ii^ ilrhfatpr ^Engtifna ^>fnt6

town Iwra baas 'mmiitng to a place in North OaruUna and buying ny- Controller Policy Making lona in aire quantity they dealfe to A b o u t T o w n Heard Along Main Street pay for. Sow eome there are ny­ • WELDON'S I V lons in Nortti Carolina and not in Group Named hfwliAjr ■BdAof* ^ind on Some d / Manchesier^t Side Streets, Too MancheaterT • SUMMER |i MONDAY, JULY II, 1946 (TWBLVi^ACnB) iwinbeomit- If most people drove automobiles Local Branch o f thc- VOL. LXY., NO. 242 MANCHESTER^ in the same manner they walk „ , - _ s « f win U l» Scorea ^ Y W Has Outdoor leading Bay State hotels and chat­ along sidewalks there would be a • SU N D A Y S ^ ^ W T omOut swiBlns. ScptMA* Ins conitrui----- ted with the famous player and the Connecticut Sley to the oth-’ lot naore accidents. The behaviour Meet in Bolton manager for several minutes. o f the average Arsons walking BuycTB Tnke Up Battle H is following day he stopped • SCH ED ULE **^Theae large along a crowded street la terrible. ■ Mrs. Edwin F. Lawton of Hai:b> into a local fllUng station for gas They gather in groups, blocking Fighting ’ ftenewed ------— ------, ------:ent atructed of nnrt grade lu h tb^ n d ford opened her summer horns In and being elated at meeting Mack, the walks. Just for a gab-feat They win owtainiy •J*®!?;: wood ahinglea, which we heW V la he told uie station owner that he Bolton Center to the Manchester During the months of Juiy and acarce theee daya. the'h> %tad met the top man in the YAN- don't obey the generally accepted Committee of the Hartford OountjT nde of passing to the right They August we will be open on Sundays We wonde- by what n« KBBS organisation the day before. Y.W.CA. for its annual member- from 9 A. M. until 1 P. M. only. wto p«*v> tobacco men get Thh sServlce station attendant push baby carriages along without ahlp meeting Thursday evening As Chinese Peace regard for the feelings of the per­ ralaliic thta 7—^ on » Wnrer nc^o lumber—hundreds of looked UF#nd asked, “Who ? Larry when thirty members and frieiidt Illis shortened Sunday schedule Md the crop *oo^“ of dimension material. MacPhail?^ Ifp MacPhail was not sons ahead of them. of the organization enjoyed an out­ w ill^ve our employees s few more Passing through doorways they pteeArtoS- __ 1 and shingle when ®* SJa the man. door program which Included k ' well^eserved leisure hours. are loekhig around for wme kina “Joe McCarthy have no regard for other persons buffet supper and group singing. Talks Halt Again lUw QrMM Well«_»i>d nl«w. ihelt^or their^amlllcs. “No, Joe is not wHh the team passing through. In a double door A short business meeting wee From any more,” said the locaK^fw they are bound to use the left one conducted by Mrs. Everett Croes, Ruth dBOfre^ «< ®*4rJk of the opinion that the^lumber that Finally after mentioning'sLhalf Instead of the right Some stores From Chairman M a|| who explained a new policy of the bav* h tm apwidln* * have swinging doors at the main goes into any one dozen names the service sta a NegotiatioitB Stifled by with U t. nnd Mr*. Robert Mc- .entrances. A good many people go local Y.W.C.' . group, which U Kmw b od 160 OntCT rtrert. bacco sheds would be *® man asked “Just who did draw on different membera of the Buyers* Strike build several cottages that wo^d meet?” » thooe doors and let them Manchester ^otographera I WELDON DRUG CO. Summer Heattx. Com­ organization to serve each-year on tickle the heart of any reluming sw ln i^ ^ k without ever looking to Mra. Ethel OHltelH : Prescription Pharmacists Frt»enuui Uncertaht The baseball fan said “Connie the executive committee. soldier or sailor, yet Mack.” and drove off. see if t b q , ^ r wiU strike another munist TroopB Atladt Seen Resultiiig men acem to have no difficulty in Policy Making Committee i 901 MAIN ST. TEL. 5321 Mihoilovic Convicted garding Aay Vftiilfi lit Little did the local businessman persons In^mck of them. This week's personality of the In announcing the following getting lumber of all kinds these Perhaps a l ^ o o l of pedestriap Manchester Taxi Company Is a RailroBd StatioA South realize that Mack has been con­ committee, which will aerve for His OffiM by Rdbipb- LECLERC nected with the Philadelphia Ath­ courtesy might m^tarted. There frlrl with whom hundreds of local O f TIentoin; New At­ From Sessions ***We have heard of the house- letics I or the 'paat .lalf century are plenty In Mahehester who townspeople convetse dally. To the coming year. Mrs. Cross stated III After Yugoslav Trial Bcnbitive; Congniip fTimerml Home hungry folks elsewhere fltUng out and not the Tanks. that this would be a policy making tacks Are Launched should attend. x ' x them, she is Just a pleasant voice committee ks well ka a working 2-clar garages for ^ at the other end of a telephone man Not .tiways IS Main Street committp*: Chairman, Mre. Robert Nationwide Series of modeling hen houses ^ e r a thor­ A few weeks ago this column Reaidenta on Elro street re j)^ wire who arranges details so that, oporative; CommittiB Phone 5269 ough dusting with DDT and even Cooper. Mrs. C. ft. Burr, Mre. Nanking. July 15.—— reported that ambulance drivers seeing a prowler in the back yard a jiffy a Mancheater 'Taxi stops Everett Cross, Mrs. Walter Elliott, WB KBPKBHKNT 'THR KTKONGRST Mass Meetingt Sched­ ’^ T r u m a n challehglng the local sonlng regu­ were getting fake calls. Now, we of their home one morning this altheir doors. 'Fighting flared in Manchuria Raps Examining Law ^ lators for the building of cabins, learn that local garages are also Mrs. Alan Olmstead. Mrs. Versey and North China again today uled by CIO - AUW week. One resident reports for M^^a|^ Mrs. Manchester, meet McBride, Mrs. Edward Dlk, Mrs. i r r u c k a n d d i v i h k n d and such. But In the construction getting fake calls. Persona, or some work at 5:30 each morning and hl« aa the nation's sporadic peace fendants Sentenced to\ Summoning o f May Mrs. Ethel, perrett OrfltelU, dls- Frank Englcy. Mrs. Walter Members Tomorrow of acres of these new tobacco one person, telephones to a garage wife gets up a half hour earlier .patcher and'^b^okkeeper for the p a y i n g negotiations were stifled by Senate Price Air Furnaces sheds, building restricUons are or service station, giVes somebod^s than he to prepare his breakfast, Greaves, Mrs. Joseph Handley, D ie h y Shooting Manchester T u K ^ m p an y, locat­ Mrs. Carl Hansen, Mrs. Robert Me- suminer heat. Meanwhile, Washington, ^July 1 6 .- - ^ tossed to the winds and more and name who Is well known and aa}rs Without turning on the bedroom ed across from thbv^t. James’s COMPANIIC8 Chicago, July 15— A buy- Cleaned and Repaired more of them are dotting the riv­ Hutchison. Mrs. Charles House, American Marine Corps head­ Curbs Action —Joseph Freemsn, a mind*, “Pm stuck out In Bolton with a lil^t she went Into the kitchen and church. Although emplbyi^ at the INHUKB cm' strika “such as this country Belgrade, July 15.—(;P>— ions manufacturer’s Wash­ er landscape. flat and I haven't got any tools. in the early morning light saw a Mrs. Franklin Satterthwalte. Mrs. quarters in Peiping reported local company for but short John Lamberton, Mrs. Walter haa never known” will result. Gen. Draja Mihailovic, for- ington agent whose salafy VAN CAMP BROS. It might be a good Idea for the Will you send a sendee car out?” man walking slowly along the side while, she can attest that here ^s a IN that seven Marines had been powers that are trjrtng to get mere The garage man goes to the spot of- the garage. She called to her Keeney, Mra. Arthur Seymour, captured by a band of 80 armed President Walter P. Reutber of the mer ChetnOc je«der, and 10 o f , Comment on Mea^ skyrocketed from 55,841 ro Telepbone 5244 job with trials and tribulations utd Mrs. Irving Spencer, Mlsj Ruth trickles of lumber and hardware indicated and flnds no one there. husband, but the kitchen window jangled nerves. Balancing this are SURE INRURANCR! OitaeM north of C9ilnwangtao CIO United Auto Workers says, his 23 co-defendants were| ^ 70,000 in four years, taBti- His trip has been wasted. It is dlf- Cfampton, Mra. Louis Horton. ure Adds Strongest to get In touch with the tobacco- was open and the man evidently the occasional cases which sre ih- and held prisoner since Saturday. from the nationwide series of mass convicted today by a Yugo-} led today that he aakad men. They seem to know the way flcult to meet this question. The heard her call out. He made his •This-committee will meet some DIAL SRtO RR3 MAfff The band waa not Identified. service men have no' way of check­ ter^ting and humorous and light­ meetings scheduled by the union Slav military court oni Hint of Second Veto resentative May (D., up front. way hurriedly away from the spot. time th li^ n th for the purpose of Strike at Railroad Station ing definitely whether a call is a en the day’s work. making flnaKqirangements for the for toomrrow. charges of collaborating with CAR PAINTING I 'The husband called the police Mrs. Offltelli attended local Aaaoclated Preae Oorreapondent Unless Bill Changed or business help “six' -OF Several n’ewsboys have complain­ fake or net They may be able to -itatlon and a patrol car was sent Women’s Day program of recrea­ Tpm Maateraon alao report^ Reutber, addressing a meeting the Germans and were sen­ eight tlmee.” • recognize the voice and th\u avoid schools, graduating from Manches­ Uaeettata AheM Vhdt . Get Our Estimate ed during the past month of cus­ to the vldnlty. The police drove ter High and then going directly tion and study ^nt«h Is scheduled from Peiping that Communist of union membera of suburban Ci­ tenced to die before firing tomers who go away for a day dur­ the wasted trip. But if they refuse around looking for sinyone who to start In the early fall troopa had struck at a railroad cero yesterday, reported “ our ob- squads. B ulletin I But Freeman told the . leahte' to make a trip or just pay no at­ to the State Teacher’s College in War InvestlgaUng 80L1MBNE a FLAGG ing the week or a week-end or an might be walking in that neighbor­ Wllllmantlc, where she has sue station south of Tlentaln, In Hopei ective to the organization to every Eight m S Halt Houn to Appeal Waaktagtoo, July 15 W tention to the call they may be Democratle Leader Barkley searrtitog into wbiUbw INC. entice week for a vacation. The turning down a good customer. hood but found no one. cessfully completed two years. She province, and launched new at- American city of a central' con­ n>a huahy-hearded defendant, boys state that persons leave for Now the people on Elro street -taeka to the vicinity of ’TstogUo sumers' committee," with U.A.W. (Ky.) tadteated todire Oee- of an niinoia munlttona ------, •M OMter BL Tel. 5101 If they ever learn the identity intends to follow through" In col­ EWdtt Attacks Veto Procedure the first underground leader to at­ that he •^didn’t know" whathta, a trip or vacation and insert a wonder if the prowler might be the lege this fall, and although she and Tainan, at, the base of the leadership, of religioui, civic, com­ tract wide attention 'during the grtaa is taaktog Ita Oaal ef- of the person making these calta Shangtung peninsula. 'There are fati to pass OPA revival legto-' May had aver vlsltod hla office. note on the mailbox or paper hold­ it will surely be tough on that per­ firebug starting again or whether states that she will not follow the Harold J. Leese munity and other labqr grbups." war, was given eight and a half er sUtlng that they will be gone American Marine bases at ^ en t lattea teUtag repbrtera he That reeponae came after Chato- son. the man was out to steal an auto­ career of tekehing. she does want (WASTE PAPER He reiterated plans for 800,000 A s ^Undemocratic and Unjust hours to appeal for leniency flrom nton Mead (D-N. T.) cautlened for the day and not to leave a mobile. . ato and Taingtao. dO-U AW members walking off tha preeldium of the Tugoalav bopee for edJHmnuneat by Jaly to earn the prized B.A. degree. ’ Ins. Agency The reports were carried to the 27. Baikley'e etatemeat waa him to "think hard and long, and WASHING MACHINE paper. women who are fortunate Efficient, courteous and energe­ the Job at 8 p. m, tomorrow to at­ i-rtnai" ParllamenL 'The deadline is 8 p. remember that ypn are undw REPAIRED • ALL MAKES All boys have to pay for the When the iron work was put independent Peiping press, which tend rallies as a protest demon­ m. (2 p. m,, ea.L). made at the Mldto Room after enough to own nylon hosiery had tic, Mrs. OrfltelU is typical of all Writing all lines of Insurance— late last week reported 20,000 Red leglalative leaders heM tbrlr oath.” number of papers that they take better not hang ttem outdoors to into place for the new Park street stration against Inflation and de­ Austr^ian Foreign Muu Unconfirmed reports saM She 16 years' BzperleoceJ at press time. No rebate Is given the employees of the Mabchester AutnmnMIe. Fire. Health and troops had open^ attacks on Na­ eoetomaiy Monday BBoralag Tha committee has raoeiTed too* RcaanasMe Rates! dry during the Japanese beetle bridge Walter Mahoney, long a Taxi Company, which is owned Accident, Bonds and Inland clared: ister Attacks Setup In executions would be private, pro­ tlmony that Iday, obalnnaB « f tha for papers left over as the result season or they Just won't have any resident and faithful supporter of tionalist outer defenses at Tientsin. Machinery to Be Set In Motion British Velvet Cur tain eoafeieaoe with President of families being away for a day and operated by Joseph Orfitelll. Marine. Use onr Budget Plan lECTION Other CfiitneSe press reports said vided the aentenees were upheld, 'Tnunaa. It promptly waa to- House Military committae, tatar- A. BREWER nylons left. We have had several the West Side, leaped into action. All employees take a pride In their and Pnv As Yon Use IL nnd also “This nation-wide demonstration Security Council; that the penaltlta would ha «k* ceded with the War department ta IWspbeae ^6546 or so. reports this week about the beetles The color of the iron work was « that 10,000 Communists had as­ will herald a buyers' strike such as terpreted at the Oi^tol as a Subscribers plaiming to gc away work which is ov>at essential t o « the Bank nnd Agent Anto Plan. saulted Chienchang to Manchuria Against Veto at Paris acted swiftly. alga thaL it Mr. Traman does give contracts to the mnnltlouf eating nylon stockings. bright orange. Walter decided growing Manchester. Working to­ this country has never known. At Rapped by Red Organ Mihailovic became minister of comhlttc. May has daelared Idp 4b- for a day, week-end or a week are A woman on Alton street put six there were too many good Irish­ PHONE »867 MONDAYNiULY 15 and tuportadly had completed en- Bot alga the hW aext seat him gether as k smooth functioning .cirelement of the city while others these meetings, the machinery for war to former King Peter’s exiled by Coagreee, ao further ef­ tlvlUea were solely ia the laleiMt asked to tell the carrier of their pairs of stockings out on the line men on the 'West Side to stand the all-out war on InBation will be intentions so that he may be able team, they are your assurance that For Prompt Serelce captiured Hungfantzu, a bridge­ New .York, July 15.—

:r *. I ! dr c. «k. Wt


isiness Lan May

, Frpnnaii Uncniain Re* ' ipMiniE An}^> Vigito to IRb Offirc by Refiro* \ MWtative; Comru ‘ Mata Not Ahrayi Go* mwetive; Commit^ Examining Law on Nummoning of Stay ~ H'Mhioirton, July 15.— |--J«w«ph Freeman, a muni- jtk«ui manufacturer’s Wjuh- finat'in airent whose salary I p|i.< mrketed from $6,841 to lf76. “thlak hard and long, and t n'lwhar that you are undar wsth *• VIm eMmnittaa has racatved tas* tiwany tlMt May, i^rm an of the tliaia; M ilitary commlttaa, intar* > avtUi tha W ar dapartmant to rorv ceblracta to -the muaitloiia riiaahina. May has daelarad hia ae* tt'i itu a w a i« aolaly in tha intaraat ill tha war alfort and that ha did ■M stefit. Tha cotnbtne leoelvsd wartiSM aantrarta anMnmUnit to mote tluui ~Waa tha crwgiaaainaB ooopsra* ttaar* maulrad m A *Ttot atwaya" aattf rraaaiaa. Mai is WsH Wsak ■wsirtaaia IM s r auasUonlac, Trsanuu) tai^ UAsd tlist aoensttmas ha had to wait as auKh ss a^Wask hi otdar Is pdt May’s halp an pcohHau in* ssliliM ths Brta Baain and Batsvta • W fs m ^ t



BMthh Ma„ dMy raaasWanair sMhiac sawtse wwluweeh.. and arsar aMMa, strw* today In ths lass tikr MhnagairJMnrs B. Bar* |laat*a anaarma thnt any «*hs dM ■fh.* Bartow and |»aalaato.m rttds. piealdanl aC Ua> M nis. C^anaty an lA n .), pey. tow, slH nsnass ei swntoyss was * 1 h r Baatow St Basts tans H a s i ndM B h r said n wars wsffchlB, Bum sal tbs Mnytoys total at IM wad aSalnwd snly IS wrts wsrhiny* . y. • • • SlSr Uatlan ihlaaan. dniy iS-Mdi— vAttoir* WTS tat dsnwa V. IVfdao laday Bird s aMiton In i'. a. Utotrtrt conH [to dtonataa a rriiajasl Infdnnatlsa, ;*towaMNi thr p r'tid— t s i tas~ ' -Isn'itonn IVitorattoa si Mastotona • IT t-l wMh ttolsitoc tar l4W sH. Sto%*d Unto and dsarpa IL Padway. 'wtSsanoja tor Prtiwto t antondtd •to L«n art. I...... fr itrtad to s*. la r ‘Wntt’ PrtrNto’* bM. vtototos *

at UaBr asnaty Tto ahrtm thr dHMi asi Uayd ass, Mnary. M. a an wtta Itnr r. M . asn af

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■ 1,1 / tj,-

•MAHCHESTEB EVItNUIO K U ALD . M A N C H ltn *, OOKW, MONDAY, JULY li, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, rtJLY 16,194% PAGE TBBER ^ ^ i r r w o o'clodi. An raanbers are vrged to would like to get the NaiNational liam B. Nlchola, in charge ot the ps date. GamH for this wask p n aa man. In a tscorded speech short- follows tonight. Central A C va; Police Court attend thia meeting. Program Set Vets* Housing IHousing agency to ralinWHh Fed- Officer, Shot InveaUgsUon. Dominick Splnelll. waved, to Fiimce, saluUd the na­ R o c k v ille Rosebuds; July 15, Bconts va. Hoi* Winard Oreen is a patient at eraUy-Qwned landnd o iy’ ^CovCovantry owner of the grill who U\*es in on Strong France tion on har Stist peacetime Bastille Shou; July W. Englert'a va. ths Manchester Memorial hospital itreet adjacent to thr Blue KUla adjoining‘bulldini;. reported seeing' day In aeven years. Pioneers: July IS, Red Men vs. and would enjoy cards from hla At ^oodstock Going Ahead Homes davolopaaenL This would “ In Gun Fight “ aavaral men” in the place shortly | N EW at "In ndta of her losses and the EUlngton: July IS, Aldoa’a vs. Un­ friends. permit locatjoh of 78 of tha vat- befora 3:30 a. m. Seen as Needed destruction of hsr territopf for the Sport Group ^ Coventry Grange will h^ By Hal Boyle paratively Greater Critically. Wounded' as * S S w «A K, Chaturton is deairoua of toam. ba on "Inonrance" and Edgar ence. , ^ could be place— The Amer- rope to Rise and Pra- ing of good homes whafa taadMrs Clark win be one of the speakers versaiy Next Sunday ' " I don't want to apeak^ about it Progreaa Than Hlany Cost Aboot 5118 Far Unit Burglars Fire A ’few minutes later Patrolman dlvldual aa those in whose nsm# lean office* was late in arriving. bridge set -’^ n s s u n ^ vent Third Jlolocaiisl RockvfRe .Group to Ar­ may be housed, r Anyone havtag Chsrged With Theft of and be will bring an assistant with tonight, Daddy," she sold. According to Mr. Scott, the city a Cfiiarlaa Toothlll and Ellsworth her people spoke 167 years ago, him and a very Interesting pro­ Irma waited for him nervouely. "But it will oonoafn you for the cost for housing veterana will run rooms which would bt available ~W tth tha arrival this past Sat­ Hartford, July 1 5 — (F)—This city Stratford. July 15.—,iP/_Pollce Hull arrived in another car and the PresidaM Truman said. range for Many ^ i v i Equipment; gram Is being planned. It had been an hour since she and rest of your Ufatime, child." about $175 par unit. The figure la four policemen took strategic PftrU, July 15—gram to be staged the latter mtssty-ey^d gratitude, and his un- swirled slowly to the music; and then the latter broke away Boll Co— enratkm Sendee is to gives his consent. She wW — and ■toset. part of the aftamoon. "Three steps ahead,” he said, the only city In the state, with the must supply the site, roads and Flanagan said ^antalone was WASH WtWnWORH from the N a*i» and aald differ­ "Europe must take first place In comm^ending - embarrassment. and ran, turning to fire at the po­ assist at tbo club propsrty, laying the afternoon at tha bouM o f bar In a confeseiofi to tha police, The program for the day Is as "the turn, then take three steps exception of Farmington, to get utilities. “The veterans housing pro­ on# of two men that Sihreiber ences between the two countrle* our thoughts," he said, "sy there Returns From Trip Otaaa W m . ruSlafe rtaMs out a plan by which tbs property granddaughter (Mioa , Doris L Hopkins, who enlisted at F o il follows: Potod Mama— she had broken a all the veterahs houses requested jects will also produce tax Income and Patrolman Joseph Carten liceman. Schreiber returned the were like "old friends' quarreU.” be a d a c^ t life achieved and set back. Now the regular turn again. can ba Improved and made more Hutchinsbn) In OUaad straat She Devens, Mass., last October 7, left 11:16 — Anniversary Mommg .gireat deal in the last two years. You think maybe It’a old fashioned from Federal authorlUos. TTie for the city, Mr, Bcott said. The found In the grille when they an­ (ire and then slumped to the up for Europeans. ‘Europe’ l» my ground with a bullet In his abdo Truman Salutes France attraetlva, with the planting of wilt perhaps, while thara, meat his post at Scott Field, lU., to Yislt To Niagara Falls Service. Rev. George Brookes of As the monaents pssaed, Irma but ask Mama whether it was Farmington, foial was eight unlto assessed valuation will be deter­ swered a “ burglary complaint" at From Washington President Tru- first watchword. My second watch­ few of her local frlenda and re­ relatives in Michigan on June 18 looked more and mdre uneasily at men. his aaaalUnt disappearing in AM KMto •# O M M « shrubs fo r wildlife protection, also Rockville, the "apeakcr. fu n " • Mr. Scott eaid that'as far aa he mined in consultation! between the 2:26 a. m. word la *France.