6- * I,

ntTOAr, 7 i^ A x r ii. H w Dally d fcah Uau Tha Wcathor iKanVfrrBtrr Corning Ifrralb aOi ct Pe»itahir, t*M e f D. a . Weolho 9 4 8 3 air. and Mtn. rradartah CSufA A liana* uadar tha lotat aooi It Witt ha 1st* sect « • t tho OntM ; Fair I Pond hava ratumad froaa thalr aoraktp ot tha OarroO atub, the Reach $5,000 tha Snal total ba Blood Supply addbv trip to Bamrada, and will ChUdran of Mary, the Challooer March o f Otma oeetaagr thalr nawljr fumlWtod club and tha Mothara* elrclea win ill ators* and factoelaa win uot ba ,Dr. atoiey. aWtaS Major Oatehstt •gtai Bead wOl anadxnant In *"1110 Oabtoo,’* IIS ba bald at S t Jamao*a School ball In Polio Drive plekod up until Matiday. I t 18 alao Sufficient Now to hMorm t M o vHm have dowatod. Manchmtier^A Ciiy of Village Charm •t tlM bOOMw Mata atraat. Mra. Pond waa tlw tomotrow evanlng at 8 o'clock. expoctad that taindreda at ooto sad w to arc ihitod at Nswtagtoh fom or Mlaa Joy Holntan. dan(h* foldera will be mailed over the as bavlag tho right type of him m d to Ot tlwr* Tbare w fl be no admiaalon charge wackead to glv* tho drtv* a grand VOL.LXVI.,NO.104 M l MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY. PEBRUARY 1, 1947 (PDURTBBN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ■t T:M. tar o f Mr. and Mra. WUUan D. and an pariahlonora of S t Joom*' Retuni of Coin Folders that they oiay ho eallod apt Hotnan of Waatarty Tarraoa, arf waloome But Names of Persons agata >a ooatrthuto • ta tarn at Hartford, and granddaughtar of A ll contributions racalved wU ba ELECTlie Mlv «ad Mn. JMwofd K. IlieauLO Is Boosting the Total; aekaowladged ta The Rorald. With Wanted Type, M UMoad, OiUflonlo. WUKwnet Mr. and Mra Cbariaa W. Holnian Center Church CTP club wW UM Mrtb of • oon. Hdwaid K. of Summit atraat. Thalr mar- keep open houae for town youth Need $2,000 More Are Being Taken tar have ho I traaopoctod to N ow FLtOI Royal Goodbye T h m a i, itn OR JWUUT tt, at San rtago took placa Saturday, Janu* joupa tomorrow evening Born tagten by the Servloe Canter Philadelphia Paper Astoalo Soarttal, U^and. caUfor- ary IS. at tha Aaylum Hill Oon* . :S0 to 10:80 In Woodruff hall of Some at* aeylng It* Just old Chaminade Club tbram|h the oe-ept raUow o f tho lo- gragatkmal church, Hartford. Mra. Dr. atotey, of the Newtagtoo eal chapter o f the American Red roiisiEi British Take Second ala. Urn7riom*M la tho fonnar Canter church bouoe. Toung peo­ fashioned nalghborUneaa, but what­ VeteraM’ hospital, notified Major Pond attended the Oxford achool, ple on tha cotaBrittec are Dorothy Nathan B. Oatcbell. dlrcctor of Uie Croee during the last three days, Tinrla S. WMta. dautt>t«' o< Hartford, and Edgewood Park ever you call It, the gifts of dol- To Give Program to M M n l M««- rraak T. WMte of Spaulding, WlUlam MlUer, Ann tacal Vbloraiia’ Servtce Oeatar. Advertiaement— CtaNli Btnat, llaacfteatar. Ttaa Junior College, BrIarcUff Manor, Krttamacher, Batty Jan* Lewie, lara and dteies from Manchester this mornlM that a staBdent aup- Halts Publication; fatataal gtandaBOthar la Ura N. T. Mr. Pond graduated from Peggy Saalela and Joan Belcher. famUle* boosted the March Of * The Chamtaads Musical Club t i f at ISoofT was on hand at N ow Joseph MeOooe of Strickland Holdcmeaa adiool, Pljrmouth, N. Dimes campaign to an amaalng atreet, la now pick-up a ^ delivery ilKrr|at 11100100 of CambridgA H „ and NIchoIa Junior OoUege, cordially Invttaa the public to g liifton for the moment to take Make Fort Ifi.OOO total this morning The con­ men for U. S. C leans^ A Dyera. Maaa. .Dudley? Maaa, Ha aenred four Tboma* J. Dahobue of 181 Weat program on Opera, prtsantad by cars of Franklin J. Murdock. Center atreet and Henry L. Pack tinued return of coin toldera was Dr. Elmer Nagy, lecturer 1a tho Names o f penone with Type B. 20th Anniveraary Dlseounts now yeara with the Army In both the the driving power for tha surge. ta effect. Dial 7100. Pinehurst Grocery Result of Strike Tha local iMOMti ^ tha W o »- Buropaan and PacUlc theater*. of Eaat Hartford, formerly of Dopertroent of. Drama at Tala RH Mgative Mood 8ra still being ^ _____ •B>g ctetatian Tanpaimnoo Union Mancheater, ar* ataong the M Postmestar H. Oita Grant again University end head of Drama Do- « n aaaat at tka Sooth Mathodlat graduate* at NortbeaaUm Uni- rang tha bell when for the third partment, Julius Hartt Musical SMNh, Tnanday. Vabnianr 4. at Andetnon-Shee AiKlllary. No. veraltpv Boaton. Tha commence­ day In succeaaioa ha deUverad a Poundatlon. EFcning Bulletin Will S046, V. r . W., nnnouncae a Mili­ t a Palestine irJ S . Thera tHH M aawln*. a ment exerclaas will take piBca bulging pouch of coin foldera and G>ld Remains ■at a i»* hnwi ioiin at noon and tha taryw y WblatTTniNA foriwr Monday '”^*****^*JfTtiaiiary evening. % tn Jordan tiali on gift envelopea to the Manchester Dr. Nagy will be asalsted by Aeqnire Record and ■ualaCaa Baaatlnx m tha aftamoon Pebruary 10, at tho Poet rooma In Huntington avenue. Mr, Donohue Trust Company. Doggedly Drive members of the Chaminade Club British- BtStlO. Mancheater Green, tmder the dl- ...... rttA...... v*...... hi*...... BB. degree In Treasurer Walter Bumiley direct­ and Irene Kahn. Mlaa Kahn Ik the AhteaJMedtaaJfrM * CUB I ^ t u r e d ? Two Gulden, N* J., Military Labur Oeeme __ Bffl.m Vlramlaam W lAtsif* M . ______.a i^ ^ B f f. For Midwest; Austin Agiun High Wind Damage rection of Mlaa Florine Slater of buetaess admlntoiration, and Mr. ed his workers In compiling the wife of Dean Samuel Berkmaa of American Club Paper* as Well at Go Into Action B^ Rockville. Carti prl*ea win be Peek tn engineering. day's total. With two days of the the Julius Hertt Musical Pounda- tao riad.aerie t* ^ I r t W X r r o B TaUUS FIT- awarded the wlnnera. Already campaign rtmaintag It began to Uon. Critic* have repeatedly prais­ Be rieBtar-eeey^Vss^Ss^^ yV TINU te..g»adBBledIn., gradaaled aa- Ra^o Station WCAU; fore Dawn Today Re­ lAU. CBVABS the committee haa racelvod a*v- e p p w that last year'a record total ed Mlaa KahA'* accomplisbiiionta / parka lis a i lahr Moving East Pushes Atom etnl door prlae* which -will be achieved under the direction of a* aololat, accompantst, and duo / wttk laaxperi BINGO Monopoly Trend Hit stringing Barbed Wire BINGO drawn by holder* of the admiaalon Hold Dance Classes Walter Leetere would ba reached piano work with Moahe Paranov, Stttog. Uat < ticket*. Mra. riorenoe StrMter. end passed who is director of the H aiti ym^^^privata. perenaal Barrieatles and Re­ Phfladelphia. Feb. 1.— Mercury Falk Rapidly Control Plan T M righ tS p.m. chklrtnan, Mra. Ulllan Undere or At R ch* Buildings Is AlinlBg A t 87A88 Foundation. MIm Kahn teaches newing Defenses; Re­ Mra. Buchanan may be con­ I "I was aiming at a 87,000 Mlf- piano and other subjects of music wera a hma. «ao wis Tomorrow —The Philadelphia Record Aa M r m o f Cold ORANCeC HAIJ. ta ct^ for Information, or by play* Impoeed quota,” Chairman W. Rob­ end la also Dr. Nagy's esslatant In kaow what real aamfert company, whose three newa- port Blodks of Flats to Modem dance claeaea under the ert Spencer cheerfully eteted to­ Air from Canada Sets Ont on His Final ere winblng to teeerve table*. A the opera department. She will mrape M ram let eat ex­ papm in Philadelphia and aoolal time with refreahment* will personal direction of Mlaa Cleo day, “ but Pm hoping that Man­ perts I f yea wHb a arw Be Used as Compound accompany Em'ly S. Terbury, wall Cimden, N. J„ have baen Spread* Eastward Round of Calls to follow Ihr game*, and a good Wheeler are now In full awing at cheater will achieve for the flrat known aoprano and a club mem­ AKaoN MooaaN Night turnout of member* end frienda la time e mile of dimes. 1 can't re­ TRUm . strike-bound since Nov.-7 by Convince Colleagues the Kaat and West Side Recrea­ ber. Flora Chase and Eleanor Janisalem , Fab. 1.— . WASHING MACHINB8 hop^ for. member right now how many Nicholson arc other roembers who e u 8 M Baae SMi ^ | the American Newspaper ^ Tks AasodaM Press tion Centeib. dimes are needed to make a mile Fwruary got a cold recaption In Issue Is Paramount fUiUry labor craw* went in-^ will appeal on the program. Guild (CIO) auapended pu^ HBPAIRSU. Al.l WAKI» ManCheatet Juvenile Grange Claeaea met on Monday evening but it totals more than >8,000 action btfora dawn todj^ et T o’clock at the East Side Rec worth. I'll look It up and tell you The meeting will be held in the lit^ion today. tho midwest. to ffoare* CapeHeoaat win meet tomoirow nfternoon at QUINN'S ORANGE Lske'Suceese, N. T „ Feb. 1—(S) rcstringint b*rbed wire bsr- i! two o’clock. The bo)re and gtrli are and on Wadneaday at 7 at the tomorrow." chapel of the South Methodist OLD The Kacord aeM The Bventag A sew cold wav* moved Into West Side building. Pianist Mlaa church, Monday evening, Febru­ Montana and the Dakotas today —W am n R. Austin, chief Ameri­ ricad** and rsnawinr de­ A.> BRKWBII ratpiaated to bring two Valentinaa Ends Offictalhr BuUeUn o f Pbltadalphta would ae- each, and theae will be *ent to a Iren* Stone haa b m engaged to The March of Dimes Campaign ary 8 at eight o'clock. A voluntary PHARMACY autra an three newapapere end aa tha mldwast osctlon contlnuad can delegate to the United NsUena, fenses, In an sm arent aseoad HALL lUdIo StattaB WCAU. to dig Itaelf out at tha havoc Tha Bngtlsh royal family bids goodbye to frienda aad nlatlvea atvtondon’s Waterloo elation as they chlltiren'a home. provide the muale for thOM cleaaes. officially ends tomorrow night but •coUecUon will be taken. leave on tiM SiM Iw at their Journey to Africa. King George (In flaval cap) blaeee Princeee Mari* set out today on tha final round step by the Bntlsh fOTtrn< J- SuBpenaioc. of The Record left errougfat by tha enow, aleet, aad of osllo staaad at ooavtaeiag bis Ss- the natlon'e third uurgect c l^ with rata atorins the last few days at Loulae. Prtaceae imxebeth (center In light colered list) saye goodbye to Princess Alice and (Jueen ment to turn all Palest^ ^ three deity Btagttah language January. Eltaabeth (right, ta light hat aad coat) Usse* Lady Patricia Raraeay. Princeee Margaret Roes to at curity counett ooUesgues that to s fortruas sffsinst undtr- S8W8p8p$IW. Tanmeratures dipped to more extrema left (NBA redlo-tslepiMto). atomte control must ho mad* tho ground violence. The guild etniok aad tha three paramount loou* ta any wortd-wM* ♦h*n M below ta North Dakota to­ ma reduction ptograia. TaMarday the guvemmant oi^ hewapapera for higher wage* and day. The mercury fell rapidly aa r e d . an non *eeentlal Brtttah better working condltiona. All Tho o«-«enator ftmn VomMnt. tha nwas of cold air from north- Rent Decision who rcprcoonto the United Statoo women end children—together three papera, however, continued t Canada spread aaatward W ill Make Wakner Act on both the council and the Atomle mth eome men—evecnatod by pubUeaUon until today erltb exeoii- acroaa Mlnnaaola aad Iowa. Sub- Tuesday, muvwl tha famtttas of Energy oonadealon which reports marrtau Army nam Into hanuelta tiva paraonnel taking over editorial aero readisgs were reported ta the to It, now la plugging tor an agroa- duUea. Dakotas, saatarn Montana and Viewed Proof and toU/government offtetale ta mont that gonorsl anas reduction prapare tor a similar amva. In a atatament announcing tha norkhwsstani Wyomtag. Instniment Fok Peace and atoatta oontrola nay ba dto- •uopeaelon. Publisher J. David W n Neva Slowly Baalwaid cueood ooaourrently but that tho a te n said: Jump Needed Farmer V. U. RaraMarger holds Federal forecaster* ta Chicago tattor nuot ba n apeolal aubjact ploe* of telepbone pole under bole Working ta rata and mud, xem. ‘”rbe strike agelaat Ik * RsMid — g r a m could b* ssen r S HALE’S aeld the eoM wav* would continue for ooparat* dotormtaatlen. tn kttoben oelltag ta bla hooM £ 9 / 7 by the American .Newapaper Guild, ■lowly eastward today, eroestag McCarthy Declares Ac­ Flenaefl WHS Pragreoa made by tba pole aa It waa driven ta Jatuaalem's defene* Item Involving more than 400 peofde, Wisconsin and Illinois and reach A fter ependtng mor* than an ^ th Barbed wire. Soma blocks ff has gone an for nearly three througb the roof by high winds Sato ptevlowsly used as otT tag Into Ohio, Indiana and Michi­ tion by Fleming on Supports Ballj hour yooterdav with Aadrol a : at Ctaampalgn, lU. (A P wtro- month*. It ha* been Impoisibl* to gan tonight and tomorrow. The N e e d S t ^ Gromyko, Soviet delegate and dep­ pboto). dub* wen betan barrtceded, obtain a fair a*ttl*m*nt which frigid bliiris alao will touch Into Increase Proves Land­ Changes in Statute uty foreign mintetor Auatln waa tag Impetue to reporta that would aaaur* thta newspaper of its bkwtai were b ^ taken tarer as the aouthweet as they move east­ described by bis aaaociatoo aa oampouadA T aMUty to diacharg* It* obligation ward and forecasters predicted an lords Should Get It House Units plaaaad with the progroaa of that to UM public. W sih in ffto n , F *b . 1.— *rs en­ to normal. questioned Fleming Intensively end reeeea today and will be re- eootrola aad general dtaarmtaga. Reg. $25.00 V alue*...... NOW$10.00 and cotton. Tea roa* color. All elxaa. Sale gulfed ta the Increasing trend of following hto statement yester­ eumad Tuesday. committee aurvfy Indicated >1,000 BuMla IneMa On Merger M U lta » observers here point out Rain toll today over a wide area units were necessary. II Teg. $21.00 Values...... NOW$10.00 Price, Each . . i ...... American newspaper numopoly. in the PaclSe northwest attar light day. Reilly, aa a member of the three- Tlie Rneelane bad instated on that a Oommunlat defeat would *• Pag* Itai) DISH TOWELING "Stern, ta salU ^ out his pubU- ■aowfalla In some eectlMie yeeter- 'He admitted that hto idlaaa man hn-RB, often ^leaented from ComparsUvety HmsU Crowd suoh a merger and in tba fao* of a ooUapee their entire operations In GIRLS’ SKIRTS I cattan*. can rest no blame on the hadn't changed since three daye Me cor, agUM In decieiona. He aald Participants in Um session which majority ahaplag up In tba eoun- China prmer, but that on the other American Nowspapor (Juild. In no Ifoatly clear weather waa re­ ago when he thought there sboiiid ta Me analysis of the Bell MU that drew a comparatively emaU crowd, d l In euppoet of Soviet vtaw*. bend a Red victory would com Reg. $^9843.40 ...... Sale Price $3.00 ethor city whor* strtkoe bavo oc- ported ta t>e gulf states with tam- be a 10 per cent Increase.” Mc­ Um Board “was, not Intended to be generally cummended the two vet- American policy haa been altered pletcly frustrate government plana y a f d $1.00 BOXED STATIONERY ' eumd. haa It boon Impooelblo, with Carthy said later In an Interview. a policy-making agency but es- to the extent of agreement to con to restore normal traffic on the Reg. $4.96 ...... SalePrice $4.00 3 9 ^ penttures ta Uie 70s and 60s yes­ erane housing bills now before the 'nentoln-Pukow railroad within tba / Closeout of Woolens! 48 aheed and 48 envelopes. In Bn* quality corapotant nogotlatora on both terday. In tho east the mercury 'He also edciltted that If rent sentlaUy a fact-flnding body.” i-eglalature, out complained that eurrent dlaouedona The American Reg. $ 5 .9 8 ...... Sale Price$5.00 Smart paaaant pattarn ta red only. Umkm your own dish towala writing paper. White and colora. Special! . sides of tha tab)*, to roach i climbed to 60 at Washington; 67 controls were taken 'o ff sU new CHves AdditloMl BIghta neither went far enough to aid vet­ delegation pravioualy had Inelstod year. Flashes! or----- two for (‘draporioo. • Box > ...... rental units tt would ease the sit­ RelUy aald the bill givee em- The fleld dlepetchea reported ILsto^huSettas at tb* (ff) Wtrc) I mtatually mUefaotory agroomont' at FhUadelplfla and 86 ta New erans in the low-income groupe, oh priority for atomle dleouaslon* that 80,000 Communist reinforce Today’s Rooord carried a atata- Took. Miami had tha highest read- uation a great deal.” ployera and Individual worker* described as the moat in nveed ot over general disarmament Fleming said he Imd talked to “ adihtional rights to obtain i mento bed been ruabed to tb* da- Reg. *2.98 to *3.49 XBont by Tha Bulletin company tag, 81 while at Lon Angelea the housing. AU preaent favored eome The Amerleen dalegetloa haa ta' fenae of Un Tl, Communist rs- 12.95 Vslnel First QnaUty mercury touched 71 dress” from the board tor acts of state action. ■Mognltton IHvwi Cnunar (Ceattnaed oa Page Bight) employers or unions which "con­ onal capital ta Shantung, which Reg. c Printed ^ « 1 On Png* Tan) Rourke spoke In support of the (Ooattaaad On Page Tea) being threatened by a major Hartfard, Feh. 1—

—The H'nr GIRLS’ SWEATERS 59 flict with the basic principles of measure prepared by the State natlonuiat offsnslv* from the SILK HOSIETtY Snow, Cold and Gales ti.e original statute.” e egaltten ef Mn|, Oem KemMtt F. Bhott eberea—eoallop nackitae. Houalng autnorlty. It would em­ waet. south and northwest. 54” WOOLENS B-Thread Sheer Chiffona or 8-Thiead Bern! PersUt if) Britain Today The new propoeal, No. 4 In a power the state to pay three-aev Heudquartora BvacustlM e f 78 Oeuter atrcel, Weth- Bervica weights with itale reinforced heels aad Disease Holds London. Feb. 1—(F)—Snow, cdld Royal Family ■eriea Introduced by Ball, would entlM of the cost of multiple-unit Belgians Urge Headqimrtcte of the new fuurth ereftoM. and tore ether NaUoiMl Price $5.29 ...... Sale Price $2.00 t o w e l i n g toea for extra wear. Sal* Price, Pair...... $1.29 allow employers to Are strikers Oiwrd geaeiMa. ■■ keads e f poet- *tok, rila*. D IS H aad galea p en n ed ta Britain and dwelitaga built for rental to veter­ (Red) Army at Un Yl was rc' on tae continent today, delaying who refuse an offer at reinstate' ans at a inaxlnuun rant of >40 ported to be evacuating In the di­ war Natlenal Oenrd divtalena. This $1.98 yard Men in Camp recovery from the eevareet cold O ff on Tour ment. monthly, plus additional chargee Long ^ntrol rection of Shantung under pteaaur* briage ta 3* the total of generM ef- / wav* In year*. Reilly aald that because . the for heating. Ught and other utiii- of troops oommencM by in* form­ fleers tiHH tor rccogaleed. Receg- Hera ta your chance to get a real value In woolens. Some pUtds CLOSEOUT LOT OF GIRDLES Parisians slopped through board has treated the discharge tlee. The blU would provide be­ er puppet <3cn. Ho i*eog Cbu, Who ■lUon weo aeeerded after a nwel- and some plain colora—a few Jeiseys. 14,000 Soldiers Qnaran- heavy slush, told down by a now Britisin** Newest and of strikers as a violation of the tween 7,000 and 6,000 units, and, Demand Reich Be OccU' recently Mfeoted from the Com- tag to Weehtagton * f a boaN e f Fruit and floral/pattern In red, blue and green. Makoe up Into AND FOUNDATIONS snowfall aad forecasters ta Brit act, “companlee are virtuilly help- according to Houalng Aut)ionty munleto taking 8,000 troops with three general effteere deelgaated SWEATERS good looking dfeperloo. eta and southern Germany said a Biggest Battleship leaa to continue production if em­ pie him. He le approaching from the by the merctary e f war. All popular makes la broken ataea and atylea. tined at Lowry Field by Administrator Prentice White, hsis • • • break ta the weather coold not ba Leaves Portsmouth ployees go on strike," tho becking of major veterans or­ east. Reg. Price $5.98 ...... Sale Price $3.00 Reg...... Sale $5.8^1 Respiratory Epidemic expected for at lesst another 34 The bill would remove an em- ganisations. Soaw spoakers, how­ tially, 25 to 40 Years In aouthweet Shantung, three Igree To ArMtrntloa hours. ptoyei/b legal obligation to bat' ever. feared that utUlty charges Red brigades and 1^000 mUitla- H'eahlagtoa, Feb. —pree- ffllpons Grey and Natural. CaitUgaas—Navy end Fuchsia. \ Reg. $3.57 to $4.25 / Portsmouth, England, Feb. t — R ^. $1.19 and $1.29 48x50 Printed Reg. $ 6 .5 0 ...... Sale $4.00 Denver, Feb. 1—— Fourteen The London A ir Ministry pre- gain with a union of foremen. ad(M to Um rentals woiUd make London. Feb. l~ (P )-r- Overrun men ' r^uced the Nationalist Meat TrutMUi ■■uonaend today a thouaend soldlera quarantined at dlctad another efaeariess week-end. (JV-Brltaln's newest end biggeet Reilly aald the main result of tke total monthly cost too high. by Geman Amlea In two World ■tronglwld of Tancheng on Jan. ■nsMgrmeat-labor agreemeut to Reg. $ 5 .0 0 ...... Sale $3.00 battleship, H. M. 8. Vanguard, 33, after a two-day battle In which figured, Reg. Price $6.98, Sale Price $5.00 XtaWiy Held by an epidemic of re- this cluinge would be to “prevent Favei* SutMtdico Propoeal were ta a generation, Belgium de- tb* bididtag trades to eettl* dto- oplraiory disease lined up today (OoattaMd Ou Pag* Bight) sailed for South A frica today, management repreeeotstlvea from mends that Germany be occupied, government forces were crushed. pedee by votuatary sriiUntHou and Reg. Price $5.98 ...... Sale Price $4.00 54” WOOLENS fo r inoculation with vaccln* flown carrying King Gaorge, ()ueen Elis- being eubjected to the discipline Although Gov. James L, McCOn- at least partially, for 38 to 40 without strtkee. The agreemeut. TABLE CLOTHS her* on an emergency flight abetb end the two prlncesees on e of unions.” H* pointed but that It aughy expressed preference during yaars to guard against a rebirth which Mr. Trumeu made puh^ at Wameris Chapese royil tour to tighten the bonds at a news conference before the bear­ Close-out lot. about three doxen. through perilous weatbsr. would not prevent an employer of aggreeskm. a aewe eanference, to betweea the An Army C-47tafrlv*d at 10:40 Mother Gets empire. from bargaining with his foremen ing, for an admlnlstratlon-bscked Belgium’s vlewa on wbat kind of 40 Passengers Aaaoelated General Oratraetera e f $ 2 -9 8 yard Reg. $1.25, Gpse Out 75c p. m. last night bearing the vac­ The royal family wlU be ab*eat If he wanted to. measure caUlng for a tax abate­ peace ehould ke written for a beat­ .\naeriea sad Urn appcinlaMtalj SKIRTS $1.00 cine from 8 o ^ field, IIL, to com- from England tor three and a half Would Beeome Judicial Body ment plan, moat partJelpanta fa­ en Germany were preaentod to tha tw * mllllea worfcere who arc aMm- Mostly plain colors—a few novelty chocks. hat *tan unpreoadentad increase" G irl’s Custody months for a ceremonisi tour of The bill would make the NU tB vored the proposal for >38,000,000 B ig Four Deputy Foreign Mlnla- Eseape ill Fire here et the BuUdlag and Conetnto Ooloiful printed cloths, prelaundeied and fast color. In red and all parts of Britain's youngest Reg. Price $5.98-$5.40. . .Sale Price $4.00 blua. Floral patterns. ^ o f raspdratory trouble among the tare council lest night at a eesaton tion Trade* , depertment of tb* GOOD BUYS ON THIS CLOSEOUT TABLE ■oldtars. dominion. I t was the first trip (Oouttaued ou Page Eight) (UoutMued Ow Page EIgM) tn which Russla'a Feodor T. Gouaev American FMerstton at Lnlmr. Reg. Price $7.98 ...... Sale Price $6.00 M Chaes Dally Reported Student Who Ran abroad for the mondrch and hto agata amphaataed the Sdviet vltw • * • SHORTie GOWNS. Rcf. 92.98 ...... SaW $2.25 family since their 1M9 vlalt to Panic Stricken W b^ R e g . Price $ 8 .9 8 ...... Sale Price'$7.00 ObL Robert J. Platt said an that Germany ahould be ro-eatab- KMneped Girl Sought NEGI.IGGRS. Itcff. 98.98 . • •««««.«...... Sale 98.98 avstaga at SO casse a day b ^ Away With Teacher Ctanada and the United States. lUhMl under a unlfled oantrsl goV' Trolley in Brooklyn Beuo. N er. Feb. 1— (PH - A Reg. $10.98 MultKColor Horal Chenille .. ^ RAINCOATS BED JACKETS. Rcff. 92.98 ...... Sale 91.98 bean reporiad la tbs past week. W ill Tefltify, Tuesday Wav* to CBaertog Orewd enunant four aad a half year old giri. bora TThore was no annouaesment at The king and queen and Prta* Groundhogs to Prophesy "^ Catches Fire on Run ta a Japanese taterameut ramp wae Gaberdlno wetar repallont coata. tbs number of men 111. ctoeea EHsabeth and Margaret B oren ^Sm ?do Oruban. apaak ■onght to Nevada ami OaUferaln Ootonel Platt aald a virus pecu ■aata Fe, N. M., Feb. 1—(J V - stood on the flat top of a gray Ing for Belgium, propoeed forma New York, Feb. 1—(J V - Forty today sad Bene polloe said a ooea- Reg. Price $7.98 lo.