic Barbarossa. Philip Au· lestine ..•••.••.. 569 gustus, and Richard I. .. . . &61 126~. Loss of Antioch ...... 569 116~1I69. Conqueat of Egypt hy the 1291. Loss of Ac.... and the Holf Land 589


Co:NQUEST OP CoNSTANTINOPLE BY TBB UTDfS. - TJIB LATIK EHPBB.OBS OP CoXSTAlCTINOPLB. Schism of the Greek and Latin Second siege and pillage of Con· Churcbes ...... 571 • otantlnople...... 579 1l0()-1200. Enmity of the Greeks and 1204. Election of the Emperor Baldwin I. 680 LatiDS.. •...... • &'1'1 Division of the Greek Empire •• 580 1185-1195. Reign of Isaac Angelus .. 572 Revolt of the Greeks .• o. o. 5~1 1186. Revolt of the Bulgarians •• •• 5'12 120""1222. Theodore Lascaris, emperor 1195-12U3. Usurpation of Alexiua An... ofNlco ...... 581 gelus...... ' 573 Dukes and Emperors of Treblzond 681 1198. The Fourth Crusade ...... 573 Despots of Eplrns...... 582 69'1'-1200. State or the Veuet.lans •• .• 674 1205. The Bnlgarlan war .. . • • • 682 1201. Alliance of the French and V ... !lefeat ond death of Baldwin •• 5113 uctlaDs ••••..•..• &'15 1206-1216. Reign of Henry...... 683 1202. Assembly and departute of the 1211. Reign of Peter of Courtt>oay, em. Crwadera from Venice •• • • 6T6 peror of Constanlinople .. •. M4 Siege of Zara ...... 575 121'1-1219. His captivity and dP.at.J:l '0 584. Alliance of the Cruaaden wltb 122l-l228. Robert, emperor of CoMtall' the Greek prince, the yOUDg Alexius •. o. •• •• •• 5'1'8 1228-123~~J:1:n of Br1;~ne' ~nd' 'Bald: 184 I ~3. Voyage from Zara to Constanti· win 11., emperol'8 of Constan· nople .". .. .. '...... 67& tinople. . • . • • • . •• • • 58. 1203. FIrst siege of Constantinople by 1227-1261. Baldwin II...... 505 the LoUns...... 677 Progre .. of the Greeks .. .. 585 Restoration of tbe Emperor Isaac 1259. ::Micbael Palax:tlogus, the Gret:k

Angelus and hia 800 Alexius .• 578 emperor • • • • • • • 0 • • S~5 1204. They are deposed by Mourzoufle 579 1261. Constantinople reoovert'd by the Renewal of the war 519 Greeks ...... 586


REIGXS or THB GBDX EHPEBOBS, lhClUKL P ALEOLOOVS, TIlE ELDER A.,.... » TH. YOUMG" AlfD&OlfICV8, JOHJI CAlfTAClI'Z'BJIIB, A.,.... D JOHJI P.A.L&OLOOV8. 1261. Return of the Greek emperor to 1127~1332. Reign of Andrunlcus the r 12511-12~'R.'f'~n.:'tMi~h.;I· P~l;': 587 1277. U::: ." Mlc~l ~Ith' iba' i.ati~ 588 gus ...... 588 Church...... 581 CONTENTS. xxiii O.D. Page ".D. Page 1277-1282. His perse<:ution or the He is left Regent of the Empire. 593 Greeks. •• •• •• .. .. 588 1M.!. Hi. Regency is attscked .... , 593 1283. The Union dis;;ol ... ed •• .. .. 588 By Apocaucus, the Empress Anne 1266, Charles of ADjou subdues Naples of Savoy. and the Patriarch • • 593 and Sicily.. " .. •• 589 Caut.o<:uzene assumes the Purple. 593 1270. Threaten. the Greek Empire " 689 1341-1341. The Civil War •• •• •• 593 1282. The Sicilian Vespers ...... 590 Victory of Cantacu&ene ...... 693 Defeat of Charles.~ •• .. • • 590 llU7-1355. R_ign .fJohn·CautacnseDe. 693 1303-1307. The service.and war of the 1363. John Paheologus takes up arms Catsl.... In the Greek EmpIre. 591 against him. • • • • • • • • 593 1321-132»1. Civil wars between the elder 1365. Abdication of Caut.o<:uzene.. • • 593 - and younger Andronicus· ... 691 1261-1lU7. Establishment of the Gena- 1328. The elder Andronicus abdicates ese at Pera Cf Galata ...... 594 \ the government. a • ...... 592 Their trade and Insolence •• • • 59' 1332. His death ...... 592 I:us. Their war with the Emperor Cap. 1328-llUl. ReIgn of Andronicus the' tacuzoue •• .. • • .. • • 594 younger ...... 592 1349. Destruction ofblslleet.. •• •• 594 HIs two wives .. ~ ...... 692 1362. Vktory of the Genoese over the llUl-1391. Uelgn of John PailOOlogns.. 59~ VeneUaus and Greeks • • 594 Fortune of John Caut.o<:uzenus •• 592 Their treaty with the Empire 594


TBB MONGl7UI AND '!'lIB OTl'OILUI' TuRKS. 12011-1227. Zingis nan first Emperor 1391-1425. The Emperor Manuel 6Q5 or the Mongnls and Tartars •• 596 Discord. of the Greeks •• 605 Conquests of ZiDgiS .. • • .. 597 Distress of Constantinople. . . . 605 1227-1295. Conquests or the successors 13~1-1370. Early history of Timour or of Zingis .. .. 597 Tamerlane . • • . . . • . 805 12:u-1279. L Of China .. •• •• 518 1370. He asceods the throne of Zsgatai 606 1258. • IL Of Persis and the em· 13'i0-1400. Hls conquests 60& pi'" of the Caliphs .. 598 1388-1393. I. or Persia •• • • • •• 606 1235-1246. ilL Of Kipzak, Russia, Pa- 1370-1383. II. Of Turkestsn.. 606 land, Hlwgary. &eo •• 599 1398-1396. Of Kipzak, RUBSi .. Ike. 606 1242. IV. Of Siberi .. &c. •• .. 600 1398-1399. Ill. Of Hindostsn 606 1227-1259. The SUcceSSOTS of Zingis •• 600 1400. His war against B'Ilazel • • 607 1259-1368. Adoptthe manneTS of Chins 601 'rimour Invades Syria. • • • 607 1259-1300. Division of the Mongul em· 1402. Invades Anatolia •• •. • . 608 pire e. •• •• •• •• •• 601 Battle of Angora...... - 608 1240. Origin of the Ottoman Turks .. 601 nefeet and captivity of B'Ilazet.. 608 1299-1326. Reign of Othman .. .. 802 14::4,' 1405. Triumph of Timour at Sa- 13211-1360. Reign of Orchan ...... 602 marcand .• . • • . '. • • .. 609 1353. Establishment of the Ottomans 1405. His death on t.be road to Chilla.. 609 tn Europe ...... •. 602 His cbaracter and merits . • • • 609 1368-1389. Reign of Amurath J. • • 602 1403-1421. Civil wars of the &ons of His conquests •• • • . . •• 603 Bl\lazet ...... 810 The J anizaries . • • • . . . • 603 1413-1421. Reign of Mahomet I. 810 1389-1403. Reign of B'Il ..el I~ IIderim 604 1421-1451. Reign of Amuratb II. .• 610 His conquests . • •• •• •• 604 1422. Siege of Constantinople by Amu· Battle of Nicopoli. 60~ rstlill...... 610 136ii-1391. The Emperor John l'allie- 142s-1448. The Emperor John Pal... Dingus L ...... • 604 olngus n...... 810

CHAPTER XXXVII. RBt7NION O. TJIB GRE:a: AND UTIN CHUBCBES. - RBvtvA..L OP GBEEi Lr.rBIlATt'RB IN ITALT. Negotiations of the emperors of 1369. Visit of J obn PallllOlogus I. to Constantinople with the Roman Urban V. at Rome.. .. '.. 612 pontiffs •. •• .. •. .. 612 1'00. Visit of tbe Emperor Manuel to 1339. Embassy of the ynunger An­ . the courts of F ranee and Eng- drooien. to Pope Benedict land .... ; ...... 613 XII...... 612 1438. John Pal"",logus n. comes to 1318. Negotiation of Cautscu.. ne with Italy at the invitation of AUge- Clement VL ...... 612 I niuslV...... 613. xxiv CONTENTS.

Page t.i;., 1439. Council of the Greeks and Page I ".1>. fessor at Florence and In tbe

Latlns at Ferrara and Florence 613 West ••••••••••. 0 6J8 Reunion of the Greek and Latin 1390-1416. Foundation of ths Greek Cburcbes •• •• •• •• •• 614 language In lta1:y b:y Manuel Revival of Greek 1p.arning In Italy Cbrysoloras •••• • • • • 617 a consequence of the visits of 1400-1500. The Greeks In Ilol:y " ., 617 the Greek emperors 615 Emulation and progr... of the 1339. Lessona of Barlaam •• • • • • 6 J6 Latins.. .. _.. •. " ., 61'1 1339-137'. Greek studies of Petrarch.. 616 1«7-1456. Nicbolas Y...... , 617 1360. Of J!occa


TUB CAPTURE or CoKSTdTINOPU BY THB TuB.KS. 1440-1448. The Greek schism after the 11453. MObomet forms the oIege of Con- couucil of Florence .• .. . . 619 6tantinople.. .• ," .. 623 8 1421-145:~:iir-an~ch~ac~.ro~~~: 820 1452. ::r: :!i!e !;r~e8Di!a~~ee=d e!l' 1442-14-«. His doubJe abdication •• 620 Greek Cborchf"8 •. 624 1443. Eugenllls fonDS a league against Religious discord • . • • 624 the Turks •• • • •• ., . • 620 1463. Siege of Constantinople 624 Lodisiaul. King of Hungary and The general 88S81l\t •• 626 Poland, marches against Ib.em 621 Capture of the city ...... 627 The Turkish peace •. 0' •• 621 Mahomet visits the city, SL 1.... Violation of the pesce •• •. •• 622 Sophia. and the pal&:e •• •• 627

~~~~~i~r:au;' :: :: :::i: .' Heti~.;'t"~d~o~Co~.s~: 628 1448-1453. Constantine Paheologus, the 'Extinction of the imperial famiUes last of the Greek emperors 00 822 of Comot"nus and Palmologua . 629 14b1-1481. Reigu of Mahome' II. 622 1460. Loss oftb. Morea.. •• •• •• 629 His character.. .• .• •. •. 622 1461. Of Treb1zond .• •• .0 .0 629 Ij52, 1453. Preparation. for ti .. ole@" 1453. Grief and terror 0' Europe.: 629 of Constantinople • • • • • • 823 URI. Death of Mahomet 11. • • • • ., 629



1100-1500. State and revolutions of 1304-1374. Petrarch •• ., ., .. 638 13U. Hls poetic coroDation at Rome " 637 1140. Por:-:::: .her~ of Arru;id ~ 830 Birth, character, and patriotic de- Brescia .. • • • .' •• 631 signs of Rienzi " • . . . • . 637 It55. HiB execution .•.•••.. 631 1347. He aazmm~ the government of J144.. Restoration of the Senate, the Romer with the tiLie and oflke Capitol, the coin, and the pr.D- of'fribune ...•.• 6:18 feet of the city.. .. 831 Vices and fom .. of Biens! " 639 The office of senator • • 633 Hi. fall and Oigh' '" • 6'1 1252-1258, Branea1eone.. " •• ., 633 134.'1-135.&. RevolutioDs of Rome •• 6'1 1266-1278. Charles of A1Vou. •• ., 633 A.dventures of Rienzi •• • • 641 12,H. Pope Mortin IV. •• •• •• ., 633 642 1328. Th. Emperor Lewl. of Bavarla.. 633 135" :trD~':~':!rA~i~-:e :: 642 - The electioD of the popes •• ., 633 His death •• •• • •••• , 642 1367-1370. Retum or Urban V. to Rome 643 mg. Rit' A{e'!:,'t::~U~· ~ta~I~IIh~ 634 643 1309. Traitolation of the Hol:y See to :i~::l~il~~lGr!:~8C~e:;~~ellt: : 643 Avigoon " •• .. ., .• 634 1(09. Conndl or Pi.. •• •• •• •• 614 1300. Institution of the Jubilee or hol:y 1'14-1'18. Council of COn.tan...... 84( year ...... •• •• ., 834 1417. Election oUf.rtlrrV... •• •• 6+4 1360. The oeoond Jubilee •• •• •• 836 End of the ocblsm • • • • .. 644 The Dobies or barons of Rome ., 635 1500. The popes acquire the abooluloO The Colonna and U nlinl •• • • 835 domlnlon of Rome 64+ CONTENTS. xxv


Tn RUINS OF ROMB ·IN TUB li'PTEENTH CENTURY. - CAlJ8B8 OP DBCAY AND D.ESTRlICTION. A.D. Page' A.D. 1430. Descriptio~ of the ruins of Rome DI. The nse and abuse of the ma- Page - by POgglUS ...... 645 terials· .. •• .. .. •• 648 Gradual decay of Rome .. .. 646 IV. The domestic qnarrels of the Fuur causes of destruction •• 646 Romaos ...... 648 The Coliseum or Amphitheatre of I. The i'lluriea of nature •• .. 646 Titus .. __ • •• ...... 649 II. The hostile attacks of the bar­ 1420. Restoration and ornaments of the barians and Christians •• ' ., 641 city ...... 650


Family of Consu..nline 652 I The Basilian Dynasty •• 655 Family of Theodosius 653 : The Comnenian Dynasty 655 Family of Heracliu8 :~! ! Dynasty of ~e Palmologi 656 The Isaurian Dynasty


Column of tbe Emperor Marcian at Constantinople. Coin of the Parthian Arsacld ...


