PEACE Info (February 26-28, 2021)

− Hundreds Arrested As Security Forces Launch Nationwide Crackdown on Regime Protests − At Least 18 Protesters Killed Across Myanmar as Junta Forces Fire on Crowds − 18 Deaths Reported in Bloodiest Day of Myanmar Coup Protests − Myanmar Military Regime Dismisses UN Ambassador − Myanmar's UN ambassador vows to fight after junta fires him for anti-coup speech − Kachin Protesters Reject Myanmar Military-Appointed Negotiation Team − UK Sanctions Six More Myanmar Coup Leaders for Serious Rights Abuses − Chinese envoy urges all parties in Myanmar to handle differences through dialogue − 53 political parties attend meeting with the new UEC − KNU Vows to Protect Anti-Coup Protestors – But to Avoid Violence Will Not Involve in Protest with Weapons − Civilians Flee Fighting After Shell Strikes Home − �သနတ�က�ည�အစစ�န�� ပစ�ခတ�မ���က�င�� ဆ���ပသ� တခ����ထ�ခ��က��သဆ�ံ� − ဆ���ပသ� ၁၅ ဦ�ထက�မနည�� �သဆ�ံ�၊ အမ���အ�ပ�� ဒဏ�ရ�ရ − စစ�အ�ဏ�သ�မ��မ��န�က�က�ယ�မ�� ဘယ�သ�ရ���နသလ� − ဦ��က���မ���ထ�န�� မ�န��ခ�န��က ဘယ��လ�က� သက��ရ�က�မ� �ဖစ��စသလ� − ဦ��က���မ���ထ�န�� �မန�မ�က��ယ�စ��လ�ယ�အ�ဖစ� ဆက�ရ���န��က�င�� က�လသမဂ���ပ� − �ပည�ပက �မန�မ� သံ��ံ�ဝန�ထမ���တ�က�� �န�ပည��တ��က�� �ပန�လည��ခ�ယ� − �ရ���က�က�ပ�� �က��မရ�င���င�� ���င�ငံ�ရ�ပ�တ�မ��� �တ��ဆ�ံပ�� ���င�ငံ�ရ�ပ�တ� ၅၃ ပ�တ� တက��ရ�က� �ဆ���န��န − ��ကည�ထ��သည��အတ��င�� �ရ���က�က�ပ���ပန�လ�ပ�မည�ဟ� စစ��က�င�စ�၏�က��မရ�င���ပ� − ဆ���ပသ��တ�က�� �ဖ ��ခ��ရင�� နယ���မ�က���လ�တ�� �မန�မ�စစ�တပ�က�� KNU ပစ�ခတ� − နမ�တ��မ ���နယ� အတ�င�� တ��က�ပ�� ဆက�လက��ဖစ�ပ���


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Hundreds Arrested As Myanmar Security Forces Launch Nationwide Crackdown on Regime Protests By The Irrawaddy | 28 February 2021 Riot police during their crackdown on anti- military regime protesters in Yangon on Feb 27. / The Irrawaddy

YANGON—Hundreds of people, including journalists, were arrested and dozens are believed to have been injured in Myanmar on Saturday as security forces indiscriminately attacked everyone in their path during a continuing crackdown on anti-military regime protesters across the country.

State-run Myanmar Radio and Television (MRTV) announced in the evening that a total of 479 “protesters against the state” across the country have been detained. That is the highest number of single day arrests since the beginning of the week-long protest.

Protests against the regime have erupted in Myanmar for three weeks now following a military takeover early this month. Since then, people have taken to the streets to denounce the military dictatorship. They have also demanded the release of their democratically elected leaders, the President U Win Myint, the State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and others detained by the regime. The protests saw bloodshed in other parts of the country, including the capital Naypyitaw and Mandalay, where five people, including a 16-year-old boy, were shot dead by riot police and soldiers last week.

Anti-military regime protesters in Yangon on Feb 27. (The Irrawaddy)

On Saturday, crackdowns on the protesters were more violent and widespread than in previous days. Bloody raids were reported from Kachin State in the country’s north to Myeik in Myanmar’s Deep South.

In Monywa, the largest city of Sagaing Region in the country’s northwest, the crackdown came early around 9 a.m. when people were gathering in a Buddhist monastery downtown for the day’s protest. The situation turned violent when a police column arrived to disperse the protesters and was besieged by townsfolk. Residents said the security forces detonated stun grenades, fired guns and raided the monastery, injuring some in the crowd, including a woman who was seriously wounded.

