FEDERAL SERVICE OF FOR HYDROMETEOROLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Federal State Budgetary Institution “ and Antarctic Research Institute” Russian Antarctic Expedition


October – December 2019 № 4 ( 89 )


Operational data of Russian Antarctic stations

St. Petersburg 2020

FEDERAL SERVICE OF RUSSIA FOR HYDROMETEOROLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Federal State Budgetary Institution “Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute” Russian Antarctic Expedition


October – December 2019 № 4 ( 89 )


Operational data of Russian Antarctic stations

Edited by V.V. Lukin

St. Petersburg 2020

УДК 550.380 + 551.321.1 + 551.46.08 + 551.506 + 502.7 (99) (269)

Editor-in-chief A.V. Voyevodin (Russian Antarctic Expedition – RAE)

Authors and contributors:

Section 1 A.V. Voyevodin (RAE) Section 2 Ye.I. Aleksandrov (Department of -Air Interaction) Section 3 G.Ye. Ryabkov (Department of Ice Regime and Forecasting) Section 4 A.I. Korotkov (Department of Ice Regime and Forecasting) Section 5 Ye.Ye. Sibir (Department of Sea-Air Interaction) Section 6 Yu.G. Turbin, Ul’yev V.А., L.N. Makarova (Department of Geophysics) Section 7 S. G. Poigina, А.А. Kalinkin, (ФИЦ ЕГС РАН) Section 8 V.L. Martyanov (RAE)

Please, address proposals and comments to: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Russian Antarctic Expedition, Bering str. 38, St. Petersburg 199397 Tel.: (812) 352-15-41; 337-31-04 Fax: (812) 337-31-86 E-Mail: [email protected]

The Bulletin is posted in the Internet at the site of the FSBI AARI of Roshydromet http://www.aari.aq/ at RAE pages in the section “Quarterly Bulletin”

© Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russian Antarctic Expedition (RAE), 2020


PREFACE ...... 1







IN 2019 ...... 59


DECEMBER 2019 ...... 61





Activity of the Russian Antarctic Expedition in the fourth quarter of 2019 was carried out at five permanent Antarctic stations - Mirny, Novolazarevskaya, Bellingshausen, Progress and Vostok and at the field bases Molodezhnaya, Leningradskaya, Russkaya and in the field camp Oasis. The work was performed by personnel of the 64th wintering expedition and from November by the seasonal and wintering personnel of the 65th RAE over a full complex of the Antarctic environmental monitoring programs. At the field bases Molodezhnaya, Lenigradskaya, Russkaya and Druzhnaya-4 and in the field camp Oasis, the automatic weather stations AWS, model MAWS-110, and automatic geodetic complexes FAGS operated. The Bulletin contains operational observation data. Section I of the Bulletin presents monthly averages and extreme data of standard meteorological and solar radiation observations carried out at constantly operating stations during October-December 2019 and data of upper-air sounding carried out at Mirny station once a day at 00.00 of Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). Sounding of the atmosphere at Mirny station was made by the upgraded system AVK-1- AP “Eol” with the use of radio-sondes MRZ-3АK1. The operational upper-air information is transmitted to the AARI ASPD in two forms: in the text code KN-04 with a volume of 1000–1500 bites for a period; in the binary code FM-94 BUFR with a volume of 2200–2500 bites for a period. The program of upper-air observations for the 4th quarter of 2019 at Mirny station was fulfilled by 99%. One gap in the observations was due to weather conditions. The average sounding height was – 30.94 km. The atmospheric pressure for the coastal stations in the meteorological tables is referenced to sea level. The atmospheric pressure at Vostok station is not referenced to sea level and is presented at the level of the meteorological site. Along with the monthly averages of meteorological parameters, the tables in Section 1 present their deviations from multiyear averages (anomalies) and deviations in f fractions (normalized anomalies (f-favg)/f). For the monthly totals of precipitation and total radiation, relative anomalies (f/favg) are also presented. The statistical characteristics necessary for the calculation of anomalies were derived at the AARI Department of Meteorology for the period 1961-1990 as recommended by the World Meteorological Organization. For Progress station, the anomalies are not calculated due to a short observation series. In connection with checking of the obtained data, the information on total ozone concentration is temporarily absent at Vostok station. The Bulletin contains brief overviews with the assessments of the state of the Antarctic environment based on actual data for the quarter under consideration. Sections 2 and 3 are devoted to meteorological and synoptic conditions. The review of synoptic conditions (section 3) is prepared on the basis of the analysis of current aero-synoptic information, performed at the AARI. The analysis of ice conditions of the (section 4) is based on satellite data received at Bellingshausen, Novolazarevskaya, Mirny and Progress stations and on the observations conducted at the coastal Bellingshausen, Mirny and Progress stations. The anomalous character of ice conditions is evaluated against the multiyear averages of the drifting ice edge location and the mean multiyear dates of the onset of different ice phases in the coastal areas of the Southern Ocean adjoining the Antarctic stations. As average and extreme values of the ice edge location, the updated data are used which are obtained at the AARI for each month from the results of processing the entire available historical archive of predominantly national information on the Antarctic for the period 1971 to 2005. Section 5 presents a review of the total ozone (TO) using measurements at the Russian Antarctic stations and onboard the R/V “Akademik Fedorov” and the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov” at the time of the cruises in the Antarctic waters (south of 55° S). Measurements are interrupted in the autumn and winter period at the Sun’s height of less than 5° Data of geophysical observations published in Section 6 present the results of geomagnetic measurements and measurements of space radio-emission at Mirny, Novolazarevskaya, Vostok and Progress stations. Section 7 of this issue publishes the results of seismic observations of the Federal Research Center “United Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Science” at in 2018. Section 8 is devoted to the main events of RAE logistical activity during the quarter under consideration. 2








Field Base Molodezhnaya STATION SYNOPTIC INDEX 89542 HEIGHT OF AWS ABOVE SEA LEVEL 40 m GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES  = 6740 S;  = 4608 E BEGINNING AND END OF POLAR DAY November 29 – January 13 BEGINNING AND END OF POLAR NIGHT June 11 – July 2 Field Base Leningradskaya STATION SYNOPTIC INDEX 89657 HEIGHT OF AWS ABOVE SEA LEVEL 291 m GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES  = 6930,1 S;  = 15923,2 E Field Base Russkaya STATION SYNOPTIC INDEX 89132 HEIGHT OF AWS ABOVE SEA LEVEL 140 m GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES  = 7646 S;  = 13647,9 E Field Base Druzhnaya-4 HEIGHT OF ABOVE SEA LEVEL 50 m GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES  = 6944 S;  = 7342 E Field Camp Oasis (Bunger Oasis) SYNOPTIC INDEX 89601 AWS HEIGHT ABOVE SEA LEVEL 9 M GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES =6616.5 S; =10044.8 E 3




Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg)

Mirny, October 2019

Normalized Relative Anomaly Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly anomaly f-favg (f-favg)/f f/favg Sea level air pressure, hPa 988.0 1007.4 971.3 6.2 1.5 Air temperature, C −13.7 −2.6 −27.3 −0.3 −0.1 Relative humidity, % 69 0.0 0.0 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 5.0 −1.8 −1.8 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 2.5 0.0 0.0 Precipitation, mm 46.3 2.8 0.1 1.1 Wind speed, m/s 11.3 26.0 0.7 0.4 Maximum wind gust, m/s 33.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 155 Total radiation, MJ/m2 529.7 −239.1 −6.9 0.5 Total ozone content (TO), DU 430 484 368



C 1004 ° -4 1000 -9 996 992 -14 988 -19 984 980 -24 Sea level air pressure, hPapressure,air level Sea 976 Surface air temperature,air Surface -29 972 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


34 89 30 85 26 81 22 77 73 18

69 14 Relative humidity, % % Relativehumidity,

65 m/sec speed, wind Surface 10 61 6 57 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


19 31 17 29 15 13 27 11 25 9 23 7 21 5 Snow coverage, tenths Snow 19 3 17 Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitationDaily 1 -1 15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.1. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Mirny station, October 2019.


Table 1.2

Results of aerological atmospheric sounding (from CLIMAT-TEMP messages)

Mirny, October 2019

Isobaric Isobaric Dew point Resultant Resultant Number of Number of Temperatur Wind stability surface, surface deficit, wind wind speed, days without days e, T C parameter,% P hPa height, D C direction, m/s temperature without

H m deg data wind data 983 39 −15.7 3.9 925 498 −14.4 7.6 92 13 94 1 1 850 1134 −17.3 8.6 89 10 89 1 1 700 2578 −20.8 9.7 106 3 23 1 1 500 4999 −33.7 9.0 239 5 38 1 1 400 6530 −43.1 9.2 246 8 47 1 1 300 8418 −53.8 9.2 250 12 58 1 1 200 10990 −55.6 10.3 261 15 77 1 1 150 12828 −53.6 12.8 270 20 85 1 1 100 15455 −49.6 15.9 275 27 88 1 1 70 17800 −45.7 19.8 283 33 91 1 1 50 20052 −43.1 23.0 288 35 93 1 1 30 23512 −40.3 26.8 295 35 95 1 1 20 26278 −39.6 29.6 299 30 93 1 1

Table 1.3

Anomalies of standard isobaric surface height and temperature

Mirny, October 2019

P hPa (Н-Нavg), m (Н-Havg)/Н (Т-Тavg), С (Т-Тavg)/Т 850 40 1.3 −0.1 −0.1 700 41 1.2 1.6 1.3 500 55 1.3 2.8 1.9 400 74 1.4 3.5 2.2 300 106 1.8 4.4 2.8 200 174 2.5 8.9 4.1 150 251 3.1 10.2 3.3 100 377 3.3 11.1 2.2 70 484 2.9 10.6 1.7 50 572 2.7 8.7 1.3 30 668 2.2 4.5 0.7 20 629 1.7 −0.7 −0.1



Table 1.4

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg)

Novolazarevskaya, October 2019

Normalized Relative Anomaly Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly anomaly f-favg (f-favg)/f f/favg Sea level air pressure, hPa 983.9 998.7 960.3 −0.2 0.0 −8.6 0.4 −18.9 4.0 2.7 Relative humidity, % 48 −3.6 −0.5 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 7.0 1.4 1.4 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 3.0 2.4 3.4 Precipitation, mm 16.4 −12.6 −0.4 0.6 Wind speed, m/s 4.2 30.0 −5.8 −4.1 Maximum wind gust, m/s 39.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 135 Total radiation, MJ/m2 420.3 −36.7 −1.0 0.9 Total ozone content (TO), DU 226 338 182




° 0 997 993 -5 989 985 -10 981 977 973 -15 969 Sea level air pressure, hPapressure,air level Sea 965 Surface air temperature,air Surface -20 961 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


75 40 71 36 67 32 63 28 59 24 55 20 51 16 47 12

Relative humidity, % % Relative humidity, 43 8 39 m/sec speed, wind Surface 4 35 0 31 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


6 10 5 8 4

3 6


4 Snow coverage,Snow tenths 1

2 Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitationDaily 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.2. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow coverage (F). Novolazarevskaya station, October 2019.



Table 1.5

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg)

Bellingshausen, October 2019

Normalized Relative Anomaly Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly anomaly f-favg (f-favg)/f f/favg Sea level air pressure, hPa 990.5 1010.4 969.7 0.7 0.1 Air temperature, C −2.8 5.1 −12.2 −0.2 −0.2 Relative humidity, % 86.0 −2.2 −0.7 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 9.5 0.5 1.3 Lower cloudiness (sky coverage),tenths 7.4 −0.6 −1.0 Precipitation, mm 46.1 −3.5 −0.2 0.9 Wind speed, m/s 8.5 20.0 0.5 0.6 Maximum wind gust, m/s 23.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 315.0 2 Total radiation, MJ/m 33.20 −370.8 −9.7 0.1



1008 C ° 1004 2 1000 996 -3 992 988 984 -8 980

Sea level air pressure, hPapressure, airlevel Sea 976 Surface air temperature,air Surface -13 972 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


99 22 95 91 18 87 14 83 10

Relative humidity, % % Relativehumidity, 79 Surface wind speed, m/sec speed, wind Surface 6 75 71 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


48 18 16 44 14 40 12 36 10 8 32 6

Snow coverage, tenths Snow 28 4 24

Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitation Daily 2 0 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.3. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Bellingshausen station, October 2019.



Table 1.6

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f)

Progress, October 2019

Parameter f fmax fmin Sea level air pressure, hPa 991.3 1006.6 975.2 0 Air temperature, C −11.4 0.7 −24.4 Relative humidity, % 54 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 5.1 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 1.8 Precipitation, mm 38.9 Wind speed, m/s 6.6 25.0 Maximum wind gust, m/s 32.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 90 2 Total radiation, MJ/m 493.1



° 1004 -2 1000 -6 996 -10 992 -14 988 984 -18 980

-22 hPapressure, airlevel Sea 976 Surface air temperature,air Surface -26 972 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


94 90 31 86 82 В 27 Г 78 74 23 70 19 66 62 15 58 11

Relative humidity, % % Relativehumidity, 54

50 m/sec speed, wind Surface 7 46 42 3 38 -1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


31 28 29 24 27 20 Д 25 Е 16 23 12 21

8 coverage, tenths Snow 19 4 17

Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitationDaily 15 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.4. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Progress station, October 2019.



Table 1.7

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg)

Vostok, October 2019

Normalized Relative Anomaly Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly anomaly f-favg (f-favg)/f f/favg Station surface level air pressure, hPa 623.6 636.4 602.8 4.2 0.9 Air temperature, C −53.6 −39.2 −67.3 3.4 2.1 Relative humidity, % 54 −16.5 −3.8 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 3.8 −0.5 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 0.0 0.0 0.0 Precipitation, mm 3.2 1.3 0.7 1.7 Wind speed, m/s 6.4 13.0 0.9 0.8 Maximum wind gust, m/s 16.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 225 2 Total radiation, MJ/m 479.7 20.7 0.9 1.0 Total ozone content (TO), DU



635 C ° -41 631 -45 627 -49 623 -53 619 -57 615 -61 611

-65 hPapressure, airlevel Sea 607 Surface air temperature,air Surface -69 603 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


58 16

56 14 12 54 10

52 8 Relative humidity, % % Relative humidity,

Surface wind speed, m/sec speed, wind Surface 6 50 4 48 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


147 0.6

0.5 145

0.4 143

0.3 141

0.2 139 Snow coverage, tenths Snow 0.1 137

Daily precipitationsum,mmDaily 0 135 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.5. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, ground level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line, precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Vostok station, October 2019. 14

O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9

Atmospheric pressure at sea level, hPa (pressure at Vostok station is ground level pressure)

988.0 983.9 990.5 991.3 623.6 1000 750 500 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/f 1.5 0.0 0.1 0.9

Air temperature, °C -8.6 -2.8 -11.4 -53.6 0 -13.7 -20 -40 -60 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/f -0.1 2.7 -0.2 2.1

Relative humidity, % 48 69 54 100 86 54


0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/f 0.0 -0.5 -0.7 -3.8

Total cloudiness, tenths 7.0 9.5 10 5.0 5.1 3.8 5

0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/f -1.8 1.4 1.3 -0.5 38.9 Precipitation, mm 46.3 16.4 80 3.2 60 46.1 40 20 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok f/favg 1.1 0.6 0.9 1.7

11.3 Mean wind speed, m/s 8.5 6.6 6.4 15 4.2 10 5 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf 0.4 -4.1 0.6 0.8


Fig.1.6. Comparison of monthly averages of meteorological parameters at the stations. October 2019.



