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THE DESERT MAGAZINE CALENDAR Aug. to Sept. 20—Utah Centennial ex- position, Stite fair grounds, Salt Lake City, Lftah. Aug. 28-30—Utah Indian Days, honor- ing Ute, Whiteriver, and Uncom- pagre Indians, Roosevelt, Utah. Aug. 29-31—Santa Fe Fiesta and Gran Baile, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Volume 10 SEPTEMBER, 1947 Number 11 Aug. 29-Sept. 1—Elko county fair and Nevada stat^ livestock show. COVER DESERT TORTOISE. Photograph by Fred H. Aug. 29-Sept. 1^-Nevada rodeo and Humboldt county fair, Winnemuc- Ragsdale, Los Angeles, . ca, Nevada. CALENDAR September events on the desert 3 Aug. 30-Sept. 1—Dig-N-Dogie Days ro- deo and Mohave county fair, King- PHOTOGRAPHY Announcement of July Contest winners ... 4 man, Arizonja. Aug. 30-Sept. 1—Sierra club Labor Day INDIANS Cheating is Taboo on the Reservation weekend climb to the top of San Gorgonio. By DAMA LANGLEY 5 HUMOR Aug. 30-Sept. l^Nevada state fair and Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley 10 rodeo, Falloi, Nevada. EXPLORATION Aug. 30-Sept. 1—Rodeo and Labor Day Oasis on Bear Creek homecoming celebration for old- By RANDALL HENDERSON 11 timers of , Bishop, TRUE OR FALSE California. A test of your desert knowledge 14 Sept. 2—St. Stephen's day, harvest dance, PERSONALITY Acoma pueblo, New Mexico. Perlite Miners of Searchlight Sept. 4—St. Augustine's day, harvest TREASURE By HAROLD O. WEIGHT 15 dance, Isleta pueblo, New Mexico. His Compass Was a Burro's Tail Sept. 5-6—Flower show, sponsored by By RICHARD VAN VALKENBURGH ... 19 Gallup Women's club and Junior NATURE Elfs of the Saguaros Women's cltib, Junior high school, By LEWIS WAYNE WALKER 23 Gallup, Ne\| Mexico. Sept. 6 and 8—St. Augustine's day, corn ARCHEOLOGY Tale of Three Rabbit Feet dance, San Ildefonso pueblo, New Mexico. By DORIS A. PAYNE 26 LETTERS Sept. 6-8—Volunteer Firemen's rodeo, Comment from Desert Magazine readers ... 30 Winslow, . BOTANY Sept. 11-13—Southern Utah Livestock Floral Butterflies and Sunbonnets of the Desert show, Cedar! City, Utah. By MARY BEAL 31 Sept. 12-14—YaVapai county fair, Pres- MINING cott, Arizona. Current News Briefs . 32 NEWS Sept. 12-18—National Softball Con- Here and There on the Desert 33 gress, world's championship soft- CONTEST ball tournament for girls, Phoenix, Announcement of September Photo Contest . . 36 Arizona. HOBBY Sept. 13-14—Sietra club, Nevada Desert Gems and Minerals 38 Peaks section, climb to the summit LAPIDARY of Charleston peak. Camp at Amateur Gem Cutter, by LELANDE QUICK . . 45 Charleston park public camp. COMMENT Just Between You and Me, by the Editor ... 46 Sept. 15-18—Animal fiesta, three days POETRY of dancing, Jicarilla Apache reser- vation, New Mexico. Humility, and other poems 47 Sept. 19—Annual fiesta, harvest dance, The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc., 636 State Street, Laguna pueblo, New Mexico. El Centro, California. Entered as second class matter October 11, 1937, at the post office at El Centro, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Sept. 19-21—Fifteenth annual Navajo Patent Office, and contents copyrighted 1947 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce county fair, Holbrook, Arizona. contents must be secured from the editor in writing. Sept. 27-28—Sietra club, rock climbing RANDALL HENDERSON, Editor. BESS STACY, Business Manager. section, climb to top of Tahquitz HAROLD and LUCILB WEIGHT, Associate Editors. rock. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned or acknowledged unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for damage Sept. 27-28—Basstow rodeo, Barstow, or loss of manuscripts or photographs although due care will be exercised. Subscribers should California. send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding issue. If address is un- certain by that date, notify circulation department to hold copies. Sept. 28-Oct. 5—New Mexico state fair, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Albuquerqu New Mexico. One Year . . . $3.00 Two years . . . $5.00 Canadian subscriptions 25c extra, foreign 50c extra. Sept. 29-30—Sar Geronimo fiesta, Taos Subscriptions to Army personnel outside U.S.A. must be mailed in conformity with pueblo, Taos, New Mexico. P.O.D. Order No. 19687. Address correspondence to Desert Magazine, 636 State Street, El Centro, California.

SEPTEMBER, 1947 Newspaper Rock... First prize winning picture in Desert Magazine's July contest, subject, Desert Markers and Monuments, is this view of pet- roglyphs in Petrified Forest na- tional monument, Arizona, taken by Don Ollis of Santa Bar- bara, California. Verichrome film was used with 1/25 sec. ex- posure at f.ll at 1 p. m. on a clear day.

Wickenburg Monument... Second prize went to Cyril Johnson of Susanville, Cali- fornia, for his picture of the monument near Wickenburg, Arizona, where Mojave Indians ambushed a stage, killing six passengers and fatally wound- ing a seventh. Taken with 2lAx3V4 Graflex, 1/70 sec. at f.ll, Super XX film. ' ** is

Robert Pino, assistant to the Guild manager, learned his silversmith trade the hard ivay and now he is helping other Navajo craftsmen improve their product—and find a market for it.

In order to determine what ef- fect the war may have had on the native crafts work of the Navajo Indians, and what the future holds for the tribal weavers and silversmiths, Dama Langley spent several days on the reser- vation at the request of Desert on Magazine—and here is her re- port. Briefly, it is an encouraging By DAMA LANGLEY report, despite the competition of Photographs by Milton Snow- white men who have been flood- ing the market with factory-made I RE YOU Mrs. Langley? Are you zona. January in that high country is a "Indian jewelry." the Desert Magazine writer sent dreary month, and when he spoke I was to learn about our Guild?" thinking of the hundreds of small Navajo thought you might like to ride with us." I turned from watching snowflakes children denied the privileges of school- Mr. Churchfield is manager of the Na- drift down from leaden clouds and met ing, who were hungry and cold in their vajo Tribal Arts & Crafts Guild. the searching gaze of a young Navajo vet- people's hogans. While I got into a heavy coat and over- eran. We were in the lounge of the club "I am Robert Pino," my caller contin- shoes the manager's assistant talked. He house at Window Rock, agency capitol of ued. "We are going in the Guild truck to was one of the many fine intelligent young the Navajo nation in northeastern Ari- Springs today, and Mr. Churchfield Indians who had been in Uncle Sam's

SEPTEMBER, 1947 armed forces, and now he was back with the Dlnne hoping to lighten their lot and make a better life for his frail young wife. "I go with Mr. Churchfield because many of the best silversmiths are older men who do not speak the English lan- guage. And Mr. Churchfield is not yet ready with the Navajo!" I laughed. I could well understand his tardiness with "the Navajo." After 25 years among them I am a deaf-mute when it comes to carrying on a conversation in Navajo. "It's a bad day to drive across the moun- tain," I observed, as we crossed to the modest office of the Guild. "Yes, it is a bad day. But the people will be waiting along the road. Mr. Churchfield has said we would go to Pine Springs to- day and they know he will be there!" That statement pleased me. When I met Mr. Churchfield I found myself appraising him through the eyes of my Navajo friends. I knew why he would meet the workers as promised. The truck was parked beside the little sign "Navajo Tribal Arts & Crafts Guild." It was an insignificant sign, but upon the stubborn efforts of the Guild officials and members rest the destiny of Navajo craftsmen and their wares. From a safe in the office Mr. Church- field had taken a glass jar of silver "fil- ings" and a quantity of silver wire which would be issued to members of the Guild doing silverwork. The efforts of the Guild to secure sufficient silver for first class jewelry netted such a small amount of sil- ver slugs that it was necessary to save all the trimmings and clippings from the fin- ished work and remelt it to be used again. Silverwork is not an ancestral craft with the Navajo. Less than 90 years ago they began their first working in metals under the direction of a Mexican blacksmith at- tached to the army post of Ft. Defiance. He taught some Navajo how to work with iron, and one of these, Herrero Delgadito, "Little Lean Iron Worker," carried the art with him when he and 12,000 Navajo were driven into exile because of their fe- rocious attacks on peaceful Indians and Mexicans. This was in 1863. While at Ft. Sumner in captivity the Navajo obtained copper wire and Herrero taught them how to make bracelets and ornaments from it. Only 7000 Navajo lived to be returned to their present northern Arizona and New Mexican reservation, but as soon as they found places to build their hogans they resumed weaving blankets and their new art of jewelry making. Trading posts had sprung up around the army posts and there was a ready sale for trinkets. The soldiers sent them east as souvenirs. Little Lean Iron Worker made his home at Ft. Defiance and was kept

The Guild uses no turquoise—rather its craftsmen pride themselves on the quality and simple design of their product. THE DESERT MAGAZINE busy making crude silver rings, buttons and bracelets for the soldiers. The craft spread and after Fred Harvey began to have salesmen travel on Santa Fe trains and offer the silver trinkets and blankets to passengers there developed a worthwhile market for the work. When World War II called hundreds of young Navajo men and women from their reser- vation to serve in war plants and the armed forces, the Navajo people were de- pendent on the sale of their rugs and jew- elry for more than half of their income. With money reaching the reservation from allotment checks and payrolls, silvermak- ing was temporarily laid aside except by a few of the older silversmiths who took an artist's pride in tmeir craft. Prices soared along with the popularity of costume jew- elry, and collectors searched for the heavy old pieces of pawn jewelry found in back country trading posts. There is a reason for the desire to own a pawn piece. Craftsmen keep for them- selves and their families, the finest work they do. When hunger or the desire to splurge at a ceremonial sing demands money, they take their family jewels to a trading post and borrow on them. Some- times the jewelry stays there for years since traders are reluctant to sell anything they believe the owner will ever redeem. But when pawn is "dead" and there is no chance of its redemption, then it is sold. The war ended: and there was no more money coming to the Navajo hogans from workers in the war factories. Hundreds of the workers returned to the reservation ready to resume blanket weaving and sil- verwork. But times had changed. The government in order to check ero- sion on the great sprawling 17,000,000 acre reservation had reduced flocks until hundreds of families were destitute. They had no lambs or wool to sell to the traders, no goat milk for their children, no mutton to stew over a slow pinyon fire. Wool was so scarce on the reservation it had to be ob- tained through the traders who imported it. Still, their weaving craft was safe from imitators, since no machine has been de- vised which can produce a blanket resemb- ling -a handloomed Navajo weave. Silverwork is another matter. White men, hovering like vultures around the reservation, saw the possibilities for money making in Navajo jewelry. With a great blare of altruistic oratory they built fac-

Above—Indian women come to the Guild school to learn the fine points which bring a higher price for their weaving. Center—Indian boys are taught de- sign and workmanship that they may carry on the craftsmanship of their tribe. Lower—In the school workshop where the young Navajo learn by working in silver.

SEPTEMBER, 1947 tories almost within shouting distance of of us, and went into the big eight-sided the reservation boundary, and are turning log hogan. Limping Man sat before his out tons of pseudo Indian jewelry. Their work bench industriously filing a rough main talking points are: "It will introduce spot on a concho. He seemed quite sur- Navajo jewelry to the public," and, "We prised to see us. A brisk fire burned under will give work to hundreds of Indian sil- the half of a steel oil drum and a coffee pot versmiths." What really has happened is sent tempting odors toward our cold noses. that the market is flooded with flashy We gladly accepted the hot drink, but used lightweight jewelry studded with tur- our own cups from the car. quoise, which sells for a price which hand- "We have come for the conchos," Rob- hammered and genuine handmade jewelry ert said. Limping Man rose and unhooked can never hope to meet. The scanty amount a cotton sack from a peg driven between of available silver for such projects is logs and dumped two dozen beautiful bought by these concerns. Navajo are hired heavy conchos onto the work bench. I to sit at assembly lines doing an endless thought Robert and Mr. Churchfield monotony of piece work. The old-time would be delighted, but they stood and silversmith, working alone in his hogan, waited. Reluctantly the silversmith pouring all his inherent love of beauty and Trademark of the Indian Arts and brought out another sack and this one was perfection into his work, has no chance to full of much smaller and more delicate earn even starvation wages without the Crafts Guild. Its importance looms large for the Navajo craftsmen. conchos, evidently intended to be worn by help of his tribal Guild. women with their sport clothes. "Who started this tribal Guild idea?" I earned additional materials for future "Why have you taken two months to get asked Mr. Churchfield as we labored up these ready?" asked Robert. "This is the the hill toward St. Michael's mission. work may be secured at a fair price. During this period of scarcity of silver and wool third time we have come here for them. "It had its inception during the world's the Navajo would have been almost help- You have kept the Guild's silver here un- fair at San Francisco. A committee scoured less had they been compelled to depend worked while you did piece work for the the reservation for fine old blankets and upon their own efforts to secure working factory. That is not being a good member silver work which was to appear with the materials." of the Guild. It is not fair to other mem- Arizona exhibit. Many valuable articles bers. If you want to work for the Gallup "You say the market has been widened? were almost unobtainable, but the display people, that is your business, but you can- What do you mean by that?" excited so much interest among lovers of not use Guild silver for their work, nor native crafts, the committee sought some "In 1942 the Guild manager visited big keep your membership in the Guild." shops and stores in the eastern cities and way to enliven interest among the silver- We left the hogan with the finished smiths and weavers so the younger genera- established wholesale markets for blan- kets and silver work. One of those contacts work, disregarding the request of Limping tion would appreciate and practice their Man for more working silver. Robert ex- arts and crafts. Ft. Wingate was selected as is paying off this week. Did you see the big packing cases piled in front of the plained that other members of the Guild the most logical place to carry on such a had seen Limping Man making light- project. Guild office? Those are full of our finest natural color and vegetable dye blankets weight quickly done ornaments which he "The best spinners and dyers and weav- selected by Marshall Field's buyer. He did not turn in to the manager. This they ers of the tribe were employed to teach spent several days on the reservation study- felt definitely was not keeping the spirit of young girls their art of blanket making. ing methods of weaving and silverwork so their Guild agreement, "One for all, all Silversmiths from all over the reservation his advertisements of Indian crafts will be for one." Until he could regain the confi- were brought there to teach their craft to authentic. Their silver buyer will be here dence of his fellow craftsmen they had the classes. Indians and white artisans were soon. Such shops as that and exclusive asked that no more precious silver be is- found who could add something of value jewelry shops such as Tiffany's and Pea- sued to him. That was the only incident re- to the teachings of the Navajo, and many cock's handle the fine silverwork our Na- ported where a member of the Guild did of the finest weavers and silversmiths on vajo are doing today. There has been such not play fair with the officials and his fel- the reservation today will tell you they an improvement in design and workman- low craftsmen. The story would go by learned most of what they know at the ship on silver under our Guild manage- grapevine throughout the tribe and there Wingate school. ment that it commands high prices and would be plenty of clucking and head "That idea was fine, but the silver- finds a ready market in high class shops shaking over it. smiths and weavers living in their own and gift departments." The snow was falling in hard wind- homes wanted and needed help more in- Robert interrupted our conversation, driven pellets as we went on toward tensive and personal than could be ob- "We had better go in to Limping Man's Greasewood. Beside the road two Navajo tained through the school. So in Septem- place and see if he finished those conchos," women wrapped in their bright Pendleton ber, 1941, the Navajo Tribal council voted he said. There was a certain grimness in blankets had built a fire and they flagged a $10,000 revolving fund with which to his tone that promised something of in- the car as we neared them. Piles of ashes set up a project to enable craftsmen to se- terest. I climbed out of the car to enter the told how many hours they had been wait- cure materials for their work, and through hogan with him. ing. Both of them produced lovely, soft the organization have their wares mar- Several knocks on the door brought no blankets which they were ready to turn keted. response. in to the Guild. "Prior to the organization of the Guild, "Maybe he isn't home," I said. "He is Robert spread the blankets on the clean the only outlet for the crafts of the tribe at home," said Robert. "See the door is not snow and they looked like subdued flow- was through the trading posts. Today the fastened on the outside yet it does not erbeds there, with the green pinyon trees craftsmen sell their work direct to the open. And I saw smoke coming out of the above them and snow all around. Meas- Guild for cash, with the result that their smoke hole before we left the road." We ured and checked for uneven widths, the earnings have been stabilized and in- went back to the car and sat there patient- blankets were tucked into the car and the creased. Now a Navajo silversmith or ly for perhaps ten minutes. Robert was women happily pocketed their money and weaver knows that acceptable work will be playing a waiting game. waved and laughed as they turned away bought at a fair price on a day specified, The door opened but no one appeared. among the trees. They had been waiting and that with a portion of the money so Again we left the car, this time all three since daylight, Robert said. I knew then

8 THE DESERT MAGAZINE why Mr. Churchfield had not let the stormy sky keep him from this scheduled trip. At Greasewood community center many horses were tied to a rack and the halls were full of Navajo women, children and a few men. The sewing room was cleared of unfinished garments and upon the tables rugs were piled high waiting to be measured and paid for. It was like a coun- ty fair. The women were quite curious about the work of other weavers, and as a rug was spread out, measured and paid for, they fingered the weave, discussed the design and coloring, and were always anxious to know why such and such a rug brought more or less than some other piece of weaving. Robert patiently pointed out the factors which made the more expen- sive rug desirable. Perhaps it was the fine- ness of the weaving, or the combination of colors. "Where did you get that cotton warp?" he asked a weaver. She named the trading post where she had bought it. "Then you will have to sell your rug to such dealers. You know the rules of the Guild—'Every Navajo rug must be of approved dyes and all wool material.' I'll tell you why you used the cotton warp. You did not get to work on your rug in time to have it done when you wanted the money. You used the cotton warp in order to save time and work. There is no place for inferior weav- ing or materials in the display room of the Navajo Tribal Guild." Robert had such a way of speaking jto his people that they took no offense at his reproofs. The weav- er giggled and other weavers shouted with laughter at her unsuccessful efforts to slip something over on their fellow tribesman. Rug buying completed and raw wool distributed by the pound to such weavers as were in need of it, the silversmiths crowded to the table with their finished work. One artisan began to take small soft- ly shimmering costume pins from his pock- ets, piling them in handfuls on the table until half a gallon were in front of us. I reached out and picked up some of them. One of the old silversmiths—be turns out good silver for the pride he has in his work. They were the cherished old mould de- signs, and each article was finished smooth as satin. There were no rough edges or signs are always interesting and artistic, ver won't stick. It takes only a little while pockmarks for Robert to detect and refuse the Guild manager encouraged the good for the silver to be cool enough to be re- to accept. All over the room the watching workers to resume that type of jewelry. moved from the mould and bent into the Navajo reached for the pins and passed The modern mould silverwork is much less proper shape for a ring or bracelet. In the them from hand to hand. Mr. Churchfield cumbersome and heavy than that of the case of pins or buckles no bending is neces- smiled at my concerned look. old days. sary. The moulded silver must be filed to To make a mould the silversmith smoothness, polished and buffed until it "They will give them all back. Not one searches for the light creamy stone found attains a certain desired sheen. Small pin- will be missing!" He looked at Robert who here and there around Greasewood. It is hole bubbles can sometimes be seen on the spoke to the silversmith in their tongue. cut into slabs with a saw and then flat side of the article, but even the best "He says there are 68 of them," Robert smoothed with sand paper or emery. One workman cannot prevent it. told us. side is left blank and a design is gouged The work is bought according to weight This same silversmith produced a num- out of the other half of the mould. This is of the finished article and consideration is ber of belt buckles and tie holders, all made as deep as the bracelet or other orna- given to the length of time required for moulded. There was a time many years ago ment is to be thick. Then in the blank any special or difficult design. The Guild when a great many silversmiths used the stone a small funnel is carved and a chan- has not favored its members working with mould method for their heavy items of nel leading to the design. Molten silver is turquoise. The old designs were simple, jewelry. Styles changed and it was only poured quickly so that it flows down the artistic and dignified and had no turquoise now and then such a piece could be located channel and into the hollow of the design. sets. Their charm and beauty depended on the reservation. Since the mould de- Sometimes the mould is greased so the sil- upon workmanship and design alone.

SEPTEMBER, 1947 r First class turquoise is difficult to ob- market. On the other hand the Guild will plicit faith in his integrity that I sensed on tain and very expensive. The Navajo are not accept sloppy work, because that our first meeting. connoisseurs of turquoise and they favor would react upon the entire enterprise." My impression of the Guild and its the hard clear blue stone without any We visited half a dozen places on the value to the Navajo tribe gained in estima- matrix. There has been a great deal of reservation, and it seemed to me that gal- tion day by day. I saw excellent weavers trickery practiced with turquoise in late lons of lovely beads had been inspected whose looms would have been idle had years. Inferior stone is dyed, or soaked in and accepted or rejected by Robert. Some not the Guild managed to secure wool for grease to deepen its color. Such turquoise were large, some small. Some plain and weaving. I saw silversmiths' families fill- crumbles and loses its blueness within a others bearing designs. ing their empty stomachs with food paid short time. Considering these things the for by work they sold to the Guild. This Guild members voted to stick strictly to "What will you do with all those work could not have been done without fine authentic early designs keeping them beads?" I asked finally. I was told that the the silver obtained by Guild officials. I simple, and making their jewelry of suffi- demand for "chokers" is such that there saw buyers who had traveled two or three cient weight to endure plenty of hard wear. are always unfilled orders on file. thousand miles select stock for exclusive "So far I have not seen any poor work. Days of such expeditions failed to dis- shops from the showcases in the Guild of- Does a silversmith have to be first class in close any resentment when Robert refused fice. Because this work was beautiful and order to belong to the Guild? That seems to accept an unworthy article. His tribes- authentic it brought good prices and repeat to me unfair to beginners," I suggested. men seemed to have the same sort of im- orders. Robert smiled and Mr. Churchfield an- swered, "Any Navajo, man or woman, who wants to be a good silversmith can belong to the Guild. Our good smiths are paid to instruct the beginners. One of the best silversmiths in America is in charge of the class over at Ft. Wingate and the Hard Rock Shorty Guild works in close contact with that school. Any boy who wants to be a silver- of Death Valley . . . smith has his chance. But he doesn't have to attend school." Then he turned to Rob- ert. "Where did you learn to work in sil- ver?" he asked. "Nope," said Hard Rock Shorty. reached to the next mark that was "I first learned from my father and un- "I cain't tell you how hot it is. Ain't 110 degres, and the next mark wuz cle who worked in their hogans above had no thermometer since Tom-Tom 120 degrees. Leupp. I learned by doing. They taught left. I ain't found one to take Tom- "When it'd get up to 125 degrees me how to gather juniper wood to make Tom's place." Tom-Tom stretched so far it'd al- charcoal. The fire had to be kindled just at Apparently that closed the subject ways make him kinda stiff, like an sunset and allowed to burn until it was red as far as Hard Rock was concerned. over-stretched spring. Then I'd coals. Then I heaped dirt on it until only He slumped back in his seat on the throw him in a bucket o' water and a thin line of smoke could escape. In the bench in front of Inferno store and that would shrink him back to nor- morning when the time came to work the squinted his eyes to keep out the re- mal agin. silver, those coals were charcoal and ready flection of the midday sun. "Wai, ol' Tom-Tom was a mighty to be placed in the bucket which served to handy thermometer fer me fer years hold them. But the stranger wanted to talk. He offered Shorty a cigar. "Smoke an' years. But one day I was away all "I learned how to melt silver in a pot- this one, Old-timer," he said. "I day over at the mine, and durned if tery bowl my own mother made for that don't understand about this weather that wuzn't the record day of all time purpose. It was three-cornered at the top gauge you call Tom-Tom." —134 degrees right in the shade o' so the silver could be poured from it. I this porch. When I come back to the learned how to look for the right kind of "Oh, that wuz my old cat," said cabin there wuz ol' Tom-Tom moulding rock and how to smooth it by Shorty. "About twicet as good in stretched to the limit—4 feet an' 3 grinding it against a harder stone. I ev-ry way as any other cat yu ever inches, not countin' his tail, an' his watched my father make the silver beads saw. That is why I doubled his name. tongue was hangin' out like a pantin' and solder them together so smoothly the He was a vain sortuva cat, though. dog's. joining could not be seen. Then I learned Always lookin' at hisself in the mir- "I quick got the pail o' water, and more about it when I went to school. There ror I set on the floor. that limbered him up a little, but I learned to make my own tools, including "Maybe you don't know about there weren't no snap-back to him. the rawhide hammer which flattens the cats. They never sweat. Nor he cain't He jes stayed stretched out long. He silver without leaving marks. It was there take off his furs nor fan hisself, nor give hisself one look in the mirror, I was taught to feel for faulty places on a do any of the things us humans do to an' durned if he didn't think he wuz finished piece. Mr. Churchfield did not keep cool. What a cat does to keep one o' them dash-huntin' dogs, and tell you that often we spend several hours cool is to stretch itself out on the he lit out over the hills t' chase rab- in a hogan showing somebody just how to floor—and the hotter it gits the bits. join the two halves of a silver bead so it longer and the flatter it stretches out. will not show solder or have any place not "He wuz a good rabbit-chaser too. joined. That is part of our work. "I soon found I could measure the The rabbits h'd never seen any ani- temperature according to how far ol' mal like that. Them that didn't get "A certain amount of the money set up Tom-Tom was stretched out. So I caught was so scared they left the by the Guild is for the instruction and im- marked the floor where his favorite country. Last I seen of ol' Tom-Tom provement of methods used by both weav- layin' place wuz. One set o' marks he'd cleared the lower hills o' rabbits ers and silversmiths. No sincere worker indicated 100 degrees. If his paws and was headin' fer Telescope peak." has ever been denied a chance to improve his art or sell his work through the Guild

10 THE DESERT MAGAZINE •- •-- vv • • •», • ,T,v r • •

Located at an elevation of 2700 feet, the palms grow among Photograph taken 11 years ago when the author first agaves, yuccas, encelia and other plants of the visited Bear creek palm oasis with members of the Upper Sonoran zone. Sierra club.

