Swampscott Loses a Favorite Son

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Swampscott Loses a Favorite Son TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2018 Swampscott loses a favorite son By Gayla Cawley Laural said her husband of 45 brother, said the family is devas- just a party that she would ordi- ITEM STAFF years died in his sleep, which fam- tated — the brothers were always narily never go to, but happened ily members were shocked and very close. Richard leaves behind to go once. From there, they dat- SWAMPSCOTT — Former devastated to discover on Monday another brother, Ralph Feinberg. ed 6½ years through high school Swampscott School Committee morning. “He was just a typical great and college and married shortly member Richard Feinberg has The couple moved to Swamp- brother to have,” Stuart said. “He after they both became teachers. died at age 70. He is remembered by friends and family as a poli- scott 34 years ago after living in was always helping people as Laural taught in Lynn for 35 tics junkie, sports fan, proponent Lynn and Chelsea. much as he could. If he could do years. for public education and a man Feinberg served on the School somebody a favor (or) help some- Laural said the turning point whose world revolved around his Committee from 1987 to 2002 one, he would. He was just a great in their relationship was when grandsons. and was a schoolteacher for 34 person, great brother, and boy, are she went on a trip to Las Vegas “He knew true love when he years. He taught at Chelsea High we going to miss him.” with her father for the rst time. became a grandfather,” said Rich- School, which he graduated from, Richard was a high school bas- She was 23 — she and a girlfriend ard’s wife, Laural Feinberg. and then at Northeast Metropol- ketball referee and later the com- stayed in one hotel and her father Richard was “papa” to two itan Regional Vocational School. missioner of the Dual County stayed in another one. Richard, grandsons, 8-year-old Dylan Lu- He was an adjunct professor of League for many years. her boyfriend at the time, all of a cas and 12-year-old Kyle Lucas. government at Bunker Hill Com- Laural said she met her hus- sudden decided he couldn’t stand He was also the devoted father of munity College. band at a party when she was 17 Richard Feinberg Julie Lucas, of Lynn. Stuart Feinberg, 69, Richard’s years old and he was 19. It was SWAMPSCOTT, A7 Lynn Union couple Hospital showcase ceases the city operations By Gayla Cawley By Bella diGrazia ITEM STAFF FOR THE ITEM LYNN — Patients will have to have LYNN — A Lynn couple is using surgery elsewhere. The North Shore their engaging personalities and Medical Center has closed its operat- video blogging skills to showcase ing rooms at Union Hospital. the city as a future travel destina- Operating rooms closed last Thurs- tion. day, and the entire hospital is sched- Lynn residents Ferns Francois uled to close next year. A medical vil- and Danielle Trainito’s slick pro- lage, which would replace Union, is duction highlights several prom- scheduled to open in the fall of 2019 to inent places in Lynn. From their coincide with the closure. favorite restaurants, to the best cui- The Department of Public Health sine places to try on a budget, and approved a $180 million expansion of to their favorite hangout spots, it’s North Shore Medical Center (NSMC) all covered in the two-minute travel in 2016, which will close Union and guide video posted to YouTube on move the beds to a new Salem cam- Sunday night. pus in 2019. The medical facilities in “Lynn has helped me see and ex- Lynn and Salem are part of Partners plore culture a lot more than I ever Healthcare. have before,” said Trainito, who “The original plan was for (the op- was raised in Revere. “When I rst erating rooms) to remain open until we consolidated the two hospitals in moved here I was worried about 2019,” said Laura Fleming, a spokes- walking to the store by myself, but woman for North Shore Medical Cen- now that I’m a resident here I real- ter. “We can accommodate the patients ly have never experienced any prob- in Salem and we hope they continue lems.” to seek surgical services there.” The creative duo has been blog- Fleming said the decision to close ging for the past two years, but a the operating rooms ahead of sched- last-minute job contest inspired ule was made because a large ortho- the video that highlighted their fa- pedic surgical group, Sports Medicine vorite things about Lynn. Francois North, that operates at Union and was was scrolling through his Facebook responsible for a majority of surgical newsfeed and came across a contest activity, was going to leave NSMC. being offered by WOW Airlines, an Those physicians had noti ed NSMC up-and-coming Icelandic low-cost that they would discontinue services, carrier. The couple followed the con- effective