*" asBiatlng with M ld in g of the view some of the various maaaagea, and has not reported back to his the small clock ticking on^; the ___A.S I A. _ UAVWV AOi city assessors snd Federal houslrfg The other is object of a state­ tha darkness. Emphasizing the 'necessity for Mrs. Samuel Strain, of 237 Oak 12:35—Clam Cliowder Dinner, in The music changed but they knew the units at Airport Homes trout pond. which she will preba^ have re­ post since. He spent a week with charge of ArchiaWTalkcr of Boat- mantel. He had been late before, kept on dancing, and for a time officials.' wide search, said the police lieu­ Meantime, aald Nlchola Panta' British-French understanding, ceived, In memory of this occasion. street, has returned from a trip to but never thia late. She wondered were the first occupied under the lone had gotten to the roof oLthe ‘ T H I . S !. * r • Parionol Service The Junior Fish and Game Club hla relatives in Michigan and then ford. (advanca reeervatlona re­ Irma forgJt to look at the door. veterans emergency housing pro­ "It’s been a very satisfactory tenant, after fleeing the sedne In LOSE WEIGHT SAFEUT Churchill asserted: "You must Among the events causing hsr Niagara Falls and Canada. Mrs, Idly again, aa she had a hundred building-and (alien off onlv to be will hold Its naxt event on July started hitch-hiking east. Strain aald that the Fails have quired) A fter’ s half-hour the father felt gram anywhere in the state. "The program, so far," Mr. Scott aald, a car, MftIN PHOOr • CHIP PPutii • WITHOUT EXERCISE never allow the allghtcst recrimina­ 20th at the grounda starting at the greatest pleasure, ars ths calls, Police Are NotU M times, what it would all come to-^ "and one that has produeod results Flanagan did not say vho fired •eised by Carten. Injured In the .Agency , tion between Great Britain and been improved since the war end­ 1:30— Parents' Association meet­ his htort tiring, and they oat down. first families are already llvidg in tw o . o’clock at which time , there personal letters and grsttiiig cards, His activitlee hers were brought ing. Old Timer*' Reunion. this relationship between her and Mama heated the coffee she had In meeting the housing problem for the shot that wounded Schreiber. fall, the Anaonla youth was taken France." sent by friendly psopls. Since last ed and that they were again be- the converted dormitory build­ MHNMIB «AT TBU S-lllS Toko off wolght will 'b e horseshoes, plug and fly to the attention of tba police when 2:46—Anniversary Progranf — the young American. meant to save for breokfoit, and veterans." Five Blood TranBfuainnB to Bridgeport hoepital for treat­ The veteran British statesman Christmss she has bsta the rs- Ing illuminated at night. ings,” the ohairman said, "and' Bridgeport hospital authorities ment before being returned to ooch w ook. Icrt caatthg. skest shooting and other an alarm v.’oj sent to the police After visiting Ute Fall* she went Jolin O. Talcott, Jr„ TalcottvlUe, Marriage Out of Queetlon brought out the lost half cup of made hla entire sj^ech in French, events for tba youngsters clplent of several kindly ministra­ more veterans are moving in as •aid Schhelber has a "(Kty-flfty Stratford police headquarters for an act which won the large audi­ station at 1:46 a. m. Sunday In Into CAnada and spent a few days presiding. Invocation.Jter. Sterling Marriage, ahe knew, was at salted peanuts. quickly as' the workmen finish the Stronger Than Steel plonty. No Ths FIsb and Game Club will tions, from various organizatlona She looked ouf the window of chance” to recover, adding that he questioning. ' in which the Informants stated In Toronto. She was in Toronto white, Elmwood. "Looking Back­ present out of the question. And job." ence. bold a clambaks st the grounds on in town, notably tha Daughters of the small third floor room at the TuYkey to Hold has received five blood transfusions Nichols said there was evidence drugs. N o Bldault in his speecm acknowl­ that i youth had been trying to during the 12th of July celebra­ ward— and Ahea^,'' Elmer T. what else was there left for her? StnUlay, August 25th. the Union Vetsrana of u e Civil full moon shining softly down on Sheltar for S FamUlM with atate policemen acting as do­ that antrsnee to the grille had For Aoto Repuirs, edged Truman's addrsss. compar- War and the Center Oongrega- sUrt e Bulck car owned by Paul tion and writneaoed a colorful pa­ Tnienec, Calhm^lrector. Addrees— She liked to be ^vith him but she loxo- the garden lawn that' had once The converted dormitories, used Election Sunday nors In each case. been obtained by forclnC, a rear Yet 1-3 the Weight! p C the birtha of the American and FlaygrsniMi Bvmts tlonal church. Theea tokena and Peters of 405 O n U r straat, comer rade presented by the various Lewis Fm C'flartford. Music by never felt quite at ease with' him been theirs and said: Bchrelber, 36, la a veteran of door;- Washiniv Polishing, tlvos. French republic and described Ths first -Of tha ssrlss of spsclsl messages have pleased her very of Griswold street lodges on that day. She ristted the 1545 WoOdatock campers. Bane- os she had with German boya. He during the war for single war ____ , "The moofl always makes me workers and later Army and Navy service in the Navy, and Is married Don't oow roundl how each nation had helped the evunts at both ths Maple street much. Before the police anlvad Hop­ House of Parliament and was diotico^Rev. Truman R. Wood- was gayer, quicker to laugh, kind­ tnbricatfoD Sendee, sot vUa oiordooa think of old days.” Istanbul, July 15—(F)— Approxi­ and the father of one child. other to gaining her freedom. and Northaaat playgrounds will kins. who-later confsaaed he had shown th e' balcony from which w i^ Bast hartfnrd. lier, than anyone she had ever officer trainees, will provide shelter Etc. Don't sl*o op *» taike place on Tusodsy. July Id at tried to cross the wires In the King George and Queen Elizabeth /'<:30—Waterfront Program, in known. But aometimea the laugh- Overwhelmingly Weary for 54 former eervicemen and their mately 10 .000,000 persons are ex­ Police reported that In addition ALICE OOFRAN Uu loodo roe Hko. In Berlin French occitpation They talked then of the times to Pantolone, they were holding a $ 4 4 - 5 0 -T Stop At * _____ /* ttUHiml lot. tmdtt troopa obaerved Bastille day ^ tth 2 p. m. Thsrs will be two prizes Peters car to start i t bod dis­ accompanied by Mackenzie King charge of Stanley Loman, water­ evaporated in quick, clouds of families. They are renting for $30 pected to vote next Sunday when, (Known Ae Qbeea ASM) Mo'SSotftM t i ow • " » «*— •?*. for a Doll Parade and two for a New Rooks Listed appeared from the scene. Officers greeted the people of Canada TTiOy front director, and hla aaaiatants. before the war, the parUee they tor three rooms to $34 for four car belonging to the .. Alderman Seventh Dnnghter ot a Saveatli Sea otwuu IM M »• M/*. weof. to 0 eoia. a parade on the Charlottenburger anger. Like last night, when they for the first time rinee the birth Doll Carriage parade. Those who Edmund F. Dwyer and William also visited the Caatleloma Castle, 5:30— Picnic Supper, each family had got started .on that foolish had had and the people who came rooms, the same rental range ex­ Motor company of 165 Cook av#- Born With a Veil Siw ttah tiu AVOS VHosSn Coadjr Roducint chaussee. to them, scattered now for ever. of the Turkish republic 23 years *' i wish to enter the parade may Pearson scoured the neighborhood one of the oldest in TorontOv providing Its own. .. political argument. She had spok­ pected to. be maintained for the nut. Meriden, reportedly stolen Rendhiga Onlly. Inctadtng Sands Ploa. TVt Ibt AYDS ytooi!ii Cmmy ^ yaw At Chent?y library The moon sank lower, Irma sud­ ago, opposition pirtlas will com­ Griswold's MU.ioe. East Hartford OPEN 24 HOURS DIAL 5156 Cookies to Avon Cheater Bowles. Tomorrow With­ admitted- rifling. quickly so he wouldn’t see her Strongest opposition to President 473 Connecticut Boulevard are asked to wear white. There He immediately began to talk to Another city-owned location, on lemct Inonu's government centen Members of Stanley Dobosz out Fear; B. D. Campbell, Where In court this morning Melesko tears. _ Th^ / will -be a social with refreshments Irma casually, trying to draw her Stonington atreet, near the Dutch In the Young Democratic party, PRESENTS Unit No. 14, American § Legion the High Wlnde Blow; Lilly Dacbe, Identified the radio tubes as his following the buslnesa meeting. M ANCfU S T f M 'e Auxiliary will send overt^thirty Talking Through My Hate; M. L. property, which he had left In his Point colony development, will pro­ headed by O la l Bayar, one-time a TImrsdaya MORIARTY BROTHERS Mrs. Martha Leemon and her I there .will be a apeclal meeting for vide space . for 26 more units in premier and -friend of the late The Popular pounds of home ^lade codli^ea to Duran-Reynele. Fever Bark Tree; unlocked car in hla yard, stating committee will be in charge. Final If. to 5 r. M. **0b U m L tvd At Center and Broad** Dewey-Richman ! members of the Coventry Volun­ this central ‘area. Naxt -wll'. come President Kernel Ataturk. Hie fol­ the veterans at. the Avon i .Con­ Mrs. D. C. Hyjner, Farm Animal.*; that they were valued at. $46. arrangements for attendance at r South Coventry teer Fireman’s Association for the 30 more on Rockville street. lowers .rire predicting they will win C 1oaa5 Wefigaafiay valescent hospital on Tuesday. The E, H, Hume, Doctore East, Doctors Hopkins was taken to the coun­ the National Grand Lodge conven­ purpose of determining whether more than 100 tcata in the Natlon- BILL JOHNSON A l toa— aua. cookies are to be left at the- store' West; R. M. Lond and A. A. Woles, ty Jail to start hla 90-day sentence tion at Port Huron, Michigan, on The committee has tentative Co. I t has just been learned that the or not they wish to attend the an­ Asaembly. K f/r//'5 ' of Mrs. Elsie Bouthwlck In the cen­ New York! New York!; Mr*. V. 8 . after which the military authori­ August 16 and 16 will be made. plans for sdditional rites and And Hi$ Orchettra Its Mala Street. Maneh^tor OrEN oniBB DATB 0 CUM 8 T ter of the city before five o’clock McWilliams. Lafcadlo Hearn; G. R. ties will take action on the charge Silver Star. Medal has been award­ nual field day program of the Tol­ land County afi'i Windham (^lunty 9 A. M. to 5:50 P. M. Tuesday afternoon, when they wl]l Millar, Horned Pigeon; Jerrold of desertion from the service. ed posthumously to ' Sergeant Every Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Oppoolto U lfh Schoel ' be called for and taken to the hos^ Oakley,' Small Boats for Small Other Court Cases , Firemen'i Associations to be held “ EASY” DOES IT.. PRESCRIPTIONS PllXKO Thomas A. Young. 25, of the United j Staffordville. July 27. There will ■to* pltal for dellvei-y. Budgets: C-. P. Smith, Housatonlc William Vennard, who Aaalst- Enjoyable Picnic DANCING EVERY NIGHT NEW PRAMi;8 Install Officers (Rivers of America); Byron SUel, aint Prosecutor John S. Q. Rottner States Marine Corps, son of Mr. i be a parade beginning at I p. m., ------B A S T la aave nsoney . . . ie % dla- SUfford ns— f. oaoh oold oarry . . > EA8 V I.ENS OUPl.lCATBD The officers of Rising' Btar Let's Visit Mexico: L. A. Stozrs, declared had been in court an even Of Rainbow Girls and Mrs. Herman LeD oyt b y ' are —— We Cater To Wedding Parties and Banqaeta dozen times since 1942 for Intnzl- to Store Closed All Day PABK INO . aS Iba otrast. Lodge. No. 49, lOOF will be In- Key to Your New House: R. G. James Forrost.1, secretary of the ! Spring" F'ir* Department are Advertise in The Herald—**It Pays REPAIRS MADE ctalled thie evening at their hall Jlwing, In the Name'of Sanity: W. catlon, was found guilty and fined be hosts. E A S T saaM rla . . . Now shirts la— - Navy for the President. The pres­ The Happy 4-H Club will meet on Elm street at eight o'clock with A. White. Autobiography. $16 and given a 30-day jail sen­ A group of Rainbow OlrU gath' entation was made to Sergeant this afternoon at the home of their a ysa r'sw i Dletrict Deputy Edward O. H off­ tence, iuspended. and placed on ered Thursday evening at the home W ednesdays probation by Judge Bower#. Young's mother, at an informal leader, Mrs. Vivian Hansen, on EAST TO I man and his staff of East Hart­ of Mr. and Mre. Karl F. Fritz of .■4 Vennard was picked up. drunx 38 Washington street for a ptcmlc gathering at her home Tuesday Wall street. TOUS ford in charge. The officers to be evening by (ftiptain Hatry Hadd, Installed Include Noble Grand, Attorney Roltner Saturday afternoon on Brookfield supper given by the couple t i t the The Young Mothers Club wijl During July and August girls. at present of Lakeview Terrace. meet at the home of Mr. and Mw. David Gilpin; vice grand, Edward PLUS The award was given "for con- Charter; recording eecretary, Ev­ John Campbell was found guilty Games, consisting of darts and W. A. FoBteri* Jr„ Ripley Hill, to- 1 D ATS OB BOOKIES Back on Court Job of non-support of his wife and spicuous gallantry and in 1 mOTrow* fo r % e ir meetln#. begin, DEUVBRT aEBVICB erett C. Smith; financial secretary, lawn bowling were enjoyed latfr on THAT GREAT Etiantial Rtquiramantt Albert A. Schme'ske; treaeurer, sentenced to 30 days In jail, sus­ In the evening, and group singing as Acting Platoon deaden aec' '" 6 ning w th an early evening picnic, DONNELLY'S pended, and ordered to pay his SINGING COWBOY! with Company B. First Battalion, ® •f Superior Harold R. Obonauf. The appointive Attorney John S. Rottner, as- was held around the fireplace. JEWELERS AT THE'CENTER \ sfstant prosecutor of the Town wife $7.00 a week under bond of Rainbow wishes to express to Twenty-Sixth M-arinea, Fifth M a-; /^^**'* ^ MANCHESTER officers will be announced at to­ rine Division, during action against ; m MODumitOi ^ Sarvica. ^ night's meeting. Following the Court. ofTlclated In the capacity faeilitiat make ponibla eral court. Damutz asked approx!' the organizational con:mittee, Pera«»nal Nollf*M mond Bowers re-appolnted Attor­ mately $2,700 claiming he had not against an objective vital to the A surprise fa rfw ell, party was 'which was followed by a discussion a larvica of tha dittinguiihtd ney Rottner to the post of assist­ been paid -for overtime work con­ defense of his sector the night of Summer DeligRl and ^ggestlbn period; Henry character aspacted ({uol* ant prosecutor on July 1. given by the Coventry neighbori tending that he was an agricultural 1 March, he led his platoon through Playroom Now Jackson, in behalf of the mem­ In Memarlaai worker. The court found'that Da-' one hundred yards of shattering Hy-min^d paopla. ' and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Eme*t bership Committee; and O. H. Knottv Pine and ;any Panels Now Davis at their home. The Davis mutz’e occupation as fireman at PLUS: "FACE o r MARBLE" machine-gun fire and. launching a Can HELP YOU In Invlnf mfnjsry of our brother*, the greenhouse did not classify cetermined strike, gained-his posi­ Smith, the finance committee. Thnn<** and Nrtrmsn Lennon, who family moved to their new hoihe Available. 4' x8' and 4’ x 10’— allfinished.! paaaed away July lA 1*0: F l l i i i g t o n him aa an agricultural worker. tion with a minimum 6f casualties In Windsor on Baturday with their among .his men. With his platoon No painting necessary. Don’t wait. Biiy u r k e ® Deep- In our haarts llaa a memor)'. three children. Barbara, Marion .pinned dbvm during a fleroe action Ortlin»e we *6all navor fdTset, The Ellington C u it Scouts will and Charlotte. During the'evening For they are bura to rememher, observe CTharter night Monday on 6 March, he continued his same Boilers and Chimneys what you ne^ now. ri nNTFB Si an enjoyable time wae had and re­ d'; ring tactics and, penetrating hos­ Thoiirh tha raat of tha world may night In the town haU at 7:30 p. m.’ freshments .were served. I :N n tile fire lanes alone to locate the t»rs*t. Other scout groups are expected to j Vacuum Graned AMSULANUBB BERVICB Georgina Kvana The C. (5. D. Cla.*s met on Fri­ source of the deadly barrage, di- i parUclpate In the mveatiture cere­ i - Cool looking and Coolly com­ cult Uaacarl. day evening and Instead ot their . rected supporting weapons in The W. G. Glenney Co, mony whl’ih the public le in­ TODAY AND TUESDAY VAN CAMP TODS. fortable drauMS you'll enjoy regular social hour, a rehearsal foe climniating the stronghold before vited. Gordon H. Dimock of Mam 336 NO. MAIN ST. TEL. 4148 wearing. Perfect for the In Mtmorian the play "Deacon Dubb* " was held. Your Favorita Bad Man! -he was fatally struck down by a Telephone 5244 office — perfect for pifternoon street is cub master. ‘ The cast of the play will be an­ WALLACE BEERY sudden shcliburst. Scrgeaiit visiting. — In lovih* memory of our hutband Harrleoh H. Hamilton 1* a pa­ nounced at a later date this week. Young'* forceful and inspiring and father. Joaeph' C. Banton, who tient In the Hartford hospital. The Vacation Church School will Darling of the Screen! ptaeed away July 18, 1*41. leadership, bold initiative and Mrs. George B. Hatheway of ■tart Monday. July 22. at 9 o’clock MARGARET O’BRIEN ' valiant devotion to duty in the face Hathaway avenue 1* a patient in and ovary child between four years Deep In eur hcarU yea are lendly re­ /# of tremendousjpdds were essential f membered. ' JS '■ the 8 t. Francis hospital. and those who have completed the factors In ,the. auccess of the bit­ Sweet happy memoriae Sllag ' 'round Judge and Mr*. Carl A. Goehr- sixth grade will be welcome to at­ Bod Boscomb'^ your name. - PLUS — ------terly fought Iwo campaign'and re­ Ing with their nephew, Edward tend. The enrollment so far has flect ‘the highest credit upon -him­ True heart* that loved jreu with deep­ Weld, are going to their summer reached 60 and there are sti]l more LEON ERROL bi • . -I •• ENGINE: est effectloA. ■ Ata-OONIMTIONED self and the United States .Naval Alwaye hill love you In d e )^ the tame. home at Echo Lake, Me., for the to come. An Intereetlng and In- “Riverboat Service. He gallantly gave his life O u r G. I. Loan Plan enables you to buy aujd remameder of the month. ■tructive two weeks 'are In store K EASTWOOD • "forhis country.” Sergeant Young heavy social calendar^ Mr* Martarat Baneoa and family. The next meeting of ' Ellington for all those who attend. Main. St. — Boat Hartford Rhythm” entered the service March 20, 1939, Orange will be held in the Town Sunday morning. Rev. Allen H. only fourteen days short of stx pay for^a new home just as if you were paying rent. or Hall Wednesday night, July 24. a Hit Gates choae as his scripture years, service with -- the Marine 7 1 1# subject. Art* and Crafts Eohestans 4:1-7; 11-16. Hi* sermon Cjorps. He attehfied'the local schodi i 6 Night. Mrs. Hazel Kelley la chair­ was baaed on the theme 'Til we all and graduated from Windlfltwi man. . attain the unity of the spirit” and. 5 a BOILERS High school in June of 1938C wm IT liP! V'. his text was taken from Col.'2:19.' r a A T BAND WITH LOTS OF This evening at the firehouse Frodt Heads Furple Heart in State The ^u rch was beautifully decor­ W h e t h e r , you want to buy or build a home* Now*s tha tlBia to enjoy ated with varioyg colored water hi *M * f th* ilN k M t ttylM of Hie New Haven, July 1,6^ Ray­ lilies which wer.e given by Mr. and we cjan give you' expert advice and specializ^service in fil­ new perforaiBnce with a FURNACES mond C. Frodt r t New Britain h u girs. Forrest Buckisnd of Hllls- =PZ*S01IMZnT= ' aoason , . . Nahiraliy K’t an axclusiva t « . 1 0 47.SO $7.98 rbmplete engine tune-up HIGH POWER • been elected commander of the town who have the New England Schultz eraatieo, individually styled to ' ... for increaaed power, District of Connecticut, Military Water LUy Gardens. ing yiuur G. I. home loan application. ^ . and $8.98 V.AailJlVI CLEANED prtMnt you at your bu t... fuei economy and the' Order of the Purple Heart. Oth­ Sunday evening the (ThrTstlan ARTIE CUSTER OH. BIIR.VEB .BBBVUIB er officers elected Sjinday at the (' ' . . . . • omoother, more depend* All Work. Onaraaieed! ' Endeavor held a joint meeting with AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1 ‘ final session of a thrce-4 ay conven­ the Tolland group at Sweetheart able operation your dir tion included. John Ftichardson of t where an outdoor worship PLUS UP.DO HAie STYU AND c s a can offer. Our com- Henry Porgnf Bridgeport, senior vice dommand- aervice was held. MACHINl fSAMANSNT * ■ D a VOILES pleteiy-equippod aervice W : Joseph Divine of Bridgeport,' ^ C o m e Ib «t the first opportunity and get the Tel. 2-0I8B judge advocate; Dr. William ' An invitation has been received '^HISPERIN^^' BILL SMITH department la designed from the Columbia Congregational a BEMBERGS ^ Sprague of Biitdgfport. surgeon UA-DO HAIA SnrU Cf e i detailfi of our streamliRed G. I. Loan plan. All informa­ to offer you low-coat general, and William Gqldrtein of church to meet there at 8 o'clock Yon Can’t Top This Biiiing Anywhere In T owbI •AND COLD WAVS v a CHAMBRAYS ■ New Haven, inspector. on Tuesday. July 15,'to hear a talk service for greater driv­ .by the yastor on the Qrinnell Con- ing utisfaetion. tion is free, up-to-date and gladly given. a SHEERS ' CIO I.radi'rs To Meet ferancie, to e'ect a chairman for tha Southern district of the To|- ^ T O N I G H T S laind County Council of Churchea a SPUN RAYONS New Haven, .Inly 16— NO COVER OR MINIMUM! ~ 1 Thoms* Bums, aasikant to tha and two Finance Committee mem­ national chairnian of the CIOi-PACJ, bers. C a r t e r Will be prlnclp.al speaker at On Friday evening, July 19th, from Cover to Cover meeting of state and local CIO from 8:30 to 12:30, the iphristlan • STYUSTS TO CONNiCTitUrS SMAiTiST WOMfN FOR YOltR r e a d i n g leaders here Tuesday night. The E n^avor Society Is giving a semi­ final "Midsummer’s Ball" in the PLEASiURE r ' purpose of the meeting,, said Har­ l O A K G R n X l 986 MAIN ST. ^ TEL. 8951 Church Community house and a Chevrolet do. old Senior, state CIO publicity di­ ^ 80 OAR ST. . ^ PHONE 88M P TRY OUR rector, is to arrive at prsctioal fine evening's program ot fun la f M on Sekaht Sahas kt Grtahr ffertford program to combat 'rising planned for all- W E LD O l WnjtOSE DRESS SHOPi 311 Main St. Tel.'^874 caused by the death o f't M OFA •Tha Honor Roll (Jommlttee will WINKS — LIQUORS — BEERS - d r u g rOMP.ANY . UewsMefi ha), a*n ,*aeetlr ntv e d Mefiie'4‘ a»*dk*lly aaprevod Mi. and to go on r*cord as favoring meat at th e' Nathan Hale Com­ Our Menu Variety la Tops! Ask Your Friaadal Prrw rlpllnij Pharniaclst*' I, W. Umued, AuHieriftd llactreletiit— 201—5$1 Mala St:-.*. SMMA1N8T. SHERIDAN BLDG. munity canter In South Coventry a Federal rent yntrol measure li>- 501 MAIN ST. TEL. 5381 Tel. $-1101 •tle'ad 6T a sfate statute. — pn Wedneeday evening at 5 i - /i" - r~ ■r