View of COnstantinople. •• FRoNTIIPIBO& Medal of John I'allOOlogus IL TITLK PAG&. I Page Page GeniuB of the Roman People, from a )fap of the Propontll, Hellespont, and Coin of AntoninUB Pius • • •• •• viii Bosporua .. .. 126 Map of Constantinople...... 127 ~r,:!~f :,o~:~~~:.,~Vi.i:.m;.~,.'t Ix Burnt PIllar ...... 130

Constantinople . • • . . • . . .. xxv Serpentine Pillar C •• •• • • •• •• 13] Coin of the l'artbian Anacldll! •• •• xxvi Consular tabletaor dlptycha of the sIxth Coin of Artaxerxes, the founder of t.he century ...... 1st & • Persian dyuasty of the SMsanidte .. sxvU Interior of the Golden Gateway,. frag­ Columns of Temple III the Homan ment of the Great BaaiUca erected at Forum. o '0 .0 '0 •• xxvW Jerusalem by ConstaDLine •• .• .. 143 Mole of Hadrinn reslOred. 1 Conatantine and Fausta.. •• .• .. 144 The Column of Tr$n •• 8 JuHan the Apostate. •. •. .• .. ]66 The Antonine Column •. 17 Specimen of Sassanlan Architecture: doorway at Firouzabad " .. ~ . 1M A'Fa'!."ti::: of. ~~nl~,:" PlUS" and' 18 Porta NIgra at Tre"es, erected probably Arch of Septimius Severu. 19 In the fourth century.. , • 1~8 Commodua. • . 20 PI.ao of Porta Nigra at Trivea. ] 98 Pertinax .0 '0 .0 22 Wall of Chin...... 190 SeptimlUB Severua •• 27 Coin of Theodosiul the Orf'st. .. . . 221 Basilica of SL PRnl al Home outsIde =1'.!1~w:': :: :~ the Walls. built by Honorlu" .. .. 222 Klagabalua .... 88 Column ofTbeod08ius at Constantinople 239 Alexauder Severua •• 89 VesselB of Silver CIt the Jo'ourth Cen- Balbinu8 •• •• •• 43 tury ...... 248 GalliellUS.o .0 .0 61 Oolns of Arcadhll, Booorln.. and Thee>- • <::arlnu8.. •. • . •• • • •• . • • • 66 d08l1l811...... 264 Roman monument at (gel, near Trevee 83 BasIlica of SI&. Marla Maggiore al Rome, The Courtyard of DlocleUau'B Palace a' erected about A,D. 3<2 ...... 285 Spalatro...... 8t The BasIlica al Trev...... 277 Plan and elevaUon of Octagon Temple Part of Apse In the Church of 8, Apol. In Dlocletlan's Pal""" a' Spalaw •• 97 Uoare in Ravenna •..•. • .. 2?8 The Arcb of Constantine.. • . . • • 98 Palace of Theodoric at Verona .. .. 288 Transverse SecUon 01 Basilica ofl\lax· Plan and E1evaUon of the Tomb ofTh.. eoliua .0 00 .0 '0 '0 .0 •• 108 odorlc...... 292 The Labarum .. •• ...... 109 JOBtinhm, from a M088lc. .• •• •• 293 BasIlica of 81. Peter, erected In the Ume The Empress Theodora, from a MOfIBIc. 308 of CoDluuu.ine • • •• •• • • • 134 IWaUaof IIome: the OoUan Gate.. .. 809 ILLUSTRATIONS. xxyii

Page Page Bridge over Ihe Teveroa.. near Rome, I St.. Sophia at Constantinople. 494 rebuilt by Narses. • •• •• •• .' 322 I Church of Sergius and Ila... hus •• ., 503 Medal of JU8tin1au (obv..... ) •••• 340 I SectionofchurcbofSergiusandBa""hus 503 :~ A!J.u:rf~ <:'~::""':~·ctA.si~ 369 ~=:~rs~'f!;t;i~~b~:o!~b~ :~: erected by Ch08roea NushIrvan.. 370 Interior of SI. Sophia at Trebizond .; 505 Iron Crown of the Lombards.. 3'19 Cathedral at Tchernigow, near Kiew, Orown of Agilulf •• •• •• •• 380 founded A.D. 1024.. •• •• ••.•• 510 Porta Palatina. •• •• •. •• 380 Church of San Giovanni degli Eremiti Lombdrdic Chapel at )·riull.. •• ., 381 at Palermo. built by King Roger. A.». Great Mosque at Amida (Dlarbekir) •• 398 1132 •••••••••••••• 520 The Emprees Eudocia, WIfe of Basil 1., JIfinar. or Column of Vic:tory at Ghazni. the Macedonian, with her Sons, Leo erected by Mahmoud, or his succeesor VI. and Alexander. on either side of Massoud.. •• •• •• •• •• ..,5ss' her •• •• • • • • •• • • •• ., 399 View of Jel1lBal.m. showing the part Gold Coin of Leo IIL •• •• • • •• 406 attacked by the Crusaders.. • • • • 544 Gold Coin of Irene •• •• •• •• •• 409 Genoese cas.le on thellosporus •• ., 570 Gold ~in of Basil L and his son.Con- Silver ~in of ~exiusll .. ,Emperor of· btantlne •• ..' •• . , •• 414: Treblzond...... 681 Gold Coin of John I. Zim_ 418 Seal of Baldwin IL •• •• •• •• ., 586 :::ll1,in o',Job;, Ii: ':'. ':. ~: T~~f~R.~~~,,!J:':1'cl:: c:.~ Seoond Council of }Hoe •. '.. - 428 stanUne bet"""n them •• •• ., 587 Byumtine Pectoral Cross '.. 431 CaravlUlssry at· Prusa (Boursa). the Chair or throne of Dagobert ..... 433 capital of the Ottoman Turks in Asia 595 Cruwn of Charlemagne •• 437 The Emperor Manuel and his wife Irene. Sword of Charlemagne .• 438 or Helena, with their three sons, John - Denier of Cbarlemagne •• 439 (the emperor John PaI..,logus II.). Seal of Otho L •• • •• • • 442 Theodoros, and Andronicus • • • • 611 Seal of Frederic II. •• ••••• •• 446 Medal of John Pal..,log". IL 614 Arcade of the palace at Gelnhausen .. 448 Medal of Cosmo dei Medici •• 618 Apse of Apostles' Church at Cologne •• 449 Medal of Lorenzo dei Medici. • • • 618 The mosque el Aksah at Jerusalem •• C60 The Triple Wall of Constantinople 619 Interior of sanctuary at Cordova.. •• 470 Medal of Martin V... •• •• •• 630 Giralda, seviUe. • • • •• • • • • •• 483 Gold sequin of the Roman een.to.. .. 632 Silver coin: dirhem of the Abbasside Silver coin of the senator Brancaleone 633 Harun al Rashid •• •• •• •• •• 487 Petrarcb and Lanra.. •• 636 Gold coin: dinar of the Fatimito Caliph Ruins of the Coliseum •• 645 el Mustanser Billah •• •• •• .•• 492 Tomb of Cecilia Metella •. Gil Section of SL Sophia a' Constantinople 493 •

Coin of Artaxe"'... the founder of the Persian dynaety of the Ssassnid",. . , ( 657 LIST OF THE -ROMAN EMPERORS. Reigned A.J). A.D • WESTERN EMPIRE, .. 14 Augustus Reigned A.D. A.D. Tiberius' 2a yro. 14-llT 37-41 Valentiniap. I. 11 yrs. '364-ll75 CaligulB. ',4 Gratian • • •• 16 367-383 ClB.udius 13 41-54 54-68 Valentinian II. •• 17 375-392 Nero •• 14 Theadosius I. .. .. 3 a92-395 . G31b ••• 68-69 (Emperor of the West . Otbo .. 69-69 as well as of the East.) Vitelllus 69-69 Bonorius . • • • .• 28 395-423 10 69-~9 Vespa.sia.n Theodosius II. .. .. 2 423-425 Titus •. 2 ~9-81 (Emperor of the West Domltian 15 81-96 as well as of the East.) Ne"w .• 2 96-98 Trojan .. 19 98-llT· Valentinian Ill... .. 311 425-455 21 .lIT-138 Petronills Maximus _455-455 Hadrian .... Avitus .••. 465-466 . Antoniuus Plus •• 23 138-161 1 Majorian '0 4 457-461 M. Aureliu. 19 161-180 Libius Severos { L. VeMlll.. .. 8 161-169 4 461-465 180-192 Antbemius .• 5 467-472 CommoduB.. •• 12 Olybrius ...... Pertinax 193-193 47:h-472 Glycerius .0 •• •• Julianus .. •• 193-193 473-474 Septimius Severns 193-211 Julius Nepos •• . . 474-475 18 Romulus A UgustuluB caracalla " •• 6 211-217 475~76 { Geta ...... 1 211-212 Macrinus 1 217-218 EASTERN EMPmE~ Elagabalno.. .. 4 218-222 A lexander Severns 13 222-235 VlIlens .... 14 364-379 MaximinuiJ. o '0 3 235-238 Theodosius I .. 16 378 395 GOroillDUS I. } 238-238 Arcadiu8 e. 18 395-408 { Gordianus II. Theodosius II. 42 .408-460 Pupieuua Maximus } 238-238 Marcian eo 7 450-467 { lIalbinno •• 17- 457-474 GordianuB ill. .. 238-244 ~~e 474-474 Phillppno .. .. 244-249 Zeno .. '0 17 474--491 ])ecius o. 249-251 Anaotaslus I. 27 491-518 Trebonianu8 Gallus 251-254 Justin I. .. 9 618-527 Aemilianus .• 253-253 Justinian I ..• 39 627-565 Valerian '0 7 253-2GO Justin II. .. 13 66~-578 { Gallienus •. 15 253-268 Tiberiusll..• 4 .578-582 Claudius II. •• 2 268-270 Mauricius .• 20 682-602 Aurelia.n 5 270-275 Phocas.. ,0 8 602-610 Tacitus .• 1 275-276 HeracliusI .. o •• 31 610-641 Florianus 276-276 Constantine III.,} Probus.. .. .6 276-282 also called 841-641 Carus 1 282-2R3 HeracliusIL CaTinUS } .. 283-284 Heracleonae 641-SU { Numerianus Constans II.. . . • 27 641-668 Diocletian 21 284-305 Constantine IV..• 17 668-685 { Maximian' 19 2R6-305 PogonatuB. Constantiua I. 1 305-306 Justiuian II. 10 686-695 Chloms. Rhinl7bnetus. GaleriUS.. .• .. 6 305-3ll Leontius .. ; . •• 3 695-69 306-33t TiberiuB AbsimaruB .• 6 { Constantin.I.the Great 31 698-704 Licinius . . . . • • 16 307-323 Justinian II. (again).. , 704-711 Constantine II. 3 337-340 PhilippicUB, or l'Wlepicu8 2 711-713 337-361 { Constantius II. 24 Anastusius II. .• 3 713-718 Conotan. I... 13 337-350 Theod08iuB Ill. .. 1 718-717 Julian •• 2 361--363 Leo Ill. 24 717-741 Jovian •• 1 363-364 I",urns. 658 LIST O~' THE ROMAN EMPERORS.

Reigned A..D. A.D. Reigned A.D. A.D. CollJtantine V. .. .. 34 yrs. HI-776 JoanneslI.Comnenus}25' 1118-1143 Copronymus. or Calo-J oaones l r.t [Artavasdes, usurper.) Manuel I. .. _. .. 38 1143-11~1 Leo'IV...... Comoenus. Chazaros. A.lexis or AlexiusII... 1181-1183 Constantine VI. •• 17 780-197 Comnenus. Irene .. .. 5 797-802 Andronicusl. 2 1183-1U15 Nicepborus I. 9 802-811 Comnenus. Stauractus .• 811-811 Isaac II. 10 1185-1195 Micbael!... 811-8l3 Angelus. I!bangabe. Alexis or A1wus Ill. 1195-1208 LeoV..... ,7 813-820 Angelus. Annenius. Alexis or AI.xlaBIV. 1203-1204 Micbaeill•.• 820-829 Angelus. Balbua. Alexis or Alexius V. 1204-1204 Tbeopbilus .. 12 829-8t2 Ducas. Micbaellll... 25 842-867 Basil I ... 19 867-8811 Macroo. LATIN EMPERORS OF J... o VI. 25 88G-9ll CQNSTANTINOPLE. Sapiens. Constantine VII: • • 48 911-959' Baldwin I ..•.. 1 1204-120& Porpbyrogenitns. Henry...... 10 1206-1216 Alexander, COlleague} 1 911-912 Peter ...... 1217-1219 of Constantine VII. Itobert...... 7 1221-122. Itomanus I. Lecapo- } J obo of Brlenue .. 9 1228-1237 nus. colleague of 25 919-944 Baldwin II... .. 24 1237 -1261 Constantine VII... Constantine VIII.. } StepbaDUB, SODS of GREEK EMPERORS m' Romanu8 I .• reigned .. 9U-94' NIClEA. five weeks .. .. Romanus II. .. " 959-1163 Theodorns I. 16 1206-1222 N icepboros II. 8 963-969 l..ascaris. Pbocas. JOllones In. 33 1222-12511' Joannes I ... 969-976 Vatatzes. Zimisoes. Theodoru. n. 1255-1259 Basil IL, colleague Of} Lascari. Josnn.. I. for seven 56 969-1025 JoanoealV. 125V-1260 years.. .. .• .. Lascaris Constantine IX., COI-} .. Micbael VIn. i260-1261 league of BasU IL for 52 976-1028 .. ]'almologus. fortY"Dine years • . . ItomauuslII. •• •• 6 1028-103' Argyros. GREEK EMPEnORS OF CO;'!­ Michael IV... 10M-1041 BTASTINOI'J,E AGAIN. Papblago. Michael V., •. llicbael VIII. 21 1261-12'2 Calapbates. ])aheologu8. Zoe and Theodora 1042-1042 Andronicu9 II. 46 12"2-1328 Constantine X. •. 12 1042-\054 Palreologus. Monomachus. Mlch ••IIX. Theodora (again) 1064-1058 l'alreologus ( ...octated Micbael Vl.. ... 1058-1057 with Aodl'onicull U. Stratioticus. In tbe empire.) Isaac I...... 1057-,1059 Aodronlcus HI ... 13 13Zg-1341 Cornnenus. 1'aheologua. Comtantine XI... 1069-1067 Joannes V .•. ,. 13 1342-1355 Ducas. Caotocuzenus. Romanus IV. 1081'-1071 Joannes VI. 36 1355-1391 Diagenes. Pdlroologua. Micbael VII. 1071-1078 ManuellI .. .. 84 1391-1'25 Parapina.cee. Pala!uI0Jnl8. Nlcepboros III... 3 1078-IO@1 Joannes VU. 23 1426-\448 Botaniates. ]'alreologus. Alexis or AlexiUII I... 37, 1081-1118 Constantine XIII. 1448-14&3 Cumnenus. 1'ala!ologus. ( 659


ABBASSIDES. -AGNES, ALEXANDER. dian of Mahomet, 4;" Op- All< -Ia. Chapell.. Charlo- A. I poses his doctrine, but pro- magne's Elace ..~ how tects his person, 4S8. decors ted, 8. Abbassldes, establishment of Abyssinia, 4,1. Ai.nadin. batt e of,472. t.b~ir dynasty, 48J. Acaci\1s, father of the em- Akbah, lieutenant of Moa- Abdallah. father of Mahomet, press Theodora, '9S. wiyah, biB conquesta in 4S'. Achaia. Roman province, 6). Africa, 47;. • Abdallah Invades Africa, 4';. Acre. or Ptolemais. sit>ge and Alani invade Asi&. ?s. Van. Abdalmalek, CtIIlpb, resume. conquest of by the cru- quisht'd. by and united wi1.h eaders, 56J. Taken by the the HUDs, 101. Juin Ha.- A:!::l:~=: ~r ATM' 4}!;2 Sultan Khalil, ~. dagaist\s in invading Italy. rahm.an, expcd1tions Into Aetioos, Judicial. 36j. 228. Overrun Gaul. 229. France. 48.. IJefeatod by Adhemar, bishop of Puy, Alaric I •• king of the Visi- Charl~8 Martel, and Blain, Pope's legate in the first goths, invades G:reece, US. 48J. crusade, 54'. Concludes a treaty with Abd.alrahman, sole SUrviving Admira~ etymology of name. Arcadius, ab. Proclaimed Ommlad.. .stabUsh.... t,ilat AJof.;hns, king of the Goths. r~~~~~ rt!J;'i:~~~'::!i A:!h~~~n ~::~U~~ the SUooeed8 Alaric, 117- by Slilicbo at Pollentia, first example or. 9;. 96. Adoration of the emperor. 499- 22,. Renounces the ser- Abdol Motall.b, grandfather, Adrian I .• pope, 414, 4J6. vice of Areadius for that of of Mahomet" 4~" Adrian IV.. pope, 6U. Hooorius. 230. Appointed Abgarus, last king of Ed...... Advcntns, p ....torian prefect., master-geueml In Illyri- spnt iu chains ~ Rome,41. JJ. cum. 2)0. His first siege .. Abh,vius.. 149- .tEgidius. master-general of of Rume,211. His second !~:J~h~~r:::\'r~'4;1. £~~~~~~·emperor. $;. :!~; ~J el~~~r!l~: ~ Absimaru~ emperor,4J04, 40;. iEstii. 1<)6. peror io place of HunorhlS, Abu Boker. collects and pub- ..Ethiopia, altemptod reduo- 114 His third siege lm~ , Iishcs the Koran. 4;;. lion of, 88, 89. sack of Rome, lH Ra- Adupta and spreads the Aetiu9, general of Placidia, vagea the south of Italy. religion of Mahomet, 4;8. plots against his ,riva~ 2J6. Death and funel1ll. ib. Aocompanies Mahomet in c.()unt Boniface, '148. Flies Alalic II.,defeated and idUcd his flight frum Mecca, 459. to the Huns in Pannnnia, by Clovis, 275. Chosen by Mahomet to 2;0. Seizes the adminis- Alberic. son of 'Marozio.. supply his plaoe, 4/4. Elee- l .. aUon of the We.t, .,6. sei... the government of tion as caliph. and death, Forms an alliance wi th Rome, 444 466. l'hoodoric king of the Os- Albigeois; persecution of the, Abu Moslem, author of the trogtlth~ 25'1. Relieves Or- 509. ~~l of the Abbassides,' ~~auc~~~~'&, ~:~ta !:~~: Al~!~~fu~l~;~S. '1::~~~:J Abu Obeidah, geoeral of Abu- opposes him in Italy•• 61. by Severus. 26. bcker in the Syrian war, Murdered by Valentiuian Alboin, king of the l~m .. 412.. HI., 16). ... bards,mrriesoff Rosamond, Abu Said, tho Cannnthian. Africa., pro,\;nce of,.,. Re- daughter of the king of the conquers Bahrein. 491. volts from Diocietian. 88. Gepidm, J7J. Contracts an Abu Sophian. chief of the Invasion of the Vandals, alliance with the Avars. umlloh of Ommiyab. and 149. nadueed by Belisa- and defeats the Gepidm. prince of .Mecca. meditates rius, )12. Conquered by I 1"14 Conquers Italy, J'15'. the death of Mahomet, 4S9-1 the Saracens, 4'S.· Murdered at the illstigo- Fntitless stege of Medina, Agents, or spies. 141. tion of Rosamond, J'16. 461. Surrenders Meccaand I Agilulf. king of the Lom- ,Ale-mannl. 5'7,;<)' Invade ronr..... tha mission of' bard.. 119. Crown of. 380. Gaul. '92, ,qJ. Defeated Mahomet, 46.. IAgtabites, Saraosndynasty of. and subdued by Clovis, 17S. Abu Taheri the Ca1'DlathiaD. 491. Limits of their country son of Abu Said. tokes Agnata, )60. nnder Charlemagno. 440.- Mecca. "and profanes the Agnes, wife of AndroniclIsl Aleppo, ;41. 'faken 8ud Caaba, 491. I the Younger. empsror of sacked by TlmoDr. 00,. Abu Taleb, u~cle and guar... Constantinople, 591. Alexander, ullcle and (,'01 .. 660 INDEX.

