FIRE FOLLOWS Se ttle's City Election. DESPERATE AT- HUNDRED Seattle, Mar. 8 —A heavy vote is OHIO being polled in the city election to- THE BLUEBEARD I TEMPTS TO ESCAPE day. lndlcatlons are that the Repub­ PERSONS LARGELY licans will make a clean sweep. RACE WAR Costumes of Company that Plaved I Fire at Scranton. A Missouri Murderer Twice Es­ PERISHED in Iroquois Theatre on Fatal REPUBLICAN THREATENED Scranton, Mar 9. —A Ure last night caped and Twice Night Bun t Up. destroyed the triple stores of the Reciptured. Goldsmith Bazaar and damaged two In the Wreck of French Chicago, Mar. 8.—In a Are which other buildings. The loss is 8200,000. Threats Made That St. Joseph, Mo., Mar. 10.- Murder­ gutted the Western Salvage Wrecking Ba'lingei Elected Mayor Telephone Tolls Dicision er Dunn, who escaped from jail hero Company’s building this morning, Monday and was recaptured yester­ ­ Kansa City, Mo., Mar. 9.—The su­ Negro Dives Will Be Steamship Cam causing a lo.-s of 8125,000, were de­ by 1200 Major- day, aga’n escaped last night and stroyed the costumes and haugin s of preme court has decided that a city was recaptured at midnight. He waa bodge. the Bluebeard Company, which baa no autho 1 y to regulate t le Wiped Out. lauded iu jail here ill with puei mo- was playing in the ill-fated Iroquois phone to'l.n The court bc’Ja tuat nla. He will be bauge.l tomorrow. theatre at the time of the great disas­ the company is a creature o state. The physicians say that he would ter. V Few of the Five Thousand Ne die of disease iu three days. Off the Coast of Cochin , Rest of Ticket Went Four Thous­ Mrs. Dye Out of Jail. groes in Springfield Walked on February Seventeenth- BARRETT GOES and Republican—A Slap at Boone, Iowa, Mar. 9,-Mn. Sher- May Dismiss His Cabinet. man Dye was relt eJ iron’ jail this the Streets Today. Storm Caused the Railroad Politics Birmingham, England, Mar. 10.— TO PANAMA morning by order of Judge Whitaker, The Gazette today prints a seusational Wr ck. befcre whom .he habeas corpus had Springfield, O., Mar. 9. -With the story to the effect that trouble has been heard. Seattle, Mar. 9.—The Republicans arrival of soldiers this morning order , arisen between the King and and hia Oregon Man to Pî Transferred carried the city election by a major­ cabinet over the proposed changes in Par's, Mar. 9.—Official detaile have prevails. The streets are practically j ity of four thousand, the larg -Bt in Russians and Japs at It. the war office. The Gazette hiuts that been received of the loss of the From the Argentine deserted this morning and tho ruing ■ the history of the city. Ballinger, the King may dismiss the cabinet. French steamship Cambodge, from Washington, Mar. 9.—The com- of negro quarters along the railroad I Republic. the bead of the ticket is elected by u a der of the U. S. gunboat Heleua, Rangoon, India, ior Europe, on Feb­ tracks are the only reminders of last I 1200. He was slashed by auti-corpo- a . liukow, reports this afternoon an ruary 17,oil the coast of Cochin China night's stirring scenes. Throughout Washington, Mar. 9.—The president ration Republicans. The result is I It is believed a hundred "ersons per­ engagement having taken place at the series of mob acts not a person BOMBARD has decided to appoint John Barrett, regarded as a slap at the railroad Re­ ished iu the terrific storm. A series Fung Wang Chang and that the Jap­ was scratched except the victim of of Oregon, to be ministe’’ to Panama, publicans of the state. anese landed at Tusban this morning. of h ge waves broke over the ship, lynch law, Dickerson. vice Buchanan Barrett is to be suc­ finally sinking it in eight meters of LATER. PORT ARTHUR ceeded as minister to the Argentine Russian Meat Seized. water. Help was sent from Saigen. The lookout for tonight is that other ueputlic by Aithur Beaupre, of Illi­ GREAT Nagasaki, Japan, Ma-. 9.