EVS Teataja

EESTI STANDARDIKESKUSE igakuine ametlik vdlj aanne

11. aastakiiik rssN 1406-0698

Toimetuse aadress ARU 10 TALLINN 10317

Toimetojo Anne Lolmets Tel 605 5055 Foks 605 5070 onne@evs,ee

Tellimine io m0fik: Eesti Stondordikeskus Aru l0 Tollinn 10317 Tel 605 5060. 605 506.l Foks 605 5070 [email protected]

Trilkk: Eesti Stondordikeskus EESTI UUDISED TOIMETAJA 2A. mdrtsil esitas Eesti Standardikeskus avalduse CENI- \rEERG CENELEC tdisliikmeks saamisels, miliele j?irgneb erapooletute eksperride poolt idbiviidav audit. Ekspertideks on mliliraud John Hussey ja Hans Ziyret Auditi ajaks on esialgsetel andmetel 2003. a augusti 16pp.

8. aprillil toimus Standardikeskuse korraldusel terminoloogia jZitkuseminar teemal "Terminoloogiatoo standardimises". Lektor Arvi Tavast andis riLlevaate oskuss6nastike koostamisest ja kditfisest kasutamisest ning sristemaatilisest ja t6lkeotstarbelisest terminoloogiatoost. Paeva l6puks toimus sristemaatilise termi- Kiesoieva zast^ detsembris noloogiatoo harjutus hierarhilis e mdis tesristeemi moodus tamis es t. hakkab ISO 9000:7994 ver- siooni jargt valja antud serti- 1 1. aprilJil Standardikeskuses toimus initsiatiivgrupi koosole\ kus fi.kaatide kehtivuse aag t?iis atvtati standardimisprogrammis takerdunud vee kvaliteedi saama- Ilmselt on valdav standardite l6puleviimist ja standardimise tehnilise komitee "Vee earinus sertifitseedrutest endale kvaliteet" algatamist. Koosolekust r'6tsid osa sotsiaal- juba uue ISO 9001 ostnud ja ministeeriumi, keskkonnaministeeriumi, Keskkonnauuringute selle n6uetega end kurssi Keskuse ja EVS esindajad. viinud. Kas standardiseeritud juhtimissristeem on organi- 14. ryrdlt toimus Standardikeskuses Tooten'ishoiu ja tooohutuse satsiooni arcngu tugi v6i pffiaja, susteemide (OHSAS) toogrupi esimene koosolek, mis kutsuti oil teemaks 12 - 13. juunil kokku eestikeelse OHSAS 18001 avaldamiseks. Osa v6tsid AS toimuval rahvusvahelisel juh- Elcoteq, Optiroc AS, Eesti Energia AS, TJO Konsultatsioonid ja timisstisteemide arendamise EVS esindajad. Otsustati, et eestikeel:e OFiSAS 18001 ja selle kooverentsil, kus esitletakse ka kii.siraamatut kasutamise juhend OI{SAS 18002 avaldatakse vastavalt Eesti uut 'ISO 9001 vdikeettev6tetele. Mda teha". standardi ja juhendina. Tooruhm pidas vajalikuks teha koostood I(valiteedi *6ri;grs on luged4 j?itgida Rahvusvahelise Tooorganisatsiooniga (ILO) ning trende kuidas Elcoteq Tallinn j6udis rahvusvahelises standa"rdirnis es, st millised dokumendid on aluseks Eesti Kvaliteediauhinnani. selleteemalise ISO standardi koostamisel. Otsustati poorduda ILO Kui paadl viimasel aastal on Eesti poole eesmd^rgiga vahetada informatsiooni ILO Juhendi konkurentsinrlt olnud esikohal ILO-OHS Guidlinet vdimaliku eestikeelse versiooni ava"ldamise ffiO 9000 standardid, siis kohta. Tdoruhm mdrkis ka vajadust planeerida ISO 19011 tdnavu on standardite mutigi- standardi t6lkimis! kuid see eeldals liikmete laiendamist ning on topi trend muutunud. Topi esikohad t6enioliselt reaalne alates sugis est. oa h6ivanud hoone projekti ja nrgevroolupaigaldiste standardid. 20. mrirtsil toimunud seminaril "Sissejuhatus standardimisse" jdid Jntkuvalt populaame katselaborite suure huvi t6ttu paljud soovijad ukse tah4 seet6thr korraldas on n6uete standard. Standardikeskus 15. aprilil lisaseminari. kus osales idile saalildis Uudistest oa lugeda, et oodata s tandardimishuvilisi. on ka tootervishoiu- ja ohutuse ning vee kvaliteedi standardite 2003 23. 16. aprillil registreerttl standardimise tehniline komitee ilmumist Seoses masinaohutuse EVS/TK 23 Masinaohutus. Komitee (asutaja)liikmed on tehnilise komitee loomisega on Tehnilise Jdrelevalve Inspektsioon, Eesti Masinatoostuse Liit, kadumas veei iiks suur valge Eesti Maaviljeluse Instituut ja Tallinna Tehnjka- laik Eesti standardimismaas- rilikool/Mehaanikateaduskond. Komitee klisitlusalasse kr-ruluvad tikul. Niiiid on EVS tehnilisi masinaohutus; kraarade, toostuslike laot6stukite, kompressorite, komiteesid 23. Et ry olla kieshoitavate mitteelektriliste tooriistade ja kaasakantavate v6imeline osalema Euroopa standardimises peab TK-de ring elektriajamiga tooriistade ohutus. Komitee asub Tehnilise veelgi laienema Ji.relevalve Inspektsiooni juures. Esimeheks valiti Ville An:rriie Masinatoostuse Saarman Eesti Liidust ia sel:reti.riks Richard Anne Laimets Tehnilise Jdrelevalve Inspektsioonist. [email protected]

7 Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministri 4. aprilli 2003. amiiZlrusega nr 59 kehtestataLse N6uded mobiiltelefoniv6 rgule

NrL, 7 4.04.2003, 47, 692 $ 2. Vastavus standarditele UMTS-v6rk peab vastama Euroopa Telekommunikatsiooni Standardite Instituudi UMTS/IMT-2000 CDMA Direct Spread (WCDMA) ja CDMA TDD GD-SCDMA) standardite n6uetele.

Vabariigi Valitsuse 8. aprilli 2AA3. a mrid.rusega m 774 kehtestatakse "Volitatud asutusena ja tunnustatud asutusena tegutsemise 6iguse andrnise, samuti selle 6iguse kehtetuks tunnistamise otsustamiseks Maiandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi juwes tegutseva komisjoni moodustamise kord ja tookord" RTI, 17.04.2003, 36, 232




TTU AT.IDITOORIUMIS VI.121 EHITAJATE TEE 5 Rohkem infot www.evs.ee

The Second ISO Networking Conference IABSE SIIMPOOSION NETWORKING IN A NEW INFORMATION AND ''STRUCTURES FOR HIGH. COMMT]NICATION SPEED RAILWAY ENVIRONMBNT TRANSPORTATION'' 15-16. mail Kanadas, Ottawas ANTVERPEMS ISO Foorum PR, info, marketingi 27-29. augustil 2003 www. iabse. org/conferences/antwerp meetoditest

http://www. isonetworki ns2003.calindex.

Standardikeskuse mais korraldatavate koolituste kohta je[r infot meie veebilehel WWW.eVS.ee crganisatsiocni e tugi

TITITT ;p"". (n\r.loKonsultatsioonid @MffiffiIIAIffi @ a

Rah vursvah el i ne j ul hti m issulsteern id e arendam ise konverents Eestis 12"-13. JUUNI 2003 Tal{innas, Vanalinna Teatrimajas c

Feter Ellis ja Chanles Gornie (lnglisrnaa) Ulo Vooglaid (Riigikogu) Aavo Kokk (Eesti Pdevaleht) Viktor Uibo (Tari) Ain Kuusik (Alexela Oi[) Friit Kerma (Sarkop) Koit Pindrnaa (K V" Retent) hrtare Pork (psu h h o{oogi aprofessor) N/lare Teichmann (TTU) l'lenno Viil (konsu ltant) o Kuldar Leis (Osel) Jyrki Virtanen (Farrn Plant Eesti) Jaanus Luberg (Wendne) Ellen Kaasik (Tallinna Sadarn) Llrmas Prede (TJO Konsultatsioonid) Siret Kegel (Elcoteq) Asko Talu (TNIT Eesti) Peeter Tohver (Falck Eesti)

Soodushinnaga registreerimine kuni 1 5. maini. lnfo konverentsi kohta: tel: 665 9525 / [email protected] / www.tjo.ee -ffi ffi


28. miirtsil kirjutasid Euroopa Komisjoni M aast"l. Need arvud illustreerivad toostuse n6r:nik Erkki Liikaner5 EFTA peasekrellir k6igs sektorites suurt n6udluse kasvu William Rossier ja kolme ametliku starrdardite j?i:gi, mis aitaksid tagada toodete ja standardiorganisatsiooni esindaja Nizzas ilL^ teenuste ohutus! eesmdrgivasbvust ja uutele standardimisalastele juhistele EU, EFTA kokkusobivust. Euroopa standa.rditel on ning CEN, CENELEC, ETSI vahel oluline osa firmade konkurentsiv6ime t6stmisel Juhised asendavad eelmise versiooni, mis ia Euroopa tihisturu loomisef mis omakorda kirfutati dl^ novembris 7984, ja mis kindlustab Euroopa positsioone rilemaailmses esmakordselt sarcstas vastastikuse m6istmise standardimises. kokkuleppe EU ja CEN/CENEI-EC vahel. Laieneva Euroopa poliitika seisneb standardite 7985. a ijhines kokkuleppega EFTA ja 1,988. koostamises tarbijate ja keskkonna kaitseks ning peale ETSI loomist ka viimane. toetamaks ohutust toopaikades. Seda poliitikat Peale seda on toimunud sur:red muudatused toetab ka EU/EFTA nn Uus l,i.henemisviis, Ewoopa majanduse ning tehnoloogia a.rengus mille jar13,- standardid pakuvad tehnilisi ja regulatoorsel tasemel ning ka standardimises lahendusi vastavuse eelduse tagamiseks endas. Standardimine on muutunud veelgi 6igusaktide n6uetele. Selline poliitiline areng avatumaks k6igile huvitarud osapooltele. on ergutanud stan da-tdite koostarnise protsessis Starrdardite koostamise alakava vastab mdrksa rohkem osalema mitteti.iklikke majandus- ja enaln tdtapdeva tehnoloogia kiirele arengule sotsiaalseid riihmi fing taganud I ning Euroopa standardimine on muutunud standardimisprotsessi suuf,efiia ayatuse. drinaamilisemaks. Viimase kdmne aasta jooksul Allakirjutanud r6hutasid uure iuhiste tihtsust on Euroopa standa.tdite arv kasvanud 2000-lt Euroopa poliitiliste ja tehniliste kogukondade 14000-ni, j?itkates kasyu r::nbes 1.000 standardit koostoo edasisel rugevdamisel.


EVS-EN 69022003 P6llumaiandusmasinad. ohtude k6waldamise v6i vdhendamise S6nnikulaoturid. Ohutus meetodeid. Selles ei ole kiisitletud rildisi Standard mzanb kindlaks (spetsifitseerib) ohtusid isedranis neid, mis on seoses edomased (spetsiifilised) ohutusn6uded ning liikumisega, kaasa arvatud liikurmasinatele nende kontrollimise korra igat niripi kas taha edomased ohud. Neid aspekte on kiisitletud v6i hiljele laotavate s6nnikulaoturite, ka CEN/TC 1,44 poolt koostatud Euroopa liikurmasinad, konstrueerimiseks ja valmista- standardis EN 1553. miseks. Kideldab s6nnikulaoruritele eriomaste 4 Standardis lcisidetud oluliste ohtude nimestik masinatele, mis on toodetud pdrast selle on toodud lisas A. Lisa A ndiab ka ohud, mida standardi vdlj aandmise kuupieva. ei ole kdsidetud. Keskkonnaaspekte ei ole kdesolevas standardis arvesse v6etud. EVS-EN 745:2A03 P6llumaiandusmasinad. Standard kehtib peamiselt nendele masinatele, Piist- ja r6httootorniidukid. Ohutus mis on valmistatud pdrast selle standardi Sandard mdirab kindlaks eriomased vdUaandmise kuupdeva. ohutusn6uded ning nende kontrollimise korra iihe- v6i mitmekettalise l6ikeseadisega v5i iihe EVS-EN 704:2003 P6llumaiandusmasinad. r6htteljelise vasartrummelseadisega ripp-, Presskogurid. Ohutus - pookipp-, haake- v6i liikurniidukite Standatd mdd,tab kindlaks eriomased konstrueerimiseks ja valmistamiseks. Standard ohutusn6uded ning nende kontrollimise korra on rakendatzv ka muljumisseadisega varustatud liikur- ja jdtelhaagStavate presskogurite niidukitel. Standard kehtib ainult niidukitele, konstrueerimiseks j a valmistamiseks, sSltumata mis on m6eldud tcicitamiseks maapinnal. moodustunud paki kujust v6i suurusest. Standard ei kehti liigendnoolega Kirieldab presskoguritele eriomaseid n6udeid niidukitele, kiies juhitavatele mootorniidu- vajavzte ohtude k6rvaldamise vdi vdhendamise kitele (on kdsidetud standardikavandis meetodeid. Ei kdside ohtusid, mis on tihised prEN 1,2733), standardis EN 836 kisidetud k6igile p6llumajandusmasinatele, iseiranis muruniidukitele v5i nendega analoogselt liikumisest nrlenevad iildised ohud, kaasa konstrueeritud ftavandatud) masinatele rirg arvatud need, mis on eriomased (spetsiifi.lised) reavahe niitmise seadmetele. liikurmasinatele. Neid aspekte kisidetakse Lisaks esitab standard tootia poolt ettendhtud CEN/TC 144 poolt koostatavates reistes ohutute tootamistavade ndidisteabe. Standardis standardites. Lisaks esitab standard ndidisteabe kiisidetud oluliste ohtude nimestik on toodud tootja poolt ette nd.htud ohutute tootamisv6tete lisas A. Usa A nditab ka ohud, mida ei ole kohta. kdsidetud. I(eskkonnaaspekte ei ole standardis I{Siesolevas standardis kisitletud oluliste ohtude arvesse vdetud. Standard kehtib peamiselt nimestik on toodud lisas A. Usa A nditab ka nendele masinatele, mis on valmistatud perast ohud, mida ei ole kdsitletud. Keskkonnaaspekte selle standardi vdljaandmise kuupzieva. ei ole kdesolevas standatdis arvesse v6etud. Standard kehtib peamiselt nendele masinatele, EVS 83422003 Ehitusettev6tete mis on valmistatud pdrast selle standardi kvalifitseerimine vdlj aandmise kuupieva. Ehitusettev6tete kvalifitseerimine toimub keh- tivate 6igusaktide ja kdesoleva standardi alusel. EVS-EN 707 22003 P6llumaiandusmasinad. Kvalifitseeritud ehitusettev6tted kantakse Vinsalaoturid. Ohutus registrisse, mis annab tellijale vajalikku infor- Standard esitab eriomased ohutusn6uded ja matsiooni pddevate ehitusettevdtj ate valikuks. I nende kontrollimise korra nii mehaanilise kui ka Ehitusettev6tte kvalifitseerimisel ldhtutakse pneumaatilise kditusega poolripp-, haake- ja rildkriteeriumidest ftanded registrites, regevus- liikurvirtsalaoturite projekteerimiseks ia lubade olemasolu jms), finantskriteeriumidest ehitamiseks, kaasa arvatud nende laotus- v6i ning tehnilistest kriteeriumidest (kasutatav s6bastusseadised, mis on m6eldud virtsa tciov6tumeetod, kvaliteeditagamise pdhim6tted, (vedelsdnniku, ldga) pinnale laotamiseks v6i lepinguline suutlikkus) ja hinnatakse sdltumanrlt mulda sisestamiseks. ettev6tte vastavust nendele kriteeriumidEle. Sandard ei sisalda pidurdamise n6udeid. Need Kvalifitseeritud ehitusettev6tete register on v6ivad tulla krisitlemisele selle uustooduse ajal, kasutatav pakkui ate kvalifitseerimise sristeemina olenevalt Euroopa juhendite (mddruste) ehitushangete, sh riigihangete korraldamisel. arengust. Lisaks esiab sandard tootia poolt Standardi kasutamise eelduseks on see, er af,fiay^ ohutute tootamisviiside ndidisteabe. standardis kirjeldatud kriteeriumid peavad Kdesolevas standardis kisidetud oluliste ohtude vastama ostja n6udmistele ning ostja kinnitab nimestik on toodud lisas A. Lisa A viitab ka standardi kvalifitseerimistingimused oma ohtudele, mida ei ole kdsidetud. I(eskkonna ehitushanke kriteedumideks, riigihangete puhul aspekte ei ole kdesolevas standardis arvesse koosk6las riigihankeid reguleerivate 6igus- vSetud. Standard kehtib peamiselt nendele aktidega. EVS-EN 12504-k20A3 Konstruktsiooni be- Rajatiste puhul tuleb kaaluda erinevate v6i tooni katsetamine. Osa 1: Puursiidamikud. lisanSuete rakendamist ja kui need osutuvad V6tmine, iilevaatus ia sunrekatse vajalikeks, siis projektdokumentatsioonis Standard mddtadeb kivistunud betoonist esitada. puursiidamike v6tmise, iilevaatuse, katseks Standard lubab konkreetsele konstruktsioonile ettevalmistamise ia survetugevuse midtamise esitatavad erinSuded kindlaks m,idrata meetodid. Standard ei ^nn juhiseid puur- pro j ektdokumentatsioonis. sridamike v6trnisotsuse langetamise it Sandard on rakendaav nii ajutistele kui ka puurimiskoha valiku kohta rirg ei kiside alalistele betoonkonstruktsioonidele. puursiidamike survekatse tulemuste t6lgen- Usa- v6i erinevate nduete rakendamist tuleks damist. kaaluda, kui kasutaakse kergbetooni, muid materjale (nt kiudsamrst) v6i komponente, EVS-EN 12504-2:2003 Konstruktsiooni be- eritehnoloogiaid v6i uudseid projekdahendusi, tooni katsetamine. Osa 2: Mittepurustav ja kui need on vaialikud, siis projekt- katsetamine. P6rkearvu mii2iramine dokumenatsioonis esitada. Sandatd midradeb kivistunud betooni kind- Standatd ei kdside vdhetihtsaid vdikeseid ja laksmiiratud piirkonna p6rkearvu midramise lihtsaid rajatisi ja teisejirgulisi konstruktsioone, meetodi kasutades terasest vedruvasarat. mis on ehitusplatsil kehtivates eeskiriades Kiesoleva -.s16diga mii.ratud p6rkearvu vdib sellistena midradetud. Standard ei rakendu kasutada betooni iihduse hindamiseks betoonelementidele, mida kasutatakse ehitusel ehitusplatsii ia madala kvaliteediga v6i kah- abivahendina ning ei kdsitle betooni spetsifit- justatud betooni tsoonide v5i piirkondade piirit- seerimisg tootrnist ja nduetele vastavust ning ei lemiseks konstruktsioonides. Kdesolev meetod ole rakendaav tootestandardi kohaselt ei ole m6eldud kasutamiseks betooni sur- valmistatud betoon-valmiselementidele. vetugevuse mdiramise meetodi (EN 12390-3) Standard ei kiside n6udeid geotehnilistele altematiivina, kuid hea korrelatsiooni puhul erirajatistele, nagu vaivundamendid, pinnas- v6ib seda kasutada platsibetooni tugevuse ankrud, srivaseinad ning ei kiside ehitustoode hindamiseks. tenrisekaitse- ja ohutusaspekte. Standard ei mztira kindlaks kvaliteeditagamis- EVS-ENV 13670-l:2003 Betoonkonstrukt- eg kvalifikatsiooninSudeid erinevaid t6id sioonide ehitamine. Osa 1: Oldsatted tegevale personalile ning ei kdside lepingute Euroopa eelstandard esitab betoonkonst- s6lmimist ega vastutust standardis kisidetud ruktsioonide ehiamise iildnSuded. Eriti esitab toimingute eest. see osa n6uded ENV "1992-1. kohaselt projek- teeritud konstruktsioonidele ja ENV 199+1 kohaselt projekteeritud komposiit-konstrukt- sioonide betoonosadele. I I(VALITEET


Eesti I(valiteediauhinna konkurss algas aasal2000 pilootprojektiga, mille kiiigus auhinda vi,lia ei antud, kiill aga tunnustati k6iki kaheksat osalenud organisatsiooni. Projekti edukusest s6ltus "piris" konkursi vdlj akuuiutamine. Pilootproj ekti eesmdrgiks oli . tutvustada kvaliteediauhinna ideed Eesti organisatsioonidele o testida viliatocitatud mudelit Eesti organisatsioonides o luua kogemuste pagas nii korraldajate,hindajate kui ka organisatsioonide iaoks.

6 Eesti I{valiteediauhinna mudeli hindamiskdteeriumid on nrletatud EFQM'i @uropean Foundation for Q""lity Management) organisatsioonilise triiuslikkuse mudelist @xcellence Model). Viimase puhul on tegemist Euroopas aastzrd edukalt kasutatud kaasaegse juhtimismudeliga, mis sobib nii era- kui ka sektod otganisatsioonidele, s6ltumaa nende suurusest ja tegevusvaldkonnast. Patimad konkutsil "nl[ko osalenud organisatsioonid piilvivad positiivse avaliku tunnustuse ia tihelepanu oma saavutuste eest organisatsiooni arendamisel. Edukas osalemine rahvusliku kvaliteediauhinna konkursil on afiestatzv argument vdlispartneduses.

Kuna Elcoteqi kontsern ia sealhulgas Tallinna tehas on aastaid ohud tugevalt odenteeritud kvaliteedijuhtimisele, siindis otsus pilootprojektis kaasaloomises kiirelt. Eeswedaja ja iulgustaja oli toonane peadirektor Hr.Panu I{.atLa. Osalemises ndgime enda iaoks vSimalust ausa enesehindamise ia s6ltumatu vdfishindamise arlemus ena saada adekvaatseid hinnanguid organisatsiooni rildise seisundi, juhtimisstisteemi ja toimimise edukuse ja arcngapotentsiaali kohta ning, miks ka mitte, v6ia konkurss, kui see vdtja kuulutatakse. Olgu siinkohal oeldud, et kontsemi tikski teine tehas polaud kvaliteediauhinna protsessis osalenud. Seega oli antud sarnm meile rihelt poolt vdliakutse, teiselt poolt hea v6imalus saada juurde uut kogemust ning seda kontsentts iagada (But Praxice SbarinS. Kuigi Elcoteqis on aastaid kasutusel teisedki hindamise mudelid, nditeks Probe - juhtimisprotsesside hinJamiseks ia GE - tootmisprotsesside hindamiseks, on kvaliteediauhinna mudel justkui "katus"- hindamine tervele organisatsioonile, kusjuutes p6hfu6hk on eeswedamisel ia tootaiate kaasamisel parendustegevusse.

Pilooproiekti raames tegime koolituse juhtriihmale ning projektimeeskonnale, viisime ldbi laiaulatusliku ning vormisasime taotlusdokumendi. Vh'lishindamise hrlemusena (tagasisideraport) "n"r"hitrd"mise saime me selgema pildi oma tugevustest ia parendamist vaiavatest valdkondadest ning ka puudustest taotlusdokumendi vormisamisel. Nii meil oli viiljakuuluatud esimesel Eesti I(valiteediauhinna konkursil osalemiseks suur hulk kodutood juba tehtud, puudusi k6rvaldatud v6i uusi ldhenemisviise ilgatatud. Yaatzmatz sellele kujunes pdris konkursi aodusdokumendi ki{utamine aegan6udvaks' sest tziiendusi ja muudatusi oli lisada palju.

Nugo oeldud, rida parendusvdimalusi oli seotud aodusdokumendi enda kirjutamisega. Pdhiliseks pifuavaks asjaoluks kujunes lehekiilgede arv (35 lk), mida dletada ei tohtinud. Seet6ttu pidi tg dokumenti lisatud rida v6i joonis kandma endas vddrtust - 6hku poLeud m5tet sisse kitjuada ia kiibeftaasid vSis mhulikult vdljz jdtta. P6hir6hk oli asiakohasusel ja faktidel pdhinemisel. Nii pilootproiekti raames kui ka pdrsi konkursil meid kiilastanud assessormeeskonnad kinnitasid, et k6ik taotlusdokumendis kitiuatu leidis tegelikkuses kinnituse ning lnilastus t6stis l6ppskoori veelgi.

Eesti Kvaliteediauhinna projektis osalemine on andnud meile: . teadmisilvaliteediauhinnamudelist; e kogemuse auhinnaprotsessis osalemisest; o enesehindamise abil teostatud ausa "diagnoosi" otganisatsiooni 'otervislikust seisundist", fokuseetides sellega meie eihelepanu parendust vajavatele valdkondadele; r enesehindamise raportis kfujalikult vormistatud tervikliku pildi organisatsioonisq r s5ltumatute ekspertide tagasiside organisatsiooni tugevuste ja parendamist vaiavate valdkondade kohta; r v6imaluse end teiste ettevdteteg v6relda; o v6imaluse parandada ettev6tte mainet ja t6sa nrntust tir.hiskonnas.

Elcoteq Tallinna 'okvaliteediteekond" on alguse saanud ettev6tte loomisest alates iuba aastaid tagasi ia ietkub indiselt tiiuslikuma organisatsiooni poole liikumisega - tinases tihedas konkurentsis ellu jiiiimiseks ning padmate sekka priridlemiseks on see hidavajalik. Elcoteq Tallinna areng

1992 \l993 t9D6 1998 t99a 2m0 2001 2tr2 2ffi3 Rsdo t?.I@E zcl SrB

Saavutahrd v6it ia tunnustus on meie k6tg, tiinaste ja ka eilsete elcoteqlaste aastatepikkuse igaprievase tubli too vfi. Nagt titleb Winston Churchilli: "Tbis is not tbe beginning of the end, but the end of the btgturir!' ehk "See ei ole l6pu rlgor, vaid alguse l6pp". J?irgmiseks viiljakutseks oleme endale seadnud Euroopa Kvaliteediauhinna.

Lolita Peterson AS Elcoteq Tallinn CEN UUDISED t

- Arvamusktisitlusel on kaks iiirgmist osa milnguasiade , Euroopa standardist: prEN 71-9 Safety of toys . Part 9: Organic chemical compounds. Requirements prEN 71-10 Safety of toys . Part L0: Organic chemical compounds. Sample preparation and extraction

. ' --r7:. . . .47/' Accesibility for all Ule 200 osav6tja Euroopast, USA-st ningJaapanist osales CEN/CLC/ETSI konverenrsl,'tAcnribiliry forall', mis peeti 27 - 28. miirtsil Nizzas. 2003. a on kuulutatud Ewoopas puuetega inimeste aastaks.

8 Konverentsi teemaks oli, kuidas standardimine saab kaasa udatapuuetega inimeste, kes on tocitajad, arbijad, maksumaksjad, poliitikud, tudengid, .meie naabrid, pereliikmed ja s6brad, probleemide lahendamisele. Kuidas tagadaneile v6rdsed v6imalused? Komisjoni dfuektiiv 2000/75/Eii I6i raamistiku v6rdseks kohdemiseks puuetega inimeste toolev6tul nii avalikus- kui erasektods. Probleemi lahendamisele aitab kaasa CEN/CENELEC Guide 6 Guidelines to address tbe needs of olderpersons andpeople aitb disabilitiu, mis valmis koostocis ISO ja IEC-ga. Juhend on adresseeritud eakate ja puuetega inimeste vaiaduste arvestamisele juba standardite kavandamisel. Seda juhendit peab kasuama Ewoopa standardite koostamisel ti"g selle riienduseks hakaakse koostama ka sektoriaalseid juhendeid. Eesmirgiks on, et k6ikial, nii avalikes kohtades, kodus, transpordis jm oleks toodete ja teenuste kasutamine tagatud k6igrle.

\, ISO UUDISED \ / DI Personali sertifitseerimine

ISO/IEC 17024 Conformity assessment - General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons t Tanapd'eval eksisteerib tuhandeid sertifi tseerimisprogramme praktiliselt k6igis toostusharudes, eriti aga teenindussektods nagu nt tervishoius ja panganduses, kuni mittepurustavakatsetamise spetsialistideni. Tititajate oskuste hindamiseks kasutatakse erinevaid sertifi tseedmisskeeme. Uues standardis on toodud rihtsed juhised isikute kvalifikatsiooni la sertifitseedmisega tegelevatele organisatsioonidele.

-' r'r I ' : r't Erapooletuse saavutamiseks ja huvide konflikti vdltimiseks on kasutatud objektiivseid kriteeriumeid kompetentsi hindamiseks. Standard pakub isikute sertifitseerimissiisteemide parimat praktikat kindlustamaks nende kokkusobivat, vStreldavat ja usaldatavat toimivust, et hdlbustada personaJtvaba liikumist maailmas. Uus standard baseerub Ewoopa standardil EN 45013-89 ja on koosk6las ISO/IEC Direktiivide 2. osaga.

IFAN-il on uus president Ldppes Dr Veit Ghiladi pairnletChrysler AG Standardimisjuhi) netjaaastane IFAN-i CIhe International Federation of Standards Users) presidendiperiood. Ta jiitkab IFAN-i N6ukogus. Uueks presidendiks sai endine asepresident Neil Reeve. IFAN on tunnustatud kui rahvusvaheline standardikasutaiate hniil. Et kindlaks teha selle hddle tugevust viis IFAN ldbi standardite kasutajate hulgas ktisiduse. I{risitlusele vastas 288 sandarditekasutaiat 52 riigist. Ki.isiduse kokkuv6tted nriitavad, et94 oh vastanutest kasutab ISO standardeid, 45 o/okasutab IEC standardeid ja 11 oh muid rahvusvahelisi standardeid. WTO SEKRETARIAADILT SAABUNUD TEATISED

Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsiooni VTO sekretariaadilt saabunud 6igusaktide eeln6ud, milles sisalduvad tehnilised normid v6ivad saada kaubanduse tehnilisteks t6keteks. Eeln6ude kohta on v6imalik esiada kommentaare 2 nddalat enne tabelis toodud kuupleva Majandusministeeriumi Karel Kangro te|625 6397,fiks 625 6404,[email protected] Eeln6ude terviktekstid ja info EVS Teabekeskusest Signe Ruut tel605 5062, faks 605 5063, [email protected]

WTO SEKRETARIAADILT SAABUNUD TBT TEATISED t NUMBER KOMMEN- & RIIK TOODE/KAUP/ EESMARK TAARIDE ESITAMIS- TEENUS ESITAMISE KUUPAEV VIIMANE KUUPIIEV G/TBT/N/DOM/13 DOMINIKAANI tualettpabedrullid tervis ja ohutus, 13. miirts 2003 VABARIIK HS:4818.10.00, kvaliteedin6uded ICS:85.020 c/TBTlN/COL/24 KOLUMBIA erinevad tooted kaubandust6kete 13. miirts 2003 k6rvaldamine G/TBT/N/ARG/87 ARGENTiINA h66rdetegud ohutus 13. miirts 2003 m66ttnisseadmed leonuviilial G/TBT/N/FRA/ PRANTSUSMAA abistavad teraapilised kvaliteet ja ohuhrs mai l6pp 2003 21,22 tooted 14. miirts 2003 G/TBT/N/FRA/% PRANTSUSMAA hoonete sooiustamiseks viilislepingute mai l6pp 2003 14. miirts 2003 m6eldud tooted tinEimuste tiiitmine G/TBff/N/|,/IE]/./48 MEHHIKO keernilised, bioloogilised loomade tervis, 18. aptill2003 t 74.mtuts2003 ja fatmatseutilised toiduohutus, inimeste loomas66dad tervise kaitsmine G/TBT/N/MEX/ MEHHIKO erinevad tooted vastarnrshindamis- 27. apnll2003 49,50 protseduudde 24. mdrts 2003 lihtsustamine G/TBT/N/COL/26 KOLUMBIA kiilmikud tarbiiate eksitamise 20. iuuni 2003 24. mdns 2003 viltimine G/TBTIN/HRV/35 HORVAATIA gaasim66tudd metroloogilised 20.mau2003 25. mdns 2003 ICS: 75.180.30 n6uded G/TBT/N/EEC/27 EUROOPA kuni 2,5 kg idak?iijate ohutus 60 pieva 25. mtuts2003 UHENDUSED mootors6idukid G/TBT/N/AUS/14 AUSTRAALIA kantavad tulekustutid tarbijakaitse 9.mu2003 25. miirts 2003 G/TBT/N/ZAF/22 LOUNA AAFRIKA 03 ja04 kategooria tarbiiate ohutus 30. aprill2003 25. m?irts 2003 mootors6idukid HS:87.16; ICS: 43.080.10

10 G/TBT/N/ZAF/ LOUNA AAFRIKA mootorsoidukite tarbijate ohutus 30. aptill 2003 23,24 valgustusseadmed 25. mdrts 2003 ICS:43.040.20; HS:85.39 G/TBTIN/USA/:O USA dieetlisandid ohutus 4. apdll 2003 25. mdrrs 2003 ICS:71 G/TBTIN/USA/II USA ravimid inimestele ja ohutus (kaubakoodi 14. apnll2003 25. mdrts 2003 veri ICS: 13 lisamine) G/TBT/N/HRV/34 HORVAATIA automaatkaalud metroloogilised 15. aprill2003 26. mtuts2003 ICS: 17.060 n6uded GITBTIN/EEC/28 EUROOPA kiilmikud ja kiilmkapid uue energiaklassi A* 30. mai 2003 26. matts 2003 UHENDUSED iaA++ tutvustamine (Direktiivid 94/2/90 ta92/75/El'{iJ) G/TW/N/EF,C/29 EUROOPA pesumasinad uue energiaklassi A+ 34. mu2003 26. mi,rts 2O03 UrtENDUSED tutrustamine (Ditektiivid 95/12/EA ja 92/75/E\/I[J\ G/TBT/N/AUS/15 AUSTRAALTA tii6deldud toidud seadusandluse 10. juuni 2003 26. mirts 2003 sportlastele tdiendamine G/TBTINIESP/22 HISPAANIA teekattealused padmate lahenduste 22. mu2a03 t 28. rni'rts 2003 kiirteedele vdlia t6otamine G/TB"I/N/ESP/23 HISPAANIA A ja B tiiiipi turvalisus ja miingijate 60 pircva 31. miirts 2003 mriazuautomaadid 6izuste taeamine G/TBT/N/USA/:E USA dieetlisandid ja - rahva tervis 11. juuni 2003 1. aprill2003 komponendid HS: fV; ICS: 71 G/TBT/N/MEX/s1 MEHHIKO manomeetet n6uded 17. mar20A3 1. aotill2003 G/TBT/N/rvEx/s2 MEHHIKO paakautod surugaasi inimeste ohutus, 13. mai2003 1. aorill2003 ttansDordiks keskkonnakaitse c/TBT/N/MEX/s3 MEHHIKO erinevad vastavushindamis- 20. apnll2003 7. aptll2003 Kommunikatsiooni ia protseduurid transpordi-ministeeriumi haldusalasse jiivad tooted G/TBT/N/JPN/77 JAAPAN vannid ohutus 30. aprill2003 7. apn1l2003 G/TBT/N/JPN/zs JAAPAN tavimid, kosmeetika, ohutus 30. aprill2003 8. aprill2003 meditsiiniseadmed ja a veletooted G/TBT/N/SWE/28 ROOTSI isiklikud vees6idukid keskkonnakaitse 4. juuni 2003 8. aptill2003 G/TBT/N/BRA/108 BRASIILIA piimatooted tarbijate tervis ia 26. mdtts2003 8. aodll 2003 ohutus G/TBTIN/KOR/49 KOREA muudatud inimeslg tervise ja 37.mau2403 10. apdll 2003 VABARIIK elusorsanismid keskkonnakaitse G/TBT/N/CZE/e') TSEHHI kultuuriobjektid Direktiivi 93/7/EfJ 30. september 11. apdll 2003 harnoneetimine 2003 G/TBT/N/BRA/109 BRASIILTA gaaskiituse tarbijate ohutus 31.maj.2003 1 1. aprill 2003 m66tesiisteemid HS: 90.26. G/TBT/N/BRA/110 BRASIILIA sanitaartooted mdrgistusn6uded 25. aprll2003 11. aprill 2003 HS: 34.01,34.02 G/TBT/N/HUN/8 UNGARI masinaohutus, seadmed Direktiiv 15. aprill 2003 16. aptill2003 90.18 2000/70/EtJ ia 93/42/Er'I:u harmoneerimine

l1 G/TBT/N/HUN/ UNGARI - ohdikud matetjalid Direktiivi 10. apdll 2003 9-12 VI fteemilised 67/s41/F,wJ, 16. aprill2003 matetla\Q/2801-3824/ e8/8/EtJ, 3oo/2002/EtJ, 79/76e/E\fiJ hattrroneedmine G/TBT/N/CAN/65 KANADA taadioseadmed v6rgu kaitse 26. pvni2003 77. aonll2003 ICS: 33.060. 03.120.20


)-_ NUMBER 30 KOMMEN- & RIIK \7u TOODE EESMARK TAARIDE ESITAMIS- E ESITAMISE KUUPIIEV .oH5.V \rIIMANE >A KUUPAEV I G/SPS/N/FRA/4 PRANTSUSIVIAA koik riigid viietised ja toiduohutus/ 3 kuud 10. miirts 2003 kasvukeskkond loomatervisT cN 3101 - 3105, taimekaitse ICS 65.080 G/SPS/N/FRA/s PRANTSUSMAA k6ik riigid mineraallisandid ia taimekaitse 3 kuud 10. miirts 2003 kasvukeskkond cN 3101 - 3105, ICS 65.080 G/SPS/N/MEX/192 MEHHIKO k6ik toiduained loomatenis 18. apdll 2003 72. mixts 2003 kaubandus- Dartnerid G/SPS/N/VEN/1 VENETSUEET,A k6ik digid peatiikk I: 01.05: loomatervis 72.mtuts2003,, linnud ja iihepievased tibud G/SPS/N/VEN/2 VENETSUEELA li"""g,tpi linnud, muaad ja loomatervis/ 72. rnafis 2003 kahduseg'a tooted nendest tertitooriumi I ;ioid kaitsmine G/SPS/N/vEN/3 VENETSUEETI, Belgia, Taani, veised, lambad, Ioomatenris/ 60 pieva 72. mitts 2003 Prantsusmaa, kitsed, piihvlid, tertitootiumi Tiri, Saksamaa, munad, embriiod, ia inimeste Itaalia, tooted neodest kaitse Liechteostein, Luxembourg Holland, Portugal Hispaania, Sveits, Uhendatud Kuningnik it. BSE kahdusega riisid G/SPS/N/VEN/4 VENETSUEET-A k6ik digid elussead ja sperma, loomatervis/ 60 pieva 72.mtuts2003 tooted ja terdtooriumi k6rvalsaadused kaitse