Videos taken by local people showed riot police, soldiers and some plainclothes police used excessive force as they rained down their batons on an unarmed civilian before taking him away. An editor of the local publication “Monywa Gazette” received the same treatment before he was kicked into a police van.

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Riot police, soldiers and plainclothes police attack civilians in Monywa on Feb 27. (Supplied)

A government schoolteacher told The Irrawaddy that out of more than 150 people, including herself, trapped in the monastery, about 100 student and civilian protesters were thrown into three police vans around 2 p.m. She and 52 others were released on bail after the police learned that they were schoolteachers.

“Our phones were confiscated until our release. They said, ‘No sign, no release.’ So, we had to sign a paper that says we won’t join the protest again,” she said.

MRTV said 173 have been arrested in Monywa.

Riot police in Yangon turned more aggressive on Saturday than on Friday, with 166 people reportedly arrested. In one of the city’s protest flashpoints, Hledan, retreating protesters red-eyed from teargas were chased by baton-brandishing security forces into the streets.

Riot police try to arrest a man in Yangon amid their crackdown on anti-regime protesters on Feb 27. (The Irrawaddy)

Police did not confine themselves to targeting protesters. They indiscriminately intimidated and arrested bystanders in their way. Victims included a pregnant woman and volunteer medics, trishaw drivers and others hiding in makeshift clinics for protesters.

The normally busy Bagaya Road in Yangon’s San Chaung Township looked more like a war zone on Saturday afternoon with improvised barricades here and there while gunfire and the apparent detonation of stun grenades reverberated and smoke hung around the neighborhood.

Undeterred by repeated police assaults, protesters — barely equipped with hard hats and gas masks — reorganized themselves throughout the day for more rallies behind makeshift barricades largely made up of huge garbage bins and carts.

Some creatively deterred security forces by gluing large posters of coup leader Senior General on the road, causing a significant delay to charging riot police and soldiers who didn’t dare step on the image of their leader.

In Myanmar’s second largest city Mandalay, the hostility of the security forces was as evident as previous day. They made random slingshot attacks in Maha Aung Myay Township after they found no protesters in the neighborhood. The primitive attacks wounded one

Page 3 of 37 monastery staff member in the head, earning him a few stitches at a hospital. MRTV said a total of nine people were arrested there.

Anti-regime protesters in Yangon on Feb 27. (The Irrawaddy)

Today’s conduct by security forces focused more on arresting journalists covering the civil disobedience movement protests across the country.

As of Saturday evening, more than 10 local journalists from news outlets like 7 Day News, Myanmar Now, Monywa Gazette, the Hakha Times and The Associated Press were detained by security forces in Yangon, Monywa, Chin State and other areas. launch-nationwide-crackdown-regime-protests.html ------

At Least 18 Protesters Killed Across Myanmar as Junta Forces Fire on Crowds


At least 18 people were killed when security forces fired on protesters in cities across Myanmar on Sunday, the bloodiest day in a month of mass demonstrations against the military’s ouster of the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi.

Capping a weekend of escalating violence against opponents of the Feb. 1 coup, police in riot gear and uniformed soldiers shot flash-bang and stun grenades and fired live and rubber bullets at protesters, causing fatalities in at least six major cities, including Yangon and Mandalay.

The U.N. Human Rights Office said it had received “credible information” that at least 18 people were killed and more 30 were wounded, in the highest single-day death toll since the military takeover brought hundreds of thousands of protesters into streets across the country of 54 million people.

“We strongly condemn the escalating violence against protests in Myanmar and call on the military to immediately halt the use of force against peaceful protestors,” the rights office said in a statement.

The casualties occurred when “police and military forces have confronted peaceful demonstrations, using lethal force and less-than-lethal force,” the UN statement said.

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Deaths reportedly occurred as a result of live ammunition fired into crowds in Yangon, Mandalay, Dawei and Myeik in the southeastern Tanintharyi region, the central regional capital, Bago and Pakokku in the western Magway region, it said.

RFA’s Burmese Service was able to confirm through witnesses and demonstrators 15 protester deaths -- four in Yangon, three in Mandalay, four in Dawei, two protesters in Bago, and one each on Mawlamyine, the Mon State capital, and Pakokku.

Protesters take cover as they clash with riot police officers during a protest against the military coup in Yangon, Myanmar, Feb. 28, 2021. Credit: Reuters

'Like a battlefield'

"Myanmar is like a battlefield," Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, the Archbishop of Yangon, said on social media.