ALEXANDER. ANTES. AReADIUS. league of Constantine VII•• Amalphl, tnde of, 527. Pro­ AnthemiuB, emperor of the Porphyrogenitus, 4'5. moted pilgrimage and trade West, 270, 271. Alexander III., pope, IJJ, to the East, 542. Anthemius, the architect, 6J+ . AmauiY. king of Jerusalem, plans the church of 5t. So­ Alexander SeVem8, v. Se­ 562. phia at Constantinople, JOt. verus. Ambrose. ·St.. his contest with Antioch captured by Sapor, Alexandria, massacre at, by the empress Justina, 21), 61. JUlian's residence in Caracalla. JJ. Taken by 2J 4. Subjects Theodoaius that cIty, '7+ Taken and bumt by Nusblrvan, J2J. g~:!."0~anh~.8·J8~:ak¥'ak~~ ~i~b~: ~~~~~r~I'1iaten Great earthquake at, Jl8. by Amrou. 47+ Burning by Sapor, IS7. Taken by Taken by Chosroes II., JB9- of the library of.-I75. Cabacies, JO;. Greatmosque Taken by the . Saracena Alexi11s I., Comnenus, bis at, J97, J98. under Abu Obeldab, 47J. reign, 41.3. Efforts to con­ Amino. 452. Recovered by N iCf'phorua vert the Pil-uliciaos, 508. Amorium,411. Pho... , 491. Betrayed to War with Bohemond in Amrou. converted. to Maho­ 8u~tan Soliman, HI. Taken Greece, 5z9. Invokes the metanism., 46L Conquers by the crusaders, HI. Oc­ aid of the ~tins against cupied and ruined by the ~fr.r~ eJ7:;" his reign, sultall Bondooo.r. 569. ~r:t!~;kSio 5d:~ c::~il ~f 6oJ. Antonin&, wife of HeUsarluB, Placentia, 545.. Induces birth Bod character. Jlo. the crusaders to cross the ~:::n~~:~~':""61~sleK: Procures an ignominious Bosporus, 547. Obtains the reign, 620. ~a.inB the battle homage of the crusaders, of Varna, 622. Fo~~ !0!o::~;~t;. J2$. S49. Reoovers Nice, HO. An.. letus. pope, SI>. Antonines, the, 16. Enlarges hIs empire dnring Allah, or AnaLho, I". Antonious Pius, 16. the crusades, S;'. Anastasia, sister of Constan- ADtoninus, M. Aurehu8, 16, AlexiuB II., Comneous, 426. tine, 145. J.,. H is treatment. of the Alexius Ill.. Angelus, usurps Anastasia, wife of Tiberius Christians, n J. the throne of bis brother 11·,177. Antonious. Ite Elagabalus. Isaac,571. Flies from Con- Apt'f Arrius, prewrian pre- AnE~~;~~. eW::ithofT~~ fect, 82, 8J. :~n~il~~s!erJo1l~:ft::e~~i odoric the Ostrogoth, 281. Aphdal. sui lan, 551. Sent prisoner to Italy, ib. Builds a wall from the Pro- Apocaucus, S9J. Alexius IV., SOD of Isaac An­ Apulia conquered by the gelus, flies from his uncle, W:~~tth ~:r::J~:: J~: N Orm&l)S. S14. who bad nsnrped his r.. Anastasiu8 II., emperor of Aqulleia besieged by Maxi. ther'a throne, S' J. Forms Constantinople. 400. min. 47. Taken and de· aD alliance with the French Anatho, v. Anah. strayed by Altil .. 260. and Venetian crusaders, Andragatbius, 210. 576. Crowned with bis AndroniC1lS I., grandson of A'bU~~~ 2J~~:j~U~;;d ~; father, 578. Deposed and Alexius Comnenus. bis cbs.- the Frank.. 276. Revolt murdered by ·l\lourzoufle, of, punlsbed by Charle- s:: :ede~;~~%~S;e1;; magne.419· . AI~;:rns Strategopnlue, 586. 426,4Z7. Arabs, their' conqnests of Ali, sen of Abu T""eb, em­ Andronicu8 II., or Elder, Pa. Persis, 47" Of Transexl. braces the doctrine of Ma­ .Ia!olugus, associated In the ana, 472. Of Syri.. 472, homet, 45B. Marries Fa­ empire by his father Mi­ 471. Of Africa, 471, 475· tima, daughter of Maho­ chnel, 58B. Associates his Of Spain, 476. Prosperity met, 465. Succeeds Oth- BOn Michael In the empire, of Spain under the, 477- Limite of their conquests, !'!::::.:.1:1tio!:'~':~s'\;,J::' .&1:::"'I!!: m~~~~~unger, 478. Besiege ConslAnti. 469· Paheologns, grandson of the nuple, 4?9. Second siege Aligern, brother of TeIas, Elder, three civiJ wars of Constantinople by, and JJ>. against his I!f8Ddfather, destruction of thefr fleet- Allectus, 8B. 479, 480. Invade France, Almamon, caliph, 485, 486. {Z; d!}:!~\~~~'t;:'; 481-48;. Introduction of AlmaoBOr, calipb, 484.48;. TurK. 602. Sends aD em­ Alp Arslan, 8ultan, his reign, bassy to pope Benedict XII., ~~~ri:s'! a:oI~e48!;ie~! . 517, SIB. 612. 486. Take SIcily. 488. In· A!tai, J71. Angora, hattie of, 6oa. vade Italy, threaten Rome.. Alypil18, 1'10. Anna Commena, her hJstory 489· Amala.5/. _ of her father Alexiu! 1.. Araxc8, river, J9 J. Amalafrida. sister of Theo­ 4zJ. Her histo'1' 424 Her Arbogastes, the Frank, 218. doric tbe Great, J'4. JIg. learning, SOJ. 219- Amalasentba, daughter of ADears, or auxiliaries of Me­ Arcadius, BOn of TheodOBlus dina, 460 • Bucceeds to the ('mpire of .ru!'~,f~,;l'fln!'6;" the, Anses, Gothic demigods, Jr. the East.. 22J. His reign >9>· Antes, Slavonian tribe, JJ+ ""', U

ARCH. BAGDAD. DELISABIOS. Arch of Constantine, 98, lOS. Attalus. pmfect of. Rome. Bahram, or Varane.. Penian' Architecture, Lombardi., J80. made emperor by Alaria, general, J8S. German, .448. Byzantine, 1)4. Baian, ohagan of the Avars. ;01. Attns. king of the Huns. 2;1. J86. .A.rdruic. king of the Gep!d .., 262. ::::~~~~ h~~ fu~ :J:~i ~~e~\J~. his reign, Ariadne, daughter of Leo and eastern empire. 252. Die.. 6o.f. Defeated and taken Verina, .80. .tates a peaoe to Theodosius prisouer by Timoor at An· Arians, proscribed through­ the Youoger, In. Em.... • gors. boa. Story of his iron out the East by Theodo· sies to and from. 2S4t 255. cage, ib. note. SiUS,211. . lnvad~ Gaul, 257. l>e- Balbinus, emperor with :Max- Aristotle. philosophy of, feated by A.tius at the imus, 46. adopted by the Arabians, bettle of ChAlons. 2;9' In· Baldwin, count of Flanders, a 486- vades Italy, 260. Hisdeatb, leader in the fourth ern- Arius, 161, 162. Armenia, conquest of, 60, 89. A~~tI and C8lsars, relative ~J;.stt:;:~~J~~:: Romans compelled to aban .. AE::'~: 11:, 249. Ba~~~~a~:, S~~t;ttin em. ::~, bbi~:erb!lw~fe~U:~ Augustulus, last emperor of peror of Constantinople, Romans and Persians. 245. the West, 272, 271. ;8;, ;86- Conquered by the Mongols, A~·~~c;,i.,~~~ra1~~p~ ~~a.::iU~~~i~rq~~~~~';"J; A~rlca, Its independence Tiberius, 16. Tancred, 5;6. SeizesEdessa confinned by Honotiu!, 238. Augustu~, title of, IJ. and founds a principality, United to the kingdom of Aureli811,hiareigll,68. Treaty 551. Becomes king of Je- Clovis, 21;. with the Ooths, ib. Belin· rusalem, ;~6. Arnold of Brescia, 6)1. quishes Dacia to them. lb. Baldwin n., ill., and IV., Arpad, king of the Hunga.· Defeats the Alemanni, 6g. kings of Jerusalem, 562. rlans, 511. DefM-ts Zenobia and takes Bardancs &38UIIles the purple Arrechia, duke of Beneven­ Palmyra, 70-7'. Triumph, and the name 'of Philip- tum, 440. Artaban, king of Parthia, de­ AJ:;OI:::~~~~?6~:67. Bl;:~~' 5:~' 406· feated by Arlaxerxes. J9. Autharis, king of the Lom~ Bari, 521, .5'12. Artavasdes seizes the BYZllD­ bordo, n9. Barlaam,Caiabrian monk, 616. tine throne on the death of Avars, a Turkish stock. nl. Barmeeidea extirpated by Leo III" 410. Alliance with the Lom· Harnn a\ R.. 1> id, 488. Arla"er"es (Ardshlr) restores bards, J?1. Defeat the Go· BaroneelU. tribune of Rome, the Persian monarchy, J9. pirue, and oooupy their 641. His ambition, 41. country, ib. Extend their .Dartholemy, Peter, discovel'lJ Arzanene. province of, go. dominion after the ruin of the Holy Lauce, .5'.5'1- Ascalon, battle of, 555. the Gepidm, 386. Their al~ Basil L, the 1tIacedoniBD, em- Asciepiodotus. 88. liance with the Persians perorof Constantinople. hiB . Asia., Roman provinces in. ~. and attack on CODstanti- rt'ign, 41J. 414. Alliance Aspar, 210. nople,394: Their country, with the emperor Lewis n.~ Assassins. S98. Punnonia, reduced by Cbar· SU. Assyria invaded by .Julinn, lemagne, 440. Basil IL, emperor of Constan- I". Conquered by. the Aversa, town of, founded for tinople, 418, 419. Conquers Arabian caliph Omar, 4,)1. the Normans. 52.). the Bulgarians, 512. • Astingi, 147. A vicenna. Arabian physician. Basil, archbishop of CEsarea, Astoiphus, king of the Lom· 486. 212. Avignon becomes the real- Basel, council of, 61). A~~'::';, ¥~;~;t tribe of Sy- dence of the popes, 614, Basilica, code, 414. ria, ;;8. Avitus, emperor of the West, Bnsiliscus. brother of the ern- Athalari., son of Amaia.on· 26,,1.68. press Verina, ('ommands tha, 29'. lIS, J16. Ayesba, daughter of Abube- against the Vandals. lio. Ath.naria, judge of the Visl· ker and wife of Mahomet, Proclaimed emperor, 280. gotbs, leads the Ooths 464, 468. &'ssianus. name of Elagabll- against Valens, 197. Ayub, father of Saladin, S61. Ius, lS. Atha.nasius, St.. his life and Bru:sOT8. foundation of, 4~1. adventures under Constan­ Bastarn"" 78. tins, 161, 164- Under Ju· B. Batavtans, 158. linn,11J. Jovian's admira.­ Hatou, khan. of the Monguls, tion for him, 187. Death, Baalbec. or HeUopolis, 472. ;99· '92. Bagalld .., 87. . Bed~r, battle of,461. AUlcna1s. daughter of the Bagdad founded by the mUph Bela IV., king of Huogary, Athenian sophist Leontiw, Almansor, 484 Stormed 600. hiswry of, 24;. and sacked by the Mon- Athens, the schools of, s~p­ Be~~~~::~~~~8~e ruins pressed by Justinian, 2.06. ~~'t!3~t, Pl;~r~o':!',.~:~ Bdisarius. his birth, e'!ucn o 662 INDEX.

