

(Published by Authority at 3'30 p.m.]


No. 21.] PERTH: FRIDAY, APRIL 24. [1908.

No. 121034.-C.8.0. notiee in the Government Gazette, to declare any land re­ BANK HOLIDAYS A'1' HOJDBOUHj\TE. served, used, or by purchase or exchange acquired for a streot or way, or any place, bridge, or thoroughfare PUOCT~Al\IA'l'ION to be a public highway, anc1 such lanc1 shall there:

\VBS'l'ElG'I" AUSTHALIA, } By His Excellency Sir Edward Albert upon and thenceforth, from the c1ate of such Proclama­ TO WIT. Stone, 1I1li~ht, IAc'.. ltenullt·GoVel'llOr in alld tion, become and be absolutely c1ec1icatec1 to the public over the State of and E . .A... STONB, as a public highway within the meaning of any law now IAentenant·Governor. its Dependencies, etc., etc., etc. or hereafter in force. [L.S.] 1904/08. Anel whereas the Leederville Municipal Council has re­ [N pursuanee of the pl'OVlSlOnS contained in tho fifth quested that certain lands named and described in the section of "'l'ho Bank Holidays Act, 1884," I, the Schedule hereul1(ler which have been reserved for streets Lieutenant-Governor of tho said State, do by this my or 'mys WIthin the Municipality of Leederville, be c1e­ Proclamation appoint clared public highways: Now therefore I, the said Gover­ nor, by anc1 with the advice and consent of the Executive Tnesduy nncZ Thursday, Ole 26th and 28th clays at Council, do by this my Proclamation c1eclare the said ][(IY, 1908, lanels to be public highways, and snch lands shall, from special c1ays to be obsorvod as Bank Holic1ays in the 'rown the date of this Proclamation, be absolutely dedicated to of Roebourno. the public as highways within the meaning of any law nOIY or hereafter in force. Given under my hand and tho Public Seal of the said state, at Perth, this 15th day of April, 1908.

By His Excdlency's Commanc1, Sched1!Ze. .T. D. CONNOLLY, Colonial Secretary. Name Titles' of Street. Position. Office Plans. GOD SAVE 'l'HE KING ! ! ! Cambridge Street chain From lYIcCourt Street to the Diags. (extension) West boundary of Swan Loca­ 2331& tion 388 2332 Annie Street ." chain From Cambridge Street (exten­ Diagm. sion) to Salvado Road 2331 No. 12756.-C.S.0. Russell Rtreet . 60 links From Cambridge StreetNorth~ Plan DEDICA'l'IO?\ OF PUBLIC HIGHWAY. ward.5 chains 1514 Lecclerville 11l1micipality. Given under my hancl an(l the Pnblic Seal of the PROCLAMA'l'ION saic1 State, at Perth, this fifteenth day of April, WESTERX AUSTRALIA, } By His Excellency Sir Edward Albert 1908. TO WI'r. Stone, Knight, Lieutenant-Governor in and over the State onVestern Australia and By His Excellency's Command, E. A. STONE, its Dependencies, etc., etc., etc. Lieutellant~Goyerno!:'. [L.s.] J. D. CONNOLLY, 2162/08. Colonial Secretary. WHI~REAS by Sections 222 anc1 227 of " The Municipal Corporations Act, 1906 " (6 Edwardi, No. 32), it shall he lnwful for tIl(' (101'01"1101', on request of the Council, hy GOD SAVE nrE KING 1 ! ! GOVER~MENT GAZETTE, 'iV.A. [APRIL 24, 1908.

P.O.-No. 153. of j-]1(' pOI'."('rs in thnt helml!' 'eoniaino,l ill the said Act ,JUSTICES OF THE rEACE. a lId the A (·ts tho same, the Local Boanl of Premier's Office, [re:'lliJ doth IW1"chy tlJe foliol\"i ng By-Iaws:- 16th April, 1908. BY-L\ W ;\(). 2-!. HTS Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to a ppoint the foll owing gentlcnwl1 to be a J Llstice of l:u) If iJ'i lI,fj close[ llw 8up)!ly ot (l sufficient the Pcace:- ;Iumbcr (('ei'i)I o('/('s /Of' C:l'NCilICfl{ it iOllS matler, etc. P.O. 49/1908.-Richarc1 Strang man 'raylor, }~squire, (a.) 01\"11er of a doset shall pro\"ide in con­ of Brisbane, Queensland, for the II"hole of tho State. I"itlt snch do set one or more recep­ His J<;xccllellcy the GOI'crnor in Council has also been tnd('s f~)r ('Xt'rC'lnelltii inus matter, as required please, I to aecopt tho resignation of the folloll"ing .Justice the !JoHnl. He shall e:ws() snch I'('("cptacles of the Peace:- he construdeci ont of not Jess than 22- P.O. ;n:l/U107.-Alfrec1 Middleton, Esquire, of Kiln­ gauge gall"anise,l iron, and the dimensions owna, for the i'lorth-East Coolg:lJ'dic }'Iagistorial District. of su"h ree"pt.wles slmll be H~ inches high, 13i A. COL lEi:"; SO KESSELL, inches dhnnctel' (jnsidc In('asun~1110nt) ,vhen Sonetary to the Premier. ,·l)Jllpleted. The ring a1'onl1,1 the top to be made of l-ind1 by YI-inch iron, with four holes IJl!/l(·hed at equal dist:ll1("(,s apart, anil No. 12757.-U.S.U. r;Yot('d to the body so as to fit S:lJIl(' neatly, ::\IUNICIPAL BY-LAWS. nnd Le l('\'p} n('l'O~S tl1<' top; th(-' s('~nllS of the s:wll 1.](' folded llll

Ad (4G \'il'., ;\0. 7) not £2. ing fl'CHTl inft'l'tions diseaseT oJ. The Poundkeeper's fees J)(~ as Ul)(ler 8 of llICHt, bl'C',ld, w~lt('l', or fruit. s. d. s. d. BY-LA\\' No. :2G. Ewry bull or C'utire horse ~O 0 per day;j 0 p(J]' llie Ram, he-goat, or boar. . :j 0 pn (Jal" 2 () of' tire cil'lwiiJ!css of' /wl.-c)'ics, milk silOI)8, ([!liZ oj' mill,; I'esse/Ii, I'll'. ".\Ial'c, gelding, I1111Je, 01' nss .) () per (1:1\" 2 U Cow, bulloek, 01' lJ('ii'cr ') G jwr day" (; ({/. ) shall on the tmde of a baker E\"cry )Jig ,) 0 IWl' day 1 G ,']w intl'J"io]' of the walls of thc E\"(~l'Y goat .) 0 ]lC1' ,lay 1 0 tl;\kchow-)(' 01' othcr building or part of a Shcc'jJ up to :"50, e:l('1J () () pel' day 0 (i hl1illli:np; in }1(' tarries on hi::.;: trade are 8110('P in ()X('('SS 0 f ;")0. (':wh ();~ 11('1' dil)f () ;{ SBlt)oth :.1nd i1UiJI1T\Tious throughuut, HOI' un]css Suell rates to he ('!Jan.!.'('(l fOj' ~~I hour:-;:; half l'at<'-:; for the' shall 1)(' l'l'operly ("'ile,l, nor un- ]:; hours; sustenan,'c t<; lw ehal'gud after three hours. ~hal! he hard, s111ooth, and h11- Passed hy the :\]uni"ipal ('oulleil 01' Bllulmry on ~:":nd )l(1l'\'inu:-{ throll:.::hol1t. Odoi1cr, Hl07. (b.) I 1(1 811:: II 110t (On lTY on the tl':ulC' of a baker un­ rr~,s.] H. nlL\SfL\ IV. less the bak"itn;1S(' or 'my other building or :\Tavo1'. p;nt of n huilding' \\"hi{'h ho O('tUpit's for the SYDY. (mo. DA VI;;Y, • pllqlOS(,S of hid i 1':1,1(' is :lll,] cfreetu- TO\Yll C]Pl'k. Y()lll iJatpd and out- Aplll'O\'(',l by His '[<;xeell('IH'v tlw LiPlltpnllnt-GoW1'nOl' ' TIm DAY DAW:\ LOCAL 130AHD lion \ritll ('oal 01' otlWl' "pllar, nor with pari hoc losd ]11'il",)", ash pit, OE' HEAl/i'lL l inlet, nor \Yith any wash-house, Co]oni:d Sel'J'C'tal'Y's Ofli('c, 110l' ·with :1ny 1'00111, yard, ()l' ,lr(':l which may 1 S:;~/08. Pnth, 1 (lth .\ pril, 1908. he a nl1i~:-\ 1]('('. 01' (':111S(' (,onbtn:inatiol1 by foul HIS ExeelleJ]ey thc GOl"crnor ill COllnr-il IlllS been pleased air, tlnst, 01' (lil't. to approl"c the following By-laws made hy the Day DamJ (d.) fle shall p1'ovidp onisi,l" tho bakchouse, ap­ Loeul Board of 11 ('aHh. provo,] ('Ol1\"('nil'n("es, dna sufTieient and suit­ Ii'. ]). :NORrrI-I, l! ]-)lp materials for 1'<'1'8011:11 ablutions. IT 11

(J'.) Ill' ~ball ('anse all the insl([c surfaces of tbe ,vhich in the opmlOn of an Inspector is diseased or un­ walls of his h:ll{C'hol1S(1, 01' of :~ll)~ other b-t1i1d~ ,vl!olcSDmc, shall be destl'o~'ec1 as thc Inspector lllay direct, part of n hint aut! all cases 01' p~H'king 11laterial in \yhil'h ~neh dis('(lsctl or un wholesomc fruit or fish ,vas contained 01' surrounded ;\'lleth('l' sHcll walls {II' shall ;,180 be destroyed as the Inspector may llirect. 110t, to be eit1lC'1' pl'onerjy

01' yrashcd IYlth lillie 01' oth('1' L • BY-LAW No. 31. terinL to he p:l rtlr For tile prevention of danger to tile public /rom manlt­ \\"ashC'(t: .,yi1cl'(: Ii 111C\\"a:311 1;'; or piaccs for tile storage, keepi.ng, or sale <:ausc :5alllC to be rC'H(,,,,,'('d SIX inflammable materials. l11onths, oftener, In- nUll "\dleTC' u~:;c{L he shaH (a.) 1\0 person occupying any building or premises tleanse,l at shall store, keep, or hold for sale any clanger­ lenst 011ce in C'-('TV ousl~' inflammable materials in excess of 20 S') bY th(~ (:ubie feet in measurement, unless snch ma­ ing Lc l'~lnC'\rcd terials are enclos(~d or surrounded by fireproof Bounl. walls. coyered by a firepTOof roof, and arc c,(j.) 11(\ ::;hall C:lnsc> tlH~ \yholr> p-:.'cmi.~,\!s \,'here- place,1 Oll a fireproof floor. in he efll'l'jes on hIs tl'<,.lh:- lP hp s\\'ept and (b.) Any ,,,ho, after four hOlES' llotice from e!c':ulsed. l;'ast t1 day, and an shall neglect to remove from any at l,-:nst (JlH:C in \y(~()k. c:tu:-.)P <.111 building or prernises occupied by hiln anjr 1he floors to 1w thol'ol1ghl~- inflammt1 ble material kept or stored in con­ trayention of tho preceding proyi8ions shall l~\~-L_-\ \V ~\o. :::7. be guilty of an offence against this By-law. H'or -the time oj' ({luI lit:) jli'f'('uHtioH-; to be re!Hell'ol o;F };i,(f/l'(L'~h ({rid oil:(j' /illlty BY-IL'c'\V No. 32. {lor ihe disil1/aiiIJ)I of (lncZ ille prerention of ]l1[isamee (iL. ) ::-;h<111 1'('!; UYC: C'1" other oriniury to lIcaltll from pOllltryra:!s, or other 1 l)('L \\'('t !l a.lll,

POI' (/iC clC(!!I."iill(f 0/ {!/l ides ({ ;/rl of fir'/' materials in marine stores, flock, bedding, or -[/1(' (,{ZI'l'iu(J(' iiltnl if) tL d {rom furniture manufactories, shall keen or store : sllO})s. (;{]! I )' l)!~ [{'( s. the same so as not to be a nuisance or inju­ rious to health. (il. ) 01' Burt('l' (d.) I-Ie shall, whenever roquired so to ,10 by )1n In· spector, (1isinfcct any sueh materials on tho 1HltZ'lWl' ;.;11op. or OnH.'1' plnt'l\ premises in or upon ,,-hioh such materials y('ld{'\f:, L:1,sket, or (Ithcr j'Pl'ep- are kept or stored in the manner d;reetec1 by ta('le ill \\-hil'h ~;lldl llw:d is to be first the Inspector. titHes in e!('~nl l-(l~Hli(-lnn, BY-LAW No. 3:3. (I;. ) }i(' ~h;dJ Hot permit S11('h 1';1('n1" to b(~ \\Tapiwd 01' For rc.rruiatill.!J tile position ((IuZ ?Hanner of c01lst.rn~tion ell'. ('loped ill :Ul;>- ~~n('h of })rivies, cartll·closets, anil cesspools or 1trin(fls. 0:' ~'!1\'elopC' [It'1'-;:(,(·tly dC'Hn ;1.111 (a.) No persoll shall oreet any earth-closet, privy, BY-L,\ '\V .:\\~. :2D. cesspool, or urinal ,yithin 20 feet of any (hYolling-hmlsP, 01' within 50 feet of any ,\"ell, I'(})' lOilS to l)e t:d'(,11 ;,t (/1(' n!friu,fjc Btl'eUm or l'CSCT\70il'. 1'( lli('{f's. (I,la ot!;c;' {fiii/OS f'o!' j anel nit' tco/! Wllif'll ~(;H('l! uri i: (1;.) No person shall ereet an)" earth-closet, ,pTiyy, or urin~l, the walls of "'hioh are not of stono, (a. ) En:ry person 1'.-110 shan ('~n'1',V; 01' ('(1n8(1 01' snfl'pl' "'ood, wood :1n(1 iron, brick, or Oth~T apPl'oy(',1 01' pennit to 1)(' (-~·qTir·a, any of fond !11 material. VPlltiiatil1g outlets shall also be :l yehidC' or nth,,}, 1'(,1' to a pllr- constn;ctec1 in each such eloset, as near the {'bns('J' shall not 01' snfC('~' <111\' snell ceiling as practicable, anel cach sue h outlet lutic'le to be ,·t1 lTir;d in a yehide or' other shall be not less than 50 square inches in thing that is not pf'rfp{-tly l'1ean, 01' \yhil'h has area. l)()cn l1S('(t foy th(~ (·(l1Ti;'1.g{: of mantll'(" {lUn!]:. (c. ) He shall proyide every such earth-closet or fish, 01' an~7 ()f(('n~i,:e ~J:att('l' \y11t:t('\,('1'. }n'i,")" ,yith a proper roof, floor, and door, and (Ii.) Ire shnH Dot SHirey or !'Pl'711it nllY ll(ll'snl1 \yhn the door shOlll be hung so that its bottom is suffering· from 'Ol~ infer-fions ollge is at least three inches a11o,'e the floor. (;lscasc. 01' VdlO is in ( d.) H 0 shall canse eyery farth·elosct or privy upon th(' el1Ti(lgT, lJ:ll1d1in!l:' 01' his premises to be :fitted in the following suell Hrtide. nutnner:- lIe s]wll (,:ll1st:: all ~l]{·h Hl"HeJc:..;, (e. ) 'rhe seat to be hinged so as to lift up for e:11'1'1('(1 to n to be pro]lcl'1,Y illSpcc~ion and eleansing. ('(1 from The riser to be remoyable and not to come y ,yithin three inches of the :Iloor. BY·LA~\V ~ \ n. Gllit1e 1mr8 to be inserted so as t.o insure the ]?OJ' 171e nrc/'culiO}l of the ..-;·07r oJld 'IUI'IClwtr'- pan being placo(l in exaet position. 8om~ fruit or tiS!1 iii Icare/w/lses •.<,hops. 'rhe top of the pan , .. hen in position under /71(' .<:-ll'eri.'i J and olhtT lJlo('cR. (1dd lo!' destruction rHo!(,l'i(11s 1C71ic71 7!llre the scat to be not mOTe than one inch /ruil or fHI. from the unc1ers;r1e of the scat. No person sll:c11 se]] or fOT sale in an'." market, A sonic.o or trap·,lf)or to be fitted to onable ,,,archollsC', shop, strcet, or place, any fruit or fish the pan to be readily "'ithc1rawn from which is diseased or unwholesome, and any fruit or fish outside. 1070 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. [APRIL 24, 1908.

Unless the floor is constructed of impervious SCHEDULE " E." materials, a metal safe or tray to be Schecl71le of Charges f01' Sanitary Work, R1lbbish Remo- placed under the pan, so laid and fitted val, etc. . that any spillage or leakage from the pan shall be received by it, and be dis­ 1. For the removal, cleansing, carting, and replacing eharged over amI clear outside of the sill cach pan within the district of the Local Boan1 of of the service door frame. Health: At per pan, (e.) He shall cause every urina 1 erected upon his 2.B'or the removal and disposing of slops: From 100 premises to be so constructed that all urine to :SOO gallons per month, 2s. 611. per 100; from 500 to deposited therein shall be conducted to a re­ 1,000 gallons per month, 2s. pel' 100; over 1,000 gallons movable impervious receptacle of approved per month, ] s. 9el. per 100. dimensions and manufacture, or to a septic tank, cesspool, or other approved system of i1. 1"01' the remoyal and disposal of trade refuse, i.e" drainage. rcfuse which may IUtYe accumulated on any premises frolll or through any business, manufacture, or trade BY-LAW. No. 34. carried on on such premises: At per cubic yard or per For the prevention of the 11se of stemn whistles at fac­ load, 4s. G,l. tories, other establishments, so as to be a nuisance m· 4. For the rellloyal and disposal of household refuse: to any pe1·son. At per calen(la)" month, No person, or owner, or occupier of any factory or other establishment shall use, or cause or suffer or per­ mit to be used, any steam whistle so as to be a nuisance scrmDl.JLE " F." to any person. BY-LAW No. 35. F())"1n ot" application {or rc[!isiration of 1Jer80118 ca·rrying on the t;-ade o/' eOlckccllcr, ila irym an, or YJ7iTveYOT For IJ1·eventing· any person expectorating on any made oj" milk. footpath in any street or p1lblic place, or on any building to which the 1mb lie have access, or any ap- ~'1111 name and address of applicant 1)1·oach the1'eto, 01' on any 1Yli.l1vay ca1Tiage, t1Yl11lCar, 'l'l'nde ill resJlcet oj' which registra- or 0"the1· p1lblie conveyance. tion is (lcsi red No person shall expectorate on any made footpath in 'frado or firm name any street or public place, or in any building to which Situatioll. of dairy premise!;! .. the public have access or any approach thereto, or on Area of Jawl attached to dairy any railway carriage, tramcar, motor car, or other pub­ pn:mises lic conveyance. Area of grazing land Situation and description of grazing BY-LAW No. 36. laud Penalties fm' breaches of By-laws. Source of mLtcr supply for til(' n;ilk­ Where anything in these By-laws of the Local Board of ing her(1 .. Health is directed to be clone or forbidden to be done, or S011roe of water supply for domestic where authority is given to any officer of theirs to direct use anything to be done or to forbid anything to be done, and Number of cO\ys in respect of ,,·hich such act so directed to be done remains undone or such registration is sought .. act forbidclen to be done is done, in every such case the District or locality in which milk is person making default as to such direction and prohibi­ pun-eyed . tion respectively shall be deemed guilty of a breach of Area of paved floor in the milking this part of the said By-laws. And every person guilty of shed, anil nature of paYing a breach of this part of the said By-laws not otherwise 1\1'0:1 of unpaye(l floor in milking specially provided for by or under the authority hereof shed shall be liable, for every such offence, besides any costs Length an(l size of drains connected or expenses which may be incurred in the taking of pro­ wit.h the floors of the milking ceedings against such person guilty of such offence, as she<1 well as any costs or expenses which may be incnrred in :\{otho,l of (Iisposal of drainage of remedying such default as particularly provided for in stables "The Health Act, 1898," to a penalty not exceeding ten lVIetho(l of disposal of manure and pounds for every breach of any such By-law, or to a refuse penalty not exceeding five pounds for each ilay during Describe huildings in which milk and which such breach shall be committed or continued; but milk yessels are kept.. the justices before whom any penalty imposed hereby is General '[0scrintion of dairv build­ sought to be recovered may order the whole or part only ings, and their rclatiY8 situation (not being less than five shillings) of such penalty to be to other Imihlings paid. Signntme of Applicant- By-laws Nos. 2, 3, 12, 15, 16, and 21, amI Schedule " A" published in the Government Gazette of 11th JliIay, Date ...... 1900, are hereby cancelled.

SCHEDUI~E " D." Ry Ol'(lCl" of the Day D~nYn Local Boarc1 of Health. S('/l(x171Ie of RC.l1istration Fees for Persons carrying on "tiLe "tJ'ade of a Cowkecz>er, Da.iryman, or Pllrveyor of P. S'J'UAR'l', MUle. Secretaey. (a.. ) Any person keeping cows to t,l18 number of- 11th March, 1908. £ s. d. 1. Not more than two, a fee of 0 2 6 ~. More than two but not more than T c0rtify that this By-law is not contrary to law. fin', n fee of 0 3 6 il. More than five but not marc than NOH-REm'L' KE]~NAN, eight, a fcc of 0 4 6 Attorney GeneraL 4. More than eight but not more than twelyc, a fcc of 0 6 0 5. ]I'lore than twelve but not more Confirl1led by the Central Board of Health for the than fifteen, a fcc of 0 7 6 Rtatc of \VpsiPl"ll A nstralia this 19th (lay of :iYlarch, 1908. 6. :More than fifteen but not more than twenty, a fee of 0 10 0 J<'. ,J. HUE LIN, 7. More than twenty but not more Secretary. than twenty-six, a fee of 0 12 6 8. JliIore than twenty-six but not more than thirty-five, a fee of .. 0 15 0 "\ Plll·Oyed hy II is I

No. 12759.-C.8.0. (c.) He shall keep every such receptacle as aforesaid in BY-LAWS OF THE CLAREMONT LOCAL BOARD such place or position as the Inspector may direet, and so as to be convenient for the removal of the OF HEALTH. content.s thereof. Colonial Secretary's Office, (d.) He shall cause every such receptacle as aforesaid to 1841/1908. Perth, 10th April, 1908. be emptied at least once a week, or as often as tbe HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has. been pleased Board may direct. to approve the following By-laws made by the Claremont (e.) He shall, after notice from the Inspector, and within Local Board of Health. the time stated in such notice, replace by a new and F. D. NORTH, approved receptacle any receptacle that the Inspector Under Secretary. may deem to be worn out or unfit for use. (f.) He shall cause the contents of every such receptacle to be removed at least once a week, or so much PART I.-GENERAL. more frequently as the Board may from time to WHEREAS by "The Health Act, 1898," and the L\.cts amend­ time direct, to the depot set apart for the reception of refuse, and there forthwith effectually destroy the ing the same, the Local Board of Health has power to make contents by burning, or completely burying the By-laws: Now, therefore, in pm'suance of tbe powers in same at least six inches under the surface of the that behalf contained in the said Act and the Acts amend­ ground. ing the same, the Local Board of Health doth hereby make the following By-laws :- BY-LAW No.3. Interpretation. For regulating the times and manner of the cleansing, emptying. The following words in these By-laws shall be interpreted and managing of earth-closets, privies, cesspools, and places a.s follows:- for the deposit of nightsoil, offal, blood, or other refuse "Offensive material" means and includes dust, mud, matter, etc. ashes, rubbish, filth, blood, offal, manure, dung, (a.) The occupier of any premises shall once at least in soil, or any other material which is ofl'ensive, col­ every week cleanse every earth-closet or privy be­ lected, placed, or found in or about any house, stable, longing to such premises, and he shall at such cow house, pigsty, lane, yard, street, or place what­ time cause the floor, seat, and riser of every such suever. earth-closet or privy to be thoroughly clear-sed. " House refuse" means and includes all rubbish or waste (b.) He shall at least. once a week thoroughly cleanse materials. every receptacle or place UpOll his premises used " Closet" means anJ inclUdes water-closets, earth-closets. for the deposit of offal, blood, or other refuse matter. and privies. (c.) Every person transporting nights oil, offal, blood, or • Approved" means approved by the Local Board other offensive matter shall use for the purpose " Foundation" means the selid ground or artificially efficient, impervious, and air-tight receptacles, and formed support on which the footings of a wall rest. so constructed as to prevent the escape of any of the contents thereof, or of any noxious or offensive o Occupier" means the inhabitant occupier of any land, or, if there be no inhabitant occupier, tbe person odours or effluvia therefrom whilst in transit, and entitled to the possession thereof, and shall include he shall adopt such other precautions as may be necessary to prevent the emission of noxious or offen­ leaseholder, or holder under agreement for lease. sive odour or effluvium therefrom, and the trans­ " Board» means the Local Board of Health for the ported material shall not be deposited in any place District of ClarealOnt. within the district other than the place set apart by the Board for that purpose. BY-LAW No.1. (d.) No person shall remove nightsoil or urine, whether Regulating the removal of dust, mud, ashes, rubbish, {ilth, blood. mixed with other substances or not, from any place offal, manure, dung, or soil collected, placed, or found in or depot duly authorised for tbe reception, utilisa­ or about any house, stable, cowhouse, pig&ly, lane, yard, tion, or deposit of the same without first subjecting street, or place whatsoever. such nightsoil or other matter to a heat of not less (a.) The occupier or owner of every house or premises than 212 degrees Fahrenheit for not less than thirty shall at least once a week remove therefrom all minutes, and then only with tbe consent, in writing, offensive material found in or about. such house or of the Board. premises. (e.) Every person depositing nightsoil, offal, blood, or (b.) He shall cause such offensive materia! to be conveyed other offensive material in any depot duly appointed to such places as may from time to time be appointed for that purpose shall deposit such material in a by the Board. trench not exceeding four feet in depth, and shall (c.) Every person who shall convey any offensive material immediately after making any such deposit cover through or along any street tJr lane shall, previous it completely with a layer of clean earth not less to and during the whole time of such conveyance, than nine inches thick. cause such offensive material to be covered with a suitable deodorant, or shall adopt such other pre­ BY-LAW No.4. cautions as may be necessary to prevent the emission of noxious or offensive odours or effluvium therefrom, For the rendering the foundation of any new building and the and the same shall not be deposited in any place ground over which such building is to be placed dry, sound, other than the place set apart by the Board for and well drained, so that no water soakage shall lodge there that purpose. from the drainage of buildings. (d.) He shall, for the purpose of such removal, in every (a,) Every person who shall erect a new building shaIl case use or cause to be used a suitable vessel or cause the intended site of any such building to be receptacle, cart., or vehicle, properly constructed and properly and thoroughly drained; he shall also furnished with a sufficient covering so as to preven t cause any soakage or drainage from the adjoining the escape of the contents thereof. sites or buildings to be completely diverted from (e.) If, in the process of such' removal, any person shall the site of such new building. slop or spill or cause or allow to fall upon any foot­ (b.) He shall cause the whole top surface of every foun­ way, pavement, carriage-way, or public place any dation waIl of such new building to be completely such offensive material, he shall forthwith remove covered with an approved damp course composed such offensive material from the place whereon the of impervious and durable materials. same may have been slopped or spilled or may have fallen, and shall immediately thereafter thoroughly (c.) He shall cause such damp course to be placed beneath cleanse such place. the level of the lowest timbers of the lowest floors of such new building, and if any breaks are made BY-LAIV No.2. in the horizontal layers of the damp course such Requ-iring the occupiers of houses or premises to provide boxes breaks shall be properly connected with damp-proof or other specified receptacles for the temporary deposit of material. house refuse. (d.) He shall cause every part of an external wall of such (a.) The occupier of every house or premises shall, on building which is below the surface of the ground written notice from the Inspector, and within adjoining it and above the damp course to be sufficiently protected from contact with the ground the time specified in such notice, provide such by rendering such part with some approved imper­ and so many eovered receptacles and of the vious material, such rendering to extend for three dimensions a.nd ma.terials required by the Board inches above the surface of the ground ana. th ree for the temporary deposit of house refuse. inches below the horizontal damp course. (b.) The occupier of such house or premises shall daily collect all house refuse from such premises and place BY·LAW No.5. the same in the receptacles, and he shall not permit !lqq!liring all existing cesspools to be cleansed and filled up, etc. or suffer any sucli receptacle to overflow. be left uncovered, or become offensive; and shall, when (a.) The owner or occupier of any premises upon which necessary or when Jirected by the Inspector or there is an existing cesspool shall, within a calendar officer of the Board. thoroughly cleanse and disinfect month after the service of a notice from the Inspector the same forthwith. requiring the cleansing and filling up of such cess- 1072 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, VV.A. [APRIL 24, 1908.

pool, remove or cause to be removed from any such m"y be deposited in the pan nsed in connection with such cesspool all nightsoil, urine, filth, or other offensiYe closet to he immediately cleodorisecl with a suffieient matter that may be therein, and therellpon com­ quantity of 811(:h disinfectant,. rleteiy fill'such cesspool with approved material. (h.) No cesspool shall be deemed to be constructed and BY-LAW No.9. situated as required by these By-laws unless it is constructed in accorrlance with the requirements [i'ixing the cha.rge for the removal of trade or /l07l8e refuse. set. out in Schedule" Q," and situated at jpast 20 feet (a.) The charge on 3,n), OWller or Occllpier by any from any dwelling. licensed person renloying trade or hO·U88 refuse shall be as set out in Schedule" A." flY-LAW No.6. for ench closet the 8llpply of a sufficient number of BY-LA W 1\0. 11). receptacles for excrementitious ,natter, etc. Detenninh1..g to u;horn and on u:hat conditiotlF, liceJ1.ses to rerHO'l:e (a.) Every owner of a closet shall provide in connec­ 71ir;htsoil shall be ·issued. tion with such eioset one or more receptae1es for excrementitious matter, as required by the (".) s!lall not loe issued to any Board. He shall cause such receptacles to be c"n­ two approyed sureties strtlcted out of not lass than 22-gauge galvanisbd of his duties. iron, and the dimensions of such receptacles shall (b.) be 141 inches high, 1:1i\- inches diameter (inside measurement) when completed. The ring around the top to be made of 1-inch by i-inch iron, with BY-LAW Xu. ll. fOllr holes punched at equal distances arart, and I m)1osin 9 penO-lUes 011 lil( tlf-:tr'S lor breach of COl1(NtiOrlS, riveted to the body so as to fit same neatly, and Le Eyery licensed carry out the requirements of le'·el across the top; the seams of the body shall • The Ilealth Act, arnondrnents, and of these By .. (,e folded and g-ro(wed and sweated with solder, two la,ws in relation and silall forfeit and pay the straps to be put acr"ss the bottom of the pan made penalties set out ) .. for any breach of the con- of 20-g-ang-e galvanised hoop iron It inches wide, ditions therein and swaged and 1'ivoted to the bottom. Handles made of ~-illch round iron shall be properly secured BY-LA W :.10. 12. to the external opposite sides of the body at fiyc inches below the top of the hody, and projecting- not [i'or the mode ol c(1,rri(1;7f: to be observed in more than 2 inches from the Eide thereof. carryill (J '{neat blltl'hers' shops o·r premises; ul.'JO (u/{I precavi'iol1s (f). ) I':ven' owner of a waeer-closet shall provide such elosei witl; an approved earthenware pedestal, fitted with tu be olJfierz'(:(Z 7: n all proper traps, vents. and flushing- tanks. (a.) Every perst>ll wIll) siwJI ur surl'er or pennit to be (;arripd. any any abattoir BY-LA W No.7. or butcher·s shop, or or cal1se or !J,derrll ill illfj tlte mode and frequency of re1noval of such receptacl{;.~ suffer or IlPrmit to ('an-ied. or fruit. shall (J lid the digposal of the contents. cause such mea I. or carried in a properly covered receptaclp, (II•. ) j.;very person removing a rec.eptacle from a cloe(·t shall at once cover the same with an approved tight so as to be COIlljlll"',el weather, titting lid, and upon every such removal shaH place dust. flies. or rarefillly in the panstead of the. closet a cleansed (0.) pan of the pattem described in By.law (i, in lieu of the pan eelIloved. (ll.) Ilpshall then remove the closed pan in a cart or other approved ,ahicle to the depot, and there­ upon dispose of the contents of the pan in the manner prescribed in paragraph (e) of By-law BY-LA IV :\0. l:l. Nt>. :1. For th" Board aU penWl1S (e.) !<:"ery occllpier shall at least once in every week cause "ach e\ose! pan with its contents to be removed. a.) (d.) I [e shnil, if more than six and not more than ten persons nse such closet, cause each doset pan with its contents to be removed at least twice a week. ie.) I Ie shall. if more than ten and not more than fifteen nel'Snns use sll-0h closet, C::1use the pl1ll to be rOlnoved ~t least three limes a week. lIe shall, if more than fifteen and not lllore than twenty persons use such closet, cause the pan to be rernoved niqhtly. I Ie shall not permit any closet on his premises to be used by more than twenty persons. (II.) All premises licensed under the provisions of the (0.) Wines. Beer, and Spirits Sale Act, and any amend- ment thereof. shall be provided with double the snnitary accommodation required by these By-laws in respect of Iw;vate premises. BY-LAW :'10. 14. (i.j Every occupier shall cltuse the receptacle to be For 'milk stons, 1llilh rell}(.ved from each doset so much more fre­ quently than is prescribed previously in this (a.) No perSUll shall carry O)j By-law as the llcmrd may from time to time the interior face uf the (lire,"t. other buiJdillg' or part If) Every occupier shall cause to be kept in each closet carries on his trilde are SlllOiltll und iU1pe)"viuus a sllliicient snpply of approved deodorant, and means throughout. nor un)(;ss the c8iling-s shall be pror;eriy for using- the same, and shall cause all nightsoil or ceiled, nor unless tlle floors shall [;e hard, smooth, other matter which may be deposited in the pan and inlPorvio1l8 throughuut. of 811,.,h closet to be immediately deodorised with (b.) lIe shall not carry the of a baker uIllc&.; t.he a snHicient quantity thereof. bakehouse ur ur part of a building: which he purposes of his trade is BY-LAW No.8. properly and ventilated by perman.ent fi'.ix·ing the charge which may be made for removing each inlets and oulieta, communicating- directly ,,-ith the rrceptaclf a.nd replacing it by a clean one, and for any other outer air, in snch a way and at such a height as to sanitary service. prevent the entrallce- intu the bakehouse 01' suell \a.) The charge made by any licensed person for removing other premises of dllst and dirt. nightsoil receptacles and replacing them by clean (c.) :\0 bakehouse or other buil