Table 1.8

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg)

Mirny, November 2019

Normalized Relative Anomaly Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly anomaly f-favg (f-favg)/f f/favg Sea level air pressure, hPa 995.6 1009.0 982.0 9.3 2.3 0 Air temperature, C −6.1 2.2 −16.3 1.2 0.9 Relative humidity, % 68 0.2 0.1 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 6.3 −0.1 −0.1 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 3.3 0.7 0.6 Precipitation, mm 30.8 −2.6 −0.1 0.9 Wind speed, m/s 8.6 23.0 −1.2 −1.0 Maximum wind gust, m/s 30.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 110 2 Total radiation, MJ/m 792.9 19.9 0.4 1.0 Total ozone content (TO), DU 398 431 350




° 2 ° 1006 -2 1002 -3 1002 998 -6 -8 994 -10 992 990 -13 -14

Sea level air pressure, hPapressure,air level Sea 986

Температура воздуха, Температуравоздуха, Surface air temperature,air Surface -18 гПа Атмосферное давление, 982 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


c 31 8689 30 8285 26 81 78 2122 77 74 18 73 70 14 69 11 Relative humidity, % % Relativehumidity, 10 6665 m/sec speed, wind Surface 6261 6

Скорость приземного ветра, м/ ветра, Скоростьприземного 12 Относительная влажность, % % влажность, Относительная 5857 00 55 1010 1515 2020 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


12 2728

10 2526 24 8 23 22 6 21 20 4 19

Snow coverage, tenths Snow 18

2 1617

Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitationDaily Высота снежногопокрова,см Высота Суточная сумма осадков, мм осадков, Суточная сумма 0 1415 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.7. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Mirny station, November 2019. 17

Table 1.9

Results of aerological atmospheric sounding (from CLIMAT-TEMP messages)

Mirny, November 2019

Isobaric Resultant Number of Number of Isobaric Dew point Resultant surface Temperatur wind Wind stability days without days surface, deficit, wind speed, height, e, T 0C direction, parameter,% temperature without P hPa D 0C m/s H m deg data wind data

990 39 −7.9 5.2 925 569 −8.1 9.2 88 12 99 0 0 850 1219 −12.0 7.8 86 11 97 0 0 700 2684 −17.7 7.6 75 5 66 0 0 500 5140 −29.5 11.4 288 1 12 0 0 400 6697 −39.5 10.3 282 1 10 0 0 300 8607 −51.5 10.3 298 2 19 0 0 200 11235 −48.5 13.6 313 5 51 0 0 150 13137 −45.7 17.7 322 6 61 0 0 100 15851 −43.6 22.9 324 7 70 0 0 70 18247 −42.5 25.9 337 6 74 0 0 50 20522 −41.2 27.7 354 6 74 0 0 30 23996 −40.0 30.2 25 6 75 0 0 20 26766 −39.1 31.7 49 8 87 0 0 10 31572 −35.6 0.0 58 11 95 19 ≥9

Table 1.10

Anomalies of standard isobaric surface heights and temperature

Mirny, November 2019

P hPa (Н-Нavg), m (Н-Havg)/Н (Т-Тavg), С (Т-Тavg)/Т 850 71 2.2 0.5 0.5 700 71 2.0 1.3 1.0 500 87 1.8 3.2 2.3 400 107 1.9 3.4 2.4 300 126 2.0 2.7 2.0 200 175 2.1 7.0 2.3 150 234 2.2 7.2 1.8 100 301 2.0 4.1 0.9 70 316 1.7 0.6 0.2 50 308 1.5 −1.6 −0.6 30 254 1.2 −4.8 −1.7 20 185 0.8 −6.6 −2.1 18

10 75 0.3 −6.8 −1.8


Table 1.11

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg)

Novolazarevskaya, November 2019

Normalized Relative Anomaly Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly anomaly f-favg (f-favg)/f f/favg Sea level air pressure, hPa 995.7 1009.1 983.6 9.9 2.6 0 Air temperature, C −4.6 1.6 −10.5 1.3 1.0 Relative humidity, % 43 −10.3 −2.3 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 6.0 −0.3 −0.3 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 2.3 1.3 1.6 Precipitation, mm 0.0 −8.0 −0.7 0.0 Wind speed, m/s 8.0 20.0 −1.4 −0.7 Maximum wind gust, m/s 25.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 110 2 Total radiation, MJ/m 746.1 17.1 0.4 1.0 Total ozone content (TO), DU 338 402 275




C ° ° 3 10061006 0 10021002 -2 998998 -4 994994 -8-7 990990

Sea level air pressure, hPapressure,air level Sea 986986

Температура воздуха, Температуравоздуха, Surface air temperature,air Surface

-12 гПа Атмосферное давление, 982 982 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0 5 5 1010 1515 2020 2525 3030


82 26 7880 24 74 21 70 20

66 c 16 16 6260 м/ 58 12 54 11 50 8

46 Relative humidity, % % Relative humidity, 4240 m/sec speed, wind Surface 4 6 38 ветра, Скоростьприземного 34 0 30 1 Относительная влажность, % % Относительнаявлажность, 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 1010 1515 2020 2525 3030 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

E F 4 6 4

5 3 4 3 2 3

2 1 2 Snow coverage,Snow tenths 1

0 метеоплощадки,баллы Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitationDaily 0 снегом покрытия Степень Суточная сумма осадков, мм Суточнаяосадков, сумма 0 01 5 10 15 20 25 30 00 55 1010 1515 2020 2525 3030 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.8. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow coverage (F). 20

Novolazarevskaya station, November 2019.


Table 1.12

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg)

Bellingshausen, November 2019

Normalized Relative Anomaly Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly anomaly f-favg (f-favg)/f f/favg Sea level air pressure, hPa 988.0 1010.1 964.9 0.4 0.1 0 Air temperature, C −0.3 6.7 −5.7 0.9 1.1 Relative humidity, % 87 −0.6 −0.2 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 9.3 0.1 0.3 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 7.4 −0.6 −0.7 Precipitation, mm 34.1 −14.3 −0.7 0.7 Wind speed, m/s 7.2 18.0 0.2 0.2 Maximum wind gust, m/s 25.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 110 2 Total radiation, MJ/m 390.0 −149.0 −4.4 0.7



° 1009

4 999 989

-1 979

969 Sea level air pressure, hPapressure, airlevel Sea Surface air temperature,air Surface -6 959 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


100 24 90 20 16 80 12

Relative humidity, % % Relativehumidity, 8

70 m/sec speed, wind Surface 4 60 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


20 6 16

4 12


2 coverage, tenths Snow

4 Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitation Daily 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.9. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Bellingshausen station, November 2019. 22


Table 1.13 Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f)

Progress, November 2019

Parameter f fmax fmin Sea level air pressure, hPa 995.5 1010.3 980.4 Air temperature, 0C −3.7 3.3 −12.4 Relative humidity, % 57 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 6.9 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 3.8 Precipitation, mm 3.9 Wind speed, m/s 5.2 14.0 Maximum wind gust, m/s 22.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 90 Total radiation, MJ/m2 651.5




C ° ° 1008 2 1005 1004 -2 10001000 996995 -6 992 990 -10 988 985

Sea level air pressure, hPapressure,air level Sea 984

Температура воздуха, Surface air temperature,air Surface

-14 гПа Атмосферноедавление, 980980 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 00 5 10 15 20 25 30


86 c 82 23 78 В 20 Г 74 19 7270 66 1516 62 12 6258 11 54

Relative humidity, % % Relative humidity, 7

50 8 Surface wind speed, m/sec speed, wind Surface 5246 3 42 4 38 -1 Скорость приземного ветра, м/ ветра, Скоростьприземного 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Относительная влажность, % % Относительнаявлажность, 42 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


4 3

2.4 3 2 Д 3 Е 2 1.61

1 0 coverage, tenths Snow 0.8

Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitationDaily 0

-1 Суточная сумма осадков, мм осадков, Суточная сумма

Высота снежногопокрова,см Высота 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Fig. 1.10. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Progress station, November 2019. 24


Table 1.14

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg)

Vostok, November 2019

Normalized Relative Anomaly Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly anomaly f-favg (f-favg)/f f/favg Station surface level air pressure, hPa 635.2 647.0 622.2 9.5 2.0 Air temperature, C −41.0 −26.8 −52.9 2.1 1.4 Relative humidity, % 53 −18.9 −4.5 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 1.8 −1.9 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 0.0 0.0 0.0 Precipitation, mm 1.5 0.6 0.9 1.7 Wind speed, m/s 4.6 9.0 −0.6 −0.7 Maximum wind gust, m/s 13.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 205 2 Total radiation, MJ/m 993.4 59.4 1.7 1.1 Total ozone content (TO), DU



C -26-26 ° ° 645645 -30-30 641641 -34-34 637637 -38-38 633633 -42-42 -46-46 629629

-50-50 hPapressure,air level Sea 625625

Температура воздуха, Температуравоздуха, Surface air temperature,air Surface -54-54 гПа Атмосферноедавление, 621621 00 55 1010 1515 2020 25 30 0 0 55 1010 1515 2020 2525 30


56 57 c 14 12 56 12 10 5554 10 8 54 8 6 5352 6 Relative humidity, % % Relative humidity, 4 52 m/sec speed, wind Surface 4 2 51 2

50 0 Скорость приземного ветра, м/ ветра, Скоростьприземного

Относительная влажность, % % Относительнаявлажность, 0 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


148 0.4 0.4 0.3 147 147



0.1 coverage, tenths Snow Высота снежногопокрова,см Высота

Суточная сумма осадков, мм осадков, Суточная сумма 0 145 Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitation Daily 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 145 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.11. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, ground level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Vostok station, November 2019. 26

N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9

Atmospheric pressure at sea level, hPa(pressure at Vostok station is ground level pressure)

995.6 995.7 988.0 995.5 635.2 1000 750 500 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok (f-favg)/σf 2.3 2.6 0.1 2.0

Air temperature, °C

-6.1 -4.6 -0.3 -3.7 -41.0 0 -20 -40 -60 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok (f-favg)/σf 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.4

Relative humidity, %

68 87 57 53 100 43 50 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf 0.1 -2.3 -0.2 -4.5

Total cloudiness, tenths

6.3 9.3 6.9 10 6.0 1.8 5

0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok (f-favg)/σf -0.1 -0.3 0.3 -1.9

Precipitation, mm

3.9 1.5 80 0.0 34.1 50 30.8 20 -10 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok f/favg 0.9 0.0 0.7 1.7

Mean wind speed, m/s 8.6 7.2 5.2 8.0 4.6 10


0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok (f-favg)/σf -1.0 -0.7 0.2 -0.7


Fig. 1.12. Comparison of monthly averages of meteorological parameters at the stations. November 2019.



Table 1.15

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg)

Mirny, December 2019

Normalized Relative Anomaly Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly anomaly f-favg (f-favg)/f f/favg Sea level air pressure, hPa 996.6 1007.1 983.4 6.9 1.7 0 Air temperature, C −1.7 7.7 −9.7 0.8 0.9 Relative humidity, % 72 1.3 0.3 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 4.6 −2.3 −2.3 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 1.8 −1.2 −1.1 Precipitation, mm 1.9 −23.3 −1.1 0.1 Wind speed, m/s 5.5 13.0 −3.0 −2.3 Maximum wind gust, m/s 20.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 110 2 Total radiation, MJ/m 1033.9 90.9 1.2 1.1 Total ozone content (TO), DU 360 384 341



8 1006


C 1004

° ° ° -4 10021003 45 1000 -9 998996 01 992 -14 994 993988 -4-3 -19 990984 980

-24-8-7 986 Sea level air pressure, hPapressure, airlevel Sea

Sea level air pressure, hPapressure, airlevel Sea 976

Температура воздуха, Температуравоздуха,

Surface air temperature,temperature,airair Surface Surface -11-29-12 гПа Атмосферноедавление, 983972982 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


213422 8689 30 8285 18 26 7881 1422 7477 73 1118 70 10

69 14 Relative humidity, % % Relativehumidity,

Relative humidity, % % Relative66humidity, Surface wind speed, m/sec speed, wind Surface Surface wind speed, m/sec speed, wind Surface 10 65 6 6261 6

Скорость приземного ветра, м/c ветра, Скоростьприземного 12 Относительная влажность, % % Относительнаявлажность, 5857 00 55 1010 1515 2020 2525 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

E F 21 192 31 17 2919 1.615 27 13 17 1.211 25 9 2315 0.87 1321

5 Snow coverage, tenths Snow Snow coverage, tenths Snow 19 0.43 11

17 Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitationDaily

Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitationDaily 1 Высота снежногопокрова,см Высота Суточная сумма осадков, мм осадков, Суточная сумма -10 159 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.13. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Mirny station, December 2019.


Table 1.16

Results of aerological atmospheric sounding (from CLIMAT-TEMP messages)

Mirny, December 2019

Isobaric Isobaric Temperatur Dew point Resultant Resultant Wind Number of Number of surface, surface e, T 0C deficit, wind wind speed, stability days days P hPa height, D 0C direction, m/s parameter,% without without H m deg temperature wind data data 992 39 −3.3 5.0 925 588 −3.9 8.6 90 8 97 0 0 850 1249 −7.9 7.9 92 8 96 0 0 700 2734 −15.0 11.3 91 6 89 0 0 500 5211 −28.3 12.4 148 3 43 0 0 400 6772 −39.3 11.3 180 2 25 0 0 300 8684 −51.2 10.5 223 4 42 0 0 200 11323 −47.6 13.8 243 5 75 0 0 150 13226 −46.1 18.4 247 5 81 0 0 100 15930 −44.4 23.4 254 4 77 0 0 70 18322 −42.1 27.1 327 1 40 0 0 50 20603 −40.4 29.9 70 2 66 0 0 30 24096 −38.5 32.6 83 6 97 0 0 20 26889 −36.7 34.7 84 8 98 0 0 10 31720 −30.7 38.3 86 12 99 10 ≥9

Table 1.17

Anomalies of standard isobaric surface heights and temperature

Mirny, December 2019

P hPa (Н-Нavg), m (Н-Havg)/Н (Т-Тavg), С (Т-Тavg)/Т 850 55 1.7 1.0 1.3 700 57 1.6 1.4 1.3 500 67 1.5 1.7 1.3 400 70 1.3 0.7 0.6 300 69 1.2 0.2 0.1 200 65 1.0 −0.1 0.0 150 58 0.8 −0.9 −0.4 100 40 0.5 −1.8 −1.0 70 3 0.0 −1.4 −1.0 50 −2 0.0 −1.2 −0.9 30 −30 −0.3 −2.1 −1.3 20 −62 −0.6 −3.1 −1.4 10 −137 −1.1 −2.6 −1.1



Table 1.18

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg)

Novolazarevskaya, December 2019

Normalized Relative Anomaly Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly anomaly f-favg (f-favg)/f f/favg Sea level air pressure, hPa 996.2 1008.7 986.3 5.9 1.2 0 Air temperature, C 0.7 5.7 −7.1 1.6 2.0 Relative humidity, % 52 −5.8 −1.4 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 5.5 −0.8 −1.1 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 2.4 0.9 1.1 Precipitation, mm 0.3 −7.3 −0.5 0.0 Wind speed, m/s 7.0 16.0 −0.4 −0.2 Maximum wind gust, m/s 23.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 110 2 Total radiation, MJ/m 894.5 −13.5 −0.2 1.0 Total ozone content (TO), DU 339 388 297



6 1000

C C ° ° 5 1006 34 1002995 21 998 -10 990 -3 -2 994 -5 985

-4 990 Sea level air pressure, hPapressure,air level Sea

-7 hPapressure,air level Sea Surface air temperature,air Surface Surface air temperature,air Surface -6-9 986980 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0 5 5 1010 1515 2020 2525 3030


24 25 7185 67 20 20 6375 16 5965 15 55 12 55 51 8 10


Relative humidity, % % Relative humidity, Relative humidity, % % Relative humidity, 43 m/sec speed, wind Surface 4 5

35 m/sec speed, wind Surface 39 0 0 3525 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 1010 1515 2020 2525 3030 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

E F 3 0.350.4 4 0.3 0.25 2 3 0.2 0.2 2 0.15 1

0.1 coverage,Snow tenths

1 Snow coverage, tenths Snow 0.05

Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitationDaily 0 Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitationDaily 00 00 5 10 15 20 25 30 00 55 1010 1515 2020 2525 3030 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.14. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow coverage (F). Novolazarevskaya station, December 2019.



Table 1.19

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg)

Bellingshausen, December 2019

Normalized Relative Anomaly Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly anomaly f-favg (f-favg)/f f/favg Sea level air pressure, hPa 993.6 1003.0 972.8 2.2 0.4 0 Air temperature, C 0.5 6.6 −3.2 0.1 0.2 Relative humidity, % 83 −4.5 −1.1 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 9.2 0.1 0.2 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 7.8 −0.1 −0.1 Precipitation, mm 57.4 8.3 0.5 1.2 Wind speed, m/s 5.4 15.0 −1.2 −1.5 Maximum wind gust, m/s 22.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 110 2 Total radiation, MJ/m 476.4 −103.6 −2.7 0.8


А B C ° 6 999

989 1

979 Sea level air pressure, hPapressure, airlevel Sea Surface air temperature,air Surface -4 969 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


100 24 96 92 20 88 16 84 80 12 76 8

Relative humidity, % % Relativehumidity, 72 Surface wind speed, m/sec speed, wind Surface 68 4 64 60 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


3 12

10 2 8


4 1 Snow coverage, tenths Snow

2 Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitation Daily 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.15. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). 34

Bellingshausen station, December 2019.


Table 1.20 Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f)

Progress, December 2019

Parameter f fmax fmin Sea level air pressure, hPa 997.9 1009.5 984.4 0 Air temperature, C 0.0 6.2 −5.5 Relative humidity, % 66 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 5.7 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 2.7 Precipitation, mm 4.7 Wind speed, m/s 2.7 11.0 Maximum wind gust, m/s 17.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 67 2 Total radiation, MJ/m 856.9






° ° 5 10051005

10011000 1 997 995 -3 993


Sea level air pressure, hPapressure, airlevel Sea

Температура воздуха, Температуравоздуха, Surface air temperature,air Surface

-7 гПа Атмосферноедавление, 985985 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 00 5 10 15 20 25 30


93 c 89 19 85 В 16 Г 81 15 79 77 12 73 11 69 65 78

Relative humidity, % % Relativehumidity, 61 Surface wind speed, m/sec speed, wind Surface 5957 34 53 49 -1 Скорость приземного ветра, м/ ветра, Скоростьприземного 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Относительная влажность, % % Относительнаявлажность, 49 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


2 2.8 2.42.4 2 Д Е 1.61.6 1.2

0.8 coverage, tenths Snow 0.8 0.4

Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitationDaily 0

0 Суточная сумма осадков, мм осадков, Суточная сумма

Высота снежногопокрова,см Высота 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.16. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, sea level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). 36

Progress station, December 2019.