•A . ; 'I ■ Ti 'i/e-ir -/iV / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD.j MANCHESTER. CONN^ MONDAY, JULY 15, 194® PAGE FTVE " m *AWU«Wie«» NBEALO. MANCHESTER. COWw MONDAY, JULY 18,194t 1. ' ______• ...... ■''' ■ ;lolncd hto group In calling for S' when he reaches Hartford after a fd m daylong general strike at Hartford. m otor trip from New York with Cohahar province, dOO milea north- Truck Drivers’ H. O. Gregory, recording aecre- Reece Visits ItepubUcan National Committee­ weit of Peiping, ere pieparing for No Full Record Exists - Boyne Battle Bolton Residents Arrange Air Training tqry of HamUton Local 748, Inter­ man J. Kenneth Bradley, one of Odd Transportation Stunt the outbreak of large acale hoatUt* national Association of Machlnlate the leaden In the movement to R a p s tlea. It waa evident today. Air Strike Ended (A FL), aald he had accepted the ; State Today draft tha governor for the eena- Is .Celebrated raid aheltera and aandbag barrf* For Welcome Home Party Task Is Told - On Votes in Congress ■ ' ■ M co-chalrmanshlp of the Joint com­ torial nomination. To Get Local Fans to Game cadea were to be aeen throughout mittee of the striking workera Reece will hold a press confer- Senate Price the city. Worker* Vole lo Accept which will plan the general atrike. ExpcctcNl to Make An­ enca at noon and then will lunch 4 . Tanalon haa been heightened con* Boiton, July IS—(Special) — A,.ponnita there will be a ball game. Col. Batflon Gives Ki- population. evs(T aaaii tha Racord John Dubin o f the Pratt and with marobera of the state Cen­ ere ' He wanta to return to Man* heater . 400 Attenii A n n iT C r * { ainereMy by the almoat dklly ap* RoU Call Ballofs Only Offer ol 20 Per Cent Whitney local, co-chairman of the other Plea Baldwin Re­ tral committee and party leaden ^ Curbs Action Mancheatcr baaebeil few ao he ia loading hla Butek aedan| Welcome Home party for Bolton Dancing wtU start at 6 p. m. for regularly.) rooting for the Boeton Bed w x . , ■ RunH>» I tba entire evening. The lull pro* wanians Vivid Account Some private organiuUona Joint committee, aald that 35 tela- after which he to expected to ad- prto the truck. ..ry Dinner- nod Actual Method Record­ Increafle ip Pfliy X consider Retiring to win the American League cham* veterans to planned for. Suntey, ^ announced in the near O f Action in England make a business of complUng conr grama have been tent to Hartford d re n the party group in executive Food for (OHilNl* tiMi V*l* O*** Ansaldl hee invited four othera gram in Ol^Mi^ Hall ‘"g« __ September S at the Villa Ixmtoa. future. unions asking them .'to support the aeaalon. plonahip thia year and to make the trip with him and aa j ing Stands o f Individ* greoslonal roll call voti^ records Hartford. July 16—(Ab—Otto o f Hartford. July 15-^(0—Rapubli- ing gamea in Boeton aa often • » 't The party haa been planned by the ' < The dinner will Include antipasto, movement and te oentd delegates to The afternoon will be taken up they have the neceaaary tlcketa but these cost money,','probably too Hartford's three major atrikea whX can National Chairman B. Carroll lit fWta f^Mrcign Mlnl«Un' con* members of the Bolton Newefettcr soup, spaghetU, chicken, etc, Ev- Colonel Burnham U Batson, of uid Congressmen much for the ordinary clttocn. a meeting Tuesday to jdlMuaa the With conferencea with major party Burnham street took the nMmbere achedutod to end today but the Reece waa to make Jito flrat offi­ Evalt Altacki oommIttM which aent a monthly eryone to cordially invited to at Senator Glenn H. Taylor, Idaho situation. ^ leaders and a meeting with a dele­ M It unarfod from «m M '’Mhildu5d to lr„to drive the truck to B’ed with that aaen*, Dinner W M eervedfoll^ mittee found It had aufflcient be ordered to publish a pamphlet— sympathy" by other union groupa. the chairman to Governor Baldwin ( 4 6 m i t e s s ptoea « l laciMnUon. ' (tbatlsDed rrum PBge Om ) funttt in the treasury to finance a aU. tbe operations agaihst Germany. or senator, you’ll never be able to " '■ *•* To Attend Baskri .Hupper le orovldtng the g e n In the etdan, leaving the , the M w c h e ^ a P lp e ^ n d played He gave the club membera a mi­ for sale to tha pfibllc at cost—on Scheduled’to return to their Jobe that the latter reconsider hla im- In the evening, the national W nrtltAooaftW l-AaU- .party. Tickets are selling rapidly and And out where he stood every time H eV truck In Boston. The atari will be.Weral ••l«!tU»a. oynamite. were on file todiw as the nute account of the training oper* ihe roll call voting rceord of every today were approximately 260 Swims 7 Hours nounced detarmlnation to retire chairman with other party leaders Iftnarar a fonaldabla group of * The date in September was choe* those who plan to attend should he voted In CMngreas. I wbo claim aoma Dam* deadline arrived for impllcatlona atloiia in Engtond preparatory to senator. truck and cement mixer drivers, from public office at the comjale- will attend a basket supper apon- 'an ao aa to give aufflcient time to contact ona o f the almv«. aa soon Thia probably wouldn’t coat tlon o f hla term next January, : auBBort want to aocapt tka morrow to have work\ done on 's- »• ‘"a- SKSr'i5.':s ,.'s ‘ £ 5."j.’is£:: ..— . for memberahip- In the United Na­ -actual roiaslona over targets on the The reason: No ftffl record on membera of Local 559 of the AFL ■orod by th* Hartford County Re­ and Otbnd Maater John Evana, of allow for the majority of service as possible. No U cketrw lll be sold more than a dime of a quarter. But Teamsters' union, who struck last “ After Accident ______tm *%a4a” and aand it tions to be considered at the flap* continent. all the votes of individual con­ Reece already la on record aa publican Women's aaaoclation at Lynn, Maea. men overseas to reach home. All after September 1. gressmen exUta. It never haa. Yet it to almoat certain the Senate will Mondpy In a demand for a 25 per along to Mr. Truman without fol* auccaaaivaly aa military atuche in lember meeting of the Qeneral A^ Colonel Batson told of tbe long favoring Governor Baldwin aa a Lake Oompounce. Bristol, where he An entertainment program and but a very few will be home, dla- Servicemen who' have 'Kceived such Information might help you let the euggcatlon perish. And no cent wage Increase.' The workers lowing tha uaual procadure o f ra* Sofia ai)d Prague. aembly. , their tickets seem pleased about hours of training necessary to get Liverpool. July 15—(A5—Mr*» candidate for the aenatortal nomi­ will give the principal address. Mihailovic Guiltv; dancing followed In the mein hall, eharged. on that date. make up your ifilnd In the congrea- one haa made a suggestion like Sunday voted to accept a comparer John C!orlett of Hoylake waa re­ nation to select a auccesaor to Sen­ Governor Baldwin, State Chair­ fairing' it flrat to a Banata-Houia aa* When Oermeny invaded tf'iso Oeorga w Evana' b iw oi^nwi.i'B,orcheatia, u,of Willi* ■ The five applicants ate Albania, Full Program Arraaged the party and.a majority of the 500 planes into the air in apUt-aec* whom papers have bebt) in for ond timing. Every man in a crew elonal primary elections now going that in the Housa. offer of a 20 per cent increase covering from exhaustion today ator Thomas C. Hart who will re­ man Harold E. Mitchell and Brad­ oonfannoa. S g k | it p n < * 0 c l t o I 'lC .a la v ia in April. IM l, Mihailovic i Tickets are being dlatributed to veterans will be present. This will op. retoactive to April IS and to re­ nw ooly OPA bin tha Houae haa month!: .Siam, the MongidtSn Peo­ must be taught thorough know­ after swimming for aeven houra tire at .the expiration ef his present ley atop are scheduled to speak. ^ * '* * * ' I waa aarvtiig aa a regimental com- YSaterday momihg at 11 o'clock the aervlcemen by membera of t)ie be the first big get-together since Tour congressman can ' produce turn to work today. In high seas following a yachting term. The national chairman will spend ■aaaad alnoa tha aganey dlad July ------— ! mender with the rank of colonel, i ^ delegation representing the ple's republic (Outer MongbUs), i committee. Dinner will be aerved the war‘ended and a capacity ledge of the equipment under bia Afghanlatan and Tranajordan.\ a record. If he wishes to, on aome 52 From State Andrew Chriatenaen. aecretary arciden,. in which her husband, Wni Face Busy Prograir the night at the executive real 1 waa ona to axtand iUl prloa con* tOeattiinad frem PBge Heel ' with the flight of the government \ lodges attended service in ' at 1:30 p. m.. and if the weather crowd ia expected. charge in the plane and the pilot ie The U.N. Security council d^' required to knew, every piece of o f hto voting. For the rest you'll treasurer of the local, said that whom the had towed for more Reece Will face a busy program dence. treli for 30 days, without dianga, ..... — ; he retired into the mouniein fait* | gt. Mary'a Eptocopal church. The have to take his word.Why? the dump truck drivers’ wagea , *1 baliava tha MU aa naaaad.by elded Ia«t May 17 thkt member­ equipment. He said that it was Im* Get Decorations than five milea, drowned 100 yards Ing for forced ahipment of workera | the country, where he annivaraary atrmon waa given by would be raised to $1 an hour and from ahoqr. ^ ganaU to put about aa Apod ship papers aubmIUad not later { al relief over approval of the possible for a civilian to imagine Several Ways Of Voting Into Oerpiany. ,h ' gradually rallied a hand fli follow* Rev. Dr. Robert Pai kea, of Bel those of the cement mixer driven Lawrence McAllister of Bldaton, 'a bill aa you can gat from tha Ben* , fa st Northam Ireland, now ch ap -; than July liPahouldIT i be (M ^ e r e d Ru88iaii Loan United States loan, there waa no the Job it wee to organise 1,700 to ' Because Congress has several koata MUflckl, 40. former aide i way* of voting and in only one of Washington, July 16— —Two to $1.10. In addition, he said the third crew uember of the yacht ate.** Itepiaoentatlve HaUack *Ok)a). "Thia to not a price con* States followed futt on th# ground part In this war against infiatton." turer because the driver of a Calf, dividual vote is kept it can save OMiOm V Onky PnSam dipt from conferences in Moscow on Mra. Richard Pollock, chairman It the one most likely to cause the of the British loan, told newsmen follows by states: trgl hilL It to a price decontrol that suppllea should be made avail­ while dnink, ran over a pedes­ a congreiuman from embarrass- the day the trial began 2fi day* of the Consumer Reeponelblllty dl- greatest headache to the council. today "it would be most unfortu­ Massachusetts, 112; Connecticut. Soti$foctory Service On Your Cor, Beeaaurc.” able to the rooet effective fighter.. trian,' ‘ DIx contended. ‘ ment back home. Tium ie lb. SediMt VUba* Store Pioaraat. TlMtedere, 9:10 P. M.. eAi.. N8C ago- vision of the Federetlon of Woin- , The second application likely to nate" if the administration asked 52; New Hampshire, 18: Maine, 15; m Ttoao Cenraaa Open For Houae But when Individual death aen- With the collapse of German re­ Tbe lawyer said Hitler called on RENTAL But Congress often takes pains en'e Clubs —It claims to represent cauce trouble, according to U.N. for an increase in export-import Rhode Island, 12. and Vermont, 8. Tliree oouraea lie open for the tencea were afinounced, shouts of sistance and the emergence of Tito Schaent's known ahiilties, a* well to order a roll call vote when it's as head of the new Yugoalev gov­ 100.000—asked membera to buy observers, is that of Slam. France bank funds at this time. Coll'Or Bring It To Houae when it votaa tomorrow: approval and applsuae rang is said to be the principal threat ''Congreqa would treat such 4 j aa men “outside the German fron­ BATTERIES voting on something which can’t through the chamber. The largest ernment, formal charges of trea* only necesiitlea. X. It may pend tha Senate hUP to the Siamese application. proposal as If it were voting on a tier," whom he did not name. Dlx bring a bad reaction back home. Official Navigator directly to the White Houae. ovattona came when MIhallovte, aon and coIlaboraUon were prepar­ aald to mention foreigners' who ROAD SERVICE For example; Voting money to Slam has protested to the U.N. direct loan to Russia," Wolcott . If you"rc B U S Y and need CHsh. . . 3. It may almply aand the bill to Dtagl Yovanoyjcb and Zhlvko>ilcb ed against Mihailovic. Hunted for helped Hitler In his early years keep the Army and Navy strong. r IS lltlllH n e iie w e d , against French “aggression' in aald. "AH the arguments used for conference without apeciflc reborn* were condemn^. months, he finally waa run down would cause “discomfort.” CALL There's usually a roll call on things Oil Non-Stop Hop Wben the Chetnlk leader's doom and seleed last March 18 in a ~ ^ 1 Indo-China and has decided to the British loan-that it wonld pre­ • DEPOT aaeadationa to Ita own confereee, The attorney said Schacht was like that although, - since the re­ Phone for your lumi. CALL 343P args pnonmincad, tba courtroom mouhtaln refuge.Vgurrounded by A s C h in ese P e a ce , •«‘>mlt that c4ee to the council. Al vent a spread of Comihunism— Nichols*BristoK Inc. '\ or. though not a member, Siam mayowould be used against a Russian not aware of the intentions of Hit­ sult to a foregone conclusion. . it Hartford, July 15— (JP)— A non­ S. It may aand It to conference, was lighted brilliantly with addi­ only a few faithful tellowera. ler "a half educated little bour­ •J.’iR Center Street Would be quicker and easier to Uaa’I iMrraw ■ ■ enweeerll)r, ralallvaa, pa)’ dabta ar far say tional kletglampa, which had been do so by agreeing in adyance to loan. I doubt if an Increase stop flight from Lima, Peru, to albav wartby Mraaaa. • laaa m witOi Inatructlona to light a ^ n a t accept the Muncll's decision. export-import funds could get geois," nor of Gestapo Chief Hein­ \ Phone 4047 fispense with the roll call. New York city was recorded Fri­ hsl II ■ (MB la Ibe beal ealallM ifloonted 00 . wooden platforma Talks Halt Again Beautiful Lustrous Curls SQUARE (• year *reblem, *l‘.re« M l’e I- •IN lie «M.r).** ertea praoipll. aome of the Senate propoeau and rich Himmler, "to whom society ' Of courae, there are roil calls, N e ste ^ l cameriimen and photog* Hotopital ^oles • Meanwhile, members of the U. through Congress now." Open Evenlnxa for Y Grlffen. Andover: Mrs. Ruth Olson,' Baruch to the Working Committee tional Advisory council, comprised aboard the ship was Oscar E. Bar­ fldttea, membera and Mr. Truman week-ends. home can tell from them pretty De Soto and Plymouth Sales and Service I.Miee m * « ea year elaaetere Mihailovic, wearing a plain 15 Forest' street; Mrs. Maude of the commlaslon last Friday and of the secretaries of State, Tre'as- Coming to Town rios, engineer for Pratt and Whit­ riNANCE col In aa effort to reach an advance Kinder.sberger. Rockville; Bernard | It was apparent, liowever, that well where his congressman stands ney aircraft in East Hartford. '- eleae. rreeiM privet-i- frleadly khaki tunic and trouSeca wan at the converaatlr.na roiild i'Ulon, 295 Main j at the Bummer capital. keeping with the Russian conten- dlcation whether the administra­ meat supply from the stoc); yards i You can write to him and ask Walter L. Ruby, 18, of Middletown, control aaachinery. Open Every Niffht were hung in bunches from low street: Mlsa Marjorie Mallon, 38 ■ Some’Chlnese sources here term­ tion that the Security leave and re­ Admitted today: Albert Nac- king a "death blow" to a peace with maintaining peace. . Spence said, "would depend on th* more meat coming to the stores. | lished daily in The Congressional variety of motor vehicles charges moat reflect ISO induatrywlde aver* turn to the courtroom while the knwskl, 3 Lockwood streetr. Mrs. solution for China In the iniiiiedl- But it would provide also that j evidence submitted.” ■ This is also true in the case of lead- i Record, which reports what Hap­ following their arrest early Sun­ agaa, plua the Induatry’a average sentences were being panned. June Fidler, 693 Hartford f»gd; ate future. the five permanent membera of the ing local restaurants. pens In Congress and la mailed out day morning in what State Police taereaae in production coata aince Zhivkovlch, doomed In absentia, Karen Oaura. 8t Drive B, Silver The lack of progress in the nego- council holding the veto would Lieut. Narry Tucker aald was a B O D G e by the government printer—main­ waa for a short time a member of New Import Program Chmi. with the OPA having power Lane Homes; Carol Georgettl, 137 tlgtiona here apparently was a agree voluntarily not to use their Part of State’a Navy ly to votera suggested by Indivi­ stolen U. 8. Navy truck. They are the former Yugoslav government fiMltor in the failure of the govern­ to dany auch Increaaaa under cer* Oak street. Harold Symington. 17 veto rights on atomic mattera. Made Possible dual members of Congress. But seamen second class stationed at tain oondltlona. in exile. Anderson street: Frank Weir. 117 ment -apd Communist commanders The memorandum in lhat re­ Hartford, July 15—(-P)—The the Bdlnbridge, Md„ U. S. Navy Zhlvan Knezcvich, who like Fo- only a handful of people, out of the Tfanafer of control over farm Summer etreet. in Manchuria to get together for a spect ran counter to the evident lomdon, July 15—i/P)—The Brit­ LST 722 w’as secure at the old Training station, and were krrest- truce conference at Changchun eemmodlty pricee from OPA to the tlch, waa a former dlplontatic rep- Discharged Saturday: Mrs. RiiBslan courae of upholding the ish cabiiiet w as summoned today ; fcteamboat dock at the loot of GLIDE ed in Sharon after th* truck was resehUtlve In Washington, also secretary of agriculture, except Priscilla Richmond. 144 South Sunday. .. to approve a hew import program State street today and officially in a collision with a car owned and Cotnmunlet Refuses To Attend i veto right. thoae apeelflcalTy removed from received a 20-year sentence at hard Main street; Joseph Then, 60 Nor­ Procedure Outlined made possible by a $3,750,0(KI.000 i a part of the state's three-ship Let us put your motor In Toi*8 Coverall driven by Mias Fay Buchman of An Aaaociated Freaa dispatch ahape so you'U glide along BontrotoL labor. Both were accused of "or- man street; Eleanor and Stanley 1 The United Statea memorandum loan from the United States. Navy, Greeted by cheering throngs Danbury. Ruby, Tuecker aaid, la Creation of an independent de* ganixlng a campaign of false from Peiping aald that government Following the meeting Chancel­ ns smoothly as If yon were charged with evading rea^ns(bil- .Mloganoskl, 48 Grandview Btree\; sources there (reported' (Jen. Lth outlined the following procedure everywhere a road was near the control board appointed by the, propaganda against the partisan Donald Smith. Stafford Springs; for handling declalopa on atomic lor of the Exchequer Hugh Dalton river, the ship, the largest craft up in the fdoods. ity, reckless driving and take a preeldent and conflrmed by the n:;tfonal UberaUon movement." Plao, the Communiat commander, was expected to go before the motor /ehlcl without permission John Karlin. 15H School ■treat; had refused to attend at the last qunstlohs; ever to navigaie the Connecticut Senate, which could override both Crowd Cheers Verdict Michael Slrak. Columbia: Mra. 1. The proposed Atomic devel-. House of Commons to report on river, reached Hartford Sunday Town Motors of the owner. Mellot faces the lat­ the OPA and the aecretary o f agri* momant. the plan, which authoritative in­ ter charge, said Tucker. The crowd cheered when the ver­ Alice Humphriaa. 28 Ulley atreet: Gen. Tu LI-MIng, the govern­ .opnient would have the final say after an eight-hour voyage from Incorporated culture In pricing awttera. formants said would glvi high dict was announced against Mi­ Mra. Anng Brown, 280 Hackma­ ment Commander, had invited Lin lft-ad>iDn‘8trative matters. - Saybrook. A t aome points along Allowance of pre*war marglna hailovic, who took the decision 2, Authority deolalons on ques­ priority to machinery and machine the river, observers said, the 327- 4f West Center Street tack itreet; Mrs. Verna Wood­ to meet him. Some Communiat tools aa w’ell as newsprint to in­ and diapeunta for automobile and tions hot serious enough to endan­ foot ship cleared obstructions Telephone 8557 with outward calm. ward,' Columbia. quarters in Peiping aald Lin would crease the six* of Britain’s dully •ppllante daalera. The verdict sgainst the Serbian ger peach- might be appealed to a along the sliore by a scant 10 feet Summer Coolers! ' Discharged yesterday: Mrs. Bet­ be taking “unnecessary risks" since papers, now limited to four pages. born Chetnik leader and hjs fyK ty Wallin, 760 Center etreet: with peace tiUka stalled, in Nan- special boaritor be enfqrccd by the at aome of the bends-in the river. low defendants climaxed, a trial "The program also la expected to Robert ^raenaki, 58 Biasall street; kUig. the truce could be ended at security council as “procedural provide for ne\. gasoline imports Byrnes Busy which began June 10. >l*ballovic Mra. Claire Brennan, 31 Biasall any time, perhaps with Lin in the mattera" if a nation refused to malnUined stputly throughout the which may end rationing by Christ­ atreet; John Beaeer, 55 Brookfield government stronghold. obey the authority. Procedural mas, these informants said. proceedings that hb was innocent street; Mre. Verla Champagne and mattera tn the' council are decided m When the old bus hit® the highway On Repiorts Will Import More Food . of collaboratloh with the Naxis ANNOUNCEMENT son, Olaatonbury. > by,- ■ seven , .. votes ..of the ____ 11 members.It was anticipated, however. and that he had fought to drive , Discharged today; Mrs. Esthsr Final Collapse Forecast Substantive mattera are subject to | Dalton would warn Commona NOTICE! with an all-time record loady fOMrtIa* Pag* Om ) them from the country. Effective Until Plckjes. 