December 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1675 also must continue to significantly fund HIV/ nized principles of international law, was hind a legacy of excellence and devotion to AIDS research and programs. unanimously passed by the House on Decem- the United States Army and this great nation. One such program that benefits from HIV/ ber 2, 2014. A native of California but raised in the Bos- AIDS funding is SUNY Downstate’s HIV Cen- In my official capacity as Ranking Member ton area, SMA Chandler enlisted in the Army ter for Women and Children, which is located of the House Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee in 1981. He excelled throughout his career in my district—the 9th Congressional District on Asia and the Pacific, I have relied on Mr. and served in all tank crewman positions and of New York. The center provides: HIV/AIDS Nguyen’s expertise regarding many matters had multiple tours as a troop, squadron, and clinical support, mental health assistance, psy- affecting the security of the Asia-Pacific re- regimental master gunner. SMA Chandler’s chosocial support, educational outreach, re- gion, as well as the U.S.-Vietnam relationship. skill as a leader of warriors was recognized search—and the all important testing pro- Mr. Nguyen has been a tremendous help to early on as he assumed command positions in gram—and in doing so helps stop the trans- me and I will miss him when he returns to numerous regiments and divisions. He was mission of HIV/AIDS in my district. Vietnam next year. assigned as the United States Army Ser- We must continue to fight on behalf of those Because so many in diplomatic missions geants Major Academy command sergeant who need to access life saving research and serve so well, it is rare for me to include a major in December 2007. Nearly two years programs. The manner in which we as a na- statement in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD in later, he became the 19th Commandant of tion address HIV/AIDS will determine the fate honor of diplomats. But Mr. Nguyen has United States Army Sergeants Major Academy of the next generation of Americans. Let’s served exceptionally well—in a way that de- and the first enlisted commandant in the acad- continue to take a stand against the spread of serves to be recognized and preserved in the emy’s history. HIV/AIDS. records of U.S. history and so I am including In his final assignment, SMA Chandler f a statement as I also did for Dr. Luan Thuy served as Sergeant Major of the Army, our Duong and Ambassador Cuong. Army’s most senior enlisted soldier, leading IN RECOGNITION OF MR. NGUYEN On a more personal note, knowing and the Noncommissioned Officer Corps and car- AN HA OF THE SOCIALIST RE- serving with Mr. Nguyen, Dr. Duong and Am- rying news of the enlisted ranks to the Chief PUBLIC OF VIETNAM bassador Cuong has been one of the high- of Staff of the Army and other leadership. He lights of my career. I am thankful for our served as the role model and standard bearer HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA friendship and I will always be grateful to them for enlisted personnel, built relationships be- OF AMERICAN SAMOA for all they did to bring about recognition of tween the Army and Congress, and rallied IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the interim board of The Church of Jesus support from community and business leaders Monday, December 1, 2014 Christ of Latter-day Saints in Vietnam. For- for soldiers and their families. His guidance evermore, I will also hold a special place in and influence have steered the Army into a Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, I rise my heart for Prime Minister Nguyen Tan well-equipped and well-trained force over the today to pay tribute to my friend and brother, Dung, President Truong Tan Sang, the Polit- past four years. Mr. Nguyen An Ha of the Socialist Republic of buro, Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong, the His extraordinary service has not gone un- Vietnam. National Assembly, MOFA, Public Security noticed. SMA Chandler is the recipient of nu- Mr. Nguyen has been working for the Min- and the countless other individuals, depart- merous awards and decorations including the istry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of the Socialist ments, organizations and individuals who sup- Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, and Meri- Republic of Vietnam since 1993. He was as- ported recognition—a cause that meant so torious Service Medal. He has also been hon- signed as Political Counselor at the Embassy much to me. ored with the Order of Saint George, the Dis- of Vietnam to the United States