12 c/sPs/N/vEN/5 VENETSUEEI.A k6ik disid peatiikk VII: 07.03: taimekaitse/ 60 pieva 72. mirts 2003 territoodumi kiiiislaugu (Allin- kaitsmine sativum) taimed ja kahjudte eest taimeosad, kaasa arvatud seemoesibulad G/SPS/N/VEN/6 VENETSUEELA koik riigid peatiikk VI: 06.01: taimekaitse/ 60 pieva 72. tndrts 2003 territo.oriumi sibula (Allium kaitsmine cepa) taimed ja kahjudte eest osad, kaasa arvatud musulad G/SPS/N/YEN/7 VENETSUEET-{ k6ik riigid peatiikk vIII: taimekaitse/ 60 pieva 12. mtuts 2003 08.05 terdtootiumi tsitrusetaimed kaitsmine kahiurite eest G/SPS/N/VEN/8 VENETSUEELA koik riigid kabatiokk, taimekaitse/ 60 pleva 1,2. mdrts 2AA3 suvik6rvits, inimeste pudelk6rvits, kaitsmine melon, arbuus, looma/ kur\ jne taime- haiEuste eest o G/SPS/N/VEN/9 VENETSUEELA k6ik digid, kus nisu, mais, dis, taimekaitse/ 60 pieva 72. mirts 2003 leidub Khapra sorgo, oad, territooriumi matdikat pdevalille- ja kaitsmine (Trogodema seesamiseemned, kahjudte eest slanarium\ soiaoad G/SPS/N/VEN/10 \rENETSUEEI."T k6ik riigid peatii&k vII: mlmeste 12. marts 2003 07.01 kaitsmine karttili- (Solanum looma- spp.) taimed ia /tume- osad haisuste eest G/SPS/N/VEN/11 VENETSUEEI-A kdik rngid peatiikk XII: temtooflrunt 12. mdrts 20O3 72.09: ja inimeste to 1, kaitsmine koresdoda- seemaed G/SPS/N/CTN./Q5 TSIILI k6ik riigid ja Diprotodontia loomatervis 14. aprll2003 17. mdns2OA3 piirkonnad (diprotodonts) klassiEa loomad G/SPS/N/CFil,/126 TSIILI k6ik tiigid ja umbrchi taimekaitse 7. apnll2003 I 17. m?irts 2003 oiirkonnad G/SPS/N/Crn-/n7 TSIILI k6ik digid ja kamntiinikahiudd taimekaitse 7. apnll2003 17. miirts 2003 oiirkonnad G/SPS/N/Crtr-/1,28 TSIILI USA- lirmud ja tooted loomatervis 17. mikts 2003 Kalifomia nendest

G/SPS/N/CIJJ,/r2e TSIILI Peruu kiiiislauk ia sibul taimekaitse 17. april2003 17. nltts 20A3 c/sPs/N/cril-/1,30 TSULI k6ft riigid uued n6uded toiduohutus 74. apnll2003 27. mdtts 2003 G/SPS/N/ARG/71. ARGENTiINA koik disid mesindustarbed loomatervls 26. mu2003 21. mdrts 2OO3

1.3 G/SPS/N/F"ECI EUROOPA EU teravili (1001, toiduohutus 60. p?iwa 1.94,795 [-rnntrtpusn,o liikmesriigid ja 1002, 1003, 1004, 21. mdrts 2003 EU-sse 1005, 1006, 1007, eksportivad 1008), loomne toit kolmandad (0207,0202,0202, riigid 0203,0204,0205, 0206,0207,0208, 0209,0210) ia teatud taimrrs 1ei1, kaasa aravtud puu- ia iuurviliad G/SPS/N/PER/47 PERUU Holland T innud, muoad, 'loomatervis 25. mbts2003 linnuliha ja tooted sellest G/SPS/N/PER/48 PERUU Boliivia mdletsejad ja sead, loomatervis 25. m6tts 2003 Ecuador ja sperma ja Paragny embriiod; vdrske v6ihilmutatud liha, nahk, Desemata vill G/SPS/N/CoL/tr KOLUMBIA cubense tace 4 bataari taimekaitse 25. miirts 2003 v6i Fusarium paljundusmaterjal oxysporumi Taivani variandist t kahiustunud riisid G/SPS/N/PTil-/47 FILIPIINID Holland kodu- ja Ioomatervis 26. mdrts 2003 metslirmud" tooted nendest (k" lih"), .iiheplevased tibud, munad ia sperna G/SPS/N/JPN/e8 JAAPAN LMO-d muundatud elus taimekaitse 30. mai 2003 26. mdtts 2003 Jaapanisse organismid eksportivad (IJVIO, riipid G/SPS/N/USA/6ee USA kaubandus- dieedisandid toiduohutus 11. jumi 2003 26. mirts 2003 oartnerid (HS T\A G/SPS/N/MUS/10 MAURITruS N[adagaskar loomas66t toiduohutus 4. aonll2003 G/SPS/N/TP[

14 G/SPS/N/NZL/201 UUS MEREMAA koik riigid Fenhexamid toiduohutus 16. mu2003 7. apa112003 viinamarjades ja maasikates, Pymetrozine tomatites, Dicyclanil lambalihas, Salinomycin linnumaksas, Flumethrin Iammastes ja kariloomades, Procymidone k6rvitsas G/SPS/N/USA/7OO USA kaubandus- Puu-,a toiduohutus 11. aprill 2003 partnerid juurviljamahlad HS 2009 G/SPS/N/NOR/9 NORRA toidulisandid toiduohutus 1. juuni 2003 17. apn7l2003

c/sPs/N/EEC/re6 EUROOPA EU teravili (1001, toiduohutus 60 pieva 1 i. apdll 2003 UHENDUSED Iiikmsedigid j2 1042,7003,7004, IrU-sse 1005, 1006, 1007, ekqportivad 1008), loomne toit t kolmandad (0201,0202,0202, digid 0243,0204,0205, 4206,0207,02a8, 0209,0210) ja teatud taimne toit, kaasa awatud puu- ia iuurviliad G/SPS/N/JPN/99 JAAPAN k6ik digid veeloomad loomaterns 13. iuuni 2003 11. aptill 2003 c/sPS/N/BRA/76 BRASIILIA Hiina Allium sativum - taimekaitse 14. apn1l2003 kiiiislauk G/SPS/N/BRA/77 BRASIILIA Argentiina 6unad (Nlalus taimekaitse/ 74. apnll2003 domestica), pimid teritooriumi (Pyrus comunis), kaitsmine kiidooniad kahjurite eest (Cydonia oblonga), aprikoosid @runus annenica), virsikud (Prunus persica), ploomid @runus o domestica), oektariinid (Prunus persica var. nucipetsica), mandlid @runus dulcis) G/SPS/N/BRAI78 BRASIILIA tlg4 kot melonid (Cucumis taimekaitse/ 14. aptill2003 leidub melo, Citrullus territooriumi puuviljakiirbes lanatus, Cucumis kaitsmine (Anastrepha sativus ja kahiurite eest sraodis) Cucurbita sop) G/sPS/N/JoR/4 JORDAANIA k6ik digid, kus Badtoctazotata taimekaitse 15. apdll 2003 nimetatud (Saunders) vitsiku kahjur leidub puuviljakiirbes ja tema pererrreesmaterial


Tehnilise norrni ja standardi seaduse nuutmise seadase ET I 2002, 32, 186) kohaselt avaldab Eesti Standardikeskus oma veebilehel javiljamdes teavet harmoneeritud standarditest. Harmoneeritud (tihdustatud) standardid on EL Uue ldhenemiwiisi dhektiivideg liituvad standardid. Harmoneeritud standarditeks loetakse need standatdid, millele on viidatud EL ametlikus vdljaandes Oficial J oumal. Usatnfo http: / /www.newapproach.org /

EVS Teatajas ja EVS kodulehel saab tutvuda Uue ldhenemisviisi direktiivide all harmoneedtud standarditega. Uhdasi avaldame ka, millised neist standarditest on tile v6etud Eesti sandarditeks. Seekord on avaldatud surveseadmete, meditsiiniseadmete ia ehitustoodete standatdid (avaldatud detsembd 2002ia mrirtsi 2003 Euroopa Uhenduste Teataja C-seerias).

Kdik seekord viidatud standardid on iile v6etud Eesti standarditeks.

PARI-AMENDI JA NOUKOGU DIREI(TLI\I 97 /z3lBVfO surveseadmeid kdsitlevate liikmesriikide 6igusaktide tihtlustamise kohta 29 mai 7997 Qoo3/c7r/02) 25.3.2003

Viidatud standardi tiihis Standardi nimetus

EN 10222-4:1998lAt:2001 Steel forgings for pressure purposes - Part 4: Weldable fine grain steels with high proof shength - Amendment I

EN 12334:200llAC:2002 Industrial valves - Cast iron check valves

EN 12952-L0:2002 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 10: Requirements for safeguards against excessive pressure

EN 12953-8:2001 Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 10: Requirements for safeguards against excessive pressure

EN 13789:2002 krdustrial valves - Cast iron globe valves

EN ISO 15614-8:2002 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure test - Part 8: Welding of tubes to tube- plate joints (ISO 15614-8:2002)

EN ISO 15614-lI:2002 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure test - Part 11: Electron and laser beam welding (ISO 15614-tl:2002)

EN ISO 15620:20A0 Welding - Friction welding of metallic materials (ISO 15620:2000)

16 NOUKOGU DIREICIIIY 93/42/EMO meditsiiniseadmete kohta 14. iuuni 1993 Q003/c7s/0e) 27.3.2003

Viidatud standardi tlihis Standardi nimetus

EN 73328-2:2002 Breathing system fi.lters for anaesthetic and respiratory use - Part 2: Non-filtration aspects

EN 73778-2:2002 Air, water and difficult terrain ambulances -Patt2: Operatiohal and technical requircments for the continuity of patient care

EN 73726-1:2002 Test methods for primary wound &essings - pafi 1: Aspects of absorbency

EN 73726-2:2002 Test methods for primarywound dressings -Patt2: Moisture vapour ftansmission rate of pefmeable film dressings EN ISo 9360-2:2002 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipmenr - Heat and moisture exchangers lttlUnt for humidi$dng respired gases in humans -Patt2: HMEs for use 'qdth tracheostomized patients having minimum tidal volumes of 250 rnl (ISO 9360-2:20a1)

Q002/c 32r/02) 2t.12.2042

Viidatud standardi tiihis Standardi nimetus

EN ISO 10993-70:2002 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 10: Tests for irritation and delayed-type hypersensitivity (ISO 10993-1,0:2002)

EN ISO 1'0993-4:2002 Biological evaluation of medical devices -Part 4: Selection of tests for interactions with blood (ISO 10993-4:2002)

EN ISO 77870:2002 Optics and optical instruments - Lasers and laser- related e equipment - Test method for the laser- resistance of surgical drapes and/or patient protective covers (ISO 11810:2002)

EN 1.3544-2:2o02 Respiratory therapy equipment -Pat 2: Tubing and connectofs

EN 13718-1:2002 Air, watet and difficult terrain ambulances - Part 1: Medical device interface requirements for the continuity of patient care

EN 13867:2002 Concentrates for haemodialvsis and related rheraoies

l7 NoUKOGU DIREKTIN| 89/706/EMo tikrnesriikide ehitustooteid kisitlevate seaduste, mi?iruste ia haldusnormide iihtlustamisest 21, detsember 1988 Q003/c7s/a8) 27.3.2003

Vastavalt Standardi Direktiivi iilemineku- 89/106/F:MJ0 Perioodi artiklile 42\h\ l6pu- harmo.r..ri'to)' kuupiev(2) viidatud standardi Euroopa tiihis standardina Standardi nimetus rakendamise kuupiev

EN 1,3242:2002 Aggregates for unbound and 1.70.2003 7.6.2004 hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction

EN 1433:2002 Drainage channels for vehicular 7.8.2003 7.8.2004 and pedestrian aJeas - Classification, design and testing requirements, marking and evaluation of conformity

EN 1457:1999/A1:2002 Chimneys - Clay/ceramic flue 7.8.2003 1.8.2004 liners - Requirements and test methods - Amendment 1


See EVS Teataja osa avaldab andmed uutest Eesmdrgiga tagada sandardite vastuv6tmine vastuv6etud Eesti standarditest ja avalikuks jergides konsensuse p6him6tteid, peab arvamusktisiduseks esitatud standardite standardite vastuv6trnisele eelnema standardite kavanditest Rahvusvahelse standardite kavandite avalik anramusktisidus, milleks klassifikaatori (ICS) iirgi. ettendhtud perioodi jooksul on asjasthuvitatuil voimalik tutvtrda sandardite kavanditega ning Samas jaotises on toodud andmed nii eesti teha ettepanekuid. keeles avaldatud kui ka j6ustumisteatega Eesti standarditeks ingliskeelsetena vastuvSetud EVS Teatajas on esitatud arvamuskiisidusele: rahvusvahelistest jz Euroopa standarditest. 1) Euroopa ja rahvusvahelised standardid, mis Kuna vSimalusel on ingliskeelsena vastuv6etud on kavas vastu v6tta Eesti standarditeks standardi nimetus ja kisidusala t6lgitud eesti j6ustumisteatega ftavandid kdttesaadaval keelde ja loetelust ei ole aru saada, miilised standardina inglise keeles EVS r ^m^Er- standardid on tdlgitud eesti keelde, on eesti kogus ja neid saab osta mtirigigrupist; EVS keeles avaldatud standardid toodud ka eraldi tehnilistel komiteedel on v6imalik saada nimekirjana Teataja l5pus. koopiaid oma kdsidusalaga kokkulan-

18 gevatest standarditest EVS konaktisiku kaudu); EVS Texajas on kavandid identifitseeritud sellele standardite andmebaasis omisatud 2) Eesti standardite kavandid, mis Eesti projekti numbri j"tg1 (.tt prEVS 18958), standardimisprogrammi j?irgi on i6udnud kavandite saamiseks on soovitatav an ndidxa arvamusktisiduse etappi ftavandid on ka kavandiga identse standardi tdhis. Teavet kittesaadavad eesti keeles standardi- Eesti standardimisprogrammist saab osakonnas, neid .saab osta mriiigigrupist); standardiosakonnast.

3) Euroopa (prEi$ standardite kavandid, mis Kavandite arvamusktisitlusel on edti oodatud on saadetud liikmetele arvamusktisiduseks teave, kui rahvusvahelist v6i Euroopa ftavandid on kdttesaadavad EVS standardit ei peaks vastu v6trna Eesti raamatukogus, v.a Euroopa standarditeks standardiks (vastuolu Eesti 6igusaktidega, pole rilevdetavare nende ISO tehniliste Eestis rakendatav it p6hjustel). komiteede kavandid (prEN ISO), mille toos EVS ei osale, ja neid saab osta mtiiigigrupist. EVS tehnilistel komiteedel on v6imalik saada koopiaid oma kdsidusalaga kokkulangevatest kavanditest EVS konaktisiku kaudu).


ICS Nimetus 01 Uldkiisimused. Terminoloogia. Standardimine. Dokumentatsioon 03 Sotsioloogia. Teenused. Ettev6tte organiseerimine ja juhtimine. Haldus. Transport 07 Matemaatika. Loodusteadused 't 1. Tervisehooldus 13 Keskkonna- ja tervisekaitse. Ohutus 1.7 Metroloogia ja m66unine. Ftirisikalised ndhtused 1,9 IStsetamine 21 Uldkasutatavad masinad ja nende osad 23 Uldkasutatavad hi.idro- ja pneumosiisteemid ja nende osad 25 Tootrnistehnoloogia 27 Elektri- ja soojusenergeetika 29 Elektrotehnika 31 Elektroonika 33 Sidetehnika 35 Infotehnoloogta. I(ontoriseadmed 37 Visuaaltehnika 39 Tiippi smeh aattrka. Juveelito o te d 43 Maantees6idukite ehitus 45 Raudteetehnika 47 Laevaehitus ja mereehitused 49 6hus6idukid ja kosmosetehnika 53 T6ste- ia teisaldusseadmed 55 Pakendamine 59 Tekstiili- ja nahatehnoloogia 61, R6ivatciostus 65 P6llumaiandus 67 Toiduainete tehnoloogia 71, Keemiline tehnoloogia 73 Miendus jamaavarad

T9 75 Nafta ja naftatehnoloogia 77 Metallugia 79 Puidutehnoloogia 81 Klaasi- ja keraamikatoostus 83 Kummi- ja plastito6stus 85 Paberitehnoloogia 87 Viirvide ja virr arnete td6stus 91, Ehitusmaterjalid ja ehitus 93 Tsiviilehitus e5 S6jatehnika 97 Olme. Meelelahutus. Sport 99 Muud de6nitions where such needs have Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 01.040.13 been expressed. It does not include Identne IE,C 276:7968 + A1:1987 terms related to specialized ja Keskkonna- identoe EN 60276:1996 ia activities.The scope of TC 292 Definitions and nomenclature tervisekaitse. Ohutus excludes radio active vrastes. fot carbon brushes, brush- (s6navara) Therefore such concepts are not holdets, commutators and slip- Environment and health included io this standatd. .ingt Definitions in other standard vdth Establishes a vocabulary of protection. Safety a scope different ftom the scope of definitions and temrs for classes of ffocabularies) this European Standard can be brush grades, brushes, tops, KAVANDITE different ftom the definitions in flexibles (Shunts) and connections, this ARVAMUSI(OSITLUS standatd- temrinals, commutato$ and slip- rings, commutator matking and prEVS 56185 othet miscellaneous details. Tihtaeg: 2003-07-07 M.440.25 Contains illustrations for each Identne ptEN 3741:2003 Tootrnistehnoloogia temr. Gives the terrns in Dutch, Kemikaalide ia (s6navara) F.n glish, French, Gefinqnr Italian, mikroorganismide eest kaitsvad Polish, Russian, Spanish and kindad. Osa 1: Manufacturing engineering Tetminoloogia ia Swedish. n6uded (Vocabularies) ekspluatatsiooniomadustele This standard speofies the UUED STAI\DARDID 01.040.55 requirements for gloves to protect EVS-EN 13t4322003 Pakendamine (s 6navata) the user against chemicals and/ot Hind 66,00 micro-organisms and defines terrns Ideotne EN 13143:2003 Packaging and distribution to be used. This standard should Metallic and other inorganic of goods ffocabularies) be used in conjunction with EN coatings - Definitions and KAVANDITE 420. This standard does not specify conventions concerning requirements fot protection against porosity ARVAMUSKOSITLUS any mechanical hazards This Euopean Standad defines prEVS 5692 prEVS 56293 porosity and its associated terms Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-01 a Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 and outlines the ptinciples Identne ISO 830:1999 + TC:2001 Identne prEN 1 3965-l:2003 involved in porosity testing of Freight containers - Vocabulary Chatacterization of waste - metalli6 and related inorganic The Intemational Standard Terminology - Part t Material coatings. It also considers the presents definitions of terms telated terms and definitions pu4)ose of porosity testing, relating to freight containers. This part of the European thereby assisting the user to select Standard EN 13965, the most suitable test for the 03.120.70 Characterization of uzaste- product and its service application. Kvaliteediiuhtimine - Terminology, Part 1: Matetial The porosity test cannot be used to ia related terms and definitions, establish corrosion perforrnance tagamine concems concepts vrhich are standards management and related to different types of waste. Qo^lity quality assurance It gives a complilation of selected 01.040.29 and updated terms and definitions Elektrotehnika (s6navara) KAVAI\DITE for use by for example producets, ARVAMUSXIUSITLUS wast'v indrustry and legislators in Electrical engineering prEVS 56257 the waste managment 6eld. It is (Vocabularies) Tihtaeg: 2003-07-07 harmonized with the curtent Identne ISO 9000-3:1997 language used in managment as KAVANDITE ia identne EN ISO 9000-3:1997 well as in regulation. It includes, ARVAMUSXIT.ISITLUS witl references, national terms and prEVS 24889 20 Qoulity management and This Technical Specification 11.040.10 quality assutance standards - specifies the performance Anesteesia-, hingamis- Part 3: Guidelines fot the requirements and tes.' g methods ia application ofISO 90011994 to for standatd letter mail trays, as reanimatsioonivarustus the development, supply, specified in classification 1.1. The Anaesthetic, respiratory and installation and maintenance of ttays should be used to facilitate computet softwate the exchange of international mail. reanimation equipment This part ofISO 9000 sets out The technical specification of the UUED STANDARDID guidelinss to facilitate the trays shall be such that the 14507-722003 application ofISO 9001:1994 for petformance requirernents CEN/TS 146,00 organizations developing, specified herein shall be met and Hind supplying installing and tests speciEed herein successfully Identne CEN/TS 14507 -1:2003 maintaining computer software completed. The technical Inhalational nitric oxide 1: specifications oftrays as such systems Part Delivery however, are beyond the scope of systems 8.244 14507 this Technical Specifi cation This Part of CEN/TS refers Postiteenused to EN 60601-1:1990 "Medical EVS-EN 74072:2003 electrical equipment Part 1: Hind 170,00 Postal services General requirements for safety", Identne EN 14012:2003 as amended by its amendments 1 UUED STANDARDID Postal services - Quality of (1991) and 2 (1995). For brevity 74ML2AA3 service - Measurements of CEN/TS Part 1 is referred to in this Part of complaints and redress Hind 190,00 CEN/TS 14507 either as the procedutes Identne CEN/TS 1 4 441 :2003 General Standard or as the General This Euopean Standard specifies Postal services - Automatic requirements identifiication of receptacles and requhements fot the measuiement CEN/TS 14507-2t2003 containets - Mail aggtegates of complaints and redtess Hind 109,00 This Technical Specifi cation procedures related to the domestic Identne CEN/TS 14507 -2:2003 specifies a number of options for and intemational postal service. It Inhafational nitric o*i6" ilre ldenuflcauon ot frcuvldual mail defines vadous types of complaims systems Part2: Supply systems aggregates, defines methods of and for each of them establishes a This Part of CEN/TS 14507 constructing an aggregate ideotifiet methodology for measudng applies to systems for the supply of and specifies one requircd and a response rates for their nittic oxide/nitrogen mixtures to a number of optional methods by acknowledgement, ptocessing, and delivery and monitoring system which this identifiet may be resolution by the service provider complying with CEN/TS 14507 -1 associated with (affixed to) the EVS-EN 14142-72?.003 for treatment of one patient at a mail aggregate or its temporary Hind 170,00 time, in a healthcate facility container Identne EN 14142-1:2003 CEN/TS 144/|,222003 Postal senrices - Addrcss data Hind 117,00 bases - Part 1: Components of 11.100 Identne CEN/TS 1 44 42:2003 Postal Addtesses Laboratoorne meditsiin Postal sewices Automated This European Standard provides a processing of mail items dictionary of the possible Laboratorv medicine Facing identification matks components of postal addtesses, UUED STAI\DARDID The pulpose of this Technical together with exarnples of and Specification is to define a faang constraints on their use. It also EVS-EN 7397522003 identification ma* (F-I$, with defines a number of usefirl tems, Hind 92,00 Identne 13975:2003 procedures fot its use, which can such as delivery addrcss, EN Sampling ptocedures used for be used by *y postal operator. It forwarding address, mailee and is ptimarily addressed to those 6ail sriginator. It does rrot speciS acceptance testing of il vitto postal opeators that have not yet the length or value range of diagnostic medical devices - Statistical aspects implemented the use of FIMs for components. Nor, tho"gh 11 62y specifies automated facing and has been indicate some cases in which a This European Standard designed to mfudmise conflict with component may occru more than sampling procedute requirements t114 6arks that are alreadv in use once, does it give a precise for acceptance tes.'' g offnished in vitro diagnostic medical devices, CEN/TS 1M82t2003 specification of recurtence rules which require EC verification by a Hind 139,00 notified body Identne CEN/TS 7 4482:2003 Postal services Trays fot EVS-EN ISO 10993-17:2003 international letter mail Test Hind 146,00 methods and performance Identne ISO 10993-17:2002 tequirements ja identne EN ISO 10993-1,7:2002 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Patt 77 Establishment of allowable lirnits for leachable substances

21 This part ofISO 10993 specifies a harmonized with the curent Packaging - Evaluation of the method for the determination of language used in managment as disintegtation of packaging allowable limits fot substances well as in regulation. It includes, materials in ptactical oriented leachable from medical devices with references, national terrns aod tests undet defined composting KAVANIDITE defnitions urhere such needs have conditions ARVAMUSKOSITLUS beea expressed. It does not include This Euopean Standatd is used to terms related to specialized evaluate the disintegration of prEVS 52752 activities.The scope of.TC 292 packaging materids in a pilot-scale Tihtaeg: 20A3-07-01 excludes radio active wastes. aerobic compostirg test under Identne ISO 14155-1:2003 Therefore such concq>ts are not defined conditions. Other methods ja identne EN ISO 14155-7:2003 included in this standard. should be used to measute the Clinical ;nyssrigation of medical Definitions in other standard with biodegradability of the pacLaging devices fot human subiects - a scope different ftom the scope of materials. Packaging matetials are Part 1: Geneml requirements this Eutopean Standard can be mixed with biowaste and This part ofISO 14155 defnes diffetent ftom the definitioos in spontaneously composted for 12 procedures for the conduct aad this sandard. weeks in practical oriented petfomaoce of clinical composting cooditions investigations of medical devices 13.030.40 13.060.20 71.160 Jiiitrnehoidlad ia kvaliteet Esmaabi i iiitmekditlus seadmed Joogivee Drinking water First aid Installations and equipment for waste disposal and UUED STAI\DARDID UUED STAI\DARDID tfeatrnent EVS-EN 73076|2003 EVS-EN 7? 89 22000 / N:2003 Hiod 83,00 Hind 66,00 UUED STAI\DARDID Ideotne EN 13076:2003 Identne EN 1789:1 999 A7:2003 EVS-EN 13592t2003 / Devices to prevent pollution by Meditsiinitl6s6 Hind 130,00 bacldlow of potable water - transpordivahendid ja nende Identne EN 13592:2003 Unrestricted air gap-Family A - varustus. Kiirabiautod Plastics sacks for household TypeA Kiesolev standard k?isideb haigete . waste collection - Types, This European standard specifies ja vigastatud isikute tanspordiks requirements and test methods the chatacteristics and the kasutatavate kiirabiautode disainile, This Ewopean Standatd specifies requirements of unrestticted air katsemeetoditele, toimimisele ja the genetal characteristics, test gaps Family A Type A intended for varustusele esitatavaid n6udeid. methods and requircments for protection of potable water in Standardit rakendatakse sacks made ftom plastics 6lrns, water installations from pollution kiirabiautodele, mis sobivad used for household waste pre- vihernalt iihe isiku transpordiks collectioo, household waste kanderaamil collection, or household selective 13.060.70 waste collection Vee bioloogiliste omaduste 13.030.01 EVS-EN L359322003 mditamine flldiselt Hind 83,00 Jiiitmed Identne EN 13593:2003 Examination of biological 'Wastes in general Packaging - Paper sacks for ProPerties of watef household waste collection - KAVANDITE Ty?es, requirements and test UUED STANDARDID ARVAMUSKOSITLUS methods EVS-EN 1401122003 prEVS 56293 This European Standad specifies Hind 109,00 Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 the genetal charactetistics, types Identne EN 14011:2003 Identne prEN 13965-1:2003 and test perfofinance for sacks or Water quality - Sampling of fish Chatacterization of waste - linets made from paper, used for with electricity Terminology - Part t Matedal household waste collection This Euopean Standard provides related terms and definitions sampling procedures with This part of the electricity procedures to be used by Ewopean 13.030.99 Standard EN 13965, trained persons in evaluating fish Muud Chatacteitzaion o f was te- iiaitnretega seotud communities in stteams, rivets and Terminology, Part 1: Material standatdid littoral areas for the pqpose of related terms and definitions, classification of ecological status. Other standards related to concems concepts which are These ptocedures allow related to different types of waste. v/astes standardisation of sampling It gives a complilation of selected UUED STAI\DARDID methods for descdptions of fish and updated terms and definitions communities. The use of for use by for example producers, EVS-EN 740452-003 standatdised methods is a critical wastw hdrustry and legislators in Hind 101,00 requirement for the compambility the waste maflagment field. It is Identne EN 14045:2003 of results 22 73.770 voltage is less than 250 V. This Deals 'qith the safety of electric Masinate ohutus standard does not cover industrial blankets, pads and othet flexible appliances, not special conditions appliances for heating the bed or !"f"ty of machinery such as explosive atrnosphetes human body, for household and ptEVS 56167 similar puqposes, their rated KAVA\IDITE Tdhtaeg 2003-07-07 voltage being not more than 250 V. ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Identne IEC 6033 5 -2-2L :2002 This standard also deals udth the prEVS 56298 ja identne EN 60335-2-27:2003 conftol units supplied rvith the Tiihtaeg 2003-07-07 Household and similar appliance Identoe prEN 14656:2003 electrical appliances - Safety - ptEYS 56229 Safety of machinery - Safety PartL2l: Paticular Tlhtaeg 2AB-07-07 requitements for extusion requirements for storage water Identne IE,C 6033 5 -2- 4:2002 presses fot steel and non-fenous heaters ja identne EN 60335-2-4:,2002 metals Household and similar This standard applies to equipment prEVS 56169 electrical appliances - Safety - which is placed on the merkgl 2ftg1 Tihtaeg: 2003-07 -07 Part 2-4: Particulat the date of issue of this standard. Identne IE,C 6A$5-2-6 :2002 tequirements fot spin extractors This standard specifies ja identne EN 60335-2-6:2003 Deals uiith the safety of electric requirements to be met by tle Household d1d sitnital spin extractors. It covers manufacturet to ensure the health electdcal appliances - Safety - appliances with a capacity of less and safety ofpersons during Patt2-62 Patticulat than 10 kg of dry cloth and a drum construction, bansport, tequirements fot stationary peripheral speed less than 50 m/s. commissioning, operation, cooking ranges, hobs, ovens The rated voltage is less than 250 maintenance and de- and similar appliances V for single-phase appliances and commissioning as well as in tle Applicable to the safety of 480 V for other appliances. It event of foreseeable faults as stationary electric cooking ranges, covers household use, and use by malfuoctions which may occur in hobs, ovens and similar appliances, laymen in shops, in light industry the equipment their rated voltage being not more and on farms than 250 V for single-phase appliances connected between one BJzA 73.220.A1 phase and neutral, and 480 V for Ohutus kodus other appliances Tuleohutus iildiselt prEVS 56171 Domestic safety Protection against Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-01 fire in genefal KAYANDITE Identne IF,C 6033 5 -2-8:2002 ARVAMUSXITSITLUS ja identne EN 60335-2-8:2003 KAVANDITE Household and sit ilar prEVS 37582 ARYAMUSKOSITLUS electrical appliances - Safety - Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-A7 prEVS Patt 2-8: Patticular 56210 Identne EC 6033 5 -2-1 0 1 :2002 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 requfuements for shavers, ja ideatne 60335-2-'1.01,:2003 hair EN Identne FN 2:1 99 2 clippers and sirnitat appliances / prAl :2003 Household a1ld similar Tulekahiude ldas sifikatsioon Deals with the safety of electrical appliances - Safety - elecuic PartL707t Particulat shavers, hair clippers and similat requfu ements fot vaporizets appliances, their rated voltage 73.220.10 being not more than Deals vdth the safety of electtic 250Y, Tuletdrie intended for household vapodzers for household and and similar puposes. Examples similar purposes, their tated of similat appliances are those used voltage beiqg not mote than 250 V fot manicute KAVANDITE prEVS 56166 and pedicure. Appliances intended ARVAMUSXITSITLUS Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 to be used by laymen in shops and on farms, are vdthin the prEYS 56292 I dentne IF,C 6033 5 -2-2:2002 scope of Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 ja identne EN 60335-2-2:2003 this standard. Exarnples Identne prEN 1924:2003 Household aafl simital of such appliances are animal clippers, animal Fite-fighting hoses - Non- electrical appliances - Safety - shearers and appliances petcolating layflat delivery Part 2-22 Particular for hairdressers hoses and hose assemblies requitements for vacuuo ptEYS 56227 for pumps alrd vehicles cleaners and water-suction Tihtaeg: 2003-07-A1 This European sls2ning appliances Identne IEC 60335 -2-17 :2002 Standard specifies ja identne 60335-2-17:2003 the tequirements and test methods Deals with the safety of electtic EN Household a1d for non-percolating layflat delivery vacuurn cleaners and water-suction similal electrical appliances Safety hoses for fue fighting puq)oses. cleaning appliances. It also applies - - Part2-17: The standard applies exclusively to to motorized cleaning heads and Paticular requirements for delivery hoses for fte-fighting current-carrying hoses for vacuum blankets, pads and sitnilar pufposes intended for use at a cleaners. These are for household flexible heating appliances minimum ambient temperature of - use, including vaculun cleanets for 20 ra normal conditions, and a animal gooming. The rated "C

23 minimum ambient temperature of - This Ewopean Standard speciEes This European Standard specifies oC 30 in colder climatic conditions. tequirements and test methods for two test methods (method T aod Hoses confor-i.g to this standard special 6re detectors, othet than method B) to determine the should be used fue hose fire detectors 'pith coveted by EN 541, explosion limits of gases, vapours couplings confomring to the used in CO2-, Inert gas- or and their mixtures mixed with air. televant national standards for Halocarbon gas and othet fire An air/iaert gas mixtue (volume couplings.Class 2 hoses have extinguishing systems fraction of the orygen < 27 o/o) can higher heat resistance, higher be used as oxidizer instead of air. abrasion resistance and higher 73.220.40 In this standard the te* air mass than class thoses. Class 4 includes such air/inert mixtures hoses have higher heat resistance, Materjalide ia toodete higher abrasion resistance and siittivus ning p6lemislaad 13.300 higher mass than class 3 hoses, and and both these classes have oil Igrutability burning Kaitse ohtlike kaupade contamination resistaoce. behaviour of materials and eest Additional requirements ate pfoducts specified for hose assemblies; that Protection €ainst dangerous is, hoses with couplings already UUED STA}{DARDID goods fitted, where this is carried out by EVS-EN 1377212003 UUED STA}{DARDID the hose manufacturer (see clause Hind 101,00 10) and also for high ptessure Identne EN 13772:2003 EVS-EN 72285-1:2003 hoses (see clause 7). Hoses in Textiles and textile ptoducts - Hind 316,00 marine applications ar,d/ ot Burning behaviout - Curtains Identne EN 12285-1:2003 aggressive environments to be used and drapes - Measurement of Wotkshop fabricated steel tanks with wall hydrants as specified in flame spread of vertically - Part t Horizontal cylinddcal EN 671-2 can conforrn to the oriented specimens with large single skin and double skin requirements of either this ignition source tanks for the undergtound standard or prEN 14540, but this This European Standard specifies a storage of flammable and non- standard is preferred in these method fot the measurement of {lammable watet polluting applications. flame spread of vertically oriented liquids textile fabdcs intended fot curtains This standard specifies the and dmpes in the fotm of single or requLements for shop fabticated 13.220.20 multi-component (coated, quilted, cylinddcal horizontal steel tanks, Tulekaitsevahendid multilayered, sandu/ich single and double skin for the undergtound stotage of water Fire protection construction and similar combinations) fabrics using a large polluting liquids @oth flammable UUED STAI\DARDID ignition source and non-flammable) within the followinglimits: - from 800 mm up EVS-EN 12094-32003 EVS-EN 737732?.003 to 3000 mm nominal diameter Hind 130,00 Hind 75,00 and; up to a maximum overall Identne EN 120943:2003 Identne EN 13773:2003 length of 6 times the oominal Paiksed tulekustutussisteemid Textiles and textile products - diameter and,- for liquids with a - Gaaskustutussfi steemide Curtains and drapes - Buming maximum density of up to 7,9 kg/l komponendid - Osa 3: N6uded behaviout - Classification and,- with an operati.g pressure ( katsemeetodid scheme ia po) of maximum 1,5 bar (abs) kisitsikiivitamise -seiskamise This Euopean standard specifies a ia and,- for double skin tanks with a seadmetele. classification scheme for the vaculun leak detection system This European Standard specifies buming behaviour of vertically where the kinematic viscosity does requirements and describes test odented fabrics intended for not exceed 5 x7A4 m2/s methods for manual tdggering and curtains and dmpes and similar stop devices of CO2-,Inert Gas- uses such as blinds and textile or Halocarbon Gas fue hangings, where classification is 13.340.30 extinguishing systems required. Untested materials are Respiraatorid not classified EVS-EN 12094-9:2003 Respiratory protective Hind 139,00 Identne EN 1209,1-9:2003 13.230 devices Fixed lirefighting systems - Plahvatusohutus UUED STANDARDID Components for gas extinguishing systems - Part 9: Explosion protection EVS-EN L3949:?.003 Requirements and test methods Hind 92,00 fot special fire detectors KAVANDITE Identne EN 13949:2003 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Respimtory equipment - Open- prEVS 12173 circuit selGcontained diving Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 apparatus fot use with Identne prEN 1839:2003 comptessed Nittox and oxygen Determination of explosion - Requitements, testitrg, limits of gases and vapouts matking 24 This European Standad applies to This standard qpecifies the test Road traffic noise reducing self-contained open-circuit method for the peoeEation devices Test method for compressed Nirox gas (oxygeo resistance ofgloves that ptotect dslsrmining the acoustic oQ content greater thao, 22 ot against chemicals atd/ot micro- performance Part 5: Intdnsic oxygen underrater breathing organisms. At this ti-e it is characteristics - In situ values of apparatus (Nitrox-SCiJBA). This believed that gloves which tesist sound reflection aod airborne Ewopean Standard defines penetration, when tested according sound insulation additional tequirements, exceptioos to this part of EN 374, will foun The present document descdbes a and tests for Nitrox- or oxygen- an effective barriet to micro- test method for measuring nvo SCUBA to those aheady given in biological hazards quantities representative of the EN 250 pr"EVS 56187 intrinsic charactetistics of traffic EVS-EN 7tA-3:2003 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 noise reducing devices : the Hind 75,00 Ideotne prEN 37zl-3:2003 teflection index for sound Identne EN 144-3:2003 Kemikaalide ja reflection and the sound insulation Respiatory prctective devices - mikroorgaaismide eest kaitsvad index for airbome sound insulation Gas cylinder valves - Pat 3: kindad. Osa 3: Libistamiskindluse m2iiira m ine Outlet connections for diving 17.140.50 gases Nitrox and onygen kemikaalide suhtes Elektroakustika This European Standard is This standard covers the determination applicable to a thtead connectioo of the tesistance of Electroacoustics used for the connection between a protective glove matedals to gas cylinder valve and a pressrue perneatioo by potentially KAVANDITE reducet for respiratory equipment hazardous non-gaseous chemicals ARVAMUSKOSITLUS the for diving containing breathable undet condition of continous prEVS 25301 cofltact nitox gas with an oxygen content Tdhtaeg: 2003-07 -01 gteater than,22 %o or oxygen. This Identne IF,C 60718-2:1983 + European Standatd specifies the fi.440.20 A2:1997 dimensions and tolerances for Pindade omadused ja identne EN 60118-2:7995 + connections which are used for A2:7997 respiratory equipment Properties of surfaces Headng aids. Part Z:Heaing aids with automatic gain control KAVANDITE circuits 13.340.40 ARYAMUSKOSITLUS Kaitsekindad Gives uniform methods for prEVS 30709 speciSing dynamic and static Protective gloves Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-07 perfornance characteristics of Identne prEN 12952-72:2003 heating aids with automatic gain KAVANDITE Water tube boilers - Patt 72z control cfucuits together with the ARVAMUSKCISITLUS Requirements for feedwater and relevant methods of measurement prEVS 56185 boiler water quality for these characteristics Tihtaeg: 2Ac3-07-01 This part of the draft European prEYS 27402 Identne prEN 3721-1 :2003 Standard applies to watet-tube T2ihtaeg 2003-07-01, Kemikaalide ia boilers as defined in pfiN 12952-1 Identne IEC 118-7:1983 + miktoorganismide eest kaitsvad urhich are heated by combustion of A1:1994 kindad. Osa t Termiaoloogia ia one or more fuels or by hot gases ja identne EN 60118-7:1993 + n6uded for &e generatioo of A7:1994 ekspluatatsiooniomadustele stean/atd/or hot water. This dmft Hearing aids. Pan 7: This standard specifies the standard applies to those Measutement of performance requirements for gloves to protect components between the characteristics of hearing aids the user against chemicals andf or feedurater inlet and the steam for quality inspection for micro-otganisms aod defines terms outlet of the steam genetator. The delivery purposes to be used. This standard should Suality of the steam produced is Gives tecommendations for the be used in conjunction with EN outside the scope of this draft measurement of performance 420. This standard does not specify standard. characteristics of air-conduction requirements for protection against hearing aids of a particular model any rnechanical hazards 17.140.30 for the pupose of comparing prEVS 56186 S6idukimtra measured properties udth those Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 specified by the manufacturer. Ideotne prEN 37,1-2:2003 Noise emitted by means of Describes practical reproducible Kemikaalide ia tfansPoft methods for determining the mikrootganismide eest kaitsvad complianss of a limited number of kindad. Osa 2: UUED STAI\{DARDID electroacoustical and electdcal Liibistamiskindluse characteristics of delivered hearing miliiramine CEN/TS 7793-522003 aids with nominal performance Hind 190,00 data supplied by the manufacturer Identne CEN/TS l7 93-5:2O03