—The gov­ nois, now minister to , negro dives surely will go off the le­ MAY BE A ernment today seized 2100 barrels of vee, that remark beiug beard on all AGAIN oeaupre will be succeeded by W. W. meat on the steamer Coptic, just from Russell, of the District of Columbia. FLOOD IN sidas today. Of five thousand negroes FAKE . The meat was con­ in the city, few are seen, while many RUMOR signed to Port Arthur for the Russian have left the city. The balance are SENATOR PENNSY. army, and was seized as coutrabanu barricaded in their houses. Judge of war. Mower this morning said a special Japs Let Fly at the Report That Russian Fleet Was1 grand jury would be called immedi­ ately to prosecute the lynchers. The Destroyed Is Not SMOOT Fortress for Several RUSSIAN judge fakes the riot, ai a personal Verified. Wailksbarre, Pa., Mar. 8.—At three blow, and is on the verge of prostra­ Hours. INQUIRY o’clock this afternoon the Pennsylva­ MEDICAL tion. London, Mar 9.—No veriflcatio nia’s huge steel bridge at Seliue Grove was swept away bj an ice has yet been received of the Tokio The Russian Shore Batteries dispatch stating that the Vladivostok gorge. Floods rave in the Wyoming squadron has been; ed r cap­ valley, and the lowlands along the■ SERVICE Opened Fire-—No Reports Susquehanna river for forty miles be-1 TRIED TO tured. it is thought to be another Washington, Mar. 8.—Mrs. Kenne- of Extent ol Damage vague rumor. Jy resumed the witness stand this low the city are flooded. Seven hun- I morning in th". Senator Smoot in­ <1r' d families are terrq orarily home­ BLOCK THE Done. Loudun, Mar. 8.—A Tokio dispatch quiry. Answering Worthington she less and eight bridges have teen1 Berlin, Mar. 8.—The Tageblatt has reiterates the belief that the Japanese said she knew of no reason for her swept away. The towns • f Westmoor, a report that five thousand refugees Port Arthur, Mar. 10.—The Japan­ sqtiadicn met the Russian cruisers iu jcurney of 75 miles from Diaz to Jua­ CatanBsa and Firwood are inundated. from Port Arthur and Vladivostock HARBOR ese fleet reappeared at miduigui last the vicinity of Poisset Bay and gave rez, Mexico, to be married as a plu The loss will be hundreds of thous­ and other Manchurian towns were night and bombarded toe city inter­ battle- The result is not made known. ral wife to Johnson. She did not ands of dollars. shunted ou sidings for days to enable mittently until eight this morning The purpose of the Japanese ships iu know whether an effort had been transport trains to pass east. They are and then withdrew. proceeding to Vladivostok was not to made to have the marriage perfrru el FREDEKCK suffering terribly from cold and lack bombard the town but to locate the at Diaz. She did.n’t in'r.rm the mau of food. Parts, Mar. 8—It ’s reported here London,Mar. 10.—The Central New« Russian ships, which are thought to who married her to Johnson that he The Frankfurter Znitung asserts that the Japanese have made another correspondent at l’oit Arthur reporta »as already married. So far as she THE GREAT’S that the Russian Minister of Interior have left the harbor. The Japanese i attempt to block the entrance to that the Japanese prepared to bom- squadron is sutH'dently strong to di­ knew the celebrant might have be­ _ Plebve has insti noted the local au- Port Arthur by sinking coasting bard the port last night, but owing vide it, one portion guarding the har­ lieved be was marrying Johnsou to a 3 I A I Lit thurifies to extort mouey from the ships. The details are Jacking. to a heavy storm, were compelled to bor and the other seeking the Rus­ first wife. . Jews for the support of field hospitals. desist. At eleven o’clock the signal sians. She had heard that Apost’e Teasdale The Tageblatt also reports that Dr. Rome, Mar 8.—Tne Agonzia Libera station oeut messages to the furtresa objected to ths plural marriage and I Kynart, chief of the Russian ambu­ Washington, Mar. 9.