BENEDICT. CA!:SAR. CARACALI.A. tiOD, alld services, 310. His Boniface Vlll., pope, 6JS. fCresars' of Julian, &ccount of conquest. of Africa, JIo­ BOIIOSU8, '18. that work. 166. )1 z. His triumpb at Con­ Borak,4;;· Cmssrea, capital of C.ppado­ stantinople, JIJ. His con­ Borysthenes, 129, JI;. . cia. taken by Sapor, 61, quest of Sicily, 31S, 317. Bosporus, kingdom of, ac- Taken by Chosroe8 11., 189. His conquest of Italy, J17- quired by the Goths. ~8. Qesan>.a. in Syria, surrendel'8 320. Recalled by Justinian, Bosporus, strait of, described, to the SaraceWl, 47J. 32[. His Persian campaign" "7· c.. ..riu8,48<)· j'zJ. Disgraced, J Z4- Par­ Botheric, 216, Coiro, when lounded, 47J. don and mean submission, Hauria, 601, 618. Cairoan, in the kingdom of J 2.5'. His second war in Bov,:ides, Persian dynasty of, 'fullis, 47J. Italy. J2()...J29. Defends 492• Calabria, preservation of the Constantinople from the Brancaleone, (in. Bulgarians, J3S. Disgrace, Bremen, 51 J. Ca%~.~~~~r~~~e ~?s!~~ of restoration, and death, 336. Bri tain, conquered by the .God," 461. Virtu.Ileado. Benedict XII., pope, 612. ROmans, 2. Province de­ in the Syrian war, 472, Benedict XIlI., pope, 644- scribed, 5. Invaded by the Caledonia, 1<)4. Beneventum, dukes of, escape Scots and Picts, 19~. Re­ the yoke of Charlemagne, covered by Theodosius, W. Cu!~h·ar:::ru:,~~. ofi~: t::; 440· Its independence confirmed caliphs compared, 46,. Benjamin of Tudela, his de­ by Honoriug. '1J8 Govern­ Conquosts of the calipbe, scription of the riches of ment of till the descent of 471. Triple division of tb" Constantinople, 497. the Saxons, W. Christian­ . caliphate, 484. Cnuses of Berbers, 47~. ity introduced fnto by pope their decline and fall, 491. Bernard, St., proclaims the Gregory the Great, J&+ Invite the Bowides, 492.. second crusade, 559- Britons of France, reduced Fatimite or Egypt, deposed Berytus, scboolof law at, In. and chastised by Charle­ by N oureddh~ ~61. Ab­ Overthrown by an earth· 'mngnp.,4l9· basslde, extinct.lon of by the quake, 118. BllceJin. duke of the Aleman­ Bestiarion, bishop of Nice. 614. ni, HI. Ca~:i~r;ru~~~9~elloPOli8f 480. Bessas, 327. Bulgarians, their ethnology, Culo-John.(Johll or Joanni.. Be.abde taken by Sapor, 157. Jl4. Threaten Constant!­ ees), king of Bulgaria, as­ Bithyni., 7. Plundered by the nopl., ih. Repulsed by sists the rev('llt of the Goths, ~9. Belisarius, US. Account Greeks against the Latins. Bieda, brother and colleague of theftrst kingdom of, SII. S82. Defeats and tal'~B of AttHa, 252. Overthrown by Basil 1I., Baldwin I., 581. Blemmyes invade Egypt, 88. 512. Second kingdnm of Calvary, 170, HI. lioccaccio, 6(6. Bulgaria,5'11,5'1J. Warof Candia, modem name of B~chara. 486. against the Lotin emperors Crete, when~ derived. 484- Boethius, character and of Constantinople, S81. 8aCrete. ,st~dies of, 289. His im­ Burgundiana, 19J. 218, 229. Cantacu.oene, Jobn, ",g<>nt In prl80DmeD~ and death" 190, J 19· the minority of' John Palle­ 29 • Byzantine history. 400. Em­ ologus, ;91. .Assumes the Bohemia,' united to the Ger­ pire, vjew of its govern· purple, ;9J. His reill:'1. manic body by Charle· ment, literature, &c., from 591, ~9+ Alliance ,,;lb Dlagne, 440. tbe time of Heradius to the Turks, ~91. Associat... Bobemond, son of Robert the invasion of the Franks. his son Mattbew, ib. Ab­ . , Guiscal"d. commands his 4¢, '''1. dication and rctirE'tnent to father's fleet "at Durazzo, Byzanllum, siege of by Seve­ a collvent, ib. War '\lith ~2y. A leader in the first MIa' generals. '16. Taken the Genoe&e and destruc­ crusade. S'47. Acquires the tion of Ws fteet, ~91, ~9+ soverl'igntyof Antioch. S,I. ~~~~~~i~:;o:,eSi~ Alliance WiUl the Vena. His design to ann tbe West vantageous situation, 126. against the Byzantine em­ ~8. frwuili~X': ~~~~~; pire, '5;7. V.alb, 5;8. with Ule G~noese, w. 1\1 W"­ Bolsen&, lake, J16. c. ries hls daughter to Orcll&D, Boniface, count, general of Tutkish prince of Hi thy­ PIacidia, invites the Van­ Caaba, or temple of Mecca, -n1a" 602.. N egociatiolls dal. Into Africa, 248 H.,. 4;1, noU. Idols of de­ with pope Clement VI .. stroyed by Mallomet, 461. 611. c;nJ:~:-riC~9' 2~f~~~ Desecrated by Abu Taber, Capelianus. defeats the Gor­ tie with A~tiu8 and death, the Carmathia~. -,91. dians, 46. 250. CalJalies, or Kobad, king of Capltalion-tax under Con .. Boniface, ruftTQuis of Mont­ Persia.. ;0;. J06. stan line. 142. ferrat, leader of the fourth crusade, 5'7;' King of g:::lijs~ ":-W: "J 41l;u.omet, g:~~~i !fteJ~~~:,4G;z. 'rhessalollica, or Thessaly. 4;', 46~. C.ppadocl., kingdom of, 7. ~81. Killed by the Bulga­ Cresar and Aug'JstuB, those Caput Vada. JI1. Tjans,;81. titles explain~ IS. Carac.alla, discord with Orts INDEX. 663 • t CARAUSlUS. I CI.ARlSSIMI, I CONSTANTINA. 29. His reign, JI'"'JJ. Edict Charles V., parallel with Dio- Claudian. 221. :'~::: ;!~~r::~:e:!. -:.,~ Ch~~1:n'Q~5'Anjoll, subdues g:::~~~: ~~peror. 66, 6,. His DUrse a Christian.-114 Naples and Sicily, S89. Si- Clemens, Flavius, liZ. l".arausiuSi revolt of. tn Bri- clUan Vespers, 590. lJefeat,. Clement III., pope, 5Jo. tain,87. Murdered by AI- misfortunes, and death. 59", Clement V., pope, 614. lectus, 88. . 591. SenatorofRome,6JJ. Clement VI., pope, 612, 61). Carbeas, the Paulic1an, So,. Cbauci, ;6. Clement Vil., pope. 64J. Cardinals, college of, obtain. Cberson, city of, 5'9. . C1epho, king of the Lom- the right of electing to the CbersoneauB Taurica, 58. bards,377. papal chair, 44J. 6J+ Chersonesus, 'l'hracian. zSJ. Clennont, council of, 546. Carduene ceded to the Ro- Cbersonites, persecuted by Clodion, first of tile Me,.,. mans, 91. Justinian IL, 405. vlngtan kings, 257.' Carinus, son of Carns, empe- Cberuaci, 56. CloUlda, 275. ror, 80. Hi& defeat and Chiauss,499. Clovis, king of the Frank!.. death,81. Childellert, great-grandson of '14-276. Carizmians. $68. Clovis, 379- Cache, 1'18. Carlovingian dynasty, 414 Cbilderic, deposed by pope Codicils, 362. Carmatb, founw. the Bect of Zachary in favour of Pe- Cognats, 160. the Carmathians, 49'. pin, 415. Coinage, 612. CarplUo. 2;6. China, wall of, 102. Manu- Colchis. revolutions of, 324- Carrbe, 60. factuFe of silk, tn. JOI. Con- Coliseum at Rome,ll49, 6so. Carthage, taken by the Van- quered by the Mongols, Collyridian here.y, 451. dais, ';0. Recovered. by 597, 598. Colonna. Roman family, 6JJ. Belisarius, 311. 1'aken by (;nlorus, surname of-"Cons tau.. Colonna, Stephen, 640. the Saracens,4'1S. tins, 86. Comets, In reign of Justinian, CarllS, emperor, his reign, '19 .. Chosroes,klng of Armenia. 60. 318. 80. Chosroes Nushirvan, king of Comito, 29J.. CaI'iilinum. battle of, JJJ. Persia, reign of, 322, 12J. Commodud, emperor, bis Cassians, l~gal seet, J48. NegociatioDS and treaties reign. 20-22. Protec.ts the Cassiodorus. Gothic history of, with Justinian, J24 Death, Christians, 114. ~t!~t~~~JI:,f queen CJ!o~es Il. king of Persia, Co:~;n~f, ~~l~~x~:~nr:; Catalans, their service and deposed by Bahram.and re- the family of, '629. ;9~ ~ the Greek empire, ;~~ed~sth!!:::: ~:~: Co~~atioll; marr~age rite, Catapan, or governor ef the His magnifit".ence, 390. Conob. that 1nscrlI'cion on Greek province of Lam- Wars with Heraclius, 390. Byzantine coins explained. bardy. 522. ""1. Deposed and mur- 11><), "ott. Catastrum, '42. dered by his son. Siroes, Conrad HI., eruperor of Ger- . Catherine, granddaughter of It/>. many, undertakes the Be- ~~. emperor Baldwin IL, Chb;t~~t~~a'":C::~':-o~ Co~:!~ ~F'Mo~~f~;?;l;l. Catibab, 472. lID, .eq. Legal establish· Conrac:Un of Swabia, 590. Catti, ;6. ment of by Constantine, Constance, treaty of between Cava, daughter of count Ju.. 12.2. 'persecuted by Julian. Frederick 1. and thE! Lom .. lian,476. 171. Restored as religion bard league, 44S. Council g:~S::'i,ltIJilUne of Rome, 641. ]!ro;~:ti!i ot.:~~ n!:t1 Co~~ third son of Con- Chaboras, river, 90. 177. of Europe ... 5'J9. stantine,l44- Share of the CiJaibar,462. Christopher,41S. empire after the death of Chalcedon. taken by the ChrysaphiuB, ~;4,-'1S;. bis iather, 149. War with Goths, 59. Taken by Chos- Cbrysocheir. the Paulician, bis brotherConstalltine 11., roes H., J1l9. • 507. 1;0. Slain at Helena by ChAlons, battle of, '159. Chrysoloras, Manuel, 617. the adherents of Magnen.. Charegites, or ,Chazra.jit.es, Chrysopolis, battle of. 108. tins, 1;1. Demands the 468 and note. Chrysostom. St., 241. His restoration of Atbanasius Charlemagne conquers the life, 241, seq. from Constantlus"II., 164. Lombards, 4140 Crowned ~iba1iB, 106. Hia visit to Britain, 195. in St. Peter's by Leo, 4J? Cilicia, province, ,. Con- Constans 11,. son of Constan- His reiml, 417-AA1. Pro· red b N' h Ph ti HI . f teem tb~ pilgri~ at J eru- ia~e and ltmi:. ~~~ 0- Con~:LDti;;' ~~'f:r ~i ~;8tan.. ~\~:: 5::-. Ai~~~Ch~~e~:: Ci~~~a:n~ ~a:.tlo,~f, in !~~~' ~~el:~. Licinius, 106. with thp. marbles of Ra· Circesium, 90. Constant.ina, daughter of Con .. venna and Rome. 648. . Citeaux. monastery of, 559· stantine the tlrea.t, 15'1. Charil-'6 Martel. defeats the Clairvaux, monastery of, S59· Marlies Gallu8, lSJ. 8ur~n8 48J Clarissimi,1umourrable, 8. title ConsLantina, widow of th, Cbarles th~ Fat; 442. under Conatantine, ~Ja. emperor Maurice. J88. ,., 664 INDEX,

CONSTANTINE, CONSTANTIU8, CUFA, Constantine the Great, bis Advantages of Its position, ConllUls at Conslantinopl.. family conuexion with Clau· 12,. seq. Extent, IJO. Sur­ IJJ. dius, 68. Birth and early rounded with wallo byTheo­ Consulship, suppressed by life, 100. Elevation in doslus the Youngt"r, w. De­ JUBtinian,Jo,. Legallyex­ Britain, 101. Manies dication of the city, J32. tingn;shed by Leo tbe Pbl­ Fausta. IO~. Named Au­ CaUed8econdorNew Rome, losopher, J08. gustus by Maximlan, ib. '0. Council of, 2U. Nika Copts and Abyssinian.. HZ. War with Maxentius, 104, sedition at, 198. Besieged 10;. Visits Rome, IOJ. by the A VMa and Persians, g::~::r ~ttlcls, 618. First war with Licinius. J94. Iconoclast council of Cossova, battle of,60J. 106. War with the Goths. under Const8.ntine V., 430. Count of the East, 116. Origin 107. Second war with Lt­ Besieged hy the Arabs. 479. of title, IJ9. Of the private cinius-, ib. Founds Con­ Second siege of by Mosle­ estate, J40. Of the sacred stantinople, 129 • • eq. In­ meb, 487. Royal college IargeJ!8es, (/). Of the do­ troduces a new form. of mestics, ib. government, IJ1, WI. His ll~~t!~,~~~ed ~brY~ Cracow. city of, destroyed by family; ]44. Genealogical attempted by the Russians, Ihe Mongol .. 599. 516. Prophecy of Its csp­ Crescentlus, consul of Rome, J'~:~u:rofh~s f:o~t~s:~!: ture by that nation, S'7. 44+ . '4S. Puts Crlspus and IA­ Siege and conquest Cif, by Crete, conquered by the cloius to death, 146. Ele­ the Latins, 5". Fire at, Arab .. 488. Ueconquered vation of his SODS and occssIoned by tbe FlemingS, by Nlcephoru. Phoc".!, 491, nephews, 14'. Wars against Crimes, how discriminated by the Sarmatiaos and Goths, ~:d s~i~;'~;~!7~ti~ W 6 '47, 148. His deatb, 148. w. Tblrd conflagration, ib. Cr1~:~s!:'n 'oI 6onstantine, Protects the Christians, 118. made Cresnr, 106. Vlctortea Publish.. the Edict of ~~~, \~~re~~:=~:l. over the Franks and Ale-­ Milan, 119. His conversion~ Taken by Mshometil., 617, manni, 107. Defeats the 120. Adopts the symbol of WI· fleet of LiciDiua, J08. Con.. the cross and standard of Constantina Cblorus, 8!BOCi­ stantine's J"alocsy of, J45'. the Labarum, n2. His ated with Diocletian, 86. Disgrace and dealh, 146. triumphal arch, 98. Rati­ Hecovers Bl'itaUl, 88. Em. Crispus, the pat.rician, mar .. fies the Nicene creed, 161. peror. 99. Bri tisb expe­ ries the daughter of Pbocas. dition, 100. Death. ih. J88. ::~~::Us!>fuU8~~Z. Arian Croatia, account of the king­ Constantine II., 144. Share Co!s';!~i: ~~:s:~ti~~. O!~: dom of. ;11. . of the empire after the stan tine the Great, J44. CroM, sign of, in the aky, deatbof his father. 