Ordinary Meeting of Council 25 May 2005



• The current Metropolitan Regional Scheme for the of Reid Highway, Roe Highway and proposes an that also incorporates Lloyd Street. • Alteration to the proposed interchange was raised at the Charrette held in September 1997 and since then it has been the subject of discussions between City staff, Main Roads WA and the Department for Planning and Infrastructure (DPI). • A presentation on several alternative layouts was given to Councillors on 16 February 2005. • The City has recently received correspondence and sketch plans from the DPI in relation to the interchange. It is recommended that Council endorse in principle Charrette Option 1 for the future Roe Highway/Reid Highway/Great Northern Highway Interchange.


The current Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) for the intersection of Reid Highway, Roe Highway and Great Eastern Highway proposes an interchange that also incorporates Lloyd Street.

As part of the Charrette held in September 1997 the issue of providing an interchange that more equitably distributes traffic between Great Northern Highway (south) and Lloyd Street was raised.

Over the years, City staff have held various discussions with both Main Roads WA and the Department for Planning and Infrastructure on the issue but progress has been slow.

In the middle of 2004, City staff again raised the matter with DPI and discussions were held culminating in the briefing session to Councillors held on 16 February 2005.


The City is now in receipt of a letter from the DPI which states:

“Thank you for providing the Department for Planning and Infrastructure (DPI) an opportunity to brief the Swan City Council on 16 February 2005 regarding the future Reid/Roe/Great Northern Highway Interchange concepts and Reid Highway Transit route proposal.

Reid/Roe/Great Northern Highways Interchange

As outlined at the presentation the previous planning concept and Charrette Options for the future grade separated interchange at this location have been examined in more detail. Copies of the future interchange concepts are enclosed.

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The input from Councillors during the presentation indicate that Charrette Option 1 is preferred in principle because it achieves a more acceptable distribution of traffic to the Midland town centre and has greatly reduced impact on Jack Mann oval. It was also recognised that this option has increased impact on Midland Brick site and access arrangements compared to the current planning concept. Option 1 would also provide flatter gradients on Reid and Roe Highways and the possible transit route, and would be about $3M cheaper than the Charrette Option 2.

Reid Highway Transit Route

As you may be aware previous planning for a future transit route between Ellenbrook and Midland along Reid Highway between Lord Street and Roe Highway indicated that an alignment along the northern side of Reid Highway was preferred. However, in light of more detailed work and recent decisions to relocate the planned passenger rail in the central median of Mitchell and Kwinana Freeways the previous Reid Highway concept has been revised. A copy of the revised concept is enclosed.

The revised Reid Highway concept presented at the meeting shows the future transit route in the central median. The revised concept and reservation would require additional private land generally on the south side of the current Reid Highway Primary Regional Road reservation in the Metropolitan Region Scheme. The majority of the land affected by the new concept is privately owned and vacant. More detailed work is required to more accurately define the reservation requirements.

As you are aware Government has committed funds to extend Reid Highway from to Great Northern Highway by 2007/08. The planning and design issues for Reid Highway and the future interchange, therefore, require resolution as soon as possible.

I would appreciate Council’s formal endorsement in principle to the Charrette Option 1 for the future Reid/Roe/Great Northern Highways interchange, and the future transit route being located on the central median of the Reid Highway between Lord Street and Roe Highway.

Following Council’s endorsement in principle to the modified concepts recommendations will be made to the Western Australian Planning Commission to endorse the preferred concepts. More detailed planning work will then be undertaken.”

Attached are copies of plans showing the following:

• The current Reid/Roe/Great Northern Highway Interchange concept (MRS) • Charrette Option 1 • Charrette Option 2 • Estimated Traffic Forecasts for 2021

Council will also recall that a comparison of the options was presented at the briefing session as detailed below:

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Assessment of Current Planning Concept and Charrette Option 1


No significant differences.


• No significant differences in terms of noise and visual impacts • Current Planning Concept has more severe impact on Jack Mann Oval but reduced impacts on Midland Brick site • Current Planning Concept has generally higher property impacts


• Cost comparison not yet done • Current Planning Concept would be marginally more efficient due to direct access to Lloyd Street (an Other Regional Road), and potential for more balanced traffic distribution between Lloyd Street and GNH to the Midland re-development and central areas.

Assessment of Midland Charrette Options

Option 1: GNH over Reid/Roe Option 2: Reid/Roe over GNH


No significant differences


• Option 1 has potentially lower noise and visual impacts (length and height of embankment and Reid/Roe gradients are lower than Option 2) • No significant difference in terms of impacts on Jack Mann Oval and Midland Brick site


• Option 1 has significantly lower construction cost (approx. $3-5M) • Option 1 has better operational efficiency due to flatter grade on main alignment (Reid/Roe) and ramp gradients which assist vehicle acceleration and deceleration • Flatter gradients on the possible transit route would provide better rail efficiency

Discussions on the proposals have been undertaken with Midland Brick staff to obtain their comments but as an alteration to the MRS, it will require an advertising and submission period, which will be undertaken by DPI.

The main benefit of adopting the Charrette Option 1 is that the existing sporting and community facilities in Jack Mann Oval will be preserved. The incorporation of a at the intersection of Bishop Road and Great Northern Highway will distribute the traffic between Lloyd Street and Great Northern Highway.

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(Copies of plans provided to Councillors under separate cover and are available upon request to the City)




This is in accordance with Objectives 2.1 and 2.2.






That the Council resolve to:

(1) Endorse in principle Charrette Option 1 for the future Roe Highway/Reid Highway/Great Northern Highway Interchange.

(2) Advise the Department of Planning and Infrastructure accordingly.


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