—During con­ reports that a number of Chinese and that tbs Japanese t piadrou hud ap- had refused to marry her, notwith­ lance corps, dispatched to Manchuria, sideration of tile army bill in the Japanese have been massacred by the peared on the horizon, and fifty min­ THE JAPS LIKE standing the intercession of her was obliged to disband and dismiss Senate today, Senator Bacon de- Russians in the Vladivostok district. utes later the shore batteries opened mo'her.the latter being informed that the men on arriving at Ilarbin, owing tiounced the purpose of the govern­ The Japanese government is said to Are. A gale sprang up at that mo- TO BOMBARD plural marriages had been done a»«; to iruukeunees. have entered a protest. ment to erect a staf ue o Frederick men tand the attacking ileet withdrew. with. rhe Great, presented I y me Germau Emperor, n the nation's u pitol. The AMERICAN OFH Port Arthur, Mar. 8.—Admiral BATTALION Senator '.bought the Emperor’s ac­ Makri.ff has arrived at Dalny, and is THE PRESIDENT Tokio, Mar. 9. -Japanese warships expected here today to assume charge Tuesday evening bombarded Fort Tal- tio" ill-advised, and the acceptance I of the gift by the President hasty. CERS TO GO. of the Hussain squadron. Complete ASKS NEUTRALITY ienwan on Korea Bay, and later they OF SOLDIERS tranquility prevails in the districts proceeded to Port Arthur and bom­ He declared the erection cf such a statue uot in accordance with the about Port Arthur. Nothing can be barded the fortress there. ANINHILATED Washington,Mar. 1(1.—Russia grant- seen cf the enemy. wishes of the pepole of the country. i ig formal permission, (¡eneral Chaf­ Directs Officials Not to Talk Too Country Editor For Governor. fee baH .amea Major Gibson, ('apt. Will be at St. Louis. St. PeterBUurg, Mar. 8.- -The safety Much About Japanese- Wichita. Mar. 9.—The Republican Berlin, Mar. 8.— The Morgetpost Jackson,Uapt Galley and Capt Reich- of the Russian Vladivostok squadron Tokio, Mar. 9 —It is announced Russian Affairs. stata convention met and organized reports that the Albanian rebels fave mann to accompany the Russian army I is believed to be preserved, Ils speed that Prince and Princess Arisugawa this morning, and this afternoon Ed innihilated a Turkish battalion of on its far Rastern camp dgn. avoiding encounter with the Japanese will represent the Mikado at the St. ward Hoch, county edito at Marian, >00 soldiers at Diaakovo, Central Al­ until the commencement of summer. Washington, Mar. 10.—The Presi­ Louis exposifio ’. was named for governor. P.esident bania. The Finnish Senate has voted to dent today issued an executive order Roosevelt was indorsed m the plat­ CIIAMBERLAIN swell the war luud by a contril utiou that "All officials of the government Japanese Land Movements. form. Blew Up a Bridge. of a million marks. Minister of the i are directed nut only to observe the 1 Interior Pielive has aske 1 the provin- President’s proclamation of neutral- Thomas Murdock, who selecte Washington, Mar. 9.—Navy Clieefoo Vienna, Mar. 9.—Italian workman MENTALLY ILL Hoch, was stricken blind d aring last advices state that a large Japanese j cial governors to reduce the seed al­ , Ry pending the war in the far East, with dynamite today blew up a bridge I but to ubstain from either action or ni bt. land force bas arrivid it Fung Wang across the river Began in Hungary, lowance for public works and esti­ mates. | speech which can legitimately cause Chang and Tsban. These poin's are killing the German engineer, Line- London, Mar. 10.—investigation of No ».elation of Law. so located that it is believed the Jap­ irrltati- u to either of ttie comba­ bach, and two others, and injuring the report that Lord Chamberlain is tants. ’’ Washington,Mar. 8. -Japanese Min anese are on the Russian flank and four. mentally ill udicates some basis for The Czar has denied a peition of ister Ilayasbi this afternoon made an that the naval attacks ou Port Arthur ■ the rumor. Advices from Egpyt, 40,000 Buriat tribesmen in the Trans Mad Mulla'i Loses. adlitional statement in answer to the and Talien Wan are merely diver- Baikal section not to be placed under Russians Forage Korea where Cbamberlai > is recuperating, Aden, Egypt, Mar. 10.—Ge< oral Ru»s an charge of violation of the in­ siens to dis'raet attention. the Russian administration. Admiral state that he is improving Manning, commanding the British ternational law. lie admitted that Seoul. Knrea, Mar. 8.