NSA and Privacy By Arman Siddique History

Cipher Bureau (1917-1919)

Black Chamber(1919-1929)

Signals Intelligence Service (SIS) (1930-1945)

Army (ASA) (1945-1976)

Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA) takes over ASA in 1949

Truman officially creates NSA in 1952 Mission Statement

The /Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) leads the U.S. Government in cryptology that encompasses both (SIGINT) and cybersecurity products and services, and enables computer network operations (CNO) in order to gain a decision advantage for the Nation and our allies under all circumstances. [1] Types of NSA Divisions

Global Access Operations

International Data Collection

Special Sources Operations

Foreign intelligence gathering with US territory

Tailored Access Operations

Any task that requires infiltration or hacking Global Access Operation


-Global program that can access phone calls, faxes , and emails.

-Used by Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, and US

Real Time Regional Gateway

-Data processing/mining program collecting all available electronic data.

-Useful for analyzing Iraqi insurgents Special Sources Operation

Domestic surveillance clashes with fourth amendment. However a non-US person does not get the same rights.

Patriot Act:

-Increased surveillance, defense, and intelligence to secure the US from terrorism.

-March 11 2004 More surveillance pertaining to Internet and phone records. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 1978 also overridden. Tailored Access Operations

This division hacks mass electronic communication devices.

Encryption standard rigging: authorizing a encryption standard that makes systems vulnerable.

Backdoors into software: a secret entry allowing illicit access for agencies or hackers.

Linux kernel, IBM notes

Routing Interference: Data goes from point A to C as planned, but takes a detour on the way.

Hardware Implanting Programs

PRISM- collected data from Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube and Apple.

XKeyscore- database which could access emails, internet activity, and browsing history. Easy search features.

Carnivore- monitored email and other electronic communications. NSA replaced this to monitor civilian internet traffic.

Boundless Client- analyzing and visualization tool. Collect 124 billion items of phone data, 97 pieces of internet data. NSA mishaps

Following executive orders from George W. Bush and performing warrantless wiretaps.

AT&T Internet Monitoring

Snowden Leak: Data Mining, PRISM, Syria blackout, encryption bypassing

Misuse of delicate property. Privacy Laws

Modern tort laws for invasion of privacy:

1. Intrusion of solitude 2. Public disclosure of private facts 3. False Light 4. Appropriation

Fourth Amendment: Prohibits unreasonable search and seizures

Ninth Amendment: the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people Policies

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 1978: Limit in the US

2015 Freedom Act:

-stopped bulk phone surveillance and required a warrant. Phone companies hold on to data for half a year. Case Study: No more deletion

The government in under heavy criticism for not getting any results in intercepting violence. They decide to le the NSA start a bold program.

Programs with keyword search have not been yielding results.

The complaint is that deleting emails, texts, and other messages do not allow for analysis and understanding of behavior.

New program collects all available data and stores it. Data is to be collected for a few years, during which analysis of data should provide data to show clear indicators of premeditated violence.

Public is not told this is occuring, because it could skew behavior. Virtue Ethics Evaluation

The NSA is in charge of protecting civilians of the US and other ally countries.

Analyzing pre-violent actions to prevent violent actions can be seen as prioritizing safety of civilians.

Most civilians are usually defenseless and likely to die and get injured during an act of terrorism or mass shooting.

This program can be seen as something beneficial.

Strict oversight would also make sure only the data of those directly involved looked at. Every year majority of data from non targets would be deleted. Act Utilitarian

Figure out predictable behaviors: 2

Lying to the public: -1

Get caught lying to the public: -1

Have minimal or major success stopping crimes: -1 or 2

Total -1 or 1 Conclusion