Motorists on the Colorado desert of Southern Cali- fornia are seldom more than a few miles from a canyon or waterhole fringed with native palm a.5i5 on trees—and yet with two or three exceptions these a natural palm oases are never seen, except by those who leave the paved roads and follow difficult trails. Actually, these little forests of palms, ranging from a half dozen to many hundreds in the various localities, are among the most amazing scenic phe- nomena in this arid region. This month Desert pre- sents another of the little-known palm groups, hid- den in a little canyon far up on the side of the Santa By RANDALL HENDERSON Rosa mountains.

HERE'S a good trail to Bear creek may look down toward the west into Deep when I first hiked up the five-mile trail to T oasis. But it is seldom used—prob- canyon and the -to-Palms highway. these palms with members of the Sierra ably for the reason that although it On those rare occasions when there is run- club as my companions, I was told that the is one of the loveliest palm canyon retreats ning water in Bear creek, its stream flows original developers of the La Quinta town- in Southern California, it is one of the least into the secluded La Quinta cove on the site had built the trail and were using the known among the wild palm oases. south side of Coachella valley. term Bear creek to identify the canyon. Bear creek is one of the many canyons Why it is called Bear creek I do not Perhaps a reader of Desert Magazine will which drain the north slope of the Santa know. There have been no bears in the be able to throw additional light on the Rosa mountains. Jts headwaters are high Santa Rosas within the memory of living origin of the name. up in a ridge which forms the north wing white men. Nor have I ever seen a map My most recent visit to the little palm of Sheep mountain. From this ridge one showing this place name. Eleven years ago group high up on Bear creek was in March SEPTEMBER, 1947 11 Harvey devotes most of his time to citrus crops and diseases, but his hobby is taxon- omy—the classification of plants and an- imals. One of his first jobs after he fin- ished school was in the former Desert Laboratory at Tucson, and there he ac- quired a special interest in the botany of the desert—a hobby that has taken him on many tramps into the desert during the in- tervening years. The companionship of a man who knows the name and family relationships of practically every shrub growing on the desert adds immeasurable interest to a field day in the open country. Our trail was up over slopes and ridges which are extremely arid, even according to desert standards—but even the ugliest of the des- ert shrubs has a character of its own, and an interesting story for those who look be- yond its drab exterior to the special traits which have enabled it to survive in a land of little rainfall. For instance, the lowly Emory dalea, Parosela emoryi, has no visible charm for the passing hiker on the desert. And yet when the inconspicuous blossom of this plant is crushed between the fingers it gives a distinctive, agreeable odor, and leaves a saffron-yellow stain which resem- bles the coloring dye that comes with a package of oleomargarine. The Indians used this dye in art work. Dr. Harvey called attention to the fact that in the Palm Desert cove where the army in 1943 stripped every sprig of vegetation from 160 acres of desert plain for use as a motor pool, the Emory dalea until now has been the first and only shrub to reseed itself in the bare sand. Along the trail we saw specimens of Indigo bush, Parosela schottii, and the white stemmed milkweed, Asclepias albi- cans, with long leafless stems that resem- ble an old-fashioned buggy-whip. The stalks are pliant and strong, and it is said that prospectors actually used them for whips to prod their slow-moving burros. Flowers were not plentiful along the trail, but we saw white ratany, pigmy ce- dar, five-spot mallow, ghost flower, Cali- this year. My companions were Dr. Maris than a half mile beyond the butte a trail fornia chicory and mint—and with a bot- E. Harvey of the U. S. Department of Ag- takes off on the right, climbing out of the anist along to tell something of the char- riculture at Pomona, California, Wilson wadi and following a series of ridges. In acteristics of these desert denizens the five McKenney who was associated with me in passing, I would like to compliment the miles passed quickly and without thought the launching of Desert Magazine ten men who laid out that trail. Although it of fatigue. years ago and who now publishes the is seldom used and has had little mainten- weekly News at Yucaipa, California, and ance during the 11 years since I first came Our altimeter showed 500 feet elevation Wilson's friend Martin Barrett of Red- this way, it is in a remarkably good state of when we started up the trail. At 2700 feet lands, California. repair due to careful planning and almost we rounded a low pinnacle of boulders One Saturday afternoon we drove south complete avoidance of water courses where and there across a little canyon on the op- through La Quinta townsite and continued it would be destroyed by storm water. It posite side of a shallow gorge was the goal along an arroyo which feeds into the cove zigs and zags from ridge to ridge, with of our trek—a little cluster of wild Wash- from the Santa Rosas. But we did not go the lovely panorama of Coachella valley ingtonia palms with their green fronds far. The trail soon became too sandy for nearly always in view. It gains altitude by glistening in the morning sun. our heavy cars. So we parked and camped an easy gradient which makes hiking a In 1936 I counted 84 adult palms and for the night at the base of a butte which pleasure. estimated there were 300 young ones is a conspicuous landmark in the fan of this Over this trail it is five miles from La ranging up to six feet in height. At that unnamed wash. Quinta to the oasis which was our destina- time there was no water in the creek, but The next morning we shouldered our tion, and we trekked along at a leisurely the palms were green and healthy. This packsacks carrying lunch and camera pace. time—11 years later—the young genera- equipment and headed up the wash. Less In the Bureau of Plant Industry, Dr. tion of palms had attained considerable


One of the Indian trail shrines described by the author in the accompanying story—just a pile of rocks heaped along the trail in .accordance with ancient religious custom. size. I counted 172 trees over six feet in ing me to tell more about the fruit that humored during too many generations height, and estimated there were 250 grows on the wild palm. It is nourishing with domesticated fruits and herbs to rel- smaller ones. And there was a trickle of food. The Indians thrived on it. But the ish the fruit of the native palm. water flowing among them. palates of Anglo-Americans have been The fruit grows in great clusters much The trail ended here. We saw an old rock fireplace with a rusty iron grate— Rounding a turn on the trail from La Quinta, the palms suddenly come in view on probably used in years past by riders who the far side of a wide arroyo. Agave in the foreground. came up the trail from La Quinta for a breakfast party or a picnic dinner. Eleven of the palms had been burned many years ago, but all the rest wore their full skirts of dead fronds. The oasis was clean—the rugged cleanliness which Nature main- tains when there are not too many visitors to disturb the balance of things. We sat in the shade of the palms on the boulders above a tiny waterfall and ate our lunch while Maris Harvey, at our sugges- tion, gave us an elementary lesson in the identification of the sunflowers, a great family of composites containing over 750 genera and 10,000 species, including many which grow on the desert. Thistles, daisies, encelias, tidy-tips and scores of other more or less well known desert spe- cies are all members of the sunflower fam- ily. Hereafter when I am in doubt as to the name of a plan^: I'll call it a sunflower if there are no expert botanists around to check up on me. The palms extended along the creek a distance of about 100 yards. Evidently there is a generous supply of water from springs along this sector of the canyon, al- though little of it ever reaches the surface. Palms will not survive for long periods without water, as will smoke tree, willow, ironwood, palo verde and other trees of the desert country. Recently a reader of Desert wrote ask-

SEPTEMBER 1 947 13 after the manner of the date palm. It is more seed than fruit. The seed, smooth Well, let's get the pencil and settle down and smaller than a pea, is covered with a in an over-stuffed chair, and start making thin skin which is almost black when ripe. TRUE OR FALSE crosses after the questions below. The law The skin is sweet and edible—but it would of averages should give you 10 correct answers even if you have never seen the take a lot of work to obtain enough of Great American Desert. But you'll probably do better than that. A seasoned des- these skins to make a meal for a canary. ert rat will get about 15 of them right, and that is a good score. A score of 18 is The seed is nutritious—but rather taste- exceptional. You'll find the answers on page 44. less. However, Indian women ground them to make porridge and bread, and 1—You can tell the age of a rattlesnake by the number of buttons in its rattle. since the major part of an Indian woman's time was available for such chores, it was True False no hardship. I am sure the , birds 2—Gold is often found in volcanic rock. True False and rodents which eat the fruit need have 3—Elwood Mead for whom Lake Mead was named was former commissioner no fear that the present generation of hu- of the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. True False mans will ever rob their food supply. 4—Water in the Great Salt lake has a higher salt content than ocean water. From Bear creek oasis we returned to True False the floor of the desert by an uncharted 5—According to Indian legend Sipapu is the name of the opening in the earth route. Years ago I had seen Indian trail through which the first tribesmen emerged from the underworld. shrines along creek and I wanted True False to go back that way and get better ac- 6—The foliage of juniper trees turns yellow when frost comes in the fall. quainted with them. A low saddle con- True False nects La Quinta cove with Deep canyon. 7—The famous Yellow Aster mine is located near Randsburg, California. From the top of the saddle dry Coyote creek flows west as a tributary of Deep True False canyon. This pass was a much-used thor- 8—Silver City formerly was the capital of New Mexico. True False...... oughfare in the days when the Cahuilla 9—Tallest native tree of the desert Southwest is the palm. Indians occupied this area and followed True False trails from waterhole to waterhole. 10—Land acquired in the Gadsden purchase was bought from France. The old Indian trail through the pass True.- False and over the saddle has not been used for 11—In certain parts of the Southwest the white ocotillo is more common than a hundred years, and the erosion of wind the red variety. True False and water has almost obliterated it. But 12—An arrastre was a tool used by the Spaniards for recovering gold. the route is well-marked by a series of 22 True False trail shrines along a bench which paral- 13—Brigham Young brought the first Mormon colonists to Utah before the lels Coyote creek. Civil war. True False And so we worked down the mountain- 14—Tortoises found in the desert country are hatched from eggs. side to intercept the old trail near the top True False of the pass. Vandals have dug into two or 15—Dandy Crossing is a historic spot on the Rio Grande river. three of them, probably in search for hid- True False den treasure or artifacts. But if they had 16—Malachite and azurite often are associated in the same ore. known more about the character of the In- True False dian they would have spared themselves 17—Winnemucca, Nevada, was named for a famous Paiute Indian chief. the effort. Indians do not mark burial True False places or hidden caches with monuments. 18—Pinyon nuts grow underground like peanuts. True False An Indian trail shrine is nothing more 19—The Utah Centennial this year marks the 100th anniversary of the comple- than a pile of pebbles and small boulders tion of the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City. True False heaped beside the trail. According to Ar- 20—Roosevelt dam stores water for the Imperial valley of California. thur Woodward of Los Angeles Museum True False (Desert Magazine, January '41), each In- dian passing that way added a stone to the pile as a prayer to the gods for good luck along the way. These shrines are still to misgivings as to whether or not he would the next turn to see what would be brought be seen in the Navajo country where pass- be able to make the strenuous eight-mile into view. And around the corner which ing Indians deposit a sprig of juniper or hike scheduled for this trip. But he came brought into sudden sight the palms in other green shrub on them. through with all the vigor of the days Bear creek below and beyond us was mag- when we followed desert trails together nificent." In accordance with the ancient tradition before his injury. of the desert, I added my stone to the many I shared Dr. Harvey's enjoyment of A few days after the trip I received this this trip. Perhaps my silent homage to the thousands previously deposited bv pre- message in a letter from him: "I have been historic tribesmen who came this way. Great Spirit of the desert when I placed thinking of the splendid trip we had over my rock on the ancient trail shrine had From the Indian trail shrines we contin- the last weekend. It was so well planned ued down Coyote creek to its junction with nothing to do with the pleasure and suc- and executed—there was no bogging cess of this day's outing. Nevertheless as I Deep canyon, and there in accordance with down and the food was excellent. I was pre-arrangements we were met by Chuck read the doctor's message I recalled the happy to make the hike. There seems to be simple prayer of the Navajo as he pauses Riddell in his jeep. The road up Deep can- no such thing as becoming familiar with yon is too rocky for any vehicle except a for the simple ceremony of placing a sym- our desert mountains. Every excursion into bol on the pile of sacred rocks: jeep. them afoot is always a series of pleasing Four years ago Maris Harvey suffered experiences. The hike Sunday seemed al- "With beauty before me I walk, the misfortune to break a spinal vertebra together new to me, although I have been With beauty behind me I walk. in a fa'l from a refrigerator car which he in this region many times. After every rest Grant me success in my venture. had climbed to inspect fruit. I had some I felt eager as a kid to be away and around In beauty I walk."

14 THE DESERT MAGAZINE Elaine and Bud Tanner, who believe they have developed a process which will make production of synthetic pumice commercially profitable. Petlite Miner5 ofi Searchlight

There is much interest these days in perlite—a new insulation material was waiting beside the processing mill which is said to have certain advantages over most of the other insulating which he and Elaine had designed and products. But perlite, described as synthetic pumice, is still in the experi- built. Bud has an eager interest in many mental stage insofar as the processing is concerned—and here is the story things, but his passion for perlite is over- of a couple of practical miners, Elaine and Bud Tanner, who are perfecting whelming. their own process in a mill Bud has invented—out among the Joshua He took me to a spot where the mill trees of Nevada. gave shelter from the wind, and produced some pieces of grey, glassy-looking rock. By HAROLD O. WEIGHT He put hunks of the crumbly rock, which seemed to outcrop abundantly on the sur^ rounding slopes, on a scrap of iron plate TANNER had given me exact improved trail which Bud and his wife, and lit an acetylene torch. directions for finding his perlite Elaine, had scratched across a landscape "Now watch," he said. Under the flame claims, which lie on the slopes of dotted with Joshua trees and Mojave yuc- of the torch the grey rock seemed to come the rough hills six miles northwest of the ca. to life. It squirmed, swelled, turned white. old mining town of Searchlight, Nevada. Bud and I had discussed perlite in Ed's Bud looked up with the warm smile which A brisk north wind was blowing that cafe in Searchlight the night before. He comes so easily to his tanned face. He held January morning 'as I picked my way had invited me to visit his claims and learn up some of the white material. through the maze of roads woven about the about this relatively new industrial rock. "That's expanded perlite," he said. "It's camp by a generation of miners and pros- When I reached the end of the trail Bud—• the insulation of the future. It's sound- pectors. At last I found myself on the un- tall, lean and seething with enthusiasm— proof and vermin-proof. It won't pack and

SEPTEMBER 1947 15 almost ready. As we walked down the path toward the hollow, the rock that Bud was mining came up for more discussion. Perlite once was defined narrowly as a rather rare form of acid containing water in solution. This particular lava cooled rapidly in layers, having an onion- like structure and a pearly luster due to in- terference of light between the layers. It frequently was formed as "bombs" by ex- plosive eruption of large amounts of lava into the air, where they cooled rapidly with little escape of contained water. Increasing interest in the material caused the United States bureau of mines to issue a preliminary survey. In this pamphlet, information circular 7364, the industrial definition of perlite is broad- ened to include any siliceous lava contain- ing dissolved water in sufficient amount to expand into bubbles when it is heated quickly to suitable temperatures. The same lava, cooling under different conditions, might have formed , , pumice or volcanic ash. Perlite Portion of the mill which Bud and Elaine designed, then hauled to the hills and generally is grey or blue-grey in color, al- set up almost without help. though yellows and reds are known. The process of expanding the rock is known as it won't sweat. It will expand up to 20 and Elaine is attempting to convince plants "popping," and when expanded, perlite times its original volume and become so and trees that they should grow in the hol- usually turns white. light you can insulate airplanes with it. It low. Alders and maples are doing well, Many deposits of this volcanic rock have can be used in abrasives, soaps, woodfill- protected by burlap. Tulips grow in a been found in the Southwest since increas- ers, putty, paint pigment, plastics, cowfeed wooden box. But the most cherished ing commercial possibilities have led pros- and chicken grits." Bud is all enthusiasm growth is a small violet-like plant raised pectors to search for it. But the Tanners when he talks perlite. The rock is more to by Bud's grandmother in Virginia and sought high grade perlite in a quantity him than the source of a possible fortune. transplanted by his parents to northern which would guarantee the future of the It is a hobby—a material whose seeming- California. Now it is thriving in an apple business which they hoped to establish. ly endless possibilities fascinate and in- crate near Searchlight. While experimenting on a process for trigue him. But the house must wait successful op- working the perlite, they spent their free "One thing has held up widespread use eration of the mill. The project has been time prospecting for it through large areas of perlite," Bud went on. "There has been very much a family affair. Although Fred of Nevada and Arizona. no uniformly successful method of process- Smith, who lives with his wife in a trailer Bud, studying Searchlight geology, ing it. Now I've got a mill and furnace that near the Tanners, has helped with erection came to the conclusion that perlite should will work. Elaine and I have been develop- of the mill, Bud and Elaine did all devel- occur in the district. But mile after mile of ing it for more than two years. In a little opment and testing of plant and furnace. rugged terrain was prospected on foot be- while we will be turning out 120 yards of They built the mill at Phoenix, then cut fore he found the float which proved his 'popped' rock a day." it into three sections with the torch and theory right. Tracing the float to its source, The Tanners will not sell their perlite hauled it to Searchlight. Much of the time Bud and Elaine filed their first claims in deposit when it is developed. They intend Elaine drove the lV2-ton truck. They had October, 1946. They now hold nine placer to settle down in the Searchlight hills. to construct a road from the power trans- claims totaling 180 acres. Perlite crops out Since October, 1946, they have lived in a mission line to the millsite, a distance of over the entire area, and test holes have es- small white trailer in a hollow in the more than a mile, grubbing out brush and tablished a reserve of millions of tons of Joshua-spotted hills below the millsite. moving rocks by hand. good material. The trailer's wheels have been removed "There were lots of rocks, " Bud de- Elaine doesn't look like a prospector, and earth banked up under and around it clared wryly, "and 90 per cent of every but she went every foot of the way with to minimize the refrigerative tendencies of rock was under the surface." Bud. Neither does she look as if she could the almost-continuous Nevada winds. It is The mill, reassembled and welded to- work a jackhammer, drive a truck or build battered by years of exposure to desert gether is a towering, bulky structure. a mill. But she has done all of those things. weather, but the interior is friendly and "Three people put that up? " I ques- Bud met Elaine while he was working at a comfortable. tioned. mine near Aguila, Arizona. She lived there Bud is so tall that when in the trailer he Bud grinned. "With nothing but a little on the of Del Crabb, her grand- must maneuver with his head cocked, and block and tackle. When we hoisted dia- father. After they were married, they lived he is talking about putting a box extension mond plate for the bins, the wind was in the trailer and prospected and worked through the trailer-side so that he will have blowing so hard those heavy sheets of iron throughout much of the Southwest. room for his feet at night. Now and then, fluttered like pieces of cardboard. When Wherever they go, no matter how hur- when the wind really blows, the Tanners we thought everything was fixed we took ried the trip, they find time to look at a feel that they are in a small boat on a rough out the cribbing and the whole mill started rock or prospect up a likely looking can- sea. But they are happy in the trailer. down hill. But some emergency braces yon. Elaine is particularly good at finding Elaine says that she will miss its compact held until we could block it up." large specimens a long way from the car, convenience when they move into a house. Elaine stepped out of the little trailer Bud told me as we sat in the pleasant Plans for the house are already made, and waved to let us know that coffee was warmth of the trailer.

16 THE DESERT MAGAZINE Perlite—the solid rock and the same material expanded by sudden heat until it is so light that the smaller "pearls" drift with a gentle breeze.