$16.98 . Bar to the Rocky mountain region ElesncMr Louise WMta, 17, whose gun turret and waved to a cheer­ Weather Next Six Weeks Uon of a federation at German panic-stricken paaeengere, all but platat cdHugtog bldaaping bad BLOUSES BEDSPREADS ing crowd standing amid faUtag Sale P r ic e ...... $6 to $15 APPLIANCE DEPT. —straptoeoecus liemelytloiia type ek^m ent with her teacher ■tatee to prevent emergenpe ot a two requlrtag medical treatment, been Sled agalaat R ai^ tVorrell, IS —caused the men to contract snow as the Mg warship swung strong central government, equp- fought their way out of ■ biasing merchant mariae petty officer BaMH^amoitta. He said It was brought Federal charge* ot white away from the pier In bomb-pock* By Tha Asaoeiatod Pi ^autowncy groundhog club stood on led with long time occupation of Brooklyn trolley car last night-^ 2NXZ S34SKEJCi3i:*=aisajswaEsaE«J«a!5X!4KK: Its 11-ytar seniority in tha ground- with tba Army Traaeport aervlea. K.Tta7T:itty wcwia .ry .. ith hi ‘ Been wondering about the 10 Oevman m o s s . mothers smashed windows and Mm Re$[ular919.55 Six barracks were converted In­ from Jail yi Reg. Price $4.98 ...... Sale Price $4.00 ..Sale 917.00. awaited the prophecies o f ’lto Two pattama tn good value Chenille Spreads. Whit* u-Uh multi­ DOOR CHIMES— to emergency wards and SO pa- Sr'S custody. to the hundreds who greeted the whether to buy a straw hat or omie unity of Germany to restore outside. trtet aitoraey*e office st the ro- color aorsl designs. Rooe, blue, green, gold and peach. tlsnt* wen nmovad to Fltasim- The mother, Mrs. Peter J. Welch royal family when they arrived another ton of coal? Be at peace. "aeor of ■eera.” a measure o f proeperlty then. len wh Regulai 98.95 ...... 4 ...'. ..'.Sale 96.95 of Dover. N. H., Immediately took "Doc” Lorenao, prsstdent of the queot o f Mrs. Alexsadra Again- HOUSEWARES DEPT. mcna adharal hospital to make last night to go aboard tha Van­ The wmderou* prophets ^ tb* American aouroas aald he waa taurant flnaOy opened Um car aeva Levhevtch metlwr e f tha Regular 99.95 ...... S a le 98.00 room tor tha pattaata. Brig. Gen. her to undtoclooed quarton. Mtoe guard. underground — the groundhogs — dub, got to a few dige at ttaa questioned by Gouaev aa to how doors, which had been atalled by WMto had been Jaltod ta Uou of The veeeal quickly fadad out of Quarryvlll* ' ‘pretonder” aaying child, ffanwna She fltod etat tor White Dinnerware Sets. Reg. 912.95. .. .Sale 98.98 BROILMAST^R. Regular 94.50 ...... S a le 9-3.95 Thomas M. Low* oold everv off), are readying predlctlana for the eoonbmlc unity could be aelileved lack of electric power, and freed dhroree her* yesterday gataet the DEE VAC CLEANER. Regular 969.95...... Sale 959.95 eor and onlUited man would bo $1,000 bond as a matorial wltnoea eight in the grey, early morning next six weeks of weather. he waa a_“ mere neophyte In the unitor a federation at etatas with the paeeenger*. B A B Y SH O P Real Value! Dutch Ovens. Reg. 94.10 .. I * • • e e • * I ..Sale 92.98 for appearaneo Tueaday In a pre- U ^t, on the flrat day of its 17-day business,” chUTe father, wh* to hi the Ortonl. AUTOMATIC RADIOS— vMoinatod witbin tho next 7$ Tbaaa prodlcticM «1H be duly no_n*UUcal unity. T)m ear waa operated by a worn • • • Animal Salt ft Peppers. Reg. 50c...... Sale 35c limtnary boariag for tha teae^, voyage, with Oapetown Hated a* noted by the Shunbering Lodge ef A t AUantown, the Van*«yta*ala T ie tafannanta said da OfVbei) an. Eva aoiUwa> a Negro, and po­ :Wa*l Dmssw, Vahies 97.60 ...... Sale Price 94.00 Waste Bashata. Reg. 91.29 ...... Sale 89e Regular 938.65...... S «l»93440 Bebert H. Tnifqat S3. the flrM atop. , at guayryvlUs. Wth ! Dutch Grandaaw ^ ^ e t a d rertted that the two rnggesUoua lice said abe would aet leave the Party to Decide Cautaa lackatsaad Orcralk, VahiM 97.98.. .Sal* Regular 949.70 ...... Tnifaat ta aeeUsad of vlolsttai; Soon after arriving there Feb. Feb. 3 Waienw. Fab. i (P) vio* Price 98.98 PIECED RAYON SATIN Colored Dinnerwar* Sets, ..Sal*94940 . ercata«r*f*t3d*tte thu O i^E l^ lodg* at AUantown. clear weather far migM eaem at Snt gtano* to be ear until all the paaaeager* had Prcaator StonkhMr ailbelaliuilr Coat aad Latginff Seta, VaHica 913.98. Sal* Price 99.00 , EMERSON RADIOS— down at Fairfax. Kane., wbera the tb* law by traa*pevttag the girl 17, the king a*d hla f * a ^ wlU Pa., and the Punxeutswney, P*.. groundhog exennion. WlUtam S. cootasdietocy but observed that been taken off. 32 Pieces, Reg. 99.98 ...... Sale 97.98 pilot, lieu t Andrew O. Martin at from Roadftold. Ms. to A rkawaaa aet out on a nlno-week, 10,000-mtle Groundhog club ta pre-dawn ex- (PumparnlcPumperMekle BlU) T rex e ll. the Valtod Stataa wwi foderaltaed 3* T reated at Seeae today epeaad a twom y ■■■Men « f Baby Wfwl Hats, Valacs 91.19...... Sale Priiia 50c Italy Dais>' Dust Pans. Reg. 9-3.95 ...... S ale $1.98 Regular 934.60 ...... Sale 929.50 kto PeSeh Peaenat party’s Supreaaa Cardaroy Bata, Values 91.29 .. . .Sale Nutley, N. J., leeaived a clearance Trufant aald that after marrylag tour by train through the veldt curalons tomorrow to the wood­ srhrelver (acribc) at the lodge, do- and aald ha beUeved atoo that the Twenty-nine persona were treat Price 25c and TAFFETA PUFFS Wcar-Ever Aluminum Cleaner, Reg. 17c.. .. .Sale 5c PORTABI.E RECORD PLAYERS— for an Instrument flight. Ha flew ta Arlington. Va^ they traveled ex- and gold mining country—the first chuck lairs. dared disdainfully: Soviet union waa a federation. ed at the scene by ambulance doc' counell which wfli deelda whether Laatbtr Jackata, Valaca 911.98...... Sale Price 97.00 Regular 927.95 ...... e » ••••••••0 a a *•o. .Sale 922.00 tenolvely In the U. 8., Mexico aad visit o f A reigMng monarch to A t QuarryvlUe, Hibernating “ QuarryvlUe dalma to have He proposed control o f the Ruhr tore. Nine other* were taken -to the party** 33 deputies chaaBi !a Wash Baskets, Keg. 92.98 i ...... Sale 91.98 "blind” for three lumrs through the raeeat aafloBal Meettoae wtS Baby Swaattra, Valac* 92.98 ...... Sale l*rica 91.50 Wash Baskets. Keg. 92.49 ...... rough weather aad enoountered central Amertoa. South Africa. Governor Charles F, Heee declared ■ecrat gadget aad Punxsutawney and' Uw Rbtaaland by an Allied Kings County hospital suffering Waal Bata, Vataa* 9148 ...... Sale ...Sale 98c icing eondUiona. Lieut Edward OCtleera yeeterday found ta the the nlgtat-gowned, top-hattod Slum­ dalma to Imvt tbs eeer at commiaeion even after the end. of from cute, shock and amok* pol- hoycett the epealag .ef Parihunaht Price 91.50 W ool FUled Brooms. Reg, 91.49 ; ...... T k g ' eaunettt toapplag WiMh Salts, Valacs 9 2 4 8 ...... Sale $9-98 ...Sale 98c J. caiav. of Paw Paw, Midi., was eoupto'a luggage a marriage U- •nM^SlBOO-too ^ l^ g u a ld " bad bering lodge prophato win gain the I am not at Ubarty to dtaeloe* occupation. aonlng, but poUc* said tbeir oon- Price 91.00 Metal Sponges, Reg. 19c...... S a l* lOe oenaa toeued to them at Aritagtoo, been poltabtd to apotMas perfeo- wbat AUmtown baa but It wlU ba B ai* Hanuantoua Day dlUon waa not serious. ■tmtagy, alas m B M v Saan Saltan Vahwi 911.98...... Sale —• " ’tot. ' groundhog's secret by use of “ra­ Price 98.00 Silent Butlera, Reg. 91.19 ...... Sale 75e 'lenver oltv health offldato aald ■oon after their Thaakagivtag day tion tor the ecceeton and hixurtoita dar. bisek Ught aad aeereto so pro- the real thing.” Hla appearanoe eoacluded one U m car wee traveling through to Sa a data far. Op gasII Silta, Valuea 919.98...... Sale Price 99.00 I f theaa wtrc perfect they would be 81S88. The same wool all- there was no danger o f the eta- atopmant from Kents Hill semin­ ■ultos bad bean built ta for tb* fouiM) they elude oven the ecten- Accordtag to legend, if tb* of the dsMUoa* rare harmonious a busy abemping aecUon 'whan ita at aa appeal t r o l tag. the asins aettas ana taffetas except they are madr from Water Sets, 9 Pieces, Reg. 7 9c...... Sale !>0c ary at Rcadfleld. Trufant was a occupants flm heard a loud nols* Waal OMtiaga Robes, Values 97,98.. .Sale Price 95.00 remnants and are pieced. Rose, blue, green and cedar. demle spreading into Denver R- comfort of the royal paaeengere. ttato of Oak Ridge?* groundhog eeee hla shadow to­ days. Action on a Yugoslav pro- Glasses, per dozen, Reg. 5 0 c'...... ,. .Sale 3.5r TIk J W . H A L « CORK A t tke Canoe ridge weather- morrow, thar* will be ala more' clectlea* he dcKilarcd torfflM. MAMCMacTie Co m m - / jlOeattaaei oa Page B ^kt) (Coattawad Oa Page Bight) (COattawed Ou Page BIgM) ‘ works, Gobbler* KnoU the Punx- week* of wtntar. (Cieettaecd On Pse* Elehti (Coetlawed Oa Paxe Elgkt) chargee e f J0

. /, PAGE TBBEB'v' MANUHEirrini k v e n i n o h e r a l d , manithkiter . c o n n , BATUBDAT, FEBBUABX I, lt « MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHERTER. CONN- SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1.1947

O. Hunt at t h a ^ _ ^ ^OoaaTOca- i — MHM’sB sl at t a iJ il. Actor in Micitlle S - ^ A Y S — ^ Uenal chnrota. It wffl bat o n nfco f e a t to o Airlines’ Investigation ] laSAM. not. la a report Slid BPABTIMB havo ooma of our poopio drop In FJUf, Na Longer Just a Promise, today by tha Naw Toth Btalo Cleveland Art Gallery O f U n u M U s i l Suit TOMORROW to groot thorn. __ lofor Tan Dapartaiant Real Wodnoaday, 7:09 p.m. — Tha Scouts will mart aa usual to the Unsensational Digging ootata woo oahud at fdS,01t. LoByAngalaa, Pah 1—(f ) —film Churches Is Headed For Boom This Year Tha BoMoilla lagataai aaeh In- Gives Talent a Break Bvoryjtatarday NIgMI vestry of the church. horlU ono-third of tha ootata, tha Aatdr Raihort Rudloy was in tho E m I t p . M. a t JaaMo’o Baatoa Oathelta Thdraday. 7:00 pjn. — TouUi at Mnijra KplaoognI Gtawal Choir rohoarsal in Um aortal room. ramotahig third goinggatag to a ooa. Biddle o f an unusual law suit to­ Chnvek aad La cast Straeta Bov. WlMam Dona, Paetor KdHoi'a Notoi Tha Mggoot aara Mane Crashes Late In equipment . for dtopaninc tog i^how mchard Wahhar, Jr, o f 1 Bar. Fredcrtch MeLeaa. Aaalstaat 7:45 p.m.—Tho Sonlor Cnolr will _ _ ., „ , , , _ , , around airports,------and ndhattor Uihto day la which hla wtfa allagad that a«v. AHHd U WUBnmo. aert moat tor rrtiooraal In tho aortal (loo hauatlag the tomat Fre- Mia. ha waa anticad away from bar by Bcv. Rohert J. Wood. Aoelstoat qoracy Modwatloa to fust ry whea 1946 Behind Probe by around airports. at Riehard room of tha church. Groap to Mra. Wo a disoreao. flnotiiiaailma* Tha Stawardahlp commlttoo la NBA Sarvloe oarveyed It olx Wrtbar. Naw ToiN anat paekar, (Alto tha Feast of tho PurlSea- Sunday's moaaas: itha aga waa "what a n they Congress; Oificials and tn^rauTsmT^Bm^ MaSa^ dtad OB March St, ISM, at n a a ft Mrs. Ann Rudlay, Sil, tha formar puiining a aerlaa of conversation a MfaMtrrl This Ann Lmlng o f tka glam, auod tlofi): " Foi adults. 7. 8:80, »:45 and U get-togatlian at dlffarant homaa naltlag ta r V Taklag aaotker Army E x^ Tmllly KST « rt M. She had haaa traaauw at In the upstalra church. Chlldran a took at FM as It beglao a aow year, the Naw RaebaOa D m Nonary Mrs. Sarotta TbMoa, a ilm wrltar, • a. at. Uoly Communion. ao that ihoaa nearby can drop In for IIOA.OOO damagaa, claiming (Tho aarvlof for Soptuagostma.) !■ moaaea In lower church, 8:80 and and enjoy the evohiilg. get ac­ aa NBA stall eaereapiiadeat aow By Jamra iSattow' airport. and had baaa a oiainBar a t tha 9:45. quainted and dlocuas matters of aada that FM guana to have eoa- Would Maka Air Travel Safa Hngunot and Hlatorleal Aaaocia* aba porsuodod tha actor *To oatah- t:80 a. m - Chlldran's Sarvloa Waohtngton, Fab. 1— — A But W. A. Pattorsen, praaidaat- lloh parmanaat raaidaaeo arlth (shortonod Morning Prayer) with Importance to our church. qaervd maa-made tolerfereaca. to bunch of ^ana craahaa toto In 1946 tkai o f Naw Roehalla. oa Its way ta a haoto. of United Airlines, says it would 8 ta tn « a m wiu har." addroaa by tha Rector. Junior a t BrldgaPa IL O. ^ haa started Ongrara digging haka air travel aa safe aa land trav­ m m m tm w u t* Tha actor's wtfa glad tho aetloa choir. Church achool olaoaaa fol­ Bav. James E. Tlmmtoa, Pastor around In the alritnes’ buatnara. PHnrtpal Alloa U Draaaar haa on habalf of thotr infant aon. Osatev Caagragattoaol Owteh By Mara J. el in thraa to'flvo yaara. ■t *• avkM •oatorlam. _inaaacad tha Manor Roll for tha low. S u n a rf dapartmont at H Bov. BrooMaw Gadarowskl aad CWfaid OBver Stasnaon. Mlalster It's bean slow, draggad-ouL un- Jamas M. Landto. chalnnan o f Stophon Rudlay. daelartng Mrai MBA Staff aantlonal digging. It'a still going u batar dkaeted bf flnt Half Taar a t tha Itockrtlla a. m. Bav. Bobert OorraB. AaslstaBto Fradsrte B. Weiaar, Maato Diraetar Washington-1947 wlU ba Fra- tha Civil Aaronautlca board, tha Umrier aad Artliur St High achool. tha puplla havtng an Tbhiaa* arthm waa for tho purpoaa n 0. m.. Holy O>mmunlon. or and will conUnua. ovarnmant'a big boaa o f rtvfllan I wKii ■ iu |* ctMinM. capaMa arcrago of SS In four pnpand aMh> o f "daprtvlag tha infant plain US (Tho aarvlco for the Puriflea- M a w f on Sunday at 7:30, 9, 10 Second Toutb Week Sunday. quancy Modulation's year in radio. Her ara tho placaa pulled to­ Sytng, aaya it would help tratnao* a t tha comfort, gutdaaco. affocthm i ei wd a * aadjijm M JoetA ana of which la Bngllah and tlon.) end 11 a: m. n -jtn a.m. •— Morning worship. Tha infant industry, which was gether to bring up. to data on doualy. no mark laoa than SO. Ror High aad patorral cara o f hla fathor.** Musical outline this service: Laadar, Patricia Orr. struggling for a foothold In tha tha why and hew. But— wfB ba brtartocubor honors, a pupil aaart haaa an aaar* Piecasslonal. "Jaaua! Name of Praluda. "Andante Religioso" . radio wortd only a little over six In 1646 thara arara II eraahos William A- M. Burden, asatolsnt m i mm wtM b w h * JHa ago of M In four proporod oubjaets Pileaa hasa olwayc BEATON Wondraua Lora!" Seoaod Cangfcgattaaal drarch ...... Deshayda on L. 8. alrilnaa which kiltod 84 aacratory of commarea, anyt tha during major warn cirt I months ago, Is expected to ba a Aftbor Ht UouJa, Jairy ar.d no mark lean t h u M. ■omiaaca, “O Don. Open Wide North Main At North Strort Hymn, “ Fairest Lord Jaaoa" tearing giant bafora the yaai'a crewmen and 115'paaaangers. Nino civtilan alrlinea can’t aBord a raal ■a >■*— Tominv waya dactlnad oftor thaca...... Crusaders’ Hymn SonlorB, High Honors, Ranald Thy Oatoa." Bev. Leland O. Hoot. Mlalator rimL * happened in thto country, two moderntoatlon of tha alrwayA a aav. AUm MM- Burks, Ruth Clark, Hanry LaaR CASE Offertory, ‘The Heavens Are Tail­ Ernest B. Cosmaa, Orgaatat aad Anthem, ''Saviour and Shephard" Production of recaivars Is grow­ abroad. So ba aaya CongTira abouM v«to ba mmmma Bkda Looo. iamaa Ragan. Ruth ing Tha Glory of God''—Haydn Choirmaster ...... Schubert ing by leaps and bounds—84,000 But oavtn of thoos alovtn to put up govarnmant money Pnr tbar «Nh Qaarga Schlndlor. Baelim WalU: Rhaora, Communion, “Bread Of *n>e 8Uw Portia Perry. Charub CSioir aats in October. 88,000 in Novem­ croohaa oeourrad to the lost three such a safety program. ektb aatartalaar: Mara Brannon. Kant Boahncll, WALTXE8 H(N*8 World" Church Bckeel Director Responstva Reading ...... ber, more than 48,000 In Dscam- months of 1646. Ftaaaelal Shapa of Alritnaa Daaatbgr ABan...... Nancy, Burnham aataaw. BMIa MNatt. ThankoglVni. “O Saving Victim” bai—and tha Industry’s axparta H iIb brought oongraasnlon back He saya thto about the flaanrtal ■aakar. UtUa Brtol, Jonot nagbiaa, 6:30 a. m.. Church school. Offertory. "Largo" from "Tha Naw EVERY SAT. NIGHT Raeoaolonal. “Sing Of Mary, Pure expect that 1947 total production Tho POC aad FMi Chatlea K. Deoay. Fadaral ODamraaleattoiw OaiS- hare, when Oongraao opened In shape of tha alrilnaa: W afcaf atattanasai^ ratrlala Knight. Andray Manatta, "iteitoaiiiB ri 20:45 a. m.. Church Hour Nur­ Wortd Symphony" ....Dvorak WlU top 8,000,000, with the Indua- January, colling for a congression­ ■ its P. M. IS IMSiliSH PLUS. GORCET And Lowly," Scripture Reading..Peggy Saalala mlttaa ehaltmaa, laoka over a aew naodH Frequency Module tier ra- In tha first idna months at 1645 W— ry rh. BaMa Ray. to 8 p. m.—(Jonfirmatlon. The Right sery. tiy hltU w a rate of 5,000,000 al InvqsUgation. • they earned 888.000,000 tait In tha Thara « t t ba daara Rogaa. Jaaiao gaiBgar. 10:45 a. m., Morning Worship. Prayer ...... Bw Muridiy dia art. "It*B Bot Juat aronad tha roraer. It's here aow." aaya Deaay. bgr Bataiea Kaaaalaabl, a \‘^^^ilaatUtolJto Rev. Woltor H. Gray, D.D- BUbop year by December. Taro cotriMUaaa, tha Sansto and first nine months of 1646 they , High n aanca, Marilyn coadjutor of OonnacUcut, will of- Organ Prelude—"Adagio In D" Solo, "On Winga of Song" ... Maj. Edwin H. Armstrong, gray- House (3oirmlttaaa on Oommarcs. m m art tar Oaa^ I w toStol Swar-Sggt. “ M R . H E X ” ...... Mendclaaohn eanied only M,000,00Q, a 889,060,• aeos Irklk JtaMt Ktotor, St. Mary’s HaO It Sciato and preach. Both choirs will a••*•••-• Smart hatred, aoft-apoken radio genius- coming year more and mora table shipped its 100th FM tronsmlttar began hoaringa. 000 drop. aad Daa OaMUla. aam- Dorothy KraNnakl, Arttao Maidw Anthem—“God Omnipotent Relgn- Norris, Trombonist who spent almost 80 years da- models at lower retaU prieaa are thto month and to hard at work Ktar a banaantca qaaitat and sin g .' CfiiUdren's Story. Betty Jane Lewis those hoaAtgn aUrtad Jan. 14. Tha govarnmant has two agaa- ' ' Pavahado. PMIy RMloy; Ms Ir S lr s t t TONIGHT9T01 eth" ...... Dncqties veloplv FM’a staticlaas trana- expected to ba available. Prieaa on orders for mora than 100 oddi Govarnmant and alrilnaa' offtclato • Musical ouUtna this sarvica: Hynm, “ O Maatar, Let Me Walk tlonol units. Danny pradicU that cica in rttarga o f rtvUlan flying: ShMoy Martian . Mary Bast Hartfori. C smb. FrocaoMonal. "O Zion, Haste!" Offertory—"Reverie" ., .Gullmant mloalon. axpacto FM racalvar ot the mora axpanaiva models arc and Army avtsUon axporU have Tha CAB. mantionad abovA and Haoly. 'T ill The Clouds Roll The sermon. With Thee" ...... Moryton nuuiufacturars to do a 8160,000,000 expected to drop aomewhat oa there will be "more than 700 FM at UM Wanna By" OonSrmation, "Breathe On Me, Annual Youth Talks: ■tsUone on the sir" before 1948. toattflod at them. tha Civil AafonauUca Admlntotra- ParliiaR is tkt Rssr. W B S E R V E Postlude—"March Rellgieuae” ... buslnaaa in 1947, and thaL ha faala, prMUctlon cUmbs. Thair-toitlmony, aa pointed out Uon. ^ M d Ns lama. Breath Of God." ...... Merkol "My Faith In Prayer” ...... 466 PermltB Graated The Commtoaion is bending DBLiaOUS DINNERS Offertory. ' Father In Heav n. Who la a conacrvatlva figure. above, haa bean loaa than atartling. CAB, tha Mg ocoA lays down 3:00 p. m., Hartford East Aoso- ...... Marrta Keeney The “chicken-egg” era U past, Sir montba ago there were only every effort to osetot in the da S%S N IG H T L Y I Lovaot A ir ...... clstion of Pilgrim Fellowship. "Youth, Cfitristlan Education and about 50 FM atatlona in actual valopment of FM and wa look to And when the hoaringa era all tha rulsA CAA carrtos them out. am wia Receralonal, "Fight The Good the Race Question'* ...... Armstrong says. over, what will ba tha result 7 No But aarmetlmoA os In a plana Art Webster’s B b s Iih b s M « i*b L aw di Rally St Glastonbury. Members Some people have askeu ‘how operation. According to tbe latest the broodcaatars to do tbelr port,* at OM am Hacker (left) and Mary Maaay Brody. of Mu Sigma C^tl wlU attend...... Noasef Sawyer flgpras there are 186 now and new ha told on) group. If tha FCC,FCC. theth one can tall at thto ataga. cToon, CAB acts aa cop and Jury. ataart. H m D ally 8 8 c can you aall FM radloa whan K will InvaatlgaU n plana oraan fa *ldSS Ballory** wka look aaaro Ska ortiata' OI.D TIMERS Special note: Bishop Gray would Tbe Week "My Faith In God " ...... there are no atotiona to liatan to?’ ones ara being added almost dally, broadcasters and the manufactur­ Congrara may dartda to do rav- BaB as laati aNort a pirtara to bo **haag.** WINES LIQUORS Ukt to meet the clooii and the con- ...... Nan LaFontalne ara work together, 1947 will be eral things to moko sir travel grid Impoae any panalttoo It Udnltn Dacia W cot ORCHESTRA Monday, February 3— while others have said nobody One midwest radio station ex- BEERS tragaUonal at the Chancel itopa 8:00 p. m.. o'reception for Mr. "My Faith Will Help Tha New acuttve, Walter J. Damro of MU- "banner year" in broodcaottag aafor. For example: ara necaaaaty. (CAA also lavaatl- aa faOoara: 'm U ie’s G rin would buUd FM stattona unUl gatoa plana craabSA) ^Brody, “and. of couiaa, a lot of at the clone ot the Confirmation and Mrs..Hunt wiU be held In the W orld" ...... Charles Smith thara was a big Uatanlng audl- waukee, haa predicted that within ht balisveA Paw hfw lawf and apaad a g t ^ an nektoa; would ba artiato who can't aae why HANE POST. ProMptcr Hymn. "Dear Lord and Father of Hugh D. Lsvery, an advtrttalng deal at govarnmant money to r Bacauaa of CAB's double Job 9a R . Sbwa: NBA BtaB Caaraopoadrat 446 Ccstcr Street TalephiBe SiSl oorvica.' __ church parlors. AH members and anca," ha told the newly-formed six yrara FM will replace aUndard we turn thair work down. But our NO COVER or MINIMUM! Important notice: The oervlce Mankind” ...... Whitttor broadcasting. FCXJ (fiialrman executive, warned the FMA, how­ aafaty oquipmant. If tho alitlnaa such caaaa—cap and Judge aoBia Ctoaaland, O.,—Tare prstty girta, FOXTROTS SQUARES friends of the church ore cordially Postlude, "Onwrard Christian Sol Praquancy Modidation Aaaorta- congraaaman think an lnvastigfit> look mora Uka art lota* models otandarda ara high. Wa look- for a usually held at 7 p. m. will Invited to attend. tlon. Charias R.1. DannyDar to just about as ever, that its big potonttol Itoton- can’t afford IL. Dana aaa Nowak. bit of. real creative ability and an d tera"...... Sullivan Ing audience wanted mors than (Maybe it won’t want to spend big Mard, apart from CAB, abeuid U a rf Rath Voa \ art ontraproneura, ara rs- TONIGHT omitted thle Sunday beceiiee Tuesday, February 4— "WaU, tha public haa had Just snthusiasUc. original approach." the Confirmation oervlce. 7:00 p. m.. Girl Scout Troop 9:80 a.m.—Cfiiureh school for all The FGC haa granted mora than the "long-haired music'' which money for that All the talk 1 be aet up. OoylA D artdKale, lor a naw kUtd at art ages. enough of a taata of FM to dartda But that's aun In tha vary aartjl laSary daolgnad to glao both ar> Prices at the gallery have 0 Seeolar Kveato: meeting. it wanU It and wUl nay for IL 400 conatruction parmita to FM most FM atotiona have featured Cengraaa now to ahMt euttliM broad range and ara clearly mar­ Flip And Hit Conn. Wrangkrt 11:00 o.m.—Morning wrorship. atotiona, Denny reports. Another so far. down gafvemroent axpanasA not takbig ataga- , ^ MoCartkg, PataMa North, lota and puJMIa a much naeded All orgonlxatlone will meet at Wednesday, February fi— wbartoa they wUl no longar buy Moanwhilto. tbara’ll bo planty o6 ked on each object Ceramic aah tbelr regular times end placet. ' 2:00 p. m.. The Women's LeogtM 11:00 o.m.—Church time nurs­ the "old faohionad' kind of radio.'’ 200 conditional grants have bean "Let'a have some FM Jump sta­ adding to them.) i; Artno. y OilawNil. Noclao Bt. DANCING EVERY THURSDAY AND SAT. NIGHT! ery, beginners and primary chU' tions with Jive for tha bobby aox Tha kind of ahfaty aquipraont talk—oU kinds—hefora tbora'a an> Anna M. At Ctosaland’a community-nu, trayto buttona, etc„ may bo had ALL MANCHESTER will meet to sew on layettes for Approstmatoly 80 major radio toauad and 800 mora appUcatlons Nhrflya for |1. PatnUnga go up to |750. No Mtelamaa! No Cover Chsiss! dren 14 to 8 years. a n p ndtng. brigoda. so they'll ba growing up iMing talked about to this: Uon a f any Wad by OaMrroaa to RIM wapiratlsa “ lOSO OaUeiy,** young the "Save the (aUldren Federa­ 8:80 to 8:80 p.m.