149. ISO. Made Cmsar, J46. His Sf-en by Constantine, 120. Invades the domlnioDs of share of the empire, 149. Adopted by CoDstantlr.1,l and Con,taus, ISO. HIS death, Conducts the Persian warJ his solJiers, 122. Adopted tb. . w. HasteDs to Europe to by the crusaders. S-+6. Constantine III., SOD of Hera­ oppose Mngnenttus and Va­ Crown. iron. of tlie Lorn­ cHus, relgo of, 402. tronio. J;I. Deposes Ve­ bsrd.. 179. Constantine IV,. pogonatua, tranto, ib. Defeats Mag­ Crusades, lirst, hlstor,'v of, ;46, reign of, 4OJ, nentius and recovers Jtaly. It? Take Antioch. HI, Constantine V., CopronymuB, Take Jerusalem, 5H, ;55. reign of. 407. Proscribes !::: J~~ea~~I1U~m=: Seamd, H8. March of the the worship of images, 4Jo. 15+ Puts him to desth, second crusadeI"8, ;S9. 'fbf'ir Introduces the Pauliciaos ISf. DeclllresJuUanCresaT, failure, f60. "II ira, 56J. into l'brace, 508. 1;6. Visits Rome, ib. Wal'8 Siege of Acre, ;6J. Deatb with the Quodl and Sar­ of Frederick JiarbarotMta, ~::::::~~: ~~t.:elr..;rb~ matlans, 1;6,.;7. l'roceeds 564. Exploits of ltlchard L genltus, reign of, 4Jf. to the F.... ~ I S7. U nauc­ in Palestine, ;6S. '}'fIUJ·th, Works of, 495. Encouraged cessrl1l siege of Bezabde, is di verted from Syria to learntng, ;02. ib. Adopts the Arian heresy, Constantinople, ;66. Hi,s.. Conytantlne VUL. reign of, J62. Pt!l'SeCutea Athana­ 411>. Blus. 16J, J6... HtsJealouliY :::~~~t!~!i:C:ie.~;:"~ Con8tantln~ IX., reign of. 419. and fear ot' J uUan, 1;8. cond conquest of Constan­ Con8~ntine X., Monomachus, Deprives JuUan of the tinople, S?9. P;Jth, 566. reign of, 410. Gallic legioua.I;<). Marches Sixth, St. Louie, S6a. &­ Constantine Xl., DuC08. reign against. him. Itn. Dlea at wnU•• death of SL Louill, of,421. Mopsucrene, w. 569. Constantine XII., reign of, Coostantiua, asaoctated in the CtesiphoTl; taken by SeYerua, 422. empire by Honortus, 247. r.;1i::'~'r,9~r _handoned by ('()Dstautine Xill., Pa19!O­ Constantlus. general of ~To­ logus, laat of the Greek bus, ". Cubla~ Khan of the MongolB, emperors, 62.2.· Reign of, Constantiua, Jullue, the patri­ 598. , 6>+-1>>9- cian. brotherofConstanUlle, Cula, tomb of All at, 469. Ooutantinople founded, 12;. '44,149· Jo~oundaLion of,471. INDEX. 665

CU)JANS. EGyp·r. EU'l'ROPIUS. Cumans, Turkish tribe, 582. relphi,131. Elagabalns. reign of, 35-17. Cunimund, king of the Ge- Dengisicb, 2,6J. Eleusinio.n myste1j.es, 16,. • pid".17J. Desiderius, last king of the Ellac, son of Attil&, 161. Curator, 158, Lombarc!s, 4J4. Erne., worship of the BUD at. Curds, S6.. . Despot, a title under the 15. Battle of. , •• Curopalata, olllce of,499. Greek empire, 498. Emperors, Roman, legislative Cutulmi.h. 540. Dexippus attacko the Gothic power of, 34J, J44 Of Con- ~:;::::';e~c~~:J~y Ricbard. DI:~~~:~ianns. son of M.., r!~~~p~6~::.PoOl :~ l 1. on Guy de Lusigna.n, 572.. rinus, 35. < )Vest, French and German, Cyrene, ,. Greek colonies of, Diarbekir. Bee Amid&. extirpated by Chosroes II., Diet, German, 443. Et!~~~:,iioman, bow divided 389· Dioceses, 13'6. between Arcadius and Ho­ -Cyriades,6r.. Diocletian, general of Probus. norius, 223. Revival of . Cyril of Alexandria, 168. "7 Elected emperor 82 under Charlemagne, 4J6. Cyzicus, taken by the Goths, His reign, 82-9;. Abdica~ Extinction of the Eastern 59~ tiOD, 9;. Retirement at empire. 628. Salona., 96. rrreatment of Eslaw, ambassador of Attlla, the Christians, u6, I!'7. 255· D. Dion Cassius, 19. Eucherius, 2JO. Dacia., conquered by Trajan, Dlsabul, khan of the Turko. Eudes, duke of A'Iu1tain. 482. 6. Invaded by the Goths. n', . 48J. 5J. Relinquished to the Dispargnm, %57. Eudocia, COB sort of Theo­ Goths by Aurelian, 68. Divorce among the Romans, dosius the Younger, 245. And Macedoniaadded to the ]55.3s6. Eudocia, widow of Constan­ Eastenl empire by Gratian, DodonB, 1 JO • tine XIl~ 422. Her le8l1l­ • 06. Doge of Venice. 574. ing,soJ. Dadnsiann, 18,. Domestics, 140. Eudocia, dsugbter of Valeri­ Domestic. Great, 499. tiuian Ill•• 6<}. Datl~bM~o~~gi~ ~~n1a~! Dominus, title vi the emperor, Eudoxia, daughter of Beuto. or throne, 411. 9J· married to Arcadius, 22J, Dalmatia desc.ribed, 6. Con­ Domitian, emperor. perse­ 24" Perseoutes Chr"sos-. _ quest of, [52. cutes the Christians, J n, tom, 241. Dalmatius, brother of Con .. Ill· Eudoxia, daugbter of Theo­ stantine, 144. Domitian, Oriental prlBfect, dosiuB the Younger and Dalmatius, nephew of Con­ '54· Atbenids, marries Valenti­ stantine, 145, 148, J4c)' Domitilla, niece of D.omitiau, nian lII.,245. Compulsory Damascus, bcsitlgE'd by the 112. marriage with Petroniua Saracens,4,2. Recaptured DoryllBum, battle of, no. Maximus, 166. Invites by Noureddin, 558; By Drogoman, 499. Genseric into Italy, 166- Timour, 60,. Drago. 5'5. He canies ber captive to Damietta, talten by Louis IX.• Dromones. 500. Curthage, 267. Restored, 568. Drungaire, Great, 499. 269. Damophilus, 21T. Dru .... 54·· Eudoxus, 192. l)andvlo, Henry, doge of Dukes, title and functions of, Eugeniu8, emperor, 218, 219- Venice, 515, 5,6. Present I J8. Of Italy. 18 •• EugeniusIV•• pope. 61}. at the conquest of Con­ Dnra on the Tigris, 18J. Eugenius. chamberlain, 2,58. stantinople, 5". Declines Durazzo. siege of by Robert. Euphrosyne. daughter of Con- to compete for the imperial Gui_rd. ;.8. 5'9- stantine V J" marries the crown, S80. Despot of Ro­ emperor MicbaellI., 411. mania, S8t. Death, 583. Enpbrosyne, wife of. Alexiua Danielis, 413. E. Angelus, 571. Danube, 6. Ecbatana. 80. i.l1Tic. kiDg of th. Visigoths, Dara, 306. EccleSiastics, Greek, ;00. 274· Darius, oftlcer of Valentinian Ecleetus, 21. Eusebius of Cresarea, no. 111·.249. . Edecon, father of Odoacer, Eutiebiutl of Nicomedia, 162. Dastagerd. or Artemlll!, 390. '54. 2,2. Eusebius th~ eunuch, 153, J95· Edeslia, principalityoffounded 155· Decc.:balus, king of Dacia, J. by Baldwin count of Flan­ Ellstathius, bishop of An­ Decemvirs, la.ws of the, J41. ders. H'. Retaken by the tioch, 161. Deoeutius, 153. suUan Zengbi. ;;8. Eutbario, 31;. Decius, reign of, 51-54. Per­ Edict of the. pr.,tors. J41. Eutropia, sistel' of Constan­ secution of the Christians Edrisites, Saracen dynasty of, tine, 145. by. liS. 491• Eutropius, father of Con­ Decurions, 01' Curl.&les, 14', F..dward I. of Eugland. 56<}. stantius, 86. '4J· Egypt, province described. ,. Eutroptus, the eunnch, under­ DefenBOres. 191. -COnquered by Chrosroes II., mines the power of Bu.. Delators, 20, 21. 189. Invadert by the Sara­ 11IlU" 12J. Rules Arcadlll8, . Delhi taken by Timour, 607. cens under Amrou, 47J. ' 140· 666 INDEX.

EXARCHS. I GELIMER. GOROIAN. Exarchs of Ravenna. esta- JII, JI2. Bpbavlour al blishment of, 228. Extent. Q the triumph of Bellsariu8 of their jurisdiction, J81. J[J, 'Exile among the Homans, IGainas the Guth,. 2'240 De· Genoese, aettlementa of the, 368. serta the service of Stilicho, nL Constantinople, ,5'88, 225'. His revolt aud death. Their powel' and wars witll F. Ga~~'(or Calus).Juridic&1 au- G:~:. ~,::;~.~~~. S9J. S94 -Fnno, battle of. 6Q, thority conferred on by .GenseJic, king of the Van· 'Fal'llese palace built of the ,'l'he?dosiuB ILl .148. His daIs in Spain, 248. JnvadeE materials of the Coliseum, Iustltutes discovered. by Africa, 249. Surprises Car· 65'0. Niebuhr, J;2, 'IIot~. tbage, 1;1. Mutilates bh Fatimllt da.ughter of Maho- Galata., suburb of Coostanti- son's wife, daughter 01 met, 46;. nople, ;88. Theodoric king of the Os- Fatimites, 481. 48+ Galer.ius,generalofProbus,,,. trogoths, 2S'. Incites At,. Fausta, daughter of Maxi- Associated in the empire tlla to invnde Gaul, 257. mian, marries Constantine by DiocleLian, 86. .Persian Builds a Oeet,- conqUt'11I the Great, 101. Her chil- campaigns, 90. Disgrace, Sicily, 266. Sacks Rome, dren, 1;4;1: Procures the CJO. Victory over the Per- 26,. Destroys the 08\'y of death of Crispus, 146. Her sians,9O. Emperor,99-101. M8jorian at Carthagena, death, 146. Invades Italy, f02, 10J. 268. Destroys the Oeet of Felix V .• pope. 614. Death. 104. Persuaded B'nsillscll •••,0. Ferrara, council of, 61l. Diocletian to a general per- George of Cappadocla, sue- Finns, sn. 8ecution of the Christians, ceeds Athanasius at Alex- 1"'Ire, ureek, 480, 481. .u6. Published an edict of andria, 112. His hiStory, Firmus, revolt of, 7J. toleration, 119. 171. Tutelar suint of };ng- FirIDUS the Moor, 19S. Galilreans, Christians BO called land,171. Flavian family, Ill. by Julian, 171. George, Sicilian admiral. SJl, Flor, Roger de, S91. Gall, St., mOD.Ostery, SI J. 511. Florence besieged by Rada- Galh!, Bister of Valentinian Georgians. ;42. • gaisu8, 228. Council of, 11., 2.1;. G~ridre, 78. Subduoo by At- 614. GalIienus associated in the liIa,2S1. Subdued by the Florianus, brothel" of the em: em,pire by his father Va- .A vaTS and Lombarrls, 17J. peror Tacitus, ,6. lE'rlsn,56. Marche!Jagainst Germans, ancient, invited by· Frederati, Gothic troops in the Goths. 59. Character Constantina 11. to invade .the servic(' of the Romans, and administration, 62-64- Gaul, 117. Invade and '09' Veath, 66. Favoured the settle In Oaul ••29. Forum Treboniif batUe of, ChrisLian8, lIS. Germanus, nephew of Jus- H. Gallus, emperor, H. H· linian, J JO. France, limits of, unde-r Gallus, neph("w of CoDstan. Gennany, Upper and Lower, Charlemagne,4J9. Invaded tine, 14,. Escapee assassi- Homan provinces. s. by the Arabs, 48(. Their· nation, 149. Declared Cre- United by Cb8rlemagnt', expulsion,48}. sar, I;). His government 440. Empe.rors of, 44J. Franks, their origin and con- of the East. 151,154- His-· J'rillces of, their independ.. fcderacy, S6. Conquests of, grace and death; 155. ence, 446. GE'rmaruc COR- . under Clovid, 274 • • eq. In- Gaudenthl8, BOD of Aetius, federation, 447 . ..ade ItAly. J19. Jlt. De- .6J. Gessoriacum (Iloulogne). 87., feated. by Narsel1, lB. GaUl, province of, g. Invadt'd Geta Qnd CaracaUa, SODS of FraviUa, Gothic leader, 241. ' by the Germans at tbe in- tbe emperor Severns, dis- Frederirk I., Barba.rossa, em- 9tigatiOD of Constallth19, COl'd of, 29, )1. Gcta mur.. peror or Gennuny, invades 1;7. Govemmcnta88ignpd dl'Ted, J2. l18ly,#;. Undertakf"S the to Julian, (S8. Invaded by GE'tes, 60S. third cru:ilu:lc, 5bJ • .lJrowned, the Alemanni, 192. ln- Ohibellnes,4f46. ,64. vaded by the Suevl, Van- Gibraltar, name whenre de .. Frederick II., emperor of Ger": daiS, Alaul,. and Burgun. rived,476. many, worsted by the Lom- diana, 219- Gildo Ute Muor, brother of bards nnd pope, 44S, 446. Gaze, Theodore, 6". Firmua, 22;,226. Excommunical.<'d by pope Geber, Arabian phYSiCian, Glycerius, emperor of the Gregory lX., S6,. Enters 486· W •• t, 2,1. Jerusalem. S67. Exhorts Geberic, king of the Goths, Godfrey of Bouillon, leader or the European princes to (48. the fint crusade. S4? arm against the Mongols. Gelsa, Hnngarlan princt", SI J. Elected def(>nder and baron 600. Gelaleddlo, sultan of Curizme, of the holy 8('pnkhre, H5. Fret"dmen, condition of. H2. 597, 601. Compo&P& the A6I:Iize of Je- FrigiduB rh"er, 219. Gelahean rera of the Turks, nlssJem, H6. Fritigem, Judge of the Vial.. "9 and flott. Gug and MlI~og, S'T2.. gothS,lO', His death. %08. OeHmer, kiugof the Vandals Golttcm Horn,harbourofCon-. Fulk, count of Anjou. 562. In Africa., Jlo. His 1't'tgn 8lnlltinople, 127. Fulk of NeuillY,S,J. SlId defeat by BeUsariua, Gordian, prOCOlJ8ul or Africa, INDEX;. 667 GOnOl.\N. HEGIRA. HUGH. declared emperor with bis Byzanttne empire. $01. Belena, mother of Constan­ son, 45. Their deaths, 46. State of at Constantinople tine the Great, I(JC). Gordian III. declared Cresar, In the 14th century, 615. Helena, consort of Constan .. 4'. Sole emperor, 49- Per­ Leo Pilatus. first professor tine Porphyrogmitus, 416. sian war. ib. Murdered. of. at Florence, 616. Ma­ Hellespont, describOO. 128. So. nuel Chrysoloras, secoud Helmichi., 316, 317. Goths, first appearance of, 5'2.. professor, 61,. . Hengist and Horsa, mythical Emigration into Prussia. Gregorian Code, 1+\. ih. Subdivisions of, SJ. Gregory Nansianzen, 212. 