Table 1.21

Monthly averages of meteorological parameters (f) and their deviations from the multiyear averages (favg)

Vostok, December 2019

Normalized Relative Anomaly Parameter f fmax fmin anomaly anomaly f-favg (f-favg)/f f/favg Ground level air pressure, hPa 637.8 646.7 628.2 4.0 1.0 Air temperature, C −30.2 −20.1 −38.9 1.7 1.1 Relative humidity, % 56 −16.4 −3.6 Total cloudiness (sky coverage), tenths 3.2 0.0 Lower cloudiness(sky coverage),tenths 0.0 −0.2 −1.0 Precipitation, mm 3.6 3.0 3.0 6.0 Wind speed, m/s 4.0 9.0 −0.5 −0.6 Maximum wind gust, m/s 12.0 Prevailing wind direction, deg 225 2 Total radiation, MJ/m 1291.0 59.0 1.4 1.0 Total ozone content (TO), DU



-15 645635


° ° ° -20 -41 644631 -24-45 640627 -25-49 623640 -28 -53 635619 -32-57 636 -35 615 -61 630632611

-36 pressure,hPaAir Sea level air pressure, hPapressure,air level Sea

-65 hPapressure,air level Sea 607

Surface air temperature,temperature,airair Surface Surface Surface air temperature,air Surface -45-69-40 625603628 00 55 1010 1515 2020 2525 30 0 0 55 1010 1515 2020 2525 30


13 5958 12 59 16 11 56 1410 129 58 8 5457 107 6 52 8

5 Relative humidity, % % Relative humidity,

Relative humidity, % % Relative 57humidity, 55 4 Surface wind speed, m/sec speed, wind Surface

Surface wind speed, m/sec speed, wind Surface 6 Relative humidity, % % Relativehumidity, 50 m/sec speed, wind Surface 3 24 4853 21 0 56 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


147 10.9 112 0.8 0.7 0.6 111 0.5 145 0.50.4 0.3

110 Snow coverage, tenths Snow 0.2 coverage, tenths Snow

0.1 Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitationDaily Daily precipitation sum,mm precipitation Daily 0 143 0 109 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 1.17. Variations of daily mean values of surface temperature (A, bold line), maximum (A, thin line), minimum (A, dashed line) air temperature, ground level air pressure (B), relative humidity (C), mean (D, thick line), maximum (D, thin line) values of surface wind speed, maximum wind gust (D, dashed line), precipitation (E) and snow cover thickness (F). Vostok station, December 2019. 38

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9

Atmospheric pressure at sea level, hPa (pressure at Vostok station is ground level pressure)

996.6 996.2 993.6 997.9 637.8 1000 750 500 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf 1.7 1.2 0.4 1.0

Air temperature, °C

-1.7 0.7 0.5 0.0 -30.2 0 -20 -40 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf 0.9 2.0 0.2 1.1

Relative humidity, %

72 52 83 66 56 100 50 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf 0.3 -1.4 -1.1 -3.6

Total cloudiness, tenths

9.2 10 4.6 5.5 5.7 3.2 5 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf -1.8 1.4 1.3 -0.5

Precipitation, mm

0.3 3.6 80 57.4 60 1.9 4.7 40 20 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok f/favg 0.1 0.0 1.2 6.0

Mean wind speed, m/s

7.0 10 5.5 5.4 2.7 4.0 5 0 Mirny Novolaz Bellings Progress Vostok

(f-favg)/σf -1.1 -0.2 -1.5 -0.6


Fig. 1.18. Comparison of monthly averages of meteorological parameters at the stations. December 2019.


Figure 2.1 characterizes the air temperature conditions in October-December 2019 at the Antarctic . It presents monthly averages, their anomalies and normalized anomalies of surface air temperature at the Russian and non- Russian meteorological stations. The actual data of the Russian Antarctic Expedition contained in /1/ were used for the Russian Antarctic stations and data contained in /2, 3/ were used for the foreign stations. The multiyear averages of surface temperature for the period 1961-1990 were adopted from [4]. In October as compared with September, there was an increase in the number of stations with the above zero anomalies of mean monthly air temperature (Fig. 2.1). The center of the area of above zero anomalies of air temperature was located in the coastal zone of the . Here at Syowa station, the air temperature anomaly was 5.6°С, 4.1 and at Novolazarevskaya station — 4.0°С, 2.7. Large above zero air temperature anomalies were also observed at Mawson (2.7°С, 1.7) and Vostok (−3.4°С, 2.1) stations. At Syowa and Novolazarevskaya stations, the past October was the first and at Mawson and Vostok stations the fourth among the largest values for the entire operation period of the stations. In the of the , one observed an area of the below zero air temperature anomalies. The core of the cold area was located near Halley station (−2.5°С, −0.9). At Halley station, October 2019 became the eleventh coldest month among the least values for the entire period of observations. Small below zero air temperature anomalies were recorded in the western part of the coast of East Antarctica. In November, the area of the above zero anomalies of air temperature spread almost over much of the territory of Antarctica. The center of the heat area was in the eastern part of the Weddell Sea near Halley station (3.4°С, 2.2). At Halley station, November 2019 became the first warmest November from 1957. Large above zero anomalies of air temperature were also traced in the inland part of Antarctica and at the east coast of the Indian Ocean sector. Thus, at the Dumont D’Urville and Amundsen-Scott stations the air temperature anomalies comprised 2.4°С, 2.9 and 3.2°С, 1.4. Correspondingly, November 2019 at these stations was the third and the seventh warmest month for the entire period of operations of the stations. Small below zero anomalies of air temperature were noted in the northern part of the Antarctic Peninsula. In December, like in November, the above zero anomalies of air temperature were recorded over much of the Antarctic territory. The center of the heat area was situated in the western part of the Queen Maud Land. Here at Halley and Novolazarevskaya stations, the anomalies of air temperature were 2.1°С, 2.1 and 1.6°С, 2.0, respectively. For Halley station, December of 2019 was the first and for Novolazarevskaya station the third warmest month for the entire period of operation of the stations. In the coastal part of the Indian Ocean sector of East Antarctica, one observed in the area of the Wilkes Land small (less than 1 ) below zero anomalies of air temperature. The statistically significant long-period linear trends changes of mean monthly air temperature in these months at the Russian stations were detected only at Vostok station (Fig. 2.2-2.4). The air temperature increase at Vostok station in October, November and December was about 1.6, 2.9 and 1.8°С for 61 years, respectively (Table 2.1). In the last decade one notes appearance of a tendency for the decrease of air temperature in October and December at Bellingshausen and Mirny stations. It is not however statistically significant. The atmospheric pressure at the Russian stations in October – December was characterized by the predominantly positive deviations from the multiyear average. Only in October at Novolazarevskaya station and in November at Mirny station one notes small negative anomalies of air pressure. The largest positive air pressure anomalies were recorded in November. At Novolazarevskaya station, the anomaly was 9.7 hPa, 2.6 and at Vostok station — 9.5 hPa, 2.0. The air pressure value in November at Novolazarevskaya and Vostok stations was the largest for the entire observation period at these stations. The statistically significant linear trends of long-period changes of mean monthly atmospheric pressure at the Russian stations in these months are observed in December at Bellingshausen and Novolazarevskaya stations (Fig. 2.2- 2.4). The air pressure decrease in December at Bellingshausen and Novolazarevskaya stations was about −5.6 hPa/ 52 years and −4.7 hPa/ 58 years, respectively. The amount of precipitation at the Russian stations in October-December was mainly below or about the multiyear average. Only at Vostok station in October – December, the amount of precipitation significantly exceeded the multiyear average. This excess in October - November was 70 % of the multiyear average and in December, the analysis of the cases of abundant precipitation showed that here the precipitation was blown into the precipitation gauge.


Table 2.1. Linear trend parameters of mean monthly and mean annual surface air temperature Station Parameter I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Year Entire observation period Novolazarevskaya °С/10 0.04 0.08 0.02 0.10 −0.07 0.06 0.20 0.33 0.15 0.18 0.14 0.08 0.12 years 1961-2019 % 8.2 15.2 3.0 10.1 5.6 4.0 12.4 23.8 13.3 17.5 20.2 12.7 35.3 Р ------95 Mirny °С/10 −0.06 0.00 −0.12 −0.04 −0.06 −0.04 0.14 0.18 0.35 0.03 0.10 −0.01 0.04 years 1957-2019 % 8.9 0.4 15.2 3.9 4.3 3.1 9.1 12.2 25.1 3.2 14.2 2.1 9.4 Р ------95 - - - - Vostok °С/10 0.15 0.03 −0.01 0.01 0.06 −0.11 0.21 0.56 0.17 0.27 0.47 0.29 0.18 years 1958-2019 % 18.6 3.3 0.1 0.8 3.9 6.6 11.2 23.9 10.3 25.4 52.8 33.9 34.5 Р ------90 99 99 99 Bellingshausen °С/10 0.00 0.01 0.14 0.09 0.50 0.35 0.33 0.42 0.05 0.07 −0.02 −0.08 0.16 years 1968-2019 % 0.6 1.4 24.5 9.4 39.6 25.3 17.0 29.0 4.4 9.1 4.4 17.3 30.5 Р - - 90 - 95 90 - 90 - - - - 95 2010-2019 Novolazarevskaya оС/10 −1.41 1.33 0.45 −0.05 2.41 −0.64 0.90 −0.79 −2.71 2.67 0.21 2.56 0.58 years % 42.0 45.0 18.8 1.2 48.3 8.2 16.3 9.7 39.7 37.8 7.5 60.9 37.3 Р ------Mirny оС/10 −1.43 1.95 −1.49 1.35 1.04 −2.69 3.87 3.24 −5.21 −0.99 1.42 −0.45 −0.82 years % 53.6 48.5 36.7 18.7 16.6 36.7 43.8 47.7 57.7 23.9 36.2 19.2 37.7 Р ------Vostok оС/10 −2.44 1.41 −0.55 −0.62 2.27 0.13 1.69 3.19 0.10 4.44 1.19 0.59 0.37 years % 65.2 26.7 10.0 9.4 22.1 1.2 17.2 26.7 1.1 62.2 28.0 16.1 10.8 Р 95 ------Bellingshausen оС/10 0.38 0.48 0.62 2.28 0.21 1.04 2.98 1.33 1.71 −0.12 0.13 0.50 1.10 years % 20.9 16.3 29.9 44.7 11.2 17.2 44.3 29.9 30.9 4.1 4.7 20.0 53.2 Р ------Notes: First line is the linear trend coefficient.; Second line is the dispersion value explained by the linear trend; Third line: P=1-, where  is the level of significance (given if P exceeds 90%).

Peculiarities of meteorological conditions in 2019

For characterizing the meteorological conditions in the territory of Antarctica in 2019 we shall consider the spatial distribution of the average for the seasons and for the year air temperature anomalies at the Antarctic stations. As the seasons, the calendar seasons were taken and the summer season included December of the previous year. Table 2.2 presents the values of anomalies and of normalized anomalies of mean seasonal air temperature at the Antarctic stations in 2019. In the summer season, the above zero air temperature anomalies prevailed over much of the Antarctic territory (Fig. 2.5). The center of the area of the above zero air temperature anomalies was located in the inland part of Antarctica near Amundsen-Scott station (3.9°С, 3.3). At Amundsen-Scott station, the summer season of 2019 was the warmest over the entire observation period. In the eastern part of the Indian Ocean coast of East Antarctica and in the area of the Antarctic Peninsula, one observed small (less than 1 ) below zero air temperature anomalies 41

In the autumn season, there was a vast area of the below zero air temperature anomalies over much of East Antarctica. The center of the cold area was in the inland part near Vostok station (−1.4°С, −1.0). Autumn of 2019 at Vostok station was the seventh coldest autumn for the entire observation period. In the vicinity of the Victoria Land, the and the Antarctic Peninsula, one observed the area of the above zero air temperature anomalies. The center of the heat area was near Dumont D’Urville station (4.5°С, 2.9, which corresponds to the second maximum value among the largest values for the entire observation period). Table 2.2. Mean seasonal anomalies and normalized air temperature anomalies at the Antarctic stations, °С Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Station Anomalies Normalized anomalies Amundsen-Scott 3.9 1.7 −1.5 1.1 3.3 1.4 −0.8 0.7 Novolazarevskaya 0.9 −0.7 −1.0 1.3 1.3 −0.6 −0.7 1.3 Syowa 0.1 −0.3 1.8 1.6 0.1 −0.2 1.2 1.7 Mawson 0.4 0.1 0.7 1.4 0.6 0.1 0.4 1.3 Davis 0.4 −1.0 0.6 1.4 0.6 −0.7 0.4 0.9 Mirny −0.1 −1.1 1.0 0.3 −0.1 −0.8 0.7 0.2 Casey −0.5 −0.3 0.0 −0.6 −0.8 −0.2 0.0 −0.5 Dumont D’Urville −0.1 4.5 0.3 −0.1 −0.2 2.9 0.2 −0.1 McMurdo 0.7 2.5 2.6 2.7 0.8 1.6 1.5 1.8 Rothera −0.6 0.9 2.3 −0.6 −0.8 0.5 0.7 −0.3 Bellingshausen −0.5 0.5 2.0 0.3 −1.1 0.5 1.0 0.4 Orcadas 0.0 −0.2 −0.9 −0.5 −0.2 −0.2 −0.4 −0.5 Halley −0.1 0.3 −3.1 −1.2 0.1 0.2 −1.4 −0.7 Vostok 1.5 −1.4 0.4 0.1 1.6 −1.0 0.2 0.1 Notes: - summer season includes December of the previous year; - bold print denotes the air temperature anomalies of 1.5 and more.

In the winter season in the territory of East Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula one observed the above zero mean monthly air temperature anomalies. The largest positive anomalies were noted in the Ross Sea and in the east of the Queen Maud Land. At McMurdo and Syowa stations, the anomalies comprised 2.6°С, 1.5 and 1.8°С, 1.2, respectively. Winter of 2019 at McMurdo station was the fifth and at Syowa station the eleventh warmest winter for the entire observation period. In the region of the South Pole, the Weddell Sea and in the western part of the Queen Maud Land, one observed the area of the below zero air temperature anomalies. The center of the cold area was in the vicinity of Halley station (−3.1°С, −1.4). This is the sixth lowest value for the observation period. In the spring season, the area of the above zero air temperature anomalies covered much of East Antarctica. The center of the heat area was on the west coast of the Ross Sea. Here at McMurdo station, the air temperature anomaly was 2.7°С, 1.8. For McMurdo station, the spring of 2019 became the fourth warmest spring for the entire period of station operation. In the coastal region of the eastern part of the Indian Ocean sector of East Antarctica and of the Weddell Sea, small (less than 1) below zero air temperature anomalies were observed. In general for the year, the above zero air temperature anomalies were observed over much of the territory of Antarctica (Fig. 2.1, Table 2.3). Large air temperature anomalies were recorded at the stations in the region of the South Pole, the Ross Sea and the Queen Maud Land. Here at Amundsen-Scott, McMurdo and Syowa stations, the anomalies of mean annual air temperature comprised: 1.1°С, 1.9; 2.2°С, 2.5 and 0.9°С, 1.3, respectively. At Amundsen-Scott station, the year 2019 became the fifth and at McMurdo and Syowa stations the third warmest year for the whole period of observations. Small below zero air temperature anomalies were observed in the vicinity of the Weddell Sea and in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean sector of East Antarctica. The largest of them was at Halley station (−1.0°С, −1.0). Table 2.3 Mean annual air temperature (T°С), its anomalies (ΔT°С) and normalized anomalies (ΔT/σ) at the Antarctic stations in 2019 Rank by Rank by increase Largest Least Station T ΔT ΔT/σ decrease Anomaly Anomaly Amundsen-Scott −48.3 1.1 1.9 5 19 2018(+2.2) 1983(−1.6) Novolazarevskaya −10.2 0.1 0.1 13 12 2002(+1.6) 1976(−1.0) Syowa −9.5 0.9 1.3 3 24 1980(+2.2) 1976(−1.7) Mawson −10.6 0.7 0.9 5 23 1961(+1.7) 1982(−2.2) Davis −10.0 0.3 0.4 12 17 2007(+2.4) 1982(−2.4) 42

Mirny −11.2 0.1 0.1 13 15 2007(+1.9) 1993(−1.5) Casey −9.4 −0.4 −0.4 17 11 1980(+2.5) 1999(−2.3) Dumont D’Urville −10.4 0.2 0.3 7 16 1981(+1.8) 1999(−1.5) McMurdo −14.9 2.2 2.5 3 31 2011(+2.7) 1968(−1.5) Rothera −4.3 0.5 0.3 15 23 1989(+3.0) 1980(−3.8) Bellingshausen −2.0 0.5 0.6 9 14 1989(+1.8) 1980(−1.5) Orcadas −4.0 −0.5 −0.5 23 6 1989(+2.1) 1980(−2.6) Halley −19.3 −1.0 −1.0 20 11 1969(+2.0) 1997(−2.8) Vostok −54.7 0.6 0.8 10 18 2018(+2.4) 1960(−2.0) Note: The Table contains in brackets the values of the largest and smallest anomalies observed at each station.

In 2019, the new highest and lowest mean monthly air temperature values were recorded at the Antarctic stations (Table 2.4). Table 2.4 New highest and lowest mean monthly air temperature values at the Antarctic stations in 2019, °С Station New mean monthly maximum Novolazarevskaya, October −8.6°С (4.0°С, 2.7 ) Сёва, October −8.0°С (5.6°С, 4.1 ) Halley, November −8.2°С (3.4°С, 2.2 ) Halley, December −3.1°С (2.1°С, 2.1 ) Note: anomalies and normalized anomalies are given in brackets

Table 2.5 presents the characteristics of the linear trend of mean annual and average for some seasons air temperature for the entire period from 1957 for the last thirty and ten years at some stations.