—Hartford East racalvar manufacturara ara push­ make air travel oafar.. " Bwaa rata a wtll-proinotod Tbe artist goto two-thirds of tho APPLAUDS . South Methodist Church tion, Inc." All women of the ing FM now. So far, most of tha "FM to not just around the with FM." Radar and radio for landing* Barriot PolIdman, Bugona Street aad Hartford Rood Aasoclatkm Rolty in Glastonbury, corntr," Danny aaya "It to hare As Major Armstrong osya: SSTjatk, Ibb 1—(BpaeMI)— itk Koaa, lamoo ■on *hhosT OB nothing more sales price. The remaining third nariish are Invited to he present of nlgrim Fellowohip ■ A available have bean console saL; goea to the gallery for upkeep aad Steoksg Homburgertg French Fries, Bov. W. Ralph Ward. Jr„ Mtntoter Mrs. Norton Spencer will be in for members models that sold for an now and moving rapidly." "FM has bean on dead cantor. a m ^ t t t Cba lata ialla talent The public is Invited **A SWELL TEAM— and CYP aub. It's ready to roll now." In to iMftoraa, meet the alltat and operating axpenooa. G eer^ G. Aohtoa, charge of the aewrlng. Afternoon of about 8200 each, but during One major manufacturer ■ o f Naur RadiMla. Irena Oena. H w l Dychawa. Mary Minister of Musle 7:80 p.m.—Church Council meet Margnar* Ngaa, Riehard ftamtalna. RarcM buy n pteture at popular piicea. While salaa are good, the gal­ A UNIQUE SHOW r Chops, Chicken, Sco FcnnI tea ^11 be served. lery could not continue without the MARYLIN Ing. HaaiUttai and m th , Vhrglata lamea, Dorothy Tha buoiget-oonsetoua can oven Thursday, February 6— TIm Wwk (tounrtl and "Each One Reach Oaa" Hie pastor will apeak on the purcham what easy one day be help of Its paylsg tmembora." Da- Appeariaf Nlphtlj 10:45 a. m. — Morning Worship 7:30 p. m.. C3ioir rehearsal. theme, "The Drive of tho Holy Deaths Last Night A WAY OF LIFE r. both af Behnoldcr, Roy BNuMldwr, John Prelude, “O Sacred Head, Sur Monday. 7:00 p.m.—Boy Soouto. workers’ meeting. BilvortMrs, Anno gtramat, Joan iSad a prlealaaa work of art on partmrnt atorea, newspapers, Frosi 8^10 P. M. R WINES LIQUORS -1 Notes Troop 25. Girl Soouto, Troop 1. Nsma."- Thto to tho third of the brawertaa, advertising agencies GREENE rounded” ...... The flowers lost Sunday wert Tuesday. 7:80 p. m.. Young Peo- Bwsot. Rohert Rothc. M laetalanat ptaa. POPULAB. DIFPCRBNT t o 1 A . M...... Johann Sebastian Bach Tuesday, 10:00 to 11:45 Am.— plt'a (Waltbar League) meeting. series of eermona on Living in the Tkla aaa profit projoct Is backod aad many other bueineaa bouoas given by Mu Sigma Chi, and were Pastor’s office hours concalad. Mr. Spirit a t the Tan Oommondmanta. Washington—Dr. Rufus Wash­ WoB ChBd Cbniarcnn have contributed upwarda of $500 ' BLONDS VnCAUST Pneoaoional Hymm, "Holy, Hrty, afterwards given to pariah mtm- Wadnaadsy, 7:80 p. m.. Bible ington Weaver. 7A widely known THAT U N N O r FAIL Thero wIB ha n WoB^asu Oon* bp Madlag businemnMn, ladus- No Cover! No MisiMum! Simpson win be in attandonca at study/ and Ladtos’ Al^ 8:15 p. m. tiiaUoto and proftoolanal men and apiece. Five hundred Indlvlduala H oly"...... J- ®- Uykes bera who are confined in tha hoa- tha annual Pastor’s Study Confar- Baptist clergyman and presidant fOrenco on Monday at tha oBco at give 810 annually. Order of Holy Coromimlon pltnl. I ot Mercer university at Macon, A Quittian patism in a heiphal was W> tho Rockvlllo PuMte Health Nura* la manned by willing voluntoara. A enca In SpringSeld. Maas. CoacerdU Lutheraa bank praNdant a factory owner, a DBIJCnOUS DINNERS Offertory Anthem. "Jeau* Our The telephone number for the 8:80 p.m.—Girl Scouts, Troop Coveaaat Caagragattoaol Cbarch Garden and Winter Streeta Oa., from 1918 unti' 1927. Ha waa lag prspsrad far a aujar afanriaa. Aa afi lag Aeaoeiatlon. IS Bwfc etrart THE Strong Solvation" .. John Hubs born at OreensborA N. C. t # ' atom aaacuUva, a dvll sa- personage will be changed tomor­ 8:00 p.m.—Profaaalonal Worn 48 SpnMo Stiaot Bav. Karl Richter, Factor taadanL iian^ag near by, teak Iwr dw frm 1 to S p. m. SERVED NIGHTLY! BEN Oommunion Meditation row. Mondsv, February 8. from BayaoM O. l ahaann, Pastor Winnipeg. Man. — SIdnay T. M w e r y r. a eoUage piofa aor, a mn- en’s (3ub. Marjorie L Oaffaay, h u d aad w h iip ^ : *>lad4ai, you hove Sithath Party diraetar and aa art acbool Recoesional Hjrmm “The Church's 2-0021 to 2-9898. Please note thia Wadnaadsy, 8:15 p.m.—Brownies. ErpSat Jahaaea, * t „ Orgaatat Smith, 66, twice praatdant of tha Tha WBCS of the Vamon Math LEGAL BEVERAGES One Foundation" .... S.Wealey change. 1:80 to 8:00 p.m.^-Paator’a office MUntotor o f M u ^ . Wbinlpag Grain axcha.iga and one Boddag to fear. dM etareh wtS haM a pohOe art* ara among Its truotoos. of Canada's most wtdaly known real mtota opara- •EASTWOOD* DRAGO posttudto “Mloere" (from "St. Mn Hunt desires to know of hours. H you should die. yoa w il ha with parto thto aaealng at S pjn NAin m -RAirt iiAsmiKU BUSINESS MEN’S Amerlenhi Noweat Menaal HERIDAN Matthew Pooelon'') ...... Bach anyone 111 In the parish, or of other 7:15 p.m.—Senior choir. 6:40 A m. Church Bible School. 8:50 A m.—Sunday S ^ ool and grain exportora at the adstrtlalag and aowspapor 61Y MAINST. PHONE S862 Bible clsaseA George Ftocher, au- Naw York—Madame Oal Tlong Jesus. If you tbould Kva, Jeua will he whh to Dohaenvtlla aoTaohoolhduae. ‘ U aselaUtoo. bobby-aoxora aad LUNCHEON DAILY At the Ptaao 9:80 o.m. r- Church School inatancea whele a pastoral eoll )a 1:80 p.m.—Air Scouts. il:0 0 A m. Morning Wmablp. 10:45 s.m. — Nursery in charge needed. Especially until he be­ ' 8:00 p.m.—Women’s FadarsUon. parintondent. Ham, 80, moth«r of Mma Welling­ you. la either arae, both at you will alwwa to 'h an g" abowA handle < n r s t W Uh TIm B a s t r Sermon, "Jeaua the Final Anawsr." ton Koo, wife of tha Chlnaaa am- SUNDAY • MON. • TUES. of Mrs. Earl Oorron comes better acquainted with the Rev. Roscoe Matsger of Bloomfield, O>mmunion sarvloa. 10:16 A m.—Morning Worship he lagKfaar.’* • ..'v t Tooth Bandog crato pleturoa. maka aalca. Rev. Roger Singer who to studying bMMdor* to anvaltoaa, type aotlces. 6:80 p.m. — fow orth League parish, jrour cooperation will bt WlU speak on Indio. Mr. Matogor 11:00 A ro. Church tlmo nur­ T#uth R^***^— will kft okM n "MARGIE" MIM PtwUla Sandberg, president deeply Sppreclateif In'itlaklng his waa chaplain in the Army in India, at the Hartford Seminary in prep­ WatsonrtIto, Calif.—Jamas B. Thera is a philosophy that catuM fail! asroap, dust paint waah wiadowa GAYET '8 sery. Bade Walratb In charge. aration for missionary work, will HolohaA' 75. former warden of at the union Congregational or srhatovar alas la noeoemiy to (In Color) THE A t VAL TRIO 6:80 p.m.Methodlrt Youth servlees more effective. with the Air Forces In Assam, in 6:80 p. m. Man’s Chorus rehear­ But it is Bars then a men ’’phileaephy." It eharch tocnorrow with tha Tooth ieonno Crain — Ahui Towig GRII.L AND RESTAURANT pyilowsMp. Discussion of plans for If you are a sthuiger, or a new the Hump region. Group A wUl conduct services. Choir rehearaol San QtimUn prison and sponsor kaap tkiags going anoothiy. *niw Honan o f (ptoSty* For Yow Peraonsl PkasBrs comer in the community, will you sal. after church. of t|n bill which oubotltutad tha is the divine sssarance of cvesy ta u whs TbOewMitp la ehargs o f tho mora> Mom than promlslag artiato ALSO! Jack Frost Frolic at the syna­ have charge o f refreohmenta, and 7:15 p. m.—Organ VeaparA lug oarstco at d m. Res. 100 "OANaEBOVS MUXIONV* BASTCENTOI STBBCT TKUBPHONBi gogue next Sunday, and of the please let the minister know' at Group B, hospitality. The Week letim gaa chamber for banging has ooma to a living faith in Jean Christ. bass bean introduced to the pubUc TONIGHT ~ t P. M. TO 1 A. M. 7:80 p. OL—Tha Bvanliig aervlca. in^Callrornla. Lymaa Pottor. aaaoelato paetor. next unit of study, the close of the aervfhe. Thursday, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.— Monday: Confirmation clooees e e e olaco Its start two yaara ago when Rebs sad Eajsy Towraeir Aadd O v 7:80 p.m.—Evening service In the The Paalmtot'B Secret for a Strong Konaag'City—John G. (Johnny) arlll praoch. THi Kladaigaiton Nanay Mantong and Mary Man­ NOW I 'DECBPTION'* Anyone wrishing to become a Pastor’s office hours. Heart." postponed until further notice. In C!HR1ST and His atouarasnt he haa maato at tha aaiM hour. A Nur> "8BCBET8 OP WHISTLBR'* . Chapel. The (3hrl»tlan Family. member of this church la invited Friday, 8:80 and 4:00 p.m.— Kllng, 71, one time star cstehar ning Brady, daughtan of widely COaifortable Snrroandints! Tha Week Tuesday: 7:30—Ladles Aid. for tha (Thicogo Cuba bosabsU found camplcta forgiveans far all faia daa. aocy for agoa S and S win atart Features of this service are: to Indicate hla desire to the min­ Cherub and Oispel choira. 7:00 p. m., .Tuesday. Choir re- Wednesday: 8:00—Church Cojth- B m . artist Wray Manlng, hlrad A review of Thomas W. Lomont’s ister. Saturday, 7:80 to 10:80 p.m.— team, former manager of Clneln- I John 1:7; 2:1, 2. H b conscianta is dear. —ay laIn tiMtho goelal roam with loft aad art to scraping DINING ~ DANCING NO COVER! NO MINIMUM! bearasl. '' cil. nsU and Boston o f the NsUonsI Mra. Winfred Klotor as "My Boyhood in tbe Parsonage;" Open house for the CYP Club and S4 aouin n aan , pointing walla and hanglmt WINES ~ UQUORE — BEERS 8:00 p. •>., Tuesday. Oontlrms Friday: 7:30—Young PFoplea' League, end at one time owner of Rom. 6:1. Ho is pitpsied to msec his Godi J N B iIS S ptetaraa Ihamaalvaa. Tbelr aim In^ht into what a Morgan psrt- their frlenda. Society. Bor discovered In hU Methodist The Solvation Army Uon instruction. tha Konasa City club of tha Ameri­ In CHRIST, funhttuMMc. ht has fouad A t was two Ibid—to give aovofauid CEDAR ROOM 881 Main Street 7:80 p. m.. Wednesday. Mld-weck can ossortatioh. Ha waa born In John Moran, chalraon of tho Brtlsto a ragulto outlet for their home, and a Kodscrome study en- prayer aervlca. Mammae Paolm Kansas City. tha key to the pottem of life. Wit|i avesp Ola o f DtaMa for RoeksiOo is - W E IN V IT E tiUod “The Romance of the Cbria- Adjutant aad Mrs. Richard Atwell Emanuel Lutheraa Church Bolton CongregattoaOl Chnrcb (. and to offer ' the general AT Church Street Oppealto Myrtle 12L TampA Fla.—Eli Witt, (M. wfio btliaver in ChriK he c u sayt "W e know pofto tho rocolpt of IMgS from tian Home." All cordially welcome Rev. Oswald Schipg, Minister built up one of the nation’s largest I rraak Hatko, f Ic a ehonca to aoe, approciale Weddisif Parties. Bssqaets or Any Special Ocea> The Week Tonlght 7:80 p. m.—The prea- Dr. Jullns Bulteen. Vice Paster 6:30 p. m., Thursday. Oovanont- that- all things work together for good ta aad buy good origlnale at prices It TODAY AND SUNDAY BUCK'S entsUon of the Re’igiotu flltn, “The Clarence W. Hetotog, Orgsalst Hl League meeting at the porson- James W. McKdy, Organist wholesala tobacco and confi'lection- lada at tka Prinoi______slos P i^ . For Infonsatlon sr RcservstioHa... Tuesday, 3:15 p.m. — Brownies, them that km God." And with evaty b » oobM afford. ary busineaaea while confined t o ANhot^ tko caatoalga ter fundi Plrat Mnncheater Sha^wgt Corner Beatonrnnt Mrs. Chorlas Jaoobeon, leader. King of Klnga." aad (Thair Director O gA la Junto ISM the gallery waa P H O N E 3802 Sunday, 6:30 a. m. — Sunday 8:00 p. m.. Saturday. Covenant 6:45, Church/dchool. bad by a dtoeara. liaver he can ley, even in the faraaf odaafi j oOeiafly clooed, tharo ara atlU 6:80 p.m. — Girl Scouts, Miss 11:00, Mon>lng worahip. Music aosaral ooUactlana to ka roealsod. tocrganlmd on a cooperative baela school. All nembera urged to at­ Sunday, Feb. 2: League meeting. ity: "H e that ipared net His own Spa, but aad toooad to larger quarters. ^ B IL L * Bmity.Klasman. leader. 9:15 A m.—Church Sunday by tha choir/ Write With Coavictton aad It la not anpactod tka iaai 7:00 pjn. — Boy Scouts. tend to help In contest. derated Him up for us all, how shall Ks - **Foo arany people have been school and Toutb cIosa 7:80 p. ^ , Youth Fellowship. Sguroa far tkla yanr srtll ba eom* N O R ItiN 8:00 p.m. — Stewardship com- 11:00 i. m.—Hollneas meeting. 1 not with Him also f.edy give us all things?" taking advantage of the arliat too I, v\< t 9:15 a. m.—West Sidt Sunday QuarryVIUe Methodtot Church /— ...... ------— Pullman, Wash. — (F) — Oo- ptato oatll tha mlddla o f naxt waMu VornSat mltteo meeting in the Cfiiurch of­ 6:30 p. m.—Prayer meeting. leng.’’^ saya Algcaa Hacker, a di- achool S t Silver lane Community Raoto 44, Boltoa suthora of a bi’lletln written at I Rem. i : ^ . fice. 7:00 p. m.—Open sir. rsetar of tho gallery. “Unlera he's 7:30 p.. m.—Salvation meeting. Houoa Rev. John B. FasL Minister Talcottvllle Coagregatloaol Chnrch Washington State college were t * t At tha eaaalen e f "toe ToUaad well knovro. the uaual attitude la W. C. T. U. will bold an all- 10:80 a. m.—Morning worship Bpv, Charles G. NeCalllstor Stanley A. Smith, head of tho | (kninty Suparlor Court haM I •THE BARONS* day sewing meeting. Business The Week Horning worship, 10:45 a m. In CHRIST, Easily, ho has fouad the aa> that he ahould be only too glad to Monday, 6:80 p. m.— Junior aervlee. Mlalator Agricultural Engtnoering depart- RockviBo an ftaday the caae a gat 825 for a piece of work Into 'The moating at 2:30 p.m. Prelude. "Fantaole In B Flat"— Organ Prelude ment, and Mias Esther Pond, than | suranco o f htovcA "Because I lira, ya shall Ow rtato m John R. Oarlch, Mixpoh and Willing Workers Band rehearsal. Chadwick. Procaaaional Hymn—Holy, Holy, lira alsA" "la my Fathct’t house art many whtieh ha'a put a lot of time and Bvorv Satnrdayt wlU most all day to fry peanuts. 7:00 p. m.—(hib classes. 6:40—Church achool. extension economist In homo man­ Oaorga L. ItonaMaon, John J. Sey- effort We want to cstabliah fair Offerto^, “O Lord, Most Holy" Holy. 10:48—Morning worship. agement, The bulletlA recently msnsieiM . . . I go to prspota a placa for hold, Claado Brodusr aad Loonla petbao." Wednesday, Hustlers will meet 8:00 p. m. — fTrlendship Chreto —Franck. Offertory Anthem—1 Win Extol, OANdNO BVKRT BATUBOAff AND SUNUAV on day to moke rugs. meeting. pubitohed, to entitled, "Planning you . . . I will ootue agata aad tttaira yoy B toM , whieh had eroatod wide- Moat Have Marti dpedal INnnera PUr BaaervwHfie#— (Roger Louclu, tenor) My God. Your' Homs. ” TTie authors sppar-1 ------1 totaroet aa It eonearnad tha 8:30 p.m. — Willing Workers Tuesday, 7:00 p. m.—Songster Preparatory Hymn—Abide With Oaacerdto Lutheran uata Btystlf." Jefaa 14:1-1. Tha only requiaite for exhibi­ Saryad On Bnoday Call Ulaataatairy SSS Anthems; Psalm 160—Franck. antly anrota with conviction. Now] If faa easM U< — o f turkaya hy tha Oar»ltoa tion Is that worn have merit aa will meet in the ladles' parlor. rehearsal. “O, Real In the Lord” —Moefor- Me. Oardea aad Wlator Streeta Surriy, ha srfaa baa fouad in CHRIST Puraw Oorperatlon with allagad Vernon Inn 7:45 p.m. — Wesley Group will they are married. fe iora taw* ataaf 8.00 p. m.—Band rehearsal. art: Baeb main “abow" taata about tone. Sermon. Rev. Karl Rlchtar, Pastor «W OatUaft af U* the aaswtr to tbe question of tin, the ques- aartatlena la wolgbt, waa eei^n- month. Schedulea are made up a meet In tbe ladles' parlor. Wednesday, 2:00 p. m. —Home Postlude. Rooassional Hymn—lord. Dtomtoa srith the underrtandtag that Saturday, 6:45 p.m. — CJholr re­ CMtl'm MUpM.ar tiotu of life, end the fate-filled queirion of yw r ahaod of time, League. Rev. Herbert A. Dmmermon >Ia With Tby Blessing. 8:50 a. m. — Sunday School and ease ba tried at the pisaent A lters m menu of hearsal. 6:80 p. m.—Corps cadet class. will deliver the sermon. if yaa kaa* ma dead) has a *^philoeopby" that caaaot fail. term of the court. “ Wo have a long list of arttata Organ PoaUudA Bible classes. George Ftocher, su­ ckattk affiUallaa S M A R T N E W 7:30 p. m. — Young Peopls’s 5:00 p. m.—Swedish service. Dt-. 6:80 A m. Church school 'What it your philosophy of living? O f Tho actlaa brought Ay The Oer- walttag to bo 'hung,'” rays Mra. perintendent. / aai an la ant at 6MNER • SCOTT • BARI DIFFERENT < dhhe$ yoU*U enjoy. service. Julius Hulteen in charge. 10:45 A m. Morning worship lUrliaal rosoirl, dying? If you wen face ta face with deadi Ron Parma Corporatloa at al of Chriatloa Science 8er\icM Thursday, 7:30 p. m.—Open sir n a Weak 10:15 a. m.—Morning worahip. ENTERTAINMENT! Hartford. First Church. Sunday and nursery hour. Ordtr of Service. lima wrlia sa toaight, are vou lure your "philosophy" Attorney Luncheon* and din­ service. Monday— 3:80 p. m. Church school D otiM a PIsk et al Waa dtamlaaad sTomrai • marsnau 11:00 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 HIANTI Friday, 7:30 p. m. — Holiness 3:80 p. m.—Girl Scouts meeting. monthly maettng. would stand tM test? by Judge John H. King. ALSOi BOBKBT LdWCKV In TONIGHT! A m., WcNdneaday 8:00 p. m. 537 6:80 p. m.—Boy Scouts meeting ner* *erved dtuly ln > Farmington Avenue. meeting. 8:80 p. m. Official Board meet­ St. John’s Polish Nattonal ’’DEATH VALLEY” Saturday, 8:00 p. m. —Musical 8:00 p. m.—Beethoven Glee club Sought h r Second Church. Sunday, 11:00 ing. 88 Golway Htroat DANNY Concert by Band and SongstcrA rehearsal. 5:00 p. in. Junior Youth FeHow- Rev. Paul Koslowskl, Pastor •to AM ADDED tending Sunday. a. m. and 5:00 p. m. Sunday School Tuesday— Zion Evangelical ll:Qi0 A m., Wednesday 8:00 p. m. sbip. Walter Grxyh. Orgaatot Chicago. Pah, l —m — Padoral DANIELS 8:15 p. m.—Brownies moating. Tha Week agtnto hasa atortod a search for TODAY AND SUN DAY Lofasrette and Rusa atreata. North Methodtot Church 7:80 p. m.—Junior Luther MATINEE ONLYI AND n n OaCHBSTBA Rockville. First Church. Sun­ 447 North Mala Street Tuesday, 7:00 p. m. Boy Scouto 8:30 a. m.—Mass. m tiA ittiR 4-im ii man who Mra. Margarat May League meeting. meet vrith Charlaa Warren. Ortonon idantlSod as Richard fi F csto rlsK day 11:00 a. m. Sunday School James M. Gage, Minister W edneodhy- 10:80 a. m.—Moss. Lutheran Church 11:00 A m.. Wedneodsy 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, 7:00 p. m. CSiolr Hunt J r, of Naw Canaan, Conn. 'THE Phontom DMITRI AND HIS AMAZING VIOUN COCKTAIL Mns. D. M. Beanett 7:80 p. m.—Emanuel choir- re­ Choir rahearsoto after each maos He la deaertbad aa about 85 yoars 64 Union street. Orgaotot DIreetor hearsal. rehaarasL Cemetery memorials are aeaea Cooper and High Streets A Grand Show la the Exotic Rose R s s m ! 8:00 p. m. Women's Society tbM eymbole a t life ibat la gaoe. of agto Buase. taanod aad with R id e r" 6:00 p. m.—Dorcas Society meeting in vestry. Manchester, Conn. (iaikoaBodoni wnsy brown hair. According DELICIOUS DINNERS TASTY PIZZA BAR "Love’* will be tha subject of the 9:80 a.m.-^-Churcb achool session. meeting. They are tbe eymbob o f lovce asid CHAP, a, 'T io o p s o r d o o m * Ltoaon-Sermon for Sunday. Cloaoea for all youth. Friday. 7:80 p. m. Youth Fel­ memoricA kieale aad feitka that Putor: REV. PAUL G. PROKOPY I to tha jtowing Mm. Oriaoon, ha borroarad $500 LEGAL BEVERAGES „ Thursday— lowship sponsored movie night. — Year favs^ artxcd Tho Gpiden Text to from I John 10:45 a.m.—Nursery hour for 2:80 p. m.—Woman’s MurtOD- live forever. iHoaaBaiUiag from hor and dlaappoarod, after 4:7,8. “ Bolovad, lot (is lava one an­ omin aiUdrah whose parents wish Sunday, fM>,.6, 10:45 a m. Spe­ PareoiWfe and Study: 86 Cooper Street, Phone 2-0408 Btotlng ht was a fonaor Aram Ui MONDAT AND TUBSDAV Why Not HoM Itiat Weddtag Party or cock tail. Only the dtoie* ary Soclaty. , T t if iit t o i that Nxh a avatlial other: for love to of God; . . . He to attend the morning service. 7:80 p. m.—G Clif club rebears- cial meaasga In catebraUoh o f Boy KNOFLA telUgence officer and had bee *«ABSBB and CLBOPATBA” hi the Eadtiag Bone Boonit cat brand sf lefal hev- that loveth not, knoweth not God; 10:45 a.m.—Morning wofohlp. Scout Day. Boy Scouto will be ekauld have the beauty u d pet- a poatal mapector ham. Uaitod POH BBHCRVA1ilAltOMB DIAL SISS al. ntauenee found ta H el^ ALSOi Flrat Bhowingt crapes. IsBags Ip apen for God to love." “Andante CtonUbUe,” 4th Sym­ Friday— present in uniform. Barra C ru lle mrmorlato. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 A. M. Stotos Gommlatoonar Bdarln K. •WntANGLER of the SWAMP" Satectlona from the Bible Include phony ...... Wldok BROTHERS Walkar yaatarday taauad a war- S oad aya. 5:00 p. m.—OonfirniAUen ctosA May wo tell you m ors the following: "Love not the world, Anthem, ‘JGod Is Love" . . . .Shelley SUNDAY Mo r n in g w o r sh ip 10:00 a . M. (RngUnh) raat charglag Hunt with totoar- 8:00 p. m.—Board of Triistaca Chnrch at The Na Generali Coninictor shout Ihemr nrttber the things that are in the Offertory, "Priere” ....Deshayes meeting. >Ung a post oOlee laopactar. worid. If any man love the worl Postlude, "Grabd Choeur” 468 Mata StraeL Maacfigrter ,..,^jB bbioR R _D d iS-.-vr-.-rtivtol: j»(t'g a jty'Hia»HW Hd**eTggir»c«aBie^w|tK' naaii'aj'iiB ■ - > •'•'k.iWf Rev. Jam w A. Toaag;^'l»tor-'“ 6 m.—Junior choir General RefNiiriiig ' SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY “ (I John 2:15) Sermon,'Communion Meditation bearoal. " Correlative passages from" the Observance of the Sacrament of Sunday aendeea: Memorial Co. (70 Days Before Easter) Geoi^e Smith al the oonsole, phtying your Sunday ofUntoon, Feb. 2.«an 6:80 a; m.—Church 6chooL Sunday Night', Big Attraction Christian Science textbook, "Sci­ the Lord’s supper. important meeting of tbe Hart­ Call 4386 6:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship hour. Study tbe Bible with tu. a saara 476 Ceator Bt. Tel. 7788 “QUR SAVIOR”'—A SURE REFUGE ence and Health with Key to the ford District. Lutheran Brothar' R o fo r t • Pf. M. Opm Baadays favorite songs. (N o entertaiiiment tax). Scriptures." by Mary Baker Bdd; Devotions led by Carol PowalL Dis­ hood will be held at First Luther­ for all ugaa. Tennyson McFall, ju - IN EVERY STORM OF LIFE” Include the following (p. 242): cussion led by Dorothy Smith. parintendent. Text: Matthew 14, 22-3S. BUFFET SUPPER • V an church in New Britain at 8:80 patient obedience to a patient God, Topic: Knowing Oneself. o'clock. Members are urged to at­ 10:45 a. m.—Morning Worship. Served 6:00 UatU titO let us lalior to dtoaolve with the 'ilw Week tend thto meeting. < Sermon by the pastor: "Loyslttoa, 6 universal solvent of Love the Monday, 7:15 p m.—Meeting of Enduring and Strang." Lont Befina Ash Wedneaday, Febraary 19, When MM* 0:80 p. m .—N. Y. P. 6. Mtos Far real cnjayaacnl of DELICIOUS FOOD. -. s^sinant of error,—aeU-wUI, self- tha Scout committee. W fck^eninr Lenten Services (7:80) WHI M The Vemon Inn justification. and oolf-love,—which 7:45 pjn.—Monthly meeting of Ztoa Evaniifrtlcal Lutheraa htarion E. JonsA praslOant. and delectable csditalls served In saMWt aar* wars against spirituality and to the Men's Club. Arthur IlUng, au- Cbarch 7:80 p. m.—Bvangaltotlc aervica- The Chaminade Musical Club Zion Lvtheraa. Cooper aad High Btraats roaadings, coaic to the Nathan Hale., Dial Rockville 1335 - Takettvlla Rotary the law of sin opd death." pertendont of ochooto win speak Paator'a subject: "Tha Vantage PRESENTS on "Some Eklucational Problcnw." Rev. Paal' G.'PraMpy, Paatar Point." Thto to a matter ao Important to all Tha Week Dr. Elemer Nagy Zion BvangeUcal Lutheran Church Is a Chorch of Tho DINNER MUSIC BY GRAY Gospel Ball Lttthonui Hoar Hoard Sunday Aftomooaa, 12:80, our people that the ladies a n be­ Septtiogesima Sunday. Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.—Protoo Loeturer at -Tala Ualveralty, Head af Draina^ 415 Center Street 9:00 A m., Sunday achool sad and Prayer meeting with the pas­ Drive ap this cvcnlnp. wc*n BMke year ing invited oa guests at tbe eve­ JMIMb Hairtt Bcbaal af Marta WONS. and Ovtr 900 Other Stetkma. la EpfUsh, Spaa* ning. The uaual good fellowahlp Blbte ctoOA tor in charge. Sunday: 6:40 A m„ Preparatory aervke O f A Portaffvsoe, aad AfrikaoR. visit a pleasant one. time with refreohmenta will take NATHAN HALE HOTEL 10:80 A m., Breaking of broad. place after the buotneos meeting for Holy OmmanioiL Pf Mf*l 18:15'p. n ., Sunday school. Program on Opera Thia iiuitaUpaRt o f *ProachlRfr ThnMfh the P 6 6 aad tha a n e m n - Every manhar 36:00 A Dlvtaa wunhlp. th e Lu* W IU 4 M A N T IC •7:00 p. ro.. Gospel ssrvlcA o f tha cniK aad tha man tai our Taut: Matthew 14:88-88. ^ IM. Baaa, fpator February .3 at 8 p. m. i BBRaoreil by Tho L adW AM (Afll^tad Wtth Advertfae io The HeraM"—It Pays 7:45 p. m.. Tuesday. Prayer pariah should make a special effort Thame: “Pur Savior, A Sure Re­ thoraB WoMCR’a Mlaaloii«ry Loarm(urne), of Zion B aae ting. to be there and bring their wives. fuge In Every Ittorm of Life." 10:00 a. m.-rCburcb school. . South Methodidt Churt^ cal Lutheran Church, Muncheotcr, Omu. p, m., Friday, Bible raod- 8:00 p.m.—There will be a re-1 Tha Week 11:00 A m.—Morning worship ______Voluatanr ftoUertloei ception to -Rev. and Mra. Letond | 7:30 p, m., Church and celebration of communion.