"And I have to carry them back," he they worked. Explosives for the test holes Bud has been learning the mining game said. "Once she found a big slab of petri- were spread out upwind from the fire. Un- through practical experience since 1934. fied wood that she just had to have for the expectedly the wind shifted to the south He has prospected, worked as miner and garden. I didn't know whether I was going and blew sparks across powder and caps. foreman, and tested ideas of his own. He to make it back to the car." Elaine crawled between flames and ex- believes that he has eliminated the faults "But it was a beautiful piece of wood," plosives, built a wall of rocks and stopped in perlite processing, and has developed Elaine insisted. the sparks. a furnace in which almost any amount of The Tanners laugh a great deal. Their Visitors are welcome at the Tanner expansion can be pre-determined. Weight varied experiences on the desert have giv- claim, but Bud cannot permit them to go to of the expanded perlite can be varied from en them the rare faculty of enjoying life as the mill. The "popping" furnace is the 4 to \6 pounds per cubic foot. it comes along, without too much ques- heart of his new process and he is keeping He built a small model first. Changes tioning. They even can see an amusing side it secret. It represents years of effort, of were made and a scale model constructed. to the fact that almost every step in their trial and error. Then the furnace was ready for testing. perlite project has been backwards or out Rapid heating causes perlite to puff, due "The Las Vegas chamber of commerce of its proper order. They had to test the to conversion of the two to five per cent won't like this," Bud said, "but the out- furnace in the heat of a Las Vegas summer of contained water into bubbles of steam. side temperature was 115 degrees. We and develop the claims in winter. That was Suitable temperatures for expansion vary worked in a room 10 feet wide, 8 feet high the way things seemed to work out. from 1600 to 2000 degrees fahrenheit, ac- and 30 long. The furnace heat was be- After filing on the Searchlight property cording to the bureau of mines. But when tween 1750 and 2000 degrees. You can late in October, it was necessary to com- perlite is exposed to this intense heat, it is imagine the temperature in that room." plete discovery work within 90 days. It likely to become liquified, and the molten "When we had to pass by the furnace, snowed during most of the period they silica fuses to the side of the furnace, glass- our clothing was scorched," Elaine con- drilled the test holes. When the wind blew ing it up. Or the expanded perlite will tributed. "We kept wetting the walls and steadily from the north for a week, they burn; or expansion, weight and fineness had a fire extinguisher on hand at all built a fire to keep from freezing while will vary with each batch. times." By the end of August, furnace try-

SEPTEMBER, 1947 17 TO LAS VEGAS economy in operations. None of them yet S BOULDER CITY has achieved the perfect efficiency needed to make processing of perlite a great desert industry. The Tanners have large exposures of perlite at the surface of their claims. They plan open-pit mining, using a small power shovel—half-ton or more—in the pit, and conveyor belts to carry the rock to the crusher. But R. R. Sayers, director of U. S. bureau of mines, reports that most perlite deposits are not surface flows but are dikes or sills usually outcropping over a narrow area. For this type of deposit, mining ulti- mately must go underground. When I visited the Tanners again in March, yellow evening primrose, accented by the lavender-blue of gilia, covered the hills. Indian paintbrush was thick, but not in full bloom, and the great Joshua forest which lies from Searchlight westward through Nipton, was spotted with creamy blossoms. A broad, direct road had been scraped from Highway 95 to the perlite plant. Mill and furnaces were installed and preliminary production had started. Another visit in June found the mill op- erating smoothly, with Las Vegas contrac- tors taking all the perlite that Bud and Elaine could process. A bigger compressor was on the way and three additional pop- ping furnaces were being installed. The trailer home-site had been moved nearer to the mill and a power plant furnished electric lights for the camp. A new build- LEGEND ing for the furnaces had been started, TcinnerMill- Perlite Outcrops knocked down by a whirlwind and rebuilt. As for the weather: "The difference be- tween summer and winter here," said TO NEEDLES S KINGMAN Elaine, "is that in winter the wind blows cold." outs were completed and final adjustments pan with processed perlite and put it on There was a relatively new resident at made. a hot stove. Half an hour later, the top of the camp—Chloe, a black and white dog the mineral was barely warm." of varied ancestry. The Tanners had in- During original tests of the crushing tended to take one of Chloe's pups, but the equipment in Pleasant valley, Arizona, Expanded perlite is a synthetic pumice, older dog appealed to them. clouds of fine processed perlite so filled according to the bureau of mines. Pumice, the air that planes and autos came to in- which is a sort of foam formed through Bud watched the dog bounce across the vestigate a possible fire. Fine perlite drift- release of pressures when a lava flow desert landscape. "Chloe's life is all ed under every bush within the radius of a reaches the surface, has been used for many wrapped up in chasing butterflies and mile about the mill, and rose into the air years as an aggregate in concrete. But pum- bugs," he said. with the slightest breeze. Bud and Elaine ice has to be used in the form that nature Bud's life is all wrapped up in process- practically lived in respirators during that made it, with different types necessary to ing perlite. The Tanners are working hard, period. The fine dust was almost pure obtain various strengths. and they deserve success. Their efforts al- silica, and Bud has had personal experi- ready have brought some dividends. They ence with dangers of silicosis. Now he has Perlite is useful as bulk insulation, and in furnaces and refrigerators. It is used in have gained good health and a measure of equipped the mill with a classifier which contentment. will save the fine dust, but he insists that wallboard, acoustical plaster, building workers wear a mask while the mill is op- blocks, brick and tile. A Las Vegas theater Now and again some highly civilized erating. saved 21 tons in weight by using perlite gentleman, usually with little first hand plaster. It is an ideal insecticide carrier for knowledge, bemoans the passing of the Bud has claims of gold, chrome, copper, dusting crops, being so light that it rises American frontier. But Bud and Elaine are in several desert states. But perlite is his and covers the undersides of leaves. as much pioneers as were the men and major interest. "Elaine has the latest re- Mining men are watching the Tanner women who bridged the continent and ports on it," he said. "In addition to cook- operation with interest. Various methods built cities in the wasteland. They have ing, housekeeping, driving into Las Vegas of processing perlite are being used with their dream and they are following it with- for supplies and helping at the mill, she is more or less success by other operators. out thought of physical comfort or imme- business manager." But these are pilot units, operating inter- diate financial gain. The trailer has re- "I think Bud made the most convincing mittently to determine best conditions placed the covered wagon, but the spirit is test," Elaine countered. "He filled a pie both for expansion of perlite and for heat unchanged.

18 THE DESERT MAGAZINE Fred Wright with a wit as sharp as a cactus needle and eyes that gleam like sapphires at the mention of lost lodes or buried treasure, at 78 is still an incurable follower of the golden mirage that has never faded, from the veldt of South Africa to the deserts of Arizona. Photos by Pereira, Tucson.

ompa55 W&5 a. Sutto 5 "Tall Probably no part of the West is THAT Fred Wright has haunted by more tales of lost and docked at East London, Cape Col- moved to Tucson, the folks around gold and buried treasure than ony." here say that when the coyotes and the waterless terrain along the Missing his ship and with only a six- hoot owls get lost down along the border, Highway of the Devil, Camino pence in his pocket Fred enlisted to fight they won't have anyone to show them the del Diablo, in southern Arizona. with the British against the Boers. On the trail home," a mining engineer recently Literally hundreds of treasure strength of his being a crack shot he was told me in Ajo, Arizona. seekers have met their death sent to Bloomfontein, Orange Free State, Following this lead I went to see Fred in from thirst in that desert wilder- where he became a member of Driscoll's Tucson's Old Pueblo. While denying that ness, as evidenced by graves Scouts. Serving out his six months' hitch, he was "a signpost for coyotes and such still to be seen. Fred Wright has he returned to Missouri by way of London varmints," Fred did surmise that after fol- been seeking his pot o' gold there and the continent. lowing the tail of a burro through the sand for 37 years. But El Diablo has But the tales of King Solomon's mines and malpais along the border for 37 years concealed his treasures well and and other unfound treasure in the veldt he might know a little about the country. Fred has only memories to show and deserts of Africa haunted Fred. So And as the days of friendship extended for his years of prospecting—but after a short visit he was again on his way into weeks my fondness for Fred in- they are happy memories. to Africa with 18 men and another boat- creased. This small dehydrated old timer load of mules. He rejoined Driscoll's whose memory is as sharp as a cactus By RICHARD VAN VALKENBURGH Scouts and when peace was declared he needle, and whose blue eyes sparkle like was rated a sergeant with a Victoria medal sapphires at the mention of lost lodes or on his chest. zona there was some Apache gold or Span- For the next few years Fred prospected buried treasure, is an incurable follower of ish silver with Fred Wright's initials on it. a golden mirage that has never faded. for gold and diamonds all over South Af- "But something always seemed to get rica. One trek, made with oxen, took him Fred's world-wide quest for treasure me sidetracked. In 1899 I read in the St. as far north as the Zambesi river and Vic- started a long way from the sun-seared des- Louis paper: toria falls. Then hearing of new gold fields erts of Arizona and Sonora. Born 78 years WANTED—Muleteers for Africa. in New South Wales he left Africa and ago last February, on the tobacco farm reached Australia in 1903. cleared by his grandfather in 1821 in Linn Chance of a Lifetime. Ocean Voyage county, Missouri, his youthful imagination and Get Paid for the Adventure. His luck ran out in Australia and Fred was colored by the stories of lost mines and soon left for home. He arrived in San "And before I knew it I was sailing out buried treasures of the Southwest. Francisco early in 1904. Stopping in the of New Orleans on the S. S. Kildone with Bay City only long enough to change his A smile flickered across his face as he the title of 'Muleteer' which really meant money, he went to Reno, Nevada, from said, "As early as 1885 I started planning 'waiter and chambermaid to a boatload of where he jumped off on a prospecting to break the home ties and go west to seek seasick Missouri mules.' After 42 days at jaunt that took him through Colorado, my fortune. I knew that somewhere in Ari- sea we rounded the Cape of Good Hope Montana and .

SEPTEMBE R, 1947 19 stopping at such odd sounding places as Zumbador, Soni, Chiuyabi, and Quitovac, to make friends with the Papago Indians and Mexicans. When asked regards the use of automobiles he chuckled, "Sure I tried a Model T. But you can't get around a burro—he don't use no gas." Then Yellow Dog's camel story unrav- eled itself. There had been camels in the Sonoran desert. One of the band which had been brought down to the Sierra Pinta mines by some Frenchmen, had turned up on the Sonoita river, but it had vanished in the desert some years before Fred's ar- rival. Local natives recall the weird antics of this camel, who was known as Old Esau. Soon after reaching Sonoita, Fred heard of the buried treasure of San Marcelo. This mission had been founded in 1699 for the Papago Indians by Father Kino, about one mile upstream from the present town. There, in 1751, Father Enrique Rhuen had been killed during a Papago revolt. Regarding the story, as told to him by Fighting with the British in the Boer war, Fred got a sergeant's rating and a Victoria an old Papago, Fred was evasive, "With medal. He remained to prospect for gold and diamonds. This picture taken in that padre's ghost haunting the ruins the Durban in 1901. natives were spooky about digging. And they also associated it with El Diablo, who For reasons that he himself could not through that country there were lost Span- snuffed out the lives of over 300 emigrants explain, Fred settled down on a homestead ish mines and 49'er treasure. on the trail between Sonoita and Yuma in near Ephrata, Washington. But even dur- "Now this really stirred my imagina- the pioneer days. ing that time he neglected his ranch to go tion. So I said goodbye to Yellow Dog and "Superstitious folks along the border up on the Frazier river in British Colum- steered my burro in the direction of Sonoi- still get spooky when they talk too much bia and do some prospecting. And then— ta. It was sometime in 1911 when I came about this grave-lined Camino del Diablo. "As I had not found my pot o' gold, or out of the desert and looked down on that I have been told that this 100 miles of wa- even the base of the rainbow, the news of little green valley with its white houses by terless trail was first traveled by Father gold strikes down in Arizona made my feet a sparkling stream of water, and I said to Kino in 1700, but that its evil reputation tickle. So, I sold out lock, stock, and bar- myself, 'Fred Wright — you're staying came during the days of the California rel. On December 1, 1911, I crossed the around here for awhile.' " gold rush. bridge at Yuma to set my feet on Arizona True to his word Fred did stay around "Many legends have sprung from this soil for the first time." Sonoita for awhile. On and off for the next trail which for years was my main high- After a short visit in Phoenix, Fred 35 years this tiny Sonoran barrio just south way. In years past, I would come upon went on to Missouri. And after a short re- of the border was headquarters. And from bleached skeletons lying out there in the union with his folks he returned to Black remote oases in the Sonoran desert Fred drifting sand and I have agreed it rightly Butte, west of the Hasayampa river, to do searched for adventure and hoped to make belonged to El Diablo. some assessment work for a man named his golden mirage a reality. "But to get back to the treasure of San Young. Later he was employed in the same Aware that Sonoita is fast becoming an Marcelo. Many gold-hunters have looked kind of work by Louis Anderson, who is important stopping place for the traveling and dug. All they got was skeletons and said to be still alive in Arlington, Arizona. public, owing to its location on the new busted pottery. I admit I took my turn— Deciding to go on his own, Fred round- pavement that connects Gila Bend, Ari- on the quiet. At the base of the wall I hit ed up a burro and headed east to wind up zona, with Punta Penasco on the Gulf of a place that sounded hollow. And I said to at Picket Post mountain, near Superior, California, I probed to get Fred's reaction myself, 'Fred Wright—hold on to your Arizona. While prospecting there he be- to these changes. galluses—this may be your pot o' gold!' came acquainted with "Yellow Dog" Grif- "Well," he answered quietly, "All I "Then I broke into a little alcove. All fith. Fred says "they called him that be- know is that in my day the little tienda that was inside was a polished cowhorn cause he always had a yellow dog hanging could be left open all the time with the that had been neatly trimmed and painted around." cash box setting on the counter. When I in several colors. I dug around for a "One night we got to talking about cam- first hit Sonoita the folks down there were couple of hours and then came back for the els on the Arizona desert. Yellow Dog happy-go-lucky with no trouble or worry horn. The sun and air had crumpled it to said, 'Sure there was camels! The last one to mention. We'll see what civilization dust—just like my hopes." hung out around Mullen's well, west of does to them." After 1913 Fred moved westward on the Hassayamp. What's more—I'm the Prospecting out of Sonoita, Fred the Camino to the old watering place of feller who found his. carcass. And should roamed as far south as the old Sonoran Quitovaquita, which is now a small Pa- one look today they'll find his bones in a town of Caborca. And while there, I have pago settlement in the southwestern cor- tunnel near the well, where I buried him.' been told by Mexicans, he caused great ner of the Organ Pipe national monument. "Then Yellow Dog went on to tell that consternation among the natives by sug- Aside from being interested in some placer there were rumors about a live camel down gesting that the little santos in the chapel dirt there, he had also been hearing prom- in the desert below Sonoita, which, as he of the old mission of La Concepcion repre- ising rumors about the nearby ghost-town put it, was 'a long whoop and a holler sented the three degrees of Freemasonry! of Santo Domingo. south of Ajo.' But what made my ears Using the tail of his burro for a compass, According to local history, Santo Do- stick up was his saying that all down Fred trekked through the Sonoran desert, mingo had been founded during the




Buried Treosure ?ffi); Woter* + Lost Mines ion; Mines * Church Treosure 'M Graves "ft* Comino de/ Diab/o ==

Lost Uobonero Mrne I NEVER TRAVEL THIS COUNTRY Lost Dry Washer Mine (1876) WITHOUT A COMPETENT GUIDE Wagon Train Massacre (Pre-1650) Lost Sonto Domingo Lode (1880s) AND PROPER DESERT EQUIP- Buried Treasure (1890's) MENT ANO REMEMBER GOLD IS Lost Treasure of San MorceJo 0750 Loir Treosure and Spanish Smelter WHERE YOU FIND IT. Foundations of Old Buildings of No History .QUITOVAC Lost Sell of the Medonos (Sand Dunes) -

* Don't depend on it. To CAOORCA

1870's by Cipriano Ortega, for whom Ci- "I saw some of the specimens. Neither killed by Injuns or died of thirst on the priano's well and mountains are named. placer or lode, they were in sandwich form Camino. Quien sabe?" Dreaming of an agricultural paradise —between two slices of country rock with Soon after locating at Quitovaquita Fred along the Sonoita river, Ortega had built a lA to Vs of an inch of gold spread on like began his long friendship with Manuel G. hacienda of 'dobes for his colonists, and a butter. That was gold like none that I have Levy, who had a trading post there during soap factory that ran on burro fat! ever seen in nearly 50 years of prospecting. the 1890's. Born in Roma, Texas, Levy "But," says Fred, "Cipriano never had come to Arizona during the 1880's. should have started his colony on the Ca- "A lot of folks, including Fred Wright, Locating first at Nogales, he moved west- mino. For pretty soon old El Diablo took tried to figure out the story and locate the ward through the mining camps along the a hand and began to play tricks. The col- ledge. But no one, to my knowledge, ever border to reach Old Ajo, soon after 1900. onists began to find hand-stacked gold ore learned who did the piling or located the Of Levy's influence on his wanderings, all over their fields. And of course they source. Probably it was pioneers who Fred tells, "He was a great one to dig up went wild and forgot about farming. planned to come back. I guess they got lost history from the old Injuns and Mexi-

This is the country Wright has been prospecting for 37 years. In the foreground is one of the monuments marking the Arizona-Mexico border. National Park Service photo.

SEPTEMBER, 1947 21 Punta Pehasco on the Gulf of California. When Wright first visited here the sea birds "were as tame as barnyard chickens." Today, reached from Gila Bend and Ajo, Arizona, by a sur- faced road, it is a popular mecca for American fishermen. Photo by Chuck Abbott, Tucson. cans. And many times he would tell me was when Columbus discovered America. one of the largest open pit mines in the the tradition of a lost mine or buried treas- The sea birds were without fear and one world. ure. Before sun-up the next day I'd be could walk among them like they were With his friends gravitating toward the heading down into the desert with Levy's barnyard chickens. I used to exaggerate a big company mines, Fred began to spend grubstake. little by saying that one could wade out more time in town. But according to asso- "Once he got me out as far as the 'sand,' into the water and pet the fish like they ciates, "Fred would be around for a spell. beyond Tinajas Altas and almost to Yuma, were kittens." Then the next thing you'd hear he was to look for the remains of two wagon After endless dusty desert miles—mov- down at Cujubabi, or some other forsak- trains. All I found was a lot of graves. ing from one "strike" to another, with side en spot in the desert." Then there was the time that I packed out trips that ranged from the Gila river in Finally, Fred forsook his burros and to Las Playas on the Camino to locate the Arizona to the Yaqui river in Mexico, bought a Model T. Ajo had certain attrac- scene of an Injun massacre where some old Fred began to headquarter at Old Camp, tions. With one of the richest mining tra- Mexican coins and trinkets had been which was located about one mile south ditions in the Southwest the lore and his- found. All I turned up was some skeletons. of modern Ajo. tory of the old camp became one of his "Another time I almost gave the buz- main interests. zards a feed by getting lost down in the Founded by early Sonoran miners, who Today Fred lives in semi-retirement shifting sands of the Medanos, that lie be- gophered the native copper, Old Camp trading yarns with old friends. Of a dif- tween the Sierra Pinacate and the Gulf of (or Ajo), before 1916 was a combination ferent nature than those who turn sour at California, while for an old mis- of 'dobes, small frame buildings and min- the continued "petering out" of fortune, sion bell that was supposed to be lost in ers' shanties. In addition to Levy's general his eyes twinkle as he tells, "I was lucky the sand. Old prospectors claimed that store there was Tom Child's mercantile to get my coffee in one gulch and my bacon they could hear it ringing when they were emporium, the Valley bank, and Kaigo's in another. But never have I seemed to be alone or lost in the desert. Jap restaurant. able to get both in the same place." 'With no bell I came out near Punta After the fire which destroyed Old Even though Lady Luck has never been Penasco on the gulf. All I had found in my Camp in 1916, much of the business good to him, Fred is content. His wealth hunt were the corral-like houses and moved to Clarkstown, near present Ro- is in his memories instead of his pocket- cemeteries of the Areneno. Many times wood. And soon after, the great steam book. His treasures are in the recollec- since, I have wished that I had picked up shovels of the New Cornelia Copper com- tions of adventures and true companion- some of the pottery and other Indian stuff pany began to take into their jaws the re- ship he has encountered in 37 years of ying around those deserted camps. mains of the historic camp, which today traveling over desert trails in search of the "In those days Penasco was just like it would have been about in the center of golden mirage that never fades.

22 THE DESERT MAGAZINE These baby elf owls have grown old enough to venture forth from their home in the saguaro. On their first trip they flew to a nearby ocotillo. the S&auatoi Although among the most common denizens of which darted to the ground under the light and then vanished the desert, the elf owl is a: comparative stranger as abruptly as it had appeared. Periodic visits continued as long even to long-time dwellers in the desert country. as the illumination remained and throughout the rest of the During the day they remain in hiding, generally in night we could hear plaintive whistles from the underbrush. an old woodpecker cavity in a saguaro cactus. At Several months later, in early May, I returned to the region night they dart through the air and are often mis- equipped with extension ladder and blind-building materials taken for bats. The author spent many sleepless fully prepared to pry into the home-life of these secretive desert nights getting the pictures and facts for this story. owls. That first day's search for the ideal nest was back-breaking. By LEWIS WAYNE WALKER Practically every saguaro had one or more holes which were Photographs by the Author suitable for elf owls—and there were thousands of saguaros. I disturbed sparrow hawks, screech owls and red-shafted flickers, as well as a few elf owls, but it was not until late afternoon that /7T WAS while camping at Budwieser spring at the base I found an occupied cavity—perfect for the planned photo- V of the Kofa mountains in Arizona that I got my first graphic study. glimpse of elf owls. A Coleman lantern was illuminating The hole was like the hundreds of others that I had probed the goat-nut and greasewood bushes that hedged the campsite. but a little to one side of the opening there was a patch of grey It had been placed well to one side to lure the night insects away fluffy down impaled on a cactus spine. My hopes rose on seeing from our bedrolls. this tell-tale mark of a bird of prey. With a tiny mirror, used Suddenly from the darkness there emerged a fast flying bird in conjunction with a flashlight, a beam of light was directed

SEPTEM BER, 1947 23 in and down. Huddled at the bottom of the cavity there were feet away and landed on a nearby ocotillo. Then calling softly, several young elf owls and crouched above them in protective he lured his mate from the nesting hole and she passed within attitude stood their diminutive parent. inches of my face as she flew off to join him. Two-by-fours and a ready-made platform were brought from This show of bravery made us alter the plans for our blind. the truck but despite our haste daylight vanished before the We had expected the birds to be very shy and assumed it would blind was cbmpleted. However, even as we worked, the owls take both patience and skill, as well as luck, to out-wit them showed themselves to be trusting characters and not afraid of in this photographic endeavor. Now, however, we omitted the flashlights. The rasp of saws and the hammering of nails did tightly enclosed box we had planned to build and instead placed not keep them long in seclusion when the time came for them the cameras, tripods and silvered reflectors in plain view on to forage over the desert. A motion drew our attention to the the open platform. nesting hole. There, hovering on rapidly beating wings, was Even when I crouched behind this imposing array, the birds one of the adults. He stayed for several seconds then flew a few maintained their fearless attitude and flew to the nest with var- ied types of prey. Scorpions, spiders, vinegaroons and small lizards seemed to have top billing on their menu, but they also brought in a few moths, beetles and wasps. A score of feet from the nest there was a beautiful agave bloom and after I had been watching a few hours I noted that the birds often flew to these clusters of yellow flowers. A few moments later they would dart back to the nestlings with food. Finally my curiosity got the upper hand and I descended from the platform and crouched below the flower stalk. In the beam of the flashlight I could then see the myriads of moths, wasps and beetles buzzing about, drawn to the nectar which in turn created an "automat" for the owls. From these flowers they could take their pick of the prey they desired and there were thousands of blooms scattered about the valley. Not all of their hunting was carried on this easy way. I oc- casionally saw one of the adults perched among the thorns of an ocotillo and scanning the ground below. And then, like the diurnal sparrow hawks that use telephone wires for lookouts, the owl would suddenly power dive earthward for a scorpion, centipede or lizard. That they sometimes caught small rodents was evidenced by the refuse in the nest. There were a few tufts of buff hair, left- overs from meals of the tiny pocket mice that inhabit the region. But during my week of observation, wherein my nights were

An agave in blossom lured night-flying bugs and insects— and there the el] owls got most of their meals while the blossom season lasted. The mother owl had just caught a grasshopper as this picture was taken.

24 THE DESERT MAGAZINE The photographer made elaborate plans to get night shots of the elf owl family from concealment—but found it wasn't necessary to hide. Their attitude was one of curiosity rather than fear. spent with the owls—my days in quest of shade—they brought who consider the sight of coyote, kit fox and sidewinder, a com- in nothing but cold-blooded prey. The growth of the fledg- mon occurrence, look upon these numerically common owls as lings was phenomenal. In this short period of time they practi- extreme rarities. cally doubled in size from two to about four inches. Such de- Several factors tend to keep these birds from being observed velopment would be infinitesimal if it concerned just any old and recognized. First and foremost is their sparrow size. It just owl, but with these "elfs of the saguaros" it meant they were doesn't seem possible that an adult owl could be so tiny. Hence almost on their own. when their flitting forms are seen passing over a desert camp- It seems incongruous that the smallest and most delicate of fire, they are usually mistaken for a species of bat. During the the American owls is confined to desert areas where the fight daylight hours they resort to the deserted holes of Gila wood- for survival is never easily won. The elf owl, however, is almost peckers, high in the branches of green saguaros. And—unlike a part of the giant saguaros and during the summer months is some of the owls which are crepuscular or even diurnal in hab- never found far from their towering branches. So secretive is its—the elfs won't venture forth until darkness completely this nocturnal bird that the old time desert residents, people blankets the area.