Table 2.5 Linear trend parameters of mean seasonal and mean annual air temperature Summer Fall Winter Spring Year Station Bx D Bx D Bx D Bx D Bx D 1957-2019 Amundsen-Scott 0.16 20.0 0.10 13.9 −0.04 4.4 0.21 24.3 0.09 22.9 Novolazarevskaya 0.07 16.3 0.02 2.7 0.19 20.6 0.18 29.6 0.12 35.3 Syowa 0.04 12.4 −0.08 12.1 0.14 15.3 0.07 10.7 0.04 10.3 Mawson −0.03 6.3 −0.11 15.4 0.02 1.7 0.11 19.9 0.00 0.3 Davis 0.07 18.3 −0.10 11.0 0.00 0.5 0.27 34.3 0.06 12.9 Mirny −0.02 4.6 −0.08 9.3 0.09 10.5 0.16 24.8 0.04 9.4 Casey −0.05 12.8 −0.09 8.8 0.04 4.1 0.10 14.2 0.00 0.7 Dumont D’Urville 0.01 1.9 0.13 13.4 −0.08 9.3 0.09 17.3 −0.05 13.2 McMurdo 0.11 22.2 0.27 29.7 0.29 26.0 0.46 51.5 0.28 51.6 Rothera 0.09 26.5 0.65 58.9 0.77 43.6 0.20 22.3 0.42 50.7 Bellingshausen −0.02 6.4 0.24 35.7 0.37 29.7 0.03 5.8 0.16 30.5 Orcadas 0.11 32.4 0.17 23.3 0.40 34.5 0.10 14.1 0.20 41.3 Halley −0.03 6.7 −0.33 29.1 −0.07 6.3 0.03 3.6 −0.10 17.3 Vostok 0.17 30.3 0.02 2.2 0.19 15.7 0.29 36.4 0.18 34.5 1990-2019 Amundsen-Scott 0.66 39.0 0.83 47.2 0.27 12.8 0.59 37.0 0.61 57.0 Novolazarevskaya −0.08 8.6 −0.17 15.0 −0.45 26.3 0.15 12.9 −0.12 18.2 Syowa 0.01 1.1 0.02 1.1 −0.07 3.6 0.26 18.5 0.06 6.4 Mawson −0.07 8.8 −0.04 2.5 −0.08 4.2 0.39 35.9 0.06 7.3 Davis 0.07 8.9 0.01 0.4 −0.27 12.1 0.32 23.9 0.03 2.3 Mirny 0.14 14.4 0.01 0.5 −0.36 19.1 0.28 23.2 0.03 3.3 Casey 0.00 0.2 0.18 9.9 −0.75 36.9 0.16 13.4 −0.09 10.6 Dumont D’Urville 0.10 13.3 0.07 3.3 −0.80 44.0 −0.02 2.2 −0.16 22.3 McMurdo 0.27 32.3 0.71 38.0 0.46 18.8 0.12 9.3 0.39 37.9 Rothera −0.23 35.1 0.30 29.1 0.78 31.4 0.08 6.1 0.25 25.7 Bellingshausen −0.37 51.6 0.26 22.5 0.38 20.0 0.09 9.0 0.09 11.5 43

Orcadas −0.14 21.5 −0.03 1.9 0.26 14.8 0.28 17.1 0.11 15.8 Halley −0.21 22.4 0.78 36.5 −0.12 4.9 0.08 5.3 0.13 12.4 Vostok −0.08 7.1 0.27 14.1 0.06 02.1 1.04 60.7 0.40 33.9 2010-2019 Amundsen-Scott 0.59 12.7 3.28 64.6 −0.15 2.2 0.48 12.5 0.99 41.7 Novolazarevskaya 0.82 31.3 0.95 38.0 −0.17 3.3 0.39 12.3 0.58 37.3 Syowa 0.09 4.1 2.84 77.2 2.45 39.0 1.05 25.4 1.64 64.5 Mawson 0.55 30.3 0.95 28.7 1.54 24.3 −0.55 15.2 0.58 26.8 Davis 0.45 27.4 0.16 3.3 1.35 22.2 −1.82 42.5 −0.01 0.3 Mirny 0.04 1.8 0.28 7.6 1.44 31.8 −1.55 39.1 −0.82 37.3 Casey 0.29 18.2 1.48 43.6 0.50 11.2 −1.12 36.3 0.28 27.4 Dumont D’Urville −0.03 1.7 6.47 70.3 0.42 10.1 −0.19 5.8 0.21 11.7 McMurdo −0.70 38.2 −0.41 7.4 −0.38 6.3 −0.46 9.3 −0.47 14.2 Rothera −0.45 22.2 −0.13 6.4 −0.58 9.4 −1.59 32.7 −0.67 25.8 Bellingshausen 0.44 21.1 0.99 55.7 1.73 36.3 0.48 14.8 1.10 53.2 Orcadas −0.33 14.1 −0.47 14.1 −0.84 17.3 −0.20 4.8 −0.45 18.0 Halley −0.49 21.9 1.15 18.4 −0.69 10.3 −2.00 39.9 −0.41 13.9 Vostok −0.12 5.0 0.31 6.5 1.67 21.4 0.64 13.9 0.37 10.8 Notes: The summer season includes December of the preceding year and January-February of the next year; Вх — linear trend coefficient, °С/10 yr; D — dispersion value explained by the linear trend, %

Estimates of the linear trends of winter air temperature at the Antarctic stations showed the above zero air temperature trends to prevail. The statistically significant above zero trends are noted in the vicinity of the Antarctic Peninsula and at the Atlantic coast of the continent (Rothera station, 4.8°C/ 63 years; Novolazarevskaya station 1.1°С/59 years). Weak below zero linear trends of winter air temperature are recorded only in the area of the South Pole, eastern part of the Indian Ocean coast and at the east coast of the Weddell Sea. These trends are however statistically insignificant. In the spring season at all stations of Antarctica one observes positive trends. The statistically significant trends of spring temperature are recorded in the central part of the Indian Ocean coast (Davis station), in the area of the Ross Sea (McMurdo station), in the area of the Atlantic coast (Novolazarevskaya station) and in the inland part (Vostok station). At Davisс, McMurdo and Vostok stations, the air temperature increase was 1.7°С and 2.9°С and 1.8°С за 63 years and at Vostok and Novolazarevskaya station - 1.8°С/62 years and 1.1°С/59 years, respectively. In the summer and autumn seasons the statistically significant increase of air temperature is still preserved in the area of the Antarctic Peninsula. At Rothera station, the increase of air temperature in the autumn season was 4.1°С/63 year and at Bellingshausen station it was 1.2°С/52 year. In the inland a positive sign of the trend is also noted. Here, the largest trend value is recorded for the summer temperature at Vostok station (1.1°С/ 62 years). In the summer and autumn seasons, an insignificant air temperature decrease in the central part of the Indian Ocean coast continues. In general in the variations of mean annual air temperature during the period 1957-2019 at most Antarctic stations there is a positive linear trend. The statistically significant positive trends of mean annual temperature for the entire period are noted in the area of the Antarctic Peninsula (Rothera station, 2.6°C/63 years), in the area of the Ross Sea (McMurdo station, 1.8°С/63 years) and in the inland part of the continent (Vostok station, 1.1°С/62 years). A tendency for the decrease of mean annual air temperature for the period 1957-2019 is observed in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean coast (Dumont d’Urville station) and in the western part of the Queen Maud Land (Halley station), but it is statistically insignificant. In the last 30-year period at some stations of East Antarctica one observes for the mean annual air temperature the appearance of the negative linear trend. The positive linear trend is preserved at the inland stations of Antarctica, in the area of the Ross Sea and in the southern part of the Antarctic Peninsula. The statistically significant increase of mean annual air temperature is detected only in the vicinity of the South Pole and the Ross Sea. Here at Amundsen-Scott and McMurdo station, the increase of mean annual temperature was 1.8°С and 1.2°С for 30 years. In the last 10-year period one observes the mean annual air temperature increase over much of the territory of East Antarctica. Thus, at Syowa station, the temperature increase was 1.6°С/10 years and at Vostok and Amundsen- Scott stations - about 1°С/10 years. Weak decrease of mean annual air temperature is traced in the vicinity of the Ross Sea, Mary Bird Land and the Weddell Sea. 44

So, the results of monitoring of meteorological conditions of Antarctica in 2019 show preservation of the long- term tendency for the air temperature increase in the surface layer. One can also note the increase of the number of stations with the positive trend of mean annual air temperature in the last decade. 45

Fig. 2.1. Mean monthly and mean annual values of (1) surface air temperatures, their anomalies (2) and normalized anomalies (3) in October (X), November (XI), December (XII) and in general for 2019 (I-XII) from data of stationary meteorological stations in the South Polar Area 46

Fig. 2.2. Interannual variations of anomalies of air temperature and atmospheric pressure at the Russian Antarctic stations. October.


Fig. 2.3. Interannual variations of anomalies of air temperature and atmospheric pressure at the Russian Antarctic stations. November.


Fig. 2.4. Interannual variations of anomalies of air temperature and atmospheric pressure at the Russian Antarctic stations. December.


Fig. 2.5. Values of mean seasonal air temperature anomalies at the Antarctic stations in 2019, °С

References: 1. http://www.south.aari.nw.ru; 2. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ol/climate/climatedata.html; 3. http://legacy.bas.ac.uk/met/READER/; 4. Atlas of the . The Southern Ocean. GUNiO МО RF, St. Petersburg, 2005. 50


In October, zonal circulation became weaker compared with the previous month and the meridional atmospheric circulation forms were observed for 20 days, which is slightly higher than the multiyear average (Table 3.1). A peculiarity of the October atmospheric processes was unusual localization of development of the main baric ridges and troughs compared with their mean multiyear position. Active meridional development of ridges of subtropical anticyclones prevailed over the West Atlantic and the central areas of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The Antarctic surface High was intensified. Cyclones by the meridional trajectories more often moved along the South-American, African, Kerguelen, Tasmanian and East trajectories. Their persistence near the shores of Antarctica usually occurred above the Lazarev and Cosmonauts , Mawson and Dumont D’Urville Seas and the . The depth of active cyclones passing to the Antarctic regionГmainly comprised 955-970 hPa and sometimes, cyclones with the pressure at the center of 945-950 hPa were observed. In October, two cyclones with a depth of 932 hPa and 930 hPa were observed above the African and the Australian sectors (on 8 and 18 October, respectively) [1]. The weather conditions at the coastal Antarctic stations were typical of the meridional atmospheric processes: periods of weather with a weak wind and small cloudiness at the passage of cyclones to the Antarctic mainland were replaced by the periods with wind increase, flows of low frontal cloudiness, snowfalls, snow storms and air temperature increase. The wind in most cases increased at the coastal Antarctic stations at the passage of frontal divides to 10-15 m/s, there were cases of wind increase to 25-35 m/s (for example, at Casey station), and at Mawson and Dumont D’Urville stations— to 38-40 m/s. In such situations, the air temperature increased by 5-10ᵒС. In the continental regions of East Antarctica, one also observed the influence of meridionally passing cyclones, the fronts of which intruded deep into the mainland and transported there a relatively warm and humid air. This resulted in appearance of low drifting snow and even snow storms, although the wind speed was not higher than 4-8 m/s. Frazil ice was also often observed. Here, at the intrusion of north air masses, the air temperature increased by 12-14ᵒС (from data of Vostok station). These phenomena over West Antarctica were less expressed [4]. The increased anti-cyclogenesis above the Antarctic region is reflected in the fields of thermobaric anomalies. An extensive area of positive anomalies of the atmospheric pressure was formed over the entire South Polar region [2, 3]. In connection with the active development of the Indian Ocean high pressure ridge, the largest positive pressure anomalies (sufficiently large) were observed over the coast of Prydz Bay and the . Significant positive pressure anomalies were also recorded above the inland regions of Antarctica. More active development of the meridional atmospheric processes contributing to the inter-latitudinal air exchange, determined the dominance above Antarctica of the above zero air temperature anomalies, including the inland areas, and only above the local regions one observed mean monthly temperature anomalies close to the multiyear average. Small below zero anomalies were over West Antarctica. The minimum temperatures at the Antarctic Plateau were recorded around −65ᵒС, and only at Concordia station the temperature dropped slightly less than −70ᵒС. The maximum air temperatures above the inland regions of East Antarctica were recorded around −40ᵒС [2, 4, 5]. Table 3.1. Frequency of occurrence of the atmospheric circulation forms of the and their anomalies (days) in October – December 2019

Frequency of occurrence Anomalies Months Z Ma Mb Z Ma Mb October 11 4 16 −2 −7 9

November 10 11 9 −2 0 2

December 18 6 7 5 −5 0

In November, zonal circulation in the atmosphere remained slightly decreased at intensification of meridional processes, which is not typical of the spring Antarctic month (Table 3.1). There was weakening of cyclonic activity above most regions of temperate latitudes and especially above the South Polar region. The surface High above Antarctica was anomalously intensified. The displacement of cyclones was much more to the north compared to usual trajectories. The intensified frequency of occurrence of the anticyclonic weather character at the Antarctic stations determined the dominance of quiet meteorological conditions in the coastal Antarctic zone with weak wind and often small cloudiness. 51

Such development of atmospheric processes was reflected in the field of baric anomalies. An area of large positive pressure anomalies was formed above Antarctica, including inland regions and one observed everywhere the positive anomalies reaching extreme values [2, 3, 5]. The background temperature was increased over the entire Antarctica. The above zero air temperature anomalies at most Antarctic stations were within the multiyear average. Over the Antarctic Plateau, the above zero air temperature anomalies even slightly exceeded the multiyear average. Only above the Antarctic Peninsula one observed anomalies of mean monthly temperature around the multiyear average or slightly lower. The increased background temperature over the Antarctic is obviously related to the influence of the Antarctic High, providing high insolation of this region at the increased Sun’s height in November and frequent small cloudiness. Almost at all coastal stations the maximum temperatures on some days increased to higher than 0ᵒС, reaching at some stations up to +4ᵒС. In the inland regions the maximum recorded air temperatures were higher than −30ᵒС and the minimum temperatures were hardly lower than −50ᵒС [5]. In December, the total duration of zonal circulation was much higher than the multiyear average. A significant role in the character of the atmospheric processes above the Antarctic was still played by the anomalously intensified branches of the Antarctic High, which developed more often over the West Atlantic, Central Indian Ocean and Central Pacific Ocean sectors. Above the latter region, the ridges of the subtropical Pacific Ocean High often combined with branches of the Antarctic High. In this connection the circumpolar belt of decreased pressure and trajectories of cyclones were displaced much to the north. The total intensity of atmospheric circulation was strongly decreased like in summer. Cyclones in the sub-polar regions in the active phase usually had a depth of 970-980 hPa and rarely less than 960 hPa. No cyclone with the pressure at the center less than 950 hPa was observed [1]. Over most coastal regions, a quiet weather character was preserved and only above the local areas at the exit of cyclones to the Antarctic coast, one observed the wind increase to moderate with snowfalls and snow storms [4]. In the fields of mean monthly thermobaric anomalies, there was preserved an extensive polar area of significant positive anomalies over Antarctica and positive temperature anomalies everywhere, the values of which at most Antarctic stations not exceeding the multiyear average. The maximum air temperatures at many coastal Antarctic stations comprised the values of +4ᵒС, +5ᵒС. The average temperature at the inland stations was about −25-−30ᵒС (which is slightly higher than the multiyear average), and the minimum temperatures for this period were about −40ᵒС (only at the South Pole, it was close to −30ᵒС) [2, 4, 5]. By the middle of December, the spring stratospheric modification was completed and the altitudinal winter cyclone was replaced by the summer High. This event occurred slightly earlier than in the previous 2018 [6]. Estimating the peculiarities of atmospheric circulation for the whole 2019, one can make a conclusion that this year the atmospheric processes and meteorological conditions mainly close to the multiyear average prevailed above the Antarctic. Analyzing some deviations of the atmospheric processes from the multiyear average in some months, one can note that the periods of the decreased frequency of occurrence of zonal processes at the beginning and the end of the year (except for December) and their increased frequency of occurrence in the middle of the year are identified. One can also note significant displacements of the main baric ridges and troughs in many months from their climatic location (for example, in January, March, September, October and December). In the formation of mean monthly baric fields one should note the anomalously developed area of negative anomalies above the South Polar area in January and June and an extremely high area of positive anomalies of pressure above this region in November and December. The analysis of the temperature regime above Antarctica this year shows that in most months it was close to the multiyear average above most polar regions, although in some months and regions one observed significant temperature anomalies of different signs. One should especially note a significant prevalence of the above zero air temperature anomalies above Antarctica in November-December, testifying an early beginning of the spring-summer season above the South Polar area.

References: 1. http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/charts/; 2. http://www.bom.gov.au/cgi-bin/climate/cmb.cgi; 3. https://legacy.bas.ac.uk/met/READER/surface/stationpt.html; 4. http://www.pogodaiklimat.ru/archive.php?id=ay; 5. https://rp5.ua/Weather in Antarctica; 6, http://weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/uamap.shtml. 52


In January, the ice area in the Southern Ocean decreased from 5.0 to 3.0 mln km2 and in the end of summer in February — to 2.5 mln km2. This is less than mean multiyear value by 20 % (0.5 mln km2).