in March As I now leave the U.S. House of Rep- tinguished Order of Saint Martin, and the Hon- 2011, and also serves as Deputy Director of resentatives, I hope I will be remembered as orable Order of Saint Barbara. Additionally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. having given all I could on behalf of the lead- SMA Chandler sat on a wide variety of coun- From 2007 to 2011, Mr. Nguyen served in ers and people of Vietnam, too. Once caught cils and boards that made decisions affecting the America Department of MOFA. From 2003 up in a war I knew little about, I thank God I enlisted soldiers and their families and was to 2007, he worked as Second Secretary of was able to return to Vietnam later in life as routinely invited to testify before Congress. the Mission of Vietnam to the United Nations both Chairman and Ranking Member of the Retirement is to be celebrated and enjoyed. (UN). From 1996 to 2003, Mr. Nguyen worked Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific. In re- It is not the end of a career, but rather the be- as an expert at the Department of Inter- turning, I found a people I love. ginning of a new adventure. On behalf of a national Organization in the Ministry of Foreign This is why I have repeatedly called for the grateful nation, I join my colleagues to cele- Affairs. From 1994 to 1995, he studied at the United States to clean up the mess it left be- brate SMA Raymond Chandler’s retirement. Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam. hind and do right by the victims of Agent Or- His patriotism, citizenship, and commitment to Mr. Nguyen graduated from the University of ange. I have also advocated for the United service reflect the very best values of our na- Foreign languages in Hanoi. He is married to States to boost bilateral relations in several tion. He has been a shining example for the Hoang Thi Hai Yen, and he and his lovely wife sectors, including defense, trade and security. nation and has earned our gratitude. I com- have a beautiful daughter, Nguyen Hoang Strong U.S.-Vietnam ties are key to stability in mend him for his selfless service to the nation Minh Ngoc. Mr. Nguyen is the son of Mr. the Asia-Pacific region, and H. Res. 714 is a and the United States Army. I wish him and Nguyen Huu Xuyen and Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim step forward. his wife Jeanne all the best in their much-de- Huong. I thank Mr. Nguyen, once more, for his work served retirement. On behalf of the Socialist Republic of Viet- in bolstering the U.S.-Vietnam relationship. f nam, Mr. Nguyen has spared no effort in Until we meet again, I wish Mr. Nguyen the strengthening U.S.-Vietnam relations. He has very best, and I extend to him my highest re- IN COMMEMORATION OF THE 26TH served his country and colleagues with distinc- gards. ANNUAL WORLD AIDS DAY AND tion and honor. As Political Counselor, he OF AIDS AWARENESS MONTH f worked side-by-side with His Excellency Nguyen Quoc Cuong, former Ambassador of HONORING SERGEANT MAJOR OF HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS Vietnam to the United States, and also with THE ARMY RAYMOND F. CHAN- OF FLORIDA DLER III Dr. Luan Thuy Duong, former Minister at the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Embassy of Vietnam to the United States, to promote Vietnam’s stance in calling for a HON. JOHN R. CARTER Monday, December 1, 2014 peaceful resolution of disputes in the South OF TEXAS Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I China Sea and the East China Sea. Because IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rise today to commemorate the 26th Annual of their tireless efforts and leadership, the U.S. World AIDS Day, which also marks the begin- House of Representatives finally passed for Monday, December 1, 2014 ning of AIDS Awareness Month. This year’s the first time ever a Resolution calling for such Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor theme is ‘‘Focus, Partner, Achieve: An AIDS- support. H. Res. 714, a Resolution I intro- a dear friend and outstanding citizen, Ser- free Generation,’’ which embodies the core duced in support of peaceful and collaborative geant Major of the Army Raymond F. Chan- strategy for reversing the AIDS epidemic do- resolution of maritime and jurisdictional dis- dler III, for his 33 years of dedicated, distin- mestically and internationally. putes in the South China Sea and the East guished, and honorable service. SMA Chan- Since its establishment by the World Health China Sea as provided by universally recog- dler will retire on August 1, 2015, leaving be- Organization (WHO) in 1988, World AIDS Day