.-■Jj MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. C »H N. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1,1947 PAGE FIVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1,194? [Lamont Book Will Since re-opening my shop for bnsiness in Latpyen* Group Wants to Ban CPA's b Broken Real-Price Break May Come Next Spring i Be Reviewed Here July, 1946, a flood o f recpiesto have come in, lent to open my Aiiisbing department again. From Giving Advice on Income Tax In Accident The recent book by Thomas W. 'of Needs RHum to OPA LamonL Wall street banker end Now that the Anishing room has been in- it 1$ Almoet Certain to Arrive by Early FaU, Bud- J. P, Morgan, partner, enUUed Ceiling Level* sulled ORDERS WHX BE TAKEN ON AIX 19S1 No Repair* a y8 .n Local Boy Crossing itffss Expert* Say, With Many Rise* My Boyhood In the Paraonage," NKA SteB Can Be Expected will be reviewed by Rev. W. Ralph YOUR FINISHING PROBLEMS. Or N ew ‘Eqaipment at Naw York—A Naw York bar aa* Street Is Struck by likely in Beiteeen Ward. Jr., In the evening service aociaUon is trying to aatabUah the at the South Methodist church to- Auto Near Armory elude, te the opinion at aeveraL 15 Years Producing the Best N orA End Building prineipte that nobody exeapt a ♦feranca Board. NXA raportere rrow night The aerrioe will be­ laarjrsr can halp you arlth yemr In* price reductions. gin at 7:S0 o'clock and ta hold In Arthur 8. Ounther, 4. son of Mr. M if______f at mrerilonad toadtag__ g awrcHandtaare.aMrehi "Food prtooa are past thatr OsiUMBttiif tm Um drivt (or come tax ratum, or avan giva yau Out______of this___ tachgreund tho chapel. Acid and Heat-Resistant Finishes advice ooncamlng it. and Mix. Herman Ounther e f 74 Yerk. — 'Thai hiaok la aatd Jutoa Backman of the In addition to this book ryvlew. UOyOOO for tiM Community T, Kay ______to r which you have been soBM Utoa what you hava a right York University School of The direct effect of a dacialon yiorence atreat, suffered a brok- Mr. Ward will show a act of Pianos FnrnHure a. Oooetr, proMoat aal4. aaktag. la oa Um way. It might to expect of coaeunrer prtees this Odnwaeree faculty. *T think that • * r a u o Boopio of MOBCiMOtOr for the New York County Lawyera an leg teat night when he was year. KodacliTomc alldae dealing with AaaoclaUon. In the matter of its ooBW aaxt Spriag. i t to ahnoat cer- dotHtoff prioaa are naar their peak. Authentic Reproductions (MltM a arngniflcant )ob Joo Btnirk by an automobile near the •"Tlwre to a buyerff atorket to­ N«HtaKl prioaa are gotog higtar the Christian home and Interpret­ contempt sctlon sgslnst Bernard taie to arrive ta aariy Fall ing mtd-Weatom farm Ufa. ^ WiiflMlcir has dona In rtbulhUng state armory. t W e w otaW y wUI ba xmay day," aaya Ben OordoB. editor of bacauat a i blglMr coats, both of Architectural ^ b in et Work tMs OoaBmimity OmUr. Wbaif you Barcu, would bs to prsvent corU* Cfliato Store Ago. "but It to SO par raw matoM aad wages." Mr. Lamont's story will ta ot Sod public sccountsnU from giv* The boy waa on the way te the price rtata b a f^ tha break ooBMa. te oomMor that wtwn ioc It pcoM ly will act ta aeaaaUoo- cant antietoatory aad oa)y $0 par HU anocu^e, Raymond Rogars, particular Interest to Methodiate eusr hla datioo as dlractor of ing Income tax sdvtoo or aaatst* baafcattall gama at the state ar- cent actual. The gcautoa article fof ht waa bom In a Methodist moty accompanlad by hla fathat. 4L But you oaa expaot. tha prieaa prcdictad that tf wage damaade a tka T than «raa a paM mambcr*sacs In this stete. But Iswyars should arrive to alx to eight are- modarate " I axpect lower av- paraonage in a small vlllaga near say that If CPA's can bo barred Aa autonaobUe operated by John o f )poa i oouauatoT «po«V> to aettto DWYER PRODUCTS m p at only M and today, only fhre doWh" eomewhere to the vladalty moatha. One alga to that paale aad arage prieen and knver total pro­ Albany, and apant hit boyhood and from this held, then nobody alas O. OoUaUtaer of 4M Tolland turn­ ■maths later ha has 1ST paid mam* o f tha O PA calling tovM. board buying hava vtitually caaa- duction for Um antire year 1947 youth In almllar plaeos as hla ROUTE 85 BOLTON. CONN. haia anieUad, It te arnamnf. but s lawyer can practice In It. pike struck him aa ta was oreea lag Main atraat. Ha waa taken to Y li^ to tha ooaaeaaus of a la m ed. Nylons and mea'a abirte still thaa for 1949.” fathar waa moved about In tradi­ Harold Dwyer DIAL 5328 *ainos t ttl thOra hava oaan no TbU would go so far. they say, _ it at ncogalaad axperte that ft* are scarce, for example, but you Boonomtet Julius HIribh aald: "I tional Methedlat mannar. as to prsvent a rsUrsd Internal the Mancheeter Memorial hoqiltaL lapalra or aaw aqulpmant addad to and tha accident eras inveatigatod OM KERRY STREET P W m 3 M I etudes trade paper edltora, private no longer aea long linea waiting axpect that to some sactorii of the All art cordially welcoma. tha T aad during the past number Bavenue expert, after a llfstlma of by Officer Walter Caasella. ■■a bUBtoaaa aoonoail^ and mer- for chances to buy them. economy, partly owing to dirikes, yuan tbara araa aimoltttely no income tax work, from private No drreat waa madt, pending efeandtoa axeenttves. "The buyer to begInBiag to eet the upward trend of prlcesNyUI ’Iliere are no extensive conifer­ ' aetlrity. hporte fab to a pracUca In 4hla Said. further investigation. The Inflated price level actuaUy the market price of artlclas that continue for awhUa, and even Igp ous forests In Australia. aad llaptember 1st The New York acUon U brought began to crack laat Fall, aa ahort- are aot la the extreoMly scarce farther than necessary. Then 4 aiTtrad and Joe McOuakey took under a apMlSc law that the Our affto gave way to a vary few Uaee iase," another editor reporta. break at considerable alas 1s likely m at thora waa practically nothing County Lawyers think applies. to B^erately ample auppUae. 'Prices eaa be expected to level to follow, and 1 think that this ta aroth witb or on. 1 tnlnk that But lawyers hero say that In most Training Clourse Buyers started getUag chooay. off at about OPA oetUnga. or per­ break will occur In the first half It apaaks wall for tha aoargy and aUtas there are laws under which Tbsa price feadiustmente began. haps a trifle above, by Spring." of 1947." Call 2-1257 ' hard work put in by our local bar asaodaUony, encouraged For Den Mothers Strawberry Shorteakee That to how the real price break "The buyers' market to here al­ Aad Bconomist Alexander Sacha during tha past flea by a/law York decision, might wUl oonM. the e 4 «rte aay. Taka ready in come cottoa goods," said thinks that "1947 will ta a year of ■motha ta maka auob a oomaback try to aat up a almUar ban. BMB's suits for example. As the a apokeaman tor ona of the big­ receaeion and readjustment to for 'Now the tlma baa coma for Um The facte In tha case are single. The Den Mothers Training supply begtoa to balance dentand, gest retail stores. prices, lad by agriculture." paepio at Manohaater to help out Bernard Barcu. now SO years old. H he geto help with Ma hradarbe. Is It legalf Nat m iIcm that course for all Den Mothers In so the ooBsumCr ao longer feels "The bottom dropped out of the m dmiitlaf ta the Community V and Strawberry Cream chenille tufted bedspread nuurket cams to this country aa a youth, help eemee from a lawyer, eaye a Naw Vark bar groap, wbleb la Manchester District Boy Scouts, oonpellad to grab ahythlng at any • *..J ftm i ao that wa may add naadad aarvad In the Amarican army In aakiag tka N. V. Supreme Court to baa CPA's from eve* givtag tost Fall," according: to Bditortol W ih irams waa held at tha Center Congre­ price, tta price of atots wUI atop Laag. Isag trail wlndlag ta nylen atoeklags, a ta FILMS FII.MS .. a^ptoatmt, so that badly World War 1, paaaad bis examine* advtee eoueorotag laconie tea returaa. rtotog aad perhaps drop. Director JuUen Elfeabeln of the >3 may bo made and most Im- gational church Wedneaday after­ Halrc Publlcatioaa' home furntoh- when caawnndWIea were eesroe and1 prloeaMsh. . to tton la June, IMS, and bMama a lAileas stifkaa or unforaeen ad«-ertleemnito like the one alwva. The nytea line Developed and Prtnied itant of all. ao that an aaalatant CPA In September. tP34. Since noon. Twenty Den Mothera wera Pies Have Gone Over other obetactoa stymie producUon, Ings group. "The AaMiican mar­ maka tha charge. Bercu did ihie In He pointed out to Juatice Ber­ made last April dariag a eale "fa r nM« oalyi* Um Any Slie - 39c Roll Service 'Joo MoCluakay may be' found, that U(na ha has practiced ac* praaent. The meeting was un­ aMBt experts believe that tha tal- ket waa flooded with millions of ^>tlvltloa hatra ao Incroaaad at tha memorendtim form. ciUng a rul­ nard Hhlentag that the prepara­ der the direction of Frank Parker doaana of womea'a llaen haadker appeared thia aMtath, bat this Mmetbere wera aa Sara. countancy, aomatimoa alone and tion of an Income tax return de­ anctag i t supply and demand la ARTHUR DRUG 810KE8 **We Solve the Burning that another amn la naadad to for a time as a awmber of a Srm. ing of the Bureau of Internal Rev­ of Charter Oak CouncU. nwat eonaumer lines should take chiefs that had been hidden In enue aa auihority for hla advice, pends upon booka, which ara kept Qnestion** ’'Jfparrlaa argaalaad sports, for Sinoa IMS ha hga bean a mam- Mrs. Panclera, Den Mother of With A Bang! place before LAbor Day. C!hlna during the war. a permanent awing to a buyers' durable goods, such aa textilea aad S a Mato a t 1W. M N and aant a bill for $800. by accountants — that carttSad hard as ooo man can work, ha oan' bar of tho New York State Society f*hck 4, Center Congregational This pletare does not represent "The prices on some Unea of market" apparel. Look at the production of ■at dlrida hlmaaW and two fun of OsrtiSed Public Acoountante, Sees iBjaketlea public accountants not only da- church, aaateted Igr Mrs. Frederick* tho view of aay alngle ecoaomlet, consumer goods, eapedally dur such Items aa radios and aoft thaa ama ara aaw laquirad. vote their Uvea to booka, but be­ ablea cannot come dowa much ta' Prices should be lower after and atnea December. IMS, ba has ''Ihe County Lawyara, ona of eon, preeented a very good exhibit BMrehaadtoer dr trade paper ex­ mld-1947, prophesies the editor of goods, at all times hith. with Mp- , **Lot ua all put our sbouldar to bean admitted to tax practice bo* tha two major bar aaaoclatlons In fore being certiSad are required on Cub Handiwork. The second The Demand By Far Exceeds the Supply pert but to a composite of the cause of replacement coats. Dur­ ply alraady talanotng demand last H er ttr m t Mrrtr r* r**i the whool and gtva to an organiaa' to peas an examination on tncoma able goods daatera now are getting 'nde, magaatoe of advertising, fort tha federal Treasury Depart* Manhattan, brought action asking ■eotlon of the meeting after the o ^ o n a of dooeas paged by NBA who bellaves that there will be a Fall." SB^ktodtaNiwMsWlMftMl 9sre 9ww. pwswty. taiiMs tod w— If tiM tlmi la w h<^ Uanoheatar's Uia Supreme Court to adjudge tax roattera—and that only a very exhibit waa spent In explaining . Barvtee for tha Bvenlng Herald. rid of creaU and poor quaUty ysgr wtwkm want iiwa*af# sgsosiyii psay# mmu wsmss ewmvwm ^ BMnt few lawyers ever have spectelixad recession in the third quarter of Of 7$ non-government ewerto mm wot aaa la which oaory oont Back In IMS Joseph C. Bancroft, Bercu In contempt of court for tha records kept by the Den • s • So Take a Tip ond Buy Eorly! Bditon of many toadtag pubbea- goods, poor dasigna and unbraad- checked by the-F. W. Dodge Oor Stage Door Reslajrant tare to swap Cmw Mr sulM— w M sitl m apoat right hare la In any way on income tax prob­ ed stuff. Many are buying from this year that will tost unUl pricea praaldent of Croft Stoel Produote, practicing law Illegally, and to Mothera tkma ware polled by the National raacb a "reasonable enough level 83 felt that the price peak would k^PS ^9SS58 SStR^pIS^sly 18dllP RPS^ktft^ Inc., waa negotiating a aattlaihont anjoln him against further offense. lems Ointferenca at Bualneaa Paper edl- hand to mouth in anticipation of •8 MORGAN ST. HAKTKtHCD e ^^^aam8S tm aupport at Mr. Coopar’a steta* The next aMetlng of the Den ao that c«»sumcrs have some in­ ta passed some time to 1947. with Naw York City on sales texts It l8 the aaeoclatlon’a oontenUon Tha caiM will set a precedent. Mothers Training Course will be tore. Mon thaa 70 noa-govern- new designs, better quality and Otota red taw b to* tore aisdy—«tybf 4>toiim» tats f—Mriwito, to sire centive to purchase again." 7%e NICB forum waa concerned A 0^ 68^^^a amm esM ia at^OO^g Moat It waa noted that owta cluba that since Income tax matters rest So far aa can ba found, the only Iqr Uw F. W. Dodge Cbrp. More lower pricea to raid-1947.” Convenient for You On Your Shopping Ouye ^ a o mew OTto pww*mwga m perw^e* w w w^ow * ■gjl aiganlaattaaa ara using tha Y that the City claimed be owed for held next Wednesday. February Says another trade editor: "O r- primarily with Industrial acUvIty. the yeara 1SSS-SS-S7. He asked fundamentally on law, any advice pravloua proaacutlon of a non­ 8th at the Center Congregational 4 DeUeiowut AMMortment Of thaa a score of private aad In- Bays Dorothy Stote, editor of In Hartford. taretoreretatotorf MtredsdlMlMmt. AitdSw,Ml«atass4MMtoMredre Mr raeraatlanal purposaa. A fsw Infante' aad Children's wear: "It taln prices will come down. Agri­ They foresee a recession thto year, Bercu’d partner whether, if ha about them can legally be given lawyer for giving Income tax re­ church. Tha toplo for the meet­ ductrial and univernty economiste rather than a depreaaion. and ara Mated balow: Uanebaotar Im* turn aaslatence was In Maaaa- JobMd to a rouad table sponaofed te geaerally believed to this in cultural pricea should ba lower oompromisad xrlth the City, ha only by a lawyer. ing will ta Reading Matter for this year, atoo the prices of some think It will be brief. It will to- Asaodatlon, Prtandly Tha Society of CPA's conaldera chuaetta. Thera, In Loeb v. Liowall Den Mothera and bqw ta |dan \ by the Nattonal laduatrtal Ooa dust^ that there has already been Kodlo Club, gportaman's should charge hla payment against Whipped Cream ProdaetM The Food Is Excellent iBooma for the yaara 10SS-8S-S7 tha case of ao great Importance Bar Association, a man named program for a Den Mothera GIBSON'S GARAGE ■kl dub, Pina dale Aaao- Round Table meeting. Pliaon Club, Softball or against that for the year In that It retained the Srm of Cahill. Loeb waa enjoined from continu­ weeks' $.077 mile motor round trip Detectives Clieek And b Prapnred Ry **NINO.“ 185 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 501S whieb he actuaUy paid Um back Cordon, Zachry A Relndel, head­ ing hie practice. But the Bay State Anyone Interested In Cub scout to Florida. They visited with Mr. aartoua church Ing ia Invited to attend theae Mm AhpoyM On Hand South OiYentry | tlllington Well“ Rnoirn “ In Mlancheetcr. High School Alum* taxes. The matter was Imporunt ed by former U. 8. Attorney John court. In a dictum, made It clear and Mm Thomas Wallea of this because federal tax rates had T. Cahia, to represent Bercu. that It waa proper, for a non­ roaetlnga. town, who have been south atnea Slim (lues Now Cilnie. dancing arimol. Hatheway-MUIcr Post American risen so much that he could save Former U. 8. Attorney Matthias F. lawyer to give aaaiatance In the TIm danual maeting of the Ftiat November, on their yacht at Bm- Iran of Mary, Challonar Club, This Is Not A Homogeniitd Cream Or An Imita­ Legion Auxiliary Unit will hold a an . L aQaca Ctoale. Kotary Playara, KK against the later year. Oorrta of the Srm appeared for preparation of Income tax returns, Oeogregational church of Coven- xillan dock, Palm Beach, and then Bercu when the case waa argued and that Its action against Loeb motored to Davtona. Hollywood, Loa Angeles, Fab. 1——Hard 'wsnie,. OBsamunlty Players and Bancroft aaktd Barcu to advise Board of Review trjr area held ta tha vestry Monday meeting in the town hall Tuesday, S48 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 398S bis regular accountant how to teat October. rested on other vtolationa. tion Of Any Sort — It's .Made From Bergren's Doiry Miami and up the west coast to working hoihlclda detactivea sat* ,iMrt Soauta. •Vanlng with tha session called to February 4. at 9 p.m. Following nwfaoaa own have formed Ft. Myem Tampa. Silver Springs, tiad back to tbeir routine of cheek' Meeting Today order by Louis A. Kingsbury. where they bad a moat enjoyable the business meeting will be a so­ 1 0 uaa tha faoUlUaa of tha this paradoxlca’ race I must put Heovy Sweet Cream. Clark, followed by an opening cial hour with Mm Cochran and Ing allm clues and anonymous hewMng groups ara uaing and Interesting rids In a g lM bot­ Breakfast, down. It appears that the Inhabl- prayer by the Rev Hugh ft Bar- tom boat, and on to Sarasota Mrs. Charles Bancroft In Charge notas today after an expected ^ aBays on the nights whan rag* tante emerged victorious from a The Aral saaaion of tha Board ot MUr, $lr. Klngsbuiy waa chosen where RlngUng Brothers clrc

uel Lutheran church, will be In votes the asajor part of Its pro­ PIctars of Local Yoatli charge of the muelc. TTm spon- Named Director WOMB— 1618 Need Prayer , Pastors Invite Writes Article gram to world probleoas. Here you Here on SundRj Signs of Spring Reported New Cub Pack im u —ii Is Ussd in Y Caaipolfa aoring committee ta: Tha Rever­ Firs INTRODUCING' h m u find young Amerlcaas asrioualy m Today *s Radio SmiY-lSM end W. Ralph Word of the South examining the world to which they In ChOd’s lif e When you am tha Y poetara - Speaker Here Methodtat church, the Reverend HAROLD J. LEESE are rapidly falling heir. They know In and Around Town Invested Here In tha aiora windows about Jemea A. Young of the Church of JPor *‘Youth** Magazine wsU It is a battered and bnilssd town, look a dttta more close­ the Naxarene. and the Reverend INSURANCE AGENCY world and one which win not be ly and ace if you do not recog- Clifford O. Slmpeon of the Center easy to heal and build. Fromlnont An all high for Jammry 81 'Jib Aaothsr Maxebastor yssldsat ro- Candle Ceremony Parents Hear Inspiring nine tbla hey. It ta Herman President of Upsala CoL Congregational church. WDRC—Daaea Muale. M W slisr Strsst people from other nations attend ihls section was registered yester­ ported being stuiM by a bee while WlMtO—Neva. Frechette e f SOS HUUard FeatniM First Meeting WONS Answer Man. Lecture by Sister Mary lege to Come for An* Msncbsslsr, Oobb. WM a aicmlMr « f Um these InsUtutas as guesta By liv­ walking along Main street irnar WXNB — News: 8 ki Vomoi etreeL whoae uieture waa tak- ■ust be even more strengthened ing and learning .together, each day at the Hartford Weather B, leadership. of activity in serpent and animal Fark. WTXC—News. Community T w Ulustiatlve vt Concert Success Accktsut and HsaHk picture. However, in all Instances Ufa. Tomorrow will be ground bog 87 e f S t Mary's church held their f:4 5 — world at today may be traced to elation has invited Freeident rrano, nd wbo la where you find organisation, you Tes„ all over the United States ItlS — the whole T drive fbr $10 ,000— ' K for Uia Unlvaraaliat Frederick Thorp was raking up day. and report* are that the snu — West DIetriet Boy WDRC— Larry Leeuer. Ignorance of prayer." Stater Mary Evald 9 . Laweon o f Upeala Col- find organisation with a distinct youth are not glib about "one first meeting Tuesday, January 38, WDKC money to be eeonred here m Group C of Crater church aw-j _ Amarlca, baa M. writ- part of the yard at the home of will be shining, and'that the hog W O NB-W iim ie. the Wave. lete. Bast Orange. New Jeraey, to ptirpose. Many claims am made world.” They realise fully well at 7:30 p.m. Hu. meeting wan Beauts. W T H T -L ab or, U. S. A. Fellta, superior of 8 t. Jamea's con­ Mnnraeater, money to b t spent his son on Tanner street yester­ vrill probably see his ehadow. .WTHT — Saturday Afternoon here In Manoboster for the men, under the leadership o f Mre. | upon the Ume of American youth that the crux of the problem Is Retanrta from various parts, ef apoaoS with a prayer by Rev, Mr. vent. 1®!^ membere of the Motb- be the epeoker at the annual F re-; day afternoon when he saw soniic- Serenade. benefit of klaarheoter people* WiUtara Aatlay, gave a moat auc- by their studies, thdr work and learning , to know and understand thing wrIggHng along in the graffi. tovhn tell of the arrival ef an occa­ WDRC—Waitin’ for aayton. ers' circles and their huabands at Lenten Union eervloe to be held! ,« wbicb la pciBtad In and live harmoniously with the two WiUiama. Cubmaster SpeUacy of W n c—Know Touiself. Give your money to the T I oaeoful old fashlonod ooncart last ^ iMMoafta wttb a aubacrtp- their recreational acUvltles. Con­ Although he could hardly give cre­ sional robin afid one or two bluo- Fack No. 3$ of Eaat Hartford, WONS^Tanhee Network Insti­ SL JanMS'a school ball la*t night. at the South Methodist church on ! sequently most young people w e l^ billion people living in the world. dence to what he asiw It waa a blrda. all Indicating an early ItSS— tute Roundtable . and remember that every cent February 16th, at 7:00 p. ro. night. Tha program waa thorough­ Itot maalai: tote Um mintaiM. gavn a very IntereaUng talk on WDRC — County Fair. Ths theme e f Stater Fellta's talk you do give wlU benefit you. - RECORDS - carefully the purpose and worth of I would ask no one to bellcv that brown adder He allied the attake spring. UM flaij. The charter waa then pre- W TH T— It’s Your Business, Dr. Lawson was Invited by the ly enjoyed, constating as It did ol the United States does not have W K N B — Swedtah-Americen waa the concept of prayer held by your ebUdron end your Mloar ^ a u U i w a ? la ^ io w being cale- an organlxaUon before pledging and showed It to several. neigh­ In Ellington, The Herald oorre- ftnted to CUbmeater Gibba of Fack w n c —Our Foreign PoMcy. Reverend Theodore Fsimer, the the old favorite songs and round*. their loyalty and assistance. In­ Its share o f pessimists, hatriots, bors. It measured nine Inches spondenindent roporUd heating a Hour. the pre-school child. citlams. I BaUoaany, Mina Poatma'a 37 by Rev. WlUlama. 7:18— former minister of Bhnanuel Lu­ The soloists and chorus aingsr* atM SdbTtf oiBaclal Intareat creasingly on# senses that ^ y and rumor mongers. Happily, they acreseh WTHT-Amartean Legion Aux­ WDRC—Joan Sablon Show. long. ' Ttad Fack committaa waa In- Prefacing her remarks Stater theran church. He wiU bring riled Into the hall, dressed In 00s- Taotb «r tlw W U d Stataa. deel the need of more closely knit are In the minority. The large ma- veiled with a very impreestve iliary. WTHT—DAR Program. Fellta aasevtad; "Deerest to your the Fre-Lentra meeeage to the 10 w n c — National Farm and tumsB ol long ago. chatting to m « b Um Cyan of a Uhbraraal- organlxaUon to achieve their goals. J ^ t y of American youth would candle light service by Cubmaetcr heart are your chi'dren. Also dear­ Barbara BUyantain, Foul Habarin, cooperating churchee and thr Tooth all over the world are co^ be building a world community SpeOacy. Members of the Cub Home Forum. WDRC—Vaughan Monroe Or­ ImaMa Vlnoak, lUehard Coffin, Teihple. Dr. Laweon waa or­ each other as If they were about Tooth Leader" le the title and est to my heart are your children.' to attend the seaelon o f an old-time nisant that we Uve In an age of where all people without discrim­ Rent Decision School Pupils Fack committee are: Chairman, 1 )6^ chestra. Robert Kelly, Louralne Bkinaer, dained In 1030 and accepted a call baafaOawa: , .. ^ She advocated hs'^lng good books singing school. In tho chorus wore t * rr"**"** agportunitjr haa collective achievement and not In­ ination of any sort can live a hap­ RL Rsv. W. H. Otaqr, D. D. Wimam VIena; vice chairman, Earl WTHT—Rachel McKnlgbL W ONS-rNew England In Con- and Inspiring pictiiren In the Home Marteret kiaxwell. Naney Kenne­ from Trinity^ Lutheran churdi In py. fun life. They haU the World about ten men, flve o f whom had ai ■»!»