55 Holl street; Karen Bar- By .Democratic League the veto of one of the five gieat Britons- cannot expect overnight ,-Tbf verdict was announced powers.' August 1st BanfarencB oh peace treatiea for tonTvernon: Almet Sullivan, 150 ShanghXl, July 1 5 - (gb—Leaders improvement in their austere THE OFFICE OF shortly after S a. m. (2 a. m. e. t. Summit atreet: Mrs. Ada Rojiis 3. Offenses endangering peace- Xta^, Finland and the Balkao t.) by the president of the Military of the Chinese Democratic league standard of living. Although more It No Answer At Office and aon, 3JM West Center street: asserted today that China is head­ would be subject to the council but food will be Imported, the general DR. C. M. PARKER court, which had concluded hear­ Howard Roy. 68 Jensen atreet: the veto powers would agree not or Home Telephone After that conferencei lasting ing of testimony last week. ing for a civil war on such an un­ hituation ia not expected to improve Mrs. Alice Shannon and daughter, precedented scale that it certalnl.v to use the veto on these atomic af­ markedly before autumn. WILL BE CLOSED Mveral waeke, tha United NaUone Sentencing was delayed for sev- fairs. . , Cali Manchester ^ aasemhly to aphtfduled to meet in cial hours, however, under Yugo­ 105 Seaman circle; Clarence Bris­ will bring about her final collapse. While Britain- can draw on her New York Sopt 23, Byrnes wants slav court .procedure which re­ tol, 29 Devon drive; Barry Garrlty. The league leaders, how in com new 'dollar reseiwoir up to the Memorial Hospital. 5131 UNTIL MONDAY. the foreign mintotere to meet quired a full explanation of why 17 Dougherty street. feivnee here, made 'their prediction limit, financial circles expressed ageiin between the peace and U- N, the defendanU were found guilty. Death yesterday: .Mrs Ida in a statement which observed that Birthflav Parlv belief the government wdiitd-pro- Ralph Ml Lechausse ^ AUGUST 5 Woodward. 121 Hollis|Cr street the Kuoniintang (national govern- ..VI ^ burtn* >#hito •aealono to,try to come to some RefuaOd to Let Filers Testify J ^ ( 'Births Saturday A aon to Mr. | ment party) and the Communists For Patrioia Leiliic ?*■*«• ^**'* high. ' agreements on Germany and Aus­ •The trial was marked 'jy the re- t ayi a «sei IX SM a^x.xeeex. ^^RHough there appeared gener- tria peace’tarma. and Mrs. George Hanley. 164 have not been able to come to futel of the Yugoslav government Even aa he stepped from the \Vad.sworth atreet: a d'aiighler lo terms after protracted negotia- to permit the testimony of V. a. , Mr and Mra. Dominick Vesco, 22(i tions and "an ap(>eal to arms seems Patricia Ann Leduc, daughter of plane yesterday morning new prob­ niers wlw were forced down in to be their only alternative' now lame demanded Byrnes' attention , Oak stieet; a aon to Mr and Mi.«i. '" -'♦-en«Hve now. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leduc, of 61 Yugoslavia during the wat anrtcan pie.sont crisis would have be*n Rupairin^ courtroom crowded, with specta­ Buckland.- ' . " ' and mqthera present. A birthday and Yugoslav troops at . Trieste, I averted. l£ ,asaerted all the lea-, tors, many o f whom had waited foi dake featuring six candles and and tbe question df^ 'obtaining efforts to see that the pgree- axmay fo rT X ' hours to gain admittance. In con-' -J gue's flowers were the table centerpiece. “ ‘fa .it r a s t to the throng of peasants Tuesaav-^Tonrif*an<^aderioid at'enforced. Games were played and a. peanut MMe Russian loan now that who made up ,the spectators dm luesuBj iun« . p<‘iUed proposals for peaceful set- 4** ^ Brittoh loan to approved. i 10 hunt W(is enjoyed. Refreshment* ing thd 28 days of actual trial treiilenl of the sltuatloh In Man­ It was Ur. Truman hlnuelf wbo Wednesdayr-Well ,baby confer- were served by Mrs. Leduc. Make sure your tires are A T L A S — ^Your Safely and toiiiforl—^Your Presenl Car Investment the crowd included hundi-eds of f ^ y, M. C. A.Ifrom 2->*. churia nnd North China were flat­ told Byrnos, OonnaUy and Vanden- ly lejociod by the government. Patricia was .remembered With By Sue Barnett uniformed partisan fighter.s, mgh i c-llnic al many gifts mid money. bbrg of Houae paaaage o f the Brit­ ranking Yugoalav officers and in-19-45 The league propoaed that eon-ii Summer playtime calls for the kind that **make good on the road!** toh loan Saturday night while the tellcctuals. FillWell baby confeicncc sultativr conference dectolons be sturdy togs and this gay button- party was an route from Paris. AH iminediately and honestly put Into I . back covers! for two to sixers ia The spectators were screened.;hogpRai clinic from 2-3. Li|M-A*-Aif fCMPUASUM AMP tATirr, you needipood fires on hot summer .. •ppoarad plaased that the legbrta- I carefully at the gate before- be- ______effevt and the__ ,10-man lnter-P«rty - A l lU eCi iJ llU e s e sure to fill the bill. Cool and prac­ TO off OUR FRIESDS and r.tJSTOMEI^ gel. .Alto, becante y«ii definitely ‘profit* or tton waa flnelly through Congress. ; ing admitted to the courtroom and i,umlM-r Seen Remaining Short stcci-lng committee bo reactivated. AN-BasHc Satin lO iA i rot tical. Pattern also includes a short ' Midway*. If yours u c doubtful, .aak about A"nAB Tires —this is the most urgrni snd tincere advice ‘loee* by the 'Voiiilition'* of your present car Evan this, however, entailed ! were ordered to leave paicela and Coalition Rule Nece(Mnry -.j version. Simple to make — thi* Seize Marines PANTY-OIROUS By Mrs. Anne Cabot . at your n«i|diborhood' ESSO Dm Iat. inqwet tbe special we c*n give you today. when you finally turn it in. i cutaido the building N>\v Haven. July 15--i^i-Fied- The Htatement...... llkewiaa *treaaed SPORTS We Work—Savliigly w eak’s, ABC Special. ' a « au-oecAKON wus ■v A free-flowing, graceful "broom­ **KempYour PrormtU C.ar in Top Condltlnr^ So, out of our experience and kQewIcdge * * I?**?-*” ; The trees outside were dra-oreled i enck-E Dickinson, assistant p ro-; vitnily important the necessity , Pattern No. 8048 ia for sixes 2. stick’ skirt with plenty of fulness A t ia s tregd, designed for extra wear and ufety. Read ^ oougre^nal Mtlon., vrith briefcase* And packages sus- ] (essor of lumbering at the Yale of forming a Chine.se coalition gov- ; (CoDtiDued from Pa)(e (tec) The thing td do abcwt Ueaqr 8, '4, 5 and 6 years. Slxe 3 requires of today's roiidilioiit we again say to you^— u. in the broomstick pleating—a aim- A tlas in a •"**"*, ” , ” *'*^*** I pended from the branches -Forestry school thinks it unlikely, onincnt. _..v ; —~- ator trouble ia—«nme U» oa aad 2 1-8 yards o f 35 or 39-Inch; 2 the generous written warranty of oatisCaction. It Of ccjiftee we want to |ui> y«u new Dodge fiMN ...... closely, the « American line „ , Mihailovic wgs a veteran egreer , that the country's lumber supply Lung-Chi, the league s j They were .stationed at OlVIS CONTROL end It! We tiave tile lOMwI- pie drawstring blouse of thin cot­ a* quickly as we can. But tre simply can’f Get Our - Double Proteetion— Today $3-98 yards ric rac. ( ton makes a summer costume 'mean* what it aays—and it says plenty. Whenever you than It might nonhally. officer. W hen‘ the Balkan war , will fully catch up with the de- spokesman who relenaed the sta te-, ^jy^houying, s mile and a half * WITH RRIIDOM edga. tmila parts Inr airirli.' dw For this pattern send 25 cento, do that to your own best advantage if you pendfhle' (ienrratnt Brpalre. which will make you as cool look­ drive, atop at the ESSO sign regularly. It stands for high Bring in your car. I,ct iit give it the necei>»ary Now Uut unfavorable congres- ; broke out in 1912 he was a 17-ycar mahd before 1950. Speaking on the ment, asserted that ! from the village where they were In O lins, your name, address, sixe run 4ften the condition o / your present (flonal paactlOns involving the loan , old student in a Belgrade militarv inent more to blame than the ; a UOHf.AI-A-RRIIZI Coine te as once, aad vaa'II rw ing as a frosted limeade! Easy to inapectiun and expert can. Then you’ll have weekly "Yale InterpreU the ta say *rUU desired, and the Pattern Number msHe, too. You can turn both of guality in motoring products. Motoriate froin M«ine tQ ,„ ear. ^ •ra no longer poaslbUiUag, Britain , academy, but left-I echool to Join program trunked yesteraay to a Comnuinisfs for the failure of rj.^^ Marine annomu-enitnt said tern (nr an.v needed Anto Ele«v to Sue Burnett, The Manchester peace of mind—and you'll be money ahead. .1'. eeylai." seueii trieni aervire. Onro tar all, them out in an afternoon. You'll •ad the United BUtea may, differ; the Serbian Army>in the field. - Hartford radio station (WTIC)K peace negoliatlpns since the gov- ieep and trailer Used by a n r i U K I A SUN TAN Evening Herald, 1150 Ave. Ameri­ Louisiana rely on it for "Happy learn that topigrade wnrh and need Just on* and three-quarter Why? Because the wsit insy be long- ■ Your New Dodge will be a rich reward for •fesfiy on more toanes. He was ' promoted to second Dickinson said that ten years ernment had insisted on diaciiMing captured men had been recov- ' cas, New York 19. N. Y. Motoring" —you can rely on H, too! lieutenant for his services in that might pass before a surplus of only military rather than military . village but th.at no otii- matertnto prove luwest-prlced. yards of cotton for ths skirt. your present esw ie old snd yet you need Wailing. With Double Protection now— Nfw - Exciting - Different - the To obtain complete cutting pat­ . OMto fW Steel BMb First campaign and subsequently won lumber exists. He cited a tabor and political subjects. > I er information liad been urcovered. In the end! Esso all tlie driving safely and comfort you can while you're waiting—you gain in ev ery way. Summer Issue of Fashion. Send tern for the Drawstring Blouse BfAUt high honors in World war 1 when shortage. ’. increased _ demand,', The statement deplored the as- i ------______, NOTIa It your goahr efoa* not hove ■grtterfl, JttlY'lft—(/P>—Unccr- strikes and the tock of a "regltstlc sasslnation------. of League Leader LI iI Rabbit Chases Hound aoMAufs. ■<# .1 twenty-flve cento for youy copy of (Pattern No. 5715) aixe* 13, IS, 17 ha received *imp*t sll the military this 52-page book of ideas and .gfitaly la th* iMiteiy of atruc- pricing policy” under the bid-"OPA Hung Pu last Friday at Kiuimlng- i included and for the Broomstick fho also ATLAS Tiro you mood, pleeo Ih e lig ie f decorations the Serirlan' govern­ patteims for all home sewers . . . tongl fltMl ter th* •oMtrucUon of ment could bestow. as reasons for the lumber short- viewing it as the culmination ®f * Aubui-n, N. Y.—(Ah—An Au­ NORTON Skirt (pattern No. 5768) sixes 12, your ordor now tor tuturo delivery. \0G flh ttto WUmir Q oas s~.. 1 Jong string of outrages perpetrated auegestions by nationally knowm 14, 16 and 18 Included, send - 15 r •ervsd «s BUUtsry Attocbe burn -Watertown Border BsMball . I ■ ^ HftBBdMl hMM CftUMd ' by "Gestapo elements," league game wgsn't dalayad iMff ELECTRICAL fashion editors . , . special pat­ cents in coin, plus 1 ceht postage After the fonnatlon of the state terns by top-flight Americato de- for each pattern mdered. your Owwmtorin w Wtl- There’s a permanent mirage at, o f when a frightened beagle boimd INSTRUMENT » eidl ter sf Yugoslavia, lUhnUovic Joined Dry Lake. six. miles west of Will- Prepare for Large S c a l e ran out acioss the ’ diasmid- a'gners . ,. . contest designs by name, address knd the pattern COLONIAL BEACON OIL COMPANY _ the glM| tetere ealUng the royjUiguard and became one of cox. Arix. F rontlbe highway miles: .. . . , Twelve hiindi-ed fan sat google- < !O M I’ A N V America's talented Juniors.. . numbi-r to Anne Cabot, Tbe M(«n- •h the ffitwmurf for which the youngest majors in the Army. off, the Vnotortot egn sec a great nOStllltlPS at KalYOII eyed aa they watihod thfr hound free shoulder p*fl pattern printed chealer Hci'xld. 1150 Ave. Amerl- . C»«r, Mw.CMim SOLIMENE & FLAGG, INC. 634 Canter Street y g t o »• fitefl-Mfli wifi heOteiwi He atUndad the Qeneral Staff body "dry-water" on a clear j Kalgan. Manchuria. July 16.— being chased by a rabbit, alto TlBUHardSL TeL4M0 in book. caa. New York 19. N. ?f. eaaaaaaaaaa m tr 9S, Om MW yMtwtoy* sehoel u d subaequcntly served I day^ n - ...... —Communlsu In thto Mpltol ef | frightened. ___

\- / . MAMJHCSIKR GVe^i^G HEBALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY. JULY 15. 194» Manch ester evek im o m c r a l d , Ma n c h e st e r , c o n n , Mo n d a y , j c l y rt, i n $ PACK SEW N

muit 5lanchestcr Veterans’ of I doaa not ballavt that t^TlC—I9M Five in State Padilla Admits ' v.orUI Service Center NOW A aitrtirstfr ^ i» a ”u*to ^*ink'"£iat tf the : have, and apaadlly, rnough WDBO—1869 Today's Radio \VONB->1419 ee Center Slrcot poM-ar’of dacUlon had been allh jfovam m ant to control this atomic Die Violently y can alao be purchaaed at Telephene 8822 end 8441 New Vol k. July „ A>j Jacob Pobofaky. 51, aioed In the for-j Hoae Company No, 1 of the V.------Jyin Angelea, July 15 i/Pi Ml* the door. Your 4* X 8* Garage Doors „iffl!ri5SS?i5t S5“wc. -niat I. a fallarlmia aaaiimptlon. i aclentiat. U there la, he la In a firange .Myatery Ride s Potofakv today took over the malion of the Oothlng VVorkera j South Mancheater Are department 3;45—W nC—Right to Happineaa. 7)45—WONfl—Inside of Sports. Three of Fatalitiefl i|i Director-:-Nethen B. Gatch- i^lexiran 'Serrelary of, U BtaMD 8U«it ^ T h a t la a ^ J paUry minority among all lho«r. temperature and pulaa atlll above 4;00—WDRC — Houae Party: 8:00—WDRC — Forever Ernest; ell. Conpitts With Hardwara Bolton Giange myatery nde for WONS—Adventures of Bulldog rlSSSSm%>S!S^f* Y w In^and year ‘ ^.^ntlaU and othe.^lae, who have nortnal, Howard Hufhea remained News; WTHT — Jack Berch; Fairfield County t Riv­ Aeelatant Director — Welter Interior Pletlges JProlie in critical condition today In Gooi .SHinarltan hoapiUI, where the f " - ' ■f„‘vc(icn the cara arriv- at the ^ H .^ re In i‘"« of htomlo energy to clylH«- Linda Darnell To Seek Divorce g;80 No. 4 of the aame department HalhWnC -- Stella Dallaa. man by Rep'ubUcan NaUonal worth. - --^ n *^-~~ ■■«"'— ever And In the mind of one man | • hioua. plane builder waa taken a • |,-„.Tilllea and frianda of Hillman. I Committee, B. Carroll Reicc. Mexico City, Jtiiy 15,. ; Summer M « HnMdajr& KaUr** •< Un If, In aearrh of ease of de«i*lon, week ago yeaterday after.craahliig . orangera are invited to attend. Potofsky. who haa been aecre- reaponded to a call for a Are on the 4:80—WDRC -^Olve and Take; By Thfl Aasociated Press Counacilipf; 10 to 12 noon: 1 Gothea Polea jM* at HaneMalai. Oaaa., MR It la to be hope^that the Die* Hollywood. July 15—(Ab—Linda roof of a houae at 40 Wella atraet, w n c — Lorenio Jonea. 8:15—WTHT—Ed BuUlvan. A Sunday drowning at Eaaex to 4 p. m.; 9 to 12 on Satur­ retary of toe Interior Prlroo Vllta , we ahould eA'er turn to a dlctatoi hia experimental photographic----- ^ . at the Community Ury-treaawrer of Oie union 8:80—WDRC—Crime Photogra­ Michel promtacd today "a proper aaaa Malt brand of polaon wnl nnt h* 1040, Bald he would follow '‘the Darnell, the 23-/ear-old DaUaa girl I which. waa cxtlngoiahad without 4:45—WTHT — Hop Hprrigan: brought to live toe number of day. ahip form of govern meat, we plane. Hull Bolton Center at 10 a. m. on pher; News; WONfl—Caae Book investlgsUon" of voting Irregular- MUMMClUMTHlfci . ^ lowed 1 to Influence-the action of A bulletin laaued Hlllihan tradiliona and Hillman who Burpriaed Hollywood In 1943: loaa. W nfc — Young Wldder Brown. week-end violent deatha In Con­ Veterans' Administration Cedar Posts by Hughea' o„nrtay. Thoae who plan to attend : —WDRC— Main Street, Hart­ of Gregory Hood; WTHT—Dash- Itlea charged by follnwera of Eae- OM tW ^ ...... *...... ! *'Sl would be brewing/for onraelvea phyalciang gave his temperature aa ; bring flahlng Uckle If they pollclea" both nationally and inter- by marrsdng Paverell Marley, now : ------; 5 00 necticut. Three of the fatalities Contact . Repfeaeiltative* — Congrcaa. It la to be hoped that 48, haa aepArated from him and In-' While Kredonta, N. Y., waa ford: WONfl - Musical Roundup: Ifl Hammct'a Fat Man; w nC — quid Padilla, who formally ack- S T ■art* •? IWI ...... * JJ more heartache and tragedy then 101', and aaiil hla pblae waa run­ Howard Barlow's Orchestra. were In FaiiMeld county. Thomas J. Sweene.v, Jr., daily, the McMahon Bill la paaM-l, with ere to riMh: bpthlns aiilta If they naUonally yeaterday by the | tenda to InatltM^^divorce 1 wUh_neural g ^ June WTHT — Terry; WTIC When The Sunday victim waa Antoony 8:30-5K)0 p. m.; Saturday, knowlcdged last night toe had been Vacation la ever Involved In the rlowly^ ning between 130 and 140. Breath­ care to swim and lunch foi their «a5,2r^>w;*:::::::::":»*? Ita Civilian gforni of control rom- GenerarEx«uVlve'board of the un. j Inga at an early date, friends said 5. 1825. gaa did not TOme Into 9:00 — WDRC — Kiss and Make 8:30-12; Bernard Herman. defeated by Miguel Aleman In toe Waatara Wataa aao AfO ...... Haoo right and t^e ivimetlnirR <'>nri- ing continued painful and labor- cnliic family. A good time i« prom­ a Oirl Marries. Up; WONS-Gabrlcl ,Heater; Greghl, 11, of Portland who. State presklentlat elections July 7, Whether It is in New England, Canada or The W. G. piete, before the Houae adjouma.- i„ua. but Hughaa had juat ended Ion to serve the unexplred term of, today. , general >»*c until the 1880 s. 5:15—WDRC Top Tune Time: Police Ueut. Carroll E.' Shaw of Tuesday-Friday, 8:30-5:00' p. “ o» pletely wrong declatonR of yie ised all thoae attending. WTHT—1 Deal In Crime; w n c “Any concrete complaints or de-! ■ Nor ahould tboae who tie rMliy three hoiira of reatfiil aleep. the WONS—Music In the Air; WTHT the Westbrook barracks aald, fell m.; Saturdays, 8:30-12. across the Uiiiietl States get a real start. < TUB aMUCIATICU MKKIIM democratic leglatatlve pro H a n d Hooked Rugs Andre Schen-ker. atreet auto thieves took a back seat I Oamacho had “fully complied with of the mcmberahlp la being per- Tueaday and witr Include the en­ WTHT -S p o rt Genu; WTIC — Bridgeport Saturday shortly after ! his promise of guaranteeing free- or service station. Hm BaraMi enatiag Uaaiasar.' verae ratber than alncera, petty Hempstead, N. Y., July 15— - tire circuit. More new readers have 6 :30- WDRC Meet Your Legis­ Dr. I. Q. , he had beeii struck in the stomach Sunday to the thief who entered a WASHING MACHINE imiT— aa flaaaeial ras«iaia«»'iiUr fei Tbe condition of two mm Injured I dom of .suffrage. rather than large-minded, 'on- been addad to the already long Hat X lature: WONS — Anawei- .Man; | 10:45—WTHT—Fantasy In.Melody by a rock whieh police aald had Lexington automobile display win­ PadlUa, candidate of the Mexi- tye^reaew i a.vers apaaariag la aa- In the crash of a private plane year and It, la encouraging to thoMC in WTHT — Music; WTIC — "Bob 11:00—Newa on all staUbni. been thrown at him by a playmate. dow and drove off with a 1946 car SERVICE aertieeewite »a Tba MaaeMatai Bta- temptuouB of public opinluu and terday waa reported aa fan. b'll of soft, fleecy wool I can Democratic party, conceded WE USE THE LATEST ELECTttlC aing narald. charge to see the Intereat taken' Steele; Weather Forecast. 11:15—WDRC—Night Owl show; The' child collapsed, police said, —after filling it with 20 gallons of I victory to Aleman, of the govern­ the public Interest rather than .so- atlll critical, by attentlanU at Mea- ■ In this service; 8:45 — WDRC — Robert Trout. WONS — Musical Roundup; and died shortly afterwards. gaaoline from the dealer's tank. Repairs On All 51aksst Matching patterns In moat sizes: k'rcnch blue, pow­ ment party In a statement last METHOD OF RECAPPING Monday, July 15 llcitoua. In times when democracy ! dowbrook hospital torlay. I Dramalic Club .Meeting Newa; WONS — Eaay Aces: . WTHT — Evening Devotion; David A. Plainer, 20, also of TTie thief also took a act of license night In which he reiterated that a PrompL Economical! Is on trial for Ita life, Its elected The men were Comdr Lauren The Dramatic Club will meet der rose,, beige, lime green! Muac'ou-type medallion MITIC — Lowell Thomas. w n c—Harkneas of Waahtng- Bridgeport, drowneq.< Saturday plates. HeCready, 81. of West Bedding, and geometric patterns. “cynical fraud" had been perpe­ With preciflion bufflnt you, get a balanced recap The Loan Paaae* •ervanta tvould do welt to < onaid- Tuesday evening In toe Commun­ 7:00 — WDRC—Patty aayton; ton. while eWimming In Lake Soar at trated by Juggling of election re­ conn., head df an angineeiing de­ ity Hell at 8 p.m. Copies of the WONS Ray Henle. News; 11:30 WONS—Leighton Noble’a Newtown with his brother. Plqlner Boa Oomea Out Second Beat which you can hardly tell frdm a new tire. er their reaponftlblllty sacred rath­ partment at the IT. B. Merchant turns. By a vote of 219 to 155, the plays have been received and the WTIC -Supper aub. Orchestra; News; WTHT—Mu­ dived into toe water and failed to He promlaed that hla party would Potterton*s er than routine. Marine academy al Kingsport. N.- parts will be given out at the meet­ sic; WTIC—Bela Biz^ny and En- rise to toe surface. Volunteer'fire­ Morrison, HI.—(C)—A bus came Houae 4m Saturday completed y., who was piloting the plane, 7:16—WDRC — Gordon MacRae; “continue our fight for toe victory ONE DAY SERVICE! IBaaohsataFa Largaat Rag Congreaa' favorable action on the ing. The playe will, go into produc­ WOBI8—Famous Songs; Musical aemble. men found hie body within 20 min- out second beat In a' colllalon with of democratic rights.'