"The police are arresting, beating and even shooting at the people," he said.

An activist group called Gen Z Revolt 2021 tweeted that 26 protesters had been killed Sunday, including seven in Myeik and one in Lashio, in northern Shan State.

According to the junta-controlled MRTV on Sunday evening, eight people were killed, with 571 people arrested nationwide. Including 322 in Yangon alone.

“We are heartbroken to see the loss of so many lives in Myanmar. People should not face violence for expressing dissent against the military coup,” the U.S. Embassy in Yangon said in a statement.

“Targeting of civilians is abhorrent,” the mission added.

The European Union condemned the violence and indicated sanctions may be forthcoming.

"This weekend, the Myanmar military has increased its brutal repression of peaceful protests across the country, leaving many protestors dead or wounded," said EU High Representative Josep Borrell, in a statement that promised EU countermeasures "shortly."

"In shooting ... unarmed citizens, the security forces have shown a blatant disregard for international law, and must be held to account. Violence will not give legitimacy to the illegal over-throwing of the democratically-elected Government," said Borrell.

In a rare comment by an ASEAN country on the internal affairs of a fellow member of the 10-nation group, Indonesia said it is "deeply concerned with the escalating violence in Myanmar that has resulted in casualties and the loss of lives."

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A statement by the foreign ministry of Southeast Asia's largest country called on the military to "refrain from the use of force and exercise utmost restraint to avoid further casualties and prevent the situation from deteriorating."

A security official aims a weapon in a crackdown on protesters at Hledan Junction, in Myanmar's largest city, Yangon, Feb. 28, 2021. Credit: RFA

Journalists detained

Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director of Human Rights Watch, said the world must insist on accountability for the deaths, any illegal use of live ammunition by Myanmar security forces, and the violation of basic rights from the deepening crackdown.

“The Myanmar security forces’ clear escalation in use of lethal force in multiple towns and cities across the country in response to mostly peaceful anti-coup protesters is outrageous and unacceptable, and must be immediately halted,” he said in a statement.

“Security forces are also engaged in a widening pattern of arrests, detaining scores with each passing hour,” added Robertson.

Among those arrested as police and soldiers started using more aggressive tactics against protesters Saturday were 13 journalists detained while covering protests.

Eight journalists and photojournalists were picked up Saturday, including Associated Press correspondent Thein Zaw, who remained in custody after two of the eight were released. Another five local journalists were detained in several cities on Sunday, RFA has learned.

The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, a watchdog group, said that as of Sunday, 1,132 people have been arrested, charged or sentenced in relation to the military coup, with 883 still being held or facing outstanding charges. It counted approximately 30 deaths since the coup.

Before the weekend shooting deaths, RFA had verified eight deaths since the Feb. 1 coup, including three protesters shot by riot police and one demonstrator death in custody.

Myanmar state television announced on Saturday that U.N. envoy from the deposed civilian government who made an impassioned appeal a day earlier for the world body to “use any means necessary to take action” to restore democracy had been fired for betraying the country.

“In addition to the existing support, we need further strongest possible action from the international community to immediately end the military coup, to stop oppressing the innocent people, to return the state power to the people, and to restore the democracy,” Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun told the 193-member U.N. General Assembly.

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Tens of thousands of civil servants across Myanmar who have joined the three-week-old anti-coup civil disobedience movement face increasing pressure from employers who are threatening to fire and sue them for going on strike to support the protests.

More than 24,000 employees from 24 government ministries are taking part in the strikes, according to data collected by groups participating in the movement. The strikes have brought nearly all public health services, education, and railway transportation to a halt.

Myanmar anti-coup protesters and the Milk Tea Alliance” of pro-democracy activists in Thailand, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia and India condemned the shooting deaths.

"We cannot see our people die anymore. Our hearts are so painful right now. We are now afraid of tomorrow, fearing more lives will be lost.

Reported by RFA’s Myanmar Service. Translated by Khin Maung Nyane. Written in English by Paul Eckert. ------

18 Deaths Reported in Bloodiest Day of Myanmar Coup Protests

By VOA News | Updated February 28, 2021 Riot police officers fire teargas canisters during a protest against the military coup in Yangon, Myanmar, Feb. 28, 2021. Security forces in Myanmar fired on protesters Sunday, killing at least 18 people and leaving more than 30 others injured in the deadliest day of demonstrations since the February 1 military coup, according to the United Nations Human Rights Office.

