Daytona 500, February 21, 2016
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2016 Monthly Winners of Nascar Jackets The winner of the Nascar jacket for the month of February is Cheryl Kempen. Cheryl has selected a Jimmie Johnson jacket. The winner of the Nascar jacket for the month of March is Deb Powers. Deb has selected a Jimmie Johnson jacket. The winner of the Nascar jacket for the month of April is Duane Martin. Duane has selected a Joey Lagano jacket. The winner of the Nascar jacket for the month of May is Bill Jelinek. Bill has selected a Jimmie Johnson jacket. The winner of the Nascar jacket for the month of June is TJ Church. TJ has selected a Kevin Harvick jacket. The winner of the Nascar jacket for the month of July is Greg Henderson. The winner of the Nascar jacket for the month of August is Wayne Decker of Tomahawk. The winner of the Nascar jacket for the month of September is Jim Haring. The winner of the Nascar jacket for the month of October is Bob Lekfield of Tomahawk. The winner of the Nascar jacket for the month of November is Jeff Dean of Tomahawk Daytona 500, February 21, 2016 The winner of the Daytona 500 was Denny Hamlin. Each person who selected Denny Hamlin is now eligible for the weekly drawing of a WJJQ fleece and the monthly drawing of a Nascar jacket. The weekly drawing is Tuesday, with the February jacket winner announced on Thursday, March 3. The following selected Denny Hamlin: Rod Berg, Erin Church, Denise Theiler, Lydia Gorzalski, Bob Altman, Carol Winterfeldt, The winner of the WJJQ Fleece is Carol Winterfeldt. Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500 @ Atlanta, February 28, 2016 The winner of the Folds of Honor Quicktrip 500 at Atlanta Motorspeedway on Sunday is Jimmie Johnson. Each person who selected Jimmie Johnson is now eligible for the weekly drawing of a WJJQ fleece and the monthly drawing of a Nascar jacket. The weekly winner is announced on Tuesday, and the monthly winner announced on Thursday, March 3. The following selected Jimmie Johnson: Bill Jones Sr., John Russo, Ryan Berg, Mary Johnson, Sherri Hedding, Janette Kurth, JoLynn Bialecki, Bernie Haring, Cheryl Kempen, Judy Giuliani, Austyn Booth, Stephanie Goertz, Bob Robel, Peach Randall, Rod Schoone, Bob Heimerl, Allison Flynn, Bob Lekfield, Jason Scholz, Chuck Hedges, Kay Jelinek, Bev Crass, Richard Oberhofer, Jeffrey Dean, Marilyn Douglas The winner of the WJJQ fleece is Richard Oberhofer. Kobalt 400, March 6, 2016 Brad Keselowski was the winner of the Kobalt 400 on Sunday, March 6 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Each person who selected Brad Keselowski is now eligible for the weekly drawing of a WJJQ fleece and the monthly drawing of a Nascar jacket. Weekly drawing is Tuesday and the March jacket will be drawn after the March races. The following selected Brad Keselowski: Brad Hoff, Fran Pflum, Char Tessenske, Lu Krueger, Jenny Gallagher, Donna Zupke, David Schroeder, Jake Theiler, Kelving Kimball, Troy Schoone, Meagan Berg, Ben Mehring, Nick Asmondy, Robert Flynn, The winner of the WJJQ fleece is Jenny Gallagher. Good Sam 500, March 13, 2016 Kevin Harvick was the winner of the Good Sam 500 at Phoenix Speedway on Sunday afternoon. Each person who selected Kevin Harvick is now eligible for the weekly drawing of a WJJQ fleece and the monthly drawing of a Nascar jacket. Weekly drawing is Tuesday, with the March jacket drawing following the March races. The following selected Kevin Harvick: Bill Zeromski, Bob Jelinek, Bill Jones Jr., Nick Doney, Brad Hoff, Mike Hedding, Jim Haring, Jim Erdmann, Bonnie Decker, Monica Gallagher, Barb Wagner, Mike Hamm, Sis Jorgensen, Stephanie Goertz, Mary Jenquin, Bob Jelinek, Donna Zupke, Paul Thomas, Terry Powroznyk, Rick Ross, Dawn Theiler, Ashley Berg, Carrie Scholz, Rick Scholz, Nicole Scholz, Justin Pollnow, Kathy Oberhofer, Helen Kimball, Deb Powers, Evie Robel, The winner of the WJJQ fleece is Justin Pollnow. Auto Club 400, March 20, 2016 The Auto Club 400 at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana Speedway will be on Sunday afternoon. The entry deadline is 2:00 pm on Sunday, March 20, for a chance to win the weekly prize of a WJJQ fleece and the monthly prize of a Nascar jacket. Weekly drawing is Tuesday, with the March jacket drawing following the March races. The following selected Jimmie Johnson: Bill Jones Sr., John Russo, Ryan Berg, Mary Johnson, Bernie Haring, Cheryl Kempen, Judy Giuliani, Austyn Booth, Stephanie Goertz, Bob Robel, Peach Randall, Rod Schoone, Bob Heimerl, Allison Flynn, Bob Lekfield, Jason Scholz, Chuck Hedges, Kay Jelinek, Bev Crass, Richard Oberhofer, Howard Hoff, Bob Zapar and Fran Pflum. The winner of the WJJQ fleece is Peach Randall of Tomahawk. STP 500 @ Martinsville Speedway, April 3, 2016 Kyle Busch was the winner of the STP 500 at Martinsville Speedway on Sunday. Each person who selected Kyle Busch is now eligible for the weekly drawing of a WJJQ fleece