19, 2021 – REGULAR MEETING - #3 VOLUME 24

MEETING The Ross County Board of Commissioners met on this day, January 19, 2021, in regular session.

Commissioner Dwight A. Garrett, President, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m., with Commissioners James E. Lowe and R. Douglas Corcoran in attendance.

Commissioner Garrett led the Commissioners in the Pledge of Allegiance.

MINUTES APPROVED Mr. Corcoran moved, Mr. Lowe seconded, that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Ross County Board of Commissioners, of , 2021, be approved as submitted.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Lowe, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Motion carried.

BILLS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Mr. Lowe moved, Mr. Corcoran seconded, the following bills of the county be approved for payment:

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Lowe, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

THEN & NOW CERTIFICATES APPROVED Mr. Lowe moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, that the Ross County Board of Commissioners approve " Then & Now" Certificates, dated January 11, 2021 through , 2021, in the amount of $112, 073.25 prepared by the Office of the Ross County Auditor and certified by the auditor as to the appropriation of funds for the purpose of encumbering the sum of the contract(s) or order(s) outlined therein, or the imminent collection of funds for credit to the appropriated fund( s) of the county, and as to the availability of funds for transfer within the appropriate department(s).

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Lowe, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS - VARIOUS Mr. Lowe moved, Mr. Corcoran seconded, $2,189.16 be appropriated from Airport Construction Fund to account code 548-01-14-7103 Contract Services, according to a request of January 19, 2021 from the Ross County Auditor.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Lowe, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried. Mr. Corcoran moved, Mr. Lowe seconded, $8,806.65 be appropriated from General Fund into account code 100-00-00-7135 Claims and Judgements, according to a request of January 19, 2021 from the Ross County Auditor.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Lowe yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

Mr. Lowe moved, Mr. Corcoran seconded, $262,800.00 be appropriated from Septic Improvement into account code 420-07-31-7132 CHIP PY2020 CDBG fund, according to a request of January 19, 2021 from the Ross County Auditor.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Lowe, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

Mr. Corcoran moved, Mr. Lowe seconded, $420-07-31-7133 be appropriated from Septic Improvement into account code 420-07-31- 7133 CHIP PY2020 HOME fund, according to a request of January 19, 2021 from the Ross County Auditor.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Lowe yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

Mr. Lowe moved, Mr. Corcoran seconded, $7,000.00 be appropriated from Juvenile Court IV fund grant into account code 420-18-42- 7200 IV-E Equipment, according to a request of January 19, 2021 from Juvenile Probate Court.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Lowe, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

DEADLINE EXTENDED FOR PURCHASING 2021 DOG REGISTRATIONS Mr. Corcoran moved, Mr. Lowe seconded, the deadline for purchasing 2021 dog registrations in the county be extended from , 2021, through 15, 2021, according to the provisions of Section 955.01 of the Ohio Revised Code.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Lowe yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

DETERMINATION OF SPECIAL ELECTION EXPENSES Mr. Lowe moved, Mr. Corcoran seconded, to accept the certification from the Ross County Board of Elections for the Special Election held 3, 2020 for the amount of $ 5,749. 61.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Lowe, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

CONTRACT AWARDED – BEE GONE PEST CONTROL Mr. Lowe moved, Mr. Corcoran seconded, to award a contract for pest control, to inspect and treat, approximately 11 homes for the Owner Rehab Program CHIP PY2020 Grant, per a RFP submitted , 2020 and upon recommendation of the ORDC and the Planning Department, for the amount of $50.00 per inspection and treatment at $4.00 per linear foot.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Lowe, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

TIME SHEETS APPROVED - COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Corcoran moved, Mr. Lowe seconded, that the Ross County Board of Commissioners approve the time sheet submitted by Bradford M. Cosenza, County Administrator for the pay period ending , 2021.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Lowe yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

CONTRACT ENTERED INTO – ROSS COUNTY JUVENILE COURT AND CORNELL ABRAXAS Mr. Lowe moved, Mr. Corcoran seconded, to enter into a contract between Ross County Juvenile Court and Cornell Abraxas for placement and related service for children who are in the care and custody of Ross County Juvenile Court during calendar year 2021. The maximum amount payable is $90,000. 00 for placement and related services, $ 84,526.00 for maintenance and $ 5,474.00 for administration.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Lowe, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

PAYMENT REQUEST – WPCLF 2020 Mr. Corcoran moved, Mr. Lowe seconded, Mr. Garrett be authorized to sign, on the Commissioners behalf, a pay request for 3 sewer designs, 4355 Ragged Ridge Road, Frankfort, 360 George Hollow Road, Waverly and 24 North Fork Drive, Chillicothe, for the amount of $3,400. 00, paid to Dan’ s Excavating, Inc.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Lowe yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 008 – ELFORD INC. Mr. Lowe moved, Mr. Corcoran seconded, Mr. Garrett be authorized to sign, on the Commissioners behalf, change order 008 for construction services at the Law Enforcement Complex, in the amount of $8,787.63.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Lowe, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