"Throughout the day, in several locations throughout the country, police and military forces have confronted peaceful demonstrations, using lethal force and less-than-lethal force,” said a statement from U.N. human rights office spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani.

The statement called on the military to “immediately halt the use of force against peaceful protesters.”

Later Sunday, the U.N. special rapporteur, Tom Andrews, released a statement that listed options for U.N. member states and the security council to take action.

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“As the military junta of Myanmar ratchets up its violence against the people, I believe it is imperative that the international community ratchet up its response,” Andrews said.

Among the options laid out in his statement are a global arms embargo, sanctions against businesses owned or controlled by the junta, and the convening of the U.N. Security Council to discuss the issue. On sanctions, Andrews urged countries that have already established some to “immediately consider more.”

The United States late Sunday condemned the bloody crackdown on protests and hinted at potential sanctions.

“We are preparing additional actions to impose further costs on those responsible for this latest outbreak of violence and the recent coup. We will have more to share in the coming days,” national security adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement.

Witnesses to Sunday’s bloody protests say police used tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannon and in some cases live ammunition in the country’s biggest city, Yangon. According to the Associated Press, photos of shell cases from live ammunition were posted on social media. Media videos show demonstrators dragging some of those injured away from the protests, leaving bloody smears on pavement.

People approach an injured man with a gunshot wound amid protests against the military coup in Yangon, Myanmar, February 28, 2021, in this still image from video obtained via social media. (Credit: Myanmar Now)

Police also aggressively sought to break up protests in other cities, including Mandalay and Dawei.

Popular protests have been staged across Myanmar on a daily basis since the military detained de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi and other members of the civilian government, claiming widespread fraud in last November’s election, which Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party won in a landslide.

The European Union condemned violence against protesters Sunday, calling security forces shooting unarmed citizens a “blatant disregard for international law.”

“The military authorities must immediately stop the use of force against civilians and allow the population to express their right to freedom of expression and assembly,” EU Minister of Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell said in a statement.

Last week, junta commander Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said the military was using “minimal force” to deal with protests. But at least 21 protesters have been confirmed killed during demonstrations, and the army has said one policeman has been killed.

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The junta has declared a one-year state of emergency. Min Aung Hlaing has pledged that new elections will be held to bring about a "true and disciplined democracy,” but did not specify when they would take place.

In Pictures: Bloodiest Day of Myanmar Coup Protests The crackdown against opponents of Myanmar’s military takeover intensified Sunday as security forces were reported to have fired on protesters, killing and injuring several people in the deadliest day of demonstrations since the February 1 coup

Myanmar’s electoral commission denied the military’s claims of election fraud.

The United States and other Western nations have demanded the release of Suu Kyi and her lieutenants and called on the junta to restore power to the civilian government.

Some information in this report was provided by Associated Press and Reuters. VOA's Margaret Besheer contributed to this story. coup-protests ------

Myanmar Military Regime Dismisses UN Ambassador

By The Irrawaddy | 28 February 2021

U Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar’s ambassador to the UN

The military regime has dismissed Myanmar Ambassador to the United Nations U Kyaw Moe Tun following his address to an informal UN General Assembly meeting on Friday in which he supported the democratically elected government and denounced the military’s seizure of power.

In an announcement signed by the regime-appointed Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it accused the ambassador of committing “high treason” for representing the elected parliamentarians’ Committee Representing the Union Parliament (CPRH) at the UN meeting in New York. (The Union Parliament is known as the in Burmese.) The CRPH was formed on Feb. 5; a majority of the MPs elected in the November general election swore themselves in this month after being prevented from taking their rightful seats in the Parliament in Naypyitaw by the military coup.

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The ambassador sided with the toppled National League for Democracy government and spoke on behalf of the millions of people in Myanmar who oppose the military coup. He asked the international community not to cooperate with the regime and to help remove it so that power can be restored to the elected governemnt.

Deaf to the voices of the peaceful protesters, the regime launched even more brutal crackdowns on Saturday and Sunday, following growing nationwide protests as well as its humiliation on the international stage by the ambassador’s speech.

As of Sunday morning a total of at least 18 people had been shot dead by police firing on peaceful protesters.

U Kyaw Moe Tun’s speech on Friday brought hope to millions of citizens who oppose the regime and demand the restoration of the democratically elected government. He received rousing applause from the UN General Assembly and his speech was wholeheartedly welcomed by protesters at home.