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 02, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01DE8.021 E01DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1676 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 1, 2014 has served as a call to action and a living me- ognizing World AIDS Day and AIDS Aware- dear friend and brother and has been since morial to all those whose lives have been lost ness Month, as well as supporting vital HIV/ we met and began working side-by-side when to the disease across the globe. According to AIDS prevention, treatment, and care pro- he was appointed Kazakhstan’s Ambassador WHO, an estimated 39 million people have grams, including the Ryan White Program and to the United States. His daughter is my died since the first cases were reported in Affordable Care Act (ACA). daughter, and Meruyert has made us both 1981 and 1.5 million people died of AIDS-re- f proud. lated causes in 2013. As Meruyert puts it, ‘‘I have worked in multi- In the United States, more than 1.2 million PERSONAL EXPLANATION national corporations. I have experience in people are currently living with HIV, with al- lobbying. But my highest honor has been to most one in seven (14 percent) unaware of HON. JERROLD NADLER put my time to use for the benefit of my coun- their infection. We also know that the burden OF NEW YORK try.’’ In her position as Minister-Counselor at of HIV infection continues to fall greatest on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Embassy of Kazakhstan in the United men who have sex with men (MSM), African Monday, December 1, 2014 States, Meruyert serves her country with dis- Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, and young peo- tinction. I commend her for her tireless efforts Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I had to return ple, who account for the majority of the ap- in promoting U.S.-Kazakhstan relations. to New York to attend a funeral, and as a re- proximately 50,000 new HIV infections each Meruyert carries forward the vision of Presi- sult, I missed three votes on November 20, year. dent Nazarbayev, who is also my friend. 2014. Had I been present, I would have voted Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Con- I applaud President Nazarbayev for chang- ‘‘aye’’ on roll call vote no. 529, ageeing to the trol and Prevention (CDC) report that only 25 ing the course of history and renouncing nu- amendment offered by Mr. WAXMAN, ‘‘aye’’ on percent of Americans living with HIV are virally clear weapons. Kazakhstan inherited the roll call vote no. 530, the motion to recommit, suppressed and successfully making it through world’s fourth-largest nuclear arsenal after and ‘‘no’’ on roll call vote no. 531, final pas- the HIV care continuum. This means that gaining independence from the sage of HR 4795, the ‘‘Promoting New Manu- about 825,000 people living with HIV are not in 1991 but President Nazarbayev immediately facturing Act.’’ receiving the full benefits of treatment, and and boldly renounced these weapons and may be unknowingly passing the virus on to f transferred them under great security by others. IN RECOGNITION OF MERUYERT means of an unprecedented joint program with Treatment remains the most promising tool SAUDABAY, MINISTER-COUN- experts from Kazakhstan, and the we have to creating an AIDS-free generation. SELOR AT THE EMBASSY OF United States. Because of continued advancements in KAZAKHSTAN TO THE UNITED President Nazarbayev headed this heroic ef- antiretroviral drugs and efforts to link individ- STATES fort because, for more than 40 years prior to uals to care, more people living with HIV are Kazakhstan’s independence, the Soviet Union able to manage the disease and lead active, HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA used Semipalatinsk in northern Kazakhstan as productive lives. If we can increase the num- a test site to detonate more than 500 nuclear OF AMERICAN SAMOA ber of individuals living with HIV who are on explosions. More than one million people were IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES treatment, then we can achieve global AIDS exposed to radioactive fallout. control. One year ago, S. 1545, the PEPFAR Monday, December 1, 2014 I continue to call upon the Nobel Peace Stewardship and Oversight Act of 2013, was Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, I rise Prize Committee to recognize President signed into law and stands as a symbol of our today to pay tribute to Meruyert Saudabay, Nazarbayev’s contributions to world peace as nation’s enduring commitment to ending AIDS born in , Kazakhstan. Meruyert grad- no other world leader has done so much to worldwide. uated from George C. Marshall School in An- safeguard humanity from