March 1. test guidelines and immediately be- The decision to close surgical ser- gan brainstorming concepts for the vices was made in February — NSMC video submission. gave the Department of Public Health “We had guidelines to follow based (DPH) 90 days notice that it would be on the application, so we got togeth- ITEM PHOTO | OWEN O’ROURKE discontinuing operating services at er and brainstormed the best ways Union. Lynn residents Ferns Francois and Danielle Trainito’s slick production high- COUPLE, A7 “These clinicians were responsible lights several prominent places in the city. for the majority of surgical cases at Union and continuing a surgical ser- vice there without them is neither clinically nor nancially feasible,” reads an NSMC report to DPH. SUV driver dies after Saugus bus crash The report reads that plans were put in place to transition orthopedic SAUGUS — The driver of an SUV of injuries sustained in yesterday’s acci- the Lynn-bound bus were taken to area cases to Salem after March 1 and ad- that struck a bus on Essex Street Sun- dent,” police said in a statement. hospitals for treatment of minor inju- just operations to accommodate the day afternoon died from her injuries, Callahan was driving a Ford SUV Sun- ries. consolidated volume. the Massachusetts Bay Transportation day around 3:50 p.m. when it crossed Transit Police stated Callahan “…possi- Fleming said a number of staff who Authority (MBTA) Transit Police stated the traf c-dividing line in the vicinity bly struck a third parked vehicle causing had been working in surgical services Monday. of 190 Essex St. near Felton Street and the Ford to veer into the MBTA’s bus lane at Union were transitioned to Salem. “Kathleen Callahan, 47, of Saugus has struck the front of an oncoming MBTA of travel striking it head on.” The cause been pronounced deceased as a result bus. The driver and four passengers on of the crash remains under investigation. UNION, A7 Supreme Court: All bets are on ASSOCIATED PRESS and other sports in most states. uled weekly meeting. None were States that want to take advan- willing to commit to a pathway WASHINGTON — The Su- tage of the ruling now will gen- for legally wagering on sports preme Court cleared the way erally have to pass legislation to events, with Baker saying a lot Monday for states coast to coast allow sports books to open. Some, more “homework” needed to be to legalize betting on sports, including New Jersey, which breaking a longtime ban and done on the issue. brought the case to the Supreme Democratic House Speaker creating a potential nancial Court, have a head start. Robert DeLeo said the choice boon for states and the gambling Massachusetts of cials began industry. The rst bets could be weighing the pros and cons of le- could come down to what he INSIDE placed within weeks. galized sports betting. called the “integrity” of any Lynn Opinion Sports Despite opposition from the Republican Gov. Charlie Bak- sports betting system versus the KIPP honors Brotherton: Saugus baseball major sports leagues and the er and Democratic legislative potential tax revenue it could trio (above). A3 When Meghan inches closer to Trump administration, the leaders said they discussed the generate for the state. met Harry. A4 tourney berth. B1 high court struck down a feder- high court ruling and its poten- “I think there are a lot of major al law that had barred betting tial rami cations for the state on football, basketball, baseball during their regularly sched- BETS, A7 OBITUARIES ..............................A2 POLICE/FIRE .............................A6 COMICS/DIVERSIONS ........... B4-5 HIGH 84° VOL. 140, ISSUE 133 LYNN .........................................A3 LOOK! .......................................A8 CLASSIFIED ........................... B6-7 LOW 54° OPINION ...................................A4 SPORTS ................................ B1-3 BUSINESS ................................B8 PAGE A8 ONE DOLLAR A2 THE DAILY ITEM TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2018 OBITUARIES Richard R. Feinberg Margot Kidder, Lois Lane in SWAMPSCOTT— Richard also was Feinberg, Richard a member of the the ‘Superman’ franchise, dies Ross, of Swampscott School Committee for 34 years, formerly in Swampscott for By Andrew Dalton site James Brolin in 1979’s of Chelsea, on Mon- 15 years along with ASSOCIATED PRESS “The Amityville Horror.” day, May 14, 2018. spending time as a Mark Hamill was among Beloved husband high school basket- LOS ANGELES — Mar- those tweeting tributes to of Laural S. (Segal) ball referee and com- got Kidder, the Canadian Kidder on Monday. Feinberg. Devoted fa- missioner of the Dual actress who starred as “On-screen she was mag- ther of Julie Lucas of County League for a salty and cynical Lois ic,” the “Star Wars” actor Lynn.
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