The military detained Myanmar’s elected civilian leaders, including President U Win Myint and State Counselor and Foreign Minister Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, as it staged a predawn coup on Feb. 1, citing its claims of voter list irregularities. It has since brought charges against them.

Anti-military regime protesters march in Yangon on Sunday despite deadly crackdowns by riot police. / The Irrawaddy

The regime has also imposed an 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. curfew, reimposed draconian laws to restrict privacy and freedom of expression, and arbitrarily arrested anti-coup protesters every day.

Defying its unjust laws, millions of citizens nationwide including civil servants have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), staging demonstrations and calling for the release of the detained leaders. The CRPH enjoys widespread support among the protesters as their legitimate representatives and government.

The regime said on Saturday that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had instructed all Myanmar missions abroad “not to accept, reply and make any comments on communication such as e-mail and correspondence from the CRPH,” accusing the committee of “committing destructive acts.”

The MOFA announced, “Ambassador / Permanent Representative U Kyaw Moe Tun did not comply with the instruction from the ministry and committed the act of high treason.”

The regime’s governing body, the State Administrative Council, has also threatened to take action against elected lawmakers who do not disavow their MP status, saying any

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credentials issued by the previous Union Election Commissioners are invalid. The NLD won November’s election by a landslide, taking 83 percent of the votes.

The SAC warned the MPs “who do not want to participate in the CRPH can report in person” to the respective governing councils from Sunday to March 6 and threatened those who failed to do so with “serious action”.

A few ethnic political parties that won seats in last year’s vote, such as the Arakan National Party and the Mon Unity Party, have joined hands with the SAC, as has the former leader of Kayah State Democratic Party and a former member of the NLD. Dozens of other parties who failed to win seats in last year’s election have also joined the regime’s governing body. ambassador.html ------

Myanmar's UN ambassador vows to fight after junta fires him for anti-coup speech Published 28 February 2021 | The Straits Times/ANN

NEW YORK (REUTERS) - Myanmar's United Nations envoy in New York vowed to fight on Saturday (Feb 27) after the junta fired him for urging countries to use "any means necessary" to reverse a Feb 1 coup that ousted the nation's elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

"I decided to fight back as long as I can," Kyaw Moe Tun told Reuters on Saturday.

Myanmar state television announced on Saturday that Kyaw Moe Tun had been fired for betraying the country.

However, the United Nations does not officially recognise the junta as Myanmar's new government as it has received no official notification of any change, said a UN official, speaking on condition of anonymity, and so Kyaw Moe Tun remains Myanmar's UN ambassador, for now.

"We have not received any communication concerning changes to the representation of Myanmar at the United Nations in New York," UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' special envoy on Myanmar, Christine Schraner Burgener, warned the 193-member UN General Assembly on Friday that no country should recognise or legitimise the Myanmar junta.

If the Myanmar junta, led by General Min Aung Hlaing, tries to seek international recognition by installing a new UN envoy it could set off a fight at the world body that could culminate with a vote at the General Assembly.

The UN has previously had to address competing claims for representation at the world body.

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In September 2011, the General Assembly approved a Libyan request to accredit envoys of the country's interim government.

The move came after the United States, Russia, China and European nations had all recognised the new authorities.

Kyaw Moe Tun told the United Nations on Friday that he was speaking for Suu Kyi's government and appealed for help to overturn "the illegal and unconstitutional military coup."

Such an address - at odds with those in power in a country - is rare.

Elected lawmakers ousted in the coup have formed a committee and Kyaw Moe Tun said that is the "legitimate and duly elected government of Myanmar and must be recognised by the international community as such."

Guterres has pledged to mobilise international pressure "to make sure that this coup fails."

The Security Council has voiced concern over the state of emergency, but stopped short of condemning the coup due to opposition by Russia and China. fires-him-for-anti-coup-speech ------

Kachin Protesters Reject Myanmar Military-Appointed Negotiation Team By The Irrawaddy | 26 February 2021 An anti-regime protester’s placard reads, “We don’t want negotiation, we only want dictatorship out.” / Kachinwaves

Yangon — Kachin State protesters have rejected appeals from a military-appointed negotiation team, which was reportedly formed to prevent activists from being harmed in protests and sent to jail.

Young people leading protests in the state capital, Myitkyina, said they would not accept the negotiation team.

“We don’t want military dictatorship. Therefore, we can’t accept any team assembled by the military,” said a female protest leader, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “We can’t accept the laws arbitrarily enacted by the military dictatorship after it seized power by force. Talks will be useless.”