21 J. Hro:;,,:.:,~ 2J~ler, 442. Hi. Invade the Roman pro .. Gregory the Great, pqpe, his vicLory over the, HUDgt1o" vinces, Sl. S~ ThelT in­ hiStory, 381, 31i+ cuJ"f\ions over the Danube, lI=~le;mperor, bis three. 51. Settle in the Ukraine g~~g n1.~~~4~:.i~3" steges of Rome, 529. S }o. Gregory VII., pope, #4. Slo. Flies before Robert Gui .. ":~~~:!:8i:' tt~ E:x~~~ Gregory IX. pope, 567. . card, SJc. ih. Take TrebilOnd, ra­ Gregory X., pope, S8g. Henry VI., emperor, conquers vage Poutus, ib. Take Gregory X I., pope, 641. ChaJcedon and plunder Bi· Gregory XII., pope, 6+4- B!~;b~~er of Baldwin I. thynia, 59- Attempt Thes· Gruthungi, 208. emperor of Constantinople, ...Ionica, 67. Defeated by Guardians and wards, Roman 583 • -Claudius, cOndict and law of, 358. Beracleon8S, son of Nartina. treaty with Aurelian, 68. Guelfs aud Ghlbelins, 446, 402,4OJ-· Invade Illyricum, 107. Re­ Guiscard, Rabert, duke of Heraclian, count, 211, 2J4- pulsed and chastised by Apulia, .s2S'. seq. Invades Henelius, emperor, J88. JR~ Constantine, 14'1 14ft. As-­ H1scharacter 391. His Per- sist the revolt of Pro­ ~~~;'S~;:~U: capius, subdued by Valens, from the anns of the em­ ~8ih~iti~,::~r{X?.;-:~ 1'16. Visigoth. defeated peror Henry Ill.. 5 JO, Se­ ambassador of M.ahomet, eln the Dniester by the cond expedition to Greece, 463. Declining energy of, Huns, 20). Implore the SID. Death, SJI. an~ flight from Syria, 4'3. protection of Va-lens. 20j. Gundobald, ',J. Berculiaus. guards of l>ioc1e­ Tbey cross the Danube, tiau.92• 204 Overthrow Valens at G%~\e~~~~it~ o~ft;:. HermanriC'. king of the Ostro­ Hadrianople, 20;. Spread pn• ., 51" goths. assists the 6otha. themselves to the Adriatic, ]<,)6. His dominions in.. 206. Their disorder and vaded by the Huns, 20J. discord after the death of x, Hermodorus. the l!:phesian. Fr,tigern, 208. Final ca­ Hadrlan resigns the eastern 341. pit'lilltion of the ViSigoth&, conquests of 'ffl\iau, 3. Hermogenian node, 344- 2.03. The Ostrugoths accept Adoption of, 16. Mauso· Heruli, 59. . settlements in Thrace and leum of. converted into a Hilderic, king of the Vandals, Phrygia, 20'1. Ravage fortress by Belisariu.,\ J18. 310, JI1. Greece under the conduct Establish•• the Perpetu.1 Hilld06tsn, expeditions of of Alaric, 225. Besiege and Edict, 341. , Mahmud the Ghaouevide take Rome, 2}1-214- Ms.rcb into Gs.ul. 21'7. Subdue the H~~r;:~O&!~ta'::i~: :I~d tt ~:~,:~660,.ConqUered by barbarians in Spain. 218. cinius, 10'. Between Va· Hippo Regiu. besieged by Their setUemen(,s in Aqui .. lE"llS and the Goths, 20;. Genscric, 249- tain. 218. Ostrogqths sub­ IInkem, Fatlmlte caliph of Bol.gou Khan. grandson of dued by Attils, 252. In· Egypt, 542. Sacrilege at Zingis, 598. vade Italy, 181. Their Jerusalem, 54J. Homoouaion, term explained, condition alld manners in Hamadanite6,8aracendynasLy 161. that country. 282. Revolt of, 491. Honoria, Bistt-r of Valenti- of the Uoths in Italy after Hannibalianus, brotJler of nian HI., 2S8. the recall of ReliSllrins, Constantine, 144- . Honorius. succeeds to the 31;. Their kingdom iu Hsunibalinnus, nephew of empire of the west. '22J. ltalyoverthrowll byNs.rses. Constantine, 14;. Made Marries Maria, daughter of 1/1. . Cesar with the tiUe of StiUcbo, 226: His reign, Grathm, count, father of Va.. NubilissimlU, 14'. Mas.. 226-1J4 Death, 2J8. lentinian, 188. sacred by Constuntius.ll., Hormisdos. priDce of Persia, Gratian. elUrlOr, son of Va .. 149. 149. lentinian . and Severu, his Hanseatic uague.447. HOflllOUl, SOD of Nushirvan, reign, 198, 206-210. His HMun al Rashid, his presents ktug uf Persia, J8.f. J8S. death. 210. W Charlemagne, 441. His Bosein. son of Ali. i6Q. Greek church, schism or. )7J. reign, 487. 488. HostilillDus. BOil 01 })eclus, Reunion with the Latin Hashemites. family of Ma- emperor.. $4, 55. church. 612, t.)li' hornet. 4;1. Hugh. oount Qf VC!'rmandois. Greek. langilnge, established Hassan, SOD of Ali. 46

HUNGARIANS. JEItUSALEM. JULIAN. Hungarians, Finnish origin Isaac I .• Comnenu8. emperor, State of under the Abbasslde and language, su. Their reign of, 421. caUpha,S41 ... ,Pilgrimagt'a to, history, 512, 51J. Isaac 1L, Angelus, emperor, S..... State under the Fall· Hungary conquered by the asconds the throne, 4'1. mite caliphs, HZ. Sacrilege Mongols, 600. Character8lldreigo."12,J'7J. of the caliph Hakem. HUniades, Jolui, 6u. 1Jtopooed, blinded, and 1m· conquered by the Turks, Hunneric,soD ofGenseric,26g. prisoned by bis brother HJ. Regained by the Fall. Huns, belonged to the Turkish Alenus,51J. Restored by mite caliphs, 55J. Siege race. 101. Wars with the the Crueaders, S?? lJe.. and conquest of by the em· . Chiri .... 202. White Huns poeed and murdered by saders, 555. Assize of,556. attack the dominions of Mourzoulle, 519- Taken by Saladin, 561. Hennanric. 20). Revival Isaac, son of John Comnenus, Taken and pillaged by Ibe of their power under AtUla, 41J. Carlzmians,. 568. 2;1, seq. Dissolution of lsaurians. rebellion of the, . Jews, Aroblan, subdued by I their empire after the death against the emperor Gal- Mahomet, 462. of AtUla, 261. lienus, 6J. Chastised by John 1. Zimisces. emperor. Hypatius, nephew of the em­ Probns, 16. ~ Zimiace •• peror Anastasius, 299. JOO. Isidore. archbishop of Russia, John II. ComnenuB. or Calo- =efr~:=!n~~lt ~ Jof::ilf'Va~' \~ V!= I. stantine Palteologtls, 62+ taces. Islam, meaning of that term, J obn IV. Lascaris, emperor Iberia, kings of, 9'. 4SJ. Four practical duties of Nice, reigns wltb hi. lconium, or Cagnj, capital of of, 4S6. guardian Michael Paleolo.. the sultan. of Roum, ;S8. Italy, its distinction trum the gus. 58;. Deprived of his Taken by Frederick Bar­ baro_ 564- t,~~::'Jde/~T:::~:\~l Jo~b~!8&n~uzenU8. See Iconoclasts, account of the, Miserable state of under Cantacuzenus. . 429,''''1· Igor, son of Rurie, 5'1. ¥~=;ri!7~be ~1:::o3i: Jot:lfP~:~~~:~f.s. Ea 19oUI'8,26). 28,. Flourishing state of John Vll. PallllOlo«".. eo. lkshidites, Sarao.. n dynasty uuder him, 282. Invaded Paireologus. John II. by BeUsarius, )16. DeBOla- John of Briennc, emperor of lll~t~o~s, rank of, Ij2. In. tion ""used by tbe Gothic Conslantinople, 58 ... S8S. lllyricum, 6). war, JJ2. Conquests of the Jobn of Cappadocia, miuit.ter ~::'r:'°rstr I~,!~9' 4~: Lombardo in, J?S. How of Justinian, 19'), J02. Finally established byThe()o ~~~~~~~ee:f ~~:;:. ~~~~ i~l~l~D~~:'?lH. dora and the second council J8,. Revolta from the em· John of Procida. S8q, ;<)00 of Nice, 4J6. Imams, twelve Persian, 46cJ. ~~r:n~r~~=;;:J!f i~~~, ~t.~~eJ:'1:~1~~, bas- Imperator,9J· In""s~ !Wm..., law of, 1S1. ~~:"'ci"f.: ~,4.:!S. Rri: f~~l..!~ ::~ndK~I~ts t~;, Indictions, Dame and use, 142, vaged by the Hungartans, 556. flO/<. 51). Conflict of tbe Sara. Jovian, emperor, hlB prevfQU8 Inheritance, Roman law of, cens, Latina, and Greeks in, rank, 181, 18J. Hie reign, J60. Sll. . ,8>-,81. • InJuries. Roman law concern­ JOViRD8, guards of DlucleUaD, ing, J64- Innocent H .• pope. JJo, 6)1. 1. Ju'l,~ieeo.poplsb, a cnpyof the Innocent Ill.. pope, pe ...... tes secular gamel, 6J4- the Albigeoi.. SO'J. Pro­ Jaoobltes of F4m>t. form an Julia Domna, 29. !S. motes the fourth and tifth alliance with the Arabe, 411. Julia MmBa, )s, n. crusades, S'l6. Jane, siater of tbe count of InsUtates of JURtinian, pub­ J,~~~:tfn:~e Gt>r~!~~;4~~ lication of, J41. .A.r..alysis ~:i~~~ !:":;~~iCU8 Escapes being 8s~ln8ted of, JSL Janlzarteo. mean?ug of the by Constantlua. 149. HilDa Interest of money. Roman narue,6oJ. lsbed to Atbens. IH. lJ~ law of, )64- Janus, temple of, when last c1sft'dCa>sar,IS6. SUbdUP8 IntHinE"., province of, CJO. Opened,49. the Franks, 1;8. Pr(,cllllm­ Irene, an Athenian orphan, JarosI8118, sovereign of RUlli&, ed emperor, IS9. Mardles marries Leo IV., emperor 5'1· agRinst. Cunstantius, roo. Jerusalem, JuUan's design to Kllten Constantinople In -~i~s~~i=.le'~;:r:! l"f'lmlld the temple, 170. triumph, civil government the worship of Images, 4 J6. Taken by the Perstans UDder and private life, 166. lmac, youngest 90D of AtLila, Cbosrot"s H., )89- Taken His apostasy, 167. Zt-alouB 16J. . by the SaF8CMl8 under Abu tn restoring I'Uf(lIlJiJ04ID, 168.1 Iron crown of the Lombards, Obeidah, .,2. MOl!lque lle8iJtTl to r£'bllild the tt'mphq n9- . fUllnded by Omar, 4'1. Clf Jerusalem, J10. Coll'l INDEX, 669

JULIAN". LEO. LOTHAlRE. aomns the Christians· to Novels,."I>. Translation of Leo VI~ the Philosopher, em- restore the ~n temples, hi. Code and PaDdects into 172. Expels Athanasius, Greek,50 1. C!ing:~t2. Encouraged J 7J. Residence at Ant.ioch, Justinian 11., reign of, 404- Leo the Great, bishop Qf 1'74 His expedition against 400. Rome. ambassador to At.­ the Persians, 1'7;-181. His Justin1aD, BOn of Germanus., tila from ValentiniaD IlL, death, 184. Reflections on n8. 261. his funeral, ,85. Justillian~ John, a Genoese Leo m., pope, crowns Charle- Julian, Salvius. composes the noble. assists in the defeor.e Perpetual Edict, HI. • ot Constantinople, 6 .... 6.6. Leomarv~: 1!~ victory over JUlian, count, introduces the the Sarsoens, 489- • Arabs into Spain, 4?6. Leo IX., pope, S24. 52S. JuHan, cardinal, maIll\gt"r for X. Leo Pilatus, profeasor of the ·the Latins at. the- council of Kebla of prayer, Mahometan' Greek language d Flo­ 456. rence. 616. ~:o~:ce~~!i ordr!t\~fa'!: Kerboga, prince of Mosul, SS2, Leontius, emperor, 404- king of Poland and Hun­ 551. neath,405. gary, 611, 622. Stimuht.tes Kerman, Seijukian dynasty Leuderis, II?, 118. that monarch to violate his of, SI9- Lewis the Pious, emperor of treaty with the Turks, 622. Khan or Cagan, meaning of theW.. t,+!I. • JuHanus, lJidiu8, purclulses that tenn. 201. • Lewis II.• son of Lewis the . the empire, 2.4 His death, Kiew, 515. PIous, 441. 26. Kilidje, Arslan, sultan· of Lewis of Bavaria, emperor, , Jurisprudence, Roman, J41. Roum, 54?, 550. elected SNl8.tor of Rome, Jus ltalicum, 1)2. Kindred, civil degrees of 611. . . Justin L. his reign. 29). 294- among the Roman.s, J61. Libaniu8. the Sophist, J68. Kip.aI<, 599. Licinius, invested with the' JS~;e~~d~~S ;::iOj,;; Jtb~ Koran, the, 454. 4SS. purple by Galeriu9. )OJ. exarchate, J?... Character Koreishites, 4SI, 458. .Alllance with Constantine. of his reigo, 177. Hi. war against the PeTSlans, 184. :~ ~:::a w~~t. ~~~: Justina, wife of Valentinian, L, tine, 106-108. His death, 198. An Aria.n,21). Her LaOOrum, or standanl of ihe J08. disputes with St. Ambrose, Cross" 122. Licinius the Younger, 106. 2]4· Labeo. Antistius, )4'. Justinian. emperor. birth aud Lactnntius, preceptor of Oris- Li~ft.:tttle ot, SC)CI. pus,145. . Lilybamm, 114. 11;. ~'ilicaJ!~~t~~e~