and the monthly drawing of a Nascar jacket. Weekly drawing is Tuesday, with the April jacket drawing following the April races. The following selected Kyle Busch: Pat Berg, John Majerus, Emilie Scholz, Amy Scholz, Cayley Scholz, Megan Scholz, Mackenzie Scholz, Judy Flynn, Thomas Gallagher, Dennis Vandersnick, Duane Martin, Dean Tessenske, David Kimball, Dalton Decker, Max Theiler, Dan Schoone, Dennis Giuliani, Terri Jones, Jeff Egelkrout, Sharon Zapar, Claire Vandersnick, The winner of the WJJQ fleece is David Kimball. Duck Commander 500 at Texas Motor Speedway, April 9, 2016 Kyle Busch won the Duck Commander 500 on Saturday night at Texas Motor Speedway. Each person who selected Kyle Busch is now eligible for the weekly drawing of a WJJQ fleece and the monthly drawing of a Nascar jacket. Weekly drawing is Tuesday, with the April jacket drawing following the April races. The following selected Kyle Busch: Max Theiler, Terri Jones, Dalton Decker, Pat Berg, Jeff Egelkrout, Claire Vandersnick, Dennis Giuliani, Jenny Gallagher, Dan Schoone, David Kimball, Emilie Scholz, Cayley Scholz, Judy Flynn, Jerry Klinger, The winner of the WJJQ fleece is Jerry Klinger. Food City 500 at Bristol, April 17, 2016 Carl Edwards was the winner of the Food City 500 at Bristol Motor Speedway on Sunday. Each person who selected Carl Edwards is now eligible for the weekly drawing of a WJJQ fleece and the monthly drawing of a Nascar jacket. Weekly drawing is Tuesday, with the April jacket drawing following the April races. The following selected Carl Edwards: Phil Doney, Bill Zeromski, Rhonda K., Nancy Hoff, Jon Decker, Mike Salzwedel, Stephanie Goertz, Janet Donadurer, Al Jenquin, Gary Steinhafel, Bob MacDonald, Rick Ross, Dawson Scholz, Mike Flynn, Bethany Berg The winner of the WJJQ fleece is Janet Donadurer. Toyota Owners 400 at Richmond, April 24, 2016 Carl Edwards was the winner of the Toyota Owners 400 at Richmond International on Sunday. Each person who selected Carl Edwards is now eligible for the weekly drawing of a WJJQ fleece and the monthly drawing of a Nascar jacket. Weekly drawing is Tuesday, with the April jacket drawing after the April races. The following selected Carl Edwards: Bethany Berg, Cecelia Theiler, Jon Decker, Howard Hoff, Rhonda K., Gary Padesky, Mary Martin, Rick Ross, Sue Blankenheim, Dawson Scholz, Mike Flynn, The winner of the WJJQ fleece is Mike Flynn. Geico 500, May 1, 2016 Brad Keselowski won the Geico 500 at Talledega on Sunday afternoon. Each person who selected Brad Keselowski is now eligible for the weekly drawing of a WJJQ fleece and the monthly drawing of a Nascar jacket. Weekly drawing is Tuesday, with the May jacket drawing following the May races. The following selected Brad Keselowski: Dawn Baus, Meagan Berg, Gene Lingl, Thomas Gallagher, Len Gorzalski, David Schroeder, Jake Theiler, Brittani Bostwick, Gary Steinhafel, Donna Zupke, Gene Lingl, Ben Mehring, Troy Schoone, Lu Krueger, The winner of the WJJQ fleece is David Schroeder. GoBowling 400 at Kansas Speedway, May 7, 2016 Kyle Busch was the winner of the GoBowling 400 at Kansas Motorspeedway on Saturday Night. Each person who selected Kyle Busch is now eligible for the weekly drawing of a WJJQ fleece and the monthly drawing of a Nascar jacket. Weekly drawing is Tuesday, with the May jacket drawing following the May races. The following selected Kyle Busch: Max Theiler, Sharon Zappar, Deneen Egelkrout, Terri Jones, Dalton Decker, Clarie Vandersnick, John Majerus, Len Gorzalski, Jenny Gallagher, Dan Schoone, Emilie Scholz, Cayley Scholz, Pat Berg, David Kimball, Judy Flynn, The winner of the WJJQ fleece is Cayley Scholz. AAA 400 Drive for Autism at Dover International, May 15, 2016 Matt Kenseth was the winner of the AAA 400 Autism At Dover International on Sunday. Each person who selected Matt Kenseth is now eligible for the weekly drawing of a WJJQ fleece and the monthly drawing of a Nascar jacket. Weekly drawing is Tuesday, with the May jacket drawing following the May races. The following selected Matt Kenseth: Paul Gruner, Josh Scholz, Nick Asmondy, Derek Eberl, Jason Greening, Pete Theiler, Charlie Berg, Bill Jelinek, Baylor Schoone, Jo Ann Edwards, Char Tessenske, Bob MacDonald, Ginger Steinhafel, Dennis Vandersnick, Byron Russo, Bob Henderson, Deb Walling, Al Jenquin, Carol Haring, The winner of the WJJQ fleece is Bob Henderson. Nascar All-Star Race, May 21, 2016 Joey Lagano was the winner of the Nascar All-Star Race at Charlotte on Saturday night. Each person who selected Joey Lagano is now eligible for the weekly drawing of a WJJQ fleece and the monthly drawing of a Nascar jacket. Weekly drawing is Tuesday, with the May jacket drawing following the May races. The following selected Joey Lagano: Amber Berg, Jim Witucki, Sherri Hedding, Deb Walling, Len Gorzalski, Rick Ross, Judy Schroeder, Katie Heil, Dawn Theiler, TJ Church, Myron Krueger, Mia Rooney The winner of the WJJQ fleece is Myron Krueger.