The 13-member negotiation team formed by the military-run Kachin State Administrative Council on Monday is led by ethnic Kachin singer and composer Hpau La Gam Hpan, who is

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said to have close ties to the military’s Northern Command. Other members include its vice- chair, female Kachin politician Bauk Ja, Kachin lawyers and ethnic Shanni members.

Anti-regime protesters in Myitkyina, Waingmaw, Hpakant and Bhamo told The Irrawaddy they will also ignore the negotiation team.

“What we want is democracy, not to negotiate with the military dictatorship. We only want to overthrow the military dictatorship. We have no trust in its negotiation team,” said Brang Mai of Hpakant.

Bauk Ja said the team would work independently to protect young protesters from bloodshed and imprisonment.

“Most of the people taking to streets in Kachin State are young. They tend to be angry and can go wild if not controlled. We don’t want clashes with the police and military. We just intend to ensure their safety and give them guidance so that they can do what they want,” said Bauk Ja.

She added that the team would not take orders from the military but stand by the protesters. The military council only gave the team members phone numbers to contact in case security is needed, Bauk Ja said.

The team said it has been working for the release of five young ethnic Rawang activists who are being held at Putao Prison for joining anti-regime protests.

“We have asked the Kachin State Administrative Council to release the protesters. It accepted our request. We will only talk directly to council chairman Hkyet Htingnan. I think he will talk with the military if the five are being detained by the armed forces,” she said.

Similar teams have been formed in other regions and states at the instruction of the regime’s State Administrative Council and are facing similar opposition from protesters.

Bauk Ja was vice-chairwoman of the Kachin State People’s Party until she was forced to resign on Tuesday for cooperating with the military council. appointed-negotiation-team.html ------

UK Sanctions Six More Myanmar Coup Leaders for Serious Rights Abuses

By The Irrawaddy | 26 February 2021

YANGON — The United Kingdom has announced further sanctions against six of Myanmar’s military coup leaders, including Senior General Min Aung Haling, for “serious human rights violations” since the Feb. 1 coup.

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Police arrest an anti-regime protesters during a crackdown in Mandalay on Feb. 15. / The Irrawaddy

The five other military figures are members of the State Administration Council (SAC), secretary Lt Gen Aung Lin Dwe, joint secretary Lt Gen Ye Win Oo and members Gen Tin Aung San

Gen Maung Maung Kyaw and Lt Gen Moe Myint Tun.

By Thursday, at least six anti-regime protesters had been killed by the security forces since the coup. According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, 728 people have been detained or face arrest warrants with 666 still being held or in hiding.

Britain said the measures would stop the generals traveling to the UK and will prevent UK- based business dealings. London said it will temporarily suspend the promotion of trade with Myanmar.

The former colonial power said its Department for International Trade will work to ensure UK companies in Myanmar are not trading with military-owned businesses while protecting the important role that trade plays in poverty reduction and economic development.

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said the additional measures send a clear message to the military regime that those responsible for human rights violations will be held accountable.

Raab said the authorities must hand back control to the National League for Democracy, which won the November general election.

Britain has promised to work closely internationally to support democracy and freedom of expression in Myanmar.

Last week, the UK imposed sanctions on defense minister Gen Mya Tun O, home affairs minister Lt Gen Soe Htut and his deputy, Lt Gen Than Hlaing, for their role in serious rights violations following the coup.

Rights groups, including Human Rights Watch and Justice For Myanmar (JFM), have called on countries to impose sanctions on SAC members, their families and associated businesses.

JFM recently published a list of military-linked businesses to support international efforts to respond to human rights violations, which included companies owned by the son and daughter of coup leader Min Aung Hlaing.

On Thursday, 137 civil society organizations called on the United Nations Security Council and UN member states to impose an arms embargo on Myanmar in response to the coup and to deter the junta from committing further abuses.

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Chinese envoy urges all parties in Myanmar to handle differences through dialogue

Source: Xinhua| 2021-02-27 |Editor: huaxia

"The voice and measures taken by the international community should help the parties in Myanmar bridge their differences and solve problems, and avoid intensifying tensions and further complicating the situation," said a Chinese envoy.

UNITED NATIONS, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Friday urged all parties in Myanmar to handle differences through dialogue and consultation.