PAY APPLICATION REQUEST NUMBER 006 – ELFORD, INC. Mr. Corcoran moved, Mr. Lowe seconded, to approve pay application 006 for Elford, Inc. for construction services at the LEC through 12/31/ 2020, for the amount of $330,302. 16.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Lowe yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

CONTRACT ENTERED INTO – WPCLF BATCH 2 2020 Mr. Corcoran moved, Mr. Lowe seconded, Mr. Garrett be authorized to sign, on the Commissioners behalf, a contract between Duncan and Daniels Enterprises, LLC and the Ross County Commissioners for replacement of 3 household sewage systems in the amount of 37,917.50, according to the contract award on 14, 2020.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Lowe yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

BOARD REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTED TO EXECUTIVE BOARD OF LOCAL EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE (LEPC) Mr. Corcoran moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, that Commissioner James E. Lowe, be appointed to the Executive Board of the Ross County Emergency Management Agency, as a representative of the Ross County Board of Commissioners for the year 2021.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Lowe, yes. Motion carried.

The following resolution was passed at the regular meeting of the Ross County Board of Commissioners on January 19, 2021, with Dwight A. Garrett, James E. Lowe, and R. Douglas Corcoran in attendance: RESOLUTION NO. 21-003


WHEREAS, the County of Ross seeks to repair and/or replace failing home sewage treatment systems; and

WHEREAS, the County of Ross intends to apply to the Water Pollution Control Loan Fund ( WPCLF) for the repair and/ or replacement of failing home sewage treatment systems; and

WHEREAS, the Ohio Water Pollution Control Loan Fund requires the government authority to pass legislation for application of a loan and the execution of a WPCLF assistance agreement; now therefore be it

RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Ross, Ohio:

SECTION 1. That Dwight A. Garrett be and is hereby authorized to apply for a WPCLF assistance agreement, sign all documents for and enter into a Water Pollution Control Loan Fund with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for the repair and/ or replacement of failing home sewage treatment systems on behalf of the County of Ross, Ohio.

SECTION 2. That is resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

Adopted this 19TH day of January, 2021

Dwight A. Garrett, President James E. Lowe, Vice President R. Douglas Corcoran, Commissioner

EXECUTIVE SESSION CALLED Mr. Corcoran moved, Mr. Lowe seconded, that the Ross County Board of Commissioners adjourn into executive session at 10:32 a.m., for the Entrance Conference for the Financial Audit for Ross County for the fiscal year ended , 2020.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Lowe, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

REGULAR SESSION RESUMED The executive session of the Ross County Board of Commissioners, called at 10:32 a.m., was adjourned, and the regular meeting resumed at 11:05 a.m. No action was taken.

ROSS COUNTY SHERIFF DEPUTY RETIREMENT Mr. Lowe moved, Mr. Corcoran seconded, to permit retiring Deputy, Ron Nichols, Jr. to purchase his firearm that he used while in service. Per union contract he purchase his firearm for $1.00.

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Lowe, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

FUNDS RELEASED – AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Mr. Corcoran moved, Mr. Lowe seconded, that the Office of the Ross County Auditor be authorized to release the appropriated funds to the Ross County Agricultural Society from the General Fund account code as indicated below, in the amount of $53,300.00.

12,500.00 100-01-07-7253, Agricultural Society Grants 37,500. 00 100- 01- 07-7254, Fair/ Debt 3,300. 00 100- 01- 07-7300, Premiums

On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Lowe, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes. Motion carried.

OTHER BUSINESS Brad Cosenza, County Administrator will be meeting with DLZ and then Elford on Thursday 21, 2021 to discuss placement of the radiator for the new generator at the LEC.

Jeff Marks, Prosecutor is reviewing the General Services Agreement with Stantec, for general consulting services to the Ross County Board of Commissioners pertaining to the airport and aviation. The original contract was signed 10 years ago, with only an amendment done yearly to extend the contract for one more year. Stantec is now using a new general services contract and has asked for the prosecutor to review before the Commissioners sign.

Jim Parks Manager of the Ross County Shoemaker Airport discussed some ideas he would like to see implemented at the airport. The issue of some hangars being used for storage is a problem that needs to be addressed. He also suggested raising the hangar rent. Mr. Parks has also acquired more land adjacent to the runway and reworked the landscaping in front of the communications building. He would like to see a long range plan to improve the water and sewage as well. It was suggested that a Master Plan should probably be a priority within the next year.


Mr. Dwight A. Garrett, President, adjourned the regular meeting of, January 19, 2021, at 3:30 p.m.

Board of Commissioners of Ross County, Ohio

Dwight A. Garrett, President

James E. Lowe, Vice President

Cathy Primer, Clerk

R. Douglas Corcoran, Commissioner