25 17.180.24 method; optional acquisition applies only to newly manufactued Yirvused methods are outlined in Annex A static watt-hour meters of accuracy iavalguse classes 02 S and 0,5 S, for the m66tmine 17.220.20 measurement of altemating curent electdcal active energy in 50 Hz or Colours and measurement of Elekrriliste ia magnetiliste 60 FIz netrrotks and it applies to light suunrste m66trnine theit type tests only prEVS 56174 KAVANDITE Measurement of electrical ARVAMUSXfTSITLUS T?ihtaeg: 2003-06-01 and magnetic quantities Identrie I3,C 62053 -23 :2003 ptEVS 10157 ja iderrtne EN 62053-23:2003 Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 KAVANDITE Electricity metering equipment Identne ISO 10526:1999 ARYAMUSKETSITLUS (..") - Particulat requirements - CIE standard illuninants for prEVS 54067 Prtt?3t Static meters for colorimetry Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 reactive enetg:f (classes 2 and3) This Intetnationd Staodard Identne IE.C 62053 1 :2003 -l applies only to newly manufactured specifies two illuminants for use in ja identoe EN 62053-11:2003 static var-hour meters of acamacy colorimetry. The illuminants, Electricity metedng equipment classes 2 and3, for the which are defined in clauses 4 and - Particulat tequirements (..".) - measulemeflt of altemating crurent 5 of this Intemational Standard, Part Eleckomechanical lt electrical teactive enetgf io 50 Hz are as follows a) CIE standard mete$ for active enetgy (classes or 60 llz networks and it applies to illuminant A; b) CIE standard 0r5, and 2) l their type tests only. Fot practical illuminant D65 applies only to newly manufactured reasons, this standatd is based on a electromechanical watt-hour conveational de6nifell of reactive meters of accuracy classes 0,5, 1 17.220 energy for sinusoidal cufients and allld 2, for the measurement of Elekter. Magnetism. voltages containing the altemating cuffent elec&ical active fundamental ftequency only Elektrilised ia energy in 50 Hz or 60 Hz networks magnetilised m6 6tmised and it applies to their tFpe tests only. It applies only to L7.220.99 Electricity. Magnetism. electromechanical watt-hour Muud eleliilti ia Electrical and magnetic meters for indoor aod outdoot magnetismiga seotud measufements application consisting of a standardid measudng element and register(s) KAVANDITE enclosed together in a meter case. Other standards related to ARYAMUSKOSITLUS It also applies to opetation electricity and magnetism prEVS 24970 indicator(s) and test output(s) Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 ptEYS 56772 KAVANDITE Identne IF,C 677 88-77 :2003 Trihtaeg 2003-07-07 ARVAMUSXITJSITLUS ja identne EN 61788-11:2003 Identne IEC 620 53 -21 :2003 ptEVS 24183 Superconducti"ity - P att 71: ja identrie EN 62053-21:2003 Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 Residual resistance ratio Blectricity metering equipment Identne IEC 156:1995 measutement - Residual (..") - Particular requitements - ja identne EN 60156:1995 resistance ratio of Nb3Sn Patt2l: Static meters for active Insulating liquids - composite supetconductors energy (classes I and2) Detetmination of the Covers a test method for the applies only to newly manufactured bteakdown voltage at powet determination of the residual static watt-hour meters of accuracy frequency - Test method resistance ratio (LRR) of Nb3Sn classes 1 and 2, for the Describes an empfuicd test composite conductors. This measureme:nt of altemating current procedure intended to indicate the method is intended fot use with electrical active energy in 50 Hz or preseoce of contamiaants such as superconductot specimens that 60 Hz nenvorks and it applies to water and solid suspended matter, have a monolithic structure with a their type tests only. It applies only and the advisability of carrying out rectdngrrlal or round cross section, to static uratt-hour metets fot drying and filtration treatrnent. RRR less than 350 and cross- indoor and outdoor application Standardized testing procedures sectional area less than 3 mm2, and consis.' g of a measudng element and equipment are essential for the have received a reaction heat- and register(s) enclosed together in unambiguous intelpretation of test tleatment. Ideally, it is intended a meter case results that the specimens are as straight pfiVS 56173 prEVS 28568 as possible; however, this is not T?ihtaeg 2003-07-01 Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 always the case, thus care must be Identne IEC 620 53 -22:2003 Identne EC 60243-1 :1998 taken to measure the specimen in ia identne EN 62053-22:2003 ja identne EN 60243-1:1998 its as received condition. All Electricity metedng equipment Electrical strength of iasulating measurements ate done without an (".".) - Pamicular Requirements materials - Test methods - Pat applied magnetic field. The - Patt2?;, Static meters for active 1: Tests at power frequencies method described in the body of energy (classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S) this standard is the "reference"

26 Gives test methods fot the 19.100 Non-destructive testing - X-ray determination of the short-time diffraction from polycrystalline Mittepurustav kats etamine electdc sftength of solid insulati.g and amorphous material - Part materials power at ftequencies Non-destructive testing 1: Genetal principles between 48 Hz arl'd 62 LIz. It does This European Standard specifies oot consider the testing of liquids UUED STAI\DARDID the general principles of X-ray and gases EVS-EN L39272?.003 diffraction ftom polycrystalline and Hind 92,00 amolphous materials. This 19.020 Identne EN 13927:2003 materials lssring method has Katsetingimused - Non-destructive test'ng - Visual traditionally been referred to as X- ia ray Powder Diffiaction protseduurid ii{diselt tes''ng - Equipment 6RPD) , This European Standard describes and is now applied to powders, Test conditions and general requirements for bulk materials, thin film, and others. As the method procedures in geneml equipment used in visual can be used testing.The application of for various types of materials and KAVANDITE equipment is necessary in visual to obtain a large variety of ARVAMUSKUSITLUS testing when:- objects, which ate information, this standard reviews a large number types prEVS 56201 visually or on account of of of analysis but remains non-exhaustive Tihtaeg: 20A3-07-01, environmental factors not Identne IE,C 6021 6-5:2003 accessible, need to be made EVS-EN 73925-2:2003 ja identne EN 60216-5:2003 accessible to viewing- the test Hind 139,00 Electrical insula.'rg materials - sensitivity is insufficienq- an Identne EN 73925-2:2003 Thermal endurance properties - imagrog record is required Non-destructive testing - X-my Part 5: Determination of relative EVS-EN L3860-12?-003 diffraction from polycrysf allitrg thermal endurance index (RTE) Hind 170,00 and amorphous matedal - Patt of an insula."tg material Identne EN 13860-1:2003 2: Procedures Specifies tle experimental and Non destructive tes-'ng - Eddy This European Standard specifies calculation procedures to be used curtent exat ination - the basic procedures applied in the for deriving the relative thermal Equipment characteristics and X-tay Powder Diffraction Q(RPD) endurance index of a material from verifiication - Part t fnstrument method. Many of these procedures experimental data obtained in charactedstics and verifi cation ate cofiunon to most types of accordance with the instructions of This Euopean StinaaA identifies difftactometer used and types of IF.C 60216-l and IEC 60216-2. the functional characteristics of a analysis mentioned in EN 13925-1 The calculation procedures general pwpose eddy cunent KAVANDITE equipment aad provides methods ARVAMUSKIJSITLUS for their measurement and 19.040 prEVS 56302 ve.ifi cation.The evaluation of these Keskkonnakatsetused Tiihtaeg 2AA3-07-01 characteristics perrnits a well Identne EN 473:2000 de6aed description and /prAl:2003 Environmental testing Mittepurustav katsetamine. comparability of an eddy current NDT personali lvalifi tseerimine KAVAI\DITE equipment ia sertifitseerimine. P6hialused ARVAMUSKOSITLUS EVS-EN L3860-2:2003 The standard establishes a system prEVS 25618 Hind 170,00 fot the qualification and o Tiihtaeg: 2003-06-01 Identne EN 13860-2:2003 certification of personnel who Identne IF.C 68-2-67 :1995 Nou-destuctive testing - Eddy perform industrial non destructive ja identne EN 60068-2-67:7996 cutrent exa-ination - testing. The terrn 'industdal' Envfuonmental tesring - Patt2t Equipment charactedstics and implies the exclusion of Tests - Test Cy: Damp heat, verification - Paft 2: Probe applications in the field of steady state, accelerated test chamcteristics and verification medicine primarily intended for This Eutopean Standard identifies comPonents the functional charactedstics of a Provides a standard test procedure probe and its interconnecting 21.060.70 for the purpose of evaluating in an elements and provides methods for Poldid, kruvid, tildcpoldid accelerated manner, the resistance their measuremeot and vedfication. Bolts, scre'fizs, of small electrotechnical products, The evaluation of these studs primarily non-hennetically sealed characteristics permits a well- KAVANDITE components, to the detetiorative defined description and ARVAMUSKOSITLUS effect of damp heat. The test is not comparability of an eddy cunent prEVS 56255 intended to evaluate extemal equipment Tihtaeg: 2003-07-07 effects such as corrosion and EYS-EN 13925-122003 Identne ISO 1580:1994 deformation. Has the status of a Hind 101,00 ja identne EN ISO 1580:1994 basic safety publication in Identne EN 13925-1:2003 Slotted pan head screws - accordance v/ith IEC Guide 104. Product gtade A

27 This Jnternationd Standard This European Standard ts where the kinematic viscosity does speciEes the characteristics of applicable to helical steel notexceed 5x70-3rn2/s slotted pan head ofproduct grade suspension spriogs used in the A and with thrs6ds ftom M1,6 to suspensioo of rail vehicles. It deals 23.020.30 Ml0 inclusive specially with cylindrical compression sptings made from Surveanumad, rou:rd gaasiballoonid 27.060.40 section steel bars of constant dianeter and with Needid constant inclination of coiling Pressute vessels, gas cvlinders Rivets EVS-EN 135972003 Ilio'd212,00 UUED STAI\DARDID UUED STANDARDID Identne EN 13597:2003 EVS-EN 13322-lz?.003 EVS-EN ISO 16585:2003 Railway applications - Rubber Hind 199,00 Hiod 66,00 suspension components - Identoe EN 13322-7 :2003 Identne ISO 16585:2002 Rubber diaphragms for Transportable gas cylinders - identne EN ISO 76585:2002 pneumatic suspension springs ia Refillable welded steel gas Closed end blind dvets with pull This standard defines :- cylinders - Design and mandrel and protruding head - charactedstics that suspension constnrction - Paf t Carbon A2lSSt diaphragms shall achieve, together steel This Intemational Staodard witl applicable inspection and test This European Standard sets out specifies dimensional and methods to be carded out for minimum requirements soassmin g mechanical characteristics and vedfcation; - approval procedure material, design, construction and application data for dosed end to be implemented by the workmanship, manufactudng blind dvets with bteak pull customer; - guidelines for processes and testi.g of refillable mandrel and protruding head, with qualification of the product with ttansportable welded carbon steel I an austenitic stainls55-51ssl f edy specified requirements ; - qudity gas cylinders of water capacities (A2) and a stainless-steel mandrel monitoring of diaphragms in ftom 0,5 I up to and including 150 (SSt) and with nominal diameters, manufactute ; - supply I for compressed, liquefied and d, from 3|run up to and requirements dissolved gases including 6,4 mm EVS-EN 73322-2:2003 23.420.74 Hind 199,00

21.060.99 Statsionaarsed mahutid ja Identne EN 1 3322-2:2003 Muud kinnitusvahendid feservuaafid Ttanspottable gas cylindets - Reffilable welded steel gas Other fasteners Stationary containers and cylindets - Desiga and KAVAI\DITE tanks construction - P art 2z Stainless ARYAMUSKOSITLUS steel UUED STAI\DARDID This European Standard sets out prEVS 23955 EVS-EN 72285-l;2003 minimum requirements conceming Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Hind 316,00 matedal, design, constnrction and Identne EN 912:1999 + AC:2000 Identne EN 12285-1 :2003 workmanship, manufactudng Timbet fasteners - Wotkshop fabricated steel tanks processes and testing ofrefillable Specifications for connectors for '-bet - Part t Horizontal cylindrical transportable welded stainless steel single skin and double skin gas cylinders of watet capacities This standatd defines the tanks for the rnderground ftom 0,5 I up to and including 150 dimensions and the materials of stotage of flammable and non- I for compressed, liquefied and cetain well-established connectors fl ammable water polluting dissolved gases. This standard is for use in joints between members liquids only applicable to cylinders in loadbearing timber struktures This standatd specifies the manufactured from stainless steels requirements for shop fabricated having a maximum tensile suength 21.760 cylindtical horizontal steel tanks, of less than 1 100 MPa Vedrud single and ilouble skin for the underground storage of water 23.040.01 polluting liquids @oth flammable and non-flammable) within the Torustike osad ia UUED STAINDARDID following limits: - from 800 mrn up torustilnrd ii{diselt EVS-EN 1329822003 to 3000 mm nominal diameter Pipeline components and Hind 190,00 and,- up to a maximum ovetall Identne EN 13298:2003 length of 6 times the nominal pipelines in general Railway applications - diameter and,- for liquids with a UUED STAI\DARDID Suspension components - maximum deosity of up to 7,9kg/l Helical suspension springs, and,- with an opemting ptessute ( EVS-EN 72201-722A03 steel po) of maximum 1,5 bar (abs.) Hind 109,00 and,- for double skin tanks with a Identne EN 12207 -l:2003 vaculun leak detection system

28 Plastics piping systems for service pipe ftom DN 20 to DN Kiesolev standard miirab kindlaks watet supply - Polyethyleae 1200, rigid polyurethane foam n6uded tempermalmist (PE) - Partft General insulation and an outer casing of keermestatud torustikuliitmike This Part of this Euopean polyethylene elernentide konstruktsioonile ja Standard specifies the geneul liibilaskevdimele. Need aspects of polyethylene (PE) piping 23.440.20 liitmikuelemendid on m6eldud systems (mains and service pipes) iildotstatbeliseks Plasttorud kasutamiseks intended for the conveyance of vedelike ja gaaside teisaldamisel water for human consumption, Plastics pipes kiesolevas standardis kindlaks including raw watet pdot to midratud surve ja temperatuuri treatrnent. It also specifies the test UUED STA\IDARDID pifues. Liitmikud on ette niihtud parameters for the test methods EVS-EN 12207-222003 vastavalt normdokumendile ISO 7- referred to in this standard Hind 117,00 1 keermestatud elementide iihendamiseks, suurused 1/8 kuni EVS-EN 72201-5:2003 Identne EN 1 2207 -2:2003 Hind 92,00 Plastics piping systems for 6. Identne EN 12201-5:2003 water supply - Polyethylene Plastics piping systems for (PE) - Part 2: Pipes 23.040.45 water supply - Polyethylene This Patt of this European Plasttoruliitmikud (PE) - Pat 5: Fitness for Standard specifies the pulpose ofthe system characteristics of pipes made from Plastics fittings Part This of t}is European polyethylene @E) intended for the Standard specifies the conveyance of water for human UUED STANDARDID characteristics of the fitness for consumption, including raw water EVS-EN 12207-3t2003 pulpose of the assembled piping prior to treatrnent. It also specifies Hind 139,00 systems intended for the the test parameters for the test Identne EN 12201-3:2003 conveyance of water intended for methods referred to in this Plastics piping systems for human consumption, including raw standard watet supply - Polyethylene water priot to treatnent (PE) - Part 3: Fittings KAYANDITE 23.040.40 This Part of this European Standard specifies the ARVAMUSKCISITLUS Metalli st toruliitmikud characteristics fittings prEVS 20012 of made from polyethylene intended Tdhtaeg 2003-07-01 Metal fittings @E) fot the conveyance of water Identne ISO 6708:1995 for UUED STANDARDID human consumption, including raw ja identne EN ISO 6708:1995 Pipewotk components - EVS-EN M822003 water prior to treatment. It also specifies the test parameters for Definition and selection of DN Hind 155,00 the test methods referred (nominal size) Identne EN ul48:2003 to in this standard The standard gives the definition District heating pipes - of the nominal size of pipe Preinsulated bonded pipe components as specified in those systems for ditecdy buried hot 23.040.60 q/ater networks - Fitting standards urhich use the DN Aarikud, muhvid im designation system assemblies of steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal toruiihendused insulation and outer casing of 23.040.t0 polyethyleue Malm- ia terastorud This European Standatd specifies UUED STANDARDID requirements and test methods for Iron and steel pipes EVS-EN 4892003 Ettings of prefabricated thetmally Hind 139,00 UUED STANDARDID insulated pipe-in-pipe assemblies Identne EN 489:2003 comprising a steel service fitting EVS-EN 253:2003 District heatirg pipes - fiom DN 20 to DN 1200, rigid Hind 199,00 Prcinsulated bonded pipe polyrrrethane foam insulation and Identne EN 253:2003 systems for dfuectly buded hot an outer casing of polyethylene fot District heati.g pipes - water netwo*s - Joint assemb$ use in directly butied hot water Pteinsulated bonded pipe for steel senice pipes, networks with preinsulated pipe systems fot ditectly buried hot polyutethane thermal insulation assemblies in accordance rrith EN watet networks - Pipe assembly and outer casing of polyethylene 253 of steel senrice pipe, This European Standard specifies po\rurethane thermal insulation EYS-EN 10242:L999 / A222003 requirements for ioints, made and outer casin€; ofpolyethylene Hind 57,00 under 6eld conditions, between This Euopean Standard specifies Identne EN 10242:1994 / A2:2003 adiacent preinsulated pipes and/or requirernents and test methods for Threaded pipe fittings in fittirg. in district heating net'vorks. straight lengths of ptefabricated malleable cast iton The speciEed general requirements thermally insulated pipe-in-pipe are also valid for field made T- assemblies for direcdy buried hot btanches, bends, reducers, caps, water netwotks, comprising a steel etc

29 KAVA}{DITE Industrial valves - Testing of Identoe ISO 70M2:2002 ARYAIVIUSKOSITLUS valves - Part 1 Pressure tests, ja identoe EN ISO 70M2:2002 test prccedure8 and acceptance Petroleurn, chemical and gas PfEVS 34752 Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 criteda - Mandatory service industries - Packaged, Identne prEN 1759-4:2003 tequirements integalty geared ceatdfugal air This standard specifies maodatory Flanges and their ioint - comPtessorsl Citcular flanges fot pipes, tequirements for tests, test This Intemational Standard valves, fittioga and accessories, procedures arld acceptrrice ctiteria specifies tequirements and gives class designated - Part 4: for production testing of industdal tecommendations for the design, Aluminium alloy flanges valves. The specified tests may also matedals, fabrication, inspection, This standard specifies be used as tfpe tests or acceptance testing and preparation for requirements for Class designated - tests shipment of constant-speed, circular flanges for pipes, valves, pakaged, integrally geared fittir5 and accessodes made ftom 23.120 centdfirgal air coopressors, including their accessories, for use aluminium alloy in the range of Ventilaatorid. Puhurid. DN 15 to DN 600 to in the petroleum, chemical and gas $PS 1/2 Kliimaseadmed NPS 24) and Class 150 to Class service indtusties 300 (see Table 1) Ventilators. Fans. Air- conditioners 25.040 T66stusautomaatika 23.060.07 KAVAI\DITE Sulgeseadmed fildiselt siisteemid ARVAIVIUSKOSITLUS Valves in general p€VS 56168 Industrial automation Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-07 svstems UUED STA\IDARDID Identne EC 60335-24A2002 EVS-EN 488:2003 ia identne EN 60335-240:2003 KAVANDITE Hind 109,00 Household and similat ARVAI\{USKCISITLUS Identne EN 488:2003 electdcal appliances - Safety - prEVS 56203 District heating pipes - Patt240l Particular Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Preinsulated bonded pipe tequfuements fot electrical heat Identne IE,C 61 73 | -3 :2003 systems for ditecdy-buried hot pumps, ait-conditioners and ja identne EN 61131-3:2003 water netwotks - Steel valve dehumidifiers Progtatnrnable controllers - Part assembly for steel senrice pipes, Deals with the safety of electric 3: Ptogramming languages polyurethane thermal insulation heat pumps, including sanitary hot This part of IEC 61131 specifies and outer casing ofpolyethylene water heat pumps, air-conditioners, syntax and semantics of This Eutopean Standard specifies and dehumidifi ers incorporating ptogamming languages fot requirements and test methods for sealed motor-compressors. The progtammable controllets as valves of prefabricated thermally maximum rated voltage being not defined itr p"tt 1 of IEC 61131 insulated valve assemblies more than 250 V for single phase comprising a steel valve, rigrd and 600 V for all other appliaoces. 25.080.50 polyurethane foam insulation and The teferenced appliances may an outer casing of polyethylene for consist of one or more assemblies. Lihv- ia poleerpingid use in direcdy buried hot If provided io more than one water Grinding and polishing networks with preinsulated pipe assembly, the assemblies are to machines assemblies in accordaoce with used together, and the EN 253 requirements are based on the use KAVAI\DITE EVS-EN 13076;2003 of matched assemblies. ARVAIVIUSXCISITLUS Supplementary heaters, or a Hind 83,00 ptEYS 562-% provision for their seperate Identne EN 13076:2003 Tiihtaeg 2003-07-07 installation, ate within the scope of Devices to prevent pollution by Identne EN 501442- this standard, but only heaters bacldlow of potable water - 3:2002/Al:2002 urhich are designed as a part of the Uuestricted air gap-Fa'nily A - Safety of hand-held electric appliance package, the controls TypeA motot operated tools - Patt?-32 being incoqporated in the appliance This European standatd specifies Particular requirements for the charactetistics and the grinders, disk type sandeis and requirements of unrestricted air 23.740 polishers gaps Family A Type A intended for Kompressorid This standard applies to grinders, protection of potable watet in ia suruOhumasinad with maximum rated totational water installations from pollution speed cortesponding to a EVS-EN 72266-7:2003 Compressofs and pneumatic peripheral speed of 80 rn/s, Hind 109,00 machines polishets and disc type sanders Identne EN 7226 6-7 :2003 UUED STANDARDID EVS-EN tSO70442.2003 tllgJ.d229,00 JU the most 25.740.20 suitable test for the 27.040 ptoduct and its service application. Elektritddriistad ja The porosity test cannot be used to Gaasi- auruturbiinid. Electdc tools establish corrosioo petfotmance Autumasinad standards KAVAI\DITE Gas and steam turbines. Steam engines ARVAMUSXITJSITLUS 25.220.60 ptEYS562?3 Orgaanilised UUED STANDARDID Tdhtaeg: 2AA3-07-07 pinded EVS-EN 72952-73:2003 Identne EN 501,14-2- Org4nic coatings 3:2002/A7:2002 Hind 83,00 Safety of hand-held electric KAVANDITE Identne EN 729 52-13 :2003 motor operated tools - PattL3: ARVAMUSKUSITLUS Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 13: Particulat requitements fot prEVS 30709 Requitements for flue gas grindets, disk type sanders and Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-07 cleaning systems polishers Identrre prEN 1 2952-72:2003 This part of this European This standard applies to grinders, Water tube boilers -Partl2: Standard applies to the design of with maximr'- rated rotational Requirements for feedwater and eqrripment for boiler plants speed corresponding to a boiler water quality to reduce air pollutants in the flue peripheral speed of 80 m/s, This part of the draft European gases polishers and disc type sanders Standard applies to water-tube boilers as defined in prEN 12952-l 25.160s4 which are heated by combustion of 27.060 Keevitusseadmed ooe or more fuels or by hot gases P6letid. Katlad s for the generation of steam/and/or hot water. This draft Burners. Boilers standard applies to those KAVANDITE KAVA\IDITE components between the ARVAMUSKEISITLUS feedwater inlet and the steam ARVAMUSKOSITLUS prEVS 56243 outlet of the steam generator. The prEVS 15973 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-01 Suality of the steam ptoduced is Identne IE,C 6097 46:2003 outside the scope of this draft Identne prEN 230:2003 ja ideotne EN 6097,1-6:2003 standard. Automatic bumer conftol Atc weldi.g equipment - Part 6: systems fot oil butners This European Standard specifies Limited duqr manual metal arc 25.220.99 welding power the tequirements, opera-'ng sources Muud pinnat66tlus- ja Specifies safety requLements for conditions and test methods for construction and perforrnance pindamismeetodid bumer control systems for requirements of welding power automatic and semi-automatic oil other treatments and sources, Iimited to a rated bumers udth or without fans maximum welding curent of 160 coatings A. These welding power sources UUED STA}{DARDID 27.060.30 ate mainly used by laymen EYS-EN 1314322003 Katlad ia sooiusvahetid Hind 66,00 Boilers and heat exchangers 2s.220.40 Identne EN 13143:2003 lylglallFinded Metallic aud other inorgaaic UUED STANDARDID coatings Definitions and ' EVS-EN 72952-1322003 Metallic coatings conventions conceming Hind 83,00 porosity UUED STANDARDID Identne EN 72952-73:2003 This Ewopean Standatd defines EVS-EN L374322003 Watet-tube boilers and auxiliary porosity aod its associated temrs Hiod 66,00 installations - Part ili: and outlines the principles Ideotne EN 13143:2003 Requirements for flue gas involved in porosity testing of Metallic slsaning systems and other inorganic metallic and related inorganic coatings This part of this European - Definitions and coatings. It also considers the conventions Standard applies to the design of conceming purpose of potosity testing, potosity equipment for boiler plants to thereby assisting the user to select This European reduce air pollutants in the flue Standad defines the most suitable test for the porosity and its gases associated terms product and its service application. and oudines the principles The porosity test c,lnnot be used to involved in porosity 1gsd.g of establish corrosioo performance metallic and related inorganic standards coatings, It also considers the puq)ose of porosity testing, thereby assisting the user to select

31. 27.140 29.035.07 uoambiguous intelpretation of-test Hiidroenergeetika Isolatsioonimateri did results iirldiselt 29.050 KAVAINDITE Insulating materials in Juhid genefal ARVA1VIUSKOSITLUS Conducting materials prEVS 56207 KAVANDITE Tihtaeg: 2003-07-A1 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS KAVAI\DITE Identne prEN 1 4653- 7 :2003 ptEVS 28568 ARVAIVTUSKOSITLUS Manually opetated hydtaulic Tlihtaeg: 2003-07-01 prEVS 24970 shoring syetems for groundwork Identne EC 60243 -l :199 I T?ihtaeg: 2003-07-07 support-ParttProduct ja identne EN 60243-1:1998 Identoe EC 677 88-7122003 specifications Electrical stength of insulating ja identne EN 61788-11:2003 This Euopean Standard specifies materials - Test methods - Supetconducti"ity - Part 11: constructional and structual Part ft Tests at powet Residual resistance ratio requirements fot manually ftequencies measufement - Residual operated hydraulic shoring systems Gives test methods for the resistance ratio of Nb3Sn made fiom steel and aluminium for detemination of the short-time composite superconductors groundwork support It specifies electdc strength of solid insulating Covers a test method for the minimum characteristic resistances materials at porilrer ftequencies deterrnination of the residual for the equipment benveen 48 FIz and 62Hz.It does tesistance ratio @RR) of Nb3Sn prEVS 56208 not considet the testing of liquids composite conductots. This Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 qdth and gases method is intended for use Identne prEN 1 4653-2:2003 prEVS 56201 superconductor specimens that Manually operated hydraulic Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 have a monolithic structure with a shoring systems for gtoundwotk Identne EC 60276-5:2003 rectangular ot tound cross section, support -Part2z Assessment by ja identne EN 60216-5:2003 RRR less than 350 and cross- calculation or test Electrical insulating materials - sectional area less than 3 mm2, and This Eutopean specifies Standard Thermal endurance properties - have received a reaction heat- methods of calculation and test to Part 5: Determination of telative treatment. Ideally, it is intended assess the conformity of manually thermal endutance index (RTE) that the specimens ate as straight operated hy&aulic systems for of an insulating matedal as possible; however, this is not gtoundwork support as defined in Specifies the experimental and always the case, thus care must be prEN:rnrx-2 calculation procedures to be used taken to rneasure the specimen in for deriving the relative thermal its as received conditioo. All 29.020 endurance iadex of a matedal ftom measurements are dooe without an Elekttotehnika experimental data obtained in applied magnetic 6eld. The method descdbed in the body of ii{dkffsimused accordance with the instructions of IE'C 60276-L and IEC 60216-2. this standard is the "tefetence" method; optional acquisition Electrical engineering in The calculation procedures methods are oudined in Annex A general KAVANDITE 29.040.10 Isoleerivad 6lid 29.060.r0 ARVAMUSIdISITLUS Elektriiuhid prEVS 56201 Insulating oils Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 \il7Les KAYANDITE Identne IE,C 6021 6 -5 :2003 KAVANDITE ja identne EN 60216-5:2003 ARVAMUSTfISITLUS Electrical insulating materials - prEVS 24183 ARVA]VIUSXEISITLUS Thermal enduiance prcpetties - Tihtaeg: 2003-07-07 prEVS 25016 Part 5: Determination of relative Identne IEC 156:1995 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Identne IEC 172:11987 + Al:1997 thermal endurance index (RTE) ia identne EN 60156:1995 of an insulating material Insulating liquids - ja identne EN 60172:1994 + Specifies the experimental and Determination of the A1:1998 calculation ptocedures to be used breakdovm voltage at powet Test procedute for the for deriving the relative therrnal ftequency - Test method determination of the endurance index of a mateilel from Describes an empidcal test tempetature index of enamelled qpilding experimental data obtained in procedure intended to indicate the wires Specifies, in accordance udth the accotdance with the instructions of presence of contaminants such as IE,C 60276-1and IEC 60216-2. watet and solid suspended matter, provisions of IEC 60216-1,a The calculation procedures and the advisability of carrying out method for evaluating the drying and filtation treatment. temperature index of enamelled Standardized testing procedures and oftape wrapped tound and and equipment are essential for the rectangular wire. It does not include fibre-insulated rvire or uire 32 covered with tapes containing systems, e.g. for rectifiers, testing High-voltage Part t Switches inorganic fibrcs transformers, or for terrninals for for tated voltages above 1 kV prEVS 25018 power cables (potheads) and and less than 52 kV Tlhtaeg: 2003-07-07 capacitors This part of IEC 60265 is Identne IE,C264l:1968 applicable to three-phase, ja identne EN 60264-1:1994 29.700.20 alternating current srvitches and Packaging of wiadingwires - switch-disconnectors having Part 1: Contaiaers for round Elektdlised ia making and breaking current windingwires elektomehaanilised osad ratings, fot indoor and outdoor Gives the standard sizes of installations, for rated voltages Electrical and containers for round winding above 1 kV and less than 52kY; wires. electromechanical and fot rated frequencies from 16 comPonents 2/3 Hz up to and including 60 Hz. 29.080.10 KAVANDITE This standard is also applicable to Isolaatorid the operating devices of these ARVAMUSKOSITLUS switches and to their auxiliary prEVS 24889 Insulators eq'iFment. Switch-disconnectors Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 ate also covered by IEC 60129. KAVAI{DITE Identne tEC 276:1968 + A1:1987 General principles and provisions ja ARVAMUSKOSITLUS identne EN 60276:1996 of this standard may also be ptElrS 29286 Definitions and nomenclature applicable to single pole switches carbon Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 for brushes, brush- intended for application in single- holders, Identne IF.C 60437:7997 commutators and slip- phase systems. The requirements ja identne EN 60437:1997 ring" for dielectric tests and making and Radio iaterference test on high- Establishes a vocabulary of breaking tests should be in voltage iasulatots definitions and terms for classes of accordance with the requirements brush grades, brushes, tops, This standatd specifi.es the of the specific application. flexibles (Shunts) and connections, procedure for a tadio interfereoce terminals, commutators aod slip- (R.L) test carried out in a rings, commutator marking 29.720.60 laboratory on clean aod dry and other miscellaneous details. LiiLlitus- insulators at a frequency of 0,5 ia Contains illusuations for each juhtimisaparaadid MHz or 1 MHz or altematively at term. Gives the terms in Dutch, other frequencies between 0,5 Switchgear and controlgear MHz and 2WIz. English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and KAVAI\DITE Swedish. 29.080.20 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Labiviigud prEVS 25591 29.u;0.40 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01, Bushings Liilitid Identne IEC 298:1990 * corr, 1995+ A1:1994 KAYAI\DITE Switches ja identne EN 60298:1996 + ARVAMUSKIUSITLUS KAVANDITE 471:7999 prEVS 252143 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS .4.. C. metal-enclosed switchgear T?ihtaeg 2003-07-07 and controlgear for rated prEVS 23373 Identne IEC 137:7995 voltages above 1 kV and up to Tlhtaeg 2003-07-01, ja identne EN 60137:1996 and including 52 kV Identne EC 60265-2:1988 + Insulating bushings for This standard speciEes Al,2:1998 g voltages above requi-rements for factory- "1.11atin ja identne EN 60265-2:1993 + 1000 v assembled rnetal-enclosed 41,2:L998 Specifies the characteristics and switchgear and controlgear for High-voltage switches - P att 2: tests for insulated bushings. Is altemari.g cuffent of rated High-voltage switches for rated applicable to bushings, as defined voltages above 1 kV and up to and voltages of52 kV and above in clause 2, intended for use in including 52 kV for indoor and Applicable to three-phase electrical apparatus, machinery, outdoor installation, and for altemating-current switches, having ttansformers, switchgear and service fiequencies up to and making and breaki.g curreot installations for thtee-phase including 60 IIz. For metal- ratings, for indoor and outdoor dtemating curent systems, having enclosed switchgear and installations, for rated voltages 52 rated voltages above 100 V and contolgear containing gas-filled kV and above, and for rated power-frequencies of 15 Hz up to compartments, the design pressure frequencies up to and including 60 and including 60 Hz. Special is limited to a mximum of 3 bat Hz. requirements and tests for Gas-filled compartrnents prEVS 28517 G""g9. transformer bushings in this having a design pressrre exceeding Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 standatd apply also to reactot 3 bat (gauge) shall be designed and Identne IEC 60265-1:1998 bushings. This standard may also tested in accordance with IEC 517. identne be used analogously fot bushings ia EN 60265-1:1998 for use in other than three-phase JJ Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 29.120.70 29.130.10 Identne IEC 60255-3:1989 Releed ja identne EN 60255-3:1998 K6rgepingelised ltilitusseadmed nende Relays Electrical relays - Pat 3: Single ia input energizing quantity iuhtseadmed KAVANDITE measuring relays with ARVAMUSKTTSITLUS dependent or independent time High volage switchgear and prEVS 2862 Applicable to electrical measuriog contfolgear Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 relays and protection equipment KAVA\IDITE having a single input enetgizing Identoe IEC 255-21-1:1988 ARVAMUSKIISITLUS ja identne EN 60255-21-1:1995 quantity and where the operating prEVS 5627 Electrical telays - Pzrt2lz time is independeot or dependent Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 Vibration, shoclg bump and on this quantity. It excludes Identne IF,C 6227 1 seismic tests on measuring therrnal electrical relays which are -100:2007 / A7:2002 relays and ptotection equipment specified in EN 60255-8. This ja identne EN 62277-700:2007/ - Section t Vibtation tests standard is a thirdlevel publikation (sinusoidal) (Standards applicable wholly or A7:20A2 High-voltage switchgeat and This part includes nvo types of pardy to a particular group of controlgeat - Pat 100: Hlgh- vibration tests: the vibration relays) and states the particulat voltage altemating-current response test and the vibration requirements for this type of circuit-breakers endutance test, and is generally telays. Is to be read in coniunction Is applicable to a.c. circuit-breakers based upon IEC 68-2-6. The with higher level documents in the designed for indoor or outdoot requirements are applicable only to EN 60255 and IEC 60255 series. installation and fot operation at measuring relays and protection ftequencies of 50 Hz and 60 Hz on equipment in a new condition. The 29.130 systems having voltages above tests specified are q4)e tests. Aparaadikoosted 1 000 v. prEVS 23865 Tiihtaeg 2003-07-07 Switchgear and controlgear Identne IF,C 25 5 -21 -2:19 88 29.130.20 ia identne EN 60255-21-2:1995 KAVAI\DITE Madalpingelised Electrical relays - PartZlz ARVAMUSKOSITLUS liilitusseadmed ia nende Vibration, shock, lrrnp and prEVS 56249 juhtseadmed seismic tests on measuriag Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 telays and protection equipment Identne IEC 61800-5-7:2003 Low voltage switchgear and - Section 2: Shock and bump ja identne EN 61800-5-7:2003 controlgeaf tests Adjustable speed electrical This standard includes two types of power drive systems - Part 5-1: KAVANDITE tests: - the shock test (on energized Safety requirements - Electdcal, ARVA]VIUSKETSITLUS and non-energized specimen). - the thermal and energy prEVS 56189 bump test (on non-energized specifies requirements for Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 specimen). These tequirements are powet adiustable speed ddve Identne IEC 60947-5- 4:2002 applicable only to measudng relays systems, or their elements, with Low-voltage switchgeat and and protection equipmeot in a new respect to electrical, therrnal and contolgeat - Patt 5-4: Control condition. energy safety considerations. It circuit devices aad switching prEYS 37221 does not cover the ddven elements - Method of assessing Tiihtaeg 2003-07-07 equipment except for interface the performance of low-energy IEC 60255-8:1 990 Identne requirements. It applies to contacts - Special tests ja identne EN 60255-8:1998 adjustable speed electric ddve Electrical relays - Part 8: systems urhich iodude the power Thetmal electrical telays conversion, dtive control and Applies to dependent specified motor ot rnotors. It applies to d.c. 29.140.20 time electrical measudng relays drive systems connected to line H66glambid which protect equipment from voltages up to 1 kV a.c., 50 Hz or electrical thermal damage by 60 Hz and a.c. ddve systems with Incandescent lamps measurement and switching off the converter input or ouq)ut voltages KAVANIDITE current flowing h protected up to 35 kV, 50 Hz or 60 Hz equipment. This standard is a ARVAMUSKOSITLUS third-level publication (Standards prEVS 56238 applicable wholly or pardy to a Tihtaeg: 2003-07-07 particular goup of relays) and I dentne IEC 60 432-3 :2002 ja 60432-3:2002 states the particular requirements identne EN for this type ofrelays. Is to be tead Incandescent lamps - Safety in coniunction with higher level specifications - Part 3: Tungsten documents in the EN 60255 and halogen lamps (non-vehicle) IEC 60255 sedes. prEYS 31.222