"We hope that all parties in Myanmar will act in the fundamental and long-term interests of the country, properly handle differences through dialogue and consultation under the constitutional and legal framework, maintain political and social stability, peacefully solve problems that have occurred, and continue to promote the domestic democratic transformation process in an orderly manner," Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, told an informal meeting of the UN General Assembly on the situation in Myanmar.

Under the current circumstances, all parties should maintain calm and restraint, refrain from intensifying tensions, escalating the situation and using violence, so as to prevent bloodshed, he said.

"China is engaging and communicating with relevant parties in Myanmar to further facilitate de-escalation of the situation and return to normalcy at an early date," the ambassador added.

Pedestrians cross a road next to the city hall of Yangon, Myanmar, Feb. 3, 2021. (Xinhua/Zhang Dongqiang)

Speaking of the situation in this Southeast Asian country, Zhang said that what happened in Myanmar is, in essence, "Myanmar's internal affairs."

"The international community should, on the premise of respecting Myanmar's sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity and national unity, help relevant parties in Myanmar conduct dialogue and reconciliation in accordance with the wishes and interests of its people," he said.

"The voice and measures taken by the international community should help the parties in Myanmar bridge their differences and solve problems, and avoid intensifying tensions and further complicating the situation," said the envoy.

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Zhang noted that Myanmar is a member in the family of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). China supports ASEAN in playing an active role in easing the current state of affairs in Myanmar in the ASEAN way.

"China appreciates the mediation efforts of ASEAN countries. ASEAN countries are discussing the setting up of an informal special meeting of their foreign ministers, and we look forward to its early convening on the basis of consensus, thus providing a useful platform and opportunity for promoting problem solving," the envoy said, adding that "we believe that ASEAN, as a mature regional organization, has enough political wisdom to help Myanmar tide over the difficulties."

People walk on the sidewalk next to the city hall of Yangon, Myanmar, Feb. 4, 2021. (Xinhua/Zhang Dongqiang)

On the mediation efforts of the UN special envoy on Myanmar Christine Schraner Burgener, Zhang said that China "hopes that she will keep the communication channels with all parties in Myanmar open, make extensive engagements, and actively promote peace and talks."

"The international community should create favorable conditions and leave necessary space for her work," said the Chinese ambassador.

"The problem of Rakhine State in Myanmar, in essence, should be resolved by Myanmar and Bangladesh through bilateral dialogue and consultation. We do not hope to see new difficulties in solving this problem due to the domestic situation in Myanmar," Zhang concluded. ------

53 political parties attend meeting with the new UEC Published 26 February 2021 | EMG

The new Union Election Comission held a meeting with political parties in Myanmar on February 26, in which 53 parties attended.

The Union Solidarity and Development Party, People's Pioneer Party, National Democratic Force, Mro National development Party, National Unity Party, Kokang Democracy and Unity Party, Pa-O National Organization, Democratic Party (Myanmar), Rakhine State National Force, Kayin People's Party, Democracy and Peace party, Shan Nationalities Democratic Party, National Political Alliances Party, Wuntharnu Democratic Party, Democratic Party for a New Society, Peace and Diversity Party, Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party, National Development and Peace Party, Myanmar National Congress, Tai-Leng Nationalities Development Party, Myanmar Farmers Development Party, National Development Party, Page 16 of 37

Lisu National Development Party, Dawei Nationalities Party, Federal Union Party, Arakan National Party, People's Party of Myanmar farmers and workers, Union Danu League for Democracy Party and "Students For Betterment of the People Party".

Additionally, Shan-ni (Tai-Leng) Unity Party, 88 Generation Democratic Party, Modern Federal Union Party, Ar-khar National Development Party, Zo National Region Development Party, National Progressive Party, Women's Party (Mon), People's Party, Union Farmers and Workers Party, Myanmar People's Democratic Party, People's Workers Party, Karen National Democratic Party, National Unity Democratic Party, Arakan Front Party, Union Betterment Party, Party for Betterment of Grassroot Societies, National Politics Democratic Party, Kachin Peoples Party, Mon unity Party, New Democracy Party (Kachin), People's Power Party, United Nationalities League for Democracy and People's Party of Myanmar Farmers and Workers also reportedly attended the meeting.

A total of 91 political parties across Myanmar were invited to attend of which 38 parties refused to come. ------

KNU Vows to Protect Anti-Coup Protestors – But to Avoid Violence Will Not Involve in Protest with Weapons Friday, February 26, 2021 | Karen Information Center

Photo caption: KNLA soldier stand guard at their post as Karen protestor passed by in Kawkareik Township, Karen State. (Photo - Thoolei News Facebook)

The Karen National Union (KNU) confirmed they support and will protect people protesting against the military coup, but said to avoid violence, they will not involve with arms in the peaceful civilians’ demonstrations.