* and hla pasaeng^, James C. Mar- tion with rehearaals immediately. Reg. $15.25 2x4 feet.. 12:00—WONS—Blly Blahop'a Or- utea and brought it to the surface. a horse in Morrison's bualneaa dis­ sad AppNaaea Btoea 88,rS0.009.005 British loan. Thera In Order To Get Grain chant, 50. of Roalyn Heights, N. Y., Roundiip: WTHT—Earner Davla; In a flate-up of post election At IlM Usater It is hoped a tkrge number of the Reg. $28.60 3x5 feet.. WilTKIII w n c —News of toe World. cheatra; W nC—News; St. Louis He failed to respond to artificial trict. The hoioe suffered a leg violence in LIcra, meanwhile Sev­ SaB-841 MAIN STREET are many rsnnons, ail important, a greeting card manufacturer. members will be present Tuesday 7 :30—WDRG Bob Hawk show: Serenade. respiration. cut; toe bus a broken wlndahield, Truck Owners, Attention! The flnal touch the Senate gave They had head and InUmal Injur­ eriano Vega, president of the Llera why this victory ia to be hailed. evening. Reg. $46.00 4x6 feet... WONS-Hcnry J. Taylor; WTHT 12;36 WONS --- Frank Masters' Mrs. Angelina Della Vecchio, two emaahed headlights and dam­ city institutional Revolutionary RECAP YOUR TRUCK TIRES NOW! We Have toe ao-calted OPA extension hill ies. the hospital reported, Elee! 4>ffleer» —Lone Ranger; WTIC—Music Orchestra; W nC—Carmen Cav- about 60, died Saturday at St. aged ateering.nay. Miss Joan Pot­ Next to the Senate’s vote rati­ The crealiisn occurreil on the The...... following ..... ^ officers of the 5/ McutcUeii&i party which backed Aleman In the Installed a New Truck Recapper, Come In and See It fying the United Nations Charter, waa to remove price control ^ on Hall Varieties. ' allaro and Orchestra. Raphael’a hospital. New Haven, ter, riding thc-Rorsc. escaped with elections,was aeaaaslnated last grounds of an estate at nearby Old | {^diaa of St. Maurice were elect­ from Injuries polica said she re­ Work. 8-Honr Service. this measure is probnMy the moat grain. Welcome aa thla step will Wealbury. - Nassau county potlqe ed et the annu; I meeting: Preal minor brulies. night by two gunmen. he to the grain producers of the ceived when ahe fell 60 feet into atngU key-atone to the poat-war aald engine failure was the cause. dent, Mrs. Henry Sheckley; vice the Pine Rock quarry at Hamden. T- •flifle* of world peace Ameriran mid-weat, the "special Intel eat " president, Mra. Donald Tedford; Motion Picture Film . The pottce quoted wltneaeea aa which diMrvea printe credit for 59,04M W atch l*arade treasurer, 'Mr*. Anthony Fiano; volley la trying to build secretary, Mfs. Alfred Barb^ro; aaying the woman toppled from a Our ratlflcatlon of the United adding this new bit of inflationary flag bearer, Eleanor Hutchinson; height of 100 feet above the quarry Norwich, July IS-^-'A*)—An eatl- Can “See” Almost in Dark floor, her body landing , ^ a ledge Nattona Charter waa acceptanca honaaty to the bill la a New Kng- mated 50,00o .apectatoia Jammed Flora. Mra. Angelo Spma; chap­ land "special Intereat.'' lain, Mra. William Minor; guard, about halfway down toe ikeep aide. RANGE AND FUEL OIL of tha theory that, poUtfcally and the line of mach here Sunday for At Danbury, Clifton 'RMhfl, , 48, ■ If we have a situation in which thla city's-Welcorhe home day pa­ Mra. Anthony Meneggla; by-lawa (Caatern Standard—Add One • Guardia will l>e in Ekirope toe next militarily, thla miiat become one rade for Ua veterans of World war committee, Mra. Keeney Hiitchtp- a Negro, waa found 6krly there la no calling on meat ani­ ★ Open Thursday Evenings to 9 — Closed Wednesdays at Noon Hour tor Daylight.) , few weeks to v'sit several capitals Sunday on the siidcwalk Ji»iront of CAMPBELL civilised .world In order fo sur­ II. Approxlm..tely 5,000 paradars son, Mra, Antonio AnaaUII; wel­ i and attend an UNRRA conference ^ Wholesale Gasoline mals, but a ceiling on grain, the New York, July 15—iiPi—Tele­ a boarding house where m roomed vive.' It was acceptance of the participated. Following the parade fare. Mrs. Hugo Broda, Mriu Gio­ vision having developed a camera : at Geneva, he will continue his mid-weat will not aell ita grain aa and public exerclaea an entertain­ vanni Peace; entertainment com­ and Dr. John B. Booth, medical theory that the next war must be that "sees" almost in toe dark, it ABC commentaries, doing so via examiner, said the man had died grain, but turn It Into meat on the ment program waa staged at the mittee, Mra. Renato CwconI and has sought toe aid of chcmlst.s to short wave. The otviy exception Is prevented before It starts; that If Mra. Aldo Peace. from aapyxiation caused when hla hoof, where it can coipmapd an city recreation Held. Speakers In­ give it a motion picture film that Wedne.sday night when, bcciuse he Bantly Oil Company uncontrohable war-llke Impulses cluded Rep. Chase Going Wood- To Present Play can do a similar job, or nearly so. will be en route, Paul Porter will do aycr appear In any nation, the unlimited pricej And that will houae (D., Conn.) and James R. Bolton Orange la aponaorlng an The new film, now ready for a fill in. The overaeas schedule is to S.3I Main Street Tel. 529S or S-1057 mean that it will continue. nK>at Nicholson, chairman of the Blka entertainment on Friday evening, last through August 14. Aim SIIPPIY rest ef the a’orid must be united 51AN HAD BRICK IN HIS July JB at the Community Hall, tryout, is designed primarily for 4 Opposite the Armory la forcing that nation berk to the' difficult for Ne^ England farm- National War commlaalon. outdoor sc^es, where lighting con­ STOMACH FOR 10 YEARS 29 BISSELL ST. TEL. 2-1139 waya of peace. ara, who buy grain In order to' ditions cannot be controlled, giv- One man recently elated that for turn It into poultry and- eggs and lH8 greater detail In both high­ Week End Deaths 10 yeara he' felt like he had a brick The British loaa la tba kay to lights and shadows. A product of milk, to*'biiy the grain they need ii. hla stomach. - Thla feeling was an attaek on the problem of war the Dupont laboratories at Parlin, due to toe lump of undigested food for P*e«l. N. J.. it does the job through use w’btcli ia even more basic. By the New York—Alfred Stieglltz, 82, he alwayb hed inside of him. He So, In order to give these Ne v of a special emulsidn. noted photographer who was a agreementa accompimytnf the was weak, worn out, headachy, Notice— ^Zoning Board of Appeak England farmers a chance of An Important application is ex­ founder of the post impressionist swollen With gi’S and terribly con­ loiui, Britain le now pledged to co­ pected to come In the telecasting of movement in modern art. He waa keeping their flocks and herds, stipated. Recently he slat ted tak­ operate with ua In thoae measurea public events within hours or min­ born in Hoboken, N. J. ing ERB-HE'.I and aaya the feel­ In accordance with the requirn.^ Application of Camlllo Gambo- New England senators took the which can do most to remove the utes of their occurrence. Transfer Green Farms—John C. Tread­ ing like a brick in his stomach menta of the sonlng regulatlpna of lati for permlaaion to erect alngle lead In «llmnallng price control on from camera to transmitter can well. 77, chemical pioneer in the toe Town of Mancheater, toe famlty dwelling cloMr to the aide uadertylng ccononiic cauaea of disappeared toe second day. Bow­ grain, «o that the New H;nglaivl be speeded up by sending direct synthetic rubber field, a former els ara regular now, gas and head­ Zoning Board of Appeals will hold line than sonlng regulationa allow ware. Britain .ahd the Uniteil from a negative film, which is farniei sw ill havjC the dubious dim vice presideni -and general, man­ aches are gone and he feels like.a a public, hearing in tha Municipal on lot No. 4, High atreet, la a States together are now pledged tranapoMd to positive by a slight ager of toe Interoontinenlal Rub­ new man. Building, ThuVa( the ' future on U)4i McMahon Bill for domestic al Down to one-of-a-kintl on many style.6 821.80. (Ivory flnish... .|24.15) cloacneas and frtendahtp necessary in Summer Furniture . . . small quan­ I the east side of Broad street be- control of atomic energy aa the S t s s f l t t Other Emerson Radios pad Radio'CornMnatlonS Appllcatlon of George F. John- tw<>en Woodland and Strickland Yes, it ean- between our two peopice. tooat rtdlculouB elory of our tities of other.a . . . so all these pieces upholstered furniture Priced To 8108. . aon, Jr., tor permlaaion to erect ntr«.ets In i Residence A zone. and many more are marked at Knd-of- enclosed vesUbule cloeqr to the With auch objectives, thia logn times: ’ . TITOGUIZAR Shop'111 Alr-Coaditioned Comfort. .Application of The Holl' Invest- unlessB ^ y ■hould have passed unanimously. the-Season prices! AH subjeot to prior 25.00 atoeet Hoe than zoning regulations Company for |>ermlsalon to The alory said that Hou-'e ac­ Soloist allow at 22 Campfleld Road In a huild hnusT closer to the street ^Tltat It (Ud not waa apparently the sale. Pay As Little As 11.25 Weekly ^ tion on this bill waa "bow likely to in six- states! Resld.incc A- aone. line and smaller than zoning r«!g- ramilt of a number of ainall minds PROGRAM at no extra cohI be delayed Indefinitely because «( I , V Application of Paramount Home 'ilatlone -perm it on -Cooper Hill koi^wifefets on both aides of the political a report from toe House Oirnnut- Because ...... f ...... D H aidelot Imp. Corp. for permlaaion to en- street, lot No. 1.36 In a Residence 90 Day W'arranty On Radio cloae exisUng porch which Is fence, minds which yVould be quite tee on Un-American Arllvltioa. Sailor’s Dance from ’’The Red Poppy” ...... Ollere A Zuiie. Le Reve from "Manon” ...... Dfnaaenet eloper to atreet line than zoning Application of Frank P. Andie ' backtosavimfl wilMng to decide atich an Issue on This is the former DIee commit-! 1 Year Guarantee On Yubeii regulaUona allow at 30 Doane the baaia of toS pettiest preju- Furiiitui'e .-salesmen, traveling through­ Caprioclo Espagnole...... Rtmsky-KorankoR for permission to condi ct' real es­ tee, still living up (or. downi to Medley of Mexleaii E'clk Songs In, S Hours street In a Residence A zone. . dices. And it waa also a result Extra large .\diiomla,k .’Vrin CliHira with all out New Knglaiul. tell us this shovtiug tate Mieinese and have advertising the staiulardn that gcnllrnmir art aOHt slats, back .sluts uml aiiiia scievved . . . not of upholstered furniture is one of the ^Irannda Lnra Application of Mitthew Moriar- sign at 358 Adams street In u of toe fact thatitbe Republican | (hongp be did not iIhic alnm i nailed., Wa.a $n.M) . . . .^...... g.95 If you are bothered with ty for permlaaion to operate grav­ Rraldence A lone. Used fo tsiiu ). memberahip of ^Congress ia still (2» Cypress .side CliHiiN in iliiltwoml grey finish; largest displavs of tine suf&8 and chair.s your dental platen have el pit on Charter Oak street In a Application of S e d r I e k for re-election in the House hmisi’li . in New Fngland! It .just happens that, JlWkUy I COHFANY Realdenca B and A zone, ' accepUng toe' disaatroua loadcr- The deport waa written by Ernie i-oac aallcloth seats: rose webbed hacks. Were them Blade over in the Straughan for permission to use »24,m each ...... eg ..'...... 12.S5 the orilers we’ve had "in the works’ at Appllcatlon^of L. B. Ashland for garage on rear of property aa ahip provided by men like Senator Adanuibic the polaon pen arli’5;'J5; choice ...... 84.50 that elemental aelflshneaa Involved ' Have yonr dental plates '^re­ ' Application of Elmer 8. Hanaen I ApplclaUon of Edward F. For thia, in the curious slants oi Hiqkoi-y Ann Rocker with hoop anii.a; khaki Channel-back occasional chair, shown lUMimm p. auisH paired by mea who have mada ! tor permlMlon to build addition on Coiijfhlln for Approval C^rtlncatc In money mattara. And here, the Dies committee, they are po­ w-ebbed aeat and back Varnish nni.ah Waa $17.50 above, is in a blue textured damask, a life study of It — And eeve ! rear of existing garage closer to i for gaiwllne station to be located where they thought they had a tential traitors to their own coun­ ...... 0.08 25.00. The famous Gainsborough aa much aa 80%. !slde line than zoning regulations on Oakland street In a Residence good chanice of making th e ir' try, and. as a result, then own Poi-ch Roi-kei-a with .slat seats and lim k.s; oak add CHair* with its wide fan back comes ia Juaeral I allow at 206 Vernon street In a' A zone. . , , .wece,.’, again de- : a.sb in natural color, varnished Weie $i0.,50. . 5.25 'Rural zone. ' Application of Joseph P. Scran- counlry ia in great danger, wbi-li a yellow cretonne with rich burgundy, Modern in its appointments, i r nn. fon for Approval Certificate for feated. Htckoi-y Ann Chair In natiiial varni.sh finish: makes It advisable, so'- the Die.s kliaki w-ebbed seat and buck. Was $14 00...... 9.95 blue green, blue and deeper gold, .55.00 Home On auch legislative, occaaiona,' convenient in its location, the W . J . , committee recommenda and so the Driftwood Cypi-eaa Atm Chair with io.se sailcloth (*Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.) tographic studio in basement of ; / s’hen a measure which really de-1[story saya-toe Houae seems to uphoKatered seat and back. Wi.s $32 50...... 16.25 Quiflh Funeral Home is a pre­ . home at 3 Oak Place In a Real-! * Residence A tarx’aa unanimous passage has to zone. agree, to postpone'"any action on 131 Mexican Side Chairs, hand niadc and deco» ferred setting Tor the final denes B zone. Application of CrafUman Auto struggle for Its xlctory, there la < toa McMahon Bill until such dan­ rated; wbven tule seats. Green, yellow- or light klu*. 22SinfliiSt FAGAN ■ Application of Edward L. Ca- Body Shop . for Approval Certifi­ 8.25 rini for permission to build undsr- llwaya a temptaUon to question gerous conditions have been Were $0.50. Choice p k § u cate forvused car dealer's license RISE BUS FITS arc naededl la service. REUPHOLS sized house on „^under-slzed lot et 127 Spruce street In a Buslneai Uta wisdom of toe democrftlc sya- erased. Prop. . . . the Oearaatoc qaalil, wsjr. Vsar isite •Irlaped <• the frasM get back in the habit of cenp- [ J ' !■ DHTra^NIGilT (building later to*”.ecome garage) tem Of governihent. It would . 'a ■d4 ceMpleislv rtbaill ia sar s«a ibsa h; rxpcrl ersfUawa. New n Parkei stifct. north of Brae- ing aim akimndng. Tdl your .. One need ask only a few.qiiea- Expert Dental Technician sad roUuf addad. Piece* retirled. Hsodwerk retlatahed. All |>eraoiis Intfiested may a t­ neightoir to do the aame. Biw y u v e been an unparallale t, in a Rural zone, tend this healing. ' * For tim room with little wallspuoe. or 4340 tbelM sf flat caverlao. Vaa’U be sauted al tbe resaM. drop to;needed for soap aad A’orid-ahaking tragedy if thia loan dlculotia thia kind of logic la. WATKIKS iHoflerule cost of ^iiish Serv­ 0 « c e Hours: 9 A. N. to S P. M. CONVENUNT TEUMS , _____ II Application of Joseph P. ;Scran- Stoning Board of Appeals tm> fo r permlaaion to operate a By R. W. (goalee. other peacetime Rixkls. ud been defeated, and yet, up to Is there'any aclentiat w'ho ha.s the .-Mra large room that needs more No Appolotment Nooeaeary Jie very momeitt when toe vote tliau h sofa, the Lawson love seal is per­ •sU.facM.s e ^ l l n c sUtlon on Tollahd Turn­ Chairm an. had experience with the atomic- ice. ' CO.MS IN ANY TWOS Cali Uarltard 6-asn $lipca«an Mads-ie-Orliat pike In a Residence AA ifone, for­ .1 Martin E. Alvorfl, waa taken, the isaue waa ia aeri- fect. This one is in beige tapestry with O* wtHs le al RaataaaMa Ffiaas. bomb -who doea not believe that 0/ M a*tdted&t Oearutse CabMalarr C«. mer building destrojrisd by fire. Baeretary. HMN Mta doubt. Would it not. have been there must be Intematipiial world green and rustyvrose designs, 139.00 33 ASYLUM STREET Uttar, then, to have the fate of I control of atomic energy If fhe '0^ Mcuiciteii^ ' . ■ 1 . Oppoalto Aakina r.UARANTEE IIPHOI.STF.RY <70, m c i ■ meaaiure assured in' advance, tvoHd le'tn survive" . sAmbiitafirr Service Room 2 Hartford. Cona. Moor Above Savilt the Jeweler 1254 Ma in s t . Ha r t f o r d Ailverliac in The Herald— It Puvs ] tad jqat dependent upon the nn- I la there any acieiitiat’ wlii And Salesmaii IVill Call with lull Line of Samples « i r ff# M K M n m m R t fndlctable thinking of aome 374 I know* alial the bomb can do. w hoi 5 V V. ' '1.. \ ■: . > ■ I'M " r f t i

MANt'HCS'lER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JULY 15. 194« $ PAOB NDIi *m a i v : o t s t e r e v e n i n o h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n , m o n d a t , j u l t ib , i « 4 i FIX ./ war for Fields. .Ha said, howaver. Agent Aflmits that he knew nothipf about Fields' Podrave Sella * Suits Brou«;ljt activities In- t h ^ ' caaa. alUiough Fields waa a j^ i r y dear frtaad.’~ W ed d in g s Sport 's in State League Local Woman Honored Requesting May Checks Cwrtwd ^ Beard Business Here Against Town yrtemapr wld that ha had turn­ By Earl W. Yost Aid in Business ed mortr than 946,000 la cbecka . Tracy-McAdam Pm tt-lh^ood over ^ the late Albert Levin, "a By Great Britain’s King Miss Ellxsbelh Mary M cA<^, Springfield Men to Take Three Legal Acllon* To­ frirdo and my attorney,” to cash. Legion Juniors Cop (OoatlaaM traoi Pags'oaet Ti-atimony has been- presented to daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Jamas Oyer Meat an d , Gro­ O noi Onmea A s A Enin Jimmy Folay'e boeaholl achool Sporis Roundup ^ Lefty Perzan Victor tal ^38,500; AM Arc .-{ahow that the checks ultimately McAdam of 105 McKee street was block eye waa plastered onI wlQ bt In aosstoa tonight at the the loeal TwtUgM Baaaball Looguo‘ ' West Side ftec at 7:80. The school An W ho Aided In R e ­ Metal Products companies, two s4 were cashed by Sam Beard, aeli* married June 29, In St. M ar^ cery Establinhinent ' By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. Monday Matinee Engaged to Wed Resulu o f Falln the concerns In the combine. styled gambler.” Freeman said lost Friday night at tha W est Bids is open to oU boys 14 yean old l i e f church In Newington to Twinbill at Mt. Nebo NeW York. July 15 t4’i Work During War Before Freeman was called to that he had no bank account o f hla Jofta^b Oyol whofi the HomUton Prope and up who on inUroited. Thore Georgia’s George Hamer, Na­ Bernard Tracy, son of Ur Md • Abraham Podrove tpday an­ toiled to field a full team. ThU was la hO fee and Jimmy will welcome V gardlees of what Bobby Risgs did In Mound Dual 3 to 2 Three aulte totaling the stand, Mead ^announced that own, and that the checks took to Don Budge yesterday, (W real tional cotleglato and southern sms- Shonhi Share, Awerts have been brought agslnst the Mrs, William Tracy of 69 fitoddard nounced the sale of his store lo­ not tha main enuoa for tha dis­ any boy. the committee Is^exarotnlng the that course because he waa having world championship will be ' tour golf champion, likely win Town of Manchester by the law law 'aa to bringing .jCongrcssman •marlUl" troublce. avenue, Newington, th a double cated at 806 Main street to Louis colored optic on the league, it was Down Broad B ** ® W |ll|nni« firP Ilt Mrs. Frederick Parker decided at Foro«t Hills in Septem­ turn pro when hla college career ! Arm of Letsner A Rottrer m s May before the con^ittee by legal The witness told the conunlttee ring Ceremony. only a bump. For later when the T\vi League President Nick An­ Twice in C o u n t y ; ^ *“ 1®***® w e n i Betts Jackdniak at Oral; Coben d Jack Papomo of ber. . . That used to be Wimbirdon'a en«la according to hi* roach. Bob result o f falls sustained bxjrfsl- proccae,” that he "never spent 6 cents on The bride wore a whit* rtreet Springfield. The new owners will two tooms Uw Props and tho PA's gelo stated yesterday that tha Mrm. rra4«1ck l»»rk«r of A c^ - dress with a corsage of red roees. I claim, but look at this prospective Keener. He Just loves the game Box Score Swede Salmonson and denta o f Manchester lost winter. The committed has repeatedly In­ entcitalnmenV out of a total of i take over the store on Monday. decided to piny on unofftciel gome, Hamilton Props have been fined liCague as R oger Pit* | In Qosox Wins otrort haM t>oen h o n o r ^ by approximately 925,000 In expense The matron of honor Was Mrs. th* eye was bUckened as neither 95 for falling to field a team' lost lineup for the U. 8> amateur cham­ loo much to leave it. . . Klkhart. 1 Thsee papers have bein served by vited May to testify. He advised I Mr. Podrove stated that he vfiU pionship; Three American cham­ New Britain (I) Bushy Kapura Game’s hF would "consider" appearing If money he received during 1048-45. William Adamy of 105 McKee teem gave their best and with a Friday night. kin Homers in Attack K ____ Ind., . haa a IS-year-old "p*te i Britain. In th# preaontatlon Constable James Duffy and In mm 1 continue with the store for two pion*, Frankie Parker,- the de­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. permitted to recall other witnesses He listed among his expenses the street, sister of the bride. She wore botUr than average crowd on hand Gray” In Don Shearer, one-armed Battin|[ Stars; Detaib ct "BIm Jinjaaty** modal for aenrlco have been turned over by the Town ^ weeks before taking an extended fending titleholdcr and ex-cham-1 outflelder. on a aandlot team. . . Scoglarnll, rf ...5 0 0 0 0 0 and have his counsel examine them. maintenance of a Washington resi­ a blue dress and carried a spring and the outlook for a good finan­ An all-star oertea between the The Manchsster American Ls- Paces Boston to Twin la tlM cnoae pf Froodoin.'’ o f Manchester to the bonding com­ j vacation. piona Ted Bchroeder ano ■ Tommy Timlin, who recently sign- Dombrowski, so 4 0 0 X a 2 Mead termed May's stand unac­ dence and transportation for dlni- bouquet. Mr. Podrove has been in the cial night, both teams decided to, best players in the Manchester Lefty Person, a atyllat scutopaw - lira. Parker who headed- in * pany which carries the lishllity In- The beat man was William Tracy I gion Junior baseball team record­ Triumph Over CIcve* McNeill, plus and' ^ to call 'em In the All America 'Ibeker, Xb ., 3 0 X 10 0 0 ceptable. self and his wife. ' meat and grocery bilhlress In Man­ play like a sondlot team of kids. Twilight League Is In the works. Britlah W ar ReUef Society for suranca. o f’ Klrkham street, Newington, ed a twin triumph yesterday after­ BUI THgert for the horn*- side; Football Conference, established Chadwick, cf .. 