(f.) He shall cause all the inside surfaces of the walls or (b.) He shall also cause such receptacle to be constructed his bakehouse, or of anY other building or part of a in such a manner, and of such rnateri",ls and to be building occupied by Lim for the purposes of his rnaintuined at all times in such a condition as to trade. and all the ceilings thereof, whether such walls prevent any escape oi the contents thereof, or any or ceilings he plasterer! or nor., to be either properly soakag'e therefrolll into the ground or into the wall painted or washed with lime or other approved of any building. material, or to be partly painteci or partly washed: (c.J He shall cause such receptacle to be furnished with a and where limewash isnsed, he shall canse the same suitable COl'er, and when not required to be open, to be renewed every six 'months, or oitener, if so re­ to be kept properly covered or roofed in. qnired by the [nsp~ctor, and where paint is used, be shall cause the same to be thoroughly cleapsed at (d.) lIe shall likewise, when so ordered by the Board, least once in every six rnonths. or 0ttener, If so re­ prol"idp , in cunnection with such building or prE­ quired bv the Inspector; a'lr! the painting shaH l)c mises, a suf!icient drain constructed in such a manner renewed ,vhenever' required b~' the Board. and or snch materials and maintained at all times ill suell a condition as ef-fectuallv to ('OllY0V all l.lrirle (fl.) He shall C',\lSe the whole tbe premises wherein he or liquid filth. or liquid refuse t!Jprefro;D into a carries on his trade to and thoroughly se\yer, itnpen'ious sump, or other proper receptacle, cleansed at lease once a he S}HLlI, at least and he shall nut suffer or permit such sump or once in every wGek, callse to be thorough~ receptacle to fn"erflow or hecorne o"ffensh·e. ly cleansed.- (e.) He shall also, when so ordered by the Board. pro­ BY-LAW '\;0. 15. vide in connection with such building- or oremises }lor prescribing the ti7ne of and the to be taken on a sufficient 0001" UpOJl which any such anin'lal shall the removal of pigl£a.eh and filthy matier. be stalled, alld suchtloor shall be constructed in suell a 111i1nner and of such n1ateriuls and nlahl­ (a.) .Ko person sball any' pig-wash or other filthy rained at all times in s11ch a condition as efi"ectuall I" matter hetween of () a.m. and 8 p.m. to COllyey all urine or liquid f;lth falling' or deposite{1 ('J.) He shall not remove any pi,:;-wash otbet' filthy thereon to the drain aforesu,id. matter. unless such pig-wash or Iuatter Lf~ (f.) lIe slmll also cause all dung, soil, filth .. or other carried' in water-tight barrels or tanks securely offensive or noxious m"'tter to be collected daily and eov8red to prevent the of finV of the content.s placed in the receptacle described ill paragraplis (u), thereof. or the emission any offen"sive odour there- (b), (c). and (d) of this By-law, and he shall ]lot from. permit or Rllfr(1r such receptacle to overflow or (c.) He shall cause every tank or barrel used for the reo becorne offensiY8. Inoval of any pig-wash or filthy IDaHor, and eyery (g.) He shall at least Once il: every week remo\'e or cause conveyanc<, or vehicle used for the carriag-e or remm-al to be remoyeJ from the receptacles prm'ided in accord­ of u,r{v snch nlfLtt81' as aforesajd to be kf'pt in a an0~ with the requirements of this By-law, all dllng', thor01;g-hly dN1n condition. and in g-ood repair. manure. urine, soil, filth, or other offensive or noxiollS BY-LAW No. 16. matter produced in or upon such building or premi,;es and deposited in such receptacles. !"or the cleansing of all vchides and other things lIsed for the carriaae of meat to (wd from aJJattoirs, butchers' ,hops, BY-LAW No. 21. and other places. Defining an area· within which slcine may not be kept, a71d de­ (a.) Every person who shall carry, OJ' cause or sufIer or term'Z:nA~1Jg the conditions under 1J)hich su;i'ne may be lapt permit to be carried, any to and in)!)) any in a.ny part of the district. abatt0ir, b1!tcIJP"'s shop, or place, shall callse (a.) No person shall keep any swine witl,in 100 feet of the vehicle, Lasket, or other receptacle ill \vllicll slIch any dweHing- house, ntilking shed, Illllk roonl, ()1" meat is carri8(1, to he first trlorollg:h1y cleu,J]se(\, and ","y bll;Jding- within which food intended for human kept at flll times i11 a thoroughly clean l'ondic.ion. consumption is prepared Or stored. (I,.) lIe shall Ent i'ermit sl1ch meat to be wrapped or en­ (b.) The conditions under whi(,h swine may be kept veloped in allY rnatprioJ, unless 8u811 'wrapper or sh",ll be tlir)se embodied in the By-laws for pig·geries. envelope is [lorfeetiy dean and suitable. BY-LAW No. 22. BY-L,W '\;0. 17. For the prewntion of danger to the pubric from manufactories il'!),. the precf1utions to (H~ tukclI ,in or places for the storage, keeping, or sale of inflammable in 1:ehicle:;,. and other nil/U'''' materials. nnd thr: UJay in u)hich slich (a.) .K 0 person OCCll pying any building or premises sil ali (a.) Every person sha.!i or store, keep, or hold for sale any dangeronsly in­ Denni t to be flammable materials in excess of 20 cubic feet in ~()ther thin2' measurement, unless such materials are enclosed or rnit or sut-Fer (} surrounded hy fireproof walls, covered by a fireproof vehicle or or J'()of, and are placed On a fireproof Ooor. which has (h.) Any person who, after four hours' notiee from an dUng', filth, or any Inspector, shall neglect to remove from any building if:.) lIe shaH not. suft'er or any person who is sufrer w or premises occupied by him any inflammable material ing trOll1 or infectious disease, or 'who kept or stored in contrayention of the preceding is dirty to in the carriage, handling, or provisious shall be guilty of an olfence against this packh;g of [l,rticie. By-law. i(') rIe shall cause all such articles, whilst being calTif'd BY-LAW No. 23. to a purchaser. to he pr'lperly protected from con­ tamination For the disinfection of (Lnri the prevention of nuisance or injury to health from poultry yards, rags, or other materials used BY-LAW ;')0. 18. or stored in marine stores, flock, or bedding, or fllrnitllre [for the prevenIion of the su.1e diseased and unwholesome fruit 'manufactor£e,"L or fish in 1narkets.. · .')lio]Js, streets, {Lud other (a.) No person shall keep any poultry yard within 25 nla(,fr.:, nnd for the destrudion cases and packing rnater·ial:-; feet of a dwelling house, or so as to be a nuisance ;1)hich ha1;e cOTdn,ined or ,~InT01Uld('d such fruit or figh. or injnriolls to health. No person shall sell or for sale in any market, ware- (b.) .Every person who shall keep a poultry ) ard shall hOllS!?, ShOD, street, or any fruit or fish \vhiel! js keep sl1ch yard ill. a clean condition, and shall at dise:l,secl or unwholesome, "'ny fruit or fish which in tbe least once a week or oftener if so required by the ;)pinion of an fnspector is . or nrtv."'holeson18 shall. he Inspector, c»liecL and remove all dung or other ,L3stroved as the Inspector fl1::ty (l!n~('t. and all cases or padong offensive matt0r therefrom, and effectu",lly disinfect lnaterlal in \";"hieh such diseased or lln\yholesOlne fruit or fish the surface of the yard, and all structures, boxes, was C!ontained nf surronuded shall aiso be destroyed as the perches, fences, or incubators that may be thereon r nspector mn,y direct. or therein with lime or other approved disinfectan t. iW-L\ W ;';0. 1,). (c.) Every person using or storing rags or other materials POI' the preve11tion of the siora;;e or keeping of bone-dust, etc. in marine stores, flock. bedding, or furniture manu­ factories, shall keep or store the same so as not to :-10 person shall store or keep any hone-dust or artificial or be a nuisance or injurious to health. )tiler lnanure so as to be a. nuisancq or injl~rious to health, (d.) lIe shall, whene\'er required so to do by an Inspector, BY-LAW No. ::!il. disinfect any such materials on the premises in or For the prevention of the keeping of 1Lnimals of any kind 80 upon which such materials are kept or stored in as to be a n'11isanre or injurioHs to health. the manner directed by the Inspector. I:(L.) Every owner or occupier of a bnilding or pren1ises BY-LAW No. 24. whe~ein or whereon an}, or other beast of drallg-ht or burden, OJ' any swine, or other For regulaiing the 11Osition aneI manner of constn!ction animals of allY ];ind llln,y !,e shall j1l"m-ic]o in of pri·vics, earth-closets, ancl cesspools or urinals. ['(J1l11Pction with ~!tch building' or prelnises a suitable (II.) .Ko PPl'S(lll shall ereet any earth-closet, privy, rp(,8ptacle for dllnQ', manllrc. soil. filth, or other oA-'ensiye or noxious rnattrr IHay. frOB) tinle cesspool, or urinal within 20 feet of any to timf', be nrodncPd in flip (,f anY s"ch (In-ciling-home, or within 50 feet of any weli, animal in such building or upon sncb prs;Di,es. stream, or reservoir. 1074 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [APRIL 24, 1908.

(b.) No person shall erect any earth-closet, privy, or fishmonger's shop, laundry, or dunghill, to escape or urinal, the walls of which are not of stone, and flow upon any street. footway. lane, public place, wood, wood and iron, brick, or other approved or land. material. Ventilating outlets shall be also Ii.) He shall cause all such offensive matters to be placed constructed in each such closet, as near the in approved covered receptacles, and disposed of as ceiling as practicable, and each such outlet prescribed in By-law 7 shall be not less than 50 square inches in BY-LAW !\'o. 28. area. For preventing any person e.rpectorating on any made footpath (c. ) He shall provide every such earth -closet or in any street or pu/;lic place. or on any building to which privy with a proper roof, floor, and door, and the public have access, or any approach tnereto, or on any the door shall be hung so that its bottom railway carriage, tramcar, or othel' public conveyance. No person shall expectorate 011 any made footpath in any edge is at least three inches above the floor. street or public place, or in any building to which the public (d.) He shall cause every earth-closet or privy upon have access or any approach thereto or On any railway carriage, his premises to be fitted in the following tramcar, or other public conveyance. manner:- BY-LAW No. 29. The seat to be hinged so as to lift up for And generally for the abatement and l)revention of nuisances inspection and cleansing. not hereinbefore specified, and for seeudng the health f Illness The riser to be removable and not to come of the district and of its inhabitants. within three inches of the floor. (a.) All receptacles required by "The He:11th Act, 1898," Guide bars to be inserted so as to insure the or under these By-laws, shall be kept ill good repair and in an inoffensive condition, by the householder, pan being placed in exact position. occupier, or pemon having the custody or use of The top of the pan when in position under them. the seat to be not more than one inch (b.) In the event or death, or any accident necessitating from the nnderside of the seat. the slaughter of any horse, cattle, sheep, or other animal, the carcase of such animal shall, if ordered A service or trap door 0 to be fitted to enable the pan to be readily withdrawn from by the Inspector, be removed to the depot, and there thoroughly burned, destroyed. or properly outside. buried by the owner or person in charge of such Unless the floor is constructed of impervious animal. materials, a metal safe or tray to be (c.) No person shall burn any offal, rags, clippings, or placed under the pan, so laid and fitted parings of leather, or allY offensive matter, so as to that any spillage or leakage from the pall be offensive to any person or resident in the shall be received by it, and be discharged neighbourhood of such burning. over and clear outside of the sill of the (d.) No foul or offensive water. or other offensive or service door frame. pntrescible liquid. and no garbage, sweepings, or other offensive matter or thing shall be pumped. (e. ) He shall cause every urinal erectecl upon his emptied, Bwept, thrown, or otherwise discharged or premises to bo so constructed that all urine deposited in or upon any street, l:,ne, yard, vacant cleposited therein shall be conducted to a land. or other place whether publie OJ' private, other removable impervious receptacle of approved than the place set apart by the Board for that dimensions and manufacture, or to a septic purpose. tank, cesspool, or other approvecl system of BY-LA \Y No. :lO. drainage. T hat a pan cleansed by superheated steam or some equally (t.) He shall cause every cesspool erected upon his efficient means fLpproved 7111 the Board be left h, its place. premises to be constTUcted of impervious and (a.) Every nightman or contractor for the removal of clurable materials, and iu the mallner pre­ nightsoil shall cause every closet pan, after the dis­ soribed ill Schedule « E." posal of its contents. to be thoroughly cleansed in a steam-tight box or chamber with superheated steam o BY-LAW No. 25. of a temperature not less than 28u I"., and a superheat of not less than 400 1i'., snch steam to [i'or the 1Jrevention of the use of steam whistles at factories, be applied to the pan for not less than two minutes; or other establishments. so as to be a nuisance to any should the steam from any cause be of less tem­ person. peratnre. its application to the pan must be pro­ No person, or owner, or' occupier of any factory or other portionally prolonged, but in no case shall the establishment shall use, or cause or suffer or permit to be used, temperature of the steam in the box or chambe, any steam whistle so as to be a nuisance to any person. be used for cleansing purposes if below 2120 F., and then the pan shall be subjected to its application BY-LAW No. 26. for not less than 15 minutes; or (/).) He may cleanse every sncll pan in the following S pecifuing the time which may elapse between the giving of a manner :- :l,ati~e :;:,nd the doing of a thing required by the Inspector. By thoroughly washing ana scrubbing in water. (a.) In the case of any notice given. by an Inspector under then rinsing in clean water, ami finally Section lG9 of "The lIealth Ad, 18fl8," the time immersing- the pan in a bath of disinfecting which shall elapse between the giving of a notice and solution of a strength equal in germicidal compliance therewith, shall, if the notice relates to the value to a. five per cent. solution of pnre removal of stagnant water, be two working days, carbolic acid for not less than five minutes: or and when the notice requires the removal of manure, B,' thoronghly cleansing and disinfecting in some dung, soil, or other offensive or noxious matter, the other approved manner. time which shall elapse shall be one working day. (c.) He shall cause the internal surface of every closet pan (b.) Under By-law 2, paragraph (a), seven days shall be and the underside of the tight-fitting lid to be allowed, under paragraph (b), one day, and under properly coated with coal-tar that has been twice paragraph (c), two days sh"Jl be allowed for com­ boiled, and he shall renew such coating whenever pliance. necessarY and so as to properly protect the whole Under By-law 5, one calendar month shall be internal'surface of the pan and the underside of allowed for compliance. the lid. Under By-law 14, paragraph (f), 48 hours shall be allowed for the renewal of Iimewashing, and BY-LAW No. 3l. seven days for the renewal of painting or That individual householders shall not contract for the removal varnishing. of either nightsoil or any other refuse except in accordance Under By-law 18, diseased or unwholesome fish or with the By-laws and regulations of the Board. frnit shall be destroyed within four hours, the No individual householder shall contract for the removal of cases and packing material within twenty­ nightsoil or any other refuse except with the person licensed four hours. by the Board and in accordance with these By-laws. Under By-law 22, paragraph (b), the time allowed shall be four hours. BY-LAW No. 32, Under By-law 23, paragraph (d), the time allowed 2'hat all buildings be provided with spouting, downpipes, and shall be 2,t hours. drains SUfficient to carry otr all storm or rain water. BY-LAW No. 27. (a.) Everv owner shall cause, when so orclered by the -Board, all builclings upon his premises to be ~'or preventing nuisances arising from any offensive matter provided with spouting and downpipes sufficient to in or running out of any manufactory, brewery, sla'lghter­ receive without overflowing all rain water flowing house, knacker's yard, butcher's or fishmonger's shop, laundry, iuto them. or dunghill. (b.) He shall canse all such spouting to be fixed to the la.) No owner, occupier, or other person shall suffer or eaves of every roof of every building on his premises permit any offensive matter from any manufactory, so that all rain water flowing from the roof shall be brewery, slaughter-house, knackor's yard, bntcher's received by such eaves gntters. APRIL 24, 1908.J GOVERNMENT UAZETTE, W.A. 1075

(c.) He shall MUse proper downpipes to be fixed to each SCHEDULE "C." building- and connected to the eaves g-uttBrs as shall Construction of Cesspools. be sufficient for preventing overflolv from the said gutters. 1. Ii for the reception of nightsoil, or.)f liquid or other wastes from any establishment corning under Section 146 of "The (d.) He shall, in connection with his premise", provide Health Act, 18,)8," the construction must be the same as for and lay such proper drains and with such falls as an apprm-ed septic tank installation. shall be sufficient to carry ofr from such premises 2. For all other purposes the cesspool must be provided all storm or rain water, and he shall maintain all with an air-tight cover, an inlet pipe for fresh air and an outlet such spouting, downpipe~, 3,nd drains in g-ood order pipe of the same diameter carried above the level of th" rid~e and efficient action. 0f the 1")01. Neither pipe shall be less than four inches II! diameter. BY-LAW No. :3:3. (a.) Where the soil is not suitable for rapid soakage, or Penalties for breaches of By-laws. is likely to permit accumulation of liquids, the walls and floor shall be made impervious and absolutely Where anything is by this part of the By-Jaws of the Local water-tig-ht. Board of Health directed to be done or forbidden to be done, (b.) Tn other cases the waDs shall be so constructed as or where anthority is given to any ol11cer of theirs to direct to permit soakage and prevent the earth falling anything to be done or to forbid anything- to be done, and such in. act so directed to De done remains undone or such act for­ bidden to be rione is done, in every such case the person making­ :L ".: I) cesspool shall be connected directly with any house default as to such direction and prohibition respecti"ely $hall or rain ,,-ater tank., but shall be disconnected by approved gully be deemed guilt v of a breach oi this part of the s

SCHfI;D ULl;~ " A • II c shall place the substituted pan in its proper position for use, and the p~malty for each Schecl·gle of Clw"rues for Sa,nilwl'Y lVo?'I;, H'nubisll Hemorctl, hreach shall not be more than 0 5 0 etc. He shall thoroughly cleanse and disinfect all ;; E. d. pans, night carts or other vehicles, and 1. For the removal, cleanslng, carting, and replacing each the penalty for each breach shall not be Dan within the district of the Local Board of Health: more than 0 5 0 At per. pan lie shall properly dispose of nightsoil as soon 2. For the removal and disposing of slops: At per 20 ga!1Ol:;J fW it is deposited at the depot, and the 3. For the removal and. disposal of urine: At per 20 gallon.;: penalty for each breach shall not be more '1. For the removal and disposal of trade refuse, i.e., refuse which may have accumulated on any premises' from or than 05D through any business, manufacture or trade carried on i Ie shall not deposit any nightsoil, slops, on such premises: At per eubie yard Or per load .. or other offensive matters at any other 5. lIor the removal and disposal of household refuse: At place than the place appointed by the per calendar month Board, and the penalty for each breach shall not be more than 2 0 0 He shall close the door or gate of any yard, Or other means of ingress or egress used by the nightm:m or his employees, or the .sCHEDULE" 1>.' door or trap of any closet, and tbe penalty Form of appl·ic(LUon for registration of persons carrying on the for each breach shall not be more than . _ I) ;; 0 trltde of cowkceper, d(~irYlnan, or purreyor vi" n"ilk. j Ie shall not permit any night-cart or other vehicle used for removing nightsoil to remain in or pass through the townsite B'ull name and address of applicant or any part thereof between the hours of Trade in respect of which registration 6 a.m. and 11 p.m., and the penalty for is desirc(t each breach shall not be more than (J 1 () 0 Trade or finn name Situation of ,lairy prerniSGs J I" sIwJI cleanse all public latrines in the manner Area of land attached to dairy premises and at the time appointed for so doing, .-\rea of grazing land and the penalty for each breach shall not Situation and description of grazing be more than 0 5 0 land.. .. ._ ._ I·························· Source of water supply for the rnilking 11 e shall not spill the contents or any part there­ herd _. of of any pan within any premises Or on Source of water sapply for domestic lise any public place, and the penalty for each Number of cows in resped of which breach shall be not more than 0 ;; 0 registration is sought i 10 shall immediately comply with any reason­ District or locamy in whieh milk is able order of the Board or an Inspector, purveyed .. .. ._ .. and the penalty for each breach shall not .\ rea of paved floor in the IniHdng shr:d, be more than 0 5 0 and nature of paving Area of unpa,-ed floor in the "~ilkiu'g' lIe shall replace any pan when so ordered by shed .. the Board or an Inspector, and the penalty Length and size of drains connected for each breach shall not be more than 0 [j 0 with the floors of the milking shed lle shall not allow any refuse, rubbish, or slops ~lethod or disposal of drainage of stables for pigs to be removed in carts or re­ 11ethod of disposal of manure auri ceptacles other than those set apart for refuse ...... that purpose, and the penalty for each Describe buildings in which milk and breach shall not be more than 0 10 0 milk vessels are kept He shall keep or cause to be kept books in accord­ General dE'scription of dairy Duild­ ance with the direction of the Board, ings, and their relative situation and the penalty for each breach shall to other buildings not be more than 0 5 0 lie shall not make any charge for work done Sig-nature of Applicant in excess of the rates specified in Schednle "Ao" and the penalty for each breach Date ...... shall not he more than 0 10 0 1076 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, \V.A. [APRIL "24. 1908.

scmWULl, "K· (g.) The joiners' work throughout is of the soundest SrI,",lule of RegistruUr,,, Fee., for Pereons on the t'rade and plainest character; of :t Cowkceper, Da1:ryman, or lHl1"/Jeyor .llilk. (h.) The extern",l walls are weather proof, the roof (u.) Any person keeping" e()WS to the numher 01- 1Yittertight, and properly furnished wit 11 gut tpr~, £ s. d. spouting, and (l(nYn-pipes; 1. Not In oro tha.n t\yo, a fee or () :2 () (i.) '1'he drainitge of the premises is sufficient and ~. not 11101'e than satisfactory; il ., Ii " (j.) The water supply is a,])1111(ln,nt and w!loh·snnw; not 1110re t1w,n () 4 G (k.) The ahlntiomu'y ~1pplimwes ample and suitahly 4. bnt not mot'e than tlrl'1'angecl, 0 6 () (1.) A lauIlcli-y with ap;)li>wccs sufllcient to clen.nse G, but not 11101'8 than and c1isinfect all th,) buckling", body dothing, 0 7 Ii lincn, napery, ete., of the premises is pl'Ovided; 0 10 0 (m.) At least thrc'e-fifths of the arE'it of the sit,,, >1,1'" 7. more tha'~ unbuilt up,m 'end ;we open to the sky. 8. nl0re BY·LA W No. "1. () 1" (J Up"n the receipt by the Loc"l Bon,rd C' . ever, to nny couditions it u'ay think fit (0 impose with to the lllaxillllJ;ll TllllllLer of patiPllts th;1,t 8h:111 be ill snell 110SpiLtl at one tillH', tlw 1111lnber of cer- nU1'8('::; to l)(~ , i-;lleh hm-lpitn1, and the p(wiorl !\/1' which s.u('h i~ gT;ll1tud.

BY-LA \\' Xn. i). the' State of in the nallIe of as ill the fOl'lll set out in F. ,I. II (J " 13" l1<>roio, nnd shall not be h-rmsfeml,le except with the C()nSl~nt in \\Titing"of the L0cal Boal'lI.

IlOSPl'l'ALS. BY-LA W No. G. itn,l th ..' ,"cis TLu LtH,:al J}u1'1n1i(' hospital if tile urson conduct illg'~..,neh hospital, in p)ll':~n:n}('c' i 11(· 01' ill th(.· snell Hh:111 e J!lllllit. ~tl1Y the' :Glld tbe. of or fail t'o Health does may be t.ho recom-

HjlOn BY-LAW NO.7. be ~7ranflt! i)iul ('OJI! l'ed, j,lOi the 1'{,l'ocotion 0'1' ('(i'1!(c11dlil')'! r;/ Ifl?!! slJch fc(!i,')fY(ti?:on. the inspection, cl-taiJiaue, [food reg1Llaiion of snch Every person cnnt1ut'ting or in chargp of a, private hos­ pital "h[111- [nspeetion. (CL) At all times give access to PV,TY part of such .YP'l,.l' make an promises to the Medicitl Ollieer or Health, sC'l nUl~ in inspector, or any person appointed by the Local Board of He"lth in that behalf, and atIord any such oilic81' all reasonabl,> assist.:t.nce that may, for the purpose of inspection, be required of him, anel shall permit any such 1I1edical Officer to see and examine any patient ill consultation with the medical attendant, Drainage. (b.) Flush and disinfect all drains LlpOll the premises BY-LA,,\, 1\0. :L H.t least once in every day, and cause all such drains to be maintained in good order :tnd efficient Sneh l'{-~g'istl'nti(ll1 811:111 1)ot Ild :{rnnto(t to it11Y Buell itction. (lppliefLllt unless- Good Management. ((( ) (c.) Forthwith provide, anelat all times keep upon such premises, all materiltls and appliances necessary for tho use of the inmates and statI, or that may be directed by the Medical Officer of Health to be fnrnished. (d.) At all times exercise a close personal supervision (u.) of such premises and the persons employed therein, and cause all orders or directions of the medical practitioner in cha.rge for the treatment of [tny inmate to be faithfully and diligently (c, ) and Dot top of ca.rried ont. Sanitary. (e. ) Porth with carry out all orders or directions that (Z. ) so eOl1stl'lletcd as to be readily m?"y be given from time to time by the Inspector relating' to a.ny sitnitary arrangements, the (,',) Tlmt snell collection or disposal of excrem\,ll1titious matters, Ly <.L daHl}' course ""fuse, nud liquid or other wastes. (I.) That nl~~ jnn1 11' si!l'fan:'s qf t.11(~ walls :-L1l<1 t11P ceil­ (/.) At (tIl tim

(g.) At all times keep all housohold linen, hed.;, hed- BY-LAW No. 11. ding', fU1.'l1itu1'8, erockel'YJ cooking and other utensils, u,nd aU things uSl'd 111 the . person eOllchcting a priyate hospih11 shall main- all times it sufficient number of nurses and assistants conduct or of such hospital. tam in such hospital. thoroug'hly clean disinfected.

(h.) Kot permit 1)81'S0118 of different sex('s to oecnpy BY-LAW No. 12. the SHD1B Inal'ried eonples Ot' 'l'he ebss of diseases or cases to bo admitted into m.' children the age of years. treated at any such hospital shall be as follows :-Medical (i.) Not perIllit 11)01'8 tha,n on8 lllHl'l'ied coup1e to cases exeept diphtheria" erysipelas, scarlatina) measles, septicfBlnia; surgical cases except those suffering from oec np3~ the s~nlle 1'OOl1l. erysipebs. (j.) Cause all refuse and condemlled linen or cloth- BY-LAW No, 13. ing to he burnt on the in SHe h a lllanncl' as nla3- be directed fLll Inspector. Penaltiesfor breaches of By-lo,1VS, Where anything is by this part of the By-laws of the (le.) eontain­ Local BOi1,l'el of Health directed to be clolle or forbidden ill!.?: n, disinfectant to he vI' whete authority is (yiyun to any officer of the collection. l'BlllOVal fo~: and of theirs to anything to be done ~r to forbiCt anything an eXCl'elnelltitio~v:; IY1[ttters from infectious 01' to he' dOllO, and such 'oct so dir('cted to be done remains un­ contagions ca,Sf'S. done or snci; act forbidden to be done is done, in every such BY.LXW Xo. H. the maJdng default as to such direction rcspec.tiyely shall be deemed guilty of a of this part of th(, said By-hews: And every person co:ses guilty of ;L hroach of this part of the said By-laws not other­ C1/J!d lo!' ",-jse specially prodded ror by Or under the authority hel'eof, a/tty ()ljiccr, iTLSpcctOl=, {)'"I' shall he liable, for every snch offence, besides any, costs or Every person :L printte expenses which may be incurred in the beking of proceed- a book, hel'cillnfh:)l' the case ings such person guilty of such offence, as well as cerning all patients l'CCC1VD(t into tJneh or expenses which may be incurred in remedying defmlli as particubrly provided for in '''1'he Health a,t all tinH~~ pCl'udt tbe ~\ledic(tl Officer (Ii' Inspector of the Loea,l i-!ofLl'z1 to in~ppct snch case llonk. " to a pfmn]ty not exceeding ten pounds for every sneh By-law, or to a penalty not exceeding (o~.) 110 shrdl c:a.n;:;d to 1)8 1'0t.:ordu(1.in snell l)lluk five pounds each clay cluring whic;'\ suc,h breach shall be t,h~~ full nalllC, "ollllllitkd Or continued; hut the justices before whom iUlY stnto such pabent is . imposed hereby is sought to he recovered, lllay ; also a. short· histol'Y (If tll(~~' orCUCl' whole or part only (not being' less than fiv," sllch hospitvith the llamo of tlJ: and tIl<' result of such '1'0 t.he Seerehtry or the 1 ,QcnJ Boa,l'd of Hcrtlth. the d:1t(~ ·'\\,11011 tho ];:,ft

(b.) He slutH abo CCtllSC to bp l','corded in sueh case book) in Cet!::;/.' of c()l1finC1H(~nt, the dntc and short history of snl:11 the l'esult of 8ueh connnClllCllt, tho sex ;t}ul of the infant, both at tbe t!rn\:~ of' deliv('l'Y and during' suhse­ qncl1t stny in the: hospital.

(c.) He S11~t,1l a.lso cause to 1)0 t'd801'd0rt in sHuL case bouk) in fiJI crtses ill \yhieh a under pl'of(;~ssioll:J,l erLl'C :)f a or unGer tne of aJ lltll'Sf:'. rl,ddl'css of t.he pl'aetiti(;llCl' aild of tlH~ SCHEDULE "H." nl1rse.

BY-LA IV I\o. $).

the separcdio'f1 0/' rC1]weul Oi' l}(iiielus ~lztTer­ U1U1j fe't'e'l' or in/ecLi01Js 0'1' di.':!.'o;::'c. By order of the Cl,U'emont Locill Bw,j'clof HcnJth, t~:vel'y per.;on conducting no hospital "when- 'Y. ST, C. Bl10CIC"\Vr\'YJ 'ever any infectious or disease Ol'CUl'S such Secretary. hospital: iInlTIediately report fact to tlw Loc"l Bom·d. 11th ilTarch, H107. (a.) He 8]]'111 canso any in sllch hospitaJ di,- coverod or to be suffering froJn any I certifv that the foregoing Jjy-la,,'~ m'u not contmry to Infections or ,·nnrO''1n.1N disease to be sClxtrated !:Lw. " or isolated from other pfLtients ill snch l:~ORBIDHtl' ICBENAN, hospitaL A.ttorney Genera,!. (b.) He shnJl cause to he provided ,mel llHlintained a sppnTate servicn f01' the ren10va1 and dcsil'U0tiol1 Confirmed by the Central Board of Health for the ~tate by fire of the excreta· of . ~nl:y patient suffering of \Ye3tern Allstmlia, this 19th cb,l of March, 1908. frl'~1l1 infe;·tious or contag'ions disease, . F'. J. llUELIN, SeC1.'ctnry. (c.) lIe sball) if ordered to do so by the :0.Iodica,l Oincel' of Henlth, c[\,use 'buy such patient to be rellloved to such ot.her place as may be indicated, a,llu i11 PAnT IlL-POLLTlTI00' 01" WATER the lnanner directed in such ordel'. bv .. The Health Act, 1893," the Acts amend ,ame. the Loral Board c)i power to Juak e (d.) H" shall "any out the the . :\ tHY, therefore, in powers in that Local 150(11'(1, Rnd all such dis- contained in the F)ald A!..ct.s arnending thf:' infecting' as HJay be directed hy it. same, the Loen,] Board oi I hereby rnake the following .By-laws:- BY-LAW No. 10. For preventing the pol/ution of rirerc-, BcguZa,ting the Ht,mbci' of patients to be o,clmitted, and QI ~L'ells~ or TeseT'toirs Il'ithin n1}/J'ses OJ' assistants 'to-be, the class OT BY-LAW ::\0. L ClMSCS disease 01' cases to be admittecl 01' treated. at No person shall deposit or canS8, snffer, or pm'mit to be any hospital. c1ep"sitec1 nny offensive matl:l'ial or rubbish upon any Every pflrsoll conducting a private hospital shall not whor~ such c1cpoc'it is likely pollllte any river, suffer 01' permit a greater nUlllber of patients to be in such water-course, well, or reservoir within the district hos])it:Ll or in "ny one room at anyone time than the the water of which is used Or reserved for drillking or lllllllt,el lllentiu""cl in his certificate of l'egistrativn. d.Olllestic purposes. 1078 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [APRIL 24, 1908.