—Small bauds Sta’k’s wife, who has arrived from expedition to Somaliland, raided the For Immoral Purposes. of Russians cross the Yalu every day, Fort A-thiir, indignantly denies that Japanese troops landed in Korea be Threshing Mormon Straw. Mad Mullah’s forces, killing 150 men foraging and sweeping the country in the admiral and hia officers were fore a declaration of law, but not be­ Berlin, Mar. 9. —The Kleins Journal and capturing a number of camels. every direction. Koreans yesterday Washington, Mar. 10.—Andrew Jen- fore a state of war existed. The im­ says a syndicate with a capital of a ashore the night of the first attack, ambushed and repulsed a strong party Ben, assistant historian of the Mor­ perial government declares that the million dollvis has been formed at attending’a ba 1 in her honor. Shaken by Earthquakes. of Cossacks, both suffering heavy mon church, who prepar°d a book of charge that Japan declared control St. Louis for the purpose of import­ losses. the lives of the apostlvs, was called I Vienna, March 10.— Earthquake over Korea is without foundation. ing girls to that city for immoral Postal Frauds Investigated. in the Smoot case this morning to ■bocks are reported thia morning at purposes during the expostiion, The Big Fortification Bill. Washington, Mar. 10.—Republican Trieste, Carintba and Gl-igenlurt. Philippine Shipping. agents of the syndicate are scouring »ell where he obtained his informa­ tion. Most of it, he said, came from house leaders recognizing the temper There are no reports of damage. Washington, Mar. 9.—Tne Senate Europe for victims, the paper says. Washington, Mar. 8.—Senator Per- previous publications of the church. provoked by the Bristow report on passed the Philippine shipping bill kins, from the committee on appro­ priations, reported the fortifications About Apostle Grant, the witness postal frau I-, are determined uot to A Japanese Report. today.______Electric Line Tragedy. stand in the wBy of any investigation b’ll, a total of 87,637,192. This is an said Graut was reputed to have two| Tokio, Mar. 10.—Admiral Kammura desired by the majority. Mr« >Jsr. Trey San Bernardino, Cal., Mar. 8.—Wal- increase of half a million over the wives. sands the following report of Hu Jap­ ter Cooper, a lineman, was electro­ Constantinop’e, Mar. 9.—The Sul- , House bill. An acidemic discussion as to adul­ anese attack on Vladivostok Sunday. cuted at Redlands this morning, He tery ensued in atiich the witness said Druggist* Were Fined tan has decided to order two cruisers “The attack on Vladivostok on the fell dead st the feet of his wife. A Democratic Retraction. the Mormon people drew a clear dis Brownsville, Or., March 10 —Quite of the latest improved type from the | sixth began at one-fifty o’clock 1 the tlnction between the kind of adultery an exciting trial «»• held In this city American shipbuilders, Cramps. Washington, Mar. 8.- In the House afternoon and lasted forty mtrniles. An Insult to Amerca today, Gilbert, Democrat, of Ken- preiented in Harmon’s testimony and yesterday, J. F. Venner and Osburn 1 lelieve the bombardment waa An Actor Dzad. Berlin, Mar. 9.—The Loka! Anzie- tucky, auld Rji( la n-e, withdrew the the net of living with plurnl wives. A Hume, druggists, having be n ar­ effective ai d detrornlizi d the en­ In response to McComas witness said rested for selling whiskey with nt li­ Saranac Lake, N. 1 , ."ar 9.—Rob-j ge asserts that Russia has refused charge made by Litnr In a recent '■my as the Russian torta did n it re- that only the general officers of the cense. The trial »1« by jit’y and the ply. The ernfsers •t|b.'pqnrn*| re. ert Teber, an act .<•, .be divorced hus permission to America to send mili­ speech »hat Gen. Davi -.recently nom-1 church were required to obtain con- jury I ronghl io th< v< ■ li . conTjoltorcfl acvi l a 1 oi Juli . .. ■ ■. ‘ here las. tary attaches with the Russian forces Ina! I on tb< Is'.’.n 1 Commission, | ea ê to tu-- ent from the fir» r r ’fd"oey ‘■efore it 1 ‘h ■ Record r f ■' long the coast bn» 'ant » rat- <•<> Bigut. in the field, while free permission to sold rk * 111 I tba cout!".:ntz! po-?-- n-- •---- n • rucn'nc for politic»! office. t' ' en h of th" df *« • I t‘ •' 1 the enemy.” I