■* j waa fortunate In be- dividual aohievement. AdamoOn; treoaurer, Harold J. . . — w greas.' and listed wvermi places where dy, Maurioa LatuUppe. Harvrv White Ftaina, New York. He haa I.ARC.B RFIN'H. CLASSICS UK ’'HOI'S" FederaUon o f Democratic Touth The Right Rsv. W alter H. Gray, Viewed Proof A i d ^ p a i g n Leese; Secretary. Thomas J. Mc­ WDRO—Olva and Take. W TH T—To be announced, Barrette. John Frovan, Alltaon a doctor's dejrree from New York ■olos, and some twenty woman. > a awaiber of Um United SUtea It haa been a course of tremen­ Mias Elda ^atcbulat of Doming Catholic parents can obtain sui-b Mrs. C«le Moore was the eeooaa- m as the champion of this cause. To D. D., Bishop Co^Jutor of Con­ street has been named director of Kinney. The Den Mothers, Mrs. W K N B —News; Fublio Service, w n c —Curtain Time. Wllta, Cart Fanclera Richard University, and haa served the Bgntiea to U World Tooth dous good for AnMTlcan youth to belpa. panlst. Mrs. Marion Seelert playod K a iie e In Cngland and tte this causa they will pledge their Leslie Robinson, Mrs. Harry w n r r —Metropolitan Opera, 7:45— Other highlights of her message Woodhouse, DoiuUd Murray. Kings­ church In vnrioue commlaaions attend emrld conferences and necticut, will make tbs annual crafts and qpaoial* acUvittes at aome of the lovely old melomes on It World ■tudenta’ Ooogroaa In support Jump Needed Mltdbell House, Hartford. IThla w llj Cowles. Mrs. Harold Laese and wnc—MUe O' Dimes. W ONS—Florello H. LaOusrdta. ley Kubaey and ktarllyn McClel­ end ofnecs. iM m the workings of youth or­ Episcopal visitation In Rt. Mary's Contribut4i $782.70 to Included: her plano-accordoon. Potterton’s Mrs. William Vicna, were then pre- :SS— The rntnletere o f the cooperating and TisiUng the ganisations in other lands. They mean that from now on she will be 3:IS— *One can not otreaa too much land. Open Tharsdaye TM S M . UtaoeS SatarSays Union. HoUand, France, have returned to their «wn coun­ church Sunday afternoon at three Polio Drive; Hollister head o f one of the very important cented with their ccrtlflcatee. Cuh- W K N B - Symphony Hour. WDRC—Hollywood Star Ume. the importance of the child's ap- Between acta Harvey Barrette churches will pertlelpeto In this Before and during the intermis­ o'clock. Bishop Gray wrlll confirm • (Osattaaeg from Piige Ons) 5T THE 4'ENTEB MS'MI MAIN ind Belglun. My ahip try Inspired and determined to parts of the work at this settlO- moater Gibbs was then introduced W ONS—Twenty Questions. qtroach to God through tha wor d tap danced and Mary FroBvan^ac- service end Clarraoa Helaira, on- sion candy was sold by Mrs. lir- this , year's class and preach at a Street LeedB into Cubbing by Mr. Speltacy. _ New Torn In Ume for om atraiigthen and enlarge their oam the prasldsnt aboiit rents In a ment house. WDRO—Grand Central Station. W TH T—Famous Jury Triata. about him. There can not be prav- Gompanlc ’ "n '*'• pi"rw*. ' iranlet and director of the Eman­ nest Bengaton snd bar conunittss. special service. to Akron. Ohio, and preaant otgatiisaUona. R ep rese n ta tive gencrM way and left thtoiklng he As director of crafts. Miss .The big event of the evening WONS -Yankee Network Insti­ w n c —Ufa of Blley. er where there ta po knowledge of Members of the Confirmation was introducing the boys of Cub tonart of the f onnatlon of the committees are now buaUy enpff* would be Justified in ordering an TTis youth of youiehutar took Matchttlat will be in charge of in­ tute Journal of the Air. 8 :1 God. The whole 'ife of the child A meeting of tho Agriculture Class have been asked to assemble Pack No. 37 and awarding them WDRC—Mayor of the Town: has a baaring on prayer. ' Federation of DemocraUe ed In planning a better working on the ground floor of the parish increase. over the March of Dimes yester­ structing all adult dub leaders who w n c —The Bextere. _ at the Menalal aOaalona of basis for ceoperaUve Ameiiean Conservation Program committee *T did not know his poIlM be­ their pine and certtfleates by Cub- Ned Calmer. Hla concept of God ta a haoy house at 3:80 p.m. to participate day and with their contributions In turn will Instruct boys and girls master Speltac)’. IhoBe receiving UntearaaUat Chvrch of Amer- youth effort and Increased partld- was held Wednesday evening at fore as I do now,” he added. in making various types of craft W DRC—Cross Section, U. 8 . A. WONS—Soramby Amby. one in the beginning. He may in the procession. Members of both totaling $783.76 sent the total col­ their pine and certificates were: W TH T— I Deal In Crime, think of God as a giant. Again he onanlnMoa rote It was paUon in world youth organlsa- the Town Hall to consult with choirs and the Servers' and Cru­ Laadlords Oenerally Better Off projects at Mitchell House. Miss WKNB—Newri Accordion Time _____that I do a erooa- ti«M A t home and abroad lected in the drive soaring to the Earl Adamson, Jr„ Robert W O N S- Cleveland Symphony w n c —Truth or Consequences. nmv think of God as Ilka Daddy. cifers' Guild have also been asked Matehahtt will also be in charge Bromn, W’lUiam Clough. John totnr under the auaploea of farmers regarding the signing of Fleming told the coiomittoe 16,000 mark. Hollister school pu­ The child'e concept of God can iwt AuMrtcan youth wish to c o o p e r^ to report at the parish house at landlords In general are better off of all arrangements for special hol­ Cockerham, Harvey Cowles. Orcheetre. uAreraaUst Church of Amerl- and accept their share o f responsl- thdr 1848 farm sheets. In order to pils led the way with a total of iday actlvIUes. w n c — Orche*trea of the Na­ WDRC—Hit Parsde. be given him; he must apprehenJ this hour. than they were before rent con­ Jr^ James Doering. John Hedlund, W ONS—Oold and Sliver Verle- God ' himself. ;Ao h m « Um aacaaage of world hihty. receive payment froiA the govern­ trol, but that an increasing num­ $165JM, followed by Manchester A graduate of the Hartford Art Robert Hoher, Walter Holland, tion. to Aaeerlean youth and ment on cover crops, lime and For the second successive year, high school's total of $115.36. tlee. Heme InSuracee LM me d U a few examples to relatives. God-parents and close ber are finding themselves In an School, she studied at Sliver Bay, Bernard Johnson, Robert Johnson. other materials. A t that Ume th^ The total coUccted In the 'WDRC—Treasury Bandatand. W TH T—Oangbusters. tsMs )Tou Into tbe mliias M d friends of the confirmands have unfavorable finan^al position. New Tork, and is now studying Richard McKinney, Oeoffery Gibbs, wnc—Boy Roger*. Th e child's experiences in ths the aUd-Wi^ point of this hearts of American youth. ^ ^ „ farmers* had a chance to submit He explained *that with the schools this year exceeded Ify Jewelry making at the seminary in Jr„ Kenneth Himmond, Walter WKNB—Matinee In Rhythm. home end family ijfe influmre hie their Intended 1047 acreage. been Issued cards entitling them to S: tour 1 have trareUad ap- On the opening daya of the fall limited staff available, it might be $183.0$ the amount raised In last Hartford. Ktar, William Lecae, David Lind­ concept of God; the loving father Several members c f the South seats In a reserved section of the W O NS—Leave It to the Oirta. M,dOO aUlee on A bmt- semester at the University of church. This Is done because the beyond the administrative ability year's drive. 'Thomas Bentley sey, William Ritchie, Jr.. Peter WDRC — Matinee at Meadow- Idea ta the best, but if the child Windsor League of Women Voters W TH T—Murder. Mr. Italone. WO MInnmnta 1 aratched aome 85,000 Bishop s visitation always gives of his oflice to grant relief to in­ served as chairman' of the school Robinson, Jamca Taylor, Robert brook. does not have a loving father any attended the Snal legislative aid w n c —Can You Top This? M .000 students register for thdr classes rise to some problems In seating dividual hardship cases expedi­ collections and submitted his re­ Thornton, Robert Upton, Jr.. Leon­ W KNB- Newr, Mailbag. attempt to InstUt thta concept will training meeting this afternoon In port as follows: tour aaonths la asany ways these people. In other years persons most tiously. , Coiitributionfi to ard Visna. Cub Pack No. 33 o f Boat WONS—'Our World of Muaic. W DRC—Columbia Workshop. meet with failure. Feace, unfail­ he maat la the MIddU West and aroiasn are typical of th e*.- the Colonial room of Buahnell concerned with the service have Buckland ...... $ 10.47 Hartford, gava tha new pack a Mg wnc — Doctors — Then and ing love and harmony to the home Oaost statea. Tliis la 000.000 atudenU enrolled. 1,800,- Memorial, Hartford. Probate and "Therefore," he said, "under the Robertson 85.15 M R rcb o f Dimes cheer. are absolutely requisite for the unfortunately been seated at a circumstances, to corrsot existing Now. **W ONB—Chicago Thsatrr of the the aansnal opportunity of whom are war veterans, at municipal courts were discussed Lincoln .. eeeeeee* 110.00 proper concept of God. wm 000 distance from the Chancel, or they Cubmaster ChuriUa o f Cub Pack Air. the ohaDenglng Bea- various AnMrlcan gdiools. In and Mrs. Ralph Lasbury, Jr„ spoke hardships with a minimum of ad­ Green . 43.40 No. 304 Center Congregational ’‘Prayer unaccompa led by any j have been forced to stand. The ministrative burden. It seemed ad­ Previously Acknowledged $3180J1 WDRO—Strictly Swing. W TH T— American Melodies, MAKE pursuit of thdr hlgbw educaUon on "Education Bills now pending South . effort to lift the heart and mind regram of the World cards issued will be honored by 13.35 church, spoke on the coming Boy WONS— Description of the Co­ w n c —Judy Oanova. of ■ DoBMOcaUe Tooth they are ffndlng it necessary to before the Legislature." "Econo­ visable to grant the overall In- Barnard ...... 34.45 Mrs. Anna Incandella 3.00 Scout Jamboree which will be held to God ta fatal to the efficacy of the ushers only up to 3:45 p.m. R. LaMotte Russell ...... 5.00 lumbiana Handicap from »-erttaaao aoooant of the accept crowded living ouarters, mics for Everyone," a film emit by The rector and Vestry of L Hollister ...... 165.50 in the State Armory, April 11. ISilS— prayer. The child should be so dl- 8 He said the president decided Hulda A. Anderson...... 8.00 Hlalaab Fork. WDRC—This la Hollywood. o f war. AMa laq^rtaat. enlarged elaeaea and abnormal the National League of Women M ar/a therefore, urge the bear­ High Sritool .. » e e e • e s 115.S6 1047. The Cube are taking an ac­ rectMl to hta concept of God that Mrs. Ray Barlow ...... 1.00 w n c —Namoa of Tomorrow, 18:88— It poaaMa for a e to campus Ufa. Higher education Voters, will be shown to the ers of the special cards to be in that such a general Increase would Nathan Hale . 67.07 tive pert in the Jamboree. Christ to hta first communion wUJJ be unwarranted because it would . M. S ilvsrsteln ...... 15.00 6:4S-> ** W TH T— Hayloft Hosdown. of la facing Us greatsst period of ex­ League members at their next the church early. Washington .. kaeaaeaai 60JI1 8 Sooutmaater Albert Oelnee Troop be a friand ha haa known to the] affect all landlords whether they Friend ...... IJIO WONS—To be announced. w n c —Ornnd Old Opry. garden, on the roadside or etae- iui4 sctlr* pansion In Amatloa. Oollen meeting. The senior choir will be sup­ Bunco ...... 5.61 37 of S t Mary's church ennounced were suffering hardshlpe or not Mra Mary Trotter ...... 1.00 that there w o^d be a chnrcl. oerv- IS:«5— wbere to hta everyday Ufa. Many tMidtfng and M » d e f faculties and fadUUss are heavily The newly formed Cub Pack ported by members of the Junior K e e n e y ...... W DRC — Philadelphia Orchee- Furthermore, he said Mr. Truman Friend ...... : . . . 3.00 Iva Sunday February , for all tha WDRC—Talks. children are taught tba words of taxed with the responsibility of received Ita charter Wednesday choir for this service. They will Silver Lane .. 0 W TH T— Donee Orchestra. A k T y p eaO f Urenpa pcsvldlag adequate education un­ evening. It waa the Srst meeting felt the whole matter should be Highland Fork 44.18 Raymond T. Schaller .... 3.00 new Cubs In Pack 37 and asked tnu prayer before they are ready; tba be accompanied by John Cocker- left to the discretion of Congress. J. A. HtUman ...... 1.00 W K N B -N e w r, 11.-SS— wmda have no meaning because , tyaas aC gi oupa are indudod der comfortable condition* for since the group waa organised and ham, p a rM organist and by Mra Trade ...... 10.51 all the members to try and attend. John L a k ln g ...... ’. . . . . 1.00 WONS—Wetherock District Boy News on all otatlons. they have no concept of prayer. m tUaaraiy: Oonusunlty these mlllloiM of students. Pro­ several pqrenta attended. Alda Adams, violinist, who has FusMag Bill for Increase St. James . . . . 56.58 Skita by tha various denS ware 5.00 l l : t ^ d saall; studeaU posed legMatlon for Federal re- St. Francis parish veterans bas- tayed on all festival occasions McCarthy and four other Repub­ Catherine P o t to ...... put on which proved to be very Child’s Prayer Life ! Haxel L Fln n egaa...... 1.00 amnethg to everyone. Groups of W TH T—Tea and Crumpets, WDRC—News: Footnotes. eeOegea and ual- Uef of thM critical dtuatlon will ketbafl team was defeated Tues­ Sfils winter. lican senators are piuhlng a bill $783.76 WONS—Princess Danes Orcbes "The child’s prayer life should ; be considered during the present Violet M. D ou gan ...... 3.00 five were formed by Mr. SpeUacy w n c —Orand Marquee; aad faculty uMet- day night by St. Cyril YMC of The class will he presented by which would grant an immediate Folder* Oemiag la tra. begin practieelly from the begin- { aad adult study groupa sessioa of the United StatM Con- Coin folders, which have served Charles and Janet Dougan 1.00 and the Cub Oath was given, clos­ S:15— ntag of Ufe. The mother should Hartford 30-31 in a CTO League the Rev. Alfred L. Williams, rec­ 15 per cent increase In rent ceil­ W K N B — Twilight Serenade. W T H T —George Hicks Prearata. aMn’s service grese. as the backbone o f the campaign Andrew Ferguson ...... 3.00 ing the meeting. use common svsiyday sxpsrisnoss DIMES game. tor, who has prepareo them with ings and take them off all new Mr. and Mrs. Nat N. W ONP—U. 8 . O. w n c —W. W . Chaplin. aa Rotary latematlon' labsffsted la Rusds With Old Age Assistaince taxes the isslstance of Scott Alford, lay rental units. this year, continued to flow into 1 1 :88— to b ritg the child to God. Bhs reader and Mrs. Robert Dougan. the Polio fund. "W e’re counting Schwedel ...... 10.00 should turn hta rasrgy to tha de- lions: aa woU as Vnl- Very few days after the stu- due today, about 500 persons Ivan D. Caraon, OPA Rent divi­ **W O NS—Los AngslM symphonic WDRC—Columbia Masterworks. arth aarvleaa and tibor- denU at MliuMsota University The offering' at the Confirmation on Manchester folks to clear up Helen Ann Schwedel . . . . l.( valopmsnt o f his prayer Ufe. out of the 1483 eligible to pay have sion (Urectofv estimated today that Alan R. Sriiwedel...... Itand. w no-Fau l Oement Trio. youtb groups. were setUed. the, Student Federal­ made their remittance to Tax Col­ service la for the Bishop's discre­ the coin folder list this week-end,^’ Columbia "Ood requires the worship of a "subatanttal number” of land­ Catherine A. Balch ...... w n c — Edward Tomllnaon. 11:45— the heart: true and real prayer lay seem surprising that X ists sponsor^ a student mass lector E. H. Cowles. He warns that tionary fund, used to minister to lords will be able to qualify for Chairman Spencer stated totey. WONS — Musical Roundup: the needs of people in distress and "N o one should feel that because Friend ...... 5:65— takes to the soul, the h4art and oover such a wide range of meeting, and I was Invited to a I I penalty will be added If the rent Increases by proving "hard­ A soft, Martin Jacob, waa bom w n c —K in * Cota Trio. Newa whOe I a n In the employ speak on my eapeiiancea In the to meet official obiigations. Bishop the drive haa been successful thus Annie H Hannon ...... the mind. It is e metta:' of thought | Tonight* at Midnight* Manchester’s tax' is not paid by March 1. A l­ ship” under revised rent control to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Axelrod of Evening w n c —Dance Orcheetre. ehurdi organisation. But Soviet Union. Temporarily these Gray haa expressed a desire to far that we do not need their coo- Mr. and Mra. Arthur E. and frss win. though payments may be mailed regulations. Hutchinson ...... 5.00 n n e street at Windham Commun­ 13:S<^ eelte wish of the Uni- students forgot their personal in, or paid In person, at Mr. meet the class and members of the tributlon. The campaign closes WONS—Lawrence Welk’# Or- "The set forms of prayer are i The revised regulations govern­ Bobby cole LOO N e a t on all stations. lurch. The prlnclplos proWema In adjusting to congested Cowles’ residence on Pleasant Val­ congregation at the Chancel steps tonight but we'll keep tallying ity Memorial hospital January 30. cheetrn. uaaful, good and neceasary as they { at the close of this service. ing hardship cases will become ef- Mrs. C. W. L oh fin k ...... 1.00 6ti5— ;/■ ___ World Federation of Damo- campus life In their keen interest ley road, he plans to have regular fccth-e "sometime next week," coin folders and gifts as long as H ie baby ia the couple's first child WDRC—Community Cheat rro- w n c —Newe: Dance Orchestra. suggest and stir up real prayer to Touth are much In keeping to know more about Soviet youth. they keep coming." Sisterhood Temple Beth and ths first grandchild of Mr. and tte recesaea of the souL Prayer— Own Polio Drive Officially Ends. hours at the Town Hall during the Carson said. They will provide that 13dS— Sbolom ...... 35.00 t w prayer—brings Ood to os the Moe of the UniveraaUst Over and over again there Was aw latter part of February. He will landlords may qualify for rent tn- ‘Ilie Polio committee expects to Mrs. Sam Epstein with whom they W?W —Sports Roundup with WONS— Russ Ghriyisis Orchss- exceed their $7,000 quota as soon Manchester Dental Society 50.00 8 child’s cry to tbs night brings to which looks upon religion exinrcaslon of the Uriah that In the be at Judd's store in Wapping, Will Make Wagner croases If they show any decrease make their home. Mrs. Axelrod ta Le*tar Smith: Musical Round- tra. as all late contributions can b* Washington L. O. t- No. ths mother. all aspects of Ilf# near future student exchangee Feb. 30 from 1 to 5 p. m. Over 170 In net operating income during the former Sarah Epstein. w n c —Three Sens. totaled. thiM setting a new March 117, R. B. F. N q. 13 .Bingo 30.00 Mrs. Marion Suuler has announc­ up. "Too often children arc told what a peaoefttl, s e c ^ , coop- might, be arranged with Soviet World War n veterans have died the current year as compared to a District Boy 13:45— AvA Peace Device of Dimes record. Arm y and itooy' Chib ed that $80.10 was cleared at tha W TH T—East to say and made to say it long! world community whore unlversltlea Tills Is a strong de­ their dlsoharges and are exempt base period of any two years after WONS—G riff WiUiama' Orchea- Auxiliary ... r. 5.00 Qrange card party hrid In Tco- Boouts. before they want to say anything abideo. Prlndptes such as sire typical of American students from paying the tax. 1030. w n c—Bob Steele; tra Uanscend deaomiaaUonal or on all the campuses I have visited. Auxiliary to Anderson- rnan’s HaU Wednebday nlghL Mrs. at aU.” (C^tlnued tram l*sgi- Itnel Landlors also may plead “ pecu­ w n c —Lsa Simms. JaaUonal boundaries. These youth realise that pereonal For the first time since 1031, Shea Post 3046 V. F. W, 5.00 W. J. Webster of Andover wea Weather Bureau. During the course of her talk P r. Robert Cummins. Oeneral association and'sharing of culture the town's building sanitation liar circumstances” to bring an In­ Women’s Society of Chris­ high scorer at whist, Mrs. Junie Stater nUta referred to the port codes and the sonlng ordinance primarily a Judicial body. The pow crease by showing that their rents VineA Aetiriiies that song plays to ths giving of But Those Afflicted With itendent of the Unlversallst through actual participation are er to Investigate, prosecute, and tian, Service of North Squier second and a Mrs. Gordon o f America, has said so the most direct ways to build are being rewritten by Building were frosen at k celling "substan­ Methodist Church . . . . 5.00 who. is vleitlnjr at Mrs. Webetar’a the proper concept of God to tho enforce would be transferred to tially below" that for similar ac­ Crosl^*s Recorded Show **L>et us come to under- friendship and understandinv. Inspector Theodore Peterson and Women's S o d ^ lif Chris­ conaolatkm. Mr. and Mrs. Horae# child and recommended the typa the sonlng board. Many laws have the’ Justice department. commodations in their rental areas. For the Week of songs that should bs sung u> ich other. Let each one In Old and voung alike are intense- Commenting on this change, tian Service of Soqth S. HoU wars the bridge winners. way express hla own faith, ly'lnterested In having first-hand been p a s ^ since the 1038 publi­ Methodist Church . . . . 10.00 Mrik Edith laham won ths dqor snd with them. Mrs. Arljme M. cation of the town's first and Mr. Reilly said it would give board Today Among First 15 in Rating Oarrity played and sang several | Suffer On. SL Cecelia 'C%oir of St. prist, which wat. a plant and tha POLIO let all work together for peace, Informayon of the Soviet people members more time to concentrate Peterson expects the new piiblira< Bel«:iaii.M Ur^e 2 p. m.—Senior baaketbaU prac- eqjie.'made by Lucy Deroela was songs of thta type at that Uma. and for a community of Ukeu-ise are they Interested in on hearing cases. John's Polish National tion will be twice its former sise. tlce._ . . „ . . .. wqn 'by Jonn>—Bing St. Joseph college. West Hart­ the printers soon. fications. -i,’ aenlor at WiUlmantie Slate Swing returnlita with a weekly ford and at Bishop McAuUffe esn- >, w eir sense of eompanlonp from destrurtion by bombardment, Reilly said all contracts making Theater coUectlon...... 41A8 Croaby, about whooa waakly ra- commentary aftinr a month’s ab­ A t the Wapping Community (DoatliAifd ream Page Onet acber'e College who has been tar, Hartford, were shown. Leon { la great causes, will be more but serlou^minded Americans union membership a condition of ewdad show on ABC thara baa sence. it than all tlut which haa feel their responslhlllty to help the church Sunday, Feb. 3. Sunday 40 Passengers teaching nt the Crater school sinee Fallot opsratod ths projector. employment are banned in the rail­ test against hearing Hana Pleach, Tout isseeeeeeeee e been so much dlscuaslea. mainly Monday-on ABC: 7:30 a.m. New countries swept under by Fascist School for all grades at 0:30; reg SqptemW under the Cedel to divide them. This in the way labor act and "there is no Zeka Maimere HiUbtlly ohow from Nnae Is Vnlveraallsm." terror to regtsln their stability. ular morning service at 10:45 at the governor of Austrian Carinthla, Teacher plan, finished her tern tha kind of rating be would attain. Many direct questions are asked reason why both iurts should not was deferred pending a report by Escape in Fire Friday. She returns to her etasees le ft to Wartd Treads which time some of the }roung be the same in this respect." ______Open House lasts 7th Grade Pupils To the 5,752 who have failed to return at the countless community meet­ pMple wwill assist Rev. Marshall the Austrian Control council on i at the college on Monday.. .Miss CO- 5S5SS1: £S5355r-SSLJ’IK: a. my exparlsncaa, I have Srat 18 in the Hooper program ra> gram to be repeated to other time youth In the United States ings I have had the pleasure of Budd In the service, this being the Yugoslav charges that Pleach (Coatinued frum Page One) Sylvia ’ Harrta, another eenlor, ports that dated today. He had a tones at the same local hour. Thle be incroaalngly mors realisUe addressing. Moat of these meet­ part of Youth Fellowship week. had "Nasi connections." New Entei^iners whose home is in Torrington, will At Green in Play | percentage o f 80.6 for U th place. meana they will be on four times r evaluations, more alert to ings have been held at local Unl- The pastor will preach on the topic Prizes on Display In addition. American and Sov­ and then saw flalhes and smoke taka over here Monday. She wUI iet representatives were found to once before since the eeriea a day and that It will be 4:80 a.m. their coin folders, we earnestly solicit trends, more cooperative In versatlst churches throughout the 'Grou'lng and Sharing the Light.” mushrooming around the sides. Instructions in photography and make her home with Mr. and Mra. be In the same neighborhood of tSeorge Tula until she finishes in started October 16 did he get Into to Hollywood when they open. A patriotic play entitled "Clara | dbtMmlnaUon to build peace. United States. The meeting held Sunday afternoon, the Wapping In the North End Shortly the flames burst through ping pong wUl bs added in Um Barton and the Red Crese” w a s ! at the Unlversallst church In agreement on small nation partici­ Juns. the 15 ,category. ’That was after Monday on MB8 : 13 Noon Al­ It Is diOcult to make Youth Fellowship will go to the the floor. The car stopped, the near future to' the program for his opening brosdeesta in the re­ presented by the 7th grede at the | West Hartford, Oonnectleut, Is a “Hartford East Association” at pation In drafting a German treaty Horace ft Holt, Oohimbta’s rep- bert Warner-Robert Gardner news- but those are de- lights went out and the doors re­ teenagers at C Y P Club's Opah port of N o v ra ^ 3 when he was ] ^ . jg.jg - moot time for Jam­ Manchester Oram school on Wed- { haalthy trends, typical example Given an accu­ Glastonbury at 3 o'clock and have TTie pritee for the raffle that is for action by the Big Four at Mos­ fused to open. rasentaUva to tha Graersl Assem­ 5 your gift. rate evaluation of the utter devaa now being conducted by the Man­ cow next month. House at the Center Church eeeh bly, has been asoigned to ths fourth with 34 percenL In between boree. which ta taking the discon­ nekdsy, Jon. 39, 1947. and more, American youth charge of the worship service. Follce blamed the flash fire on Saturday rig h t ha had varied from a little under Coached by their teaeher, M ra I facing raallaUcally the world tatlon and wretchedness loft In the There were 13 tables in play chester Softball Tw1-light league Gouaev had declared he wants a short circuit In the fuse box. AvlaUon and PubU* BuUdlngs and tinued Morton Downey U:30 wake of war the people indicated In order to raise money for the the deputies only to "take the Square dancing with Instruo Grounds commIUee. Ig up to 16 or ao. Bervlce band tlma tlx Soys a week. Therese O’Leary, and dlreotsd by which they Snd themselves. Wednesday night during the first Vehicular traffic was Interrupt­ tlona and calls, given by Stanley a ctassnuite, Marilyn Falrweatbsr, their willingness to share and military whist party of the year at night lighting system, are now be­ testimony” of the smaller nations ed for a half hour. Mrs. Helen D. Loughrey who baa Otherwise, the report ahoWed Coast Guard on Mondays; 1 Jackie them la a decided attempt Gllnack, will begin this Saturday Hill show, new time; 1:30 New the ptairers portrayed the high­ view world affairs from a share without stint with those Wolcott chapel and sponsored by ing displayed at the Silk City and tho U. 8 . representative, Rob­ been spendlDg the winter months Bob Hope had gone Into first place to night, February 1. Also, a new' Merv Griffin song program, thta lights of Clara Barton’s Ufe with > Aaurlcan point of view. They people who had s*\ffered. Package Store at 301 North Main ert Murphy, told a newsman he In Florida, haa Just been discharg­ from a tia with Fibber and Molly, the Timothy Edward Fellowship of time being announced only after much skill ohd Imagination. . aware that for any young peo- Are Adapting Families street. -The prises are aa first wanted “constant consultation by rotation system hes been put Into ed from a hospital thera foUowing new aacond with 80.7. Hope'a rat­ First Congregational church. First two other listings had been given The performance was espcciaUy . Manchester nears the first Mile of Dimes to accept a narrow natlonalls- It is In this spirit that many prise was won by Mr. and Mrs. prise, a seven foot refrigerator; the smaller nationa.” Open Forum effect at the pir.g-pong tables a. serioua attack of pneumonia. ing was 38.3 perowL highest thta Mr. and Mra. Karl Lockwood aeaaon. to fa n hlghast otoca Da- out end then corrected. totcreoting as it was a p r o j ^ to- pntnt of view serves only to Unlversallst groupa in North Chit Henry Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. second, two reserved seat tickets While far from what Brasil, Featured entertainers for the oUna have adopted famRies in for the opening Red Sox ball game, evening are aa follos's: Vlivlnta have returned to their wlntei home cembar. 