Fig. 4.1. Change of seasonal extremes of sea ice extent of the Southern Ocean (in deviations from the multiyear average of their mean monthly values in February and September) for the period 1979–2019 [1] The Atlantic massif in the Weddell Sea was mainly elongated along the Antarctic Peninsula between 50-60 W and was less than the multiyear average by about 10 %, reducing to 1.0 mln km2. In the vicinity of 54 W in the end of February, one observed an extremely early intensification of old ice export from the ice massif body to the north. As a result, the ice edge here very rapidly moved to the north from 64° to 62° S. The sea ice extent of the Pacific Ocean sector in summer corresponded in general to mean multiyear values, but differed cardinally by separate basins. The increased approximately by 50 % sea ice extent characterized the Cosmonauts and the Riiser-Larsen Seas and the closely connected with them by the Coastal Antarctic Current (CAC) . Here during the entire summer one unbroken belt of close drifting ice was preserved. On the opposite, the Commonwealth and Davis Seas were subjected in summer to the record clearance from ice. The landfast ice breakup near Progress station and at the roadstead of Mirny station ended almost simultaneously in the end of January on the dates close to average. However it began differently: with a delay by half a month near Progress station, just at the moment of approach of the R/V “Akademik Fedorov” on 7 January of 2019 and extremely early (almost by 2 months!) at Mirny station in the end of October of 2018 (Table 4.1). Table 4.1 Dates of the onset of main ice phases in the areas of the Russian Antarctic stations in 2019 Station Landfast ice breakup Ice clearance Ice formation Landfast ice Freeze up formation (water body) Start End First Final First Stable First Stable First Final Mirny Actual 31.10.18 23.01 06.02 NO2) 03.03 03.03 23.03 23.03 06.06 06.06 (roadstead) Multiy 23.12 01.02 12.02 NO 11.03 12.03 30.03 02.04 14.04 17.04 ear avg Progress Actual 14.01 24.01 NO NO 09.02 08.03 19.03 19.03 05.05 05.05 (Vostochnaya Multiy 30.12 28.01 NO NO 08.02 15.02 10.03 16.03 14.04 21.04 Bay) ear avg Bellingshausen Actual 14.10 19.10 20.10 20.10 26.05 19.06 26.06 26.06, 11.08 NO 11.08 53

(Ardley Bay) Multiy 14.09 13.10 21.10 01.11 12.05 06.06 09.06 17.06 05.07 30.06 ear avg Notes: 1) — the multiyear avg was updated for the period 1987–2019; 2) — phenomenon not observed (does not occur) In the , one observed average ice conditions contributing to the call of the R/V “Akademik Fedorov” in January-February to the head of Malygintsev Bay along the unusual ice diverging near 100° E. Similar to the last year, there was an extensive recurring in Malygintsev Bay throughout the whole summer. From the second part of January with the beginning of ;landfast ice breakup, a similar polynya began to develop in the neighboring Milovzorov Bay and spread over its entire territory with the final breakup of landfast ice by the end of February. It should be also noted that in spite of the average size of the ice belt near the Wilkes Land coast and in the D’Urville Sea, in summer of 2019, it looked quite impressive. The belt was practically solid and very close, being predominantly closely pressed against the coast. There was no obligatory summer clearance of the D’Urville Sea due to the absence of the obstacle at the route of western coastal ice advection in the form of landfast-iceberg peninsula (along 150° E), which disappeared in October 2018. In the neighboring Somov Sea, the Balleny massif had a central position, corresponding to the increased sea ice extent of the basin. In the Pacific Ocean sector, the anomalously increased Ross polynya combined already at the beginning of January with the open ocean in the vicinity of the 180th meridian. Therefore the sea ice extent of the sector was decreased in general approximately by 30 % reducing in February to 0.8 mln km2. This allowed the R/V “Akademik Karpinsky” in the vicinity of Russkaya station (120–160° W) to reach with work in the second part of February the 74th parallel. Obviously however the main thing is preservation by the end of summer, although not wide about 60 miles on average, but solid belt of 10 tenths drifting ice along the entire Pacific Ocean coast between 70−160 deg W from Cape Russky in Marguerite Bay of the Bellingshausen Sea to Cape Colbeck at the boundary with the Ross Sea. This possibly means the beginning of reconstruction of the usual Pacific Ocean ice massif after its degradation during the last 30 years [2]. With the beginning of autumn, in March the ice cover in the Southern Ocean expanded much weaker than usually — in total up to 3.9 mln km2, which is by 1 mln km2 (20 %) less than a multiyear average. The cause is in the extremely non-uniform development of the new ice formation actively covering at first rather a limited number of seas: Lazarev, Davis, Somov and Ross. In the northwest of the Weddell Sea, there was also intensively spreading to the north up to 61° S the meridionally elongated zone of predominantly young ice between 45–55° W, which was dangerously located from the east above Bransfield Strait. At the background of new autumn ice formation, the process of breakup of the Antarctic landfast ice ended. Thus, only on 6 March, instead of the second part of January, the breakup of landfast ice began in the , being preserved during the whole summer. Decay of the main area of landfast second-year ice in the bay was recorded a month later than the multiyear average in the night from 31 March to 1 April. There was however no old ice export like last year due to a large concentration of icebergs in the central part of the bay. Unusually much of landfast ice was preserved in the gulfs and bays of the Lazarev Sea. Traditionally, part of the multiyear landfast ice near the BANZARE Coast was distinguished by its sizes — on both sides of the Voeykov ice shelf in the Paulding and Porpoise Bays. Quite indicative appears to be preservation of residual landfast ice in the Archipelago of Alexander I Land in place of the destroyed .Wilkins Ice Shelf and south of the 70th parallel at the head of Simonov Bay. On 14 March, there was the next strong avalanching of the outlet Dolk glacier at the head of Vostochnaya Bay (roadstead of Progress station). As a result, the entire glacier bed in the gulf, to which the trough with a depth of about 1000 m passing between Mirror Peninsula and Dalkoy Island corresponds, was like in 2016 [3] completely filled with icebergs, bergy bits and growlers (Fig. 4.2). “Calving” of two largest icebergs was accompanied with occurrence of wave, which threw ashore up to 100 m from the waterline boulders of sea and glacier ice. 54

Fig. 4.2. East station coast of the Mirror Peninsula in the area of the Fuel-Lubricants Base of Progress station, blocked by icebergs, bergy bits and growlers as a result of destruction of the front of the outlet Dolk glacier on 14 March 2019 (Photo of А.V.Semenov, 27.03.2019) It is remarkable that on 14 March there also was calving of the glacier at the head of Thala Bay with formation of a low long and narrow iceberg (Fig. 4.3). Simultaneously there was a breakup of the old iceberg in the southwestern corner of the bay, which was formed here in 2010. The iceberg of a typical triangular shape calved in 2016, was preserved. Along the entire west coast of the bay, which was completely ice-cleared by the middle of February, a blocking band of glacial small ice cake appeared. In April, the area of sea ice spreading increased from 3.9 mln km2 to only 4.8 mln km2. The main double increase of the “autumn” expansion of the ice cover (up to 9.7 mln km2) was in May, when the drifting ice belt became circumpolar again with its reconstruction near the Pacific Ocean coast of the Antarctic Peninsula due to new ice formation which began here. However the subsequent slowing of ice formation determined the record low ice spreading area in June — 12.7 against 13.8 mln km2 according to the multiyear average.

Fig. 4.3. Consequences of calving of the glacier front at the head of Thala Bay on 14 March 2019 (Sentinel satellite image)

The decreased sea ice extent of the Southern Ocean during the period April to June on average by 10 % (1 mln km2) was formed like in the last year due to the extremely weakened development of the Atlantic massif. This is a result of the possibly continued strong warming effect of the ocean in the area of the Maud Rise (65° S, 3° E). As a result, the eastern edge of the massif moved to 30° W only by the middle of May being displaced from 45° W, where it was preserved from the end of summer in February. There was simultaneous blocking of the South Orkneys Islands and export of the Weddell Sea ice to Bransfield Strait, which as usual, stimulated in the area of Bellingshausen station the beginning of ice formation, delayed approximately by half a month (Table 4.1). The largest in the modern Antarctic iceberg А68а, which was formed two years ago as a result of calving of the front at the center of the Larsen Ice Shelf (С) between 67-69° S, finally reached the 65th parallel. Here, it nestled with its northern tip in shallow water near Cape Robertson in the area of the Seal nunataks and turning counterclockwise it oriented by latitude being trapped here for half a year — until November. 55

The Pacific Ocean massif on the opposite strived obviously to reconstruction after the 30-year degradation. In general, it was insignificantly smaller than mean multiyear size values and the sea ice extent of the Bellingshausen Sea even corresponded to the multiyear average. In the end of June, an ice tongue began to develop like in most years from the area of 70° W from Marguerite Bay, which was ice cleared until May, in the direction of the South Shetland Islands. As a result instead of the traditional opposition of the massifs, one observed an approximate equality of their sizes, which is probably typical of the transient period of the change of circulation variants of the Weddell and Ross Gyres. The sea ice extent of the usually conservative Indian Ocean sector was much decreased and in June — record low by 0.5 mln km2 (approximately by 20%) due to the Cosmonauts and the Commonwealth Seas. The actually summer sizes of the ice belt in the Cosmonauts Sea, which is within the “warm” eastern periphery of the Weddell Gyre, were preserved up to the end of June, being less than a multiyear average up to 30 %. Obviously the increased cyclonicity accompanied the decreased sea ice extent of the indicated marginal seas, as a result of the warming effect of the ocean. It was manifested in the Davis Sea in the vicinity of Mirny station, like in the last year in the anomalous delay of the freeze up dates (up to 1.5 months, see Table 4.1), and in Prydz Bay at Progress station — in the decreased landfast ice growth (by 20 cm, Table 4.2), which was also established over the entire visible water area later than usually by half a month. In the Cosmonauts Sea, the Alasheyev Bay near Molodezhnaya station froze up on the dates close to mean multiyear dates — in the middle of June. The polynya in Milovzorov Bay near Bunger Oasis in the Mason Sea was preserved until the end of June. In the D’Urville Sea, distinguished by the average level of sea ice extent, there was a freeze up of Commonwealth Bay in the middle of June that became common from 2012 and reconstruction in the area of the Ninnis Glacier of the giant landfast ice-iceberg peninsula along 150° E, which was destroyed in December 2018. Table 4.2 First-year landfast ice thickness and snow depth (in cm) in the areas of the Russian Antarctic stations in 2019 Station Parameters M o n t h s II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Ice Actual - 44 64 86 97 111 133 148 150 127 Mirny Multiyear - 22 47 68 84 101 121 139 152 157 145 average Snow Actual - 2 5 7 7 8 8 6 5 2 Multiyear 1 10 15 18 18 19 20 20 22 20 average Ice Actual 22 44 66 79 89 101 111 121 129 109 Progress Multiyear 19 32 54 77 97 117 132 145 155 152 135 average Snow Actual 11 9 9 11 12 31 14 14 14 0 Multiyear 1 3 5 7 8 6 7 7 8 4 3 average Bellingshausen Ice 24 32 43 Snow 4 5 11

Exceptionally complicated ice conditions were formed in April in the Lazarev Sea. This was connected with large reserves of residual ice, preserved in summer in the neighboring Riiser-Larsen and Cosmonauts Seas, from where it was transported to the west of the CAC. The main cause was the aforementioned late extended up to April landfast ice breakup in the Cosmonauts Sea. Besides, significant landfast ice areas in the Lazarev Sea itself were not subject to destruction including Belaya Bay, on the shore of which there is a base of fuel-lubricants of Novolazarevskaya station, which makes the ship approach to it impossible apriori [4]. The situation was aggravated by presence near Cape Ostry (69°56.4′ S, 11°53.7′ E) of the diesel-electric ship “Vasily Golovnin” (FESCO), which finished supply of the Indian Maitri station on 26 March. The ship however could not exit from landfast ice to the north using its own frozen and covered by drifting snow channel 16 km long, which it made during the period 6 to 21 March. The R/V “Akademik Fedorov”after finishing unloading near Cape Ostry escorted on 15 April the “Vasily Golovnin” from landfast ice. Nevertheless the next day at crossing in the area of 10° E of the zone of potential ice “river”, confined to the continental slope, the ship was stuck at the joint of breccia fields (Fig. 4.4). On 17 April, a real ice “river” appeared: due to the east wind increase up to 15 m/s the westward drift speed increased almost two-fold (from 0.4 to 0.7 knots) compared with the previous period of low wind, ice became close — discontinuities and breaks disappeared and compression of 1–2 points and ridging began. On 18-19 April with the wind weakening the drift decreased to 0.3 knots, but then with the passage of the next polar-front cyclone the ice “river” was resumed with the speed of 0.8 knots. As a result for incomplete 6 days the resulting drift of the “Vasily Golovnin” in the direction of 260° comprised almost 100 miles with a speed of 0.7 knots. Further unfavorable development of the situation was prevented by a rare combination of the following circumstances. After the passage of the last cyclone, the wind and the drift decreased and ice compression was stopped. Large swell generated by this cyclone approached from the northwest to the area of the “Vasily Golovnin” via the anomalously narrow belt of drifting ice in the western part of the Lazarev Sea with the edge near the 69th parallel. It crushed the breccia fields. This coincided with the syzygy tide during the new moon 56 period on 19 April, which contributed to diverging of broken ice. The “Vasily Golovnin” was able on 22 April to leave the “river” zone independently.

Fig. 4.4. Diesel-electric ship “Vasily Golovnin” beset in ice in the zone of the coastal ice “river” in the Lazarev Sea on 16−22 April 2019 (Photo of V.А.Komarovsky, 18.04.2019)

In July, the area of the Antarctic ice cover increased to 16.1 mln km 2. However for example, in the area of the South Shetland Islands the process of its formation did not receive the normal development, even in spite of ice export to Drake Passage from the west from the area of Marguerite Bay. Moreover there was destruction of small landfast ice which began to form in Ardley Bay from the end of June (Table 4.1). However one should note the beginning of formation in the vicinity of Russkaya station of a typical landfast ice-iceberg ledge near Cape Burks. Besides, a giant iceberg В–47 that just calved from the Getz Ice Shelf was stuck in the nearest to the east of the station strait south of Forrester Island. Of interest is also appearance of an enormous polynya of the open sea inside the drifting ice belt in the Cosmonauts Sea between 64–67° S and 40–45° E. This testifies to the continued increased warming impact of the ocean in the area of the eastern periphery of the Weddell Gyre. In August, the circumpolar ice belt increased to 18.0 mln km2. Probably, frosty with low wind weather contributing to expansion of landfast ice was established in many regions. Its repeated establishment with brief complete freeze up of Ardley Bay took place at Bellingshausen station. A similar brief freeze up of Marguerite Bay was observed in the Bellingshausen Sea. In Leningradsky Bay in the Lazarev Sea, the landfast ice edge moved from Cape Oporny to the northeast to Cape Murmansky. The Breidvik Bay in the Risser-Larsen Sea opposite the Belgian station Princess Elisabeth was completely frozen. Only for one day on 30 August there was freezing together of solid drifting ice at the head of Prydz Bay with landfast ice, formed at the mainland shoal in April, resulting in its spreading to record latitude 68°35′ S, reaching opposite Progress station the width of 90 km (!). However already the next day of the maximum syzygy tide during the new moon on 31 August, the grown landfast ice was broken along the shelf edge, and the giant floes formed began gradually to crush. The recurring polynya under the Shackleton glacier in Tryoshnikov Bay was almost frozen and landfast ice in the area of Mirny station increased to an extreme width of 40 km. The Malygintsev and Milovzorov Bays in the Mawson Sea near Bunger Oasis were completely covered with landfast ice. However opposite the Enderby :Land protrusion in the vicinity of 50° E, one observed significant places of open water, which is connected with the aforementioned intensification of warm branch of the ACC (Antarctic Circumpolar Current), which forms the eastern periphery of the Weddell Gyre. In September, the ice belt increased insignificantly to 18.4 mln km2. As a result it still did not reach the multiyear average, ceding 0.2 mln km2 (1%). This was mainly connected with a strong delayed expansion of the Pacific Ocean massif in the second part of winter. It was not by chance that the ice edge had an extremely southern position near the 70th parallel in the at 110° W. Its maximum spreading to the north was traditionally observed at 20° E and corresponded to mean multiyear position near 57° S. On 25 September, the northwest ledge of the Amery Ice Shelf calved, creating a giant iceberg D28 with a size of about 45х35 km and the area of almost 1600 km2. In the area of Russkaya station, on the opposite, a jagged fast ice-iceberg ledge was finally formed at the Aristov Bank and a delayed freeze up of Hull Bay also took place. 57

In October, a slow decrease of the ice belt began and its area decreased by almost to 16.8 mln km2. The retreat of its external northern margin to the south was mainly in the vicinity of the Antarctic Peninsula. There was final destruction and export of landfast ice in Ardley Bay, which was rapidly formed on 12 October after the decay in the end of September of previous landfast ice, which completely immobilized the bay almost for the month beginning from 11 August. In the end of the month, the Bransfield Strait became ice-cleared and landfast ice in |Marguerite Bay broke up, as well as a significant western part of the jagged ledge of landfast ice in the area of Cape Burks. In addition it is worth mentioning the break up in the middle of October (!) of almost entire landfast ice in Breidvik Bay except for both corners of its head. Simultaneously there was the ice belt decay from the interior southern side due to active expansion of large recurring of Prydz and Tryoshnikov Bays, Vincennese and Disappointment Bays, Ross Sea, western area of the Amundsen Sea and Ronne Bay. In November, the total sea ice extent of the Southern Ocean decreased to 13.2 mln km2. However the main almost two-fold decrease (!) (to 7.1 mln km2) occurred in December, when at the beginning of the month the Weddell polynya started finally to develop. An extensive ice diverging which rapidly appeared inside the belt between 62–68° S and 0–10° E connected already in the middle of the month with open ocean in the north (Fig. 4.5). Similar diverging was formed in the area of the so-called western circulation cell [4] between 65–70°S and 20–40 W. These two powerful sources of melting with active participation of oceanic heat determined an extremely rapid ice disappearance already in the end of December over an enormous water area between 60–70° S and 20° E−40° W. The region of the South Orkney Islands was also ice-cleared. As a result, the sea ice extent of the South Atlantic was by more than 1 mln km2 (30 %) less than the mean multiyear value. On the opposite, the sea ice extent of the Pacific Ocean sector became close to the multiyear average. In the Somov, Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas, ice was under pressure and very close. The Ross polynya was distinguished by decreased dimensions due to ice flow from the east from the region of Russkaya station (120–160° W), in which vice versa one could already clearly see the pressed away ice massif in summer 2020 with the development of an extensive flaw polynya between Capes Dart and Colbeck. So, one observes the fourth year in succession the decreased sea ice extent of the Southern Ocean after the preceding thirty year period 1987−2015 of the total increase of its ice cover. This is mainly connected with the decrease from 2016 of the Atlantic massif in the Weddell Sea. From the first years of the new millennium it expanded so intensively compensating the simultaneous decrease of the Pacific Ocean ice massif. In 2019, obvious indications of the revival of the latter appeared. A distinguishing feature of the year also was a decreased development of landfast ice in many regions. In particular, a record thin first-year fast ice was observed in the vicinity of Progress.