Padoh Saw Hla Tun, KNU joint secretary said they have to be careful – armed soldiers taking part in peaceful protests could provide a justification for violent response from the military.

“We have to be careful confronting arms with arms. Civilians could be targeted. We are involved in negotiations for people to be allowed to protest and to able to exercise their freedom of expression.”

Armed Karen soldiers seen among marching anti-coup protestors in the Kawkareik Township in central Karen State and shared on social media suggested Karen soldiers are providing security for protestors. There were also media reports, citing the social media posts, that the KNU soldiers were protecting protestors.

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Padoh Saw Hla Tun, spoke to Karen News, to clarified the KNU’s position on its soldiers providing security for the protesting crowds.

“We have put out our official position statement and we stand firm on that. We support the people protesting against the military coup and we offer our help. However, as the KNU is an organization with policies and principles, we will not provide armed protection for the civilians who are protecting peacefully.”

Padoh Saw Hla Tun repeated he is concerned a show of arms could give the military an excuse to escalate violence towards the peaceful protesters.

On February 16, 2021, local villagers from around Kawkreik Town, gathered to march to the town and Karen soldiers provided security along the way. The photo circulating on social media was from that event. The villagers were from KNU controlled areas.

Padoh Saw Maw Htoo, the KNU’s Kawkareik Township, chairperson, said they have responsibility to protect people living in their control areas.

“It’s our duty to provide security for our people in our areas. Of course, we’re at the side of the people – if something happen, we will take swift action.”

On February 16, thousands of anti-coup protestors marched towards Kawkareik Town and security forces under the control of the military coup blocked them from entering the town. There was a standoff for a few hours before protestors decided on a new route to continue their protest. violence-will-not-involve-protest-weapons ------

Civilians Flee Fighting After Shell Strikes Home

By NANG SENG NOM - February 27, 2021

Civilians caught in between fighting in northern Shan State feared for their lives after a shell struck a home in Mangsan village.

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The bomb damaged the house in Namtu Township on Wednesday, February 24, during hostilities between Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) and State Progress Party (SSPP) and Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), the latter two from the Northern Alliance.

Fighting in the area intensified the following day, according to a man from Mangsan who didn’t want his name published.

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About 400 villagers, mostly woman and children, sought safety at a nearby Buddhist monastery.

Because there isn’t cover in the village residents aren’t safe if another shell strikes Mangsan, the man said. But the brick monastery will provide them with some protection from a bomb attack.

Fortunately no one was hurt when the shell hit the home on Wednesday.

Ten days ago, a pregnant woman and a man were killed after a shell landed in their home in Kyaukme Township. The woman was her eighth month of pregnancy. Six others were wounded during the shell attack.

On February 14, a 33-year-old man was shot in his behind during clashes between RCSS and TNLA in Namtu Township.

Violence between the ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) resumed on February 13, despite RCSS and TNLA declaring unilateral ceasefires earlier in the month.

Villagers want EAOs to negotiate an end to the violence affecting northern Shan State. ------

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န���ခ�မ�� (ဝ�ရ�င�တန� ဒ�စ�) | 2021-02-28

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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 28 February 2021

ပ�ခ���မ ���တ�င� အပစ�ခံရ�သ��နရ� / ဧရ�ဝတ�

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စမ��စမ��တင�(ဝ�ရ�င�တန�ဒ�စ�) | 2021-02-28

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Russia Today န�� မ��စ�က ဇ�န�လမ�� လ�ပ�တ�� �တ��ဆ�ံ�မ��မန��ခန��မ�� က�က�ယ��ရ�ဦ�စ��ခ��ပ�ထက� �မင��မ��တ�� တ�ဝန�ထမ���ဆ�င�ဖ��� ဆ��ရ��တယ�လ��� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ�မ���က�� မင���အ�င�လ�င�က ��ပ��က��တ��အ��က�င��န�� သတင���ဆ�င��ပ��က�� အဆ�ံ�သတ�ထ��ပ�တယ�။


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By ဧရ�ဝတ� | 27 February 2021

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Published 26 February 2021

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နမ�တ��မ ���နယ� အတ�င�� တ��က�ပ�� ဆက�လက��ဖစ�ပ���

By Nang Seng Nom - February 26, 2021

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