BY-LAW No.2. a greater number of lodgers into such room than No person shall spill, slop, throw, cast, or deposit any soap is specified on such notice, after the time stated suds, foul water, slops, offensive liquid, or urine llpon any place therein. from which it is liable to flow inte), or to pollllte in any way any BY-LAW No. -1 such river, stream, watercourse, ,veIl, or reservoir. The keeper of every common lodging hOllse shall at all times keep the notice mentioned in the last preceding clause exhibited BY-LA W No.3. in a consp:cuous place in the sleeping apartment in respect No person shall camp within 100 feet of any sucll r;\, r. ,.f I'f'a"', C)f which such notice shall have been issued. watercourf'e, well, or reservoir. BY-LAW No. B. BY-LA W NO.4. ~o keeper of a common lodging house shall permit any room No person shall bathe in any such well, stre:1m. watercourse. t,) be used as a sleeping apartment for lodgers other than a room or reservoir, or suffer or permit [LUY dog-, pig'._ or otlJer rlonwsti­ certified for that purpose. cated animal to enter therein. BY-LAW No.6. BY-LAW No.5. No keeper of a common lodging house shall make any altera­ No person shall establish any offensive trade within 100 yards tions to such room except with the consent of the Local Board. c,f any sllch river, stream, watercollrse, well, or reservoir, unless with the consent, in writing, of the Lac'll Board. BY-LA W No.7. No room shall be registered as a sleeping apartment for BY·LAW NO.6. hdgers if it be situated in a basement or below the level of the Penalties for breaches of By-laws. ~round, or if it be used as a kitchen, scullery, dining or general Where anything is by this part of the By-laws of the Local sitting room, or unless such room is sufficiently lit by a window Board of Health directed to be done or forbidden to be done, hadng sashes made to open. or where authority is given to any office]' of theirs to direct BY-LAW No.8. anything to be done or to for !:lid anything to be done, and No room shall be certified as a sleeping apartment for lodgers such act so directed to be done remains undone Or such act unless such room is sufficiently ventilated. forbidden to be done is done. in e.·ery such case the person making defaul t as to such dire<'tion and prohibition respec­ BY-LAW No.9. tively shall be deemed gllilty of a breach of this part of the No leeepsr of a common lodging house shall allow persons said By-laws. And 8very person guilty of a bn'aeh of tnis of different sexes to occupy together the same sleeping apart­ part of the said Bv-laws nut otherwise specially provided for ment, except in the case of children under the age of ten years, bv or under the authority hereof shall be liable for overy such or of married c01Ijlles, in which latter case no other person over offence, besides any costs or expenses which may be incurred in tllO age of ten years, and not more than one married couple, the taking of proceedings against such person g-uilty of such shall be allowed to occupy the same sleeping apartment at any offence, as well as any costs or expenses which may be in· one time. curred in remedying snch default as particularly provided for in "The Health Act, 1>;98," to a penalty not exceeding Ten BY-LAW No. 10. pounds for every breach of any such By-law, or to a penalty not The keeper of every common lodging house shall:- eXC83ding Five pounds for each day during- which such breach (a.) Cause the floor of every room or passage and every shall be committed or continued: but the justices before stair in such house to be kept thoroughly clean, whom any penalty imposed hereby is sou:;;ht to be recovered and to be at least once a week thoroughly washed. may order the whole or part only (not iJoing less than fi'le (b.) Cause the yard and out-premises to be swept daily, shillings) of such penalty to he paid. and to be kept at all times clean and free from filth. (c.) Cause the seat and floor of every privy on his premises By order of the Cbremont Lom,l Board of HeaJth, to be scrubbed and washed daily, and the walls to be limewashed at least every month. W. S'I'. C. BROCKWAY, (d.) Cause every window, every fixture, or fitting of wood. 11th }Iarch, 1907. SecretaT:'o stone, or metal, and every painted surface in such house to be thoroughlv cleansed at least once a week or as much more frequently as may be directed by I certify that the foregoing By-laws are not contrary to law. an Inspector. (e.) Provide a sufficient number of lavatory appliances, and clean towels, and a sufficient quantity of clean water and soap for ablutionary purposes, and in Confirmed by the Central Board of Health for the State the case of female lodgers either supplied in their of Western Australia, this l:Jth day of }lnrch. H)OS. sleeping apartments, and in the case of male lodgers either sllpplied in their sleeping apartments, or ill. I" ..J. IlUELIN. a convenient room set apart and fitted exclusively 8sc.retary. for that purpose; and he shall cause all such articles to be kept in good order and clean, and shall renew PAnT IV.-CmIi\lON LODGING HOUSI~S. the supply of water and soap and clean towels as often as may be requisite. WHEREAS by "The Health Act, 18H8," and the Acts amend­ (I'.) Cause all solid or liquid filth or refuse to be removed ing the same. the Local Board of .Health has power to make By-laws: Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers in that from every room once at least in every day before behalf contained in the said Act and the Acts amending the the hour of ten in the forenoon, and every vessel, same, the Local Board of Health does hereby make the fol­ utensil, or other receptacle for such filth or refuse shall be thoroughly cleansed at least once in every lowing By-laws. day. 1'he Local Board mny from ti.rne to li"w ma.kc By-1fT we re")!eet­ (g.) Cause n.ll beds, blankets, rugs, covers, sheets, towels ing Common Lodging Ilouse.,. etc., ctc. and ho1L.'lC linen to be kept clean, free from vermin, BY-LA W No. 1. and in a wholesome condition. No keeper of a common lodging- house shall permit a greater (h.) Cause every sheet and all household linen to be washed number of persons to occupy any sleeping apartment in snch at least once in every week. house at any Ol1e time than will admit of each such person (i.) Furnish every sleeping apartment with a sufficient having at least BOO cubic feet of air space. number of toilet utensils and bedsteads, and suf­ ficient bedding so that each bed shall be provided \a.) For the purpose of this daus" two children under with a mattress, two sheAts, a rug, and, in winter ten years of age shall be counted as one person, and time, not less than one additional rllg. in the case of anv room the walls of which do not reach from Hoor" to ceiling- t.he amount of space (j.) Cause the doors and windows of every sleeping apart· in such rOom shall not be deemed to be "reater tban ment to be opened and kept fully open for at least if snch walls did reach from Hoor to c(Jiling-. four hours during each day. (Jr.) Calise the bed clothes of every bed to be removed BY-LA W No.2. therefrom as soon as COll veniently may be after each No house shall be reg-istered as a cOlllmon lodging house bed shall have been vacated by any lodger, and such unless each room intended for use as a sleeping apartment for hed clothes and bed to be freely exposed to the air lodgers shall bear a disting-uishing' number, n,nd t]j() keeper during two hours at lea,~t of each day. of such house shall causo such distin.guishing- number to he (I.) Causo any room together with its contents to be conspicuously printed in two-inch fig-mes on cach side of the cleansed and disinfected whenever directed so to room door. do hy an Inspector or Medical practitioner. BY-LA W No.3. BY-LAW No. 11. The Secretary of the Local Board shall iSfHJe to m'ery keeper "in lwoper of a common lodging house shall <.'ause or allow of a common lodging house a certificate in oj f'ach separate room, and snclt certificate shall Illaxi- lil? berl in any rootll which may be used as a sleeping apart­ ·tt Jllt by persons of t.he male sex aboye the age of ten veal'S to mum nU111ber of 1m16'srs \\-hich shall ht• til O,'Cllpy each such roonl respectiYely as ;}, sleeping apal'bnent at any h' occupied at any olle time by more than one such person. one time. BY-LA W No. 12. (a.) The Local Board may froll! time to time \-ary the "io keeper of a common lodging house shall callse or allow nmuber of lodg-ers to be received into any such room, ,my lodg-cr to occupy any bed in such house "t any time within and a notice shall be seneel on the keeper of sllch " period of eig'ht hours aiter such bed shall haye been yacated common lodg-ing- house, specifying such varied by the last preceding- occupant thereof, uulee..s such bed shall number of lodgers, and such keeper shall not allow I)(l provided with fresh bed linen. APRIL 24, 1908.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1079

BY-LAW No. 13. 3. He shall, for such purpose, apply by notice, in writing, All By-laws received from the Local Board by the keeper addressed to the Secretary of the Local Board, and shall of a common lodging house for the purpose of exhibition, shall within a reasonable time after the receipt of such application be put up Or affixed by him in a suitable and conspicuous position by the· Secretary, be supplied with a certificate of registra­ that the contents may be clearly and distinctly visible and legible tion in the form of Schedule "B" hereto. in a common lodging house or room thereof. BY-LAW No. 14. No keeper of a common lodging house shall suffer or permit any immoral conduct on his premises. Section 3.-Piggeries. BY-LAW No. 15. 1. For the purposes of this section of these By-laws, unless Every keeper of a common lodging house shall permit an the context otherwise requires- inspector Or any police officer to inspect any part of such house " l'igkeeper" means a person who keeps one or more pigs at any time of the day or night. and shall truthfully answer for the purpose of trade, or who receives on his all inquiries made by such inspector or police officer. pl'emises, kitchen, butcher, or slaughter house wastes, or other waste food which is intended to be used as BY-LAW No. 16. pig-feed. !<;very keeper oj a common lodging house shall maintain all such means of ventilation as have been approved in good la. No person shall keep a pig or pigs on an area of land order and emcien taction. less than fiye (5) acres in extent. BY-LA W No. 17. 2. No pigkeeper shall keep pigs in sties, pens, or yards within one hundred feet of any house or public thoroughfare, or within Every keeper oj a common lodging house shaH not absent one hundred feet of any dairy premises Or any bnilding or place himself from such house unless he leaves Some reputable person where food intended for human consumption is prepared or in charge thereof. stored, or so as to be a nuisance or injnrious to health. BY-LA W No. 18. :3. «1.) A pigkeeper shall not receive on the premises where Penalties for breaches of By-law•. his trade is carried on. or sufIer or permit to be received, any Where anything is by this part of the By-Ia,ws of the Local dead animal or any diseased animal for slaughter. Board of H.ealth directed to be done Or forbidden to be done, (b.) He shall not receive on such premises, or suffer or or where authority is given to any ofticer of theirs to direct permit to be received, any part of the carcaseof a diseased animal, anything to be done or to forbid anything to be done, and. such and he shall not feed his pigs upon the flesh Or offal of diseased act so directed to be done r(3mains undollE" or such act forbIdden animals. to be done is done, in e\'ery such case the perSon making default as to such direction and prohibition respectively shall be deemed (c.) He shall not receiye, or snffer, or permit to he received guilty of a breach of this part 0f the said By-laws: . And every on such premises putrid matter for any purpose. person guilty of a breach of this part of the said By-laws not otherwise specially provided for by or under the authority hereof, (d.) lIe shall cause all readily putrescible pig-feed that shall be liable, for every such offence, besides any costs or ex­ may be brought upon such premises to be immediately deposited penses which may be incurred in the taking oi proceedin,gs in cooking' vessels, which he shall cause to be maintained at such ao-ainst such person guilty of such ofIenc~, as well as any costs a temperature as to prevent their contents from putrefying, and o~ expenses which may be incurrer! in remedying such default, shall not remove or permit or suffer snch contents to be removed, as particularly provided f01' in ,. The Health Act, 1898," to a except to the feeding troughs. penalty not exceeding ten pounds for every breach of any sneh (e.) He shall not receive, or sufIer, or permit to be received lh-Iaw, or to a penalty not exceediug" 11\'8 pounds for each day upon such premises any kitchen, slaughter house, or butcher's during which such breach shall he committed or cont-inlled ; wastes or other putrescible pig-feed, unless such materials are but the justices before whom any penalty imposed hereby i" contained in galvaniserl iron receptacles fitted with air-tight s(J1lght to be recovere(1 may order the whole or part only (nnt. covers. heinor lllss than five shillings) of surh p(enalty to be paid. (f.) He shall provide in every sty upon his premises an approved feeding trough of a pattern that can be readily cleansed, and snch trough shall be fixed near the surface gutter of the sty. By order of the Claremont Local Board of Hen.!t,iJ, 4. «1.) l<;'-ery pigkeeper shall securely fence all his pig-yards W. S'1', C. BlWCKWAY, and pens, and slmll pmvide in each such yard or pen sufficient Secretary. shelter shods to afford proper sheltor for all the pigs that may 11th :II arch, 1907. at anyone time be kept in any sneh yard 01' pen. (I,.) J [e shall, when so ordered by the Local Board, ( cert.ify t.hat the foregoing' By-laws are not contrary to la,\. canse the floor of any pigsty upon his premises to be properly paved and drained with impervious materials. Such floors may \'OHBEHT EI'::\.\~<. be constructed of hard-burnt bricks set in good cement mortar ~\ ttorney l;enera.l. on a bed of concrete. or ma,· be constructed of concrete not less than six inches thick. and eYerv sllch floor shall have such fall to a surface guttpt' as is a~ppro\~ed: tIle surface gutter Confi l'mad hv tbe C(mtral Board of Health for the Sta i r: shaH be constructed of similar materials, and shall not be less of Western Australia;, this I Dtb day of ,[',,"clI, 1901'. than twelve inches wide and three inches deep in the centre of its width, and shall extend the whole length of the sty, and have P'. J. HUEU:\, such fall likewise as is appro,-ed, and shall discharge into an Secretary. impervious sump of sufficient capacity to receive without m-erfiowing at least one da,y's drainage from the floors. l'ART V.-OFFENSIVE TRADES. (c.) The floor area of every such sty shall he in the pro­ portion of not leSS than fifteen square feet to every pig that is WHEREAS by "The Health Act, 18\lR," and the Acts amendin/! over two months ole! that may be kept therein, and no pigkeeper same, the Local 130ard of Health has power to make By-laws: shall keep a greater number of such pigs in any sty upon his ~ow, therefore, in pursuance of the powers in that behalf con· tained in the said Act and the Acts amending the same, the premises than in the aforesaid proportion. Local Board of Health does hereby make the following 5. Every pig-keeper shall provide upon the premises where By-l

8. (a.) Every pigkeeper shall cause all floors, impervious Seetion l4.-Fish Shops. drains, and receptacles that are upon his premises to be main· tained at all times in good .order and repair. 1. (fL.) Every person enp:aged in the trade of (',>Oleing 11811 t.O[ sal!'! shaH conduct SHch cooking in.'1 dosed roorn proi'ided \\'ith (b.) He slmll cause all cooking pots and their settings mechanical ventilation so arraniYed that all currents of air in an,l fittings upon such premises to be maintained in efficient such room shall be in the direction of the cooking' lire. action and in good repair. (b.) lIe shall cause the fireplace of such room to be so 9. A pigkeeper shall not slaughter, or permit or suffer to be constructed that all the vapours and efHuvia of ,uch cooking slaughtered any pigs llpon his premises unless or until he has shall be carried direct into a chimney fine of sullicient sectional obtained a license to do so, under the provisions of Section 147 are-H,. of "The Health Act. 1898." (c.) He shall also cause the chimney shaft of the fireplace of such room to be carried up at least ten feet abo,"e the level of the roofs of the adjoining houses. (d.) He shall also at all times maintojn such fireplace, mechanical ventilation, and chimney shaft and flue in good repai!' and effieient action.

Section 8,-Boiling Tripe, Ox Feet, and Trotters, and 2. A keeper of a fish shop ~hall not suireI' or permit any fish '.vhich) by decOlnposingJ has beeonle unfit for h nman food, Extracting N eatsfoot Oil. to be kept in any part of the premises where his trl1.de is carried on, nor shall he expose, exhibit, or otfer such fish for sale. 1. In the construction of this section of these By·laws, unless the context otherwise requires:- 3. (a.) Every fish shop keeper shall callf'e aJl tish refuse or g-arbag'8 or decomposing fish to be deposited in galvanised iron " Tripe Boiler" shall mean any person who trades in the .or other impenious n,ceptaelcs, furnished with airtight lids, boiling of tripe, trotters, or fiX or calves' feet, and in and shall also cause all refllB8 deposited dsewllt're on the extracting neatsfoot oil. premises to be collected and deposited in sllch receptacles.

2. l~very tripe boiler shall, at the close of every workiniY day, (b.) He shall also cause ","ery sllch receptacle containing cause every floor or pavement upon the premises where his trade refuse to he kept seellrely covered, and, \vith itscontpnts. J'('nluv(1d is carried on to be thoroughly washed and cleansed. a", often UB nU1V be necessary frOlll the prenlises. and. after being efnptii~d. tf) he thoroughly clea.nsed. 3. Every tripe boiler shall, at the close of e,"ery working day. cause every bench or table used upon the premises where his trade is carried on for the scmping of any tripe or the preparation of other animal substances to be thoroughly cleansed by scrub­ bing Or hy some othel' effedual means. Section I5.-Laundries. 4. (fL.) Every tripe boiler shall, at the close of every working day, cause all filth which has heen splashed upon any part of the 1. I;:yory occupier "f a laulld ry shall caUSe all tbe liquid internal surfaeo of any wall of any building upon the premisps pr!)duced upon the P!'OIYllSeS wher'e Ilis trade is carried on, where his trade is carried on to be removed by washing or some t", cullected and conducted by impervious cilanm,ls or drains other effectual means. tu n. trapper! drain inlet, or some other approved I"C'Cf'l'laele, Of such liquid wastes shall be dif'posed of fLS the IH~peetor rllay (b.) He shall also cause every part of tlw interior above t1!n~rt. . the floor or pavement of building' to be thoroughly washed with hot limewash fom at least in ewrv year, that is to :2 «1.) l'~,"ery occupier of (\':E:'ry ftour say, at least once during poriods between tfH:firot and tenth Of' pa.vernent, and eYE.~ry \vall prernises day of l"ebrl1ary, the first and tenth dllY of :\fay, tI,e lI1'st Ilnd wh~n~ his tradA is ctl.rried on ,rood order tfmth day of Aug-nst, and the Ii rst and tenth day of ~ovolllber and repa.ir so as to 1 any liquid respectively, or as more oitcn as the T.ocal Board may dir-ect. filth ')1' refuse which or llIay fall or be depooit('(l thereon. 5. (a.) Every tripe boiler shall provide a sutlicient number (b.) He shall also C~llse every dmin of vessels or receptacles, properly constructed of gilivanised iron, npnn Or in conneetion \vith his prerl1iSfoS to or of some ot.her approved non-ahsorhent 111l1terial, and furnished timeS in good c.rder and elf:icient action. with closely fitting coyel's. for tho purpose of recei\'in~ and COl]­ veying from t.he rr8IlllSeS where his tradn is eafl';ed on, rnannrp, 3. .\"0 occupier ui a laundry garbage, offill, fi.lth, ,)1' refuse. where his trade is carried on, ::H1V ft)I' cleansin!2:" sent frdlll any ~ I)Cn-,t)Il (b.) He shall. dose of e\'ery working day. ('ause all i..-; at the tirnR suiferin:r fro;n any dispa:-;e, manure, garbag-e, ofral, filfh, or reiuse which keS fallen witlio1Jt. first obtaining" the cnnspnt, oi the or been 'leposited llpon l1ny part of the premises. and which is Locn.l Board of Health. not intended to be forthwith sf1bjectcd to fllrther trade prucess upon t.ho premises, to he collected in \"css(·ls or rpcep- L (a.) Every necupier of lill!ld­ in~sJ yardFi~ Inaehinel'Y, or times tacles provided, and to hp 1'ernovcd frorl1 the prt~nljsf's with nll re8.Sonablo dA"'Patch. clea.n and in good or of tL .. {1(~Ol' (1' not in aetnal l1S(', to bB In::)pt dean. pavement of any bnildini!' tr) flV' kp.pt trlorotl:.,ddy d8tL!1Seti. G. (fL.) };yory tripe boiler shall cause every part of the internal surface of tho walls of any building', and (,very nnor or pavement upon the premises whor8 his tmde is carrie--l on, to he kept at all tirnes in !:.;oud order ::tn.l repair. so as to prevent the absorption therein of any liquid filth, refuse, or noxiolls or injurious matter which lllaY be splashed or may fall or he deposited thereon. Section 18.-Ponn.lties.

(1).) He shall also cause every drain or means of drainage Penalties for brea.chcs of JJy-la,(>s. upon Or in connec·tion with his premises to be maintained at all tilues in good order and in g-ood action. \\'bere anvthinQ" is by ,his part of the By-laws ot the Loca 1 ilo:1rd of Health directf,d to be dime or forbidden to he deme. or where authority is "iven to any officer (>f theirs to direct 7. !-:,"ory tripo boiler shall adopt the heot anythin;J to be done to furbid a,nythinz to be done, anr: S11Ch of rendering innocuous aJI pnlitt(~d. a,,~t s.) direeted to lIE' remaills lJnri.t)ne. or such act f()rhiddf~n of boiliuQ", from tho to be done is done. in every such case the nersun Inakin~ dt~falJt tho prf'l~lises where trade ;1S to ~!lf'h direction a.nd prohibition n:.specti't'ely shaH ll!~ dee.rned C[1S8! either cause the vapOll r<; to ..4·qilty ()f a hnslch ot this of the sa.id By-laws: And e\'ery a.ir in such a. Hl:lnnel' and sue}) a P8t"SDll g-uilty of a part of the. said By,ltlws n(~t diffusion of the Yap()lll'S I)t:)prw!sn spN'jnJly or unrler th~ authoritv her?')!, or shan Cf111SB the vapours to pass pan \)1' otlwr ~hnU b8 liable, fnr every offence, besides any '{'fists or rec0ptade throui-d) t1 fire or into an appro\'ed appara- which rnay he incllrrpd in tbe tn,king· of pr' \{'l'l~dings tus, or throngh an approYf'd (·ondpI1sin:: apparatus. and then ::mch pef,c;:on g"lliIty of such of'tenep, as \yell as a nv f'oc::t:;; thrnng-h a fire. ill sul'l] [1 rnanner efrpetl1nJly ("OnSlltn8 tilE' I)r ~:qmnses which InaV b!? incurred in rernedying snCll d-efault, va.ponrs or t.o doprivp the Batne all oH'ellsin~ \IT' injllriollS .1q particularly provided for in "The Health Act, 1808." t.o a properth\<:;< nenalty not exceedinQ' Ten pounds for e"cry breach of an? silch By-law, Ot· a penalty not l~xceeding" l;'h'e pounds for eneh day 8. l£very tripe boiler 'h"ll callSe all liquid refuse, before heing durin·.! such br,'aciJ Khall be committeel or continued' discharged into any drain. frOlTI any part I)f tho premiseS' where hilt the hefore whom [Lny penalt.y hnpnsed }1Pn:+y is his trado is carried on, to he e()oler! in sneh a manner aK to preyenl ::;!)l1:xht to ref'O\"0l'8d rna:: order the "\vh,)le or prLrt nnh- (not the emission of offensive or injurious emuvia thrrefrom. bqin:! I(>~c; th:tn F'h p ~l)min!!s\ of sl1C'h penalty to 1)p paif l • APRIL 24, 1908.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. 1081

SCFIEDUL!~ " A." No. 12760.-C.8.0. C[.J,\'l'HAL BO~\Jm OF HEAUl'H BY-LA\VS. /i'orm of applicatioH jur the consent 0/ the Local to the establishmpnt Dr curryilirJ ()U of CUI tru(h Colonial £.'tablishmen t. C.:~,.O. 19;\:2/08. Perth, lilt) EXtt..'llelltY the To the SeerFltary t/f tl12 Locnl 130ard of 11ea,lth. th~ Iollo\yi ng t, ...... , oi...... of Heait!!. Llr the consent oi the Board to the F. D. NOl'\,1'H, ou) of an Offensil'p Tra'le Establishment, Under Secretary...... and I do hereby declare my knowledg-e and uelier. tIl" particulars in respect of th8 p1'0Inis2s in which it is PcU~'l' Y.-Ol·'PENSIVE 'l'RADES. carryon th'l offensive trade before Scd ion 2.-81(1 ughter II OllSCS. ,\VIIBHEAS "'rile Heal th 1898. I I tho Central Boundaries, a!'ea, an:! description of the Board of has . a llc1 furtho1'. prernises ...... lw "'J]w Health II has powc;' L'\at1.1rr:. position, form, 8upe!'ilc:iai arPB. and c!lui"al contents 'li the several tZ~ nw.kc al1 sl~ch B~~-la\ys for any the State as hlliidin~.t': therein eUH1Prlsed ;1 Local 130anl portion ,yore \yithin Ji:xtent qf pav(~d. 3.;rea in ~1l(5h IH!i1din~.s. the di~tritt of :?\ 0\\-, therefore, in pUl'~ and llHitenaJS employed itl sllch SHanc(' of the contained ill tho said p,H'ing . .Act and t1tt' the Central BOal''] \I",le IIf comtrtwtion of the internal for surface of the wails of such blIild­ in~s. and Ilmtptiais tu be employed of in snch construction . . . . I\lealls and source of watr::r Rupply, posi­ I)~~l\~P -Y-.-OF'JTI~l\SrVE rrH.A.DES. tion, fornl, Inateriuls, mode of con­ SC{'! ,:'.-S!aufjht CI' ]-/OHSCS. struction and capacity of the ion 'Several cisterns, tanks, or other SO o('('\11'io1' of a house shall rereptacles for water constructed to he s1aughtered on pl'culiscs any for permanent nse on the premisps or f)WillC, 01' any otbel' anilnal, nor Means of drainage, position, size, 1'('nlo\-e 01' PC'rmit to he l'crnoved materials, and mode of constr"c­ ean'asc of allY sh1nghtcl'ed aninwJ tion of the several drains (\ nillial or tan"use. as the case IUllY l\leans of lightin~ and ventilaUon be, is JH'C\ l0l1S1v insncc:ted an rn~l)('ctol' ' ~feans to be used in the disposal uf Hemid and other refuse .. (:2.) ]f t11(' '{(}ilc~~Jl-{)t'i('}Jl ") d()('~ not fUl'nish !)eserir)tlon of Inachinerv to be used on !~nr ill" fllSPCCt01' shall Lhe premises - sp('('ial pl'Oeal1tio1l3

\Vi tness my hand th is ...... day ui...... , 1l!O Sig-natnre of .A.ppJka,nt.,

at latest hyo Address of Applicant, shall be allomlblc

part sha1l b8 1'('1110yal itl given 1)).' tIn Tn:SPC'c'hH'. SCHlm[JLl~ " E." . (n.) :\(~ ahi'nlt~oll s11al1 1)(, IHtl(le ill (lily o_f the parts Cprti,f..-cute of Registration, of Oft'en,~"iJ:p Trade li.'stabli.. 'dn/'(~111 of a :lnim:d heforc ]lcl'lnissinn for suell !ls1)cehn'. This is to certify that ...... , being' the ~!ltdl Hor c;lrdl'tt on after f-)unsct of certain prernises, being ...... ~Lt!!d!-.;(' ~;l;h'~:s i]lC' ;{il1ing' rWllS anI jjhu1l1natc.l has regi.,tered such premises as an I io {ile iO'11 ~)f :~ll rnspr~ctol'. lnent for the year ending ~ () j>:lri' of n (~a1,\';:'S(~ or :lny Yi;.~- " The J lsalth Act, 18\)8," '(, ('01Hl(11l111ed an Tn~p0et()1' ;)s" of a the provisjPTls contained in t!.p iJilwilolesollH', shall he jn:­ Local Buud of Health, is thp above period for the purp()sc tbo OCCl<- btlsiness. or occupation (,f a ...... awl be bv treate'] 01' <1is- Tlegistra,tion fee

Serretary. sto:m~leh ;lnd illtc'stinal eon­ Pate, ...... Elf) if so required by a!l 1'0nl0\'od fl'0111" the ol'enpi('r. :1]](l 1)(' h:- him thorough1r <1:< ma:, in ,uC'll case be ilirectec1 b:'

By ,·,rdor of the Claremont LocrrJ Board of nealth, hj,l('s of dCfHl or ~;;]anghtpl'c(1 diseased 1101 he l'(\HlOyed front the Pl'('l11jses Oth0i' W. ST. C. BROCKWAY, {·hnn 111 dried eonilitiol1; unless they are dt'- Secretllry. liYf'n:d to a tnJlI1Cl': 111 either ('~u)f" the 11th ,larch. 19')7. l11i;:';SlOll for sneh l'eliW\"(l1 11111st be ohtained f1'0111 the

of OyeI', I certify tbat these By-lalvs are not contrary to Jaw. any (li,;­ nsc<1 in ~\OjlB:1~U L' ·lf~EX)\.~\, to the sterilised. ~\tt'·!rne,,¥ (lenoral. C"11trnl Boaril of Health. p. ,T. InTELI:;";. Secretary. C'mfirmecl iw the Central Board ot Health ior the btat€ of \Vescern Alistralia this 1 Dth day of )larch, 1 ~)(i.';. r certifY t1wt tIl(' fnl'cgoin,~ By-1a'l- is not COlltl'11l'Y t:) F. J. UUELl,,", In,\', . Sfl;cretary. xonBBl~,T ]{EEX1~X, j\. ttol'ncy GeuC'raL

Approved by His Excellencv the Governor in l';xeeutive CounciJ tJd~ 8th day of April: 1()08. BEHNAHD PAHKEH, BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council. Clerk of the Council. 10~2 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [APRIL 24, 1908.

No. 12755.-C.8.0. REGI8TER OF GUN LICENSES. Colonial Secretary's Office, Perth, 15th April, 1908. THE following persons have been duly licensed under" The Gun License "~ct, 1885," during the dates specified below :- No. N arne in full. Residence. Occupation. I Date. By whom issued. 1908. 2028 Atkinson, Fred. Carnarvon Store assista,nt 3rcl March Snb-Collector 2607 Taylor, Oliver .James Wagin Labourer 17th March Treasury Paymaster, Wao-in 2608 Andrews, Edward ... do. do. 20th lYIarch do~ 2609 Buck, Frederick do . do. 20th March ... do. 2710 .Johnston, Harold D' Arcy ... do. Accountant ... 30th lYbrch do. 2711 Simms, George William ... do. Manager 30th Mareh do. 1297 Packard, Regiuald rurner Coolgardie Mercll>1,nt >Jtb March Sub-Collector of Rev­ enue, Coolgardie 1298 Rettig, Philip do. Watchmaker ... 31st Jilarch do.

P. D. NOgTH, Under Seeretal'Y .

. _------_.. _------Ct'own Law Offices, DUNDAS. C.L.D. 4569/02. [>nth, ](ith April, HlOS. Break 0' Day-l\{ntthioson, H. HIS l~xrellcll(:y the GO\'Cl'llOl' ill Exc('uliYG -Council has Princess Royal-'l'reloar, W. heen please(! to appoint S. 1<'. Cook, Clerk in the Land Havl'llsthorpc-\iVnnl, S. A. 'l'itles OmCll, as a person authorised to witness instru­ ments lllHler Seetioll 1 '1.5 or « 'rhe 'frnnsrel' of Land Act, IRWIN. IS,);I" (5G Yidoria, No. 14), lIming the absence on Gingin-Wedge, J. K lea\'(' of A ..J. Dartnal!. Jrwin-O 'Halloran, C. W. H. G. HAJliIprfON, Under Secretary for Law. :iYIOUWf MARGARE'L'. Australia United-Hill, W. C. Duketon-McIntosh, L .•r. rL'HE ELI~(;TORA L ACT. Kookynie-Gcrrans, J. ·Yulldamindera-Macfarbnc, G. P. (;1'011'11 Law Departmcnt., Perth, 15th April, 1905. MURRAY. 'L'HE HOTloUl'able t.Jw Attorlley General has :lPJJ<);nted, ,Tnrrahc1nln-rrombs, H. E. nnder Sec. 89 of « 'rhe Electoral Act, 1907 " tl1(; under­ KBfBERLEY. mentioned, in addition to Resil1ent Ji1agi~trates, to be 1,,,,, Li\'cringa-Pipe, John. persons before whom an eledor may vote by post:- H. G. ~HAMPTON, 8UBrACO. UnclcI' SecretaI'Y fOT Law. Subiaco-Chesters, James, Hokeby Road.

CL,\'H.J~;,rON'r. THE ELEC'J'OH,AL ACT" 1\)07. Claremont-Bulloch, R. McG. Stevens, G. P. UNDEI'!, power delegiLtecl to him by Regnlation under " The },;lectorl'll Act, H107," the Honourable the Attorney Cottesloe-McKay, Blair. General has appointed the_ following persons Honorary Morris, G. S. Government Electoral Agents, in addition to the Public Greenway, George. Offici",ls ex o:Oicio appointed in such capacity by His DUNDAS. Excellency the Governor in Executive Conncil, and Princess Royal-Butefisch, T. A. enumeriLted in the Government Gctcette, No. 78, of the 14th Ravensthorpc-Norman, :r olm, jun. December, 1906. IRWIN. ELEC'rORAL DISTIUC'fS. Irwin-Daunt, W. V. Official Position­ ]~ocality. :vr OUN'l' ill An NT~'J'. if ally. Lennonville-'rombs, H. E. Albany. :MOUWe MAIWARI


Crown Law Department, Perth, 1st April, 1908.