1045, when tba lead, then Itlatod by members of tho class them a false perspecUve. It Arthur Bertram. Due to the Inter­ Australia and Canada want in the Aa Invitation e Holland and are helping them to and $35 expenses; third prlM, a way of a share in writing the Green, piano selections: Charles at Ft. Lauderdale In Florida, after also Hope, waa at an avra 84. Largest X-ray Fbete snd rehearsed almost entirely out- | laatural that other people living est taken and the good turnout To the Editor: spending a few weeks here. Charlie McCarthy and Jack side of school hours. : ever contributed to the Hght against dUNrant lands should think dl^ re-establish their homes. Hundreds boys' or girls’ bicycle; fourth prise, treaty. It appeared to put the Rus­ Norris, trombons solos; Chsrie* of other groups are eondudtlni Merle Tapley announced another Rivalry ta a good thing. I know Arthur Loughrey, veteran, ha* Benny exchanged places, with The 7th gradera are to be com- | have different customs, party would be held soon. two 600-16 auto tires; fifth prise, sian and American deputies much Pcckhsm. guitar sslecttona; and What is said to bs the targeet collections for food, clothing iqi it helr«d swell tho March of Dimes been accepted at the University of Charlie third and Jack fourth. Frad X-ray photograph to the world mended upon their abUity to pre- ■ 'erant religious and polltl- The five den mothers of the Cub an electric food mixer. nearer agreement than they have Ray SuUivan and h|s iMfid. funds for the Unlversallst service been heretofore. Fund for Bolton and Manchester Oonnectleut wlU commence his Allen advanced again, thta time to wee made on a film seven feet by pare and put on a program with so baSefs and have a different Pack are Mrs. Edwin Burnham. Chairman Ken Gayton of the during the 1046 campaign. The Anothsr highlight of tho evening program In Hungary. Other de­ raffle committee announced today will be dancing to the latest popi^ studies there this new semester fifth, followed to turn by Radio two feqt, at the Chlcrao museum much efftctaacy. T M r efforts were { of Urlng which they cherish Mrs. Alfred Gingraa, Mrs. Betty 1047 drive for dimes ta nearly end­ .which starts February 3. POLIO locaUy, nominational service commltteea that the prise* would be at this tar tunes with Tommy Morgan in Theater, Red Skelton, Amos and of natural history, fb o subject thoroughly rajiByed by the audi­ as deeply as Americana char- Saxlnakl, Mrs. Alex Sedar and Mrs. ed and evidently the Manchester Andy, Guild and Walter their own way of Ufa. Ameri- mch as the Friends. Unitarian and location for (his week only, and Expect CK er 200 charge of the music.. Rsfresb; waa an Egyptian mummy to Ita ence. United Brethren, are doing even Raymond Hallowell. chairman, W. Robert Spencer, and To Undertake Reorgaalaatton Wlnchell. to complete the first tra. casket. Tha cost tocludod Deris CbrmlaO, I youth crave clooCr aSsociaUen The pack eommlttee and den then to be moved to Rockville and myself have been too busy in our mento will bs served by the com­ more signJUeant work In other dla placed on display. The prises will mittee In charge. , . youth from other lands. T ^ tressed 'areas. These programs are mothers will meet at the home of At Winter Party respective towns to engage In the New Haven, Feb. 1—(A l- Selec- tba facta about other i^ p le. also appear st McGill and Con­ adult sponsored and youth imple­ George Hearn, Main street, Wed­ aptritad rivalry displayed in 1046 > Uort of a five-man committee to oast a critical eye upon pub- mented. nesday night verse, and at Naaslff Arms during by our predecessors. based on the assumptions the last of this month and the be­ Reservations have been made Royal Family undertake the reorganiaalton of GIVE— so that they may walk their Erst In no place does one come more It Is planned that the pack com­ As the drive ends, I find that the New York, New Haven and AAA ALA ■Mpiclons of wriUrs. They truly, face to face with American mittee and dsn mothers will meet ginning of next month. for 810 persona to attend the an­ Manchester has had no March forward to the oomlng World oS Hartford railroad was announced youth than In the public ‘ high the first Wednesday of each month nual winter party e f tho South Dimes Dance. Mr. and Mrs. Sam­ Off on Tour yaaterday The group, approved REYMANDER’8 ' Faattval snd other Intema- schools. Here you find youth of and regular pack meetings with uel Aloisio, owners o f the Rainbow oonfOrancee as Ideal ^ p o r- Mother Gels Maachestetr fltemen at the Sports by Judge Carroll c. Hlncks of the every faith, color and social set­ parsnta wishing to attend will be dub on Route 6 in Bolton, have U. 8 . District court, constats of mile through your generous support. a to got to know and under- ting. gleaning kiwwledge togeth held the last Wednesday of each Center op Wells street tonight lUoattnaed from Page One) WRECKER^ othbr young people. WUIIam Hunniford, general chair­ donated the use of the club for a John L. HsU, Boston, representing er. Oompulsory educaUon unUI the month. RESTAURANT ■ , ' ' ' ' a youUi are growing Girl’s Custody man of the committee, haa arrang­ Bolton March of Dimes Dance on Sumptuous new wardrobes for the the debtor; James H. Brearstor, age of sixteen Is required in al­ There were 30 Cubs presented Thursday, Feb. 6th. T h is spacious Jr„ H artfoi^ the Inaurancs group; , Booss of Gsod to trends tai public optn- most all of the states. I have ad­ ed a program of seven vaudeville queen and princeosea were aboard. pins by Dr. Gingraa at the last hall will accommodate 500. six AUerton T. Brooks, North Haven, SERVICE H-S7 OAK STREET . TELEPHONE St22 to throads o f prejudiee in dressed scores of high school as- meeting. (CVinttaoed from Page Uae) acta during the evening, and danc- Reports from Capetown said the a thinking and that of oth- Ing^wlll follow the dinner. piece orcheetra will provide the South Africans wrere preparing a oecurad ercdltora; Myron F. Con- sembhes from small country A p r o ^ m for the next three music. 0 dread plague of nastsm schools of 150 such as In W c ^ ..Tkt^fiiimer, which vrill be served Mtm iiiiiniti| isui ■ ;.,Jta,Jarg» etty scliooU Is sttidehu. ' bank group; and Kant T. Healey, tunt U) B00i a wrscksr sr Eagerly awsMunig your response, 1 remam first meeting of the Republican o'clock. The pasty will be at­ Join in the dance! The Manchester land. Now Havsn, unseenred sreditora. TONIGHT •ich as Franklin High school of Social Club at the Town Hall Officers said that Trufant had tended b>’ active and honorary chairman has two hundred tickets B tow car. JOB will bt obm s o There la the atrong deter- Rochester, New Tork, with an en­ Tuesday evening. President Rob­ related that the license disappear­ More of Thst DoHcioos. Rtsl H BI S tkat never again ed about the time that h


VANCRRSTER EVEKIKfl HERALD. MAKCHESTCR. CONN. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1,1941 { Cold Remains Ic« Ifi Dsngcroos Big Increase PA^s Out to Regain Winning Ways Sunday at East Side >r Groups Police Court State’s Vets ' ' ■■■' • Weddings Horace Murpbey, park au* ______------— ^ ------— r z : i ^ ’ V ------Need 31,000 F o r Midwest; perintendent, announced ,thlg In Valuatio] p-M ei^rUi^ed Burton Dutchor, of M l Mlddlr morning that tha Ice on Crater Swim 088868 Drawing Cards 'Meet Records Tumpilio Boot WM praaonUd In Risy'HsrtcnsIciii O'Keefe'Crtntaffion Springs pond M dangaraua 8k Play Terryville Five court thta momlnc on tho chart* Moving East skaUng. Children are warned Gintents of W ardibnse Rens Score 58 to 37 House Units St, Bernard’a church, Rockville, to atay off the Ice. A FL ExecutiTe C o u b c II of poaaint a atop aign. Ha waa ar- waa tba acene thia morning of the Jumped from $SO,000 At Ea8t Side May Be Made roiSad toy OBccr Tagfart lato (CoaMauad fraaa Page One) wedding of Miao Ruth Mildred (Caatlaaed rraai Page Ose) Pnt* Murray on Spot Tuaaday night. Judga Raymond It To $1,414,896 Over Pros at Armory In Polish League Game Hartenateln, daughter of Mr. and Bowara found him guilty and fined in aUta atibaidlaa to atimulata con* with more fraet. enow, fog end | ndoor Millrose Track | ^OnHifiBid for Unity Mra. Frederick T. Hartenateln of galee. i Swimming, Life Saving him 15. atruotion. The targesi p «^ of tha 15.040,* niaodoTO. Baaraa. - 55. of Dadham. ■ ».».! Under tha admlnlatratlon bill the M Union atreaL Rockville, and Many French provincial towns j And Water Safety to And Field Games to Loeals .Captured .Flirt Miaoii fia , reb. 1— —I^ad* Maaa.. who waa arraaM by Stata j,y, y g g „ i g d William Alfred RIxy, aon of Mr. atlll were ieolatcd and ice Jama i 950 Increase in Manebaster’a new BA*s Offer Plenty of Reas to Rctani The Feature Mile Tonight J Barber HiU M of tba ATL today uaad CIO Police Ofleer A. Kimball for | ^xaa on houaing built for rental and Mra. Frank H. RIxy of Og* prevented river nevtgetlon. Morel ;;rand list canji from a 51,414,006 Opposition in First: Be Stresaed; Details Game; Hot on Heels ffaaldont Philip Mnrray'a told for tiona of tha rulea of the road felled i vaterana. with tha tax aavinga den’a Corner. Rockville. The than 100.000 tone of coal, half The valuation plqd^ upon tba coo* Manager Arthur Pongfats of Netherlands monthly supply—re*' tents of tb^’tobacco warehouse tha BA Pros anaounood lost New York, Feb. 1—(P) — M eet! Of Pace Setting St. 'Aonltad labor front aa an opaning to appear and hia bond of 535 waa . ^ vaterana In tha form of double-ring ceremony wtx per* at Hall; Cole, Gaveno’ A class tn Rad CrxMs awtmmlng, Gun Qub Notes ta piupoae a margar of tha rival formed at len o'clock by tha Rev. mained on bargaa, froien In Dutch > Doctor Meyer Meadelaohn. Inc„ located in n l^ t that the Rraalaaanre records tn any or all of the three | declared forfait. I lowered rente. Ufa aavlQg and water safety wiU Cyrils of Hartford ifitoor groupa. Thomaa B. Egan. 45. waa pra- Harold C. Poole. Bridgeport Patrick J. Mahoney. Mra. WUliam canals. I Buckland, it waa revealed todav. Star; Rons in Qever would maka a return m a a r- headline events may be lowered to­ Pfunder. the organlat, played the Froat*MUra Berilnars ware told Last yrar tbe firm aent in a val* anoe at the armory against tba be eondxMtsd at tba East Side night at the 40th running of the Laat Saturday night’s turnout « Btratagtcally, tha APL Exacu- aahted thia mornli^ on tha c b a ^ Houaing authority director, an* Ban Handling Show Bva oouncU. maating hera. put of Intoxication. ,Ho waa arraated nouncad that a new propoeal would bridal muafe and accompanied the they could expect little relief from j Says: uation figure of 540.000, which the Proa the early p i^ of March. Recreation Oontars It ‘ was an- MUlroae indodr track and field for the annual meeting was treat­ The TerryvUle St. Oaalmtra wUl Murray on a spot They aald tha by Officer Caaaafla In tha doorway be Introduced authoriaing tha atata aololat. Mra. William McMahon. I the cold before the middle of next i eaaearora accepted Thia year the Tha Hoxrno at David aad tha games, Madlaxm Squafo Garden's ed to one of the boat feeds ever put be the Invaden agalMt tBo roUab I week. The temMratura fell toi nounetd today by Director Cbarles Americana Sunday afteraooa at ' -lUad of unity of action arlth which of the Houaa and Hale Mock In a to grant aubaidiaa for government Mra. Margaret Mantak. alater of firm aent in a valuation figure uf Bawttdarad by tha atubborn ap- Oklahoma Indians wU appear first spikod-ahoa featlval at tho on tor any gnthertng. S p o ^ helplesa condition at t o’clock laat ownad"low*rent houaing” projecta, the ___ bride wao matron of honor; aevm dcgreca ( Fahrenheit l dur*. Modera Trratmrat Saves 550,000. Chairman Hohenthal of poaKloa pat up by tba Biltlah here soon against tha Proo. Huriburt. ‘Hm claas will get im- 4^ . -4 4 4 4w t the Bast Bids Rac In a SUte Fm . Murray nought to combat anti* thanks must be extended to the ugi, L oo^ e tilt. Tha loeaU ora In night Judge Raymond R. Bowera erected In cooperation , with local' Mra. Leo B. Elaherty, Jr., of 187 Ing Uie night end little change waa dMtlera Vtctlms the Board of Aaaaaaora. tn com­ Aatarican Frw la tba Srat half, tbe darway Tuaaday avanlng at 7 Tha features whose standards Mtoor foroaa could como'^’ only “ A- pi^icted for today. o’clock in tho Roc pool. membora’ wives who worked with second ^ a m In the ateJMHnga wtUi -ttoroagh "organic" or phyaical aentencad him to 15 days in JalL housing authorltlae. | Handel Road, Eaat Hartford, wao pany with J. M. Clamenahaw, of woaM fORMSW New Tark Roaols- are tn danger are tho Wanamaker By WHHam A. (FBriea. M. D. the firm recently engaged to,maxe PhiUp Sbarldan. a Navy vataran Larry Oonvaraa In putting on the six wins nnd two lomas and are ‘Margar of tha mora than 13.000,* ‘Thomaa AUrian. 38, of IfiS Oak "If wa are to hi|ve capital grant, brideamaid. Norman A. Phillip was aanea earns back In tha laat half J. Kltchsna, If ...... 4 Mila, tha Millrose '550 and the Mel atreat waa preaented on the charge BUbaidias." Poole aaaartod. "let the.j man and the iiahers ware Written for NBA Servico a revaluation survey tn Mancbea* at tbel nam e laat night to acore of World War n and a quoUSed Sheppard 000, all of which have fine meek I now forcing ahead to oust Hart­ M o mambara of the two big out* Maggott, e .... 4 • • ■ , ,0 of poking a atop algn. He pleaded veteran get tha benefit and not the ■ r . R(,y, brother of the bride* ter, decided to vMt the firms a OS to 57 wta at tba atata armory Red Croon Instnietor will condxMt Baperte Show r rog reoa ford from first place pooltlon. Ma. Penicillin, eulfadiesine, and Wtlmuna, rg ...... 5 drawn crack fields Involvlns rame not gfillty. claiming that ha waa j builder or contractor. Austin Again warehouse. Taking a detailed In­ befara aa uaeiSowing erowd. the claaoca. m Socratary CUtt Maaaoy road a The PA'S have already baatra Murray on Dac. S, auggeated ! gitxim, and hie cousin, John Kram* I blood plasma were effective in Kitchens, rg_ 4 ■ • 4 4 , 0 of U brlghtoot middle distance In fiiat gaar when ha croaaed Eaat Rap. Oeorga^ C. Conway ( R., j g|. Jl*^ ventory of the contenta of the Loavtoig tba Soor n Intarmiaslen An pdraons Interested In apply­ stern now In eompoUUon. prepared paper giving Um history TsrryvIUs cm their home floor, dS- that Um CIO, tba Railroad brother* I saving the Uvea of an entire group Hayaa, Ig ...... 0 45 and hops to repaat.Uie perform­ Center atreat from Spruce atreat. Oullfbrd), House Republican floor Escorted to the altar and pre* warehouse, they placed the total with a Bllra SI to 35 load, the ing for lifeguard poeitiotM at Sal- In Um Wanamaker claeate, Gll of the pnoent club and tracing It'a Booda and tba AFL ahould work Pushes Atom I of cholera patients In India, ac­ aaseaament figure for Its contenta Earidi^ Ig ...... 0 tar’s Pxmd aad Ouba Hollow wlU progress aad aotivitlaa through the ance this fiunday. However, the Ha waa 'arraated at 11:55 laat leadar, apoke for the tax rebate ggntgij marriage by her father, cording to Dr. J. M. Amberson of Negro ebaraptras ,^xincbed a tar- Doddaof tbe Boston Athletic Aooo- togathar to fight off unfavorable night by Officer Martin^ Judga Mil which he sponaored. concerned g ggwn of white Mra. Prsarla H. O’Keofa | at 51.414A98, an Increase of 51.* be requlrad to soccaaafuUy ooaS' last thlrtem yaan alaco Ite orgaai- localB fell apart last Thuraday lagialallnTi in Oongraas and prea* rlSe fast bniaklag Wranaa oemMn- 8 5-18 51 olaUon, holder of tho world Indoor B ^ara gave him tha benefit at the the subaldy measure was ’ perhapa yy,tb train, and fin* __ , 564.890 over the figure eubmlttcd ad with aa sir tight dafaaoe la pitta this Ittstruottoa. mild record of 4:00.4, wUl be ■atlonmm^»„ back»i.v. In 41955*44. xmdar...... the—halMn 4^...- Biaridra Spurs opmod m dst a aidid front otharwlae. Hia MIm Joyce Ann Gustafson. ' Three hundred an dseventy*two | t)|g g^m. (to) doubt and found him not guilty. a little better” than hCa owA. and veU of Illusion draped from Control Plan ’*■" tbe final half to win going away. Mr. Sheridan attradad the Na­ matching otridaa for the flrat time nor at the Mancbaator Sportenian'a * *“ glaa cam# at a particularly gloomy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul cholera cases were treated with | ___ ...... ’ 1. i t T. tional Rad Cbooo* Aquatic School William B. Dittrich of WUIiman* admitted neither would give bene* | ^ ^^onet of seed pearls. She car* Fuggy Ben. Bddle Toongar and Correntt, rf ...... 5 with Sweden’s Rtuw Giwtafoson, aub. Of the preaent mamberriilp. •» ^ •tima for labor. John L L^wia' (Its to veterans building their own Cuetafson ol 42 Lewla street, and I verioua combinations before com­ located at Bast Otto, Itoas., last tic waa preaented on tha charge of lied a bouquet of white rooea and (Ceatiaued from Pago Oao) Sonny Wood seorod 45 of the Rens Qanolfl, rf ,,••444,,.1 who owns Um world mark of 5:51.4 Wilbur T. UtUe nnd John Ynnner PJ*” " “ >*} **<» ■♦•P' aUnara atUl warn on atrlka and in* vtolationa of .ha rulaa of tha road, bomea. Francis H. O'Keefe, son of Mr. and | plete aucceas waa obtained. Thoae 55 p ^ ts . Tha Proa were held to year. gay hfi^ tho hfisi M asalvo nra charter membera at IM t orlg- P * ^ ^ ■ warn being forced into atephanotlB, with orchid center. who had the disease In only mild British in Second 8avino. If ,,«,,4 ,4 .,1 for 1.000 mffisrt* i Ha waa arraated at 1 a. m. Wad* Tbe honor etundent wao gown­ Mr. and Mra. F. A. O'Keefe of dicated plainly however, that it two baskets tn tba last half after The claas wlU meet for ton Inal group. Dr. Ward Oraen, Stan- 'Hi* « • Carimlra c•« •"«* »n6y > — .. . ----. —— gjjg atimuienta; nut in caaea of Henacquln, o ...... 0 diMl bawtora Ooddk and LaoUe PA’a to atop Uvaly all aftemoon. tWitlibold a reply to M urr^ until, gu gggt Canter atreat. Attor ching half hit and arm bouquet of o'clock In St. Mary's church, Eaat not be submerged In the general mlmitae. Tough luck hampered the QuagUa, r g ...... 0 DIractor Huriburt at tha Bast Side club and atlU remain on greater aeverity. penicilUn, aulfa- Ree Orators. MAoMItcbaU of Um N ow York Atb- Star parformera Inclxida tht. CM- MM EaacuUve council co i^ con* | charlea N. Cnficatt repreaant- yellow roses. [ Hartford, by Father Gannon. subject of arms reduction. i All of Palestine locals particulaily on easy layup PbUps, rg — ••••*1 Mtlo C9ub, who ruled the Indoor rat roatar. RaUring Traaauier Al It. Two yaara ago Mumy j fuuty. Ho wao Halts Publication: Snapdragons. carnations and, diaslne and plasma were neccs- shots during the third and fourth Dandurand preaented hia report Blnakl broUiera, Al Oxidttaa and The brideamaid wore a princess After digesting the views of the Omtllcore, Ig ...... 0 mllora throiigbout the IMS aaaaon. WrobIswakL ___ made a simUar auggesUon fined 530 by Judge Bowera. huckleberry foliage decorated the other ten nations on the council' aary. periods and It was oqly during this In abotmtla which abowod Um R a a a i i l f r t f ^ l r S k p atyle gown of dusty rose faille taf* B. Pagan!, I g ...... 0 Dodda oomo out of rotlromant In Um prallmtnnry at 5:50 p.m. Mad Oraen had q'lickly rejected It WltlUmtbam Lawta. fiS, of 135 Spruce I b C B I l I l n i l llk x: bat to match and arm altar. CTholcra la an Infection of the (VonllaBed from Page Om ) tuna that tha Rana really put on olub to bo tn Um boat financial Austin waa expected to agree t o , East Hartford High last week to win tbe K. of C. aaUe >rattin Mooney’s___ , _gtrl’a team wU* bo tar the same reason that "organic” atreat was preaented on the bouquet of yellow rosea. The bridal attendants were Mias setting up an 11-natlon arms re­ large Intearina in which rapid loaa thair show. And what a show. 7 S*1S 50 ■UU at Its ratlra hlatory. Larry chargee of Intoxication and breach clung to hopca that the order at Boston In 4:09.1, handing Mao- out to avenn a prevlena 57-4 aey ..■Malty had to cobm first. ' The mother of the bride wore Barbara M. Bunce aa maid of duction commission with the pro-; of fluid from the blood through Tha master showmen were Score at half time, 15-10 Hart­ Mltchon bla first M^Umata dafaar Oonverao, ebairman of the » « ) ) « " « I 7 Net Tea BopeM of the peace. He was arrested wed* (Coallaued from Page Uas) the bowel produces dehydration. | would be rei^nded or modified. Loatfe Powell and Jimmy Uray. Dumps Manchester t Sunday tha loeal gtrih navy blue aheer and tba bride­ honor; MIm Elaine B. Guatafaon, viao that It wmuld not interfere ford; referee, Murptay-O’NeU; In two years. MacMltchell declared oommlttea gave a reouma at thK | rsiffiy— atnrted^^^y|y^ the hooph o ^ • Prtvataly. mambara of the coun* naaday afternoon by Officer Scully aUter of the bride and Miaa Doris with the work of the Atomic com- shock, and collapse. Kidneys fall | Meanwhile, fears that the next In the final period these two ball time, 4 S-mln. periods. sroRTs group’s aeUvtttaa In the past year C|f «lre. which said: "we regret to see an groom's mother, grey erepe. Both step In the British campaign latar ha didn't aapact to loaa to tha hatwaen 'iell ware not too hopeful that any- after a complaint had been re* mothers wore pink camellia co;* Kolehclmer were brldeamalda. mlaaion and with the added condi- | to functiun. and muscle cramps I . ... . handling artists o u t the erowd aad outlined tho plana under con* Tihtwg would ooBM of thair propoo* calved at the Polio# Station from •Btabliahed nawapaper suspend * t ^ im* ! Manchester High came within a Nebraoka-bom preacher again. and Mexmay thay mads fm u rt^ ‘s.igca, and aaalated the bridal par­ ^'rancla Unterrelner of East Hart­ tioD that the council ahould there-1 develop aa a result of fluid and | into atitetoea with thair maniMvara. whiskor of snapping its loslBg As a reoult. tonight’s winner atdaraUon tor tho furtbor Improve­ potnte. coma aariy and aaa Man- “ ■ ‘ in a letter from Oram to hlmsalf ooncarnlng tenants In his (publication). Tha Bulletin will, at mineral kma. poalUon ~of martial - law ■ In aoma Tha erowd was the largest tant;^ WaMamad Addlttaa-TS Beard American Pros in the first of ly In receiving at a reception at ford waa beat man and Ronald J. upon "consider" the report of the | form spread through Jerusalem otieak last night agalnat Bast may have to boat the Wanamaker ment and oonatnMtlon et tho M*** chaoUra only glrla team la a e t l^ _ _ But thoy ware not say* house. Whan Officer Seully ar­ the earliest daU, extend ita serv­ Atomic commiasion. ‘Tlui't report, CSioIera la strictly a disease of ‘tend a baaketbaU game la Man­ Hay Asflign' Davis, beat two out of three gama sarias. eat clubhouse. rived he teatlSed -that he found ice by publishing e Sunday editiun .'laple Grove attended by 150 O'Keefe, brother of the bride­ I Unconfirmed reports Hartford H M whan after landing Matt Morlarty, a man whooa reeord of ^07.4 aot By Cffiuck Umv really pli^ a good floor gaiho imythlag which arould make guesta. groom, and Joseph Bexzinl of Eaat waa adopted a month ago with man. there la no Infection In anl- I gg|g Jewish ^ un* chester In jrears. The Main street for throa and ono'half pariodo, the The ooriea wtaner will gala the New By-Laws Beady For Veto ■ml alwaya a n worth aoaing. ' think thair offer was Mr. Lewie In an Intoxicated con* Including tha features of The drillsbed was,packed long before Blanchard Abroad name is wall known In the local right to play tha PA’a for the Fenske In TP40 and could easily dltlon, and that evidraca showed Sunday Record. The o^er service* When the couple left for an un­ Hartford were iMhers. ’\h“^»“ :‘>'™«^nda to It The ; n^^mber"''iiirde"r deiTui defenaa logged and tha bom# team threatens Dodd's own world mark. One of tho moro Important plao- Debate E x ^ M germs live for weeks or months In had rejected hie right Referee Al B aglai tossed up the went on to win, 54 to 55. U m loaa sporting world, was aarllar this town title. that he had been abusing hia rendered 'ly The Record and Cour­ announced wedding trip the bride The bride vcho waa given In 1 Other mUo starters wlU ba Tommy aa of bustneoa to oomo bofora Um Mwray. in Pittsburgh, declined was costumed In a hunter green T h e Interim period which w es, water, ana they can survive M ' tg appeal to the Privy council, first baU. waa tha twelfth In aa many atarte. week sMad to the membership of , be oommaat before reading tba tanants. ier-Post 01 Camden wo hope will marriage by her father wore a Handy Randy CJols, Red Gavello Washington, Fab. 1— UP)— The tha Communit" Y Board of Dlrec- I" the peat, Rac LaamM boMiat <)xana of Um New York AC, Metro­ February meeting which will be JudM William 8. Hyde ropre* ' gabardine suit, cocoa brown accea- gown of white chiffon velvet, tunic allowed the American delegation certain foods for days, and tn milk Biitain’a supreme court. Two of Manehaster’a points came politan A A P champion, and Bddia held next Tuesday avanlng will ha ’fetter, which was diapatchad to be resumed under indepradeni brown tur coal and orchid to reorientate Its position with the j until It turns aour. ‘and Johnny Hlllnakt threw In twin- War Department tossed back to when Al Huppl Uiraw a baskat in ton. A wlwr diolca could not have i ouWraw Indepaadmt offer *9 aentao Mr. Lewie and evidence waa _ ^ . , atyle, the akirt terminating In a Reliable Uiformanta aald tha Waloh of Manhattan, the I04A tha formal veto to aoeopt Um now La $i N ig M at the Washington CIO bead* ownership. pointers from an angles In tha first Felix Blanchard. Oleipi Davis and the wrong hoop In tho first period. bam Bwde. Inga, n ils aoason. tndapandrat heard from aevarsl wltneeaea. "For the time being, by agree is ‘ « ‘n- »««• finger-tip vail of new regime I Control o tfhe disease is dlffl- Palestine government has given half whan the Proa cUckad for the Barney Poole today tha question eonteate have drawn more at one Utlaholdar. aot of ravteod brJawa whloh have Judge Bowera found Mr. Lewie •• strictest sanitation him until Sunday to make up hia Ppto Beninl and Marty K U n ^ Matt, aa wa have stated before Only tour men have bora naarad _aanouncod his move to o ' ment. ealariee and r ^ l a r wages J]** ^ illusion waa attached to a cap of flrat time as a unit In several of whether they are going to Ssh atarred for Beat Hartford with game than (ha entlra •t bean proparad by h apaelal com* B o w lin g guilty at both chargoa end fliied Grove street. Rockville. expires Tuesday, when the cwncll 1 necessary to prevent ita spread. mind, at which time It may de­ in thia column, haa dona BMra for for Um 000-yard ftxtura but they aalttaa. Tbta new sat wan dia- eoBfarence. He expreeaed the pl*CR- corded velvet embroidered with games. Using tha buckoy affoo- for a pro footbqll fortune or cut Dick Haooett boat for Itoncbaatar. aporte in Mancheater during the tba Rac. that Murray would act in. ilO foTtauSStl^Tnd"53S: Both bride and bridegroom are pearls. She carried a prayer book clare an end to the respite given tlxraly with Ikirl Tost operatlag form one of Um moat cloaaly- m and aon at the last for breach of the peace. Judge I at w oi^ ’ kv {!Lu ra ra ^ r^ r^^cuJTp?S:i *'“0 travel in area, dra- from his sentence to hang for bait aa Army Second Lloutmanta. The summary: past dacada in hia own "Uttls” Omval lAogfM jeoeaMjr on tba proposal; alnca graduates of Rockville High with marker of camelliaa and Ignated by military authorities o r In this spoL the Rena were unable matched ftalda aver aaoambtad for maating and thair Anal farm Hyde tmmadiataly fUM an appeal I The school. The bride la at present gram recommended by the General 1 engaging in an attack bn a police Secretary of War Pattaroon Boot Hartford (54) unpubllctead way than any other Tha Britiah Amartcana paid out oarriad out tha objactlvae of hia nnd Judga Bowers caUad for bond - McLean, prral^nt ^ T h r shower of carnation petals. Assembly last December. public health, officials aa cholera to puU away to any type of a lead. made it farlly clear that If they B FPta. a flat guarantaa to tha Now York this race. ■ g f ^ upon. How they bnvo bora XWna Mo. 5 (• ) •am earlier Md for a harmonloiia employed by tbe Connecticut Mu­ danger-centeik ahould receive vac­ station. He originally waa ora* Two quick hoops Just before thC individual. They are datandlng champion Bl' printad up and torwardad to every of 535ra one charge and 550 on I publleh#X^of tual Life Insurance Company. The The maid of honor wore hyacinth The council met briefly yester­ tenced to die last Tuesday, but accept commiasioaa upon feradua- A. Fournier, I f ...... 