4 1 X 1 0 0 out of New' Britain proved to local, four yearo o f war aenrlce, received In one suit. Gordon R Thomp­ George Meader, committer coun­ In the exchange of letters. Mead chester for the past 20 years. He , Nelthar side gave their best.. A best two out of three '^sme se­ land; Yankees Lose brother of the groom. The league uwet the fans of noon at Mt. Nebo by downing Yvon Petra, France's ncwly- hla reputation In a game between Kulaa, if . . . .. 4 0 0 2 0 0 fans yeatorday afternoon at toe son Is suing for IIR.OOO a* n re­ sel, asked Freeman whether he Invited -May to testify before the started business In town when he ries may be arranged. a letter from the KlniTa aecreUry A reception 'Was held at the Monchaatsr a public apology for crowned Wimbledon champ; Har- ' Puttsvllle, Ra., and an all-Callfor- Kapura. 2b . . . . 4 2 3 3 a X' West Sid* Oval that he has lost Sadunlay, In which aha waa In* asked anyone. In addition to May, committee and the Kentuckian re­ purchased the Oliver Toop atnie. Broad Bipok tn Hartford County s t ^ he claims, of falling on the home of the bride for the Imme­ tho dUgraca thft occurred on the , By jAck HaihI ly Hopman and toe youthtiil B o^ , nla team In 1924. Called in to aub Wllka, 3b ...... 3 0 a X 5 X little of hla pitching skill that mode formed of the honor beaU r^ upon for aid In solving the problems of plied In effect that ha waa willing During Mr. Podrove's 27 years In Georgte Rice of Milford, driving American Legion games. 10 to 5 sidewalk on Benton street on diate family. After the reception field of play whore as a rule good ('Aeaoctated Press Sports W fitor) by Barnes representing Australia. foi another referee. Tommy toss­ Garro, c ... 4 X 7 X 0 him the top pitcher In toe Twilight her In the name of the local eo- JanuaiT 24, 194* about p- m. Batavia and Erie Basin. to testify but on hie own terms. business he has been In three loca­ Roy Hogedorn's midget racer, and 5 to 1. There waa no reason," Fteoman Meflfl said "no further written the bridal Couple left . t o spend two boMboll gomes have been played. Baseball’s top box office draw' U Tony Mottram, G. L Palsh and E. ; ed Duke Osborn,. a rough, tough Persan, p ,. ...4 0 'a a 0 League during the 1945 seeaan clety which did ao much for the The fait -was due, he said, to the weeks at Oak Bluffs. TTie bride tions. First the store was In the copped the main evtnt at the Jimmy Martin and Jlmm^ Wiley F Avory from Britain; Jacques | responded. itifo'rmal Invltatlona” will be sent The fans have been grand In sup­ Ted Williams of the pennant-bound' Pottavllle player, out of toe gam* when he halted Morlarty Brothers peopU of Groat Biitaln during the town nagiseting to properly clean wore a blue drees with white ac­ Park .building. Ho whs there for West Springfield Speedway lost divided the locals mound assign­ Van Den Eynde and Philippe Wash- | The wltneaa said that he called .May but "the Invitation to appear six years. Later he moved to the porting tho league although the on the first play. . . Chuck ^Ila- Totals ...... S3 3 9 27 xa 4 3 to 2 in a State League game for four yeara of the paat war. off the ildewajki. As a result of cessories for a travelling costume. Satui-day night to the delight of ment in the first game with Brod^ Boston Red Sox—the logical beir er , from Belgium: poulbly the i the New Britain Eagles. . upon May at the Congress mem­ Btamls." coUections are not what they go, All-Conference guard, et .Min­ Manchester (2) *^'orkers Bhoold Share Honor” the, fall, he sustained head, body, The bridal couple's residence la 63 Mrs. .Robert E. Pratt Jalfe-Podrove bulldfiig on Main hundreds of Manchester spects lay going the distance In the sec­ to Babe Ruth's throne. Yugoftavlan team and. ber's o The ■ new owners. Mr. Podrove ford team has found It tough to HIcktng. 132, decisloned Lou An- Dougan, cf 4 2 1 X 0 0 broke hla nose when a (mil cup­ more for Notre Dame. . . And Bushy Kapura, a veteran pro Mead took Freeman through a Senator Mtchell »(D-Waah) told field a full team. Two weeks ago ''Jump" organised ball, be knew Siirowlac; two-bast hlU. Surowlac, leaguer, was toe Eagles batting dliecting the work. ' Mr. Loveland in a graduate of m. on Oak street. As a result of hack-tracking expedition of ^hls given In marriage hy her father. quarter sleeves and keyhole neck­ said, iiave been eatablished in tolont, 180, of Hartford; Chick Pitkto, If 4 2 4 0 0 0 ped him and toe team dropped a would you Bay the Red Sox season the Taft achool and .attended Yale newsmen that In view of May's of Ur a-gome involving the Props Boucher, 119, lost to Ken Adams, what he was'doing. The boyish star Wllka; thre*-^aa hlU, Garro; stol­ tter with three hlU In four trite. HaMheda RaU M T e Cauae this fall she claims she was serl- financial succeos during the w ar She wore a gown of white satin line. Her finger tip veil was of Springfield for a number of yeara Wlrtollk. Xb 2 X A 14 0 0 rung In the atandlnga. . . The last has turned out to be Just another Unlveralty prior to hla poat gradu­ latest stand he planned once more, was half over, the team Insertod 115, Norwich; ‘Tony Terry, 124, from San Diego Is box office, In en basea, Tucker; aacrlficoa Wllk*; The viaiting second boaeman also Hundreda o f local women, aclona ously Injured and Is unable to per­ Freeman testified that he made trimmed with lace and a long train. seeded orange blossoms design. and are both experienced In their Davis, rf 4 X X 0 0 0 Item is what hurt. Boston T. Williams party 7 ate work at tJnlon College and Cor­ to bring up his motion for a con- two Inellglblo players. Several key gained the duke over Bob Conroy, big letters. Of all present player* Left on bases, Naw Britain 7, tollisd twice. Swede Salmonson of old country famlltea, rallied to form the duties of her household. 95,841 In 1941. She wore a fingertip veil of illusion She carried a bouquet of white line of work. An addition o f 50 Hodge, os 2 2 X X X 0 nell University. He la now secre­ grc.sslonal resolution to summon players foiled to put in on appear 125, Middletown, and Mickey Ven- In the gome, only Williams and Morlartyt 8; boaoa on boUs, Par^ was tha only local player to oolva the cauae o f the dlatreaaed peo She Is suing for J7.500 and her In 1942, his Income from 922,500 with a Juliet cap, and carried a roses wnh pink Delight roses and feet will be built m th" roar o f the DlBstUato. 2b 2 0 0 0 X 2 plea of Britain from the vary be tary-treasurer of Packard Water- the chairman of the House Military ones Friday and the result was drlUo, 184, knocked out Tony Ros­ Feller have, a chance to reach sen 1, Jodainlok 1; atrlkaouU, Per- the offerings of Person fot mors husband U asking for 91.000 to de­ from Erie Basin, plus 96.300 from cascade bouquet of white roses. stcphanotls Intertwined. Mias Julia present building and estimated M cO rtny, c 3 0 0 4 3 0 ginning and through the donation bury, Inc. committee as a formal witness. only eight men. Tke league should so, 138, of Hartford, In the first Ruth's fabulous salary figures. son 8> Jodslnlak 4; balk, Jodxlnlak; tl'on one hit. The Manchester cen- fray the expenses Incurred by him another concern, and 97,500 In ex­ Miss Rita Husarik of Manches­ Gleason of Manchester Green, the cost of alterations has been nlaeed Martin, p 0 0 0 0 0 X- Ted JuhUont at Defense of closing, food and a large quan­ Miteheli Is a member of the com­ St to the bottom of the Hamilton round. One 3Iaii Show wild pltchea, Jadstnlak; paaaad terfl elder tingled on torse of hla penses. ter was maid of honor,. She wore a maid of, honor, wore malre nylon at between 915.000 and 920,000. Wiley, p' ’’ 2 X 0 0 3 0 tity of knitted gooda. as a result of the fall. mittee that is opening Its third club by either granting tht Williams' performance yesterday balls, Barubs; umplra% Mtloaki, four trip* to the platter. Persen sons of Charles Miller were the He testified that he ^received gown of pink faille, lacc trimmed, with matching picture hat and car­ The new owners will operate th# Beat MoMIe Canteen All three writs are returnable to week of hearings into what C^halr- toam tho right to odd a few oddl No news os yet when boxing should earn him several points on Ramadell; Umo. 1:89. was nicked for six hit* and Jed- winners In the Lightning class the Superior Court Hartford 922,500 from Erie In 1944, 925,000 and carried a bouquet of talisman ried talisman roses and blue del­ store on a aclf-scrvc basis after ToUl's 26 X6 9 2X XX 3 Devised to Prevent Hits bne of the special donations to man Mead (D-NY) has called "war tionol dependable ball playan or will be resumed In Moi^hester at nexj^ year's contract Hit one-man slnlak gnvo up eight Both flip­ with Roy Ferguson coming In sec from Batavia, and 915.00i(r~ff6rn roses and blue delphinium. phinium. The bride waa given In alterations have been completed ' Broad Brook (5) the cause waa a mobile canteen County In September, 1046. prolltecrlng” by a mldwestern mu­ to drop out of tht losgue. the arena. show enabled Boston to stretch Its per* walked on* man. ond. The Comet class waa led by United States Wlnd'Englne Com­ The flower girl, Judith Ann Kris- marriage by her father. Mr. Podrove Is a veteran of Zagorski, ss a X X X 4 2 which was given by the Brltlsh- nitions combine. “ lead to 11 full gamcf by. sweeping Ted W ll-f was thrown out onto by "quarter­ / / < 3 ) v y The locals hod on opporttmity to O. P. Scheller', making his first ap­ pany, Mus 97,600 expenses. All of toff of Manchester, niece of the Mrs. Sherwood, mother of the World War I. '.He Is married ard E. Musks, 2b 2 0 0 0 X '0 Boston, July 18—la street as Its work­ quent visitor here , when the boys moil linportant—the evac\iatlon of the law and until the eomplctlon hcld'at the Itallan-Amerlcan club. Rockville Emblem Club at the new May, Kinel to Pitch kin; stolen bases: Zagorski, Du the stunt ho* been occompltahed at (12). Practically all the ’'days 0001108 subject waa a letter Saturday in Mlttman and Helen Klbalka. They As a result of the big day, Wll Boudreau clipped a homer and four Boston 4. 2; PltUburgh 1. 5. room and women sswad and knitted made port during the war, of the British Army from India." of testimony of other witnesses.” The couple later left for a motor Elks Home at Maxwell Court, Bolton won its third league Mea. (toUlns. Wirtolla, Dougan; Fenway Pork. completed In to* ninth tnidng. thsr* and at home for several days which he agreed to appear If he were attired In pastel dresses of llama batting average soared to successive doubles getting himself canclnnati 9, 2; Philadelphia 0, Mra. Charles Fox, who has been Turning to Palestine the Prav- It was Indicated that examination trip through the New England Rockville, Wednesday. A t the game yesterday, as they downed sacrifices: Dl Battisto; left on bas­ Ken Keltner of the Indiana la the New Britain coma up with two of each week during th* entire five cotild Is; "fully and completely ac­ uniform design. About 200 guests -Tha final round o f the three .353, only four points behind the Into the records. a patient at Windham Community da writer stated: "In reality there of other witnesses may ho com- states. outing the Emblem Club wHI cele­ Old Lyme^-5. Qiglio was hit hard, es: Manchester 4, Broad Brook 4; only one that veterans around the S. runs tn tooir half and Maacihaatar corded" what he termed “condi­ were present. leader, Mickey Vernon of Washing' So In toe second game Boudreau Chicago 7, New YtAVk 4. year period. ■ Memorial hospital- a gcHxi many Is happening In Paleatlne aome- pletein the Bases on balls: Martin 2, Wiley 5, Sox field could remember and they dupUentad this foot tn tooir holt Freeman related that one of the tions conforming w-lth the estub- The bride's going away costume ton. Twenty-six home run*. 82 runs InauguratcKl hla "thift.”; Oothtag Worth gtUAn weeks, was returned to her home thlng quite clone to war opera­ honor was a gold link bracelet and first Supreme President of the club will get underway tonight at the clutch. Ray Holland caught a nice Zanetti 6: Strike outs: Martin 2. With none on base. Lou sta­ were oil quick to point out that America* of too Innhw. By truck, mall and express a transactions coneernlng whirh he llsheel concepts of Judicial fair­ was aqua silk with white acces­ will be present along with the pres­ batted In and 89.runs scored, are a few deye ago. tions. All that Is there being done to the flower girl a ring. The Oval with the Polish Americans i also hit the longest ball Wiley 1. Zanetti 4; HiU off: Mar­ other accomplishments of the lank tioned himself and five others on KeltneFS were over the 315 foot Detroit 8, 6; New York 1. 9. Muddy Chadwick oponod to* tetd of T4,Md pounds of clothing Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Wolmer have contacted May was the formation ness.'* He previously had request­ sories and gardenia corsage. ent Supreme President and many __.... . ___ .____ w the game. It wo* held to two tin 3 for 5 runs in 1 1-3; Wiley 2 left field wall and that Wlllloma Philadelphia 5, 9; Chicago 4, 4. Eogloa half with a lino ate|^ to Is Justified In London by citing a ed permission to cross examine groom's gift to hla attendants were playing the British Americans.^ Californian. the gross In right field. The first at a eUu* of |m,687JM has been returned home, with their two sons. misunderstanding between Jews of the Cumherlapd Lumber Oim- For their wedding trip the of the past Supreme Presidents. bases by ground rules. Mohr made for 0 rune In 5 2-3; Hit by pitcher, hits his to right field, aometlmoa Boston 11, 6; Cleveland 10, 4. cantor. He advanced to oetend on aent overseas and donations are pany, Prestonsburg, Ky.. home witnesses and tn call up additional I tie clasps. couple are taking an extended . While Williams was Joining the baseman was near the foul line. Victor and Douglas, after a vaca­ ami Arabs. Convenient Justifica­ Guests wUI be present from as far Game time la 6:15. the' best play of the day when he by: Collins by Martin; Winning Lou himself waa next In line' be­ more than 400 feet Wanl'.lngton 5, 4; St. Loula 9, 9. a peooed boU and moved around to atlU going across by mall and ex­ town of the Congress member. witnesses and documents'. | motor tour trip of the New Eng­ long list of players who have hit tion spent at Pleasure Beach. In tion!" away as Ohio. Each o f the alx teams in the raced for to his left to grab a sure pitcher: Wiley: Umpires; O'Leary. tween first and second and the For the season Ted now haa third on a wild pitch from where press, In spite of th* fact that the Having heard that tht re was The restatement of crindltlons i land States. On their return they Mrs. George H. Williams o f Man* three homers In a game, Boudreau StandIngB ho ocorod on Kopurn’a third alngl*. Waterford, as guests of the Melvin Pravda said that Egyptian ef- , _ league have five games to, {Hay, all hit, throwing the runner out at Taggart: Time: 2:10. was tying a record, held by 20 third baseman was near second driven home 82 runs, socked 26 aocisty officially closed Its work Lincolns. fohta to get the British Army o\it lumber for rale In Kentucky. Froe- was In reply to a letter earlier | will be at home to'their friends at Chester Is chairman of the com­ The latter scored after a poosed told, fifteen games remain on the first. ' Second Game players, by hitting four doubles In base. home runs, mode 103 hits and Eastern ’ a yaar ago this month. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph U. Wolmer, | of Egypt Were useless and that man said, he tolephonod May to the sanic day which declared the | 13 Cook street, Manchester. mittee In chalrge of the outing. amassed a .353 batting average, Pet. OBL. boll and Wilks’ oocond hit. ^ All British groups In Manches­ committee hiid concluded that May Obituary Both the bride and bridegroom schedule before the top four teams Bolton plays at home next Sun- Msmebester (5) one contest. The Cleveland .pilot Midway from toe base path to have had as their gueata at their 1 foreign tfoopa were atilt In Syria inquire whether thr.'lattci knew The Rockville Emblem Club has a start play In the eliminatldh series the wall was toe second baseman four points in back of the league Scranton ,... ,740 — Being held to only throe *af*tlas ter. besides hundreds of Individ­ w'as "unable to exploln or contra­ are graduates of Manchestei High. large percentage of its member* ecn spending several curtain In the English occupation land company. Government ac­ (111.) Metal Products Company Available In the Chamber of to travel. A. Olglio, p ___ 4 0 0 0 X X Broad Brook 6- 3, before a Yankee Stadiumliefer AI Holllngaworto, 4-3. too former drew a boa* on boll*. pital Sunday after a short ill­ C^cinnsti . 36 40 .474 11H Mrs. Parker served as National days with his cousip, Boyd Tuttle. and associated companies. How­ Frank Kinel who has yet to xO. Manager, rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 throng o f 61,940 fans. * • • With runners on firat and aecond ton* of Germany,” said the arti­ countants also put Into its records ness. Commerce office, free, are many Zagorski, ss Itew York . • # • 35 44 .449 14 ’'^hosldSnt of the Diughters of St. Zola Brothers, who operate a ever silence on the part of several make his Twl League pitching de­ St. Louis applied the tightener and two out Mika Zwlck grounded cle. cancelled checks tor more than Mrs. Woodward was boi-n In Bar­ maps and plans for vacationers. E Musks, 2b Philadelphia e * 83 43 .433 14H * George In 1B41. large fi-ult farm, on what It known Oerinans "Still Not I>enioblllted'* witfiesses who had been given ad­ but Is alatod for the ooslgnment Totals ...... 41 7 9 27 9 2 to the National chase by dumping Into a forte play at oocond boss 918,000 which were made, out to ton Landing, Vt„ a daughter of There is matcrral on Connecticut Pitney, c Pittsburgh . . . 32 46 .410 19H In- this vicinity aa the Kowalski "The Soviet press has already Cumberland and were endorsed by vance billing fore.shndowed an highways and points of Interest In for the PA's. Frank looked Im­ Old LyiTM (5) McKennon, 3b Brooklyn twice. The double loas : ^ a0 G A T T / I \ I G that killed toe rally gad ondod too Alvah and Liicy Gray. - She had reduced the Dodgers' margin to AnMrioan ' place, and which lies directly back pointed out that an appreciable A. J. May. early end to the Inquln,’. lived In Manchester for 20 years. 'our state. Also available are list* pressive In a State League game Wood, lb ...... ,5 2 1 12 0 2 L. MusHs, lb gams. 2H games. ' LEADERS Boston .... • • * 89 38 .720 — of the farm, of Clair L Robinson, part of the German armed forces Representative May has denied George Meader, chief counsel, During those 20 years she was a of places to stay, cabin or hotels, With Moriorty Brothera in hie only Taylor, p ...... 5 1 1 1 2 0 CkiUlns, cf Kapurs and Wllka lad the Bagla* i'ioluiubia first selectman, suffered a severe are still not demobilised In the predicted the committee would fin­ TUESDAY . . . lorel start. , Halburton, as . .4 0 1 1 8 0 Slaughter Big Noloe Now York . see 49 .34 .535 U with Sslmohaon b**t for to* loatrs. profiting from the company. member of the North Methodist trails to follow to make your trip Du Mes, rf Enos (Country) Slaughter was By The Assdeiated Preis b07 X8U loss last Friday when four of their English sone." Named Director of Company ish Its hearings some time this Interesting while.oh,your way to The usual attendance prise will Burke, cf ...... 4 0- 1 0 0 0 Datrolt .... see 44 85 chiireh, a teacher In the Sunday ZiHowttch, If the big gun In toe opener, driving Notloaal Leaou* 40 38 .5X3 17 MIsa Aime.Dlx haa been aing\i- heifers, which were about ready to. Prawla placed the number of Freeman said that except for week. A Vacatlonland. Come To PlIleh^^ret For he awarded. Bugbee, Sb .... 5 0 0 b 2 X Snow, p Batting—Hopp, Boston, .871; Washington ee* Tha tomato originally was ba- school of that church and a very in four runs with * pair o f slnf^ea Lae Frocchla’t 39 out ot a pdt' St Loula .. 36 44 .450 33 larly honored^ and her assoclatea In freshen, dlexl In the pasture. these forces at 147,672, and add­ his contact with May he knew uncertainty as to whether May Saunders, cf . . . 8 0 2 1 0 0 Walker, Broowyn, .366. e * s lleved to bt poisonous, and wo* active member of the W.8.C.8. of Crisp, Green - \ Kolias, s and a homer tn too 5-8 triumph. tlble 50 was good enough to ruin (Jlavalond .. 36 46 .444 2 3 4 her work think Justly so. On Satur­ It Is believed that the yourtg cow-s ed; ‘‘This Is almost one, 'and a nothing about Cumberland except would he questioned was coupled Manchester. Board of Realtors Rassler, c ..... 6 0 1 11 0 b Runs—MUslol, St. Louis, 64; • sa* grown only os a decorsUve gar­ with the dismissal Of two major that church. Zanetti, rf Stan Mualol’s r o ^ d tripper on the toe weekly tkeet shoot at toe Tal- Chicago ... sea 82 46 AlO 25 day Miss DIx received, the follow­ were poisoned by fertlllier which haif times more than the German that he was apjwlnted aa a director Mrs. Woodward leaves another will meet at the Sheridan Res­ Bramble, 2b . . . 5 1 1 1 2 0 Mlae. New York, 56. den plant. witnesses In making ppasible jtn first pitch In toS 12th broke up cottvllle Flat* ye*t*rd|iy after Philadelphia * 34 54 .803 S3 ing letter from the British Embas­ had been used to spray fruit trees, rclchewehr was permitted after of the company and attended one taurant tonight at 6;30 p. m. At­ Cucumbers , 0 Runs Batted In—Slaughtor, St. early conclusion. Henry. Garason, son, Alvah. of East Hartford;' a Softball League Latham, rf ____4 1 X 0 0 TetaU 24 1 4 18 7 2 toe nightcap with a 2-1 Cardinal noon. X sy: “ Hla Majeety's Ambassador and which they got ahold of by the first World war." or two boardT mieetlngs. He did not daughter, Miss Ethel Woodward, torney Jay Rublnow will apeak on Louis, 68; WaUter, Brooklyn, 67.. Pravda sold the uprooting tif described by Army witnesses as Broad Brook 0 0 (1 0 1 0 0—1 win for Murry Dl^iioa over Vie Due to toe acarcity of clay Today's Oame* presents his compliments to Miss chewing bags which contained U.