L. E. Inglês

Church in votes Yes to women

‘l’m absolutely over the moon. This is a real step forward for the

Women will be allowed to become bishops in the Church in Wales following a landmark vote. The bill, tabled by the of the Rt Rev and seconded by the Rt Rev Andy John, was finally accepted by the church’s governing body after a previous vote failed by just three votes in 2008. Bishop John said last night: “l’m absolutely over the moon. This is a real step forward for the Church in Wales. To have lost would have sent a terrible message to young people and the nation as a whole. I think we should have done this a long time ago.” The decision now puts pressure on their English counterparts to follow suit – given that Scotland and Northern lreland allow female bishops. A schedule would now be drawn up by the bench of bishops to find a way to allow those opposed to women bishops to remain within the church. However, Father Ben Andrews, from Barry, said it could be difficult for some people to stay in the church if women bishops were allowed. He said: “The bishop’s role is to hold the diocese together, and for those of us who in good conscience cannot accept the sacramental ministry of a woman bishop means we cannot be in communion with that bishop.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 16 fev. 2014 (adaptado).

According to the text about the bill voted by the members of the Church in Wales, it is possible to say that it represents

I - a gain in women’s fights for equal rights. II - a backlash, among the priests in Wales, against women bishops. III - an outrage for some British bishops and priests. IV - a threat for the Anglican Church in Scotland. V - an insubordination among female members of the Church.

Assinale a alternativa que contém somente afirmativas CORRETAS.

A) I e III.

B) II e IV.

C) I e V.

D) III e IV.


A respeito da recente lei aprovada em Wales pela aceitação de mulheres no cargo de bispo, a resposta correta afirmava “uma vitória na luta das mulheres por direitos iguais”; e “um insulto para alguns bispos ingleses”.

Gabarito: A