TllE Honolll'ablc the Attorney General has appointed, under Sec. 89 of " The Electoral Act, 1907," the under­ Ilccntioncd, ill addition to Resident Magistrates, to be persons before whom an elector may vote by post:-

ALBANY. COLLIE. Locality and Name. Locality and Name. Brookhampton - Thomson 1Iervyn. Albany-Baesjou, C. S. J., J.P. Collie-Bedlington, W. D:, J.P. ::IIcKenzie, C., ,J.P. Head, A. G., J.P. Paton, E. B. Jacob, E. .J. Wright, J. H. Johns, J., J.P. Bremer'-Scharcr, VY. Donnybrook-Brockman, Hugh S. Bremer Bay-Vi-allstead, James. Elliott, Dr. F. J. Cape TIiche--::I[oir, J., J.P. IGrupp-Davis, Charles. Cranbrook-Ganuner, A. C. Preston-Jones, Thomas Bushe. Denmark-Smith, J. D. U'pper Capel-Brazier, N. i'vI., J.P. ]i'rankland RiYer-Ross, F. VY. Upper .l:reston-Jo11nston, Harley. Jerramungup-Hassell, A. Y., J.P. Martin, E., J.P. Magetup-Hassell, J. Mt. Barker (Langton) - ::Vlitchell, W. 1'11., J.P. COOLGARDIK (Forest Hill)-nIuir, A., J.P. Coolgal'lue-Bntler, S. B. "Warburton, H. E., J.P. Cohn, Moritz. West, J., J.P. Hallic1ay, D. S., sen. Sandalwooll Station-nioir, Andrew. Mercer, Alfrec1, J.P. 'l'enterden-'I'o,yusend, H. J., J.P. 'I'Ol'bay Junction-Bousfielc1, H. CUE. Warriup-Hassell, E. A. Barrambie-Hutton, 'r., .J.P. Young's Siding, Demmu-k Railway-Knapp, R. Cramer, VV. G. BALKA'I"I'A. Cucldingwarra-Diggins, W. R. Cue-Lang, 'r. Y. A. Lccderville-Buchan, W. S. F. K Phillips, T. Crawford, J. Day Dawn-Green, H., J.P. Merriman, J., J.P_ Lewis, Mark. :\01'tl1 Perth-Blake, 'r. H. En-olls-Thomson, J. W. BEV]~RLEY. I~ake Austin-Morris, Isaac. Hutton, T., J.P. Beverley-Butler, F. S. 'l'uckannarra-McInnes, James, J.P. Horley, W. F. Roach, Horace. DUNDAS. Walker, '1'. G. Balladonia-·Doran, William Arthur. Beverley, I£ast--·McDonald, B~ranejs, J.P. Cape Arid-Ponton, William, sen. Brookton-Williams, S., J.P. Cumberland-Hawkins, C. County Peak-McLean, K., J.P. Dalyup--Stewart, Robert John. Dale-Bro\vn, Frank Tynclell, J.P. -Esperance-Felstead, C. E. Kokeby-Counscl, Charles Heury. Hughes, William Edward. Pingolly (Staunton Springs) -Restock, G. H., ,T.P. Encla-Davey, '1'. G. BOULDER. Eyre's Patch-Masters, D. Fraser's Range-vVatson, Charles Henry. Bouhlcr-Carige, Edmund Gaskin. Grass Patch-rrhompson, George, J.P. Edwards, Herbert James. Hopetonn-Efford, C. J. Fewings, Eustace Eversley. Jamieson, William. Gray, Dugald William, J.P. Israelite Bay-Croft, J. W. J. Lee, Harry Saxon. Kundip-i'vIilne, James. Mi tchell, Frederick. Lady T\,[ary - Oocks, Wellesley. BROWN HILL. Lac1y jYliller-Reardon, E. H. Brown Hill State School-Hill, Arthur. N O1'seman-Dixon, J olm Ernest. 'l'rafalgar-O 'Connor, P. Henderson, vVilliam, J.P. Read, F. M. BUNBURY. Pioneer-Gardiner, James. Australind-Clifton, ]<'. J. 13. Princess Royal-Stedman, H. J. Bunbury-Flynn, Dr. Ignatius. Butefisch, 'l'. A. :B'orrest, Hobert, J.P. l~avensthorpe-Dnnn, Walter. (Parkficld)-Hamilton, F. J. Norman, John, jun. .J ol1nston, .J. ]<'., J.P. Thomas River-'1'urn bull, Ale,x.· Heading, H. E., .J.P. Hose, George, J.P. FORREST. Spen~er, C. E., J.P. ,Jarrahclale-Toombs, H. E. Steere, F.vy., J.P. Waterous j\Ell (Yarloop)-Poynter .T. C. Picton - Fon-est, G corge, J.P. Wellington Mill-Yelverton, A. J., J.P. vVhite Rocks, near Brunswick-Partridge, John, J.P. CANNlJ.,[G. FREMANTLE. Fremantle-Higham, ,T.J. Applecross-Ellson, L. King, L. A. Belmont-Northey, ,J. P. McMillan, S. T. Queen '8 Park-i'vIillen, R. T. Shepherd, James. . Bulloch, R. McG. Solomon, Elias. South Perth-Broderick, A. E. Rottnest-Paterson, William. Vietoria Park-Cohn, W. J. CLAREi'vION'r. FREMANTLE, EAS'r. Clarcmont-}i'arquhm', A. VV. Fremantle, East-Glasson, Oornelius. FelTis, A. C. Humble, George Bland. Stcycns, G. P. Lohoar, William. Cottesloc--Green\yny, George. Parker, Horace Hill. :\'icKay, Blair. i\iorris. G. S. FREMANTLE, NORTH. Taggart, H. P. Fremantle, North-Evans, W. D., J.P. Ci)ttesloe Bcach-ll'Ioseley, F. A. -Pearse, Francis, .J.P. 1084 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W'.A. [APRIL ~4, 1908.

THE ELECTORAL ACT-continued. GASCOYNE. IVANHOE. Locality and Name. Locality and Name. Beringarra Station--,/ifeston, A. E. Boorara-Gray,' Arthur. Uarnarvon-Ayliffe, P. St. B. ]i'imiston-Gratwick, E. A. (Point (.'roates) -Prench, C. Lakeside State School-Richardson, J. A. (Yankee Town)-Newman, William. Piri c Street State School-Chandler, '1'homas. :llIanfred Station-Saterthwaite, P. S . .iifarrinMareen Station-Tyson, John. KALGOORLIE. Milly Milly Station-Caesar, Pred. Kalgoorlie-Chapple, P. A., J.P. Minilya Hiver-Hearman, D. J. Hawkins, E. E. Rew Forest, via Yalgoo-Ryan, T. J. McGinn, E. Onslow (Glenfiorrie Station) -Hall, William. Richardson, M. (Naroo Station)-McCarthy, James. Schloo, G. P. ('rowara Station)-Twitchem, H. ( Station) - Watts, A. E. KANOWNA. Upper Gascoyne-Pitzpatrick, M. Balagumli - Pettigrew, H. Scott, W. W. Bai'doc-Wilson, W., J.P. W oolleen-Sharpe, William. Broad Arrow-Brown, J. VV. Wooramel-Mongel', J. H. Collins, E. Snook, W. S. BllJollg-McNaboe, George. , v-ii! Onslow-Harvey, 1<'. (iill(lalbie--Cooper, G. A. Kalpini-IIcpworth, Allen. GEHALD'I'ON. KanO"-lla-Griffiths, S. Chapman-McNaught, T. Mansbridge, W. O. Gernl(lton-I~liot, R. POl·teus, J. A. Kic1c1, 'r. A., J.P. Kumtllpi-_Maroney, J. Meadowcroft, A., .J.P. _Majestic, BllJong-:i'vIetcalfe, Athelstane. Mills, J. Mount Monger-Hanson, 1'. B. GREENOUGH. Pal"illa-Smith, E. J. Gingin-Prior, J. E., J.P. YnmlI'R-- Sicvcking, Lawrence Ray. (N angatty Station) - Wells, Thomas. White, George '/ifilliam. Mogumber-Elliott, Robert James. L('ol1ont-Avarll, Charles E. Moom-Green, A. Stuart, Robert, J.P. Myles, W. S. ~r",,"()llll---:\Iartill, A. VV. Moore River-de Burgh, R S. M. Wright, Gilhert A. Victoria Plains (Mt.Mary)-Lanigan, R P. :I!el"tolld'11<'--Bp,',m (,harks. (Wynening)-Brennl1n, .T. ~!()lIl1t ('lif1'ord ,\lexanclcr, William. Walebing-Lefroy, H. B. ~!lllTill \fnl"rin--1"lynn, .J. P. Watheroo-York, J. M. Popk, B. R. '1'. Yatheroo-Roberts, E., J.P. S.ir Salllnl'l---Routledgo, W. E. APRIL 24, 1908.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1085

THE ELEOTORAL AO'l'-continued. .MOUNT MAGNET'. PERTH. Locality and Name. Locality and Name. Boogardio-Inglis, J·ames. Perth-Bold, W. E. Cadgy Cadgy Station-Davidson, G. Collett, Francis vVilliam, J.F. Pield's Pinel-Allen, J. Corbett, James. Gabyon Station, via IVurarga-Hearn, J. Piesse, Augustus William. Gullewa (Barnong Station) - Mitchell, C. Villiers, T. 0., .J.P. Lennonville-Tower, A. E. Brady, A. J., Electoral Department, Banae]. Toombs, H. E. Street. Maninga Marley-:Porrest, George. Gillies, W. S., Electoral Department, Barrack lVlellenbye Station-Broad, John. Street. Mount Magnet-DuBoulay, H. H. EAS'l' PERTH. Phelps, A. 78 Stirling Street-Lander, '1'itus. lHurgoo-Oarter, John. Murram Station, vi{1 Magnet-Fitzgerald, YV. NORTH PERTH. Sandstone-Hayles, H. B. . Mahood, S. A., J.P. Bayswater-Shephertl, W. McLennan, H. ::I{nylands-'l'rott, John D. Spence, J. V., J.P. PIJJBARA. Wagga Station, via Yalgoo-Broa(l, D. Wmarga-Landers, T. J. Condon-Zglinicki, :i\fax. Yalgoo-Pic1geon, '1'., J.P. Hillside-N oble, John. Moolyella-Maher, IV. H. lVlOUi\:T MAl"tGAH.E'l'. 7lfulyie-Oampbell, A. Kullagine-Frappell, Al'thm. Bmtvillo-Gaston, H., .J.P. Port Heilland-Hardie, A. E. Ida H.-Shaw, C., J.P. Hoy Hill Station-Gool1e, '1'. KookYllie-Sinclair, J. R Sandy Oreek-Kelly, .J. O. Hannah, T. H. Wal'l'along Station-Stewart, .Jno. LflVerton -Simpson, .T'lllWS. Viarrawoona-Worner, William. Lancefield-Guthric, W. ::II. vVollgina-Marshall, H. :YIOUllt ::IJorgalls-Elvillgton, H. n. )Tanio Station-Coppin, IV. Heid, H. L. IVnlsh, J;'l'f\uk. Mulga quocU-'J'holllson, A. J. ROEBOUl:WE. Yundal1liudcra-Datldow, A. 1. J. '1'. Uossack-·Hall, Harold Aubrey. Onslow (Nanutarra Station) -lVIcPherson, J~dwal'

'1'JrE ELECTORAL AC'l'-continued. S\iVAN -contimlcd. WILLIAMS-continued. Locality and Name. Locality :md i\ame. lZellJlscott--Harvey, A. G. Popanyinning-Brockman, J., J.P. Lion :ilTill-Flot',llor, Joshua. Tarwonga (Arthur River)-Donnelly, Nicholas. Maddingtoll-Alcock, Walter. Wagin--Lloycl, H. W. C'lTahogany r;rGck-( :ravCll, L. B. A. Wall~s, G. W. MlIud2,ring-Gorne, J oim. Wickepin-Rose, F. W., J.P. Mundaring 'Weir-Willis, E. S. A. Williams- ·Flynn, M., J.? Smith's :\Iill--Ancb-ewartlm, Geprgfo. West Swan (Goodwooc1) -Chester, Sytlney. YILuARN. Wooroloo-Stephens, E. B., J.P. Bodallin-·Gibson, ,J ohu Arthur. Bonnievale-Rhys, T. '1'., J.P. TOODYAY. Boorabbin-l!'lanclers, A. W. P. Goomalling-Royal, C. O. Bronti-Pallier, Hobert. Slater, Maitland. Burbanks-Harris, J. P . •J cnnaeubbine-Leeson, R. \V. Calooli-Roberts, F. W . .:\ Qm·astle·-Cook, Charles James. Carbine-era,dord, Ii. Crawford, Dr. A. \iV. CmTahin- Linalie, I'ennis .T useph. Ellery, C. G. Higginsville-Milesi, B. J. Wroth, ,J. A. Karalee-IIeath .. Fre;ltrick Charles. \Vongamine-Bowen, James; Koorarawalyee-Howett, V';. L. Wyening (Victoria Plains) -Chitty, William. Kunanalling-'Ihomas, F. KurrawaJlg-Howell, Hampton jIenry. WELLINGTON. Parker's Hoac1·-Wilkinson, ';harles William. Australind (Coast Hoael) -Heading, W., J.P. IReel Hill-Dalton, L. C. Hoyanup-Eglestone,W. J., J.P. Southern Cross-Dawson, W. Brunswick-Clifton, Algernon, J.P. Ec1wards, A. :u. Hose, Edwin. Stubbs, J. H., ,J.P. Capel-'Maitland, F. 0., J.P. Widgiemooltha-Hedley, .T olm. Cookernup-Cook, E. Woolgangie-Pierce, A. W. Dardallup-Johnstoll, F., J.P. Harvey-Iles, H. J. Yarloop-Driver, R., J.P. YORK. Wickham, M. A. Bmges' Sieling-KeJley, F. M. Gilgering-Lynch, David George. WILLIAMS. :\1alebelling-Riggs, Hobert Dawson. Arthur niver-.F'inlay, George, J.P. Quellington-Lake, Gordon. Barton·-Harvey, N. S. Whitehaven-Baxter, Charles Farquhar, ,J.P. eubaIling-Lodge, G. H., J.P. York-Davies, S. B. Darkan-Anelerson, David. Elliott, G. H. Dumbleyung Lake-Martin, Otto. Inkpen, l!'. J. Highbmy-Scott, J. F. Seabrook, J. Marmdollg--Jackson, S. Narrogin-Annoar. C. F. H. G. HAMPTON, .Johnston. R B. Under Secretary for Law.


Department. Position. Salary. Date returnable.

Mine" Mining Registn1,l', etc .. Black Max., £23() (with District 14-th May, 1908. R!1nge (vice A. S. McIntosh, allowance) resigned) GrOWll Law Clerk keeping charge sheets, Do. records, etc., vice T. H. Stan­ bury, transferred Coloni"l Secretf1,ry's Clerk in Ch!1rge Lunacy De­ Class C., M"x. £28." Do. partment, vice H. H. Brod­ ribb, tr!1nsferrecl

Applic"tions "re called under Section 38 of "The Public Service Act, 1904," and "re to be addressed to the ['ublic 8ul'viee Commissioner. If an officer is promoted whose presflnt sa,lary is b310w the minimum fixed for the new position, the commencing s"lary will be b'Lsed on tbo scale fixed for increases tu be gra,nted tbis fiw111cial year; i.e .. an officer promoted to a higher class will not llt)ccssltrily forthwith rcceive the minimum sah1ry "tt»checl t) th'Lt cbss. iYI. E. JULL, Public Service Commissioner.

TOWNSrl'E 01<' IIIGHBURY. CHANGE OF NAME. Betting Cll)a't oJ' Lots 23 and 24 as "VillClge (.lrmiilalc, JJic)lzies·Lcono1'(( Hoad.) Allotments.' , Dopart!1lcnt of Lands and Surveys, '._·cpartment of Lands am1 Surveys, DG40/07. Perth, 15th April, 1908. 1126/08. Perth, 1st April, 1908. IT IS J'JxecllcnC,Y the Governor in Executive CouIlcil has 1,('en pleaseil, nnclor Section 7 of " The Land Act, 1898," HIS ExcellelJ.GJ the Governor in Executive Council has to a Hpj' the name of the locality situate ncar thc 49-mile bc,~n pleasod to set apart Highbury Lots 23 and 24 as 1'031; on the }fcnzies-Leollora Road, now known as "Armi­ "Village Allotments," nndor thc provisions of Pari"


Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 23rd April, 1908.

THE undermentioned Allotments of Land will be offered for Bale, at Public Auction, on tho dates and at the places specified in the Schedule below, at 11 o'clock, a.m.; Bridgetown, 10 a.ni.; Pinjarraj lioon; Balingl1p, 2 p.m.; Katanningj Pingelly, Narrogin, 3 p.m.


Date of Sale. Pltlot3s vi Sale. Description of Lotti. Numher of Lots. Upset Prices,

1908. :May 5 Katanning *Broo111e Hill Sub. 408 13 0 0 £13 each. Do 5 do * do do 423 12 o 25 1 Do 6 Pingelly Dattening Town 17 0 2 0 £14<. Do 6 do do do 18 0 2 0 £12. Do 6 do Pingelly do 4.13 0 1 8 £10. Do 6 do * do ... Sullo 588 2 1 2:3 £18. Do 6 Collie Collie '['own 54· 0 1 0 £35. Do 6 do do do 1030 1 0 4 £:30. Do 6 Bunbury *Cookernup ... Sub .. 79 4 2 38 ( :'I;: £8 each . Do 7 do do do 82 "i) 3 38 I Do i Geraldton Geraldton Tow 1 680 0 2 2:3 £50. Do 7 do Kadathinni dn 48 0 1 0 £12. Do 7 do do do 49 0 1 1 £15 each. Do 7 do do do 50 0 1 0 1 Do 7 do do do 51 0 1 0 £12. Do 7 do do do 52 0 1 0 , Do 7 do do do 53 0 1 0 ! Do 7 do do do 54 0 1 0 (·£10 o'1.ch. Do 7 do do do 55 0 1 0 I Do 7 do do do 56 0 1 0 J Do 7 Beverley Beverley Sub 206 4 3 30 £20. Do 7 do *Brookton do 182 1 :3 15 £8. Do 7 do :)(. do do 183 :3 010 £10. Do 7 Bridgetc wn * Manjimupp ... do :3 8 3 .1- £17. 3 8n Do 7 Pinjarra *Homebush do 25 10 ( £12 each. Do 7 do * do do 26 10 3 36 Do 8 Norseman Norseman 'rown 79D 0 1 g £8. Do 8 Balingup Balingnp do 58 0 2 27 £~2. Do 8 J\II. t. Morgans Murrin MU{'rin do fll 0 1 () £25. Do 8 do do do 80 0 1 0 £20. Do 8 i\1 enzies ~1:enzies do D16 0 1 () 1 Do 8 Perth Kalalllllllnda ... do 62 0 2 3 I ~.£1O ('[wh. Do 8 do do. do 63 0 1 :.!0 I Do 8 do do do 6,1- 0 1 32 j Do 8 do do do 66 0 1 :32 Do 8 do do do 67 0 1 20 ,~ £7 each. Do 8 do do do 68 0 1 20 £10. Do 8 do Chidlow's Well dl) 256 0 1 17 Do 8 do do do 257 0 1 20 , ~ £fl (mch. Do 8 do dl) do 258 0 1 2:1 Do 8 do do Sub. 14·3 10 1 20 £48. Do 8 do do do J4.4 14 o 20 £85. Do 8 do '* do do 150 21 g 10 £4'1-. Do 8 do *Lion Mill do 131 7 2 28 £28. Do 8 do *Mundijong- ... do D3 3 3 25 £8. Do 8 Mt. Barker ... *Narrikup do 23 g 0 0 Do 12 Kellerb

'-----_. * Suburban for cultivation. 1088 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, [APRIL 24, 1908.

LAND SALES--contimwu,

-~------Ouantities. Dates of Sale. PlacBs of Sale. Description of Lots. Number of Lot8. .--, Upset PrIces. I' a.. r. p. U108. May 15 Ravensthorpe ... #.'Ra vensthorpe ... Sub, 700 ... 1 0 l() £6. Do 15 do ...... " do ... .. , do 701 .. , .. 1 2 21 £9. Do 16 Day Dawn .. , ... Day Dawn ...... Town 887 ... .. , 0 1 0 £15 + £50 for im- provemonts. ., Do 20 'rfLmbellllp ...... *Tambollllp . .. ." Sub. I 95 .. " . .j 2 26 £7. Do 27 Port H~dland Port Hedlnnd '" 'I'own 85 0 1 8 £25. ". '" '"

,- * Suburban for Plans "nd further particulars may be obtain8d at this Office, or at the office where they I1re t.o be sold. N.B-Land sold to a depth of 200 feet below the natural surface, except in Mining Districts, where it is granted to a depth of40 feet only. ' R. CECfL Cr.TF"I'ON, Under Sef,retary for Llmds.

RESERVES Department of Lands "nd Surveys, Perth, 15th Al)l'il, 1908. HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to set apalt, as Public Reserves, the l"nds described in the Schedule below, for tbe purposes therein set forth:-

No. Content. Town or District. Purpose for which made. a. r. p.

10969 80 0 0 llfelbownw (Dool" W. H. )-Bol1nded on the West and South by ,"Vater. i" 1 .. lu

CECHJ CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands.

AMENDMEN'l' OF AI-mA AND BOUNDARIES OF ItESERVES, Departlllent of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 15th April, 1908. HIS Excellency the' Governor in ExecutivR Conncil h[1,s been pleased to approve of the Area fmc! Boundttries of H,eserve No. \l666 being amended [1,8 described in the Schedule below, for the purpose therein set forth the Area and Bonndaries previously published in the" Government Gazette" being- hereby cancelled:-

Itec!)r(leu Area. No. Town or Distl'1ct. Purpose for which ma.de. a. r. p.

H6(jG 12 114.4 Yu"()(,'

R. CECIL CLH"1'ON, Under Secretary for Lands.

LOTS OPEN FOR SALE. Department of Lf1,nds and Surveys, Perth, 1i5th April, 1908. 1'1' is hereby notifi"d, for geneml inforlllation, that the nndermentioned Lots are now for sale, under the conditions specified, by public :Hlction, as provided by "'l.'he Land Act, 1898," at the following upset ~~~----,------Corr. Xo. rrown. Sos. of Lots. COlluitiOlls. Upset Price. n.cmn,l'ks.

; ~ iJ i Broome Hill 5.'51, G;';:3, ;35,1" 555, 559, Town ... ,£10 eneh Lots 552, 558, 571, and 574 have 560, 5G1, 562, 5G5, been excepted from sale as Re­ 5Gu, 567, 5G8, 569, serve 11863. 570, 573, 575, 576, '1'he whole of these lots are also 577, ,mcl 578 nvailable as "'"V Ol'king Men's 550,556,557, 5li3, 5G't, Do £12 " Blocks" uncler Part IX. of 572, and 579 "The Land Act, 1898," at the S~Lme prices. \~~tf ~Iuchea ... 71,72, :tnd 78 Suburbml f01' cultiva- £15" These lots are also available as tion "Wol"kinO" Men's Blocks" under Part IX~ of "The Land Act, 1898," ut the same prices. 73 'rown ". £200

Plalls, showing-the arra.ngem.cllt of the lots referred to, wiil shortly be obtainable at this office, a.nd the offices of the various Government Laud Agents. ' R. CECIL CLIF'l'ON, Under Secretary for Lands, APRIL 24, H)08.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, ,\;y A. 1089


Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 24th li'Iarch, 1908. IT is hereby notified that the following Town, Suburban, Suburban for Cultivation, ancl Direct Purchase Lots are liable to forfeiture for non-payment of instalments of purchase money due on or prior to 1st Jamul,ry, 1908, and unless the amounts overdue are paid forthwith the sales must be cancelled, and the payments ·previously made forfeited, without further notice. R. CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands. Town Lots.

No. Name. Town. Amount. Instalment.

£ s. d. 17 LeJlIesurier, Cecil J. R. Ballaballa 9 0 0 2nd and 3rd instalments 49 Horroc1CA, John J. do. 10 2 6 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instalments 56 Maley, Wesley Barton 28 10 0 1st, 2nd. 3rd, and 4th instalments, and e. G. fee . 118 McGriskin, Wm. B. Beverley 6 15 0 1st, 2nd and 3rd instalments 12 Wallgren, 1111'S. L. A. Boogardie 8 2 0 do. 769 Lauderyon, Da\-id Jno. Boulder i'> 8 0 1st and 2nd instalments 822 Brew,IVm. do. 900 do. 1719 i}Iomn, JIll's. A. do. 3 7 0 Balance 2nd instalment 9 "McIntyre, James Boyagarra 4 14 6 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instalments 15 Faulkner, E. 1' .. and Chapman, do. 4 14 6 do. do. N. O. 16 Hurley. Nellie uo. 3 3 0 1st and 2nd instalments 22 Ohapman. Oharles do. 4 14 () 1st, 2nd and 3rd instalments 7 I(osley, ji;dw. A. Boynp 11 8 0 1st, 2n~, ard, and 4th instalments, anJ C G. tee 8 Do. do. 7 IG 0 1st, 2nd, ard, and 4th instalments, and C. G. fee 9 Do. do. 15 18 0 1st, 2nd, al'J, and 4th instalments, and C. G. fee 10 Waddington, A., and A\\"c()ck, do. 2nd! 3rd, and cUh instalments, and O.G. P. U. tee Ii) Smith. fl. N. do. 6 0 0 1st, 2nd, 31'd, and 4th instalments and C. G. fee ' 101 Badger, AIl'S. Ada L. Broome 4 1,1 G 1st instalment 216 13alCBl', AIrs. K JI[. Ilroomehill 9 18 H 2nd, ard, and 'Ult instalments, and e.G. fee 290 Caton, Hev. W. O. O. do. 440 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments, and O.G. fee 291 Do. do. 5 11 0 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments, and 0.0. fee 975 Ga\"in, Michael Oollie 24 () () Brd and 4th instalments, and e.G. fee 1036 Perris, Walter n. do. 6 1 6 2nd instalmsn t 1038 Dawson, Mrs. Ellen do. 4 10 0 ,~rd instalment 1040 McOaskill, Mrs. Eli,. do... 820 1st and 2nd illstalmen ts 24 Lig'htfoot, Mrs. M. OoIlieburn 3 12 0 1st and 2nd instalments 52 ~Iathews, Fmc/. Wm. do. 3 12 0 1st and 2nd instalments :{08 Wilson, HoJ:.EJrt Oue 7 1:3 I) lst and 2nd instalments 1 Pruntz, B. n. Olluderdin 10 10 0 1st, 2nd, :lrd, and 4th illstnlments and ;J Do. .. do. 10 1[: () O.G. lees 24 Pustkuchen. Uttoman T. Darkan .. 21 Ii'> 0 2nd. 3rd, and 4th instalments and O.G. fee :)4 Hevnolds, 'l'homas do. 11 H G 1st, 2nd, and ard instalments .'i:3 Brown, Ohas. F. do. 16 7 6 Balance 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalnwnts and O.G. leG 54 Larwood, ,Tno. '1'11os. do. ~3 12 0 2nd instalment 89 Francis, Annie J., do. 12 (j 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and e.G. fee :t7,j Taylor, Ed., and Cadby Frank .J. lJavvllllrst i'> 12 6 1st and 2nd instdments :359 Carson, grt-w" Derby ;) 1:2 6 :3rd instalment 78 .Jackson, illattlwv.s Drakesbrol)k () 18 () 1st, 2nd, anI. and ,all insln,lmen's ';Dr] e. O. fee Josephs, [saa.c I)unnsville 10 :l G 1st, 2nd, iJl'd, and 4th instalments and e.G. fee Devine, Horbert .J os. Elliaminna 5 8 () 1st and 2nd instalments Trelaven, William do. 4 10 0 duo Devine, Herbert .Tos. do. 4 10 0 do. Stevens, Frank do. .. i 2 5 0 1st installllf'l1t Do. do. 2 i'> 0 do. Hoberts, ;\[1'5. IW1C'1 do. 2 :'5 1/ d'). Do. do. () 1 (j 1st and 2nd instalments ~rol'linle,.. W. ('. do. :l 17 6 Balance :lrd and 4th instalments and e.G. fee (i4 ])0. do. 4 17 6 ·{tlt in'talment nnd e.G. fee (i7 l\farshaJi. '1'. ::; de. 5 17 0 1st and 2nd instalments 68 Paul. Chas. p. rIo. 2 10 6 Balance 1st and 2nd instalments 71 Judge, G. '1'., and Stamr" A. (; d,•. 4 1,) 0 1st and 2nd instalments 758 Hitchie, Francis J no. GeraldtrJll 600 1st, 2nd, 3rd, nnd 4th instalments and C. G. fee Silke, In'l. IIy. .. Goo'"nlIing 4 10 0 1st instalment Vestl'Y St. Barnabas' Ohurch .. Green bushes 446 Bale,nce :lrcl and 4th instaln:0nts and C.G. fOG 76 }fadrJren, Helen do. 2 14 () 2nd instalment \15 I11cOlur8, William do. [) 9 0 1st and 2nd insb,lments J76 Hall, T. J. do. 3 19 6 .tth instalment an:d O.G. f,y, J77 Beck, F ,T. do. 250 Balance 4th instalment ((nd e.G. tue 178 Hillier, J. do. 3 Ii'> 0 Ith instalment, and O.G. fee 211 13lum, Hose do. 5 12 6 1st and 2nd instalments 244 Haga, rngsbre\: do. 7 2 6 :3rd and 4th instalments and O.G. fee 1090 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [APRIL 24, 1908.


No. Name. Town. Amount. rnstalment.

£ S. d. 261 Malone, John H. GreGn bushes 23 2 o 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments, and C. G. fee 262 J oyee, Calel' do. 7 13 o 1st and 2nd instalments 264 Sutdiffe, E. duo 8 0 () 4th instalment, and C.G. fee 6 Thorley, ~]dwiu North Graenl·nsile" 10 10 o :1rd and 4th instalments. and C.G. fee 1."l Dick, .J. M. do. 10 10 o 1st, 2nd, :3rd, and 4th instalments, and C. G. fee 14 Hodcla, J as. do. 10 ID o 1st, 2nd, 3rd. and 4 th instalments, and C. G. fee 19 Benson, F. S. do. 7 11 (j :lnd, 3rd, and 4th instalments, and C.G. fee 20 Du. do. 711 2nd, 2rd, and -I-th instalments. and C.G. fee 21 Keyser, U. G. do. 7 4 9 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalmonts, and C.G. fee 22 Cumrrlius, E. do. 8 11 2nd, 3rd, and 4tll instalments, and C.G. fee fiO Carrigg, :ilL do. 5 8 o 1st, 2nd, and .3rd instalments 52 Dick, J. M. do. 814 o 1st, 2nd, :1rd, and 4th instalments, and C. G. fee 34 TIiIler, Alice Hopetonn 16 4 o 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instalments 44 Donnes, .J., l\l. do. 6 1.5 o 1st ftnd 2nd instalments 4:3 Cochrane, Marv do. la 10 o 1st and 2nd instl1lments 102 MeLeorl, .J. D: do. 28 8 o Balanee :lrcll1nd 4th instalments, and C.G. fee 103 p')'" do. ::;4 .7 o 3rd and 4th instalments, and e.G. feb 110 Jamieson, 'Vm. do. 1;3 ~) o 3rd and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 1087rr Jones, J. J. Kalgoorlie :l 7 6 1st, 2nd, and :3rd instl1lments 1270 Armstrong, J. H. do. 5 8 o 1st I1nd 2nd instalments 1272 Keyte, H. T. do. 3 3 o 2nd instalment 1:303 AI~Call, J. A. do. 214 o 1st instalment 1304 Do. do. 214 o do. 1331R Negus, O. J. do. :3 15 o 3rd and 4th instalments, and e.G fee H24R Petersen, C. A. do. 14 10 6 Balance 2nd. ard, and 4th instl1lments ami C.G. fee 1815 Hussell, .J. At do. 3 12 o 1st and 2nd instalments 2035 Humphreys, F. A. do. a :3 o 1st instal men t 21;33 Carroll, Geo. do. 4 13 IJ 3rd and ,ltll instrtlments and C.t;. fee t7F Thomas, H. Kanownl1 8 5 o Bu.lance 4th instalment and e.G. fee 169 Trood, .f. B. do. 417 6 4th instalment and C. G. fee 414 Smith, .J. U. do. 1>1 10 o 1st, 2nd, :3rd, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 527 Cundill, .fir. do. 19 10 o 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 540 Choules, Wm. do. 2 5 () 1st instalment 571 Hayes, Elien AI. do. a 0 o Balance 3rd and 4th inlltn,lments and C.G fee 707 Cook, G. .. .. do. 3 3 H 4th instalment anu C.G. fee 208 Scott, W. J. &. A. Katanning :35 5 IJ do. G7 Newman &. Lew,·liyn Kollert.errin :3 15 o do. 32 Hall, J. W. Kirupp 4 4 () 3rd and 4th instalments and (j.G. fee "11 t)cott, W. D. do. 6 10 o Balance 2nd, :31'd and 'lth instalments and C.G. fee Fllllartun, n. do. 2 a 6 Balance Mil instalment and G.G. fee J'horntrJll, W. C. do. :3 G o 4th instalment and C.U. lee Harrison &. House Kuudip 20 5 o 2nd n,nd 3d instalments Miller, .fir. L. K Laverton :3 18 G Balance 4tll instalment and e.G. lee Skerret, C. Leonora 11 12 G 2ud, 3rd, n,nd 4th instalments :md C.G. fee Dt). de>. 17 H o 1st, 2nd, 3rd, n,lld 4th ;lwtalmellt.; and O.G. fee 129 Blake, E. do. G 15 () 1st and 2nd instalments 71H Avard, C. E. do. 15 0 u 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments, and O.G. fee 1 Kenniwell, T. G. Linuen 1 15 o Balance 1st instf1lment 17 Do. do. 1 15 o do. 29 O'Connor, U. do. 2 5 o 1st instalment 30 Do. do. 2 5 () do. 31 Walker, J. duo 2 5 o do. 33 Young, J. do. 1 15 () Balance 1st instalment 35 Kenniwell, 'r. G. do. 2 15 o 1st instalment 41 Young, C. do. 1 5 o Balance 1st instn,lment 42 Do. do. 1 5 o do. 48 Kenniwell, '1'. G. duo 2 15 () 1st instalment 187 Mortimer, W. C. ~lu.lcolm :3 D o Balance 2nd and :lrd instalments 224 Judge &. Stamp do. G 0 o :3l'd and 'ltll instalments, a,nd e.G. tee 281 Kearns, A. Menzies 1 IG o 2nd instalment 295 Stephens, J. AI. do. :5 12 o 2nd and 3rd instalments 3D2 Alldis, W. E. do. 5 If) o llalam:e 1st, 2nd, 3nJ, and4tll instalments and C.G. fee 410 i\Iarshall, A. K do. 1 1G o 1st inetalment G08 I illickie, L. A. A ... duo 1 2 6 2nd insta:msllt 21 Thotnoson, D. 8. ~lerreJin G 0 o 31'd and 4th instalments, an, I O.U. fee 12U Drew; C. J. ~lt. Magnet J 1 fi o 1st and 2nd instalmel1 ts 1-11) Thomas, .J. n. do. iJ 0 o do. 1-12 Quinlan, .J. II. do. \) ~J o do. 1·1<1 'l'homn8, J. W. do D 9 o do. 146 Drew, C. J. do. 9 ~) o do. 1'18 Thomas, J. H. do. 4 10 o 2nd instalment 150 Do. do. '1 10 o do. 180 J:!"'ongo, n. do. 9 9 o 1st and 2nd instalment,

i .. ----~---.---- -_. ~-~-~-- APRIL '24, 1908.J GOVERNM.ENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1091


No. "ame. Town. Amount. Instalment.