^ak know, he said. Where the minutes of Manchester; and four.grandchil­ the (Charter Revision. All persona 3 Hits—Mualal, St. Loutt, 117; Fa.scjam In the Britlah rone has the -brain" behfhd the combine, 5c each Batting Leaders 'Totals ...... 42 5 9 27 9 Mancheatcr 3 0 1 0 1 0 x—5 Lombardi. In addlum to dropping pigeons shooting will be discon­ Anne DIx and has the honour to they lay In a pile on a wall waiting of the board meetings coul# be lo­ dren. actually engaged In the real es­ Bolton . . . 301 100 200—7 Walker. Brooklyn, 103. Eastern - only K "symbolic character. and Benjamin F. FleldF. a publici­ Runs batted In: Wirtolla, Hodge two, toe Brooks lost toe aervicea tinued for to* summer. Hartfor^at Wilkes-Barre. FENDER *AND Inform her that the King has been to bo burned. The fertiliser con­ cated. And he said that no incotoe The funeral will take placp tate business are cordially lifted Iceberg Lettuce Old Lyme 201 200 000—5 Doubles—Muslol, St. Louis, 26; ‘The order behind the velvet ty agent whom Mitchell has de­ 3, Davis, E. MusHs; Two base hits: of secohd baseman Eddie SUnky The tcorea: Lee Fracchit 39, Ed Albany at Scranton. pleased to Sward her his Majesty's tained sodium nljpatc which would tax return was made because "no clared tried to bribe him, refused Wednesday at 2:30'p, m. at the to attend. ,x Ripe Tomatoes x Ran for Pete Manager. , Davis; Stolen bases: McCarthy, who was carried from toe -field Ruosell, Plttaburgh, 19. Oliver 37, Sam Felice 33, Babe BODY WORK Medal for Service In the Cntuie of have a salty flavor which would curtain In on way answers the North Methodist church. Rev. Bootholette, Kaceys Triplet—Musiali St. Louis,' 8; UUca St Elmira. task of creating a sound arid lung business waa done.” to waive constitutional immunity Native Green Bean* Two-base hit*, Holland; stolen Wlrtalla, Musks, Du Mes; Sacri­ after a collision with Slaughter In Dowd 33, Ed Dedotter 27, O. Jo Freedom. Lord Inverchapel would have attracted the animals. Mr. He agreed that It was "unusuar' Marvin . Stocking of Simsbury, The final meeting pj^^he Ameri­ Berzenskl, Grill ... Walker, Brooklyn, 7. . ' Binghamtoh at Williamsport. SOIJMENE A FLAGG peace," It added. ' and 'were dlsmls.scd.' Fields, has 8 bases. A: MaafoUni 8, J. liaaaolinl, fices: Bradley; Double plays: Dl- toe opener. .. hanaaen 25, C. Wilton 25, 'Joe like to offer hla persons] congrstu- bualness ' practice for Brie Basin former pastor of the church, will can Legion Firewmrfca committee New Beets Rich, Rockville .... Home Runs— Mice, New York, Nstloiisl Zola is said, to hXvei remarked that Occupation. Pollrlrs 1111 denied Mitchell's- contention In Muroch, Rockville Reasler; baits on balls, Olglio 2, BatUsto to Wirtolla; Left oit-ha*-^ Ohicafo aleo closed In on toe Pollto 24, O. Oronlund 24, Gene INC. ' lAtlons on this well-merited, award. he would rather have loai $t,ooo. Metal ProducU company and Ba­ officiate. Burial will be In the will take place \xmoTrovr evening Carrots j ijll KUier. Pittsburgh, 15. Brooklyn at SL Loula (night)— Soviet publications levelled new statements to the press. M. Correntl, Grill . Taylor 2; atrikeouta, Glglio 12, ea: Manchester 5, Brood Brook 7; Durocher- 'gong, knocking eeorf^ Enrico 19, Ted Pelocki Is: T Olen- 994 Ceater St. TM 9101 "Owing tr the shortage of metal Mrg. Raymond E. Clarke and tavia Metal Product# company to Heialth Bars Testifying Wapplng cemetery. at 8 o'clock at the Legion Home. Boses on balls: Bradley 8, Snow 9; New York 7-4. Boston clung to a Stolen Bosea—Reiser,. Brooklyn, ney 15. Hatton (5-7) vs. Braebasn (6-9). broadsides over the week-end st Becker's Golden Yellow Natlro Covey, Jarvis ..... Taylor 11; hit* by pitcher, by New Yorti at Chicago—Koalo In the some time two daughleni, the Misses Lois and United States proposals (or atomic advance 948.000 to Cumberlan for Murray Gars.son, briither and Friends may visit at the Holmes The final bills will be presented strike outs: Bradley 5, Snow 2; Mt first dtvlston berth by one percent­ 201. Hot*. Cincinnati, 18. Thompson, Legion Glglio, Bugbee; umpire*, Nev4r- (10-7) vs. Wyaa (9-7). . may elapse before the insignia of Charlotte havb returned from a energy control and U. S. ocrupa- lumber which was not delivered, busine.sf as,soilnte of Henry, has Funeral home, 28 Wocidbrldge and all outstanding business' by pitcher; Pitney by Bradley; age point when It divided a pair Pltchlng-iWUks. St. Louis, 6-0— Squash Majcwakl, No. Ends ette; Time, 2:45. 1.000; Kush, Cubs, 6-1— 857. , Boston at Pittsburgh (night)— the decoration can be sent, but It throe weeks' automobile trip dur­ tlbn policies in both Gen'uuny and but observed that "U was an un­ not appeared at the inquiry, and street. from''ruesday afternoon un^ cleared, up. Umpires: O'Leary, Taggart; Scor­ with Pittsburgh.' After Warren Is hoped that the appropriate rib­ QenUlcore, Grill Nt^geling (O-l)j. va. Halntsalmon', ing which , they . visited Mrs. Japan. usual time.” hla attorney told newsmen he haa til Wedp^sday morning at 10 er; Kearns; Time: 2:00. Spohn hod curved his way to a 4-1 American League bon will be available .shortly." (Solden, Lee’s Country Club Notes CTarke's brother, Charles Hitch­ M. Marinin, commenting tn the Replying to a oertoa o f ^estlons a physician's certificate to show o'clock/-''^ The Manchester Pipe Band and 5c each Doubles, Gayton Rockville, nod over Frits Ostermueller, Rip Batting—Vernon, Washington, Dated July 9. 1946. cock o^ Boone 'I>rre, Mlasnurl. Communist org*n, Pravda, assert­ bv Senator Knowland (R-Callf.) that he Is not able to testify be­ the local "Spirit of ’76” trio took Sewell got toe Buca an even .357; WllUom*. Boston. .858. Philadelphia at ClnclnnaU — Miss Dix was the organiser and Death.Of Infant Triples, Kswoiac, Rockville SportM Schedule Riggs Downs Bodge Stoncou (i-1 ) vs. Hetkl (2-2) or ed that "ruling circles" In America regarding his background. Free­ cause of his health. part In the "Welcome Home” pa­ Red Onions Rich, Rockville 2. break with a aeven-hlt eft6)i^lL3. Runt—WUllama, Botton, 99; J^AD/0 U S E R S ! leader of the British.Relief Group man said he waa executive secre­ Meanwhile, the committee call­ I Edward Francis' Tarza, Infant rade and celebration In Norwich Johnny Vender Mocr copp^nla Puky, Bolton, 6^. MoUoy U-9). in general have no Intention of re­ Fresh Green Peas' Home Run^, Prior, Nichols Brts- Forest Hills, N. Y.—Bobby In Columbia, which was respon- tary of the Advisory b^rd for Fed­ ed a quartet of witnesses nssoclatr iron pf Prank J. arid Elizabeth D, yesterday afternoon. They report Tonight Runt Batted In—WiUlomt, Boo- American nouncing the Atom bomb mid ihv Ripe Cantaloupe* tel 3. Riggs of Los Angeles routed Don fourth atroight and bis first shut­ ^ Bible for an unbelievable amount M a n c h p s t e r eral Public Work* In California In ed with the Gars.sons In whSt Tarpa, o f Thomas Drive, died on an excellent parade and say they North .Ends v*. Grill, 6:30— out of toe year agoinot toe PhU- ton, 82; Doerr, Boston. 74. Datrolt at New York (night)— dared.; Pltchlng Budge of Oakland, Calif., 6-8, 6-1, ^of work turned oUt, by her . and "The atomic . bomb called into 1933, did some "apeclol work" for Mead has called s "paper empire'' Saturday at St. Francii hospital. were royally treated. Four thou­ Plum* North End. ■ | lles, 8-0, but Kan R a ffa n ^ rg e r Hits—Berardino, St, Louts and Hutchinson (4-6) * v*. (3hondl*r ART SAYS: t seventeen faithful workers who Hartford. Burial uill be at the con­ Pet. PA’s vs. BA’s, 6:15—Oval, 6-1, in toe finals of toe National D a t e B ( m k being 'atomic diplomacy' and from the secretary of the ikia Angeles of “ fanta.stlr" ramiilcatlonp.' sand taking part In the parade White Grapes Olaa$aiii Jarvis ...^. .5 1.000 aquanid romtUrs by aileuclng the Doerr, Botton, 104. ^ (18-4). „ met each Thursday for five years Chamber of CommercO. Later, he venience o f the fhmtly. Tuesday, in ly Id prbfessional grasst court toi^rna-' Chicago St Philadelphia (night) “ Don’t neglect yoqr the entire period of dlscussldn of The four arc J-iseph T: Welsa, were given dinner of excellent OoU). G r ill...... 3 1.000 Cincinnati Reds with six hiU in Doubles—Vernon, ' W otoington, r with very few exceptions, which in kaid, he was employed by the As- Allen B. Gellman, Joseph T. Free­ Legion va. Jonia, fi:S0— North mqnt. Frank Itovaci And Fred, thU 8-2 oftorptace. 20; Spence, Wsahington, M. —Hamner (1-3) v*. Marchlldon Tomorrow the problem o f atomic energy in qiialltv arid with speedy service. RamsdeU, Rockville .. 7 .875 Perry defeated Riggs and Welby Radio. Call .119 for most Instances w a s' due to ex- Jhe United States the conclusion Foclated General Contractors of man. and Louis .'^arelns. Freeman The celebration was sponsored by Grocery ^pecials Monroe, L e e 's ...... 2 End. " ■ ■' , In toe Americoa League. Wooh- Triplet—LewU, Wathiimten. 9; (4-9), ■ treme winter weather Conditions. Quarterly "meeting of Washing­ .666 ’ Wednesdsiy, July 17 Von Horn for toe doublet tIUe. Bweepateket— Art -Smith 90-10 Prompt. Economical Is reached that ruling circles in both northern and aouthem Cali w:as Washington ri*pre.sentatlve o f Norwich Lodge of Elks. Covey, Janie ...... 2 .666 ington climbed over to* .800 mark Keller, New York and Edwarda, St. Louis at Washington When through the war. Red Cross ton Social Club at.th,e clubhoiiee. the United States In general do (ornia and represented the Iam the combine; while S.arclas was Funeruls Come in aiid look around . . R ock ^ llT w rrti.^ a .il:1 5 -O v a I.. 1*6. 6-3, 7-5. 6-4 by trouncing St. Louis In both Cltvalond, 7. ‘ —70; A. 8. Manella 91-20— 71; (night) —Shirley (5-8) vs. Wolfee Repaira on Home and yoii will find ra&ny Items you work was so urgently needed. Miss Thurodey, Jiil.v 18 not intend to renounce the atomic Angeles Board of .Supervisors In hla-910,000-a-year ofTlce manager. Dr. John C. Schmldtke and his Thursday, July 19 ends o f a twin bill, 5-8 'behind Sid ‘Home Runs Wlllloma. Botton, Duncan Johnson 81-10-:-71. Low (4-8) or Hoefner (6-6).. Meeting, Zoning Board of Ap­ have been looking for. Tosses One In Kaceye ve, Grill, 6:30—North Car Radios.” . _ Dix helped out In that field also, weapon." Washington. Gellman, Wei.ss and Sarelos Mra. Ida .Andenion Giislafson son, John C. Schmlolke. Jr., of El­ Garbark Football Ceoch Hudson and 4-2 on an eighi-hit 26; Greenberg. Detroit, 22. i grosA—Holly Mandly 75.. (Only games scheduled). acting aa production chairman of peals, Municipal building at 8. On the German question Y. A Asked whether h* represented have announced themselves ready Funeral set'vlees for .Mrs. Ida End. I Job by Roe Scarborough. Stolen Bates—Cate, Cleveland Ben Roman and Robert Boyce gin, Illinois, are. spending ten days Real California Bloomington, Ind.—Doc Mere­ ------y — ■ the Columbia Chapter of the AR

I ' ♦ ( I ( 11 o n • Club and Mlantonomoh 'Tribe, ^ Injured by Fall Now In . . . OP ■ tournament with a 72-hoIe score, te BaglevUlb I. O, R.- M., Garden Grove. tral government, with genuine He said he had not because “ 1 have Public Records SCNRUBMUrs o f 274, fourteen under par sqd one Nichols; Brtatol 2 7 ^222 Columbia hall team met with de­ , Saturday, Sept. 7 - i ''democratixation'’ -...... of Germany aa too, much respect for Congress New Liiiulon July 15 — tJ’l Scott Tissue CMWPOPKXJC^ stroke better than runner-up StUl flghUng for terto in toe feat Sunday afternoon, when they man Mnv Thomas F. Doi.-cy. Jr., post exalt­ Police CJommlsaloner Joseph 1 Douvairttes Johnny EuU* bt CSilcago. Byron first division, tha North End# wUl Rotary Club's Soap Box tierbv. ' “ . j. j i MICKCV HAS f f l ^ad the Salem teami on Colum- ______• I Meanwhile the tfade union ne>vs- , The questioning turned to l*'ree- ed nrler of ihr New London Lodge Alorriage Ihtentions Pero, of Oakland 4ireeL ta con- Whisk Brooms Nelson, Jimmy Hines and Ju* Mc- attempt to Improve their standing a Bald. The score ended 10-5. LEAKNED • < • „ . . 1 paper, Tntd,____ _ lashed______out__ at Amerj- - • J uan'.s relations ■ with Benjamin of •Elkfi. .has been appointed dia- Applications for marriage li­ valeirolng at hi* home from in Preen „ Spsden tied for third with 276. tonight agslnst toe Oak Street Len and Ik* German were battery Fonner Selectman Dies ...... THAT mULA^ CALL ?535 can occ'ipation authorities in .Is^ Frni,iklin Kieltla. prietia a ^ n t whom trict deputy grand exalted rttlor censes were fllid -In the town Juries received in a fall front i Many kinds of Moth Spzrvs Grill. for the home team, Tony Tlrone re- Columbia', July 15.—li'Rhr-George pan, declaring they were support-' Senator Mitchell. (D-, Wash.), a clerk's office today by Frank Ej ladder at'the Pero orchard* a week 'M E O lO N l^ Winners o f only two gorots in Bevliig Lea te th* fifth Inning. Next tnev finH rniiiniltt^ocommittee "niAmlwaPte.'members, lULflhas IMClftrCCldeclared Conneciirbt east by CTharles If yon nre going to buy Rut­ Ng Work Stoppage H. Ciiamplln 75, of Columbia, for­ Ing "reactionary elements" and Broughton of Sheboygan. Wla., Bedell, machine operator of Rock­ ago. Pero severely wrenched the « NOfHtNG sight 91011*, too N(9rto Ends hate week's game will be played at Aah- mer selectman and state.represen­ placing obstaclea tn the path of offered him a 95,000 campaign con­ ter at the new .price . . . yon BUT fiteTEE. imahl* to click in winning grand exalted ruler. ville and-Elsie F. McCann, at muscles o f his chest in the fall and will get better value to ask for Eider ducks pluck toalr own been a faeiOi tative In the Gcnei^al Assembly, Japanese trade unionists. tribution If he could persuade his home, 91iWethere!l , street, and pleurisy developed to confine him 1 t* form. Max Rubacha and Rlchy eight each Sunday The Trud writer asserted that an The dustrici Jncludes lodges In lewa State (*4 Ih. section* . . • d ow n 'for man’s 09*- 'Th* •’••'Aa died shortly after midnight today colleagues ■ to "lay o f f ’ Hi* *6 Raymond G, Fitzpatr^c, Army, of to hi* home. pull the down from their breasts to Jarvis will form toe North Ends* three, on Columbia Survivors Include his wtodow' and order by Generol'MacArthur. ban qulrlT" ----- • Hartford, Rockville. Wllllmantlc, huy what yon 'w-anti at Plne- BENSON’S 31 Oak street anti Geipidine Cbar- I line their neal*. Men remove the starting battery with Banjo Golli ooll boat rocos.: This a daughter. The funeral win b«> | ning mass demonstretlons,. was an. Freeman -told the committee Putnam. Nqrwuh. Middletown. hurst. FaraNare oad BaSte Meriden New Britain, Briatol. bonneau, waitress of 22 Congress The *Ue of the Vatican was once nest lining and toe ducks continue 1 or HIHippo CorranU pitching for the wore eight boiaU in held Wednesday with burial ,m the example of the support glyen reac- that his Wife, the former Alex­ street. Hartford. ■ i occupied by the .Gardena of Nero, tia MAIN 8TRBIT miner boyo, young andra Sareloo, w ork od during the Southington and this city. I te ranlenleh the sunnly, 1 OrlU* WllUmontlc cemeteiy* ^Uonory eistnenU. .1 • • 1 f. ; A /■ ■ •;* »

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONN^ MONDAY. JULY Iff, 194$ E A G iC L B V n MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, JULY 16,194« fuse the alater adnUttaneer He ItKlNERVlLLE POLKS BY FONTAINE POX f A f l i n n isn’t wotea?" •y aially shook her head and stand­ Help WsrU^—MsU 86 HooflchoM Goods •1 Wanted—To Boy 18 Hooflcs for Sole 721 Sense and Nonsense BttBlaM* SerTicf* Offered IS Roatng— Repairing 17*A ing cloaa to him whispered mye- THE_^^^RA^ST^NC>''REGULARS RECEIVE THE NEWS Your .nende will be surprised to CASH FOR pianos ot muelca; 'n- FOR SALE—To World war Il'vet- General Duty LUCY tericud^f •-5329 or 2-09'J0, or I of how 1 feel. Nurse,” he asked aia back iMMna and do my iron by Sullivan 2-0884. cheats of drawars, ebaira, rock- plained tactfuUy. talephone. You better give up your life once more— Commercial and Domestic. 14^11 eell or exchange for pullets. Write Brae-Bum Realty Co., 6 the ate the semi-liquid offered him. Ann Niles arrived #oon after L o s t —Oh Lake atraat, yeaterday. eri bed, sewing machine, other near the Center. Phone 2-1446. two that afternoon and Sally left The girl bhi^ed and Uuuiked too! _ I tried it; and letteta came in by blbla tn leather caae. t^"<***' FURNITURE and metal work re- 487>l North Msin street. South Maui street. Manchester. [•Tlila ia the first time in years her, while the eyes of the pktient the ecora SClENTinC 'flnlahed. Lawn aijd iinpelnted * ------odd pieces. Phons Rockville [that I have been able to eat with her with her patient while she Oiri (plodding grimly on. as ahe pleaae caM A. E. Ftah. 2»4 lake 10.50-3. Wheeler Gets found a seat in the corridor where watched hla briovad adoringly. called back)— Got to keep going! —Norman I. Schiller REFRIGERATION CO. furniture sprayed. (Special for Summer Home*^4>r Rent 67 WE MUST vacate for new owner. I amy • degree of .comfort or enjoy- "Good-by, darling,” ha aaid softly, atreat. Phona,5726. ■ FOR SALE—Cocker Spaniel pup­ [msnt. I think, peghaps, this after- she could keep close Watch against Tm your telephone operatorT 37 OAK ST. PHONK 2-1226 one month I Five pc kitchen set REX HOT water heater, one mptal Would like 6 room single or and ahe stooped to kies him quite 'Oalvtil Ooolldge aaid: "No per­ sprayed any color desired, 110. pies. Cowles, 26 Linden street. f o r RE.vT —Furnished cotUge Tnimaii Help duplex in Manchester. Must be in [noon 1 might have [a caller. Per- interruptions. She felt those two WATERMAN'S Personal errand cork-lined Ice box, real wicker at Lake Mettsnocook. Lincoln. needed some time to themselves as i f 'l l were customary. The new automobile wiU be an son was ever honored for what he AnnouiceMCiitfl Equipped to hpndle tnduatiisi end good condition. Write full particu­ Ihaps Mlaa NUea could come.- D6 'We’re engmred.’ he said tri' received. HAIN'nNO and P a p a r b u ft^ LARGE, pre-war. gray Bllt-Rlte son that Wheeler “dominates" the off at Just about the time that happened to noe by now If, 50 SSSS-.L-^’ Rm# and cijpets electricAlty New Hot Air and Air Conditioning Interior and exUrlor daoqratora collapsible carriage, 6^0. also pre­ and power planU and 200 am- j f^rg September. Desperate local inquiry committee. It found, among finally went off duty that after­ years ago, some fluent talker had shampooed in your own home, thpukands of ypung men and noon and Margaret Adams met her Furnaces Installed. reasonable prices. CaU fof free war navy blue Thayer collapsible ■pere arc Weldera Orders taken i of four. References. Phone other things, that the committee's women quit their Vacation jobs to converted me to the theory of the original coloring revived Homee, esUmalca Leach % Fogll, Man­ now for Gravely traciora and t 2-0477, secretary, Mrs. Grace Johnson, for­ on the stairs leading to. the dining eight-hour day and convinced me Eaves Trough end Conductor carriage, |15, both perfect con­ go back to school. However, to rooni. She had a letter in her hand, emcee, thaaUre. Phone Men- Repairing. chester 6797. dition. Call after six. 2-2557, , equipmenL Will be filled in rota­ merly was employed by the Sen* some extent this will be offset by that it was not f(Ur to my fellow chaster S>aifl7. 121 South Main tion. Why wait? Capitol C;-tndlng ate Small Business committee Special Delivery, Sally,” ahe workers to put fOrth my hast 72 the usual fail drop in farm em­ anld, holding it out. *T signed for atraet Maacheeter. PAINTING AND Papsrbangtng STEEL Couch, two bsdroom Co.. 38 Main atreet Houses for Sale headed by Murray. Wheeler's Mon­ ployment. effort* in my work. NORMAN BENTZ Good work. Reaaoaabls rates chains, commode, two kitchen tana colleague who is opposing his IL I hope it Isn’t had news. It’a "This country would ndt amount 277 Spruce Street BEAUTIFUL 6 room modern Cape . , _ Government officials ere wary from Washington.” Raymond Fisks. Phone S.354. chairs snd table, some kitchen Cod, Insulated, prewar construe-' i i cmimination. I about predictions. In view of the to much If the young men of'^flfty AhUMBobiles for Sflifl 4 Tel. 8966 utensils, wheelbarrow. Phone 2- Musical Instrumiints 53 The campaign committee learn­ (To ^ Continued) years ago had been afraid thi^ I.VTERIOR and exterior painting. lion, with fireplace. Controlled ' celebrated eiTor of the old War nrtnoB. dual wheel dump, LAWN Mower owners Why lake 2119. E-FLAT Martin saxophone with ed that Murray donated S'J.OOO to Manpower commiaaion In predict­ they might earn more tbnn they Also paperhanging. Prompt ssrv- steam heat. 1st floor has 4 ^ aci- were paid. low mlleega. Bmnncr'e. 80 Oak­ chances? 22 years' experience case. Inquire 38 Birch street. the campaign of Erickson, who ing 8,000,000 unemployed this Ice. Fair price. Workers compen­ FOR SALE—Selling out. Entire ou# rooms, consisting of dining­ formerly headed the Missouri Val­ Social Situations land atreet fllfll. ______sharpening and repairing. All j Telephone 2-1428.* room, bedroom. Jsrge modem spring. Few are willing to be sation. public ll'abiltty Insurance stock of motor oils. at lowest ley authority Murray has been quoted by name or to guess which Man—After your automobile makea and sixes of hand end carried. D. E. Frechette. Phone cabinet kitchen, beautifully dec­ The Situation: Going to the prices possible. Usuaf 15 cents per CLEARANCE sale of good recon­ plugging. It also heard that $1,000 industries will be hardest hit. accident did they have to pUt power mowers, engine repairing. , 7680. - quart oil—35 cents per gallon In orated. a real housewive's haven; , contributed by the Broth- theater, a conplc discover that one A«to Accessorteh—Ttrgs 6 sew filing, general grinding. Capi- I ditioned uprights for your camp The consejtsuB, however, ia that stitches in? .55 gallon drum-1. 45 cents per gal­ or home, 850, delivered. The spacious well designed living- ^...hood of Railway Trainmen and housing construction will run Jntb of the seats tor which they have Friend—No, I Juat pulled my­ tol Grinding. 