SEPTEMBER, 1947 25 Doris and Frank Payne, whose adventure in field archeology is told in this story, live on their 120- acre Bar-O ranch on the semi- desert mesa near Aguanga, California. Frank's hobby — In- dian cultures and artifacts—was begun many years ago in Ore- gon when they lived at Klamath Falls near the Klamath reserva- tion. Frank's Indian relics, said to be one of the most beautifully mounted private collections in America, were exhibited at the San Francisco World's Fair. It is now in storage, but the Paynes are planning an adobe fireproof building at the ranch where it will be on display later. Doris is a newspaper and magazine writer, and the author of "Cap- tain Jack, Modoc Renegade," a popularized story of the Modoc Indian war.

The three rabbit feet which formed the very center of the cache, shown in the basket in which they were found. Photo from Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 538. 7eet By DORIS A. PAYNE ^ I RANK crouched on the floor of So our insignificant clue was about to / the cave, his lean body tense. By ingly he brushed it clean and explored pay off! I felt in my pocket. Yes, it was the light of a lantern, he was peel- with his fingers around the edges. I was still there: a tiny stick of wood three inches ing back layers of rat-dung, dirt and straw craning my neck over his shoulder and, long, smoothed and shaped to a sharp from a small area. Suddenly a metallic as he lifted and laid it aside, we both point on both ends. Ever since my husband sound signalled that his trowel had struck sucked in our breath simultaneously. After and I had made a previous trip to Mas- something hard. a look at what lay beneath, all I could say sacre lake in northwest Nevada it had been It was a large, flat rock. He lifted it to was, "Yipes!" acting as a double-ended goad, impelling find—another large, flat rock. Painstak- "A cache!" said Frank. us back to this place.

A profile view of the escarpment on which a den of rattlesnakes defied the Paynes in their attempt to reach and excavate the shelter and cave near the top.

THE DESERT MAGAZINE As the author and her husband examined the artifacts screened from the occupation debris in the cave, they realized that not a single piece suggested the remotest relationship with the white man. Photo by the author.

Two things had lured us originally to you see? It means that it's been occupied Frank and Ward, who had left camp this desert country. The name of the lake by primitive man. No animal could have after I did, were soon beside me. "A nest was one, especially after we learned that shaped a stick like that. It had to be a of 'em, for sure!" Frank said, breathing it was acquired when a roving band of man!" hard. "No use trying to kill 'em. Too Paiute Indians massacred a train of emi- Two years had elapsed since then. Dur- risky. Take too long." grants who had camped on the lake shore ing that time, our work in helping to re- "But this is the only approach to the as they followed the southern route into construct the life of early man in the north- shelter! They're scattered all over it!" . A rumor that an abundance of ern Great Basin had been recognized by "We'll get past 'em some way!" Frank Indian artifacts was to be found there was the University of Oregon. The time was vowed. the other lure. Collecting them was our ripe for us to attempt a strictly scientific A quick reconnaissance suggested that hobby. cave investigation on our own. With the our best bet was to hug the face of the ba- A had led Frank to dis- clue-stick pointing the way, we packed up salt ledge bordering the rubble-strewn covery of the clue-stick on that previous our gear, took our 16-year-old son, Ward, slope. As we edged along, two rattlers trip. We were searching for arrow points and set out to try our luck. challenged our progress, only to fall vic- among sand dunes bordering the shallow So it was that early one morning in Sep- tims to Ward's shovel. Their buttons were lake when the magnificent bird drew our tember we left our dry camp at the base of the first of 23 sets which bulged his pock- attention. He returned again and again to the rim-rock, loaded down with hand- ets before we started homeward! a certain section of the rim-rock that rose picks and trowels, screening box and lan- A half hour later, we had settled down 200 feet above us. The possibility of find- tern, brushes and shovels, camera and to work in earnest, our dust masks giving ing the eagle's nest spurred Frank to climb flash bulbs. We had toiled perhaps half us the appearance of strange beings from the rugged slope. way up the treacherous lava talus toward another world. Shovel after shovel full of The nest was never found. That tiny the shelter when from above came a bar- dirt was removed from the floor of the stick of wood, now in my pocket, had rage of sound—the spine-tingling rattle- shelter and screened. completely erased it from Frank's mind. snake warning that means "No Trespass- Then Frank's shovel sank deep into an "Doesn't look like much, does it?" he ing." I jumped at least a foot, landed on ash deposit toward the rear of the shelter. grinned. "But it tells me a lot." sharp-edged volcanic rubble, scrambled to The bottom of the screening box became "Tells you a lof?" I echoed. regain my footing and came to rest on the barren of anything except charcoal. The "Sure. Found it on the floor of a shelter steep slope yards below. more he shoveled, the more ash ap- formed by that overhang in the lava. Don't "Rattlers! Dozens of 'em!" I shouted. peared. Probing about, he discovered that

SEPTEMBER, 1947 27 tion of an atlatl dart shaft, a weapon used prior to introduction of bow and arrow. Scarcely a screening box of material but revealed small bits of apocynum fiber cord, charred split bones of birds and mountain sheep, twisted split tule frag- ments of basketry and matting, more dart and arrow points. Becoming clearer with each additional piece found, a picture began to take shape in our minds: Dark-skinned hunters, their quivers and bows or atlatls laid aside, sat cross-legged or sprawled on mats around the fire. Odors from their supper of game, roasting on the coals, mingled with that of burning sage, to give them a sense of an- ticipation and well-being. Massacre Occasionally a bead, or pendant, or feather, forming part of the personal *>>••/• adornment of these men, would be high- lighted by the glint of firelight upon bird- Middle bone, shell or coyote tooth. And when the meal was over, and the dying coals permit- West Lake ted the penetrating cold to seep into the cave, each one wrapped himself in a blan- ket of rabbit skin and stretched out to dream of the deer, or antelope, or moun- tain sheep that had fallen that day to his IK prowess. When the shadows were stretched al- most to the limit, we stopped work and as- To BLACK sembled our findings neatly in hosiery ROCK DESERT boxes, savoring the unique quality of each. MASSACRE Only then did we realize one important AKE fact: Among them was not a single piece OWINNEMUCCA suggesting relationship with the white man! Too tired to start immediately for camp, NEVADA I we sat and watched the setting sun sum- mon colors from nowhere on this earth and I spread them over the blue wash of sky. As if startled by the nearby yap of a coy- ote, Frank leaned forward from his boul- der back-rest. "I'm going back into that cave," he said. "Maybe I'm balmy, but just as we left it, I saw something that gave me a hunch. If I don't go back, I won't it was coming from a hole in the face of the larging the opening still more, we marked sleep for thinking about it!" Since there shelter wall. He moved some large wedges off the area with pegs and string into two is no logical answer to one of Frank's of rock. The hole became larger. He shov- foot squares. Then test holes were dug to hunches—not even food and rest—I be- eled more ashes, removed more rock. At determine the direction most likely to gan pumping up the lantern. last the hole was large enough for Ward bring results when we began trenching in Back in the cave, he pointed out a spot to wriggle through. from the entrance. where ash had sloughed away from the Our eyes didn't leave that opening un- The first test hole yielded a glistening profile of the trench. Protruding from the til we heard his muffled voice saying: dart point of black obsidian, that volcanic bank, was an edge of charred matting. "Gee, it's a regular cave!" glass so perfectly adapted for the arrow- "Probably just another fragment," he I squeezed my way in. Frank followed maker's craft. Three more test holes pro- said, "But I've got to find out." with the lantern. The light revealed a room duced nothing but straw and refuse. When approximately 10 by 14 feet. The jagged we started our two-foot wide trench it im- Inch by inch, troweling, brushing, he dome-like ceiling was so low one could not mediately turned up the nock end of an removed ash and debris until a section of stand upright, and so blackened with arrow shaft, its sinew binding still in coarse woven-work as large as your hand smoke that only here and there did the bare place. was exposed. As he continued, no edge show through. An accumulation of Slow, steady troweling extended the other than the selvage appeared. rat-dung covering the floor to an average trench deeper into the cave. No layering of Suddenly Ward, who had been busy depth of three inches, combined with the occupation levels was apparent. Through- killing rattlesnakes, stuck his head in the fine wind-blown dust of centuries! The out the depth of the accumulated debris, entrance. "I'm hungry!" he announced. musty odor was far from pleasant. averaging two feet from the surface to the "When do we eat?" Our impulse was to start scratching at red cinder floor, we found artifacts in their Frank straightened up. He stared for a random, like dogs turned loose in a flow- original position. Such were a hollow bird- moment at the section of matting he had er bed. Instead, we restrained ourselves in bone awl, a hide-scraper, a fire hearth, part exposed. "Boy, we've got something favor of the scientific approach. After en- of a rabbit snare, and a sinew-bound sec- here," he said. "Something too big to be

28 THE DESERT MAGAZINE worked out tonight. Jeepers, how I wish it were morning!" Morning ordinarily would have come all too soon. But not this time. We were out of our sleeping bags before daybreak, surprising not only ourselves, but a prong- horned antelope. His curiosity, and per-

Interior of the cave showing the jagged lava ceiling and a section \rom which the solidified rat dung had been removed to expose the occupa- tion debris irl which the cache and scattered relics oj prehistoric man w\ere found.

An eagle led to discovery of this shelter in the rim-rock near Massacre Lake, Nevada, by Frank Payne, shown screening material from the cave connected with it. The black spot at the right rear of shelter is the entrance to the cave.

some obscure reason known only to the individual, much as we would treasure a souvenir? How long had they lain in the dark cocoon of the cache? We can only speculate concerning the significance originally attached to the three rabbit feet. Their age, however, has been determined with reasonable accuracy. Evi- haps the smell of coffee and bacon, had when at last it lay spread out on the floor dence is sufficient to indicate that they brought him within the glow from the of the shelter, I knew, suddenly, what it had lain unmolested in this cave, preserved greasewood fire we had lit for warmth. was to me. It was a glimpse behind the by the desert-dry air, for 1500 years! The light was still grey when we started veil of mystery that hides the past, an in- This conclusion was arrived at by Dr. the tramp up to the cave. But not so grey sight into the private life of the ancient one L. S. Cressman, head of the department of that we couldn't see distinctly, slipping whose roughened hands had taken such anthropology at the University of Oregon. off through the brush, a coyote that had care to hide his personal property. In his book, Archeological Researches in punctuated our sleep with his howling. I fingered the pieces of matting that had the Northern Great Basin, (Carnegie In- This morning, instead of extending the lined the hole, each of a different material stitution of Washington Publication 538), trench sideways, Frank started at the sur- and weave. I noted the small twigs, with he has correlated our Massacre lake cave face and began peeling off layers of rat- which a break in a tightly-woven circular findings with the results of many other dung and occupation debris over an area tray had been mended. I held to the light a studies of that region. He believes that the two feet square. Then it was that the cache large, loosely-woven bag made of reddish- culture represented was antecedent to, or came to light! The hole exposed beneath brown sagebrush bark. I felt the smooth coincident with that of the Basketmaker the flat rocks hkd been lined with large texture of the overlay design decorating a II period of the Southwest—a culture pieces of matting—the charred edge of smaller twined basket which its owner had dated by tree rings as having reached its which had attracted Frank's attention the placed inside the larger bag. Then I stared, height between A. D. 300 and 500. night before. Thus we were able to lift the without touching them, at three rabbit feet On our homeward trek, I remarked to contents out whole and take them into the in the bottom of the smallest basket. Frank: "An experience like this sure sunlight where we could examine them. Three rabbit feet! What did they mean? stretches one's ideas of time, doesn't it?" My usually legible handwriting deteri- Why did they, of all things, lie at the very "Yeah," he mused, "That's what I like orated into a scribble as I recorded the ne- heart of these personal treasures represent- about this sort of thing. Makes a fellow cessary data concerning the find. "You're ing the day-to-day life of someone who had see his own experiences as being of one nuts!" I kept telling myself. "People just hoped and despaired, loved and hated, piece with everything that's ever hap- don't get like this over a dirty mess of old known struggle and final peace in some pened. Yes, and everything that's going to matting and basketry that's about to fall dim past? Were they a tribal symbol of the happen." Then his eyes twinkled. "Just apart. What's it to you? Now if it were a owner's desire for rapport with the spirit happened to remember that my life insur- chest of jewels . that gives and takes away all things, in- ance is due. But why worry? I've got three Looking at the contents of the cache, cluding luck? Or were they cherished for rabbit feet!"

SEPTEMBER, 1947 29 Democracy at Rawhide . . . Denver, Colorado Editor: LETTERS... I enjoyed reading your write-up on Rawhide in the June issue of Desert, and The Moob Petroglyphs . . . The Padres Led the Way . . . seeing the pictures of my good friends the Albuquerque, New Mexico Banning, California Grutt boys. Dear Desert: Dear Randall: In my opinion Rawhide was the most Thirty-five years ago I took a trip with Every so often we are told, as repeated colorful camp of all, and I followed all the the late E. A. Sherman, then regional for- in a recent Desert, that the Mormons were booms. It contained as fine as body of men ester at Ogden, down the Colorado from the first to introduce irrigation in the U. S. as ever got together anywhere in the West. Moab, Utah, to the Indian inscriptions de- Nowise wishing to dim the splendid They represented true democracy of char- scribed and pictured by Beej and Paul Av- achievement of the Saints in watering their acter, which our civilization has failed to eritt in the Desert Magazine for August. mountain valleys, we should bear in mind produce in our cities of today, always liv- In Moab we had asked "Old Wash," an that irrigation was practised in California ing up to the "boomer's" creed of helping aged Paiute, as to history of the inscrip- a generation before Joseph Smith received a down and out brother or sister along the tions, but he replied: "Me no ketch 'em; the plates of the Book of Mormon. rocky highway of life. me father no ketch 'em; too many snows." In Mission Valley, San Diego, there are Give us more about the old Nevada Mr. Sherman and I felt that these inscrip- ruins still standing of a masonry dam the mining camps. You have a fine magazine, tions, like highly illuminated manuscripts, Franciscan padres built across the bedrock one that appeals to all the old-time boom- were left for the information of future visi- of San Diego river before 1800. It was 224 ers. tors. The largest one seemed to say that feet long and 12 feet thick. Water from it "THE GUMSHOE KID" game had been plentiful, and there had was carried to the Mission crop lands • • • been a feast, perhaps in connection with a through ditches and a tunnel, and sup- Mojave is Still Dry and Hot . . . wedding, for a standing couple held plied irrigation water at all seasons. Doyle, California hands. TOM HUGHES To the Editor: Sometimes one of these sketches in- • • • In the spring of 1891 I went to work as cludes a line, apparently directing a trav- a track-walker at Rogers section on the eler how the sheer canyon wall can be Wanted—Some Desert Tea . . . Santa Fe railroad 20 miles east of Mojave. scaled—undoubtedly better by an Indian Hot Springs, Arkansas I remember reading in the Examiner in moccasins than by his less surefooted Gentlemen: about a mysterious sea that was forming successors. I was told that a "wall-map" I was told at Desert Center, California, in Salton Sink. No one seemed to know on the north side of the Colorado river that you might put me in touch with a where the water came from and the article crossing near Moab gave accurate direc- source of supply for Desert tea, also called said an expedition was being organized to tion to a spring, the presence of which Squaw tea, Indian tea, Mormon tea—and investigate. would otherwise have been unknown. by its correct name, Ephedra. If you know The article also stated that if a big in- Q. R. CRAFT where I can get this, please advise me. land sea was formed the evaporation • • • A. C. COOK would change the climate of that part of Lost Mine Hunter Census . . . California by causing plenty of rainfall, Long Beach, California NOTE—// any Desert reader can and it would become a prosperous agricul- Dear Mr. Henderson: supply this tea, Mr. Cook's address is tural region. I've had 45 inquiries about my lost sil- 701 South Avenue, Hot Springs. I worked there all through the summer ver ledge in the Chocolates (Desert, June, —R.H. but not a drop of rain fell. Had the climate '47) and all of them intend to go and look m • • changed that summer I would have taken for it. It's possible that some one out of Tale of Tall Cholla . . . up a homestead in the Mojave desert. the bunch may be lucky enough to locate Long Beach, California However, the climate did not change and it. Two fliers have tried to locate it from Editor, Desert Magazine: I came to Lassen county and have made the air by taking pictures. They are going Forty-two years ago we came to San my home here. to make another trip over the area soon. Diego. Walking around on the edge of H. F. SMART You called the turn when you said a town I saw a straight stalk of cholla cactus stampede would happen. Reader Smart used good judgment. about three feet long, but dead. There has been a sea in Salton Sink L. HARPENDING Figuring it would make an odd cane since 190(5—and the climate hasn't • • • for my aged father back east I pulled it up changed yet. It was 110 degrees yes- More of the Same . . . by the roots, cleaned, sandpapered and terday and it hasn't rained for six Fallbrook, California varnished it and sent it away. On a recent months.—R.H. Dear Desert: visit, I saw the cane again, newly varnished • • • So someone thinks there are too many and just as good as ever—a fine souvenir. From an Old "Rawhider" . . . palm trees, huh? Personally, I enjoy each During the last 40 years I have looked San Diego, California and every "count" and hope the jeep keeps all over the Southwest but never found an- Dear Sir: taking R.H. into the far places—and other stalk of cholla with a straight joint Your historical article on Rawhide brings him back so he can report through half as long as that. I am wondering if brought back memories of days long gone. DM,pages. Just between you'ns and me, this may not be some kind of a record. For I was a "Rawhider" from the fall of though I'm a semi-hound myself, it seems C. BARGSTEN 1910 to the spring of 1912. Thanks to as though a lot of pages are devoted to Harold Weight for a fine well-written rocks and affiliated activities. Not that I A good record for San Diego, but story. don't read and enjoy all of it. The only im- not for Arizona where one occasion- I would like to get in touch with any- provement that I can think of for DM is ally finds a straight cholla trunk four one who was in Rawhide during its active "more of the same," even if it includes or five feet long. The base of the days. My address is 4236 University ave- some of the ' bales" of discarded poems. Kofa range in northern Yuma county nue. KATHERINE McEUEN I—R.H. F. W. LIANG

30 THE DESERT MAGAZINE TL L Euttettjlkl and ok th

By MARY BEAL Photos by the Author

f] FTER the early spring annuals have passed the climax I / of their colorful parade over the desert, the dainty or- nately-patterned Langloisias come along. The stiff little plants are so scantily leafed and so lavish with blossoms that they remind one of swarms of little butterflies hovering over the ground. This is one of the typically desert species that puts all its vigor into flowering, and makes a delightful success of it with little mounds of enchanting pink posies. It is easy to scrape In late spring myriads of these pink Little Butterflies acquaintance with them for they are common over widespread appear to hover over much of the Mojave desert. areas. Little Butterflies is the pet name but in botanical language it is classed as Langloisia mathewsii, or given a niche among the numerous members of the genus Gilia of the Phlox or Gilia bristle-tipped. The delicate 2-lipped corolla is pale pink or lav- family. ender or yellowish, with purple streaks in the throat, the 3- lobed upper lip purple-spotted, the lower with 2 spreading Langloisia mathewsii lobes, the lobes only half as long as the tube or less. It blossoms Varying from 2 to 6 inches high and 2 to 14 inches broad, with the early spring flowers on sandy plains and washes of the the stems are whitish and stiff, the herbage softly hairy and Colorado and Mojave deserts, western Arizona, western Ne- armed with bristles. The narrow leaves, mostly at the ends of vada and southern Utah. the branches, are cut into remote teeth tipped with a long bris- Langloisia setosissima tle, the older leaves often red or red-tinged. The bristle-tipped calyx lobes are plushy with long white hairs and the bracts sub- Low and tufted or with spreading branches, from Vi to 2V2 tending the flower-cluster are bristle-tipped and bristle- inches high and up to 8 inches broad, the herbage finely wooly- margined. The 2-lipped corolla, V2 to % inch long, varies from hairy. The grey-green leaves enlarge abruptly upward to the light to bright pink or occasionally light salmon-yellow. The apex of 3 bristle-tipped teeth, with 1 or 2 pairs of bristle-tipped upper lip usually is 3-lobed, the lower with 2 spreading lobes, teeth at the sides and the narrow base with more bristles. The the upper lobes patterned with a double arch of deep purple- corolla is light lavender-blue to white, about % inch long, its pink dots. The stamens are curved and protrude conspicuously. nearly regular lobes almost as long as the tube. It frequents Little Butterflies foregather in late spring—myriads of them gravelly hills, sandy mesas and washes, from valley to moun- —over most of the Mojave desert: and adjacent regions, often tains in the California deserts, western Arizona, western Ne- over-spreading acres of sandy plains and mesas and washes with vada, and southwestern Utah. soft rose-pink. Somewhat similar but noticeably smaller and less Langloisia punctata elaborately marked is the following species: One of the desert's most beguiling charmers in the floral pro- Langloisia schottii cession, known to its friends as Lilac Sunbonnet. It is blest with Usually less than 2 inches high, or even less than 1 inch, the delightful individuality but seldom is more than 2 inches high, herbage clothed with long soft hairs, the leaves and calyx lobes often less, widely branching into leafy tufts enlivened by bonny lilac blossoms. The grey-green leaves broaden to a wide 3- toothed apex tipped by long bristles, often with a pair of bristle- Although the plants seldom are more than two inches tipped teeth below, the calyx lobes similarly toothed and bris- high, the tiny flared flowers 0} Lilac Sunbonnet \orm tled. The corolla flares from a slender tube into 5 oval lobes, pale beguiling mats of spring color. to bright bluish-lilac patterned with lines of purple dots and a double yellow streak leading to the purple throat. They respond to ample rains with lively cooperation, spreading out into flower-adorned mats several inches broad. My notebook records a walk over gravelly hills with "millions of Lilac Sunbonnets in bloom. One amazing plant with 88 blossoms." Even with usual rainfall they add charm to many gravelly hills, mesas and moun- tain slopes of the Inyo and Mojave deserts, western Arizona and western Nevada. • • • An oil that is chemically almost identical with sperm oil can be extracted from seeds of the native Southwestern shrub, Simmondsia californica, more commonly known by the Mexican name of jojoba; also bucknut, coffeebush, goatberry, goatnut. University of Arizona chemists found only a slight difference between the jojoba seed oil and sperm oil, which comes from certain whales and is indispensable for lubrication of delicate machinery. Jojoba bushes are valuable forage plants found at elevations of 2000 to 4000 feet in Arizona and Southern California.