34 Specifies the safety requirements the televant test methods for their This standard applies to all for single-capped and double- specification electrical equipment and capped tungsten halogen lamps, installations in hazardous areas having rated voltages ofup to 250 29.220.30 uzhether perrnanent, tetnporary, V, used for the following portable, ttansportableorhand- . Leelisakud applications: Projection ia -akupatareid held. It applies to installations at all (including cinematograph and still voltages. This standatd does not . Alkaline secondary cells and projection) Photographic apply to - electrical installations in batteries fucluding studio) . Floodlighting. mines susceptible to fitedamp; - . Special purpose General puq>ose KAVAI\DITE electrical installations in areas . Stage lighting ARVAMUSKOSITLUS urhere the hazatd. is due ro combustible dust ptEYS 22960 or 6bres; - inhetendy explosive 29.180 Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 situations, for example explosives manufactudng Trafod. Reaktorid Identne IEC 285 :1,993 + and processing 412:7998 - rooms used for medical pu4)oses. tansformers. Reactors ja identne EN 60285:1994 + 56182 47,2:1999 ptEVS KAVANDITE Tdhtaeg 2003-07-01 Alcaline secondary cells and Identne prEN 13630-10:2003 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS bafferies - Sealed nickel- prEVS 38498 cadmium cylindrical Explosives for civil uses - Detonating Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 rechargeable single cells cords and safety fuses - Pat 10: Determination Identne IF,C 6027 4-1, :2A03 Specifies tests and requirements of ja initiating capacity of detonat'ng identne EN 60214*1:2003 for seale d nickel-cadmirun cords Tap-changets - Part 1: cylindrical rechargeable single cells, This European Standatd specifies a Performance requirements and suitable for use in any odentatioo. method for determining the test methods Specific tests and requitements fot transrnission of detonation by Applies to on-load tap-changers of cells intended for use in perrnanent flexible plasticcoated detonating both resistor and reactor types, off- charge at elevated temperatutes are circuit tap-chmg€rS, cords and flexible fibrous- and their also included. Amendment 1.: overbraided detonating cords, for motor drive mechanisms. Applies Endurance in cycles of sealed civil use. It applies only to those mainly to tap-changers immersed nickel-cadmium rechargeable single detonating cords, having a in ttansformer oil accotding to cells. Test conditions and maximum IF,C 60296 but may also be used requfuements. grammage of 40 g/ m, for tap-changers with gas that are used to transmit insulation or immersed in other detonation to another detonating insulating Iiquids 29.260.20 cord or a high explosive Plahvatusohtlilnrs 29.220.20 keskkonnas t66tavad 31.080.01 Happeakudi^ - elektriseadmed Pooljuhtseadised ffldiselt akupatareid Electrical apparatus for Semiconductor devices in Acid secondary cells and explosive atnospheres general batteries KAVANDITE KAVANDITE KAVANDITE ARYAMUSKOSITLUS ARVA]VIUSKOSITLUS ARVAMUSKOSITLUS prEVS 56016 ptEVS 56241 Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 prEVS 5626 Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-07 Identne prEN IEC 60079-14:2002 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Identne IEC 607 49 -l 6:2003 Gaasplahvatusohutsoonide identne EN 60749-16:2003 Identne IE,C 67 9 82-2:2002 ia elektriseadmed. - Osa 14: ja identne EN 61982-2:2002 Semiconductor devices - Plahvatusohutsoonide Secondary batteries for the Mechanical and climatic test elektripaigaldised (v.a. propulsion of electric road methods - Part 16: Particle kaevandused) vehicles - Part 2t D1m"'nic impact noise detection (PIND) This part of IEC 60079 contains discharge performance test and Defnes a test ainring at detecting the specific tequirements for the dSmamic endurance test the ptesence of loose particles design, selection and erection of This part of IEC 61982 specifies inside a cavity device such as, for electrical installations in explosive tests and requi-rements for capacity example, chips of ceramic, pieces gas atrnospheres. These and endurance tests for secondary of bonding wire or solder balls requirements ate in addition to the batteries used for vehicle b.illt requirements for installations in propulsion applications. Its non-hazardous areas. objective is to speciry certain essential characteristics of cells and batteries used for propulsion of electdc road vehicles together with

35 31.140 Gives requirements for properties Base matedals fot printed of phenolic cellulose paper copper- citcuits -Parr2z Specifications - Piesoelektdlised seadised clad laminated sheeg high electrical Specification No. 2: Phenolic Piezoelectric and dielectric quality, in thicknesses of 0.5 mm cellulose papet copper-clad up to 6.4 mm. The sheet consists laminated sheeg econornic devices of an insulating base phenolic resin quatity KAVAI\DITE bonded cellulose paper laminate Gives requirements for properties ARVA]VIUSKOSITLUS with metal foil bonded to one or of phenolic cellulose papet copper- both side. This publication laminated sheet, prEVS 56225 dad of defined supersedes 249 (197 0), 249- Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-01 EC -2 flammability and high electdcal 2A (1971) atd249-?3 (1973). qudity, in thicknesses 0.5 Identne IE;C 60122-l :2002 of ^m prEVS ja identne EN 60122-1:2003 56263 up to 6.4 rnm. The sheet consists Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 of an insulating base (phenolic Quartz crystal units of assessed quality-ParttGenedc Identne EC 249 -2-7 :199 4 / rcsin bonded cellulose paper qdth specification A3:7994 lamioate) metal foil bonded to identne EN 60249-2-7:7994/ ooe or both sides. This publication Specifies the methods of test and ia A3:1995 supersedes IE,C 249-2 (1970) aod general requfuements fot quarz Base materials for printed 24e-24 (re7r). crystal units of assessed quality - prEVS using either capability approval or circuits -P^rtz. Specifications 56266 Specification Phenolic Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-07 qualification approval procedures No. ft cellulose papet copper-clad Identne IEC 249-2-3:1987 / laminated sheeg high electrical "PQ:7993 31.180 quality ja identne EN 60249-2-31994/ TriikkliiLlitused ia -plaadid Gives requitements for properties A2:1994 of phenolic cellulose paper copper- Base matedals for printed Printed circuits and boards clad laminated sheet, high electrical circuits -Part2t Specifications - KAVAI\DITE 9udig, in thicknesses of 0.5 mm Specification No. 3: Epoxide up to 6.4 mm. The sheet consists cellulose papet coppet-clad ARVAMUSKEISITLUS of an insulating base phenolic resin larninalsd sheet of defined prEVS 25185 bonded cellulose paper laminate fl a'."' ability (vetical burning Tiihtaeg 2003-07-07 with metal foil bonded to one or test) Identne IE;C 249-2-19 :1992+ both side. This publication Gives requirements for properties Al,2:1994 supetsedes EC 249-2 (1970),249- ofepoxide cellulose paper copper- + ia identne EN 60249-2-19:1993 2 (197r) atd249-23 (1973). clad laminated sheet, of defined Al,2:1995 prEVS 56264 flammability, in thickness of 0.5 Base materials for printed Tdhtaeg 2003-07-01 mm up to 6.4 mm. The sheet circuits -Patt2t Specifications - Identne IEC 249 -2-2:79 85 / consists of an insulating base Specificaton No. 19: Thi. A3:1993 (epoxide resin bonded cellulose bismaleimid e / aiazime modifi ed ja identne EN 60249-2-217994/ paper laminate) witl metal foil epoxide woven glass fabric A3:1994 bonded to one ot both sides. This copper-clad laminated sheet of Base materials fot pdnted publication supetsedes IF,C 249-2 defined flammability for use in circuits -Patt2l Specifications - (197 0), 249 -2A (r97 r) and a9 -2.3 the fabdcation of multilayer Specification No. 2: Phenolic (e7 3) and 249-?D (r97 s). printed boards cellulose paper copper-clad prEVS 56267 Gives requirements for properties laminated sheet, econornic Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-07 of thin bismaleimide /maane quality Identne IEC 249-2-3:7987 / modified epoxide woven glass Gives requirements for properties A3:1994 fabric copper-clad laminated sheet of phenolic cellulose papet copper- ja identne EN 60249-2-3:7994/ of de6ned flammability for use in clad laminated sheet, of defined A3:1995 the fabricaton of mutilayet printed flammability and high electrical Base materials for printed boards. quality, in thicknesses of 0.5 mm citcuits -Part2z Specificatioas - ptEYS 56262 up to 6.4 rnm. The sheet consists Specification No. 3: Epoxide 2003-07-07 Tiihtaeg: of an insulating base (phenolic cellulose paper coppet-clad Identne IEC 249 -2-l 2199 4 / resin bonded cellulose paper la-inated sheet of defined A2:1994 laminate) udth metal foil bonded to flarnma$iligy (vertical burning ja identne EN 60249-2-l:1994/ one or both sides. This publication test) A2:1994 supersedes IF.C249-2 (1970) and Gives requirements for properties Base matedals for printed 24e-24 (1e71). of epoxide cellulose paper copper- circuits -Patt2: Specifications - p€VS 56265 clad laminated sheet, of defined Specification No. 1: Phenolic Tdhtaeg 2003-07-01, flammability, in thickness of 0.5 cellulose paper copper-clad Identne IEC 249 -2-2:1985 / run up to 6.4 rnm. The sheet laminated sheet, high electrical A4:7994 consists of an insulating base quality ia identne EN 60249-2- (epoxide resin bonded cellulose 2:7994/A4:7995 paper laminate) with metal foil bonded to one or both sides. This publication supersedes IE.C 249-2

36 (1970), 249-2A (1971) aodag-23 Gives requirements for properties Base materials for pdnted (1973) and 249-2D (197s). of epoxide woven glass fabtic circuits -Patt2: Specifications - prEVS 56268 coppet-clad laminated sheet, of Specification No. 9: Epoxide Tdhtaeg: 20$-A7-07 defined flammability, in cellulose paper core, epoxide Identne IE,C 249-2-4:7987 / thicknesses of 0.5 mm up to 6.4 gl,ass cloth surfaces coppet-clad A3:7993 mm. The sheet consists of an laminated sheet of defined ja identne EN 60249-2-4:1994/ insulating base (epoxide resin flammability (vertical burning A3:1,994 bonded woven glass fabric test) Base materials for printed laminate) u/ith metal foil bonded to Gives requirements for ptoperties circuits - Patt 2z Specificatiorrs - one or both sides. This publication ofepoxide cellulose paper core, Specification No. 4: Epoxide supersedes IE.C 249-2 (7970),249- epoxide glass cloth surface copper- woven glass fabric coppet-clad 2A (7971),249-28 (1973) and2a9- clad laminated sheet, of defined laminated sheet, general 2D (1e7s). flammability, in thicknesses of 0.7 purpose gtade prEVS 56271 flrm up to 6.4 mm. The sheet Gives requirements for properties Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 consists of an insuluating base of epoxide woven glass fabric Identne IEC 249-2-6:1985 / (epoxide resin bonded composite copper-clad laminated sheet, A3:1.994 Iaminate consisting of a cellulose general pupose grade, in ja identne EN 60249-2-6:7994/ paper core aad glass cloth surface thicknesses of 0.5 mm up to 6.4 A3:1995 layers) with metal foil bonded to mm. The sheet consists of an Base materials for printed one or bo& sides. insulating base (epoxide resin citcuits - Patt2: Specifications - ptEYS 56274 bonded woven glass fabric Specification No. 6: Phenolic Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 laminate) udth metal foil bonded to cellulose paper coppet-clad Identne IF,C 249-2-9:1987 / one or both sides. This publication laminated sheet of defined A4:1994 supersedes IF,C 249-2 (7970),249- fl ammability (horizontal ja identne EN 60249-2-9:7994/ 2A (1,971) aod,249-28 (7973) ad buming test) A4:1.995 24e-2D (1,e7s). Gives requirements for properties Base materials fot printed prEVS 56269 of phenolic cellulose paper copper- circuits - Part 2z Specifications - Tihtaeg: 20A3-07-01 clad, laminated sheet, economic Specification No. 9: Epoxide Identne IE,C 249-2-4:1987 / guality, in thicknesses of 0.5 mm cellulose paper core, epoxide A4:1,994 up to 6.4 mm. The sheet consists glass cloth surfaces copper-clad ja identne EN 60249-2-4:1994/ of an insulating base (phenolic laminated sheet of defined A4:1.995 resin bonded cellulose paper fl 4m rnability (vertical burning Base materials for printed laminate) with metal foil bonded to test) citcuits - Patt 2: Specifications - one or both sides. Gives requirements for properties Specification No. 4: Epoxide ptEYS 56272 ofepoxide cellulose paper core, woven glass fabric copper-clad Tdhtaeg 2003-07-01, epoxide glass cloth surface coppet- larninalsd sheet, general Identne IE.C 249-2-7:1987 / clad laminated sheet, of deEned purpose grade A3:1994 flammability, in thicknesses of 0.7 Gives requircments for properties ja identne EN 60249-2-7:1994/ run up to 6.4 mm. The sheet ofepoxide rvoven glass fabdc A3:1995 consists of an insuluating base copper-clad laminated sheet, Base materials for printed (epoxide resin bonded composite general purpose grade, in circuits -Part2: Specifications - laminate consis rg of a cellulose thicknesses of 0.5 mm up to 6.4 Specification No. 7: Phenolic paper core aod glass cloth surface mm. The sheet consists of an cellulose paper copper-clad layer$ with metal foil bonded to insulating base (epoxide resin laminated sheet of defined one or both sides. bonded woven glass fabdc flammability (vertical burning prEVS 56275 laminate) rxdth metal foil boaded to test) Tdhtaeg 2003-07-01 ooe or both sides. This publication Gives requirements for properties Identne TE;C 249-2-70:7987 / supenedes IE'C 249-2 (7970),249- of phenolic cellulose paper copper- A4:7994 2A Q971) and249-B (1973) and clad laminated sheet, of defined ja identne EN 60249-2-70:7994/ 249-2D (1975). flammability, in thicknesses of 0.5 A4:7995 prEVS 56270 mm up to 3.2 nrm. The sheet Base matedals for printed Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 consists of an insulating base citcuits - Part 2z Specifications - Identne IE,C 249-2-5:1987 / (phenolic resin bonded cellulose Specification No. 10: Epoxide A4:7994 paper larninate) with metal foil nou-woven/woven glass ja identne EN 60249-2-5:1994/ bonded to one or both sides. teinforced copper-clad A4:1995 prEVS 56273 laminated sheet of defined Base materials for printed Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 fl ammability (vertical burning circuits - Pan2t Specifications - Identne EC 249-2-9::7987 / test) Specification No. 5: Epoxide A3:7993 Gives requirements for properties woven glass fabdc copper-clad ja identne EN 60249-2- of epoxide non-woven/woven laminated sheet of defined 9:'t994/A3:7994 glass reinforced copper-clad fl ammability (vertical burning laminated sheet of defined test) flammability, in thicknesses of 0.7 rnm up to 3,2 mrn. The sheet

37 consists o6.6 jssqlaring base Identne reC 249 -2-l 4:1998 / prEVS 56281 (epoxide resin bonded composite A3:1993 Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 laminate consisting of a non- ja identne Ell 60249-2-74:1994/ Identne B,C 249 -2-7 6:7992/ riloven glass-Ebre cote and glass A3:1994 A2:7994 cloth sutface layers) with metal foil Base materials for pdnted ja identne EN 60249-2-16:1993/ bonded to one ot both sides. circuits - Patt2'. Specifications - A2:1995 ptEVS 56276 Specificaton No. 14: Phenolic Base materials fot pdnted Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 cellulose papet coppet-clad citcuits -PartZz Specifications - Identne lE;C 249-2-71:1987 / larninalgfl sheet of defined Specificaton No. 16: Polyimide A3:7994 fl ar.- ability (vertical burning nroven glass fabric copper-clad ja identne EN 60249-2-7721994/ test), economic quality laminated sheet of defiaed A3:1995 Gives tequiremeots for properties fl arnrn a$ifi 1y (vertical $umin g Base materials for printed of phenolic, cellulose paper test) circuits -Patt2z Specifications - copper-clad laminated sheet, of This specificaion of IE.C 249-2 Specification No. 1l Thin defined flammability, in gives rcquirements for ptoperties epoxide woven glass fabric thicknesses of 0.5 mm up to 3.2 of polyimide woven glass fabtic copper-clad laminated shee! nrm. The sheet coosists of ao copper-clad laminated sheet of general purpose gtade, for use insulating base (phenolic resin defined flammabfity, in in the fabrication of multilayer bonded cellulose paper laminate thicknesses of 0,5 mm up to 6,4 pdnted boards with defined flame resistance) with Gives requirements fot properties metal foil bonded on one or both prEVS 56282 of thin epoxide woven gtass fabric sides. Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 copper-clad laminated sheet, prEVS 56279 Identne IE;C 249 -2-17 :7992/ general purpose grade, fot use in Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 A1:1993 the fabrication of multilayer Identne IE'C 249 -2-1 4:79 88 / ja identne EN 60249-2-17:1993/ printed boatds. Laminated sheets A4:1994 A7:1994 covered by this speciEcation have ja identne EN 60249-2-14:7994/ Base materials fot pdnted thicknesses (of the base laminate, A4:1995 circuits - Part 2z Specifications - excluding the copper foil) not Base matedals fot printed Specificaton No. 17: Thin gteater than 0.8 mm (0.031 in). The circuits -Patt2z Specifications - polyimide woven glass fabric sheet consists o6 _ fu5stzting base Specificaton No. 14: Phenolic copper-clad lamin4lsd sheet of (epoxide resin bonded woven glass cellulose papet copper-clad defiaed flammability for use in fabric laminate) with metal foil laminated sheet of defined the fabrication of multilayer bonded to one or both sides. This fl am m a$i1ry (vertical burning printed board publication supersedes IE,C 249-2C test), economic quality This specificaion of IEC 249-2 (1e73). Gives requirements for ptoperties gives reguirements for properties ptE){S 56277 of phenolic, cellulose paper of thin polymide woven glass Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 copper-clad laminated sheet, of fabdc copper-clad laminated sheet Identne IF,C 249-2-12:1987 / defined flammability, ia of defined flammability for use in A3:1994 thicknesses of 0.5 mm tp to 3.2 the fabrication of multilayer ja identne EN 60249-2-72:1994/ mm. The sheet consists of an pdnted boards. A3:1995 fu.ss[ating base (phenolic rcsin prEVS 56283 Base matedals for printed bonded cellulose paper laminate Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-01 circuits -Part2-7J2t with defned flame resistance) with Identne IEC 249-2-17 :7992 / Specifi cations - Specifi cation: metal foil bonded on one or both A2:1994 thin epoxide woven glass fabric sides. ja identne EN 60249-2-17:t993/ O copper-clad laminated sheet of prEVS 56280 A2:1995 defined flammability, for use in Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 Base matedals for printed the fabrication of multilayer Identne IE,C 249 -2-1 6:1992 / citcuits -Patt2: Specifications - printed boards A1:7993 Specificaton Pe. tJ3 lhin Gives requitements for properties ja identne EN 60249-2-76:1993/ Po$irni6g woven glass fabric of thin epoxide glass fabric cobber- A1:7994 coppet-clad larninated sheet of clad laminated sheet, of defined Base materials for printed defined flammability for use in flammability for use in the citcuits -Patt2z Specifications - the fabrication of multilayer fabrication of multilayer printed Specificaton No. 16: Polyimide pdnted board boards. Laminated sheets covered woven glass fabric copper-clad This specificaion of IEC 249-2 by this specification have laminated sheet of defined gives requircments for properties thicknesses (of the base laminated, flammability (vertical buming of thin polymide woven glass excluding the copper foil) not test) fabric copper-clad laminated sheet greater than 0.8 mm (0.031 in). The This specificaion of IEC 249-2 of defined flammability for use in sheet consists of an insulating base gives requirements for properties the fabrication of multilayer (epoxide resin bonded woven glass of polyimide woven glass fabric printed boards. fabdc laminate) with metal foil copper-clad laminated sheet of prEVS 56284 bonded to one or both sides. defined flammability, in Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 prEVS 56278 thicknesses of 0,5 mm up to 6,4 Identne IE,C 249 -2-18:799 2 / Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 A1:1993

38 ja identne EN 60249-2-78:1993/ Base materials for printed 31.190 41;1994 circuits - Patt 2z Specifications. Base materials fot printed Specification No. 1il: Flexible Elekroonikakomponentid circuits - Part 2: Specifications - copper-clad polyimide film, e koosted Specificaton No. 18: general purpose grade Electronic component Bismaleimid e / ttiazine modifi ed Gives requirements for properties epoxide woven glass fabric of flexible copper-clad polyimide assemblies coppet-clad laminated sheet of film, general puq>ose grade KAVANDITE defined flammability (vertical including optional requirements buming test) which apply only by agreement ARYAMUSITOSITLUS This specification of IEC 249 glves between purchaser and supplier. prEVS 38500 requirements for ptoperties of The material consists of an Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 Identne IF,C 61 192-2:2003 bismaleimide / mazine modified insulating fleible film base with ja identre epoxide woven glass fabric copper- copper foil bonded to one or both EN 67792-2:2003 clad laminated sheet of defined sides, with or without the use of an Wotloanship requirements for flammability, in thicknesses of 0,5 adhesive. soldered electonic assemblies - nrm up to 6,4 mm. prEVS 56289 Patt2z Surface-mount prEVS 56285 Tihtaeg: 20U-A7-07 assemblies Tlhtaeg: 2003-07-07 Identne IE.C 249-2-1,5:7987 + Specifies requ.irements for workmanship in soldered Identne IF.C 249 -2-18:7992 / A1:1993 surface- A2:7994 ja identne EN 60249-2-75:1994 + mounted electronic assemblies and ja identne EN 60249-2-78:1,993/ A7:7994 multichip modules on organic A2:1,995 Base materials for pdnted substrates, on printed boards, and similar Base materials for pfinted circuits - Patt 2z Specifications. on larninates attached to the circuits -Part2: Specifications - Specificatiou No. 15: Flexible surface(s) of inoryanic substrates. Specificaton No. 18: coppet-clad polyimide film, of Applies to assemblies that are totally surface-mounted Bismaleimid e / tiazine modifi ed defined flammability and to the epoxide woven glass fabric Gives requirements for properties surface-mount portions of copper-clad laminated sheet of of flexible copper-clad polyimide assemblies that include other defined flammability (vertical film, of defined flammability, related assembly technologies, for butning test) iacluding optional requitements example, through-hole mounting This specification of IEC 249 gtves which apply only by agreemeot prEVS 56204 requirements for properties of between purchaser and supplier. Tdhtaeg 2003-07-01 Identne 1 bismaleimide / tiazne modifi ed The matedal consists of an EC 61 92-7 :2003 ja identne epoxide woven glass fabric copper- insulating flexible film base with EN 61192-1:2003 clad laminated sheet of deined copper foil bonded to one or botl Wotkmanship requiremeats for soldered flammability, in thicknesses of 0,5 sides, with or urithout the use of an electronic assemblies - mm up to 6,4 mm. adhesive. Part 1: Genetal prEVS 56287 prEVS 56291 Specifies general requirements for Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-01, workmanship in soldered Identne IE,C 249 -2-8:79 87 + Identne IEC 58L2:1982 + electronic assemblies on printed A7:7993 A1:1989 boards and on similar laminates ja identoe EN 60249-2-8:1994+ ja identne EN 6058,1-2:1993 attached to the sutface(s) of Alzl994 Thermocouples - Part 2: organic subsftates. Defines Base materials for printed Toleraaces requirements and guidelines for circuits - P art 2t Specifications. Contains the manufacturing good workmanship and practice in the pteparation, Specification No. 8: Flexible tolerances for both noble and base soldering copper-clad polyester (PETP) metal therrnocouples inspection and testing of electronic fitm manufactured in accordance urith and electrical assemblies. Enables Gives requirements for properties e.m.f. temperature relationships of achievement of high yields and high of flexible copper-clad polyester - Part 1 of the sta.datd. The product quality through process (polyethylene terephthalate) tolerance values are fot a control in production (PETP) film including optional therrnocouple manufactured from prEVS 56205 requireo.ents which apply only by wires normally in the diameter Tihtaeg: 2003-07-07 Identne IE,C 67 192-4:2002 agleemerit between puchaser and range 0.25 mm to 3 mm, as supplier. The material consists of delivered to the user and do not ia identne EN 61192-4.2003 an insulating flexible polyestet film allow for calibration dtaft dudng Wotl.- anship requirements for base with copper foil bonded to use. soldered electronic assemblies - one or both sides, with or udthout Part 4: Terminal assemblies the use of an adhesive. prEVS 56288 Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 Identne IE.C 249 -2-13 :79 87 + A1:1993 ja identne EN 60249-2-73:7994+ A7:1994

39 Specifies general rcquirements for 31.260 EVS-EN 300 019-L4 V2.2.122003 workmanship in terminal soldered Optoelektroonika. Hind 130,00 assemblies on organic substrates, Identoe EN 300 019-2-4 on printed boards, and on similat Laserseadmed Y2.2.1:2002 Iaminates attached to the surface(s) Equipment Engineering (EE); Optoelectronics. Laser of inorganic substrates. It applies Envitonmental conditions and to assemblies that are totally equipment environmeatal tests fot terminals or rnixed assemblies that KAVANDITE telecommunications eq uipmeng include surface-moun''.g ot other ARVAMUSKIISITLUS P att ?-42 Specification of telated assembly technologies, for environmental tests; Stationary prEVS 55148 example through-hole, wires use at non-weatherprotected Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 prEVS 56245 locations T?ihtaeg 20$-A7-07 Identne ISO 11670:1999 ja identne EN ISO 77670:2003 Identne IEC 61 1 88-5- 6:2003 ja identne EN 6118&5-6:2003 Lasets and laser-related $.440 Printed boards and printed equipment - Test methods for Sidesflsteemid board assemblies - Design and laset beatn pai4rneters - Beam Telecommunication svstems use - Part 5-6: Attachment positional stability (land/joint) considerations - This Iotemational Standard defines UUED STANDARDID Chip cariers with on methods for determioiog the beam J-leads EVS-EN 300 371-t Y 2.7.X2003 fout sides positional as well as angular stability. Hind 348,00 Provides information on laod The test methods given in International Identne EN 300 3247Y2.7.7:2000 pattern geometries used for the this Standard ate intended V interfaces at the digital Local surface attachment of electronic to be used for testing and charactedzatioo Exchange (LE); V5.1 interface components withJ leads on four of lasers fot the support ofAccess sides. Provides the appropriate Network (AN); Part 1: Y5.1 size, shape and tolerances of 33.020 interface specifi cation sudace mount land pattems so as Sidetehnika fildk0simused to ensure sufficient area for the EVS-EN 300 686 Y1.2.122003 appropriate solder fillet, and also Telecommunications in Hind 163,00 Identne EN 300 686Y7.2.7:2007 allows fot inspection, testing and genefal reworking of resulting solder joints Access and Tetminals (AT); 34 UUED STAINDARDID Mbit/s and 140 Mbit/s digital leased lines (D34U, D34S, EVS-EN 300 079 -2-r Y 2.1.2:2003 37.240 D140U, D140S); Network Hind 130,00 Elektronseadmete interface preeentation Identne EN 300 079-2-I mehaanilised osad Y2.1.2:2000 EVS-EN 300 687 Y7.2.722003 Hind 163,00 Mechanical structures for Environ- ental Engineering Environrnental conditions Identne EN 300 687 Y1.2.122001 electronic @E); equipment and envitonmental tests for Access and Terminals (AT);3a KAVANDITE a"l""eslaunications equipmenq Mbit/s digrtd leased lines (D34U ARVAMUSI([ISITLUS P att Llz Specifi cation of and D34S); Co.nection environtnental tests; Storage chatacteristics ptEYS 26M7 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 EVS-EN 30o 019 -2-2 V 2.1.2:2003 Hind 170,00 Identne B,C 297-4:1995 + Hind 126,00 Al:1999 Identne EN 300 019-2-2 Identne EN 300 688Y7.2.1:2001 Y2.1.2:7999 Access and Terminals (AT); 140 ia identne EN 60297-4:1995 + leased lines A7:7999 Equipment Engineedng (EE); Mbit/s digrtd (D140U Mechanical structures for Envircnmental conditions and and D140S); Co"'rection charactetistics electronic equipment - environ"nental tests fos Dimensions of mechanical telecommunications equipmeng EVS-EN 300 689 V1.2.L2003 stntctures of the 48216 mt (19 P att ?-22 Specifi cation of Hind 170,00 in) series - Part 4: Submcks and environmental testsl Identne EN 300 689Y1.2.7:2001 associated plug-in units - Ttansportation (A1) Access and Terminals (AT);34 Additional dit-ensions EVS- EN 300 019 -2-3 Y 2.2.1t2003 Mbit/s digitd leased lingg This part of IEC 297 relates to Hind 163,00 (D34U and D34S); Terminal equipment ptactice of the 482,6 Identne EN 300 019-2-3 equipment interface mm (19 in) series where plug-in Y2.2.7:2002 EVS-EN 300 690 Yl.2.lz?-003 units with or without Equipment Engineering (EE); Hiod 170,00 injectors/extractors are used with Environmental conditions and Identne EN 300 690Y1.2.1:2001 connectors according to envhonmental tests for Access and Terminals (AT);140 IEC 603-2.This part is intended to telecommunications equipmenq Mbit/s digital leased lines ensure mechanical P art 2-32 Specification of (D140U and D140S); Tenninal interchangeability and envitonmental tests; Stationary equipment interface intermateability between plug-in use at weatherprotected units and subracks. locations 40 Private Integrated Services Identne EN 301 754Yl.7.7:2002 Hind 126,00 Network (PISN); Inter- Telecommunications Identne EN 301 273-5Y1.1.1:2007 exchange signalling protocol; Management Netwotk $lf$; Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to- Cordless Terminal Location Management interfaces multipoint equipment Point-to- Registration (CTLR) associated with the V85.2 multipoint digital radio systems supplementary serice; ECMA- teference poiut in ftequency bands in the tange QSIG-CTLR i P att 2z Abstact EVS-EN 301 931-M.7.2:2003 71,25 GHztoZ9rl GHz usi.€i Test Suite (ATS) and partial Hind 259,00 different access methods; Part Protocol Implementatiou eXtra Identne EN 301 931-7Y7.1.2:2007 5: Multi-Carrier Time Division Information for Testing Intelligent Netwotk (IN); Multiple Access (MC-TDMA) (PIXIT) ptofotma Intelligent Network Capability methods EVS-EN 301 455-2 Y7.4.7t2003 Set 3 (CS3); Iutelligeot Netwotk EVS-EN 307 451-2 Y1.4.7:2003 Hind 146,00 Application Protocol (INAP); Hirrd 139,00 Identne EN 301 455-2Y1.4.1:2A02 Protocol specification; Part 1; Identne EN 301 457-2Y7.4.7:2042 Private Integtated Services Common aspects Private Integrated Services Netwotk (PISN); Inter- EVS-EN 307 931-2 Y 1.1.2:2A03 Network (PISN); Cordless exchange signalling protocol; Hind 506,00 Terminal Mobility (CTM); Cordless Terminal Mobility Identne EN 301 931-2Y1.1.2:2A01 Inter-exchange (CTM); call signalling Incoming Intelligent Network (IN) ; protocoli Cotdless tenninal additional network feature for Intelligent rrbrr Network Capability outgoing call additional the VPN senrice entry Set 3 (CS3); Intelligent Network network feature for the YPN point; Part 2: Abstract Test Application Protocol (INAP) rrbfr ; sersice entry point; Part2z Suite (ATS) and partial Ptotocol Protocol specifi cation; P art 2: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and Implementation eXta SCF-SSF interface partial Protocol Implementation Information for Testing EVS-EN 307 937-3 Y7.1.222003 eXtra Information for Testi.g (PIXIT) proforma specification Fl1ll;d272,00 (PDilT) ptoforma specifi cation EVS-EN 301 483 -2 V 1.2.t2003 Identne EN 301 931-3Yl.1.2:2001 301 452-2 V l. 4.lz?.003 Hind 146,00 EVS-EN lnlglligent Nets/otk (Il9 ; Hind 146,00 Identne EN 301 483-2Y1.2.1:2002 lnlglligent Network Capability Identne EN 301 452-2Y1,.4.7:2002 Private Integtated Setvices Set 3 (CS3); Intelligent Netqrotk Private Services (PISN); Inter- Integrated Network Application Protocol flNAP); Network (PISITI); Inter- exchange signalling ptotocol; Protocol specification; Part 3: exchange signalling ptotocol; Advice of Charge (AoC) SCF-SRF interface Call completion supplementary supplementary services; P att 2: EVS-EN 307 9 3l- 4 V7.1.222003 service fot the VPN service Absttact Test Suite (ATS) and "b" Hind 101,00 entry poinq Patt2z Abstract pafiid Ptotocol Implementation Identne EN 301 931,-4Y1.1.2:2001 Test Suite (ATS) and partial eXca Inforrnation fot Testing Intelligent Network (IN); Ptotocol Implementation eXtta (PDilT) ptoforma specifi cation lllslligent Network Capability Information for Testing EYS-EN 301 490 -2 Y7.2.7:2003 Set 3 (CS3); lnlslligent Neturotk (PD(T) proforma specifi cation Hind 155,00 Application Protocol (INAP) ; EVS-EN 301 453 -2 Y 1.2.1:.?.003 Identne EN 301 490-2Y1.2.1:2002 Protocol specification; Patt 4z Hiod 163p0 Private Integtated Services SDLs fot SCF-SSF intetface Identne EN 301 453-2Y7.2.1:2002 Netwotk (PISN); Inter- Private Integtated Senrices exchange signallin g ptotocol; Network (PISN); Inter- CalI uansfer supplementary 33.060 exchange signalling ptotocol; service for the VPN 'tbrr sewice Raadioside Diverciou supplementary entry point; Patt2z Abstract services; Patt2z Abstract Test Test Suite (ATS) aad partial Radiocommunications Suite (ATS) and partial Ptotocol Protocol Implementation eXtra UUED STANDARDID Implementation eXtra Information for Testirg Information fot Testing (PIXIT) proforma EVS-EN 301 841-1 Y1.1.1:2003 Hind 199,00 (PIXIT) proforma specffication EYS-EN' 301 49r-2 Y r.2.X2003 Identne EN 301 841:1, Y7.7.1,:2A02 EVS-EN 301 45 4 -2 Y 1.3.1:2003 Hind 139,00 Electromaguetic compatibility Hind 139,00 Identne EN 301 491-2Y1.2.7:2002 and Radio spectrum Mattets Identne EN 301 4542Y7.3.7:2002 Private Integtated Services (ERM); YHF air-gound Digital Network (PISN); Intet- Liuk (YDL) Mode 2; Techtical exchange signalling protocol; characteristics and methods of Call ofrer supplemeatary measurement for gtound-based sewice; Part2: Abstract Test equipment; Part t Physical Suite (ATS) and partial Ptotocol layer Implementation eXtra Information for Testing EVS-EN 301 842-7 Y 7.1.1:200 3 (PDUT) proforma specifi cation Hind 199,00 Identne EN 301 842-7Y1.1.t:2002 EVS-EN 301 754 V1.1.122003 Hind 190,00

