Naomi Wolf | 192 pages | 22 Sep 2007 | Chelsea Green Publishing Co | 9781933392790 | English | White River Junction, United States The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot PDF Book

Particularly enlightening and frightening to me were chapters 3 "Establishing Secret Prisons" , 4 "Develop a Paramilitary Force" and 7 "Arbitrarily Detain and Release Prisoners," about the disintegration of habeas corpus. Cast criticism as "espionage" and dissent as "treason" But in her own words: "Here's what we're not taught: Those words [" How many innocent people have we held there? It was evident that this lady was a true patriot with a message to convey. Release date. All of us - Republicans, Democrats, Independents, American citizens - have little time to repeal the laws and roll back the forces that can bring about the end of the American system we have inherited from the Founders - a system that has protect our freedom for over years. Like toward the end she has this whole part about how bloggers can save us. Jul 21, Mike rated it did not like it. Her comparison of George Bush's flight-suit-plane-landing to a plane landing of Hitler filmed by famed propagandist Leni Riefenstahl is disturbing. Once I started this book I could This is a book that really gets you thinking about the rights culture we live in. Develop a paramilitary force 4. Fantastic and timely premise. These interviews are from a diverse collection of individuals, including intelligence community top brass, who are willing to talk on camera about the uselessness of "intelligence" gained through torture. These all served to make the book something more of interest to the largely white, male middle class as opposed to the truly dispossessed of this nation, who would actually be the ones likely to suffer most under a fascist system. We are, apparently, too much concerned with celebrities and feel-good pharmacuticals to take an active role in preserving our liberties in the face of "the global war on terror". In April , Sidney Stewart, a year-old U. This started to get a little bit scary. I only read this book because I have a physical copy that I probably bought 10 years ago and I'm trying to pare down all my books so they fit on my bookcase. Subvert the Rule of Law ousting attorneys that don't agree with administration that aren't "loyal", taking control of national Guard away from States, Can we guarantee a fair election given all of the above It not only can happen here, it is happening here. The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot Writer

Ann Coulter's book Treason basically defines as treason anyone critical of then-President Bush. Get A Copy. And then hit the streets. Shelve Give Us This Day. Another thing fascist regimes do is start to throw around the word treason. When the former Soviet Union fell apart, the U. The Founders of this nation were so deeply familiar with tyranny and the habits and practices of tyrants that they set up our checks and balances precisely out of fear of what is unfolding today. Fascist messaging has advantage that democratic communications and advocacy, even of the highest sophistication, just cannot demonstrate. I think this book also alienated me a bit because it's heavy on scare-tactic language, and even some implications bordering on . That's why we must remember to always be vigilant. Wolf sees the next few months at being critical at finalizing the closure of our society before the elections. Share this video widely. Case for Complicity Begin Questioning Cui bono? Did you know that right now, if Bush read my book list, he could declare me an enemy combatant, and you'd never hear from me again? Maybe I'm naive, but looking at the slippery slopes that Germany and the Soviet Union under Stalin followed, I feel like this couldn't happen here - the US is too big, too populated for the state to take over like this. It is short, it is succinct there are no excuses not to read it. This includes a lecture and speaking tour, and being part of the nascent American Freedom Campaign, a grassroots efforts to ensure that presidential candidates pledge to uphold the constitution and protect our liberties from further erosion. Scratching the Tiger's Belly is a new collection of writings by anarcho-surrealist author Ron Sakolsky: a radical mixtape of hidden histories, rebel poems, prickly rants, black humor, intoxicating adv… More. Wolf's attempt to rush this book onto our shelves, knowing full well that her message of warning was time-sensitive and far too important for grammatical delays. Community Reviews. Take heed, readers! Wolf tries, but ultimately I think the effect is to actually scare us and the impression one gets is a gloomy, we're- fucked, bleak future. Get involved!! The End of America details the ten steps a country takes when it slides toward fascism. Naomi Wolf didn't write this in early at the beginning of the Trump presidency. Other reviewers here have covered the details of the book, so I won't do so. Set up an internal surveillance system 5. It is the sort of book that one could consider giving to anyone whom you wished might consider some difficult questions about freedom today. I was struck by the same stomach wrenching feelings I had while watching John Adams that our predecessors who gave their all for our freedom would be horrified by what is taking place in American society today. It's really not that bad, but it does have that Naomi Wolf way of being kind of irritating. Call me naive, but I believe that illegal wiretapping probably stems from a genuine desire to catch terrorists. Wolf examines history to offer a warning shot that portrays how past authoritarian and dictatorial regimes upset a democratic balance of power to enable ambitious regimes to come to oppress nations. Want to Read. A few things in particular stand out as prescient--particularly regarding "fake news"--after a grueling first week of the Trump presidency: "The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims of a big lie than a small one" Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf. I did not like Bush myself and did not vote for Bush but then liberals and progressives have done far more damage to democracy and freedom in the U. Jul 21, Mike rated it did not like it. We are, apparently, too much concerned with celebrities and feel-good pharmacuticals to take an active role in preserving our liberties in the face of "the global war on terror". To A Young Patriot". Arbitrarily Detain and Release Citizens 7. It is true that many of the tactics she describes lead to abridged freedom, but I don't think she does lefties a service by fabricating this evil right wing empire-in-waiting, when most evidence points to it being a much more organic process, without one or even a group of evil masterminds guiding it. Wolf cites ten specific measures which have been used to weaken democracies in the past: we must learn from the lessons of history in order not to repeat them. The film analyzes policy changes made during the Bush Administration , and makes the case that these changes threaten American democracy. We are all just as much responsible for the decline of America as those who seek to ruin this nation! Shelve Morlac. It's only about pages, so if you care about your rights as an American citizen, you can read for yourself. Naomi Wolf's writing style reads more like a conversation with a concerned friend who has the courage to tell you what no one else will. La idea de morlac me vino durante una exposicion de obras del pintor David Bradbury. And then you have restricting the press - which was basically a Trump campaign promise. Wolf makes a good point of noting that at no time in history has a party or class or regime ever walked away from a position of concentrated power without a fight. Warrantless wiretap lawsuit dismissed citing national security. The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot Reviews