0 0 0 Tha name, Morlarty Brothers, i Renaiasanca for thair appearance Larder see ooo •• o lOfi Si fkvnt. blue chiffon velvet In tunic effect day to hear the valedictory of Ita cine injectlona before they enter. halfUma wMotle gave tbe New tkm from the Military Academy, Kryaak, I f ...... 5 5 0 here laat night The ninount sraa moro Harris at Um Shore AC at nMmbar aad aU that ramalaa to ba One Mg Uhorjroun would bring • »«*•' *««• ®‘'dM r bridegroom, formerly a lieutenant, the execution waa postponed after York five a six p ^ t advantage. Is known from one comer of tha Long Branch, N. J., National AAU Suprsnaat ...... lOfi 101 The Bulletin did not amplir with tlera of blue flowers and daf­ .lanuary rjiairman, Norman J. O. AU ages and races and both two Britons were kidnaped. Both and atay in the Army, they will Blain, rf ...... 0 0 0 higher than any aver given oppos­ done la for them to bo formally Diets, Jr...... n d 15fi tb# kind fl*rt W. Hanacom, 15, of 45 den, oven aa thoy planne^to ro­ The mother of the bride wore a which caused damage to two Brit­ treating cholera waa discovered, tho two clvlllana as hostages for four yean after recalvlag hls com- traveling teama in the country. John Flaw ^ J « ^ Bangaton...... l i t 1 » ll for Murray u> rajeex uie, preaented on aume negotiations next ’Tuesdav to unfold their bag of trtckfl aad Maaebeator (55) Baakatbnll laagxM. Matt has never toyra equalled It whan ha took Um powder blue dress with matching 1 ish destroyers laat OcL 22 with the death rate In epllemlca was GruneFa Ufe. mlaston. One offleer said Uicire had Brarera for tlMlr work on Oua pfio*| ...... ^ ■ -flatly. the charge of reckleaa driving. Ha with the Stern management." A what tricks. Tha mora they gave B PFIa. lot a team or a group of boya Shepport 500 In IMS. M O M in S M it .. calKri for appointment of a floral hat and yellow rose corsage. I a loss of 44 lives. nearly 80 per cent (In the House of Commons yes­ been resigiiatlona in the post but One wash from tomorrow aft­ JeeL waa represented by hia father who' meeting of the striking eniployos terday, Winston ChurchiU demand­ the paying rflrats tha batter the Robinson, rb ...... ;...0 3 3 down. Ha boa alwaya bam a big An Indlcntlon of what may hap­ ve-man committee from each or- The brldesi oono'a mother wore j No Reply to Cable Administering salt water (to that Blanchard, Oavia and Poolq ernoon, Um Meriden Spurs will rraaliiat Ta Mi no. I ___L t pleileaded guilty. Hanacow waa drtv- will be held Sunday, he ad*- ....184 Bl atreat. There were brake marka courier of Camden, to auapend When the couple left for a wed-! Oromyko critl- to 2 per cent. The plasma, peni­ ster and Benny Oamtt neat Poole, tha standout and, to cash in Dey, rf ...... eeeee***»0 0 0 I 4ha oours at a gams aplsca. itlon now bvfofe Oongraas. Ulng trip to New York Oty and I the calling of yesterday a helps In the problem on a 50*50 oral have taken a tltrn for Seven fast ateppera will to# tho for a distance of 50 feet in the publication, the owners and mani I P>ed J. Sekoabaar cillin and aulfadiasine aeriea haa dribbler, brought one round w ap- on their fame by turning profes- KeUy, tf •eee*eeael 1 3 Tha PA’a won the flrat game by mark In tha 880. Thay are Joa with these chairman. Savoral new BOB 417 IBB ISM AFL'a committee would to date prevented death in every basis.) . plauso after another from tha ban­ boat A new president waa nam­ a Mg aoora at Meridm aarllar thia tnnovnttoiu a n due to ba startod road. He waa fined 530. agement of The Bullelln have Frt-d J. Dchunhaar of 81 Strick* Plafe. .sSuth. the hrid^wa. ^ h".'i*"b.!i,7^AhSn"g‘.^^ aionaL ed. new blood was addqd to tha Nowlckl of Fordham, BUI Hulae of Ha. d (1) It of Green, Lewla. William case. One whole section of Jerxiaalem’a ner throng during tha final period. season. during tba coming yanr nnd aomo Irwin Hayes, 4A of 5 Ford atreat committed to bHy_all of the news- |g„^ gtreet. died at the Memorial Ing a suit of green wwi. ucige , Katamon quarter, containing some A tide of oppoaltlon to granting Totals ...... B 11 S3 Board of Diiactors, a new director the New York A C Malvtn Whit­ iBnnnan ...... IBBB l i i B i-alB Hutcheson of tbe Carpwtcra. said he had infoimation that the At the preaent time cholera de­ U m ashlMthm was tha boat oara Score ut half time, 17-14, Man- of the newer fbooo around Um • £ « w I was prasMted UiU morning on the .. m u of Tlie PhPhiladelphia hospital today after a long lllneaa. hat. brown acceasorie* and brown Albanian had started for New 30 houses, now la being surrounded tha furlough raquaete arora In waa appointed and many cliangea field of Ohio State, BIU Shuman of J. Dteta ...... lOB UB . fur coat. On their return they will velops only In tropical and sub-1 in Maneheotar la yahra. congreoa. cheotar. Manchastei High's awlmmlng clubheuao will bo given a a r i g n * ...... * 2 r f £ S ‘r L ^ * S r a ^ v A ? L ^ ^ intoxication and Imlng' Ing Poat and schonhaar had been a member York on Jan. 28. Off the floor. by a double thickness of rolled Laat night’s preUnilnary game and improvemrate were made. team whipped Bast Hartford High Penn State, Stan Callendar of New manta to help oarry^tha load t S a t | T j ^ ..».....^ iO i* «* Ewnlni courier of CarCamden and gj ^|,g fgmjiy gf p'ormer Selectman ! live at 14 Kenyon Place. Ea.vt tropical countries, largely aa a i Rep. Goff (R-Idaho), who used York Unlvarelty, BUI McGuire of Dwyer ....iOB BB 1 5 B »m J ^ - t r o w w r ^ ____ ^ I rggtgj g^out 9 o'ctock Wsdneaday WCAU. ’ Gromyko aid he had learned thia barb^ wire. Unofficial sources waa a thriUar wlDi the Hartford Matt Morlarty ahould add much yesterday afternoon by a 44 to 8: has bam oarriad by a handful M Wednesday Radio atatlon WCAU." Wella A. Strickland and hia chauf* Hartford and be at home to their throug). “ my government." result of faulty environmental' said it was to be.one of the princi­ to bo a football player himself, the 59th Rcglnnent AUiIeUc Aaao* Ditto I ISB BB U4--5M night by Officer Dwyer after a conditions.' Sanitation, vaasina- : Negro Trojans scoring on over to tha present Board which la tha acora. Um faithful workan for tha poat It added: < feiir aince Mr. Strickland came friends after March 15. The council left the calling of pal compounds for goxrernment aald the three Army stars had no most active and progrooslva the ciaUon and BIU Atkinson of Man- complaint had bam received from tion, and modern methods of treat­ Urns 51 to 50 win over tha Italian ■ovaral yaara. . "Tha operation of Radio Station | fpggj Buckingham to Mancheater, The bride attended Manchester the next meeting to the new Bel­ officials. Americans, Tha opening contest mom right to Uma off for making Recreation Y haa been able to boast of la Mancbaator Hlgh’a baaketbaU hsttsn. B41 BBT 8B1 l 5 « ’Reco rd s Available his home. Officer Dwyer found him WCAU U not affected by these I High school and has been employ- ment should bring cholera under money on the outside than "the Nowleki, who waa clochad la Doga Boaonrod In a holpleaa condition on tbe porch m ^ than 35 jrears ago. gian chairman. Thia opened the New Type of Foot Patrol ' waa fuU of aeilon throughout years. team raturna home tonignt A note from Franela Galalar of arrangements. It will continue leaves a alater and two broth-! ed by tha Traveler's Insurance poulbility of a Monday aeaalon control throughout the world. A new type of foot patrol ap­ The Bummary. lowUeat unheralded private." He against Weaver High at tba ar­ 1:85 In bis laat Garden appearance Cheney library at tha front of hia house. Hayaa to render service under the direc­ added: Notes Haaardville who loot hia pair «f| had Juat bora relaasad Wadnaaday era They are Mra. Alma Kled- company. if the Albanian should arrive and peared in Jerusalem for the first Rraalaaaaeo (55) The Mariaaa have landed and mory. Weaver iron tho first gam# at the dlatanca In 1M4. Is tha logi­ tion af the present management each. Herbert and Ward Schon- The bridegroom_ served with the the certainty ol a Tuesday meet- <)ues4'.on; My husband la Rh time today, with police and sold* P. a F. "Blanchard. Davia and Poole have the altuatkxi well In banit three aroeka ago In Hartford and cal ebolco to acUpoa tha meet rec­ ‘U s H m i^ a ^ tlina I Tomlinson 'T7.rToB'*BB morning from JaU after serving a which la In full control of the sta­ ■eUcItad our aid ta raeovartag thorn gg fg m gfg' haar, all of Glastonbury. Funeral Navy for two yeais and since be* j probably in the forenobn, for negative and I am Rh poaitix’e. j combining In groups of eight . 1 Ball, r f ...... 0 0-1 ought to ramambar the draftees Today That’s the news from the YMCA wUl ha slight favorites .to repeat ord of 1 :68 J aet by John Woodruff g; lists of tho albums avaUabU at •0 days aratmcc. He was sm- tion." We have lost two children. Our dlacloaed that ha had the good fe ^ Rtaa ...... 75 BB XOB—STB tenoad to 60 daye thia morning Ing discharged from the service ^ start of the historic arms de­ to 10 to walk the streets. Heavy 0 Youngar, I f ...... 0 2-2 14 who faced combat dangara and side BuUdlBg Senior BaaketbaU Leagua. Tba (n IMO. ■diM aew Record ooUccUon arc now bts been studying refrigeration. ' bates. ^ doctor told us the deaths probably hardahipa in Europe or the Pacific tuno to got hta pair of houn^ MacIsiughUn ...IIB 101 105—BIB gavailahU at tbe Mary Chaney Ub- by Judge Bowers. • S i ***2?’ * ’ Funeral Home. Glaatonbury are In­ troop movements also were re­ 1 KaUav, e ...... 5 1-3 1:00-0:00 p.m.—Senior League veterans of World War n galnsd Oeorga Krauae, local apaad Around tbaoa throa avente the in Ph llade^a. | complete. The bride's gift to the bride­ were not due to a blood condition. ported on northern and central 0 Powoil, e ...... , l 0-0 while, safe on the Hudson, they MlUrooe AthleUc Asooclatloa haa back. Ha axpreanea hls thanks to Lupaochino .....11 5 lOB BB—BIB a«anr. Hrikls o m of the roprat aer* O ram bcarlato, 51, of 31 Pur­ B. B. practice. tha first round ttUe and are bead­ skatar, filed hls for tho the many apettemra ta tha arto year acquired WCAU and an-1 ______groom was a wrist watch and to What la your opinion? Palestine roada. but there waa no 1 Wood, r g ...... 7 3-5 Id were enjoying a military educa­ Boston BUvai Skataa Darby which m gtrtoaa tba Ubrary la glvlfig to Ita nell nace waa proaanted this Showers and other faclUtlaa ed for the same honor In tha sec­ built one of U ctesolaat programs who cooperatod with him In hia ef­ nounced plana to. erect a modern { her atlendanla alie,,Kave brace­ Hospital ^otes Answer: I would agree with comment from the military. 1 Garrett, r g ...... 2 2-3 tion at public expense.” ond round of plav now upder wav. la to ba bald February 5 at tba la Ita httory. with numaroua cham- Totol ...... 4M 4B0 SIS 14N , fatroaA and wbUe many are tak- morning on the charges of Intoxi­ available to senior members. forts to And hta vahiahia doga. Any cation and Breach of the peace. building a abort distance from The | Funerals lets. The 01 Idegroom's gift to the your physician that In your case Indicative of the new tension 3 Payton, I g ...... l i-l Chairman Andrew# (R-NY,) of 7:00-10:00 p.m.—Knights of (3o- Tha Marines are undefeated and Boston Garden. Before mterins plona and record-holdars appearing Gikiiara (4) film adviuitaga of It tbero may be Record'a present location ( Broad 0 V n y , Ig ...... 0 0-0 persona aUll pooMoatag poataea Dalgla ...... BB 104 11B-51B o w n wtoo will be glad-to know He waa arrested j'eaterday eve­ bride waa a |>earl necklace, and to Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Mary the deathj were probably not the in the Holy Land waa the experi­ the HoilM Armed fiervtcas com- lumbxu basketball game. are anxious to engage tbe North tha rarvica Krauaa waa Oonadetl In Um sprinte, high hurdlaa, pole street) that would Include radio; his best man and ushers he gave result of Kh blood incompatibiUty. ence of J. Walter Green, Associa­ mittae said the three should be Bade. cut’s ona-mUe champion. Waathar with tha loot doga Meturaa may Aloock ...... 115 lOB 10B-5SS gOwy may borrow a complete al* ning at 8 o'clock by Officer Sterl­ Jobs McNabb Dougan, 63 Garden street; Joyce West Side BalUUas vault, hlid! Jump, two-ndia handl* daatroy or dlopooo of thorn ■■ thoy| ing after a complaint had bean and television studios and a newt-1 fountain pens. Recent Investigations auggeat, ted Press photographer, who was • 25 S-18 58 sent to jccupatlon duto tn Ger­ l:00-On—Showers and olhtr fa- permitting. It la hoped that ho wUI cap, ra)ays and a now attraeUon J. Moadavaky .. .110 lOB BT—515 f at racorda for a two-woak The fiinerol of John McNabb Pongratz, TalcottvlUe; Virginia ■as AL received at the Police station. Ha at 8:15 Fraser, Bolto'n; Arthur Gunther, however, that some couples with Jailed for half an hour today and Btaachoatar (57) many dr Japan, and Pattaraon’a ciUtlea avallabla to oanlora only. The town eUmlnatlon basketball ba aora In aeUon at SUncIwstar added thia year—a ona-mlle team Ftanagaa...... B5 BB BB—5B1 cforlod. BagardlaaB of tha number 1 Oavallo, rf ...... 5 4-6 10 Moorehousa...... iPS lOO 151—554 • - i t SBOorda. a deposit la requsatod DU«IMleaded guUtyrdlty and«»>... waa OM fined 510no uS vf" P. Qtiisb Funeral 78 Florence, street; Mra. Alice' y o u * " " " “y Interrogated by Royal Irish fxisll- atatement Indicated this might be I Mrtaa gats xmdar way Friday, Fab. la the near future. He has bean a race. ^ , n (or bro.ch; Powell. 142 Cooper street: Mra. have trouile, though it happens lera about hia taking pictures of 0 Murdock, rf .0 0-0 0 3:00 p.m.—PJI.A.C. bukotball 14, at the state armory with the meihber of the HarUrntd BhaUng iSar each album, which is returned ! of the three papers concluded 28' S225 Main street and at In the wo'tko. Patterson said "it la at St. Bernard's chun-h About Town Elizabeth Steiner, 20 Ferndale. only rarely^ the new barbed xvire barricades. 5 Oole, If ••••,,,,,,,5 2-5 13 the current practice to.rand all game. North Ends facing the Britleh Club for a number of yaara arhlch Elect Stevenson Total ...... BIS S14 BBS 15BT noorda are brought back to tbe ______5 HiUnakl. If ...... 4 haa turned out many champion ■ckaawa (1 ) r Vbrary In perfect condition. How- DubUalUnR^eld ^''strrn !*'* j Rockville. Rev. James Corcora:i drive. He was released with a warning newly oommlostoned officers to Rockville Higli Admitted today; Thomas Moore.' aj^xinst photographing security 2 Yest, c .1 ...... 1 okatara. Krajexrakl...... IOB B4 BB-5BB ovar, the Uata or foldcra print all Stem bought The Courier 'in | celebrated the Frank Kramer, collector of In­ 0 Zwlck, e ...... 0 Army aenrtca achoola for a period Umpires Prexyl g Iba rulaa governing thta branch of 333 Center street. - ! Piibilic Recronls points. of several months of additional Wind ...... 51 BT 70—54B Building Houses 1919 and The Poat shortly there-1 \lae ternal Revenue, will be the speak­ Discharged yeaterday: Mra. Ina ' 1 Cobb, r g ...... 1 Swamps (^eney F aw cett...... 118 105 91—S ll g Iba Ubrary’a aervloe. after. He purchased The Record ^ ‘'emetray. ^Mni^ Mae er at the Kiwanis Club meeting 0 Turldngton, rg ...,0 tralnlng.bafora Joining their unite. Grid Coaches Envy I^ck Raffle Prizes la the eoUoctloa era mora than Pfunder the Mankin, 16 Summit stree*- Mrs. I Carrot-Eatiag Dogs Fear "F o U o ^ g this schooling, aucl) S. FargxHon . . . . BB IIB B5—59B For Two Families In 1935. Monday noon. He will give hia Warrantee Deeda { Rabbits, Too. 1 Blamonds, ig ...... 0 Rerbart StovaiMon waa unanl- VltuUo ...... 103 113 130—540 f 40 aihuma aad a doara Mngla re- The Record .In November an­ mass. Dorothy Tedford and son, 56 Drive Edward P. Thorsell to State Ma­ 0 Grran, I g ...... 0 officers are now boiiig seat on for­ RockviUa High awamped Ghaaay moualy ro-alaetad P '***^ *^ The bearers were Peter Mallon audience sn idea of what hia Job F. Silver I^ane Homes; Mrs. Esther To Be Display ed oorda, embracing a largo number nounced Ita circulation aa 286,167 entails, and no doubt the Kiwan- chine Tool Company. Inc., proper- Bloomington. lU .- Dogs, 0 Ermlaeb, Ig ...... 0 eign aervlce, whera there Is O f Pressure on Cage Men Tech jroatarday afternoon xmdar an tha Northern Connecticut SoftbaU Of the oompoeitloaa of the old Fred Kuhn, Banjcy O'Loughlln Blanchard. 407 Center street; Mrs. Shortage of aaoond lloutmante. avalaneha of baokate-by • aooro and BaaabaU Umpiraa AaaoetaUon Total ...... 497 518 4T5 1485 The Nuhomes Corporation la to Ians will learn .something about ZoetJc Vinton, Coventry; Susan t" Willow strrat. ■ uijg gome people you know, MUiaa (8) ■aalara amay by tbe more modern tract two two-faroUy hotuiea on the tax question m Connecticut. Alexander Jama to iLarl H. j their personal peculiaiiUeJi* 10 14 9-18 87 Raffia priaso, glvm on Uckata of 55 to •..Doapito tha fact tha at tha annual meeting of the group. ■ra. Tbe gift at four albums Courier and Poat waa announced “ ciirs. __ ^ Sutllffe, 316 Center atreet. OregonregOB Statewmie Schedulexscamnue ■aeond and third team played, the Oolumbaro ...... 108 90 57—355 Dudley atreat. Applications for the The meeting will be held, . at , the , Discharged today: Mrs. Emily, Courser------ct al. property on Victoria j Edward Brechbeller'a tittle Score at half time, 55-20 Rraa By Barry Oraarsoa awtth Utah for a long, tong time. being SOM In tha nnma of tha Frank Vlttoer, Br.. waa elected P o rier____ .....57 97 98—377 I waa added to the eoUacUon recen- .neceeoary permit was made Frt aa 85.000. The Courier end Post referee, Boggini; time, 4 10-mln. OorvaUte,Ute, Ore.—Oregra State’a wlaneni ecored at xvUL to Um post of secretary-traasurar. Manchester Y.M.C.A. John La- Gallinat and daughter, South <3ov- Road, , . „ - fox terrier, "Betsy Lee," prefers NBA Sparta Editor And ao on down the Una. Manchaater SoftboJl Txrillght Gibbons...... 119 80 91—390 , Uy. day afteraoon at the Building In-1 are the only newepepera pub- George Strasdus belle will furnislv the attendance periods. footbaU team playa Utab. Woob- > KEvenwMM withBsrifll attmdanea,ffittffiffIfiMYlMI. PMARtpIg U m locals ocorad four potato ta Laat year tha AoaociaUon rapplled Ubrary patrons and otbars In- entry; Mrs. Lydia Simona and son. Alexander Jarvis to Pcank F. vegetable# to meat. She eats «pln- tdaho, SotttlMra CSUforala, New York—(NBA)—Bv Shelton LoogxM ara on hand and wUI ba on each half. It waa the twelfth loea L an ge...... 93 99 100—391 apectora office by George Griffin, i llehed In Camden. a.^'*1i*®** prize. Gilead; Mrs. Sophie Suivna. Rock- i Inston, Idaho, and interoat at aa unpraoadwom the T. I . Monday evening In Odd Felldwa Bufgaas, rf NabraoCn, In order, next falL BOW they ora paid on a par with the Rookvina acorera. bers were often engaged to work Total ..... ; Holloran Funeral Home, and at Death today: Fred Schonhaar,; Connors, property on Victoria prune Juice, and top off a meal York-Wjromlng baakat ball gama rafrigarator, two reaarvad aaato Dvifi Fraaaea (4) M, but is now changing its plans ly^OO. hall, at which jime District Dep­ 81 Oakland street. tha avnrago footbaU coach—from (B5) both basebaU and aottball games The Guild strike, originally • nine o'clock from St. Francis of ^ , 0 4.,%, a cut of apple pie. Her food at Madison Sqonn Garden to ao- and ISS'to tba Rod Sox opening Fronchy ...... 100 111 91—805 to two family housra In such sec­ uty President Miss Emily Kissman Birth today: A aon to Mr. and, tabliah hia IdmUty aa the Oow- 55,000 to $•,000 a year. gamo tax Boston, a bleyele, a pair out of'town. ...101 59 105—295 20 Fire Alarms achcduled to aUrt Oct. 31. explr-1 Aaalal qhurch. South Windsor. The Alexander Jarvis, to Pohof*- I habits probably have nothing to do Moro rooantly Uxoro have bara Brennan, rf 4444.. .4.4..4 Tan mambera eomprtae tha aaso- W etea...... tions of town aa the aonlng regula­ will conduct a school of instruc­ Mrs. Edmund Mlkolowsky, 1841 p-iend et al,.1 ------property- nnon Vietnri.Victoria boys’ or«ve off and the aide begin? The I Tli<*iv au wpeu site at tl>e end uf Carlaon baa bam at PtttoMirgb most teama have thom. An oc- YMCA Senior BaaketbaU tuned the trick on a clarinet and llamaa were on the “ Ham.'* The wrapped around , your landing clpal Judge WUliam V, Daly that A. A. Jackaon Painting Co, con- tli« val*. as4 Law AadluM at SyrscuM over oempUslMd footbaU team raqulrea TMCA maksr sa4 is asw. 8125S more weekly v^ltndlnge Comploto Rofinitbing. Mss fM Tha TIsMa League. llSg a flOBWlaalBg partbrinance axclaloMd It’a "not bad at all." The Guild also asked a five day.: animals fled the farm and zoo op- gear.” The pilot's comeback waa: Jamra Jean had tried to be ar- tend# tha huta at Marine Camp Throuzh which sarh must a* alone. Maos thte'Old reporter can ranaoi vaoUy moro than that Tharadaj, Fob. S cflsb rsvBlrai to own Pendleton near here are rxwfa from And there Is a llaht on* cannot see. An Tynis M Wracks'CowBlMBly RBpslrcd Llfcs Ntw| Chambars ...... -50 Bast Lanotag, Mich.—Tha larg­ stafo af tha ToUwaaa tba- Linda first played a solo num­ 55 hour week instrad at a five, erated at nekrbv Delaware tcwvn- ; "What do you exprat me to do. rested but no one paid any atten­ Our Fatbar calls his own. bar. Nibs Fries GaUfonUa The baakatbaU eooeb Bridgeport va, BA Froa. S:90—■ diints and sscart dlstrlbn; ber to toot a new recording'de- tbe ground up -and thua may be tn tha very anrty lB20a. Sam Btarvy close to having a permanent po- Morlarty Bros. ... .37 est crowd aver to wltnaoa ■ ool- B peMoa arrivad sad add- day, 40 hour week; four weeks, ship by Warren E. Buck ye#tenlay| bring it bqck? tion to biin until he .tole two ohirts gsyuad th* gst* m> torod ons. has , W fM n ff Armory. Addraas P. 0. Bo: vlaa: sad bU teacher. Dean Al­ palstad entlrply wUth avtsy SUca moved from lexva to Southern ■lUan. Center hanflee ....36 lege baakatbaU gama In the state , lia taaehi‘U m pallM siw xracatlona for employea of tluree —and for three hours lad rraldasU - r from a loop atorf. In court Jeos, found hspptasss and rest. WRECKER SERVICE - TEI.KPHONE 1 1948 of Michigan, 11,197. aaw. Notre Friday, Feb. 1 pair oB a aaarga qf bert Lukkra at the OoUegs of Plae 37, of Darien, Conn., asked Judge The company la aubur dacotwHag Aad there t* comfort 4a.tbe thouaht. California and kap« right on going. He axiffars In defeat, too, but Don WUUa ...... 33 1188. Hartford. Conn. yaara aarvlce or loegor; "length"r a ftn eo f,# f, a meirymerry ebara. Before all w'sre;w'sre Karakul lamb pelts form a (Pkr NIffkt Wracksr Snwkt CsH 8198) Dame defeat Michigan State here, Meriden High at Manchtoter, Japaaaae morebaat Arts, asked him to Uke a duet •ervlce" Increases of five per cent i captured, several hou*t»wives tele- larger propoition of the value of Daly to tend pirn to JaU for 90 eontractora and AFL pmntera a lovlar Gnd knew Frank Keanay has bara xrith Rhoda oomp&rad to that of tba football ’ Motor Salia ...... M eoara. hls U the life of Rllev. . Brvant A Chanman 19 74-89. 18:80- Armory. J t Sf'SSJioO yaa (55.755). Tbe pan arlth thf^ recording nr S3 a week which ever U largei ' phoitev>u sadly mlsa you. Island State and Vadal Petara f s M M M playtag tha raiae "Both at you sound good," g th* for each yrar fnd raveranc* payisauia. or whatcvei they aie, ol! ci„ dinmond-s fur which the area weather geta war .ier. The court Bide" aiid nfuat be half painted Yuui brother Slid Bister, deaa aompHmented. 'fo r any omploypaaalgnlns. ilba lawna." tt# famous promptly obliaed. * .wlth bruahea. Jsmes snd Mollle CopelsuA \ MANCmaTER Rv a n wo HBRALD. MANCnEVrKR, OOHN„ SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1.1947 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MAN(TIERTER. CONN. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1.1947 rUONKMVIl.LE FIH.KK BY FUNTAINK F fli| Business Services Offered 13 Help WanlcB—lenMle 85 Fuel and Feed 49-AI Machinery and Toola 52 UiiaUiess Ssrvicts ORtrtB IS Jamie had uaed to think, wbaa Sense and Nonsense OU> FLUUKS s Xn MED GIRL TO laam Oanaral Motors SBASONIEO hart wood for atova, rKAtrrOKb - implemcnta, enow ■be had ant known Parker, that Ev e n t o f The W e e k —''S kyscnapep;' $ hitm l o se s h is t e m p e r ISW STUDEBAKKR Ooaamandat CIARIKS Kepatrad; Uuaraniaao plova, garden traclora. See ue work. raaaonaMa ratea. proaap' Laying and tlnieaing. bookkaapbig ayatam arlth local funtaca o r Sreplace, 814JW a Claisified •tey. he had a mkuicboly btood^MI^ to cvaiy aadaa. SXMUant eondiUon, radio, J Ba Ihamml m car dealer. Kepiy in oam hahd- eord, delivered. Telephone 6970. for your needs. Dublin Tractor • § 7 IfBM Enilwrt baatar, food Uraa, motor raeant- aarvtca. wUl piab up aad dallvai Company North Windham Road , aicjr That tt’a tha urith the pan Wyrua Dial 3-t98l. Pci. WiiiimanUc 9938. svanlnga wiiting to Bov P Herald, atating ■U mTS b had cfeaaw aad not .tho m uritb the M b hot he ahruya iy oTaxhaulad. laqulra 38 Autumn age aad exparianca if any. Wlllimaptic. Advertiaements who ha4 tba ha chaaea M taam BM by th e ' aflar a | Garden—farm —Dniry xnr 1aa a larh to ba PUCLA'S RafrtgaraUoo aarvtoa rEMEN*! Muera, new heavy duty Phrinr hatod Uw haa*. Rta fa- Houaebold Services A CAPABLE young lady wanted Prodnets 50 Fur Real Fur Snip tba houaehold ob tbe ^ % i t anam maa ahnwo tto toabr _If that yoHBi Domaatle, oomnaarclal. rapaua os for ama,l office ot naw buainaaa. modeia, piai arrived, fmicway thar. ha told ramie kiljlieety. had tar a ktoa. refuse IL ' 18W.8TUOKBAIOER, $78. Call at all masaa Day aad aigbt aarvtoa Offered IS-A sMbaatad with the rtothm hate bat never Up thaur woltara. t H 6 ______F « r S a le Thia will be an intaraaUng poat- JKKEN MUUN'IAIN poUtoee muing action See them MW M T i^ B u y T u S fll haea aatuta about monay mattarw ' laMalad Cbmle buy foe bar. MachHdi tha: Doughter-Aad if ha I a’ti 14 Knlfbton atraaL 38 Btrei) atraaL Pbooa 8-14SS number one and ntimber two Montgomery Ward Farm Stera |MJ^blmaetf vraa aottung but « j Tlwt ptoatarura havo b right to T o S e D FUR CLEANING, waning and Uon with varlad duUaa sad appu- PUr hnum ea aad ba Btorti up with the omgaa they tar K f peTlahtag all Soora and counum cant ahouM ba wUUag to aaauaM Amelia larvut 473 Parker etreet PumalJ Plata. Only 88S.48. DOZXUB amaMoStlon carried. Front KANUB BURNBIW MMUiaS. aarv- Phone Tugs. n.AHSIFIKII AmT. ooeapv I wtth ptoyiag fsL No Bwa to too big to ha Mod aad rear arbaal driva. In very loaA Washing macblnaa; aaeunma aall 8-o3ee qr S7Se Daiye Isa.. raaponaiolUty. No bookkeeping C M # Yramt aurpHaad wbaa ba , raaotua PariieriB onaopi "Da poi That a reputetlen la mawthlng AOTT. apaclallsts la aapbait tlla and required, but knowledge of atand- DKII HtM'K.N: eanm bom* aftar tha JUto towtaam > ea the _ja.- ha ad Utot ore earn. Notoriety la still and courteous, but many man a n good condition. Craftaman Auto rapalrad. 'awn moaaan abarpanad llaolaum matailauoiw and Boot NICE MBALT Green Mountain WswrtoB Appurti— Faro 57 BMetlng a t tha baard of directors; too Uttla. PBPr. HOURS: b ^ , 8S4 Cbartar Oab atraaL aad rapalrad. Saws Sisd. Pleb op graphic, typing and general office potatoea Phone 4530. Kelley 1:89 A. M. to 4:45 F. M. they aat aa another tMng. f aialntananca. work aaaar.Ual. 40 hour, 8 day a t the banb, to aay that ba vraa the evenhiga ------That paabaadMn are left boM- ^ ~ R. BL to 4t4S P. M. and deuvary. Friendly flail Shop. Broe. TaloottviU-. Conn. RACCOON coaL axcellent condi- out at IL He retalaad bis lateo- "Pardon aw, Protosaor, but last CX)MMON Oarrlar eontract tor 718 North Main atraaL Pbana weak aritn salary oommenaurata would play the Mg gruad Ing the pan thia year. vicinity. 