SEPTEMBER, 1947 31 Bisbee, Arizona . . . Rich copper ore, carrying values in gold and silver, has been discovered on the Mtii&i and property of Grace and Ira Taylor off high- way 92 at the east edge of the Huachuca Ely. Nevada . . . Silver City. New Mexico . . . mountains. The Taylors, who have been Workmen are driving a 600-foot tunnel Santa Rita open pit copper mine in developing their claim, using an automo- on property of the Sound State Mining Grant county will be enlarged by removal bile to hoist ore buckets, have cut the rich company in the Silver Mountain district of of millions of tons of overburden, Horace vein running the full width of their in- northeastern White Pine county, accord- Moses, general manager of Kennecott clined shaft. Compressor, drilling ma- ing to Ralph Morgali, company secretary. Copper company's mine has announced. chines and a water-pumping outfit are be- Development by means of prospect shafts Company officials said the big project ing installed. Water in the shaft amounts exposed high grade lead ore at several would in no way disturb the Kneeling to 3000 gallons daily. Taylor served as a points on the 10 claims comprising the Nun, a pinnacle rock formation which is a sergeant in the Pacific during the war, property. A camp boarding house and local landmark. while his wife was a WAC in Europe. change room have been constructed and a • • • • • • three-mile road built. Reno, Nevada . . . Hawthorne, Nevada . . . • • • Western producers have organized the A short course in prospecting was given Beatty. Nevada . . . Perlite Standards association with the this summer at Hawthorne, with 80 at- Yellow Gold Consolidated Mining purpose of establishing standard tests for tending. The class, meeting six times a company has been organized to operate a perlite rock and its products and to help week, was established with the assistance property 27 miles north of Beatty. Plans meet requirements of building codes in of D. C. Cameron, state director of voca- have been completed to build a 100-ton western states. Jay A. Carpenter, director tional education, and Robert Best, princi- mill on the property, President John J. of the state bureau of mines, has been re- pal of Mineral county high school. The Carr declared. At the present time a face of quested to act as consultant for the associa- course discussed practical geology and the 10 feet of $40 ore is available for milling, tion's research committee. Director Car- relation of igneous intrusions to miner- and it is said that the entire vein filling, penter has issued a request to prospectors alization. Prospecting methods and sim- ranging from 80 to 300 feet, is mill ore and claim owners to list their deposits at ple geological mapping were stressed, with which can be handled without selection. his office. field trips and laboratory periods for min- • • • eral identification included. T. D. Overton • • • was instructor. Goldfield. Nevada . . . Victorville, California . . . Victorville Limerock company has com- • • • Pete Moser of Goldfield sold five gold pleted its new all-electric-powered mill Bishop, California . . . lode and placer claims near the head of and full production was resumed on July 1. The largest magnetic separator in the Tule canyon, 54 miles west of Goldfield, The old plant on the banks of the Mojave United States has been installed at the to M. Goering, Nevada miner. Goering, river at the Narrows was completely dis- tungsten mill of Bishop Concentrate and who has operated placer properties from mantled in 1946, and new construction Cleaning company, seven miles south of Battle Mountain to Manhattan, is sam- has been going on for eight months. The Bishop. The new firm plans to process pling the ground and plans to start his pla- new mill will handle any type of limestone concentrates for tungsten producers in the cer operations as soon as the sampling is grinding. The company operates its own area. According to Glenn E. Benweare, completed. For some years past he has quarry six miles north of the mill and the company also has installed complete been mining talc in the Lida area. trucks the crude limestone to the mill for roasting facilities for upgrading the con- • • • primary crushing and storing. centrates. Salt Lake City. Utah . . . • • • • • • Wartime searches for strategic minerals Death Valley Junction, California ... Washington, D. C. . . . showed that the Pinto-Iron Springs dis- Great Lakes Carbon company has taken The public lands subcommittee of the trict in Washington and Iron counties, a 3 5-year lease on a big acreage of clay- house of representatives plans to hold at Utah, is the most important known source bearing ground near the old Fairbanks least two hearings in California late this or iron ore for western steel mills, accord- ranch at Ash Meadows, a few miles across summer. One hearing will deal with the ing to a report issued by United States bu- the Nevada line from Death Valley Junc- question of opening Joshua Tree national reau of mines. The greatest concentration tion. The overburden will have to be re- monument to mining and the other will of ore occurs in the margins of Iron moun- moved before the clay can be mined, but it take up controversies regarding the Inyo- tain, Granite mountain and Three Peaks, is said that the company will start opera- kern navy range in Inyo county and the in a belt three miles wide and 23 miles tions soon and that several thousand tons land sale in Mono basin. Dates for the long, W. E. Young, mining engineer of a month will be shipped when full pro- meetings have not been set. The commit- the Salt Lake City division reported. The duction is reached. Owners of the property tee will consist of Frank A. Barrett of Wy- area is the present source of ore for the are Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Thomas and P. W. oming, chairman, and Representatives Geneva steel plant. Prutzman. Harry Sheppard and Clair Engle of Cali- • • • • • • fornia. Boulder City, Nevada . . . Tonopah. Nevada . . • • • • Only bid for the government-built man- Output of the rich fluorspar property 30 Tiger, Arizona . . . ganese oxide pilot plant at Boulder City miles south of Warm Springs on the Proven ore deposits in the San Manuel was made by the Morse Bros. Machinery Tonopah-Ely highway is being shipped to mine of the Magma Copper company, near company of Denver. Morse brothers of- the Kaiser steel mills at Fontana, Cali- Tiger, now exceed 354,500,000 tons. fered $102,400 for the plant and accom- fornia, where it is used as a flux. The W. P. Goss, Magma general manager, says panying 446 acres of land. Plant was built fluorite is reported 97 per cent pure. It oc- that the ore body is the largest copper de- early in World War II by the federal gov- curs in four parallel and one cross vein posit found in Arizona in more than 35 ernment, at a cost of $1,519,238. The site on the property, which is owned by May- years. Development of the mine calls for was chosen because it was close to large field and Eason of Tonopah and is being construction of an entire new town to manganese oxide deposits. The material is operated by James Corlett, Don Walters house workers and their families. Churn used in production of steel alloys. and Bob Corlett. drilling on the property is still under way.

32 THE DESERT MAGAZINE Quonset huts will furnish living quar- ters for 100 Navajo Indian families before the summer is over, according to Indian Superintendent James M. Stewart. Stew- on tlte art is buying the huts from army surplus and intends to use them for families living IZONA Tso is New Vice-Chairman . . . near Window Rock and Ft. Defiance. Million Dollar Highway Opens . . . WINDOW ROCK — Zhealy Tso, • • • TUCSON—Catalina highway, which councilman from Chinle district 10, was cost the government $1,000,000 and was elected vice-chairman of the Navajo Tribal CALIFORNIA built with federal prison labor, has been council, to take the place left vacant by the Wild Horse Hunt . . . turned over to Pima county by the United death of Chee Dodge. Tso won the posi- DEATH VALLEY—At the request of States bureau of public roads. The new tion by standing vote over Clyde Lizer, the national park service, Pete Peterson, road, which took 10 years to build, runs Howard Gorman and Roger Davis, at the Ash Meadows rancher, has been trapping directly through the mountains and cuts end of the opening day's session of the the horses running wild at the head of travel time from Tucson to Mount Lem- summer meeting of the council. Emigrant canyon in Death Valley national mon from about a day, by way of Oracle. Hamblin Memorial Planned . . . monument. The animals have ranged the to an hour and a half. The bureau told ALPINE—Mrs. Levi S. Udall, grand- area since Indian Tom Wilson abandoned county supervisors that the stretch from daughter of Jacob Hamblin, is sponsoring a horse ranch which he started in the early Soldier Camp to Summit, now largely one- a movement among his descendants to 193O's. Peterson and his riders established way, would be completed by Tuly 1948. raise a new monument over the grave of a camp at Emigrant springs, set a trap and Pima county has appropriated $30,000 to the great Mormon trailblazer who is bur- captured 32 head of unbranded horses. be spent jointly with the United States ied at Alpine. Mrs. Udall, wife of an Ari- Peterson expects to round up most of the forest service on recreational areas along zona supreme court justice, already has estimated 23 remaining, and the horses the new road. contacted more than 100 of Hamblin's rel- will be taken to his ranch to be broken and sold. White Medicinemen Make Rain ... atives. A group of them made a pilgrimage to his grave, late in June. Hamblin pio- PHOENIX — Man-made rain poured neered in southern Utah, marking roads, Postoince ior Palm Desert . . . down on the Roosevelt dam watershed on founding towns and striving for peaceful PALM DESERT—The desert's newest July 21, according to a copyrighted story relations with the Indians. postoffice, at Palm Desert, the new com- in the Arizona Republic, when dry ice was • • • munity between Indio and Palm Springs, dropped from an airplane into a cumulus Harry Wetzel, Indian trader for the was opened on July 16. W. L. Myers, post- cloud. Amos Hoff, professor of meteor- past 40 years, died at Ganado Presbyterian master, received the first truck of mail and ology at Phoenix junior college, and a mission on June 23. In 1906 he went to handled between 4000 and 5000 pieces of party of observers dropped 500 pounds of Oljato, Utah, a point on the Navajo reser- outgoing mail. The new postoffice is lo- dry ice pellets from a DC-3 into the cloud- vation north of Kayenta, and from that cated on Highway 111 and Larkspur Lane bank and thousands of tons of water time operated trading posts among the In- and contains 130 boxes. First development poured out, it was reported. The process dians. at Palm Desert was started a year ago. was developed by Vincent J. Schaefer, sci- entist of the General Electric company, and this was its first large scale applica- tion. COAST-TO-COAST Canyon Museum Reopens . . . GRAND CANYON —The Wayside Museum of Archeology, located at Tu- sayan Ruin, 18 miles east of Grand Canyon PULLMAN SERVICE village is open to the public daily except Sunday and Monday, national park offi- cials have announced. Lectures on arche- ology will be given at 11:15 a. m. and via New Orleans 3:15 p. m. The museum had been closed since 1942. The park service also reported reinstallation of campfire programs, night- It's new, unique: GO EAST ON THE WASHINGTON- ly except Sunday, at the South Rim camp- Los Angeles-New SUNSET "ROUTE OF ROMANCE" ground. York Pullman serv- Leave Los Angeles in a special car on the ice that gives you fast Sunset Limited... cross the colorful Quechan Agency Closes . . . a carefree New Southwest and Mexican border country YUMA—The Indian sub-agency office Orleans stopover . . . glamorous hours ...pass through El Paso, Houston and on Fort Yuma Indian reservation closed for sight-seeing, dining. miles of bayouland... reach New Orleans July 30, due to curtailment of funds. The It's trouble-free: While you enjoy New ... enjoy your stopover: 7 hours for sight- agency handled the affairs of 900 Quechan Orleans, we move your baggage from seeing and dining in the late afternoon Indians, who have been placed under the your Sunset Limited Pullman to identical and evening. Then, head East... through jurisdiction of the Colorado river agency accommodations in a fresh, clean car of the heart of the Old South: Montgomery, at Parker. The tribe, formerly known as the same type for the balance of your Atlanta... and on to Washington, Balti- the Yuma Indians will, as a result of the trip East. more, Philadelphia and New York. closing action, appoint its own police force Reservations and information: phone or and judge and handle its own leases. The see your near-by S.P. Agent. hospital on Indian hill will continue to operate, since the health department bud- SP get was not cut seriously. The agency was established in 1887. the friendly Southern Pacific

SEPTEMBER, 1947 33 Power from Owens River . . . BISHOP—Los Angeles department of THE DESERT TRADING POST water and power has been authorized to Classified advertising in this section costs 7 cents a word, $1.00 minimum per issue construct three hydro-electric plants in the Owens River gorge, at a cost of $40,526,- 000. The new plants will utilize the 2375- INDIAN GOODS NATIVE WILDFLOWERS of the Great foot drop between Crowley lake and Bir- Southwest, many of them should be planted chim canyon. Each of the three units will ALASKA INDIAN, Canadian Indian and Es- —nature's way—in the fall. Send card for fall contain a single 37,500 watt electric gen- kimo fancy moccasins; dolls, baskets, totem planting seed list, many rare species listed. poles, carved ivory, etc. Northwest Indian S. S. Lawrence—Seedsman, Box 408, Las erator. Power will be delivered to Los An- Vegas, Nevada. Novelties, 2186 N. W. Glisan Street, Port- geles over a 250 mile, 230,000 volt trans- land 10, Oregon. mission line to San Fernando valley. De- LOOSE-LEAF BINDERS for your Desert Mag- sign and construction work will start im- ALWAYS THmiE BEST in Indian things. Old azines. Preserve your back issues in these sub- mediately. and new Navajo rugs a specialty. Fine jew- stantial gold-embossed covers. Each binder elry and baskets. Our thirty tons of rocks and holds year's copies. Easy to insert. $1.25 minerals include many hard to get items. Al- each, postpaid to you. Desert Magazine, El Desert Rocket Mail . . . ways welcome. Daniels Indian Trading Post, Centro, California. 401 W. Foothill Blvd., Fontana, Calif . WINTERHAVEN—The first success- KARAKULS. Producers of Persian Lamb fur ful rocket mail flight in United States his- 4 VERY FINE ancient Indian Arrowheads are easy to raise and adapted to the desert tory took place on June 28 when a six-foot $1.00. 4 tiny perfect bird arrowheads $1.00. which is their native home. For further in- formation write Addis Kelley, 4637 E. 52 rocket, fired from Winterhaven, arched a 1 Ancient Stone Tomahawk $1.00. 2 Flint mile into the air and landed in Yuma Skinning Knives $1.00. 1 Large Flint Hoe place, Maywood, California. $1.00. 2 Spearheads $1.00. 10 Arrowheads within 100 feet of the spot where it had from 10 states $1.00. 20 Damaged Arrow- CACTI AND SUCCULENTS—From the des- been aimed. The projectile carried 350 heads $1.00. 10 Fish Sealers $1.00. 10 Hide erts of the world. Don-Rita brand. By ap- covers for stamp collectors, which were Scrapers $1.00. 4 Perfect Saw edged arrow- pointment only. Write us your needs and we taken to the Yuma postoffice. The first heads $1.00. The above 11 offers $10.00 will try to help you. Michael Donnelly Cacti rocket, sent up half an hour earlier, ex- Postpaid. List free. Lear's, Box 569, Galves- Gardens, 334 Lowell St., Daly City, Calif. ton, Texas. ploded and the mail compartment fell into LEARN the profitable jewelry and gold-smith- the Colorado river and floated down ing trade at home. Simplified course teaches stream. The flight was sponsored by a BOO:KS — MAGAZINES jewelry designing, manufacture and repair- ing; gemsetting, etc. Gemcrafters, Dept. F., group of rocket enthusiasts from Glendale, Kalispell, Mont. California. OUTDOORSMEN EVERYWHERE enjoy reading. The Outdoor Advertiser—published monthly, 15c copy, $1.00 per year, ads. 5c DUDE Ghost Post in the Mojave . . . word, minimum $1.00. P. O. Box 502, BARSTOW—Camp Irwin, great army Yreka, California. THE BROKEN ARROW DUDE RANCH in anti-aircraft firing range isolated in the southern Arizona now open. 1000 acres on Mojave desert 36 miles northwest of Bar- SOUTHWEST BOOKS on History, Biography, old Apache village site. 5 miles north of Travel, Indians, Botany, Gems and Minerals. Mexican border. Cool climate 5000 feet. In- stow, is reported to have become a ghost Write for free catalog. Desert Crafts Shop, dividual cottages. Private airport with hangar town, with only armed guards remaining 636 State St., El Centro, California. space. Excellent hunting—deer, bear, lion, to protect government property. Camp javelina. Cocktail bar and lounge overlook- Irwin was a complete city, with more than COLLECTORS the world over read The Earth ing the beautiful San Pedro Valley. Riding 350 buildings, water system, refrigeration Science Digest. If you like earth science, you horses. Wonderful food. A rockhound's will like The Earth Science Digest. One year paradise. For reservations and rates write The plant, butane gas system, and a network of subscription, $2.00 — Sample copy 25c. Broken Arrow Dude Ranch, Hereford, Ari- roads. The camp had a commissary, stores, Write: Dept. D., Box 57, Omaha 3, Ne- theater, fire department and hospital. An braska. army-paved road reaches the camp, which CRAFT WORK is along the old route traveled by Garces, GOLD PANNING for profit. Healthy, outdoor Jedediah Smith, Fremont and the 20-mule occupation. Beginners' big instruction book, HANDCRAFTED HORSESHOE door knock- blueprints, photograph—$1.00. Desert Jim, ers of iron and copper, made for the desert, teams, but cloudbursts already are working 627 Lillian, Stockton, Calif. mountain and country ranch home, $2.00. No to return the road to the desert. C.O.D.'s. C. V Hicks, Route 3, Box 586, BACK COPIES of all issues of Desert Maga- Hemet, California. zine except Volume 1, No. 1, are available to New Desert Highway Planned . . . complete your files. Send in a list of your LONG HORNS—Steer Head Pins hand made TRONA—The Cross Country highway missing copies, and Desert staff will advise of Texas hard wood. About 4 inch spread of bill, passed by the California legis'ature, you as to the cost of making your file com- horns. Price $1.00 each. Steer Head Necker- has placed Trona on a transcontinental plete. Desert Magazine, El Centro, Calif. chief Rings $1.25. Both for $2.00. Photos highway. The new road, when completed, 10c. Satisfaction assured. W. F. Fitzgerald, 3600 Govalle Ave., Austin, Texas. will run from Norfolk, Virginia, to the MISCELLANEOUS California coast near Morro bay or Pismo FOR SALE: Karakul bed blankets, colors, blue, beach. It will follow the 35th parallel and green, natural, maroon, weigh at least 4y2 will be the shortest route between coasts. WATERCOLOR and pen and ink drawings pounds. Money back guarantee. Price $17.50. of desert lore, $15.00 to $25.00 matted. Write Addis Kelley, 4637 E. 52nd Place, In the desert area, the highway will cut Charles Packard, 1612 No. Hill Ave., Pasa- Maywood, California. through Walker Pass to Freeman Junction dena 7, Calif. and Trona, across Death Valley through Salisbury pass to Shoshone, then to Pah- PANNING GOLD — A side line hobby for REAL ESTATE Rockhounds and Desert Nomads. You rump and Las Vegas. should know how to pan gold, recognize gold "RANCHITOS" — oversized acre homesites, • • • bearing gravel and valuable quartz ledges. desert foothills, elevation 3300, superb views, The places you go are where rich virgin all-year climate, careful but moderate re- Preliminary construction on the last 7.8- ground is found. Send your name for new strictions. Five minutes from post-office, mile stretch of the 144-mile Coachella ex- folder on panning gold, with pictures—list stores. Electricity. Water Mains In, priced tension canal got under way early in July of mining books and equipment for prospec- from $595; terms. For map write Battelle, tor beginners. Old Prospector, Box 21B32, Lucerne Valley, California, or see me, Foot- with Otto B. Ashback and Sons, Minnea- Dutch Flat, Calif. hill Rd. polis, contractors.

34 THE DESERT MAGAZINE They Change the River . . . Would Save Old Courthouse . . . Burros for Tourists? . . . BLYTHE—The course of the Colorado PIOCHE—Local residents are seeking BEATTY—A plan that started as a river eight miles below Palo Verde was funds to block destruction of the old Lin- joke in Beatty is nearing realization. Local changed when 700 pounds of powder coln county courthouse at Pioche, and to residents informally have pledged suffi- were used to blast a two-mile-long pilot make it into a museum to house relics of cient funds to bring a herd of 18 to 20 channel across an acute angle on the Ci- the days when Pioche was the West's wild- burros down into Beatty and pasture them bola side of the river. The angle had est mining camp. The building, construct- in a corral on the north side of town. Back- caused a bar, made up of material eroded ed in 1872 at a reputed cost of $1,000,000, ers of the plan believe that most eastern from the Cibola valley side, to form at the was built of bricks brought from England. tourists have never seen a burro and would mouth of the outfall drain from Palo It was vacated in 1938 when a new court- welcome the chance to study and photo- Verde valley. The bar eventually would house was completed, and no provisions graph the quaint animals who are credited have stopped the drainage completely and were made for its maintenance. with being responsible for discovery of allowed the water to back up on tillable many of the great mines of the West. land, so bureau of reclamation engineers, Low Bid for Gabbs . . . working with officials of the Palo Verde GABBS—Only two bids have been re- Tracing the Pony Express . . . irrigation district blasted to change the AUSTIN—The exact locations of the river course. ceived by the War Assets administration for Gabbs magnesium oxide plant, mines, five Pony Express stations between Jacobs- r * * ville, in the Reese river valley west of Aus- townsite and hotel. Pacific Rock and tin, and Cold Springs, about seven miles NEVADA Gravel company of Los Angeles bid north of Eastgate were found and identi- New Laws for Sportsmen . . . $259,001 and Morse Bros. Machinery fied recently by Gerald Kane, William T. company of Denver bid $199,750. The in- RENO—New fishing and hunting laws Maestretti and Dr. F. G. Tagert. The trio, went into effect in Nevada on July 1. Li- stallation cost the government $8,479,- making the trip in a Model A, followed censes went up in price and cost for deer 000. The government wrote off nearly the old express route. Identification was tags for non-residents rose from $10 to $6,000,000 of the cost, placing a valuation made by Maestretti, who had ridden the $25. Deer tags for residents remained at of $2,788,755 on the plant, but bids were entire area many times when young, while $1. Deer hunting with pistol or revolver, far below expectation. he was a cowhand on his father's ranch. or with rifles firing .22 rim-fire car- tridges became illegal, as did the use of service ammunition. It became illegal to hunt any big game with dogs or from an airplane without a special permit and the A TWO AND THREE-QUARTER waste of either fish or game will be prose- cuted as a gross misdemeanor. Out of state sportsmen were advised to study copies of MILLION DOLLAR the new regulations. • • • Beatty Improvement association, has POWER BUSINESS asked the federal government to open sev- eral thousand acres along Highway 95, north of Beatty, as a farm area for veterans. Imperial Irrigation District's power revenue for 1946 They want the section tested to determine totaled almost TWO AND THREE-QUARTER MILLION how much of it has sufficient water for DOLLARS. farming purposes. TOTAL REVENUE for 1946 was $2,719,499.25. recorded by the District's publicly-owned Power Division—an increase of $306,263.85 over 1945. MORE IMPORTANT t is the total of $932,744.28 In NET REVENUE as com- pared to the 1945 total of $827,058.89 Likewise the net power sales for 1946 amounted to $2,688,325.50, as compared with net power sales of $2,413,235.40 in 1945—an increase of $275,090.10. This large increase in power revenue was made possible by greater consumption of electricity and intelligent planning, which is continuing to pro- vide for expanding power needs of rapidly growing communities. COVERED WAGON LAMP "The #49er" A real souvenir from the desert. Made from suncured Cholla Cactus wood found in the arid desert of the Southwest. Well designed and well constructed. Shipped complete with cord, globe and decorated Imperial Irrigation District shade. PRICE $6.75 POSTPAID Or $1.00 Deposit— Balance C.O.D. plus Postage Satisfaction Guaranteed Use Your Own Power-Moke it Pay for the All American Canal DESERT CRAFT SHOP Box 733 Mesa, Arizona

SEPTEMBER, 1947 35 Ghost Town Dies . . . NEW MEXICO Atom Crater Still Closed . . . ELY—Flames destroyed the major por- De Vargas Vow Fulfilled . . . ALAMOGORDO—The crater in the tion of the ghost camp of Osceola on July SANTA FE—Hundreds of Santa Fe desert near Alamogordo where the first 3, when a range fire spread to the camp residents fulfilled a vow made by Captain- atom bomb was exploded two years ago is buildings. The town, once among the General Diego de Vargas more than 250 still a forbidden zone to the public. Plans leading gold producers of eastern Nevada, years ago, when they marched in a block- have been made for eventual proclamation is located 40 miles southeast of Ely. Lee long procession to return the statuette of of the spot as a national monument, but it Marriott, sole resident of Osceola, was in- "La Conquistadora" from Rosario chapel is expected that years will pass before the jured when overcome with smoke while to St. Francis cathedral. De Vargas made park service takes over. In the meantime, fighting the flames. He was rescued by the vow in 1692, when engaged in the re- according to officials of the atomic energy Pete Hansen, miner. The Doyle assay of- conquest of New Mexico from the Pueblo commission, continuing studies are being fice and five other buildings in New Indians. He declared that, if he were made at the crater, which still is radioac- Moon Gulch, south of the highway, were granted a bloodless victory, the procession tive. completely destroyed. Marriott's home, on would be held annually. "La Conquista- the north, was not burned. dora" remains all year in a side chapel at Cross Removal Suggested . . . the cathedral except for a week's stay in SANTA FE—The city council has been Rosario chapel before the procession. asked to consider removal of Santa Fe's THE LOST DUTCHMAN • • • Cross of the Martyrs to a new spot. The Fact or Fable? The board of trustees of the Laboratory reason given was that the hill northwest of Before spending any time or energy pros- of Anthropology at Santa Fe has appoint- the Puente de los Hildalgos, where the pecting for The Lost Dutchman, or any other mine reputed to be in the Superstitions, send ed a committee to meet with members of cross now stands, was becoming built up 25c for a copy of the April issue of The Earth with dwellings and the open space around1 Science Digest. In this issue is an article by the Museum of New Mexico and the noted mining engineer Victor Shaw which School of American Research, with the ob- the cross was becoming too small to ac- literally explodes the fable surrounding The Dutchman. He points out sound geological ject of affiliating the organizations. commodate the Fiesta crowds. The Cross reasons why there could be no metallic de- • • • of the Martyrs was erected a quarter of a position of any extent in this area. century ago as a monument to the Francis- Before Prospecting cr Investing— The sixth annual Chaco Anthropologi- Investigate! cal conference was held at the University can fathers killed in the Pueblo Indian THE EARTH SCIENCE DIGEST of New Mexico research station in Chaco uprising in 1680. A feature of the annual P. O. Box 57, Dept. 5 Omaha 3, Nebraska canyon on July 28-30. Santa Fe Fiesta is a candlelight procession from St. Francis cathedral to the cross.