LOllIS. MAXIM US. ~(lGULS. • mannt, invades Italy with Mamma, mother of Alexan.. with Balbinus, 46. Reign his brother Bucelin,JJ2.JJJ. der Severns, n. n. 41. Her or, 46-48. • . Louis VIL of' France under.. interview with Ongen. 114- Muimu8~ emperor tn Britain takes the second crusade. Mamalnkes, 568, 599. and Gaul, :no, 11 I. Invades H9,560. Manoiplum, JS9. Italy, 214. Der.aled by Louis IX.• or St., crusades of, Maniaces, 52J. Tbeodosius,21S'. Death, ib. 568, His death, 569. Manichl28ll8, 414- Maxirnus, the Platonist, 167, Loui.. See Lewis. Manuel Comnenus, emperor, 169. Lucill.o.,-lO. 415. Repuls.. the Nor­ Mecca, the kebla of prayer, Lucius succeeds A.thanasius, mans, 5JJ. Attempts to 456. Flight of Mahomet '192. recover the Westero em­ ..from, 459. . Surrenders to Lupicinus, l04- pire, w. Violates his en .. Mahomet, 462: PIllaged by Lychnidu8, or Achrida, C&­ gagementa with the eru­ Abu '1'aher~491. pitalor Bulgaria, 5u. eedcrs, 560. Medicis, Cosmo and Lorenzo Mscgamalcha, '77. of,618. Marcellinu8, Roman general, MedinA, Mahomet received as M. In Dalmatia, 169. • Marcia, concubine of Commo- M:rS~~d:~·5t~?· Maeepracta, town of, 1'7. dUB, 21. Patrone88 of the Melo or Bon, 522. ItIa7, 4H. . Constans to death, 151. Marius, one of the Thirty M...,potamla, 42. Ravaged Campa.ign against Constan- Tyrants, 6). by Carns, 80. Ceded to the tius 11., 1;1. Defeat and Marozta.444. }tomans,90. Juliun.'5march death, JSl. Marriage, ROmaD, J54- Magyars of Hungary ... zoo, ;: I 2. Martialis. IJ. . M~=~:, 1~tan~abe, empe. Mahmud, the Ghaznevide, Martin IV., pope; ;89. Elect- ror, 409. 5J6. ed senator or Rome, 6J J. Michael II., the Phrygian. Mahomet the Prophet, birth Martin V., pope, elected by reign of, 410. . and education, 452. Mt.&u- Conncil of Constance, 644- Michael Ill., reign of, 411, 411. iog of his name (Moham.- MartiJlB,402. Assassinated by BlUIiI, 41J. med), fb. Marries Cadijah, Mascezel, 226. ' Michael IV., the Puphlago. ib. Assumes the title of Massoud,sonofMahmud,516. nian. reign of, 419. 4w. Propbet, SOlitary contem-. Masters-gan~ra1 of cavalry Michael V., Caluphat.es, reign. of,420. &~t~~d~4;I~UCorr:Vo:! M:~i:~a:~~~~~. reign of, Michael vr., Stratiotlcu8 the Koran, 45+ Miracles. 178, J8'-l87. reign of, 421. . 4;;. Precepts, 4,6, 457. RI· Mauritania C.... rlensl. and Michael VII., Parapinoct'll, t.uat, 4;7. Converts his fa.- Ttngitana, 8, 57. reign of, 4'12. .P~rsonat.ed mily. ib. Prea8hes at .Mec- Maxenti118, son of Maximian, by- an impostor, 528. ca, ib_ Personal danger, emperor, reign of, 101-104- Mich ...1 VB. and VIII., Pa­ 459. Arrives at Medina, Patronized t.b:e CbrlstiaDS, huologl. Bee Palreologi. ib. Received as prince, 460. 118. .Michuel, despot of };pirU8, Defensive wars against; the Maximian, emperor,colleague 582. Koreish, 461. Submissiou of Diocletlan, 85-91. Ab· Milan, made an Imperial reo - 0{ Mecca, 462. Submis- dicates, 96. Reassumes thp. sidence by M"flximian, 91. Sion of Arabia, 46J. War purple" 102. ViBits Con· Edict of In favour of the with the Homan empire, Btantil1e in Gaul, ib. Be- Christians, 119. Council of, 16+ Taken by AWla, 160. tv'tes,D;~es~I~~n,4~': :r~'!d"t~ca~!~~: Takeu and deslroypd hy Choice of his successor, 466. Death, ib. Vltiges, J19. Ua ..d by Mahomet L, IOD of &Ja,zet, Maximian and OaleriU8, per- Frederick I., 44,. reign of, 610. aecuted the Chri..tlttans, 118. Mtnciu8. river, :a61. Mahomet II .• reign ot, 612, Maximian, general of Probus, MinervinB, 144. • ldtsitheu., minister of Gor. 6it. ~~=~~:~nople. K,uimin, emperor, reign of, dian, 49. Death, .'b. Matnfroy, klDg of Napl.. and 41-<17. f MI80pogon,' Julian's, 166. Sicily, J89. Maximin (Daza), Cesar, 99. Moawiyah, caliph, 468. Un· MajoriaD, emperor. reign or, Emperor, 101. Reign of, dertakes the siege of Con· z6S. .01-.06. Persecute. the Malek Shab..Sultan, reign of. Christiana, 115. M=~nAi,I~'71:9. 5J8,539. Maximin. amhaosador to At,. Modeetlnus,Jurlst,148. Malta conquered by Roger til., 2)4. M"",la,6. king of Sidly. SJ2~ . Maximua elected emperor Mogula. 8 .. Mongol .. INDEX. ti7l

MOHAGERIolNS. OMAR. PALA:OLOOUS. M1IbagerilWs, 41im' ..,uneil of, 4)6. The capi­ Bassora, 471- Founds a Mohammed, \ultan of Ca­ tal of the Seljuklan dy­ mosque at Jerusalem, ,,'1. n&me,597· nastyofRoum,j4I: Taken Ommiyah, house of. their fall, Mongols or Moguls, ethno· by the Cl'IlSIlders,ssQ, Em· 48l. Their dynasty ..ta­ logy, .oe. Their history pi.. of, established by The- bliabed in Spain, 484- and conquests, 596-601. • 000.. Lascar... S81. Optatus, 149- Montaaser;caliph,4'JO. NicephorllB I .. emperor, reign Orchan. sullan, 602.. Monlius, qWllS!.Or of the pa.- uf, 409- Slain in an expe­ Orestes, the patrician, em­ lace ';9- , dition aga.inst \he BuIga- bassies of, '54, 'SS. \Je. Moors: conquered, oODvellPd. ri8l1S. SII. - poses Nepos, '71, Make. and adopted by the Arabs, Nicephorua ll.. Phocas, em­ his son Augustolus em­ 475,476. -, • peror, reign of, "I,. East­ peror of the W.. I, '7'. Moravians driven from Hun ... ern oonquests, 491 • Origeu, 11'1- . gary, S12 •• Nieepborua ill. Botaniates, Orleans beblegecl by Attila, Morea, the, occupied by th~ emperor, reign of, 422- .;8, ';9, Turkti,629·· .. Nicephorus Bryennius, 422. OrIbogruI, 601 •. Morosini, ""trlnrch o( Con­ Nicbolas Ill. pope. ;9D. Ortol<, HI. stantibople, ;80. • .. Nicholas V., pope. eal in en.. Dorhoene, kingdom of, 41. Mo.;lemab, 479, 480. oourugiog learning,617. Ostia. port of, 2. U. Moslim, or Musulman, mean- Nioomedio taken by \he o.trogoths and VWgotha. iug uf.4S}. Goths, S9- Residence of SoeGoths. MosU1Sem, caliph, 599- Jdaximian and Diocletian, Ot.hman revises thfl Koran, Mosthadi, caliph, 561. 9'. Taken by the Turks Mo~em. caliph, 490- WIder Orcban, 602. O.rJ;D,<:.:l~,~ of, 602. Motawakkel. caliph, 49">' Nicopolis besieged br. the Otho I. of Germany. 44" Vic­ Mourzoulle deposes I...., An- Goths, 51. Battle 0 , 60+ tory over the Hungarians, gelusand his~n and usurps Niger, Pescennius, ';, .6. ;1). the empire, S79. lfu d.ath, Nita sedition at Constan­ 000 III., +14- S81. tinople,2C)9. Otho of Freysingell, ;60. '" oxoene, province of, go. Nile, navigation improved , rise and Mucaper. '14. by Probus, 79- progress of, 601, leg. Mucii, ).46. M ursa, or Essek,bottle of, I 5'. Nt~:;g~·b,.b:L~ri'i~'~: Musa the Saracen, 47S, 4760 Surrendered to the Persian. p, Muta, bottle of, ,,6J, by Jovian, J8J. Paganism, restored by Julian, Nobatte or Nubians, 8<). 171. .·Inal and absolute NoricUID,6. . edict of Theodosius againsl, N, Normans, invade Italy, ;22. 221. Nabar-Malcba, canal of the Conquer Apulia, ;21-;.6. Pagans, 116. Tigris, 178. ConquerSicily. S28. Invade PallllOlogus, Michael I., guar­ Naissus, bottle of, 6,. BIrth­ the Greek. empire, ;28, seq. dian aud colleague of John place of Constantille, 100. Reign in Sicily, SU, acq. emperor of Nice. S8S. Re­ Naples, capture of by Belisa­ Extinction of th., ;)4- covers Constantinople, 586. rins, 317. Notiti&, when publishPd, IJ2. Reigu of, ;87, stq. Naples, kingdom of, a fief of Noureddin, sultan of Aleppo. Palreologu.. Micb.el II. 591. the Holy See, ;2;. Duke. ;;8. Deposes the Fatimite P.llllOlogus, John J., take. up of, S27. Conquered by caliphs, 561. Charles of Anjou, ;89- Novgorod.51;. C::U:l~::~S~!~ Ji~= Nllrbonne, 217. Nubia, 89. /( arses, king of Persia, 8<), 9D. Numerian. 80-82. -:. R~:~ 1:£ ~!>:~o!= Narses, the eunuch, conquers Numidia, 8. ledges the pope'. supre­ Italy, Jj<>-jJ). Invites the macy, ill. Lomhards into Italy. 17+ PallllOlogus, John II., biB neath at Rome, 17S. O. reigo, 6.0. Attends the Narsell, general of Maurice, Octai, khan of the Mongols, synods of lo'errara and Flo­ )8;. rence, 61J, 61+ Effects a Naulobotus, $9. Oc~~ian~ . uame of Augus­ reunion with the Latin Nnziu.nzus, zn. tus. 15. Nectarius. successor of Gre .. Odenathus of P"lm;yra, 61, Pa~~~~it~l\tanuel, second gory, 241. 1>9 71• son of John. emperor, 60S. Nf'p08. Julius, emperor, 211. Oduacer, king of Italy. 2,2., Reign of. 610. Portrait of, .t\ cpotian. nephew of Cou- 274- Defeated and killed by 611. Visita l'rance and Eng­ stantine, 151. . Theodoric, 281. land. 611. Nero, emperor. persecutea the Obud, bottle of, 461. Palle.logu.. Constantino. Soe Christians, III. Olga. princess of Russia.. J18. Constantine XIII. Nerva adopts Tl'l\Jan, 16. His Olybrius, emperor. reign of, Pahooioguli. Andrew, son of gentle administration, IIJ. 271• Thoma·,f!'9. >lice, burnt by the Gotba, ;9. Olympiu9. 210, 2.f(. Paleologus. Andronicus, 'SOD Council of, 161. Secund OIlUU', a:alIph, 466. Founds of John, 6% 60S INDEX.

PALEOLOGUS. POPES. Plt.PPONTlS. Palreologus, Demetrias. des­ Peter of Courtenay, emperor Charl.rougee to, 41!. Tran.. pot of the Morea, 619. of Constantinople, sB4. fer the empire to Charle­ Paheologus, Thomas, despot Peter the Hermit, S4S, S46. magne, 4J6. Their dex­ of the Morea, 62«). , Peter's, St., church, erected terous use of the quarrels Palermo, 52.I. Dcar· the circus of Nero, of the Carlovingians, 441. Palmyra, siege of, by AnTe­ '24- Method. of their election lian, Petrarch, one of the first re.. and authority of the em.. Pandects,,1-". or Digest, of Justi- vivers of learning in Italy, perors, 44J. Their abasc­ 615. Poetical and litera.ry ment and indigence in tlu;,. ~~~~ J:,., J~~ritsO:t;.d !; character, 6J6. Coronation ninth and tenth c~nluries, MS.of,IS" at Rome, 6J6. Patriotism, f p.Dbypersebastos, title, 498.­ 6/? Applauds the tribune t:~e. tJ~~enJ.~ina~f re{::: Pannonia, 6. Redur.ed, by J of pope Gregory XI., il41. Cbarlemagne, 440- Pe:,~e:i~ 6 ¥.iaximu8, 26j. Great schism of the West, Pantheon at Rome, 6.t8. Emperor, 266. . ib. Election of Martm V. Papinian, 28, J2. Phasi~ river, IJS. by the council of Conlttance, Parricide, 1,4- Philip, emperor, reIgn of, 49- and restoration of tbe popes Parthia, subdued by TroJan. 52. Protected the Chris-­ to the Vatican, 6:44. Ac­ J. By Artaxerxea, J9. tinDe, 115. quire the absolute domiuloD Paternal authority. JSJ. Philip Augustus of France, of Rome, ib. Patms,4I J. s64- Porphyrians, the Ariana &0 Patricians, Roman,· tiUe re­ Philippopolis, 54. called, 16[. I ' vived by Constantine, IJJ. Phoeas, emperor, reign of, Porpbyrogcni te, meaning of Pnulicians, Christinn sect, J81, J88. the term, 415. their history, So6, .eq. In.. Phamicia, ,. Posthumus, S6. troduction into Italy and Photins, patrlnreh of Con­ Prefects of Rome and Con· France, ;08, SoCJ. stantinople, account of, aud stantinople. [H, [J6. Au.. raulus, the jUrist, 24;, 248 ... of his I. Library," 502. At-­ gustal or Egyp~ 1/6. Pavia, capit&. of the Lorn .. tempts Ihe conversion of Prwpositus, or chamb!!rlalo, bards, ns. Taken by the Ruesia.os, 518. '40" Charlemugee, 414- Burnt Pipa, S8. Prretors, Roman, legislative by the Hungarians, S'l. Pirams,51). power of the, J4J. Pegasians. legal sect of ilie, Prmt.orian bands, or cf ty co .. 148• ~:: ~~;~f!'a~at horts, 4. Their origin and Pekin, besieged .by Zingis Pityus, J8. power, 2J. Sell the em- . Khan, S91. Placentia., couDcil of, ;4;­ Pepin, son of Charles Martel, Placidia, sister of Hunoriu.s, ~~~a~d ~m~v~:~~, u~~ 414,413· Murder Ulpian, J8. Weak.. Pepin. J uhn, count of 1rl1oor. PI~~~~: ~~: ·S8. ened. and reduced by Ui()o bino, 640, 64[· Plato, .89. cletian, 92. Suppressed by Perenme, minister of Como. PlaLonistB. Dew, rise of. 116. Constantine. lOS. modus, 2.0, 21. Their magic or theurgy, Prmlorinn prefects, office of, PerinthuB, 26. ,61. Seven PlatonlatB lake 2B. Th(>ir civil nnd mHi­ PerisaboT, Of Anbar, 117. refuge in PeBia on the tary pow(~r, 28. Deprived PerOZC6, king of Persia, JOS. suppression of the schools of the lotter by COllslno­ Persia. monarchy of, restored, or Athens, JD? tlne,IJ5. Increu8E'd to fuur, 19. N ar&e8 overthrown by J'lautillnus, 18. ib. Galerlu.. <)0. Wor between Pliny tbe younger, bis ltotter Prestor John, S96.· &por and Constantine, 149. , respecting the ChrisI.iUD8, Priscu!, general of the tm· Invaded by Julian. 17J, IIJ. p~ror Manrke, J86. seq. 'renns of the trealy Plotinns, the philosopber, Ws Probus, genrral of AurelloJ.n, betwceu Sapor and Jovian. Intimacy with Gallieuus, 62. ,I. l-:dnperor, j&-79. _ 18). State of, under Cll­ PGgbrius, 1Wt descriptions of Proclua, the Plnwnist, )06. bades or Kobad, oontempo­ the ruins of Rome, il4S. ProconncsU8, tsle, 11B. ra.ry of J ustioian, Joo. Ac­ Poitiera, battle of, 27;. Proconsul, I J ,. Cf'ssion of Chosroes, or Nil­ Poland, "'vaged by the Mon- Procopia, consort of Michael shirvan, J22. Contest with gols, S9'). 1.,4"90 Rome reviewed. JB+ An· PolienUo, hattie of, 221. PrOCOpil1M, kinsmRn and gcue-­ Poll·tax, '42. ral of Julian, 1,;6. FuUs fA)

:C~b()::;':~1.~ J~~~ d~~ Polytheism, u~, 116. JeJiu Julinn at Ctt'.t:Ul'honl Pompey. nephew of Anasta- 179. His rebellion, 189 C:~~!~!dtbb:a~Tj~: sius, JOO. '<)0. S18. SelJukian dynJ\sty of, Pump tine marshes, 28,. Procoptus, the historian, cJla. S19. Conquered byl'imonr, PODIus, kingdom of, ,. . meter and writlngBy 294- 606. Popes of &me. origin of their Proculians, legnllK"ct. of, 147. Pertinax, emperor, reign of, temporal power, 429. 4J2. 21,2J. mutual obligations wtth Ihe ~~~~~~;'. ~;h~t~lBj~8. Pescenniu9 :Siger, 2;, 26. Carlovingian family, 41+ Pr{'ponlis. or Senor lla:mora, Peter, killg of Arragon, 5'.;0. Donations or Pepin ...d 118. 129.. - INDEX.

