Cuba Warned by U.S. for El Salvador Role
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Today Stress and the athlete, page 9 The Daily Register >1 on mouth County's Great Home Newspaper VOL. 103 NO. 197 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1981 20 CENTS Cuba warned by U.S. for El Salvador role WASHINGTON (AP) - The Reagan adminis- Meese, asked if the United States would send ry and other equipment over the past year. Much tration, preparing to release what it claims Is troops to El Salvador, replied, "I don't rule out of it is believed to flow through Cuba. undeniable evidence of Soviet-bloc aid to in- anything, but it is highly unlikely we will move ABC quoted State Department sources last surgents in El Salvador, is not ruling out a military forces." night as saying Cuba "has heard directly from blockade or any other action against Cuba.If it He said evidence of Soviet-bloc complicity the U.S. government" that the Reagan adminis- continues arms shipments to the Central Ameri- with leftist Salvadoran guerrillas it "incon- tration won't tolerate further arms shipments. can nation. trovertible." State Department spokeswoman Sondra McCarty Presidential counselor Edwin Meese III said Administration officials hoped that releasing refused comment on the report. yesterday the administration is exploring the evidence today would buttress their conten- Meese said the administration has developed diplomatic, economic and military options to stop tion that the Soviet Union and Its allies are contingency plans for dealing with developments the arms traffic. Direct action to punish Cuba is committed to converting the country into the first in El Salvador, but he added, "We're not going to ••entirely possible," he said. Marxist state on the American continent. say what they are nor are we precluding any- "I think it's to Cuba's own self-interest to halt The administration also decided to release its thing." them (arms shipments) right now and end this findings to build public support (or actions to "We're not necessarily limited to military transmlttal of subversion into Central America," ensure that El Salvador remains friendly toward force," he aaid. "There are economic steps that Meese said on ABC's "Issues and Answers" Western interests, U.S. officials said. can be taken. There are intermediate actions that program. The information, much of which already has can be taken which have to do with informing the President Reagan told reporters yesterday • been revealed, has been condensed into a "spe- peoples of other countries about what's happen- as he ended a vacation in California that he is cial report" several thousand words long. ing." "vary concerned" about political instability in El The basic message of the report is that, direct- At least twice during last year's election cam- Salvador. But he refused to say whether he could ly or indirectly, the Soviet Union, Cuba, Ethiopia, paign, Reagan publicly suggested an economic conceive of ever sending U.S. military advisers or Vietnam, Nicaragua and some Eastern European blockade of Cuba as one possible way of combat- arms because "I think too often in the past we countries have undertaken a major effort to supp- ting Soviet-bloc expansionism. told what we might or might not do." ly the Salvadoran guerrillas with tons of weapon- SeeCaba, page 7 ATTENDS MEETING • Gov. Brendan Byrne, left, talk* With Don Llnkv. a member of his staff, during a meeting of the National Govarnor's Association Woman's condition critical yesterday In Washington. Kidnapper still sought Reagan considering By DAVID SCHWAB Kerpen simply to question him in connection with through "police investigation." increase in gas tax the Incident. Police last night could not say what Qutsi also said yesterday that Costello did not ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Eighteen-year- led to the filing of the formal charges. know her aUeged attacker PoUce stiU could not WASHINGTON (AP) - The Reagan is that federal programs and aid will be cut old David Kerpen, still the object of a statewide Meanwhile, Kerpen remains at large and po- give any motive for the abduction and kidnapping. manhunt, has been formally charged by police in administration is considering a t-cent-a- without ensuring that state and local gov- lice are expected to continue their search today. Guxxi said be could not comment on whether connection with toe kidnapping and shooting of 23- gallon inorease in law federal gasoline tax ernments will be able to absorb the blow Korpen was last seen early Saturday morning Karnaa had ever been arrested before. He said to help state and local governments fi- yearotd Karen A. Costello. "1 don't want to transfer the maaa In driving from the scene of the abduction and that Kerpen had lived In the borough "for quite a nance highway maintenance. Costello, a Marlboro Elementary School Washington to a mesa In all of the states shortly afterwards fleeing on foot la the vicinity while." The proposal, which would raise about teacher, who lives at 19 Capri Apartments, re- with a lot leas money," said Gov. Richard of the Leonardo Bus Station. Guni aaid he did not know whether Kerpen f2 billion annually, would need con- mained in critical condition early this morning at Rlley of South Carolina. According to police, Costello was abducted at had fled from the area. He said that police had gressional approval. Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune. She was gunpoint from in front of an apartment building at "We appeal to you to stick with us," treated for a single bullet wound to the head after borrowed a specially trained dog from the Long Budget director David A. Stockman 6 Third Ave. shortly after I a.m. Saturday. Cos- Branch Police to search several areas. These begged Oov. James Hunt of North Caroli- she was found Saturday afternoon in the Leonardo tello and a friend, Robert HiUman, who lives in told the National Governors' Association areas Included the beachfront and an abandoned yesterday the administration may ask that na. "We believe that whan It gate to section of Middletown following a massive the building, were returning from a bar when house across the street from the Kerpen resi- states be allowed to pre-empt some or all Congress, a lot of people an not going to search. Kerpen, armed with a handgun, stole Kerpen's dence, Guni said. of the additional revenues raised through want the states to have this flexibility." Police last night said that seven criminal wallet and Costello's purse and then ordered According to Monmouth County Prosecutor an increase in the tax, which now Is 4 cents complaints have been filed against Kerpen, who Costello into a car, police said. The governors My they need flexibility lives at» Leonard Ave. He has been charged with Alexander D. Lehrer the Investigators will con- a gallon. la administering federally assisted or Police said the car, a black Trans Am, had tinue to assist the local police department "until two counts of robbery, two counts of robbery Revenue from the gasoline tax now Is mandated programs, leas federal regu- been stolen earlier this month in Jamesburg. the matter is solved." while armed, kidnapping in the first degree, earmarked for a trust fund used primarily lation, consolidation of categorical grants possession of a firearm for illegal purposes and Police Chief Samuel A. Guni would not say Lehrer Hid that as part of the statewide for highway construction. and, most of all, assurances that programs possession of a stolen car valued at more than how police were led to Kerpen, who reportedly manhunt, a description of Kerpen has been sent to cut by Reagan will not be dumped on them the state police and local police departments Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis matches descriptions provided by witnesses to the If they don't have the money to fund them. abduction. He said only that they were led to him throughout the state acknowledged that Congress had rejected Police had earlier said they were looking for several Carter administration proposals to One of the beat examples la Medicaid, raise the tax S cents to 15 cents a gallon to the medical aid program for the poor. promote conservation. But be said he Reagan has proposed a cut in the program thought Congress would approve the meas- this year, and a cap for the next several Hearing today for so called witches ure now as a "user tax" to finance bridge years well below the growth rate of medi- and highway maintenance programs cut in cal costs. President Reagan's proposed budget for Most states have no latitude in setting By PAMELA JAMS ducted veterinary tests on the animals. \ terroristic threats. VanderVeer was charged with Gorman also is expected to be served with the theft by deception and conspiracy. fiscal year 1882. reasonable hospital rates. If they approve patient care, they have to pay whatever MIDDLETOWN - Three persons arrested in a same animal maltreatment charges today, In The charges were made by police after 20- Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. of Califor- the hospitals charge township police raid on a so called witches coven addition to the charges relating to the Cherry HIU year-old Janice Goldman allegedly told them that nia criticized the proposal, saying the fed- As a rtsult, Medicaid costs have soared Feb. 8 are scheduled to appear in municipal court woman's allegations. she had paid the witches more than 15,000 for a eral government would increase the tax as today for a preliminary hearing on indictable She has been the object of a week-long search promised cure to her diabetic condition of IS a state relief measure and then drop It, to U0 billion a year, with the states paying charges pressed by a Cherry Hill woman who by police, who sought her to file the SPCA years.