Operational Flood Working Group North

Notes of meeting held on 13th March 2019 At Monkton Park council offices

Jonathon Seed Chair & Councillor Portfolio holder for flooding Danny Everett Principal Drainage Engineer Nicola Mundy Wiltshire Council Weather & Drainage team Steve Malpass Environmental Agency Shona Hutton Environmental Agency – Thames Renate Malton Wiltshire Council Weather & Drainage team Martin Tidman Wessex Water Toby Sturgis Wiltshire Councillor John Gundry Malmesbury TC Edward Evans Malmesbury community group Carys Hardwick Malmesbury TC Alan Baines Melksham Without Parish Elizabeth Threlfall Brinkworth PC Brian Mathew Wiltshire Councilor Box & Colerne Bob Boulson Easterton PC David Pynn Hankerton Simon Bruce & Slaughterford Laurie Brown Bradford on Avon TC James Whittleton TC Stephen Eades without John McWilliam Crudwell PC Stuart Gregory Lacock Mollie Groom Wiltshire Councillor Royal Wootton Bassett Jane King North Wraxhall Andy Cadwallader Wiltshire Council Local Highways Engineer Matt Perrott Wiltshire Council Local Highways Engineer Richard Dobson Wiltshire Council Local Highways Engineer Ken Oliver Wiltshire Council Countryside Officer

Parish updates

Hankerton  Nothing new to report.  Wessex Water appraisal ongoing. o Infiltration sealing completed in Hankerton o Crudwell/Oaksey/Eastcourt as it feeds into the Hankerton sewer. o Sewer sealing program to prevent infiltration has still to be done.

Brinkworth  Update on the HE Dauntsey works, which is in 2 Schemes  HE working on Dauntsey scheme – continuing work on their design.  WC working with Atkins on Brinkworth/Grittenham scheme. o Site surveys done o Interim funding approved for outline design and feasibility survey.

Biddestone & Slaughterford  Drain clearance in Cuttle Lane was undertaken with large Vactor. No flooding since, and positive comments received.

North Wraxhall  Update on sluice gates – nothing to report. Still with EA legal.  Issue with running water on road by White Hart at Ford raised. Asked to report via the App

Melksham without  Community Emergency Volunteers met with A. Purcell in Whitley and provided good information. Updated with plans for Shurnhold fields.  Possible development in Shaw Whitley may have some community benefit. WC not contacted as yet.  Old adoption/drainage plans found. Paul Bollen to share.  Westons Lane CCTV works completed. Information broken down into residential area plots and states what each resident is responsible for and highways responsibilities.  Wessex Water still working on the first time sewer scheme.

Corsham  Following flooding event 5 years ago WC held public meetings to explain issues. Corsham TC would like another meeting to update the public. Project manager, Alexandra Purcell has been engaged to lead the Corsham modelling project.  Flood group decided to hold public meeting once the modeling work has been completed in possibly Aug/Sep. James to liaise with Danny Everett.  WC/EA/WW to produce briefing note.

Crudwell  Promised EA visit to advise on River Maintenance at Crudwell. Was planned for 28th August with men and equipment, but was cancelled on the day of the event and has not been followed up on at all. Could this be re-programmed, with advisors and operatives for July 2019? – Shona to chase.  WC cleared under Road Bridge. Area up stream is responsibility of Parish Council.  Weed spraying would require consent from EA. Aldbourne Parish did a project on weed spraying. DE to send information to John McWilliam.

Easterton  White Street culvert cleared by Parish Steward. Ditch requires clearing, but is not WC responsibility.  Culvert under High street by The Royal Oak needs clearing out. On program for jetter.  In churchyard - footpath is sinking into around the surface water outlet. Emails sent to P. Binley, head of Highways asset management, who has replied. It has been sent to Legal team. DE will arrange site visit.

Malmesbury Town Council  Nothing to report

Malmesbury community group  EA/WC meeting held  Met with the EA modelling consultants. Flood defenses good up to 1:30 event  EA to review the model – Flood group are waiting for this.

Lacock  Watercourses in the area require maintenance. Steve Malpass EA has raised issue regarding consents with Head Office.  Parish Steward has done excellent job in clearing grips and gullies.  Tree under Rey Bridge is WC responsibility.  Parish Council are currently mapping gullies, and detailing the critical ones. Maps to be shared with DE and Andy Cadwallader when completed.

Box  SSE funds awarded. Asked to update their flood plan and send to neighboring councils

Bradford on Avon  Would like update on flood defenses. Bradford on Avon TC contribution made available again. o Scheme is on the EA program for 2021 and onwards. o EA/WC working closely. Looking at ways to break up scheme so some elements can be undertaken prior to 2021. o Require Wessex Water to come on board as full partner which is likely. o EA need to set up resources for partnership working. o Meeting Wessex Water in next few months

Chippenham without  Thanks to WC for clearing the brook under the C180 Allington Lane, which is now working excellently. Request for made for ongoing maintenance. Intervention criteria priorities explained; o High Speed Roads o Property flooding  Drains cleared in Allington Lane but drain missed in Broad Lane.  C153 Fowlswick Lane floods excessively in rain. Drain into brook is clear but there may be issues with ditches. Parish to contact landowner initially. Renate Malton to send ditch letters to parish

Lydiard Millicent  Marsh Farm flooding over half the road  Common Platt junction flooding  Question regarding Peatmoor Lagoon outlet raised.  Paul Bollen is liaising with Swindon Borough Council on the matter.  Thames Water new water main at Flaxlands has been delayed.

Wiltshire Council

 Please use My Wiltshire to report issues.  What is the policy on Ash die back – Ken Oliver to look into.  Discussions between Jonathon Seed and Toby Sturgis regards CIL money. No money currently available for flooding issues.  Government has just issued new guidelines on what CIL money can be spent on.

Wessex Water  Corsham project WC/EA/WW all working together.  Hankerton/Crudwell/Oaksey – ongoing appraisal  Minety – flooding in May 2018. Debris cleared out. WC scheme join up with WW.  Royal Wootton Bassett major flood scheme in New road

Network Rail  No update

Environment Agency  Property Flood Resilience (PFR) rollout  Flood risk and modelling works ongoing.

Any other business

Easterton SSE funding to upgrade village hall.

Date of next meeting 15th May 2019 at Malmesbury Town Hall