£ S. d.

195 Fitzgerald, K :-lIt. JIagnet 3 15 0 4th instalment and O.G. fee 196 Drew, O. J. do. 3 15 0 do. 200 Elliott, May do. 786 1st and 2nd instalments 205 Thomas, .T. l. do. 9 3 9 2nd and 3rd instalments 211 Parsons, H. do. 4 10 0 Balance :3rd and 4th instalments, and O.G. fee 215 Quinlan, J. H. .. do. 10 7 0 1st and 2nd instalmElnts 216 Drew, O. J. do. 11 5 0 do. 217 'I'homas, J. H. I do. 12 3 0 do. 219 Quinlan, .J. H. do. 12 16 6 do. 339 Johnston. W. lVIt. lVIorgans 12 6 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments, and O. G. fee 506 Gatel;\" :\1. do. .3 .3 0 1st and 2nd instalments 50 Selkirk, A. ;llundijong 85 0 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments, and O.G. fee 72 Page, H. J. ;lIun-in Murrin 16 17 6 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instalments 99 Mackintosh. L. J. do. 4 0 0 Balance 1st and 2nd instalments 32 Achmid, - Narnglliu 6 18 0 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments·, and C.G. fee 35 }l.meer, -. do. 4 17 6 do. do. 10 Scott. W. Narrikllp 5 14 9 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instalments 11 Do. do. 5 14 !l do. 510 Nunan, A. M. Narrogin 16 16 () 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments, and O.G. fee 7 O'lfaIlOJ'an, G. M Nippering 2 19 0 Balance 1st and 2nd instalments 42 Kendall, 1". G. do. 5 17 0 1st and 2nd instalments 229 Grant, W.O Nc'rseman 6 18 0 2nd, :lrd, and 4th instalments. and e.G. fee 714 Calnen'll, P. F. de). 1 16 [) 2nd. iIhqtalment i 3rd and 4th instalments and e.G. fee 2 Faircbild, .J. W. Nungarra •• J 8 14 () 5 Lyons, .J. W. do. 15 () 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 11 Oock. W. N do. 10 2 G 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and. C.G. fee 12 Jonas. Rose do. '} 17 G 4th instalment and C.G. fee 13 Webb, G. do. 8 14 () 3rd. and. 4th instalments and O. G. fee 14 Do. do. 15 0 () 1st, 2nd, 3d, and 4th instalments and O.G. fee 16 Nimmo & Holmes do. 28 10 U 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalment.s and e.G. fee 57 Cock. W. N. do. 5 5 () Balance 1st, 2nd, and .3rd instalments 63 Oal{es, Alke do. 18 7 6 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C.(;. fee 66 Green, i\L do. 15 18 () 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C.G. " fee 67 Leslie, H. O. do. 650 B3,lance 1st, 2nd., and 3rd instalments 86 Guedne;\" ;II. do. 16 IG 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and. 4th instalments and C.G. fee 87 "White, i\[. F. do. 6 15 II 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instalments 135 Saunders. H .•J. du. 15 13 6 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 136 Do. do. 18 7 G do. do. 137 Do. do. 14 G 6 do. do. .138 Do . do. .. , 850 do. do. 141 Burton. W. do. 10 2 6 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instalments 155 Mahood, S. A. do. I, 3 15 (] 4th instalment and e.G. fee 163 Robinson, .J. W. U. do. 600 3rd, and 4th instalments and O.G. fee 164 Lyons ..J W. do. Hi 0 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and e.G. fee 165 Saun{(ers, J. do. 4 17 0 Balance 4th instalment and C.G. fee 167 Ij'bOlnas. 1.. J. do. :3 15 () 4th instalment and C.G. fee 168 Knott, D. H. do. 10 10 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and. C.G. fee . 180 ]\(eKav. A. do. 10 '2 6 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instalments 274 i\lasspy, A. H. Pingelly '250 1st instalment 275 Do. do. 2 18 G do. 435 Williams, 'Yo O. do. 16 16 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and. C·G. fee 451 Robinson, G. A. do. 11 17 0 Balance 2nd., 3rd, and 4th instalments and .. ! C.G. fee 458 Ooyle & Daw£s .. do. 6 () 0 3rd and. 4th instalments and C.G. fee 597 Brown, 111. .. ; do. 616 1st instalment ! do. 613 i Foreman, O. 111. .. do. 4 14 G 32 Meyer, O. J. ! Prineess Royal 24 0 0 Balance and O.G. fee 8 , Hagerty, J. Q u a.i!·ading 1 11 6 1st instalment 9 Do. de>. 1 1J (j do. 10 Do. do. 250 do. 19 Oonnoll;\" r:' do. 1 11 6 do. 20 Do. do. 2 5 [) do. 199 Dal1ison, A. E. RavenRtborPA 10 10 0 3rd and 4th instalments and o.n. fee 365 Haggerty. A. do. 2;~ 11 0 do. do. 367 Brennan, K. do. 46 10 U 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instahI1ents and C.G. I fee 369 Do. do. 3fJ G 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and O.G. IEP. 37:3 Boulger, H. D. do. 15 () (I 3rd and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 374 i Brennan, K. do. 46 10 li 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and O.G. fee 384 Daw, F. J. do. 42 13 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 387 McDonald, J. H. do. 5J 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 1092 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [APRIL 24, 1908.


No. Name. Town. Amount. Instalment.

£ s. d.

:388 Williams, K Itfwensthol'pe 2~ 0 () 3('({ and 4th instalments and C.G. fee :i89 Fahey, :it. do. :f6 12 () 2nd, 3rd and 4th instalments and C.G. fee :393 Baker, J. do. 17 14 0 3rd and 4th instalments and O.G. fee 394 Ooffey, J. do. 2G 9 6· 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C.U. fee 395 Daw, H. E. do. 2G 9 (j do. do. 396 Farrell, W. J. do. 28 10 0 do. do. 399 Elston, M. J. do. 39 6 0 do. do. 403 Fishel', P. H. do. 42 18 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments, and O. G. fee 404 Boulger, E. M. do. 40 4 0 1st, 2nd, 3rt! and 4th instalments, and e. G. fee 407 Benjamin, H. do. 35 5 0 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments, and e. G. fee 408 Gilhert, e. do. 37 10 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments, and O. G. fee 409 Boulger, E. M.. clo. 37 10 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and e. G. fee 412 McKenny, W. do. 9 12 0 4th instalment and O. G. fee 413 Stockdale, H. G. do. 87 10 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C. G. fee 416 Harridine, H. do. 23 2 0 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and O.G. fee 421 McGregor, .J. do. 29 8 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and O. G. fee 426 Daw, 1,. do. 20 8 0 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and e.G. fee 428 Smart, C. K do. 20 8 0 do. do. 429 Alexander, R. do. 7 16 0 4th instalment and GU. fee 461 'fighe, C. W. A. do. 630 Balance 1st and 2nd instalments ·162 Anderson, J. n. do. 17 11 0 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instalments 502 Green, D. do. 2:1 2 0 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instn.]ments and C.G. fee 508 Horton, J. rh. 4 10 0 1st instalment 509 Do. .. df). 5 12 6 do. 636 Letts, H. W. dC). 20 8 0 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 637 Smith, F. G. do. 14 2 0 3rd and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 642 Daw, 1<'. E. do. 48 15 0 2nd, :lrd and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 645 LettH & Farroll do. :37 19 0 3rd and 4th instalments and C.G. fece 646 Purc:hasP, J. do. 56 :3 6 2nd, :3rd, and 4th instalments, and C.G. fe2 2 Dawkins. H. Sandstof18 11 8 0 3rd and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 7 Walton, F. do. 1:) 4 0 do. do. 8 Do. do. 25 7 0 do. do. 15 C,'ck, W. ;>.l. do. 84 12 0 Ba.Janc:e 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 16 McDou-tld, ,J. A. 30. 91 10 0 1st, 2nd, ard, and 4th instalments and C.G. fBe 37 Bethell, 'I.'. do. 84 6 0 1st, 2nd, ard, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 39 Han'is, F. V. do. 7:3 10 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th installllollts "ne! C. G. fee 49 Cock, W. N. do. 83 8 0 1st, 2nd, :3rd, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 51 Campbell, '1'. do. G4 10 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and e. G. fee 52 Dawkins, H. do. 66 G 0 1st, 2nd, art!, and 4th illstalJilOnts and (1 G. fee 55 Sharp, R. n. do. 48 15 0 :3rd and 4th instalments and C.U. fee 57 Cock, W. N. rh. 5G 8 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalm8nts and C.G. fee 59 DawkinR, II. do. 51 18 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C. G. fee 61 McDonald .1. A. do. 5(j 8 0 1st, 2nd, ard, and 4th instalments "nd e (}. feo Green, W. ,J. do. 55 10 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4·th instalmonts and C.G. fee White, G. Will. do. 42 0 0 2nd, ard, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 75 Maynard, 1<'. L. do. 82 10 0 1st, ~nd, 3rd, and ,I th instaltwmts and C.G. fee 77 Adkin, '1'. I;;. . do. 79 2 6 2nd, ard, and 4th instalments and C.U. fee 84 Orchard, '1'. \\'. do. ::l80 10 0 1st, 2nd, :~rd, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee !)2 Orchard, 'I'. W. do. 195 18 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and '!th instalments and C.G. fee O'Malley & Fleg-eltall[, do. 19f) 0 0 1st, 2nd, 8rd, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee Arleell, F ... do. 21!) I; 0 1st, 2nd, 3ru, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee to:) Allan, Ii'. do. 87 () () 1st, 2nd, ;{rd, and 4th instalments and O.G. fee 105 Hiley, 1\1. do. 1:\ 4 0 3rc! and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 113 Briner, O. V. do. 7i5 1f) 0 3rd and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 117 ,Jones, A. P. do. 6f) 8 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and e.G. fee 122 li'ienberg & Stienberg­ do. Go 8 () do. rio. 12'1 lifernness. A. do. 4f5 7 (j 2nd. 3rc!, and 4th instalments and C.U. fee 57 Bolger, 1\1. Sl1wyers' Valley 17 IA 0 1st, 2nd, :lrd, and 4th instalments and e.G. fee 50 Le Mesurier, C ..J. 11. Serpentine 10 10 () 1st, 2nd, :lrd, and 4th insta!ll18uts and C.G. fee 51 Do. rio. III 10 0 1st, 2nd, 3rd, awl 4th instalm£nts and e.G. fee 51 Htokes, W. L. .. 8mith's Mill 10 () 1st and 2nd instal ments 1765 Copping, H. II. . . . . South nO'llder :1 (j 0 ·j·th instalment and e.G. f(,!' 51 Vanzuilecom & Oobhalll Tambdlup () IG 2 Balance 3rd instalment APRiL 24, 1908.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1093

No. Name. Town. Amount. Instalment.

H. d. 22 Smith. A. V. 19 10 0 , 1,t. 2nd. 3rd. and '1th instalments and " , C.O. fee 177 Gillett, S. .. TrainJgar .j 10 () 1st and 2nd instalments 12 Blair, K H. Yi\'ien 11 12 li 2nd. :~rd and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 2:3 Kealy, T. .. du. 7 u 2nd and ;3rd instalments H Hamel'sley, E. A. \Yilliams 1 11" 6 :lrd instalment 15 Do. .. do. 1 11 6 do. 17 Oaton, W. O. O. do. 2 5 0 1st instalment 18 Hamers]ey, E. A. do. 1 11 6 3rd instalment 19 Do. .. .. do. 111 6 do. 185 Quartermaine, E. J\I. Woodanilling 10 10 0 1st. 2nd. 3rd. and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 186 Haddleton, J\1. A. do. 10 10 0 l~t. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C.G. fee 187 .Jamieson, W. C. do. 10 10 0 1st, 2nd. :~rd, and 4th instahnents and C.G. fee Tims, N. Wyndham 10 10 0 3rd and 4th instalments and C.G. fee lIenderson, Eo Yun"da[!,'a 2 5 0 1st and 2nd instalments Oullen. AI. do. :, 7 6 1st, 2nd, and 3rcl instalments·

Comiitionltl Pm'cho,se-Scction 57.

No. ~ail1c. Distriet. Amount. Instalment.

£ s. d. 289/57 Clinch, F. IV. n. Melbourne :3 15 4 Balance P.M. and C.G. fee 367 Butcher, \:lJ. W. N. Katanning 2 6 () Balance P.AL, survey fee. and C.G. teo 368 Piesse, C. A. Kojonup '1 7 6 Fine, C.G .• and survey fee 369 Do. .. do. 5 12 6 do. do. 408 Reid, H. .J. G. Avon 10 12 :3 Balance P.M. and C.G., and survey fee 416 Lockyer, S. J. do. 6 16 H Balance P.AL and O.G. fee 422 Bechtel. H. Vidoria :3 0 0 Balance P.:M., C.G., and survey fee 430 Synnott. I- Ewlyamartup 2 0 6 2nd instalment 431 Do. do. 1 16 0 do. 443w .Jeffrey, IV. Kojonup 11 2 () 1st and 2nd instalments 449w French, .J. A. Williams 206 Balance dep., 1st and 2nd instalments

No. -"amB. Town. Amount. Instalment.

I I ~---,-~-~---~--- ,1; s. d. 274 A[cGovern. .J. Albany 28 10 0 1st, 2nd, 31'd, and4tb instalments and O. G. fee 195 Whitely, P. BBH't'ley 20 8 () 1st, 2nd. :3rd, and 4th instalments and O. G. fee 3 Adcock. W. :m. & C. .J. Derby 10 10 0 :3l'd and 4th instalments and e.G. fe'e 4 Do. do. 10 10 () do. do. 20 Do. do. 10 10 (J do. do. 21 Do. do. 10 10 0 do. do. 119 Wright, .J. Fremantle 6 15 0 1st instalment 77 ~'auckner, E. H. Woodanilling 2 1~) ~) 1st, 2nd, 3rd. and 4th instalments and O. O. fee 79 Do. .. i do. 2 19 9 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instalments and C. G. fee 81 Do. .. do. :3 1 :3 1st. 2nd, 31'd, alld 4th illstalmf'nts and C. ! G. fee 36 Kemp, Arthur Baker's Hill 3 6 0 9th and 10th instaiments and O.G. fee 37 Do. do. :3 6 0 do. do. 38 Do. do. 3 2 4 do. do. :39 Do. do. 3 2 4 do. do. 40 Do. do. :3 2 4 dr>. do. 41 Do. do. :i 8 6 Balance 8th, 9th.. and 10th instalments and C.G. fee 76 Tomb, H., & Hen1ing'\vay, S. Bridgetown H 18 0 2nd and 3"d instalments 108 Ocker, J\Irs. J\1. N. do. 0 18 0 2nd instalment 167 KeyosI', T. .J. do . 0 15 9 Halan"e 8th instalment 168 Do. do. 0 16 :i do. 184- Ayre, .John A. do. 1 16 0 1st and 2nd instalments 185 do. do. 1 16 () do. 1094 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [APRIL 24, 1'908.


No. Name. Town. Amount. Instalment.

£ s. rl.

218 Morrissey, Edgar Bridg'etow n 2 14 (~ 1st and 2nd instalments 359 Lucas, Arthur do. 1]6 :) do. 360 Do. do. 1 16 0 do. 397 Moore, Jno. W. do. o 18 0 1st instalment 569 Harris, Wm. dr ). o 12 9 Balance dep. and 1st inst.almflDt 59 Summers, Mrs. Mary Capel o 10 10 6th and 7th instalments 58 Do. dc. o ]0 10 do. 60 Do. do. o 10 10 do. 61 Do. do. o 10 10 do. 62 Do. do. o 10 10 do. 63 Do. do. o 12 8 do. 64 Do. do. o 10 10 do. 65 Do. do. o 12 8 do. 66 Summers, John Charles do. o 10 10 5th and 6th instalments 67 Do. do o 10 10 do. 68 Do. do. i) 10 10 dc·. 69 Do. do. o ]0 10 do. 70 Do. do. o 10 10 do. 'i1 Do ., G"· o 10 10 do. 136 .Martens, Mrs H. . . ClJballing 1 8 eil 4th and 5th instalments 58 Parkes, Rev F. J. Harton Gwambygine :{ 8 " 6th and 7th instalments 59 Do do. 2 17 8 do. 60 Do .. do. :{ 4 10 ., do. 1 O'Rourke, J Hamel 15 5 .3 Balance 7th, 8th, Hth and 10th instai· 20 Do .. do. 15 12 9 l ments, and C.G. fee 35 Smith, J!1s. NIcC. JIomebnsh :l 19 :2 3rd and 1th instalments 36 Do do. 3 19 2 do. 38 Do do. 464 5th and Gth instalments 39 Do do. 1 8 6 Balance 1st instalment 40 Do do. 1 8 6 do. 41 Do do. 3 1 2 5th and nth instalments 42 Do .. do. 312 do. 143 Foulds, James A. Katanning o 18 () Gth instalment 67 Kidd, Geo. KBlm~cott .3 :3 0 8th instalment 69 Collins, John do. 1 1 8 8th and 9th instalments 70 Do do. 1 19 8 7th and 8th instalments I 80 Do .. ! do . 4 l:l -1 Balanco 1st and 2nd instalments 81 Do ., i do. 2 14 0 4th and 5th instalments 82 Do do. 9 7 2 6th and 7th instalments 171 Do do. 1 8 J 0 do. 172 Do dl). 1 J() 0 do. 173 Do do. 1 1 8 do. 174 Do do. 1 1 8 do. 175 Do. do. 1 1 8 do. 176 Do. " " do. 232 do. 127 Brown, Jno. Wm. Lion Mill 1 1!J 4 Balance 1st and 2ml instalments 128 Tobin, Herbert P. do. 580 1st and 2nd instalments ]21 Murphy, Andrew Marjidin .3 15 JO Balance dep., 1st and 2nd instiLllllonts 123 Hamersley, Richard H. do. 2 10 8 do. rio. 8 Moore, G. ilIariginiup Lake 740 4th and 5th instalments l8i) Coles. AIM. E- Meckering G 2 il Balance dop., 1st and 2nd instalments 95 O'Urien, P. N., & Hahen, K J. i\fundaring 2 Jt± 0 7th instalment 478 Sheean, James n. Narrogin 4 10 0 5th and 6th instalments 480 Monger, J. S. .. Pingelly 740 2nd and 3l'd instalments 481 Adlam, H. jlL & F. K do 8 9 2 do. 486 Dewar, Wm. H. do. 5 8 () do. 83 Steele, Jlfrs. Fanny Popanyinning 4 6 8 Balance dep., 1st and 2nd instalments 85 Christi", Wm. B. do. 5 11 4 Balance 1st and 2nd instalments 261 Knapp, Francis Ravensthorre 2 6 () Balance 2nd instalment 347 Smith, C. E. S. Wagin 2 G 10 7th and 8th instalments :158 Turner, G. H. do. 2 10 4 8th and !Jth instalments :l86 Wright, Agnes do. 0]8 () 5th instalment 445 Simms, C. A. do. 1]8 G Balance Gth instalment 473 ~Iino,,;ue, D. N. do. 2 10 5 3rd and 4th inst.alments 4fJ2 Simms, C. A. do. 1 8 10 Gth instn.Iment 494 Do. do. 1 8 10 do. 49!'i Do. do. ] 8 10 do. 496 Do. do. 1 8 10 do. 497 Do. " " do. 1 8 10 do. 24 Breen &. Johnston Williams 9 :~ 2 Balance 3rd and '1 th instalments 172 Baxter. Wm. Jno. Woodanillim; 188 Balance 1st and 2nd instalments

CANCELLATION OF A WORKING MAN'S BLOCK. Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 3rd April, lUOS. 1'1' is hereby notified, for general information, that the undermentioned VV orking Mttn's Bloek 1ms been cancelled f"r non-compliance with the conditions under whi(·.}1 it wns granted, and t.he land conta,;ned, ther(,in will be t,gain open for selection on and after the 21st April, 1908. Applications must be lodged at the Office of the Lnnd Agent for the District in whieh the land is situated. AI)plications received OIl or before the date the bnd is available will be considen'd as simultaneous, and if there are more than one applicant the matter will be decided by the Land Board.

No. of Town. Office at which applica.tioll mllst bolder. Holding. Lot No. he lodged. Late

197/88 Mundijong 93 Perth Hntton, J.

R. CECIL CLIP'I.'ON, Under Secretary for Land~ APRIL 24, U)()8.l GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 1095 ..J 'V.A.

CANCELLATION OF HOMESTEAD FARMS. Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 16th April, 190tl. ['1' is hereby notified, for general information, tlmt the undel'mentioned Homestead Farms have been cancelled for non-compliance with the conditions under which they were granted. and the bnd contained therein will be again open f0;' selection on and after the undermentioned dates. Applications must be lodged at the o;nce of the L~Ulcl Agent for tL(' DIstrict in which the land is situated. Applications received on or before the date the land is avaihl,ble will be considel'c,l as 3imultaneous. and if tlwl'P ~Te morp thAn mlp ~Frlica.nt the H",.ttPl' will hA d

!To. of Location District. Plan. Office at which application Late hoMer. Holding. No. must be lodged.

Cancelled, and emp01'al'ily l'eserved for the pnsent.

4575/H Williams 4491 377D/40 B4 I I Irvin, R. I 6055/7t Avon .. , r 7171 25/80 B"\ I I L ancastcl', ..J 8864/74 Kojonup 44,61 '136/80 D_ ...... I Exley, D. P.

Cane cUed Q,7l.d tempo1'al'ily ,'ese?'1'ecl {or D1'ainage P1o·poses. 15/lG27 I Uduc A.A. ... I 27 I I .. , I Bevan, G.

Ol'en 1mde1' Pa1'ts V. anti VIII, of" The Land Act, lA9S," on and after the 21st AP1'il, 1908. 2382/H Williams 2557 885C/40 F'I Wagin... Hefferltan, 'V. "4.200/7>1 Kojonup 2576 416C/40 C3 Kfltanning Down, H. 45'20/7,1- Do. 1010 410C/40 D3 do Cornish, H.H. 49W/74 Avon (l183 :348D/40 B4 Beverley Ste"eus, J;ts. 5785/7t Do, 2662 Ucarty A.A. Northam, Fenwick, P. 5tl20iH llo, G7H4 378B/40 D1 Narrogin Lindley, L. 6180/H Do, 7201 32/80 A &B 3 Northam Harringt.m, lYl. J 6350/74 Do. 7338 379/80 E1 Narrogin Ritchie, d, B. 7084/74 Do. 8958 3/80 C4 Beverley Clayton, W. B. 8599/H Do. 0\104, 32/80 E1 Northam Campbell, J. L. hl,te 7958/H 'plantagenet 1780 435/80 B2 Albany Late 7tl9J/74 !lo, 17()9 435/80 A2 do. 2:380/7t ,Vilbllns 2700 385C/40 F4 Wag-in Heffel'nan, 1'. *3212 I 7

7242/H Williams 31(;9,6354, 409B/40 F1 Wagin ." SMrlett, W, H. 7383/7'1- Avon 7302 26/40 C4 Beverley Kent, W. K H. 7'j,15/74 'Vellington 1965 '1-15/80 D2 Wagin Drysd~de, ,y, 7416/74 Do. ]968 elo. do. Drysdale, D. "7534/7 j. Prestof, A.A, 287 414A/40C2 B'l11hury Johnson, vI', A, 76:31/74 Mllllewa A,A. 36 Geraldton Bunter, leV, .J. 81·16/H Kojonup ... 4,191 417A/40 Bl Katanning Bradley, A. 83:cR/H Avon ;1162 33/80 B2 Northam BH.U81', F, C, :3116/H Do. 501:3 379/80 E4 Narrogin Cllllllingbam, .T. D. 4(j73/H Williams '11'01' 385C/40 D-t ,Vagin Ea"ton, A. 5192'/H Avon 1):~25 843/80 B4 Beverley., . ]\rlitchell, R. 7011/H Ewlyanmrtnj) A.A, 20:3 ,U7U/40 B3 Katanning i'ihdigHn, A. F, 7(;5:,/7<1 Avon 4· cA2 ~H3D/40 C4 Beverley .. Moran, G eo, H734jH Nelson :3229 Dinninup Katanl1iug Smith, c\. C, 27H/74 i vVilliams 2895 3tlf:>A/40 Al Narrogin JYlaeldigan, '1'.

V. and VIIi. f!,f" The Land Act, 1898," on ctnd after 5th May, 1908. 0'''3802/74 Avon 5412 343D/40 B3 Beverley Hebharc1, F. 4326/74 Williams 5250 I 385A/40 Narrogin Watkins, C, '1'. 5558/74 Do. 5080 i 4,081/40 A2 Wagin Wreford, jun., F. 6152/N Nelson 1750 '443/80 A & H2 Bridgetown Hall, G. 7282/H Willi"ms 6ga . 409/80 A3 Wagiu... Cain, W. F. 5140/74 Avon 6:=n5 343/80 E4 Beverley Schnltze, A. Open wldel' Pa t V. of" The La,ul Act, 1898," on. and a/tel' 5th May, 1908. Avon ;3llG 342Cj40E4 I Beverley Woods, ,I'. I Open nne/e,' Pw·t VI, of" The Land Act, 1898," on and afte)' 5th ]}Iay, 190'<, at 7s. 3el. pe?' aCl·e. Williams 4042 i 378C/40 F 4 Narrogin '" I Johnston, H .

.. Subject to iIpprovements. R CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretflry for Lands 1096 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, VV.A. [APRIL 24, 1908.

CANCELLATION OF CONDITIONAL PURCHASES. Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 16th April, 1908. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the undermentioned Conditional Purchases have been cancelled for non-compliance with the conditions under which they were granted, and the land contained therein will be again open for selection on and after the undermentioncd dates. Applications must be lodged at tho office of the Land Agent for the District in which the land is situated. Applications received on or before the date the land is available will be considered as simultaneous, and if there are more than one appli.cant the matter will be decided by the Land Board.

Office "t which application No. of District. Locatioll Plall. I,ate holder. Holding. No. must be lodged.

Open ~mdC1' Parts V. an,l VIII. q(" The Land Act, 1898," on and atte;' the 6th Ap~'il, 1908. Late 5915/56 Wellington 2306 414/80 F2 I Bunbury

Open 1mde~; Pa~·t V., Sec. 60, of" The Land Act, 189&," on and aite,. the 6th April, 1908. 1047/60 I Swan ... I 2378 1A/'10 A2 i Perth ... I \Vatkins, C. '1'.

Open 1mde)' p(wts V. (md VIII. of" '1'he Land Act. 189&," on aml (,(ter the ;2/st A.pri.l, 1908. 3231/56 Plantag-cnet H71 43G/80 F2 Katanning ... '1'imllls, H. O. 19365/55 Nelson'- 3230 Dinninnp do. Smith, A. C. 19366/55 Do. 258G,2587 do. do. do.

Open ",nele;' Pal·t V. ,il" 'l'he Land Act, 1591:1," on (mel ~lte1" the 21st April, JO()S. 55,t5/56 I Avon 7912 25/80 AA. NortlHLln Vl'imaZ nnd 'l'omic

Open 1mde,. plO·ts V. ,mri VII f. ql "'1'he Land Act 1898," on and aftel' the 5th IlI"y, t908. 4624/56 Avon 95:18 '25/HO Fl Northam , McConnell, g. J. ~;48/4473 Plantagenet 74li "151/80 C'± Albany ••• I Chnwings, C.

'" Subject to ilnpl'OYCmcllts. R. CECIL CLIF'fON, Under Secreta,l'Y for Lnnds.

CANC.BJLLATION OJ;' A GRA~ING LEASK Department of L,wds and Snrveys, Perth, 16th April, 1»08. 1'1' is hereby notified, for general inform'1tioll, that the u!1dermentioned Grazing Lease has beon emwelled for non­ compliance with the conditions uncler which it was gmntod, and the bnd cout;,ined therein \vill he again open for selection on and aftor the 5th JYL1Y, UJ08. Applicntions must be lodged at the office of the Land Agent fot' the District in which the land is situated. Applicntions received on 01' bofore the elate the land is ava,ila,ble will be considered as simul­ taneous, and if there nre more than one applicant the llmtter will be decided by the Lnnd Board.

No. of District. Plan. Office at which application L,Lte hoWer. Holding. lllust be lodged.

Open gnde;' p",·ts V., VI., nnel VIII. of" '1'he Lan(l Act, 1898." 2912/G8 I Williams ... 5676 i 38c1/80 Dl I Narrogin ...... \ Bromley, W. A. ------,--- R. CECIL CLIF'fON, Under Secretnry for IJands.



Oor1'. No. Town. Nos. of Lots. Date 0lJen. Applications to be lodged at

Kalgoorlie 257'2, 2li70, 2(J81, and 2(5S(; Government Land Agent's Office, Kalgoorlie.

Applications may be lodged at the OliiCb mentioned at nny time prior to thc date specified, f1nd any applications so lodged will be deemed to have been lodged 011 thnt day. In the event of two or more appliCiltions for the smne lot, priority will be determined as prescribed by Sec. 17 of "The Land Act, 1898," [,nd Sec. 2 of "'1'he Land Act Amendment Act, 1900." In the event of [my applicant oht:lining a lot on whieh there are improvements not erected or owned by such npplieant, he shnll pay tbe fnir va.)ue of such improvemonts to the Land L\.g·ont or Wardeu at the place mentioned before his npplication is npprowd. Iuteuding applicnl1ts aro rl'(lllcstod to lodge their applier,tions before the el:tte specified, and are 1'IllHinded that it is unnecessary to e1llploy

LOTS OPEN FOR SELECTION. Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 15th April, 19C8. rr is hereby notified, for general information, that the undermentioned lots are now open for selection, under the conditions specified, as provided by "The Land Act, 1898," at the following prices :-

------~------~------Co!"r. No. Town. Nos. of Lots. Conditions. Remarks.

Beverley 233 and 287 ,\Vorking lYIen's Blocks £lOeach." Lot 226 has been excepted from 234 Do £11 sale as Reserve 11350 232 Do £12 235 Do £15 227 and 230 Do £17 each 229 Do £18 236 Do £In 231 Do £20 228 Do £21 Brown Hill 1'16 Do £10 2;'59 Do £12 195 Do £16 Coolgardip 193·t, 19:38, 1940, 19'H, Do .£10 each 1$l·14, 1979, 1980, 1HSl, 1987. 19f1O, 1991. 19\)2. J 99:), HJH·I. 1995, Hl9G, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, '200G. 2J07, 2009, 2011. 20n, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2028 1888, l1-i91, 1802, 18H:" Do .£12 erwh 180·t, IS96, IS})7, lOOS, H);'50, IH51, 1953, 1$)5:), Wo6, 1H;37, 195n, 19()O 1S'76, IS7\), Hl03, 1004,. Do £15 each 190G. IH70. 1975 . 1871, 1\)02. 1H54,. l\)()S I Do £20 each

Pl.U1S. showim.~· tIle arl'[l.llifCmelJt of ill(' lots rnfcl'l'ed to, will shorny 1)0 ohtainable at this office, and the offices of tho various Goverlnnent Luna Agonts.

'I'll(' attcntion of intonding sclcetors is (11':1W11 to the fad that the land eOlll]>riscd in these lots is only parti­ ally drained, and the (ion:rIll1l011t \\'ill not l)() responsible for all)' loss ,,-hidl Jl1a;-.' ()('('lJl' on acconnt of iioo(1ing (l1' incflicicnt drainage, Applications HI list· be loilgcd \\'il:h the Gon:rlllllontLallil _\gPllt for tllc district. ill whidl the land is situated, E, CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands, 1098 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W,A. [APRIL 2.+, 1908.

Department, of Lands and Snrveys, LAND OPEN FOR SELECTION. 11138/06. Perth, 6th April, 1908. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the (Reserve 2003, Wilson's Inlct.) Temporary Reserve of 25 miles wide along the Stock Department of Lanas and Surveys, Route recently explored by NIl'. Smveyor A. W. Canning :185/89. Perth, 2211(1 A ]lriI, 1908. has been reduced to include a strip of laud five miles wide extending along the said Stock Route from Wihma 1'1' is hereby notified, for geneml information, that His to the junction of the Wolf and Sturt Creeks, and thence l~xcellel1cy the Governor in Exe('utiYe Coundl has been one mile wide to Hall '8 Creek. pleased to approve of the cancellation of Hescn-e 2003, The remainder of the late 'femporary Reserve will be Wilson's Inlet, and the land comprised therein is now open for selection under Pastoral Lease Conditions, on open for selection under Parts V. and VIU. of " The and after the 21st April, 1908. Land Act, 1808." R. CECIL CLIFTON, Applications for this land must be made through the UncleI' Secretary for IJanils. Goycrnment Land Agent in whose district it is situate.