Wolf examines history to offer a warning shot that portrays how past authoritarian and dictatorial regimes upset a democratic balance of power to enable ambitious regimes to come to oppress nations. This is a chilling read. So we keep being startled when the steps of the democratic interplay are ignored: 'He can't do that! Paine's voice echoes throughout this "Letter As David Griffin has That's because I get so riled up when I read it, that I realized I needed to be careful about doing so -- otherwise I'd face insomnia! She calls us to be patriots like those who fought against Britain to make us a free country. I have to agree that we need to be on watch - but can I say that maybe drawing direct parallels between America at the beginning of the 21st century and may be a bit far? Enjoyable read. Remember Bush? Why I Write by George Orwell. A good book for a beginning liberal, but ultimately this book is long on problems and short on solutions. Now all you have to read is recent history. Jul 21, Mike rated it did not like it. I wonder if I'll be flagged as a subversive? I know that civil liberties seem kind of abstract and not all that relevant to our daily lives, but that is because most of us have always had them. These all served to make the book something more of interest to the largely white, male middle class as opposed to the truly dispossessed of this nation, who would actually be the ones likely to suffer most under a fascist system. Calculus of a Single Variable by Ron Larson. In this timely call to arms, Naomi Wolf compels us to face the way our free America is under assault. She provides many references from which readers can begin to test for themselves just what direction the USA is headed in. The secret is that these leaders all tend to take very similar, parallel steps. Add links. He asked a sympathetic-looking official, "Why? Shelve Highfire. I believe the style and pacing of the book felt like someone blowing a steady stream of hot air onto your face - it was clear she wanted her words to mirror a revolutionary pamphl This was a quick read, and I wavered on whether to rate it 2 or 3-stars.

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot Read Online

Their wisdom and their vision insured that we, their posterity, would inherit a government responsive to the will of the People. Feels like the government is marching to a slightly different tune than what the people desire. The sad truth of America's gradual erosion of liberty is that it was borne not of external imperialistic ambition, but of fear. Dec 22, Andrew rated it liked it Shelves: political-science. Arbitrarily Detain and Release Citizens 7. Sort order. Essentially, Wolf is advising that if we stay true to the expressed ideals articulated in the Constitution, then American democracy will work. He asked a sympathetic-looking official, "Why? A good book for a beginning liberal, but ultimately this book is long on problems and short on solutions. An example would be, when talking about surveillance: One reason dictators demand access to such private data is that this scrutiny breaks down citizens' sense of being able to act freely against those in power. This book is a well-researched, well-developed argument for the dangerous direction that America has been headed. A lesson to us all. It was evident that this lady was a true patriot with a message to convey. And, as he proclaimed in a Italian Encyclopedia article, "fascism believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace While she starts out fiery, straight-forward, and extremely well-researched, by the last few chapters Wolf leans more toward rhetoric and opinion. Feb 19, Julie rated it it was amazing Shelves: political-thought. It would also help if it expanded its product line from building fighter jets to the newfangled demand for applications involving surveillance. And this profoundly sad final note from the last part of the book reminds me of a joke a friend told me recently. That's because I get so riled up when I read it, that I realized I needed to be careful about doing so -- otherwise I'd face insomnia! Like toward the end she has this whole part about how bloggers can save us. Error rating book. And little by little, rights taken away from dissenters, or at least making their lives more troublesome - whether you're on the TSA's list to be searched more thoroughly or your church is investigated by the IRS after your pastor delivers an anti-war sermon. Ann Coulter's book Treason basically defines as treason anyone critical of then-President Bush. Featured Articles. In short, Wolf devotes one chapter each to ten steps would-be dictators take when they want to kill democracy and free speech. Here are three examples just from pg. Oct 14, Lynn rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Everyone, right away. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. I encourage you, regardless of political party affiliation, to pick up and read this book. I will finish this book for sure, but I thought it best to move it off the "current" list. Shelve Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth. But I wasn't terribly impressed by this book. She follows the political journeys of history's great oppressors to show how they maneuvered and manipulated their government to gain absolute power. Almost every day, Adrian goes to school with knots in his stomach. Add links. Truth itself has been cheapened, made subjective, and internal, not absolute and external. So I claim that Wolf is making this up. Dictatorships specialize in faking news and falsifying documents.