41 Electomagnetic compatibility Digital Enhanced Cordless Integrated Senrices Digital and Radio spectrum Mattets lslsqsmmrrnicatioas (DECT); Nets'ork (ISDN); Call Waiting (ERM); YHF air-gound Data Data Senices Profile (DSP); (CW) supplemeatary service; Link 0rDL) Mode 4 mdio Isochtonous data bearer Dgrt"l Subscriber Signalling equipment; Technical senrices qrift lqrming mobility System No. oae (DSSI) chatacteristics and methods of (service type D, mobility protocot Patt 6: Absttact Test measurement for ground-based class 2) Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol equipmenq Part 1: Genenl EV$EN 301 515 Y1.0.122003 Implementation eXfta description Hind 66,00 Infot-ation fot Testing 'Identne EN 301 515 Vl.0.1:2001 EDilT) proforma specifi cation 33.070 Global System for Mobile for the network Mobiilside co--unication (GSM); EVS-EN 300 064-6 V1.4.3|?.003 Requirements for GSM Hind 163,00 Mobile sevices opetation on railways Identne EN 300 0646Y1.4.3:7999 Integrated Services Digital UUED STANDARDID (ISDN); 33.080 Netsrork Direct EVS-EN 300 444 Y1.4.122003 Dia[ing In (DDI) Hind 295,00 Integraalteenustega supplementary setvice; Digital Identne EN 300 44/lYl.41:2007 digitaalv6tk (ISDI$ Subsctiber Signalling System Digital Enhanced Cotdless No. one (DSSI) protocot Part 6: Integrated Services Digital Telecommunications @ECT); Abstact Test Suite (ATS) and Generic Access Profile (GAP) Netrvork (ISDI.[) partial Protocol Implementation EVS-EN 300 757 Y7.4.1t2003 UUED STANDARDID eXta Information for Testing Hind 283,00 (PDilT) proforma specifi cation EVS-EN 300 009-2 vl .4.222003 Identne EN 300 757 Y1.4.7:2002 for the netwotk Hind 163,00 Digital Enhanced Cordless EVS-EN 300 089 Y3.1.12003 Identne EN 300 009-2Y7.4.2r2002 Telecommunications (DECT); Hind 126,00 Integtated Services Digital Low Rate Messaging Serice Nets'ork (ISDN); Signalling Ideotne EN 300 089 V3.1.1:2000 (LRMS) including Short Integtated Seryices Digital System No.7; Signalling Messaging Senrice (SMS) Netwotk (ISDN); f,alling I.inq Connection Conttol Part Identifi cation Presentation EVS-EN 300 81:2 Y 2.1.722003 (SCCP) (connectionless and (CLP) supplemeritary senrice; Hind 316,00 co.nection-oriented class 2) to Serrdce description Identne EN 300 812Y2.1.7:2001 support intemational Terrestrial Trunked Radio interconnection; Patt 2: Protocol EYS-EN 300 092-6 Y1.4.1t2003 flETRA); Security aspects; Implementation Conformance Hind 146,00 Subscriber Identity Module to Statement (PICS) proforma Identne EN 300 092-6Y7.4.7:2002 Mobile Equipment (SIM-ME) specification Integrated Services Digital interface Netrrork (ISDN); Qalling ring EVS-EN 300 011-M. 2.2:2003 Identifi cation Ptesentation EVS-EN 300 822 Y 1.2.1:20 03 Hind 190,00 (CLP) supplementary service; Hind 283,00 Identne EN 300 077-1Y7.2.2:2000 Digital Subscdbet Identne EN 300 822Y1.2.7:2007 Integrated Services Digital Si$aling System No. one (DSS1) Digital Enhanced Cotdless Netwotk (ISDN); Primary tate protoco! Telecommunications (DECT); User Netwotk Interface (UNI); Pat 6:Abstract Test Suite (ATS) partial Protocol Integtated Seryices Digital Part t Layerl specification and Network (ISDN); DECT/ISDN Implementation eXtra EVS-EN 300 072-t Y 7.2.2-.2003 interwotking fot intermediate Information for Testing Hind 259,00 system configuration; (PIXIT) proforma specffi cation Identne EN 300 012-7 Y1.2.2:2000 Inters'otking and profile for the network Integtated Seryices Digital specification EVS-EN 300 093-6 Y1.4.122003 Network (ISDN); Basic User- Hind 139,00 EVS-EN 300 824 YL3.1:2003 Network Interface (UND; Identne EN 300 093-6Y7.4.1:2002 Hind 199,00 Patt t Layer l specification Identne EN 300 824Y1.3.1:2007 Integtated Senrices Digitd EVS-EN 300 058-6 Y1.3.322003 Digital Enhanced Cordless Nerwotk (ISDN); Qalling I ins Hind 139,00 Telecommunications (DECT); Identffi cation Restriction Identne EN 300 058-6 V1.3.3:1999 Cotdless Terminal Mobility (CLIR) supplementary sen'icel (CTM); CIM Access Profile Digital Subs cribet Signallin g (cAP) System No. one (DSSI) protocoli Part 6:Abstact Test EVS-EN 301 238 Y 1.3.12200 3 Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol tllyl'd247,00 Implementation eXta Identne EN 301 238Y1.3.I:2007 Information for Testing (PIXIT) ptofotura specifi cation for the netwotk EVS-EN 300 094 Y2.1.122003 Hind 126,00 42 Identne EN 300 A94Y2.7.7:20A0 EVS-EN 300 73*4 V2.4 322A03 This tust part of EN 300147 Integrated Services Dgrt"l Hind 155,00 specifies the stage tlree of the Call Netwotk (ISDN); Connected Identne EN 300 738-4Y7.4.3:2000 Hold supplementary ftIOLD) I ine Identification Presentation Integtated Services Dtgrtd supplementary service for the pan- (CO LP) supplementary service; Netwotk flSDN); Closed Uset European Integtated Services Senice description Group (CUG) supplementary Digitd Network (ISDN) as EVS-EN 300 097-6 Y1.3.4:2003 servicel Digital Subscdber provided by European public Hind 170,00 Signalling System No. ooe telecommunications operators at Identne EN 300 097-6Y7.3.4:1999 (DSSI) protocot Part 4: Absttact the T reference point or coincident Integrated Sernices Dgtt"l Test Suite (ATS) and partial S and T reference point (as deEned Network (ISDN); Connected Protocol Implementation eXtra in CCITT Recommendation I.411 Line Identifi cation Presentation Information for Testing [1]) by means of the Digital (COLP) supplementary servicel (PDilT) ptoforma specifi cation Subscriber Signaling System No. Digital Subscriber Sigarlling for the user one (DSS1) protocol. Stage three System No. one (DSSI) EVS-EN 300 13&5 Y3.1.1:2003 identifies the protocol procedures protocoli Part 6:Abstract Test Hind 155,00 and switching functions needed to Suite (ATS) and pattial Protocol Identne EN 300 138-5Y3.1.7:2002 support a telecommunications Implementation eXtra Integtated Serrrices Digital service (see CCIfi Recommendation I.130 Information for Testing Network OSDN); Closed User [2]). (PIXIT) ptoforma specifi cation Group (CUG) supplementary EVS-EN 307 n 6-3 Y1.1.7:20A3 for the network servicel Digital Subscriber Hind 101,00 EVS-EN 300 098-6 Y7.3.42A03 Sigualling System No. one Identne EN 301 276-3Y7.1..7:2007 Hind 163,00 (DSS1) protocot Part 5: Test Broadband Integtated Senrices Identne EN 300 098-6 Y1.3.4:1999 Suite Structure and Test Digital Network (B-ISDN); Integtated Seryices Digital Purposes C[SS&TP) Digital Subscdbet Signalling specification for Netrotk OSDN); Connected the network System No. two (DSS2) I ine Identification Presentation EVS-EN 300 13&6 V1.5.12003 ptotocol; Connection (COLP) supplemerrtary service; Hind 155,00 characteristics; Modification Digital Subscdber Signalting Identne EN 300 138-6 V ptocedures for sustainable cell System No. one (DSSI) 1.5.7:2002 tate parametercl Part 3: Test pfotocoL Part 6:AbsUact Test Integrated Services Digital Suite Structure and Test Putposes Suite (ATS) and patial Protocol Netwotk QSDN); Closed User C[SS&TP) Implementation eXtra Group (CUG) supplementary specification for the user Information for Testing service; Digitd Subscdbet EVS-EN 301 27 6-5 Y1.1.12003 (PIXIT) ptoforma specification Signelling System No. one Hind 101,00 for the network (DSSI) ptotocol; Part 6: Abstract Identne EN 301 276-5Y1J.7:2OO7 EVS-EN 300 1304 V1.3.2t2003 Test Suite (ATS) and partial Btoadband Integmted Serrrices Hind 146,00 Protocol Implementation eXtra Digital Netwotk (B-ISDN); Identne EN 300 130-4Y1.3.2:2000 Information for Tes''r g Digital Subscriber Signalling Integtated Services Digitd (PD(T) proforma specifi cation System No. two (DSS2) Network (ISDN); Malicious fot the network protocol; Connectioa Call Identifi cation (MCID) EVS-EN 300 141-1 Y1.2.4:?.003 chatacteristics; Modification supplementary servicel Digitd Hiod 130,00 procedutes for sustainable cell Subscriber Signallin g System Identne EN 300 l4l-7Y7.2.4:7998 rate parameters; Part 5: Test No. oue (DSS1) protocot Part4z Integrated Serices Digital Suite Structure and Test Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and Network (ISDN); Call Hold Putposes (TSS&TP) partial Protocol Implementation (HOLO) supplementary specification fot the netwotk eXta Information for Testi.g service; Digital Subscribet EVS-EN 301 48l-3 Y1.l.l:2003 (PD0T) proforma specifi cation Signrlling System No. one Hind 92,00 for the user (DSSI) protocot Part 1 Protocol Identne EN 301 484-3Yl.1.1:2001 EVS-EN 300 1j}0-6 Y1.3.4:2003 specification Integtated Services Digital Hind 170,00 Nefivork (ISDN); Digital Identne EN 300 130-6Y1.3.4:1999 Subscriber Signalling System Integmted Seryices Digital No. one (DSSl); I ine Hunting Netwotk (ISDN); Malicious (LH) supplementary service; Call Identifi cation (MCID) Part 3: Test Suite Structure and supplementaty sericel D4lt"l Test Purposes (ISS&TP) Subscriber Sigaalling System specilication for the user No. one (DSSI) ptotoco! Patt 6: EVS-EN 301 484-5 V1.1.12003 Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and Hind 92,00 patial Protocol Implementation Identne EN 301 4845 V1.1.1:2001 eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) ptoforma specifi cation fot the network

+J Integtated Sewices Digital EYS-EN 301 487 -5 Y1.1.12003 Services Digital Netwotk Netrwork (ISDN); Digital Hind 92,00 (ISDN); Digital Subsctiber Subscdber Signalling System Identne EN 301 487-5Y7.11:2001 Signa[ing System No. one No. one (DSSl); Line Hunting Broadband Integtated Seryices (DSSI) and Signdling System (LH) supplementary servicel Digital Network (B-ISDN); No.7 (SS7) ptotocols; Call Part 5: Test Suite Structure and Digital Subscriber Signaling Forwarding on Not Reachable Test Purposes ([SS&TP) System No. two (DSS2) (CFNRc) supplementary sen'ice specification for the network protocol; Switched vfutual path for Cordless Terminal Mobility EVS-EN 301 486 -2 Y 1.1.1:20A3 capability; Part 5: Test Suite (CTIV| phase 1; Part 5: Test Hind 130,00 Structute and Test Puqroses Suite Structure and Test Identne EN 301 486-2Y1.1.7t2007 CISS&TP) specification for the Pu4roses CISS&TP) Broadbaod Integtated Sernices network specification for the network Digital Network (B-ISDN) ; EVS-EN 301 813-2 V.7.1.722003 Digital Subscriber Sigaalling Hind 109,00 33.100 System No. two (DSS2) Identne EN 301 873-2Y7.1.7:2007 Elektomagnetiline ptotocol; Connection Integtated Sewices Digital characteristics; ATM traffi c Netwotk (ISDN) and fihilduvus descriptor modifi cation vdth Broadband Integmted Services Electromagnetic negotiation by the co.nection Digital Network (B-ISDN); ownet; Patt2: Protocol Generic Addressing and Implementation Confonnance Transport (GAI) protocol; UUED STANDARDID Statement (PICS) profotma P art 2t Protocol Implementation EVS-EN 300 ln Yl.2.l:?.003 specification Conformance Statement (PICS) Hind 109,00 proforma specification EVS-EN 301 486-3 V1.1.12003 Identne EN 300 127 Y1.2.7:7999 Hind 109,00 EVS-EN 301 816-2 Y l.l.l:?.003 Electtomagnetic compatibility Identne EN 301 486-3YL.1,.1:2001 Hind 163,00 and Radio spectrum Matterc Broadband Integtated Senrices Identne EN 301 816-2Y1.1.7:2001 @RM); Radiated ernission Digitd Netcrork (B-ISDN); Broadband Integrated Senrices testing of physically large Digital Subscriber Signalling Digitat Network (B-ISDN) ; telecommunication systems System No. two (DSS2) AAL Type 2 Sigraling protocoll ptotocol; Con.ection Capability Set 1; Patt 2: Protocol KAVAI$DITE characteristics; ATM ttaffi c Implementation Conforrrance ARVAMUSKCISITLUS descriptor modifi cation with Statement (PICS) proforma ptEVS 29286 negotiation by the connection specification Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Identne IE.C 60437:7997 owne$ Part 3: Test Suite EVS-EN 301 816-3 V1.1. 1:2003 ja identne EN 60437:1997 Stnrctute and Test Purposes Hind 146,00 Radio intederence test on high- ffSS&TP) specifrcation for the Identne EN 301 816-3 V1.1.1:2001 voltage insulators usef Broadband Integtated Services This standard specifies the EVS-EN 301 486-5 Y7.7.k2003 Digitd Network (B-ISDN); procedure for a radio intetfetence Hind 109,00 AAL Type 2 Sign"lling ptotocol; test carried out in a Identne EN 301 486-5Y7.1.7:2001 Capability Set 1; Part 3: Test @.I.) laboratory on clean and dry Broadband Integrated Senrices Suite Structure and Test insulators at a frequency of 0,5 Digital Netwotk (B-ISDN) ; Putposes C[SS&TP) Digitd Subscdbet Signalling specification MHz or I MtrIz or altematively at other ftequencies between 0,5 System No. two (DSS2) EVS-EN 302 09+3 V1.1.12003 pfotocol Connection MFIz and 2MHz. Hind 92p0 prEYS 56244 characteristics; ATM taffi c Identne EN 302 0943Y1.7.7:2007 descriptor modifi cation with Tiihtaeg 2003-07-07 Integtated Sersices Digitat Identoe IEC negotiation by the cotrnection 61000-4- Netwotk (ISDN); Digital 15:7997 ownet; Part 5: Test Suite /A7:2003 Subscribet Sigra[ing System ja Structute and Test Purposes identne EN 61000-,t- No. one (DSSI) and Signalling 15:1,998/Al.2003 (TSS&TP) specilicatiou fot the System No.7 (SS7) protocols; netwotk Electomagnetic compatibility Call Fotwatding on Not (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and EYS-EN 301 487 -3 Y l.l.l:2.003 Reachable (CFNRc) meagufemenl lschniques - Hind 92,00 supplementary sen'ice for Section 15: Flickermeter - Identne EN 301 487-3Y7.1.1:2001 Cordless Terminal Mobility Functional and design Broadband Integtated Seryices (C"fIvI) phase 1; Part 3: Test specifications Digital Netwotk (B-ISDN); Suite Structure and Test Digital Subscriber Signalling Purposes (ISS&TP) System No. two (DSS2) specification for the uset Pfotocot Switched virtual path EVS-EN 302 09+5 Y1.1.12003 capability; Part 3: Test Suite Hind 92,00 Structure and Test Putposes Identne EN 302 0945Y1.1.1:2001 C[SS&TP) specification for the uset

44 This section of IEC 61000-4 gives ja identne EN 601541:1994 + 33.160.20 a functional and design Al:1994 Raadiovastuv6tiad specification for flicker measuting Flanges for waveguides. Part 1: appamtus intended to indicate the Geaetal requitements Radio receivers corect flicker perception level for Relates to the dimensions of all practical voltage fluctuation waveguides and flanges for use in KAVA\IDITE waveforms. Information is electtonic equipment. Covers ARVAMUSKOSITLUS ptesented to enable such an requiremeots fot flanges .lnilled prEVS 36711 instrument to be constructed. A befote or after mounting of Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 method is given for the evaluation waveguide. Specifies waveguide Identne IEC 60107-5:7992 + of flicker severity on the basis of flange mechanical requirements A7:1999 the ouput of flickermeters necessary to ensute compatibility ia ideatne EN 60107-5:1992 + complying with this standard. and, as far as practicable, A1:1999 interchangeability as well as to Reco--ended methods of 33.100.10 ensure adequate electrical measurements on teceivers for performance Kiirgus television broadcast transmissions - Part 5: Emission 33.160.01 Electrical measurements on Audio- videoseadmed multichaanel sound television KAYANDITE ia teceivers using the NICAM ARVAMUSIruSITLUS ning -stisteemid flldiselt two-channel digital sound- prEVS 56296 Audio, video and audiovisual system Tdhtaeg 2003-07-01 Applies to television receiven systems in general Identne CISPR 13:2007 / A7:2003 6s5igned for the reception of ja identne EN 55013:2001/ KAVA\IDITE television broadcasts using the A7:2403 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS two-channel digital souod system. Sound and television broadcast The sound geding-system ptEYS 24992 is based teceivers and associated on 728 Trihtaeg: 2003-07-07 NICAM and is transmifted equipment - Radio distutbance by a quadrature phase-shift Identne IEC 61883-1:2003 k.frg chatacteristigs - I.irni$ and (QPS$ digrtal ja identne EN 61883-1:2003 -o6,r121sd methods of measurement Consumet audio/video subcatder Applies to the emission prEVS of equipment - Digital intedace - 56253 broadband and narrowband Tdhtaeg Part t General 2003-07-07 electromagnetic energy which may Identrre IF.C 62028:2003 specifies a digrtal interface for cause interference to radio ja identne consluner elecuonic audio/video prEN 62028:2003 reception and which is emitted General methods of equipment using IEEE 1394, High from: a) vehicles propelled by an measurement for digital Performance Setial Bus. It intemal combustion engine, television teceivers describes the general packet electrical means, or both; b) boats Deals with the determination format, data flow management and of propelled by an intemal performance and allows the connection management for audio- combustion eogine, electrical comparisoo of equipment, by visual data, and also the general rneaos, or both. c) devices listing the characteristics usefirl fiansmission des for conttol for equipped with intemal combustion specifications and laying down cornmands. The object of this engines. This standard includes uniform measuring methods standard is to define a transmission I limits and test methods for both protocol for audio-visual data and broadband and narrowband conftol commands which provides 33.180.01 emissions. The limits are designed for the interconnection of .{;gital to provide protection for broadcast Kiudoptikasfisteemid audio and video equipmeng using receivers in the frequency range ti{diselt of IEEE 1394 30WIz to 1000 MHz when used prEYS 56242 in a residential environment Fibre optic systems in Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 general Identne IEC 60958-3:2003 33.720.10 ia identne EN 6095&3:2003 KAVANDITE Koaksiaalkaablid. Digital audio interface - Part 3: ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Laineiuhid Consumer applications ptEVS 56246 specifies the consumer applicatioo Tdhtaeg 2003-07-07 Coaxial cables. Waveguides of the interface for the Identne IEC 61280-1-4:2003 interconnectiol 6f digital audio ja identne EN 61280-1-4:2003 K.{VAI\DITE equipment defined in IEC 6095&1 ARVAMUSXCISITLUS prEVS 38497 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Identne IE.C 754-7:1982 + A1:1993

45 Fibre optic cotn-unication Part 3-31: Bxrninaxiqlrs and Defines the standard interface subsystem test procedures - measurements - Coupled po$rer dimensions of simplified Part 1-4: General ratio measutement fot fibre receptacles for the type SC family subsystems - optic soutces of The parent "o66r'nication connectors. Collection and teduction of two- Provides the method to measure corurector for the SC type dirnsnsienal nearfield data for the coupled power ratio (CPR) corrnector family is a single- multimode fibre laser coefficient The CPR coefficieot position plugwhich is ttansrnittets may be measured at both 850.'n characterized by a cylin&ical Provides a procedure for the and 1 300 nm wavelengths. CPR spring-loaded butting fernrle(s) aod collection of two-di-ensional fibre measruements are used to a push-pull coupling mechanism optic nearEeld grayscale data and chamctetise optical sources and to prEVS 35942 subsequent teduction to one- staodardize the lauoch conditions Tlihtaeg 2003-07-01 dirnensional data expressed as a set fot measurerrrents of attenuation Identne IEC 61300-3-3:2003 of three sampled parametric on multimode fibres and isseration ja identne EN 61300-3-3:2003 functions of tadius ftom the fibre's loss according to IEC 61300-3-4 Fibre optic intetconnecting optical center. The object is to prEVS 25500 devices and passive reduce measruernent errors and Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-01 components - Basic test and intet-laboratory variation Identne EC 61 300 -2-17 :2003 measurement procedures - ja identne EN 61300-2-17:2003 Part 3-3: Examinations and Fibte optic intetconnecting measutements - active 33.180.10 devices and passive monitoring of changes in Optilised kiud ia kaablid comPonents - Basic test and attenuation and return loss Fibres and cables measutement ptocedutes - Provides the procedure to monitor Patt2-772 Tests - Cold changes in attenuation atd/or KAVANIDITE Details a procedute for tetum loss of a componeot or an ARVAMUSIdISITLUS deternining the suitability of a intetconnecting device, when ptEYS 56247 fibte optic device to withstand subjected to an environmental or qrtended Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-01 low temperature mechanical test. The procedure Identne EC 61 280 -2-8:2003 (cold)enviroomental conditions, may be applied to measurements which may occur in use, storage on single samples or to ia identne EN 61280-2-822003 Fibte optic gemtnunication and/ot transport. This ptocedure simultaneous measwements oo subsystem test procedutes - does not assess the ability of a multiple samples, both at single rring Digital systems - P art ?-82 device to oPetate d wavelengths and multiple Determination of low BER tempetature variations; in this case, wavelengths, by using branching using Q-factor measutements IEC 61300-2-22 would be used devices nd / or su/itches Provides two main methods for ptEYS27982 ptEVS 36036 the determination of lowBER Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 values by making acceletated Identne IF,C 617 53 -022-2:2003 Identne IEC 61 300-2- 48:2003 measurements. The two main ja ideotne EN 61753-022-2:2003 ja identne EN 61300-2-48:.2003 methods are the variable decision Fibre optic interconnecting Fibte optic interconnecting threshold method (clause 4) and devices and passive devices and passive the variable optical method (clause components perfotmance components - Basic test and 5). In addition a third rnethod, the s tandard - P art 02?-22 F ib te measutement ptocedutes - sinusodial interference method, is optic co..ectorc tetminated on Patt248: Tests - Temoeratute- described in Annex B multimode fibte fot category C - humidity cycling Conrolled envitonment provides a procedure for Provides the minimum determining the suitability of a 33.180.20 tequirements aod severities urhich 6bre optic device or closute to Kiudoptikaliitmikud a fibre optic connector terminated withstand vadations in humidity on multimode 6bre must satisfy in and tempetature that may occrrr Fibre optic interconnecting order to be considered as meeting dudng opemtioo, storage and/or devices the IEC standard category C - transpofi. This test provides a high KAVAI\DITE conEolled environment as defined temperature to induce potentid in annex A of IEC 61753-1-1 failures due o softening and ARVA}IUSTTISITLUS prEVS 30191 expansion, a high humidity to prBvS21M9 Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-01 encourage moisture absorption and Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 Identne IE,C 617 54 47 :2003 swelling and a low temperature to Identne IEC 61 300-3-31 :2003 ja identne EN 6175,1-,1-1:2003 facilitate ice formation, ia identne EN 61300-3-31:2003 Fibre optic connectot interfaces enbritdement and conttaction Fibre optic interconnecting -Patt4-lt Type SC connectot prEVS 56019 devices and passive family - Simplified receptacle Tlhtaeg: 2003-07-07 components - Basic test and SC-PC con rector iaterfaces Identne IEC 61300-3- 6:2003 measurement ptocedures - ia identne EN 61300-3-6:2003

46 Fibte optic interconn ecting 33.180.30 This part of IEC 60950 applies to devices and passive infomration technologyr equipment components - Basic test Kiudoptikastisteemid and intended to supply and teceive measurement procedutes - Optic amplifiers openting power via a Part 3-6: Examinations and TELECOMMUNICATION measufements - Retum loss KAVANDITE NET!7ORI<, where the voltage Provides procedures fot the ARVA]VIUSKCISITLUS exceeds the limits for TNV measruement of retum loss (RL) of prEVS 37301 CIRCUITS. This Part 27 ofIEC the fibre optic device under test Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 60950 is intended to be used with pUT). Retum loss (RI), as used Identne TEC 61 29 0 -l 1 -7 :2003 IEC 60950-1 in this standard, is the ratio of the ja identne EN 61290-11-1:2O03 power incident on, or enteting, the Optical amplifier test methods - DUT to the total power reflected 35.080 P *t 7l-7: Poladz ation mode by the DUT, expressed in decibels. Tarlsata viiliatd dispetsion - matrix dtamine i a Return Jones Loss is a positive numbet eigenanalysis method siisteemidokumentatsioon prEVS 56234 QME) Applies to all commercially Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 So ft'ware development available optical amplifiers (OAs) and Identne IEC 67 280 :2002 -2-9 tncluding optical fibre amplifiers system documentation ja identne EN 61280-2-9:2003 (OFA$ using active fibres and Fibre optic communication KAVANDITE semiconductor optical amplifi ers subsystem test procedures - ARVAMUSKUSITLUS (SOAs) using semiconductor gain Pa*2-9: Digital systems prEVS 56257 - media. Although theJones mattix Optical sigaal-to-noise tatio Tdhtaeg 2003-07-01 eigenanalysis test method is measurement for dense flME) Identne ISO in pdnciple also applicable to 9000-3:1997 wavelength-division ja identne unpumped (that is, r'.Fowered) EN ISO 9000-3:1997 multiplexed systems management OAs, theJME technique in this Quality and Provides a parameter definition quality assurance staodard applies to pumped (that standards - and test method for obtaining Part 3: is, powered) OAs only Guidelines for the optical signal-to-noise ratio prEVS 5625 application ofISO 90011994 to (OSNR) using apparatus that Tihtaeg: 2003-07-07 the development, supply, measure the optical spectrum at a installation and maintenance Identne IF.C 6729 l -5 -2:2002 of multichannel interface. The computer ja identne EN 61291-5-2:2002 software measured noise does not include Optical amplifiers - PattS-22 This part ofISO 9000 sets out source relative intensity guidelines noise Qualification specifications - to facilitate the (RIN) ot receiver noise. Three Reliability qualifi cation for application of ISO 9001:1994 for implementations fot an OSA are optical fibre a-plifiets organizations developing, discussed: a diffraction-Sating- supplying installing Applicable to optical amplifiers and based OSA, a Mchelson maintaining (OAs) and optically amplified, computer softurare interferometer-based OSA, and a elementary sub-systems for Fabry-Perot-based OSA. terrestrial applications, using active 35.r00.20 Characteristics of the OSA that 6bres (optical fibre amplifiers, affect OSNR measrrement Kanalikiht OFAs), containing rare-earth accuracy are provided dopants, which ate commetcially Data link laver prEVS 56248 available Tdhtaeg 2003-07-01 UUED STAI\DARDID Identne IEC 61300-2 -2:2003 EVS-EN l2tl95:2003 ja identne EN 61300-2-2:2003 35.020 Hind 199,00 Fibre optic i111slqsnn sstin g Infotehnoloogia Identne EN 12795:2003 devices and passive fildkiisimused Road transport and traffic components - Basic test and telematics - Dedicated Shoft measurement ptocedutes Information technology - (T) Range Commu.ication (DSRC) Pars2-22 Tests - Mating in general - DSRC data link layer: durability medir". access and logical link contol Provides a test to evaluate the KAVANDITE This European Standard: defnes effects of a number of successive ARYAMUSKOSITLUS the Data Link Layer of DSRC; is cycles of engagement and prEVS 38499 positioned with respect to other sepetation of 6bre optic Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-07 telated standards by the layers connectors or other Identne IEC 60950-27:2002 defined in OSI Basic Reference intetconnecting devices on optical ja identne EN 60950-21:2003 Model [EN ISO/IEC 7498-rf as perfromance and mechanical Information technology adopted for DSRC; supporrs degmdation of tne component equipmeat - Safety -Patt21rz broadcast and half-duplex under normal conditions of Remote posrer use fgsding ttansmission modes

47 3s.200 35.240.50 Identne EN 2499:1987 r jidestus- Aerospace seties. Computer ia IT rakendused t66stuses oulput microfiche (COM). A6 iihendusseadmed IT applications in industry microfiche Interface and This staodatd specifies the KAVANDITE deviations ftom ISO 5126 interconnection equipment ARVAMUSKOSITLUS nessessary for aetospace KAVANDITE prEVS 56203 application ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Tdhtaeg 2003-07-A7 ptEYS 24992 Identne IEC 61 1 3 7 -3 :20O3 43.160 ja identne EN 61131-3:2003 Tlhtaeg: 2003-07-01 Eriotstarbelised Programmable coatrollers ia Identne IEC 61 883-1 :2003 - Part 3: Progtarnrning langtrages eris6idukid ia identne EN 61883-1:2003 Consumet audio/video This part of IEC 61131 specifies equipment - Dgltal interface - syntax and semantics of Paft t Genetal prcgammiog languages for UUED STAI\DARDID programmable controllers as specifies 2 digital interface fot EVS-EN L3521:2003 consluner electrcnic audio/video defined ir, p"tt 1 of IEC 61131 Hind 146p0 equipment using IEEE 1394, High Identne EN 13524:2003 Perfomrance Serial Bus. It 3s.240.60 Highway maitttenance describes the general packet IT rakendused ffanspordis 64shitrse - Safety requitements formag data flow management and kaubanduses This European Standard applies to connection management for audio- ia machines used for highway visual data, and also the geneml IT applications in transport maintenance which are attached to transmission rules for conftol and tfade or mounted on carrier vehicles and cornmands. The obiect of this which are defined in clause 3. standard is to de6ne a transmission UUED STANDARDID Directives and standards for the protocol for audio-visual data and vehicular truck chassis aspect, EVS-EN 1Jf,19522003 conftol commands which provides tenned'carriet vehicle' in this Hind 199,00 for the interconnectiol ef digrtal standatd, would be those televant Identne EN 12795:2003 audio and video equipment, using Road transport and ttaffic to that equipmen! even where IEEE1394 telematics - Dedicated Short specific modifications have been Range Co'. munication (DSRC) made to realise the machines for highway maintenance application. 35.220.30 - DSRC data linklayec medium The use in public road is access and logical link contol taffic Optilised govemed by the national This European Standard: defines salvestusvahendid rcgulations the Data T ink Layer of DSRC; is Optical storage devices positioned with respect to other EVS-EN 17 89 :200A / N:20O3 telated standards by the layets Hind 66,00 KAVANDITE defined in OSI Basic Reference Ideotne EN 1789:1999 / A1.:2003 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Model [EN ISO/IEC 7498-7las Meditsiinilised prEVS 18064 adopted for DSRC; supports tanspotdivahendid ia nende Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 broadcast and half-duplex vaaustus. Kiirabiautod Identne EN 2544:1987 transmission modes I(iesolev standard kiisideb haigete Aerospace series. ja vigstatud isikute transpordilrs kazutatavate kiinbiautode disainile, Reptesentation of rivets on 37.080 drawings for aerospace katsemeetoditele, toimimisele ja equipment Mikrograafia varustusele esitatavaid n6udeid. Standardit rakendatakse This standard speciEes the Document imagrng replesentation of dvets on kiirabiautodele, mis sobivad applications drawings for aerospace equipment vihemalt iihe isiku transpordiks prEVS 56109 KAVANDITE kanderaamil Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-01 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS EN 2499:1987 Identne prEVS 18064 45.044 Aerospace series. Computer Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Raudteetehnikas ouqput micofiche (COM). A6 Identne EN 2544:7987 microfiche kasutatavad materialid ia Aerospace sedes. osad This standard specifies the Representation of rivets on deviations ftom ISO 5126 drawings fot aetospace Matedals and components nessessary for aetospace equipment application for ralur ay engine ering This standard specifies the representation of dvets on KAYANDITE drawings fot aerospace equipment ARVAMUSXIUSITLUS prEVS 56109 prEVS 56214 Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-01 Tihtaeg 2003-0'7-07 48 Identne prEN 13481-8:2003 This European Standard specifies This part ofISO 9094 defines Railway applications - Ttack - test tequirements for the bmking procedures to achieve a practical Performance rcquirements for of vehicles for uban transport degree of fue protection, specifies fastening systems - Part 8: systems, running on steel or rubber portable fire-fighting eqipment and Fastening systems fot tack tyred wheels and guided by steel sets requirements for 6xed fue- with heavy axle loads rails or other equivalent means fighting systerns This European Standard is KAYANDITE applicable to fasteniog systems fot 45.080 use on concrete, wood and steel ARVAMUSKOSITLUS sleepers in main line ballasted track R66pad ja raudteeosad prEYS 56222 Tihtaeg: 2A$-07-07 having a radius of curvatue greater Rails and milway than 80 m and subject to a Identne ISO 15084:2003 comPonents ja maximum design axle load of 350 idenrre EN ISO 15084:2003 KN UUED STANDARDID Small ctaft - Anchoring, mooring and towing - Strong EYS-EN 73230-5:2003 points 45.060.01 Hind 75,00 This International Standard Raudtee veerem iildiselt Identne EN 73230-5 :2002 specifies requhements for strong Railway applications - Track - points for attaching chains, cabels Railway rolling stock in Conctete sleepers and bearers - and lines for anchoring, moodng genefal Part 5 : Special elements and towing small craft This part of this European UUED STAI\DARDID Standard defines additional EVS-EN 732989-003 technical criteria and control 49 Hind 190,00 procedures relating to the design T ENNUNDUSJA Identoe EN 13298:2003 and manufacture of special KOSMOSETEHNIKA Railway applications - elements Suspension components - AIRCRAFT AND SPACE Helical suspension springs, VEHICLE 47.020.70 steel ENGINEERING This Euopean Standard is Navigatsiooni- ja applicable to helical steel iuhtimisseadmed KAVANDITE suspension springs used in the ARVAMUSKUSITLUS and suspension of rail vehicles. It deals Navigation control p€VS 56190 specially with cylindrical equiPment Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-01 compression springs made from KAVANiDITE Identne EN 2547:2003 round section steel bars of Aetospace series Filming of coltstant diameter and with ARVAMUSKOSITLUS documeuts MicrofiIm 105 mm constant inclination of coiling prEVS 18243 (MicoficheA6) Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 EVS-EN 1359722003 This standard specifies the Identne EN 929:1993 Hind 212,00 devations from ISO 2707 Inland navigation vessels - Identne EN 13597:2003 nessessary for aerospace Push-tows - Mounting Railway applications - Rubbet applications. It shall be applied for attachrnent for demountable suspension compouents fikning documents on 105 mm - signal masts Rubber diaphragtns for microfikn (A6 microfiche) to This standatd applies to mounting pneumatic suspension spdngs ensure unifomr presentation of the attachments for demountable This standard defines :- microfotrn for the exchange of masts with an integral mast lower characteristics that suspension information in the aerospace paft on push barges. It specifies industry diaphragms shall achieve, together consttuction, di-ensions, with applicable iospection and test manufacture, arangement and methods to be carried out for means of attachment 49.425.40 verification; - approval procedure Kumm plast to be implemented by the ia customer; - guidelines for 47.080 Rubber and plastics quali6cation of the product with Viikelaevad specified requirements; - quality KAVAI\DITE monitoring of diaphrogms in Small craft ARVAMUSKOSITLUS manufacture ; - supply UUED STANDARDID prEVS 56175 requirements Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 EVS-EN ISO 909,$-2:2003 EVS-EN 1345L2:.2003 Identne EN 2375:1992 Hind 139,00 Hind 117,00 Aetospace series; resin Identne ISO 90942:2002 Identne EN 13 452-2:2003 preimpregnated materials I identne EN ISO 9094-2:2002 Railway applications - Braking - ia ptoduction batch sampling Small ctaft - Fite ptotection - Mass tansit brake systems - ptocedute Part2: Craft with a hull length Part2; Methods of test ofovet 15 m

49 This standard specifi.es the method This sta.dard speofies the Aerospace series - Nuts, for sampling batches of resin characteristics of screws with 100o bihexagonat self-loct ing, in impregnated fibre reinforcement couotersunk head with six lobe heat resisting nickel base alloy used for aerospace applications recess, thrcaded to head, in TI' NI-P101HT (Waspaloy), siher P63, aoodized, MoS2 coated, fot plated on thread - aelospace applications Classificatio rz | 270 MPa (at 49.430.20 oc ambient temperatue) / 730 Poldid, kruvid, tiklgoldid This sandard specifies the 49.030.30 Bolts, screuzs, studs chascteristics of self-locking Mutrid bihexagonal nuts in NI-P1 01 IfI, UUED STANDARDID Nuts silver plated on thread, for EVS-EN 37?.5:2003 aerosPace applicatioas.- Hind 75,00 UUED STA}{DARDID Classification:7 270 MPa 1) / 730 29 Identne EN 3725:2003 EVS-EN 40712?.003 "C Aerospace series - Bolts, pan Hind 66,00 EVS-EN 472312003 head, six lobe recess, normal Identne EN ,1011:2003 Hind 66,00 shanlc, long thrs26r in titanium Aetospace series - Nuts, Identne EN 4123:2003 alloy TI-P63, MoS2 coated - bihexagonal, self-locking, in Aerospace sedes - Shank nuts, Classification: 1 100 MPa (at heat resisting nickel base alloy self-locking, in heat rcsisting ambient temperature) TI-P100HT (Inconel 718), silvet nickel base alloy NI-P100HT This standard speciEes the plated - Classification: 1550 (Inconel 718), silver plated on characteristics ofpan head bolts MPa (at ambient temperaturQ thread - Classification: 1550 with six lobe tecess, normal shank /6oooc MPa (at ambient and long thread, in TI-P63, MoS2 This standard specifies the temperature)/600"C coated, for aerospace applications characteristics of selfJocking This standard specifies the EVS-EN 3818:2003 bihexagonal nuts in TI-P100I{T, charactedstics of selClocking shank Hind 146,00 silver plated, for aerospace nuts in NI-P100I{T, silver plated on for aetospace Identne EN 3818:2003 applications thread, Aerospace series - Bolts with MJ EVS-EN 40132003 applications threads, in titanium alloy TIP63 Hind 66,00 - Classification: 1100 MPa (at Identne EN 4013:2003 49.030.40 ambient temperature) - Aerospace series - Shank nuts, Tihvtid, naelad Technical Specifi cation self-locking, in heat tesisting This standard specifies the nickel base alloy NI-P100HT Pins, nails characteristics, qualification and (Inconel 718), silver plated - acceptance requirements for bolts Classification: 1550 MPa (at UUED STANDARDID *ith MJ threads in TI-P6,$001. ambient temperature) / 6000 C EVS-EN ?2362?.003 Classification : 1 100 MPa 1) It is This standard specifies the Hind 75,00 applicable vrhenever teferenced characteristics qf sslf-lsqldng ehank Identne EN 2?36:1992 EYS-EN 432222003 nuts in NI-P100I{T, silver plated, Aerospace series; pins, headed, Hind 83,00 for aerospace applications close tolerance shanlg ia alloy Identne EN 4322:2003 EVS-EN 404722003 steeb technical specification Aerospace series - Bolts, double Hind 117,00 This standard completes the hexagon head with locliqrirc Identne EN 4047:2003 characteristics 6xed in the product holes, relieved shanlg long Aetospace series - Nuts, self' standard or definition document. It thtead, in titanium alloy TI-P63, locking, MJ threads, in heat specifies the requirements anodized, MoS2 coated - resisting nickel base alloy NI- conceming the approval of Strength class: 1100 MPa (at PH'260l (Inconel 718), silver manufacturers, and acceptance ambient temperature) plated - Classification: 1 550 conditions for pins headed, close This standard specifies the MPa (at ambient tolerance shank, in alloy steel chascteristics of double hexagon temperature)/600 "C - headed bolts with lock'ndre holes, Technical specification 49.030.s0 dieved shank and long thread, in This standard specifies the Seibid, lukustuselemendid TT-P63, anodized, MoS2 coated, characteristics, qualification and for aerospace applications acceptance requirernents for self- Washets and other locking EVS-EN 432322003 locking nuts with I{ threads in elements Hind 75,00 NI-PH2601, silver plated. Identne EN 4323:2003 Classification: 1 550 MPa 1) / 600 UUED STANDARDID Aerospace series - Screws, 1000 "C 2). It is applicable whenevet EVS-EN M20:?.003 countercunk head, six lobe teferenced Hind 75,00 recess, thteaded to head, in EVS-EN 47?.022003 Identne EN,1420:2003 titanium alloy TI-P63, anodized, Hind 66,00 Aerospace series - Clips, spring MoS2 coated - Classffication: Identne EN 4120:2003 tension, in alloy steel FEPA3903 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/3500C