CANCELLA'fION OF RESERVE 7132 (AVON). Kojonnp (lncZ Nelson Locations, neal' Dinnin]!l). Department of Lands and Surveys, 16107/9H. Perth, 15th April, 1908. Department of Lands aIllI Surveys, ['1' is hel'Gby notified, for general information, that His 10370/05. Perth, 15th April, 1908. ExcGllency the Governor in Executive Council has been IT is hereby notified, for geneml information,. that the pleased to approve of the cancellation of Reserve 7132 following Locations situate l1('a1' Dinllinup will be (Avon Locatio!l :34(6) and of the land comprised therein open for selection unc1er Parts V, and VUI. of "The being thrown open for selection uncleI' Parts V. and VIII. Land Act, 1898 " (subject to Section 73 of "The Land of "The Land Act, 1898," on and after 'rUGS day, 12th Act Amendment Act, 1906' ') by persons who do not j\lfay prox. (Plan 378A/40.) oll'n more than one hundred (100) acres of land in the Applications must be made through the Nal'l'ogin Gov­ State, on and after 'l'uesday, 19th May, 1908, at the ernment Agency. undermentioned prices:- R. CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands. Price Price Loc. No. per acre. Loc. No. per acre. s. d. s, d. RESUMPTION OF POR'1'ION OF TIMBER LEASE Nelson 2547 '" 10 0 Nelson 2998 .. 10 0 322/113. 2978 } Reserve 1 2994. 7 6 2979 114(3) 299,SiRes.1J·104) * Department of Lands and Surveys, 2980 .. , 10 0 299G 10 0 10495/06. Perth, 15th April, 1908. 2981 10 0 2997 8 0 010'1' I CE is hereby given that pursnant to Section 126 2982 ... 10 0 " 2998 10 0 of " The Land Act, 1898," the Ministcr for La11l1s, 2983 10 0 2099 10 0 with the approval of the Governor, has resumed so much 2984 8 0 3000 10 0 of tho land comprised in '1'imber Lease 322/113 grantcd 2988 7 0 " .'3001 8 0 to E. H. "Vittenoom as is described hereunder, the same 2989 8 0 Kojonup 4,718 .. , 13 0 having been, in tho opinion of the :\!Iiuister, practically 2990 .. , 80 471'1.., 12 0 <1enuded of marketable Jarrah, KaITi, 01' 'l'uart timber, 2991 10 0 4715.. . .. 11 0 or on which no marketable .Jarrah, Karri, or 'runrt timber 2992 11 0 -t7lIL. 12 0 in his opinion is growing; ane[ further, His Exeellency * Exceptec] from 8,,10 (water). the Governor has been pleased to throw the area so re­ Any selector of a Homestead Parm out of any of the sumed open for scledion under Part V. of " 'rhe Land above Locations must take the balauce thereof uncler Act, 1898," on and nfter 'rucsdny, 12th May prox. conditiO

chains, thence 1\ orth to the Bladn\-ood River, continuing Podion of Reserve 7691 (l:{elson District, Warren River)_ along the West and South banks of the River to a poiut Department of J'lUlds and Sun-eys, direct East of the starling point, thonce about 6 chains fH)28/07_ . Perth, 8th April, 1908. ,Yest to starting point. Containing about 120 acres. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the (Plan 439/80 A and B 2.) area described hereunder is herebv excised from Reserve Applications must be made through the Government 7691, and \I-ill be open for selection under Part Y. of Land Agent at Bridgetown_ , 'The Lanc1 Act, 1898," on and after '1'uesday, 5th M.ay, 1908 :- Avon District (ncaT Baandee)_ Bonn,kd 11y lines starting from a point on the left Department of Lands and Surveys, bank of the \Va1'1'en l~i\-er situate ahout 30 chains "lVest Perth, 10th April, 1908_ from the \Vest boundary of Nelson Location ::402, and extending South about 60 chains, East about 60 chains IT is hereby notificll, for general information, that the to said bank of riYcl', and along it dowllwards to the lancl clesnibed hereunder, being portion of Pastoral starting point. (Plan 442/80.) Lease 331/97 and Baanclee State Forest, will be open for Applications 111nst be lodge(l \Yltb the Cion·rument selection uncleI' Parts V_ ancl VIII. of " 'rhe Land Act, Land Agent for th" (listriel in which t1wlalld is situated. 1898," on and after \V Hlnesclay, -,he 29th instant:- Bounded by lines starting 10 chains from the North­ At'on District (near Merrcden). West comer of Avon Location 8952, running North about Department of Lands and Surveys, 43 chains; thence East to \"\'estern boundary of Ayon 4834/06_ Perth, 16th April, 1908. :Location 3723, continuing South to the Northern boun­ IT is hcreb~' notified, for general information, that the dary of Avon Location 3551; thence \Vest along the land described hereunder, being portion of Pastoral 1\orthern boundaries of AYon Locations 3551, 3550, and Lease 429/97, \yill be open for seleetioll 11l1der Parts Y. 8952 to the starting point. Containing about 300 acres. and YIIL of "'1'11<1 Land Act·, 1808," on and after (Plan 25/80, D 3.) 'l'uesday, 5th :i\fay:- Applications must be lodged with the Government Bou1ll1ec1 by lim·s starting from the North corner of Land Agent at Northam_ Avon Location 9218, thenco about North-East 40 chains, thence about South-East 40 ehains, thence about South­ "Vest 40 chains to the South corner of Location 9218 Nem- Dinnim~p. thence along- its North-East boundary to the startin~ Department of Lancls and Surveys, point. Containing- 160 neres. (PIrm 24/80 A2_) b rHJ8i /07. Perth, 1st April, 1908_ Applications must be made> throngh t.lw Go\-ermnent 1'1' is heroby notifiecl, for general information, that the T~ancl Ag'mt at Northam. land (~eseribeil hereunder wi 11 be open for selection uncler Part V. of " '1'he Lallll Act, 1898," on and after 'l'ues­ Al'otl Distriot; (ncar TOII.r;Cntll{J Well)_ day, 28th April, 1908:- Department of Lands and Surveys, 236/08. Perth, 1 Glh April, 1908. (a.) Bounded on the North an<1 East by lines starting IT is hl'i'cby notified, for gC'llerul information, that the from the South-East corner of Nelson Location 1953, land described hermlllder will he open for selection under and extending \Ycst about 62 chains and South about 18 Pm·ts V. anil VI. of "The Land Act, 1898," on and chains; the opposite boundaries being parallel and equal. after 'ruesclay, 5th May, 1908: (Ii.) Bounded on the North and East by lines starting Bounded on the North-\Vest by A\"011 Locations 9188 from the North-\"\'est comoI' of Nelson Location 1247, 8218, 11047, 8221, 8222, and 8292; on the North-East and extending South ;50 chai ns and \V cst 20 chains; the by Locations 8218, 1104·7, 8221, 8291, and 8292, and opposite boundaries being parallel and equal. (Plan Rabit-proof FCllce ; on the South-East by Locations 438/80 and 415/80.) 78Ci8, 7840, 78?,3, 7835, 8286, 8284, and 9J 38; on the Applications must be lodged with tho Gonml1lwnt South-\"\'est by LoeatiollS 9202, 948::, and 828(i. COIl­ Land Agent for the district in which the land is situated. t.aining about. 2,!)00 Heres; alJout (ii)0 ,'tel'CS to he selected at lOs. 1'01' Hcn! amI the remainder at Gs_ 7<1. per acre_ Subject to improycments_ - (Plan 3/801~ 2 antI :3.) Applications must be made through the Gon'rnment Mt_ ETin Estate. Lancl Agent at Northam. Department of Lands anc1 Surveys, 1138/08. Perth, 1st April, 1908. .·11;on Dist1'ict (near l'udlycutting)_ IT is horeby' notified, for gonoral infOTlnation, that NIt. Departmcnt of :Lunds and Surveys };rin Lot 28 will be thrcmn open for selectiou on and 82M)/07_ Perth, 16th April 1908_ a ftCI'. 'l'uesday, 28th April, J.908, at a price of 1,3s_ pel' 1'1' is hereby notified, fo;: geueral iuformatIOn 'that the aere, under the provisions of " 'rhe Agricnltural Lancl land describe(l J"JrmmLlet, being within l'asto'ml Lease Purchase Act, 189()," and in accordance with the Regu­ I\' o. 16]/Di, is lIOW open for sel0dion under Part V. of lations published in the GOI'cmmen/; Gazette of the 10th " The Land Act 1898 "-- February, U)O!). Bounded 011 the Sontil by Avon Location 8072; Applications lllust, be m'lI]e through the Geralilton on the \Vest by Avon I.Jocation 80n and a prolongation Land Agency. of its l'Jastcl"n. boundary about ]2 chains, theneo by a line running East about ill.63 l'hains and South about ;-)].(iil chains, tlience \Vcst about 7 chains to the North­ A'von T.ol:al.iol1s, )lcar Q1l!tiwclino_ East corner of Location 8072, eontaining 100 acres. (Plan 2;)j81l A. 4.) Depnrtment of IJanils ancl Surveys, Bounded by linos stnrting about 3 chains "Vest of (j] 7G/O:"). Perth, 13th April, 1908_ tll" S011th-"\Vcst corl1or of AYon Location 8073, thence ]'.1' is hereby notified, for gCIwral information, that Avon running South abo'lt ~1O ..:hains, thence East 32.50 chaiwi Locations 11185 to 11189 and llHH to 11197, all in­ to Avon Loeatioll 8312, thence 1\orth along- the \Vestorn clnsin~, sit.uate near Quairading, \yill be open for selec­ hound aries of I~ocation 831S ,wd 8072, thence West along tion Oil :tnil nfter Tuesday, 5th ~fay, 1908, at the follo\\'­ tl](' South boundary of Location 8073 fo the starting ing prices, u1l<1er Parts Y. am] YITL of " '1'he Land Act, point. Containing 100 acres. (Plan 25/80 A_ 4_) 1808" (subject to Section 73 of "The Land Act '\pplieations must be ma(le th1'ollgh the Governmont Amendment Act, 1906," to p<'l"sons \yho do not o\yn more Lant1 Ag'ollt [It I\'OrtlUll11. than onc hundred (l00) acres of' rural land; also pro­ . R. CECIL CLIF'rON, yiileil that- anv selector of a homestead farm out of anv Under Secretary for Lands. such location ;nust take tl10 balance thereof under Concli­ tional Purehasc. 'rHE HOADS AC'J', 1902. f\pplicatiolls must ]w made t-hrough the GOyer11111ent PrOl)08fc7 Nell' Roarl District (Warren). Land Agent in whosl' r1istrid the land is situate. Department of Lands and Surveys, Price Price 1 GOi9/H9. Perth, 11th April, 1908. -:\0. pOl' Ac. j'{ o. per Ac. 1'l' is herebv notified that it is the intention of His 11185 lCi/- l1UJ2 9/- l~xcollcncy the GOYC'rHor, after the expiration of 21 days 11186 9/- 1119Ci 8/- from the clate of publieation of this notice, to create a 11187 12/- 11194 8/- now ROll,l Distriet, to inC'lude that portion of the Nelson 11188 7/- 1119!) 7/- and 1,owo1' Blackwood Road Districts lying between Lake 11180 ]4/- 11196 12/- .,.Tasper ana the Franklanr1 River, uncleI' the namo of the 111!n J.5/- 11197 15/- "\ValT0U Hoa(\ Dish·iet. R. CECIL CLH"roN, Under Secrl'tnr~- for TAnds. 1100 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [APRIL 24, 1908.

THE ROADS ACT, 190:::. corner of Location G151, an,l oll\vanls along its East 3387/8(;. boun~1ary to the Cuneenying-:Malyalling road; thcnce WHERl~"\ S Wiiliam Stricklan(l being the o\mer of lam] startll1g from the latter's South side and extending, as o\,er or along which the um1crmcntioncl1 1'0[1(1 in the Sus­ sun-cye<1 Diagram 27811, along antI inside the East sex Road Dish-iet passes, has applied to the Sussex Road bounclaries of Locations Gl:31 and (5133 to the latter's Board to close the said road, which is more pluticnlarly South-l~ast corner; thencc vVest along part of its South t1escl'ibcr1 hcrcuJ1(kl', that is to say:-- houndary; thence S01lth along the East boun South­ tiOll 0339 to the North-,¥est comer of Location 4914 . l~ast eorner of the sai,l location, kno\\-n as Reilly's Roa(!. thence South along its vVest boundary and that of Loc,{­ And whereas sl\(·h application has 1>l'l'll dnly pnhlishl',1 tion 4913, part of the North and the vVest bonm1aries in the Governmellt Gazette; of Location 4039, :111(1 the ,Vest boundary of IG:::8, to a Am1 whercas the sai,l Board has assent('(1 to th" said 8nrveye,l road at the latter's South-West corner. applic:ltion; The following arcus being resumed:- Anil whcreas the Goyernor in Exl'cutiyc Conncil has l~rom ,¥illiams Location Gli51-1 acrc Or. 19p. confirlUcd the said rrssent: Prom vVilliams Location Glil3-3 acres 31'. 19p. It is ]Wl'l'l.y notified that the saill Road is closed. From Williams I.location G339-4 acres 11'. 18]1. Dated this 14th day of . March, 1908. (Plan 378C/40.) TT-TOS. A. THURKI~ E, Chairman Sussex Hoad Bonrd. N .•T. JVIOOR8, A~c1 whereas His Excellency thc Governor, pursuant to :Vlinister for Lanils. SeetlOn 17 of " 'l'lw Public ,Norks Act, 1902," by notice published in the Goremment Gazelle declared that the Dl'pm'1'11lent of Lands Hn(l Sun-eys, said Iawl hatl been spt apart, tnk!'n, ;)1' resumed for the Perfh, L5th April, J90S. pnrpose of the said Hoad, aud that a phm and more par­ ticlilar description of the sai,] land might ];" inspected at T'I' is Il('rrby declared that tIl(' lllHlel'lllentiol1('d lnuils IUl\'e th(' Dpp:lrtlllPnt of L:lnds an,l Nm'\'(')'s, Petfh. b(,('ll set apart, taken, or l'('sllmcd 11nd('1' Section 1.7 oj' " 'r1H' Public vVorks Act,l\102, " for th!' pm' poses 0 f- 1](,11' .A n(l 1:-h01'0:1S the said Board has caused a copy of the s:H(]nohcc to he 8"1'I'('d upon th,' 01\'JI('r8 an,1 oceupiers of Hoaoumlary to join the Perth-Albany l-?oad pass('t\ at a i\[eeling of the Bo,ml, held at Bunbury, 1'('­ at its Easternmost corncr. soh'ed to deviate the Road her('inaft('l' ,\es('ribe

'rHE ROADS AC'!" 190::. Am1 \\'hereas the (\O\-e]'nor in Exccutiyc Conncil has WHEREAS the Cuballillg Hoatl Boan\, hy resolution ('(1n[i],)]le(l thp said r8solutions, it is hereby uotified that passell at a i\J eeting of the BO~lJ'(l, h('I,l at C~lballing on the lil:(,s of ('olllllllll1ieation described ab,we arc Roads 01' about the 3rc\ day of: .July, Hl07, 1'(',,01\'('<1 to o]len " within thc meaning of "'Che Hoads Act, 190:2," subject ncw rorr(\ as described hereunder:- to the provisions of the said Act. 37G3/U5. Dated this 15th day of April, 1908. No. 3018.-A strip of laml, onc chain wille, starting from the North boundary of vVillinms Location 0224, R. CECIL CLIFTON, and extending South, as surycyell, to the N orth-East Under Secretary for Lands. APRIL 24, 1908.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1101

RESIGNATION. 'PHE lYIINING ACT, 1904. License to treat Tailings. Department of lYIines, Department of lYIines, 1151 ~/O(j. Perth, 22nd April, 1908. 5011/07. Perth, ~:2ll(1 April, 1908. HIS Excellenc:r the (ioH'rnor in Excenth'e Council Ins GOY(>l'llOr lin, HIS Excellcncv the in Execntivc Council 11('Pll plpa~0d to gran1 ;111 l'xtpnsioll of n\l~ LiccllRC to treat IWf'lI 1'1(,:I."c

THE MINING ACT, 1904. Department of Mines, Perth, 22nd April, l(lOS. ('f is hereby notified that, in accordance with the provisions of '''fhe Mining Act, IDO.J.," His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to deal with the undermelltioned Leases and Applications therefor as shown below. H. S. KING, SeCl'etary for Mines.

Gold Mining Leases. Tho surrender of the undermentioned Gold Mining Lease was accopted.

Goldfield. District. No. of Lease. Nmne of Lease. IJessees.

N. Coolgardie Menzies *50l8z Friday Crusoe Gold Claims, Limited.

The nndermentioned Gold Mining Lease was declared forfeited for breach of labour conditions, and plioI' right 6f applica­ tion is granted under Section 105, Sub-section (1).

No. of Nalne of IJease. I..sessees. :K all1e of person to whom prior Goldfield. Lease. right of application is granted.

E. Coolgardie ... 42Di)g Lady Wallace ...1 Roberts, l~obert Spencer; Plews, Edward vYillinm. l'If cPherson, John J 080ph

* COll(Ution",Uy.

'l'he undermentioned Gold-mining Lease was declared not forfeited for brea.ch of labour conditions, the fine inflicted in lieu of forfeiture having been duly paid.

Goldfield. Natue of IJel1se. LesseCA.

N. Coolgnrclie Ularring S5iu Great Ophir South '1'he Great Ophir Gold Corporation, Limit.ed

lVIineral Lease. The undermentioned Mineral IJease was declared forfeited for breach of labour conditions, and prior right of application is granted under Section 105, Subsection (1), the fine infiicted in lieu of forfeiture not having been paid.

No. of Nanle of person to whom prior Mineral Field. Lease. Name of Lease. I Lessees. right of application is granted. York 4pp iYIt. Lyell Reward ... i Young, Louis Hoeck; Keating, Thomas. 'l'aylor, HenryvVilliam; Connolly, Patrick; , Heerey, James Cadden ; Nesbitt, Martin; Leh­ man, Harry; Sum­ mers, John Owen; Chapman, Catherine Ann; Faulkner, Eliza­ beth May

Minej's' Honiestead J.,eases. The undermentioned applications for Miners' Homestead Leases were approved (subject to survey), to date from 1st January, 1908.

Goldfield. District. Nos. of Applications.

iYIt. lYI argaret ::VIt. Margaret 18T N.E. Coolgardie Kanowna ... 34x 1102 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'iV.A. [APRIL 24, 1908.

Tltlli\:i-'VAAL CIIII,\LBEH. 01" MINJES. (Tppm~ ('lIAP.\fAN 110AD BOABD. P.O. Box SOH. PuiJlie Works Departmeut, '!'clojlhone No. 7(i. Johannesburg. Perth, 17th February, 1908. Telegraphie ad('lrcss: "Bullion." 1'1' is hC'reby notified, for general information, that Tl'ansl'(w/ Stope D)'iII C01J1]JPtition. His ExC'pllpncy Ihe Gowrnor in Conneil has been pleased 10 appro\'(' of the following By-l:ms of the Upper Chap­ '!'ho 'l'ranKI·:tal l' Redioll 117 of "'I'he Roads Trailsvaal Chamber of ,\1 il1PS has Hl'l':1nge(1 for a prac­ .\<'1, H,O:c ., (:!. T';r!\\'[tl'tI \'II., :\0. ,IS). tical trial of small Hock Drills suitable fo1' naITO'\' stop­ ing work uncleI' til(' wOl'king conditions obtaining on the F'. L. S'rlWNACII, vVitwatersranc1. lfndl'1' Seuetar,)' for Publie Works. All types of Rock Drill are eligible to compete. Drills using compressed air will be supplie(l 'I'ith a pressure varying from 60 to 751bs. pCI' sqnarc inch at the working The following Ily-Iall's :11'e puhlished in aecordance face. 'rho mining rcgulations require the provision of with till' ]>1'0"i8iollS of S(",tion 117 of " 'rhe Roads Act, dust-allaying appliances, and competitors l11nst make pro­ ] no:!.. " vision accordingly. 'l' IIIG 1~()Ans ACT, I no:!.. 'I'wo prizes, of £4',000 and £1,000 respectively, arc of­ fl'red. The trials lind the judging will be so a1'l'angcil \Vh(,l'l'a, ill' " 'fh" noads ,\d. J ,)0:2," the Hoad Board as to decide which machine perfor111s the most economical of' :In~' I/isi.,.i,·t is <'lllj,O\\',')'('d to Ill"ke By-laws for all 01' work. :(IlY pur]'oses ill I~h" said "\d nl('ntionpt1: '['he Upper Clwplllan Boad Boat'll, ill IHll'SllallCC of, the powers 'l'1I" ('ompetitiol1 will com111ence early in 190H, and \'('stl·d ill th(' H:liil BO:Ji'd tllHk]' anll by virtue of the ('ulrics \\'ill prohahly close the (']1(1 of IH08. with 'rhe "lid "\d, doth IwrpiJy mnk" nJl(l jlnblish the following trials \\'ill last: ahonl six months, tlw drills hcing tested By-In\\'s :-- ill th<, first insl:lll('p on til(' snd':\ep, and thosp eOllsiclel'er1 stlil alll(· Iwing' gin·n a lllOl'e prolonged t('st underground Iii I 1'I'Ji1'f'!!l I iOil. in sev<'l'al slopes in various min('s on the vVitwatcrsrancl. In lilpse By-Iall's Ihe j'nll()\l-illg it'mls shall, unless the 'rhe (lctail"l1 eo])(litiolls goverlling thl' eOlll]wtit.ion, ill­ "ont-ext othc]'\\'ise indi('ates, lwa!' I'!J" llJ(':lllings sct duding the ('xaet dale of dosing entrips, will he rnlhlishpd ag'n insf, fh"1ll j'psIH'(,til'ply, that is 10 sny:- as SOOIl as possible. (((.) lJisITiet.--Th(' I()('ality 0]' a,'ea for the time All inqniries should hl' addressed to: Il('iug llnrl"l' Ihe jurisdil'tion of the Upper ChapuJan Hoad Board. 'rh8 Secretary, (b.) Board.-ThC' Upper Chapman I~oad Board. Stope Drill Competition, «'.) C!Jairlllan.-'!'he mcmbrl' ,,('ting for the time 'I'ra Ilsyaal Chamber of }\'finl's, ]wing' as ('hai!'lllan of 1'1<(> Board. .Tohannesburg, T!l'ansvaa 1. (d.) }\IemIH·l·.--,\ llH'llll)('r of ,Ute Board. or to-- «('.) 'I'he Ad.-The Honds Ad of IHO:!. and all The IJo11(lon Secretary, :lllll'llrilllC'nts \I'hidl lllay tOllle into force here­ 'Pransyaal Chamber of Mines, nHe!' ns far as the Act. allows. :!02, Ralislmry House, (/.) Hond 0]' Hes(,I'V".-,\ mad Ill' !'l'se]'ve, as the I·'inshury Circus, "ase lIlay lie, muler the ('ontrol of tIw Board.

London, '8.0. (.il.) Pnsol1,-'I'he \\'())'(l l'''],SOl1 shall include the plural, :1Ilt! also n body (·orpol'atC'. ------.~--- (11.) o \\'lH·]'.-A11!' l'e1'son in possession, 0]' ]'eceipt eithn oj' the \\'hol" 01' any part of the rents \vI~S'I'EHN AUS'rHALJAN GO\']~HNJ.Vn"N'1' 01' profils or allY hons(', building, land, 01' HAlLWAYS. tcnement. (i.) Oeelll'iel'.-Al'Y p<'l'son who shall han' oCl'npiCfl Roo!:sl all Lellse. any r:dpahle l'l'OIH.']'I.r within tlll' district dUl'illg the I'priotl sjl('('iiipi] in the Aet. 'I' I';:\' j) I·;m,. spakd til' and lIlarked on the outside " 'I"'lId,')' 1'01' Bookstall IJease," ,viII be rpceiyed by the (j.) Pprlllission O!' ('onsent.-Thc consellt of tlH1 unril'J'sigll('d HI' till noon on 'rupsday, 12th illny, l!JOS, for r30ard in \\Titillg-. I Ill' ('xl·lnsi\,(' J'ig'ht of plal·ing hookstall llj1,)ll amI splling "ooks, p"l'io]'ly d .. rI1;ti{(' lloil'S or Illilluj(·,-":; :llld pl'l i pa)'e l'(,P()J't~ of ('0111- ill :UiV:llltt!. lllith,'e. ,L (;Onillll't :11] ('OlT(,SpOll,[elll'" al1d to give the other I"ormB oj' tcnllilnllts ntKalgoor.iip, Cera IlI- 1()1l, and Ihlllhul',Y, 01' fl'Olll the lllHl(·l'sig'lw(l. ;). A 118\1"')' all I'('aso"al'],' 'Illestions on the B0:1]'(1 's husi 11('S:-';. ,\'(l tend!')' will IWt'('ss:tl'ily IHi (H'{·('ptPe/. (i. Pl'('P:!J'{' t-iH' [(:It.' Book allll th" Boanl's gicetol'al I,~th April, H10S. Lisls; ('xalllinl' I']'()oi's oj' tl)(· latlel', and :tl'l'angc fo], disi I'ibnl ion of {'opit's prior io t'11,(,ti()ll. Also to attenll all (lU1ll'ts of H('\'isioll Ot' :\ I'P(>al. making- the Ilfll'('SSal'Y :tl'l':tng'('llH'lIis 'lor lIH' ('l<,(·ti()IlN, and I'I"{'p:ning' papPl's for 8 l'l'iI J! 1!({!Jf,,'j' (Inri ()Jd 1'({('!III111 Ilos(' Pil)('s. lil,' "I,.'('ks. I, ;-)UHllllOll tl)(' 1)H'1I111(,1'S 1-0 BO:I)I'~HS, s<,,,I,,d up alld Illa1'k"d Oll Ihl' outsidl' llH'pt i IlP;S ill H(·(·ordn ill'(' til pro\'isiolls 0 f ~~ct ... T{'lldt'l' fut' Nt'!'.! P '\I~li l'l'ial, ., \Yilt 1)(1 r('('('in1d hy 1"!J<' wi Hoads Ulld<'l'sig'1J('d Hi' till ll(JOll Oll Thlll·s hy th" BO:ll'd. The said books shall bc written up Ilt'posit ('qui\'al(,,,t to III 1"'1' '·Pllt. of till' :lIllOUllt tell- PI"',..', fortnight ready for inspe('/ion by th(' Board, 01' 11(·1'('([ llllll,,;t ~HT()Jl1pHn,\~ p:l(·h l(>lHl('l'. any Illl'lll))(,1' of tIll' Boanl \I'ho lll:I,I' at :Illy time llul'ing Yorllls of t(,ll(' illspl'<:[eti Oil appli('ation to the !), ('I(('('k all a(','()(lnts S"llt illto th" Board, amI s('c ,\ding- (,hi,·/, Hailway S1on'keep"!' at ~lidI:llld .Jundio)). th,,1' all :1<'l'01ll1tS 1'0,. \\'(I,.k han' stat",] Oil thC'lI1 the :JlIthOl'ily Hnde,. whi(·I, sllt'il works lian' )well ,lOlle. :'{O tt'nd('!' lI'iil lll'('es"J

11. :N a money shall be paid into the bank to the TeiHI( I's. or8(lit of the Balm I by allY officer of the Boarel, except ~3. Tenders for work shall be opene,l ami (lcalt, ,,-ith by or through the 8ccretary. "'hell the subject mattcr of the tr'Hllers eOlll('S (In to be 13. Issue all receipts all printed forms. considered at the Illeeting of (he Boltrd, Ol' by a COlli­ 13. The Sonotary shall readily 'and clwerfully olJey mittel.' 11 ]>pointcd for the pUl'[losc. all la,yful commands or on1ers of the Board, and attend to all other matters affeetillg tho finances of the Board, Speakers mllst not dir;rcs8. and not herein specified. ~,1. A mcmber haying audience lllllst not digress from the subjeet of debate. Jlcctings alld Proceedings. Motions and Amendments. H. :N otiee shall be giYOll by the Chairman or 8eore­ tary of special meetings at least seven days before such :2;). A Illotion one" moved at a meetillg (,Hlluot be meeting, Hnd also 01' c\'('1'." meeting a(l,journcd fr11: a (rithdl';,lll'n, 11111ess hy e011St:lIt of tho Boar(l.~ term cxceelling hyo days. :20. Om' or more allll'ndll,ellts lIlay be proposed Oil 1;3. 'rhe ('hainnan, if presr'nt, shall preside at all a lIlol i011 iwfore tll(' Board. Wh('n lllore than Olle aml'JlI.I­ llleetings of ratepay('rs aml of the Board, and in his m('llt is mon'(l, the q(]('stioll shall 1)(' /irst I'llt on the Jast absence, 01' if after lJeillg IH'('Sent he shall retire, one 01' alll('illlJl1('ut, thell on the next in slleecssion, and then on the llH,'ll1bors of- tIll' Boar(1 r-llOS('ll by the ratepayers or tiH' original motion, in tl](' rcy()l'SO order in which they membe!'s present (as the easc llWy be) shu.!1 l)l·(>sido. 1\'l'I'() moyed. :27., A motion or amcndment -Hot soc-ourted canllot be JJlcel il/gs; discussed by any 1l11'mbcl', ('xeept by tile 1l1OYCr, nor put IG. :\Icl'tings or the Board shall be of t\\'o ki1Hls­ by the Chairman. Drdinlll'y and spoeial- :28. ;\0 member shall slll'ale twin' OIl the sam" subject, (a.) Ordinary meetings shall be Iwlll at the office l'x(,l'jJt by \my of cxplanation, or to an amendment, or of the Board, at l\ab:llmh, on the last S!ltur­ ill repl,l-ing upon any original Illotioll, of whidl he lllay day in ('aeh month, at :2.300 'dock p.lJl., unless han, bcr'll the lIloyer of the last cllniect llwtioll. 1\ ever­ otherll'is(' :tnanged hy resolution canied to tlH'le:;o any member \,-ho lIlay ha\,(' I)('en llliSUllrlcl'stoo(1 that dIed; at the preceding ordinary meeting or 'lIisl'epresentcd shall he allolY()(1 to explain immediately of the Bonnl. before thc moYc" ris()s to reply, but not after, amI aHer (IJ.) Spccial lllc'etings arc tl,05r' (·,dled to ('onsidcr tho reply tho amendment or thc original motioH, as the spcdnl business, Ihe nalun' of 'I'l,ieh shall ('UHC Illay be, shall imll1ediately be l'ut to tlte >'ote. be notified 011 the uotice paper sultlllloning tlw :':l). III submi ttillg a lIlutiOll or a'l1Cn next spp(·;al or orr1inar,Y suhsequcnt prise two members. meeting. Fillallce AC('olllll s. O}'{7cr of' Jiu"illl'ss. ;l~. ,\ll a('eollnts, bills, Hnd \'oucitet's ohall ill' sub­ 21. 'I'hc orrlcr of llllsinpos at all ordinal',\' llll?ctings mitte(l to th(' Board b\' the elwinll}]lI at the orilinarv shall he as foIl om;. that i, to say: Illceting, and after being ('('l'tificc[ as eOlT('tOt shall b~ (a.) Heading all(l eonfil'llmtion of minutes of l}]st pai(l h,l- d,equc. o1'(linllr,\' or special meetings (if any). g;). .\1l :t('eCHlIlt shall he ol'"ucrl with Slll'it hank as (u.) COllsi(l('ratioll of lnlsincss ;lrising out of till'- hoanl lllaY direct, and all monr'\, l'ceeil'(:d from mi nutes. \\'lwte\'or SOU1'(:(' shall be pair! into Sl'lr-ll iwnk to the l'I'edit of' the Boanl :It SIIelt hank, ex(:ept mOlle.\' grantr'rl ('. ) Passing of ;WtOl1uts for Im~-Ill<'nt. "'- the Gm'Cl'lllllent. wbieh shall be paid into the Treasury «(I. ) Heading of ('OlTCSPOl1ilCll('O (rceei\-cd and des­ (ric7c Clause 1,1 of the i\d), and llo a('count shall be pateit('(I) am1 taking suell iUlIllclliate action paid ('x('('pt by (·lwqu(: sig-J]('d h~- the Chairman all(l olle as nm;' he rIemned ('xjlcc!iellt iu rl'gard thl'I'l'­ or more lllembers of tlw Board. togetlwr \\'i1'h the signa­ to. tu,'(' of the 8('('r('tar;'. (c.) PrescntatioIl of petitions or memorials all(1 eommittce 1'('],ort8, and tOllsideration thereof. ('r{jellt Works. (f'.) General Imsincss. ,:0. The Chairman \yith OliO llH'lllher. or ill the ab­ (.f}.) Consideration of tenders and ratifieation of sente of the ChairJnal1, al1;T t\YO 111(,111b(,1'8) lllay, in ease eontraets. of urgency. authorise the expenditure of any SUIll not ('x('co(ring Fi\-c pounds. Pel it iOJls. :37. ,~ny one momber is C'llIpO\\'('reil to authorise tho ')') En'ry petition or melllorial shall he respedful expenditure of a S11111 not C'xecctling ~e\n) JJOlllHIs, in :l1ld tcmperate in iis langnage, awl shall be presented eases of Y(\l',y 11l'gCllt lleeessii.i", 11])011 dC'(,lan'd roclds. to the Board by a llll'lllh('r oni!-: and any lllCllIlwr pre­ senting a pditioll or ]JH'l1lOJ'ial (0 tlll' Board ohall affix ;{,'i. ),l1l' :tuthoris('d ('xJI(~llditlln" hom'I·('r. shall be his name to the beginoing' tiJerl:l'f. wi til the 11umber of reported :;t tite nl'xt llll,(,ti;lg' 01' til<' Board. signatures; an(l aJj,\~ IP('lllhcr pres('utiug a petition or memorial shall a('quDillt himself with the eontents there­ CIIIIl'lilori.':f'c/ F:rj'(,lu/itl'rr'. of, and asccrtain that it (jOl'S lIot contain Illllguagr' ,lis­ ;)H. Eyf'l'Y it-elH of (XjH'Ildi111n' a1111 Ji'Jhilih- respectful to the Boa]'(}; the nature alill praycl' (If ('n']'y il!tul'l'{'d bY' the {'01111l1ittt:e ()l' il:l'ml)(,1"s (J r Bnarci, petition or memorial shall 1ll' staterl to the Board by the otlH:nl'ise than uncleI' the authority of til'.' .\l'i: or these member presenting the same. By-laws, shall be deemcd nn!:m·illl ('xpell(litl11'e and a brc:Jch of this By-iall' hy slwh person. GOVER;\l"~-1ENT GAZETTE, W.A. [APRIL 24, 1908.

