Rajkumar Mukherji Julian's Materia Medica of Nosodes with Repertory Reading excerpt Julian's Materia Medica of Nosodes with Repertory of Rajkumar Mukherji Publisher: B. Jain


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Chapter Pages

1. Introduction 1-25 Short epistemology of homoeopathic concretology 2. History of Isopathy (M. Haffen) 26-88 Documentaries : No. 1. : Biography of Constantine Hering by Haehl. French translation by J. Askenasi 51-58 No. 2 : Biography of Wilhelm Lux translated by J. Askenasi 59-60 No. 3 : Johann Joseph Wilhelm Lux Isopathy of contagions, translated by J. Askenasi 61-66 No. 4 : Hagero. Medicamenta Homoeopathica et Isopathica, Leipzig, 1861.Translated by O.A. Julian 67-71 No. 5 : Nomenclature of Nosodes with Nelson, London 72-79 No. 6: Nomenclature of Nosodes with , according to H.H. Reckeweg 79-81 No. 7 : Nomenclature of Nosodes with Stauffen-Goppingcn according to R. Voll 82-84 No. 8: Nomenclature of products of microbian origin in French 85-87 3. Dynamised Micro-immunotherapy—or Isopathy—Isotherapies 88-102 (A) definition (B) Pharmacotaxi

vii Vlll

4. Homoeopathic and Biotherapic Pharmacotaxi 103-109 5. Pharmacodynamics of Dynamised Microimmunotherapy or Isopathy 110-120 6. Theoretical study of Microimmunotherapy or Isopathy 121-133 7. Experimental Researches 134-146 8. Clinical Praxis of Dynamised Microimmunotherapy or Isopathy 146-152 9. Immunotherapic or Isotherapic Prescription 153-159 (a) Pharmacotherapy : According to the acute chronic states , 153-157 (b) Pharmacolexi : Unicist, pluralist, complexist prescription 157 (c) Pharmaconomy : Posology and modalities of prescription 158-159


MATERU MEDICA OF BIOTHERAPICS (EX-NOSODES) 1. Anthracinum 167 2. Anti-colibacillary 539 3. Aviare 174 4. Bacillinum 180 5. B.C.G. 644 6. Botulinum 187 7. Bowel Nosodes 365 8. Brucella melitensis 189 9. Cancer Nosodes 193 10. Carcinosinum 195 11. Colibacillinum 201 IX

12. Denys 212 13. Diphtherinum 223 A. Diphtherotoxinum 232 B. Diphthericum 234 14. D.T.—T.A.B. 237 15. Eberthinum 244 16. Enterococcinum 245 17. Flavus 249 18. Framboisinum 255 19. Gonotoxinum 258 20. Haffkine 259 21. Hippomanes 259 22. Hippozeninum (See Malleinum) 381 23. Hydrophobinum 264 24. Influenzinum 269 26. Leptospira 276 27. Luesinum 280 28. Malandrinum 299 29. Malaria 303 30. Mallein or Hippozaeninum 311 31. Marmorek 314 32. Medorrhinum 320 33. Melitine 189 34. Meningococcinum 347 35. Monila-albicans 351

36. Morbillinum 354 37. Mucor-Mucedo 359 38. Mucotoxin 361 39. Nosodes : Intestinal of Bach-Paterson 364 X

I. Bibliography-History-Stock 365 II. B. Morgan 369, III. Dysentery co. 377 ' IV. B. Gaertner 383 V. Clinical Pathogenesis 387 VI. Bacillus No. 7 388 VII. Sycotic co. 392 VIII. Bacilli of Morgan 400 IX. Bacillus No. 10 406 40. 408 41. Osteo-Arthritic Nosode 423 42. Ourlianum 428 43. Ozenine 381 44. Paratyphoidinum B. 433 45. Pertussinum 452 46. Pneumococcinum 459 47. Proteus 474 48. Psorinum 519 49. Putrescinum 520 50. Pyrogenium 528 51. Scarlatinum 536 52. Serum of Anti-colibacillary 539 53. Serum of Yersin 551 54. Spengler 554 55. Staphylococcinum 558 56. Staphylotoxinum 568 57. Streptococcinum 570 58. Strepto-entcrococcinum 581 59. Tetanotoxinum 584 60. Toxoplasma Gondii 585 XI

61. Tuberculinum (T.K.) 597 62. Tuberculinum residuum (T.R.) 623 63. V.A.B. (Ex. B.C.G.) 632 64. Vaccinotoxinum 644 65. Variolinum 656 66. Yersin 559


1. List of Remedies 663 2. Repertory Index 664 Rajkumar Mukherji Julian's Materia Medica of Nosodes with Repertory

734 pages, pb publication 1980

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