50 This standard specifies the Aetospace series - Nuts, This standatd specifies the characteristics of spring tension bihexagonal self-locking, in characteristics of straight unions clips for the support of electdcal heat resisting nickel base alloy for inch series pipe couplings, 37o, hamesses, in FEPA3903 for NI-P100HT (Inconel ?18), silver spherical, in heat resisting steel, for aerosPace aPPlicatioos plated on thread - aerospace applications. Connect KAVANIDITE Classification: 1550 MPa (at with fluid system component with ARVAMUSKOSITLUS ambient temperature)/600oC pofr connection in accordance with This standard spe"i6es the EN 4550-3. Nominal ptessrue : ptEYS22825 chatacteristics of selfJocking Class D in accordance ndth Tiihtaeg: 2A$-07-01 bihexagonal nuts in NI-P100I{T, ISO 6771 Identne EN 2327:7987 silver plated on thread, for EVS-EN 4555:2003 Aerospace series. Washers, lock aerospace applications with tadial seratibns in alloy Hind 66,00 steel. Dimensions BVS-EN 4551:20A3 Identne EN 4555:2003 This standard specifies the Hind 75,00 Aerospace series - Pipe Identne EN 4551:2003 coupling, 37orin heat characteristics of lock washers vrith resisting radial serrations primarily intended Aerospace sedes - Pipe steel - Femrles, welded - Inch for flight control rods coupling 37orin heat resisting series steel - Swivel nuts - Inch series This standard specifies the This standard specifies the characteristics of welded ferdes 49.030.99 characteristics ofsvdvel nuts for for inch series pipe couplings, 37o, Muud kinnitus elemendid inch series pipe couplings , 37o, in in heat resisting steel, for aerospace heat resisting steel for aerospace applications Other fasteners applications. Nominal pressure: EVS-EN 45562003 KAVANDITE Class D in accordance rvith Hind 75,00 rso 6771 ARVAMUSKUSITLUS Identne EN 4556:2003 prEVS 21699 EVS-EN 4552:2003 Aerospace series - Pipe Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Hind 75,00 coupling, 37o, in heat resisting Identne Identne EN 2311:1987 EN 4552:2003 steel - Cap assemblies - Inch Aerospace series. Bushes with Aerospace series - Pipe series self-lubricating linet. Technical couplingr 3To, spherical, in heat This standard specifies the specification tesisri'g steel - Straight nipples, characteristics of cap assemblies welded - fnch series series pipe couplings,3To, This standard speciEes the rquircd for inch This standard specifies in heat resisting steel, for aerospace charactetistics, inspections and tle characteristics of welded straight applications tests, qualification, acceptance and nipples for inch series pipe delivery conditions for bushes EVS-EN 455722003 couplings,3To, heat designed to be subjected under spherical in Hind 83,00 resisting steel, aelospace load, to slow sliding movements, for Identne EN 4557:2003 applicatioas. pressrue: rotations and small oscililations Nominal Aerospace series - Pipe onlv Class D in accordance with coupling, 37", spherical, in heat ISO 6771 tesisting steel - Tees nipples, EVS-EN 45532003 welded - Inch series 49.080 Hind 75,00 This standard specifies the 6tru- ia kosmoses6idukite Identne EN 4553:2003 characteristics of welded tees with hffdrosiisteemid ja nende Aerospace series - Pipe nipple for inch series pipe koostisosad coupling,37o, sphericat in heat couplings,37o, spherical, in heat resisting steel - Elbow 90o resisting steel, for aerospace Aerospace fluid systems and nipples, welded - Inch series applications components This standatd specifies the EVS-EN 456022003 charactedstics ofwelded elbow 90o UUED STANDARDID Hind 109,00 nipples for inch series pipe Identne EN 4560:2003 EVS,EN 38512003 couplings, 37", spherical in heat Aerospace series - Pipe Hind 75,00 resisting steel, fot aerospace coirplingr 3To, spherical, up to Identne EN 3851:2003 applications 27000 kPa - Inch series - Aerospace sedes - Pipe EVS-EN 4554:2003 Technical specifi cation couplings, 600, spherical, in Hind 75,00 This standard specifies the titanium alloy TI-P64001 - Identne EN 4554:2003 requled characteristics, inspection Swivel nuts, staight Aerospace series - Pipe and test methods, quality assurance This standard specifies the couplingr 37", sphedcal, in heat and ptocurement reguirements for charactedstics of stmight swivel resisting steel - Staight unions, inch sedes, pipe couplings,3To, nuts for pipe couplings, 60o, threaded - Inch series spherical, for temperature ranges sphedcal, in TI-P64001, for fiom type II to type V according to aerospace applications ISO 6771 and nominal pressrue up EVS-EN 4117:2003 to 21 000 kPa 66,00 Hind EVS-EN 456122003 Identne EN 4117:2003 Hind 75,00 ll Identne EN 4561:2003 53.040 55.040 Aetospace series - Pipe coupling, welded, in heat Pidevtoimega Palikematerialid teisaldusseadmed. tesisting steel - Elbow 90o - Packaging materials and Inch series Konveierid accessodes This standatd specifies the characteristics of welded elbows Continuous handling UUED STANIDARDID 90o for hch series pipe couplings, equipment. Conveyors EVS-EN 740459.403 in heat tesisting sted for aerospace KAVAINDITE Hind 101,00 applications ARVAI,IUSKOSITLUS Identne EN 14045:2003 EVS-EN 456222003 prEVS 29581 Packaging - Evaluation of the Hind 75,00 Tiihtaeg 2003-07-A7 disintegtation of packaging Identne EN 4562:2003 Identne prEN 14658:2003 materials in practical oriented Aerospace series - Pipe Continuous fialdling tests undet defined composting coupling, welded, in heat equipment and systems - Safety conditions resisting steel - Reductors - requirements for continuous This European Standard is used to Inch series handling equipment for evaluate the disintegration of This standard specifies the oPencast lignrte'nining packaging matedals in a pilot-scde characteristics of welded reductors This standard applies to aerobic composting test under for inch series pipe couplings, in continuous rnechanical handling defined conditions. Other methods heat resisting steel, for aerospace equipment in opencast lignite should be used to measure the applications mines, in by-product and biodegradability of the packaging EVS-EN 4563:2403 subsequent treatmeart plants in materials. Packaging materials are Hind 83,00 these mines and in all ancillarJt mixed with biowaste and Identre EN 4563:2002 plants spatially or operationally spontaneously composted for 12 Aerospace series - Pipe connected with the mining weeks in pmctical odented coupling, welded, in heat operations and the compostiog conditions resisting steel - Tees - Inch abovementioned plants KAVA}{DITE series ARVAMUSKTJSITLUS This standard specifies the ptEVS 25018 charactedstics of welded tees fot 53.080 Tdhtaeg 2003-07-01 inch series pipe couplings, in heat Laoseadmed Identne 8C264-1:7968 resisting steel, fot aerospace ja identne EN 6026,1-1:1994 applications Storage equipment Packaging of windingwfues - UUED STANiDARDID Part t Containers for tound 49.140 EVS-EN 52821999 / Al22003 qTfuding wires Kosmosesiisteemid fa Hind 83,00 Gives the standatd sizes of nende kasutamine Identne EN 528:1996 /A7:2002 containers for round -i"di"g R66bastel liilarvad virnastid ia wires. Space systems and mahat6sturid. Ohutus See standard kehtib igat tiiiipi operations ss.060 masinate kohta, mis liiguvad KAVANDITE rii6bastel, millel nad s6idavad Aadkpoolid. Koonuspoolid ARVAMUSKOSITLUS seespool ja viiljaspool vahekiiku, Spools. Bobbins prEVS 56211 mille konstruktsiooni kuuluvad Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 t6stevahendid ning v6ivad kuuluda KAVANDITE Identne prEN 14654:2003 ktilgmised kisitsemisvahendid ARVAMUSXdTSITLUS Management and contol of kaubaaluste ja/v6i pil*ade prEYS 25027 cleaning operations in drains kaupade, nagu nditeks Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 lattmaterjalide ladustamiseks and sewers v6i Iderrtne IF,C 26 4-2- | :1 9 89 This European Standard laost toomiseks ja/v6i ja identne EN 6026+2-l:1994 establishes the general principles tellimuseiiirgseks valimiseks v6i Packaging of winding wires - muuks samalaadseks tegevuseks. fot the management and control of P *t 2z Cylinddcal barelled cleaning operations in drain and Standard kehtib ka delivery spools - Section t Basic sewer systems and specifies teisaldusseadmete kohta, mida dimsneigtrs requirements fot implementation kasutatakse kaupade teisaldamiseks Specifies the basic dimensions for vahekiikude vahel. Masinate of cleaning programrnes and for rylindtical barrelled delivery spools working practices iuhtimine v6ib varieeruda gqs winding wifes. automaatjuhtimisest prEVS 25029 kiisitsijuhtimiseni Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Identne IE,C 26 4,2-2:7 9 9 0 ia identne EN 60264-2-2:7994

52 Packaging o;srilrling wires - This standard specifies geoeral This Iatemational Standatd P att 2z Cylindtical bamelled characteristics aod test methods speciEes methods of handling and delivery spools - Sectioa 2: fot detetrnination of volume and securing series 1 freight containers Specifi cation for teturnable carrying capacity of flexible carrier built aod tested to comply with spools made from thermoplastic bags with haadles for traasport of latest edition of ISO 7496-7 to material various unspecified lstail goods. ISO 1496-5. Specifies the requirements fot For specific tetail goods there prEVS 10152 retumable cylin&ical barelled should be an agteement between Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 delivery spools made ftom supplier and buyer about the Identne ISO 9897-1:1990 + therrnoplastic material. application of this standard TC:2007 prEYS25572 EVS-EN L3592:2003 Fteight containers - Containet Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Hind 130,00 equipment data exchange Identne :7 9 9 IF,C 2642-3 0 Identne EN 13592:2003 (CEDEE-ParttGenetal ia identne EN 6026+2-3:1994 Plastics sacks for household communication codes Packaging of winding wires - waste collection - T5pes, This part ofISO 9897 specifies P att 2: Cylindrical bartelled tequitements and test methods general communication codes for delivery spools - Section 2: This European Standatd specifies containet equipment data exchange Specifi cation for non-returnable the general charactedstics, test (CEDEE. spools made from thermoplastic methods and requirements for prEVS 10839 material sacks made fiom plastics films, Tdhtaeg 2003-07-01 Specifies the requirements for non- used for household waste pre- Identne ISO 1496-1:1990 + returnable cylindrical barelled collection, household waste A7:1993 + A2:7998 delivery spools made from collection, or household selective Series 1 freight containers - thermoplastic material. waste collection Specification and testing - Patt prEYS 25577 General cargo containets EVS-EN 1359322003 t for Tlhtaeg 2003-07-01 general purposes Hind 83,00 Identne IE,C 264-3-3:199A This part of ISO 1496lays down Identne EN 13593:2003 ja identne EN 60264-3-3:7994 the basis specifications and testing Packaging - Papet sacks fot Packaging of winding wites' for ISO series 1 freight containers. household waste collection - Part 3: Taper barrelled delivery prEVS 11536 Types, requirements and test spools - Section 3: Specification Tdhtaeg methods 2003-07-07 for non-returnable spools made Identne ISO 1496-5:1991 + This European Standard specifies from thermoplastic material 41:1993 + A2:7994 the general characteristics, types Specifies the requirements for non- Series l freight containers - and test perfotrnance for sacks or retumable taper barelled delivery Specification and testing - liners made from paper, used for spools made from themoplastic Part 5: Platform and platform- household waste collection material. lssgd g6n1ains19 prEVS 25582 The standatd specifies the basic T6htaeg: 2003-07-07 55.180.10 speciEcations and testing I dentne IE,C 26 4-4-7 :7 9 89 Uldotstarbelised requirements for ISO series 1 ja identne EN 6026,1-,1-1:7994 konteinerid freight containers of the platform Packaging of windingwires - and platforn-based types Part4: Methods of test - Geneml purlrose containers designated 1AA, 1A, 1AX 1BB, Section t Delivery spools made 18,1BX lCC,lC and lCXwhich from thermoplastic material KAVAI\DITE are suitable for international Describes methods of test for ARVAMUSKETSITLUS exchange and for cooveyance by delivery spools for winding wires prEVS 5692 road, rail and sea, including made fiom thermoplastic material. Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 interchange between these means Ideotne ISO 830:1999 + TC:2001 of transport, with certain 55.080 Plsight ssnlqingss - Vocabulary limitations (for example when The Intemationd Kotid. Taskud Standard loaded they cannot be stacked ot presents definitions of terms top lifted by means of Sacks. Bags relating to freight containers. conventional spreaders). p€VS 5727 p€VS 11571 UUED STANDARDID Tiihtaeg: 200,3-A7-01 Tihtaeg 2A$-07-01, EVS-EN 1359022003 Identne ISO 1161:1984 Identne ISO 1496-4:1991 + Hind 101,00 Series l freight containets - A7:1994 Identne EN 13590:2003 Corner fittings - Specification Series 1 freight containers - Packaging - Flexible carrier The standard specifices dimensions Specification and tes''ng - bags for the transport ofvarious on containet comer fittiogr. Part 4: Non-pressurized retail goods - General prEVS 6031 containets for drv bulk chatacteristics and test methods Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 for the determination of volume Identne ISO 3874:1997 + A1:2000 and carqying capacity + A2:2002 Seties 1 freight containets - l{a11dling and securing

)J -The standard specifies the basic 55.180.40 This European Standard specifies a speciEcations and testing Tiiielikud pakkimis- mettrod for the measurement of tequirements for ISO series 1 ia flame spread of vertically oriented freight containers of the dry bulk tanspotdiffksused textile fabdcs intended for curtains container non-ptessurized type Complete, filled transport and drapes in the form of single or which are suitable for intemational multi-component (coated, quilted, exchange and for conveyance by multilayeted, sand\il/ich road, rail and sea, including KAYA}{DITE constnrction and similar interchange betq/een these means ARVAMUSXdTSITLUS combinations) fabrics using a large of transport. Except where ignition source otherwise stated, the requirements prEVS 7689 EYS-EN 13773t2003 of this standard are minima. Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 Hind 75,00 ptEVS 11579 Identne ISO 8768:1986 Identne EN 13773:2003 Tiihtaeg 2003-07-07 ia identne EN 28768:1992 Textiles and textile products - Identoe ISO 1496-3:1 995 Packaging - Complete, filled tmnspolt packages - Toppling Cuttains and drapes - Buming Series l fteight containers - behaviout - Classification and test Specification testing - scheme Patt 3: Tank containers for This Intematiooal standard This European standard specifies a liquids, gases and pressurized specifies a method for carrying out classification scheme for the dry a toppling test on a complete, 6lled bulk buming behaviour of vertically The standard specifies the transport package which may be basic oriented fabrics intended for specifications and testing exposed to the danget of topping during storage, ftansport and curtains and drapes and similar requirements for ISO series 1 handling uses such as blinds and textile containers suitable for the carriage hangings, where classification is of gases, liquids, and solid requited. Untested materials are (dry substances b"lk) which may s9.060.20 not classified be loaded or uoloaded as liquids Tehis- ia stinteeskiud either fot $avity or pressrue discharge, for intemational Man-made fibres 59.100.10 exchange and for conveyance by Klaaskiust materjdid road, tail and sea including UUED STANDARDID intetchange between these forms EVS-EN 1ii895:2003 Textile glass materials of transport. Hind 101,00 UUED STA}{DARDID prEVS 20160 Identne EN 13895:2003 Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Textiles - Monofilaments - EVS-EN 14118-1:2003 Identne ISO | 49 6-2:799 6 Determination of tensile Hind 66,00 Identne 14118-1:2003 Series 1 fteight containe$ - properties EN Specification and testing - This draft European Standatd Reinforcement - Specifi cations P art 2: Thermal containers specifies methods for the for textile glass mats (chopped This pat of ISO 1496lays down determination of tensile properties sttand and continuous filament the basic specifications and testing of monofilaments and specifies test mats) - Part t Designation This European Staodard requirements for ISO series 1 requirements in addition whete thermal containers vyhich are needed. establishes a method of designation suitable for intemational exchange for chopped srand and continuous and for conveyance by toad, rail filament mats made from textile 59.080.30 glass and sea, including interchange sttands, which may be used as between these forms of transport. Kangasmaterialid the basis for specifications prEVS 28496 Textile fabrics EVS-EN l4tl8-222003 Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 Hind 66,00 Identne ISO 668:1995 UUED STANDARDID Identne EN 14118-2:2003 Reinfotcement Series l freight containerc - EVS-EN L3772:2003 - Specifications for textile glass mats (chopped Classification, dimensions and Hind 101,00 and ratings Identne EN 13772:2003 sttand continuous filament The standard establishes a Textiles and textile prcducts - mats) - Pafi2: Methods of test classification ofseries 1 freight Buming behaviout - Curtains and general requirements containers based on external and dtapes - Measutement of This European Standard provides list dimensions, and specifies the flame sptead of vertically the of test methods and general associated ratings and, where oriented specir.ens with large requirements for chopped strand appropiate, the minimum internal ignition source and continuous flament mats and door opening dimensions for covered by part 1 certain types of containers. EVS-EN 14178-322003 Hind 66,00 Identne EN 14118-3:2003

54 Reinforcement - Specifi cations CEN/TS 1449522003 EVS-EN ISO 5403:2003 fot textile glass mats (chopped Hind 83,00 Hind 75,00 strand and continuous filament Identne CEN/TS 74495:2003 Identne ISO 5403:2002 mats) - Pat 3: Specific Leathet Che-ical tests ja identne EN ISO 5403:2002 requitements Determination of chtomium YI Leather - Physical and This European Standard provides content mechanical tests - the technical specification for This European Technical Detenrrination of water chopped strands and contiouous Specificatioa specifies a method resistance of flexible leather filaments mats covered by part 1 for determiniog chromiurn VI in This European Staodatd specifies a solutions leached ftom leather method for deterrnining the under defined conditions dynamic water resistance of 59.140 leather. It is applicable to all Nahatehnoloogia EVS-EN rSO 24202-003 Hind 57,00 fleible leathers but is particulady Leather technology Identne ISO 2420:2002 suitable for leathers intended for ja identne EN ISO 2420:2002 footwear uppers. KAYANDITE Leather - Physical and EVS-EN 15014268:?.003 ARVAMUSKUSITLUS mechanical tests - Hind 66,00 prEVS 56297 Determination of appatent Identne ISO 1, 4268:2002 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 density ja identne EN ISO 14268:20O2 Identne ptEN 14657:2003 This Intemational Standard Leathet - Physical and Leatlet - Chemical tests - specifies a method for determining mechanical tests - Determination of water-soluble the apparent density of leather. It is Determination of watet vapour matter, water-soluble inorganic applicable to all heavy leathet absorption matter and watet-soluble EVS-EN ISO 3378:2003 This Intemationd Standard organic matter Hind 66,00 describes a method for This method is applicable to all Identne ISO 3378:2002 determining the watef vaporu leather types. The result obtained petmeability of leather and ia identne EN ISO 3378:2002 from this analysis depends on Leather - Physical and provides alternative methods of factors such as: - the degree to mechanical tests - sample preparation. It is applicable which the leather is ground - the Determination of flex tesistance to all leathers below 3,0 mm extraction temperature - the by flexometer method thickness extraction petiod - the ratio of This Intemational Standard EVS-EN ISO 1?186:2003 leather to u/ater. To obtain speciEes a method for determining Hind 66,00 compatable results, it is the resistance of leather to grain Identne ISO 17186:2002 consequently imperative that test cracking and for determining the ja identne EN ISO 77786:2002 conditions should be accurately grain crack index. It is applicable to Leathet - Physical and reproduced. In all cases, any all heavy leathets mechanical tests - ammonium sdts in the filtrate are EVS-EN ISO 3380:2003 Determination of surface included as part of the water- Hind 57,00 coating thickness soluble matter and are theo Identne ISO 3380:2002 This International Standatd decomposed on ignition. Thus they identne EN ISO 3380:2002 speciEes a method fot determining contribute towards the result for ia Leathet - Physical and the thickness of the surface coating urater-soluble otganic substances. mechanical tests - applied to leather urhen measured The concentration of the Detetmination of shrinkage under zero compression. It is ammonium salts can be temperature up to 100 degrees C applicable to all types of leather determined in the filtrate separately This Intemational Standard EVS-EN 15O1722722003 if required. 2 Notmative references specifies a methods for Hind 57,00 detemrination of the shtinkage Identne TSO 77227:2002 59.140.30 temperatute of leathet up to ja identne EN ISO 77227:2002 Parknahk ia karusnahk 100oC. It is applicable to all leather Leather - Physical and EVS-EN ISO 5402:2003 mechanical tests - Leather and furs Hind 66,00 Determination of dry heat UUED STAi\DARDID Identne ISO 5402:2002 resistance of leather ja identne EN ISO 5402:2002 This International Standard CEN/TS \4494:?.003 Leather - Physical and specifies a method of determining Hind 75,00 mechanical tests - th" dry heat resistance of Identne CEN/TS 1449 4:2003 Determination of flex resistance conditioned leathers. It is Leather Chemical tests by flexometer method applicable to all leathers Detetmination of the content of This Intemational Standatd EVS-EN ISO 17229t2003 petrtachlorophenol in leathet specifies a method for determining Hind 57,00 This Technical Specification the wet or dry flex resistance of Identne ISO 17229:2002 specifies a method for determining leather and finishes applied to ja identne EN ISO 17229:2002 the content of pentachlotophenol leather. It is applicable to all types its sdts and esters in leather eCD, of leather below 3,0 mm in thickness

55 Leathet - Physical and 65.064.25 mechanical tests - 65.060.50 Detetmination of water yapour Vietiste ladustamise, Kotistusseadmed absotption. ettevalmistamise ia Harvesting equipment This Intemational Standard laotamise seadmed specifies a method fe1 dslgffiining UUED STAI\DARDID the water vapour absoqption of Equipment for stotage, EVS-EN 704|2003 leather pfeparation and distribution Hiod 139,00 EVS-EN ISO 3377-1t2003 of fertilizers Identne EN 704:1999 Hind 57,00 UUED STAI\DARDID P6llumaiaodusmasinad" Identne ISO 3377 -1:20O2 Ptesskogurid. Ohutus ja EVS-EN 69022003 identne EN ISO 3377-1:2A02 Standard midrab kindlaks Hind 109,00 Leather - Physical and edomased ohutusn6uded oi.g Identne EN 690:1994 mechanical tests - nende konttollimisg fteffx liikur- ja P6llumai Detemrination of tear load - andusmasinad. jirelhaagitavate presskogurite Part t Single edge tear S6nnilarlaoturid. Ohutus konstrueerimiseks ja Standard miiiirab This part ofISO 3377 specifies a kindhlts iga tiiiipi valmistamiseks, s6ltumata method for determining the s6nnikulaotudte, kaasa arvatud moodustunud (votououQ paki masina taha strength of leather using a single vdi kiiljele paigaldatava (pal$ kuiust v6i suurusest. edged teat. The method is s6onikulaoturi t6 6organiga EVS-EN 745:2003 sometimes descdbed as a ttouset liikumrasinate konstruktsioonile ja Hird 199,00 tear. It is applicable to all types of tarindusele esitatavad Identne EN 745:1999 leathet ohutusn6uded ja n6uete kinnigu5s. P6llumaiandusmasinad. Standad kif eldab meetodeid, Pff st- ia EVS-EN ISO 3377-222003 t6htootorniidukid. kuidas k6rvaldada v6i vihendada Ohutus. Hiod 57,00 Standad miirab kindlaks ohte, mille koha s6nnikulaoturitele Identne ISO 337 7 -2:2002 eriomased ohutusn6uded ning kehtivad erin6uded. Standard ei ja identne EN ISO 3377-2:2002 nende konttollimise korra iihe- v6i kiiside iiLldisi, iseriranis masina Leather - Physical and mitmekettalise (piistteljelise) liikumisega seonduvaid ohte, kaasa mechanical tests - l6ikeseadisega v6i ii,he dhttelielise arvatud liikutmasinatele omased Determination of tear load - vasafrrufirfirelseadisega spetsiifilised ohud. dpp-, Part2z Double edge teat poohipp-, haake- v6i liikurniidukite This part ofISO 3377 specifies a EVS-EN 70722003 konstrueerimiseks ja method for determining the tear Hind 146,00 valmistamiseks. strengtlr of leather using a double Identne EN 707:1999 edged tear. The method is P6llumajandusmasinad. sometimes described as the Virtsalaoturid. Ohutus 65.060.99 Baumann tear. It is applicable to all Standard esitab eriomased Muud p6llut66masinad, - types of leather ohutusn6uded ja nende riistad ia -seadmed konttollimise korra nii meh6anili5g kui ka pneumaatilise kditusega Other agricultual machines 67.040 poolrippi haake- ja and equipment Peakatted. R6ivalisandid. liikurvirtsalaotudte R6ivaste kinnitusvahendid ptojekteerimiseks ja ehitamiseks, KAVA}{DITE kaasa awatud nende laotus- v6i ARVAMUSXdISITLUS Headgear. Clothing s6bastusseadised, mis on m6eldud prEVS 56231 accessories. Fastening of virtsa (vedels6nniku, l?iga) pinnale Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 clothing laotamiseks v6i mulda Identne IE,C 60335 -2-7 0 :200 2 sisestamiseks. ja identne EN 60335-2-70:2002 UUED STAI\DARDID EVS-EN 13739-2:2003 Household and similar EVS-EN 1378022003 Hind 155,00 electrical appliances - Safety - Part ?-70t Hind 83,00 Identne EN 737 39-2:2003 Particulat Identne EN 13780:2003 requirements fqr milking P6llu- ia metsamaianduse Touch machines and close fasteners - masinad. Haiuktlvilnrd ia Determination of longitudinal tiislaiad tahke viietise laotutid. Deals udth milking machioes for sheat strength Keskkonnahoid. Osa 2: milking farm animals, fot use in This Euopean Standard specifies a Katsetamismeetodid stalls or in the open. Examples are method fot determining the This European Standard specifies bucket and direct-to-can milking longitudinal shear strength of a methods to test mormted, trailed machines, milking pipeline touch and close fastener and self-propelled broadcasters machines, recorder milking and full width solid fertilizer machines. The rated voltage is less distdbutors used in agriculture and than 250 V for single-phase horticulrure opetation and 480 V for other operations ptEYS 56232 Tiihtaeg 20A3-A7-07 Identne IF:C 60335-2-87 :2002 56 ja identne EN 60335-2-87:20A3 This draft European Standard Animal and vegetable fats and Household a1ld similat specifies a method for the oils - Determination of electrical appliances - Safety - detetmination of lead, cadmium, individual and totd sterols P att ?-87 1 Particular zinc, copper, iron and cromium in conterrts - Gas chtomatogtaphic requirements for electrical foodstuffs by atomic absolption method 4nitn4l-stunning equipment spectrometry (AAS) after dqy This standatd specifies a method Deals with the safety of electric ashing at 45 C for the gas chromatogtaphic animal-sttrnning equipment, These KAVANDITE determination of the content and are for inductrial or commetcial composition of sterols in animal use, on farms ot in ateas where ARVAMUSIdISITLUS and vegetible fats and oils they may be a source of danger to prEVS 56258 2003-07-01 the public. The standard covers Tihtaeg: 15141-2:7998 67.250 manual, semi-automatic and Identne ISO automatic equipment. For electric ia identne EN ISO 1,5141-2:1998 Toiduga kokkupuutuvad Foodstuffs - Determination fence energizers, see IF,,C 60335-2- of materialid ja esemed ochratoxin A in ceteals and 7 6. Fot electric fishing machines, ceteal products - Part Materials and articles in see IEC 60335-2-86 2:High performance liquid contact with foodstuffs chromatographic method with 65.150 bicarbonate clean up UUED STANDARDID Kalandus ja kalakasvatus This European Standard specifies a EVS-EN 648:2003 method for the determination of Hind 75,00 Fishing and fish breeding ochratoxin A (OTA) at levels Identne EN 648:2003 UUED STANIDARDID greater than 3 pglkg Toiduainetega kokkupuutuv paber ja papp. Fluorestseeriva 74$tl:2003 EVS-EN valgendiga yal gendatud paberi Hind 109,00 67.060 ia papi viirvikindluse Identne EN 14011:2003 Teravili ia kaunvili ning miitamiae Vater quality - Sampling of fish nendest valmistatud tooted Standard kfujeldab meneflusi electricity with toiduainetega kokkupuutuva paberi This European Standard provides Cereals, pulses and derived japapi teimirniseks, mis on sampling procedures with pfoducts valgendatud fluorestseerivate electricity procedures to be used by valgenditega. Esitatud on kaks trained pelsons in evaluating 6sh KAVANDITE menedust. Menedus A pikaajalise communities in streams, rivers and ARVAIVIUSKtJSITLUS kontakti jaoks (niiit. toiduainete littoral areas for the pulpose prEVS 38493 of pakendid) ja menetlus B liihiajalise classification of ecological status. Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 kontakti jaoks (niiit. salvrdtid, These procedures allow Identne prEN 10107:2003 k66gipaber, majapidamispaber). standardisation of sampling Grain-oriented electrical steel methods for descriptions of fish sheet and strip delivered in fully EVS-EN 13?58:?-003 communities. The use of processed state Hind 83,00 Identne 13258:2003 standardised methods is a critical This European Standard specifies EN requirement for the comparability the steel grades of gain-odented Matedals and articles in contact of results electdcal sheet and strip in nominal with foodstuffs - Test methods thicknesses of 0,23 mm,0,27 mm, for crazing resistance of cetamic a 0,30 mm and 0,35 mm; in articles 67.050 paticulat, general requfuements, This European Standard specifies Oldised toidu katse- ia magnetic properties, geomettic two test methods (methods A and analiitsimeetodid characteristics and tolerances and B) for the detetmination of craztng technological chatactedstics, as resistance of glazed ceramic General methods tests of well as inspection procedures tableware atticles in contact with and analysis for food food with water absorption higher products than 0,5 % (determined according 67.2A0.74 to method C of EN 1277:1997). UUED STAI{DARDID Loomsed ia taimsed Method A is a test for resistance to EVS-EN 14082:%03 rasvad ia 6lid ctaztngdue to moisture expansion. Hind 117,00 Method B is a test for resistance to Identne EN 14082:2003 Animal and vegetable fats ct zkrgdue to thermal shock and is Foodstuffs - Determination of and oils similar in most tespects to EN ttace elements - Determination KAVANDITE L783:1997 of lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, iron and chromium by atomic ARVAMUSKUSITLUS absorption spectometry (AAS) piEVS 33598 after dry ashing Tiihtaeg: 2AC6-A7-01 Identne ISO 72228:1999 ja identne EN ISO 72228:1999

57 67.260 71.100.30 This European Standad gives the specifications and the test methods Toiduainet6dstuse L6hkeained. Pff rotehnika fot creosotes for industrial wood ettev6tted seadmed ia Explosives. Pytotechnics ptesewation. Different grades of Plants and equipment for the cteosote are used depeoding on the UUED STAI\DARDID desired prcperties of the treated food industry EVS-EN 13938-3|2003 wood UUED STANDARDID Hind 83,00 EVS-EN 72355:2003 Identne EN 1393&3:2003 71.100.80 Explosives fot civil uses - Hind 190,00 Kemikadidvee Propellants and rocket Identne EN 12355:2003 .puhastamiseks Food ptocessing machinery - propellants - Part 3: f)srinding-, sLinnirrg- and Determination of deflagtation to Chemicals for pudfication af detonation transition membtane removal 64shings - watef Safety and hygiene This European Standard speofies a tequitements method to determiae the tendency UUED STA\IDARDID of a prcpellant to undergo This European standard applies to EVS-EN L3752:2A03 transition ftom deflagration to design, manufacturing installation, Hind 109,00 detonation. It applies to transportation, electrical equipment Identne EN 13752:2003 propellants of a grain size up to 8 and cleaning of derinding, Products used for treahent of mm. This method does oot apply skinning, and membrane removal watet intended for human to black powder machines (see figutes 1 to 5). The consumption - ffianganese machines described in this dioxide standard ate used for derinding, 71.100.40 This Ewopean Standard is skinning and membrane removal Pindaktiivsed ained applicable to manganese dioxide of meat and 6sh by cutting at a used for trea. ent of water blade device Surface active agents intended for human consumption. It descdbes the charactetistics of KAVAI\DITE UUED STANIDARDID ARVAMUSITCISITLUS manganese dioxide and specifies EVS-EN L3926t2o03 the tequirements and the prEVS 19252 Hind 101,00 corresponding test methods for Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Identne EN 13926:2003 manganese dioxide. It gives Identne prEN 12855:2003 Surface active agents - inforrnation on its use in water Food processing machinery - Ethoxylated derivatives - treatment Rotating bowl cutters - Safety Determination of hydtoxyl value EVS-EN 73754.2003 and hygiene requitements - N-methyl imidazole method This European Standard specifies Hind 92,00 This European Standad specifies a Identoe EN 13754:2003 requhements for bowl cutters (see method for the determination of figure 1) used when stationary and Ptoducte used for teatment of hydroxyl value of aliphatic and watet intended for human positioned on the floor or at table alicyclic hydroxyl compounds such height consumption - Bentonite as polyols, sorbitan esters, This European Staodard is plasticisets and surface active agent applicable to bentonite used fot alcohols and alkorylates with 77.040.20 heatment of water intended for hydroxyl values greater than 20 mg Laborin6ud ia -apataadid human consumption. It desctibes KoH/e the chatacteristics of bentonite and Laboratoty rilzare and related specifies the tequirements and the aPparatus 71.100.50 corresponding test methods for KAVANDITE Puidukaitse kemikaalid bentonite. It gives information on its use in water treatment ARYAMUSXf,ISITLUS prEVS 56256 Tlhtaeg: 2003-07-07 KAVAI\DITE 73.100.30 Identne ISO 472:2002 ARVAMUSXCTSITLUS Puurimis- ia ja identne EN ISO 412:2002 prEVS 56188 viiliamisseadmed Labotatory glassware - Test Tihtaeg: 2003-07-Al tubes Identne prEN 13991:2003 Equipment for drilling and This Intemational Standard Dedvatives ftom coal pyrolysis - mine excavation specifies a tange oftest tubes, Coal tar based oils: creosotes - KAVANDITE suitable for genetal laboratory use, Specifications and test methods fabdcated from borosilicate, ARVAMUSKtJSITLUS neutral ot soda/lime glass, which ptEYS 24223 are designated Type I, Type II and Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 Type III tespectively Identne ptEN 1710:2003 Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atrnospheres in mines 58 This European Staodard specifies 7s.160.20 EVS-EN ISO 19900:2003 explosion protection requirements Yedelkiitused Hind 155,00 for the construction and marking Identne ISO 19900:2002 of equipmeat and components Uquid fuels ia identne EN ISO 19900:2002 (including machines and systems Petoleum and natural gas formed by a combination of KAVANDITE industries - General separately assessed equipment and ARYAMUSKOSITLUS requitements for offshote components placed on the matket prEVS 56183 structures by individual manufacturers) for Thhtaeg 2003-07-01 This Intemational Standard use in mines that can be used Identne pfiN 74275:2003 specifies general princilpes for the individually or as subassemblies in Automotive fuels - Assessment design and assessment of mines that may be potentially of petol and diesel fuel quality - structures subjected to know or hazatdous as a tesult of firedamp Sampling from tetail site pumps foreseeable types of actions. These atd/ ot combustible dusts and commercial site fuel general principles are applicable dispensets woddwide to all types of offshore 75.140 This standatd specifies a procedure structures including bottom- Yahad, bituuumsed for drawing, from fuel dispensers, founded structures as well as samples of petrol floating structures and to dl types materidid naftatooted and diesel fuel to im be used for the assessment of of materials used including steel, Waxes, bituminous materials automotive fuel quality in concrete and aluminium accordance with prEN and other petroleum 14274.Thts standard does not cover the 75.180.20 Products sampling of Liquefied Petroleum T6dtlemisseadmed KAYANIDITE Gas (LPG) ARVAMUSKOSITLUS prEVS 56188 75.180.10 UUED STANDARDID Tdhtaeg 2003-07-01 Uuringu- ia EVS-EN 15010442:2003 Identne prEN 13991:2003 ammutusseadmed Derivatives from coal pyrolysis - Illnd229,0A Coal tat based oils: creosotes - Exploratory and extraction Identne ISO 10442:2002 ja identne EN ISO 10442:2002 Specifications and test methods equipment This European Standard gives the Peftoleum, chemical and gas senrice specifications and the test methods UUED STAI\DARDID industries - Packaged, integtally geated centrifugal air for creosotes for industrial wood EYS-EN ISO 111625:2003 comPressors preservation. Different grades of Hind 146,00 This Intemational Standard creosote ate used depending on the Identne ISO 13625:2002 specifies requirements and gives desired properties of the treated ja identne EN ISO 13625:2002 recommendations fot the design, wood Pecoleum and natural gas materials, fabrication, inspection, industries - Dri[ing and testing and preparation for production equipment - Marine 75.160.10 shipment of constant-speed, drilling riser couplings Tahkektitused pakaged, iotegrally geared This Intemational Standard centdfugal air compressors, specifies requiements and gives Solid fuels including their accessories, for use recommendations for the design, in the petroleum, chemical and gas UUED STAI\DARDID rating, manufactuting and testing service indrusties EVS-EN 1860-12003 of marine drilling riser couplings Hiod 117,00 EVS-EN ISO 15546:2003 Identne EN 1860-1:2003 Hind 146,00 75.200 Appliances, solid fuels and Identne ISO 75546:2002 Nafta, naftasaaduste ja firelighters fot batbecuei'lg - ja identne EN ISO 75546:2002 maagaasi tfanspofdi Part 1: Barbecues butning solid Petroleum and natural gas seadmed fuels - Requirements and test industries - Aluminium alloy methods drill pipe Petroleum products and This Part of this Euopean This Intemational Standard natural gas handling Standard is applicable to barbecues specifies the technical delivery equiPment which bum solid fuels, except condition, manufactudng process, single use barbecues. Barbecues material requirements, UUED STANDARDID which are iotended to be converted configuration and dimensions, and EVS-EN ISO 14692-12003 from other fuels to solid fuels ate verifi cation and inspection Hind 146,00 also applicable to this standard procedures fot aluminium alloy Identne ISO 1 4692-1 :2002 drill pipes u/ith or without anached ja identne EN iSO 74692-7:2002 steel tool joints for use in drilling and production operations in the petroleum and natural gas industries

59 Petroleum and natual gas 77.040.30 77.040.99 industries - Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping - Part 1: Metallograafia im Muud metallide Vocabulary, slmbols, katsemeetodid katsetamise meetodid applications and materials Metallographic and other This part ofISO 14692 gives the Other methods of testing of tetms, definitions and symbols methods of testing metals used in the specification, UUED STANDARDID KAYANTDITE manufacture, testing and installation of glass-teinforced EVS-EN 7i2M1-422003 ARVAIVIUSXftJSITLUS plastics (GRP) piping installations Hind 75,00 prEVS 33814 associated with offshore Identne EN 72447 -4:2A03 Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 applications on both 6xed and Zilo.c *nd zinc alloys - Chemical Identne ISO 642:1999 floating topsides facilities fot oil analysis - Patt 4: Determination ia identne EN ISO 642:1999 and gas indrusty production and of iton in zinc alloys - Steel - Hardenability test by end processing Spectrophotometric method quenching flominy test) This European Standard specifies a This Intemational Standard EVS-EN ISO 14692-2:%03 spectrophotometric method for specifies the method fot Hind 259,00 the determination of iron in zinc determining the hardenability of Identne ISO | 4692-2:2002 alloys. It is applicable to the steel by the end quench, by using a ja identne EN ISO 74692-2:2002 products specified in EN 1774 and test piece 25 mm in diameter and Peroleum and natural gas EN 12844. It is suitable fot the 100 rnm long industries - Glass-reinforced determination of iron contents plastics (GRP) piping -Patt2: (mass ftactioos) between 0,07 oh Qualifi cation and manufacture 77.120.30 and0,\ Yo This part of ISO 74692 gves Vask ia vasesulamid requirements for the qualitification EVS-EN 72141-522003 and manufacture of GRP piping Hind 75,00 Identne EN 1 2447 -5 :2003 and fittings in order to enable the UUED STANDARDID purchase of GRP components with Zinc and zinc alloys - Chemical known and consistent ptoperties analysis - Patt 8: Determination EVS-EN 198ft2003 from any source of tin in secondary zinc - Flame Hind 109,00 atomic absotption Identne EN 1981:2003 EVS-EN tSO 14692-3 2.003 spectometfic method Vask ja vasesulamid. Ligatuurid !l1nd247,00 This European Standard specifies This Euopean Standard specifies Identne ISO 1 4692-3:2002 an analytical method for the the compositions of copper-based ja identne EN ISO 14692-3:2002 determination of tin in secondary master alloys intended for the Petroleum and natutal gas zinc by atomic absolptioo manufacture, deoxidation, or industries - Glass-reinforced spectrometry. It is applicable to the desulfudzation of cast or wrought plastics (GRP) piping - Part 3: products specified in prEN 13283. alloys, especially those based on System design It is suitable for the deterrnination copper, supplied in the form of This part of ISO 74692 gpves of tin mass fractions between 0,1 ingots, notched bar, notched slab guidelines for the design of GRP oh oh and 7,0 (waffle plate), granules or btoken piping systems. The requirements pieces and recommendations apply to EVS-EN 12Al-622003 layout dimensions, hydraulic Hind 83,00 design, structural design, detailing Identne EN l2Ml-6:2003 77.720.60 Zinc and zinc alloys 6re enduance, spread of 6re and - Chemical Plii, tsink, tima analysis - Part 6: Detetmination ianende emissions and control of sulamid electrostatic discharge of alumiaiutn and iron-Flame atomic absorption EVS-EN 150146924:2003 Lead, zinc, tin and their spectometric method Flluild272,00 allovs This Euopearr Standard specifies a Identne ISO 1 4692-4:2002 flame atomic absorption identne EN ISO 14692-4:2002 UUED STANDARDID ia spectrometry method in zinc and Petroleum and natutal gas EYS-EN lVWl4z2003 zinc alloys for the determination of industries - Glass-reinfotced Hind 75,00 aluminium and iron. It is applicable plastics (GRP) piping - Part 4: Identne EN 12441 -4:2003 to the products specified in EN Fabrication, installation and Zinc all.d. zinc alloys - Chemical 988, EN 1179, EN 1774, EN opemtion analysis - Part 4: Detetmination 12844 and EN 13283 This part ofISO 14692 gsves of fuon in zinc alloys - requLements and Spectrophotometric method recommendations for the fabrication, installation and operation of GRP piping systems for use in oil and natural gas industry prossessing and utility service applications