" Acts, Omi!5siolls, or N eglec{s. " (<1.) ;\laking allY foot\Yay or any road or public +0. 1'he following ads, omissions, or neglects are thoroughfare \\ithont the consont of the hereby forbidden to be done, or allowed to be clone, amI Board, or allowing any footway to remain any person guilty of any of the following offences shall, \\"hich, in the opinion of the Board, is an upon convietion, pay a penalty not exceeding Twcnty obstruction. pounds:- er.) The plying for hire by carts or ychides with­ (a.) Hiiling or driying horses, cattle, or other Ol! t a license. animals, or wheeliug any barrow or ,lri\-ing (s.) Damaging or destroying any ,lam, well, tank, any carriagl', velocipede, or motor-car upon PUIllPS, windmills, win,llass, bucket, rope, or along any footpath. pipillg, troughillg, fence, or gate uuder the ,(J_) Plaeing allY fencing \\'ire, timber, brieks, or eontrol of the Board; carelessly leaving any other materials upon any footway, "harlllel, ia p conllccted I\"i th \I-a tel' tanks running, surface drain, or roac1 without the permission tilcreby lotting the wa tcr escape from such of the Board having first been obtmllcd. tanks and waste, bathing in any dam, well, (c.) Burning any shavings or other material or or in any \my polluting the \\"ater containec1 matter in any footway, carriage road, or open in sueh tanks, \Yells, or clam as to render it or public place adjoining a roadway ,vithont unfit for human consumption. permission. (d.) Damaging, destroying, or unlmdully inter­ General Regulations o{ Tral/ic. fering ,vlth any property under the control ,1 l. l,;n~ry person having the care or cons he kept alight. thl' bnrial or bnrning of the carcase thereof, ,j:!:- Ever,\" cyelist or perSall ,hiving a. bicycle or and any person so doing 81mll r01ll11lit ~1l1 Illotor ('ar shall carry a bell or horn, \ylnch shall be ofTf'nce against these By-luIYs, and npon rOI1- sonnclC',1 as a signal WhClleyer any person on foot or vidion shall pay a penalty not ('xcC'('rling Ten horseback or vehicle is being approached or passed. ponnds, an,1 shall pay all eXI)('llS(,S at.iC'1J(ling ;'i:!. i'J 0 person shall leave any cycle or motor car in the pro])C'r burial or Imming of any snch or Oll ILll.,- nmd or foot-I'ay so as to become an obstruction, animal. ' n 11<1 (,V<'l)' Pl'l'SOll shall remove his cyde or l11otor ear illlll!('

56. l\ 0 prl'SOll shall ride any cycle round the corner ·.A1Jpoill/lllcnl 0/ Officers. formed by the junction of any road in the district, or 6/. i\ 0 permancnt appointment shall be llllllle to an across the intersection of any of the said roalls. at a pal'c exc·eeding six miles an hour. . ofIice ullller the Boanl until after the all\'crtiscmcnt has been publifhell in one or !Uore lout! newspapers calling for applications from persons eompctcnt to fill SHell an To Prevenl ObstrllctioJls 011 tlie Fuol pallis or Ro((cll;. appointmcnt. All appointments shall be made by reso­ ;')/. l\a person shall permit any hoxes, eases, coal, lution passcd hy the Board. In the c,-eut of thero being sa nd, nre,YooCl, goods, 'Hues, merchandise, or other more than one applieal1t for sueh appointment, the elec­ articles or dEeds to rellJain on any part of the road or tion thereto shall he conducted by ballot, so as to obtain anY.part of the footpath ,yithin the district after sunset, an absolute majority of the lllclllhers present. nor in any ease for a longer period than shall be neces­ 68. The election of all other officers shall be C011- sary for housing and rellloying same. ducte(l by a show of hands unless a ballot be demanded. in which case the procedure in the preceding By-Ia,,: To prcFcl1i damage to Roac/s, Foo/Welhs, aiuZ ollwr Road shall be follomlil. Property. ;38. No person, ,dthout haying iirst, obtaineil the Dul ics of Supcrcisor. written sanction of tho Board, shall 'hreak up, cut (lo>Yn, Gf). The duties of the Supcnisor shall be- damage, destroy, or injure any road, footpath, gutter, drain, euIYcrt,. bridge. public way, troe, plant, gate, fence, (u.) To promptly attend to all instructions rcceiw(l post, lantern, lamp-post, implements, materials, buildings, through the secretary, in l'csped of thc following matters: - or other properties of the said Board 01' unller the eon­ hoI thereof. (b.) 'ro prepare pruper plans nnll specineations for all ,,)9'. X 0 person shall damage or destroy by Illeans of works and improH'llll'llts as rcgal:ds roads and ('ulYerts under the control of thc Board, situate ,,,ithin the Dis­ h01's(1 t(ltlll1 J waggon, dray. or any other l11eallS, any road or portion of roai! undpT construction or repair. Any trict; examine all materials to be employed in such person found guilty of suell damage or destruction shall \nll'ks, and to sec the saille faithfully and propcrly be liable to a penalty not cxccc(ling bl'onty poun(ls. executed and pcri'onned, and to \mtch the progress and formation thereof; submit all specifi~ations ana plans GO. Any person who- to the Board before tenders arc (:allo(l (a.) Cuts or rcmoycs Iyithout the consent of the (c.) To see that the ,York of clearing and repairing Board any timher, earth, sand, grayeJ, stone, aU public roads and footpaths is properly earried out. or other ma tcri'1l from a road. (cl.) '1'0 see that no labourers arc ongaged but thosc (IJ.) Erects ,yithout the eon sent of the Board a ,yho arc able-bodied lln(l sober, ant! to immcc1iatel.r (Ii,­ structure upon R Toacl so as to encroach there­ ehargc any labourcr guilty of disohedience or insubor­ on. dination, or found incapable. of pcri'ol'ming the cluties (('.' Draws \\'ithout the consent aforesaid across the allottec1 to him. ,mter side of a road, except OWl' a properly (c.) To see that all drains, sewers, cuh'cris, and eonstructcd pipe, approach or cuh-ert, a dray bridges arc maintaincd in a state of cHidcncy. or other "'heeled vehiele. (f.) 're, sec that all oHiccrs under his control tarry (d,) Draws upon a road timber, stone, or other out tbeir duties eltidcmtly, and to report any departure material othenl'isc than on a wheeled Ychicle, therefrom. 01' suffers such material carried principally 01' (g.) '1'0 attom1 all Board HlHl (~()mJllittec mcetings if in part upon a wheeled yohicle, to drag or required. trail Up011 a road, or (lnt\I'H upon a ro:ul a "'him, 01' timber carriage, any portion of (fl.) To CSI)('rially examine all roads throughout the ,yhich, or any portion of chains attached (listrict at least brice a year, 01' as rcquire(] by the thereto, 01' any portion of any other attadl­ Board. lllcnt trails or drags upon a road, Ci.) To 1'cn<1t'1' to tIle Secrei(ll)', ,yhen l'eqnil'(1d, re­ shall be (kcmed guilty of an offeuf'c against these By­ ]lorts an(l ae<:ollnts of all lllaHe'l'b Hnder his c:ontrolj to ! to a penalty not cxeeedillg fi,'e snpply monthly, or oftcner if rCvner of any bull or stallion straying on any road within the district sh811 he liable to a penalty not F. L. STRONACH, exeecrlillg fi \'C pounds. Under Secretary for Public Works, 1106 GOVERNMENt GAZETTE, W.A. [APRIL '24, lH08.

'rHE ROADS ACT, 1902. ARREARS 01<' RATES. Nannine Road Boa1·d. Public Works Department, Perth, 8th April, 1908. 1'1' is hereby notified, for general information, that the Minister for Works has approved of the Nannine Road BO>H'd writing' oil Arre;Ll's of R;Ltes stated in Schedule hereunder, in accordance with Section 159 of "The Roads Act, 1902." P. L. S'1'RONACH, Under Secretary for Public Works. Sched1tle.

No of Assessment. Per:::;on rated, Location. AIllOU11t. Reason why abandoned.

£ 8, d. 28 Bonham. P. G.1\1. Lease 587 0 9 0 l{e\'ert"tl j ,) Crown. 29 BOl'wick, W. ;r. Do 620 1 7 0 do do ·L8 Burrows, .A. Do 576 0 9 0 do do GI Cashman, R. Do 650 0 9 0 do do li2 Cashma.n, R. Do n68 o 18 0 do do G7 Clark, .r.. Past. Lease 484/102 0 7 0 do do 80 Coombs, .T. E. G.M. Lease 596 o 18 0 do do 85 Davies, P. C. Do 669 o 18 0 do do H5 Dm'nan, '1'. Do 608 0 7 6 do do 101 Dyer, J. C. Do 607 0 9 0 do do 105 Edwards, J. T. Do 678 0 9 0 do do 110 Eves, J. Do '128 0 18 0 do do 1H Plynn, 1\1. Do G23 o 18 0 do do 12·1 Green, P. Do 646 0 9 0 do do 1"-~i) Greenwell, 1\'. Do 649 0 9 0 do do 135 Hasard, J .. Do 657 0 9 0 do do 155 Jenner, J ..J. Do 65a 0 9 0 do do 160 Johnson, P. Do 626 1 10 0 do do 2]1 McCarthy ••J. Do 640 0 3 9 do do 2:31 ],;Iorris, D ... Do 630 1 1G 0 do ,10 257 O'Donoghll!', B. Do 590 () n 0 do do 260 Oliver, H. Do 655 0 ·1 (j do do 262 O'Mari,[t, J. Do 6,1:3 u 18 0 do do 270 Parkes, J. V: Do 249 1 IG 0 do do 272 Do. Do 605 1 16 0 do do 273 Do. Do 606 1 16 0 do do 27-J, Do. Do 684 o 18 0 do do 275 Do. Do 685 0 18 0 do do 281 Porter, .J. Do 052 0 18 0 do do 28~ Porter T. Do G86 0 4 0 do do 288 HegrLll, J. Do 631 0 18 () do do 290 Roberts, C. lVl. Do 636 o 18 0 do do a82 Hoddy, P. ... Do 629 0 9 0 do do a02 Sacldington, .J. J. Do (;24, o 18 0 do do :n2 Smith, E. ... Do 627 o 18 0 do do :33:l 'l"tylor, - ... Do 616 0 9 0 do do g:3(j 'rheyer, E. Do B25 0 18 0 do do :A·2 Travcrs, R. S. Do 65n 0 6 9 do do ;)V() "Vagner, S. P. Do 535 o 18 0 do do .)- ...... )U/ Do. Do 648 0 9 0 do do :3H Willows, 11. Do Gll 0 5 H do do

(Sgd.) .lAS. EYES, Chairman. (Sgd.) J. C. Ji', MASTER'rON, Secretary, [ ,tPPl'OVC of al'rQ>tl'S in this Schedule beini; written off in accordance with the provisions of "'1'he Roads Act, I!)02." 8th April, 1908, JA1\IES PIUCE, Minister for Works.

'l'ENDEl~S ACCEP'l'ED. GOVERNMEN'l' LABOUR BUREAU. No. 522. Public vVorks Department, Central Of/icc-Perth, Perth, 2:3rd April, 1908. W01nen's Branch-Perth, THE following list of Tenders, recently accepted, is pub· lished for general information :-- Bmnches for Men and Women at N07·tham (tnd Kalgo01'lie, Date of XalnC of DCt;criptiol1 of A (;ccp1n.ncc. Coutractor. Cont.ract. Amount. EMPLOYERS of Labour of every description are re­ quested to make application to the Bureau when in need of ,Yorkers, lnos. £ s, d, April Hi Davis, IIaukill-: 2,037 10 0 Registers are kept in the various offices of men and :-iuU, & Co. II'omen looking for work. l;') ,. I~. Jpwpll .5:J lO 0 I:'crsol1aJ application ran he made during the usual olTice hours. 11; H ..J. 1\Iachill . G:J 0 0 r ntcnicws bchl-CClI cmpl"yers and employees can be arranged.

By order of the Hon. the Minister for \Vol'ks, JA::.\IES LONGMORE,' Superintendent of Govt. J..iabour BUl'llau. 1<'. L. S'1'RONACH, U udcr SccreL:try fur Publie IV orb. :J7th July, 1906, APRIL 24, 1908.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, ';V.A. 1107


Date of Notice. Nature of "\Vork. Date of Closing. \Vhere and when Conditions of Contract, etc•• to be seen.

I 1908. I 26th ]\lIar. i Narrogin-IYickepin Raihneyt ... Noon on Tuesday, Contractors' Room, Perth; and Court House, Narrogin, the 28th April, on and after 28th March, 1908. 1908 2nd April Laverton Hospital-Rello\'ations Noon on Tuesday, Contractors' 1=to01l1, Perth; Court House, Laverton; and and Repairs the 28th April, P.IY.A.D. Oflices, Malcolm and Kalgoorlie, on and 1908 after 7th April, 1908. 9th April Middle Swan School-Additions Noon 0n Tuesday, Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, ]\IIidland the 28t}l April, .T unction, on and after 14th April, 1908. 1908 8th April Bllsselton Courthousc- Repairs Noon on TuesdfLY, Contmctors' Room, Perth, and Court Houses, Bunbury and Renovations the 28th April, and Busselton, on and after l·tth.1\pri1, 1908. 1908 9th April Claremont Practising School­ Noon on Tuesday. Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, .I<'remantle, Additions the 28th April, on and after 1Mh April, H108. 1908 9th April Laverton-School Quarters NOOIJ. on 'ruC'sday, Contractors' Room, Porth; and Court Houses, Lavertoll the 28th April, and ~\Ia1coll1l; and P.vV.A.D. Office, Kalgoorlie, on 1908 fmd after Hth April, 1908. 9th April Niagara- School Quarters Noon on Tuesday, Contmctors'Room, Perth, and Police Station, Niagara, the 28th April, Malcolm Court House. and P.vV.A.D. Office, Kal­ 1908 goorlie, on and after Hth April, 1908. 9th April W illiamstown·-8chool Quarters ~ oon on Tnesda,y, Contractors' Room, Pertli, and Court House, Boulder, Additions the 28th April, fLll(l P.W.A.D. Office, Kalgoorlie, on and after 14th 1908 1\ pril, 1908. 9th April Claremollt Hospital for Insane l~oon on Tuesday, Contractors' ]'toom, Perth, and Court House, Fre­ -Fencing Drying Ground and the 28th April, mantle, on ,tud ,tfter 14th April, W08. Quarry H)08 Hth April Fl'Olnantlc StOl'111,vater Drainage Noon on Tuesday, (=ontrf1ctol'S' Room, Perth, and Court House, .I<'remantle, ·-Howard Street Drain the 28th April, on ,md after Hth April, 1908. 1U08 nth April Melville-Purchase andltemoval Noon on 'L'llesd~LY, Contractors' Room, Perth. on and after Monday, 13th of Old Canning Hiver Bridge the 28th April, April, 1908. Hl08 uth April Melville-Hemoval and Stacking Noon on '['uesdfey, Contractors' 1100m, Perth, on and after lVIonday, 13th Materials of Old Canning l~iver thc 28th April, April, 1908: Bridge 1908 16th April Kalgoorlie Hospital-Infectious Noon op Tuesday, Contractors' go om, Perth; Court House, Boulder; and Ward the 28th April, P.W.A.D. Offices, Kalgoorlie, on and after the 16th 1908. April, 1908. 2nd April Port Hedland Police Station­ Noon on 'l'llesdfty, Contractors' Room, Perth, [md Resident Magistrates' Additions" (c~) the 5th May, o mces, Port Hedl>l,nd and Broome, on and after 14th 1908 April, 1908. 9th April Claremont 'l'rainin'" College- Noon on 'J'nesday, Contractors' l{oom, Perth, and Fremantle Court House, Additbns '" the 5th Mp"y. Hth l.\.pril. 1908 9th April lYIeelmtharra - Police Quarters i'l' oon on 'J.'llcsday, Contractors' JtOOlll, Perth,; Police Station, Meekatharra; and LockllP Additions* (b) the ;5th May, Warden's Oflice, Cue; and P.vV.A.D. Office, Geraldton, 1908 on and flfter Hth April, 1908. 9th April Sandstone Police Buildings-Re­ i'l'oon on Tnesday, Contractors' 1~001ll, Perth; -VVarden's Office, Cue; Police moval from Black Range'¥" (el the 5th nIay, SkLtion, Sandstone, and P.vV.A.D Office, Geraldton, 1908 on and aftm' 14th April, 1908. 15th April Kalgoorlie-Rml,d to "\ battoirs Noon on 'J'u8sday, Contractors' Uoom, Perth; Court House, Bouldet·; aJld the ,jth JYby, HJ08 P:W.A.D. Ofllces, Kalgoorlie, on and after 22nd April, 1908. 15th April Buckland Hill-School Additions i Noon on Tues(lay, Contractors' Room, Perth, flnd Court Housc, ]'remantle, the 5th nby, 1908 on fl,nd after 22nd April, 1908. 15th April Perth-·Gcneml Post Oflicc--Re­ \'oon on Tuesday, Contractors' gOOIll, Perth, on and after 22nd April, 1908. novations the '3th nla,y, 1908 23rdApril Perth-Thomas Street Infants' Noon on 'rnesday, Contractors' 1~0011l, Perth, on and after 28th April, School-Additions the 12th May, 1908. 1908 23rdApril Maylands-Police Station and Noon on Tuesday, Contractors' Hoom, Perth, on and >Lfter 28th April, Quarters the 12th JYIay, 1908. 1908

*'J'elegraphic tenders similarly addressed and marked will be received up to t,he same hour, provided that written tenders in due form have previously been lodged with (a) Resident lVlagistrate, Port Heclland or Broome; (b) Police Officer, Meekatharra; (e) 'Y>Lrden, Sandstone.

tBook of Drawings and Specification (Jan also be obtained on payment of three guineas (£3 3s.).

Tendnrs are to be addressed to "'J'he Hon. the Mini3ter for Works," and will be received at the Public Works Ofli P, Perth. The lowest or v,ny tender will not necessarily be accepted.

By order of the Hon. the Minister for Works,


Undor Secretary for Publi{! , !)rh. 1108 GOVERNMENT GA7,ETTE, 'iV.A.

APPOINTJiiIEN'r. SHOEING POLICE HORSES, 1905-9. (3,'"ith Victoria, No.3.) 'l'ENDERS for Shoeing Police Horses from the 1st July, HIS Honour the Chief :Justice has beon pleased to ap­ 1905, to the 30th J nne, 1909, >1t the unclermcntioned towns, point Helll'y .Hubcrt Ostlcr, of Wellingtoll, in the DClluin­ will be received >1t the Offiee of the Tender Board, Irwin ion of Xew Zealand, Banister and Solicitor, a COllunis­ Stl'Ret. Perth, until 2 p.m. on 'l'hurs(i>ty, Hth JVby, H)OS :-. siOllcr of the Supreme Court of 'Western Australi'a to ! pl'~sent~~I---~-~~--- .~:.:~::~ administcr 01' take within the Dominion of X ew Zealand Station. ~llul11bcrof StlLtioll. I umbel'of any Oath, AfridaYit, Affirmation, Declaration, 01' Ackuo,,'­ ~ Horses. !Horses. Icc1gl1lent by a }Hauied vVollllln to he nso(l in the Suprelllo Court of vV('stcrn Australia. 'rhe Commission .---~.-~-~--. ----.---.~-~-~ "------~-- "-- --"---"--~~--- to l'('llHlin in 1'(01'('(' until the saW Henry lIubort Ostler Albany Midhmd Junction 1 ('cas('s to 'r88i,\(' ill th8 Dominion aforesaid, or until he Beverley ... JVroom 1 ('eases to practise the professioll of a Banister 01' Bridgetown 2 lilt. Magnet 2 Solicitor th8r8, 01' until revoked. Busselton ... 2 Menzies .. . 3 P. A. MOSELEY, Boulder ::: Malcolm .. . 1 Rc'gistrar Supreme Court. Broome S Nlaylands 1 Supreme Court Office, Broad Arrow 1 Mt. Barker 1 Perth, 1:3t11 April, 1905. Bunbury ... 1 liIn.rble Bn.r 7 Broomehill 1 lYIt. Morgmls Burtville 1 MeekatharI'a 1 WEs'rERN AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMEN'l' Collie 1 Murrin 1 'rENDER BOARD. Cue ... '1 Meckering 1 Cooigardie 3 Northam ... 2 EI'mA'l'UJiiI. CarnRorvon 5 Newcastle 1 Forage, Esperance. Dn.vyhiu·st :3 Nannine ... 6 'L'HE Contractor's name should read R J. Stew;! l't. 'rhe Donnybrook 1 Northampton 3 price for chaff should be .£6 lOs. per ton. Dongarrfl, ... 2 NorsellU1n 1 10th April, 1905. Derby 12 Narrogin ... 1 D>1Y Dawn 1 NulIn.gine 9 POl'l,,~GE. Esperance ... :3 Onslow 3 Fremn.ntle 4 Perth 21 J. R vVAL TER & CO.'S Tender for Forage for the- Police Guildfol'cl ... 1 Peak Hill 5 at Greenbushes to 28th February, 1D09, has been acccpted Gingin 1 Port Hedln.nd 6 at the following mtes :- Greenbushes 1 Pinjarrn .. . 2 Item 1, Hran, 2s. per bushel. Gemldton ... 1 Pingelly .. . 1 Item 3, Chait, £6 per tou. J armhdale 1 l~avensthorpe 2 Item G, ORots, 5s. per bushel. Kalgoorlie 4 Roebourne 6 16th April, 1905. Kanownn. ". 1 Southern Cross ... 1 Kelm8cott .. . 1 Sir Samnel 1 Temlc)'s fO!' Gove1'nmenl Supplies. Kookynie .. . 1 Sandstone 3 Katn.nning 1 Wiluna ... 4 Kojonup ... 1 Wn.gin Date of Supplies requi,l"od. Date of 1 Notice, closing. Lawlers :3 Williams ... 2 Lennonville 1 York 2 Leonora 2 Yarloop ... 1 1905. 1905. Laverton ... 2 Y tmdn.mindent 1 March 12 "16 sets Magnesia Lagging Blocks April2S Th! undaring 1 Yalgoo 2 for eno-ine boilers April 10 ,1'1,000 .J,~rmh Sleepers, 6ft. 6in. April 28 x 8in. x 4,in. 'render Porms C>1n be obtained n.t, the Police Stations at April 10 1,000 cords Pirewood for No. ,t April2S the above-mentioned towns, or from the undersigned. Pumping Station 20th March, 1905, April 9 Cn.rtagc of Supplies from Ra.il­ April 28 way Station to State Battery at Mt. Ida, for period of twelve months April 15 Quad Crown Litho. Printing' April2S lilachine, etc. TENDEl'l,S FOl{ THE BURIAL 01<' DECEASED April 15 Six-wheel 'Treadle Numbering April 28 and Paging Machine DES rITU'l'E PERSONS. April 15 30 Repair Bands, W.L ". April2S 'l'ENDERS (indorsed" 'l'ender for Buria.l of Deceased April 15 Horse and '1'1'Rop 11 ire for period April2S Destitute Persons") will be received at the office of the of twelve months 'l'ender Board, Perth, until 2 p.m. on Tuesdn.y, 1Dth May, April 15 JiiIilk, MeRot, Bread, n.nd Ice for Apl'il2S 1905, from persons willing to contract for the above service R,l,ilwn.y Dining Car at at the undermentioned places during the 12 months fro111 Nortlmm, Southern Cross, 1st July, 1905, to 30th June, 1909:- and Kalgoorlie Perth (including North Perth, Leederville, Victoria April 3 2,000 vVater Meters, various sizes May 5 Park, and South Perth), Subiaco, Claremont, Mareh 20 Crockery, etc., for all Govern­ May 5 Cottesloe, Fremantle, Rockingham, Guildford, ment Departments liIicUand Junction, }\![undaring, Northam, York, Newc>1stle, Beverley, Kn.tnnning, vVn.gin, Pingelly, Albany, Esperance, Dundlcs, Norsem>1n, Rfwens­ 'l'enders, addressed to the Chn.irnmn, Tender BOltrd, Perth, thorpe, Davyhurst, Lenllonville, Mount Magnet, will be received for the n.bove-mentioned supplies until Mount JVIttlcolm, Mount Sir Samuel, Burtville, 2 p.m. on the chtes of closing. Laverton, Peak Hill, Ln.wlers, Cue, Nannine, Lake 'renders must be properly indorseel on envelopes, other­ Austill, Meelmthn.rrn.. Cllddingwarra, Yalgoo, wise they are liable to rejection. Southern Cross, Coolgardie, Kalgoorlie, Boulder, Particnlars and tender forllls obtainable on application KanowllRo, Bulong, Kurlln.lpi, Leonora, Kookynie, at the Tender Board Office, Irwin Street, Perth. Broad Arrow, Menzies, Niagara, Granites, BUll­ No tender necessarily accepted. bury, Bllsselton, Bridgetown, Collie, PinjRorra, 2'1th April, 1905. i\In.ndurn.h, In.rrahdale, Gingin, Victorilt Plains, Geraldton, Dong-n.rm.. Northn.mpton, CarnRorvon, Tenders /01' the Snppl-y q/ 'l'i,nnecl lJIeat to lhcSnpply (In,l Ba,ngemalJ, Onslow, ltoeboul'lw, Cossack, Port '1')'(mspol't Co)'ps, in

WEST AUSTRALIAN GOVERNJlrIENT TENDER BOARD. Accepted Tenders. TilE following List of Accepted 'renders is p11blished for general information :--

Tender co11c81'118(1. Rate. Board No.: Date. Contractor. Particulars. i Department

I 202/08 11/4/0S A. Janeczek Purchase of Soot from Pumping Goldfields 'vVater Sup­ £5 Stations 1 and 2 ply 2m/OS 4/4/08 B. Grey Shoeing at Grecnbushcs to 30th Police ... Cis. new Shoes; -ls. June, 1905 Removes 17S/08 15 "1/0S P. Boase Haulage of BoiJCl' from Yunda­ Mines ... £3 lOs. per ton mindera to Yerilla 169/0S 1;3/4/0S Tomlinsoil Bros. Second-hand Oil Engine Public Works £125 Schedule 2SA-Item 102 ! I 24th April, 1905.

Accepted Tenders.

Cartage for the State Carta~e for the St"te Cartage for the State Battery, NOrSeIllall. Battery, Burtville. Battery, Niagara. C. F. J. Hall. 1Clarke &; Lamont. R. K. Oates &; Co. Accepted 2-4-190S. Accepted 2.4-1908. Accepted 2-4-190S.

Minimum at per consignment (one or more packages) not At mte of £4 per ton At rate of £2 per ton 2s. Cid. exceeding 2S1bs. and lOs. per ton Agency At per consignment (one or more package,) over 2S1bs. Do. Do. At the rate of Cis. and not exceeding 1cwt. per ton A t per consignment fro111 lcnvt. and not exceeding 5ewt. Do. Do. do. Fro111 5cwt. to lOcwt., at per cwt. Do. Do. do. }<'r0111 10cwt. to 20cwt., at per cwt. Do. Do. do. At per ton of 2,2401bs., and el-ery additional ton or portion £4.... £2 per ton and lOs. 6s. thereof to be P')'o mta Agency

Cancellation of Contmct. THE ulldermentioned Contmct has been cancelled :-

Tender Board No. Date. Contractor. Ser\"ice.

201/08 ,tth April, WOS... J. W. Walton Shoeing Police Horses at Greenbushes to 30th June, 1908

W. H. BENBOW, 16th April, 1905. Secretary Tender Board.

Registrar Geneml's Oilice, Perth, 15th April, 1908. [1' is hereby published, for geneml information, that the following change of address of the undermentioned Minister registered for the Celebration of jl-Ia,rriages throughout the State of 'vVestern Australia has been duly notified to and recorded in this Office ,-

Transferred R.G. No. Date. Donomination and N arne. To Distriet.

Chnrch of England. Diocese of Perth. 15th April, 1908 i The u,everend Thomas Ernest Sandstone ... Black Range lilt. Magnet Black R~tnge, Brewis Murchison

Registrar General's Ollice, Perth, lCith April, 1905. IT is hereby notifieu, for geneml information, that the name of the undermentionecl Minister has been duly removed from the register in this office of Ministers registered for the Celebration of Marriages throughout the State of Western Aus­ tralia:-

KG. Date. HlHl }fame. ~o. UCl~OllliIlatioll Hesideuce. Registry District.