38 Main street. i l.VSIDB AND outside painting. lon in 5 gallon. Buyer must furn­ room with fireplace. Open stair ticketa is on the aisle. self together. .VALVE REFACBR, used tiree and Reasonable rates, flrat-clssa Piano Shop, 6 Pearl streej. Open $1,500 by the CIO United Auto serious manpower troubles as tha ALLY OOP And WMdi Your Step BY V.T. HAMLIN ‘ good casings. Cash paid. Campbell RADIO need fixing? Have it re- | ish container. Valvoline and Tip- way leading upstairs to two Workers of Detroit. homes-for-veterans drive gets into Wrong Way: The 'iroman takas work. Call Edward R. Price, 6-9 p. m. only. ’ room# partially finished having Auto Supply Company. Phone 2- paired by experta. Pick-up serv- . Top motor oil—Priced fpr quick Wheeler AttMks CIO-P.AC full awing; that the lower-paid in* the seat on tha aisle. Mother—Why did you put that 2-1003. dormers, partitioned and planned Right Way. The woman takes 118».______Ice, guaranteed work. Sets check-1 aale. Open every afternoon ex-1 fjOOD PLAYER piano, special Out of this maze Wheeler, seek- duatrlea like textile mills and brlck- turtle In your aister’a bad? with plumbing for easy tnstalla- ■ the inside seat, leaving the aisle Junior—Because I couldn’t fln®yato^ if desired i ^lo-PAC for heavy attacks. He of their wartime difficultlea, and seat for the man. any frog* » ttraa tubas. Expert vulcantx* Service, 73 Birch street. Phone ! for appointment al any other | told from new. I'he Piano Shop. This home Is blasted too at what he called the that “unpopular" occupations like "How about a veul itew, kuly? And keep the diflference'** lag. I houra racapplng sarrica- 2-0840, I time.. Libby OH Co . .Stockplace 6 Pearl street. Manchester 6332. comer lot nicely landscaped with York pinks" he said were foundry work and the needle trades SIDE GLANCES BY GALBBAITH GET AHEAD with Diesel. Every­ will have difficulty recruiting ^ K i n*-*****” Tire and Recapping where Industry la turning to Road, Manchester. Conn. Open 6 to 9 p. m. only. white picket fence surrounding , hhn because of his oppo- [CARNIVAL nV DICK TURNER ' Oagipeny, Broad street *^le- ALL MAKES of aewing machines property. Located In a desirable ' workers. Diesel for economical streamlined PLACE YOUR order .for svsr- Alleviating Factera phofie Siflfl. 7 to 7. axpertly repaired. Singer Sewing power: Railroads, trucks, trac- section convenient to bus, shop-1 Roosevelt's foreign policies, Machine Co., 832 Main street fresh frozen food cabinets. Come Wearing Appitrel— Pars 57 ping and school. Occupancy, Wheeler letter Is the first Alleviating factors, some offi­ tois, factories, large and small tn and see Uie one on display We cials hold, will be a tendency of T e L ^ a . power and lighting plants. Be GABARDINE U. S. Aviation cov- j guaianteed. $10.80^ i political pronouncement of it# kind Moloreyeles—Bicyeles 11 have frozen food wrapping and appointmeiU only. Tel. 2-1919. President Truman has made, out women and others who have re­ IF V O U n a y e n a y to mow, trees shesd of the crowd—prepare for packaging material foi sale Capi­ eralls. Navy rain coats, blue tired from the labor market to go TDR SALE— 1937 Hariey-Davl^ tills opportunity now. Vo\i can denim dungarees. Brunner's, 80 side of his own state of Missouri. SHOW TUB...BUTTHB to cut dowii'-'or trioi. call 6077 tol Grinding Co., 33 Main street. MANCHESTER. West Center Politicians are watching its ef­ back into it if Jobs are plentiful CARNIVMU etOWP Hto NO aon motorcycle, 74 model. Good Wo also do landscaping, lawn stsrt learning Diesel operation Oakland atreet. Phone 5191. street. We have a very nice six- and wages good. I06A 06 LiT^ritop and maintenance W'htle holding CAMPING outfit. 9x12 lent, 4 cots. fect in a race that over-shadows THEM O aFlT/ condttton; chrome. Charlie's Serv­ grading, plowing and saw cord- room home with attached garage. other political contests this week. CPA experts who prepared that ice SUUon. Manchester Creep. wood. Al me LatuHppe. pie.sent Job. If you are mechanl- gasoline stove, battery radio. 35 Hot water heat., oil burner and agency's original forecast of a rally inclined, write for' free Wanted—To Buy 58 i Arizona, Arkansas and Wyom­ labor shortage now Bay: "If'busi­ 3248. ■ Bvanford street after 5. everything in excellent condition ing hold primaries tomorrow that LAWN and power, mowera shaiT^ facUt.____ Utllltic#______Diesel Training, throughout. Owners aaid to sell ness activity continues to improve CANNING Jars, one-half gallon, i " ’E WILL buy your rags, news- have attracted little outside Inter­ a# expected we'll need several aned and. rebuilt All gas engines, T " ^ x CT, care of Herald papers, magazines and scrap this week. Occupancy August 15. est. In Arizona, Indications point FBECKLES AND HIM FRIENDS Parental Tip BY MERRILL BLOS8BR WSBtci AotOB— outboard motora, garden irac- — '■ .----- ——------— —- quarts, pints and Jelly glasses. Call Reynolds Realty Service, million' more worker#—and that's tors, pumps and electrical ap- ELOCUTION—Clear speech for garden cultivator, two Flexible metata. Arnold Nelson, 737 Lydall to the renomination of Senator about all the workers there are." Hetwes■ V WAve voo Motorcyeko 12 Hartford 6-6123 — 5-2577. Eve- McFarland, Representatives Har­ WetL.soN.l sec wMcgr Weu..SHCS GONNA . ^ A l i l ALL FINC pUances repaired. Quick depend­ public rekdl«, vo.cabulary, for- sletl#. buck saw, book rack, afreet. Phoiie 8906. The Census bureau estllhatss 'yoim ^^ o i^ N u r HAVe MCLF - 6K-, ; SON. eur WHAT IN THE CALLED* ON elgii accents mmoved. Lessons in j ghovel. croquet set. Call ' “ ------\ ' ---- ning# 2-6307. less and Murdock, and Gov. Sidney W VOU KNOW MAOOCN HIM AT HIS IIORB CASH tor your car from able service Pick up snd deliver JT ■ present unemployment at 2.500,- MK6. tiM B » ABOur READV coafOffAL wHtAr/ ; speed reading. -White Studio. 709 i -2-0324 P. Osborn, all Democrats. 000. CPA Officials say this Is iust~| 1D OPCN. you KIDS DIO A AND BOV, S Hf A I ADOOf HIM 7 HOOSe HOMe.. your PooUae dealer. Stop in or The Do-All Company. Telephone 1 Leeal Notices ON Dike FREOaiST call 61S6. Oola Motora Main. Phone 2-1392 Legal Notices Negroes 5Iay Participate about the irreducible number “be­ VUONOeRFUI. 2-2506. PING PONG table, beach um­ ______In Arkansas. Negroes may pai- SreetT— UEV \T A COURT o r PROB.ATEP R ^ held tween jobs,” resting or otherwise NAaaao and is WANTVD^To buy from private YOU CAN olweye depend on Ban- brella, child's wagon, small air at Mamhaater. withinIII Vv( wid for the AT A COURT o r PROBATE held j tiCipate in a Democratic primary out of the labor market tempo­ AN Aa-ROUNO r _ owaar. • light car. any make Musiral—Dramfilic 29 , conipreesor. 12 length BX cable, Dialrlct of Mancheiter. onxthe 13th •t Manchester, within and for the where war veterans are tiding to rarily. aon'B for radio repaira! Beat dav of Julv, A.D.. 1946. \ rilatrirt of Manchester on the I3ih Representativea Hays, Har- fe i SWELL OUVJANO ' /fnust bo In axcallcnt condition. equipped shop i:‘ .tnwn. Call 33.35 table lamp, four 5-gallon cans. ASAIIS EXCELLENT piano tuning, re­ Present WILLIAM S. HTDBx Eaq.. day of , tivDE Cravens. Four other Demo- MAN Writa B<« V. Herald.______or bring li your radio to 713 flyihg'Jiorae awing, toy heliocop- Juil*f. ^Pre^aent HON. u tLLiA.M S. HYDE. | congressmen are unopims- I'nionvlUe Businessman Die* Main street B:nson't. pairing and rebuilding. All work tera, tie racks. D. L Ballard, 66 E«tat* of .\nm-ll- South^rglll ' of b e l l UB that old car you have guaranteed. Estimaiea cheerfully Middle Turnpike West.______MumhfflUr In »»lrt ditlrn.t. minor. Ettate of Leontine. ileatley late of ' ed. Voters will pick tholr gubema- banging azoimd tha bam or lot. given. The Plano Shop. 6 Pearl Upon applloatlon of L. R. Soiithe heater. In said District. deccaaecL j (orial nominee in a primary July Unionvllle. July 15—i.P)—Thoma# ANTIQUES rsllniahed and repair­ gill, guardian of thr estate of sa S. Rourke. 80, a businessman hers Wa wtU put It tn running condi­ ed. Rush or aplint seats replaced alree^t. Phone 6332. Open 6 - 9 p. NEW E Z Ride tractor seat, gives .3 adininistiaior having I 30, separated from the national tion to glva aomeona transpor­ minor, praying for autliurlty to tom ..._ admlnistraHon ______—account — with aaid | attempt to bar Ne­ for niany years, died at his home Tlemann, 189 South Main atreet m only. you auto-rldlng comfort! ' Hy­ promise tml settle tlie doubtful sinl | es^e to this Court for allotvapre. it is j Saturday night. He served a# a tation. Broad Street Motor Phone 5643. draulic shock absorber eliminates illsputeil claim elilth said minor has} ORDERED That the 20th day of groes SaJiaa. Phono 3926. ^ ^ PIa NO TUNING and repairing against .luhn Hickey as per applica-; July. YStS. at 9 p'clock. id.a.t.i fore- In Wyoming, Chief intei-est ilea Juty-man in the Gerald Chapman “ •pank" and "kick" of ordinary murder trial at Hartford In 1925. CHIMNEYS and firepfacea expert* Player pianos apeciiiity. John seats! Y’ou'H do more work with thin on flie. It is | noon, sKthe Probate Office In the choice of a Republican sen- Covkerham, 26 Bigelow atreet ORDERED. That th. foregoing ap- 1 Munlclpat^^ulldlng In said Maitchesier nominee to run against He was bom here In 1865 and, dur­ ly cleaned and repaired. Pwenly- less fatigue! Fits moat tractors. pllrstlon. be heard and ileteriiiined st I be mi?d th4>x9*me \9 •BBignpu lor • ' . — _____ ing his Ufetlihe. held aeveral tow-h BoslBcas B«Wl6Cb Offored 13 two years of experience Well Dial 4219. 'S ec It! $29.95 Wards Farm Store, the Probite ofill-* in , Msiuhestrr in hemring ou allow autre of .tiid ad- Senator. OMfthonej, Dumocrat, mlulBtration account w uh aaid estate I who Usunoppofled tor renomination, snd civic offices. Survivors Include HY KKKD HARMAN a l b e r t JACOBS—Ashe# arid recommended. Manchester Chim­ *24-828 Main atreet, Manche-ster. said District ■ the Imii day of Jul>. a son and-two grandchildren. Fun­ RED RIDER One^Caught, On* To Go ney Expert#. Phone 2-2411. .V.D.I 1946 al V-^iUKk Id sicasrllT the and am t‘rttimu^t of heirs aud ^ ihia i Qov. Nels H. Smith and ' F,E fETCH'jn ■ ' ' rubblah removed. Light trucking. Help Wanteil—Female 35 Conn. forenoon, ami" IhaKjndlie txs given to Court directs tha^otke of the nim Treasurer Earl Wright are eral aervlcea will be held Tuesday LIITlE etAVtR'9 fi06WULTUT PO6V0ELLB d£lTlN‘ '\ /HE WOf4’T \ I ■TO. 6627. ______SEWING Marninet.'vacuum clean- all persons iirleresten, Ui sul.l .estate aiul pDive aeffiguedXur aaid liearlug pe . • . * r* r\ morning with burial In St. Mary’s HEUflO ■ 0\E 3'l"x6'9". comibinatlon acreen of Hie pemieiK V of kald appinalion ami Kiveu to ah' pei'iifuiiiiinowu to be. fn- j tiVing for the G. O. P. nom*nation. I cemetery. 'OR TierlHM em and small apphancc.s ‘ repair­ GIRL OR Woman to help with door with fixtures. Two 2'6 "x the lime and plate «r heanng theiron, tereitcd iheieinAt^ app>«i and b<» hcaid i The *‘whitc supremacy’ issue ALL MAKES ot washing ma- housewurk. full or pail time. Call riieST WHEN repel rad. 10 years' exper- ed. A.B.C, Appliance and Service 6 9 " screen doors, including rftx- hy publishing s copy of th.« order lii tliereon by publilbihs \ of 'hts j been raised ii) Georgia. \vheie| he RSTURH'S K'l 8033. some netvspsper hsting s < Inflation order In some -h»yhig s ballot Wednesday on Heflins Parenia .Again Icnca. Ga& A. Brewer, 2-0349. Co., 21 Maple street. Phone ture# 56 McKinley street. | ^ flORiiitys 2-1375. -Pick up and delivery serv­ In BBid dutrici il lenfft da> o eircul.t.on in ..id District. ^ governor. - i CADOLr WANTED—Saleswoman to sell for^ thp day of aaid h« aMiijr to appaar.'flvp daya before the day of Lo* Angeles, July 15—'Ab—The f com. laea ■« Nt« anvie*. sic. t. •>. ate. * * Mr, ear. r -ir AL’B DELIVERY'Service. Grocery ice. 'coracta and foundation garmenli. If they aee rau*e at aaid time and t ing. Rcd-gallusscd Gene '.'almadgc. orders and drug store preecrlp- HousehoM Gooiffi 51 place and be Heard relatne th^ieto and WILLIAM S. HYDE. -• I three-time goVemor, is trving for i Van Heflins have another criild, coffw. i$H tr Ma tvict. «n. t. m wc u » »3T. orr^ T-tS 1 ELEtTTRlC Motor*, repairlr and Excellent opportunity. Apply to make return to tiitu unirt 11 a comeback on that issue. Former i their second. The movie actor'an- *‘01i, I’m only Roinjt out Avilli (ieorRe, lo I'll Juat match tlone. package store errgnds end Manager. Montgomery Waul. WE HAVE finest assortmenta Of \V1LI*1\M S HYOK .hid* I ,VT .V^OOURT OF PROBATIV mlacellaneoiu deliverieZ. For rewnnding. All work guarani red . ' Gov. E. Rivers and James V Car- uoiinced that Mrs. Heflin, the for- ‘‘Come, come, Dus>]in^n! 1 promule you and how do you kitchen lim.leums Also itle and * ...... ,1 .Mamheatpr. wUliiii ami for 8omc uf Ihc8e old slocking*—1 cun save my new ones for estimates and arrangements t^le Ace Electric Motor Repairs 22? } GIRLS AND women for light fac­ .XT A (MURT OF I'r.oBVTK hel.l Dutrii 1 of MaiirSpMvi; op th­ I 1 michael. the l.xttcr suppoiteri by mer Frances Neal, gave birth to a thank me? You ask for a raise!” n date with some stranger!’* phone 6362. ., ' North Main #treet. .oppoette De­ wall coverings. Msncheltei Floor at Mam lic-U r w iHui. aiifl for ih- '.lav of .lul.\, .A.D.. 1946 / H gov. Ellia Ariiall, are Talmadge's daughtcr-.i^lLPOunde, three ounces. tory work. 5 day week. Tober Covering center. 24 Birch. Cell Dlalrlit of Mamli-«i»r on th-„ Kith Prefeiit ilON. WILLI.V.M S. HYDE, TTie child was ‘ chris­ pot entrance on North School j Baseball Manufacttirlhg Com­ Chief opponents in a primary | yesterday, PBILA’8 RtfrigeraUon imrvloe, •treat. Phone 6642. o688. !'\______^ dav of Julv. .A D 1946 . I luil*- whpse winner'la sure of-clection. tened Kathleen Carol. VIC FLINT A GirFfl Picture BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY and BALPH LANE pany. Prei-iit HON. WILLIAM S HYDE i Ealati- of Hulda Aiidei.^ou. late ot r commercial, domestic, all stand­ Judge . Mancheater. In aaid DiMrkt devea»ed. THE NEXT MORNING ard makea repaired, serviced. '38 Ra d io — Electrical Appliance NEW v a c u u m cleanere for tale. Estate of Lovdrtn H Ut- of ; The executor having exhibited hi* Birch street Phone Manchester Service, repaira, picked up and. WANTED Liberal trade-in allowance. A.B. Mancheater. hi -aid Dimrict. d-i-ajod. ' adminlatratlon account with said estate C. Appllcancf tjnd Service Com- I CAUEO YOU UI) 3*1438. deliver^ year*’ CAPABLE YOUNG UADY The adpilnistratrix liaun* exhibited,'to this Court for «lIow»nce, U I* FUNT. 6ECAU6E I experiencs. John Maloney Phone pany. 21 Mapla atreet Phone her admlnlatratloii account mtli said ORDERED: That the 20lli day of FOR eaUte to this Court for illoaam e. IL it July. 1948. at 9 o'clock, (d.a.t.) fore­ WANTED TO SHOW LAWN MOWERS abarpened, 2-1046. X Wplnut atreet. GENERAL OFFICE WORK 2-1575. . ______ORDERED Thai ih- .0th da.r- of noon. at in- Probate Office In the VOU SOMETHINO. MAJOR HOOIM.E rtpalrad, washing machines, a n d t y p in g July. 1946 at 9 A’l-K-ck ' d s.t. i fere-I Municipal Building In aaid Minehetler, FOR SALE WHAT DO VOU OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR HOARDINCi HOI'HE vacuums. Irons repaired, prompt a i r OONDmONED*UNTTS 9 TO 4:80, 5-DAY WEEK WE BUY and aell good used noon, at th- rrobal- iiffic- in the be and the 'same it assigned for a 4-ROOM CAPE COD— Fireplace, hot water heal, oil I I !■ I ■— Hot Air Fumsce* Initsljed furniture, combination rangea. Municipal Buildln* m Mid Mtiuhtsier, hearing on the tllowanc* of aaid ad­ LETSFALLiN J pickup and delivery aervlce, work b- *n'd■ th- -am- ;* s-sign-d' for '• ministration account with said estate burner, breezeway and garajie; storih windows and GAD/TUB tHOOGKT ALL RIGHT/ guaranteed The Friendly Ftxil and Reset WRITE BOX GE. HERALD gas ranges and haalara. Jonet' BEHIND THIS ■ Esvaatrouglis snd Conductors Furniture Stora, 36 Oak. Phone h-arlng -n the allonsn,- of -aid ad- and' this Court directs that notice of ficrcens. Can finisH twe^ additional rooms on second floor. TAS66RS M 6/;w A ' grope Vdur wav ....„...._iSbop. 71g.* North Mam afreet I ______mlnlttratioii an .unit si;l»-»aid eslat-e the time and pla,e assigned for said House 100*^r insulated,^ This house is on a well land­ iMPLe MECHANICAL T O A L O O S 6 - POPPER ANO ; 'Phone 4777. W. Burnett. All TyP6* Sheet Melai Work. W.A.NTED—Press* operator New 2-1041. ______• and aw-rlainni-nt h-:r- and tlua hearing be given to all.P-rf s known eATTERV CONNEC­ GET GOING MANCHESTER Model Laundry, 73 ■ .Summit Court dli-it« ihai i;..ii.- „f n,, time to be hilerested therein lo appear and scaped lot situated on Hollister Street Extension. f la w , AND NOT 045E FLOOR problems aolv#d with and place as-ign-d fiir .tl.i h-aring he be heard thereon by publiihing a ropy TION ANO THAT ■ -^IT’S A SHEET flETAL" WORKS atreet. i OF W ) KAiQ-TR\66E LONG Lim p linoleum, asphalt Ule. counter given to all p-r»oi « J,:ios n to h- In- of this order.n-w-paper hav­ MINOS C(3ULO fathom MAHES VOO A, / 21 years' experience. Phone 541.3 t-r-ated th-rrui Io ipp.-ar sn.l be heard ing a CIrcuiallon In said Dl-trhl at DOUBLE EINSTEIN, TO OUR ; I A tYIMPTOMETTER operator, ex­ Expert workmanship, free esti­ Ih-i-oii h\ piiMi-hii , „f this least five d*, s h-m - Th- da, of said STUART J. WASLEY, Realtor JAMES MAORI. General tnuk- mates. Open evenlnge- Jones (1 1 -— SOWHPT7 Destinatio n pel lenced. 37 hour, 5 day week order 10 -..III- haring • h-arin* , State Theater Building: l ^ t N 6 /9 U : LOCH.V IPANV Ing. .Range and fuel oils, a^hes Pleasant working conditiojia Ap­ Fun -e Oak Street. Phone emulation i- «ai.; ivi-irn.t . at l-att WILLIAM S. HYDE I uJg-. HOO WANT INSURE and rubblah removed. Phone 2-1041. . flve data brlon th- oa' of aaul hear­ TEI.. fifitR A MEMORIAL ply employment ofltlce. First Na­ ing. K at a COURT of probate hdd ai\o.*r lu With 4523. Time* trucks to serve you. r the tional Stores. Park and Oakland USED f u r .n it URB bought and BILL' VM 9 HYDE Judge. at Manchester, nithin 'and for BlcKINNEY BROTHERS Avenues. Bast Hartford. Monday District ef Manehester. on th- 13lh ITHC WOODWORK—Shlpehape cabinet sold rha Red Shop. 56 Hudson AT A COL S3 OF PKpEATE htI4 d*V'Of Julv .AD 194* Baal Bitote aafi laMvaaee work designed snd built to your through Friday. 9 s. m to 3 p m atreet Moore's Ueed Furniture «t Minelmt.r U'.,vnt *n4 f*r th* Rrsaent HON BTLUA.M S HYDE. [WASH TUBBS Outside for McKee BY LESLIE TURNER m MAIM 8 1 . TEL. 6060 Putriet *f Mi-.;.‘Ma'ar -n the tSth H awflw exact rsqulrsmenU. -Call Cluit HOU6EWORKCR. full or . pgri Phone 7251. j'uJg* mNOMIUZOKCHr :n^i«uw'(0u«a^ OMMC5SMtEI«'»HA>iMi66to \ Wl^irMrTl Hendrickson. 2-0963. 4*v of .ttjl" .UD J«44 'Trust fitate u-w ef Ksthah* » Card. UMHKCB time No cooking or laundry ex­ Preaent HON n ILLIA.M 5 HTDE. l*t*L* ef Manehesttranehesttr in s«id t>iDistriel. ___ jim twKDvt WMATlSwfl \auTHiU«TkMaa AaA8V.TMO...EXCEPrOMU^ 1 M r 810181 FOR That n«w uaelauo «r aspHMt Judge TO BE SOLD lOMNfy SI6KT. A MAN M WS coHOinONk )aR«Hr ASAflaMiR MSHTa. WHEN THEY* THUNDCRMT / tKS 6ALMH... cellent salary. Call Msneheeter tile floor, new couatsr or caufil- dtc*a*«4 AkOOnDB Flolists-oNaraprie* 15 .4009. Est»t* Of .'ciiph 1, Bright. 1st* of The Trusts* having exhibitsd it* MHOOM . CNTTUEW* ■ ■ 00UAR„,WA**IT TILL UaMTRN.4t’*»FTJP«OAtnTV»/ SOMEmNO er repair, call 6756 or 2-0866 and Mamheatei n m i Di»ttict declMed- Anal account w ith said -state to this ’ Ws ai« offzrtng for aale a Two-Family Duplex Heme at four WIMfiBl AaODBRflOOMi toTCkwstaAagpy our repi esentstlv* will call. Daiy, Th- adinini-iI .r:! ■ X htj iirg exhibited Court for sllowanc- it t» I and five rooms. Inpated oh Lflac street. Just off Center atreeL HEW8MTPIUMB TIME TO Plant late cabbage, to- | W.a.N’TED T wo women. Excellent liei sdiiiin'.i rt..,, «tth aaid Or.DEP.ED That ih- 2mh da, of Tsr«»)dMiAA maattMA matoes,' cauliflower, sproute. I working condition. Apply in pei- Doug he I t \ A Noonan, Inc., Floor --tat,' !■> tin, I .ii:' f..i all..name. It ia July. 1946 at 9 hihxk id-l.i fore- 1 .This verj’ m itral loratlon K handy to ntorea and hua. All rooms WANTED o\Cling «|ieiisil*t* and contrsc- rabi, eggplant celery, lettiu.e ! son. .New Model Laiimirv, 73 I'UDI' l KD I'l,,' ' 1... '.ani, n*v of noon, at th- Pi.*"hiit- ,Oi(n- in th -1 are large and cheerful. Priced for quick sale! Lri* Fi-ee e.«lrn ih.' altosance of aaid *d- directs that notice of-th- time and Secretary I 641 .Main atrMt.. table. Telephone 2-0552r 233 mtnlstrAUon account with aaid ••tale place aaaigned for said hearing ba nvnUsbin far your Immediate oocnpancy. * > vegetable plants for your old Hartford load. and a«-rtaiiim-m of heir* and thl* :tvcn to all peraons knoti-n to b* In- / flower pots, any size. Woodland A REFINED family st nearby- Court directs ihat notice of ths tlins 7ere*ted therein to appear and hg heard ApBly Gardens, John Zapadks. 168 h o s p it a l Beda or whaal-chalrs and plac* assigned for said h**rlpg b* thereon by publtahlpg a ce'py o( thig ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. lake, deslrss housekeeper. Call given 10 all p-r-i.n- known lo be In- order In some newspaper haring B BtopWraiMit OIBca Woodland street. TeU-phons 8t7V 8976 between 5 and 7 p. ni. for rent or .vale. Rata# reason­ teitat-'i Ihcieii, u, ,pp,,r and ba haard circulation in aaid District at least five House A Hale BnlMIng able If you need a eieep board there.'ll br-puhii-hii,^ a Copy ot thia days before th- day of said hearing, Estate All Line* of Insuranra v tr FOR SALR— Late wintfi l•1tlha:•e \V.a n t e d 'Gill.to-watch i hildien.- to give voiir hack » firm support ordei .'I, ’ -u-paper having • and by mailing In a iigi-t-r-d l-tter. WHY McrrHCRB OCT grav plants, 15c a dozer., Ucoige Gil-j • ii'uUii ■ , ni-trul. al le»»l on or befitre .Inly 1^ 1916 a ropv of We have many cualoniera liMikIng for one-family honaea. If ■B*SaUhfcS8MUU6»U Cheney Bros* age* twoland four.-'for the next we have them in three pr^cucsl }uu wlxh to aell. please contact ua at onee. bert Smith street. ' Buckiand. i six weekali houiWi^twn o'clock tn sizes, rnone Keith's Furnilure. hr,- 1, - i-;,i.- in*.,la, of aaid hear­ thl- pider to Luc., Rjh.' Snilih.' 23 East ! Phone 8058 after 4 p m, . | ing' i ' I Eighth sir—I. X-« York Citv. 1 eight p. in. Call 'M36, 4159. , I WILLIAM S. HYDE, Jud**- WILLIA.M 8. HYDE Judge. 1 ‘ ■r’ ~ . \- i ■/.( V- ,a!,'