Fig. 4.5. Ice situation in the Southern Ocean in the middle of December 2019 58

The end of 2019 was marked by a successful large-scale unloading of the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov” at Progress station. The ship crossed on 6 December the external belt of drifting ice in the zone of diverging between 73– 74° E and approached over the recurring polynya of Prydz Bay the landfast ice edge almost 25 km wide. Here she used the channel made almost for two/thirds on 20−23 November by the Chinese new expedition icebreaker “Xuelong-2”. Approaching on 7 December the planned point in Thala Bay (Fig. 4.6), the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov”

Fig. 4.6. Place of unloading of heavy weight cargo on landfast ice of Thala Bay on 7–13 December of 2019 (Photo of A.V.Semenoiv”, 10.12.2019) immediately started unloading from both sides the heavy weight cargo, which was transported over the specially prepared in winter ice route to the western shore of the Bay. Then the ship passed to the southeastern corner of the Thala Bay, where on 13-15 December the fuel was transferred by a hose to the reserve oil base and traverse containers (Fig. 4.7). The state of landfast ice practically not yet influenced by the radiation decay, differed cardinally from the “hidden” ice puddles with cavities during the period of the preceding unloading of the 64th RAE on 8–13 January of 2019 [5]. This demonstrates quite well the advantages of cargo operations over landfast ice on the normal “nature-guaranteed” dates.

Fig. 4.7. Fuel discharge to the reserve base of fuel-lubricants of Progress station of the southeastern part of Thala Bay on 13-15 December of 2019 (Photo of А.V.Mirakin, 14.12.2019) After the end of the logistical operation at Mirny station on 23 December, the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov” went to the Mawson Sea for deployment of the seasonal geological base in the Bunger Oasis. Overcoming on 25 December the first 30 miles of the solid ice belt with a thickness of 70–140 cm, the ship experienced serious problems (Fig. 4.8). They were connected with entry to the zone of permanent compression of ice drifting to the west pushing 59 against the meridional protrusion of the Shackleton Ice Shelf and the frozen to it landfast ice. Only on 29 December after helicopter reconnaissance, using correctly the breaks in the “shadow” of icebergs, the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov” could make its way to the recurring flaw polynya and sail in it without obstacles to the head of Malygintsev Bay. From here using a short helicopter leg (70 km), landing of the seasonal expedition was made.

Fig. 4.8. Route of the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov” in Malygintsev Bay on 25-29 December of 2019 References: 1. http://wdc.aari.ru/datasets/ssmi/data/south/extent/ 2. Korotkov А.I. Unprecedented decrease of the Pacific Ocean ice massif in the Southern Ocean // Russian Polar Studies. 2018. No. 3. P.33—35. http://www.aari.ru/misc/publicat/sources/33/RPR-33el_l_33-35.pdf 3. Korotkov А.I. Iceberg “disorder” of 2016 in the area of Progress station // Russian Polar Studies. No. 4 (26). 2016. p.29—31. 4. Korotkov А.I. Main results and perspectives of studies of the ice regime of the Southern Ocean // Problems of the Arctic and the Antarctic. 1995. Issue 70. P.84–103. 5. Quarterly Bulletin. State of Antarctic Environment. January – March 2019. /Edited by.V.V.Lukin. St. Petersburg: FSBI AARI, RAE. 2019. No. 1 (86). 71 p. http://www.aari.aq/

. 59


In 2019, regular measurements of total ozone (TO) at three Russian Antarctic stations Vostok, Mirny and Novolazarevskaya and during the cruises of the R/V “Akademik Fedorov” and the “Akademik Tryoshnikov” to the Antarctic were continued by the AARI and RAE specialists.. Processing and analysis of the information reported from Antarctica were performed. The results of TO monitoring are presented in the quarterly bulletins “State of Antarctic Environment” [1]. One should note the unusual for the last decades scenario of development of the ozone hole in 2019. The circumpolar vortex above Antarctica began to form in May and by the beginning of July its size was only 20 mln km2 [2]. At the time of the winter solstice the vortex center was located above East Antarctica and was elongated towards the Indian Ocean. Then, the circumpolar vortex returned to its usual location with the center in the Pole area and at the beginning of August, its area increased up to 28 mln km2 [2], i.e., from the moment of the winter solstice it was the least in size for the last decade. According to satellite measurements, the ozone hole began to increase and reached in the middle of August the maximum size in this year of 11 mln km2 [2] and 164 mln km2 [3] at the beginning of September. Then as a result of warming of the stratosphere it decreased to 3 mln km2 and increased again by the end of the month from data of different sources to 7-10 mln km2 [2,3]. Thus, the ozone hole in 2019 by the size and strength was the least for the last 10 years. Figure 5.1 presents mean daily values of total ozone, calculated for the entire period of observations and for the last three Antarctic seasons (from August of one year to June of the next year inclusively). Grey color denotes the area including all TO values, observed for the specific day of the year over the entire observation period (upper and lower boundaries of this area correspond to the maximum and minimum boundaries of mean daily TO values for the whole period of observations at each stationи).

600 600 600 600 Мирный Новолазаревская

500 500 500 500

400 400 400 400

300 300 300 300

ОСО. е.Д. ОСО. ОСО, е.Д. ОСО, 200 200 200 200 Среднее 2019-20 100 2018-19 100 100 100 2017-18 0 0 0 0 1 авг 1 сен 1 окт 1 ноя 1 дек 1 янв 1 фев 1 мар 1 апр 1 май 1 авг 1 сен 1 окт 1 ноя 1 дек 1 янв 1 фев 1 мар 1 апр 1 май

600 600 Восток

500 500

400 400

300 300 ОСО, е.Д. ОСО, 200 200

100 100

0 0 1 авг 1 сен 1 окт 1 ноя 1 дек 1 янв 1 фев 1 мар 1 апр 1 май Fig. 5.1. Mean daily total ozone values at the Russian Antarctic Mirny, Novolazarevskaya and Vostok stations

One can get acquainted with a more detailed description of TO behavior at the Russian stations during the first three quarters of 2019 [1]. Due to its geographical location, Mirny station was in the Antarctic spring of 2019 outside the ozone hole [4]. The TO values at it did not drop lower than 220 Dobson units and were much higher than in 2018. During several days in August, September, October and December, the highest for the entire observation period (from 1975) TO values were noted (a total of 22 days). At Novolazarevskaya station that was in 2019 near the boundary of the ozone hole, the TO values dropped below 220 DU only for comparatively short periods (Fig. 5.1). During 13 days (for four months from August to December) the total ozone values at this station were maximum for the entire history of observations and 60 much higher in general than in 2018. The TO measurements at Vostok station in the second part of 2019 require an additional analysis after the expedition return and therefore they are not given in this review. The mean monthly values, also like the maximum and the minimum for the month total ozone values in September-November 2019 were much higher at both stations than in 2018 (Table 5.1, [1]). Table 5.1 Statistical characteristics of mean daily TO values (Dobson units) at the Russian Antarctic stations in 2019 January February March April August September October November December Mirny Average 322 314 311 319 337 453 430 398 360 Σ 14 16 20 26 33 52 29 21 11 Maximum 344 341 345 369 385 568 484 431 384 Minimum 286 293 269 259 253 344 368 350 341 Novolazarevskaya Average 319 311 298 272 232 249 226 338 339 Σ 13 6 19 25 21 39 42 34 23 Maximum 357 324 361 310 276 320 338 402 388 Minimum 298 299 267 229 187 178 182 275 297 Vostok Average 291 280 265 Σ 7 18 24 Maximum 301 322 305 Minimum 276 251 217

References: 1 Quarterly Bulletin “State of Antarctic Environment. Operational data of the Russian Antarctic stations”. FSBI AARI, Russian Antarctic Expedition, 2017–2019, No. 1–4. 2 https://legacy.bas.ac.uk/met/jds/ozone/; 3 http://ozone-watch.gsfc.nasa.gov/; 4 http://www.temis.nl/protocols/o3hole/. 61


Analysis of geophysical materials of Antarctic stations for the 4th quarter of 2019

Brief characteristics of solar activity

An assessment of the geophysical situation observed in the fourth quarter of 2019 is based on the analysis of solar data by the number of solar spots, which determine the cyclic activity of the Sun and also on the analysis of magnetic data, which determine the global and auroral activity in high latitudes. As a global magnetic index one uses the magnetic index Dst. It characterizes the intensity of world magnetic storms and depends on circular current in the magnetosphere, which causes the global change of the ’s magnetic field. To assess the magnetic perturbation in the auroral zone one uses the magnetic PC index calculated from magnetic data in the polar caps of the northern and southern hemispheres. The analysis performed showed the period October to December 2019 to be characterized by a very low solar activity.

Fig. 6.1. Number of solar spots and the value of the solar radio-emission flux As can be seen from Fig. 6.1 the maximum value of the number of solar spots in the groups of spots in October and November was bot greater than 6. During the entire October one observed only 6 separate solar spots and only on 1 October. In November three small groups of solar spots were observed (6 spots — on 1 November, 4 spots — on 3 November and on 3- 12 November). In the end of December, a group of solar spots was observed and the Wolf number (W) for this period was equal to 23. The increase of solar spots in the end of December does not mean that the period of low Sun’s activity is finished. Small number of solar spots will be probably observed during many months and possibly even several years. Nevertheless their increased number as compared with the previous quarter can serve as an indication of the beginning of the 25th cysle of solar activity. During the study period the values of the solar radio- emission flux F10.7 at the wavelength of 10.7 cm were low, about 64 W/m2 in October and about 68 W/m2 in November and December. During the period under consideration the global magnetic activity was also weak. 62

Fig. 6.2. Magnetic Dst index of intensity of world magnetic storms

As can be seen in Fig. 6.2, during the whole period, four very weak magnetic storms were observed with the value of Dst < |− 40|, connected with intensification of solar spots and appearance of high-speed fluxes in the solar wind and in the near-earth space. At the beginning of October, a magnetic storm was observed (which began on 1 October), during which the value of the magnetic index Dst was equal to − 39 and the solar wind speed was about 700 km /s. The development of this storm was connected with the increased Sun’s burst activity, observed in the end of September. With intensification of the glibal magnetic activity on 23 October (Dst = − 46), 22 November (Dst = − 22) and 19 December (Dst => − 40) of 2019, the periods of increased auroral activity are closely connected. In spite of the fact that the cyclic solar and global magnetic activities during the period under consideration were low, the auroral activity was significant.

Fig. 6.3. PC-Index

As can be seen in Fig. 6.3, from 1 October of 2019 there was observed an increase of the РС-index values (PC >4). At the time of the other perturbed period on 23 October the value of PC > 4 was recorded. In November, there was a period of increased auroral activity from 22 to 26, when the PC values were approximately equal to 3. The increased auroral activity of PC >3 was also observed at the time of the magnetic storm on 19 December. Thus, the presented solar and magnetic data for October – December reflect дthe geophysical situation corresponding to the given period of obsrvations and probably the end of the 24th cycle of solar activity.In the next months one can expect a weak increase of solar activity, corresponding to the beginning of the 25th solar cycle. Nevertheless as indicated by the data, at the background of weak solar activity and low global magnetic activity, significant perturbations can be observed at this time both in the ionosphere and in the magnetic field of the auroral zone. From October to December of 2018 one also observed the periods of small increase of auroral activity. Two perturbed periods of auroral activity were observed at the time of magnetic storms on 7–8 October and 4–6 November, when the РС-index values were about 5. In December there were also the periods of small increase of auroral activity from: 4 to 12 December, when the РС-index values were about 2–3, from 18 to 20 December, when the РС values were equal to 2, ansd after 29 December, when the values of this index increased to about 4. 63

Analysis of data of vertical sounding of ionosphere at Mirny station

The equipment of vertical sounding “Bizon” at Mirny station failed in December of 2018. Its repair under the conditions of polar station was impossible. The equipment was delivered to the AARI. At present the repair work is continued. But the equipment is very old and the probability of its further use at the Antarctic station is small. One should expect in the near future the failure of other geophysical equipment at the Antarctic stations, about which the RAE Management was informed many times.

Analysis of riometer data

Main abbreviations used in the analysis, are as follows: SPE (solar proton event) – a phenomenon of the increase of solar proton fluxes after strong solar bursts, registered in the interplanetary space and in the Earth’s magnetosphere; fluxes of protons with the energy of 10 MeV (in the integral measurement of F> 10 MeV) make the largest contribution to the absorption; during the analysis such SPE were considered, which had the maximum intensity of the proton flux Fmaz (Ep> 10 MeV) ≥ 1 particle/cm2×s×steradian Exactly at such intensity the PCA type absorption with the amplitude higher than 0.5 dB begins its manifestation. PCA (type of polar cap absorption) – a phenomenon of anomalous increase of absorption determined by solar proton fluxes during the SPE AA (auroral absorption) – a phenomenon of anomalous increase of absorption determined by fluxes of magnetosphere electrons at the time of global or local geomagnetic perturbations GA (geomagnetic activity) – level of geomagnetic field perturbation GP (geomagnetic perturbation) – a phenomenon of the increase of geomagnetic activity; intensity of GP is assessed by the Кр index, which reflects a global character of geomagnetic perturbation; as a significant geomagnetic perturbation, the periods were considered where Кр≥20, exactly at such intensity, the AA type absorptions with the amplitude higher than 0.5 dB begin to be manifested. QDC (quiet day curve) – a non-perturbed level of the space noise registered by riometer. It is determined by a special algorithm. BA (background absorption) – stable increased or decreased absorption, which is approximately the same for several days, determined by unstable performance of riometer. BV (background variations) – periodic (daily) absorption variations with the amplitude of 0.2 – 0.4 dB; the BV are determined by drawbacks of processing, due to inaccuracy of QDC selection; the BV often have a sinusoid shape but in some cases differ significantly from it. The absorption increases of the impulse character can be caused by the global factors (SPE and GP), or the local factors (local increase of geomagnetic activity, increase of the level of interference or malfunction of riometer work). The prolonged increased (or decreased) similar absorption values can be caused by riometer fault (BA) or inaccuracy of the QDC (BV). The Internet data on the fluxes of solar protons (with the energy of 1 – 100 MeV) and on the level of geomagnetic activity (Кр index) were used in the analysis. The maximum for the day absorption values were compared with variations of every minute absorption values presented at the site of the Department of Geophysics of the AARI. October No SPE phenomena were registered during the month. One prolonged period of increased level of geomagnetic activity was registered from 24 to 31 October with the maximum of Кр = 60 (25 October). Vostok (32 MHz). Significant increases of absorption higher than 0.5 dB are absent during the month. Mirny (32 MHz). Data are distorted by noise during the entire month. Progress (32 MHz). During the month one observes 3 periods of increased absorption values:

from 7 to 9 October, the maximum on 8 October, the amplitude Аmax = 1.3 dB;

from 17 to 22 October, the maximum on 20 October, the amplitude Аmax = 1.7dB; 64

from 20 to 31 October, the maximums on 26, 28 and 30 October, the amplitudes of 1.8, 2.1 and 0.8dB, respectively. All these absorption values are the auroral absorptions (AA) and are determined by fluxes of magnitospheric electrons at the time of the increased level of global and local GA. Novolazarevskaya (32 MHz). During the month one observes 3 periods of the absorption increase:

From 1 to 7 October with maximums on 1, 3, 6 October (amplitudes Аmax = 5.5, 1.5 and 1.2dB, respectively); From 8 to 12 October with a maximum on 10 October (with an amplitude equal to 6.5 dB); From 20 to 31 October with a maximum on 25 October (with an amplitude — 6.7 dB). These absorption increases are the AA and are determined by fluxes of magnitospheric electrons at the time of the increased level of global and local GA.