the terrible dangers At the 2014 International AIDS Conference kara, Turkey. After high school, she moved to of nuclear terrorism. (AIDS 2014) in Melbourne, Australia, AIDS Sydney, Australia where she studied for one I also thank Minister-Counselor Meruyert Healthcare Foundation (AHF) and other civil year at the University of Sydney. She contin- Saudabay for standing with her father and me society organizations introduced the ‘‘20x20 ued her studies in London Richmond Univer- and many others in strong support of Presi- Campaign,’’ which aims to have 20 million sity where she studied law. Meruyert obtained dent Nazarbayev’s mission to modernize and people on antiretroviral therapy by 2020. In her LLM from Georgetown University Law balance the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. addition, UNAIDS proposed the ‘‘90–90–90’’ Center. I extend to Meruyert my highest and kindest treatment goals, which are to have 90 percent Meruyert’s career began in London’s Chev- regards and, for the unwavering support they of people infected with HIV know their status, ron Corporate office. Her portfolio included provide to her, I especially thank Meruyert’s 90 percent of people infected with HIV on merger and acquisitions. She was a member family including her husband Daulet treatment, and 90 percent of those on treat- of a leading legal team during the Chevron Orynbayev and their daughter Ayah; her sister ment with an undetectable viral load all by Texaco merger. After returning to Astana, Aray; her brother Ermek Saudabayev, his wife 2020. Kazakhstan, Meruyert worked for Kazakh Na- Altynai, their daughter Merey and son Nurbol; Ultimately, however, the future is in our tional Oil and Gas Company (KazMunaiGas) her brother Yerbol, his wife Elaine Bekmyrza hands. We know how to stop the transmission in the Business Development division. and their daughter Amira; and her father and of HIV and help people living with AIDS stay After earning her LLM degree, Meruyert mother Kanat Saudabayev and Kullikhan as healthy as possible. It starts with raising joined communications services firm ‘‘APCO’’ Saudabayeva. I wish each of them the very public awareness, knowing your status, and where her focus was on Russia and the firm’s best and I thank them also for the support challenging the stigma that prevents so many business development in the Commonwealth they have always extended to me. within our communities from accessing the of Independent State (CIS) countries. f care they need. In 2009, Meruyert began her long-antici- DORIS STIPECH Finally, I would also like to take this oppor- pated diplomatic career following in her fa- tunity to remember the dozens of scientists, ther’s footsteps. Meruyert’s father—His Excel- researchers, and activists who perished when lency Kanat Saudabayev—is a prominent HON. ED PERLMUTTER OF COLORADO Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down international political figure. He was the first IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014. They Ambassador ever from an independent were en route to AIDS 2014. Among them Kazakhstan. He served as Kazakhstan’s Am- Monday, December 1, 2014 was world-renowned scientist Dr. Joep Lange, bassador to the United States from 2000 to Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise his partner Jacqueline van Tongeren, and 2007. In 2007, President Nursultan today to recognize and applaud Doris Stipech WHO spokesman Glenn Thomas. Theirs was Nazarbayev promoted him to the position of for her welcoming charisma and the positive truly a tragic loss for the global AIDS re- Secretary of State. In 2009, he was appointed influence she has bestowed upon her profes- sponse. Secretary of State-Minister of Foreign Affairs. sion and her community through volunteerism Mr. Speaker, as we look to the start of the In 2010, during Kazakhstan’s Chairmanship of and philanthropy. 114th Congress, it is imperative that we re- the Organization for Security and Cooperation As an active member of the local commu- main committed to continuing the fight against in Europe (OSCE), Mr. Saudabayev held the nity, Doris serves as a board member for civic HIV/AIDS, and address the ongoing effects of position of Chairman-in-Office. organizations and other boards dedicated to sequestration on HIV care in the United I have known the Honorable Kanat education and economic empowerment, in- States. I urge my colleagues to join me in rec- Saudabayev for nearly 15 years. He is my cluding the Arvada Food Bank, Women’s

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:08 Dec 02, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01DE8.024 E01DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS