Ashadeepa Annual Report 2015-16 Page 1

S Program Details Page No 1 Preamble 3 – 3 The Description of the activities 2 Early Identification and Early Intervention 4 – 4 3 1stLevel training to staff on Early Identification of Disabilities & 4 – 5 Early Intervention to children below 6 yrs. 4 Baseline survey on early intervention project 5 – 5 5 Training to ANMS &ASHA Workers 5 – 6 6 Meeting with VRWs& MRWs in Hungund Taluk, Dist 6 – 6 7 Parents training on importance of enrolling Deaf children to 6 – 7 mainstream schools for Inclusive Education 8 Programme on Inclusion of Peer Group 7 – 8 9 Learning Center for Hearing impaired children 8 – 8 10 Job Fair for Persons with Disabilities in Bagalkot 8 – 9 11 Monitoring visit by APD 9 – 9 12 Planting Program in Hunagund Taluk 10 –10 13 Medical Camp and Aids & appliances distribution program 10 – 10 14 Women helpline Program 10 – 11 15 Training for School Teacher 11 – 12 16 SHG Account training 12 – 12 17 Special Event for Community Empowerment  Celebration of World Deaf Day. 12 – 13

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Preamble Ashadeepa Angavikalara Sarva Abhiwruddhi Seva Samsthe is Non-profit organization working since 2004 in . Our main vision is to empower persons with disabilities to become contributing members to the society and to lead life with dignity. We intensively work in the grass root level for the development of marginalized group in the community especially Women and People with Disabilities. Ashadeepa also worked with Seva-in-Action in 2010 for organizing BadhteKadam awareness campaign in Bagalkot District. The awareness reached to more than 1000 people on National Trust schemes &programmes, UNCRPD & other State Govt schemes. Ashadeepa started working in collaboration with The Association of People with Disability (APD) from 2013 for Early Identification & Intervention of Disability in children below 6 yrs. APD is a voluntary organization working in the field of Disability for past 57 yrs in . To identify children with disabilities we work in primary health centers, Anganwadis, ASHA workers & RBSK team in the community. They also work with APD to rehabilitate person with hearing & speech impairment. Ashadeepacreates plat form to people with disabilities on developing their skills on training through computer education, English communication and career guidance. It also organizes training programmes like weaving, tailoring, Agarbhathi, candle making, mobile servicing and dairy farming by networking with other organization and providing support for self-employment.

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The Description of the activities

Early Identification and Early Intervention ( EI & EE Programme)

Ashadeepa is the one of the organization to APD visited Taluk Health Officer (THO) implementing the Early Identification and and Reproductive Child Health Officer Early Intervention programme in (RCHO) in and Hunagund to share Hunagund Taluk of Bagalkot District. This Early Identification & Intervention of programme was helped & motivated Disability in below 6 yrs children. They parents to develop their children over all also met Dr. Rajakumar ,District Health rehabilitation early ages especially in Officer in Bagalkot and shared the plan, he remote villages. Mr.Gopinath, Executive gave suggestion to start EI center in the Director – Operations and Mr. Janardhan, PHC and in the Ashadeepa center. Asst. Director – Early Intervention from

1stPhase Early Intervention Training to our EI Staffs of Ashadeepa (Staff Capacity Building) ( EI & EE Programme) AshadeepaEI staffs were undergone 1st phase early intervention at APD Bangalore. Dates on 15th to 20th March – 2016. For this training APD was ensured Mrs.AbhaRanjan, International Trainer on Early Intervention was the resource person for the whole training. In this training the staffs of APD and its RSO Partners were participated Ms. AbhaRanjan was focused on Importance of Early Intervention, status of children in . RSO partner’s staffs gained knowledge about EI& intervention of children with disabilities and working with different stake holders. The training enhanced staff knowledge and skills to start the Program in their places.

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Baseline survey on early intervention project ( EI & EE Programme) During this year we have started early intervention program in Hunagund Taluk. for regarding this we did baseline survey on early intervention to understand the situation of below six year children’s. and we conducted door to door survey to identify the children with multiple disabilities and developmental delay’s in 10 Grampanchayat. We covered 31 villages and identified totally 131 children with developmental delays and multiple disabilities. The parents are not aware of the children’s problems due to lack of awareness.

Training to ANMS &ASHA Workers (Hospital Staffs and Asha Worker Training)

In this year we have organized ANMS &Asha workers training from Govt Primary Health Center Nagur, training was held at Govt. Girls primary School at Amingad on 28th Oct 2015. Totally 38 ANM’s and ASHA workers were participated. Mainly focused on identify the Disability and hearing impairment children, because they are very closely work with new born children and they are the grass root level people in the community.

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Then we had Focus group Discussion along with the community people on Accessibility to Disabled in Village. The FGD’s meeting was organized in Ilkal, Amaravati , Hungunda, Gudura, from January 2016 to March 2016, we discussed about Disability, Types of disability like Speech& Hearing,VI,Physical Disabilities, Mentally Illness, MR. Multiple Disability and education for children with disabilities, Govt schemes and opportunities.

Meeting with VRWs& MRWs in Hungund Taluk, Bagalkot Dist ( EI & EE Programme) On 20-02-2016 meeting was organized for MRWs & VRWs inHungundTaluk to collect the data of persons with disabilities because they work in the village or Gram Panchayat. Then, we gave information about a need to give awareness about hearing impaired children and also how to take care the disable people and what they specialties everything they know that is the reason we arranged this meeting and training to them.

Parents training on importance of enrolling Deaf children to mainstream schools for Inclusive Education (Parents and Caregivers Training)

Ashadeepa organized Deaf education program in collaboration with APD at Amingada ,Ilkal, Gudur, Kamatagi and Kardi of Hungundtaluk of Bagalkot Dist. More than 170 deaf children with parents participated actively.Mr.Muninarayan resource

Ashadeepa Annual Report 2015-16 Page 6 person asked the parents to sharetheir daily activities done at home. Resource person was covered types of hearing Impairment, methods of accessing the State Government schemes. Through this training the parents gained knowledge about the causes, prevention& identification of hearing impairment, Functions of Ear, how to do hearing test and uses of hearing aid. He also explained and motivated parents on the importance of enrolling the children speech & hearing impairment to mainstream school for inclusive education. Mr. Guru Hiremath, Director of Excellent Public School,Amingada, Mr. K.G.Vajermatti, BRC Officer of Hungunda, Mr. R.Narshihmamurty, Reporter, Samukta Karnataka daily newspaper, Mr. Ashok Hugar -Parent and Mr. Raghu Hubballi, Director, Ashadeepa participated in the parents training.

Programme on Inclusion of Peer Group (Sensitization of Peer Group) Ashadeepa organized sensitization program to peer group children in the mainstream schools to make them understand about the problems of children with hearing impairment, causes, identification, prevention and importance of sign language. The children shared that they gained knowledge on hearing impairment and also how to take care the Ear.This is the realize that non disable children to include their class rooms and in the community.

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The peer groups was organized February 2015 to March 2016, atSulibhavi on 21st Feb, Aminagad in 18th June, Ilkal in 21st July, Amaravatin 6th Oct 2015, In 2016, Kamatagi in 19th Feb, Guduron 20th Feb and Ilkal on 29th Mar. More than 700 School Teachers, head master, and Children’s were trained and they participated very actively. Learning Center for Hearing impaired children

(Communication Language Building Program) We identified 150 children with hearing impairment through survey in Ilkal and Gudur area. We have started learning center on every Saturday’s to give the group learning on sign language by using different methodologies and how to use Hearing aid.

Job Fair for Persons with Disabilities in Bagalkot (Livelihood Programme)

In this year we have organized job fair for youths with disabilities across Bagalkot district. Main objective of this job fairs to create job opportunities for unemployment disabilities in the age group of 18 to 30 years. We have conducted below mentioned dates… 1. 15/9/2015 at Ilkal 2. 20/11/2015 atJamkandi 3. 3/1/2016 atKaradi 4. 4/1/2016 atAihole 5. 30/1/2016 atMahalingapur of Bagalkot district. We have done communication for 3010 various disabilities, out of 3010, 339 persons with disabilities were given interview for jobs. End of theoutcome of this job fairs 66 person with disabilities were gotvarious jobs.

We have done process forapproaching the candidates through VRW, MRW District welfare disability officers, and Panchayat members, Unions, NGOs. And also we havedone letter correspondence to all persons with disabilities.

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In this job fair program many guests were participated like, ChendruAppaji, N R Math, YashodaPatil, Manohar M K, NageshJunja, Raghu Hubblli, RajuTeradal, and Local VRW And MRW and also perons with disabilities.

Impact: Through this program more than 50 disabilities they good job opportunities, this is very helpful to them. Through this program who will not get jobs in job fair, this is a good opportunities for attend the interview. Who are eligible to work they got jobs.

Monitoring visit by APD (Staff Capacity Building)

APD is an NGO working in disability sector since 50 year with the bundle of knowledge on this sector they have selected Ashadeepa in North Karnataka to work for persons with disabilities in rural districts. APD facilitates and gives funding support to Ashadeepa for different programs in Hunagund Taluk of Bagalkot. So to monitor the programmes they visited and guided us to work more effectively.

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Planting Program in Hunagund Taluk

Every year our Honorable MLA celebrates his birthday in different manner. This time he celebrated his birthday by the planting with persons with disabilities to promote green revolution.

Medical Camp and Aids & appliances distribution program

We have organized medical camp in collaboration with Department of Senior Citizen and person with disability, distributed aids & appliances to persons with disabilities .Through this camp we identified 35 persons with disabilities and took the measurement for Wheelchair, Artificial Limb, Caliper, Splint and distributed Hearing aid.

Women helpline Program (Santwana Mahila Sahayavani Kendra) Since 2011 Ashadeepa Working on Women helpline program of Government of Karnataka in Hungund taluk of Bagalkot .Through this program we have solved the issues like Dowry, Family problem, Harassment of women and encourage them to rejoin the family. More than 500 cases has been taken and solved around 200 cases still 150 cases are under process .By this program we have given awareness across Hunagund on different aspects of Women empowerment, this program become backbone for the women who are living in difficult circumstances in remote villages. Ashadeepa Annual Report 2015-16 Page 10

Training for School Teacher (School Teacher training) We had plan to giving training to School teachers Because above 6 years children are going to school that Is main point School central point is that “Teacher and Child”. Teachers are changing positively in that society mainly children education and all. Through teacher from moving towards positive changes in that society. General children along with hearing impaired children also. That is the reason how they have treated to hearing impaired children, how to teach, How to understand their problems, And How they are given common education to hearing impaired children. What is the reason of hearing impaired, how we have to prevention and also using teaching materials how they have to teach. An etc information they don’t know that what we have organized this training program for them. Through this program we have to bring changes in the teaching system. Collaborate with Ashadeepa NGO and APD Organization we have organized 2 workshops for School teachers. First Program on Date: 21/8/2015 at Govt higher primary School No-1 Ilkal, And Second one on Date: 15/2/216 at Hunagund. And trainer is Mr. Ravi R. In Hungund taluk different villagers total no of more than 15 teachers are participated.

Impact: During this program they got more

Ashadeepa Annual Report 2015-16 Page 11 information about what is hearing impaired, Reason of hearing impaired, How to prevention, How to identify this kind children, what they have aids and appliances, Structure of ear, function of ear like this they got more knowledge through this workshop. According to this they are flow in the school. This is good way to get good knowledge and they have recognized their role in specifically school.

SHG Account Training (Nabard Program)

Ashadeepa conducting Account keeping training this training participation 5 SHG group Leaders getting training benefit we have different type of knowledge was provided by us.

Celebration of World Deaf Day. (World Deaf Day Program)

Ashadeepa celebrated world deaf day by organizing rally, Signature campaign in schools and colleges for 3days. On 26th September2015, cultural programme was organized in Ilkal. Thechief guest Shri.Mahantaswami gurugalu, Mr. Vijayanada Kashappanavar, MLA, Hunagundataluk, Dr. Ashok Kiragi, ENT, District hospital, Ms. Savita Kale, DDWO & Mr. Chandru Appaji, President, Ashadeepa inaugurated the programme. Mr. Ramesh Mane, APD, Vijaypur, person with disabilities and their parents, MRWs & VRWs, NGOs and public participated in the programme. Children with disabilities showcased their talents and the guests appreciated the children and gave some important tips to the participants on the Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.

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