Little Dinosaurs Found . . . LINDRITH—Six complete skeletons DESERT RUINS . . . Photo Contest of reptiles about three feet tall, ancestors Throughout the whole sweep of the desert country lie the weather- of the giant dinosaurs, have been found ing ruins that mark the spots where Southwestern history was made north of Lindrith near the Colorado bor- —Southwestern life lived. Old stage stations, forts, ranches, missions, der by the expedition sent out by the the habitations of cave and cliff dwellers—many of them make perfect American Museum of Natural history. subjects for the photographer and all of them will furnish acceptable George Whitaker discovered a dinosaur entries for Desert Magazine's September photographic contest. claw embedded in a piece of rock in a wash and prospected in the surrounding hills First prize is $10, and second prize $5. For non-prize winning pictures until he made his find, described by Dr. accepted for publication $2 each will be paid. Entries must reach the Edwin H. Colbert, museum curator of fos- Desert Magazine office in El Centro, California, not later than Sep- sil reptiles, as one of the most important tember 20, and the winning prints will be published in the Novem- discoveries yet made of the continent's ber issue. early life. These are the first complete skeletons found since the creature was HERE ARE THE RULES identified from bone fragments in 1889. 1—Prints must be on black and white, 5x7 or larger, printed on The small dinosaures, which lived 200,- glossy paper. 000,000 years ago, are being quarried out 2—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th in six to eight ton blocks and will be of the contest month. shipped to New York. 3—Prints will be returned only when return postage is enclosed. 4—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photo- graphers. Desert Magazine requires first publication rights of prize winning pictures only. 5—Time and places of photograph are immaterial except that they must be from the desert Southwest. 6—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and awards will be made immediately after the close of the contest each month. 7—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, time, place. Also as to technical data: shutter speed, hour If you have pioneer blood in your of day, etc. veins you'll like to read the stories and articles you'll find in Desert Spotlight, ADDRESS ALL ENTRIES TO PHOTO EDITOR, DESERT MAGAZINE an illustrated monthly magazine of the desert and mountain areas. A Lost Mine story in every issue. Send $1.00 for six THE months or $1.75 for a year's subscription. DESERT SPOTLIGHT EL CENTRO. CALIFORNIA Box 162-D Yucca Valley, California

36 THE DESERT MAGAZINE Apache Maids Make Debut . . . Utes Dance for the Sun . . . More than 4000 Boy Scouts from 28 states, Canada and Mexico attended the MESCALERO—Rites stemming from FORT DUCHESNE — Indians from Centennial Pioneer Scout camp on Ft. primitive days were celebrated by the Mes- the Uintah-Ouray agency held their an- calero Apaches, July 2. The occasion was nual Sun Dance early in July at the Sun Douglas reservation, Salt Lake City, July the coming to marriageable age of two Dance grounds between Neola and White- 21-25. girls of the tribe, Jane Botilla and Dianne rocks road. The dance began at sundown • • • Tortilla. Tents rose around the agency as and ended at the third sunrise. It was held Salt Lake City's streets were jammed by 800 Apaches came in from their 500,000 in a brush enclosure with only men par- 100,000 persons on July 23, to witness the acre reservation. Events, besides 72 hours ticipating. The dancers rested about half three-mile-long parade commemorating of day and night dancing, included a rodeo the time, but took no food or water. The the 100th anniversary of the arrival of the and baseball games. Robert Geronimo, reservation is occupied by the White river, Mormons in Salt Lake valley. youngest son of the old warrier was ex- Uintah and Uncompahgre bands of Ute pected to take an active part, but failing Indians. health barred his mother, 90-year-old Kate Cross-Eyes, Geronimo's third wife, Seagulls Are Fed . . . County Maps... from participation. Not all girls receive SALT LAKE CITY—Seagulls are be- CALIF: Twnshp, Rng, Sec, MINES, All the expensive "coming out" party, since ing encouraged to frequent the This Is road, trail, creek, river, lake, R.R., school, their fathers must pay the cost, which in- the Place monument, which was unveiled camp, rngr. station, elev., ntl. forest, land cludes food for all visitors. and dedicated on July 24. Stale bread, con- grant, pwr. line, canal, etc., boundaries. tributed by city bakers, is being fed to the Size range 20x30 to 73x100 inches. Bell Ranch Sol ... birds each morning. The gulls saved the Mormon crops, 99 years ago, when there All Counties $1 except as listed: Tuo- TUCUMCARI—The great Bell ranch was a cricket plague—and there is a lumne, Santa Barbara, Plumas, Placer, near Tucumcari which was established by Modoc, Madera, $1.50; Tulare, Tehama, bronze gull on the $300,000 monument. Siskiyou, Imperial, $2; San Diego, Riv- an English syndicate in the early days of erside, Mendocino, Kern, Humboldt, the West has been broken into parcels and Hospital for San Juan . . . Fresno, $2.50; Trinity, Shasta, Mono, San sold. The ranch once covered 450,000 Luis Obispo, Monterey, Lassen, Los An- MONTICELLO—For 67 years, resi- geles, $3. acres of eastern New Mexico. Col. R. Le- dents of San Juan county have been striv- land Keeney of Connecticut bought the ing to build a hospital at Monticello. Inyo Co.. 67x92 $15.00 126,000-acre headquarters of the ranch for Through the cooperation of the War As- San Bernardino. 73x110 15.00 a price reported over $1,000,000. The deal sets administration, which donated the included all equipment, the Bell brand, staff house and a large home from a war- San Bernardino. No. or So. Half ... 7.50 500 registered Hereford cattle, 2000 head time vanadium mill project, the hospital N.W., S.W.. N.E.. or S.E. quarter .... 3.75 of grade Hereford cattle and 600 horses. was completed in June. Before that time Also Oregon, Idaho and Washington George L. Sims and John L. Hill of Texas the nearest hospitals were at Moab, 60 County Maps. purchased 65,000 acres for $420,000. miles north, and Cortez, Colorado, 80 Jessie E. Chappell of Texas took 35,000 miles east. The new hospital, which will WORLD'S MINERALS acres for $218,000. Tracts previously sold serve a vast area in southeastern Utah, has 2417 San Pablo Avenue were 117,000 acres to Dr. Thomas B. space for 20 beds, an x-ray room, operat- OAKLAND 12. California Hoover of Tucumcari and 80,000 to Sam ing room, consultation rooms, kitchen, Arnett of Texas. dining room and all necessary facilities. • • • Two maternity cases were accepted even before the hospital was officially opened. Funds are being raised to restore Ele- "EVERYTHING FOR THE HIKER" phant rock in Tijeras canyon east of Albu- • • • Charles W. Stoddard, owner of some of querque. The 100-ton balanced boulder, a SLEEPING BASS landmark for centuries, was toppled into the sheep flocks now grazing on Fremont the arroyo in June to make room for a island in Great Salt lake, has received de- AIR MATTRESSES building being moved through the can- livery on a U. S. navy combat vessel, a yon. landing craft, vehicle and personnel, SMALL TENTS which he plans to use to transport his and many other items sheep from island to shore. UTAH • • • They Took Brigham's TraU . . . Chester A. Thomas is the new assistant VAN DEGRIFT'S HIKE HUT superintendent of Zion and Bryce Canyon SALT LAKE CITY—Covering in little 717 West 7th Street national parks in Utah. He was custodian LOS ANGELES 14. CALIFORNIA more than a week a distance that had taken of Bandelier national monument. the pioneers of 1847 nearly a year and a half, the Utah Centennial caravan arrived in Salt Lake on July 22, 100th anniversary of the day advance parties of the first Mor- SLEEP in your CAR mons reached the valley. The caravan, ROCKHOUNDS. Tourists, sponsored by Sons of Utah Pioneers, cov- desert lovers — Enjoy ered the old Moirmon trail from Nauvoo, your trips in freedom Illinois, to UtahJ re-enacting scenes of the and economy, with a first emigration. An even greater contrast transferable . . . CALIFORNIA CAR BED between oxen days and the present was in your sedan or club shown when Lt. Ijohn R. Rawson, descen- coupe. No cutting, 3 hour dant of Utah pioneers, flew his P-80 jet installation. plane from Omaha, Nebraska, to Hill Dealer Franchises Available field, Utah. This section took Brigham 1754 West Manchester Los Angeles 44 TW 2661 Young's party 111 days. Lt. Rawson made CALIF. CAR BED CO. it in 123 minutes. WRITE FOR CIRCULAR

SEPTEMBE R, 1947 37 THRONGS SEE YAVAPAI LOS ANGELES LAPIDARY CLUB SEND FOR LITERATURE iS GEM SHOW AT PRESCOTT WILL BE PICNIC HOST LAPIDARY ENGINEERS fiEDLANDS, CALIFORNIA Displays from 22 states and 25 Arizona Los Angeles Lapidary society is planning to towns and cities were on exhibit at the first an- hold its first annual picnic on Sunday, Sep- nual mineral show held by the Yavapai Gem tember 14. Purpose of the picnic is to promote and Mineral society at Prescott, Arizona, July a greater interest in amateur lapidary work and 19-20. A total of 739 visitors signed the regis- to bring together the lapidary societies in and ter and crowds stood outside viewing the win- around Los Angeles. All lapidary groups are 'Alfa'Lapidary Equipment dow displays during most of the two day period. invited and requested, if interested, to com- The exhibit was held in the show rooms of the municate with the picnic chairman: Ted Ben- Arizona Power company. nett, 226 Hildalgo avenue, Alhambra, Cali- The fluorescent display was staged by Mr. fornia. and Mrs. Fred Wilson of Phoenix. M. R. Ha- • • • gar exhibited a gold pan surrounded by gold ores from the Bradshaw mountains. The pan SOUTHERN NEVADA MINERAL contained gold dust shown under a magnify- SOCIETY WELCOMES VISITORS ing glass. Emma Andres displayed a collection Rockhound society members are invited to of articles which had lain in a creek draining contact the Mineralogical Society of Southern copper deposits, and had become coated with Nevada when traveling in the Boulder City copper. area. Listings of names and addresses of mem- Other exhibitors included: Mr. and Mrs. bers of the Nevada society are posted in service E. E. Michael, polished stones and cameos; stations and cafes in southern Nevada. More de- Moulton and Ida Smith, polished material and tails can be obtained by dropping a card to Box minerals; Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Jones, cabo- 23, Boulder City, Nevada. chons; H. L. Womack, Arthur Hunter and E. H. Clark, prehistoric Indian gems and arrow- heads. Displays also were presented by Bobby SAN DIEGO LAPIDARY GROUP Surratt, Margie and Bobby De Angelis, Mrs. Peggy M. Kelley of Phoenix, Mrs. Amelia Mc- IS BEING ORGANIZED DIAMOND SAW UNIT. 16" Capacity. Cann, Jimmy Walters, C. W. Stephens, Marion Bob V. Clapp announces the contemplated Will cut slabs 6 by 8 inch with 4" cross Reese and Jeanette Michael. feed. 3 speed power feed with quick re- organization of the San Diego County Lapidary Outstanding exhibits among junior members society. Persons living in the area and interested turn feature. were those of John Butcher, Blaine Bowman in promoting the lapidary arts are requested to III, and Barbara and Sidney Hagar. contact him at 4585 Utah street, San Diego, or • • • call Randolph 5008 for further information. SOCIETIES WILL EXHIBIT • • • AT CALIFORNIA FAIR Pegmatite dikes, according to the bulletin of Sacramento Mineral society has been assured the Seattle Gem Collectors' club, Nuts and of space for an exhibit at the California state Nodules, are of particular interest to students fair in Sacramento, August 28-September 7. The of mineralogy because of rare species, often finely colored and crystallized, found in them. society will make arrangements and handle de- As an igneous magma cools and solidifies, it tails for other California societies who wish to shrinks in volume and cracks open through the exhibit. Marion E. Morton, 3009 F streer. Sicra- mass. Weight of the rocks forces any still-fluid mento, California, is club secretary. A film de- material into these cracks or into fissures in the picting the historv of natural gas, which was surrounding rock. Crystals then develop. Large produced by Pacific Gas and Electric rompanv. sections of a dike may be all or nearly all one was shown at the club's July meeting. Projected mineral. These dikes are composed chiefly of diagrams and cross-sections showed the geo- the same minerals that occur in granite, but logical occurrence of the gas and its formation usually the crystals are very large. Quartz and in anticlines. feldspar crystals may be several feet in length, • • • and mica plates a foot or more in width have SANDER & POLISHER Alum, construc- Arthur Sander, in the Pirk ?nd Dop Stick, been found. tion. Die cast pulleys. Eccentric cam de- publication of the Chicago Rocks and Miner- • • • vice makes changing and tightening of als society, has done interesting research into belts easy. This unit is ideal for sanding the origins of the names used for major divi- Officials of the coast and geodetic survey and polishing. sions of the geologic table. Four are derived have reported three submarine petrified forests from localities where the formations were first discovered on the bottom of Lake Washington at Seattle. The trees at one time jutted to within GRINDING ARBOR Heavy construction. found or best represented: Cambrian from Cam- Sealed SKF Ball bearings. Shaft 15" Ig. bria, a Latin name for part of Wales; Devon- a few feet of the surface. Surveyors of the de- with %" arbor for up to 10" dia. wheels. ian from Devonshire, a county in England; Per- partment of commerce used power boats with 42" Belt furnished. Built to last a lifetime. mian from Perm, a province in Russia; and drag lines to break off the rocky snags 20 feet Jurassic from the Jura mountains. The Silurian below the surface, to eliminate them as a navi- was named for the Silures, a tribe of ancient gational menace. WRITE FOR LITERATURE Britons; Ordovician from the Ordovici, aborig- • • • inals of Wales. Triassic is for the three-phase The Cedar Top perlite claims, on which the ALTA ENGINEERING CO. nature of the rocks of that division in Germany. geodes described in July Desert Magazine are Carboniferous comes from the carbon of the 915 E. Washington Street located, are owned by Mrs. G. V. Epperson of coal measures. Cretaceous, from the Latin word Searchlight, Nevada, according to a letter re- PASADENA 6. CALIFORNIA for chalk, was applied because of the chalk beds ceived from Mrs. Epperson. The Crees, now laid down by shell-fish of the period. mining the perlite, are leasing the property.

38 THE DESERT MAGAZINE OFFICERS RE-ELECTED BY MINERAL RARITIES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CLUB New beauty in collections Hiddenite Officers of the Mineralogical Society of • Instant identification Southern California unanimously were re- Among the rarest and finest of gem • Faster analysis minerals found in the United States is elected at the sixteenth annual meeting of the hiddenite, a variety of spodumene. This group, held at Oak Grove park, Pasadena, on • Uncover new wealth mineral appears in many colors and June 8. Officers are: Gene Linville, president; forms, but only two colors or shades H. Stanton Hill, vice-president; Mrs. Dorothy really have high value. The bright lilac Ostergard, secretary; Don Stevens, treasurer. colored kunzite from Pala, California, is Don George, Jack Streeter, Louis Vance, Ernest valuable, as is the yellow-green variety Chapman, Willard Perkin, Victor Robbins and often sold as hiddenite. But the truly fine Jack Rodekohr were elected to the board of di- and valuable type is bright emerald rectors of the society. green. This emerald green stone, first A rock show was held with Ernest Chapman MlNERALIGHT does all of this with such found near Stony Point, North Carolina, chairman of the judging committee. Ribbons ores as Scheelite, Hydrozincite, Zircon, is so colorful and rare that it is often awarded were: minerals of all types, Lee Sea- Willemite, Mercury and Uranium. sold as emerald. Finely colored stones bridge, first; Louis Vance, second. Crystals, See this completely portable lamp are so scarce that they have become very Earl Calvert, first; Jack Rodekohr, second. at your MINERALIGHT Dealer. desirable to collectors. Polished materials, Quita Ruff, first; Mr. and Write for bulletin D-200. Mrs. John Clark, second. Minerals from one locality, H. Stanton Hill, first with a collection HOURS SET FOR SEATTLE ROCK from the British Isles; Don Stevens, second PRODUCTS, Inc. SHOW, AUGUST 30-31 with a collection from Mexico. Guest prize was Final details for the convention of Northwest won by the Dana club of Pasadena junior col- 5205 Sinti Monica Blvd., Us Anetlts 27, Calif Federation of Mineralogical societies, to be held lege and the junior first prize by Rodger Stev- in the Seattle civic auditorium August 30-31, ens, 8. A picnic lunch was eaten and in the aft- have been completed. The show will open at 9 ernoon mineral auctions were held. a. m. on Saturday and continue until 5 p. m. on Sunday, according to the Gem Collectors' club of Seattle, host for the meeting. Displays may be unpacked as early as 6 p. m. on Friday, with the expectation that all specimens and cases will be in place when the show opens. Out-of-town visitors were invited to write to FACETEERS-- Mrs. J. F. Murbach, 5927 49th S. W. (Zone 6) for hotel accommodations, and to C. E. Ful- In stock at all times ... a complete line oi Facet Heads, Laps, Dops, mer, 4855 Rainier avenue (Zone 8) for infor- V-Blocks. etc., in addition to our regular line of lapidary supplies mation regarding the convention. and equipment. • • • In the group of basic sulphates of copper and ALLEN FACET HEAD $36.75 lead, the Pseudomorph, bulletin of Kern County Mineral society, lists brochantite, caledonite and linarite. Brochantite has been found with COMPLETE FACETING UNIT with head, chrysocolla in the Panamint mountains near the gear box, etc., mounted in desk. head of Cottonwood creek. Caledonite was found in the Blind Spring Hill district in Mono Less only motor. $134.25 county. It also occurred as small emerald-green crystals with linarite and brochantite at Cerro Gordo in Inyo county. Linarite is found in Inyo 8" PURE TIN LAP $14.20 and Mono counties associated with brochantite 8" COPPER LAP 7.95 and caledonite. 8" LEAD LAP 7.95 • • • 8" TYPEMETAL LAP 7.95 In a recent lecture before the Yavapai Gem and Mineral society of Prescott, A. F. Burnpus 8" PITCH LAP 7.95 told about protective coloration of desert ani- 8" LUCITE LAP 4.20 mals. The pocket mice found in the White Sands area of New Mexico are white. The same mice in a nearby section where the sand is col- 8" COMBINATION LAP. polishing and cut- ored red by iron oxide, have red fur. Those in- ting. Vi diamond impregnated copper and habiting the dark lava beds are black. Vi tin. $25.20 Specify arbor hole size when ordering. FIRE OPAL - MEXICO 9, 10, 12 inch laps quoted on request.

10 small pieces—average y2"-3/4"_.$1.00 5 larger—average 3/4"-l" 1.00 SET OF 13 SIZES— 6 still larger—1"-2" or over 2,00 Steel Dops for Faceting $7.95 1 small vial clear lire opal 1.50 50 rough mixed Mexican Opals, including honey, cherry, etc., V-BLOCK AND FACE PLATE $3.95 average 1" 1.50 ALL 5 LOTS POSTPAID—$6.00 THIS MONTH— Although these are sold chiefly as All Facet Items Shipped PREPAID. cabinet specimens and have plenty of fire, many of them will work up into nice One ounce package Linde A Polishing Pow- cabochons. der sent free with each faceting head or Money Cheerfully Refunded if Not Entirely Satisfactory. combination lap. Polished Mexican Opals and other WRITE FOR OUR NEW PRICE LIST gem stone cabochons on approval to responsible persons. Hickerson Supply Company DR. RALPH E. MUELLER 1557 SO. ARLINGTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES 6, CALIFORNIA 3701 Valentine Road Kansas City 2, Mo.

SEPTEMBER, 1947 39 MONTANA MOSS AGATES in the rough for gem cutting $1.00 per lb. plus postage. Also ADVERTISING RATE Slabbed Agate 25c per sq. in. (Minimum or- GEM MART 7c a Word Minimum $1.00 der $1.00). Elliott Gem Shop, 26 Jergins Ar- cade, Long Beach 2, California.

BEAUTIFUL NEW MEXICO Gem Agate. We $3.000—The originator and owner of the Cali- AUSTRALIAN OPALS, gem stones, all sizes, operate our own mines. Money back if not fornia Mineral Map Set has left for the South shapes and qualities. Reasonable. Ace Lapi- satisfied. 10c per square inch for red banded Pacific on government work and has re- dary Co., 92-32 Union Hall St., Jamaica 5, Agate, black and red patterns, red moss, quested me to sell this unique and most New York. golden moss, red fern moss, golden fern talked about mineral novelty in America. It moss, or $1.00 per lb. rough. All solid mate- can easily be made at home, it is exceptionally SAGENITE, RHODONITE, tiger eye, petri- rial, will assort. Jet black Apache Tear Drops profitable and will enable you to earn a liv- fied wood, Montana, Oregon and California (Obsidian) lxl inch or larger 10c each or 12 ing from the start. Sets are sold at wholesale agate, Texas flower and jade—15c per sq. for $1.00. One small slab plume or Sagenite and some of the finest stores sell them all the inch in slabs. Rough cabochon blanks $1.75 free with each order until Oct. 1st. Geo. C. year round, both to the Tourists as a souvenir dozen. H. A. Webb, 6330 Middleton Street, Curtis, the Agate Man, 645 1st St., Hermosa and to our own local trade. This copyrighted, Huntington Park, California. Beach, Calif. educational set is well worth $5,000, but will sacrifice same to sell at once. E. R. Hickey, KING JADE—A new and beautiful stone ap- AGATE! AGATE! AGATE! Have found a Sr., 2323 South Hope St., Los Angeles 7, proved and recommended by expert miner- large field of Agate in bands, stripes, mottled, California. Phone Richmond 7-3222. alogists. It is bluish-green, possesses a high etc., in all colors and color combinations, luster, and hard. Price $2.50 per pound. Slabs candy Agate. I want to share my good luck NEVADA MINERALS—A grand mixture, one 50c per square inch. Postage extra. Gem qual- with you so am selling this No. 1 cutting kind or assorted as you wish, from follow- ity. King Gems, Inc., Box 1579, Colorado Agate for the low price of 3 lbs. for $2.00, ing: Many kinds Minerals, Ores, Petrified Springs, Colorado. or better yet, a sample of 4 good sized pieces wood, Jasper, Agate. Assorted specimens that will cut several cabochons, drops or 10 lbs. $2.50. 20 lbs. $4.50. 40 lbs. $8.00. FINE PAPERWEIGHTS — Pen mounts, hearts, for 25c prepaid. Orders mailed at Postage extra or sent express collect. A few matched sets, many mineral types. Featuring once. Maricopa Gem and Mineral Mart, Box Tourmalines at $1.25 per pound. Mrs. Mary- Texas fluorescent turitella. Sent oa approval. 1, Morristown, Ariz. philis Foreman, Box 178, Goldfield, Nev. Discount to dealers. Clay Ledbetter, 2126 McKenzie, Waco, Texas.