60 This European Standard specifies a 77.740.75 This part of this European spectrophotometic method for Terastorud Standard specifies the tolerances the determination of iron in zinc ia on fornr and dimensions for dloys. It is applicable to the eriotstarbelised torud wrought aluminium and aluminium products specified in EN 1774 and alloy sheet, srip and plate obtained Steel pipes and tubes for EN 1284. It is suitable fot the by hot-rolling, fot genenl detetmination of iron conteots specific use engineering applications. It applies (mass ftactions) between 0,01. o/o UUED STAI\DARDID to products with a thickness from and,O,7 o/o 2,5 mm up to and including 400 EVS-EN r0297,k2003 EVS-EN 1?447-5:2A03 mm Hind 190,00 Hind 75,00 EVS-EN ISO 15546:2003 Identne EN 10297-1 :2003 Identne BN 72441 -5:2003 Seamlesicircular steel tubes for Hind 146,00 Zinc rnd zinc alloys - Chemical mechanical and general Identne ISO 15546:2002 analysis - Patt 8: Detetmioation engineering purposes - ia identne EN ISO 75546:2002 of tiu in secondary zinc - Flame Technical delivery conditions - Petuoleum and natural gas atomic absotption PattT: Non-alloy and alloy steel industries - Aluminium alloy spectrometric method tubes drill pipe This European Standard specifies This Intemational This Part ofEN 10297 specifies Standatd an analydcal method for the specifies the technical delivery conditions the technical delivery determination of tin in secondary condition, manufacturing process, for seamless circular tubes made of znc by atomic absorption material requi-rements, non-alloy and alloy steels for spectrometry. It is applicable to the configuation and mechanical and general engineering dimensions, and products specified in prEN 13283. verification and inspection PurPoses It is suitable fot the determination procedures for aluminium alloy of tin mass fractions bet'ween 0,1 ddll pipes urith ot without attached o/o Yo and 1,0 77.140.85 steel tool joints for use in drilling EVS-EN 72M7-6220A3 Malm- ia tefassepised and production operations in the Hind 83,00 petroleum and natutal gas Identne EN 72447 -6:2003 industries Zinc and zinc alloys - Chemical UUED STAI\DARDID analysis - Part 6: Determination EVS-EN 100312003 79.060.01 of aluminium and iton-Flame' Hind 75,00 Puipaneelid iildiselt atot ic absorption Identne EN 10031:2003 specttometric method 'Wood-based Semi-finished prcducts for panels in This European Standard specifies a fotging - Tolerances on genefal flame atomic absorption dimensions shape and mass spec&ometry method io zinc and UUED STANDARDID This Eutopean Standard specifies zinc alloys for the deterrnination of the tolerances on dimensions, CEN/TS r38L0-222003 aluminium and iron. It is applicable shape and mass fot semi-finished Hind 109,00 to the products specified in EN products intended to undergo hot Identne CEN/TS 13870-2:2003 988, EN 1179, EN 1774, EN forming by forgrng, i.e. blooms, Wood-based panels Floating 12844 and EN 13283 slabs and billets made of: - general floors Part 2: Test methods pu{pose steels, in accordance with This Technical Specification 77.140 EN 10250-1 to 4; - steels for specifies test methods fot loading a Malm- ia tetastooted pressure purposes, in accordance continuously frrlly supported non- with EN 10?22-7 to 5. It does not structual floatiog floor uith static Iron and steel products cover semi-finished products concentrated point loads, KAVAI\DITE intended fot dtop forgingwhich altemating loads and dynamic are covered bv EN 70243-l impact loads for determining the ARVAMUSXdISITLUS values of the resulting deflections prEVS 15406 Tihtaeg 2003-07-Al 77.750.10 KAVA}{DITE Identne ISO 9658:1990 Alumiiniumtooted ARVAMUSKOSITLUS ja identne EN 29658:1991 prEVS 56165 Steel - Determination of Aluminium products Tihtaeg: 20A3-A7-07 aluminir,rn content - Flame UUED STA\TDARDID Identne EN 717-3:1996 atomic absotption Wood-based panels - spectrometric method EVS-EN 485-3:2003 Determination of formaldehyde Hind 92,00 This Iotematiooal Standard release - Pat 3: Formaldehyde Identne 485-3:2003 specifies a flame atomic absorption EN release by the flask method spectrometric method for the Alumiinium ia This Europeao Standard determination of acid-soluble alumiiniumis rlatnid. Lehed, incorporates by dated or undated and/or total aluminium in non- ribad ia plaadid. Osa 3: reference, ptovisions fiom other alloyed steel Kuumvaltstoodete publications. These normative m6dtmetoletantsid ia kuiu teferences are cited at the lubatud piithiilbed

61 appropdate places in the text and Glass ia building - Glass blocks This part of this European the publications are listed hereafter aad glass pavets - Part 1: Standard specifies a method fot Definitions and description the determination of the thickness 79.080 This European Standard specifies of ceramic coatings by fotm/ shape, Puipooltooted dimensional measurement of the step height toletaoces and the matetial using a contact probe profilometer Semi-manufactwes of chatacteristics of glass blocks aod glass pavers for use in buildings timber 83.040.30 KAVANIDITE UUED STA}{DARDID Plastide abimaterialid ia ARVAMUSKOSITLUS lisandid EVS-EN 13647:2003 prEVS 56176 Hind 126,00 Tiihtaeg: 2AA3-07-01 Auxiliary materials and Identne FN 13647:2002 Identne prEN 1051-2:2003 additives for plastics Wood and parquet flooring and Glass ia buildi.g - Glass blocks wood panelling and claddi'€l - and glass paver units - P^ttz. UUED STA}{DARDID Determination of geometrical Evaluation of conformity EVS-EN 13900-X2003 chatacteristics This Pat of the European Hind 66,00 This European Standard specifies Standard covers the evaluation of Identne EN 13900-1:2003 methods of measuring the confotmity and the factory Pigments and extendets - geometdcal characteristics of 'qrood ptoduction control requfuements Methods of dispersion and and parquet floodng and wood and recommendations of glass assessment of dispersibility in panelling and cladding elements. block and glass pavet unit products plastics - Part 1: General This European Standard does not intoduction specify sampling which is intended This pat of tbis European to be found in the product 81.060.30 K6rgtehnoloogiline Standard provides an introduction standards ot test methods and it to the various parts of this does not apply to elements which keraamika Euopean Standard which desctibe are installed methods for dispersing pigments Advanced ceramics and extenders in plastics materials 81.040 UUED STAI\DARDID in otder to determine their dispersion characteristics and Klaas EVS-EN 658-4:2003 coloudstic properties Hind 92,00 Glass Identne EN 658-4:2003 EVS-EN L3900-2:?-003 KAVANDITE Advanced technical ceramics - Hind 75,00 Identne EN 13900-2:2003 ARVAMUSIdISITLUS Mechanical propetties of ceramic composites at soom Pigments and extendets - prEYS 56212 temperature -Patt4: Methods of dispersion and Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Detetmination of intedaminar assessment of dispersibility in Identne prEN 14649:2003 sheat srength by compression plastics - P att 2z Determination Precast concrete products - Test leading ofnotched test of colouristic propeties and method fot stength rctention of specit ens ease ofdispetsion in plasticized glass fibtes in cement and This part of EN 658 specifies the polyvinyl chloride by two-roll conctete conditions fot determination of the rnilling This European Standard specifies intedaminar shear strength of fis part of this Euopean tequirements for glass fibres used ceramic matrix composite materials Standard specifies a method of as reinforcement in cements and with continuous 6bre determining the coloudstic concrete. It applies to continuous reinforcement at toom properties of a test pigment relative Elament glass Ebre products in the temperature, by loading a notched to a standard, and the ease of form of rovings, strands, ot test specimen in compression. This dispersion DI{PVC-P of pigmeots chopped strands and related method applies to all ceramic from the differences in colour products such as nets or chopped mattix composites with a strargth on dispersing coloudng strand mats based on these ' continuous fibre reinforcement materials under various conditions oroducts unidkectional (1D) and in plasticized polyvinyl chloride bidirectional (2D) and tridirectional (PVC-P) compounds 81.040.20 (xD, with 2 < x < 3) as defined in EVS-EN 13900-327.003 Ehitusklaas ENV 13233, loaded along one Hind 75,00 principal axis of reinforcement Identne EN 13900-3:2003 Glass in building EYS-EN l07l-lz?.003 Pigments and extendets - UUED STANDARDID Hind 92,00 Metlods of dispersion and Identne EN 1071-1:2003 assessment of dispetsibility in EVS-EN 1051-12003 Advanced technical ceramics - plastics - Part 3: Determination Hind 101,00 Methods of test for ceramic of colouristic properties and Identne EN 1051-1:2003 coatings - Part ft Determination ease ofdispersion ofblack and of coating thickness by contact colour pigments in polyethylene probe filometet by two-toll 6itling 62 This part of this European This Part 2 ofprEN 13677 defines This European Standard specifies Standard specifies a method of the geneal requiements applicable two methods for the deterrnination determining in polyethylene @E) to the specification of all types of of the effect of heat on the colowistic properties of a test glass mat teinfotced polypropylene lnplasticized polyvinylchloride pigment relative to a standard, and composite sheet (GMf) falling eVC-tD profiles for the the ease of dispersion DHPE of within the scope of this fabdcation of udndows and doors. pigments from the differences io specification as defined in Part 1 of The oven method is considered as colour strength on dispersing the standard including the the reference method colouring materials under vadous sampling procedures, packaging prEVS 14828 conditions storage and labelling requirements Tihtaeg: 2003-07-07 EVS-EN L3677-3:2003 Identne EN 479:1995 83.080.01 Hind 75,00 Unplasticized polyvinylchloride Plastid flldiselt Identne EN 13677-3:2003 (PVC-U) profiles for the Reinforced thermoplastic fabrication of windows and Plastics in general moulding compounds - doors - Determination of heat Specification for GMT - Patt 3: reversion KAVANDITE Specific requfuements This European Standard specifies a ARVAMUSKOSITLUS This Part 3 of prEN 13677, is a method for the determination of ptEVS 33914 specifi cation fot thermoplastic the heat reversion of unplasticized TZihtaeg: 2003-07-A1. compression mouldable sheet polyvinylchloride (PVC-Q profi.les Identne ISO 489:1999 consisting of textile glass mat for the fabrication of windows and oC ja identne EN ISO 489:1999 reinforced polypropylene or Ot a test at 100 in an Plastics - Determiaation of equivalent products, as descdbed *lr refractive index in Part 1 of this specification. The This standard specifies two test specifi cation defines those 83.140.30 methods for determining the pararneters which shall be specified Plastiktotud, liitmikud, refractive index of plastics, namely: plus otler parameters which may Method A: Refiactive method for be specified ifrequired for a ventiilid measuring the refractive index of particular application or processing Plastic pipes, fittings and moulded parts, cast or extfuded method sheet or fikn by means of a valves refractometer. Method B: 83.140 UUED STANDARDID Immersion method for determining the refiative index of Kummi- ia plasttooted EYS-EN ISO 74692-l:2003 powdered or granulated Hind 146,00 Rubber and plastics producs Identne ISO 14692-1 transpatent materials by means of a :2002 nucroscoPe KAYAI\DITE ja identne EN ISO 74692-1:2002 Petroleum and natutal gas ARVAMUSKTJSITLUS industries - Glass-teinforced 83.720 prEVS 14824 plastics (GRP) piping - Parr 1: Tugevdatud plastid Tlhtaeg 2A03-A7-0L Vocabulary, symbols, Identne EN 477:1995 applications and materials Reinforced plastics Unplasticized polyvinylchloride This part of ISO 14692 gives the (PVC-U) profiles for UUED STA}{DARDID the terrns, definitions aod symbols fabrication of windows and used in the specification, EVS-EN 13677-1t2003 doors - Determination of the manufacture,tes' gand Hind 92,00 tesistance to impact of main installation of glass-teinforced Identne EN 13677-1:2003 ptofiles by falling mass plastics (GRJ) piping installations Reinforced thermoplastic This European Standad specifies a associated udth offshore mouldi.g compounds method for the - detemrination of applications on both fixed and Specification for GMT Part 1: the resistance - to impact by a falling floating topsides facilities for oil Designation mass at - 10 Co of unplasticized and gas indrusty production and This part of prEN 13677 polyvinylchloride @VC-I-f main processhg establishes a data block system for pto6les for the fabtication of EYS-EN tSO 14692-22003 the designation of glass mat udndows and doors for the Hind 259,00 reinfotced thermoplastic assessment of the q

64 ja identne EN ISO 3251:2003 Design and manufacture of site Ehitusettev6tete Paints, vamishes and plastics - built, vertical, 6ylin drisal, kvalifitseerimine Determination of non- flatbottomed steel tanks for the Ehitusettevdtete kvalifi tseerimine volatilematter contetrt storage of tefrigerated, liquefi ed toimub kehtivate 6igusaktide ja This Intemational Standard gases with operating kiesoleva standardi alusel. specifies a method for determing temperatures between 5 oC and Kvalifi tseeritud ehitusettev6tted oC the non-volatile-matter content by 165 - Patt 3: Concrete kantakse nimekirja (registtisse), mis mass of paints, vamishes, binders comPonents annab tellijale vajalikku for paints and varnishes, polymer This Part of EN 14620 specifies informatsiooni pidevate dispersions and condensation general requirements for materials, ehitusettevdtjate valikuks. resins such as phenolic resins design and construction of the Ehitusettev6tte kvalifi tseerimisel concrete components of the lihtutakse illdkriteedumidest 91.010 refrigerated liquefied gas storage ftanded registrites, tegevuslubade Ehitus(t66stus) tanks olemasolu jms), prEVS 56180 finantskriteedumidest ning Construction industrv Tlhtaeg 2003-07-01 tehnilistest kriteeriumidest Identne prEN 14620-4:2003 (kasutatav t6ov6tumeetod, KAVANDITE Design and manufacture of site kvaliteeditagamise p6him6tted, ARYAMUSKUSITLUS built, vertical, cylindrical, lepinguline suutlikkus) ja prEVS 56177 flatbottomed steel tanks for the s6ltumanrlt hinnatakse ettev6tte Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-01 storage of refrigerated, liquefi ed nendele kriteeriumidele vastavust. 'ng Identne prEN 14620-1 :2003 gases with opera Kvalifitseeritud ehitusettev6tete oC Design and manufactute of site temperatures between -5 and register on kasutatav pakkujate oC built, vertical, cylindrical, -165 - Patt 4: Insulation kvalifitseerirnise siisteemina flatbottomed steel taaks for the comPouents ehitushangete, sh riigihangete storage of efrigerated, liquefied This part ofEN 14620 specifies korraldamisel. Standardi gases with opera''ng the tequirements for matedals, kasutamise eelduseks on see, et temperatures between -5oC and desigrr and installation of the standardis kirjeldatud kriteeriumid -165oC-ParttGenetal insulation of refrigerated Iiquefied peavad vastama ostja n6udmistele This European Standard is a gas ELG) storage tanks. RLG ning ostja kinnitab standatdi specification fot vertical, cylindtical storage tanks store liquefied gas kvalifi tseerimistingimused oma tanks, built on site, above ground udth a low boiling point, i.e. below ehitushanke kriteeriumideks, and of which the primary liquid normal ambient temperature. The riigihangete puhul koosk6las container is made of steel. The concept of storing such products dgihankeid reguleerivate secondary cootainer, if applicable, in liquid form and in non- 6igusaktideg. may be of steel or of conctete or a pressurized tanks therefore depends on the combination of combination of both. An inner 91.010.30 latent heat ofvaporization and tank made only of prestressed Tehnilised concrete is excluded from the thermal insulation aspektid prEVS 56181 scope ofthis standard Technical aspects prEVS 56178 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-01 Identne prEN 14620- 5:2003 UUED STAI\DARDID Design and manufacture of site Identne ptEN 1 4620- 2:2A03 EVS-EIrIV L3670-L:2AA3 built, veftical, Desiga and manufacture of site cylinddcal, 1llnd229,00 flatbottomed steel tanks for the built, vertical, cylindrical, Identne ENV 13670-1:2000 g16sl stotage of refrigetated, liquefied flatbottomed 14nks for the Beto onkonstruktsioonide gases with opemting storage of refrigerated, liquefi ed ehitamine. Osa t Oldsatted temperatures between -5oC and gases with opetating Standard esitab oC -165oC - Part 5: Testing, dryin& tempetatures between -5 and betoonkonstruktsioonide ehitamise oC putging and cool-down -165 - Part2: Metallic iildn6uded. Eriti esitab see osa This Part of EN 14620 specifies comPonents n6uded ENV 1992-1 kohaselt the requircments for testing, This Part ofEN 14620-2 specifies projekteeritud konstruktsioonidele general requirements for the dtyi"g, purgng and cool-down of ia ENV 199+l kohaselt the refrigerated liquefied gas materials, design, construction and pro jekteedtud komposiit- storage tanks installation of the metallic konstruktsioonide betoonosadele. comPonents of refrigerated Rajatiste puhul ruleb kaaluda eri- liquefied gas storage tanks 91.010.01 v6i lisan6uete rakeodemi5l j2 [si prEVS 56179 Ehitus (t66stus) iildis elt need osutuvad vajalikeks, siis Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 esitada projektdokumentatsioonis. Identne prEN 14620-2:2003 Construction industrv in KAVAI\DITE general ARVAMUSXIISITLUS UUED STAI{DARDID ptEYS 22821 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-07 EVS 834:2003 Identne prEN 1544:2003 Hind 130,00 Identne EVS 834:2003 Products and systems for the 91.060.30 Identne EN 477:1995 protection and repair of Unplasticized polyvinylchlodde concrete structrres - Test Laed. P6randad. Ttepid (PVC-U) profiles for the methode - Determination of Ceilings. Floors. Sairs fabrication of windows and crcep under sustained tensile doors - Determination of the load for synthetic tesin products KAVA}{DITE tesistance to impact of main (PC) fot the anchoring of ARVA}IUSKOSITLUS profiles by falling mass t"fuilfe1sing bars pfiVS 56295 This European Staodard qpecifies a This European Staodard specifies a Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 method for the determination of out a imFact method for carrying Identne prEN 1 4617-72:2003 the resistance 1e by a falling sustained tensile load test on a Agglomerated stone - Test mass at - 10 Co of unplasticized reinforcing steel bat (rebar) methods -Patt7i2z polyvinylchlodde (PVC-I) main anchored in a concrete block. The Determination of dimensional profiles for the fabdcation of test is performed to determine the stability vdndows and doorc for the tensile creep under standard This Euopean standatd speciEes a assessment of the extnrsion conditions, or under maximum test method to detemrine the prEVS 14826 sewice temperature conditions dimensioaal stability, intended as T?ihtaeg 2003-07-A7 recommended bv the manufacturer the evaluation of a defotmation, Identne EN 478:1995 towatds a bearing plane, by Unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVGU) profiles for the 91.040 ptolonged contact with watet, of fabrication of windows and Ilooned agglomerated stones tiles used for flooring and cladding in building. doors - Appeamnce after Buildings The test is mainly performed to exposrue at 150oC - Test select a suitable adhesive for the method KAVANDITE laying down operations. This European Standard specifies ARVAMUSKUSITLUS two methods fot the detetrnination ofthe effect ofheat on prEVS 56206 91.060.40 Tfitaeg 2003-05-01 unplasticized polyvinylchloride Identne prEN 14648:2003 Korstnad, l66rid, kanalid (PVC-Q profiles for the fabdcation of windows and doors. Buildi.g hardware - Fittings for Chimneys, shafts, ducts shuttets - Requirements and The oven method is considered as test methods UUED STAI\DARDID the tefercnce method prEVS 14828 This standard specifies EVS-EN MA3:?.003 T?ihtaeg 2003-07-07 performance requirements for the Hind 126,00 Identne EN 479:1995 strength and durability of fittings Identne EN 1,$43:2003 Unplasticized potyvinylchloride for the operation of movable Qhirnasys - Genetd (PVC-ID profiles fot the leaves of shuttets including tequitements fabdcation of windows and requfuements and test methods This European Standard specifies doots - Determination of heat general requirements and the basic revetsion performance cdteria and specifies 91.060 This European Standard specifies a limit values whete apprcpdate for Ehituselemendid method for the determination of chimneys (ocluding connecting the heat revetsion of unplasti&ed pipes and their fini"gp) used to Elements of buildings flue polyvinylchlodde (PVC-IJ) ptofiles convey the ptoducts of for the fabtication of windows and KAVANDITE combustion from heating a test at 100 oC in an ARVAMUSKUSITLUS appliances to the outside 3:X'Ot prEVS 33493 atmosphete. It is intended to be prEVS 56259 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-0I used as a refeterrce for product Tiihtaeg 2003-07-41 Idenhre prEN 1461 7-2:2003 standards fq1 shimqgys, flues and Identne EN 951:1998 Agglomerated stone - Test speciEc products (elements, kits Door leaves - Method fot methods - Part 2z Determination and terminals) used in the measurement of height, width, of flexural strength (bending) construction of chirnneys. also It thickness and squareness This Euopean Standard specifies a identifi es minimum requirements This European standard applies to method fot determination of for marking and evaluation of all rectangulat door leaves and the flexutal sbength uader a confomriw measurable patameters of doors of concentrated load (bending other shapes resistance) of agglomerated stone 91.060.50 flat products Uksed ia aknad 91.080.20 Doors and windows Puitkonstruktsioonid KAVANDITE Timber structures ARVAMUSKOSITLUS KAVAI\DITE prEVS 14824 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Tihtaeg: 2003-07 -01 prEVS 23955

66 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-07 ja identne EN ISO 15148:2002 91.100.30 Identne EN 912:1999 + AC:2000 Hygtothermal performance of Timber fastenets - building materials aad products Betoon ia betoontooted Specifications fot connectors for - Determination of water Concrete and concrete timber absotption coefficient by pattial This standard defnes the itnmersion Pfoducts dimensions and the materials of This European Staodard specifies a UUED STANDARDID certain well-established connectors method fot determining, by partial EVS-EN 72504-l:2003 for use in joints between members immersion urith no temperature Hind 92,00 in loadbeadng timber stnrktures gradient, the short-term liquid Identne EN 1250,1-1 :2000 watet absolption coefficient. It is Konstuktsiooni betooni intended to assess the rate of 91.080.40 katsetamine. Osa 1: absorption of water, by capillary Puursiidamikud. V6turine, B etoonkonstruktsioonid action from conti.uous or driving iilevaatus ja surekatse rain during on site storage or Concrete structufes Standard miiratleb kivistunud construction, by insulating and betoonist puursiidamike v6tmise, UUED STANDARDID other matedals, which are normally iilevaatuse, katseks protected. The method is suitable EVS-EI{V 13670-7t2003 ettevalmistamise ja survetugel'use for renders or coatings tested in 1llnd229,00 midramise meetodid. Identne ENV 13670-1:2000 conjunction rvith the substrate on EVS-EN 72504-2:2003 Betoonkoustruktsioonide which they are normally mounted Hind 75,00 ehitamine. Osa Uldsetted t Identne EN 72504222007 Standard esitab 91.100.25 Konstruktsiooni betooni betoonkonstruktsioonide ehitamise Keraamilised ehitustooted katsetamine. Osa2: iildn6uded. Eriti esitab see osa Mittepurustav katsetamine. n6uded ENV 1992-1 kohaselt Ceramic building products P6tkeannr miiramine projekteeritud konstruktsioonidele Standard mi:iradeb kivistunud ja ENV 799+l kohaselt UUED STANDARDID betooni kindlaksmiiratud projekteeritud komposiit- E.VS-EN 1051-12003 piirkonna p6rkearrru miiramise konstruktsioonide betoonosadele. Hind 101,00 meetodi kasutades terasest Rajatiste puhul tuleb kaaluda eri- Identne EN 1051-1:2003 vedruvasatat. v6i lisan6uete rakendamist ja kui Glass in buildi.g - Glass blocks need osutuvad vajalikeks, siis and glass pavers - Part 1: KAVANDITE esitada projektdokumentatsioonis. Definitions and description ARVAMUSKOSITLUS KAVANDITE This European Standard specifies prEVS 56217 fotm/ shape, ARVAMUSXdTSITLUS dimensional Tihtaeg 20A3-07-07 tolerances and the material Identne EN 206-l:2002/ prEVS 16842 characteristics of glass blocks and prAl:2003 Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 glass pavers for use in buildings Betoon. Osa 1: Identne ptEN 13791:2003 Spetsifi tseedmine, toimivus, Assessment of concrete KAVANDITE tootuine vastavus compressive strength in ARVAMUSKLISITLUS ia This European Standard applies to structutes ot in structuial prEVS 27076 concrete for structures cast in situ, elements Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-01 precast structures, and structural This European Standard: - Gives Identne EN 87:1991 precast products for buildings and methods and ptocedures for the Ceramic floot and wall tiles; civil engineeting structures. The assessmelt of the in-situ definitions, classification, concrete may mixed on site, ready- comptessive strength of concrete characteristics and marking mixed concrete or produced in a in structural elements and precast This European Standard gives plant for precast cooclete concrete products. - Provides definitions, clasiification, products. This Ewopean Standad principles and guidance for characteristics and marking applies to concrete compacted to establishing the relationships requirements for ceramis tiles retain no appteciable amount of between test results from indirect generally used floor and wall entrapped air other than entmined test methods and the in-situ core surfaces air. This standatd applies to strength prEVS 56176 norrnal-weight, heavy-weight and Tihtaeg: 2003-07-07 light-weight conctete. This Identne prEN 1051-2:2003 91.100.01 standard does not cover health and Glass in building - Glass blocks safety requirements for the Ehitusmateri alid flldiselt and glass paver units - Part2:, protection of workers during Evaluation of conformity Construction materials in production and delivery of This Part of the Ewopean genefal concrete. Standard covers the evaluation of prEVS 56300 conformity and the factory UUED STANDARDID Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-01 production control requirements EVS-EN ISO 15148:2003 Identne prEN 12504-3:2003 and recommendations of glass Hind 109,00 block and glass paver unit products Identne iSO 15148:2002 67 Testing concrete in structures - improve the thetmal insulation. This standard specifies methods Part 3: Determination of pull- This standatd covers materials with for calculati.g the design heat loss out force a dedared thetmal resistance equal and the design heat load for basic This European Standard specifies a to or greater than 1 m2-K/W. cases at the design conditions method for the determinatioo of E'VS-EN 1394122003 the pull-out force of hatdened 91.L20.20 Hind 283,00 concrete using a cast-in disc insen Akustika ehituses. Identne EN 13941:2003 and rod, or a similar device Design and installation of installed afterwards by drilling inter Hetisolatsioon. pteinsulated bonded pipe the hardened concrete. Acoustics in building. Sound systems for district heating This Euopean Standard specifies insulation 91.100.60 nrles for desiga, calculation and Sooius- KAVA\IDITE installation for preinsulated ia bonded pipe systems for buded heliis ARVAMUSXCISITLUS olatsioonimated atid hot water distribution aad prEVS 56254 transmissioo networks, see. Figure Thermal and sound Tiihtaeg 2003-07-07 2, with pipe assemblies in insulating materials Identne ISO 777-2:7996 accotdance v/ith EN 253, fot ia identne EN ISO 717-2:1,996 KAVANDITE Acoustics - R.ting of sound continuous operation with hot up to ARVAMUSKOSITLUS insulation in buildings and of water at vatious temperatures 720 aod occasionally with peak prEVS 39756 building elements - Patt 2z "C tempentutes up to 140 oC and Tiihtaeg 2003-07-07 Impact sound insulation maximum intemd pressure 25 bar Identne prEN 13500:2003 This part ofISO 717 A) defines (overpressure) Thermal insulation products fot single-number quantities for the buildings - Extemal thermal impact sounds insulation in E VS-EN 297 :1999 / A6:?.003 insulation composite systems building and of floors; b) gtves Hind 83,00 (ETICS) based e11 minglat qrqql rules for determining these Identne EN 297 :7994 / A6:2003 - Specification quantities from the results of Gaas-kesld

69 This Euopean Standard desctibes EVS-EN 13286-322.003 pu4)oses and for client a test method for the desigp of Hind 92,00 information slurry mix based on the Identne EN 13286-3:2003 EVS-EN 1%i97-3h?-003 determination the minimum of Unbound aad hydtaulically Hiod 109,00 birrder content of the mix under bound mixtutes - Pac 3: Test Identne EN 72697 -32:2003 wet tmck abrasion conditions. This method for the determination of Bituminous mixtures - Test European Standard applies to the laboratory reference density methods for hot mix asphalt - slurry surfacing to be used in and watef content - P art 322 Labomtory compaction surface layets Vibrocompression with of bituminous mixtues by EVS-EN 72697-62003 conuolled parametets vibratory compactof Hiod 109,00 This Europeao Standard descdbes This Euopean Standard describes Identne EN 12697-6:2003 a method fot the detemrinatioo of a test method for the prepantion Bituminous mixtures - Test the laboratory dry density, the of bituminous test specimeas using water cootent and the methods fot hot mix asphalt - dif6culty of a vibratory compaction technique. Part 6: Determination of bulk compaction of a hydtaulically This Euopean Standard is density of bituminous bound or unbound mixture using applicable to loose mixtures and vibrocompression con&olled specirn ens by hydrostatic with cotes and is used to establish a pafametefs method reference density for a bituminous This European Standard describes EVS-EN 132t364:2003 mixtue in accotdaoce with the test methods for detetmining the Hind 126,00 procedures described in EN bulk density of a compacted Identne EN 13286-4:2003 12697-9, or the ease of compaction bituminous specimeo. The test Unbound and hydtaulically as described in EN 12697-10 methods are intended for use with bound mixtures - Patt 4: Test EVS-EN 7269736:2003 laboratory compacted specimens method fot the determination of Hind 83,00 or specimens from cores cut from the laboratory reference density Identne EN 12697-36:2003 the pavement after placement and and water content - Vibrating Bituminous mixtutes - Test compacting ha--ef methods fot hot mix asphalt - EVS-EN 72697-82?.003 This Ewopean Standard describes Part 36: Determination of the Hind 83,00 a method fot the determination of thickness of a bituminous Identne EN 12697-8:2003 the telationship between th" dty pavement Bituminous mixtutes - Test density and water content of a This European Standard describes methods for hot mix asphalt - mixture when compacted using a two test methods for determining Part 8: Determination of void vibratiog hammet the thickness of a bituminous chatacteristics of bituminous EVS-EN 13286-5:?.003 pavement. The fi'st method speciinens Hind 146,00 describes measurements carried This Euopean Standard describes Identne EN 13286-5:2003 out on one or more cores which a procedure for calculating two Unbound and hydtaulically have been drilled frorn the firll volumetric characteristics of a bound mixtures - Part 5: Test depth ofthe slab or road structure compacted biruminous specimen: method for the determination of (destructive method). The second the air voids content (Vm) and the the laboratory reference density method electro-magnetic (non- voids content in the mineral and water content - Vibrating destructive) measurement ate used aggregate 6led with binder (VFB) table EYS-EN 7i286-4022003 EYS-EN 13286-7:.2003 This European Standard describes Hind 75,00 Hiod 92,00 a method for the deterrnination of Identne EN 13286-40:2003 Identne EN 13286-1:2003 the maximum dry density and Unbound and hydraulically Unbound and hydmulically water content of cohesionless bound mixtures - Patt 40: Test bound mixtures - Part t Test materials when compacted using a method for determination of the method for the determination of vibrating table. The method utilizsg ditect tensile stength of the laboratory refetence density vibratory compaction to obtain hydraulically bound mixtutes and water content - maximum density under saturated This European Standard describes Introduction, genetal conditions a test method for the . tequitements and sampling EVS-EN 72.697-15:2003 detesrination of the dftect tensile This European Standard describes Hind 92,00 strength of specimens of a number of test methods for the Identne EN 12697-15:2003 hydraulically bound mixttres. This determination of the relationship lilurninqug mixtutes - Test European standard applies to between the water content and the methods fot hot mix asphalt - specimens of hydraulically bound density ofunbound and Part 15: Determination of the mixture made in accordance rxrith hydraulically bound mixtures under segregation sensitivity prEN 13286-52 specified test conditions. The test This European Standard specifies a EVS-EN 132864122003 results provide an estimate of the test method for the determination Hind 83,00 mixture density that can be of the mixing quality and the Identne EN 13286-41:2003 achieved on construction sites and tendency of segegation in provides a reference parametet for composition of hot bituminous assessing the density of the mixtues. This test method is compacted layer of the mixture considered suitable for design

70 Unbound and hydraulically KAVANDITE 93.080.40 bound mixtures - Part 41: Test ARVAMUSKOSITLUS method for the detetminatioa Tinavavalgustus of pr"EVS 38496 the compressive stength of Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 Street lighting and related hydraulically bound mixtutes Identne EN 1340:2003 This European equiPment Standard describes Conctete kerb units - a test method for the Requircments and test methods KAYANDITE determination of the compressive This European Standard speofies ARVAMUSKOSITLUS srength of specimens of matedals, properties, requirements prEVS 15145 hfdraulically bound mixtues and test methods for unreinforced, Tihtaeg: 2003-07-07 This European standard GIBI\Q. cement bound precast concrete Identne prEN,t0-9:1 999 applies to specimens manufactured kerb units, channels and Lighting colu'.ns - Part 2z in the laboratory or prepared from complementary 6ttings, that are for General requirements and cores use in trafficked paved areas and dimensions EYS-EN 73286-42:2003 roof coverings This European Standard specifies Hind 75,00 the requirements and dimensions Identne EN 7 3286 42:2003 93.080.30 for lighting columns, brackets, base Unbound and hydmulically compartments, cableways and bound mixtutes - Pat 42: Test Teepiiraldised earthing terminals method fot the determination of Road equipment and the indirect tensile strength of test specirnens installations 93.080.99 This Ewopean Standard describes UUED STANDARDID Muud tee-ehitusega a test method for the seotud standardid deterrnination of the indfuect CEN/TS fl93-5:2003 tensile strength of cylinddcal Hind 190,00 Other standards related to specimens of hydraulically bound Identne CEN/TS 77 93-5:2003 road engineering mixtures. This European Standard Road traffic noise reducing applies to specimens manufactured devices Test method fot UUED STANDARDID in the labontory or prepared from dslgmining the acoustic EVS-EN 73524:2003 cores performance Part 5: Intrinsic Hind 146,00 chatacteristics - In situ values of EYS-EN 13286-432?.003 Identne EN 13524:2003 sound reflection and airbome Hind 92,00 Highway maintenance sound insulation Identne EN 13286-43:2003 machines - Safety requirements The present document describes a Unbound aad hydraulically This Euopean Standard applies to test method for measudng two bound mixtutes - Part 43: Test machines used fot highway quantities representative of the method for the detennination of maintenance vrhich are attached to intrinsic characteristics of traffic the modulus of elasticity of ot mounted on carrier vehicles and noise reducing devices : the hydraulically bound mixtures which are defined in clause 3. reflection index for sound This European Standard descdbes Directives and standards for the reflection and the sound insulation a test method for the vehicular ttuck chassis aspect, index for airbome sound insulation determination of the modulus of termed'cartier vehicle' in this elasticity of specimens of KAVAi\DITE standard, would be those relevant hydraulically bound mixtutes. Jhe ARVAMUSKOSITLUS to that equipment, even where specific modifications have been European Standard applies to prEVS 56219 made to realise the machines specimens manufactured in the Tilhtaeg 2003-07-01 for highway maintenance application. laboratory or prepared from cores Identne EN 1463- The use in public road traffic is EVS-EN 132864622003 l:1997 /ptA7:2003 governed by the national Hind 92,00 Teemiirgistusmateri alid. regulations Identne EN 13286-,16:2003 Yalgustpeegeldavad teenaastud. Unbound and hydraulically Osa 1: bound mixtures - Part 46: Test Ekspluatatsiooniomadustele 97.030 method for the determination of esitatavad esmased n6uded Elektrilised kodumasinad the moisture condition value This Euopean Standard specifies (IvlCD the perforoance requirements and Domestic electrical This European Standard describes laboratory test methods of appliances in genera- the method for the determination retroreflecting road studs iotended of the Moisture Condition Value for use as permanent and KAYANDITE (MCq of mixtues. The MCV test temporary road marking matedals ARYAMUSIruSITLUS deterrnines the suitability of a prEVS 37582 mixture for placing, compaction Tlhtaeg 2003-07-07 and trafficLing by construction Identne IE.C 6033 5 -2-7 07 :2002 equipment ja identne EN 60335-2-107:2003