PROTOSEBASTOS. ROME. BAMANIDES. '!>rotosebastes, ijtJe, 498. . Rienzi; the Roman tribune, Retaken by N.r.... 3IJ. l'rotospathaire, • Byzantine history of. 6J~" • Misery and depopulation of, officer, ,02. Robert of Courten.y, emp&- " 387. Preserved from de­ l'rotovestiare, Byzantine ror of Constantinople. ;11+ struction through tbe reUcs officer, 499- Robert, count of Flanders, a ,of the apostles, ib. Save... Provinces, Roman, 4. .eq. leader in the llrst crusade, relgoty of tbe Greek emp&­ How divided between the S47·. . .roro extlnguisbed and a reo emperor and senate, 12. Robert. king ofNaples, 648. ·Di vision of. made by Coo .. Robert, duke of Normandy, a .t~~ rr':,:~~i!'m~~ stantine, IJ7. or the By­ leader in the llrst crusade, by Pepin, 4l+ Final sep&­ zantine empire,· called 547· ration from the Eastern theme.. 496. . Boderic, the Goth, !t76. 4'7. empire. 416. Menaced and Pro.... conquest of, by Or- Roger, count of Sicily, S'7, ItI! suburbs plundered by . chan. 60.. . • 5·8. . the Arabs, 488. Part of, Ptolemais. See Acre. . Roger ll.; great count and burnt"bythe Saracens under Pulcheria, sister of TheodoFi- king of Sicily. SlIt Jj2. RobertGuis

BAJIARA. SMYRNA. SULTAN. Samara. on the Tigri8. 18'0490. baaed by'Dioeleti... and So ..mlas.mother of Elagaba. Samoyedes, 600. Maximtao, 9J. Constant!.. Ius. JJo So.por 1., son of Artaxerxes, . nopolitan,I,U. Extinction Soffarides, dynasty of the, 49t. king of Persia,4l. Defeats of in the reign of Justinian, Sogdoites, ;01. and takes AureliaD pri- 3J2. Revival of in the Soliman, brother of the ealiIlh soner,6o,61. 12th century. 632.~ Walid, besieges Const&nli .. Sapor IL. aon of (Hormo'!.. Septimania, 276. nople. 479. :!~~re_o~i8 P;r:::: I~wB~ SeC~~ o~s:e~: ::. SoJ;;~4I~n of Cu~u1mish, Sieges Nisibis, 1;0. De- used by Sixtus V. fol' St. Soliman, son ot Orchan. 602. feats Constantius at Sin- Peter's, 648. SoJomoD,.knighta of the tem- gara, trnce with the Ito-' Serena. wife of Stiliaho. '240 pie of. 556. mans, 'ib. Invades Meso- Se"lanS, JJ4. SonDites, or orthodox Maho- ~=:ti: Ite/:;.gn H~ Se;;~1 wife ofVa.lentinian L., So~hi~!;l~~t,Of Justin II., ~~:,i~;6~~~~V~:!t~w"fu; Se;;~ sefI\~m~t:~~ 'C:r §o~~l~,J~1:. Jcl':bedr&l or Con. Jovian, J8J. ' the Christians, 114: ltantinople, description of, Saracens. Greek and Latin Severus. A.lexandet~ reign of, 301"J04. Drawings of,494- name for the Arabs. See 36-4" . 49;. Transtormed into a Arabs. ' Severus,Cmsar,<)9. Augustus, mosque· by Mahomet II., Sarbar, the Persian general, 'lor, 102. 617. Lesser St. Sophia, or ~it..,jr. ~U~"4~;~i1lB, emperor. 269. .~~~:~~:. Sergius and JIac. Sardinia, conquered by Zano, ShiracouhJemirofNonredd.io, Sopbian, lieutenant of Moa­ brother of Gelimer. 311. ;6r. ,wiyah, 4'9. ' Jleoovered b;y the RoIll8DB, Siberia conquered by the Spaniards. 206. )[2. Mongols,6oo. Spain, province described, J. Sormatians. allied 'with the Sicilian V.spers, ;<)0. , Invaded by the Franks. ;6. Goths. 10,. Defeated by l5icllY. reunited to the Roman Invaded, by the Vandal., the Goths, 148. Received empire by Belfsariu8, J[6. aod other barbarians, 217. into the Roman provin.... RavagW b;y '1'otiIa, 32<)0 Adolphu. king of the ib. Conquered by the Arabs, _Goths rnarcp.es against the Saraa, a Gothic warrior. 23+ 488. Conquered b;y Roger invaders. ib. Reduced and Sams, river, 39J. the Norman-, 5'28. Princes . restored to Honoriul by t:~ni'tt!:,1 Persian dynasty If~l:~~!~~ega:,~: ~~ ::~I:i:h:~:~thC~~i;'~ea:d~~: of the, founded, 39. Fall kingof,SJ2. Reign of wn" 314. Stateof,und£'rCharle- of the. 47" liom the Bad,s14. Of Wit· magoe. 419. Invaded and Satalia. the ancient AttaUa, !iam the Good. 0. Con· conquered b;y the Arabs. ;60., quered by the emperor 476. 477; Prosperity under Saturninns. competitor of Gal· Henry VI.. 0. Subdued the Arab., 477. Revolts lienus. 61. ' b;y Chari .. of Allloa. ;89. from the Abb.. ,id ... 48+ SatnroiDua,generalofProbua, Separated from Naples nnd 8palatro, ancient Salona, 97. 78. traosferred to the house of Spedabiles, or Respectable. Sauzes, son of Amuratb. I.. Arragon, S90. title of, UZ, 1 JJ. 60.!. 60;. ,Sidoniu. Apollinaris. ,68. Spoleto, duch;y of•• 86. Saxa Rubra, battle of', lOS. Sienpi, 202. Sprenger, Dr" bil Life of Ma- Saxons, harass the coast ot· Sigismund, emperor, 64.f. hornet, 45'J. Gaul. 19J. In England be· Sigi.smund, king of Hungary, Stauraciu8, emperor, 409. fore the date assigned to 60+ ' Stephen, connt of Blois. a Hengist's inv88ioD, 27~ Simeon, king of Bulgaria, ';11. leader iu the first crusade, Influence on the British Simpliciu •• phil....pher. 307. H7. ~;~~:.g...~=~iahed Singar&, battle of. '57. Stephen. count of Cbartres. Scots and Picts, 1940 195. ~:~I::u:,t.~ for Julian. sJt~~n. IOn of Romanus 'to Scrinia. 140. 160. Captured by Baian, 'II';. Emperor, 4[6. Scyrri '5+ ohagan of the Avars. 386. Stephen Ill.• pope. 414. ecytbi'a. see Tartary., Slroea, or Kabad. marder. his Stilicho. general of the Wesl, ScYthians. see Tartare. father. Chooroesli.• I¢. hi. history. UN11. 8ehastocrator, title of, 498. Slave.. condition among the Suevl, their origin, 5'7. Join Seleneia, 40. Romans, 3;2. ldanumia- Radagaisus in Invading ttr:~nf~~::e~t~:!es:iJ,r~: BI:!~~i:U; tllelr ong{n and !~.y, l~~ v~:i:n~~; ian dynasty. 5'J6. Division various tribes. JJ+ Bouud- GaJlicla, 267. ~:nguth~~edm~~S::tan:!f aries of to the reign -of Sullecte, JII. Persia, 5'99, S~!em:e:;'~' Tlmour, ~~~~~~~:nS;r!tus. ~Urist, J46. Senate. ,persecuted and de· 603. Bulla!!. tltie of. lJ6. .lNDEX. 675

SWATOSLAUS. THEODOSlUS. TIRIDATE8. S_toslaus, .....,reign of Bus­ menta of the Eastem em. C. c;t the West, 2100 sI .. ;'7.5'8. pire,4<)f>. Syagrius, 80D of Egidins, Tbeoda,us marries Amala· Tbeod06ius the Younger. sur­ 27S. 80Dtba and ascends the rounds Constantinople with Sybill.. sister of Baldwin IV. throne of Italy. J'6. J.&. walls, 1)0. Edncation and of Jerusalem. s62. &tJ.S8inated, jl,. character. 24$. Rello· Sylverius. pope, U6. Theodebet1, king of Ans­ "quishes the Westem em­ Syrom.chua, f.th..-in-law of \nISi.. invad.. llaly. 1'<)' pire to VaI.ntinlan ~ lloethiua, '91. J'o. 247. Final dissolntion of Syracuse taken by the Sara­ Theodemer. father of Theo- the unity of \be Boman cens, 488. doric, 2')9. . govemment, ib. Pays Syria, province of, deocribed. Theod..... oonsnrt of Jus­ tribute to the Huns, '51. 7. Invaded \>y Cboeroes tinian, her histoty, 29;, Embassies to and from At­ Nusbirvan, J2J.. ~ Conquer .. '96. Partiality for the blue til&, ';J-2SS. Death. 2;5. ed by Cbosroes 1I~ 191. faction. 297. Firmness in Tbeod08iwt" IlL ~ of Invaded by the Saracens, theNlkaseclition, 2<)9. Con· Constantinople, 47'. Final conquest of by splracy against John of Theodoslus. SOIl the em· the Saracoua, 4~" Invaded C.ppadoci.. 102. Letter to peror Maurice, 38,. by Nioephorus Phocas and Belisarius, J2S ... Tbeodosius, the deacon, mur­ Zimisces. 19). Seljukian Tbeodora, empress, 4111. Zeal dered by his brother Con· dynasty of, S19- Invaded in restoring images, 416. stans n.. 40J. by Timour, 6cJ9. Her sengnin.ry persecution Theophano, wife of Leo V ~ 410. T;:odu:,';..,Pa~!~t."t!'. SOJ' Coo- Theopbano, wife of Romanns T. .tantin~ IX .. 4'0, 421. 11..416. AndofNicephorna Tabu", 464- Theodora. daughter of John Phocas, 'I' 7. 4'8. Tacitus the historian, biB 81> Cant.aCUEeue, 602. Theopbilus, emperor of Con. couot of we Chri:;tiaDS at Theodore Angel.... despot of stantinople, 41f. 4.12. • Rome, III. Jo.'pinls, 58+ Theophilus, archbIshop of Tacitus, emperor, 7~­ Theodoric L, BOn of Alaric, Alexandria. 241. 241. 'l'admor. ~"'et! Palmyra. king of the 'Visigoths, 2;6. Thessaionico, _"' at, Tab.rites, Saracen dynast;y 2;7. Killed at the haltle "7. Kiugdom of. 58 •• 0(.491. United to the empire of T .... crenant of M.usa, Early history. 279-181. Bas&am ... 78. conquers Spain. 476.477. Conqllen; IlaIy, .8.. Pr0- Tbrasimnnd, J 14- claimed king of Italy. 181. Tiber. inundations of tbe, ~~":':. 51iilicia. Julian's Hi. reign and _ter. 647. interment at. 18+ Be-­ .•8 .... 292 • ' Tiberi.., battle of, s62. stored to the Byzantine em· Theodosian code. J+fI Tiberius, adopted by Augu.. perors, S S8. Theodoslus, father of the em· t .... ,6. Tartars, or 'fataTB, ethnology, peror,19;· Tiberina II. emperor. 177-. 200. Wby called ilJrlarl. Theodoslus the Great, made 178. His war with the ib. emperor of the East by Persians. 18+ Tartary, 129. Gratian, 206. Pnldeut oon­ Tlbur. or Tivoli, 74- Tasillo, duke of Bavaria, 4\0. duct of the Gothic war, Tigris. 1490· • Tasso. enchanted grove of. '07. Treaty with Maxi· TimoUT, or Tamerlane, early 554- mua, 21 f. His orthodoxy, his""" of. 60S. He ascends Tauris. or Gandzaca. J9J. 211. '212. Espou&elt the the throne of 1.ogatai, 600. Ta..'~atioa 0{ Constantine. 141. C8Use of Valentinian n.. His oouq...... ib. His '42• 21;. Conquers Muimu6, war against &'jazet, 60? Teias, Gothio commander. 21$. Hisvirtuesandfaolts, Defeats Bajaaet, 608. Tri· JI2. 21;-216. Orders the sedi­ umph of.t ...... rcand.1ioc). Telemachos, SI.. "7. tiotl8 Thessalonica.ns to His death, ib. His cit• ....,. Telba, Arnbian chief. 468. lor and meri"" ill. Templa.... knights, s6CJ. ~~=·b~'§1. A~: Tiridates. BOD of Choeroes, Tephrice, SO'J. • brose, and subjected to king of Armenia. ....pes Terbelis, 4b5. public penance in "the ca­ from. the FeNians.60. His Testaments. Roman laws I&­ thed",1 of Milan. lb•. .R ... Boman eduCRtion. 8'}- Re- speeting. J6•• 6torea Valentinian n .. \6. . B'Ored to the throne of Tettieus.61. Reigns in G.nl, War in Ilaly against Arlx> A rm.nia by llIocletian. 89. 700 Adorns the triumph gasles, 2'9. Appoin18 bis Driven from Annenia by of Aurelian, '7J. SODS .Arcadiua emperor of N""".8Ij; Apin _tored, Them... Dr mili~ go ...... •• the East,and Honoriua "",. 91. ~ 2 G~-- 676 INDEX.

TOBOUlKOI. V ARANGIANS • XEkES. . Tobolskoi; Mongol. dynasty Tyre. council of, 16J. Be­ OrIgin of their Byzantine at, 600. sieged by Saladin. 56j. service, ,15. Togrul Beg, grandson of Sel­ V... ma, battle of, 6 ... jul<, elected king of the Vataces, John Ducas, emperor Turkmans, his reign, 5j6, U. of Nice. 58.4. ;85. S17- Ugri. 01' Hungarians, J12. \ VaUCluse, Petrarch's retreat Torismond, SOD of Theodoric, Ugria or Jugoria, original seat at, 6J6, king of the Visigoth •• of the Hungarians, 5U. Venedi.196. 2,9· Ukraine, St. Venetians, their history, ,,4- Totila. king of the Goths in U1pian, jtlris~ J7. J8. 148. Alliance with the }'rench Urban IL, pope, enoour~ crusaders, "7S. Defeat of !~Yit!~;: j~U"H~sao~::: Ibe fln. In a ...·tigh' wilb tue paigns against Belisarius, Urban IV_. pope. 588. . Gen.... , 594< J'7-J.8. Ravages Sicily, Venice, 216, S14-" reduces Sardinia and Cor. u~~t!'i!;::ej::n~~~:'l~ Verina, 270, 2jJa; sica, JjO. Defeated by gna, 6u. Hi. temporary Verona besieged by Coostan­ NaTBe8, JJI. return to Home from :A.Yig~ tine the Great. 104- Re. Toulouse, the residence of the non, 64J. sidence . of Theodorio· at. Gothic kings, 'J8. Urban VI.. pope •. dispnted .86. Tonran Shaw, sultan of election of. 64J. Verna. iEHus, .6. Egypt, S68. Ursini. Roman family. 615. Verus the Younger, 16. Tours, battle of, 482. Usury.J6+ VespasiAn associates Titus In Toxandna, in Brabant, 1,8. Utua, the. 252. tbe empire. 16. TraJan, emperor, conquers U zbeks; 6,0. Vetranio, governor of nlyrl.. Dacia, J. Expedltiona In cum, lSI, 1,5'2. :u.:.~~~b. ~0':.t~p:~ v. ~~:'~:,r ~':l;~f~~tsvi~z;' by Nerv., 16. His arch Val.". associated In Ibe em· stripped by Constantine, pire by his brother Valen.. Vi~~f~::: 2~ IDS. JIis rescript regardiDg tinlan I., IBB. His history. Vigilantia, mother- of Jus- the Christiaos, IIJ. t88, B«J.. Negotiatiomf and tinian, 296. Tra,nsoxianaoonqueredby tbe war with the Goths, 196, Vlgilius. ';4- Arabs, 472. . 'eq. Defeat and dealb at Vlllehardouin. J e\frey do. 574< Trebellianus, 61. battle of Adrianoplf7, 2OJ. Visigotha. 8u Goths. Trebizond taken by the Valentia, new PlOvince.in VitigeB. king of the Goths In Golba, ,8. Escapes sub- Britain, '9,. Italy. hi. history. J'7-120. jection to the Turks, 541. Valentinian L eledted em- Voconian law I J61. Dukedom and empire of, peror, 188. His history, Vognla, Finnish tribe of. 512. 4'7, 58..' ,B8-197· • Volnsianu9.55. Tribigild, the Ootrogoih, ...... ValentiniAn 1I•• aonofValen· 241. tinian and Justina. 198, 211. Tribontan. minister of Ju&- Expelled by Maslmua, "4- W. . \iniaP. 299. His character Rastored by Theodostus. Waladimlr I. of Ru ..l .. ,'J. and various erudition, J48. 21'1. Murdered by Arbo- Walamir, prince of the Ost.ro­ Employed by JnstiniAn to gastes.2I8. goths. '79. compile the Code and Dl· Valentinian m., emperor of Wa!loom .... Ibelr RomOll de. gest, J4'). Ibe W ..~ 247. Sends an BOOnt.6<). Troy, site of. 128. -embassy to AttiJ.. 16•• Wall... kicg oflbe Goths. 2n Tungus\ans. zoo. Murders Aettus. 26J.As- .)8. Turks, etbnology. of, 200. sassinated, 164- Walter Ibe Penniless, 546 •. Their embassies to J1J8. Valerian. emperor, reign of, Wends. Jl4. tinian and his SllCNSSOfB, ,;-60. Taken prisoner by Werdan. general of HeraclJu8, 171. 17'. Or Turkmans. Sapor.60. How treated, 6,. their emigrations. SJ6. De- First favoured, then perse. w11J~m 1. king of Sicily. s:r. feat MRSSOUd the Ghazne- coted the Christians, JJS. named the Dad. 114- vide. and establish Ibe Scl- Vandals introduced into BrI· WtlUam 11. of Sicily, sur- Jukian dynasty in Persia, tain by Prob08. ,8. Join 516. Division of the Sel· the Sarmatians, 147. Join Wrl':~ Ib.!!fd~lltpull" jukian empire, SJ90 Con- the Invasion of Italy under 524- quer Asia Minor, 540. Take RadagaistlS, 228. Invade WisumaT. king of the Goths. Jerusalem, S4J. Ottoman, Gaul, 229. Their progt'esa 148• rise ftlld progrel8 of, 601, In SPWD, 117. Invade Africa Witi ... Gotlllc king of Spain. Ieq. Introduoed Into Europe under Genaerie, 248. Sack 476• by John Cantacuzene. 59J. Rome, '67. Conquered by Wolodomlr, his conversion to Take-Constantinople. 62'1. Belisarius, Jlo-)n. Christianity. 519. Twelve Tablrs, aooount of .Varanes, or Bahram, king ot the laws of lb •• /4'.142. Persi.. 80. Tyrants, tho Thirty Roman, V81"8Jlgians.meanlngandely~ X. 6J. molol!Y uf ths n ...... "4. Xeres. baUle of, 477. INDEX. 677

YERMUX'. ZtMISCES. ZURICH. Zachary, pope, 435. eastern conqueefll, 491. Zara, siege of, S7S. Transplants .. colony of Y. Zeid, slav. of Mahomet, 458, PaUlie!.". from. Annenia Yermuk, batUe of the, 4,2. 461, to Thrace, 508. Defeats YezdtJgerd, last Sassanian Zenghi, governor of Aleppo, Swatoslau., 518, king of Pere;a, 4,1, 4,2, H8. .'.. .' Zingia' Khan, birtb, history, Era of, 4,1. Zeno. emperor of'the East, and conqnests of, 's96, S9'1. Yezid, e&liph, 469. 2,l. 280. Zobeir. Arabian chief, 468. Yolande. ;8+ Zenobia, queen of PalmY''R, Zoe, daughter of Constantine Yuan. Mongol dynast,. of. married to Odenathus, '10. IX., 4'19. 420. . 601. Defeated and taken prisoner Zoe, wife of Leo VI~ 414, by Aurelian, 70-72. Adorns 'Irs. the triumph of Aurelian. Zoroaster, .... ',Z. 7]' Retires to Tibur, 74. Zoupaus, or feudator,ylords of Zabdlcene, go, • . -Zimlscea, John, emperor of Croatia, $11. Zabergan, the Bulgarian, HS, the East, 'II" 418. His Zurich,6JI. I


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