FIFTY MINERAL SPECIMENS, y4" or over, BEAUTIFUL OBSIDIAN Heart Pendants, boxed, identified, described, mounted. Post- direct from Mfrs.; at Wholesale prices. Pen- YOUR OPPORTUNITY: We have to move paid $4.00. Old Prospector, Box 21B31, dants have 16 inch sterling silver chain and and are going to reduce our large stock of Ne- Dutch Flat, Calif. bail. All are individually on cards, at $3.50 vada material. Assorted, agatized and opal- each, or $37.00 per doz. Add 20% if not for ized wood, agates, algae, jaspers, geodes, ATTENTION ROCKHOUNDS — Multi- resale. We pay postage. The Gem Manu- amygdaloids, etc., 5 lbs. $2.00, 10 lbs. $3.50, Colored Opalized Agate in lovely patterns facturing Shop, Box 2782, Hollywood 28, 25 lbs. $7.00. Slabs from this material 10 sq. and color combinations. Fine cuting material, California. in. $1.00. 50 sq. in. $4.00, 100 sq. in. $7.00. also fluoresces various colors, blue, lemon, Assorted good specimen wood and lots of pink. Sample order of one pound assorted for MINERALS collected from the historical min- good cutting material, 10 lbs. $2.50, 20 lbs. One Dollar or five pounds Four Dollars. ing town of Aurora, Nevada. These crystals $4.50, 40 lbs. $8.00. Please include postage Apache teardrops, amethyst crystals, quartz were mined about 80 years ago. One slice or we will ship express, charges collect, crystal geodes, and thunder eggs. Chalcedony Lilac Chalcedony, 4 inch $1.00. Crystals, whichever you prefer. John L. James, Tono- geodes and fluorescent chalcedony roses. Any masses, clusters, druses, some botryoidal. pah, Nevada. of the above assorted $1 per pound. Orders Small specimens about 11/2x2 in., 4 for $1.00. filled same day received. Special prices to Larger specimens $1.00 to $2.00. Colors, JADE, RHODONITE, Lapis Lazuli. Try us for dealers on request. Correspondence invited. water clear, milky, yellowish tints, few light a fine gloss polish on these hard to finish gem Guide service to choice gem locations at a lilac tint, few blue black coated, center light stones. Large specimen polishing. Drilling reasonable fee. We positively guarantee lilac translucent, some points broken, priced any size and quantity. H. M. Samuelson, 1012 abundant supply of quality material. Use your according to beauty and size. A Bargain!! El Camino Real, N., Salinas, Calif. car or ours. Oasis Gem Co., P. O. Box No. 1 suite of crystals, one chunk lilac Chalced- 838, Wickenburg, Arizona. ony, some select petrified wood, 10 lbs. 30c GETS YOU LAUCK'S Prospector Guide to $5.00, you pay postage. Hawthorne Miner- identify 185 ore Minerals you should know. TERLINGUA CALCITE CRYSTALS: Clusters als, Box 272, Babbitt, Nev. No trip or meeting is complete without this of opaque cream to orange colored, adaman- easy to carry booklet. E. R. Hickey, 2323 So. tine scalenohedron calcite crystals. Thin THE DESERT RATS NEST—All gems listed Hope, Los Angeles 7, Calif. coating of snow-white, glistening crystallized in the March issue still in stock and the fol- selenite around base of crystals. Pale cream lowing new arrivals, Australian faced opal, MINERAL SPECIMENS: Micro-mount and Thumb-nail sizes; write today for free list. to orange fluorescence. 2y2x2"—75c; 2x3" dark red and green colors, uncut rough red —$1.00; 3x4"—$3.50 plus postage. Send for and green pinfire opal, from Coober Pedy J. E. Byron, Mining Engineer, 1240 Pearl special price list of other select specimens of field. New parcel of star sapphires, some fine Street, Boulder, Colorado. this group and other choice calcite crystal stones, grey color only. Two great tourma- HIGHEST PRICES for meteorites, iron or stone collections. Frank Duncan and Daughter, line matrix specimens, 2 and 3 pounds wt. or any specimen of natural iron (metallic Box 63, Terlingua, Texas. My private collection, 800 pounds museum iron, not iron ore). S. H. Perry, Adrian, specimens. Rose green and bi-color Mesa Mich. WILL SELL: My entire collection of over 300 Grande tourmalines, up to ll/2 in diameter. flats, a couple or three tons of uncut mate- Finest in the west. In customs fine amethyst MINERAL SETS—24 Colorful Minerals (iden- rials and lots of slabs and crystals. Wish to and citrine crystal points. Lots of specimens. tified) in lxl compartments—Postage paid, sell the entire collection in one lump. See Geo. W. Chambers, P. O. Box 1123, Encini- $3.50. Prospector's Set of 50 Minerals (iden- Milo Tupper, 315 W. Orange St., Downey, tas, Calif. Home address: Contact Texaco tified in lxl compartments in cloth rein- Calif. filling station, on 101 and F Sts. forced sturdy cartons. Postage paid $5.75. Elliott's Gem Shop, 26 Jergins Arcade, Long FOR SALE: Black and grey petrified palm $2.00 BRINGS YOU 5 beautiful mineral and Beach 2, Calif. with eyes and red plume jasper. $1.00 per lb. rock specimens. Ask for price list on other plus postage. Maida Langley, Box 331, specimens and cutting materials, also fluor- ATTENTION ROCK COLLECTORS. It will Needles, Calif. escents. Jack the Rockhound, P. O. Box 86, pay you to visit the Ken-Dor Rock Roost. We Carbondale, Colo. buy, sell, or exchange mineral specimens. MINERAL AND FOSSIL COLLECTORS! Visitors are always welcome. Ken-Dor Rock Read The Earth Science Digest, a monthly INDIAN RELICS, Curios, Coins, Minerals, Roost, 419 So. Franklin, Modesto, California. publication reaching thousands of collectors Books, Old Buttons, Old Glass, Old West the world over. One year subscription $2.00. Photos, Weapons, Catalogue 5c. Lemley An- MINERALS, GEMS, COINS, Bills, Old Glass, Sample copy 25c. Write: Dept. D., Box 57, tique Store, Osborne, Kansas. Books, Stamps, Fossils, Buttons, Dolls, Omaha 3, Nebraska. Weapons, Miniatures, Indian Silver Rings ROCK COLLECTORS — ATTENTION. This and Bracelets. Also Mexican. Catalogue 5c. 10 YEARS COLLECTION of polished woods, summer I expect to cover 7 Western states, Cowboy Lemley, Las Cruces, New Mexico. Agates, Jaspers, Thunder Eggs, Fire Opals, with the Trailer Rock Store. Send me your minerals, cabinet specimens, flats, cabochons, address, so I can notify you. Remember, I MONTANA MOSS Agates in rough for gem Sagenite Agate nodules. Polished one end. carry the finest variety of rock and mineral cutting, direct from diggings, $1.00 per J. C. Peyton, 3221 Hedges Ave., Fresno, specimens in the west. The Rockologist, 1152 pound, prepaid. Nels Christofferson, Richey, Calif. So. 2nd Ave., Arcadia, Calif. Montana.

40 THE DESERT MAGAZINE MINERAL SPECIMENS, slabs or material by the pound for cutting and polishing, RX AMONG THE Units, Felker Di-Met Saw Blades, Carborun- dum wheels, Cerium Oxide, Preform Cabo- chons, Indian jewelry, neck chains. Be sure ROCK HUI1TERS and stop. A. L. Jarvis, Route 2, Box 350, Watsonville, California, 3 miles S. on State highway No. 1. Thirty members of Coachella Valley Mineral society took part in the June field trip to the BARGAIN in gem grade Texas Agate. We have tourmaline mine near Sage. The group, which purchased the entire stock of a large dealer was joined at the mine by 30 cars from North in Texas agate. This lovely moss agate will be Hollywood, was under general direction of GENUINE YAVAPAI ONYX . . . sold by us at the low price of $1.50 per Glenn Vargas, Coachella club president. The Exclusive Sales Territory Open pound. This is the same No. 1 grade Texas Chinese who had mined the area had removed Rough pieces BOc per lb. up to 25 lbs. 40c per moss agate sold by others at a price of trom the pink tourmaline, but specimens of green lb. up to 60 lbs. 26c per lb. up to 100 lbs. $2.50 to $10.00 per pound. No. 1 grade were found. F.O.B. Mayer. Special prices in larger quanti- ties. Texas agate in lovely browns, lavender, red, • • • rose, and all colors, takes a fine polish and Satisfaction Guaranteed — Write Today Harold Rouse, of the Yucaipa rock club, dis- YAVAPAI ONYX — Mayer Arizona no waste material in any chunk, the moss is cussed the fitting of stones into bracelets and all through each piece. This very low price rings at the June meeting of the San Gorgonio will last as long as our stock holds out. We Mineral society. The club planned an exhibit are sorry but we can not fill any more whole- which was to be shown at Banning Pioneer sale orders to dealers. Please include postage Days celebration. THE COTTAGE on as many pounds as you order. West Coast • • • 314 Temple Avenue Long Beach 14, Calif. Mineral Co., Post Office Box 331, La Habra, Calif. With Coachella Valley Mineral society as ROCKS — LAPIDARY — ANTIQUES host, rockhound clubs from Banning, Blythe Rare old glass and agate marbles and spheres. and Hemet have been invited to participate in Colorful pen mounts with matching paper weights. Ideal gifts and not expensive. an exhibit at the Riverside county fair at Indio. Any quantity choice cutting material at GENUINE ZIRCONS, first quality, unset. • • • reasonable prices. 3 stones, total average 3-kts. special value Searles Lake Gem and Mineral society $6.00. All colors. Or will trade zircons for planned to hold its August meeting at the Bone- any old gold or broken jewelry you may wit's ranch in Indian Wells valley, with Mr. have. Send order or write for free ship- and Mrs. Harry Jewell as hosts. July meeting ping container. B. Lowe, Dept. D-9, Hol- was a swimming, dancing and dining party at land Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Valley Wells, with a film shown as additional entertainment. July field trip was to Mitchell's 1 Caverns near Essex, in which many NOTS and HEIRLOOMS OF THE FUTURE ... Barstow rockhounds participated. fta TRADING POST 1 • • • Marvin's fine handicrafted sterling July meeting of the San Fernando Valley NAVAJO INDIAN RUGS & JEWELRY silver jewelry. Tom S. Hubbell, 2331 Pico Blvd. Mineral and Gem society was taken up with the Santa Monica, California MARVIN'S ROCK SHOP annual potluck dinner and auction. Field trip U. S. Highways 160 4 550. Durango, Colo. for the month was a beach party. Visitors Always Welcome • • • The Faceteers branch of Los Angeles Lapi- dary society held an open forum on the me- chanics of faceting at their August meeting, HAROLD D. MARYOTT & CO. with vice-chairman Thomas Daniel in charge. Miami. Arizona Each month the group selects a new cut for the ensuing month and at the next meeting, the \|QIE€€ Turquoise and Chrysocolla Jewelry, cut faceted stones resulting are displayed. stones of all kinds, blank sterling cast • • • rings, ear rings, etc. Write for our current price lists. August meeting of Los Angeles Lapidary so- ciety was entertained by Lillian Gaston, who Lapidary Supplies gave an account of her recent three-month trip to Norway. Mrs. Gaston told of using a taxi to for the hunt feldspar and tourmaline there. Charles IMPORTED GEMS . . . Crosby, program chairman, completed the pro- Gem Cutting Shop We are direct importers. Send for free price list of more than 30 varieties of sera gram with a film on mineralogy and oil, pro- rough for facet and cabochon cutters. duced by Shell Oil company. • • • LIONEL DAY Diamond Saws I ept. DM Victor M. Arciniega spoke at the Tuly meet- Grinding Wheels 3560 Broadway New York 31, N. Y. ing of the Pacific Mineral society. His subject was: "Geology of the San Diego batholith with VKO Polishing Wheels special emphasis on the mineralization and en- richment of the pegmatites." SLABS FOR • • • Abrasive Cloth The NOTS Rock Hounds, at United States CABOCHON'S-Jewe/ry Naval Ordnance Test station at Inyokern, are Polishing Powders 1—Golden Tiger Eye $1.00 continuing field trips through the summer. Abrasive Grains 2—Idaho Moss Agate 75c to $1.50 Over July 4, the club visited Greenhorn Moun- VUECO 3—Idaho Quality Jasper 50c to $1.00 4—Utah Red Agate $1.00 to $2.00 tain park, where smoky quartz crystals, schee- 5—Utah Flowering Obsidian ....75c to $1.25 lite, epidote and garnet crystals were collected. WRITE FOR COMPLETE LISTING 6—Montana Agate 75c to $130 Earlier trips were to Darwin falls, where lead 7—Golden Glow, Silver Froth or and other minerals were found; through the OF ABOVE ITEMS AND OTHER Red and Black Obsidian 75c 8—$6.00 mixed selection of above $5.25 King Solomon mine at Randsburg; and through VRECO SUPPLIES 9—$6.00 mixed Montana Agate slabs.. .$5.25 Mint Canyon to the planetarium 10—Unpolished scenic and in Hollywood. Moss Thunder Eggs, each $1.00 • • • FOR RESALE—Ladies' rings, Layallieres, Brooches and Hearts, also Men's Rings, ap- Dan White was re-elected president of Glen- proval selections by request. dale Lapidary and Gem society at the June VREELAND Ring mounting, Men's Sterling Silver, 3 for $5.75, Men's Sterling with gold trim, 3 for meeting. Other officers selected were: Doug $7.50. Ladies' Sterling Silver Ring with 10K MacDonald, first vice-president; Luis Eilers, MANUFACTURING CO. Gold trim, 3 for $6.50. second vice-president; Jerry MacDonald, 2026 S. W. Jefferson Street SWENSON'S AGATE SHOP secretary-treasurer. The club has just passed its first anniversary, according to Jack Hadden, PORTLAND 1. OREGON 5114 S. E. 39th Ave. Portland 2, Oregon publicity chairman.

SEPTEMBER, 1947 41 Yavapai Gem and Mineral society, of Pres- Oregon beach pebbles generally are found as DEPENDABLE . . . cott, held its annual election of officers after a water worn, rounded pebbles on the beaches, potluck supper held at the July meeting. Moul- seldom far from the mouth of some river or ton B. Smith was elected president; Harold stream. It may not have occurred to many of Lapidary Equipment Butcher, vice-president; Ida Smith, Box 1084, those who carefully collect these stones—agate, • Sartwell Gem Drill Prescott, Arizona, secretary-treasurer. E. E. jasper, citrine, etc.—to wonder just where they • Felker Di-Met Blades Michael was put in charge of field trips. Mrs. came from in the first place. But, if they will • RX Lapidary Machine E. E. Michael was appointed hostess, Mrs. look near the headwaters of some of the fast • B. 4 I. Gem Maker J. W. Gum, assistant secretary, and Mrs. Emma Oregon rivers, careful searchers can find much • Mineralighis Andres, librarian. Charles W. Murdoch was ap- larger pieces, before they suffer the rigorous • Micro Featherweight Facet Head pointed auditor. Retiring President A. De An- grinding of river and surf. • G. 4 W. Tube Drills gelis was given a standing vote of thanks. • • • • Poly Arbors • • • Fundamental principles of geology were out- • Alta Products Gordon L. Weisenberger of Ridgecraft, Cali- lined by Harry Fuller, geologist of Boulder City, • Allen Facet Head fornia, uncovered the tusk of a mammoth, June at the June meeting of Mineralogical Society of • Prestolite Supplies 16, while working with a Caterpillar tractor Southern Nevada. At the July meeting Mr. Ful- and scraper in China dry lake, a salt deposit on ler read a paper by Edward T. Schenk which Send for Latest Price List of Supplies the Naval Ordnance Test station. The tusk was dealt with the geology of lower Grand Can- and Materials nine feet long and ten inches in diameter at the yon, Searchlight, Goodsprings and the Valley large end. The fossil tusk was photographed of Fire. At the June meeting, Mrs. E. L. Sapp ANNOUNCEMENT . . . from all angles before removal from the salt spoke on the importance of mica. June field We now have the beds. Scientists from Cal Tech plan to probe for trip was to Petrified Hollow, near Kanab, Utah, STREAMLINER SAW the remainder of the carcass and for other pos- where petrified wood was collected despite on Display sible skeletons. rain, wind and cold. July trip was scheduled to • • • Mt. Charleston for trilobites and other fossils. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY Obsidian from Glass buttes, Lake county, • • • Open daily 9:30 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. Oregon, ranges from opaque black glass to a July meeting of Long Beach Mineralogical Closed Sundays and Holidays semi-translucent variety, marked with many society featured a vacation travelog film pro- lines of alternating black and white, which duced by Automobile Club of Southern Cali- GORDON'S make it fine material for necklaces, bracelets, fornia. Plans for the 1948 state convention of Long Beach Mineral & Lapidary etc. California Federation of Mineralogical socie- • • • ties, which will be held in 1948, were outlined. Supply Co. For a July field trip, members of the Minne- The club sponsored an exhibit at the Long 1850 E. Pacific Coast Hwy.. Phone 738-56 sota Mineral club of Minneapolis visited the Beach Port-O-Trade exposition, which result- Armour No. 1, iron mine in the Cuyuna range ed in many requests for information. June field LONG BEACH 4, CALIF. at Ironton. The group went down the shaft to trip was to Cabrillo Beach, San Pedro, where the 450 foot level and visited the open pit mine. fossils were dug and the museum visited. WILL BE CLOSED FOR VACATION Minerals available were goethite, groutite, man- • • • AUG. 24 TO SEPT. 8 ganite, pyrite cubes in schist, pseudomorphs July meeting of Sequoia Mineral society was after pyrite, and serpentine asbestos. held at the summer home of Elmer and Pearl Eldridge at Lake Tahoe over the July 4 holi- days. A field trip into Nevada was planned. It's Here! The • • • New HILLQUIST AUTO-FEED for HILLQUIST DIAMOND NEW Hillquist SAW UNIT No other P°wer feed like it! (Pats. Pend.) Auto- TRIM SAWI Talks on "The Art of Polishing Onyx" by matically adjusts cutting speed to hardness of rock. O. C. Barnes and "Visits to Ghost Towns of the Foolproof. Gives faster, smoother cut- The only trim saw Southwest" by Mrs. Barnes, both members of ting. Pays for itself by increasing with raising and low- life of saw blade. Fits all Hillquist ering arb-or and pre- Los Angeles Lapidary society, featured the July saw units and many other makes . . . cision feed. Perfect meeting of the Santa Monica Gemological so- write for information. Only $46.35 for those difficult ciety. The lectures were illustrated by displays. f. o. b. Hillquist 16" Saw Unit jobs of cutting starsf , shown below complete with Auto-Feed, ITOSP^S. °t°.. Wr' e Mrs. Doris Baur, chairman of a committee en- $143.85. for descriptive fold- deavoring to discourage advertising signs which er. despoil the beauty of California highways, re- ported some progress in the work. The society's July field trip was held on the beach near Malibu. • • • A 19V2-carat diamond was found in the old gold workings at Flat Rock, four miles west of McCall, Idaho. The property is said to be al- most identical with the "blue ground" in which South Africa diamonds are found.

MINERAL IDENTIFICATION SIMPLIFIED By O. C. SMITH, A.B., A.M. 2nd Revised Edition Price $3.50 Plus Tax in California Also the Great New Book IDENTIFICATION AND QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF MINERALS By O. C. SMITH, A.B., A.M. 300 minerals, 120 Blowpipe tests, 40 Bead tests and the response to Ultra-Violet light all shown in finest full color. Nothing like it ever published before. The Analytical proce- dure is the most complete and the simplest ever devised. Anyone can analyze minerals now. Price $6.50 Plus Tax in California Order from — O. C. SMITH - Dept. D 5157 Santa Ana St. — Bell, California WMMmMmMmilZ or Your Local Dealer 42 THE DESERT MAGAZINE Dr. Thomas E. La Fargue was scheduled to John C. Hazzard of the Union Oil company be principal speaker at the August meeting of of California is president of the Rift club, an the San Jose Lapidary society. His subject was informal organization of Southern California "Ceremonial Use of Precious Stones in Ancient professional geologists interested in the study China." The society has a program which re- of fault structures. Kenneth C. Garner is Of a Rockhound quires several of its members to present an ex- secretary-treasurer. Last field trip of the group, hibit of their work at each meeting, rotating in which 22 cars and 80 members participated, By LOUISE EATON through the entire club membership during the was to the Ivanpah district of eastern San Ber- year. nardino county. Dr. D. Foster Hewett, staff It's queer how mutch more a trinket • • • geologist of the United States geological sur- means to yu when it has a rok uv yur own The Lap Bulletin of the San Jose Lapidary vey, was leader of the group, while Edwin Van in it—wun yu yurself found, fondled an Amringe, assistant professor of geology at fixed. The gem holds not only its own society suggests that the safest way to remove a polished stone from the dop-stick is to dip it Pasadena junior college, made arrangements for beauty but memories uv pleasant trips, slowly into boiling water. In a few moments, the caravan. Dr. Hewett is completing a mono- congenial companions an intrestin scenes according to the Bulletin, the stone will slip graph on the Ivanpah region. wunst enjoyed. Probally nearly evry rock- easily from the wax without danger of cracking. houn has sumwhere in his possession a • • • stone that he points to with tender pride Southwest Mineralogists attended a barbecue DIAMOND SAWS — LAPIDARY EQUIP- an sez, "That's the very furst rok I ever MENT — Racine Motors — Saw Frames, polished." at the home of Harold and Gladys Eales on July 26. During the course of the evening Mr. Eales Blades, Loupes, Findings, Solders, Sheet • • • showed colored slides of the recent state federa- Silver, 14K Mountings, Full line of Jew- Rockhouns is hardy soulz, an as long tion exhibits at Santa Barbara and the club field elers Tools. as they's on a field trip they duzn't mind trip to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hickey AKRON LAPIDARY CO. sleepin on the groun, doin without in Mint canyon. Later he demonstrated with 1095 Chalker St. Akron 10. chairs, goin sorta dirty, etc. (Particular- more colored slides the cycle of rocks and how ly the etc.) But o-boy! when they gets they are carved at Zion national park, Bryce back home bath an bed shure duz look canyon, Kaibab forest, north rim of the Grand good. Canyon and Death Valley. Victor Arciniega • • • lectured on "The Sequence of Erosion of Therz sumthin about a good field trip Rocks." an campfire session that draws members • • • uv rock clubs closter together than a duz- In the Darwin region of California, the fol- zen formal meetins. Yu can discuss evun lowing minerals are found: anglesite, barite, politicks out under the stars without get- calcite, cerussite, chalcopyrite, chrysocolla, fluor- tin too hot an bothered. Petty grudge ite, galena, andradite and grossularite garnets, disappears, an yu deside that the uther gypsum, hematite, limonite pseudomorphs fella is a pritty good scout, after all. Pee- after pyrite, pyrite, scheelite, siderite, smithson- pul just nacherally seemz to ack decenter ite, sphalerite, sulfur and black tourmaline. in the presence uv lots uv space an good