71 Household and similar enterpdses such as bakeries, according to the categones electrical appliances - Safety - butchedes, etc. The electrical part specified 'tn 4.2, tefetred to in the ttappliancestt Patt?-7012 Particular of applian6gs 6alring use of other text as requirements for vapodzers forms of energy is also within the prEYS 56226 Deals with the safety of electric scope of this standard Tiihtaeg 2003-07-01 vapotizers for household aod Identne IF,C 60335 -2- 1 5:2002 similat putposes, their rated ja 97.040.20 identne EN 60335-2-15:2003 voltage being not more than 250 V Household and similat Pliidid, t66lauad, ptEVS 56250 "hi,rd electrical appliances - Safety - Tihtaeg 2003-07-0l im" PartLTS: Particular Identne IE,C 60335 -2- 49 :2002 requirements for appliances fot Cookingranges, ja identne EN 60335-2-49:2003 woddng heating liquids Household and similar tables, ovens and similar Applicable to the safety of electrical appliances - Safety - appliances electdcal appliances for heating Patt?-492 Paticular UUED STA}{DARDID liquids for household and similar requirements fot cor.tn ercial pu{poses, their rated voltage being electric hot cupboatds EVS-EN 1860-t2003 not more than 250 V Deals with the safety of electrically Hind 117,00 prEVS 56228 operated commercial hot Identne EN 1860-1:2003 Tihtaeg: 2003-07-01 cupboards not intended for Appliances, solid fuels and Identne IE'C 603 35 -2-25:2A02 household use. The rated voltage fitelightets for barbecueing - ja identne EN 60335-2-25:2003 being not more than 250 V for Part t Barbecues buning solid Household and similar single-phase appliances connected fuels - Requitements and test electrical appliances - Safety - between one phase and neutral methods Patt2-25: Particular and 480 V for other appliaoces. This Part of this European requirements for r.ictowave Hot cupboards with heated tops, Standard is applicable to barbecues ovens, including combination heated display cases, heated vfiich bum solid fuels, except micfowave ovens crockery dispensers and heated single use barbecues. Barbecues Deals vdth the safety of microwave shelves aod tables are also within which ate intended to be converted ovens forhousehold use. The rated the scope of this standatd. The ftom othet fuels to solid fuels are voltage is less than 250 V. It also applia.sss within the scope of this also applicable to this standard deals with combination microwave standard are typically used in KAVAI\DITE ovens, For commercial mictovave restaurarits, canteens, hospitals and ARVAMUSKTJSITLUS ovens, see IE,C 60335-2-9A similar commercial enterpdses. prEVS 56233 prEVS 56169 The electrical part of appliances Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-01 Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-01 making use of other forrns of Identne IF,C 6033 5 -2-9 0:2002 Identne EC 60335 -2-6 :2002 energy is also within the scope of ja identne EN 60335-2-90:2002 ja identne EN 60335-2-6:2003 this standard Household and similar Household and similar elecuical appliances - Safety electdcal appliances - Safety - Part?-902 Particular 97.040.10 Patt2-62 Particular tequfu ements for commercial requirements for stationary K66gim66bel r.ictowave ovens cooking tanges, hobs, ovens Deals with the safety of I(tchen furniture and similar appliances commercial microwave ovens. Applicable to the safety of KAVANDITE These ovens incorpotate a door for stationary electric cooking ranges, user access to the cavity, The rated ARVAMUSKOSITLUS hobs, ovens and similat appliances, voltage is less than 250 V. fot prEVS 56170 th& rated voltage being not more 2003-07-01 single phase appliances and 480 V. Tdhtaeg: thala 250 V fot single-phase for other appliances. The oven may I den tne IF,C 6033 5 -2- 62:2002 appliances connected between one ja be built into a vending rnachine identne EN 60335-2-62:2003 phase and neutral, and 480 V for (see also IEC 60335-2-75). The Household and similar other appliances oven may also incorporate electrical appliances - Safety - ptEVS 56184 conventional heating meaos (see Part2-622 Particular Tiihtaeg: 2003-07-01 also IEC 60335-2-36 and IEC requitements for commercial Identne EN 30-1- 60335-2- 42). For household electric rinsing siaks 7:1998/ptA2:2003 microwave ovens, see IEC 60335- Deals 'q/ith the safety of elecrically Kodused gaaskuumutusega 2-25. F or ndustrial rnicrowave operated commercial dnsing sinks toiduva lrnistusseadmed. heating equiprnent, see IEC 60519- not intended for household use. Osa 1-1: Ohutus. Oldist 6. For appliances for medical The rated voltage being not more This standard specifies the purposes, see IEC 60601 than250 V for single-phase construction and petformance appliances connected between one chatacteristics as well as the phase and neutral, and 480 V for requirements and methods of test other appliances. Appliances within fot the safety and marking of the scope of this standard are fteestanding and built-in domestic typically used in restaurants, cooking appliances buming the canteens, hospitals and commercial combustible gases given in 4.1 72 97.040.50 use of other fotms of energy is also Household a1d similal Kddgi viiikevahendid within the scope of this standard electrical apptances - Safety - Patt?-44: Particular Small kitchen appliances 97.040.60 requirements fot ironerc Applicable to K66gin6ud, sdtigiriistad the safety of electric KAVANDITE ia ironers, their rated voltage being ARVAMUSKBSITLUS lauan6ud not more than 250 V for single prEYS 56227 phase and 480 V for other Cookware, cudery and Tihtaeg: 2A$-07-01 appliances intended for household Identne IE,C 60335-2-77 :2002 flatware and similar putposes. Appliances ja identne EN 60335-2-77:2003 UUED STANDARDID intended to be used by laymen in Household and similar shops, in light industry and on EVS-EN 73258t2003 electrical appliances - Safety - farms, are also within the scope of Part2-17: Particular Hind 83,00 this standard Identne requitements fot blankets, pads EN 13258:2003 Materials and similar flexible heating and articles in contact 97.080 appliances with foodstuffs - Test methods fot ctazingresistance Deals udth the safety of electdc of ceramic P6tandaho oldusvahendid articles blankets, pads and other flexible This Euopean Standard tfeatrnent appliances appliances for heating the bed or specifies 49"t two test methods (methods A and human body, for household and KAVANDITE B) for the determination of crazing similar purposes, their rated ARVAMUSKUSITLUS resistance of gJazed ceramic voltage being not more than 25AV. prEVS tableware articles in contact 56166 This standard also deals with the with food with water absolption Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-07 control units supplied with the higher Identne 5 than 0,5 % (detetrnined accotding IF.C 6033 -2-2:2002 appliance identne to method C of EN 7277:7997). fa EN 60335-2-2:2003 prEVS 56240 Household Method A is a test for resistance to and similar Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-01 electrical ctazingdue to moisture expansion. appliances - Safety - Identne IF,C 60442:7998 / A1:2003 Part2-22 Method B is a test for resistance to Particular ia identne EN requirements for vacuum ctazing due to thermal shock and is 60442:1998/A1:2003 cleaners and similar in most respects to EN water-suction Electric toasters for household cleaning appliances and purposes 7783:7997 similar - Methods Deals the safety of electric for '.vith measuring the perfotmance vacuurn cleaners and water-suction Applies to electric toasters for 97.060 cleaning appliances. It also applies household use. The purpose of this Pesumaiade sisseseade to motorized cleaning heads and Standard is to state and de6ne the current-caffying hoses for vacuum main performance characteristics Laundry appliances cleaners. These are for household for toasters, vrhich are ofinterest use, includi.g vacuruD cleanets for to the KAVANDITE user, to describe the animal grooming. The rated standard methods ARVAMUSXfSITLUS fot meas rti.g voltage is less than 250 V. This these characteristics prEVS 56229 and to give standatd does not cover industrial some gu.idelines Tiihtaeg 2003-07-07 for the evaluation appliances, oot special conditions of test results, Identne IEC 60335-2-4:,2002 such as explosive atrnospheres prEVS 56251 ja identne EN 60335-2-4:,2002 Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 Household and similar Identne IE,C 6033 5 -2-50 :2002 electrical appliances - Safety - 97.700.20 ja identne EN 60335-2-50:2003 Patt24z Particular Gaasiga kdetavad Household aud sinilar requitements fot spia extractors kiitteseadmed electrical appliances - Safety - Deals with the safety of electric PattLS0z Particular spin extmctors. It covers Gas heaters requfu appliances with a ements for commercial capacity of less UUED STANDARDID electric bains-marie than 10 kg of dry cloth and a drum Deals with the safety of electrically peripheral speed less than 50 m/s. EVS-EN 7321822003 operated commercial bains-marie The rated voltage is less than 250 Hind 283,00 not intended for household use. V for single-phase appliances and Identne EN 13278:2003 The rated voltage being not more 480 V for other appliances. It Open ftonted gas-fired than 250 V for single-phase covers household use, and use by independent space heaters appliances connected between one laymen in shops, in light industry This Euopean Standad specifies phase and neutral, and 480 V for and on farms the requirements and test methods other appliances. the appliances prEVS 56230 for the construction, safety, within the scope of this standard Tihtaeg 2003-07-01 marking and rational use of energy are typically used in restautanrs, Identne TEC 60335-2-44:2002 of open fronted gas-6red canteens, hospitals and similar ja identne EN 60335-2-44:2002 independent space heaters with commercial enterprises. The and without a fan to assist with the electrical part of appliances making transportation of flue gases,

73 teferred to as appliances. hereaftet 97.750 97.770 Although the fan may be mounted outdoorc, this standard only covers Mittetekstiilsed Tualett-tarbed appliances where the body of the p6randakatted appliance is iodoors Non-textile floor coverings KAYA}{DITE 97.124 UUED STANDARDID ARVAIVIUSKOSITLUS Mai apidamis automaatika EVS-EN 14085:2003 ptFYS24973 Hiod 109,00 Tlhtaeg 2003-07-01 Automatic controls for Identne EN 14085:2003 Identne IEC 61855:2003 household use Resilieat floot coverings - ja identne EN 61855:2003 SpEcification fot floot panels for Household electrical hait care KAVANDITE loose laying appliances - Methods of ARVAMUSKOSITLUS This Eutopeao Standard specifies measuting the performance prEVS 56192 requirernents and test methods for Applies to electrical appliances T?ihtaeg 2003-07-07 floor panels, which have surface (ncluding accessodes) for Identoe prEN 50090-9 -1 :2A03 layers consisting of resilient floor household arrd similar use for llome and Building Electronic covetings. The floor paoels are dryiog and styling hair. Systems (I{BES) Part 9-1: considered suitable for domestic Performance chamcteristics that Installation teq uirements - aod commercial levels of use are of hterest to the user and Generic cabling fot HBES class specifies methods of measuring 1 rndsted pair these characteristics are defined 97.160 This standard provides common within this standard. The rules for the planning and Kodutekstiilid. Voodipesu measudng ptocedures are developed for comparable tests. engineering as well as installation Home textiles. Linen of FIBES cabling systems taking Requirements for perfomrance ate into account the layout of the cable UUED STAI\DARDID not specified within this standard. support, cables and connectors, This standard does not cover hair EVS-EN 13772:?.003 and the commissioning of FIBES care appliances udth radiant Hind 101,00 heating, helmet-type dryets or Identne EN 73772:2003 cutting devices Textiles and textile products - 97.130.20 prEVS 56171 Buming T66stuskiilmikud behaviour - Curtains Tihtaeg 2003-07-07 and drapes - Measutement of Identne EC 6033 5 -2- 8:2002 flame sptead of vertically Commercial refrigerating identne EN 60335-2-8:2003 oriented specimens latge !a appliances with Household and similat ignition source I(AVAI\DITE electrical appliances - Safety - This European Standard specifies a Patt?-82 Particular ARVAMUSKL]SITLUS method for the measurement of requitements for shavets, hait flame spread of vertically oriented prEVS 35892 clippets and similar appliances textile fabrics inteoded for curtains T2ihtaeg: 2003-07-07 Deals with the safety of electric and drapes in the fomr qf singlg e1 Identne IEC 6033 5 -2-89 :2002 shavets, hair clippets and similat ja multi-component (coated, quilted, identne EN 60335-2-89:2003 appliances, their rated voltage multilayered, sandwich Household a1fl similal being not more than 25,0 V, construction and similar electrical appliances - Safety - intended for household and similar combinatioos) fabtics using a large Part 2-89: Particulat puqroses. Examples of similar ignition soruce requitements fot commercial appliances are those used for rcfrigerating appliances with an EVS-EN 13773t?.003 manicure and pedicure. Appliances incorporated ol temote Hind 75,00 intended to be used by laymen in refrigerant condensing u'rit or Identne EN 13773:2003 shops and on farms, are udthin the comPressot Textiles and textile products - scope of tbis standard. Examples Deals with the safety of Curtains and drapes - Buming of such appliances ate animal commercial refrigetators udth an behaviout - Classifi cation clippers, animal shearers and incorporated compressor, or split scheme appliances for hairdressers systmes supplied in t'qzo units for This European standard specifies a assembly together. Examples ate classification scheme for the refrigerated dirpl"y and storage buming behaviour of vertically 97.180 cabinets, service countets, blast oriented fabrics intended for Mitmesugused kodutarbed chillers. For domestic refrigerators curtains and drapes and similar Miscellaneous domestic and see IEC 60335-2-24. For motor uses such as blinds and textile compxessots, see IEC 60335-2-34. h*gogs, where classiEcation is commefcial equiPment For commercial vending machines, required. Untested matedals are UUED STANDARDID see IEC 60335-2-75 not classified EVS-EN 17 8322000 / M22003 Hind 49,00 Identne EN 1783:1997 /A7:2002

74 Tuletikud. Kvaliteedin6uded, This European Standard specifies This standard applies to roller ohutus ia liigitus functional requirements (see clause skates intended for users rxrith a See Euroopa standard midrab 3) and specific safety requirements body mass of more rhan 20 kg and kindlaks avalikkusele tasuta v6i for five types of vaulting boxes less than 100 kg. This standard tasu eest k6ttesaadavate tuletikkude (see Table 1) in addition to the specifies safety requirements for ja nende tooside ohutus-, general safety requirements in EN roller skates, specifications for test kvaliteedi-, miirgistus- ja 91,3 methods, marking and information liigitusn6uded EVS-EN 72796:2003 supplied by the manufacturer to Hind 83,00 reduce the dsk of injudes to both 97.790 Identne EN 12196:2003 third parties aod the user during Seadmed lastele Y6imlemisriistad. Hobused ia their normal use kitsed. Funktsionaalsed ia ohutusn6uded, katsemeetodid 99 Standard midrab lisaks iiLldistele (Nimetuseta) UUED STANDARDID ohutusnduetele kin dlaks EVS-EN 1888:2003 funktsionaalsed n5uded ja KAVANDITE Hind 190,00 spetsiaalsed ohutusn6uded ARYAMUSI(LISITLUS Identne EN 1888:2003 riistv6imlemises kasutatavatele prEVS 56213 Child care articles - Wheeled hobustele kitsedele ia Tdhtaeg: 20A3-07-07 child conveyances - Safet5r Identne prEN 14650:2003 requitements and test methods 97.220.40 Ptecast concfete products - This European Standard specifies ja General des for factory the safety requirements and test Yiilis- veespordi tarbed ptoduction conttol of metallic methods for wheeled child Outdoor and vater spofts fibte concrete conveyances designed for the equipment This Eutopean Standard defines car.tiage of one or more children. the genetal rules for factoty This European Standard does not UUED STA}{DARDID ptoduction control of metallic fibre cover toy pushchairs or EVS-EN 7384322003 concrete. This Europeao Standard perambulators and wheeled Hind 101,00 does not speci$ the conformiry conveyances designed for children Identne EN 13843:2003 conftol procedure for the finished with special needs. Aoy relevant Roller sports equipment metallic fibre concrete products, European Standards are applicable - [nling-skalss - Safety for which reference should be for any othet functions of the made to European product tequirements and test methods product This standard applies to inline- standards or, if none, to the skates intended for users wi& a technical specifications defined and 97.22430 body mass of more than2} kg and agreed between the customer and Spordisaali varustus less than 100 kg the manufacturer EVS-EN 13899:2003 prEVS 56215 Indoor sports equiDment Hind 101,00 Tdhtaeg: 2003-07-01 Identne prEN 14651 UUED STAI\iDARDID Identne EN 13899:2003 :2003 ft1rlling sports equipment Precast concrete products - Test EYS-EN 9762003 - Roller skates - Safety method for metallic fibte Hind 75,00 requirements and test methods concrete - Measuring the Identne EN 916:2003 flexural tensile sfteogth Y6imlemisvarustus. This European Standatd specifies a Saltovarustus. Funktsionaalsed method of measuring the flexual ia ohutusn6uded, tensile strength of metallic 6bre katsemeetodid concrete on moulded test specimen. The method provides for the determination of the limit of proportionality and of a set of tesidual flexural tensile sttength values


Lisaks iuba ilmunud standardite kogumikele on mtiffgile saabunud uued kogumikud:

EVS KOGUMIK 9 EHITUSPUIT. Sortimine. N6uded. Katsemeetodid. EVS-EN 384:1.999 Ehituspuit Mehaaniliste omaduste ja tiheduse iseloomulike vddrtr:ste mdiramine EVS-EN 408:1,999 Puittarindid. Ehituspuitjalamell-fiimpuit.MSnede fiirisikaliste ja mehaaniliste omaduste mdiramine EVS-EN 518:2001 Ehituspuit. Sortimine. N6udedvisuaalse tugevussortimise normidele EVS-EN 579:2001. Ehituspuit. Sortimine. N6uded puidule fa sortimismasinatele puidu mehaanilisel tugevussortimisel EVS 806:2002 Puidu visuadse tugevussortimise reeglid Hind 510.-

EVS KOGUMIK 10 PUITIAASTPI-{ADID. Miiiradused. Spetsifikaadid. Tehnon6uded. Katsemeetodid. EVS-EN 309:2000 Puidaasplaadid. Miiiiradus ja liigitus EVS-EN 311,:2002 Puidaasplaadid.Puidaasplaatidepinnatugevus. I(atsemeetod. EVS-EN 312-1:2000 Puidaasplaadid. Spetsifikaadid. Osa 1: I(Sikide plaadiliikide {ildn6uded EVS-EN 312-2:2000 Puidaastplaadid. Spetsifikaadid. Osa 2: I(uivades tingimustes kasutatavate tildotstarbeliste plaatide n6uded EVS-EN 312-3:2000 Puidaasplaadid. Spetsifikaadid. Osa 3: Sisustuses ftaasa arvatud) kuivades tingimustes kasutatavate kandetadndiplaatide n5uded EVS-EN 372-4:2000 Puidaastplaadid. Spetsifikaadid. Osa 4: I(uivades tingimustes kasutatavate kandetarindiplaatide n6uded EVS-EN 312-5:2001, Puidaastplaadid. Tehnon6uded. Osa 5: Niisketes tingimustes kasutatavate kandearindplaatide n6uded EVS-EN 312-6:2007 Puitlaastplaadid. Tehnon6uded. Osa 5: Kuivades tingimustes kasutaavate kSrgendatud vastupidavusega kandetarindplaatide n6uded EVS-EN 312-7:2007 Puidaastplaadid. Tehnon6uded. Osa 5: Niisketes tingimustes kasutatavate k6rgendatud vastupidavusega kandetarindplaatide n6uded EVS-EN 317:2000 Puidaasplaadid japuitkiudplaadid. Pundumise midramine paksuses pdrast leotamist EVS-EN 31,9:20AA Puidaastplaadtdjapuitkiudplaadid. Plaadi pinnaga ristsuunalise t6mbetugevuse mddramine EVS-EN 1087 -1:20A1 Puidaastplaadid. Niiskuskindluse miIramine. Osa 1: Keetrniskatse Hind 914.-

EVS KOGUMIK 11 PUITPI-AADID. Kvaliteedikontoll. Katsemeetodid. Normvidrtused. EVS-EN 1.24:2002 Puiplaadid. Formaaldehritidi sisalduse midramine EVS-EN 322:2402 Puiplaadid. Niiskussisalduse mdiramine EVS-EN 323:2002 Puitplaadid. Tiheduse midramine 76 EVS-EN 3241,:2002 Puiplaadid. Plaatide m66tmete m,ianmine. Osa 1: Paksuse, laiuse ja pikkuse m'i,iramine EVS-EN 3242:2A02 Puiplaadid. Plaatide m66tmete mzidramine. asz2: Tdisnurksuse ja serva sirgjoonelisuse mddramine EVS-EN 325:2002 Puitplaadid. IStsekehademS6trnetemddramine EVS-EN 326-1:2002 Puitplaadid. Proovivdtg l6ikamine ja kontroll. Osa 1: Prooviv5tt, katsekehade l6ikamine ja katsenrlemuste vdljendamine EVS-EN 326-2:2A02 Puitplaadid. Prooviv6tg l6ikamine ja kontroll. Osa2: Kvaliteedikontroll ettevdttes Hind 663.-

EVS KOGUMIK 12 VINEER JA KIHTPUIT. Liigitus. Tehnon6uded. Katsemeetodid. EVS-EN 31,3-1:1999 Kihtpuit. Uigitus ja terminoloogia. Osa 1: Liigitus EVS-EN 313-2:1,999 I{htpuit. Liigitus ja terminoloogia. Osa2: Terminoloogia EVS-EN 3141:1999 Vineer. Uimiihenduse kvaliteet. Osa l.: Katsemeetodid EYS-EN 3142:1999 Vineer. Liimtihenduse kvaliteet. Osa 2: NSuded EVS-EN 31,5:2002 Kihtpuit.M66tmetetolerantsid EVS-EN 635-1,:1999 Vneer. Uigitus pinna kvaliteedi iiirgi. Osa 1: Uldist EVS-EN 635-2:1,999 Vineer. Liigitus pinna kvaliteedi jergi. Osa 2: Lehtpuit EVS-EN 635-3:1,999 Vineer. r.iigitus pinna kvaliteedi jiirgi. Osa 3: Okaspuit EVS-ENV 635-4:1,999 Vineer. T.iigitus pinna kvaliteedi jarg. Osa 4: Viimisdemisv6imalusi parameetdd. Juhised EVS-EN 636-1:1,999 Vineer. Tehnon6uded. Osa 1: N6uded kuivades tingimustes kasutatavale vineerile EVS-EN 636-2:1,999 Vineer. Tehnon6uded. Osa 2: Nduded niisketes tingimustes kasutatavale vineerile EVS-EN 636-3:'1,999 Vineer. Tehnon6uded. Osa 3: N6uded vilistingimustes kasutatavale vineerile EVS-EN 1084:1,999 Idhtpuit. Formaldehtitidi eraldusklassid mddratuna gaasanaltirisi meetodil Hind 957.-

EVS KOGUMIK 13 I-ASTEMOOBEL. Ohutusn6uded. Katsemeetodid. EVS-EN 716-1,:2000 Moobel. Kodused lastevoodid ja laste klappvoodid. Osa 1: Ohutusn5uded EVS-EN 716-2:2000 Moobel. Kodused lastevoodid ja laste klappvoodid. Osa 2: I(atsemeetodid EVS-EN 7130-1,:20A0 Moobel. Kodus kasutatavad imikuvoodid ja hlillid. Osa 1: Ohutusnduded EVS-EN 1,130-2:2000 Moobel. Kodus kasutatavad imikuvoodid ia hiillid. Osa2: Katsemeetodid EVS-ENV 7178-1.:1,999 Mocibel. Laste k6rged toolid koduseks kasutamiseks. Osa 1: Ohutusn6uded EVS-ENV 1,"178-2:1999 Moobel. Laste k6rged toolid koduseks kasuamiseks. Osa2: Katsemeetodid Hind 530.-

EVS KOGUMIK 14 MOOBEL. Ohutusn6uded. Katsemeetodid EVS-EN 581-1:2000 Ouemciobel. I(odus, avalikus kohas ja matkal kasutatavad toolid ja lauad. Osa 1: Uldised ohutusn6uded. Ptistivuse mdiramine EVS-EN 747-L:2000 Mddbel. Kodunarid. Osa 1: Ohutusn6uded EVS-EN 747-2:2000 Mriobel. Kodunarid. Osa 2: Katsemeetodid EVS-EN 1022:1999 I(odumoobel. Istmed.Piistivusemidramine EVS-EN 1116:1999 Iftogimoobel. K

EVS-EN 1 129 -2:2000 Moobel. Klappvoodid. Ohutusnduded j a katsetamine. Osa2: Katsemeetodid EVS-EN 7153:1,999 I(oogimoobel. Sisseehitatqd kappide, p6randakappide ia tciolaudade ohutusnduded ning katsemeetodid EVS-EN 7334:7999 Kodumocibel. Voodid ja madratsid. M66temeetodid ja soovitatavad pituhiilbed EVS-EN 72720:7999 Mtiobel. Pinna vastupidavuse hindamine kiilmadele vedelikele EVS-EN 12727:7999 Mciobel. Pinna vastupidavuse hindamine niiskele kuumusele EVS-EN 72722:1,999 Moobel. Pinna vastupidavuse hindamine kuivale kuumusele Hind 1017.-

EVS KOGUMIK 15 TULEOHUTUS. SONAVARA EVS-ISO 8427-1:1998 Tuleohutus. S6navara. Osa 1: Tulekahju p6him6isted EVS-ISO 8427-2:1997 Tuleohutus. S6navara . Osa 2z Ehitiste ruleohutus EVS-ISO 8421-3:1,997 Tuleohutus. S6navara. Osa 3: Tulekahju avastamine ja sellest teatamine EVS-ISO 8421 -4:2000 Tuleohutus. S6navara. Osa 4: Tulekustutusvahendid EVS-ISO 8421,-5:1,998 Tuleohutus. S6navara. Osa 5: Suitsut5rje EVS-ISO 8427-6:2000 Tuleohutus. S5navara. Osa 6: Evakuatsioon ja pdistevahendid EVS-ISO 8421-7:1998 Tuleohutus. S6navara. Osa 7: Plahvatuse avastamise ia summutamise vahendid Hind 743.-

EVS KOGUMIK 16 KANTAVAD TULEKUSTUTID EVS-EN 3-1:1,998 Kantavad tulekustutid. Osa 1: T.iigitus, tciotamisaeg, A ja B klassi tulekatsed EVS-EN 3-2:7998 Kantavad tulekustutid. Osa2: Hermeetilisus, dielektriliste omaduste katse, p6rutuskindluse katse, erin6uded EVS-EN 3-3:7998 Tuleohutusstandardid Kantavad tulekustutid. Osa 3: I(onstruktsioon, suwekindlus, mehaanilised katsed EVS-EN 3-4t1,998 Kantavad tulekustutid. Osa 4: Laengud, katsel6kete minimaalsed suurused EVS-EN 3-5:1998 Kantavad tulekustutid. Osa 5: Tehnilised n6uded ja lisakatsed EVS-EN 3-6:1.998 Kantavad nrlekustutid. Osa 6: Kantavate tulekustutite n6uetekohasuse t6endamise reeglid EN 3 osade 1-5 alusel 1 EVS-EN 3-6/ A 1:1999 l(antavad tulekustutid. Osa 6: Kantavate tr.rlekustutite nSuetekohasuse t6endamise reeglid EN 3 osade 1-5 alusel Muudarus 1 Hind 719.-

78 MUUGI TOP mArtsis 2003

1. EVS 811:2002 Hoone projekt 2',t 2. EVS HD 637 37:2002 Tugewoolupaigaldised nimivahelduvpingega tile 1 kV 18 3. EVS 814:2003-0+22 Normaalbetooni krilmakindlus. Mddradused, spetsifikatsioonid ja katsemeetodid 15

4. EVS-EN ISO 9000:2001 Kvaliteedijuhtimissiisteemid. Kogumik 1,1, 5. EVS-EN ISO 9001:2001 Kvaliteedijuhtimissristeemid. N6uded 11 6. EVS-EN ISO/IEC 1,7 025:2000 I(atse- ja kalibreerimislaborite iildn6uded 8 7. EYS 8L2-2:2402 Ehitiste hrleohutus. Osa 2: Ventilatsiooni- sristeemid ja suitsueemaldus '7 8. EYS 812-3:2002 Ehitiste tuleohutus. Osa 3: I(rittesiisteemid 7 9. EVS-EN ISO 9004:2001 Kvaliteedijuhtimissiisteemid. Juhised toimivuse parendamiseks 10. EVS 809-1:2002 Kuritegevuse ennetamine. Linnaplaneerimine ia arhitektuur. Osa 1: Linnaplaneerimine


EVS 834:2003 Ehitusettev6tete kvalifi tseerimine. Hind 1 30. - EVS-EN 690:2003 P6llumajandusmasinad. S6nnikulaoturid. Ohutus 109.- EVS-EN 704:2A03 P6llumajandusmasinad. Presskogurid. Ohutus 1,39.- EVS-EN 707:2003 Pdllumajandusmasinad. Virtsalaoturid. Ohutus 1,46.- EVS-EN 745:2003 P6llumajandusmasinad. Prist- ja tShtrootomiidukid. Ohutus 199.- EVS-EN 1,25041 :2003 Konstruktsiooni betooni katsetamine. Osa 1: Puurstidamikud. V6tmine, dr^levaatus fa survekatse 92.- EVS-EN 1,25042:2003 Konstruktsiooni betooni katsetamine. Osa2: Mittepurusav katseamine. P6rkearvu miiramine 75.- EVS-ENV 1367A-1:2003 Betoonkonstruktsioonide ehitamine. Osa 1: Uldsetted 229.-

St andardite miiiik toimwb Standardikeskuses tuba 11tel dos 5060,605 5061,faks 605 5070 [email protected] Ostu saab sooritada ka rneie kodulebel asuoas ostakonsis rnsw.evlee


Teataja iiitkab ilmumist nii triikitult kui elektrooniliselt

Arved 2003 a. tellimuse kohta vri.ljastame tellimislehe alusel. r'cinamef:fi;'i'!:#':,:';K;tr"^*

Soovin tellida aastaks 2003 EVS Teataja




Telefon E-post

Tasunise garanteerine

Kuupdiev Allkiri

INFO JA TELLIMINE Tel 605 5060 [email protected] faks 605 5O7O

80 Sisukord



Personali sertifitseerimine...... 9


01.040.13 Keskkonna- ja tervisekaitse. Ohutus (s6navara) ...... 20 OL0/;O.zs Toofrnistehnoloogia (s6navara) ...... 20 0LA40.29 Elektrotehnika (s6navara)...... 20 01.M0.55 Pakendamine (s6navara)...... 20 03.120.10 Kvaliteedijuhtimine ja -tagamine...... 20 03.240 Postiteenused...... 21 11.040.10 Anesteesia-, hingamis- ja reanimatsioonivarustus ...... : ...... ,...... 21 11.100 Laboratoorne meditsiin...... 21 11.160 Esmaabi...... 22 13.030.01 J66tmed iildiselt...... 22 13.030.40 Jl6tmehoidlad ja jtilitmekliitlusseadmed ...... 22 13.030.99 Muud jiiannetega seotud standardid ...... 22 13.060.20 Joogivee kvaliteet...... 22 13.060.70 Vee bioloogiliste omaduste mliiramine ...... 22 13.110 Masinate ohutus...... 23 I3.l2O Ohutus kodus...... 23 I3.22O.OI Tuleohutus 0ldiselt ...... 23 l3.22O.lO Tulet6rje...... 23 13.220.20 Tulekaisevahendid...... 24 I3.220.4O Materjalide ja toodete stittiws ning p61emis1aad...... 24 L3.230 Plahvatusohutus...... 24 13.300 Kaise ohtlike kaupade eest...... 24 13.340.30 Respiraatorid ...... 24 13.340.40 Kaitsekindad ...... 25 fi.A4O.2O Pindade omadused...... 25 17.140.30 S6idukimtira ...... 25 |7.I4O.5O Eleknoakustika...... 25 17.L8O.2O Viirvused ja valguse m66trnine...... 26 17.220 Elekter. Magnetism. Elektrilised ja magnetilised m66tmised...... 26 L7.220.20 Elekriliste ja magnetiliste suuruste m66tmine ...... 26 17.22099 Muud elekFi ja magnetismiga seotud standardid ...... 26 L9.020 Katsetingimused ja -proseduurid Uldiselt ...... 27 19.040 Keskkonnakatsetused...... 27 19.100 Mittepurustav katsetamine...... 27 21.060.10 Poldid, kruvid. tikkpoldid...... 27 2LO6O.4O Needid ...... 28 21.060.99 Muud kinnitusvahendid ...... 28 2l.160 Vedrud...... 28 23.O2O.|O Statsionaarsed mahutid jareservuaarid...... 28 23.020.30 Surveanumad, gaasiballoonid...... 28 81 23.040.01 Torustike osad ja torustikud 0ldiselt...... 28 23.O4O.IO Malm- ja terastorud...... 29 23.M0.20 Plasttorud ...... 29 23.04,0.40 Metallist toruliitnikud ...... 29 23.04iO.45 Plasttoruliitrnikud...... 29 23.040.60 Aarikud, muhvidjmtoruuhendused...... 29 23.060.01 Sulgeseadmed uldiselt...... 30 23.120 Ventilaatorid. Puhurid. Kliimaseadmed ...... 30 23.t40 Kompressorid ja suru6humasinad ...... 30 25.MO T06stusautomaatika s0steemid...... 30 25.080.50 Lihv- ja poleerpingid ...... 30 25.140.20 Elekhit00riistad ...... 31 25.160.30 Keevitusseadmed ...... 31 25.220.40 Metallpinded ...... 31 25.220.60 Orgaanilised pinded ...... 31 25.220.99 Muud pinnat06tlus- ja pindamismeetodid...... 31 27.440 Gaasi- ja auruturbiinid. Aurumasinad...... 31 27.060 P6letid. Katlad ...... 31 27.060.30 Katlad ja soojusvahetid ...... 31 27.140 Htldroenergeetika...... 32 29.420 Elektotehnika uldkusimused ...... 32 29.035.U Isolatsioonimaterjalid iildiselt...... 32 zg.O4O.L0lsoleerivad 6lid ...... 32 29.050 Juhid...... 32 29.060.10 Elektrijuhid ...... 32 29.080.10lsolaatorid ...... 33 29.080.20 Labiviigud...... 33 29.100.20 Elektrilised ja elektomehaanilised osad...... 33 29.120.40 Lulitid...... 33 29.120.60 Lulitus- ja juhtimisaparaadid...... 33 29.120.70 Releed ...... 34 29.130 Aparaadikoosted ...... ,...,...... 34 29.l3O.lO KSrgepingelised liilitusseadmed ja nende juhtseadmed...... 34 29.130.20 Madalpingelised liilitusseadmed ja nende juhtseadmed...... 34 29.140.20 H66glambid ...... 34 29.180 Trafod. Reaktorid...... 35 29.220.20 Happeakud ja -akupatareid...... 35 29.22030 Leelisakud ja -akupatareid ...... 35 29.260.20 Plahvatusohtlikus keskkonnas t00tavad elektriseadmed ...... -...... 35 31.080.01 Pooljuhtseadised uldiselt...... 35 31.140 Piesoelektrilised seadised ...... 36 31.180 Trukkliilitused ja -plaadid...... 36 31.190 Eleknoonikakomponentide koosted...... 39 31.240 Elektronseadmete mehaanilised osad;...... 40 31.260 Optoelekroonika. Laserseadmed...... 40 33.020 Sidetehnika 0ldkilsimused ...... 40 33.040 Sidesiisteemid ...... 40 33.060 Raadioside...... 41 33.070 Mobiilside...... 42 33.080 Integraalteenustega digitaalv6rk (ISD19...... 42 33.100 Elektromagnetiline iihilduvus...... :...... 44 33.100.10 Kiirgus ...... 45 33.l2O.lO Koaksiaalkaablid. Lainejuhid...... 45 33.160.01 Audio- ja videoseadmed ning -silsteemid tlldiselt...... 45 33.160.20 Raadiovastuv6tjad...... 45 33.180.01 Kiudoptikas0steemid tildiselt...... 45 33.180.10 Optilised kiud ja kaablid...... 46 33.180.20 Kiudoptika liitmikud...... 46 33.180.30 KiudoptikasUsteemid...... 47 3i.020lnfotehnoloogia iildktisimused ...... -47 35.080 Tarkvara v?iljat66tamine ja s0steemidokumentatsioon...... 47 35.100.20 Kanalikiht...... 47 35.200 Liidestus- ja iihendusseadmed...... 48

82 35.220.30 Optilised salvestusvahendid...... 48 35.240.50IT rakendused toOstuses ...... 48 35.240.60IT rakendused hanspordis ja kaubanduses ...... 48 37.080 Mikrograafia ...... 48 43.160 Eriotstarbelised ja eris6idukid ...... 48 45.A4O Raudteetehnikas kasutatavad materjalid ja osad...... 48 45.060.01 Raudtee veerem iildiselt...... 49 45.080 Rtidpad ja raudteeosad ...... 49 47.O2O.7O Navigatsiooni- ja juhtimisseadmed...... 49 47.O8O Vlikelaevad...... 49 49 LENNI.'NDUS JA KOSMOSETEHNIKA...... 49 49.025.40 Kumm ja p1ast...... 49 49.030.20 Poldid, kruvid, tikkpoldid...... 50 49.030.30 Mutrid...... 50 49.030.40 Tihvtid, nae1ad...... 50 49.030.50 Seibid, lukustuselemendid ...... 50 49.030.99 Muud kinnituselemendid ...... 51 49.080 Otru-ia kosmoses6idukite hudrosusteemid ja nende koostisosad...... 51 49.140 Kosmosesiisteemid ja nende kasutamine...... 52 53.040 Pidevtoimega teisaldusseadmed. Konveierid...... 52 53.080 Laoseadmed ...... 52 55.M0 Pakkematerjalid...... 52 55.060 Aiirikpoolid. KoonuspooIid...... 52 55.080 Kotid. Taskud...... 53 55.180.10 Uldotstarbelised konteinerid...... 53 55.180.40 TAie[kud pakkimis- ja transpordi0ksused ...... 54 59.060.20 Tehis- ja sUnteeskiud ...... 54 59.080.30 Kangasmaterjalid...... 54 59.100.10 Klaaskiust materjalid...... 54 59.I4O Nahatehnoloogia...... 55 59.140.30 Parknahk ja karusnahk...... 55 61.040 Peakatted. R6ivalisandid. Rdivaste kinnitusvahendid ...... 56 65.060.25 Vletiste ladustamise, ettevalmistamise ja laotamise seadmed...... 56 65.060.50 Koristusseadmed...... 56 65.060.99 Muud p6llut6dmasinad, -riistad ja -seadmed...... 56 65.150 Kalandus ja kalakasvatus ...... 57 67.050 UtaiseO toidu katse- ja analuUsimeetodid ...... 52 67 .060 Teravili ja kaunvili ning nendest valmistatud tooted ...... 57 67.200.10 Loomsed ja taimsed rasvad ja 6lid ...... 52 67.250 Toiduga kokkupuutuvad materjalid ja esemed ...... 52 67.260 Toiduainet00stuse ettev6tted ja seadmed ...... 58 7L0/;O.2O Laborin6ud ja -aparaadid...... ,...... 58 71.100.30 LShkeained. Ptlrotehnika...... 58 71.100.40 Pindaktiivsed ained...... 58 71.100.50 Puidukaitse kemikaalid...... 58 71.100.80 Kemikaalid vee puhastamiseks...... 58 73.100.30 Puurimis- ja vlljamisseadmed...... 58 75.140 Vahad, bituuumsed materjalid jm naftatooted ...... 59 75.160.10 Tahkekiitused ...... 59 75.160.20 Vedelktltused ...... 59 75.180.10 Uuringu- ja ammutusseadmed...... 59 75.180.20 T0otlemisseadmed...... 59 75.200 Nafta, naftasaaduste ja maagaasi transpordi seadmed ...... 59 77.040.30 Metallograafia jm katsemeetodid ...... 60 77.M0.99 Muud metallide katsetamise meetodid...... 60 77.120.30 Vask ja vasesulamid ...... 60 77.120.60 Plii, tsink, tina ja nende sulamid...... 60 77.140 Malm- ja terastooted...... 6l 77.140.75 Terastorud ja eriotstarbelised torud...... 61 77 .140.85 Malm- ja terassepised...... 6l 77.150.10 Alumiiniumtooted...... 6l 79.060.01 Puitpaneelid fldiselt ...... 61 79.080 Puipooltooted ...... 62

83 87.M0 Varvid ja lakid...... 64

ilmlffiil.....i...... ii...... i .i.i..i....i.i.i...... ii.ii...... i..ii..i...i..i.i...... i.fi 91.060.50 Uksed ja aknad...... 66 91.080.20 Puitkonstruktsioonid ...... 66 91.080.40 Betoonkonstruktsioonid ...... 67 91.100.01 Ehitusmaterjalid iildiselt...... 67 91.100.25 Keraamilised ehitustooted...... 67 91.100.30 Betoon ja betoontooted ...... 67 91.100.60 Soojus- ja heliisolatsioonimaterjalid...... 68 9I.L2O.2O Akustika ehituses. Heliisolatsioon...... 68 9 l. I 40. f 0 Keskkottesilsteemid...... 68 91.140.60 Veevarustussiisteemid...... 68 91.140.65 Veesoenduss0steemid ...... 69 91.140.70 Sanitaarseadmed ...... 69 91.140.90 Liftid. Eskalaatorid ...... 69 93.080.20 Teedeehitusmaterjalid...... 69 93.080.30 Teepiiraldised...... 71 93.080.40 Tiinavavalgustus...... 7L 93.080.99 Muud tee-ehitusega seotud standardid ...... 71 97.030 Elektrilised kodumasinad ...... 71 97.0/;0.10 K00gim00bel ...... 72 97.M0.20 Pliidid, t60lauad, atrjud jms ...... 72 97.0/;0.50 K0Ogi viiikevahendid ...... 73 97.040.60 K60gin6ud, sdOgiriistad ja lauan6ud...... 73 97 .060 Pesumajade sisseseade...... 73 97.080 P6randahooldusvahendid ...... 73 97.100.20 Gaasiga kdetavad k0tteseadmed ...... 73 97J20 Majapidamisautomaatika ...... 74 97.130.20 Tdristuskillmikud...... 74 97.150 Mittetekstiilsed p6randakatted ...... 74 97.160 Kodutekstiilid. Voodipesu ...... 74 97.170 Tualett-tarbed...... 74 97.180 Mitmesugused kodutarbed ...... 74 97.190 Seadmed lastele...... 75 97.220.30 Spordisaali varustus ...... '.75 97.220.40 Vllis- ja veespordi tarbed ...... 75 99 (Nimetuseta)...... 75 UUED