No SPE phenomena were observed during the month. One period of the GA level was recorded on 21–28 November with a maximum on 27 November with the magnetic activity index Кр = 40. Vostok (32 MHz). During the month the significant absorption increases higher than 0.5 dB are absent. Mirny (32 MHz). Data are distorterd by noise throughout the entire month, however the level of noise decreased (not greater than 1 dB). Progress (32 MHz). During the month one observes 3 periods of increased absorption values:

16 -18 November with a maximum on 17 November (with an amplitude Аmax = 0.7dB);

20 – 23 November with a maximum on 17 November (with an amplitude Аmax = 0.9dB);

23 – 31 November with a maximum on 28 November (with an amplitude Аmax = 0.8dB). All these absorption increases are the AA and are determined by fluxes of magnitospheric electrons at the time of the increased level of global and local GA. Novolazarevskaya (32 MHz). During the month one observes 4 periods of increased absorption:

1–11 November with a maximum on 11 November (with an amplitude Аmax = 1.0dB);

15–17 November with a maximum on 16 November (with an amplitude Аmax = 0.9dB);

20–25 November with a maximum on 22 и 24 November (with an amplitude Аmax = 2.1 и 1.8dB);

28–30 November with a maximum on 29 November (with an amplitude Аmax = 2.7dB). These increases are the AA and are determined by fluxes of magnitospheric electrons at the time of the increased level of global and local GA.


No SPE phenomena were obseved during the month. There was registered 1 period of the increased geomagnetic activity level from 18 to 24 December with a maximum of Кр = 40 (18 December). Vostok (32 MHz). During the month, significant absorption increases higher than 0.5 dB are absent. Mirny (32 MHz). The data are distorted by noise during the entire month however the level of noise decreased (not more than 1 dB). Progress (32 MHz). Throughout the month, the absorption increases more than 0.5 dB are not observed. Novolazarevskaya (32 MHz). During the month 1 period of increased absorption was registered from 17 to 20 December with a maximum on 19 December (with an amplitude equal to 1.7 dB). This increase is the AA and is determined by fluxes of magnitospheric electrons at the time of the increased level of global and local GA.


No PCA phenomena were observed for the period under the analysis. A series of elevated increases of the GA was observed. Numerous AA phenomena were registered. 65

Thre operation of riometers during the period under consideration is characteroized as follows. At Vostok, Progress and Novolazarevskaya stations, riometers functioned normally during the whole quarter. The materials are of good quality. At Mirny station during October, a high level of noise is observed. In November and December, the level of noise decreased, but the quality of materials remains low and requires measures for elimination of noise sources about which the RAE Management was informed earlier.



Mean monthly absolute values of the geomagnetic field

Declination Horizontal component Vertical component October 89º30.8´W 13532 nT −57782 nT November 89º26.5´W 13544 nT −57772 nT December 89º22.4´W 13558 nT −57808 nT

Fig. 6.4. Maximum daily values of space radio-emission absorption at the 32 MHz frequency from data of riometer observations at Mirny station 66


Mean monthly absolute values of the geomagnetic field

Horizontal Declination Vertical component component October 30º15.9´W 18573 nT −34148 nT November 30º16.5´W 18572 nT −34143 nT December 30º15.1´W 18572 nT −34134 nT

Fig. 6.5. Maximum daily values of space radio-emission absorption at the 32 MHz frequency from data of riometer observations at Novolazarevskaya station 67


Mean monthly absolute values of the geomagnetic field

Horizontal Declination Vertical component component October 80º14.7´W 16982 nT −50943 nT November 80º11.6´W 16975 nT −50943 nT December 80º14.2´W 16978 nT −50952 nT

Fig. 6.6. Maximum daily values of space radio-emission absorption at the 32 MHz frequency from data of riometer observations at Progress station 68


Mean monthly absolute values of the geomagnetic field

Horizontal Declination Vertical component component October 124º51.2´W 13641 nT −57697 nT November 124º50.7´W 13639 nT −57682 nT December 124º51.5´W 13639 nT −57671 nT

Fig. 6.7. Maximum daily values of space radio-emission absorption at the 32 MHz frequency from data of riometer observations at Vostok station



In 2018, seismic observations in Antarctica which are carried out from 1962 were continued at the stationary Novolazarevskaya station of the Federal Research Center ”United Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Science” (RAS FRC UGS). The observations were carried out by a three-component broadband seismometer SKD in a set with a 16-charge digital seismic station SDAS, developed and produced at the RAS FRC UGS (Obninsk) jointly with the Scientific- Production Association "Geotekh” [1]. These instruments with a bandwidth of 0.04–5 Hz, a sampling rate of 20 readouts a second and a dynamic range of about 90 dB allow applying a modern digital level of collection, storage and processing of seismic records [2]. The digital records of earthquakes were computer-processed and were archived on compact-disks, which upon the return of the expeditions were passed to the archive of RAS FRC UGS. Processing of digital records of earthquakes at Novolazarevskaya station was carried out in accordance with the methodology [3] on computer by means of WSG software, developed at the RAS FRC UGS [4] and included identification of arrivals of seismic waves, determination of the time and precision of arrivals, identification of seismic waves and determination of the main parameters of earthquakes (time in the source, distance to the epicenter and magnitude). The interpretation results were recorded in the electronic database, on the basis of which daily operational reports were prepared and sent to the Information-Processing Center (IPC) of the RAS FRC UGS. These data were used for summary processing of earthquakes in preparation of decadal Seismological Bulletins of the RAS FRC UGS [5]. From 1 January to 31 December of 2018, Novolazarevskaya station registered 2691 arrivals of seismic events. Full processing was performed with determination of the main source parameters for 914 earthquakes. Data of Novolazarevskaya station were used at the IPC of the RAS FRC UGS in 2018 for summary processing of 684 earthquakes, of them 121 — with a magnitude MPSP6.0 (see Note 1) Table 7.1), including 31 — with MPSP6.5 (Table 7.1). The Table presents main parameters of strong earthquakes of 2018 based on the data of Seismological Bulletins RAS FRC UGS [5] and it is shown which of them were registered at Novolazarevskaya station.

Table 7.1 Results of registration by Novolazarevskaya station of the earthquakes with a magnitude MPSP1) 6.0, which occurred at the Earth from 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018

No. Date Time at the Epicenter coordinates Depth MPSP Region Epicentral distance to station dd.mm source   h, km NVL () (by Greenwich) hh:mm:ss 1 07.01 06:47:14.2 24.673 94.924 42 6.1 Myanmar – India border area +2) 2 10.01 02:51:30.3 17.480 –83.591 10 6.7 North of Honduras 108.33) 3 11.01 18:26:22.2 18.400 96.070 10 6.2 Myanmar –4) 4 14.01 09:18:39.7 –15.747 –74.724 13 6.9 Coast of Peru 74.0 5 17.01 22:56:57.2 –30.025 –177.765 36 6.1 Kermadec Islands, New 79.0 Zealand 6 21.01 01:06:42.2 –18.818 –69.607 123 6.0 North of Chile 69.5 7 23.01 06:34:54.0 –6.319 106.109 44 6.1 Java, Indonesia 85.4 8 23.01 09:31:38.8 55.928 –149.126 10 7.1 Alaska Bay 163.0 9 24.01 10:51:19.0 41.097 142.347 44 6.4 Region of Hokkaido, Japan 141.4 10 25.01 01:15:56.1 8.288 91.724 11 6.1 Area of Nicobar Islands, India 94.5 11 25.01 02:10:34.7 55.464 166.382 31 6.1 Region of Commander Islands 161.2 12 26.01 22:47:54.9 –3.503 145.741 10 6.0 North coast of New Guinea, P.- 99.8 N.G. 13 28.01 16:03:03.9 –53.000 9.600 10 6.1 Southwest of 17.8 14 31.01 07:06:58.7 36.519 70.920 195 6.1 Region of , 115.2 Afghanistan 15 31.01 11:49:36.7 –6.865 147.128 70 6.1 Region of East New Guinea, + P.-N.G. 16 11.02 23:14:14.0 13.838 146.403 21 6.2 South of Mariana Islands 116.8 17 16.02 23:39:38.7 16.508 –97.802 26 6.5 Oaxaca, Mexico + 18 25.02 17:44:40.6 –6.066 142.798 19 6.7 New Guinea, P.-N.G. 96.6 19 26.02 08:26:56.6 –6.345 143.293 21 6.1 New Guinea, P.-N.G. 96.5 20 26.02 13:34:52.2 –2.752 126.753 16 6.2 + 21 27.02 17:29:23.5 –60.042 150.974 10 6.0 West of Macquarie Island 46.1 22 28.02 02:45:43.0 –6.071 142.576 17 6.3 New Guinea, P.-N.G. 96.5 70

No. Date Time at the Epicenter coordinates Depth MPSP Region Epicentral distance to station dd.mm source   h, km NVL () (by Greenwich) hh:mm:ss 23 06.03 14:13:05.4 –5.947 142.611 10 6.4 New Guinea, P.-N.G. 96.7 24 07.03 04:40:14.1 45.714 152.230 72 6.4 East of the Kuril Islands 148.6 25 08.03 17:39:51.9 –4.380 153.262 24 6.5 Region of New Britain, P.- 100.6 N.G. 26 24.03 11:23:31.3 –5.371 151.388 41 6.1 Region of New Britain, P.- 99.3 N.G. 27 25.03 14:37:21.2 32.608 140.659 50 6.0 Southeast of Honshu Island, – Japan 28 25.03 20:14:45.1 –6.525 129.643 161 6.3 92.6 29 26.03 09:50:59.2 –5.294 151.279 49 6.2 Region of New Britain, P.- 99.3 N.G. 30 29.03 21:25:35.1 –5.369 151.318 41 6.3 Region of New Britain, P.- 99.3 N.G. 31 02.04 05:57:32.6 –24.676 –177.098 80 6.2 South of Fiji Islands – 32 02.04 13:40:34.0 –20.576 –63.009 551 6.4 South Bolivia – 33 07.04 05:48:37.2 –5.756 142.636 14 6.3 New Guinea, P.-N.G. 96.9 34 10.04 10:19:33.4 –30.947 –71.545 70 6.5 Coast of Central Chile 58.8 35 15.04 19:30:41.4 1.410 126.810 39 6.1 North of 99.3 36 04.05 22:32:54.3 19.526 –155.116 8 6.0 Hawaii 128.2 37 05.05 06:19:04.6 14.416 123.917 40 6.1 Luzon, Philippines + 38 09.05 10:41:43.4 36.986 71.466 107 6.4 Afghanistan–Tajikistan border 115.8 area 39 16.05 02:12:17.0 –3.679 138.548 105 6.1 West Irian, Indonesia 97.8 40 17.05 18:42:13.2 42.710 145.369 40 6.1 Region of Hokkaido. Japan 143.8 41 18.05 01:45:29.7 –34.630 –178.485 10 6.1 South of Kermadec Islands 74.3 42 21.06 16:08:00.3 –24.316 –66.964 169 6.0 Salta Province, Argentina 63.4 43 21.06 21:13:31.1 –17.668 168.168 32 6.4 Vanuatu Islands 90.1 44 06.07 01:40:07.3 51.525 157.829 93 6.2 East coast of Kamchatka 155.4 45 13.07 09:46:47.8 –18.948 169.016 173 6.0 Vanuatu Islands 88.9 46 18.07 19:06:01.9 54.608 –160.995 21 6.1 Alaska Peninsula 163.5 47 19.07 13:31:52.6 17.923 –97.694 58 6.1 Oaxaca, Mexico + 48 19.07 14:16:26.0 54.460 –161.092 26 6.5 Alaska Peninsula 163.4 49 20.07 23:56:01.6 18.419 145.855 157 6.0 Mariana Islands 121.0 50 22.07 10:07:25.0 34.551 46.157 11 6.0 West Iran – 51 28.07 22:47:38.7 –8.197 116.398 33 6.2 Region of Sumbawa, Indonesia 87.0 52 05.08 11:46:36.5 –8.225 116.393 45 6.6 Region of Sumbawa, Indonesia 87.0 53 07.08 15:12:56.8 37.998 144.052 18 6.0 Near the east coat of Honshu, 139.1 Japan 54 10.08 18:12:05.8 48.312 155.081 47 6.1 Kuril Islands 151.7 55 12.08 14:58:54.2 69.582 –145.339 12 6.1 North Alaska 172.2 56 12.08 21:15:01.1 69.551 –144.454 14 6.0 North Alaska 171.9 57 14.08 03:29:50.5 –58.126 –25.263 29 6.5 Region of the South Sandvich 19.9 Islands 58 15.08 21:56:51.2 51.432 –177.993 15 6.1 Andreanof Islands, Aleutian 160.2 Islands 59 16.08 18:22:51.6 23.323 143.304 18 6.1 Region of Volcano Islands, 125.0 Japan 60 17.08 15:35:01.2 –7.285 119.859 548 6.5 88.9 61 17.08 23:22:21.1 8.691 –83.140 11 6.1 Costa-Rica 99.8 62 19.08 00:19:35.7 –18.077 –178.148 554 7.2 Regions of Fiji Islands 90.9 63 19.08 04:10:19.2 –8.206 116.475 10 6.2 Region of Sumbawa, Indonesia 87.0 64 19.08 04:28:57.7 –16.921 –178.110 418 6.3 Regions of Fiji Islands 92.0 65 19.08 14:56:23.3 –8.295 116.544 14 6.3 |Region of Sumbawa, 86.9 Indonesia 66 21.08 21:31:41.9 10.772 –62.903 120 6.8 Coast of Venezuela 95.2 67 21.08 22:32:25.6 –15.952 168.042 15 6.5 Vanuatu Islands 91.7 68 22.08 09:31:43.7 43.446 –127.906 10 6.0 Near Oregon coast 146.3 69 23.08 03:35:11.1 51.372 –177.771 27 6.0 Andreanof Islands, Aleutian 160.1 Islands 70 24.08 09:04:07.0 –11.052 –70.819 632 6.7 Peru – Brazil border area 77.2 71 25.08 16:50:01.4 52.201 –171.162 37 6.0 Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands 161.4 72 25.08 22:13:23.5 34.432 46.145 13 6.1 West Iran + 71

No. Date Time at the Epicenter coordinates Depth MPSP Region Epicentral distance to station dd.mm source   h, km NVL () (by Greenwich) hh:mm:ss 73 28.08 07:08:07.3 –10.712 124.196 10 6.0 Region of Timor – 74 28.08 22:35:11.1 16.717 146.639 59 6.5 Mariana Islands 119.6 75 29.08 03:51:54.0 –21.931 170.108 19 6.0 Southeast of the Loyalty 86.1 Islands 76 04.09 20:11:18.3 36.563 141.362 42 6.0 East coast of Honshu, Japan + 77 05.09 18:07:57.9 42.611 141.906 44 6.7 Region of Hokkaido, Japan 142.7 78 06.09 15:49:17.2 –18.449 179.287 664 6.9 Fiji Islands 90.4 79 07.09 02:12:03.3 –2.262 –78.859 98 6.4 Ecuador 88.1 80 08.09 07:16:47.4 7.315 126.485 10 6.1 Mindanao, Philippines – 81 09.09 19:31:32.3 –10.011 161.287 58 6.7 Solomon Islands 96.6 82 10.09 04:19:00.9 –31.774 –179.374 115 6.8 Region of Kermadec Islandsк 77.1 83 10.09 19:31:35.8 –21.907 170.104 10 6.0 Southeast of the Loyalty 86.1 Islands 84 14.09 15:50:15.9 –2.746 138.782 54 6.1 West Irian, Indonesia 98.8 85 16.09 21:11:47.4 –25.412 178.177 574 6.0 South of Fiji Islands 83.3 86 18.09 11:57:52.7 –8.245 157.082 27 6.0 Solomon Islands 97.6 87 23.09 05:52:13.1 12.226 146.221 42 6.3 South of Mariana Islands 115.2 88 28.09 10:02:42.0 –0.246 119.890 16 6.9 Minahasa Peninsula, Sulawesi 95.6 89 28.09 13:35:27.6 –0.009 119.689 12 6.0 Minahasa Peninsula, Sulawesi 95.8 90 30.09 10:52:22.4 –18.279 –178.172 559 6.1 Region of Fiji Islands 90.7 91 01.10 23:59:42.9 –10.288 120.319 24 6.0 Region of Sumba, Indonesia 86.2 92 07.10 00:11:48.4 20.062 –72.940 22 6.2 Region of Haiti + 93 09.10 07:45:12.3 49.283 156.455 62 6.0 Kuril Islands – 94 10.10 18:44:53.9 –7.280 114.456 13 6.5 87.2 95 10.10 20:48:18.3 –5.625 151.256 42 6.2 Region of New Britain, P.- 99.0 N.G. 96 10.10 22:00:33.6 –4.870 151.636 128 6.1 Region of New Britain, P.- + N.G. 97 10.10 23:16:01.8 49.144 156.464 49 6.4 Kuril Islands + 98 13.10 11:10:20.8 52.730 153.460 470 6.9 Northwest of the Kuril Islands 155.2 99 16.10 00:28:09.0 –21.850 169.510 10 6.1 Region of the Loyalty Islands 86.1 100 16.10 01:03:41.1 –21.620 169.550 10 6.2 Region of the Loyalty Islands 86.3 101 22.10 06:16:26.6 49.350 –129.160 10 6.2 Region of Vancouver Island 152.0 102 22.10 06:22:46.9 49.340 –129.930 10 6.0 Region of Vancouver Island 152.2 103 25.10 18:36:08.0 38.320 141.850 50 6.0 East coast of Honshu 138.7 104 25.10 22:54:47.7 37.530 20.520 10 6.7 108.5 105 26.10 09:05:37.0 17.310 147.720 10 6.4 Region of Mariana Islands 120.4 106 29.10 06:54:19.2 –57.450 –66.410 10 6.6 Drake Passage 33.7 107 29.10 20:17:21.4 –57.550 –66.220 10 6.2 Drake Passage 33.6 108 30.10 02:13:35.1 –39.080 175.130 210 6.3 North Island, New Zealand 69.5 109 01.11 19:30:19.5 –58.010 –25.330 20 6.0 Region of the South Sandvich 20.0 Islands 110 01.11 22:19:50.2 –19.680 –69.760 100 6.2 North Chile 68.7 111 02.11 11:01:13.5 47.760 146.800 430 6.3 Northwest of the Kuril Islands 148.8 112 04.11 07:55:27.1 7.730 123.800 600 6.0 Mindanao 104.4 113 04.11 19:26:02.5 44.590 145.570 10 6.1 Region of Hokkaido 145.6 114 09.11 01:49:38.6 71.620 –11.220 10 6.3 Region of Jan-Mayen Island 143.2 115 10.11 08:33:16.0 –20.500 –174.280 10 6.2 Tonga 88.6 116 11.11 14:03:57.6 15.530 –49.930 10 6.4 North of the 95.9 117 14.11 21:21:50.8 55.610 162.020 70 6.4 East Coast of Kamchatka 160.2 118 15.11 20:02:23.0 –56.750 –25.650 10 6.1 Region of the South Sandvich 21.1 Islands 119 15.11 23:08:59.8 –56.270 –122.190 10 6.0 East-Pacific Ocean Rise 48.8 120 16.11 03:26:54.0 –10.430 163.070 10 6.1 Solomon Islands 96.5 121 18.11 20:25:45.7 –17.920 –178.880 540 6.6 West of Tonga 91.0 122 25.11 03:40:49.2 13.110 –81.250 10 6.0 Carribean Sea 103.4 123 25.11 16:37:29.5 34.300 45.710 10 6.4 Iran – Iraq border area 107.8 124 28.11 02:23:25.5 41.400 143.320 33 6.0 Region of Hokkaido 142.0 125 29.11 20:21:42.4 0.240 97.010 10 6.1 North Sumatra 88.6 126 30.11 17:29:25.0 61.540 –150.040 33 7.0 South Alaska 168.3 127 01.12 13:27:17.9 –7.500 128.820 140 6.5 Banda Sea 91.4 128 05.12 04:14:34.6 –21.920 169.330 10 6.1 Region of the Loyalty Islands 86.0 72