'I'he Methodist (,'h1O'ch or Anslmlasia. 1905/l()5 lCith April, 1908 The Reverend Henl'Y Rohins Katanning Katanning

lI'l:ALCOLlI'I A. C. FRASER, Registrar General. 1110 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [APRIL 24, 1908 - -_._--_._._._._------_. ------.__ ._._-----_. __ .. _------.. --

APPOlN Ti\UDN'l' rpHE INDUSrl'RIAL CONCILIA'l'ION AND ARB1TRA­ (U 1Idcr Sedi01l ;), i:lub~octioll ;; of tho " Hegistratioll TION AC'r, 1902 of Births, Dca ths, nJHl :ll

[T.D. 85.J ES'l'ERN US·l'HALIA. W A EFFICIEN'l' PIUVA'l'J~ SCHOOLi:l. LAND AND INCO;yIE 'l'AX ASSl!]SSMl!]N '1' L\C'J', UJ07, List No. I. !;'orlD J:!" (l-~eg. 7). I<;ductltioll Depart-mont, No'rICE '1'0 lYIAKE L'1,Wl'URNS. Perth, 14th April, .190S. Inco'HtC 'Pax. IN acconlance with the provisions of Sedioll 16 of "The NOTICE iB hereb,Y given that, in pl11'snance of the 11ho\'e, PlIbli<.: Education Act, lS99," the following schools are named Act, and (0£ the Hegnlations nmde therl'tlUclel', every hereby certified to be '{ efficient" for the purpose of tho personliahle.under the said Act or Regulations to make said .\ct for tho current year. 'T'hese arc Hot examinecl any Return of Income (whether muncy or otherwise) ie' on the same basis as Gm'orlllllPut Schools, ;mel arc only hereby TOq "i'red to make ane! /twnish to m8 on 01' heforo (lecla red efficient for the purpose of tIl!' Act in rCIHling, l!'riday, the 2J,th dn,y of Apl'il, ]\JOH, 11, Hdul'n ill till' \\Titing, arithmetic, spelling, anil geography:- prescribed Form of the a11101111 t, and pr11'tienlarci of his (,1' Boulder-All Hallo\ys' Convent School. her Income' for the y8. Bussolton-Saored Heart Primary SchooL Lo,nd.. '1'(i;t;. Bussclton-Sacred Heart High Sdwol. '''Claremont-Scotch College, Notice is further hereby given that, in pursuance of th" '''Claremont-Girls' High School (Illiss 1'a1'l)('1I), above-named A.ct and of the Reg-ulations made t hereunde l' ':;'Clarclllont-~Icthodist Ladies' Colleg<'. every person who was on the :nst December, IDU7, tIll' "(;uildfonl-Gralllllwr School. owner, withill the mtmning of the srl,id Act, of land in "Highgate-Satrecl Heart COll\'cnt, High School, 'Western A nstmlir1, and who is li11ble under tho sr,id Aet 01' Mary Street, Regulat,ions to lll;lke n Return of such laml, is hereby 1'c'lnil'c(l to make ane!flt1'nish to me on 01' before ];,ricby, the "Perth-'rJw High Sehool. 2'1th da,y of April, HJOH, a gCtU1'll in the prescribed Forlll (,f ;:-Pert-h -Christian Broth('rs' Colic-go. the description, sitlUltion, [mel va,]ue of sneh land, together Kalgoorlic-Christian Brothers' College, with all prescribed cl1)t,"ils l'Ohlting th<:rcto. Kalgoorlie-High School for Girls, :H Wanl i:ltrcet, T~[lInillgtoll Heights, Every such Return, whether Income '1',1X ur Lftnd 'l",X shaH be ad(lressed to the Commissioner of 'l'axation, and E:algoorlio--St, Ma l',Y 's Conn'nt School, Dugan be delivored at or forwltl'dud by post, duly ~talllpec1, to the Street. '1'axation Department, Itt Howl1rc1 StroC't, Perth. Any Kalgoorlic South-St. Call1illus' Com'pnt School, person failing Or lwgleding to furnish a Huturn, at; Salisbury Hoad, described above, on or beforo the 24th day of April, lUUt-) , Kamballio-St, .Toseph's Conn,nt School. is, under the said Act, liable to n penalty not exceeding' KanO\YlHl-St, Patrick's COJlyent School. £20; tlnc1 any pe1'S011 knowing-Iy >LncI wilfully llUl,king " false Heturn, 01' by Leise hood, wilful Iwg-lc,,,t, or fraud, N orthalll-St, Anthony's Convent School. attpmpting to evade taxl1tion, is, undor the mid Act, liable X ortham-St. ;Joseph's COllyent School. to a penalty not exceeding' £10U, and to pn.y treble Tax, U ppcr Pl'eston-ScYcl1th Day A.clwntists' Church NO'l'E.-Taxp"Yol'S tl1'e l'oqnirC'cl to apply for mHlobtain School (J'\1:iss g. A. Clarke). the Return .B'orIns for thelllsC'lves, whieh they may do ;it Trafalgar-St. Ursula'8 Convent of Mcrcy School. the 'l'axation Departmont, Howard Shellt, Perth; 01' at the Victoria Pa1'k--St. Joachim's COllycnt School. Treasury offices at Alb:wy, .Ilriclg-etolVll, Broad Arrow, York--St, Patriek's COllYCllt of J\'lercy High School. Broome, Bl1ubul',)', BlIssrlltol1, Canm1'von, Collie, Coulga1'dic', Y Ol'k-St. Patrick's COHnmt of .i\Ic'rcy Primary Cue, Derby, Esperance, Fremantlo, Geraldtoll, Hall\ SchooL Crook, Kalgoorlie, KanOll'l1;l" ](at anniug-, L;1wler'l, Ma1'hl() Eo C, Bar, Mem;ies, lVIidlancl ,j lIIwtiun, J\H, Morgl1ns, Narl'ogill, York--Girls' High School (Miss .Jobson), Norseman, N orthalD, ~JUl'thallli'toll, Onslow, Pc;tk Hill, "Sc;]()ols at which Secondary School Scholarships lIlay PirijalTa, Port HeeUand, J~"vellsthol'pe, Roteboul'no, Sand­ bc held, A fmthcr list ,yill be published later. stone, Sharks' Bay, Sontherll Cross, \Vagin, \VyuellmtlJ, and Yo!-k: and t1t tho Polico ;:;t"Lions in all other towns, C1~ClL AKDRlDWS, except Pe;,th Contl'al, throug'ho1lt the Stnto. Inspector General of Schools,

D"ted this 13th cby of .i\lal'~h, J HOH. lDDGAI~ 'J'. OWEN, lVIlSSING .B'HIENDS, COlllmissioner of 'l'axatioll. Taxation Department, Vide Government Gazette, l$)OS, page ;"5DS, B:2/11643. How'11'd Street, Perth, ,Vl'sterl! Austl'alb. IIJ';NH '1' P.~;CK has been founil at the G\\'alia Mine, Loonora. ride OovGl'Illllent Gazelle, H10S, page 924,B2/11S12, i"ril'lIdly ~"l'i"t ios Olliee, JA:\TEi:l SENNE'I"], has boon found at :Nlollut Magnet. PI'rtiJ, :2:!ud April, IOIIt-). Vide Government, GII,;elie, 1908, page $):24, 132/11798. I l' is I]('rr~l}\' uuiilied thai til<' .\uUlIg:lIl11l[ed C(']'\.ifi(·atpd PATIUCK .i\IcLOUGHLIN has iJeen found at CUflding- l~ll()'i}l('~dl'j\'~'l'H' l~lli{)ll oj' \Yor!q'r:..; (II \\Yt'stl'J'1l .. \usiraliil. \I'lli'm, ilIurchison Gohl1idds, going undo!' the llUllle 0;' I-jo~ld('l', 8al1d;-;lolW Brit IH'lt, \, :1~ ('J'erd l!ild{'l' •• rpIH' P,\'l'Ull'K LOCKE, lildnstrial ('oll";li"[',"1 and .\rllil!,;11 .\('1. IPI':'?," and llllll('l' "T1J1' Tnlde l'llioll:-: .-\(.j, ID(l~:,-' r;ll tIll' i:Hh day of' ':\ATHANIEL GRIGG, lIIc(liulll build, age abc,ut 45 ,\pril, 1\)1)8; aud Ihat tile ("))l~tal :":Iht ;3ft. Gin., brown hail' turning grey, sandy (Tniou oj' \\'orkC'l'S ,,'as !'('([ lIildPl' "'I'll(' Industria! ;no\ls{aehc~ blue eyes, full visage, fail' (lompl?xioll; coal COllciliation :111(1 ,\rhitT;li , 1:111:2." I)ll the ];-;th

ED'\'AHD JOSJ~PH DESCHAnIP, mcrlium build, age TI~ANSJi'ER 0]' LAND ACT, 1893. -18 years, height 5ft. lOin" dark hair, saudy moustache, blue eyes, long dsage, fair complexion; a dairyman and Tran'lfer No. 1528/1908. a natiw of Victoria; generally dresses in a dark suit aUlI NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a warrant of fawn-coloured soft felt hat; last heard of at Perth on the Clerk of the Local Court held at Southern Cross dated the 17th nIt. \rhell he left stating he intended going to the 10th day of February 1908 York for the J'Ul"pose of obtaining employment; may be Southern ('1'OSS Town Lot 146 being the whole of the found "orkill~ on :lOllW farm on the Great Southern Rail­ lanel comprised in Certificate of Title Yolume LX. \\"ay. (luforlIiatioll to the Ct'iminal lnyestigation Branch, E'olio 51 Pcrth.--B2/118G7.) was sold by Public Auction for default in payment of rates HENH¥ HU:'I.DIERS'fO:!'\, mediuHl build, age 34 clue to the Municipality of Southern Cross and that it is years, height 5ft. 8 in., dark hair, heavy ginger mous­ V:! my intention on the sixteenth day of iYlay next to register tache, grey eyes, long yisage, dark complexion; small scar the purchaser as proprietor of the said land accordingly over ll'ft eyebro\\'; mole ou chin; a labourer and a native without requil'ingproduction of the duplicate certificate of of New South -Wales; <1ressed in grey trousers, dark coat title pursuant to Section ,t32 of "The iYlunicipal Corpora­ and waistcoat, Bluchl'r boots, and fawn-coloured slouch tions Act 190(;" (G l>Jdw,:neral hand on Young's farm. (Informa­ Hegistrar of Titles. tion to tIll' Crimillal InH'stigation Branch, Pcrth.-B2 Land 'l'itles OJficu, Perth, I. 1180+.) 2!lrd A~pril, 190H. ) THO"JfAS KEHSEY :!'\GH'l'H]~N, slight build, age 3G Nicholson an ordur for foreclosure mil,y be issued to the said Southem 01'OSS T01vn Lot 64 being the w hole of the mortgagee unless in the interval a sufficient sum has been land eomprised in Certificate of Title Volume ohb1ined by the sale of the bnd to satisfy the principal LVI. Folio 119 and interest moneys secured and ail expenses incurred in were sold by public auction for default in payment of ratcs a11(l about such sale and proceedings. due to the Municipality of Southern Cross and that it is 'L'he amOUlJt (lue in r('"pect of principal and interest and my intention on the sixteenth day of May next to register all expense. .; il1eurred was on the 22nd day of April, 1908, the purchaser as proprietor of the said land accordingly £'1,9G 1,s. J(H. withont requiring production of the duplicate certificate of title pursuant to Section 432 of "The Municipal Corpora­ Dat(>rl at tlH, Tiilps Oflku, l'edb, this ;::3nl clay of "\pl'il tions Act 1906" (6 Edward VII. No. 32). lflOH. ALFRED E. BUR,!', A LVltED K BUR,!" Registrar of 'l'itleB. Rep;istl'nl' of 'l'itleR. Land Titles Office, Perth, "( 23rd April, 1908. \ j'ai'/;p/' .• \' l'orrker, I/(

BE BAR.RISTERS' llOA.RD. 'l'RANSFER OF LAND ACT, 1893. IT is hereby lJotifiorl, for gener,!'] information, and in accord't"Cl" with No. t) of the Rules of the Board, that Transfers Nos. 1555/1908 and 1556/1908. lYlesdot1l's C. n. C~'x, H. \V. lIen~,;:uHl.n, C. :L. Stawell, H. C NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a warrant of the I,'. K(,ali, and .1. 1'. }]"x\\,,·11 wO["(' duly llOlllimtted as mem­ Clerk of the Local Court held at Perth dated the second bors of the lhl'I'j"jel's' IlO'"l'd, and that at the election held day of December 1907 on the 7th instant the sai{l live gentletl1pn Wf~re declared to be duly elected members "f the Board. Lot 6 of Slvcm Location 669 being the whole of the land comprised in Certificate of Title Volume ImGINALD II. COODlYUN, XXV. Folio 202 and Scen·t",·y of the Banisters' Board. Lot 7 of Swan Location 669 being part of the land 23rd April, I DOH. comprised in Certificate of Title Volume XXV. Folio 203 were sold by public anction for default in payment of rates due to the lI-lunicipality of North Perth and that it is my MUNICIPALITY OJ<' NOH'l'HAIIL intention on the sixteenth day of May next to register the purchaser as proprietor of the said land accordingly with­ out requiring production of the duplicate certificate of title NO'l'ICE is hereby given that an Extraordinary Election pursuant to Section 432 of "The Municipal Corporations for one 1\.11ditor willlk hold on Thursday, 7th Ma.y, 1908. Act HlGG" (6 Edward VII. No. 32). Nominations in accordance with the Act L be lodged ALFRED E. BUR'l', "ith the 'l'own Clerk, at the Council Chambers, before four Registrl\r of Titles. o'clock on Thursday, 30th April, 1908. I,and Titles Office, Perth,"( S. SOLOMON, 23rd April, 1908. ) 2VIayor :end Returning Officer. 1112 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, "V.A. [A PUlL 24, 1908.

WILLIAMS ROAD BOARD. Profit and Loss Account. Closm6 of Traclc. Expenditure. £ s. d. No'rICE is hercby given that the Board intend closing Balance brought forward, 31st December, the track running through Locations 1898, 1899, and 1906 49 17 11 ]S97, owned by Isbister Bros. Hates abandoned n 10 11 9 E. A. HAMERSLEY, Snlnri('s fl7 IG .> Chairman Willimns Road BOUl·a. PlIll,ping Account :\0. 1 Z\l6 \) 8 Pmnping Account No.2 125 5 G Auditing 8 8 Depreciation 321 1711° BUNBURY WATER BOARD. Maintenance and repairs 143 8 2 Printing, advertising, and stationery 25 5 5 General expenses 21 12 .'; Statement of Receipts and ExpcnrZitmc fo), the Year enc7- Intcrest '358 15 ing 3,lst December, '1.907. Balance, profit 246 6 10° £ s. (1. Receipts. £1,574 14 Amount brought forward 31st Dcecmhel', ° Hl06 640 13 3 Rates 1,062 10 4 Rcreipts. £ s. d. Government Grant-well an(l bore 250 ° o 'Water mtes 1,145 8 8 Special services 153 14 1 Special services, etc. :l29 5 4 Bank balanco 1,047 10 8 Str801; watering 100 0 0 Stock debiterl to construction account, 11n­ ------pair1 56 411 £1,574 14 ° £3,210 13 E. 1\,1. CIJARKE, Chairman. £ s. ,], SYD. n. TlA VEY, }]xprncliture. Secrptary. Salaries 07 16 3 Pnmping No. 1 Account (Electric Light Co.) .. .. 296 9 8 Pumping Account, No.2 (vVater Board) 81 8 3 7 9 11 vVe have examined the books of acconnt and vouchers Store Room of the Bunl'my Water Board for the year ending 31st Auditing 8 8 135 18 :1 December, 1907, and certify that the foregoing are true Maintenance ° and correct statements as shown by the books. Bunbury Municipal Council .. 5 11 5 Printing, advertising, stationery 25 5 5 D. G. lIU;vrPHlHl~S, General expenses :l1 1:2 5 vVell and Bore Account aD;)~-- 17 4 H. H. ABHAHAilfSON, Pump, pump-honse, boiler aml fittings 5G5 8 2 Amlitors. Interest 60 9 ..9 Ae.cruetl inter0st 35 5 i) '37 ~) 2 'rools and Plant 'PHE COMPANIES AC'l', 1893. Scrvice mains .. 1,423 5 10 Freights aml cartage .. 74 10 4 Li'llstraillsian COl'pomriOll of P1Lblic A ceountants. Cash in hand ., 18 7 10 NOTICE is hereby given that the Hegistercc1 Office of the ------above (Jolllpnny has been removed to No.3, Second Floor, £3,:HO J3 3 }'onest ('h'~m"('rs. St. George's Terrace, Perth. --~---- Dated this 31'<1 day of April, 1908. S'lONE & BUR'I', Balance Bheet for tile Yellr ending 31gt Dccember, 1.907. :;14 Hay Strcet, Perth, Liabilities. £ s. (1. Solicitors for the :!ompany in "Westel'11 Australia. Goycrnment Loan 'No.1 1,500 0 0 Gov8l'nlllent TJO:lll No.2 1,000 0 0 Rylanc1s g' Bons Cololllal, Dilllitecl. Bunbnry Muuicipal Council TJoan .. 2,970 G ° NO'l'lCI~ is hereby gi,-en that the Registcrc([ Oftlce of Bunbnry 'Municipal Uonneil, intcri'st, ('te. 1il}) 8 7 the ahove-named Company has been removed to Mathie­ Accrued interest i50 0 0 son'R Bllil(1ings, 167 St. (leorge's 'l'cnace, Perth. Accrued Sinking Fund 121 5 0 Sundry creditors 1Z:1 17 2 J. S. 'J'ANNgR, Capital Account 750 0 0 }\ Horney fot' Hylan(ls anll Sons Colonial I~imitec1. Blmk balaneo .. 1,047 10 8 Balance, profit 246 G 10 ------£7,948 8 9 Rylanc7s

In the mutter of " The Companies Act., 1893 " III the matter ot the Will of Montgomery Jiarshall, late of lIalgoorlie, in tile Stllte oj' Western Li1lstralia, (;)0 Viet., Xo. 8). Hot clkeepcr, deceased. ?\OT ICE is hereby given that, nnder the provisions of NOT I C P; is hereby giWll that all persons having claims Section 20 cf the above Act. a Certificate of Tll{'orI'Ora· all!] den:llnds against the estate of the latc ~lolltgom('l'y nOll, as a No-Liability COillpallY, has this tin r been 2Iiarslwll, who died on the twentieth llay of ~lar{'h, 100S, issU('d,to The ('allioll (iolrl ~[ining C'mnpallY, 'IV.:" .. No­ at Kalg'oorlie ai'oresaid, are 1'('qlH'st('([ Oll or berol'(, tlw Liability. :o;itb day of :I[ay, IDOS, to send particnlars of sneh D:lt\'d this 7th (lay of April, 1908. daill1s and demands to .Joseph Cooper (c/o ~Iessrs. Kepna!! & Handall, Solidtors, Kalgoorlie), the Executor F. A. ~[oSELEY, of the \Yill of the above-named deceased: And, further, Regis! rar of ('olllpan ies. 1'ltat the said Executor \yill immediately after such elate Su pr('nl(' Comt Oilir-c, I'rol'l'cc1 to distribute the assets of the said deceased Perth, IV.A. alllongst the <:('C'dito('s H!HI pel'sons entitled thereto, having ('('gal'cl (\nly to those daims of ,\'hkh he shall then lm\'c had noti{'c. Tile FrclJi(IJllle Gos (J' Coke COlli/WilY, Ltd. NOTICE is herebY o'ivcn that the Registered Office of the Dati'll the Lith (Iay of April, 1908, above Company i~ from this date sitnated at 86 Canton­ KEl~NAX & RANDALL, ment Street, J<'remantle. ?llaritana Street, Kalgoorlie, HAROLD "WILKIXSON, Solicitors for the Executor. Seer0tary. Fl'Cmalltlc, lith April, H108.

FL\:'<:KRUP']'CY AC'[, A"rEND}H~:\T ,\CT, 180S. Rarwl1I/Jic Rllntles Gold J[inilltJ Company (:\,,,-UalJilil.l/). 111 th" Illntt('!' oj' H(,llI',. 1<'rank \Valt('!' I'del's, Sto!'e- :\OTlC'E is hen'b.'· gil'en lhal tIl(' Hegisterp(\ OHiep of ""('P(~(',' of C'nballing. th(' abo\'(' COll\pany has been rClllol'ed to the ~rine at Bar, :\ OT I ('I,; is h('l'e],y gil'('1l that a ~reetil1g of the C!'e(lito!'s t"amhic, and that Stephen Cleorg(' Stanghtoll is the AHOl'­ "f tl,,' "hol'('-named HC'lll'Y -"'milk \VaItc'l' Peters, of' n(',\' for thp COlllpan,v ill \\'"stern Australia; 01(' Pow('r ('ul"llling, \\'ill he hl,lt! nt Olll' olli('('s, TIalsl111r'y ChamhCl's, of Attorney granted in i'm'onr of Alextlmkr Sanderson. i10lnlrd 811'1·(·t, P(,l'th, on "I (Juday, the fourth day of I,'ra!}(js Ranc1tlll Sanderson, awl II1'lIl)' \Villinm lIopking ~h\y, Ul

In [he Bllp'reme COlwt of IYestC1'i! A1tstralia, J]ormm/Jic SOli 1/( (io/I! Jiinln,lJ eOllljJllliy ('!\'o-Ullbili[!t). In the llmttcr of "'1'he Bankruptcy Act A mendlllent Act, NOTICE is hereby giYC'n that the Hegistl'J'('d Offi('e of' the 189S," a,nd in the Illattel' of Solomon Marks, of GG }Iill above COlllpuny has 1)('('tl 1'(;1110\'('(1 to tIll' }] ine at Bnr­ Stroet, Perth, 'failor. f'ambie, and that SU'jlhen Ueorge Sbmg'hton is th(' ;\ Hor­ NOTICE is hereby given thn,t n il/I0eting of the Creditors ney for the COlllP:IIlY ill \Vesl('l'll ;\lIstralia; the Pml'er of of tho ahOYCnalllO(1 Debtor will l>e held:tt the Ofliee of the Attorne,v granted in 1'a\'(>111' oj' AI('Xnlldel' Sanderson, undersigned, No . .J, Surrey Cluuuhcl's, St. Onorge's Teria00, .F\l'~tlleiS Halldall Ralld{ll'~()ll. ;llId [JClll'\' \Villi,IHl Hopkingo Perth, ()ll .iVlond:ty, tho 1th da~' of May ,l\J08. at three hH\'illg 1:('('11 IT\'ol\(ltl. ' o'cloek in the afternoon, J'nled lhis lilth day oj' ,\pl'il, l!lOS, ]);lted this 2:11'(1 da,y of April, 1905, Hb]NN1:\(: & LOIlIDL\:\:\, [L,S,J J, :MOSS SOLOlYJON, KL (iPOl'gt' 's 11\'>lTaet" Perth, 1\0. ,1· Surrey Chflrlnhers, St. C-hwrgc's 'rel'racp., Perth, Sn\j('itol's for the ('om1mll,\', Solieitor fol' the Debtor.

[" IIII' SlIjirl'lIlC Court 0/ Wcstcrll /1ustmiia. Jl'ltl'll EI/I'II 00/11 J! in ill.'! COllljlllll.ll (JYo-UIIIJility). III lllc' lI!:tH('r, of "'I'hl' Bank(,lIl't('y Ad A Il\(,!lll Ilwnt SUTleI;] is h(,1'cl)y giwll that the I{egisterl'd o ili(' I' of the Ad, iK})S," anil ill the lllat1"('l' of Mallri('e .Tohn abO\'e-lIanwd COlllpaJlY has 1>('1'11 rnmol'c(l to the Offi(,l'H of I"it~gerald, of Ilulongille, ill til(' 8tat(' of \\'estC'rn t h0 nndersignc{l, Saint OP()l'gc 's ~l'cl'l'aee, Pert il. Australia, f:lI'llH'1'. Dated this liith tlay of April, lnOS. ,Yoli(1' 10 ('rei/itors 0/ Alililielliioll 10 Court to I'ollsiiler ImNN IN(l & LOIIR:\IA:"[2\, ()om]IO"itioll. st. Cleorgt\ '5 rCCl'l'ttce, Perth, TAKE Ilotic'o that appliwtion I\'ill he 1Il:1l!1' to the abo\'G Solieitors for thl' said Company. COll1't sitting at PI·rth on ,:\1 onda~', the fourth (lay of May, 1 })()S. at J IUlO 0 'cloek ill the fOl'l'lloon. 01' so soon there­ :d'tel' as the Court shull sit, to eOllsidcr thc ecimposition as jll'oposerl hy the said dehtor at a mceting held on the [II tlie mull, r of /.lIe ](alg'u)'li Ullited lliinil/(J COJlljllu/y, ,llHh day of :\Ial'ch, H)08, and ('onfinll('l\ at a lIIceting lAmiteil (iii LJ'quidatioil). l:l'ld on till' lith t1'1,Y of ~\pril, ]908, NOTJCI~ is herehy given that tho Creditors of the abo\'\;­ DatcIl this ~:\l'fl day of April. H)OS, ll'"l1IC'd ('()lllpa~lY, m'C' l'equiro~l, on or before the 18th day ~L ~r. MOSS, OJ .J lllll" 1908, to send then names and adltresses, amI Oflieial He('eil'N in Rankruptcy. 1he pmtieulars of' their debts or claims, and the names an,l a(1tlrcsses of their Solieitors (if any) to Charles S,mmcl Reale, of No, 72 Bishopso-ate Street 'Within Iii IIle Supreme Court of Treslern Australia-In LOIHlon. E.C" England, Public Accguntallt the liquida~ Eankntptcy. ~Gr o~ .the ~aitl COlllp~ny i ~nd if so requi~'ed by notice Tn tlli' mattcr of " 'rhe Bankruptcy Act A,mentlment III wnhng frolll the sail} hqmdator, are by their Solicitors Ad, 1808," and ill the matter of George Bitmead, t~) ('ome in and pro"l'o their said debts or claims, at such tllne alHl place ns shnll he specified in snch notice, or in of Doolllakinc, ,,",;ume!', a (1cbtol'. defauH tlwl'eof they will bc rxcluc1cd from tho bencfit of :\0'1' ICE is hel'P\)Y gi\'cn that the above-namea debtor any di:-;tl'ilJution nuu]e h('fol'c sneh {tebts are 111'OV8t1. hilS I'x('('uled a UC'('d of C\Ssiglllllt'nt 1l11<1n the pnl\isions Date'(l this ];lth (1flY of March, J 908. ' of " TIl(' Banln'll]ltl'Y Act AmClHlment Aet, ]898," and that the smn(' is 110W iying for inspcetion Hn(l cxc('utioll BURN & BBRRTDGE, 'It the of1ic'cs of .J. L. B. 'IVeil' & Co" Hi ana 17 F01'1't'st 11 Old Bl'Oail Street, London, RC., C'llumbcl's, pprth. Solicitors for the above-named Liquidator. Date,a this ~:l]'(1 ,Ia~' of A pri!, 1908. Stone 9' Burt, ;i14 ][11.'1 81 rect, Pert/I, Agents to Messrs. M. M. ~IOSS, J3um J- Berridge. 9fficia1 Receiver in Bankruptcy. 1114 GOVERNMENT n A7.;ETTE, \V.A. [APRIL 24, 190H.


Receiving Orde?·.

Nt). of Date of Act or Acts of Debtor's Name. Address. Court. 1\1 IIttCl'. Order. B"11 kruptcy.

Arthur J. Cosson Fremantle Supreme Court, 151, of 1907 16th day of I 8t.h day of Non-co m p Ii fit 11 ce Perth April, 1908 I April, ID08 with l3ankruptcy I Notice.

AppliculiO?~ for Discharge.

Address. Court.. ;\umbel'. Date fixc~l fOl' Hcarillg.

John Thomas Rlldda­ Irwin Road, R.o,v1 and Water SUprE'lllO Court, 26th day of JIIlny, 1908, at way Dong-arn, Supply Con­ Perth 10':30 0'c1, de in the fore­ tractor noon, at the Supreme C01ll't, Pe1·th

Date of Date of order Debtor's Descril)­ ])"te of (if any) for l\ Hm her. I first lfublic Ex~ Hou}'. I Pln('e. Name. tlOll. i Sumnmry Ad· 1\Iecting'. :11l1JDat.i',1l. llliniHtl'lttioll.

Henry Thfarshall ! Seers St.reet} Miner ·to of : l:2th dilY of 231'<1 day of I Kalgoorlie ]flOS ]Hny,i[JOS April, !DOS I

Dated this 2:3rcl day of April, 1908. ~r. ilL 1\I0SS, OlTieial It

No'rWE; OJ<' DISSOLU'1' ION OF PAW1'NI'~nRIIIP. as frolll the :l1st Mareh, lH08. All aCCollnts due to 01' by thl' late J1],111 arc to be fOl'\\'tn'(Ie([ to W. H. de ,B. :\Iol'rison, NO'l'ICl;~ is hercby gi\'(~n that the partnership, l1lHler the Uuililfo]',l, style 01' firlll of "8ir('hley all(l Coates," herctofore exist­ ing between the llJl(lcl'signerl, Pcrcy Birchley ,u1I1 \Villialll Dated at P('rth this 2211(] (lay of April, I90R. Coates and George Oslington, in the hnsiness of general storckeeping and <:amcl-,lcaling canie(l em at l,collora, in Signed hy the State of 'Western Anstralia, anrl elsc,dwre, has this W. H. de B. MORRISON. ,1:1y been dissolved by the said William Coates withdraw­ ing from snch partnership. ULIC A. de BURGI-I MORRISON. The said Percy Bil'l'hley and Gl'orge Oslington will con­ J n the presence of-W. A. HALE. tinne to cnrry on tho said lmsinpss together in partuPl'­ ship, undC'r tho said sty!" 0;' finn of' "Bir('hky 'llld Contes," and will pay all tIl(' debts O\\'illg' by and will 1'('­ ('eive all the dC'hts owing to Ihe said IM(' finn. :\'O'l'l('j<~ OF' DISSOLlJ'l'ION Ov' PAR'I'NJ~nSHIP.

Da1t'd at Leonora al'ol'psaid, this lith (\;1), of' "\p1'il, 1\)O,~. NO'I'j('I'~ is herehy giYen that the Partncrship hithcrto existing' b(,jll'('en A,lelinc :Yln,Y King, v'l'edcriek Albert PI'~IWY BIIWIlLI~Y, 'King, and .John i\-lC'}fahon, llIHIC1' the stylc of " P. A. WI LT,IAM (!()'-\'l'E~, I~ing eX ('0.," in th0 business of Butchers, et1ni('([ on at (, I'~()rm l'~ ORL 1:\ (1'1'0:\, ~1('llZi('s and D,wyhnrst, in the State of \Vcstl'1'l1 Ans­ hy his ~\g(\ld--­ I l'" I ia, has iH'('ll d isslllvec1 hy deed of this date. PEH('Y BIIWIILI~\·. '1'1](' said .Iohn ~fC'Mahon has takC'u 0\'1'1' the Mellzies ill'Hnl'i1 or th(' SHill bllsiness, nnd will disehurge all the SignC'd by tl10 said PCI'('Y Birch­ liailili1i('s th('l'cof. II'Y and William Coates ally gi\'(,ll that til<' pa1'lll('l'Rhip hithNi" ADELINE 1'lfAY InNG. subsisting b('t\\'el'n \Va!t,'r U(,llry de BUl'gh :\lol'l'i·;on '111<1 PRED. A.' KING. Ulic Alexander (](' BllJ'g'h :'Ilorl'isOll, eal'l'iC'd un as "W. JOHN :VfcNIAHON. II. & r. de Blll'g'h :'Iorrison," (:Ollllllissioll Agl'll1s, d('" Midlalld .f1llll'tiolJ, ltas I)('en dissolved hy 11l11tnal eons('nt Witlll'SS: n.W, i\[AX\\'ET,L, Solicitor, Perth. APRIL 24, 1908.J GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 'iV.A. 1115

NO'I'ICE. Acts of Parliament, etc.-continued. Department of Mines, £ s. d. Perth, 29th March, 1905. Hansa?'d Report, weekly issue, per copy .. o 0 6 COPIES of .. The Inspection of iYlachinery Act, 1904," Do. do. Annual subscription o 10 6 may now be obtained at the following offices :- Hawkers and Pedlars Act and Amendment .. 010 Health Act and Amendments .. 4 0 Department of lIIines, Hay Street. Perth; o Immigration Act and Amendments o 2 0 Chief Inspector of Machinery's Office, Wellington Street, Perth; Income (and Land) Tax Assessment o 1 9 The Offices of the Clerks of Court in the Sonth-West Index to Government Gazette, 1905, and pre- District (excepting Perth and Fremantle): vious years (each) o 1 6 l\lining Registrars' Offices 011 Lhe Gddfields. Imported Labour Act and Amendments 019 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act H. S. KING, o 1 9 Justices Act Secretary for Mines o 3 0 Land and Income 'l'ax Assessment o 1 3 Lantl Tax and Income 'l'ax 006 Ac'rs OF PARLIAMENT, ETC., FOR SALE AT Do. (lo. (Regulations) 003 , GOVEHNMEN'l' PRIN'l'IKG OFFICE. Legal Practitioners Act 009 N vw Rales in {o)'('c {rom 318t MarC/I, 1908. J~icensing Act and Amendments 050 1 9 £ 8. d. Life Assurance Act o Administration Act o 2 (] Local Court Act .. o 1 \) Agricultural Bank Act o 1 3 Local Court Act and Hules (cloth) 1 1 0 Arbitration Act o o 9 Do. do. (lh-bound) 1 5 0 Associations Incorporation Act o o 6 Local Inscribed Stock Act o 2 0 Auctioneers Act and Amendments 0 1 G Lunacy Act o 3 0 Bankruptcy Act, 38.; Rules, 1892, 5s.; 1898, Is. 0 9 0 Marine Stores Act o o 9 Bills of Sale Act and Amendments o 2 () J\-Iarille Insurance o 1 Bills of Exchange o 2 o :\larriage Act and Amendment o Boat Licensing Act and Amendments o 2 (5 Married Women's Property Act and Amend- ., Brands Act o 1 o ments o 1 ., Bread Act o 1 o Masters and Servants Act o 0 9 Bush Fires Act o 1 o Medical Practitioners Act o 1 3 Cart and Carriage Licensing o o (i Merchant Shipping Act Application Act o 0 6 Cemeteries Act and Amendments o Mines Regulation Act .. o 1 3 Companies Act and Amendments o (j Mining Development Act o 0 9 Co-operatiye and Provident Societio~ Act () ::Uunici pal Corporations Act o 3 o Copyright Act o 1 3 :\ avigation Act o 2 3 Criminal Code Act and Amendment 040 Pawnbrokers Act and Amendment o 1 Cnminal Code Act and Rules (~ bound, with Phal'luaey and Poisons' Act and Amendment .. o 1 9" Index) o 6 0 .) Police Act and Amendments o iJ (5 Crown Snits Act .. 00 9 Dentists Act and Amondmcnt 010 Prisons Act and Amendment o 1 o Distillation Act 016 Public Notaries Act o o 6 Pnblic Service Act o 1 3 Dividend Duties o 1 0 :] (l Divorce Act and Amendment, 2s. 3d.; Rules, Public 'Works Act aud Amcnllment o Is. (ld. o ~) Habbits Act o o 9 Dog Act o o 9 Railways (Government) Act o 1 9 Droving Act o o 6 Registration of Births, Deaths, anil IIIarriages 0 2 (5 E,arly Closing Act o 1 6 Roads Act o 3 o Education Act and Amendments o 3 6 Secondhand Dealers Act .. o o 6 Electoral Act o 2 (5 tltamp Act amI Amendments o 3 (5 Electric Lighting Act o 1 (5 Standing Orders and Rules (Parliamentary) 050 Employers Liability Act 00(5 Statutes (sessional sets per vol.) o 10 6 EmplOylllGllt Brokers Act o 0 (j Supreme Court Rules (bound) ," 1 0 0 Evidence Act 01(5 'l'otalisator Act and Amendment o 1 (l Explosives Act and Amendments o 2 I:i 'l'ra

CONTENTS. Page Contellts-·contin1~ed. Pag" Bank Holidays 1067 Marriages 1109-10 Bankruptcy 1118-4 Mines Department 1101-2,1115 Barristers Board 1111 Mining Companies 1112-8 Bunbul'Y vVater Board 1112 Missing Jiriends 1110 Colonial Secretary's Department 1067-82 Municipalities .. , 1067-8, 1111 Commissioner of Supreme Court 1108 Partnerships dissolved 1114 Companies _._ 1112-8 Proclamations .. _ 10G7 Crown Law Department 1082 Pnblic Service Commissioner 1086 Deceased Persons' Estates lU8 Public Works Department 1102-7 Education Department 1110 Railways 1102 Electoral 1082-G Registrar General 1109-10 Government Labour Bm·(·an 1106 Registrar of Companies 1118 Health Boards _.. .. _ 10GtHH Hegistmr "f Friendly Societies lllO Income 'rax .. _ .. _ 1110 Registrar SuprenHl Court 1108 Industrial' Conciliation and Arbitration 1110 Road Boards (see also under "Lands" and Justices of the Pmtee .. - lOGS " Public 'Works" Departments) 1112 Tender Board . __ 1108-9 Land and Income Tax 1110 'renders accepted 1106, 1108-9 Land Titles 10'32, 1111 Tenders invited 1l02-7-S-9 Lands Department 1086-1101 Transfer of Land 1082,1111 Legislative Council Elections 1082 'rransvaal Chamber of Mines 1102

By Authority: FRED. Wnr. SnfPsoN, Goverllll1Emt Printer, Perth.