1887 Ford dump, good PROMPT noma repairs. Dactrlcal with ability and asparianca. Write Uon, siae 13-14. OtU 3-3S34 ba- aata. but bt tafuaeil to tlo btmmlf Bight your dmigbtor acoaptod my 4777. work, plumbing, hoatlng, wood­ tween 0:80 and 0:00. ta that *%if omal daMt Jah^'* as ha the eoraar of tha Mvlag n IlM t the peanut oaadHr aaya propeaal a t awrrlage. 1 have called eondiUoa. 184S Dodge rack body; work. palnUng, briiekwork, M- P. O. Box ggg, Mancbaatar. HoaoeSoM Goods SI Housen for Hale 72 Parker played quite wall, wita thnt huaiacm Is the "aula" and a 18Sg Chavrolat cattle truck. Man- put IL hkH lot better thaa it oaod ta he. this awruing to aak If there to aay MANCUCS1BR ’ciea, mechanical toys. Call CAN YOU help me three half daya HEAVY Uatin ralneosL aisa 14, Wbat be really wanted to do a certain Hit that was dlfferenL Inaanity ta your toadlyT" ebaatar 880P. 91.000 - 41.000 — 41,000 perfect condition. Practically SEVEN ROOM house. Front and and very attracUve. Whan Lanl That YThat this country needs SHEE'I MiSTAL WORKS Sanebaster 7S48 A. F. Hunting- a weak with general housework 7 3 Rooms of Beautiful rear porches, steam beaL oil now was to get the Hamilton M*- is a good Mgardlghtor for thorn IMONXT. Tear m em v 1887 WTLUS, new painL new ton, Talcottviile. mall apartmanL steady Job. con- new winter coaL alaa IS. Phone burner, automatic gaa hot water, cMaa umrka geliig again. He’d was there she'd akig, leaning ovm ■y iMf«. CtaMrana raturn. la> a ir OONOmUNINO “Deliixa Fumituie’* D. smlbng at Parker. They 5-cent cigais. ^ brakaa, good condition, $360. darata family. Talapbona 5080. 3-0477. hard wood Soora, Sreplace, modr urged hM tether to do aomctblng up to tt.000. 8m ua. MM- HOT AIR PVRNACBS CALL TBKKT’S Household Serv­ £ 91,000 — 41.000 - 91,000 a grqat deal together. That you never saw a meaqwite Phone 3-3847. InataUad and Rapalrad ern kitchen. Recently redecorat­ about tha abaadoaed plaat whan urith a tooth ache, he ataga aad Moat thhiga Butldiiis A' UMit Aaao* ice for aapert olaaning of Soora. EXCFLUENT Opening for woman INCLUDED ia a 1987 4 fL well the war was aa. hut hia fatber ____ r even wanted to aaid Sid , _ _ la the ------Thatmaka ua Mgh aad ftot Bnveatraugha and Uonductora walJa ruga, upholstery, arindowa. known hraiid electric refrigerator, Wanted-To Buy 58 ed. Lot 48 X 300. On bus line. Oc­ away to a military school In bad out Ma pipa an tha stings tor a flviag. FORD 1887 H'ton pickup, motor All Tvpea of Sheet Metal Work I who can qualify for poaltlon with cupancy 18 Jays. Pries 812,800. hadn't haaa Inbcraatsd. Are thorn completely ovarbaulad, new odd Jobe Phone 7690. The Book house for cblldraa. Age 1947 daluxe oil aad gaa ’'Bengal" "But do you know anything faU. ef the lanuoa. Be caam That thara w ^ tu ro U toa of ^WOtt WATKINS OBCOBUt oJ» ahan* 38 Taara’ Baparlanea raags or "Floranea'* Elactric Charlaa Odtnnann. Phona 4938. That haven’t hwpMnad yoL clotcb and brakaa aaalad beam TCLEKHUNB 6418 80-80, good education. Intaraet In MANl!HBllTBR‘S deolqr la rags, about Wachtaary? OaaUa bad aadaatantheaniaChard '^■18, coojtb ajrrup. rad and arbita llgbta, aacanent body, $888. Mil­ chlld-dMelopment and desire for range, 1947, ’’PhUeo’’ radio. paper and aomp oMtals calla at ashed ahaantly. Tbe Mortonvllle Herald carried -ThaPa what you've other pals It ooL Etonant, putt blaeb papp^ a*- BuiMint—Cant meting 14 Spaclal concaaston to all mam- your door and pays you higbaal a Mg spread on tlw proposed Y W a Mght cMb n a n ler Motofi, 6S^ Canter atraat. 4KATE8 Sharpanad. aawa Sled, batter than average InconM. FOr Lirti for Sale , 73 "Of course aoL but with the roe—gtsun a a pmrpooa hi Ufa. I ^toscta. «ptuH. Call Giu rraak. bars of the Armed Forces and pricea. Ostrinaky. It3 Blaatll boom tbat'e coming and the dea- re-opanlng a t tbe HaaiUten Ma­ could never iva jmu enough foc. croum the suckara or al 'awn mowara abarpanad, now, be­ CARPENTER work of all kinds, Information for personal Inter­ chine Works. Parker went about thRMwaYsoy bar ahaaeau Soeiai Situaiionti jitoiA ______' IMl DODOK aparlnl dainxa four- fore the rush. Free storage until view writs: Mrs Alice Smith. 817 their families. atraaL Phone 8879. parata aaad tor machinery it'll ha what you’ve remodeling of rooms Reasonabls FREE DELIVERY—FREE STOR- LOT For Sale on Columbus street, a dneh to claaa up a fortune." with blticpiinte under his arm K WSLL. COLOR pbotographa in my door aadan Excallent condition, needed. Capitol Grinding Cb., 88 ratea OaU 3-3714. Statler Bldg., Boston, Mass. at a very reasonable price for - > She took Ma hand aad haM It tow mileage, one owner. Vary AOE-EASY TERMS Ouaie Uatened Yrith happy ab- and a briefcase stuffed full of Tha Uttla girl caa flay Your a n gotag IMOM. fl for alnsla pieturaa. mora Main atrecL Phone 79M. quick sale. 8aU at 80 HoU atraaL Important papers, and he lunched la barai la seam vngaa uray K her BMihar la groat i good Uraa, radio and heatar. A CARPENTER work of aU kinds. ALBO D4ULUDBD In addlUon Roosit Without Bourd 59 atractloa and utter taeompreben- aa thoBfdi Parhar aad the to visit nlaUvaa In aaotlMr -city. f»r fTOup ^cturaa. Call SMS or good buy. Call f-0188. to the eleetrte refrigerator, range Blan ta all bis talk about the srtth engtnmra from New York, “Mowar. a m w o rr She i S to Doana atraat. ______LOCAL Moving and truoklns- Roofs aiding. addlUons and altar- Hdp WsBtsd—Msl* 85 and hired a manager from Indl- baby' abaI earned who ana aad-the amdeoa tea m, "how aoqn la tt my W m m Why: Give no advaaca Also nioMah and asbea removed. aUorti. Also, naw conatnicUoa. and radio—la a beautiful bedroom ROOM For Rent with privtiegee. niacMne works. She bad planty T lavo Mm." Sha thmqpK tadieatioB as to how long you la- 1883 AUBURN aednn, good con- DISHWASHER Wanted by res­ suite, your enoiee of modem or Suitable for woman. On bus Una. •Waatod—Real Bstote 77 of Interaata of bar own. And any- anapoUa to get tblnga organised. btrfday?" "R will soon bo hara, 38 Foley etreeL Phone 6718, SlefferL Phona 3-0388. O vtr tbeir meale M talked ex­ udUi uronder. "In a way 1 dear* rapBsd motbar. 1fo, no,' tond to otoy. diUon, priced for quick aale. 1100 taurant. Apply In parson nt period design.* "Simmons” coil Phone 8853. vny—they had a fortune. Mm. through tbta child." Right Wayt Have It understood PrnMNINiP Pbore 4047. PROPBKTY Owners U you are ■be shopped tor the earning citedly atMUt tbe new machinery objected tbe «MM UopeUently, T WE HAVE flneat ahsortments of Garden KeatanranL 840 Main spring, Simmons mattress—band- conelderiag capUaltaiBg on the ' that uraa arriving and wbat was before you arrive.Juat how long kitchen linoleuir.s. Also Ula and Resting— ITuBibing 19 atreeL soma living-room suite, your choice ROOM, convenient to aU buaaa, for baby, and took up knitting, aad ammi to It tlam yet tor ma to be­ OIRL OBdlRES rida from Slirar 1938 FORD iour-door aedan, new busincBs couple or single peraoiL present hlgb prices, contact us. dtaouHed tbe marketing and ordered. Aad oUll be found Ume The laat a t AufluaL Just betoto gin bein’ n good gMT" you Intend to stay. (It to dtoca wall coverlnsa. MancheaUr Floor of modem or period design, nige, Ws ars po^^iag top cash for rsal- to be tender with CXarte and ta the OaveodMh Camlly w a n leav­ earting to a beatam not to know Lana Noma* to RoyiU lypawiit- pninL complete, clean inalde, good PLUMBING and haatlng aervlca 8 lamps, 8 end tablea, 1 cocktail References. Can 8489 after 8. bouiMbold affnlrs with Mrs. Ames, ing. Lon’s mother and atster Judy . or. Howra 7 to 8:>0. Pbona MIS. mecbanlcal eondiUon, Phone 7330 Covering On, M Cottage atreeL and rspatra. Bolisra, radiators, deatlal or coromareiai p ra ^ ty . tbe housekeeper. do a doxan things every day to Baatrico—It to strange thnt how long a visit dny guest even Call 848b. . Help Wanted—Male or tabla, 8 pe. porcelain or maple PLEASANT room for rtnL Hast­ For action today pbona 77tt ot make her happy. He brought euaa to calL Lsal bappeued to a ntotlve—Intenda to make.) during d«y or 8333 after 4:30. warm air rumaoea, copper range Bid came to tbe bourn on tbe be there, aad It waa horribly aaa- Ahoe abouM Invite that horrid CALI DEAN'S Paraonai Sarvlaa boilera, chromium plated sink PeMsIc 87 breakfast set. Yee, even linoleum ed, with twin beds, for gentle­ 8329, or writs Braa-Bum Raalty hm to otav for daya at a Ume. her flowers. orchMa and hxig- to bar wadding; tor aeiaaUfle claaaiag ot ruga FIVE 1911 InumaUonal K-8 m - ALL APPLIANCES aervicad and for the kitchen--everything com­ men, near bus. 116 North School Oo^ Raaltora, 118 Bast Oantar atemmed ream, and violeta. He bamaalng for a few raomante. a dlmgraaabla paat The BMaattaai A Mend ai repaired, burners, refrigaratora. and lavatory lodge, faucata avail­ WANTED — Tobacco sorters. And L n l wnn In and o u t happy But CasM found beraaU equal to apartntrjr walla tnndowa aad ton trucka. Throa I MO Interna- able. Edward W. Johnson. 4e70. plete. "Ready to Uva in." atreeL or phone 4898. atraaL Mancbaatar. Hertanm—Tea. my dear, but whether he auiy bom w a book odd |oM Maacaaatat S4US. Uonal D-SU IH-ton trucka. All ranges, waahera ate. All work Bxpariancad In broadlaaf. Amalia Open .avenlngr only by special tha attuatiea. flhs urns Bcmatlame ahs’a rich enough to fumtah a very whlcb yoB youraelf have borrowed. tbaaa trucka have 13-foot rack guaranteed. Metro Barvlca . Co., PLUGGED Main aawars, alnk. Jarvis, 873 Parker atraaL Man­ appointmanL ROOMS For RenL twin beds. De- WILL PAY cash up to 111,800 for FUNNV BUSINESS aurprlasd a t how oaaUy aha hod agraaabto praaauL Wm w Wayt LaM tbe book to bodlaa are In •nnallant condition Tal. Manrheatar 3-08g8, chester. A-L-B-E-R-T-B ^ Blmble locator on bua Una. PboiM a modam single home la Man- been able to flt tnto the circle ef 'avatory and oath drains alfl- Parker’s frtanda oa tha MIL Tpey Mm. AstowaMln for Salt 4 aad carry our 30-day guarantee clenUy machhia cleaned. Cart 48 AUyn streeL Hartford 2-9780. ebaatot ot vicinity. Write Box K. tWTo-Bwklag hasn’t ebangsd In BlgM Whyt flay, 'Tm aoiry. I SHEET METAL WORK Phone 4-0858 HaraM. talked for a tttUe white a t the Uite MMk doesn’t belong to me. 1 Union Motore, 127 Spruce Nygran, plumbing, ataam Btlai usual poUte tMaga. Ldn waa sUU 8800 yoara. Greek matdena uaad atraet. TaL 8088. and pump maohanlc, IS South Situations Wanted— CLOSED EVERY MONDAY to ait and Itotaa to a lyre an evw borrowed It from flo-aad-flo, and 1941 CHEVROLET SPECTAL Hot Alt Fumaea Repairing. Male 89 Wanted—RooBito—Bonrd 62 PROMPT action on aU realty la Naw York. That cams nut aak Mm wbethar you may have atraaL Phona 6497. ally la tba coavaioatieo. nlng, too. ru MBtoHlto DeLUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN. 1989 STUOEBAKER Commander New Hot All and Alt OnndlUonIng VENETIAN Banda, wood, ataal m tranaaettona. Singles, doublaa and It U you urant ma to." Q. Radio and heatar. Excap- apacial club coupe. Dafroatar and MARRIED>man, middle aged, with aluminum. Cboioa colors. Oonvbn- WANTED To Rant In Manchaster boainesaea for aala. Suburban After they bad gone, LenL silent The awoat young thing urha touiv FumacM Installed. car would like light outdoor tionally dean ...... f llW undemeat neater. Price 8795. In­ Rooting—Repairing 17-A lant tarma Phona for aaUmate. or vicinity, two fumlahed rooms Realty Od., Raaltora, 49 Parkins and uitiKirawn. sitwd by the Mg Ing tba eamant pianL Already aba BY EDGAR M A m iN quire 40 Parker atreet. Phone Bavee Trough and Oondoetor work. What have you? Write no obUgatlon. Mancbaatar Vane- with' kitchen privltoges. Call atresL Telephone 8215. urindows that opened on the ter- had learned that cement urns made BDUrra AND HER BUDDIES More Lflwjrera *topalrini!! REPAIR OK replace asphalt shin- Box H, Manchester Herald, tian Blind Oo. Pbona S-I53A 2-0430. r. She umtened tbe cnvatidlata from tba ground and aoM tor 'r I > 1984 CHEVROLET COACH. 8339. WANTED In Mancheater or H-PRt OOHTT m t fOttOOT ______MawnDHTM_— Heater. Good transporta­ glaa, slats compualtlon or tin roll off down tbe drive, proflL NOtLOUD'. IM l NASH, good eondiUon, own NUKMAN BENTZ ' roofs chimnayA Baablnga eaves- USED FURNITURE bought and auburbaf a atngla or two-family going to New York m ^ Surest Young 'ITilng (polatlng residence. WUl pay cash for a rm tion ...... 8 2 4 8 ad privately. Raaaonabla. Call i 877 Bpntoo ntraot • troiigba. E V. Coughlin. S9U Doga—Birds—Pets 41 sold. The Red Shop. 59 Hudson Wanted t o Rent 58 she tw l Cbaale. flhe turned to totgu exeauutlon in tbe groundi I 3-08M. Tel aeae Woodland atraaL 7707. StreeL Moore's Used Furniture. good homa. Writs Box F, Harald. around, allbouatted against tbe —But wbat uriU you do urfth that | 1985 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR A COMPLETE tin# of Oelaler Phone 7281. FAMILY O f Six including school wlBdowa. Her flguro had ripened, toiga boto? ; SEDAN. Radio and heat- IAME8 MAtTtI, Uenarai truck­ HOOFING. Siding and new call­ canary food and remediea. aga chlld’an betog a v lc t^ Rant and her beauty was no fengur Laborer—H m bom srfl] aall tbaL | 'a r 8845 Aoto AccfSioAna Tirts 5 ing. Range and fuel oile. asbaa ings our spacl'ally Highast qual­ Tropical and golr*Sah. Breeding MUELLER Plpeieu, pipe, bibwer needed iKmcdlately. Call 3-OSlS. chlldllka but lo v ^ and mrena. to a and runhwh ramoved. Pbona ity matsriaJa used. Workmanship cagea, neat and naatlng hair, furnaces—Automatic gaa water •T rany aa well teD you now Sweet Young Thing—But what NEW TIKES, new racapi, uaad heaters In stock. Devino Com DESPERATE Local family have Uraa and tubas Expert vulcanli- 483h. If no answer call 44M. guaranteed. A. A Dion, Inc., aquarium plants. Ebco Pat Shop. il. and have It over uritb! 1 audition­ could a hole uke t|ait be used for? ■ YOUR PONTIAC DEALER 389 Autumn atraaL Tal 4440. 408 Center atreeL comer Gris­ pany, Wa’.erbury 3-8038. advertised for six months, ed In Indianapolis lost Mondaylay for Laborer (exasparaUdf—Lady, Ing, 8 hours recapping aarvice. urgently need any renL Rafar BUY Youa Mancbaatar Tlrp and RacsMing ALL MAKES ol sawuig machlnaa wold. Phone 3238. Open 9 a. m a Job uritb B i^ Mickle’s daaee ure could cut H up and aali K for| ^ COLE MOTORS axpsrtJy repaired. Singai Sawing ROOFING - Speciallxlng in re­ A THREE-KOOM OutSI of fuml encea. Phone 1-0477. bmid. and 'I got a Bhooa call today baaementa. Company, Broiul atraat. 'Tela- pairing roofa of all kinds, also to 7 p( m. turt complata with Bengal Com .91 CENTER STREET Machine 00^ 8St Main ctreat that 1 madeIds R. He’s got aa an- phone 8849 Open 8 a. m. to 7 p. Tal gb88 ;iew roofs. No Job too smaJl or blnation stove and aiectric re- LOCAL Phoe repairer in North EXTRA gagement ia Now York." Arguments out of a pntty mouth | PHONE 4184 m. large.' Good work, fair price. Free Live Stock—Vehicles 42 frtgemtor. Ooet only 41.000 ai End looking for three or foar *But Lent thatia not tbe sort an unanauranble. eatimatee. Call Howley. Man­ Albert's. 48 Allyn eUaeL Hartford rooms, unfurnished, no children. S A V IN 6 S a t staging—" —Addtoon. ^ NASH aadan. Juat bad oom- chester 5861.• Cali Henry's Shoe Repair. 8998. r w o o * Hosliicss Bvrvlcts Offered IS WARM AIR FURNACES WE BUT native beef cattle and CHROMIUM end red leather bar "Blues and torchy stuff?" Lanl .. Idato motoi Job. Radio and beat- » ------calvea on the boot or dresaed laughed shortly and her mouth Grandma uraa afraid to go out | ai\ Baainnabit 81 Drive T. Silver ALL MAKES of washing ma CLEANED AND KEPAIKED atoots. leather couch and chair, RpiFINED Boston family of three grew Into that faaolllar pouL when obe heard tba wolf calling. Painting—Papering 21 weight. Get a higher price by suitable for recreation room. Liv­ seeking desirable, living quarters. BONDS "" L n a .Hoiaaa. chinas rapauad 10 years' axpar- VAN CAMP HKiriHEltS selling direct to ua. Manchester “You’d ba eurprleed a t urhat Tve Daughter la afrMd to go out ta I It*fl R Gl BY V. T. HAMUlt lanes. Os') A. Brewer, 8-0848. ing room‘and bedroom furniture Hunhsmd transferred to Bast laamsd to do uritb a aoiw." c a n tba vrolf calls—and she’s not | AI.Mi (MIP ‘IPIT SMAU. Studebakar aadan, 249 North Main Street INTBKIOK and aaterlor painting. Slaughter House. Phone 3-1800. sold at a sacrtSce Phone 8567 flartford. Minimum of thraa Wfl!U.T Also papcrbangtng Prompt serv­ floowthtoig atnmga flieberod In ta. ic r .toater good ooDdiUon. 8S3S. GAS AND alaetric welding, nil Telephone 5244 after 7 p. m. rooms needed. Prefer to renL NOW tha araalL dark toes, a turlst of ^~9iaaa dlOl. ice. Fair price. D E Frecnette. metaiA lead burning. Eighteen Poultry and SuppliM 43 will consider purchase. Local ref- mabce, triumph—something that Then th en ’s tha definition ef a I years exirrience. George L Phone 7430. WHITE Enamel stove with black erencea furnished. Phona 3-1297. chilled Camie. atyla leader: A girl who's a chump | CfOlTSUOt. Wlndaor aadan. . steel top, .Can be used for wood, Green, 413 dardnei etreet. Call RADIO - Electrical Appliance BKUSH and xpray painting, (Ta Ba OaMiaoad) ahead of everyone etoa. ‘; la asoallant condition through- Service, repairs picked up and TOULOUSE greae and ganders oil, oi coat. Alsr. flve-bumer oil ./ 4i0t. Muat ba aaan to ba appra- 3047. naperhanging. new ceilings, flixirt A'.ier cen'„ Immediate occupancy Cape Cod style. Garage la bew- Conn. Phone 31. necessltatea owner leaving town. meuL Avallafela la apprnxi- 1933 MODEL B Ford beachwagon, INTEKIOK Painting and paper- iBUt^ ae daya. Sale Price . _. Inforasatlon Leading 1937 Chavrolat aadan. Both good • HOUSEHOLD AND HOSPITAL Beds or wbeel-chalra SeJe price. 48,000^ cash 43,200. hanging k'ioors sanded and re- for rent or sale. Rates reason­ Call Manchester 2-1333. 888# b o ^ . t^ I^Cil of a Dasir- running condition. Phone 4977, Snbthed. All 'ypes of commer­ C4 rooau prefer- COMMERCIAL Artirlea for Hale 45 able. Phone Keith’s Furniture. MANCHESTER— cial and Industrial spraying 4159. i) for an amployaa of I'homaa J. McKinney Phone 2- 3 '. X 3U CAMERA witih Kodak 6 Rooom with garage. Pre­ y Bros. AVAILABLE 0106 F.45 lena. Delayed action, hold­ ONE DINING-room set for sale. war ksnec. Steam heat with oU. SCIENTIFIC ers, Sim pack adapter, cacrying 160 Center street In good condi­ Sale Price flljia. Terms Ar- FKECKLES AND HIS FMfENDH Bewmre! BY MERRILL BUM.SEII? INTEKIOH and exterior decorat­ r Osntact Matt Moriarty case. Price |49. Call 8864 after 8 tion. INSURE raaged. 1 ALVtfAYAYS SAV A FieSNO ISNt A PROFESSIONAL REFRIGERATION CO.. INC. ing. roonng. door sanding ano p. m. WItk P98CK..M0W that YOtAN OOT DO-flC-Mt.l LARO TELEPHONE 5185 general repairing Ail work guar- LARGE Ooal or wood range, ANDOVEB— CAienV p p peoALi lcaI ^ onmmjo. toOKT, antrvd Pon'h and lawn fiirnitiire NEW AT the Coventry Shop, In- McKi n n e y b r o t h e r s I t OtONT lACT wAuer* fWCkUSMSl hiareSm tM . 50 COTTAGE STREET white enamel, with hot water For Ck L'a Oalyt Naw House. Z y 'iO /u . OFFICE SPACE tprayvo ar coal with any con- dianheaJ white scarSng, un­ front. Phone 8600. Real Estate and liMuraaee 4 reoma, 3 nnaalekrd upatalra. tract Can K B Wceaici H96.5 bleached miwiln. seeraucker, 508 MAIN BY. TEL. 9 m Oarage In baaeroeuL Bale Price MANCHESTER 2-I'226 * FOR SALE — A Laskin Mouton tpy;- _vy-- Business Zone ahirting, gabardine, nainsook and 88.185 with $458 Down. Month­ CALL Olll-ert Flckett for your sheer blouee naateriala In eight coat. Sma;i size. 10 or 12. Very ly paymeats approxtmately (fU, PKBCKLf S Nirreo painting and paperhan^ng. sliKhtly used. 498. tax included. Esat Center Street ANTIQUES rahn'shed and repair coiora, raincoat materials, black A MCAUMy pBonr ad Rush or splint seats replaced Rooms 12x18 done for 813. In­ and white butcher linen. Also Blair’s. SOUTH OOVEMTEY— PffOMlK( SALP HOUSES cludes paper at 60c a roll. Call new cotton and rayon. Day's cor­ 8 Boome with hath, flreplaee. OPHI8 O k / Imnirdiate Occupancy! Tlemann. 189 South Main street A NEW natural silver muskrat Phone 5643 4208. ner, South Coventry. attached garage. Lot approxi- HC'S A MAN OA fur coat, size 16-18. price 3200. WANTED msteiy 108 x 100. Sale Price MEANS NOW/ Phone Mmnehester 5.T29 PAINTING and paperhanging FOR SALE WATER3£.AN'S pernonal errand FLASH! Here'a electrio light and Phone 4722. 88.000. Good work Keasonahie ratea I2'a power tor far mere, summer cot­ • MANAGER FOR V// ■•rvice. Local eranda, package 14' room papered; 412. includes FLOOR problems solved with ADOmONAL LI8TIN08 Loomia $1. delivery- Light trucking, Auto tage owners, gas station ownare SPORTSWEAR AND paper at* SUc a roll. Kaymond and trailar travelers! The Mont­ linoleum, aapl.alt tile, counter. AT OUB OFFICE 8 HODSBS numl'cr plate eervice to Hartford. Flake Phone LHga. Expert workmanship, free eetl- SWEATER STORE Phonr 2-tl782. gomery Ward and Company 8 Baan u PHHabad. 3 UnaatalMd. power light plant costs aa iitUa at mates. Open evenings. Jones' Manchester Area. ALLEN REALTY CO. .«em.iewww>Hr^.m.t.ii.wo.vri. 4142. Montgomery Ward C5o.. 822 Furniture, Oak atreet. Phone REALTORS WANTED ELEiTTKlC Motors repairing and I'rivatr Inotrurtiona • 28 2-1041. Good Salary! Hawthorne St. rewinding. All wi>rk guaranteed Main atreet. lei 5181. 180 CENTER STREET A Red Ace BY FRED MAKMAN> SPEECH (kirrecuon. clear voice. RED KillKR S HOUSES GIRL TO OPERATE Ace Bleviric Motor Kepalra, ‘321 FREEZER CabineU. A. C arc WE BUT and aall good used WRITE BOX V-R TELEPHONE 8108 North Main atreet. opMtita De­ Private leasone In reading, alge­ furnitura. combination ranges, All Uaee ot laaaraace. t3l) fVdOKO IT fWrtfCA 4 BaaaM nalabed. t DaSalabcd. SWITCHBOARD AND BE bra, phonetic work, radio tech­ welders eiactrivUy and powar pot entrance on North School plants, Stewart clip maatara. im­ gaa ranges aad heaters. Jones' Care THE HERALD laeladlBg Ule. arreet. Phone .5642. nique. White Studio, 709 Main Furniture Store, 88 Oak Phona Mortgagee Arranged. hqSh T ^ o a Columbus St. AB1.E TO TAKE DICTA­ street. Phone 3-1392. mediate delivery. Capitol Orind- Ing. 38 Main streeL Phone 7988. 3-1041, f^B| Raady TO Move la! TION AND DO TYPING RADIO neeo fixing? Have it re­ ONE AU. BRICK HOUSE paired ny experts. Pick-up serv­ PORTABI-B. paint spraying out- ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner. eemwwarwei ^■aaHmauawmen 8 Baaam PtaiabeA 3 UaSalabeA Musical—Dramatic 29 AU attachments. Call 3-9051 be­ WRITE BOX S. ice, guaranteed work. Seta check at — Includaa compreasor, spray kiewwemwwm.iwT.uimiLs.iw.e» J l- / on Heat ed in the home. Car radios a PIANO TUNING and repairing. gun and hose. Never used. 48 tween 7 and 8 p. m. "WaH, mayke I'm net me romantio ab Tyrone Power or Care THE HERALD apecialty. Mancheater Radio Player pianos specialty. John Middle rumplke WeeL Phone REFRIGERATOR 4t4 cu. fL. ex­ "You wanta be on your tooa tonight, guv>or— there's ChariM Boyer, but I might be if I had Hedy LaMerr or Lockwood St. Service, 73 Birch atreet. Phone Oockerh.im, 28 Bigelow atreeL 7288. cellent condition, 480; ornamental a aoQut from Bonny Goodman out front!” bigrid Bergman te jnepire flifl!" 2-0840. Dial 4219. 3 ALL BRUM HOUSES LARGE gray collapsible baby car­ Sreplace, brass grate, iUumlnated 4 Baowe nalabed. t Uabalebed. riage in A-1 condition. Phone glass coala, 440. Phone 2-1377 or VIC FLINT *'Doctdr’' Is Intcm ipted BY MICHAEL U’MALLEY aad EALPH LANE .t on Heal Buaineaa OpportuiriUea 32 3118. 14 Harvard Road. •> SUCH Immediate HARTFORD Opportunities: Auto CHILD'S maple high chair, baby's WHITE enamel fo’ir-bumer gas SiOmiNKS/ NuHomeSr Inc. REAL ESTATE accessory store, grocery, meats, toilet Jars, green eun parlor rug, atove, Ins'ilated ice box, ideal for 7NOSC fOOT- ackage, nardware, restaurants, 15x8. Phone 3278. summer camp. Tel. ^-0684. * MUNIS MAVi CAI.L 8 0486 Occupancy Susineaa altea and others. Singles, KMOMVOIP VALUES doubles, oloCka. C. Horkry, Flat- TWO PAIRS alwie akatee, aiaea 8 MAMIDIATliy/ lUUI tiUK WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR HOARIHNG HOUSE m a jo r HOGHLE McKEB STREET—5-room bush avenue, W. Hartford. Phone and 9, |2 each. One electric heat­ irauifT SI ARDMORE ROADe-Mod- steam heal. 1 acre land, er fan driven, practically new. OOCIDKHMWCK. 3-9408. Upholster Your LOOK.TWISGS.' t h e MA.30R lb em 4-Room Single with garage.. Price 87,800. 815; one pair 8' akla. 83. Pbotte BEATIN« MV EAAft VAYH S1DMR two unflnibhed upstairs, 6101. ^ Help Wanted—Female 35 Old Furniture ~ AGB GAGe^lUACr UTT UKA A'" circulating warm air heat DRUMS, complete set of Stinger- For Sale at 343 Porter Street, Mancheater LEAD PlPe.'-*«-Ve«rEROAy H6 FOR SALE with oil burner, new two- 14 FAIRFIELD STREET— WOMAN for work on fountain land Radio King drums, marine We Will Make It Look Like TOLD ABOUT tHE OPCKA 60PRANO, 6 room single, completely Day work, good t>ay. Apply The pearl and chromium. Call Rock- Now! Maoy Fabrics To This braatlful homo with ■vlag room, dining room and Idtchca COMIC GiNAlMa FAUST. BUT SHB A l* 0 j^ Mve-RooM Cape Cod. Room car garage. Occupancy Soda Shop, 187 North Main on the 8rat Boor aad 8 hedraeaw, sewtag room aad bath on eeo- f lur two additional foobm on May 1st. renovated, hot water heat, viUa 1464. Choooc From. Easy Tcnna. AAdfl OXADSING StOM/— K straeL ond Boor. Lot 18T X 380’, aide porch. Immediate oocupaacy. CAHTT HX) OOAOC ftraFiir Ftigwiace. Cir- with oil, garage, well land- For farther lafomatlea call 7415 or 7985. -WE&'B. S'EREGS-.^MloMn small REMINGTON triple head electric MiM OOTA TM* g M t House b SRANEVAIZD f Single, ail conveniences, master electric raaor. .ExiFelli ^ insulated. New houM Bpilding, Elm atreeL Ijr for ercupaney! good condition. Occupancy condition. 110.80 each. Call 3- March 1st. 0834 on Sunday. Anderson ^250 5 ROOM BUNGALOW — WASH rUIIHS Or th e Way BY L E SU E rUKNER Steam heat, two car garage, ELGIN Wrist watch, thrae Do- TEL. 5410 p K » f!u n il3r Plat of 4 rooms MAIN STREET — Vacant 6-Room Single, large lot, large lot. Very convenient PROFESSIONAL more electric hand grinders, r to ant flat only. lo^tion. Price 810,500. washing machine, high-chair, 899 fL Situated on toned for busineas.' play-pen, collapsible carriage, Automobile Insurance.. ghto. •troUer. roller skates, toys and CHOICE LOTS in various OFFICE SPACE miacelUmaous. Inquire 357 Spruce YES. WE SELL IT — ALSO TAKE CARE ■ectiona of Manchester and d A iRY FARM — Bolton. 10-DAY . OF YOUR NEEDS AFTERWARDS! Bolton. Bq I bp Bsfars the Spring 5lodem home, flite location. We are planning to have W ' S ".' ^ m a Fool and Ford 49-A OCCUPANCY Be Sure You Have Adequate Inaurancc Coverage I c in n e y available in the near future WBU-L SBAhONED hardwood, cut Together With Medical Itoymcet or Gueot Inauranre M K office suiteo of one, two and 6-ROOM SINGLE — Fire­ 2 FLAT — Excellent local­ any length. When ordering ptesM IF IT*8 INSURANCE — CALL UllR OFFICE! ftiwet Roal^ three rooms, very centrally give alas, and length waqted. Im­ place, oil bnmer. - storm BROTHERS ity,. exceptional lot, two mediate delivery 817 tw cord wtodows and acreena. Cor­ I lly Realtors car garage. Price 112,500. located in Mancheater. load. 89 for V&. cord load Call ner k>L nicely landscaped. Real Estate Inkurance 7083. Leonard Glgllo STUART J. WASLEY Write B