No. Date Time at the Epicenter coordinates Depth MPSP Region Epicentral distance to station dd.mm source   h, km NVL () (by Greenwich) hh:mm:ss 129 05.12 04:18:06.5 –21.930 169.460 10 7.2 Region of the Loyalty Islands 86.0 130 05.12 04:30:22.5 –21.950 169.020 10 6.0 Region of the Loyalty Islands 85.9 131 05.12 06:43:06.0 –22.020 169.670 10 6.0 Region of the Loyalty Islands 85.9 132 11.12 02:26:32.4 –58.460 –26.810 150 7.0 Region of the South Sandvich 20.1 Islands 133 16.12 09:42:33.5 –3.970 140.200 60 6.3 West Irian 98.0 134 19.12 01:37:39.0 –36.060 –101.040 10 6.0 South of the Pacific Ocean 63.1 135 20.12 17:01:54.5 54.820 164.840 40 7.2 Region of the Commander 160.2 Islands 136 23.12 23:08:38.8 –20.490 –175.050 100 6.3 Tonga 88.6 137 24.12 12:41:20.3 55.280 164.280 33 6.1 Region of the Commander 160.5 Islands 138 29.12 03:39:07.0 5.780 126.420 60 6.7 Mindanao 103.4 139 30.12 08:39:09.6 –2.700 102.310 170 6.2 South Sumatra 87.6 140 31.12 02:35:36.7 54.600 –161.610 33 6.1 Alaska Peninsula 163.6 Total registered earthquakes with MPSP6.0 132 Total earthquakes participating in summary processing with MPSP6.0 121 Notes: 1) MPSP magnitude – characteristic of the earthquake force, which is calculated from measurements of amplitudes and periods in the maximum phase of the longitudinal Р wave on the records of short period instruments (SP – short period) and corresponds to the international magnitude mb. 2) “+” — the station log has the results of earthquake processing and they are not included to the summary processing due to different causes; 3) 108.3 (Epicentrical distance in degrees) — shown for parameters of the sources, in the summary processing of which this station participated; 4) “–“ — results of processing of the given earthquake are absent in the station log NVL.

Most of the epicenters of earthquakes recorded at Novolazarevskaya station are situated in the Southern Hemisphere in the areas within the Pacific Ocean seismic belt [6], a significant number is located in the territory of Indonesia, New Zealand, , , and Polinesia islands, and also Middle-Atlantic, African-Antarctic, West-Indian, Arabian-Indian, Central-Indian and South-Pacific oceanic ridges, Macquarie ridge, East-Pacific Ocean and Australian-Antarctic Rises (Fig. 7.1 а). During processing of the records of earthquakes at the station, the coordinates of the epicenters were rarely determined and with a large error, so for construction of charts (Fig. 7.1 а, b) these data were adopted from the Seismological Bulletin [5] and the Electronic Catalogues of the US Geological Survey NEIC (National Earthquake Information Center) [7]. The analogues in the indicated bibliography [5, 7] were not found for all seismic events from the station log of Novolazarevskaya station, so the epicenters of only 1265 earthquakes with mb4.0 were registered. In the region of the seismic belt of Antarctica in 2018 the station registered and processed 190 earthquakes with MPSP/mb = 4.2–6.5 ( Fig. 7.1 б). From data [7] no earthquakes were registered in the continental part of Antarctica in 2018. 73




6.6–6.9 5.6–6.5 1) 4.6–5.5



1) 2) — magnitude MPSP (mb); — seismic station [7]. Fig. 7.1 Charts of the epicenters of earthquakes, recorded by Novolazarevskaya station in 2018 on Earth (а) and in the area of the seismic belt of Antarctica [6] (b) from data [5, 7]

All observation materials (CD) and the results of processing the data (reports and databases) obtained at Novolazarevskaya station are stored in the archive of the RAS FRC UGS (Obninsk) and are provided on request to a wide range of users. The authors acknowledge the help of the staff of the RAS FRC UGS Dr. V.F.Babkina and Dr. O.P. Kamenskaya in preparation of the materials to the article.


References: 1. О.Ye. Starovoit, I.P. Gabsatarova, D.Yu. Mekhryushev, А.V. Korotin, S.А. Krasilov, V.V. Galushko, Yu.N. Kolomiyets, S.G. Poigina, О.P. Kamenskaya. Study, development and creation in the Russian Federation of the system of seismic and geodynamic observations for continuous national and global seismic monitoring. Report under Agreement 01.700.12.0094 of 01.10.2004. – Obninsk: Archives of GS RAH, 2004. – p. 77. 2. Report of the RAS FRC UGS for 2018 on the NIR topic “Continuous seismological, geophysical and geodynamic monitoring at the global, federal and regional levels, development and introduction of new technologies of processinfg and systems analysis of large volumes of seismological and geophysical data (intermediate stage 3 for 2018)” (Scientific supervisor RAS Corresponding member А.А. Malovichko). — Obninsk: Archives of RAS FRC UGS, 2019. — 333 p. 3. Gabsatarova I.P., Poigina S.G. Scenario of daily processing of a three-component record of one station by the WSG software v 5.516 and higher. Annex 3 // Results of complex seismological and geophysical observations and data processing at the base of stationary and mobile seismic networks (Report of TSOME GS RAS for 2004) / Edited by D.Yu. Mekhryushev. – Obninsk: Archives of GS RAS, 2005. 4. Krasilov S.А., Kolomiyets М.V., Akimov А.P. Organization of the process of processing of digital seismic data with the use of the WSG software complex// Modern methods of processing and interpretation of seismological data. Materials of the International Seismological School. – Obninsk: GS RAS, 2006. – P. 77–83. 5. Seismological Bulletin (published every 10 days) for 2018. — Obninsk: RAS FRC UGS, 2018–2019. — URL: ftp://ftp.gsras.ru/pub/Teleseismic_bulletin/2018/. 6. Gutenberg B. and Rikhter Ch. The Earth’s seismicity. – М.: Foreign literature, 1948. – 160 p. 7. Search Earthquake Catalog // USGS [сайт]. — URL: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/search/. — National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC), 2018. 75


30.09 At Novolazarevskaya station, preparation of the runway began. For performing the work a group of specialists moved to the station airfield.

16.10 In the port of St. Petersburg, the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" (R/V-2) re-moored to pier No.85 FCT (First container terminal) from the place of stay in Lesnoy port for the beginning of loading operations of the 65th RAE. At Vostok station in connection with the detected disease, the station leader S.Yu.Bondartsev needed urgent medical evacuation.

19-21.10 The next sledge-tractor traverse (STT 6-7) from Novolazarevskaya station to the barrier base and back was made consisting of six tractor units. Diesel fuel, technical oils and aviation kerosene were delivered to the station.

24.10 The R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" departed the port of St. Petersburg for the Antarctic cruise under the program of the 65th RAE (this is the fourteenth ship cruise under the RAE program). Ship captain — D.А. Karpenko, Head of the expedition — V.L. Martyanov. There are 36 expedition participants onboard (33 — RAE, two RTR correspondents, one mechanic of the “Avialift Vladivostok” Company), 1389 t of the expedition cargo. Ship course — port Bremerhafen.

26.10 At Progress and Vostok stations, the runways were urgently prepared for receiving the medical flight and evacuation of the patient from Vostok station.

27.10 The airplane BT-67 flew from Novolazarevskaya station along the route Novolazarevskaya – Syowa – Progress – Vostok and back. Onboard airplane - doctor А.А. Demchenko (Novolazarevskaya station) for accompanying the patient.

28.10 Flight of medical aircraft BT-67 from Progress station to Vostok station. At 09:25 Moscow time, landing at Vostok station was made. So early at the beginning of the season, at the temperature of − 43ºС (in the “maximum window” of temperatures at the usual for this time of the year — −60-−65ºС), the flight of the airplane BT-67 to Vostok station was made for the first time. In an hour after landing, the airplane flew back with overnight stay at Progress station. The next day at 15:00 Moscow time the patient was delivered to Novolazarevskaya station. In connection with the medical evacuation of the Leader of Vostok station his duties were temporarily transferred to the main mechanic of the station Shrol А.А.

29.10 The R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" moored to the pier of port Bremerhafen, to where already part of cargoes intended for loading onboard the ship was already delivered.

29-30.10 The first flight from Capetown of the airplane IL-76(TD-90VD) along the route Novolazarevskaya station – Capetown and back was made. Onboard the airplane there were 22 participants of RAE. By the return flight to Capetown, the patient with the accompanying him doctor were delivered. The patient was put to a hospital.

02.11 Flight of two airplanes BT-67 with half an hour interval along the route Novolazarevskaya – Syowa – Progress was made. Onboard each airplane there were 11 RAE participants delivered to the Antarctic by the first flight of IL-76. The R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" departed the port of Bremerhafen heading for the port of Capetown.

03.11 76

From Progress station, two airplanes BT-67 departed along the route Progress – Molodezhnaya – Novolazarevskaya, a total of six RAE participants and one BAE (Belorus’ Antarctic Expedition) participant were delivered. Landing of both airplanes on the landing site of the Molodezhnaya field base was made with an interval of 30 minutes. Reopening of the base began. On 4 November, the Molodezhnaya field base transferred to the regime of self-contained work by a group of seven people, the base leader is D.G. Serov.

05.11 Aircraft Il-76 (flight D-3) landed at Novolazarevskaya station by which thirteen participants of the 65th RAE and the doctor, who accompanied the patient from Vostok station arrived. Among the people who arrived there are the seasonal team of Vostok and Progress stations and also three people from the wintering team of Novolazarevskaya station.

06.11 Two AARI people from the seasonal group of the 65th RAE arrived to Bellingshausen station by airplane of the Brazilian expedition.

07.11 From Novolazarevskaya station, the flight of BT-67 was made along the route Novolazarevskaya– Syowa – Progress, onboard of which 10 participants of the 65th RAE arrived to Progress station, including the seasonal group of Vostok station.

08-11.11 The next the eighth from the beginning of wintering STT to the barrier base was made at Novolazarevskaya station. Personnel of the wintering teams of the 64th and 65th RAE as well as ALCI staff participated in the traverse.

12.11 At the airfield of Novolazarevskaya station, the next flight of IL-76 aircraft landed, on which six BAE specialists arrived to follow to the “Vechernyaya Mount” Base and also participants of the other expeditions under the DROMLAN Program.

15.11 From Progress station to Vostok station the STT-1 departed to Vostok station, the head of STT is S.Yu. Zykov. Traverse group includes nine seasonal specialists of Vostok station and six mechanics-drivers at five transporters, a total of 15 people. 23.11 On 23 November, the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" stayed at the roadstead of the port of Capetown.

25.11 The next STT to the barrier base and back returned to Novolazarevskaya station. It delivered 30 m3 of diesel fuel and 98 m3 of avia-kerosene.

27.11 The STT-1 arrived to Vostok station in complete team. The work of unloading of the traverse began.

28.11 At Vostok station, unloading of traverse was finished, 88 m3 of diesel fuel was delivered to the station.

29.11 Vostok station was received by the leader of the wintering team of the 65th RAE V.N.Zarovchatsky. The STT-1 departed in the direction of Progress station consisting of three transporters. At Novolazarevskaya station, airplane Boing-767 (flight D-6) landed. A specialist (female) of the Finnish Meteorological Institute arrived to the station for undertaking joint scientific seasonal activities. From Vostok station, transporter No.18 departed for participation in the traverse instead of the damaged one.

01.12 The STT-1 returns to Vostok station in connection with failure of one of the vehicles left for compacting the construction footprint and the need for repair of the station АТТ (artillery heavy pull tractor), the only transport equipment unit left in the working state.

03.12 77

The STT-1 resumed motion from Vostok to Progress station after the end of repair of equipment. The faulty vehicle was loaded to the sledge to be delivered to Progress station.

04.12 The R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" crossed the 60th parallel from north to south.

05.12 The glaciologist of IGRAS from the team of the 65th seasonal RAE arrived to Bellingshausen station by aircraft of the Brazilian Expedition.

06.12 The R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" entered the external ice belt of Prydz Bay. Two ships of the Chinese Antarctic Expedition Xue-long-2 (new) and Xue-Long passed by opposite courses near our ship.

07.12 The R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" entered Thala Bay, unloading operations began.

11.12 At Novolazarevskaya station 40 people arrived by flight D-7 of aircraft Boing-767, including four RAE participants and two specialists of ROSKOSMOS.

12.12 The STT-1 consisting of 8 people on two vehicles returned to Progress station.

16.12 The R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" finished all planned operations in the area of Progress station and departed from Thala Bay with a course to Mirny station.

19.12 From Bellingshausen station, two participants of the 65th RAE (AARI geomorphologists) departed by aircraft of the Brazilian Expedition to Punta-Arenas.

21.12 The R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" stopped in landfast ice in three km from Mirny station. On landfast ice near the R/V, assembling of aircraft AN-2 began, helicopter operations were made near the station. At Novolazarevskaya station, aircraft IL-76 of the next flight to Antarctica landed. Participants of the seasonal expedition arrived — three journalists of the TV channel “Rossiya” and a representative of the “Lehmann” Company (supplier of sledges for the STT at Vostok station).

22.12 The R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" approached the point of fuel discharge at Mirny station in the vicinity of the Sopka Vetrov.

23.12 The operations of the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" from Mirny station were completed and the ship headed for the field base Bunger Oasis.

24.12 From Progress station, the supplementary sledge-tractor traverse (SSTT) departed to 550 km of the route Progress-Vostok consisting of 17 people on six vehicles. The aim of traverse is delivery of fuel to the subbase.

26-27.12 Unplanned failure of engines at the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov". Repair was started. It was finished on 27 December in the afternoon. The flight of aircraft BT-67 from Novolazarevskaya station to Progress station delivered four specialists of the seasonal expedition, including two journalists and a representative of the company, producer of sledges.

28.12 The supplementary sledge-tractor traverse (SSTT) arrived to the subbase “550 km”. The fuel supply was left. The SSTT departed for return to Progress station.


29.12 In connection with the extremely complicated ice situation, the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" experienced significant problems with motion in ice. Using good weather conditions, ice reconnaissance was made and based on its results the route of further motion was developed. Skillfully using discontinuities in the “shadow” of icebergs, the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov" could pass into the recurring polynya and then without obstacles to the head of Malygintsev Bay of the Mawson Sea for provision of seasonal operations in the Bunger Oasis. The R/V “Akademik Aleksander Karpinsky” (Rosgeologiya) finished her operations for the delivery of cargoes for the Polish Antarctic Expedition to Arctowski on King-George Island and followed to the polygon of the Riiser-Larsen Sea under the Program of the 65th RAE.

30.12 Onboard the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov", helicopter work began for provision of the field base Oasis Bunger.

Справочное издание Квартальный бюллетень Состояние природной среды Антарктики Оперативные данные российских антарктических станций October – December 2019 г. №4 ( 89 )

Ответственный редактор А.В. Воеводин

ААНИИ, РАЭ, 199397, Санкт-Петербург, В.О., ул. Беринга, д. 38