Besidz that, wun satisfactory field trip is equal to several theoretical lectures on how to identify specimens an rok forma- Texas Agates tions. TOP QUALITY from many Texas loca- tions—plume, iris, scenic, picture, fortifi- "Gems, Jewels and Junk" was the title of the cation and mosses in a riot of gay col- lecture Paul G. Dallwig gave at the July 12 ors and combinations. A choice selection meeting of Chicago Rocks and Minerals so- for $10.00, postpaid. FACETING HEAD . . . Price $36.75 ciety, held in the Green Briar field house, 2650 SPECIAL — Minerun agates from our The Allen Line West Peterson avenue, Chicago. Dallwig has plume beds, 5 lbs. for $4.00. postpaid. given a series of lectures weekly for 10 years at SLAB SAWS — TRIM SAWS the Chicago Natural History museum. The Chi- RX, Gem Maker, Highland Park, Felker, GRINDER UNITS — FACETING UNITS cago group united with the Wisconsin Geo- Rapidesign and Bay State manufactur- SUPPLIES logical society of Milwaukee, the Marquette ings and supplies. Ask Your Dealer or Write Direct Geological association and the Joliet Mineral- EL PASO ROCK & orists to make a fossil hunt in the strip mine LAPIDARY SUPPLY ALLEN LAPIDARY area near Wilmington. EQUIPMENT CO. 2401 Pittsburg St. Phone Main 5338-R • i • • 3632 W. Slauson Ave. Norman Whitmore was speaker at the Au- EL PASO, TEXAS Los Angeles 43. California gust 8 meeting of the Pacific Mineral society, of Los Angeles. Whitmore, a graduate of Colorado School of Mines discussed "Prospecting Goes Modern." Meeting was held at the Chancellor hotel. The club's August field trip was to the plant of the Kaiser steel company at Fontana, HERE ARE THE GlfTS where members saw magnetite turned into iron and steel. YOU'VE SEEN LOOKING FOR! • • • The Four Corners Rock club, of Durango, Petrified Wood. Moss Agate, Chrysocolla, Colorado, which held its first rock show at Du- rango, August 8-10, was accepted into mem- Turquoise, Jade and Jasper Jewelry bership in the Rocky Mountain Federation of HAND MADE IN STERLING SILVER Mineralogical societies at the Salt Lake conven- tion business meeting. Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings and Brooches SPECIALLY SELECTED STONES WITH CHOICE COLORS AND PICTURES AGATE JEWELRY Write for Folder with Retail Prices WHOLESALE We Wholesale to Dealers ELLIOTT'S GEM SHOP PACIFIC AGATE SHOP 26 Jergins Arcade Long Beach 2, Calii. O. R. jLmkins & Son Entrance Subway at Ocean and Pine Box 1483 Newport, Oregon Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Daily

SEPTEMBER, 1947 43 OUR SHOP REOPENS SEPTEMBER 2nd after extensive remodeling. 100,000 As the results of a questionnaire sent to its membership, the Michigan Mineralogical so- SPECIMENS IS A LOT OF ROCKS but VISIT OUR SHOP AND SEE MORE ciety of Detroit discovered that gems and lapi- ROCKS THAN ROCKEFELLER—HAVE MORE FUN THAN CONEY ISLAND. dary art were most popular with 78 per cent of the members while only 18 per cent were in- TONS OF SPECIMENS representing untold THOUSANDS OF FINE SPECI- terested in mining. General mineralogy came MENS are now on display. second with 61 per cent, display minerals third with 64 per cent and general geology fourth with 54 per cent. • • • The Colorado Mineral society of Denver has HILLQUIST 16 DIAMOND SAW more than 400 paid members. The group was founded in 1936 with Chester Howard as act- ing president and Richard M. Pearl, secretary. WITH THE AMAZING NEW HILLQUIST AUTO FEED! The society was active in forming the Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical socie- NOT JUST 1. Automatically adjusts cutting speed to hardness of rock! ties, of which Pearl was first president. Pearl is vice-president and Howard secretary of the re- ANOTHER ORDINARY 2. Eliminates forcing, buckling or stripping of saw blade! 3. Makes a smoother cut . . makes a perfect start on the cut! cently organized American Federation of Min- POWER FEED . . . 4. Increases cutting speed, yet foolproof in operation! eralogical societies. 5. Quickly and easily attached to Hillquist saws—can be • • • The Hillquist Auto-Feed adapted to some other makes of saws! actually regulates the Yakima Mineral club, of Yakima, Washing- feeding speed from the ton, has become a member of the Northwest cutting end instead of Federation of Mineralogical societies. Klamath the power end, and we Mineral club of Klamath Falls, Oregon, also believe it to be the has joined the federation. greatest device ever in- • • • troduced to the lapidary The Geological Society of Minnesota at Min- field. (Patents Pending.) neapolis, sponsored a summer field trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota. Professional lec- PLUS turers accompanied the tour, which lasted from June 21 through June 29. THESE EXCLUSIVE • • • FEATURES NOTS Rock Hounds now have a membership of 130, according to Polly Winklepleck, secre- tary. The club meets the first Monday of each month in the community hall, at Naval Ord- nance Test station. Visitors are always welcome, but they are requested to write to: NOTS Rock For utmost rigidity, precision op- Easily removed for cleaning Exerts tremendous force at a Hounds, Box N-81, NOTS, Inyokern, Cali- eration and long life. Closely fit- and Quickly replaced. Adjust- few quick turns of the crank. fornia, so that proper clearances can be made be- ted %-in. shaft is pressure grease able to fit any size saw blade Locks the rock so it can't get lubricated to keep bearing free from 12 to 16 inches. Gives loose and ruin the saw blade. fore entering the station. from contamination. more cutting with less cool- Replaceable hardwood jaw in- • • • ant. serts. Douglas Gem and Mineral club has been or- Full 7" Babbitt Bearing! Adjustable Sump! Exclusive Rock Clamp! ganized at Douglas, Arizona, with an initial I membership of 25. Mrs. Ella White is presi- dent; Don Smith, vice-president; Frank Lea, I secretary-treasurer. • • • A 10-week course on "Materials and Methods of Teaching Jewelry" was conducted at Los An- geles high school, under the auspices of the University of California Extension service. It was an evening class taught by Dwight Adams of Los Angeles City college.

TRUE OR FALSE ANSWERS Questions ate on page 14 1—False. A rattler adds a new button every time it sheds its skin which may be more often than once a year. And sometimes the buttons get broken off. 2—False. It is rare to find a gold- bearing intrusion in volcanic rock. 3—True. 4—True. 5—True. Greater Capacity! Splash-Proof Operation! Precision Cross Feed! 6—False. Juniper is a coniferous tree, an evergreen. Holds larger rocks than any other Curtain protector provides Cuts slabs to any thickness you standard diamond saw on the maximum visibility with want at a simple turn of the 7—True. market. With 16" saw blade will splashproof operation. You can crank. Slabs off 3 inches of rock 8—False. The capital of New Mexico cut a rock up to 7x9x18 in. ... see exactly how your cut is before reclamping is neces- and will cut as small and thin a progressing at all times with- sary. has always been at Santa Fe. slab as you wish. out throwing coolant. 9—True. 10—False. The Gadsden deal was made with Mexico. NEW 15th ANNIVERSARY CATALOG—9x12"—48 pages. COM- PLETELY PRINTED and PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. MOST 11—False. White ocotillo is very rare. COMPLETE catalog ever printed for JEWELRY AND GEM CUT- 12—True. 13—True. 14—True. TING SUPPLIES. Contains many articles on JEWELRY CRAFT, 15—False. Dandy Crossing is on the LAPIDARY SECRETS, AND INSTRUCTIONS. Send 35c in coin or stamps for your copy today. Colorado. 16—True. 17—True. 18—False. Pinyon nuts grow on pinyon trees. 19—False. This year's centennial marks the Mormon trek to Utah. The tabernacle was not completed until many years later. 20—False. Roosevelt dam stores water 1633 E. WALNUT STREET, PASADENA 4, CALIFORNIA for Salt River valley of Arizona.

44 THE DESERT MAGAZINE wmm A NATIONAL MAGAZINE Published quarterly— January—April—July—October First Issue Still Available at 35c $1.00 for Four Issues Foreign Postage 25c Extra By LELANDE QUICK Enclose dollar bill with name and address Editor of The Lapidary Journal plainly printed on slip of paper and mail to— LAPIDARY JOURNAL P. O. Box 1228 Hollywood 28, Calif. With hundreds of new diamond saws in tran- Mr. Castle's quivering blade (gem cutters Lelande Quick, Editor sit at this very minute, many of them to very call it chattering) was caused by too much Harry R. Ringwald, Business Manager raw beginners, it is probable that others may weight; perhaps by a loose specimen. The saw experience the grief of Ames Castle of Chicago then acted like a door that sticks, and the blade (Editor of AIM) who writes: chattered until it either jarred loose or stopped "In attempting to get a new swinging-rock- the saw. If you are a rank amateur with a saw holder type 16" saw going I followed directions on the way don't get the idea that you're going attached to the blade respecting lubricant. That to saw through rocks the way saws cut logs in a involved a 1-1-1 mix of kerosene, lube oil and lumber mill. Soft rocks often are thousands of penerating oil. The saw cut, but with extreme times harder than hard woods. Proceed with • modesty. caution and patience until you get the "feel" of "I then hung a weight on the holder. The your particular type of saw. weight, off a cross-bar of an old automatic- • • • damper furnace arrangement, pulled perhaps After communicating the foregoing to Mr. 10 pounds. That made cutting somewhat better Castle he offered further information, viz: "My but the blade began quivering so I stopped. motor speed was 1720 but the peripheral speed 6" HIGH-SPEED TRIMMING SAW. AH cast Next I put in a commercial lube called 'Waffle of the saw was reduced by pulley adjustment to metal. No wood. This saw saves time and ma- Mix' or 'Hinge Lube' or something, and nothing between 450-500 s.f.p.m.; the quivering, or terial. Saw operates at 2000 R.P.M. Priced at came out but a lot of sparks. After two minutes $47.50 without motor, F.O.B., Los Angeles, blade-whip, apparently resulted from excessive Calif. This price includes saw-blade, belt and of that treatment I shut down. I'm still shut. pressure at the point of contact. The depth of pulley to give you the correct speed. Requires I'm still trying to get the first batch of lubricant the blade in the lubricant is perhaps y2 inch. y4 -horse motor. Shipping weight approxi- out of my hair and so is my electrician, and I'm I have since found that the lubricant I was using mately 60 pounds. trying to convince itoy wife that her laundry, is worthless when splash fed (?!) on agate hanging 50 feet away, took on something from and that a laterally mounted feed arm, affixed Highland Park Lapidary Supply somebody's oil burner. I'll take your advice on at one end to a shaft varies in terminal weight 1009 Mission St.. South Pasadena. Calii. your dressing stick technique but how much or pressure as it travels through an arc, becom- lead do you need on a saw in case you have to ing completely suspended at 180 degrees and run? Give me some 'Look, Guy' advice on how exerting no terminal pressure at all. I destroyed to run this saw." the loading of the first blade by attempting to Surmising what happened by reading be- force it. RX tween the lines, I see the following picture: "I assure you that your summation of a typ- Mr. Castle rigged up his saw so that the blade ical beginner's case is not colored and I did not A COMPLETE LAPIDARY SHOP sat in the oil maybe 6 inches deep instead of a supply a supplementary canvas cover for the IN ONE SMALL MACHINE quarter inch or so. Then he had a motor of may- saw. The experience was equivalent to receiv- be Y} h. p. with a speed of 1750 r.p.m. which ing a new car without a hood. If a tuning fork he did not cut down through a pulley arrange- is a requirement for running one of these saws ment to 400 to 700 r.p.m. And then maybe he how about giving us a pitch on the pitch? I've had no cover on his saw. If all of this happened had a greater variety of noises out of that saw it's no wonder he received an oil bath with a than you'd get from a stamp mill. And then 16" saw blade churning up a 6 inch depth of oil what do you do about progressive deafness of at perhaps 3500 r.p.m. Oh boy! Cover the saw —reduce the speed—have the saw blade barely advancing age?" in the oil. The lubricants he used were O.K. All of this proves that while modern diamond saws do not need "breaking in," new sawers Probably the blade did not saw because he do. I guess the old advice of breaking in a saw ripped out all the diamond bort on the first ap- with a building brick wasn't so bad after all; it plication to the rock. Then he changed the didn't do much for the saw but it did for the lubricant and got only sparks because he was sawer by enabling him to get the feel of the trying to saw a rock with a plain piece of steel. thing before he could do too much damage. The same thing would happen if he tried to We understand that the oil companies have whittle an arrowhead with a pen-knife. It seems given serious research to the development of to me he ruined the blade with too much speed coolants, prompted by war industrial problems, and weight when he began. and that one major company finally has devel- Entirely made in the RX factory by After an amateur has had some sawing expe- oped a product far superior to anything that has skilled mechanics. appeared yet. It is available only in bulk by the rience he saws by ear. Each note in the whining True running, and will last a life time. scale of the whirring saw denotes something to barrel and dealers may have the details by ad- an experienced sawer. No one is smart enough dressing a postal to me. 12 inch saw. • • • to say, "Use 10 pounds weight to a 5 pound The gem machine you have been piece of agate." Here is a simple technique to On July 27th I again had the pleasure of waiting for. which you must add experience. Attach a pail helping organize a lapidary group. This time at the back of the saw to the rock vise by a pul- it was in the south coast area of Orange county, Only seconds required to change from ley arrangement. If you can't pick up some old California. There are many retired persons (and one operation to another. marked weights then pick out some rocks you others) living in those delightful sea coast towns of Laguna Beach, Newport, Balboa and Start with the best and you make know you'll never use and weigh them. Paint no mistake. the weight on each rock for future reference. Corona Del Mar who have been gem cutting a Toss a 10 pound rock in the bucket and slowly long time, and there must be many who want to See your lapidary dealer or write direct feed the rock into the saw blade until it has learn. They have all manner of cutting material for Bulletin A. taken a bite. If the material saws slowly add at hand and it is an ideal place for the fellow- another two pounds to the pail. The time soon ship of those with lapidary interests. Anyone de- RX LABORATORY will come when the amateur will establish his siring to join the group should communicate with "Barney" Barnes, 410 Narcissus, Corona W. A. FELKEH own standard of weights and measures and have 1143 Post Ave. Torrance. Calii. little trouble. Del Mar.

SEPTEMBER, 1947 45 Mu&t Hetween If on and Mi

By RANDALL HENDERSON from the prairie schooner in which great grandfather crossed the plains. HIS PAGE is being written August 4, just before the Such relics have much sentimental value to members of the September issue of Desert goes to the pressroom. Three family. But unfortunately they have only limited cultural value r days ago I arrived at the boat landing on Lake Mead to those who go to museums for information, and unless the after spending 21 days running the rapids through Marble director is a firm man with an abundance of diplomacy his halls and Grand Canyons with Norman Nevills' 1947 Colorado soon will become cluttered with odds and ends of meaningless river expedition. litter. Dr. Colton solved the problem by building a warehouse The rapids in Grand Canyon are still as numerous and as in which to store such material, and then filled his display rough as they were when Major Powell made that memor- space with graphs and exhibits which tell a fascinating story able first voyage down the Colorado in 1869—but the boats of the geological and anthropological background of the north- and the skill in managing them have been greatly improved ern Arizona of today. It is presented so graphically a sixth- during the intervening 78 years. The trip that in Powell's day grader can understand, and it is more interesting than fiction. was a grim fearsome battle for life, has now—thanks largely to Dr. Colton heads the committee formed some months ago to the vision and skill of Norman Nevills—become a glorious ad- preserve the records which John and Louisa Wetherill acquired venture without undue hardship or hazard. during their years among the Indians, and to sponsor a memor- We battled OF Man River every day. There is an average of ial for them. Volunteer contributions amounting to $700 have one rapid for each of the 240-odd miles we traveled. But we been received for the Wetherill fund, but additional money is had boats especially constructed for those Grand Canyon cas- needed. Jimmy Swinnerton and Harry James are members of a cades, and we had America's No. 1 white water boatman as sub-committee to place a marker of native stone on the Wether- skipper of the expedition. With this combination, the odds ill graves at Kayenta. Dr. Leland C. Wyman of Boston univer- were all in our favor, and we came through without even a sity is editing Louisa Wetherill's notes on the ethno-botany of minor accident. the Navajo, and Clyde Kluckhohn of Harvard is preparing the As soon as my pictures are developed and the necessary maps Wetherill collection of Navajo lore and legends for publica- completed, the story of the trip will be published in Desert tion under the title Around Hogan Fires. Magazine—probably starting in the November issue. # * * One of my most enjoyable visits was with Dr. H. H. Ninin- I spent a few days in northern Arizona before the boat trip ger of the American Meteorite museum on Highway 66 near was started at Lee's ferry, and met a number of old friends Meteor crater between Flagstaff and Winslow. Dr. Nininger whose names are more or less familiar to Desert readers . is one of those fortunate persons who has been able to convert At Grand Canyon I spent an evening with Emery Kolb, a hobby into a livelihood. It is a modest livelihood, for Dr. whose pictures and lectures on the Grand Canyon boat trip he Nininger is a scientist at heart—and that kind of folks never and his brother Ellsworth made in 1911 and 1912 are among over-charge for their services. I looked over the fine collection the most interesting and informative entertainment features for of meteorites in the museum, heard the lecture, and got some visitors at Grand Canyon national park. Ellsworth Kolb, whose tips from Dr. Nininger for identifying meteoric rocks. I have story of the trip was published in book form, is now 70 and is always wanted to find one of those things. no longer active at the Grand Canyon studio. * * * But tough wiry little Emery—he weighs 110 pounds—con- I spent four days in the Navajo country with Toney Richard- tinues his lectures daily, and carries on the manifold duties of a son of Flagstaff whose stories of that region appear in Desert at concessionaire in one of the most popular national parks in intervals. Professionally, Toney is a fiction writer, but he comes America. I have always regarded the mid-winter canyon trip of from a family of Indian traders, and has spent most of his life the Kolbs with their clumsy photographic equipment as one of around the trading posts. He has a wealth of fact as well as fic- the grittiest episodes in the epic of Colorado river navigation. tion pertaining to that region, and he proved to be a most help- These brothers gave the world the first complete photographic ful and entertaining guide. story of the Grand Canyon rapids. The story is no less interest- We stopped for lunch one day with the Boyles who have the ing today than when it was registered on the plates of their trading post at Tonalea. The post is situated on one of the most old-fashioned cameras. arid hillsides you'll find in the desert country—and yet every * * # hour of every day at that remote little Indian store is filled with At Flagstaff I spent an afternoon with Dr. Harold Colton human drama. The Boyles are wholesome people and there will whose Museum of Northern Arizona is a model for regional be a story about their interesting way of life in a future issue of museums. Any museum director will tell you that one of his Desert. toughest problems is saying "no" to well-meaning friends who The Navajo live in a world of custom and religion and tradi- want to load the place with old family heirlooms ranging from tion as foreign to me as Chinese, and yet I have an instinctive buttons off Aunt Sophie's wedding dress to the whiffletrees liking for these soft-spoken people.


A cactus grew near our garden wall, 'Neath a poem of vining rose; A plain dull plant, overlooked by all For wildflowers' colorful prose.

And it passed each dark or sunny day O'ershadowed by glories near, Patiently living its quiet life With only Nature to cheer.

And then, one morning, I glanced that way To find, instead, a gorgeous array Of angelic bloom, so pure and white That my heart stopped still in sheer delight!

'Twas then that I knew those years of scorn Were lived for achievement yet unborn, And I was thankful that I could see The triumph of such humility. •Photo by G. E. Barrett. DESERT CANYON One-half so grand as the music here THE WAYFARER When a mockingbird sings in the evening dim By HELEN L. VOGEL By ARCH CRAWFORD Evanston, Illinois Or a meadowlark carols his morning hymn . . . Indio, California The moon they see isn't like our moon, His eyes were on the rising moon It was a lonely place, That's friendly and close o'er the shifting dune; As he trod the desert road; Where there were no cities, And the finest drink they can mix don't gleam The dark'ning sky and bluing peaks Either beautiful or ugly, Like the water dipped from a mountain And the first bright star that showed. Or scars of man-made projects, stream . . . Upon its lovely face; His hair was black and long as night, Quiet because no confusion When I knew that the desert was all abloom, And his beard a rugged point; Jarred the even-beating pulse. There was no holding me in a city room; His bed-roll slung with careless ease Of nature, as we stood in awe, For who could see beauty in brick and stone And he walked all loose of joint. With shallow breaths, and listened Who ever had ridden the rimrock . . . alone . . . He did not need to watch the way To silence in profusion. Yucca and sagebrush and prickly pear, For his eyes were raised on high. Mesas and buttes and the good free air Our hearts, of city birth, Illumined on his upraised face May be common to you . . . But, Lord, they're Was the beauty of the sky. Could scarcely now adopt its pace, grand And in our ears pulsed loud— To an exile back in his native land. Amazed that such a place could be, DES'ERT DUSK Upon this restless earth! By GEORGE HOLMES MOORE ALL THESE WERE MINE North Hollywood, California The burnished silver dulls to grey; THE MAN* OF DUST By BESSIE SAUNDERS SPENCER Vast formless shadows wake and creep; By ALICE JOSEPHINE WYATT Pueblo, Colorado Los Angeles, California The glowing West entices day, All these were mine in sadness and in And Dusk lures all the world to sleep. If flowers, smiling up at silken blue laughter— • • • Of skies that fraternfee with clustered stars, The blue of robin's-egg upon the sea, Spring from the conflict of the dust and dew, ALIEN Processionals of blooms that followed after By PANSYE H. POWELL Then watch the man| of dust who knows life's The fuchsia halo of the redbud tree, scars Salt Lake City, Utah The amber glints of sunrise, worn as trophies I had never lived with mountains. I was bred For growth of beauty, majesty of calm. The mediating mist before .its shrine. The peace of him sh|ll spread itself so far Where rolling fields stretched far to meet the That he shall scatter: forth a healing balm But these have brought no worry of sky. Like incense burning where wild flowers are. possession— The stars that here beam brightly overhead Were there dim lanterns glimmering on high, I had no restless days of strain with fear And, when on wakeful nights I lay abed, FRIENDSHIP Of loss, although they grew to an obsession. Slow moving streams sang me a lullaby. By MRS. J. E. LISTER And in the hour when I must leave them here, Fallofi, Nevada I shall look earthward without tears or sorrow A stranger in this land in which I live, All the gold is not in1 the place And know they are for children of tomorrow! I marvel at high peaks and salty sea, Which marks the rainbow's end; • • • But there is much of good this land can give, And perchance it may gain some good from me, Nor yet in the palo yerde bloom, PIONEERS Spread broadcast by the wind; For these tall white-capped priests have power Nor in the west at the close of day, By CLARA MILLER KRAG to shrive Displayed in brilliant hue. Pasadena, California My soul, and I bring them humility. For there's gold in the clasp of a gracious hand Not the creaking covered wagon And in the heart of a friend who's true. Nor the miner, mad for gold, Delving deep into the hillside DESERT REFUGEE For the treasure it might hold; THE LAW By NELL MURBARGER Not the men who plowed the valleys, Costa Mesa, California Built tall cities, worked for gain, By TANYA SOUTH I'm back on the desert for keeps . . . You see, Are the pioneers where deserts Thus is the Law. And there are none The city's no place for a fellow like me. Spread their mystery on the plain; Who follow it but will succeed. (When there's too many men for too little air— But the sagebrush, yucca, cactus, Whate'er in life we may have done What chance has a h'illman to get his share?) Desert holly, chaparral, To win, the Law we had to heed! With a host of other neighbors There's too much clatter and too much grime Long ago came here to dwell. Guard you the Law, and well obey And too much hurrying all the time, Still they hold their wind-swept homesteads Its mandates and its covenants. On the thoroughfares where the hard concrete Knowing neither years nor change, For what we think and do and say Is the only trail for a man's tired feet. These are settlers time has proven, Make all our Fate and its events. There's never a song on the stage that's near These are guardians of the range.

SEPTEMBEFJ, 1947 47 A deluxe gift from

NATURE'S OWN CONFECTIONS . . . POSTPAID TO YOU This beautiful pack holds dates from California's Coachella valley at their 1 Pound $1.30 best. Pack contains tree-ripened dates, roasted almond date cake, date butter rolls and desert candy ... a box of desert sweetmeats that are 3 Pounds 3.50 just as healthful as they are good. 5 Pounds 5.75